Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 24 Nov 1865, p. 3

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«tr bfa) "5': are admitted tn he (he [last anily JUN/icinlt for general usu, l‘uril'yingflm Blood and cleans- !il'l'gilhe system from all impurity, IM‘ -u-a “ [Thev are adnpled for male or female, old or ’ ~ , - . . Young, and me the .unl\' rPhahle known for the a . _ .l , ' cuxo Of all diseases inning lion] 3 " ‘Youthful Indiscretiou, J 'l'n h'llASexnal Diseases, as Gonorrhea. Stric- n‘: gum. Glcel. am in all Ulinary and Kidney ’ boxnplhints. they act like :1 charm. Relief is exuammced by lakingn sinng box: and from I four tn six boxes generrllv ull’wzt - cure. Sold in buxes containing (51) pills l‘rir'e One , 91;”, or six bnbe, Five Dull- alsu, in ' «lye ’mee‘c', comnining {our of the small, Prim: nbwfl‘hwé Dollars. uri .tl’nnml'n ClliCUh KS to Gandernen only. ,r' still-{rm on receipt of directed envelope and v.» -. lump. “55'1. If you need the Pills, cut out this advertise- b“: mom far rel'ervnve, and if _\ull 02.1mm procure them of your druggnt, do 1m! In: 111111105011 (m by .Tflany ill/161' ‘Ieflhllu. but enclose the money in a Lighter to Dr. J. BhYlN. Consulting l‘hpician. 4Q Blondway, New Yoxk, llux. 5079‘ and xhoy will be sent to you secure from uhservafi'u, bv ‘return mail, on receipt of the money. 15-95 An agitation has been goint! on for months in Jamaica, by means of public meetings, and originatinzgr in the refusal of the Government to accede to certain peti- tions of Baptist Ministers in benalf of the blacks. These petitions prayed for redress of certain alleged grievances, and asked for aid to the black population. In reply the government intimated that said grievances would be best removed by greater industry 0nd attention to their duties by the com- plainants. Secret onth-hound societies were soon formed, and a general insurrection, and a massacre of the white and brown in- habitants agreed upon. Gordon, part Afri- can, a. member of Parliament and a Baptist Minister, and Bogle, a black man, also suid to be a Baptist minister, were the ringlead- em. The revolt commenced in a riot on Oct. 7, 1865, at the Court of Petty Sessions Morant Bay, and on Wednesday the 11th, ait hundred blacks, armed with deadly wen~ [9 ms, attacked the court house and murder- cd fifteen of those who “we assembled there, and wounded about twenty others. The insurgents then proceeded in different directions to pillage, wound, and murder a number of the white and ‘brown’ liilntbi- {nuts 5 they seem to have intended to inns- sacrc the whole white population, and then 10- take possession of the island for them- selves. On Saturday the troops arrived and soon suppressed the insurrection, visit,» ing with dreadful and summary vengeance all who were supposed to have participated in it in any degree. About two thousand have been shot down or hanged, after a very unceieinouions trial before court mar- tial. The nogroos are said to have shown the most savage ferocity in inutilating and abusing the persons of the murdered or wounded , and it is not surprising if the Vmgeante has l)(C.1 swift, or even somewhat thoughtlesst excessive in the number of its victims. The whole affair has been shock- ing in the extreme, and it is a a great mercy that the iufernai plot. has been ex- posed and defeated so soon. Gordon and Boyle have been taken and executed. It is probable that further information will enlighten us somewhat more respectinbr the real Cruise, or causes, of the rebellion. \Ve earnestly hope that the enemies ofnegro freedom in the States will not be able to make this negro insurrection :rn effectual argument against nc rro rights and- inter- ests in the Soutli.â€"â€"â€"(}zmrdimt. Yegulme the Slmnach. Liver avd Billiarv Se- grglidns. which is me uhiul‘cnusu 01' \‘ervum- \Iehs, (T-Iddmess, I‘imness of Sight, Headmhe. Sick Stomach and ()lher kindred (-omplaims THE INiERNA'rios AL BIUIIGE AT FoRT ERIE.~â€"Ile1'epatli's [fol/[my Jour- nal (England,) has the following: respectâ€" ing the proposed International Bridge :â€"~ “ We hear that as much as £700,000 in about to be spent by the several great companies, the New York Central, the Erie, and the Atlantic and Great Wes- tern, in the construction of an enlarged and perfect system of aeeonnnodation in connection with the Internatioiml Bridge at: Buffalo. The American companies will share the expense in due proportimi, but so great an amount of traflie is 0);» pected to pns> by this, the old route into Canada, that it, is estilnattd 211111th reâ€" muneration will reward the enterprise. The Grand Trunk have secured a right of way across the bridge upon easy terms, owing probably to their having IUOVL‘d so early in the matter, and by virtue of their agreement “'llh the Buffalo com- pany. It is, howover, difficult, to estiâ€" mate the importance to the Grand Trunk of the International Bridge, and 01' the connection it will give the Grand Trunk with the Erie, New Yo l; Central and Atlantic alld;(11'01lt \Vestern Railways, out of which will spring, amongst other things, a large coal traffic into Canada. Wall‘s:- ' a..." A sure antidote for sickness, and ham Soulmw. PAH IJ D151 Bryan's Life Pills, Entxrely Vegetable, xThe Greatest Medicine of the are adapted for all ages and constitutions. l‘l‘hev are ('umpmed ol' the naive primiplus of Herbs and Roots.culled me our fields and forests. They are mild but certain in their opemllnuâ€"producing lwltllm’ cramps, grilling. nninsur siclmnss. They may be taken by all 5:08, sexes or cmnlizions without fear. ,I'i'l'yILIL'S Lift; Filly. Cur!) Hsmlaclxe. Bryan's Lift; I’zlls, Cure Sell Stomach. Bryan’s Life l’ills. Cure Giddiness'. Bryan’s Li/‘c Pills, l‘ux‘ll‘y the Blood, A Box of Bryan’s Lift: Pills will cost but TWENTYJHVE CENTS, and will accom- pligll all that ruprpsunlod. Hundreds of Certificate: can be Shown They have been used by thousands \viLh success Bryan’s Life Pills, are adapted for all ages and constitutions. Thev are ('umpmed of the ive prim‘ipius of - They ure elegantly put up by the proprietor, the inventor of Bryan's Pulmunic IVq/"m‘s, a medicine long and favorably known 10 the American Nation, They can be Used Without ngtection, and do not inlert'ura wilh husnmss pursuits. and .Nd‘chauge 14f Dwt is IIL‘GI’SSIU'II‘. Il‘yop wish Bryan's Life PHYS, and cannot gek Ihem of yon! druggiu, (foul Iako any olhm‘, but send Twenty-five cents in a letterto Ihe yfioqriezor, find 50.1} wi_li gut Ihem by reiurn nl' Aré warranled in all cases. for the SP] 1-:le and Prmnumfi’r CURE 0i Smninl Weakness, Ureth- {a} and Vagina] Dirtzllzu'gus, Glam. Snxnul De- fiility and diseases of the Bladdm‘ and Kidnms BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! inf). Aédress: Dr. J. BRYAN, ‘1127'l3z*7():;d\I\-va;‘ ow Ymk. Box 5WD. ly-QS The Jamaica Massacre. (fr L A i} N iid ‘W S l’u rEfy ms: Elm”! Bryan’s Life Pius, FOR THE UNFUR'I‘UNAT fi' fi refuge A gentleman who snfl'ered for year»: from ervuus and Genital Duhihty. NighLly Ennis~ sions. and seminal Weakness, the result of \outhfuI indxscl‘elion, and came near ending his days in nupeloss misery, W1“. (or the sake of sufl‘cl'ing man, sand to any onenfilicn-d, lhe simple means med by him, which affected a cure in a few weeks. al'wr the failure ol‘ nu- merous mudmines. Send a dn'ectrd envelope and Len cenls and it wmfcosx you noLlnng. THE PRIVATE MEBIEAL ABVISER | 1866. P R 0 S PIE 0 T U S 1366‘ Exclusively for Ladiex. An invaluable ll‘eatisejof 100 pages, by Dr. J. Harvey. published for (he hemfit of the Sex. On receipt .al' l‘weut)‘ cunts, it WHI he sent post paid, :1) aseuled envelupn to all who :11)- ply for it, Address. DI: J BRYAN, 441.7 Broad- way. Now $01k. Box 5070. ly-QS Address. EDGAR sl.,..\'ew York city The mosl inl'allihle and popular re medy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex, Tin-y have been used in mtu lllOu‘flJd canes with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in evuiy czis=- for which .lmy me recounumided. und paxlicularly in all cases aiising f'miu Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from what cause it m‘is"s. 'l‘hay ale (-H'uctual in restoring [u huahh all who are summing from Wvukness, and Debili'v, Uter- ine Di:2\;h.'n'gm:y Nervonsncss. 8%,, d' .640" and they “ Act lika a charm." in strengthen- ing {ha sVsmln. Thousands of ludlrs who have :zutl'uredgl'nr years and tried various otlm: )‘mnudies in vuin' owe a renewal ortheir health and strength wholly to the efl‘lvacy of Dr. Harveyfs'Femala Pills. They arn perfectly harmless on the system. may be taken at anytime “ith perfect su‘uly: \ut during llm (curly sluch if I’rlglmncyhllum s/Luulrl nut bu taken, 01' a miscan‘idgc muy be [/u; [cw/ll. » They never cause any Sickness, min or (Iistrvss. Each box contain: 60 Pills, Impartmlt t0 LflIDIES. . Dr Harvey’s Female Pfills, A lemmly for spnx‘ A! stronger than lhu above per 110V. y A l’mvm‘r: CKR‘ULAR to .Lndic's'wixh fine anatomical engravings. sent free on recaipt of diam-19d vm'uhmo aud smmp. U/j'Cut 1his out if _\m: drsire Ur. I]‘nw>\"_ mug, and if Von cannot procure them (21' Km dvugyist, dn not who nnv other. for sum.- (hm? PI'S who am nnpriuclplod \wll ru-nnvnmnd ulhnz' Female1’il!s.[lmy can make a Iargar mum on --â€"hm (‘Il(.‘l()~[‘\l:8 mouuy and send direct 10 H . .l. BRYAN. ("on mixing I’hysicmlL inx 5H 9 44‘: Bronduny, New ank, and )0" Wm xeceivo them sor-nrely sealed {rum ubsmvation.‘ bv re- turn mail. . l_\' 25 T-Iird ICUI‘ion, I“il'1yj’1‘hnusuml~â€"l(H) pages. In” anm‘ 1C. BELL. M. 1). A czmliun. ad- rh‘orsod l0 ynnlh. [he married. and'illmst’ ('03- TIvaa'lING MARRIAGE. SPIN. by mail post Pizld, on ruwipl of'l‘xvl ,\TY CWTS. A vm‘vf'u‘ perusal of Lhi : 3? hut/k has [man a 13mm '1'0 IHV. Am-‘mr'r , ‘. and Sr: euvml :lmnsunds from a Mfr ul'm'wew, mu! "mime". grave. Iv lrnMs on the" evih uf YumH‘ui lmliw minn‘ St-hlAhnm. T‘s-miqu “’w . c. Emisions, K‘oxual D's-vases, (J1-l)ital l'uhilily Loss 0! I’lmm'. Narvousness, l‘ezmnlma “may, 1m pnlencu. $13.. 350‘. vhich unfit the sufferer from fulfiHing the Ob‘igmions of Marriage‘ TUESDAY, THE 28th INST.. pain or (Iistrvss. l’rice one dollar, YORK VfliU?HEEfi EMMY ! Instructions have been recuived to raise the strength of the Troop to forty men A,” younfi men who \Vish Io join the 'l'erp “All receive all information necessary on Lhatduy By order. NOR. THOR. MACMI’IOD. [.t (’01 ('Um. Ymk Vol. Cavalry. Address. 13R, J “Rf”. Conmltingul’hysi- cian Box 5079, 44'? Broadway, New York. 15.25 l‘anse ()ats i‘ummee Hay "4) ton Straw" dn Apple; 719 brl \VllCl‘C you will find the Nivost Variety in the neighborhood, as well as Lndies’ Scarfs. Sontags, Berlin \Vool Hoods, Sllntlzmd Falls. CilSllInGl'C and Cloth Gloves, Ladies" and Children’s Plain and Fancy Lambs Wool Hose, Saxony Flmmels. and Lzmilxs \Vool Yarn in every conceivable color. “ER/TILL meet for dxill on Richmond Hill, Nov, 5333, 18(15 Just call and see the variety, with his NEW GOODS. Late 9mm: ffilb Richmond H,“ Nov‘ 2, I565. EMAINING in the Rif’lltnlflld Hill Post - Uflin. on Isl. November. 1565: Alvin. 'l‘himns Konl. I". Anderson, Anrlrew Irintan, John Aikinsun. Jnlnes Lamlmn. Rollert Agnew. \\'m. I.elforr‘l. Wm. llenrnrd. ll (‘1. (9) Lawrence. Mi» r'\. ’mrnes, Jamel: Lnndr-r, .In'm i‘i; Brillingar. .'on Him S. A. \l. Bomhfilliuhnal Maiden, JRL‘UI) llrlllingor. Mary Mathewson, Wm. Bonkm'! \V, M. Malhie, \\'. ll‘illingm', lamb Munrin. lridgol Boolhlu'. l'lilwin Mnchmh. Thus. (‘o'grovm liarme MisK‘Mcher, Peter Dunlap. Mrs. llnnnah Mclmun. lnchlun Dancy, Archibald McVair. Alex. Dnil, Mary ()atm', John Emmy .ln-'epl| l’ngnn. Thnmas Ever. Lizzie A. Penny. William Eyer. D'ivid Qummu, Wm. H. Ewr. Abraham linlnlrla. John Farrell, Andrew Shirk. Daniel Gram. Georgia ('2) Slilmy. Edward Hutchinson, Mix (Tea-Sullierland, John char.) “i546. M}:"]x':el Hislnp, John Histh Juno Johnson. Jacob Johnson, Rn -' H Jewiu, Marv Kennedy, John mm aansrtmtmmm N0. 2 TROOP, RICHMOND HILL. ERRORS OF YOUTH. WHERE DID YOL’ BUY YOUR Why! At “7. S. Pollock’s Store, MANHOOD! TORON'IU M A H K li'I'S. Dr. Harvey‘s Golden Pills. At 'l'en o‘clock, a. 11),, at List of Letters . Barnard’s. mnmmjmuuon LTIQSLh ly~25 Valium. Mr. “"iHi:uns.:( Wash-boar Wilcox. R' D. Washington, John M. TEEFY. RM. [’ngun. Thnmas Penny. William Qurmcu, Wm. H. liumlwla. John Shirk. Daniel Slinn)‘. Edward -Su!herlaud, John Simpson. James Smith. Lawrence ‘Sengr‘r Edmund . 'l‘mukma, Jane Yawn-5. Mr. Willi:m|s.:( Wash-board) case . four flower-,9 ; price Five Dollars on I 4!) (g) l .... I IOQQ l n 60 (a; U (I 5;; (a; H n:m@ ; n 4" 4a), ....lu «In @I ....1u(wm) l' ....()‘23 @ U ....():23 (a), ( Toromo, Nov. ‘23 l) (I (I 1) 1“ HI 0 (l ASN.9“: 5“ ill} ()4; ‘25 2" (i ()0 The publisher of THE GLOBEhas to announce that verv great inlpror enmmsin lhe publication of rhis journal will he mnde in the coming year. A new founl of beautiful [\pe, cwt specially for THE Greer; has been imported from the culehraled Scottieh foundry of Miller 31, Richard. Edinburgh, The quality ul'tho paper useo in priming the journal will he much superior to that herewt‘ure employed. Arrange- ments are now [wing made for greatly increas- ed 'l'elegraphxc tachilies; and the corps of Writers. Reporters and Correspontlmns, will be strengmened. InL-reased ell'urt Will he put forth in every dvparlment to renderan: (iron: more worthy than ever before of the immense circulmmn it, has for so many years enjoyed throughout llrilmh America. Th}: year “566 is likely to be a most event ful prl'iud in 1110 hislon of Canada-Ta year in which the curaneveuts of the d «y will be of the deepest interest to every inhabitant in the cnunlr)‘. TN) Government is pledged to present to Parliament. at 1110 opening 0: the session, eithnr a Hill for cumpluzing tha Confedornlian cf all Br IN: America. or a Bill usta'ulashing a new Federal constitution For Canada Mime, based on Lllu multiple of Representation by Popula- xion Ill tim popular branch. Unle 17m Marrh, lfllifi. Hm American Trmly ul‘ lirkiproci‘y will come to nu endâ€" and 11m negm-alium {m Ms rem-Mal. or prepar- ulmns lu [In-61 the r‘hunge. wnl be watched will] ouruuol interest. Thar new Parliamentary Buildings will, early in the coming spring. be opened for the first time at Ottawa. A’rrahgwmenis for acquiring possession of, mu] ()}I(llilI-g [has n [h WesL wrmmv for setâ€" lm-nem. will sprodfly ho Inadu, and to Ihn-m '1')”: Gmm: wili dcvole spemal atlulnlon, as it hus hii‘tmrm done 10 ewrslhing (:uxlxmm,e-d \viUl Hm subject. \\nh the selflomevt of the constitutional quesfion thnthas so lung distracted the Fru- vince. nuuwrum~ questions hfl'vcting the mute- r.alpr >sul' Um muul'y will be thrown upl'll im' cunsidelulion. Among these will beâ€" Enlarging: the Canals, and otherwise improv» ing llw lnlrrnul Navigation of [he country. {educliou of lllt Custumb’ ‘I‘urill‘, Interest on Mommy. Opening up new 'l‘érfilm'xj in selllement. Free lnnd gz'nnls‘ m «H ml Sulllfl's. A llomustuwl Law. And unm uiliPi‘ vitally important su'vjcsms In llm Kl‘h’CllSSlUl] and sezllmnnnt of all these mnHL-rs, 'I‘mu; (11.0%}: will, 41“ lierelofnl‘e, take an active yarx: and frum the sauna»; of info:- mminu at tho cnmnmud of it: comlumuw. it i< not duulxlrd that in its (:nlumus Illa ( .est in. [elliuonun nml :ho mo~t reliable iniurmalion will continue mlm found. will continue, :0 be mailed from the office at "‘6 IH’I' :mnum, payable invariably II] advnnco; but can he procmed rngulmlv from the new.“ dealle in all x115 cities and towns llnoughum [ha Province. win aho 1‘6 mur‘h improved Ill [he year 1966 'i'he puiwr will he 01' superior quality, and {he new Scnrlish type will give it a greatly llnlllov- H] apimurnime. An editor has been engaged. whng spacial duty it will be to condenre and arrange [ha mailer for thi~~ miiimn. and (0 sn- loct imeliigeimt sprc ally adapi'ed for (:mntly reni‘ers. A [I’Nllull of each week’s paper will he Ki(‘\'0i01l to lho publication of snme interest- ing (ale; and the walkers 1111i prices (:urient will continue 10 b0 given with promptnoss and accura y During: 1866 we will send :â€" S'ix Copies one year for. . . . . . . . . . . . .9: Ton “ “ Falknen “ And an extra copy of the \er LY to the person who gexs up the club 0! fil'Lceu. 'l‘we-nty-five copies one \‘em for. ‘ . . ... 3.3 00 And acnpy of the [VEVKLY GLonu to the person who gots up the club of L\ve.m'~fi\'e. FifLy copies 0 o yearfor... ...... . .... 65 00 And ncopyof the DAILY GLOBE one year lolhe person Who gets up [ha club I-f fifty. Eighty al‘pies (mo year for. . . .... . . ...100 0) And a cnp)‘ of xhe DAILY. , n m m m’) 22 5h ..,-- Payment must he) alwxys in advance. Each paperis addx'enm! separmely. AH the papers inchuled in am‘ club must he mailrd In one l’«:.~Lâ€"oflice. When additional names am added 10 am chlh during Ihe year. they mn>1hc Hunt to the (hour: Office by the pamon wim made up the Club; and the nmueyseul with such addilmlvai names lnllat be such a proportion ol' Hm year’s suh.~criptinn at the Club rme as will pay up to Llw (-xpnati m ol' the (Tlub, The Wm-‘KLY Gmm: win continue tuba pu‘al‘hhvd at TWH DOLLARS peranuum. payable st'icm‘ iu advance. Some uxuopuous to [he ru‘e ol‘ ud'nmm payment have been lwrelnfnre madeâ€"hut from Ihe Isl of January, IHILG, no pnper wiil be sent from the office ni'huut Ineyn) mom. No excemiou will he mama to the 0 rules on any grouad whatrvnr. GL0)”: ()chrx. Toronto, Isl x\ovH 1865 , C(:)NVENIEN'I‘ Shay m Rent,\vit|1 two Rooms, shunned m Hm hesl bmiuess part uf the Vfl‘age. and adjoining lhochtld ufiice. Them is a Emmi opening for a Watchrnnln-rr in this neig‘lburhood . Apply at. the Ylll‘li Us alt! () H‘Ice. Richmond Hi“, July 13, 1845, 6 :1 NW, [$08!] and CHEAP XXX OYSTERS. XXX BALTIMHBE METERS! @COTT’E Richmoml Hill. Nov. 11, '65.. The 511‘: («:1 of Banking and Currency, (,unslautiy on hand at .J UST RECEIVED AT SHOP TO RENT TM [-2 WEEKLY GLOBE THE DAILY GLOBE R10HMOND HILL GEORGE BROWN, Publislu r. CLUB RATES. LOT OF WM. ATKI VSON ’5. Provision Stare 0F Est Prize for Single Moublefimess W001 aria ~are all 'Warranted.m By the following Agricliiturai Societies '. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitinna held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Marlmt. King , do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. Confidant from his above snccfissas anti the patronage he has hilherte rmceivad. that he can bllil intending purchasers. W H. respectful” solicits lue inspection of his present stem: of Together with a good selection of olher Articles in connection will} the Tradu, which he is prepared to dispose of at. Low Prices. SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNES§ WM. HARRISUN’S i ESI’I‘ZCTFULLY announces that he ha,» changed his time of visitingthe foiluwing places, and afterlhis date will be (Sunday: excepted) iu Mu. Wu. C. MACEY. SHLâ€"YOUI’ Airâ€"tight Door seems likely (0 meet wiih liberal favor from the public. We reqnim something of the kind to render mil-side doors proof against air and Frostâ€"this invention will dnubilms moot iha case, and will be found lwoili cheap and #muienl ll cmmnonds itself 10 the judgmnani oi'i hose who investigaie the manor, as hein: calculated to cave fuul,and to render a family residence more :wrilllly had allrnctive. Having adopted the principlo in my resi- donne. you have lherehy the lost evidence. that SURGEON DENTIST ! Stunmviile . . .. . ' lmh of each month. Brougham ..191h “ " Mmkham K Illdga. .. . ..‘2()lh “ " Brown’s Curners‘”.......2l;t “ " Thmnhill......... ......'23rd “ " Richmond Hi“ ........4.24£h " “ Maple........-......-...5351h “ " Hnrwick.... .......'2x“lh “ " Kleinhnrg . . . . . . ..29lh -“ ” Nuhletnn....... ..3|Jth “ -‘ Lnskr‘y..........- . .3lsl " " Anrm’a........ ......... lst “ " Sutton...” .......... 3Id " “ Whom he will attend to any business pew mining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 1865. Air-Tight and Frost-Prod Dem! DR. N. J. PECK, I consiimr your patent. 'wurlhy the attention of the public. “R. WM. MACEY, SHOP AND Sm.â€"Havim_r tried your "Patent Air-tight E, and Frost-gram. Door,” l have reason to believe :hm it is an uxcollent conu'ivnuce, and calcula- FOR SALE OR To RENT, [ud to ('onmhula much to the comfort of thou: A1 um main Mills, Richmond Hill. For fur. who ndum iL I an) ol'opiuinn that much has! Lharpariiculars apply on the preu'lises to the wood will be required to heat a house in the [ proprietor, ' “inner season if Your patent is apphed 10 the ' W‘ILLIAM TRENC”, Sam outside doors of a re<idunco. n:,,1,,__“,} mm mm, n mm: m MR, “Wu. H mm'. Subâ€"I have examined your model of newly x'nvnnleddoor,1nd (ionsidor it superior to anv thing l have seuu for stopping dranghts and frost, and think it will greath save fuel, save health and prewm damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yonrrz, SLC" WM. HARRISON-’8 PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! HE ABOVE REWARD will ho paid to the pm'tx‘ who will giva such information that will lead [0 the apprehension and convic- tion of the Young Scoundmls. who. on the [Welling at Wednesday. the 26m insh, pnlhd down ihe Fence in front ol'a Ioton Richmond Hill, and laid a Plank across a road-way Inad- ing Io lhs shop of Mr, Wm. Hodge, \vilh lha intention of tripping him or others up \thn enlarin. the house, {£91} SEEi‘éLE MESS September 2| . 1865. I" he owner of the Plank is raquested to ca” on Mr. [lodge and claim his property. Richmond Hill. Oct. ‘26, 1865. 21 BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY, Richmond Hi1}, J am), 1865. FIVE BMLHBS BEWARE Rivhmmm Hill. June 1865 SCOTT’S“ BOOK STORE. CHEAP FD ASH. Richmond Hill. J ul)‘..1865. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. : RICHMOND HILL, July 20111, 1865 , FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ES’I‘ABLlSHMENT, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. r . ‘ H]l‘l“dga.-.-.....A s Curuers. . . . . .. . . . ill......... ......I )ndHiH .... 1 lrQ’....-..... -...A ', . rl)..-.. .... .... ......... RICHMOND Hth BRANCH M.&CEY’S chlmoxv HILL, July 159. 1865. JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D RICHfiOND HILL, Yours truiy RICHMOND “ILL. July 4. 1865. MAY BE BAD A'l‘ A MUS WRIGHT, M. RP. M. ‘l‘EEFY, Postmaster. [L73 CA LL To which has been awarded 1h. l-tf Richmond Hill Bakery}! W. S. POLLOCK, BEEN] WW? BEKER Richmond HEN. Sept. 7, £865 The owner is requested to provu properly , pay expenses and :ako than) away. Mme. Demaresi’s Fashion Banks, Pocket Hnaks, Purses & Wallets V EGS leave. to noxil'y the pnhhc that ha ha) I purchased the business and goud will of J, Hnywal'd's ostul)1islunenl., nnd final he i.prepared I0 furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES 10 those who may honor him with their patronage. l’iclNic parties and Tea Meetings supplied aL the lowest posfible rates and on the shortest "mice. @OOTT’fi. All erers strich attended to; Richmond Hill, June, 1865. FRESH BUTTER IN [Hg ROLLS At YV- S. Pollock's, late UEMRY LEGGE. Oak Ridges. Oct. ‘26. [865, 21-4 GODE‘EE’? BUTTER WANTED. Blacksmiih’s 8: Wagunmaker’s CAME into the premises 0f {hav‘Subscrihelg lot No. 67. 1510011. Whitchurch, Yonge Street, about the beginning of August last, BBABDN’S PRMILY MERIHINES! WILLIAM TRENCU, San Richmund Hill. Nov. 2. 1865. 2‘. The safest and best Medicines in Use Canada. HASEbeen'appointed agent, for the County of York, for 1he above vuluahle Medi- cines. which hava been harem the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal sal,i~'t'aclionâ€"he can {hart-{hm with confidence. racommund (hundreds of 'l‘nslimoâ€" mals couh! be given if requlred, shewing the benefit derived therefrom,) their use for their several virtues, DEACON’S FAMILY VEGH‘ABLE PILLS 5.0! gentlv yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even by (he most dalicate female. G. A. BARN-ARE DEACON’S STOMACHIC VEGITABLE BITTEKS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine lo brace and invigorate the frame. non can be better. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. Erysi- nelae. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilbluins. Sore anoat, and violent l‘ains In Bank or Side. the ofl'ects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhma, and Summer Complaints. equal to if not bet- ter than any other medicine.» Innde. A soothing and astringent npplicxlion ; and, as 'nr us an application am he 04' any service, more soothing and much more astringent, than any hitherto prepared. The majority of case.» find speedy rulief' bv its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OIL HEAL ALL. DICACON’S Eruplive Ointment for all kind of skin diseases. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. DEACON‘S unrivalled Cough Balsam,f0r Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Asthma. ch. DEACON’S Antibillious Pills. None bot- tcr in use. 3 Steel's dz 1 Helium Rmnmm Hun, August 10, 1865. VERY CHEAP, AT DEACON’S PILE OINTMENT‘ DEACON’S LINIMEN’I‘, For November, Gr- A. BARNARD’S AND 1-3111 [4-K ltf' in Dress Goeds, Woollens, Napery,’ Shawls, Blankets. w C ottons, "‘ Mantles, Flannels, Linens, {f Hosiery, Shirtings, Winceys; ' Gloves, Carpets, Yarns, _r‘ Haberdashery, Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings. Our Arrangement, Policy and chief ohject this Mason, and since commencing busi- ness. has hem (0 establish mu!qu appreciation betweeu ourselves and a” clasSes of It beng inmossible to enumerate the prices of all Goods in ‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ m ' ' - . u. cucu ar the x , ‘ - sausfy the public that ‘ ’ 0”” “1!; b5! Wll and nth varied assortment of goods. suitable for the comma season. ofl'oredpn Rich- mond Hill, \\ hicn hav- been purchased prior to the recent :1 dvance in the maxket, and .will be found uxceadmgly )ow in [)"ice. Strictly adhering to tho old adage M. S. POLLOCK has now received his Fail Stock, consisting of the largest. wherapest, / Not to be surpassed if equalled with C heapeaf or Before the asso'tment is broken. Good Factory Cotton, from (fid'per yd. All-wool Scarlet Flannel, from ls 921 lon 9d Good lilvmdmd Cutlons, {1'0"an per yd. per yd. Gnud |’|nin Wiuceys. {mm 81))! to lld per yd. I Heavy Canton Flamm‘. from ls 3d per yd. loud Colmurgs, in Various colors, from ls 3d Choice Fanvy Flannels for shirts. from ls 6th per yd. per )‘d‘ Good 4-4 Brown. Grey and Black Mohairs, Fancy Wool Mufflers. from I'Ugd to 38 9d each. 10M pm. “1- r | Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves, from 9d to ‘28 6d As the host manner of conducting busixmssâ€"-alike to Ihe aivantage of the consumer and tho tradesmanâ€"â€"zmd actingon those principles he is determined v 1 CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOODS, $5. PAM; Tflfimfi; “58%., PEENGLE & COM? Terms: @1511; N0 Second. Pricm |53 KING STEEET EAST, 33 and 43 MARKET SQUARE, per yd. Good 4-4 Brown. Grey and Black Mohairs, 10% par \d' A nicn Io: of Checked Winceys, 10d peryd. Blue Denhns. from 7§d par yd. Black Mamie Umh, from 45 per yd. Union '1 weeds, for Boys wear, from 1s 3d per INSPECT OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. yd. All-wool Tweed and Full’d Cloth, from 25 6d V“. 3.11‘ An excellent assortment of Uhildrens Lambsâ€" Hoavy l’etorsham, 23113. wide, 55; per yd. wool Sucks. from tiéd 10 Is per pair. Heavy “hm Linsm‘ “'oolso).fro«n 1s3d per yd Ladies Wlnte Cambx'ic Handkerchiefs, from 4d Heavy \Vhimey Blankets. from $3 to $5 pair. m 15 each. \Vhile Hannah, from 15 HUG per pd With a splnmiid msorlmcnt of Woo} Yarn. in all colors and prices. Fancy fiaxunoy Flnnnck in great variety of colovs, as also the best assorfllnent'of men's \Vim-m‘. 'l‘xx‘eed. scmm and fancy Rauuel Shins, evm‘ olf’ered in the neighborhood, our own make. long, Strung, Warm and Durable, from Es. 3d. in Vs. 6d eachm A great variety of men’s heavy all wool 'l‘wmd Pants. from 10s. per pair. A great variety of men‘s heavy Black Cassimera Pants, from 15s to 365 per pair. A large lot of all “7001 Canadian 'I‘wued,'FuX| Cloih Broad 010V]. 0 s ' - ’ Beaver Cloth I I a gimme. DoeSkm and: Efiis Advertis‘cmcnt PEQSYWEM WE] WHEN MK [11]., Lamp Chimnias, Lump Burners. Wiqks :1an Laml‘lorns, with a general assortment offing)“ thing ever had. wanted 01‘ thought of m a. Country More. Late G. A. BARNABD’S. REA DY-MADE CLOTHING, &J. &c. COAL (ML LAMPS in YUKON-T0, NM. 2, 1865. fill? Smail Prafits @‘ Quick eiurns 2 Raw 6 Tam m WENTER Gflwg, . A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS @7655 His Teas ad the @565 Prices” GETS 8L PRESENTS To attain which completely, it is only necessary that you should give us a gall, and SCQTT’S Réclmwmi Mill .' i LI‘HOUGH there has been an advance of fully [on p” cent in Teas within the "‘1 last m’m1h, lhe Subscriber, havng purchased before the advance continues to lichmond Hill, September 21, 186 Also an excellent assortment of Fine flavored Young Hyson Ten. 33 6d per lb. l’nre do Mayuue do, 43 6d per 1b. Old Hyson Tea, unequalled,4s Gd per 11). Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, and Java Tons, from 43 6d to SS. Trusting that his Customers may Read Richnmnd YEAH. Nov. 1, 1865 y‘X'I'El‘IE‘JCYN and Improvements of Premises and Stock now complete in ‘J Dc arlments, embracinur the Ieadmo‘ descri 1:10:15 of b a l For strength and flavor he defies competiton. Polite and attentive assistants. SOLD CE Elephant, Machine and Paint OILS, CIâ€"IEAP AND GOOD. WINES AND LIQUORS, . ATKENSONQ HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SUITABLE FOR is not an Empty Boast :3 Learn! 1 Mark ! E 1 and sa‘isfy their wants with AND AT per pair. Gems Cloth Gloves, from 1s ID} to 55 per pr. Girls Whit}; Lambs-wool Hose, (heavy) 123 8d er pair. Ladies' Grey and Fancy Lambs-wool ,Hoae. from Is 3d pnr pair. An excellemassortmenl of Childrens Lambsâ€" wool Sucks. from figd 10 Is per pair. Ladies Wlnte Cambx'ic Handkerchiefs, from 4d :0 Is each. great VA RIETY 22-3m

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