Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 8 Apr 1880, p. 2

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Mr James Brethour, of the 4th Con., Markham, had a fine looking.r mare, ris ing 4 years, got by Crown Prince, and weighing 1410, but he did not appear very anxious to sell. This mare was considered the best in the stable, and we are informed $200 was refused for it. Mr Brethour is more anxious to geta good mate than to srll. There was a large crowd present during the day, and no trouble was experienced in securing: good prices for suitable horses. Mr Daniel Stung, of the 3rd Con Markham, sold a horse rising 3 yo. and weighing about 1380, for 551 Good prices were paid for all the an als purchased, but Mr Grossnian not find many to suit him in every I ticular. Mr Geo. Grossman, that well-known American horse buyer, was at Palmer’s Hotel,on Tuesday last, for the purpose of buying horses for shipment to the States. About forty fine-looking horses were offered for sale. These animals were heavy~draught geldings, from 2 to 8 years old, and heavy-draught fillies ris- ing 3 years. Mr Grossnian examined the horses closely and bought five of the class he required, all heavy»boned, sound and free from blemish. One of the mares, purchased from Mr Gowan. of the 3rd Con. Markhem, is rising 4 years, weighs 1370 lbs, and was sold for $160. Another mare, coming 3 weighing 1340 lbs, and got by Scotsman and :1 Wallace mare, was bought from Mr Wm Robinson, for an equally good price. We must confess, that the outlook for the Colonies does not appear so favorable as formerly. The Liberals have always regarded the colonies rather coldly, and considering the circumstan- ces in which Canada is now Situated, the the change appears most unfortunate for her. But it may be, as recent speeches seem to indicate, that the Liberals have Eoniewhat altered their opinions regard- ing the colonies, and are supposed. to adopt a more conciliatory tone and friendly manner. In any ease the Dominion ought, to be able to pull through, and if assistance can not. be procured f: om the Imperial Government. tmards building the C. 1’. IL, the most reasonable plan would appear to be, if the work must be completed, to accom- plish it by means of a National Cur- rency. The result of the elections in Great Britain and Ireland has surprised the world. Even the most sanguine Liberal never expected such a reversal of public opinion as is indicated by that party returning 277 members, against 163 Conservatives and 35') Home Rulers, up to the 7th inst. The Liber- , al majority is assured, and it is almost certain that it will be sufficient to control the Home Rulers. Germany, Austria, and France, are said to feel uneasy over the success of the Liberals, and it is predicted that a general European war will be in progress before two years, Russia is credited with enjoying con- siderable satisfaction, from the defeat of the Beconsfield Ministry. However this may be, the change of Ministry will make but very little difl'erence in the Foreign or Home Policy of England. Men of great experience and good judge-i ment will have charge of the national affairs, and will undoubtedly do what‘ they can for the national benefit. It is an easy matter to condemn and denounce the acts of' the Ministry in an election- eering campaign, but place the censurer in the position of the censured, and the chances are, that his condem- nation will be forgotten, and his prede- cessors’ poliey carried out, with a few trifling changes,â€"it may be. Glad- stone to day, appears to be: the most popular man in England, but even if he becomes the controlling spirit in the Cabinet, it will not follow that his many wild statements made during his Scotch tour, will be carried into effect. Beacon- field drove the Imperial Coach on one side of the road, Gladstone may incline to the other side, but he will still con- tinue on the same road. There is no diverging from it, and mapping out a new and hitherto untrodden route. The responsibility of position and oflicc, and the knowledge derived by virtue of such, has a wonderful influence in changing or moderating the views of the wildest opponent of any Government. England’s position in the world has been clearly defined, and the course to be pur- sued on such leading matters as “The Eastern Question,” has also been clearly indicated. \Vc may look for some change from the policy pursued by Beaconfield, but such change will he of small importance, the course will be materially the same. THU HSDAY. APRIL 8, 1880 Farm fur Snlo Growther, Tilt & McArt'hun. (Jana-diam J’zwlfic Railwayâ€"F. Braun» Canndmu Pacific Railwayâ€"3‘. Braun: Welland ('Jlnule. Brnuu Wellanm unulâ€"F. Braun Going South. Wosfi and Rust, includ- ing 32,11‘10. Thoruhill. Toronto Markhmn, &c., Going Rank! Going South, East and West (as above) at 7:35 N. B.~-Rr-: fitcred Letters must be handed in at lea, . [teen Minutes earns-1 than the 11mm: 1;. utioned hours for closing. Biol 1.1mm Hill Post 011100, M. TEEFY .1111. 1:1L11 18801 l’ustnmster RIGHMDNI] HILL POST GFFIBE POST OFFICE NOTICE How Horses are Selling Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the maps 330sz 341mm. REW ADVERTISEMENTS The British Elections. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLO‘V moxmg mare, ns own Prince, and did not appear This mare was :1“an ammâ€" Grossman did Yon. of years, $140 par Manitoba. Messrs. McGilvery and Robin- son have taken up land about two hundred miles from Winnipeg, in the N. W. T., while Mr Grimshaw merely goes on a. pro- specting tour. They took sufliciem stock and insplnmr‘nts to fill our our. Mesars. Alex McGilvery. and family, Joseph Robinson, and family, and Joseph Grimslmw, look train here on Wednesday morning, 31stto join Prettie's party for Manitoba. Messrs. McGilvery and Robin- From the evidence it appeared that the deceased was troublcd \rlth fits before he 1an England, six momhr ago, and that he had them on the vessel on the way out. and than they confirmed to increase in violence. and frequency, since he went into his lure employer, till they proved fatal, as above stutodâ€"â€" when n verdict of “death from a fit” was recorded by the Jury. An inquest was he‘d by Dr. Hillary, Corouvr, on Tuesday 301!) ult, on the Glh Con. King, on the body as a young man named Charles Packfmd, who was found dead about 2 p. m. on the Saturday pre- vious,1nthe bum of his employer, Mr. ’l‘hos. Atkins, Lot No. 12, rear of 5111 Con. King. '1‘nAM1’s.~â€"â€"No less than seven tramps reâ€" gistered at the Lock-Up in this village last week. Most ofthem came from Toronto. According to their story Toronto helped them to a little means to get out of the city, and they [ramped the rest of the way. Singular enough most of them had one story to tell, and were bound for one des- tinationâ€"they had been assured of plenty of work at Barrieâ€"on the ice. SHIPMENT 0F CATTLE.â€"0n Tuesday, 313: ult, Messrs Hurst & Kavanagh, drovers shipped another ‘car load of cunle from this place. As a whole they were in excellent condition, and would average from 1200 to 1700 cwl. The animals were shipped to Toronlo market for local consumption. ESTATE Suesâ€"We understand Mr Geo. R Hogaboom has recently purchased the brick residence, on Main Street, owned by Mrs Hmrisonâ€"nnd intends entering into occupancy himself, in a week or two. It is more than likely Mrs Harrison will take up her residence in Toronto. A “Sparring Mulch” took place in the shed yard of the Royal Hotel, on Wednes- day 315E ult., between a Jehu of one of our stagelines leading from Ncwmarkec and the hotel hostler. The “set-t0” was a. sort of go-as-you-please style ; but Jehu being altogether too many for his antagonist. and failmg to find 1n him a worthy foo, in- troduced a sort of toe-boot pexfonnance, This astonished (he hustler, who failed to take fulther interest in Jehu’s company and left. A SCOENDRAL u Lucaâ€"0n Wednes- day night 3151 ult, some vindictive wretch maliciously broken pane of glass in Lhe front window of Mr S Nash’s jewellery store, and also wrenched off the iron rod fastened over the window on which to hang up a sign. P0111“? ROBBERY. â€"â€"We undersland the honety of Mr Huntex, of Prospect Street was visited on Wednesday night Blst ult â€"eggs stolen, and a huge muster killed: but the thieves were appmently disluxbed unexpectedly, for they left the bird in the yard. OFF FOR MANITOBA.â€"Mr George Norton left here on Wednesday morning, Blst ult, for the prairie Province. Mr J Fleury‘ saddler, of this place. has sold out, and will also leave for Winnipeg on the 14111 instant. The latter will take his family with him. (From the ERA ACCIDENT.â€"On Monday 29th Hit, Mrs. Peter McKelIex-,4th Con. of King, met with aserious accident. Througha mis- slep she fell down a temporary pair of stairs, breaking her arm below the elbowâ€" disiocating her shoulder, and receiving other injuries.â€"~Being a heavy woman, weighing over 200 lbs., the fall was a heavy one. Dr. Langstafi‘ was immediately summoned, and the patient is progressing favorably. The deceased Brother was born in Ireland in 1799 and emigrated to Canav da :1 great many years ago. He was initiated into the Loyal Orange Asso- ciation in the year 1323 and was one of the oldest Orangemen in Canada at the of his decease. He took out the war. rent for the Lodge of which he died a member, in the year 1854. He leaves a loving Wife to mourn after him, and a great many sorrowing friends. He had but one daughter who died about eight months ago. He was universally respected by all who knew him. L. O. L. No. 590 Nobletoh, with which . deceased was connected, took charge of the body, and appointed the bearers. The Orange Society to show their re- spect to his old neighbors, asked them to act as Pall Bearers, which they refusâ€" ed by politely stating, that they would not mix in an Orange procession. Short- ly after one o’clock the cortege moved 1off, and on approaching the Village of ‘Lloydtown, the Orange brethcrn alight- ed from their carriages and formed in the following order : Nobleton Brass Band. Loyal Orange Lodge, No 590. Members of Lodges 415. 736, 703. Pall Bearers I Hearse l Pall Bearers. Mourners in Carriages. Public in Carriages. Upon reaching the grave yard, the Band and Orange Brethern broke into open column, and allowed the cortege to pass through. After a short discourse in the Church, by the Rev. Mr Soward, the Cofiin was carried to the grave, l where the impressive services for thei burial of the dead, was read over the? body, by the Rev. Mr Seward. Incum- ‘ bent of Lloydtown. Bro James Shear- l‘ down,W.M of L O L, No 590, read the burial service ofthe Orange order, assist- { ed by the Chaplain, Bro Joseph Hunter. ! Everything connected with the funeral, was perfect in every partieular._ The mortal remains of the late Mr. \Vn}. McKinley, of' the Township of King, were followed to their last resting place, Christ Church, Lloydtown on Friday the 2nd April, by a very large procession. People of' all ranks, visited the house of'mourning, and viewed for the last time, the remains of their old and respected friend. The Orange Society of which the deceased gentlemen was a member,were strongly represented. r\ ‘- -AA-- From the Lib. Covzscrvative. From our own Correspondent.) THE LATE WM. MCKINLEY. NEW MARKET . AURORA. NOBLETON. ”y. 1' dance was very large, about 180 being W1 l present, and the usual pleasant time en- ““3 ’joyed. This Social takes the lead finan- lithe ‘ cially, $26.25 being collected. Mrs. Mr. l Parker Crosby’s comes second with $26. on and an attendance of 230. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. A Wright, on Monday evening helncxt, 12th inst: An invitation is ex- 1:]; l tended to all, and the ladies belonging :Zplto other denominations are invited to um‘ attend the meetings of the Sewing Com- ,ve mittee held in the afternoon. the MONDAY April nthâ€"credit Sula of farm stock implements, cm, at Lows,1st con. Vaughan, the property nf Mr David Benson. Sale at 1 o’clock, .No .Rvservp. (11min zmd $10 and under (:nsh ; mm mm 7 months‘ credit. S Eclmrdt, Aunt. Messrs Wells Bros. received a cable despntch this week from Hon. C. I. Douglas, saying: he had bought, a horse for them 10 take the place of “Highland Chief.” From the Aurora Liberal Consewa live LADIES A1D.â€"This Social was held at the residence of Mrs, Wm. Atkinson“ on Monday evening last. The atten- MOVED TO EGLINGTONrâ€"Mr John Pugsley removed from this village to Eglington last week, Where he intends to reside for the future. He carries on a very extensive business in the wholeâ€" sale meat trade in that village. Pugsley & 00., will still be represented in this village, and the business carried on here, by ‘Villiam. Mr Hopper, butcher, inâ€" tends moving from his presenh house, on McNuir’s property, to the place recently occupiedby Mr J Pugsley, at. the north of the village, Dickson’s Old Hotel. CATTLE FAIn,â€"The largest number of cattle we have seen for some months were on the Fair ground last Wednesâ€" day. There were several good cows, and the remainder were medium, and many were considered “old”. There was not many sales effected,as the prices asked were altogether too high. I’ugsley bought several fine beasts, and Hopper also replenished his live stock. GOING SOUTII-â€"â€"1\Ir A Law is movâ€" ing the shop between his residence and that of Mr Davis, up to the corner op- posite Crosby’s store, and next door north of the HERALD office. Active operations were begun yesterday, (VVed- nesdayQ and the building is slowly walk- ing towards its destination. VAUGHAN PLomNG MATCH.-â€"The second annual match will take place on \Vednesday, April 28th, on Mr A Mc- Quarrie’s farm, Lot 22, 4th COILVaugh- an, near Maple. Over $400 in prizes will be awarded. This shows an in- crease 1n prizes over last year of $100. and there is every prospect of a very successful match. Mr Robt Rumble has kindly ofiered to provide a dinner for the I’lowmen, Officers and Judges. SELECT ASSEMBLY. -â€"A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by the young ladies and gentlemen “he participated in the assembly at the Masonic Hall on ’Ihurs- day evening last Music of a SUPGIiOI‘ ordel was supplied by P1ofessors Collins and Powell on the violin and comet. The enteitainment was brought to a close at a seasonable hour. A quantity of Berlin wool in the new- est shades, the latest style of cardboard, Games of Nations7 Words Making, Words Taking ,and Logomachy, or war of words, Noiseless slates, flouiton Braids and Patterns, and books of all kinds and description for sale at the HERALD store. The Band boys held a meeting in the Court {com on Tuesday night. It was decided to re-organize the Band for the summer campaign, and Messrs Mortimer and Spauldiug are to be com- municated with, as to their terms, for teaching. FIREâ€"On Thursday night last about 8 o’clock, a large fire in the neighbor- hood of Headl‘ord was observed by many in this village. \Vo learned that the building was the property of Mr Martin Shanks, on the 3rd Con. Markham. It had been unused for some time, and when the fire took place there was noth- ing in it but a load of oats belonging to Mr John Williamson, which were de- stroyed. A LARGE TREEâ€"Mr Clement Case- ly has had a large Elm tree out; down on his farm, Lot 21, 3rd Com, Mark- ham, part of which has been cut into 18 cords of wood. it is estimated that the whole tree will make over 20 cords. This is a pretty good yield of tree, and the year was'nt; much for trees either. Our fire-engine will be here next week, for trial. It is now in Toronto, Where some of' our villagers have seen and examined it. They consider it, a verv good engine, and just. what we want. The Directors of the Richmond Hill, and Yonge Street Agricultural Society, will meet. on \Vedncsday 14th inst., in the Court Room, for the transaction of business, at 7.30 p m. The Superintendent of the YorkRoads was around this week. Boss Michael and his men were at work scraping and filling up the ruts on Yonge Street, last Monday. Yonge Street is drying up consuierably, and will soon be in good condition for travelling over. KICKED BY A HORSEâ€"One day last Week, the very obliging and atten- tive hostler at the Robm Hood Hotel. was severely kicked 0n the left thigh by a vicious horse. The injury com- pelled him to take a rest for a day or two, but he is recovering all correct. Commumcation from J. A., Toronto, and extract from Australian paper un- avoidably held over until next week. Vaughan Council meets on Tuesday next, 13th inst. Divisxon Court in this village on Monday 12th inst. C McE, Tcston â€"Yours received thanks The 15 puzzle for sale here Auction Sale. LOCAL ITEMS. ‘me at the latefielection. I met him re- ” cently. and discussed the National Policy with him. He told me he thought it was a wise and good Policy, not only doing the people good, but giving them entire satis- faction, and he feels confident. it will work well in the future. No man, 1 think, has a better opportunity of judging whether the farmers are satisfied with this tariff than he has, dealing largely with them as a class as he does. He said, he found increased conv fidence not on] ' among business It'll, but among the farmers also. He at all events, has a firm confidence in the future of our country under the National Policy, and nothing I think, conduces more to the well- being of a. country than confidence. Another man perhaps as widely known as he, is Mr Russell. one ol the greatest Cattle Breeders in the country. He is a strong Reformer and opposed me at the election, standing by his Party despite its Policy. He came to my office two or three months since. and while there. told me he was well satisfied with this tarifl‘. being satisfied it was for the best, and he thought that farms ers were generally well satisfied with It. I put this question to him because I knew that it affected him. “How does the duty A” A»N._ Afl‘ , IQ Y‘I ‘- -. A ""J on corn affect 3011.” He xep lied, “of course, it made a trifling differeme at fixst, D 1-01.51. .1an uurâ€"sr-vu But. what do we find the Opposition doing here. They are not trying to assist the Government and the country to put that Policy into a. wise shape; they formulate no proposition, they bring iii no resolution, they do not propose any amendment, but they devote all their energies to pettv, carping criticism of trifling,r incidents aris- ing out ot this Policy. 'Jhey are striving to make one man dissatisfied with his neigh- bor, one Province dissatisfied with another Province, the farmer dissatisfied with the manufacturer, and to raise up a feeling of discontent before we have had time to as- certain how this National Policy will work, and its purpose. They are trying to set the Maritime Provinces attainst Ontario and Quebec, and the latter acuinst the Maritime Provintes, trying to drive out British Columbia, trying to create jealousy and dissatisfaction everywhere, while we are trying to weld all these Provinces together into one great Confederation. Sir, that is not the course of patriots, that is not the course of men who love their country well. The hon gentleman, who spoke last, asked how we could expect to make a country rich by adding to its taxation. Ile surely must have forgotten how, when the Party he supports was itr power. it rolled up deficits, and pledved the. country to such enormous txpendrture that the imposition of additional taxation became an dbsolute necessity. 'lhe revenue had to be raised, and it “as the part of wisdom to make the raising of that itvenuc advantageous to our own people when duties had to be imposed. But we have not raised one dollar more than was necessary; it is hard enough to raise even 11 sufficiency. I think we are fortunate that the Finance Minister has been able so nearly to make the revenue balance the expenditure, and I think the ' country is grateful to him for it. I think it. is scarcely respectful for hon. gentlemen on the other side to speak as they have done of u gcntlcman of the character of the hon. the Finance Minister. sneering at his intel-t licence, sneering at his ability. The late Mir. ister of Finance made use of an extra- ordinary expression, which I took down' 3 he said the present Finance Minister 'as a l very accommodating: Finance Minister, and that he had a very accommodating follow- ing. It. seems to me, from what I have been able to observe of men and things, that statesmen are not those who are so bound up in the arrogant selfish egotism of their own character that they can make no change, so besotted by their own narrow selfâ€"conceit as to be incapable of receiving suggestion or counsel. Wise Statesman- sliip is rather shown by making a change when the changed conditions to which the country is subject show that an application of new principles was to be made. Statesâ€" manship is not that a man shall stand on the pedestal of his own drgnity repelling from all counsel, allowing no one to come near him and saying, 1 know this thing, 1 only am wise and only I, and 1 permit no man to interfere with me. The great “l” sticks out too large in a man like this. Statcsnianship, I take it, is shown in being able to adapt oneseltto the changed circum- stanccs of the country, but the change should only be made after the gravest corr- sidcration, and after consultation with the best men, but no change should be made from one policy to another on the miserable motive of disappointed personal ambition that can be found. Now,lrow has this Tariff been received by the country. Is it a liter, as stated by the Oppositionuhat it has been received with widespread dissatisfaction. that every man is miserable and distressed. No, sir. it is 1201 so. The feeling of the country is not changed but believes still that this is a wise measure, and will prove greatly beneficial. But no man who is not utterly blinded by mere Party bigotry would contend that prosperity could be brought. about in nine months by such a measure as this, necessrtating as it does, a change in the whole fiscal and economical relations of the country. In making this 1 great change probably more than a twelve- month, perhaps twice that time rrrust elapse, before this Policy can work itself out. It is not twelve months since the change was adopted, and of course, men had to adapt themselves to the clmnged state of things, capital has to be found, and set afloat, it has to be turned itrto new flVCHHGB. trade businessmnd commerce have to admit them- selves t.0 the new order of things. But the worst thing this new Policy has had to en- counter is the unpatriotic conduct of the Opposition. From one end of the country to the other, ever since that Policy became law, they have been declaring their uncens- ing hostility to the carrying out of the will ot'the people in this respect. Capital is very sensitive. Men do not like to invest ‘ their money in business which in a short . time may be upset or destroyed by altera- tions in the commercial system of the coun- try. ldosay that when the country had suffered so long, and so severely from genâ€" e111] business depression. and then deter- mined on the inauguration of this new Policy it should have been the duty of the Opposition, at least, to say, we will give it a trial, if for only a certain number of years, so that there might be some assur- ance of its permanence, sutlicicnt for ex- people are largely deterred at the present time from going into business, berause it has been laid down in the GLOBE, the pow ci't'ul organ of the Opposition having a vast influence in the country, that all other York. A strong Reformer who opposed differences must be laid in order to do away with this horrible tariff. The feeling of uncertainty this created is doing a great i l i t t l 1 1 a periment and trial. Because, I know that f v t r ( .t I] injury and retarding the speedy workingr out g ofthe effects ofihis tariff, and this is the l view ofrnany of the very best men in the ‘i Reform Party. but who are not bigoted 1, irrtollerants. [can ”We two instances of 1‘ this 111 my own Riding, of men who have a d Provincial reputation. and I venture to say tl their names are well- known to every Ori- 0‘ tario member 111 this Hou- -e. One of them a is Mr Speight, the great naggon- tnaketya 11 man of broad views and liberal thourrht, tt vtho has been Warden of the County of (c): Mr. Boultbee on the Budget ( Concluded from last week.) At the residence of the bride’s father, on \Ved- nesdn‘y the 7th inst,1;y the Rev. lszmc Campbell Matthew Boyle, youngest son of David Boylc,E sq to Maria, youngest daughter of Peter Vander- burgh Esq, all of Vaughan. nation than sound predictions. 1 Would venture to offer my forctelling of the future against theirs and say that l have a firm faith, ifthis Policy is persevered in and given a fair trial, that instead of the Min- ister of Finance having his memory ex- ecrated in the future it will be ernbalmed in the memory ofu grateful people when the names of his detractors are forgotten. In conclusion, Iwoula say this, sir, that if We are to make Canada a country for our- selves ; country of which we shall be just ly proudlf we are to build up this great confederation into the nation it deserves to be, rich as it is with every element of Na- tional wealth. peopled with a people at least, as intelligent. as any on the face of the earth, gifted with no ordinary degree of energy and determination. If, sir. we are to achieve this grand result we must do it by the exercise of patriotic feelings. There must be a sinking and abandonment of miserable party, and Proviucral distinctions and differences. There must be a little givinpr away ofone to another in a com- munity like this just as in a family ofindi- viduals, there must be mutual concessions to produce mutual happiness and prosperity. 't'he vote in support of those resolutions was one ofthe most remarkable votes that ever took place in the history of nations In this Chamber we had a large number of men supporting the Government on its general Policy, but with their diverse it.- terests tearing;r them apart in various ways. At, the formulation and shaping of this Policy, they fought and contended for their various interests day after day, as the discussion wore along, each trying to get this and that advantage for the various communities to which they belonged, and after having tried by every legitimate means to put the matter in the best shape they could they were satisfied to vote as one man, and gave» effect to a tariff con» cerved and prepared for the good of the whole. Iwould say, that he is no good friend to his country, who is continually going about, hoping to teach some petty ’arty advantage by stirring up one Pro- vince against another. We cannot have such a Confederation as we ought to have, if the Maritime l’rovtnces will not give way a little to Ontario and Quebec, if On- tario and Quebec will not yield a little to the Maritime Provrnces. There must be a general desire to put a side little difficulties in order to work out a scheme like this, for the benefit of all. because it is a grand scheme, and one that deserves not only the weightiest consideration :of this House, but of the whole country. I believe it is now being welded together so as to make a Con- federation of which we can all be proud. Let us as far as we can for the purpose of building up a great. nation here in this Western World. Let us, I say, as largely and as far as we cart, sink all little personal and Provrncial differences for the sake of confirming and strengthening our national- ity, for the well being of our common country. but we found we could feedthem on other articles with about equal advantage.” . Those are well-known men of good reputa- ' tion, of great intelligence.who have travell- ed about a good deal, and who know the country well, and their opinions, I think, are worth something, especially as being opposed to us at the last election. The whole mutter may be summed up thus. At the last general election the country was felt by the electors to be in a deplorable condition. The late Government refused to do anything by way of remedial Legisla- tion to relieve the distress. The people were not satisfied with this. They displaced hon. gentlemen Opposite, and returned a strong,r representation of their views out of which the present Government was formed. That Government brought about such Legislation as the people demanded. They have succeeded in the first year in very nearly balancing our accounts, and so managing our affairs that a very small deficit exists, and that caused by the action of the late Government. They have made arrangements for carrying out the railroad Policy ;for developing the great North; West with thorough actlvity, and well ap- plied energy. It was managed, I think no one will deny, by the late GoVernmeut with afatuousimbecility, incomprehensible had it not occurred. Leaving the line between Thunder Bay and Selkirk with a link in the centre, neither begun nor contracted for, altho’ the millions spent at either end were entirely useless without it. The present Government have made every arrangement with careful forethought to have that link completed, and they will I think have it finished very nearl‘l as soon as the other links begun by the late Government, so that the whole may be utilized together. In addition to this, they are carrying out the views ol'the country in endeavoring to develop our for West, and they have 100 miles ot'tlrc road west of Winnipeg under contract. They have also made arrange- ments for further Railway eXIcnsion, open- ing up that country of unexampled fertility, which we hear in the present year is likely, to receive so large an emigration. In re" garo to that, I may say that the leader of the Opposition sneercd at the leader of the Government, on account of the interview he recently had with the English Premier. [He said,l think that. from what fell from 1 Lord Benconslicld, he thought his ear had been gained by some wandering vagrant. This was not perhaps a respectful way of Speaking of the leader of either Grovern‘ , ment. That,howevernnalters not, all I have, to say, is, that having English connectionsl myself, and being in correspondence with that country through them. I have had let‘ ters from there, stating that there has been more talk about Canada of a favorable character since Sir John A Macdonald’s visit there, and since his interview with Lord Beaconsfield, than there has been for the last twenty years; that the country has grown in favor. and that there is going to be an emigration from England to this country, not of men utterly with- out means as in ordinary immigration, but of persons more or less possessed of money, which will be of great advantage to the Dominion. That is an advantage which at any rate has grown out of the \interview between the leader of our Government and Lord Beaconsfield. There is a remark that Imeant to have noticed before. that fell from the late Minister of Finance. In dis- cussing this question he said in effect that it was not an advantage to a country that! the exports should be larger than the. im- ports. It appears to me that no greater mistake could be made than that. If we can so nourish and cherish our own manuv factor-cs that we produce to a large extent what we want, and it so happens that we import say $50,000.000 in a year, and we are. able to txport,say.$h'0,000,000 in grain, timber, cattle, etc.. it does appear to me that we should still have that $0000.00“l above our imports to spend amongst our- selves, und surely that would be to our advantage. Hon gentlemen oi'the 0p- position in discussing this question are very fond ol'indulging:r in u spirit of prophecy. When hon. gentlemen are predicting a dark future for this country, when predic- ling its utter ruin, when showing that we are about to starve to death, and that noth- ing but disgrace and rain will befall us, and while they are filling the air with gloomy valirinations, more nearly akin to the melancholic ravings ofa diseased imagi- .. . .. . _ . l MARRIED mt no greater 1) that. If we 0111‘ CW!) HHHJU' a large extent not required; we will start you. Men women, boys and girls make money luster at work fer us than at anything else. The work is light and v10usnnt, 114111311011 as anyone can go right (it. Those who are Wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and sec for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE 6: (70.,Augustn, Mailier AMONTH suantemL $12 a. day at 3 fl home by the industrious. Capital $3M] Alderman Mcj‘arthy, M. P, Chair- man_ WW Baynes, F I A, Secretary Reserve Fund. . . ..... $8,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1,400,000 Invested in Canada . . . 850.000 Death clanns paid. . . . 7,500,000 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Church Trustees, mt a. low rate of lutercst. Sand for prospectus. Assurance Soc’y L3“ 000 Engiish Gooseberry Trees, and a quanti‘ ty of young Apple Trees, for Sale. And about 13 ucres of land, situated on the corner of Yonge A: Markham Streets, Richmond Hill, known us the late Dr Duncumb’s residence. There is a Good Barn, and other outbuildings, 84180 It New Green House 21X”, good bour- iuz; Orchard, Well, &c., Apply to A Frame House Dept. of Ruilwm’s and Cmmls Uttumu, ."Jth Mulch, 1850. For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is m‘oposcd to uccept will be notified that their tender is accepted sub- ject to 11. deposit of FIVE mm CENT. of the bulk sum of the coutmct~0f which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered u pzu'thto be deposited to the credit of the Receivm‘ General within EIGHT 1mm [Liter the (111.60 at the notice. Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates will be paid until the completion of the work. This ])01)1utm(>11t does not, ho“evor, bind itself to accept the low est or any tenucx. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not. accept- 6d. l’iu‘ties tendering are expected to have a. practi- cal knowledge of Works of this class, and are re- quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be conuidcrd unless made strictly in accordance with the prmted forms, andâ€"Au the case of firmwâ€" except there are attached the actual signatures. the nature of the occupation, and residence of each member of the same ; and further an ac- cepted bunk cheque for a sum equal to $250 for each bridge, fLr which an oifel‘ is made, must n.0- company each Tender, which sum shall bu torâ€" feited if the party tendui‘hig declines entering in- to contract 101‘ the Work at the rates and on the terms stated in the ofier submitted. EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed (Secretary of Railways and Canals) mul cullursctl ‘1‘emlcr for Bridges, \Vcllzmd Canal,” will be received at this oilico until tho arrival of the \Vcstern iuzlils on TUESDAY THE 15th DAY OF J UI\']<J next, for the construction of swing and stuniomu‘y bridges at various pluses on the line of the \Vullmill Calm]. Thom for high- ways are to be H combination of iron and wood, and those for railway purposes are to be of iron. Plans, specifications mud general conditions can be seen at this olhce on and ufterMONDAY,THE Blst DAY OF MAY, next, where Forms of Tender can also bu obtained. Notice to Bridge-builders. Dept of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 29th March, lShO. Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates will be 1mid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. For the due fulfilment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is propused to accept, will be notified that their tender is accepted sub- ject to [L (161)05it01 FIVE PER CENT. of the bulk sum of the cuntrn‘ctâ€"Of which the sum sent in with the tender “"11 he considered [L purtktn bu deposited to the (:1 edit of the Receiver Gent-3111.1 within mmu'r DAYS after the date of the notice. Parties tendering are expected to provide the Special tools means for, and to have 1L pructi~ on] knowledge of, “'01 s of this class, and are re- qnested to bezu‘ in mind that tenders will not be considered unless mudO strictly in uccordnnco with the printed forms, andiin the 08.80 of firms â€"cxcept there ure attached the actual signatures the numn'u of the occupation and residence of each nunnber 01' the mune ; and, further, an ac- cepted bunk cheque for a, sum equul to $5250, for the gates of each lock, nmat uccmnpuny each tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the wark at the mtes and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not ucceyt- ed. WELLAND CANAL. Plums, Specifications and General Conditions can be seen {Lt this oflice on and after THURS- DAY the 20th day 01' MAY. next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed (Secretary of Railways and Cmmls) and endorsed “Tender for Lock GlituS, VVollaLml Canal," will be received at this office until the zu‘rivul of the Rustern und Western Mails on THURSDAY the 8rd day of JUNE, next, for the construction of mites. and thunccessurymuchin- ery connected with them> for the new locks on the Welland Canal. TENDERS addressed to the' undersigned will be received up to 110011 of FRIDAY, the 15th MAY next, for furnishing and erecting Iron Superstructures over the151ustern and Western outlets of the Lake of the Woods. Notice To Machinist-Contracâ€" tors. Specifications and other particulars will be furnished on application at the office of the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, 011 and after the 15th April. Tenders for Iron Bridge Super- structure. Dept of Rail“ ave and Canals Ottawa, lst Aplil,1880. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL- WAY. THE STAR LIFE gm gflmtimumtz. A VV Lauder, TO LET WELLAND CANAL. C. DUN CUMB, Soc. &Treas. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto‘ Feb. 12th 1880. Of London Englan d.‘ By Dragr, B y Order, By Order, On the Premises 16 . 'BRAUN, F. BRAUN, F. BRAUN, Secretary, Gin Seem tary‘ Secretary 1 0m The Vendor will not be bound to produce any deed or copies thereof or evidences of title not in his possession, or furnish abstract of title other than u Registrars' abstract. The property will be sold subject to u reserved bid fixed by the Master. For further particulars apply to Edward Meek, Equity Chmubers, Toronto, Vendors Solicitor, or to Messrs Mchmhy, Hoskin & Creclt mun or Mcssrs Fitzgerald 6.: Beck. Solicitors] Toronto. ' Ten per cent of the purchase money is to be paid at the time of sale to the Vendor or her Solicitor, and the renminder within one month thereafter without interest into Court, to the crogiit of this cause. 'LJL'lV'l‘li DA! OF APRIL 1880, at the hour of‘ One O‘Clock in the afternoon. The following lands and premises in one pub. (:01, nmnely Part of Lot number 42 in the 7th COLL, of the Township of Vaughan, in the County 01' York, contuining 7 acres of land more or less» described in the will of the lute Chusll. Lawrence as follows : Commencing at the north east angle of the road leading south from the main truvell» ed road to the dwelling house of the said Chas.F._ Luwrence, then south along the easterly side of said road to within four rods of the north burn owned by the said Charles E Lawrence, thence easterly to u. fence erected at the eastern limit of said seven ucres,,then followin the said fence northerly to the said truvelle road, thenue westerly to the place of beginning. The said Lot on which there is a. frame house. in fair condition, and a good orchard, is within 1L short distance of the village of Riehmond Hill., TERMS OF SALE. In the Cmulty of York, on SATI TENTH DAY OF APRIL 1880, at} 031g: 0;(Zl.()01§i1x [zhe afternoon. SAMUEL BROWN, AUGTIUNEERM There will be sold with the approbation of Thomas Wm‘dlnw Taylor, ESL}, the Muster in Ordinary of this Court, by URSUANT to the Decree dated the Eigh teunth (llLvnf Fnhrmn-v A ‘n nun .“ 2A HUMBLE LOT TflWNSHIP 3F WHITMAN Dated 17th day of March 1880‘ (Signed) « \1‘1 uuU 11511- J.‘ month day ufFL-biutuy A..‘D 1880 made 111 the (JILIISL of Lawrence VS. Hamilton. Dated the 19th day OI March‘ 1880. to send, by host prepaid, to Messrs E 6: H D Gamble, Solicitors, British American Insurance: Buildings, Toronto, their Christian and Sub. names, uddresscs and description, the full pur- ticulnrs of their claims, n. statement of their nc-. counts, and the nature of the Securities (if any}, held by them ; or in deflault thereof, they will be perumpterily excluded fltuni the benefit of the: mid Decree. Every creditor holding uny secur- ity is to produce the sums; beim'e 1110, the under-u signed, Master in Ordinary vii the suid court, at my chambers in Osgoude Hull, in the city of Toronto, on the Eighth Day of May IBBO, [Lt eleven o’clock,‘furenoon, being the time lipâ€"- pointed for udjudlcution on the claims. (Signed). PURSUANT to an Order of the Court of Chunâ€" cery, made in the Cause of Hartney V5,. Hartney;th0crcdit01‘s of John Hurtney, late, of the in the County of York, Farmer. who died in or- ubout the mouth 01' March, 1876, uru, on or before: the can make money mater at \\ 01'}; Ior us than at» anything; else. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. (lostlv outfit and terms free. Address‘ TRUE 6; 00.. AugustuMuine. John Hartney, CHANCERY l\l OTI'CE’. ENDERS Will be received bv the undersigned up to noon on FRIDAY, the 15th MAY next, for furnishing and erecting in place ut the sever- al Watering stations along the line of the Cunt!» (liu‘n Pncific Railway under construction, Frost~ Proof ’l‘unks with Pumps and Pumping Power of either wind or steam, as may be found most suit- able to the locality. Drawings can he soon and specifications and other particulars obtained at the office 0! the Engineer in Chief, Ottawa, 011 and uftor the 15th. April. Dept. Railways and Canals ()ttmm,15t Apr,i1 1880. Growther Tilt & McArthur, Burns and outbuildings. Good “’0115 and Cisâ€" terns. Fur terms and munitions, apply to GANABIAN PABH‘IE} RAILWAYr Tenders for Tanks and Pumping Mauhmery. and about 18 miles {mm Toxouto accessible good roads. Thole are {L most excellent mud. The Soil is clayey 10am. 1251mm»; are 010111011 and in excellent state of uultivntiou. ibucwsof good }lu.1",d“ourl Beech and Muplo.’1‘his ftum is situated A Short distance from Woodbridge, A SPLENDID Farm for Sale, 150 ACRES Barley, £10 Outs, do Pens do Rye do Dressed Hogsmer 100 1155.. .. 1300f, hind quarters, per 100 lbs 5 50 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 lbs... 8 00 Chickens, per pair 50 Ducks, per brace 65 Gammeuch ........ 60 Turkeys, ouch 70 Butter, 1b rolls , . 23 large r0115. 19 tub dairy 20 Eggs,f1~osh, dnz 17 Potatonsdwr bug. 50 ADPIOS per barrel 2 50 Onions, per bar 1 75 Tonm‘tous, put bush ()0 Turnips, per bug . 0 3D Carrots, per bag 50 Beets, per bug 45 l’nrsnips, per bu ’ .. 60 Hay per, ton... . 9 ()0 Stmw per, 15011 5 50 ‘Vool per lb. 00 T()1?.ON'JSO.- THURSDAY,Apri1 8th 1850 imwm A'l‘ FAILMERS’ WAGGONS Whom full, now,per bush .$ 1 24 Spring do .. 1 23 Barley, £10 .. 60 Outs, do u 40 yams . do ,. 68 .cx. RICHMOND HILL FRAME HBWEILING HGUSE, 27th. Day Of April, 1880. $132111 fitlvvrtirimnvm. Lot No. 9 in the 31d Concession of Township of King, HANCERY SALE. THE MA RKETS. TO PALMER HOUSE, County of York, Containing In the Village of -â€"â€"IN THE ORE ._ ()F Aâ€" AT THE ‘1' 9 W, TAYLOR T. W. TAYLOR. EDITORS 0F By Order, curlers Solicitors 0n SATURDAY THE F. BRAQN, $1 24 1 23 60 68 80 00 00 0 3D 40 50 60 45 60 60 7b 9 ()0 14 00 5 50 7 00 00 00 Sec'rotury» 650 "12.7 21 22 1 s 60 3 00 by 80

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