Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 27 Oct 1865, p. 3

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Thu following Valuable Property, viz: 40 Thorough bred Ewes, (Gotswold and Lei- cester.) 20 thorough-bred Ewe Lambs. from bile oflhe best [{nms imported by Mr. Simon, Beanie lastyear, l spon heavy Team Horses, Ij-spnn hem/y Team Mareé. 2 Heifats, W0”- brod, 2 years old, 2 Heifer, well bred, l y’r eld and other property. _ 541.3 winner ANY RESERVE! - TWO exchange brokers doing business in London, were heavly victimized a few davs since by a arty who passed forged drafts on 5 house in ew York, on one for $1,000 ind the other for $2,000 greenbacks. The loss will be about $650 and 1,300 res ect- ‘ivel . The forgery was discovered on ed- .nes ay, when the drafts were returned by lthe express company, they having failed to collect. Au wgrrunled in all cases, for the SPEEDY-Ind PKKMANLNT CURE 0| a” diseases from sexunl oxcoiaen or BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Seminal Loss. Nightly Emissioiv’s, and Sensual Dreams; Genital. Physical and Nervous Debi- lity. Impotence, Gleet. Sexual Diseases. 610 No Change of Diet in? Necessary and they cm be used without detection. Erch box Contains 60 l’ih's, Price ONE DOLLAR, if \‘ou cannot get them uf your druggist they will be sent by mail securely sealed, Wi",h full in- ilmclions. that insu 'e a cure. on reveipt of the money ; and a p mphlel of 100 pages on "no orrorfi of yomh. the consequence§ a1;d_rr9medy. 'som frae: IO cents required for fiob‘tag'e Ad- arem Dr. J, B"YAN. Consulling Physician. KO. Box. 5079. 44‘! Broadway, New York Dedoracnn be supplied bv Demas. Barnes & b6" Wholesale Agents. New Yolk: 16 MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD mmmfiimg 19.33213 mus, Purify the Blood. Remove Headache, Dizziness, Giddiness. groweiness, Unpteasant Dreams, Di_m‘ness of ightrlndigezhun, Cleanse the Stomach and ' Bowds, inset-o New ng m the debilitated and ‘RESfi‘ORE :rtu; SICK TO PERFECT HEALTH, Try: them fit'iey on!) cost 25 cents. and if you bynnot get them of your druggisl. send the 'money to Dr. J. BRYAN. Consultatipn Physi- Vcign, I442 Bl'oadwt‘gs PJ). Box 5079. and they will be sent by return of mail. ADealers suprflied by Demié, Barnes 5L Co , Wholeanlo Agems. New York. 16 h-nevonfniling remedy for llle removal of 0b- M’ruclions. no matter fom what cause they brine. They are safe and sure and will rasture ‘nMure in every case. They are also effica- cious in all cases of Weaknew. Whites. Pm- lnpsus, 6w. Sold m Boxes containing 60 l’iIls Price, ONE DOLLAR. If fluirequire a reliable remedy to restore you Send for Dr. HARVEY’S Private Medical Ailviser,nddressed to female)"~ . 100 pages, giv- ing full instruclions, 10 cen‘s required for pust- nge. If you cannot purchase the pills of your druggisl.lhey will be soul by mail. post-paid “cum from observation. on receipt of One Dollar, by Dr. J. BRYAN. Consulting Physician, PIC. Box 50 9. 442 Broadway. New York. _ Dealbm supplied by Demas. Barnes & C0,. Wholesale Agents. NEW York. 16 Whatâ€"Superfine held at $6 25; Extra [737337 25; Dopblg Exqu. $8 ()0 ‘nll ‘Wlmul,â€"-â€"ln fmr demand $| 20 a $1 55. [Whig Wheatâ€"At“ 00 a 3| [7 v ' ’ Barley.--sold m from 65c {(3 72c. Peup.â€"Slendy, from GU ft» 70c per bahl. Oathâ€"at 26c (é) 32c per bshl. Ha H from $8 001m $900 per ton; A _9§.’$2L‘Uc (@353 per barrel. Ell. reth'from wagons 12; {(3 14¢ per Joz. ultorâ€" "shjsjh lifg‘e suppiy at from 21c '- “(a 2 ' '. . , Uifiilnsgomn? (wry fo'f‘ local consumpfion. Calves $4 (I?! $5 each. Sheep $3 00 {1.1) $4 00 each. Lambs $3 (1) $4 We. ‘ Polafioos -30 to 40cm. (new) per bushel. Sth+fron$7 00:0 $9 00 per ton. FAfipl‘Wmssi‘Ede. E ABOVE REWARD will be paid to :thg foamy who will give spch informatipn Wednesday, November 1, 1865 GORMLEY'SL FERRIS. Auctioneers. ,Oclober 26.1865. 1 ,_ 3,, Steers dz 1 Heifer. L _ON THE FAIR GROUND, AME into the premises uf the Subscriber, _ 10'! No. 67. Isl Con. Whitchurch. Yonge :Stnet, about the beginning of August last. THE fifiWcribem have 133% instructed to ofl'er for Sale by Public Auction, on TEILMS.â€"For the Sheep, Cash : the' other Property :2 months’ Cradi' by giving approved notesJâ€"or a hbmaI disr'ount {or cash , Books, Purses & Wallets ’v'flw‘owner is requestsd to prove property, pay jexpgnsel and take them away. - :the yarly who will give such information :Ahntfwill lead to the apprehension and convic- -J lion‘of the Young Scoundrels. who. on the evening at Wednesday. {ha 26m inst., pulhd down the Fence in front of a lot on Richmond Hill.'nnd laid a Plank across a road-way load- ing lo the rllop of Mr. Wm. Hodge, wiLh the ’in‘téntion of tripping him or others up when :hn'to‘rin .- the house, SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK, P. alt. ' ' ‘ HEMRY LEGGE. Oak Ridges. Oct. 26. [865. n -2\-4 FIVE flflLLAflS BEWARE ‘Tlié ownier of the Plank is 'requosted to cull 9n Mr. Hodge and claim his property. ASTRAY- Bi'chmond Hill, Oct. 26, 1865. Mme. Demurest’s Fashion Books, For October, GODEY! Richmond am. July 28, 1865. Gig-AI) NEW’S r Harvey’s Female Pills, ‘Avgav CHEAP, AT Youthful IndlscretiOn, TORONTO M A KKETS. Toronto, Ob;26.t FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. RMIOND mm. mm DAY. T0 L.EDIES, AND 00 NEW SHIRTS HE Largest, meet Varled and the Cheap- ‘ ostSI‘OCK OF SHIRTS, on Rich- monfi Hill, made up in the best manner. on the premises, in new and fashionable Patterns and Styles of Coloured Flannels, \Vincey. Tweed, Linsey VVoolsey, and' Heather Flannels. and will he Snld at the Lowest Remunerating profit.” Call and see the assortmenl, fit Wm. S. PolloEk’sJate G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. Sept. 7. 1865. l4-If Gflflflfliifim EARNESS WM. H ARRISON’S PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ! September 2] . 1865‘ A NEAT, 6901] {And CHEAP LOT 013‘ - CONVEUIENT Shop to Rent. with two f Rooms. shunted m the best bufiiness part of the Village, and ndjuiuing lleeruld office. There is_n good opening for a Wamhnmkerr in (his neigllberhood. Apply at the Yuri: Ha ald Office 17.35.:th Hill, .me 13,1865. VIQEORIA COLLEGE ! :QléDiCAL FACULTY . Chemistryâ€" \‘lidwifery and Diéeases of Women and Chil- dren â€" ‘ x» ‘ ' ' al Patholog“ Surgf vjlld Sm "W516i! NEWCOMBE, Mi), MRCS, Eng. LRCP, .on. and Physician to Toronto General Hospital, " 1 Anatomy. Descriptive and Surgical-â€" JOHN FULTON, MD. MEGS, Eng., LRCP, Lon. I “L I Clinical Medicine and SufgérV ‘ JOHN L. KING. MR. MRCS. Eng. and Physician to Toreut'o General Hospital General Pathologvâ€" ‘ - ‘ Hon. JOHN ROLPHJID. LLD, MRCS. Materia Medica and Therapuijifififâ€" CHARLES V. BERRYMAN. MD, MA. Practical Anatomyâ€" J A WILLIAMS. MD. (the Demonstra- tor will allendas usual in the Desecfing Room. Coralor of the Museumâ€" S 1‘ MAY. MD. Naturalist. “WC-{1 Xn‘ifii’s' VT BERR 1 MA v. MD, MA. and Physician to Toronto Ge11.quspiii-il institutes of Medicineâ€"â€" 0n the 2nd day of October, And continue Six Months. Eng. Medical JurisprudfienceT‘ GRA. I) UATION CHEAP FOR CASH. Spring and Fall, when the Examim’flions will be both written and oral. Dean of the Facgltyâ€" To whom apply for any fu.ther information. Toronto. September 7, 1865. 144 BIBLE SOCIETY DENSITolW, SCOTT.’.S BOOK STORE. For Autumn & \Vintér. ichmcud Hill, June. 1865. / EDICINE and fiedinax Pathrfiogyâ€" Hon. JUIIN-‘ROLPH, MD. MRCS, Ehg. WALTER B. GEIKIE. MD‘ 'j'bi'l’x HERBERT SPL'NGSTER, MA. MD. - JOHN N. RE“). MD. The LECTURES will commonce J UST RECEIVED AT RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SHOP TO RENT. RIGHMQNU HILL, RIC H MON D HILL‘ MAY BE HAD AT .lgo-i'go I, Chemist Kl Bruggist, RICHMOND HILL nan. JOHN ROLPH. 56 Gerard street east, vagé'g Toronto . Richmona Hill, Sept. 7. 1865. List of Letters EMAINING in the Richmond mu m. Ofliue. on Is: September. 1865 : Anderson, Mrs M Johnson. Jncob Anderson. Andrew Lee. R. Blackburn, Miss 8 Lawrence. Miss I: C Boyd. Ben. ‘ Munshnw, Georgia" Bowman, Thos‘. Maihioson. W Brown. S H Marshal. Mrs S ' Brillinger. Harry Mamie, Bridget Baker, Miss E Mormon. JUMPh Campbell, Mrs T D McConaghy. F Cosgrovo, B McKinnun, Finley C’Jupland. W (52) Patterson, Robert Craik, Walter Quanz. W H Chapman. G Rumble. John Doner. E , Smith. Lawrence H. Drncy, John (2) Shepparu. Charles (23 Farrel. Andrew Smith. Mlsl H Fraser. W. C. Simpson. R Glover. Mrs M.. jr Sutherland. John , Graham. Miss M-‘ Tavlon J‘ohn Harr‘s. J T u 'Tailylo!l (Fanni'hi‘ Mill- Heurick, Mrs A man) Hullal. C. F - . Turnbull. Miss Ann . Hill, Dr, . Walker, James Harper, Charles \Vilkiuson. Eliz. Horne, Henry Wilson, Jphn Hilts, ll. FRESH BUTTER IN LB.” anus. At W. S. Po‘lock’s, late BUTTERJVANTED; 134a. PER LE. Good Common Vinegar. . :’ Good Man Vinegar . . . . . . . ‘ Best M:alchlBg81’......... ... Burdaaux Vinegar. . . .. .. . . ...- Best White Wine Vinegar.... . At Vo’m, S. Poilock’s, late W. G. CASTELL, W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronte and Richmond Hill every two woe“. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. > x Toronto, J U ly 20,1865. CONFECTIUNARY I AFFAIRS OF THE LATE Mr. GE 0 RGE DOVE. ALL DEBTS due or accruing due to the Estate of GEORGE DOVE. lat. of the Yownship of Malkham, yoarnnn. deceased. are m be [mid to the undersigned, and nHClniml are to he sent into him for Liquidation. he hnvo ing been appointed administrator of the pursui- al Esgnte and Effects ofthe said deceased. - lDated "at Richmond Hill, this sbcdhd day of Aug‘ulegES. ' J .7 ; ‘ . r, _ JOHN DUNCUMB, $120., Esq: ' ' ' Adminis'rnlfih 9 ' R’ ' inmond’ Hil‘. THAT PRIME MESS PUHK. EAVE THEMES, WATER SPIRITS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS x Richmond Hill. August 10 ’65. STEAM MILLS. THoMHILL. September 7, 1865 ViNEQflRS! Manufactured and for $313 by J 01111 Langstafi', Air-Tight and Frostâ€"Proof Door! ............. -V . . M , -. We requirb somet Ilg oi tiio kmd ti) $176M out-side doors proof fi'gainét air and fiostâ€"thig invention will dofilnl‘esa meet the. cage, and will be found both cheap and emci’éiit. . ll commands itself to the judgement oft h’osa Who investigate the matter. as being cv'éiilated (6 save fuel, and to render a family refié‘euc'o moi’é healthy and attractive. MR. WM. C. MACEY- Sm.â€"â€"-Your Air-tight Dmr mm: likeiym mefgwith fiberal 1'av_of flog: We qulfi'cs Having adopted the principle in my resi: dance. you have thereby the test evidence. that I consiuer your‘pateut worthy the mtemion ol' the public. Simâ€"Having tried your "Patent Air-tight and Frost-,n'not' Door,” I have reason lo believe that i'. is an excellent contrivnuco, and calcula- ted to contribute much to the comfort of [how who adopt it. ' 1 am of opinion that much less wood will .be required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is ppplied to the outside doors of a residence. ' MR. WM. MACEY. MR . WM. MAéEY. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of mawa invented door, and consider it superior 10 any thing] haveseen for stopping druhfihts and frost, and think it Will greatly save file], save health and prevent damage from front It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c.. NOTICE.- LL Parties ar‘e hereby prohibited from no gociating 1: NOTE, drawn by me and endorsed by WILLIA’NI CLIFFORD. in favour of ABRAHAM Law, amou'min-g to $7 15 4-datod August 16. 1865, and due one day after date, -â€"-as‘ no value imabden received for thc above Note. . Richmond Hill, July 27,1865. Mxrkham. August 17;.2865, «HAMS AND BACON! , JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5-3m PATENTEDTEINfi 16, 1865. REGERENGES 3 I’ILL. be given for any quantity of Goo PURE AND UNADULTERA‘EED l‘TO'i‘LiiPTR Supplv, fully better than the last. for the same money. 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Cheap and Good At NOTICE. G. A; BARNARD’S. MACEY’S RICHMOND HILL, Ju‘y 20th, 1865. Rxmmbxn HILL, July lat. 1865. MANUFACTURER 0F Yours. truly Rlcnin'mv HILL. July 4. 1865. G. A. BARNARD’S. WM. ATK'INSON'S. Provision Store. AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.P. M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. Var" :; :;!$ 4d gallon ' 1.515 88 gallon ..........‘:2§Q3 inon ...........‘29 6d fialon negarn....£380d gallon man) Turnbull. Miss Ann Walker, James Wilkinson. Eliz. Wilson, Jphn M. Tami; I'm. JOHN. MORTLEY. l4-tf 14‘“ ll“ 8- tf . .mmw, . k . As a general Tonic,»Vor’fiflfgpgfliéning Medi? bind to brace and inviggrgté"lhe 'frn'm ‘.‘ 110116 réqa lie-boner. ' :0 _: x ‘ DEfiCON’S PtLE‘O'INTM-ENT. ‘ DEAGDN’S FAMILY MBBIGINES! DR. JAs. :LANGSTAFF, omce Hours, 7 to 8 aim. & I to Sp ms ALL parties owing Dr, J- Lucs'rnrg are expected to ‘cnll gnd. pay promptly. a; he has payments nuwjhgt. musthe met. HA‘S been appointed ageni.‘ f6} tho Coimti of York, for tho above valuable Modi3 cinos. which haVI b‘ebii‘ before the Canadian public tor the past séfionyeirs. and havo'given univorsni satisfaégib‘nâ€"he can therefore; with confidence. reooflmend (hundréds of Testimo- nials could be given ff required, showing the benefit doritéd themiro’x’rifi their u'éé for their yeveral firu’iea,’ Mr. Benj Jenkins is authonized to- collect and give receipt: for him, - Richmond Hm, Sép}. 7. 1865. ‘ 1441' BEXEdféé‘mm iiscmm: rims Act gently yétreffiiél‘ix'fill'y; in‘izy be taken dur- ing any employment, qtcny time. a'nd‘éveii' by the most defines femqlo‘. . A scathing avnd‘ astringg'm a'pfljcx‘tion”; and, as {or as an Ipplicqtian ‘wh'ahmmflé’nf? béfvice, more soothing and much more' astringenl. than any hitherto prephred. Th’é majorin pf c3865 find speafly rolio! by figjlqj’t. _ _ v 3.. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND 0R HEAL. ALL. The safes; and best Medicine: in m'ie in Canada. " G. A. BARN‘ARD An excellent remedy for Rheuniatism, Erysi- pelns. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilblains. Sore Throat. nnflyiolenLI‘Iéine m Back or Side. the efi'eetiJsf die Heal All if! the above cases are nstouishlhg, 'l‘.'eliubnlly‘removlug ell pa? 1 ill a few hours. DEACON‘S VEuiTA‘BLE comm PILLS One or two Dos‘e'fi generally remove the cold. 'DEACOle Mliture {or Cholera, Diarrhma, 'anél Surfier Complaints, equal to if nlfl bel- ler_ than ally other medicine made. BEXCBN'S S'Tpmlscfigc “kt:wang fiEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Asthma. 6w. BEACON ’SAnpibllligun, EilIs. None bet- ter in no. ‘ _ .. ' . For Cuts, "cracked Héels. and .11 kinds of sores on Hiif'ses and Cattlo. ' ‘ DI‘JACON’S Eruptivé ' OiHimehf kind of skin diseases. ‘ " ‘ nut-4m gamma hunt-5.. . , IS prepai'ed to wait {upon ,,afi?x&h'0 nfiad his profesaignal sqnices iu._prder to preserve their leéth, or relieie sufferifié and supply new teeth in the most ap'provedst'ylio. Also to regu- late the teeth of those whome'sdfi't. . Consultation free. and all-work warranted. DENTISTRY. wTEi'AfiAivis. D: 0.75- Goad _ Machine; Oils 3 ’ In ELEPfiANTméinOCg-‘Gin. . a A1‘Wm'.s;Ponocku,‘$I;-f' f- . .G;A,BA1§NARD'5;“ A l I I Sfojaandzfiwfllingits be. let! ntchmond Hill, Jury 28. 18825. ENTRAI.LY siifial‘éd ‘flrjtbe best part of ' the Village-wall addpled-Tfor A Milliner. Shoemuk’er. Tailor ort'l'in‘Smt‘thuthe latter is much needed in the villhgo, noishop being wiihin four miles. and an.ekcellent Trade might. be done. The Houqe‘i'contains four rooms, pantry ind splendithgéljar, wpod'shed pumn, and o! qrconveniences.‘ with a ainall garden attached. Rem modé’rate. Enquire of '- " ‘ G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. July 14. 1865. 64f ' ' A; M. HOOD,. PHflTflflBAPHIC ARTIST Redflced i6 Sofper dozen. fdrthe next [Bree weeks, as the proprietor intends leaving at the expiration of that time. ‘mcriMONn mu“ Gallery, Amblcr’sHall. CARD BIJOTOGRAPHS .I [13’ Those wishing extra copies from old Negatives, must send in their brders immedi- ateh‘. RS. TMs'e_ h‘rflébted to the above are re- questiad tquhll and settle up forthwith. OffiA. M. H. has concluded to remain a few days longer, on account of the rush of business. ‘ . ‘ v Richmond Hi". My ‘ ‘ 5-3 V Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S: POLLOCK; v ' BHEAD&BISIIHIT..BAKEH BtGS Ie’ava to notifylhé .pnbh‘g that hp'h‘hs' ,purcha‘aed the business anti good will of J. Hayward’s establishmémt. 'a’nd that he is‘ prepfired to furnish BREAD alldi‘FANCY CAKES to those who maylhonor him with theirvpx‘a‘tl-onagef: .r - I Pnc~ Ic pariiosnnd Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on tho shortest notice. ' . , . , AI! orders strictfy attended t6." Richmond Hill, June, 1865. T! T!! T!!! To EP’ICURâ€"éâ€"S‘IN “TEA : The first of the kind ever sold iniho neighbor- hood. and this finesrtllmost hplehV. 5nd econo-r Young and 01d Iiyson Teas. only 839d per 1b.; finest Mayune, “Sfeung Hyson, Japan and Black Teas, 4s 6d per lb. At Wm. S. Pollock's. late ' ‘ ' G. ' A. Barhhrd’s. aichmaud Hillfixug. 13,1556: - rm" SuwdriedJava Young Hysnn TBa micai Ten ifhport‘e‘d; A. trifl' Will -convince of its snporiority, Also. just received, a very fine Quality of Rlcuuohb HILL, August 30. J “no. 1865. f0? , k g ., 93 fii‘fig‘ Street East, l1‘oronto, Ofi great strength. fine flavoured, and delicious drinking, just gei some of on} DEA‘C’ON’S' LIMMENT. 10. 84f ltf all Dry Goods Groceries, Boots 618110081. Thornililf, jdne 56, CottonGoods 50'per cent. below last year. DrBss Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cafih‘.’ ' . JOSHUA R E11)“. A1: "L r iirices than is Charged in Toronto. MONTREAL HOUSE. THORNHULL B C OKBINDING, “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, SC] BOOKS! Richmond Hm: Mav:1865. Men’S' Longr Strong Boots, from - $1 75 Men's Good Cobourgs, from - l 25 VVomen’s Fine Boots, Pram - - , l 00 ‘ r “ Slippers, From - - - - 63 “ Gaiters, from - - - - 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 130 upward. Customer‘Work done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Baots Cheaper than any in the village, at lst Prize for Singleétllouble Harness HARRISON ’S By the following Agricultural Societiol z East York and Markham Societies, at their Uniofi EXhibiii’dns héhd a’l Markham Village. North iYoi‘i‘t Ag‘rkiultural Society held at New Market. King 60' do held at Laskey. Vaughan ' do I ’do held at But-wick; Also by Yonge Street Agiififiliuiél Saciely, git Richmond Hiii, To} iho past three years. Confident from his above ucre_sses and the fiit’i‘fifiiéo he has hiihoi’fo Foéeih’ed. mil hi! can - suitimonding purchasers. Wi H. respectfully solieifi the impaction of his prmnlfilock of 001 are are all Warrfinted- "i Togethe? with a good selection of other Artie]!!! iii onnecti'on {with the Trade. which he is prepared to dispose of at LOW H365; Richmond Hi“, June 1865. SINGLE AND DOUfiIaE HAR'Nfiés' GBOEERY AND PROVISION ATKINSON. Begs leave to return thanks for the liberal patronafé hiihérto bestowed on hlm. :52? "m asking a continuance of the same, would unto Rim lib keeps con‘suintly on hand the choicest find best lot of AND PROVISIONS To be obtained north of Toronto, among Which will be fdund Teas, ‘ ‘Sugn‘r‘s, UandIes; Cheeée, Spic'e'é. Raisins. Oranges. Crkckom, Fish, Humfi Bacon. gobstantb 0* hand, which rio pef s__hou1d be Wilvmvut. Richmond Hill, J'uno'. 1865. ' FLOUR AND FEED ! CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! W. A. w'oum call special attention m 1mg? 1%., for which 1m won 50 high a reputation. They af‘é the fines! flavored izi lh'e'th'arket. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. Particfilar Richmond Hill. June 186%. And all other Ariiales usually kept in 3 Grocery Store ; 3130. on hand I. good acumen! of Which W1“ be done in plain or thé best style of Art,“ modgrate charges. FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLiSHMENT, 'DRUGS AND FANCY Goons, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY' A‘f‘i‘ENoED To. éEN‘ERAI. STATIONERY FRESH ARRIVALS OF ttiC‘n giiiefl to Richmond 11111, DZ?" CA LL AT To which has been .awarded the STORE. FOR YOUR TO THE AT T116 AND ROBERT SIVER’S wkéep; a HorSc,EPig; or de 3‘33 1.5m Painâ€".iiitfidétor. In inift'r‘duclng this remedy to the public. tho Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a earn 0! every Disease incident to-the~ human race. but in many cases acting as a preventive. u it is] well known that many diseases origin-to from Colds. and much distress is often canned from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" Tfi‘ia remedy is well adapted 13 remove thou calamities : in cases of Cholera Murbus it n has been known to fail to efi‘ect a cur. whore it haa been tried. Many people who have been afllicted With Rheumatic Pains for many yearn. have been Cu'r'eii bv the me’angof this remedy. It haa in may cases beln knoWn to cure tho finest violent Cough by the administration of rrom one to four doses :- it is also a certai'l' emady for that dreadful diseases. Sara Throw it is one of ihe best, remedies that can b. up- pliad to Bruises and fre'sh cute. _ This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compmmd. cdnlaiuiug no Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can In any way injurltho Stomacn‘gitacts as a, tonic. creating ngood appetite. bringing the organs of thé Homch into'a healthy action . It has bath liken by those who have the weakefit stomitfih with good effect ; it wnll enable the Stbmhuh to digest- auch particles of food,which heme it could not, thereby causing great distress. and that distru- can be effectually ramped by the us. of this‘ remedy. ' ‘ ’, -uq. , a». «u c We‘uoofl ilo'i go to New York, leur,‘ Mexico,or some other place afar ofi‘ for tho" proof of rhis,=b‘ut item be had in our own " country. Hundreds of names could be added . to this list if it 'were necessary. but I will only ,f ndd (Wt); Which wore‘ handed in for publiao‘ tion. This reméHY has hithar'to stood on in. {ith ‘f‘his remédy has hithar'to atom-i on in. Mm fdhilditiofi' 5136 I wish it snll to do n7» it em lilvhys 'é depended 'on as ngenuino sffiéle‘ sh 111th 5'9 i‘ is prepared under the In: porllfipnflmpcy of the proprietor, Mr. Jon PAYNE. and hiring his'wrilten signaturo. Read thafollowing, " Victoria‘squam, March 30. ISGI. , ' Joni!” PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I suflered much‘ from Rheumatism for upwards Vol nyfiafi bu. hearing of your Pain Eradicator I wan inducod to try it ; and after using three bottlé!‘ l W. entirely cured. I recommend jt to overymn suflering from Rheuma‘is'm. Yours. Aw. “mailman? Warn.“ ._ ‘ ‘ . ‘JBlllKODVEUQ. Marflhlflflr Mr. .3on PAYNE. fNo'y. 30. 1861‘~ N Dear Sinâ€"Having for some time yam bean in possession of ynur Pain Eiadicator. and tau- led us great value. I can with all confidonc. recommend it to the public. I was for a long time very much afflicted with Rheumalism in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by the use of year valuable Medicine; and [have used it in my family flit Various. other things to good efl‘nct. My wifo was for many years at times vér'y, ch ' afflicted with the sick headache; (‘0'? Which _she has triad no none remedie- wilh the Kid 6f Egéveml phyliei- ads. and all proud a fallare. Shs fined lo I). for several days at I “ma unablfi ‘0 do any workâ€"having been lmlheed to try your valu- able medicine, she Wusontirély 'curod of tho disease. “'9 have also found it Very honeficial in relieviné the Phthisic. AM ,im oxmlhnt remedy for Gold‘s an‘d Coughs. You: truly. at:th anus. For Rhéjlmfitic». (apply thq rumody .10 “I. puma effected once or twicq a day. Do not b. afraid to put “plenty on, as there is no danger If Cold, or any evil result By its 'usé. v ‘ FOR BRUISES. Bathe the pa?! fr‘é‘pl‘y With the clear "may as often an nece§shrvj it Will in a great mola- uro prevanl bla‘ckness, take out the swomfi' and sorou'ess, and cause it to heal. Swell!!!" can We treated the same way. FOR FLESH CUTS; Bind up the Cut with a cloth; Ill-m0. the cloth with thg remedy. ‘ LSPRAINS. - Wet a piece of cotton w’o‘b] with fhe 5H- lnant. nnd put in the Iodlh': b'alh'a We “to with the clear Lixjimom. nnd lak’é-I'don’th the stomach in com infer o‘r bed Too'rHACHE OR mm in Tm: rat-3E. Bathe ‘lhe outsik‘io with "the ’lfil'x‘hfib‘u‘f‘; chl'r. and gurgfb the inde wim the same. ‘or Hiking, diluted with water. BVB’y few hour's, COLI’C ANn CHOL'ERA MO’R‘B‘US; For an m2th 3 ’srh'iall teaspoonnt in I!!!“ water or sugar. fh'k'en every huff ho'ur,*§’oo quired. > _ > CRAMP on "PAIN IN THE ‘BTOMIREB. An adult. ‘1‘th take a small tb‘hdfimofifii i. An ndullt. ‘i‘h’a'y take a small tfidfimo‘hfii 3. cold waterfb‘i‘f‘é'figar. when toqixjyofi; v (gm-ms AND co‘UGHE. For am ‘3' cm!) tenspoonful thfaa fi'ih‘i’l’i $1, aspec'inlry'é'n 123mg 'tb bed. If t’h'é'ro is i «Im- cult)’ of breathing, bmha {We ‘éfloit WM: tho remedy. - ~-â€"â€"'â€" .iLL ‘. L‘ . A-uu .v.....â€"'.. SICK HEADACHE - ; Wet the head with the mfin’ieifl. #33.th a. dose internally every haFE' i‘N'ur until Mm- obtained. A teaspoonfifl Tn Watér'b‘r p‘ifigdr'th'r'éfi time I day. before b'r ‘u’fier "enlfx‘x‘g': for ma Liv". bathe finely b‘etWe‘ex: th‘e sho‘nlde‘x's‘ Vim tin Linimemk M’fc'g orutwicé‘n gay.g « Great Benefit will “Main rho; 011195138! by It applifik‘lon of the remedy‘ékteyuhfl‘y bib-At: domfi'a. in case of severe Situ'c‘k 'b‘f fiain it“, Bovus. v » DISEASE 01" mg LI'VER.1NDIIGÂ¥Y%Â¥ION. LOSS OF APPETIT . mm. It \ BI'MOUS cone: Prepaf‘el'd qt fiIé‘frfipi'ieforf’e i’ésidenco, 41h Concessim qupYork. C.W. Put up and MM in ionic: fit. '25 'é'énik each. hon- ing the Proprielo’r’s writféx} 'éffi'hnturo (hmâ€"n Sold by Dr'ilgists ‘mfd S‘torek‘e’qfirs, prico N6 QVil result ne‘e’d 56 hing from remofiy. niffivizbstandin’g its di‘e’k‘t viewer. v ‘1 V ‘7.” 7 3 ’r 7 7 _ RE‘SI’ECTFUILY hnnounces that in It“? changed his firm or ,visitingthe followibg! places, and after fl'flh date will be (Sand-m I erx’c‘e'pted) in V , Stoufi'ville..~ a '.“.‘.'. s: a . . lflth of each mum: Broughu‘m,‘ .'¢‘.. 3;. “19m “ M Mmkham Vi}!a}z’é‘.: : . . . . ..20th " "' Hroév’nk Cdrn'érs. n I. . . . . .2] at “ "‘ Thornhill......~..x.......‘23rd " " Richmond Hill. : .1 .. . . . . .24th “ "3 Maple..........;....“"261?! “ “9 Burwick.... .2..........28th “ "‘ Klair‘vfiufi. -Z?.........99lh 4‘ M Noblaton.'.‘.‘.-:...........3Mh “ "-‘ Laskey......:s........ .315: u l “I Aurorfi.......-. ......... lst ‘* "‘ «a Sntton.'..'.: 3:11 W ‘ Whor‘é hS wiil attend to any W DR. Nfi PECK, SUBSEHIBE for the “HEHMB” Auroi‘a, ‘JHfie 7, 1865. FROSTED FEET AND cmmms. The same as for Rheumalfé. [lathe the feet with the remedy ‘6!) [gang 1' Giiiy $1.00 per Annam. taming 117' any Branch of hi pro (35713;; RCEON DENTEST E PAYNE’S DIRECTtUfi'S: SORE 'i‘H-ROAT, u ' us on af' 0. u. n IU‘ at II: u us Ln 0" u m u .0! AL M u, m m It I . J no (smog. l-tf

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