Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 3 Nov 1865, p. 2

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Public opinion in the old country .‘hmneâ€"mm seems to point out Russel or Gladstone" and fruit: as his successor, and with either litt]e%3»(:iully the change of policy is to be expected. W'ho-ethe way c ever he may be, let us hope he will 110n-%d311t, ex omny fill the place of the late venerable‘jvv'orkman: Premier, both at the Council board and iwnrk, tee in the affection and confidence of the L‘favor. people. gmeus of i Unlike Gladstone, Russell, Desrucligsum Bulwer, 0r McCauluy, he made no preâ€"- 13 tentions to literary ability, though posited, aessed of a liberal education, and a gritâ€"$00k duate of Cambridge, which he represent-\'_firsl ed for some years. His success in the‘gihost, political arena has been doubtless due mg“) n} his indefatigable industry, his sound T ass articles in their line, also a uuate or uamorluge, which he represent-Wfirsml Cd f01‘ $01110 years. His success in tllcghost of miscellaneous items too numerous political arena has been doubtless due to Eto mention. ‘ l his indefatigable industry, his sound The display of dairy and horticultural common sense, his unflinching couragcfi'products in the tent was very attractive. and his matchlcss tact and governingg’l‘he cheese7 butter, and homemade ability, aided by an unusually sound and‘gbread would have delighted an epicure] vigorous constitution. Quite a novelty too in the article of Public opinion in the old country .‘hmneâ€"made wine, was shown. The roots seems to point out Russel or Gladstone" and fruits were above the average, espe-i as his successor, and with either litt]e%3»cially the latter. Home manufacture, in; change of policy is to be expected. Who-othe way of boots and harness, was abun; ever he may be, let us hope he will ilOl’lâ€"Edflllt, excellent both in material and As an orator, LORD PALMERSTONFEI- . . . V was Simple, clear and forelblc, With buff?) little ornament, and much genial sarcasm ‘ 2: His power lay not so much in his 1090,???“ as in his tact. , I?" . . . E2“ A In the prime ofllfe we find lllS nnmeHo/m associated with the great men and mom‘s;er sure of the momentous period illeludcdginfr in the first-huh” of' the preSwt centuryi‘igmd The events of his later years are too reâ€"f cent to need recital. During his time; four sovereigns have reigned in England _ He was :1 member of the House of Com-lam“ mons 58 years; witnessed the eonstrue-Ecmn tion of 13 ministries, in 11 of which hebe I hold office, and of the colleagues \vithéin S whom he entered public life, not onefioilz new survives. J was secretary to Sir. PHILIP SIDxL‘Y, and settled in Ireland in 1609. The celebrated SIR?WILLIA.\I TEMPLE, was grandson to Sm PHILIP, and uncle to the first Lord PALMER- STON, who was created a peer of Ireland in 1722, under the title of Baron TEMPLE and Viscount PALMERSTON. Not since the your ‘ 1710, when SIDNEY, Lord Gonorrmx, was abruptly dismissed by Queen ANNA, did a ‘- Prime Minister of l‘higlund conduct the national afliiirs at such an age as that 1w which the late Lord PALMERSTON had Hl‘flll‘ * ed. Born in the 23rd year of the reign of lnonun UL, he had been a prominent, par» ticipntor in most 01' the public events of the times ever since he attaind his majority.” A life like that of Loni) ’ PALMER-C STON’S, so full of years, events and ho- nors, cannot be other than a history of _ his times. A retrospective glance lo his earlier years carries us back to the" days of Sheridan, Burke, Pitt, Fog, Cobett and Erskine; to the famous stnlcg trials of Tooke, Hustings, S. Thirwnl to the misfortunes of Queen Cnrolinné the horrors of the Irish rebellion, midi the victories of Nelson, Howe, St. Vin»; cent and Cmnperdawn. El Into the various mutations of his‘: political career we have not space to1 enter. For the following facts, respch ing his birth and family, we are inrlcbh ed to the excellent biography published’ in the Leader. “HE.an J 01m TEMPLE. ‘Tiar‘nnnf 130mm.” England has lost her ripest if not ublest statesman 1 Although not alto: gather unexpected, this event has cast sudden gloom over almost the whole emâ€"i pire. It is felt that this loss is irreparfi ableâ€"in the long roll of illustrious names‘ there is none to fill his place. Since thel death of \VM. PITT, few statesmen have held amore distinguished position in the world, than LORD PALMERSTON, exer- cised a wider influence, or possessed a more extensive ex'perience of English and Continental politics, of courts, seven (signs, and governments, or of [the weal:- nesses and perfections of his own find other peoples. i RICHMOND HILL, NOV. 1863 SUBSChuSE FOR The York Herald, $1,00 a. year Tens that are Tcamâ€"VVm. Atkinson Glad News â€"â€"Dr. Bryan More Valuable thao Gold.â€"vDr. Bryan To Ladiesâ€"J»: Bryon Chump Single Harness.-â€"VVm. Harrison Envc Troughs. &c.â€" John Langstafl‘ Deacon's Family Mndicinos,â€"â€" G. A. Barnard That Prime Mes-s Porkâ€"Wm. Atkinson Noticeâ€"The Esmle of the late Geo. Dove. Card-VV, G (Tm-161] Store and Dwellingto Letâ€"G. A. Bnrnard. Air-light and Frost-proof Doorâ€"JV. Macey Cheap Photographsâ€"A. M, Hood Joshua Roed-â€"Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Abraham E\erâ€"â€"Lmnlwmlg. Notice ~â€"'I‘he Langsmfl' Estate. Cardâ€"R. H Ha”. Chelnisl and Hrnrmicl Godev for N‘ Express. .. Mail. . . . . . RICHMOND HILL TIME TABLE Mail Train. . . . Through Mixed Express . . . . . . . Deatlf of Lord Palmerston (Elbe flank 15mm. bll New Advertisements. ~â€" I he lmngsmfi' Estate. -R. H Ha”. Chemist and Druggist Ad:gp]s- Demist. ova mbn‘r â€"At Scott’s MOVING MOVING NORTH. SO" ‘11 . or he would have st year. He was {or branch of the founder of which 1], Dcsracli,gsmnmyt “1‘10 “0 PTO' ' Besides what we have before cnumemâ€"l though posited, we noticed some very fine, elegant , and :1 grfl-Elooking buggies, and serviceable wagons“ :gues W1th. e, not one mvwd LMERSTONé ,with but% :11 sarcasan Ins 10310,; SE. , DcsraclfiéI do no pre- lough 1105-.” ‘A 1 E? ... 8 0413.31 venerable? ’x workmanship. As regards the ladies 7 55 A. M‘ 8 59 “ 501 an mrdzmd‘fivm‘k, too much cannot bev‘said in its‘ 01 thcc‘favor. Some ofthe quilts and Speci-1 mans of Borlin W001 Work diaphyed‘ 1 fple, and if 9 mm] at our provincial fairs 10m".would doubt ess take a big -. rank. The 1'”°"Ecmnbinod unicr and eled crusher shown 1 heéby 311'. Abell ought to prove serviceable *"mléin some of our strong clayey Cnnudizml omfisoils. It is in 20 sections, costs $70,“ mid Weighs about 15 cwt., and ccrtainlyj l l TONéI'DflCClS great credit on its inauuf'ueturel'l lJUtf‘EMr. Abell’s mauufhe’tory is well Worth!l ‘Sln-izza vi it, and as a local cntorprize, to 5:in ’310;,§11()tl1iug 01" the superior quality 0f the: Qwork turned out, should receive a liberal} ‘lPigs were Well represented, but though .A’ l «'1 few fine animals were to be seen, the? excellent. Marines, Cotswolds, Loiees~ ters and Southdowns were all exhibited. Some of' the Leicester and Cotswolds more of marked excellence. Aboui‘ I, twenty eoops of Poultry were shown, ‘ among which some very fine turkeys and geese, and some specimens of Aylosbury ducks are most deservingr of mention. Mr. John Abel], proprietor of the yfillVoodbridge Agricultural Implement l; Mnnnf'actory, was the principal exhibitor U"of implements, though the Show was 2foenerully good. OF the superior excelâ€" lence of Mr. Abell’s Inanufileturea, we :er glad to haven opportunity of speak: n“ It. ’5 WW M9“ fib- § )2 ingr. The val-loll assortment of ploughs ;and straw cutters, exhibited by this gen ' tlmmn,w01'c specially commendable flu- I: strength, finish and excellence of primal; The stock of cattle shown was large: and various. Among the Durhams and“ Gallownys, we noticed some very fine 'nuimnls, but the principal display con» ‘sisted Of'Grrade cattle, and certainly a ,finer lot it would be hard to collect. We have seldom seen a better display} of Stock generally, than the grounds exâ€"{I *hibited. The horses for general andi agricultural purposes were exeeedinglyj; creditable, While the excellence of those for the harness and Saddle excited gener-l al comment. Thecompetitive exhihiâ€"l tion of the speed and training 01" 'the latâ€"l ter, in the ring, Formed one of the mosti attractive ifezltures of the day. Mr. .T-‘ E. Davis, of Richmond Hill, exhibited; lhis black niare, got by Black Hawk Mor- gan, which took the first prize’as the best horse in single harness. We are glad to hear that Mr. Davis' mare, which deserâ€" ves the eneomiums bestowed upon it, ihus taken the first prize at all the fairs iheld in the county this year. Vaughan Agricultural. Society, which! took place at \Voodbridge on \Vednesday} October 25, was in every respect a deci-f dcd success. From an early hour in the? morning there was a continual stream ofi ; weather during the afternoon was cloudy/l . 2 and threatening, the grounds were dense: vehicles into the village, and though the i The Autumn Exhibition of the" 31y crowded, by over 5,000 spectators. ‘lny in getting articles on the ground and arranged, so that the judges did not get: . v 1 I As 15 usual, there was conmderable (107 s if'mrly to work until past noon, but once, . . 1 gstm‘ted thelr progress was rapld, and as > ~ . . gf'ar as we‘could learn, emmently satlsfac-l 'tory. The ground, which is very favorably: gand prettin situated on the Humber; iFlats, presented a. most animated and 3interesting spectacle. Round the boun-l idary line were distributed the cattle! .&e. For the horticultural and dairy, irroduets, and the fancy work, a emmno~' dious tent was provided; while in the! centre of the gmnnd a large circular; ispuce was enclosed by ropes and stakes, for the competitive exhibition of horses. "Here and there over the grounds thei various quaeks and humbugs, who attend; Horses, Sheep, Agricultural Implements,‘ l | . 5 all such assemblages, and reap a I‘lCllé iharvest from them, were amusing andl ifieecing the multitude, who, with a few :pardenably green exceptions, listened to; ltheir alluring professions and frantic 4-. ‘Ielforts to excite attention, with a most.3 {irritating indifference. E SPLENDID DISPLAY. ;5,000 to 6,000 Persons Presena? Vaughan Township Fall Fair’ at Woodbridge. I‘IGS. JUDGESâ€"Same as sheep. iBesi large boar, .T Dnlziel. . Best small boar G Weldrick 2nd do J Brooks. . . . . . Rogt mm, 2 shears and over, J CoHey 12nd r10 do do . Best shem‘ling ram. .T GiH V . . . . . . . . . “3nd do J Weldrick . . . V . . . 180% mm lamb. J Colloy . . . . V . _ It‘lnd do W 10mm. . . .. . . . . .V . . . . inust pen of 2 owes, 2 shows and over, having raised lambs in 196.3, A Jul"- f'mv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A _ . . . . . . . most pon of 2 fat sheep, ewes or math- > MS, G Jnr‘ksrm V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do J Colley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'anI do ,, do A Jvf‘f'my. .. iBest pen 0t shoarling ewes G Jackson 11nd do do do ml (1:) do JAPV‘F)“: , . . . . . «x41 pen of 2 owns. :3 shears and (HT- Imvin: mi '3-1 lambs in 186.3, Geo. Jackson . . . A . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do (10 G Jackson _ . . . . Host pen of ‘2 Shearliug ewm, J Co‘Noy "1nd do 'do do £110“;an of 2 lambs, G Javkson . . . . . E2nd do do J Colloy . . . . . . . SOVTHDOWN SHEEP. Rest mm, 2 shows and (WM, J Shunk [Burt shozu'Hng mm, A JOWJ'Oy. . . . [211d do do . . . . . . ‘ ’Rost mm lamb, J Juvkson . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do do . . . . . . . Rest, pan of ‘2 mvec. 2 shears and over, having: raised lambs in 1865, J Jug Rest 00w7 any ago, with nvidnm‘e of having had a culfsiuco lst Jun. ’65 JGill.... . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do do Jacob Lahmer . . . , . . . 3rd (10 do J G11] . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 380st hvif'cr, 2 yours old, J Luhmcr. . "3nd do do H I’Oinx‘mm] . . , _ . . . _ Hostphun. l yem 01d. Gr Jackson. . . . W‘st hoifcr, 1 war 01d, '1' Musson 211d «‘10 do J Llhmer .. . . . . . . . . Ros‘t spring hoif'm‘ calf, J Acrow . . . . . "Cd do (1‘) J (H11 . . . . . . . . . . 'lnd do I do J Fleming . . . . . . . . . . limt hwifi‘r, 1 your old, A MCNCill. . . ‘an dn do J Flemin , . . . . . . . . . Rest Sprng hoif‘m- 02111". J Grahame. . 2:111 do d0 A McNeil! ‘ . . . . . . . . . Host Spring bull calf; A McNeill. . . .. FAT CATTLE. Rest fut 0x 01‘ cow‘ John Gill . . . . . . . ‘an do do G Weldrick. . . ._ . . . _ Rest yoke working mtfle, J B Gmcey 211d do do S Shunk. . . .. Best bull, two years old, and over, J ‘Grahame ‘Bost: cow, any age, with evidence of having had a calf since lst Jan ’05, A MCNciH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘an do do A MuNcill . . . . . . . . . . ‘h-d do do J Gmhamm , . .. . . .. Host heifer, 2 years old, J Flmning. . host, bull, 1 ye (7M, A McNeilL . . . I A011)“; . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best cow, any age, with evidence of having had a cult'sinco lst Jan. ’65 \V Bowos . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . ’2nd ([0 do J Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inst heifer, two years ()1d,J Acrow. . [Ind do do W “owes _ . . . . . . . . . . Rest heifer, one year old, W Bowes. . 2nd do do J Juilicn i . . . . . . . . . . . Host spring heifer calf, J Gill . . . . . . . 211d do do W Rowe i . . . _ . . . . . . . 30st springr hull calf, J Acrow . . . . . . 2nd do do J Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . “1‘00. iBest bull, two-years-old and over, I DAVIS.“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {2nd do do A Ganderh-mu “2nd do do J Cameron V . . _ . , . . . . Best draught shod horse. in Be bei~ himd in the name ofthe shoer, Geo Kempshull . . . . . . . _ . . ‘ . . . . . . . . Best roadster shod horse, ‘to be exhi- bited in the name of the sheer, Geo Kempshell . . . . . . . . . A . . . . 2nd do. do F Danton . . . . . , . . . . “PST. spring colt or filly Jacob Storm 2nd do do ABux-khohicr _ . . . . . Bust single 1101‘8c in harness, J I Hoct sudle horse, John Bums tire colt, (ncne Worthy) A A i2nd do do J finiivh _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . A . . ‘Ilwl (in (lo J Bushy _ , , . . A . . . v . . lllosf tWo-year-old general purpose lilly l or gelding, G Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do do J linleUll . . . . . . . . . . . Rest ‘xy'mn‘linar entire colt, Hy Bell. .. 2nd do (10 J Dixon , . . . _ . . . . . . . Host Yearling filly 0r gelding, Alfred _ {Mikey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . i I ' V ' ~ . . remarkable taste and ingenuity, and onBBSt lame brood SOW, had Pigs In ’65, “the Whole the Needle \Vorlg useful mag“? Iiygesgermi-e-l; j'_‘_ _' ; ; g ; j; j :3 I . . . ,_ xornamental, was certgunly the grand feaâ€" Best small brood sow. had pigs m ’60,“ Fture of theinterior display, and spokev 01- S Shunk‘ ' ' “ ‘ ' ' ' " ' ‘ " Fumes ofthe skill and perseverance of the 7 Ffwm' “0'55 ".9 WGET‘QHS‘ ! . . . . . 3 . A, 36M vaner of _a§g}as;‘!lx of‘hench, S. ifzur ladies of the Vlclmty. t Wand _ _ ' . ‘ . _ . N a. ~ - -..i‘..-...~....... I The annual dinner took place in the :Burwick Arms Hotel, at half-past five, »p.1n. About one hundred gentlemenI I Fsat down to airieh, substantial and 3eléâ€"i igantly prepared repast, which reflected great credit on the establishment. Mr. iJohn Abel], president of the Society, 00â€": leupied the chair. The usual,toasts and [speeehitying having been concluded, the :company dispersed about ten p. m., with‘ level‘y reason for satisfaction with the ll‘esults of the d:1y.- ‘ The following 1is therentirc prize listâ€"iâ€" nonsm. ‘ JUDGES. Messrs. ll. L Denison, Sander» ison and McDonnongh. illest spun draught horses, in harness. 1 J 1*‘jc‘111i11g , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5 Dust span general purpose horses, in harness. J Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ‘Zml do do John Ackrow. . . 13rd do do G Clayton . . . . . _. . . Best draught brood‘ {mare with foul by her side, Burkholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . West general purpose mare, J Storm. Bu 't Lwo-yeur-old draught entire cult; John (101) . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . ‘ Best twoâ€"ymw-uld general purpose 011- JUDGF" â€"â€"Messrs. McClennan and Rowan mm, 2 she,an and over, A Jum'oy do do J [’oflor . . , . _ . . . . . . ‘ sTxn'u'Hng mm, J Acrow . . . . . . . d") (L) J (‘1)114‘3‘ _ . . . . . . . . . . . mm lamb. J CoHoy . . , . . . . . . . . (1:) do J Arrow, _ . . . . . . . pen or 2 owns. :3 shears and nvr-r, ‘11: mi. llamhs in 186.3. Geo. A Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of? shoafling ewes, J Colle G- Weldrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . of 2 1.1th, .T COHOy. . . . . .. G Welrlx‘ick _ . . . . . . . . . . . . COTSWOLD SHEEP. LLH‘ICSTER SHEEP. I 'I‘eusdale, F Slighfolm {12111 M GALLOWAY CATTL}? GRADE CATTLE DI'RHAM CATTLE AT SHEEP. $1 prl‘ 5,61,; as followsf‘aa Germ,” gelbanm loss, coxm qncntl), the (letendantm “Lie? 2 A _ -‘ not linble to pny the whole or any part of -'tlenizm, Well known to the public, wholgthe $700 claimed. Verdiet for the plaintiff $500. was tried for lunacy a few months :zgo,,‘ was the victimâ€"«{This‘ gentlemunJ 112W» Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1865. The Court met this morning at nine o’eloelgâ€"the Hon. Justice Adam Wilson ’ igneighbors, tbr thespnce of three daysm’i th '-‘ 1?! . :tlie before mentioned p01md~kceper)=~~ The was forced to pay the song little sum ,of thirt ' six dollars and thiran cents or I - v - . féhetero that eonseientious officml wouldi ‘in'esiding. ‘ l‘Pl‘EI: CANADA PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY 4 rs.11.\ums. Counsel for he plaintililt, Mr. R. G. Dulâ€" ton, for the deteinlnnt, K. McKenzie, Q. 0.. E’queiiee of which was that the alledgedi‘ This action was brought by the, pininth’l Fm recover two instalments due on :L inort~ _ _ _ ‘(rng'e filllflllniing to 5571,12l 1L7. The defen- 50 5161' lllflgIStl‘atC, W110 ordered that Jauudlb‘d not denied the mul‘in‘;r oftlie ni(n‘f{“1:’0, and ‘ ’x ,1., ‘ ,i', int}, .wt, ilookng person, the poundâ€"keeper, tog-j tt up the thL of mini, \\I11(,l1 Hun/i plea veonsent to release his colts, the cones? lunatic summoned him to appear before wvns the one relied on, as the (lefendunt’e fieonnsel admitted the mulan of the mort- .one dollars, which was very grateful]; ” wee when the Jury were sworn. i’gaccopted by the lunatic ‘ It was admitted, on part of the phiintifl‘h, that they are a corporate bodv incorporated T . 1 ' . . ' r . v .i" ' ~ bow 1‘11. Ldltm: 511011 “9 the pl‘lln'iii'1()1' to the 16th August, 1808,. . , ' , i" _ . . . facts of the case. 15 1b to be n o‘nderedtv, 3m MCKOHZIO agreed to a verdict hem, ntered fir the plaintilf, the defendant to, IIIYO leave to move the court above to heme ‘ , verdiet entered for the defendant. He said?33 .hut he adopted this course with a View of' huring the question brought before the Court.“ V- of Appeal, us he knew the Court, would be ainst him, because judgment had been disgorge the nice little stain of twenty 50 at that these very men, such as the . above; will hound down and defame 0111 public men 'as corruptionists and rubber when such are theirt own acts while oe~ TAYLOR VS. FENNEY. Counsel for the plointilf, Mr. R. A. Harri- :on and John McBride; tor the defendants, Miss Harriet Lane, niece of CX-‘I’l'OSidt‘m BuchzumlyY will be married Shortly to [19:le 1“. Johnson, a wealthy bunker ol‘lhltilnorv. Juhnsmi was one of the ppliticzfl martyrs of [Fort Warren, in the early part of the war, [for runnng the blockade to Richmond. An exchange makes .the singular stale ‘mont that Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher pur $0303 to regul her husband's lectures, 11pm invitations of'lycoums and literary assvcia- rlious, Mr. Beecher-'3 health preventing him from undertaking another lecture campaign A beggar in Valtlnnn {L few days ago 0xâ€" p'rossed 2L (Iissmi‘sfzwtiun at receiving n gift of LL Slice of brand, and pluimivoly remarked, ‘ Can’t you g-i\'e 1110 2L piece of custard pie ‘.’ ‘I'm sick.’ Daniel Mahony, arraigned at the ant assizns 0n Sntnrday week, {01"1110 murer u; a clnld named \V illiam Hervey H01} gins, wm convicted of Manslaughter, and sentenced tn Aii'tecn years imprisonment. l The above Council met at Sizc’s Hall, Uniépville, on Saturday, the 28th Oct. Reeve in the chair. Mémbers all present. { Minutes of the last meeting Were read land approved.- Markham Council. OBSERVER. \Vedncsihty, Nov. 1, 1:165. In'NN Vs. JARVIS. Counsel for the. plaintiff, Mr. TCOnnm'; for the defendant, Mr. D ML 7, \Tichnel and Mr. T. H. Ince. “.5 This wnq an action against the Sheriff forg It is said that Six men were bumed to making It misc return tn a writ of F1. FA. ‘domh in the 13“; fire at am Michigan R531. The writ was issued at the instance of thoz 'nnd depot, at Detroit. The remains of phiintifl“, and acted upon by the Shel-iii, ‘whoéthme of them have been found among the SCIZCd and sold the goods of the executivO ruins. . A woman in New York, while drunk, bent 1' 1nd i‘i'ig‘hmncd her husband to death. The nry found thnt he was consumptive, and that 101' T1’“:Lil]1(‘1\1 ‘ only hastened his death,’ and so she. was discharged. Lucky murderess. )Ir. McKenzie agreed to a verdict heinqfl‘an orgammmn‘ entered tn the plaintitt‘, the defendant in: An En 118)) paper mates that the have leave to move the court :leve to have? V - ,9 . . i verdict, entered fur the defendant. He SilltlEiQ-[llnth hmfidom’ of Elle hne of trading .hut he adopted this comm: with {L \'l(‘\V e . “Emmers between {flaggow my; New hnving‘the questionln'nnghthefin‘e theCmn' ‘ 101%, P115 mtO LOIIQII SWllly 0n ()t'Anneztly {who knewthe (him-t would hr, Thursday a. In. l'IuVlng a sus- utzninst him, hecntuse judgment had heen .;pici01,1s appearance, orders were sent ;iy'en against the defendant on demurrer. iftom Dublin to the authorities to 100k TAYLOR vs. FENNEY. after her. W'hile steaming out of the Counsel for the plaintitl“, Mr. R. A. Harri ough she was hoveâ€"t0 bv shots from the Ron and John McBride; tor the defendants, .Qunbont Nightcngflle mild brought back ‘K- MCKU‘mQ: Q- C" “"d 8' R‘Chm'dSv Q- uito anchorage thk Ratlnnullen. Being This was an intm‘plender issue brought to?( cal'chcd by the police nothinn suspi- try \vhethet‘ certain t'tn'ni 1)]‘(3DS‘J'ly seized lay ions was found except: a lad; armed the Sherltl ofthe Cnunues ()l lurk and l’eel , - - , . ~ ~ 7 . .‘ v i ’ w1th :1 finnnduble revolver havmo‘ 1:: under an Oxnculmn msnvd h) the defendant ‘ 7 . ’ . 1" tgainst the goods at William J. '.l':1vltn',i§.1lwr I‘QS$CSS‘_"“, letters from WhECh the .vei‘e, at the time ot'the seizure, the pi'nnertvi“ Hulllt'l'll‘lt‘s “Iformd that She Hugh)". be it" the tweentimi duhttn', OI‘JOl‘ the ptnintitt; the with of one of the leaders of Fenlan- -Toremiuh 'J‘uylm‘. Efisni in America. A number of the coast Verdict, fur the plaintitf, expect as to the'fginn'ds and police accompanied the lady “<20! few which sum the verdict was for the to Glasgow to ascertain more particulars lel'endrtnt. bout Her. of Appeal) as he know the Court, would be against him, because Judgment had been ;iy'011 against the defendant on demurrer. TAYLOR VS. FI‘INNEY. Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1865. The Court met this morning at nine o’clockâ€"the Hon. JllSUCO Adam Wilson presiding. (‘PI‘ER CANADA PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY rs. HARRIS. ALBANY, Oct. 31,â€"Thc name of the: man murdered at Bradt Basin on Sun' {day night was Captain Harvey Putnam, The defence set up vas that the prismwrgoi. Canaetotm Madison county. The girout and idvutiliod'tl‘re horse, and the prison- «‘1‘ was arrested in this city shortly after- wards. only came from the States in the month oi" owner of the boat was not, killed, The August last7 11ringingv a. horse with him Acnlfiflin was amused from his Sleep and ,»1'hat he was engaged in il‘fltllll}: horses, {111l1%t()1(1 the boat was adrift. Hie hurried. It was proven that he traded taut-e an the“ 1‘ ‘1' ivl “ I q .' d ,3 fl) neighimurhood of Richmond H111; llllt he” 0" “WHQH 11. “’10 16. W's SCMC Y ‘ c » was unable to prove that he only came from ' Steel'smfm: and as ‘3 SUPPOS.991, ,the. refit the States 3” August. of the crew had murdered him With n deim guiltv; sentenced '30 twelve hatchet. His head was terribly bruiseé lmonthsimprisonriient in gaol. Counsel for .Rlld 01117. . After the Blunder the steer!» the crown, Edward Blake, Q. 0., Mr. Janie man marched down stairs into the cap- ioultou defended the IN‘ISOHOIH tain’n room and took possession of his Vpoeltet book, containing: upwards of $300 All the crew of the boat fled. New YORK, Oct. 31.~â€"The Earpresx - prints the following: i “ The Havana steamer which arrived at this point this afternoon brings the. "' confirmatory news of the uprising of the; ieg‘roes in Jamaica against the Whites. ‘Her Majesty’s consul at this port, it is: ,7 "zzid, is in receipt of despatehes ofthe ut- fjmmt importance. Many revolting murâ€" “sdcrs have been perpetrated by the ne- The defence set up was that the plairitiiT rmc‘q'. A Whit? magmti‘ate has been. had made :1 111150 and Fraudulent statom'uit olglshocknmly mlhllatedr his fingers and his loss, consequently, the defendants “‘cre;%l00§ 01” Off and the“ murdered, 3ft?!“ ‘not liahle to pay the whole or any part ol't;\v1neh a negro woman ripped open 1115"- the $700 claimed. V: bowels. The mutiny was spreading raâ€" Verdict for the plaint‘if}~ $500. "inidly at lac-it accounts and the greatest- :-.'_;alarnl prevailed among the Whites. The ddl‘pau'ture ot' Ad‘nii‘al Hope from Hali~ (111x, with the 17th regiment, is ofiicialiy' announced." Monday Oct. 30, 1965. *(IOYLE VS. 'I'Tl‘ii COMMERCIAL UNION ASSUR- ANCE COMPANY. im and Mr. 1). Manama; at Ltllc defen- ldants, Mr. Hector Cameron. In this action the plaintilf claimed to re :eover $700, being; the amount covered by a ' limhcy ot’lnsnranee emmted _with the defen Edants on the plaintil‘k household furniture nd stock in trade, which furniture and stock 'lllvtl‘tldt} was dust'royml by fire.- Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1965. The Court met this morning at nine? ’ In this amimi the plaintiff claimed to 1‘0- cm'cr $700, being; the amount, covered by a hmhcy oflusnrmico effected _with the defon finnfs on the phiimiih jmusvhnhl furniture ‘mid Stock in trade, which furnitm' \ and 5-300 <~ 'Ilvfmdo \':1,s<1ost'1‘0ye(ihy fire.- '(IOYLE VS. THE COMMERCIAL UNION A’SSUR ANCE (‘()1\II’AXY. Counsel For the Mnintifl" Mr. R. A. Hurri- isrm and Mr. D. McMichuol; for Lthc defen- ‘ldams, Mr. chwr Cameron. :mrs, the premises on which the distress was innde, that, \Vhite being indebted to Mc-l lienn (one ol'the defendants), made an usrl ‘ "'lHl’lCIli of two half ye irs rent to McLean7 \\'l]1('l1 empowered him to collect the s:11‘:e.l Subsequent to the lllttlx’lil: olithe assig11ment,§ end before the liiilt'.\'enr‘s rent l'ollowin; duel on the 1st of October, 1864, hzid heemne rdne, \Vhite obtained from the plaintiff two notes, covering the rent due up to the 1st of .\]n'il, 1865, and gave a receipty nelnmw it‘dg‘iug payment of the rent to that date. When the defendant Melietin demanded the rent falling due on 1st April: he was met hy the receipt from White. The receipt did not sutisfy )I’t-L 1:111 and he issued a distress \Yttl‘l'tlnt, 11nd the goods of the pluintilf were sold in eoiise.{11e|1<:e; hence the present :10- .1ion. White being an insolvent allowed‘ judgment to go by default, and the action was carried 021' against McLean and the lmlilt". Verdict {or the pl:1intitlfiS-'\fl‘2t. THE (ZI'ICEN 7S. HENRY HAYWARD.- The indictment ziyiinst the prisoner eon- tninedtwat-(1111119, the list count charged‘ him with having; stolen a horse from Mr. l’l L. Slxirrow, on the. .3tthne lust; the second: count, charged that the prisoner Ld’ the horse in his possession knowing hint to have- ‘heen stolen. Although it was in the mriy lpurt of June that the horse was lost 01' stolen 'it was only within a few weeks that he was: treated to the prisoner7 who had sold the horse to Mr. Willimn Burton, of the town- ship ot'Yorlc; andswhose attention was snlnx Lsequently (lireeled to an :t(l\'L‘l“.i-;m-,‘nt otl'eri lit $10 reward for the rot-every of it home; lsmd to he “lost, or Stolen." The horse? “nought, by ilr. Burton answering the dos eription in thz advertisinent, he at onee ac. 1111:1inte1l Mr. Hewitt on Yonge street, to whom reference was diret'ted. Mr. Sliirron" went and identilied'tl‘re horse,. and the prison- er was arrested in this city shortly after-1 wards. Verdictr guilty; Sentenced '30 twelve months:imprisonment in gun]. Counsel for Mm crown, Edward Blake, Q. 0., Mr. James ‘ 3011lt0u defended the pmsouer. Thu defence set, up was that the prismwr only came From the States in the month M ‘August lust, bringing a. hm'se with him that, he was engaged in trading; Inn-xvii, and :it \tas proven that he traded twim yin Hm ‘11oighbourhnod of Richmond Hill; but he was unable to prove thas he only came from the States in August. (From the Daily Leader.) TORONTO, Thursday Oct. 26, 1865. The court met this morning at hull-past nine io’clock ; the Hon. Mr. Justice Adam Wilson presiding. The defendants admitth the trespass by ‘ing into court the sum of thirty dollarsy ‘which sum7 they contended, was Sufiicont to [cmnponsate the pluintilffor the timber 0111 ‘down and carried away. Verdict for the plaintiff; $70 damages. How: vs. Wan ET AL. Counsel for plaintlfl; Mr. R. A. Harrison fox‘ the defendant, Mr. D. McMich-acl. ‘his, £00th and Numb; for rent. The defence set 11}: was that Hm, defendant, \Vhite, 11ml fleusvd to the plaintiff for term of seven In this action the plaintifl’sought to rc-l cover damages from the defendant (his lamH llll‘tl‘), {111‘ :Lllflafi‘d illegal distress and sale orj York and Peel Fall Assizes. WELLS vs. MCCORMICK ET AT \ private session was held this a. m. ‘hc announcement, by their president, of .fho release 01' John Mitchell, created "rent enthwsmsm. It is probable that 'thc imporhmt change in the premiership, acaused by the (Tenth of Lord Palmerston :itgwill be the subject of discussion before the senate, so fur as relates to the Fem- man organization. a 24‘s that neither of the brothers wasksi-ilir god, but Umt‘ they were terribiy‘ beater? their sculls being, fractue’cT in: seven?- “ places. Both were alive‘ at one o'el‘oeki fithis morningy but me here of their r‘é‘-‘ emery was entertained. No arrests had gheen made up to six O’clock this evening, “There is much excitement in Utica and: throughout the county. I ‘ The Cmmnm‘dal’s Speciui says it is um‘lcrstood that Secretary McCullough: will rcconnncnd Congress to substitute a tax on snics for the income tax. The Fenian senate have engaged the now hull, No. 118 Broadway, where their meetings will be held in future. UTICA, Oct. 31.â€"A family named Look mis has been for many years notorious in‘ this part of the county, but has manag-' ed to escape legal punishment.- Last night its members were mobbed» at their“ home near “"arber'ville‘ ih’ {his}; county, Their abode-was surroutndedc- late in the night by a large crowd of people, supper {ed tobe a vigilance committee, composi grid of the Ritizeus el'Harshzill and Sanger- gfield.» They 1111mm} the buildings on! ithe place with the exception of the dwel- Eling house, All 'b‘he property ‘in the‘ ‘L‘urns; including eight horses, was bum- ed. ,lfi‘ille affair one of the family‘ saidi to be \Vashingtmi Loomisy was killecé ‘outright, and his brother Greve Loomis; iu‘us imrtally injured. Another accounfi LONDON, Oct. ZU.â€"z’l‘hc vacancy in ‘the prwiiership, caused by the demise’ of Lord'lhlmerston, has not yet been- !lilled. It is generally believed that Earl illussell Will be his successor, but noth-j iiiigof'2111 official nature has transpired i'tliereto, the'Queen being asked on a. Visit to Sedtland. There is no other news of' importance.~ The Ship Myrtle, from Liverpool, for‘ Savannah, has put back to port. The’ Ship Hermon, from Hovre, for Nevi York put into Portland on the 17th hav4 ing received damage by collision. fdebtor, but before paying over the mowed- 'ofthe debt to-the plaintiff’s attorney; 11w fmoney was attached by other creditors. The iplaintiff refusing to indemnify the Sheriff ha paid the money on the attachments .m'd‘ :mndC a. return of nulla bond to the plaintiff writ. {Arrival of the Damascus FATHER PMNT, Oct: 31,~â€"'The Cn- ‘nadiau steztmship Damascus, from LiVer- £3001 0n the 19th,» via Londonderry on ‘thc 20th inst.7 passed this point thip 1aftemoon en route to Quebec} Her ad“ iviccs are only one day 1:1th than per‘ City of Boston at New“ York.» The‘ jstczlmship Cuba; from New York, arriv: ‘cd at Queen’stow'n‘ on t‘he' 20th inst; THE PREMIERSIHP NOT YET FILLED. American News.

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