Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 22 Jan 1880, p. 3

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’ HEAVY L0ss.~Mr George Bell, of the Township of Oro, and late of Mark- ham had two excellent horses killed by the falling of a tree on the 8th inst It ap ppears that he was drawing cord- wood, and as he was driving along: the road a tree fell across their backs killing them instantly. It was fortunate that he escaped. PATTERsoN’s MONTHLY SALE.â€"â€"A monthly sale will be held at the Frankâ€" lin Hotel, Markham, on Saturday, Feb 7th. Parties havmgstock, &c., to sell will find this a excellent opportunity, and should make their entries with W H Hall at once, in order to have them on the catalogues. A large number of buyers have intimated their intention to be present. FARMER’S CLUB.-â€"The annual meeting of the Farmer's Club will be. held at the Wellington Hotel, Markham, on February, the 3rd prox., at 10 o’clock a.m. Dinner at 2 p.m. TOWNSHIP AGRICULTURAL SOCIEâ€" TIEs.â€"Markham Township Agricultural Society’s officers elected for the current year are: W C Lundy, President; Jno. Gormely, Viceâ€"Pres; William Braith- Waite, Secâ€"Treus; Messrs. Wm Robâ€" inson, Foster Hemmingway, Thomas French, Hector Thomson, Anthony Forster, Wm Brown and John Padget, Directors; 0 H Chant and H R Corson, Auditors. Soarboro Township Agricul tural Society’s officers elected for the current year are: David JohnstonJ’rcsi- dent; Jus Carnaghan, Viceâ€"President. John Crawford, Secâ€"Trees; Messrs. John Little, Jas Humphery, William Westney, Alfred Mason, Isaac Thomson and John Neilson, jr., Directors; J. P. Wheler and Richard Shelton, Auditors. At the meeting of the Toronto Presâ€" bytery on Tuesday of last week. . Rev Mr McIntosh, of Unionvillc, made a statement concerning a change in his station at Brown’s Corners and Unionâ€" ville. Instead of holding a weekly serâ€" woe at the last named place, he had arâ€" Eanged for alternate services at both pl'nces, which would have the effect, he thought, of building up the Brown’s corners. They had bought a church at Unionville,and there was every prosâ€" pect of the congregation being a success. He asked for the Presbytcry’s concurâ€" rence in the change. The Presbytery concurred. MARKHAM VIGILANT ASSOCL'ATION. â€"At the annual meeting of the society for the apprehension and conviction of felons, held at the Franklin hall,on the 10chinst.. the following officers were elected: President, George Digby, reâ€" elected; Vice-Pres., 'l‘ W Robson; Treas., Geo Morgan, reâ€"elected; See, W H Hall. reâ€"elected; Executive Con)â€" mitteeâ€"R G Armstrong, Robt Arrhâ€" strong, Bohr. Anthony, James Speight, James Robinson. John C Taylor, Merry Gleesnn, Hugh McDonald and Chas S Carleton. ‘â€" "D"’ ’ , Rev Bishop Sweetnam was present and ad- ministered the ordinunce, after which he delivered an able and impressive discourse. His Lordship remained in Newmarket over night, in order to be present, at the cute:- taioment in the evening. CONFIRMATION Sanvwxs.â€"-On Monday last a number of candidates wexe confirmed at the English Church In this village. iThe HIGH SCHOOLâ€"We understand the at- tendance ulthe Newmurlret High School in this pluce is very large this winter. On Monday last the total number reached seventy; asuflicieiitly large school to tax the pOWers of two teachers to their utmost extent. Everything seems to be in a verv satisfactory condition. and the scholars and the new teachers work together in the ut- most harmony. ) Anathemaâ€"0n Friday night; last the ‘wife of Mr Clark Hammer, of this village, bad the misfortune to fall down stairs, the result of which was to dislocate her collar bone and otherwise injure her. Dr Widdi- field was at once sent. for. hut not having returned from the Le‘islnture, Dr lingers was called in and attended to her injuries. We-are glad to hear she is donig well. A Mr Neil McMillian, at one time a. resi- dentof this place. was marital in New Lowell on New Year’s day, after which himself and bride drove to Angus and joinâ€" ,Xéd in dance which was being held in that Village. In the evening they returned to New Lowell, and attended a ball in tliatl 'villege. They did not leave the ball-room .till nearly two o’clock. at which hour they retired. About five o’clock Friday morn: ing the young woman awoke suffering ex- ‘crutiating pain, A doctor was at once called, and on his arrival declared that nothing: could be done to save her life. She lingered all through Friday and Friday night, and the next morning expired. It appears that inflammation was the Cause of her death. The Rev Mr McGee. of Angus, performed the marriage ceremony for the twain on Thursday and pronounced them man and wife, and on Sabbath following conducted the funeral service over the un- fortunate womamâ€"Sruxex Sux. A Gullsâ€"On Tuesday evening of last week. a strange looking individual took up his position oppOsite Hewitt’s hotel, lit up a spirit lamp. and proceeded to hammgue the passer-s-by. With the assistance of a banjo, and an extraordinary strong voice, he soon suceeded lin gathering a crowd. which cheered him. or laughed at. him, as the exigencies of the moment called for. He professed to cure deafness, and carried all sorts of Indian decoctions and other nostrums. but the people of the village did not seem to appreciate him. ACCIDENT .â€"A young nan named Squires had two fingers sawn 10 atoms bv a circular mm, at Cane‘s factory on Tuesday of last week. The doclm dressed the wounded hand, but the fingers are spoiled for ever. ENTERTAINMENTâ€"The friends in con- nection wilhlhe English Church in this village, held a very interesting entertain- ment in the Hall on Monday evening of last week, consisting of singing, readings, and four very interesting tableaux. The hall was well filled, about four hundred persons being present. The singing. and instrumental music was very good. both by our local performers and those from a dis- tance. An address to the Bishop, read by :the Rev Mr Owen, and the reply by his Lordship concluded the entertainment which was a decided success. From the Economist From the Reformer. NEW MBRKET . Markham. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Langsmfl. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. Thankful or the favors of the past the years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.,.. 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmarket, ............ 2111! do Stoufiville.. . ...... .18th do Markham ............ ,20th do Victoria. Square ...... .11th do Thoruhill ............ ,23rd do Muplo ............ .1 .‘26th do Woodbridge . .. ...28tl1 do Kleinhurg.. . ”29th do Noblcton ...... 30th do Annsthnbics, as N1t1ons Oxide, etc. ., used when ordered and none but the best matm 1111 used Lefmy .................. Holland Landing. Bond Head. All Lhe rest of the time any one who may require his sorvmes will be sure of finding him at; his office The Doctor respectfully solicits attcn binn to the new p1 woes“. of Filling Teeth with H111 d Burnish- ed Gold. By this beuuxiful operation, cases othe1wise hopeless can be effectually tmnteh, and the diseased tooth however mm: 11 (10 Pay ed, maybe completely built up w1th Solid Gold {1 1d restored to its 0113111111 size shape uud usefulnessd [Rm ‘ V 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 57 King street East, Toronto, over H. S: C. Blnvchford’s new shoe store Best minernl teeth inserted in n. mmmer to suit each patient. l’wrticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully ILvoing [L11 unnecessary pain. A. W SI’AULDING. LDsAssistunt‘ V V . and Phurm uceuticul Chemist, 35 Yougc Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English I’erfumeryJflnglish lhlld American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drugâ€" gist sundries of everv description. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubliug and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves this House at 7.30 mum, for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 11.111. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, 8” Palmer, Prop W. rnm nvp The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL om; Excellent accommodation for the Puhlic. Gnod senbling Lmd attentive hustler. Proctor-’3 Bus leaves this Hotel to connect. with all the N B. R Tmins going North and South, at 7.3 a 111,1 1) m 415 p m, and 7.15 v m. Cosgrove Bros, Prop’s can make money taster atwm'k tor us than at anything else‘ Cavital not required; We will start you. 3512 per duy lLt home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys mu] girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Custlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & Co..Au;zustu.Muine. J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF; BENEFIT SflEIETY ! DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nnA LVr‘v A'T‘ Head Office,â€"â€"Sarnia, Ontario. PRES] DENT,â€".Hon Alexander Vidal, Senator. TREASURERâ€"WM. J Gmd, Sec.-Txeas.. Lamblon P B & I Society. MANAGER SNCRETARY,â€"â€"WM J Keay‘s, U in} Assignee. This Society 1n orgmnzed tor me purpose 01 en abling persons between 16 and 60 years of age, by becoming members, to 1111‘ provision for old age, and in case of deatlLtO acure sum of 1110ch to their widows and orphan children. or to 011101- relntives or persons dependent on them; and to secure to each member of the 13vneflt Brunch, medical attendance and u wevkly allowance, in case of sickness or acuident disabling him from (10' g his usual war" The grant: value of benefit societies to H411 clus- sas who depend upon their rersohul oiforts for the support: of themselves and their families, is now universally recognized. features :â€" ISLâ€"Smallness of Cost. 2-ud~'l‘he satisfactory security afforded to members. Full particulars obtained from GEO CHANTLER. BUTTOINVILLE. ONT Agent for the 'l ownshins of Markham, Vaughan, white-hunch and King, Dr Jan; Langstufi", Medical Referee- Dec 9, 1879 EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. New System of Canvassing Agents have wonderfui success. 1 0 subscribers to 1000 inhabitants. Our publications are stun- dm‘d. Address, iness a trial Without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those will- ing w work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- iness We offer. No room to explum here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms tmd parti- culars which we mail free, $55 outfit free Don’t complain ofhtn-d times While you hove sucha. 913311305. Address H. HALLETT 6;, 00., Portland AW’EEh 111 your own town, mm no capital risked. You can give the bus- Maine‘ R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposlte Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD This Society presents two distinguishing QUALITY AT CANADA ROYA L amm mm. THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING 00., 41, 43, mm 45 Shetucket St, Norwich, Conn. . ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS , Send for circulars explaining our OFFICERS : fitsfliml. THOS. NIGHTINGAL I’S, gram}. c. ADAMS, L.D.S., 9th of aux-h month 26th do 28th do m'kvile Mflfifl£© @ng NTARID nufiiE 111me AND 12mm IN ALL 1T3 BRANBHES. ,_ 2 5.. 2 ROLL CARDING ewtfl H u e y n 0 d g Chfisfimag Chrism’s Richmond Hill, Oct 22nd, 1879 a ifl E Fruits of all kinds at the lowest Cash prices.» Finc young Hyson Tna for Fifty Cents. A large $0ch of Furniture on Hand. Pictures and picture frames. A fine selection of French Chiomo Mottos very clump. Call and see our cheap Cabinet Photo Frames, all worthy of inspection, and greal reduction of prices. RUSTIC MYH‘OS VERY CHEAP Of every description. Call and price 1116 Goods, and see for yourselves. P G SAVAGE Crockery; Glastm Riohmond Hill, Dec. 18th, 1879 E}, WWJE, EHSTHM WWW, Wnnl Batiing, Yams, Hm, £10., Always [1n Hand. THGS H MONELLY . ..y,..»..,... . Richmond Hill, Sept 11th. 1879. IN RWNNENG GREEK NTARIO 11 ou’S’E‘. THE LEADING ,. Grocery Store THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES ALL FARM PRDBUGE TAKEN AT MARKET PRIflES. While Returning Thanks for past favors, 1 would Respecpect- fully Solicit a Call. A _J If you want to SAVE MONEY buy where you can buy the Cheavest for Cash. Noted for Cheap Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. A SPECIALTY. In Richmond Hill or any other EU]. RECEIVED AT Is well stocked with FOR THE THE JOHN BROWN HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhmn~ ................ Vice-Presidenfi DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plutt, M.P., \Vm. Gooder hum, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, Hot; D. L Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Tom] Assets, $3,000,000 Saving’s Bank ‘VESTERN‘ CANADA LOAN AED SAVINGS COMPANY. Money recelved on deposit, an'i intere SU payable half yearly or compounded. Sve our reduced 1mm table. For further information apply at at the Olfices the Comvanv. Walter S, Lee, Manager Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge ND HOYLE& Jus Bethune Q C‘ N W Hoyles, TE RS Attolnex s Solicitors- in-Chzmcely 9120.64 Adchlide stunt Bust, (opposite the Comm House) Tog 11t0 I8 81. 20 King Street, West, Toronto.» BARRIS’I ERS, &c Barristers, Attorneys-(Lt-Lmv, Soliclturs-in- Chancery, Conveyancem, etc. ()1ficesâ€"I,mpm~iu1 Bzmk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THumAs FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON GORDON, G120. F. SHIPLEY Ferguson, Bain, Gordon & Shipley, Oflicial Assigfiee, Real Estate Agent, Coniey‘ uuccr, Bruker, J~ ., &0., Mortgages bought nud sold, Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance efl'outcd,&c. &c. -U I BUILDER, Shcrwond, 4th Con. Vaughan, S1 eciul :Ltchntion given to Stair Building. Punctunl attention will be givun to all orders. Address. Dimple l’. 0. OULTBEE 8; 'EVATT. BARRlS- 'I‘ERSA Attornevs. S01Xcitors-in-Chzmcery Money to Lend at Low Rates, OFFICE,flVictorm Chambers, 9 Victorig street Toronto. HE GRE \TEST WONDER OF MODERN T DIE S. The Pills purify the Blond, correct all digorders 0f the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Oiufmenf. is the only reliable renmfly for Bad Logs, 01d \Vounds. Sores and Ulcers of how- ever 1011p: , 1151111. Epr 1%r01jplxitin, Diptho" Coughs. (301115 Gout Rheuuméism, and all Skin Diseus ‘ it bus no equal. I most respectfully mlio lnnve to call the {L wntlxm 01' the Public gu‘gm'n‘ll {0th fan", thu certain llousos‘ in Nm‘erQr” d u" 'l' * any {mm [)f'lhllfimm smuumrs DU’J‘ATIONS n‘i 11H" PINS 21ml Ointment. Th e funds bear on 11H" 1’ 111:: 21ml Ointmvnt. 'Jhcm irmds b u";‘ on thuir hawk; some uddless in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United Stxmes.1 have no agents H1010. MV 1110111: 11105 meonly made by me at 0\fo1<l Street Loud/m ALFiiED BOULTB In the books of 11110, 110115 1111113111 to the spur- ious 1111-1111124 11 u:1,11t1'nn.w:1111111" 1110])111111'011g111'nst 1161111‘ decm’wd by < 01111151111 01115. Do not be misled 11v 1111:: 111111 Lcions 1.11311. LS thov me the countur- foith‘ the metalld to denunm'e. T} 1050 counterfeits ru 0 1m) vhus or] In numrinciâ€" plea Vondm‘a nt one hnlf 1 he 111100 «If 111\'1'Uls Lnfl (Hntnwnt,m1d 1110 sold to }, on us my ”enuiue Medjcincs; I mustc'11ostlynnpenl‘mthnt sense of justice which 1 fm-l 111111; 1 m .1 \' venture 11111111 asking from 111111011011111101w4011s. to 11W st 1110 111141 the Pub 111- as far 11$ 11:,._\1 111 '11 111011: 1101‘, 1,1‘, 111 1101101111 111;:11115 shameful 1 mm) Exuth Pot and In»: of the Genuine Medicines bears tho Britimh (‘rovcrmnont Hauupnvjth the wuraa “Hormomw’u "ILLS, AND UIX'I‘M'JCNT LONDU ’ nugrmwl Lhr an. (m the label is the mldnu. ,., (Dummy STREET, LONDON, whore alone mm; are Manufactured. J rude Marks of theme 3.Im1i('inns um rosin in 0%“.va 131109, any (me throughout the Brxt‘ish Passer" our, who “my keev the Americzu) Counte-rfm tor su1<\,wi]] be prosecuted 5&3 ()xlo; Stn ,London, Oinmmnts bearing any other udu‘u‘oés um coun- t‘ G-RAY’S Specific Medicine! TRADE M r? K.‘ I} \‘(e nes;~, m"wut01‘1’- hen, ”potency, and 0.11 discus s that follow us .L sequence of self AUUSOJLS ins M m \\ ‘ ix \ ' Memory, I mmr ‘ _' - BBfOI‘B Takmgsnl LaLSSLbude, M361 Takmg' pain in the Saw u Buck. Dimness of Vision, Premu‘ure old age, and munyotyherdiseases that lead to insanity cou- sulnpfiion and IL premature, grave, l Full pur- ticuln‘rs in our Pmnphlut which we desire to send from) by m LL11 to every one. The Specificlfledicine is sold by all Drnggist at $| par pimkuge, or six pucku‘gos 1‘0! $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by widrossing, NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, HEW WERE QGM’E‘EEWEWS. . A lis) . ivisau ‘ '. ( for 'euk- nes;-, “Lorr- heu, lmpntoncy, and 0.11 dismh as that follow us :«L sequence of self Ahl‘h s in?“ of TRADE MARK "WW”.WIFT-‘Ang'TRADE MARK. THE GRAY MEDECINE Co, 'l‘olonto Out. (‘udeu NB. â€"Tho demands uf our bush) ‘53 have 110- cessitated our removing to‘ T0101): 0, to which place please mldmss n11 futme communications _ Lfi‘Sold in Richmond Hill by all druzzgists, and everywhere in Canada and the United States I; wholeswle and retail druggistu Ali} SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. JADIES GORBILEY, KRFFER, CONT RAC'I‘OR A N1 BRANCH MONEY T0 LOAN P. O. Box 2527. Jun 1 187 BEWA RE OF film-112g. glam-e11. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge W Barwick, A BAyleswnrth LI a. 7:.‘\ WM. Won‘rs EVA‘L‘T‘ Holloway’s Pills and 1s prepared for it with a large assortment of Goods suitabfe for Christmas and New Year’s Presents Every department complete. Groceries, such as 'l‘eas, Suga'r‘s' and Fruits, we sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the Village, or at least we think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. wry v m m "1‘ A.{Nh‘7 PROOF HOUSE Fancy a'y Goods 1 ESSENCES AND EX'l‘RACTb‘ SPICES. GENUINE. FTO,‘ GOOD AND FRESH Prepared 85' sold by Drugs, Toiles Articles; Remember the place, \/ APOTHECAfiY'S HALL: A Call Solicited. Seifisfaction Guaranteeda 1. Any person who tnkqs u. paperreguim‘k from 11.1vqfitnmcu, whether dn‘vcted in 1119 name 01‘ 1 u lrxlru gunthnrrs, 01 “Jet 1 he has subscribed or not, is responmhlo for payment. '2 1i {L\)P1'.~‘ox1 orders Jniapaper‘ discontinued he must pa} . 1 wrong, or the publishers mtw con- tmnn to send it until payment- is made, [ma then cullect flm whnlu. amount. whether the paper is - taken from the office or not. ' L A W C(,);\'CE].’N1NG ‘ 'E WSI’A PER-S K The Mums have decided thank refusing to take nm'ssznpers or periodicals from the est ofilcn‘ or ramming and leaving them 1111mm led for, is prima fucie evidence 01“ intentional fraud‘ hmondHill Nov 27 1879 Richmond Hill, Deal-St!) 187 They have also on hand Corner Yonge and Centre Prescriptions cal-(- H erbs Fresh, and Is now here, and {he IN STAPLE AND Of ‘110 Finest Flavor and Quality. ONE 6F 'THE‘OLoEST Ami MdsT RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR , ’ TVHE CURE OF‘ COughs‘, Colds, Hoarseness, Sor‘é Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest,- “ It does not dry up a. cough, and leave the musc‘ behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens lit, cleanses the lungs and allay: irri-i tation, thus removing the cause (if complaint." begrisg; gitâ€"Ililjgr‘ifigmier. v 723;: sure y’ofi get DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM 0F WILD“ CHERRY, with the signature of “I. BUTTS ” oil the wrapper. 50 Cenga and $1.00 9. Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W.- FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by' druggists and dealers generally. A Protected Solutien of the fréto‘xidé 61‘ from Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food: When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of tho‘ PERU VIAN S YR UP; It cures a “ thousand ills ” simply by Tome UP, Invmonn‘mo, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the: wonderful success of this remedy in mixing Dyspepsia, Liver Complainf, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea, Nervous Affeciions, Female Compiaints, And all diseases originating in Ii bad State of. the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low' state of the system. CAUTION.â€"Bé sure you get the “PE; RUVIANSYRUf.” Sold by druggists gener-‘ ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by' Sam W. Fawn: &.Sons, Proprietors, 86 Hard rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES e_ DO NOT BE DECEIV’ED by artiglga' II Sanderson 8:“- Sons Street East, Richmond Hi” this Yew-’5 Growth‘. ISAAC CROSBY; M H KUTEFMER YORK HERALD Every Thursday Afternoon JCE-iMOND HILL ONT Opposite 1‘. Crosby‘s Residence CONSUMPTION. 0an $1 aYeur. Published Chemicals; Pel'fumei‘y, a large stock of" fully compounded FIRE including

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