Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Dec 1865, p. 4

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An elector of Colbgne (who was like- wise an archbishop) one day swearing pro- fanely, asked a peasant, who seemed to wonder, what he was surgrised at. "1‘0 heargtm archbishop >swem, answered the pc‘uxant, ‘I swehr’not as an archbishop, but as a linCO,’ replied the elector. ‘But, my lord, said the peasant “when the devjlgets fiE‘princtQ'who Will a i the archbishop 7’ ' A well-known member of the French Corps Legislatif was at a ball of Prince Mewernieh’s in Paris, and everybody smiled when the illustrious member paced the room in_ his silk stockings and breeches. He thought the admiration was paid to his per- son, when suddenly he lgazed in 8. looking- glass, and, alas! saw that the pads of his legs had been sliding to the front. An advocate of Pestli, weary of waiting in vain for clients in his cabinet, has had the idea, says a journal of that town, of establishing a pex-ambnlating consulting room. He is having a little wooden house ofa four-wheeled carriage constructed for himself, in which to establish his Office, and to install himself successively in the different quarters of the town. A Letter from Raleigh, N.C., tells the story ofa gallant brigadier who made a visit .to the asylum for the deaf and dumb near that city, and was so much delighted that he sent his band 0\ er th a same eveni: g to serenade the inmates. The fact bacmnii g known, he was im‘yonuned to invite the inmates of the blind asylum to see his next parade. Theodore Hook was walking, in the days bf Wan-en’s blacking, where one of the em- issnrics ofthat shininIr character had writ ten on the wall. ‘Try Warren’s B , butjhad been frightened from his prupriut and fled. ‘The rest is ’lacking,’ said the wit. A. Certain minister going to visit one of ‘his sick parishoners, asked him how he had rested during the night, ‘ 0h, wanderous ill, air,’ replied he, ‘101- mine eyes have not come together this .thlee nights.‘ ‘ What is the reason ofthut?’ said the other. ‘Alas! sir,’ said he, ‘ because my nose was betwixt them.’ A Western paper chronicles as follows the recent explosion of u steamboat on one of the great li\'€lS :â€"â€"The captain swam ashore. So did the chambermaid; she was insured for fifteen thousand dollars, and loaded thh iron. A Yankee being asked by a Southerner why the Yankees always say ‘ I guess,’ while the Southern people say ‘ I reckon,’ gave the following explanation :â€"â€"-That a Yankee could guess as well as a Southern could rec- lion. A Poet says that the wind kisses the waves.‘ That, we suppose, is the celebrated ‘ kiss for a. blow’ about which we have heard Io much. A Lawyer on his passage from Europe, observed a shark, and asked a sailor what it Va], who replied ‘Herc we call ’em sea lawyers!’ ‘Wil‘c,’ said a married man, looking for hi§ boptjack, after she was in bed, ‘1' haven. place for all fixings, and you ought to know it by this Lime.’ ‘ Yes,’ replied she, ‘ I ought to know where you keep your late hours, but I don’t.’ ‘Well, wife, I don’t see, for my part, how they send letters on them ’ere wires without- tearing them all to bits.’ ‘Laws me, they don’t send the paper, they juntsend the writ- in.’ An old lady being asked to subscribe to a newspaper, declined, on the ground that when she wanted news she manufactured it. Consoling.â€"~Losing a small fortune is un- lucky speculation, and all your friends won:- denpg how you could have been ‘ such a fool.’ An Irish lady, in her will, ordered body to be burned after her death, as was afraid of being buried alive. Why is a marriage certificate like an arti‘ ole the public could not do without? Be- cause it is a. noosepaper. An eminent artist is about getting up a ‘ panorama of a lawsuit.’ It opens in the year one,‘ and closes with doomsday. In. the hazel dell my N elly’s sleeping, Nelly loved so long ; And my lonely, lonely watch I’m keeping, Nelly lost and gone. Herein moonlight often we have wandered, Thro" tho silent shade; .. Now where leafy branches drooping down- ward, Lime- N elly’s laid. All alone my watch I'm keeping, In the hazel dell ; F01- my darlin Nelly’s near me sleeping, Nelly dear farewell. In the hazel dell my Nelly’s sleeping, Where the flowers wave; And the silent sums are nightly weeping, Olerpoor Nelly’s grave. Hones-that once my bosmn fondly cherished, Smile no more on me ; Everfidream oi'joy alas has perished, elly dear wnh thee. Chorus :â€"â€"-All alone my walch, 850. Now I’xnweery, friendless and forsaken, Watching here alone ; Nell than no more will fondly cheer me, ith thv loving tone. Yet forevar shall thy gentle image, In my memory dwell; And my tears thy lonely grave shall moisten, Nelly dear farewell. Charm :-â€"All alone my watch, Sic. Long méy she reign: May she detend our laws, And ever give us cause, To sing wnh heart and voice, ‘ , God save the Queen. And make them full. Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On her our hopes we fix, God save us all. Thy choicest gills in store, On_ her be plegsed {o pour, GBd save the Queen. Send he'r victorious, Happy and. glorious, Lung 10 relgn over us, GBd saveuthe Queefi. O Lord, our God; arise, Scatter her enemies. God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, E’Bit Huh SESLIIIIHI. God Save the Queen. The Hazel Dell. metro. her she Good Smbhng'r and a careful Hosller always In attendance. mavens PROMPTLY mworea Richmond Hm, June, 1855. 1.”. For Cards, &e.-, just rocoivod. Is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new amw %%%m LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLETS AND EflLflREIl JllB WflRK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, The York Herald Order: \‘fo the an oE undermontioned descripv (ion of EGGK J 0 B PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, OUR ASSORTMENT 0F Will be promptby Itlondod (o 2-â€" And envy other kind of CHEAP PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND BILL HEADS A;Stfnge leave: this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7, mm. ; returning, leaves Toronto {it half-past? p.m. - X LARGE HALL. is connected with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts, Meetings, «no. Every attention paid to the convenience and comfort of Travellers. TORONTO. John Mills, Proprietor. Good glabling atmclwd‘nnd attentive Hustlers alwavs in attendance. Toronto. June. 186.). HE Subscriber begs: to inform the Public that he has leased HIP above Halal, wherahe willkeepconstnmly on hand a good snpplv of fil’fil-C‘Iafi? Liquors. dim. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish [0 stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vitsd to give him a call. Richmond Hill Hotel} THOMAS COOK, Proprietor Richmond Hill. June. 1865‘ CLYDE HOTEL ‘W bite Hart Inn, RICHMOND HILL. Sold in bottles. at 18. 1%., 25. 9d., 45. 643., and Ila. the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the. cure of every ailment inculen-tal to Man Woman and Chlld, such aw all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion. 'lilious. Liver. and Stomach Coln' plaiuté, General Wealtnees,Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lumhago. Pains tn the Limbs, [load- aclie;.. Sore Tllroats. and every complaint caused by ir'egulvrities of the bowels. oh- strneted her-'pirnhon. and deteriorated and un- henlthy lilood. Those Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in thelrpassnge. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing everr unhealthy at:- cnmnlation. till the bland is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the Functions acting according to nature. the duties of life became a pleasure. where before tlwv had been sad end wean" linrdene. Do not hehitnteâ€"{lo not. de- lay ! in clean stomach must make nclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when the stnmaclhhudv, and blood are pure. from regulnting a 1d cleansing the lmwels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the rent m" your ailment. AgainY I may. look to yourstonmch. One trial of'these Pills will force convirtion. Richmond Hill, June, 1865‘ It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier ol' the blood 'III the world. KEEP YOUR, BLOOD I‘UR'FI!â€"The Bmvnls regular!!â€"And DEFY Consultthe Old English Physician ASTHMA, INCII’IENT CONSUMPTION, INFIRMITIES 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &c. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAI’ARILLA PILLS. and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminswr, VVutship Street. Bow Street. «in. Usqd by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergvmen. and others. ‘ RIC within the reach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU- MES'l'lC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’rescriplions of the late Dr. liuclmn, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. &c.. Sm.â€" Cules are daily made. and tlmirefllcacy proved in khousnnd ol‘cases, attested before ll1e Alder- men at Guildhall, HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY to 1110 ‘ “FRALU ' Book Store. whem Stockholders and others may Tocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon, fmr. (to 8 o’clock. 1km. Dr: Amos dz Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that ‘in any instance Where it may prove unsatisfactory. alter a fair trial. the nmney will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. l’rice 'l'eu Dul- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves hy a cer‘ tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"e habit l'requeIIJ) learned trom evil companions. or at school. the ell'erts of which are nightlyt‘elt even when asleep, and it' n' t cured. renders marriage impassihle and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Sunlahnse is one 0! the most t'oi'inidnhie enemies to hr-alth, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human svstvm, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of sullhringdnwn to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies ol'life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the srstom, disqualifies for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in bodv and mind, predisposed to consumptionand a train of evils more to be dreaded than death risen. . - Heallhfilappiness & Long Life. may he successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail or theircase. ARE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College Surgeons,London. May be consulted from 8 o'clock in the mornng until 9 atnighc. in every state and symptom ofdisaase. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. l-tf Address Ur. Amos & SUN, 4RICzesc Genesee Street. three doors West of Elfiicou Slreel, Buffalo. N.Y. 1 Dr Amos (13 Son, 43 EAST GENESEE ST.. BUFFALO, NEW YORK, The trea'tméutthey adopt 18 the resuh of up- wards oflh'nly yeurs’ extensive and successful practice in London. A MOSI' SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forthe cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions. more proper!) known as Seminal Weakness. &c. Can he permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days. by the use or (his instrument. when used cun- oiutly with medicines. - 1/ @l00d\606\4 THE RIGHT IION. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. King SL, East. near the Market Square, RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE “WORLD No Murcm'y Used. C. V AN NOSTRAND FOR '90 :qyu/a/I'Izy‘g %bfic 1?: S‘ (17M! l-Lf. ' Maple, June 1865. lâ€"tf [-tf' '1‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opeimd an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 41h Con. Vaughan.» where he lmpes, ly atten- lion to the comforts of (he travelling (ommu- nity. to merit a' share of their patronage 'and nuppart. Good Stabling, &c. JAMES WATSON. Maple, June l865. 14f Maple *I-Iotel ECENT and important improvementshav- inv_r been put to this Machine. renders it now the most perfect before the puhiin, and persons at a distance can urder a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe deliverrfitnd that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdelicaie ot~heavy,on the same Machine, either in camhric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat binders. shoe hinders. or gaiter fitâ€" ting, as we“ as for every varietv of family sewing, they have no superi(n‘..and will be sold at a much less price than 'uny other machine capable of doing the same hangs of‘work. Sex1dfor'Dssériptive Catalogue ofsh‘les and prices. A few respectablu Agents will be deal with liberally. Address Hie HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. New York. J . l HOWE SEWING MACHINES Prepared at the‘ Proprielor’s residence; 4th Concession \Vest York, C.VV. PM up and sofd in bottles at 25 cents Pach, bear- ing the Proprietor’s writmn signature [husâ€" Sola by Drugists and Storolieepcrs. price 25m No evil result need be feared from this remedy. notwithsianding its great power. Great benefit will when be' obtained bv an npplicalon of the remedy externally to the ah- dome!" in case of severe attack of pain in the Bowels. “’91 the head with the Linimeht. and take a dosa internally every half hour until relief is obtained, DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTXON, LOSS OF AI’I’ETITIC. BILE. ()[t BILIOUS COLIC. A loaspoonful in water or sugar three times a day, before or nfwl' ealing: for 1110 Liver. balha fin.er between: the shoulders with the Linimem nnce or fiwice a day, For an adult. a teaspoonful three times a dav, especially on going te bed. If [herP is a diffi- culty of breathing, bathe tl‘e chest with the remedy. CRAMR QR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. An adnit may take a small teaspoonful it; cold water or sugar, when required. Bathe the outside with the Liniment; ciear. and gurgle the instdo with the same, orsliglnly diluted with water. every few hows. COLlC AND CIIOLERA MORBUS. For an adult. :1 sma” teaspoonful in cold water or sugar, taken every half hour, if re- quired. Pain Eradicator. Wet a piece of cotton wool with the lini- ment. and put in the tooth; bathe the face with the clear Liniment. and take a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. Bind up the cut with a cloth. and saturate the cloth. with the remedy. game the {em with the remedy on gomg to be TOUTHACIIE 0R PAIN iN THE FACE Batlm lhe part freely with the clear remedy as often as necessarv; ll will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness. take out the swelling and soreness. and cause it to heal. Swelliugs can be treated the same way. F0 R FLESH C UTS. IN introducing this remedy to the public. the Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a cut-er of every Disease incident to the human race, but in many cases acting as a preventive, as it is well known that many diseases originate from Colds, and much distress is often Caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" This remedy is wo|l adapted te remove these calamities : in cases ofCholera MIHllllS itn has been known to fail to effect a euro where it has been tried. Manypeople who have been afflicted with Rheumatic l’ains for many years. have been cured by the means of this remedy. It has in many cases been known to cure the fmost violent Cough by the administration of rrom one to :t'out‘ doses; it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore Throat; it is one ef the best remedies that can be ap- plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. ESTABI.JSH}.D m 1845â€"1’r2RFncn1D IN 186 For Rheumatic, apply the remedy to the parts effected once or twice a day. Do not be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil result by its use. Butlonville, Markham. Mr. JOHN PAYNE. Nov. 31!. 1861. Dear Sir,â€"â€"llnving for some lime past been in possession of 30m [’ain Eradicator. and tes- led its great value. ] can with all confidence recommend it (u the public. I was for a long lime very much afflicted miLh Rheumatism in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by (he use of yenr valuable Medicine; nnd Ihave used it in my family for vurinus other things to good afflict. My wife was for many years at times very mu cn aflliclod with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- rious remedies with the aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at n Lime unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your valuâ€" able medicina, she wns entirely cured of the disease. We have also found it very beneficial in relieving the l’hlhisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Y0an truly. JOHN S‘X‘IVER. We need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico,or some other place afar of? for the pronf of Ihis.â€"|)nt it can be had in our own cnun‘n'y. Hnnm da ol'numes could be added to lhis list if it were necessary. but I will only add two. which were handed in for publica- tion. This rmnadv hashnhnrlo stood on its own foundation, and I wish it still to do so : itcnn nlwavs be depended on as agenuinc article so long as it is prepared under the su- permlendency of the proprietor, Mr. .lonN PAYNE. and hearing his wrixlen signature. Read the following, -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. 186]. JOHN PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I snflerod much fi'rm Rheumatism for upwards of a year, but hearing of your [’ain Eradicator l was induced to try it; and after using lhree bottles. 1 was entirely cured. Irecomniend it to every one suflering from Rheumatism. Yours. (Vac. “UMPHREY WHITE. Sen. This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound. containing no Acid, Turpentine, or Memury, or anything which can In any wav injure the Stomach ', it acts as a tonic, creating a good appetite. bringing the organs of the stomach into a henithy ztctiun . it has been taken by those who have the weakefit stomach with guod effect; it Will enable the Stomach to digest such particles of l'ood,which before it could not. thereby causing great distress. and that distress can be effectually removed by the use of this remedy. T119 same as for Rheumatic. FROSTED FEET AND CHXLBLAINS. COLDS AND COUGIIS PAYNE’S THE ORIGIN AL SICK HEADACHE, DIRECTIONS. SORE THROAT, FOR BflUlSES‘ SPRAINS. Keith’s Evidences‘of the Truth of the. Christian Religion. derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro- fusely lllmtrated) . . . . . . . . . . . . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes nnd Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland. . . Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works, .... ........-......-... In one handsome volume. . . . . . . . . . Paleg’s Complete Works. in one hand- some volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith’s. Rev. James. 'Our Ileévenly Father: or. God a Refiige and Strength :’ ‘Christ Aione'â€"a Book for All;‘ ‘ Welcome to Jesus:’ 'The Better l.and:’ 'This do in Romemberance of Me. or Sacramen- tal Moditationsf ‘ Important 'Ques- tions ;’ ‘ The Great Comforter;’ 'The Morning Snerfica :' ‘The Evening Sacrifice ;’ and ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limn . . . . . . . . .. Rclimond Hi1 June 1“, W55 200 l 50 1 73 1 75 t . .12; cts each 1-“ VERY worlt, Scientific, Theblagical or Fic- E tinns, whether published in Britain or America, can be obtained at the Publisher's prim-,8. r 3V8 .lmve direct communication with Britain, and with this facility can bring grinds much more punctually and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the cheapness nt'our prices we append a list of some 0! the books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Joseplms’s Complete \Vorks In one hand- some volume, (Illustrated) . . . . . . . ..$2 00 BOOKS! AGENTSâ€"“Ha want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will he allow- Pd 10 cents on every Cenificale ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Cerlificate. and remit 15 cents to us. (ITJVrite plainly. say only what is necessarv and beprompt. - Address, Spring . . . . . . . . ...‘.... 3,000 Gold 'l'oothpicks. Grosses, etc............ . . . . . . . . 5.000 Plain Gold Rings“ . . . . . . . 5.000 Chased Gold Rings . . . . . . . 8.000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Gold . . . . . . ....’..... 6.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cnmeo, Pearl. etc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold l’ens.Silver Extension Holders and Pancils. .. .. . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders.... .... . 5,000 Gold- Pens and Gold Exten- sion 'rlalders.... .. . . .... 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups .............. 3,000 SilverCaslors . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cakla Baskets................ * I‘ER DOZENo 5,000 Dozen Silver Ten-Spoons. $10 to $20 5,00!‘ “ _ “ Table Spoons A F 0 R T ‘U N I? ! EMPLBYMENT run EVERYBUDY. Agents wanted throughout the United States and Canadas. 2,U()U Lava and Florentine Brooches............... 4 2,000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches . . . . A . . ,', . . . . . . 4 2,000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. owl. and Emerald Ear Drops .â€" . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins.... 250 3,000 ~Gold Fub and Vest VVatcl) K0ys.... .... .... ....... Q 50 4.000 1‘ oh and Vasi Ribbon Slides 3 4.000 Sms ol‘ Solitaire bleeve Bul- tons, Studs. etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3,000 Gold 'l‘himhles, l’encils.elc 4 GJHIO Miniature Lockets . . . . . . . . 2 50 4,003 Miniature LockeIsâ€"Maglc Watches .. .. . ...... 300 Lad es'Guld and Enameled- Case Vl’atuhes . . . . . . . . . . . GOO Gems’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver \Valclles...... . . . . . . 200 Diamond King's . . . . . . . . . . 3.00” Gold Vest and Neck Chains :;‘()()0 u n u 3.0% Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4.000 Chased Gold Bracelet l . . . . 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains” .. .... . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brow-hes $000 I Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Rlllg‘S,PlllB, Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, doc. worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- sand Dollars, The Entire Stock of a large IMPORTING Hovsn, retiring from business For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the underSIgned have decided on a greatdistribution made as follows. EACH AM) EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER now VALUAISLE. BEING SOLD FOR $l. A Certificate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'I'wc'nly-jiva Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these etrvelupes is entitled to the article named therein hr returning the Certificate to us with Due dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him or her at once. There are no Blank Certificates uud therefere every one is sure to get, at. least. the full value of his: or her money. Should the article named on the cer- tificate not suit,any other which he may select 01" the same value will be substituted. \Ve sell the certificates as follows: One for Q5 cls.. five for SI, eleven for $2 thirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, one hundred for This dislrihulion affords a fine appor- tuuily l'or Agents. as what iady or gentleman will not invest TWENTY-FIVE (zHN‘rs with a pros- pect of gaming five hundred or a thousand tinws as much. All orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. ALI. or WHICH ARE To BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH. 30!] Gents’ Gold Huming Cass June 9. 1865. GIRARD \V. DEVAUGU & CO.. No.15 Maiden Lane, New York and Forks. . LIST OF A RTICLES. 800,000 and Florentine $5010 $150 250 20 20 ‘ ‘ 100 to 100 31' I. 0 15 10 10 10 ll) A 0 , a THE YORK HERALD -!lBl]flK, STATILNERY; Bmcmi‘ & Co., 75, Farringdon Street, London. May ‘26. 1805 “ISEDEIdWth Messrs. 'R, dz 1;. PERRY &, Co’s- Wholesale Depot, No. 1!), Barneys Street, Ox- ford Street. London, an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofnla, Ulcers, Rolls. Blotches,Pimplns'on the face and body. &c_ Price 113. and 335. per box PE-RRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF (IOPAIBA ANI)‘ CUB?" SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globulos. con- taining the Qu'mtnssence of Copaiha, Cuhahs, Bucl1u,&c., at once cure, without the possibi- lity of failure. Go’nurrhma. obstinale Gleet, Stricturo, em, ilmnediatel'y snxbdning all in- flammatory action; Encased in‘ sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and Us. per box. HEALTH Dmmnsfinmnril’uny 91,000,... Pliii'réY’s PURIFYING SPECImgPILps. SlVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Svphilis in all its Stageskalso for purifyingth system from contamination, recommended for secondan‘ symptoms, hlolches on the head and face, en'- Iargemem of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Pric‘a Us. and 33s. per bottle. also a saving of Us. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREA'I'EST [UC- GENEIATOR; a nwer-laillng remedy l'or Spermawrrhm. loss of manly power. produced by eaer indiscrelions. or any other cause... lL enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have dewan themselves incurable at, once to fulfil this most sacred obligations of married life. Price 11::. per bottle, or You. quantifies in ono‘ 33s., which saves IIF.; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving ol‘ £1 lfls, Perry‘s Cordial Balm 0f Syrzacum Gmmnxvx AND Museum Pmva REGAI‘NED BY THE USE. or Mess‘r's. R, &. 1.. Funny &Co. are only (a be consulted at their insidence, No. 15), Berners Street. ()xi‘oxd Sree'. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or nhroad. and they herebv caution the Puhiic against any person using their namfl. and as n further precaution against fraud. Hm l’ub'ic is notified that none of their medicinr‘s are gaâ€" nnine. unless the snhjoined fac-similir, of their signature is alttached to their different wrap. pers. Also to be had f'x'omall Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of pnlionls. ' B. Clark, 5chs. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€"â€" By 'l‘yng, 40015. “Buchun’s Domestic Medicine, chenp edition, i only 50 015, ‘ i The Canadian Snndav School Reciierâ€"lo cls. Rah and his Friendsâ€"6 cm. _ Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cts. The Scottish Psalmody,in 'l'onic Soifa Nota- HAUSTlON. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel, Just published, price ls. HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work ofthe Age. on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent lmpediments to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the _Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect resmora- tion [0 manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. 113’ Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. cg] ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 12 Portraits, 30 cts. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, $l . Albums for 24 l’m’trnils, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for 524 Portraits, (Morocco) $2. Gent’s Walking Canes, from 40 lo 5(lcts. l’eu Knives, with 1 blade, from 15 to 2|) cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 5“ cls. (beautifully finislmd.) strong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 us. Scissors. Nels. Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking l'lk. 15 cts. India Rubber Balls. l0 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts. Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. The V’anerly Novelsâ€"30 cls. The VVrvck Ashoreâ€"“100$. The Moving I‘Inglishmanuâ€"‘JS cts. The Romance of Common l.1l‘u--50cts. The Forty-five Glml'dsnmIIâ€"-5(I cls. The War, or Voices frnm lhe Ranksâ€"~25 cts‘ Riflemen and Riflesâ€"â€"25 cls. FANCY STORE. HE Proprietor of the above Es‘ablishment begs to ca” the attention of the Inhabit- ams of llm Hi” and neighborhood. to the recent additians made 10 his stock or Interesting and Readable Books, being a superim- class of lite- rature by the most eminent aullxors of well- .lanown repulafion and popularity. God‘s Glory in the Heavensâ€"Be \Vm, Leifch. Principal of Queen’s College. Canada, $|.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1869, $1.87; each. Praying and \Vorkiugâ€"By Rev. Wm. Stevenâ€" son, 67»; Ms. My Ministerial Experienceâ€"By Rev, Dr. Duchsel. 87g cls. Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 87% cls. The Gravar Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87% cls, Burns’ l’omns, 152nm. cloth. gilt edgosâ€"Sflcts. The New Life ~By Bush nall. lQmo clmh. 4001s The‘Book of Family \Vm'shipâ€"By Rev. W. 1011--€25cls. H Songs of Zion, with Tonic Sulfa Notationâ€"- 3018. Thomson’s Land nuthe Rookâ€"7&2, Church Prayer Books. Bibles, Testaments. at all prine's, Adventures in the Gold Fieldsâ€"â€"25 cts. NEW LIST OF BOOKS PERRY ’S CONCENTRATISD DETER. 1N FICTION. AND Complete in one volume. 12mm do“: "In hydrated with stem! engravings, x Will be ant to anv address postage paid nu‘racoipt o .px'ice, $1.00. ; 1 { PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. mo. EDWIN POTTERLfliZImr. No. 6|7 Samson St” Philadelphia. PI. AMERICAN MONEY. TAKEN flint. June 9. 1865. ' ‘ {'9’1 ‘ '0' Booksellers. News Agents, Bonk~ Agontu. Canvas‘sers. Peddlers. and olho'rs will do we" tn nrder a [mclmge of' our Books and Albuml. They will find them exceedingly pgpglar, and terms liberal. 1000 Local 8; Traveling Agents wanted everywhere for their sale: Now so indispensalfle to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us in- every variety of stvle and finish. Descripliva Circulars will: prices wiH hn mrnished on application, and anv style of Album sent by mail pogI-pnid on receipt of price. For single copies. or for térms -in quhnlitiu. ilh other information, apply to, or addrou. It is a large 12mm volume. neatly bound in nInth,iHnslrated with engravings’, and will be mm 10 any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $l.fl()~â€"or on receip! of $2.00, wo wm qend both Ihe above works, postaga prepnitl. This. like the above, is a work of grosfi \nd unusual interest. and Wm he engerlv read as acompanion volume to " FEMALE LIFE." The book contains 449 pages. with angrlv. ings, is neatly hound in cloth, and will!" «an! to anv address, post-paid, on recaiplof price. $1.25. “ale Life among the M ormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, ‘6 HAT one-half of the world cannot Imu- gine how the other half live]? is no less true than trite: and the lesson t‘hfi' adage atl'ords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant eienieuts from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: orlhnt crimel, hoth strange and unnatural, should be perpe- [lated in afar of country on the outskirts of civilization, which people inlanother state of society would never imagine pOSSih|0.. Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horror: and- abominations of the Mormon system. the do- grndatlnn it imposes on females, and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- volous, To them I wou.d sev. that this "If?!- tivo of my life only proves. what has. so often heen proved before that, “ Tmrrn is STRANGIB THAN FICTION. -Autltm-s Prqfuca, BIGKENS’ LASTJREAT WORK! 0123.31 XPECTfl TIOJV‘S, Many Years Personal ExpegignogiJ BY MARIE W ARD THE WIPE [IF A MBRMIIN ELDER! Sewing Machines; Good \Vords, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers‘s Journal, for Jnne Truth Stranger than Fiction. FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS ! All Genuine Wanzar 6L Co,"s Sewi'ng Mn- chines hear the stamp of R . M, Wanzer & Co., Hamilton, 0”) the plate. ' ‘ - PA RKER CROSBY; Ag'ént‘. EMELISH MAGAZINES I R. M. Wanzer Lia Co. have succeeded in uni- ling the moslvnlnable pruperiies ol'llia Wheeler 61, Wilson and Singer Machines, and remov- ing those points which were not desirable in I First Class domestic article, by adding somc new invnntions (for which they have secured a patent in Canada)hava succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machine,w hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operaiion, its accurate construction renders it liltle liable to get put ofmpair, and it is easily adjiisi.vd._ The public, on examination. wil be convinced of its advrniageé over all other: now In use. Every family should have a Wan- zer NI Cu,’s Combination Family.Machjne. [IT W'anzer & Co.’s Combination and Wnnzer&Co.’s. Singer, excel any Machines that evnr were manufacturee in the United States or Canada. Richmond Hill. June 1865 A STARTL‘NG WORK! 'VV ANZER’S Combination dc Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES.- um ONLY PRIZE awards infirmity Sewing Machines by the Judges_ Al thfl .L Sewing” Machines by the Judge; )1! thd Provincial Exhibition, .held in London. .Seph 24m. 25th, 2m. and mm, was given to R. M. ‘n’anzer & Co. -' They also look First Exlrn Prizes ht the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamiia Inn. Paris, Gait. St. Thomas. BqamsvilloJVhit- by, )ohourg. Bowmanville: in l'nct,over_\‘plnco where they have been exhibited. Orders received for all the Periodicals unl Magazines at q SGOTT‘S ' WANZER & CD’S They also took the First Prize for Family Sowing Machines with R. M, Wanzer& Co" Combination, at the Provincial" Fair held IQ 'i‘oronto, Sept, 22. 23. 24. 25 and ‘26. 1862;de also first prizes was awarded to theiLSingor for mnnufactory. Prizes of alimilar character wine also awarded Wanzer’s 6L Co’s. Family Sewing Machine a‘ud Wanzer 1V1, Co’s. Singer’s Maéhilvqn over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- sure, at the Mechanics Insiilmé. Toronto. chhmond Hill, Im’m 8. ’65. The Firsi Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and 2 Singgr'}Mapnfacluring Maghinea. . A Companion to Female Life. BY CHAS. UTCKENS’. FIRST PRIZE- ' ’- A NARRATIVE OI‘ 'I‘l-lf

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