Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Dec 1865, p. 3

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" A1; rElgin Mills, on ,Mouday, the 1111) “i'nsk'ant, 'THOMAS, aged 8 years, and on ,Tgesday, the 12th, ALBERT, aged ‘2 years, ‘ éhfldren of Mr. John Hamilton. 1“DrH§rvey’s Female Pills, 1‘ 1'? '-. - ..\.. . J ___»..l.... -.. mud“ Ann!- - “’1’ ‘49" » T ‘E‘hc mosl :infullible and popular re medy ever known, for I" diseases of the fonmle sex They have been used in many thousand p as with unfailing successâ€"and may be relic on in ever case fur eriqll'".l1e_y are recommended, Ind pnrticphrly Th ‘3“ (53568 arising from Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no manor from what cause it-nris’s. They no ofi'sctual in restoring In health al! who are_ “faring from Weakness, and nobility, Uter- ine Discharges, Nervousuuss. 514;, &c., &c.. ind they “ Act like alchurm." in strengths"- ing Ihe "stem. 'l‘housands uf ludivs who have sufl'ered for years and tried various otlmr remedies in vain. owe a renewal of their health had strength wholly .0 the efficacy; 9f They if}: perfectly havrnless on the aystem, my be tak‘an m any lime with perfect safely : ' ' t firing :Im early stages If Pv‘rguuncy (hm, wit“ be taken. or a wmscar'rmga may be “null. The)" newer cause any fickn'ess. pain or distress. Each box couluins 6U Pills; l‘rice one doliur, ‘. .,3 A remedy for .umnger than the [.or box. . n ,,._.. ("h I.-. . A Imvnv: CIRCULAR to lmd': nunimfiicul engravings. Raul free directed exwglunennd slump. UCu! this out if ~\‘on desire The Greatest Medicine of the Age. Bryah's Life Pills, Entu‘ely Vegetable, are admitted to be \he Best Family Mndicinc 4'0: general use, l'urii‘ying the Blood and cleans- ing lhq system from hlljurlpnrity, alrecwu Guy“ UCu! this out if 3'0th (liesire Dr. Harvey’s Pills. nnd if you cannot procure Ihem uf your dluggis‘. do no! (uke any other. for some (Imi. or! who are nnprinclplcd WI“ recommend uther l’elngfle Pius, they can make a largar prufil on -â€"but onclom the monuy and send direct to Dr. J. BRYAN. Consulting Physiman, Box 50 9‘ 449 Broadway, New York, and you wil! receive gum securelysuubd from obs‘ervation, by m. we mail. 13' 25 (invuu..... A A sflrenmidote 1 from Soknow, PAIN regulate the Stomach, Live cralions. which is the (thief nose, (hddiness. Uimness‘ Sick Stomach and qlher l plfihpall fihal is x‘eprpsemed. L, [They are defiantly pm 11;; by (he proprietor. 3h; iivgnlor of Bryan‘s Puluwnic H’ufers, n ‘ni'adiri'ne long and favorably known \0 the American Nauon. .I[' you wish Bryan‘s Life HHS. and c‘ann‘oi at them of your druggist. don! lako any plhor, at send 'l‘wanty-five cclfls in a Min (0 thE pmmiomr, and you will get mam by. rotqrn a: mail Address, Dr. J. BRYAN, 442 BIoadwm, New Yonk. Box 5(179. ly-25 , Hundreds of Certificate: can be Shown They have been used by thousands with success Bryan’s Life Pills; are 'udnpled for all age-s and constitutions. Tluev are compomd of the active prilu'iples of Herbs and Roots,cnlled from our fields and fibrosis. They are mild but cerIain in their operationâ€"producing neither cramps. wiping, pains or sickness. They may be taken by all -pgen,~soxes or condiliuns without fear. :Bryim‘s Life Pills. Cum Headache. Bryan‘s Life Pills. Cura Sick Stomach. 'Bryan‘s Léfe Pills. Cure Giddmess. Bryan‘s Life Pills, l’uril'y the Bloud, I». Box of Bryan’s Life Pills will cost but WENTY-FIVE CENTS. and will accom- m PRIVATE mammals. Anvzsnn Egbiusively for Ladieé. .- An imam-ms k‘rSaiise‘ or 10" pugs», h}- 1).. 1]. HarVey. published for the benrfii ul‘ the sex. '0“ receipt of l‘wculy cents, it \\'ii|_' he sun: yout-imid. m a sealed envelope to all win) up- Address. Dr. J BRYAN, 442 Broad- ply for it. Why. New Yoxk, Box 5079. 1y-25 Cali‘a‘hd examine the new Goods at thé MONTREAL CLO‘T‘HiNG \VA'REiâ€"Miféfi; may GOODS,.‘CLQ:!ԤiN_G_ and FAi‘iCY 666138; 5pc? Third Evh inn. Fifty Thousandâ€"Hm pig)‘ by ROBERT E. ULIJ.‘ M. I). A r-nuliun. nd- {la-mud Io youth‘ the married. and those Cor.- Tgurm'rma Mmmlmu. Sum luy mail past hath on receipt of'l‘w'rm'rv Cm'rs. A cnroi'u! ponisu! pf lhis smnll hnok has bnen a 3mm 'm IHI A‘i-‘F‘LIIC'IED. and h‘lS saved ilmusands from zilifis ufnuaery, and an umime‘} grave. Ii treats on the evils of Youthful indiscretion, Selfâ€"Abuse, Seminal \Veukuflss, Elninfiiulls, Sexqu Diseases, Ga-uitul Dublin; L05» 0! Power. Nervuusness, l’e‘mature Decay. 1m- botence. &c. &c.. which unfit Ilia _sn€furur from fulfilling xlm Obligations of Mandy's. ~ J. “lirY‘AN. Consulting l’hvsi cian. Box 5079, 442 Broadway. New York. H.525 important to 14-611911259". A gentleman who sufi'ered for years from Nervous and Genital Debility. Nightly l':lflla~ «ions. and seminal Weakness, the result of 'unthl‘ul ind:scretion, and came near ending ii! dnvs in hopeless misery, will. fin;_.the sake.- of suffering nmn. send to any one: lillctrd. the slmplo means naed by him, which efl‘ccted a cure in a few weeks. after the failure of un- merouslnedicines. Send a directed envelope and tan cents and it will cost you nothing. Address. Emma 'l‘nt-LMAIN. Station I). 128th 8L, ..\'ew York city. “.23 At‘h‘ié‘ residence Elton, rié'ar Richmpnd Hill, On Tuesday, the 12th.instant, GILES Kmsmm, Esq., aged 72 years. A. As, bnly a few cnpies will be bdhiishedâ€" brdors must be sent in unocomber 14, 1865. N . LL Persoim ‘ either bf J an ad 10 Cal 12 Noble; - mm anbcrtmmicnm. r .~~~-~~A~AWW DB. BUNCUMB'S SAYINGS ! PRICE ONLY TWO CENTS OUR SCHOOLS. Biéiixfio‘ud n‘m. De'é.7.'1865. Porsche indebted to the undersigned. either I) Note or Book accoum. are re- uon ed to Cal and sememe smne as soon as billbleg _ A P. CROSBY. Riéhu‘io‘ud um. 006.7;1865. 27 Purify the Blood. ERRORS OF YbBTH. firyuu’s Life Pills, Dr. Hafieyi‘s Female isills.‘ ,w uvuu- , ” Ila-Hafiei's Gola‘efi Pim: MANHOOD! Will He published in a few Hd'ys Wotable Doings cent. Off f0? CgSh- THORNHILL,N0V.24,1865. 253m for special cases, four degrees the above; price Five Dollars what cause it-nris’s. They restoring In health a” who are_ Weakness, and Dobilil)‘, Uter- Nervousuuss. Gun, 5.30., &c.. like alchurm." in Rh‘ellgthan- druggist. don! mks any plher, r-five cans in a bum (o lhE nu will get Ihem )3): mtqrn 0: Dr. J. BRYAN, 442 Emailqu 5U") ly-25 for sicklmsysgand a refuga i :1li DlsE'A 1:, 'I'ICE. DIED. ON THE Entn‘ely Vegetable, Liver and Billiary Se- ,Ilicl' cause of Nervuuw less of Sigln, Hendnnho. er kindred complaints 0F to Imdiés with finé ml free on receipt of be Shown ZOGRAP‘HICQNIIIMG. E’IWSE’ECTUS 1866‘, Bunyan's Pltfifii‘M’S PHUGBESS THEELBEEIEWfiP PER 1 AND NEARLY ,.. ‘ ' Otllcl‘ l’ai “tingss ? 1 The publishe!’ of Thin (lié'ézlxus to m gem-Ice 1 A,:._ L Dolmage’s Hall, Monday, Tuesday dz Wednesday, December 18. 19 and 20. We think (he following testimonial, se'ected from lhe many in our possession, W|ll he a gu’umnlee of [he Starling worth .ul" (his axhibif. lion :-â€"Cnlmurg‘ Nov. 2|).~-l lmv'e se‘en pal of the paintings which Mr. Verey exhibits un- der the lame 0| Zugrnphicon. The whole ex- hibition and the remarks made during exhibi- ‘ion have a mural 101m. and are calculated to impress the young especialh‘, with a same 0| the evil hf vice. 'l‘he Temperance movement aspecia'ly will find in tho- anrnphic'on an nily. The illustrations ufihe Pilgrim‘s Progress are also possessed of much interesl. will be given by a young Canadian Amateur Tickets of’admission. Adults 150, Children under [‘2 years ofage, 10c. Doors open at 7, begin at half-past. Arlress, W Alkiuson. John (2) Arnold. Thompson S Burns. James Cusgrova, Barney (Iumpb II. Jane Garou, George Grnnl, George (5) Gaby. Jowph (‘2) Noise, J. Me I‘uggért llocler, Mrs. He looks like 'a 3‘3‘uax‘~old The owner c: have the same by proving properly and pa)“: expenses. RUBT. ROBINSON. “Mum. nan, 7. MG?) 26-4 STEAY STEER. A Black 8: White Mully Slayer, Vaughan, Dec. 7. 1h65 Mnnufaclurer and Dea‘er in all kinds of Men’s W'olneu‘s and Children’s TERRY-V BDWN THE EMINTLET! UT Give John a call when in Town. BOOTS 81: 31-1033 One ofthe okL-st and cheapest houses in the trade. Toronto. Dec. 1865 [JO’OKM‘A T ’I‘HIS. Chewing and Smnking Tabasco, Cn‘.l and examine for yourselves. Lam WHEREAS there cxjsts in the neighbor- hood very strong indiandné that OIL exists in paying quantifies in several locali- ties, 'it is highly‘r desirable that a Company should be osmhliihcd to test the matter, will obtain it if pas’mhle: ‘VAMI'Iiuiu 1he premises of {he Subscriber, LuL N3, 3:2, Qud Con. Vaughan, ubout he middle of October last, Richmond Hill Doc. 1, 18‘55. PETROLEUM OIL CUMPAHY ! Since in the 1 Opinion of manv well quali- fied tojudge, SIGNS OF OIL of a most encouraging character exist in the Newest abundance an M11. {Klink's Farm, 1;- miles east of Gamble’s toll glue. It, is proposed to sink a, well there; as being the place most favorable for operations. The Lang-ban be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten n'chs have already been leased to secure the Site. The probable cost. of sinking the wall will be about $2,000, about One-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000. in 40 ShfWOS of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. I" As the successful "'prosecntionwof the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it isIhoped that sufficient sup’ port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865 Gflflfl SINGLE HARNESS WM. HARRISON’S PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLBHMENT! September 2] . 18654 Richm orid Hill Bakery »! W. S. POLLOCK,‘ BEEN] §IBISEIIIT BAKER A choir-e selection of I EGS leave. to noiiiy the public that he has purphased the business and good will of J. Hayivard’s establishment. and that heis prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES id those who may honor him with their paironnfie. PiclNic parties and Tea Meetings supp‘ied at the lowest [Sussible rates and on th shortest notice. All orders stricth‘ allendéd 10‘ Richfhond Hill, June,18655 Efflmn’m .1 in the) Richmond Hm Post ; Office. on [at December. 1865 : Lress, W Johnson, David - ‘iuson. John (2) Johnmn. Rev. H. mid. Thompson S Kennedy, John ms. James Momm. Bridget :grove, Barney McHugh. Michael mph ll. Jane MttNair, James rou, Georga Rogin, Susan ml, George (5) Shin, Elizabeth by. Jowph (‘2) Thompson, Joseph isu, J. Mel‘uggzirt VVash'mglon, John CHEAP FOB. ASH. 35 “Test Markm Square. 2 doors south of King Street, P RGSEVEEC'I‘US POLLOFK CAN’T HELP BU'I‘ (Lute Ambler’u) Richmond Hi”, NORTH OF TORONTO For 11b hés sbrfie 0T the choicest JOHN BARRON. POPULAR ‘S‘ONG‘é RICHMOND HILL List of Letters WILL BE FXHIBITED AT G. A. BARNARD’S. RICHMOND HILL, 3‘3‘ual‘~old The owner can MAY BE HAD AT OF THE JOHN LAING. M. TEEFY. RM l’ruabytenrn Minister TORONTO. and [iafing 264i ltf The publisher of Thin G‘LOlElE has to announce that very great improvements in the publication of this journal will he mnde in the coming year. A new {cunt of beautiful trpe, cast spatially for THE Gunny, has been impmted from the celehratetl Scottish foundry of Miller 51‘ Richard. Emnhurgh. The quality of the paper usea in plllllillfl the journal will be much superior to that heretofore eni'ployed. Arrange- ments are now lmillg‘ made for greatly increas- ed 'l'elegraphlc t'gciiities; and the 901115 Of Writers, Reporters and Correspondents, will be strengthened. Inereméed efl'urgwnll he put forth in «very departmeutto render THE GLOBE more worthy than ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years enjoyed throughout llritnsh 'Arfnerica. The year 1666 is !ilu-ly to he a most event ful prriod in the histon of Canadaâ€"a year in which the current events ‘of the d 23' willbe of the'deepest interest to every inhabitant ill the country. Arrqngemems for acquiring possession of, and opening! the nrth-West territorv for set- llunmnl. will spredtly he made. and to these 'l‘nr; Gun”: will devote special atletnlon,‘ gas it has ltlllleflu done 16 everything connected with the subject. : ‘ Wt I With the settlet‘nent'pftlm constitutional question that has so lung distracled the Pro- vinc'e,‘nun)erous questions aflbcling the mute- rinl progress of (his country will be thrown open for consideration, Among these will beâ€" - A The? new Pm-Iimnentary Buildings will. egrly in the coming spring. be opened for [he first time at Utlawa, 'I‘P'o Government is [fledged (o pi‘esent tn Parlivunant, at the opening 0: the session, either a Hill for completing Hm Cunl‘edwnnen of all Br li>h America. or a Bill establishing a new Federal conslimtivn for Canada _aTo|:e, based on the principle of Representation by Populaâ€" tion in (In: 'p'npulnr branch. On the 17111 Marle, 1886. the American Trnaly of Ré-(‘inrocity will come (0 an endâ€"â€" and [he Imgovalinns for its relwwal. or prepar- ations tq nn-el the change, W1” be watched with earliest inleresl. Enlarging the Canals, and otherwise improv- ing the Internal Navigation of the country. Reduction of tht Custotns’ Tarifl', Interest on Money. Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free land grants to actual sottlors. A llonmstoad Law . , And many other vitally important Htt'hjonts In tho tlimnssion and settlement of all these mailers. 'l‘HE GLOSH‘Z will, as heretofore. take an active part: and from the souu'es of infor mntinn at the cmnmand of it: conductors. it is not doubted that in its columns the earliest in- telligence and the must reliable information will continue to be found. will continue to be mailed from the office at 6 per annum, payable invariably in advance; but can be procured ragulnrly from the news- dealers in all the cities and towns throughout the Province. THE WEEKLY GLOBE will also he much improved in the year 15°66. The paper will he of snporior quality, and the new Scottish type will git/e it a greatly improv- ed appearance. An editor has been engaged. whose special duty it will be to condense and nrrungo thevmutter for this edition. and to so- lect intelligence FpPCTnlli‘ adapted for countiy readers. A portion of each week’s paper will he devoted to the publication of some interest- ing tale; and the markets and prices current will continue to be given with promptngss and accuracy. ' The “Nanny Gum: will continue to he publiuhed 81 TWO DOLLARS per mumm, payable strictly in advance. Some excepxluus golho rn!e pf adyanca pavinent have hot-n hefamfo're infirmâ€"but from 1km lst of'lJanuzn’fi'. 1866.110 paper will be sent from [he uflim wi‘houl plephyfiiont. CLUB fiATEfé. During 1856 wenvill send 5â€"â€" Six cop'ms one year for. . . . . . 0“ 'l‘nn “ f‘ .1 “0 Fifteen “ 5“ And an extra copy of the Verva to the person who gets up the club 01 fifteen. I . Twenty-fivo ch'pieé one yea! for. . . . ... 35 00 And Ronny of the "7mka GLOBE to the person who gets up the club of twemv-five. . ‘ Fifty cnpius 0 lie rhapfon. . . . . . . . . . . 65 (‘0 And a cnpv of the: DAILY GLOBE one year [Q the pexson who gels up tha (-luh of fifiy. I‘Iighlypngliep 0119 year for. . . . .. ‘ . . . . .100 00 And a copy of the, DAILY. Pannent must he always in advance. .V‘ ~ lunch paperis addressed separately. AMho papers included in am‘ club must he Inailn-d to one Post-office. \Vhen addilional names are added (0 an“ clnh during Iheyrnr.1hey mustbe sent tn the ($1.0m: Office by \ho pewon who mmle up [ha (Hub; and the moneysonl with such ndditional names must be such a proportion of the year’s suhscripfinu n! \he Club rme us will pay up to the expll'ati ~u ofth‘e Club, No exception win he made 10 these rules on any ground whatever. ,r; . A NEAT, GUUI] and BHEAP Gmm‘. ()FI‘lCl-I. Toronto, lst'fiuv" 1865 SCOTT’S AND _ Mme. Demurest’s Fashion Hunks, 2 Pocket Banks, Purses & Wallets SCOTT’S. BIBLE SOCIETY DEWSETQRY, The subject of Banking and Currency. Richmond “in, June, 1865. SUOTT’S BOOK STORE. VERY CHEAP. AT RICHMOND HILL BRANCH J UST RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GLOBE For Novomber, RICHMOND 1111.1; GEORGE BROWN. Publisher. LOT OF AT Alt COST, and in“ s'ome cases .a little antler, until illle lst day of Janua‘ry‘. The Steak ls large and compl te. and the ‘publlc would do WC" to call and purchase below it is all gone. The Stock of ] also take lhis opporhgnity of Ilmnkmg my numero'us Cuslomvrs and the Publlc gen-erally for past (mars, hoping still to share their future palrorl£lge. BOG’E‘S & SHOES Z A L0 W EST PRIC 18%. FEM. “3333323. i565. Bi'ciikno‘nd Hi“, Dec. 8, 1865. PRINGLE COM’Ya Dress Gficds, { 'Woolifehs; Nafiery, Shawls, Blankets. Cottons, M'afltles, Flannels2 Linens, H osiery, Shirtingé; Winceys, Glovés, Carpets, Yarns, ' Haberdashery; Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings. Our Arrangeme‘m, l’nliuy and chief ohiect {his season, and since commencing busi» ness, has been to vatabliah m'uhial appreciation betweeu ourselves and all clésses‘ of THE PEIELIE IN THE EflUNTRY Mil] THE EiTY i AL {Em Elgin Miiis. Richmond Hill :herparlichlars apply on the pram mahpvieufl, I533 KiNG STREET EAST, INSPECT OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. Blacksmith’s ‘ & Wagan'maker’s Richmond Hill, Nov. 2. l865. REA DYMADE CLOTHING, &c. "he ownel ‘° ‘equested to prrivo properly, pay expenses ke them away Oak Ridgos. L :26. I565. mnox'm,‘ Nov. 2, 1865 fl SHOP 4ND H . SEW ELLI NG HOUS E, FOR SALE OR TO RENT, BELTIWE YSTEB‘S! “AME into the p-emises of 1he'¢Suh<criner, J 101 No. 67. Xst Con. VVhitchunch, Yonge Streal, abuut the beginning of August lasl, XXX OYSTERS. XXX Richmond “in. Nov; 17. ’63 To attain which coupplelely, it is only nece§sary that ymi sliould give us a call; and Ahâ€"Tight and Rust-Proof Dn'ur! Mii. “’ni. C. MACH. Slevâ€"YOHT Air-fight qur seen}? likely to meet with iiherai favor from the public, V‘Ve‘mrqnire something of the lgipd‘w render out-side «1091's piouf against. air and frostâ€"[his invention will _dnnhl!e.~‘s meal the raw, and will he fmmd “goth, chgap and ~yfl'wiknt It commands itst' (o the judgement Mi hose who investigate the mailer, a- hein ergictilaied to said; fuel, and tdrendér a family residence more hexllin’ nad mtrar-live, Having: adopwd life principle in my rasi- dance. you hay» thereby the test evideu- 'Ihfll I cousiLer ybhr pamnt Worthy the attentioin b the public. Mli. WM. MACEY. SIRâ€"l have nxmnined your model of nev-‘y invnnled doorY and consider it superior to am‘ thing I have seen for stopping draughls and frust, and think M will grsallv save fuel, Havu heullh and prevent damage from frost. It is likewim cheap. Yours, 650., Sunâ€"Having tried your " Patent Air-light find Frbslf '- Dt'Doma” l have reason to believe that it is rm exceHent conlrivance. and ca‘cula- ted to contnhuia much to [he comfort of tho 6 who adopt it. I am of'op'mkm that much iess Wood will be required to heatn house in tho wian season if vour patent is applled 10 the outside doors of a residence. MR; WM. MACEY, 3 Steers 1 Heifer. ‘IVX'I'ENSION and Ilnproveihmts,, of Premises and Stock How Eomiahete in all c J Drparlmenlg; embxaciug the leading descniplions of Consluutly on hqu at ND in‘order .to meet iffy payments llns season, 1 hava concluded to sell out my present stock of: » SINGLE AND ‘DOUBLE Richmond Hm. JMy. l865. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1885. r J em w; m (33-73. g mqmmu Hm, July 20m‘, 1865 Polite and atltnlivv assistan's. [s unusally Large and Comp‘tee, all of which win be Sold at the MACEY’S Rlcumofin HILL, July 1st. 1865. JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D Yours truly RICHMOND HILL. Jli'y 4, l863. WILLIAM TRENCH, Sen WM. ATKINSONS. I’m; lsiou Store AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.P. 1C1} I‘EEFY, Pos1masédi‘, :hmuud llillA For fur. on the premises to >1hc II EM RY LEGG E. Terms : 21-4 5-3111 22 Cash; No Second Price. ‘39 and 40 MARKET SQUARE, "sQDR. N; J. PEC‘K, SURGEfiEN DENTIST ! I ESl’ECTFULLY unnounctas that he has changed his time of vieilinythe foilowing places, and after this date will be (Sundays excepwd) in Stuuff'ville. . . ... - Brnngham . . . .. . . - Markham leage . . Brown’s Corners. .; Thmnhill. . .. . . . .. Richmond Hill . . . Maple... BnrwiLk. L . . . . . . .4 Klvinlrurg. . . . . . . .‘ Nubleton . . . . . . . . . ‘ Laskey . . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . Sutton. . . . . . . . . . . Aurora, June 7, 1865 BEAflflN’S mva MBBIGINES! Wheré he will attend to any :mining to any branch of his Asiboen appnilllad agent. for the County .gfflY'u‘k, for lhe above valuable Modi- c'nms; Which have been before the Canadian Puhlgc Im' the past seven years. and han gives.“ universal salidfucliouuhe can thm'efnre. "nth cunfidanco. recommand (hundredx of Testimo- niMs could be given if requnred, shewng [he benefil dc'rivad Lherefi‘om,) their use for [hair saver-1| Vlrlu The safest and best Medicines in {:59 in Canada. G. A. BARNARD Act gemlv vet afl'erhmlly: may be taken dur ing any mnploymenl, at any time. and even bv the mom delicate female. _<- DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS As a general Tonic, or Strengihening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frmne. “Que can be lwelfer. nmcow's: vim?) OINTMENT. DEACON’S S’I‘OMACHXC VE'GITA‘BLE BITTHRS. A séolhifig and astringent applicnipn : “and, . s {a} as an applirmfiun can. he 0" in} ééx vice. mnra southiug and much more pstr‘ingelfl. than any hilherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy rulief hv its use. DE'ACON'S' WORKING MAN’S FRIEND 0K HEAL ALL. An excellong remedy for Rheumafiqm. Erysi- nelas. Slrpins._ Bruises Culs, Chi'blains. Sore annat. nn'd v'm‘enl Pains In Back or Side. the effects of the Heal All in 'ha above c «sex are amouishing, frequent!) removing all pain in a few hours. For Cuts. Cracked Heels. and all 'kinds of siures on Horses and Cattle. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove tlm cold. UEACON’S Mixturs for Cholera, Digrrhm. and Summer Complaints. equal to if lioL bet- ter than any other nmdncina made. BEACON’S Anubiu‘iéué Pills None bel- ler iu usé. "' DICACON’S Euptive Ointment for all kind of skin diseasei. * , DVEACON‘S unrivallpd Cb'x‘igh Biléani, for Coughs. Cold-y Cunsumption. Asthma, 81c. Ruminativa Augxu; 16 1865. .. ham.......... .- Imanlage .......€ L’sCtlfllEl‘S-.Q..Q---. l1|l|......... 10nd Hill ..... rurg.......... ton................- _...... .....o W" "iiiLmW-ly E R s. DEACON’S LINIMENT, ..19m ...2(nh ...2|at ...‘23rd ...2~lth ‘..‘26lh ...‘28(h ...‘29Lh ...31I[h . .3Ist ... 1st 3 d lam of each month ese pro fession 3m l-tf per ~ ' 2, 2- I; 5‘ .-y v @334? are Teas; Eu 1 KHz-For ’s‘f’rength and fiziVor he defies competitofi. Richmond Hill, Septembé‘r ‘21, 1865. ll helng imuosslblo w enumerate the prism; of all ()0de in u circuleru, the following ‘lml wil saust the public 1|th lr-adesmauâ€"â€"zmu Pcung 0|LUIO§8 [HIHL'IPIBS I18 I.“ (lt‘lI‘rHllHBU . - ,v‘ Not to be surpassed if equalled with Chea Sell His Teas at the @ld Prices: \R‘ M. .S POLLQCK iizxs, now w-ceivvd his Fail Stock, consisting 9f 1‘1ijIargest,...he.apest. and mast varied asfiiortmmit of goods. suitable for the Bonn“! Mason, oifqrgid on‘fiinh. moud Hill, which i\a\'- hem) purchased prior to (he l:t‘(‘.(‘lli a dvanue in thc maikét, niid Will in foqu exceedingly iuw in pine. Strictly adhering to the old adage - As the’hes‘t ni’almg ) V ond'ucting hllsilmssâ€"-alikc to tha n'lvamage of the consumer Lnadesmax'Iâ€"â€"an'd Nitng onlllmse principles he is: determined 7 I W” m5 ,Advggtigggent CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOODS; “ENTER GOODfi. Before [he ussul imam is broken. Good Fucmrx' Cutmn, from ‘ gal par yd. Cuud Blnnvhvd (.‘otlnns. frnm 7M pm‘ yd. (loud l’lniu Wimp . Fun: 5“ [0 IN nor vd. Good Cohuurgs, in various Unlurs, {run~ ls 3d ‘ per yd. - _ G‘no'd 4â€"4 Brown. (Nov and Black Mohairs, luid per ’ A nice lot of (‘hookfld Wincoys, 10d yeryd. [Hue Deuhns. fmm Téd per V1! Black Ahulle (‘Imlu from 4s per \‘d. ‘ Union 'I weeds. for 8053 wear. from is 3d per yd. ' - l Ladios’ Greyand Fancy Lambs-wool Hugo, All-wwl TM; ‘11 pnd Eull’d Cloth, from 25 (5d l'rqm 153d pur pair. x . j per yd. 7 ' 3 An cxr't-llen‘: éksurmmntaof \Cllildrens Lambs- lImwy l'elm‘x'mm, Qx'ds. wide, 53 por mi; ‘ wonl Snokx‘. frmnfiw 10 's per pair. Lédms Whlm (Infinbric Handkerchiefs. from 4d Heavy Blue Linsov \Vuolse}. l'ro-li lslltl per _\'Il to ls each. llqnvy “’hilnav lllzmkeb‘. from $3 to $8 pair. While Flannels, from ls Ill}! poerd > Willi a splendid assorlmm‘t of Yarn. in all colors and prices. Funny Suxnnev Flmmels in grant variety of '(‘0l0"s. as also the best ascortmelifugrmelx’l Winuev, Tweed. scarlet and fancy [flannel Shirts, (ever oli'ercd in the neighborhood, our own Slmpg, Warm and. Durable, fmm 83. 3d. la 7s Bdfaach. PEFJSYLVEBJIE WI “WIN-WK BIL: Sam” Pmfiis a? Quick Ecturhs A great‘v‘nrigé‘y of men’s {mnvy all, Non} Twat d Pums, from 10s. per pair. A firefit variety of {men's heavy “la'tk Cassimsre Pants, from 155 to 9le per pair. A luv-{:9 In! of all “foul Canadian ‘I‘wued. Full Cloth, Broad (Jlol'n. Cussimere. Docék'm and Buaver Cloth CHEAP AND . ~ Laihp Chinmiésyanp Burners. \Vicks and Lantlloms, with a gefierzfl aésort'rfieiit ofbvei'jo thing ever had. \vamsd or thought of in a Coungry Store; Late G. A. BARNARD’S. COAL ()[L LAMPS in great VARIETY A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS” GIFTS & PRESENTS list; Em for Singleé};39111119Harness;j Eaét York-v émdfi Markham Societies, al {heir Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market; Kirlg do do held at Lackey. Vaughan do . do held at Burwick. I Also by 17,011,239, SIreéZlI-Agrlculmfal Somely, at Richmond Hlll, {0‘} the post {Hree 3m) rs. _‘ . _ ‘ .l c . . ‘ - a . n. - , y :, Confidmt from lns above sucmsses and (ha pmroque he ‘has hnlmne racewed. that he can suit intending purchasers. W H. respocifullv sullclls 1m Inspection of his present stock of arr-00‘ arrs are all. Warranted.~n SCQTT’S Ricimwnd Ilill .' Tngmhér with a good selection of other Arliéles in connectid'n With the « deu. which he is prepared to dispose oral Low Prices. SINGLE AND DGUBLE HARNESS WM. HABMSUN’S __ flaw...‘ _,., , 'I'I'usling mat his Customers may Road Also an excellonp assqrunem of Fine flavored Young Hyson Ten. 35 6d per 11). Pure de-u Mayune do, 45 6d per lb. ()ld Hgysou Tag, unequailed, 45 (id per lb. Fin-e st§ulig and fa” flavomd Black, Japan, and Java Tons, from 45 6d to 5;. Richmond Hi“, Nov. 1. H65 R'I-shmon‘d Hi“. June 1863! Ihfere has been an advance of ful!y (en per cent in Teas witlhfi the Iastâ€"mmfih, lbe Subsdx‘lbcr. having purpllased before the advance contiuuqsvto ATKINSON. -, iifiifls‘ Amati havens. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. SOLD CHE ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDEDJ'O.’ Slefihahl, Machine and Paint OILS; HAS BEEN RECEWED’, AND; mm BE II? SAL! FIE-{ST PRIZE By the following Agricul'lura’l Socneties '3 To which has been awarded the SE {TABLE FOR is 11M an Empty Boast : Learn AND Ail-wool Scarlet Flannel. from ls 9d ‘0 25 9d pur yd.. I Hmwv Canton Flannel. From ls 3d pvr yd. Choice Fanny Manuals for shirts. ‘Irom ls 6d pur \‘d . Fancy Won] Mulflars, from “lid 10 3s 9d each. | Indian" Cushmeru Gloves, from 9d to 28 (id Ayaé‘r hair Gaul.» Claw Glpyes. f'm‘m Is 10% {o 55 per pr. Giris Wh {f5 Lambs-wool Hose, (heavy) ls 3d PP!" P‘UI'. . Ladios’ Grey and Fancy Lambs-wool Hum. frqm ls 36 par pair. x . Au cxm-Hen‘: ahsurmmnnof \Childrens Lambs- g wovvl Snvkx‘. frorqޤd 10 '8 per pair. Lédms White (Imhbric Handkerchiefs. from 4d to 15 each. A'i‘ Mark I and sa'isfy their wants with; 16 2‘31! tho

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