Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 20 Oct 1865, p. 4

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. 'LHE' LOVE OF A WEED.â€"Ladies, when being courted, ought not to object to the moderate use of tobacco. They should re- collect that where there is a flame there must be smoke. Some wicked fellow says“that he has in- ..nented a new telegraph! He purposes to place a line of women fifty steps apart, and commit the news to the first as a very pro- feund secret. ‘ When Olly Pilgrim comes home again, Hurrah, Hurrah; We’ll giqe him a heartywelcome then, Hurrahy Hurrah; The boys and girls will all turn out, And bait their books and catch some trout, And we’ll all feel gay, WhamOily comes riding home. Chorusâ€" ‘ The boys and girls Will all turn out; And baijc their _}_1_oo_l§s_aqd catch some trout, And we’ll all feel gay, ’ WhenIOily comes riding home. And now we’ll kill the fatted calf, ‘ L Hurrah, Hurrah; Oh, how ’twould make the ancients laugh, Hurrah, Hurrah ; He has struck-“ile” and made his pile, His wife and children, see them smile, ‘The 'old folks too, will shout for joy, Hurrah, Hurrah; To Welcome home the Oily boy, Hurrah, Hurrah; ' For old and young, and all are glad, To learn he’s caught the Golden shad, And we’ll all féelgay, When Oily comes riding home. (Chorus.) Now echoes far from yonder green, Hurrah, Hurrah; A flowing well of K61 osene, Hurrah, Hurrah; In one Oil well a sixteenth share, His made our Sam a millionaire, And we’llvall feel gay, When Oily comes riding home. (Chorus.) And we’ll all feel gay, ‘When Oily comes riding home. (Chorus); With coach and four he’ll put on airs, ' Hurrah, Hurrah; And buy some stock in banking shares, Hurrah, Hurrah; .I‘hen ask his friends to dine and Wine, And dance and sing and cutit fine, And we’ll all feel gay, 'When, Oily comes riding home. (Chorus.) PIT HOLE CITY, August 1865. ‘Pa,’ they tell us about the augljy ocean; .what makes the ocean angry ‘2’ ‘ 011, it has been crossed so often.’ It is good discretion not to make too much of any man at first: because one cannot hold out that proportionâ€"Baum. A writer on swearmg saysâ€"â€"‘ An oath frOm a woman’s lip is unnatural and incredi- ble, I would as soon expect a. bullet from a rosgbud.’ An American editor says he once partook ofabeverage so strong that he could not- tell whether it was brandy or a torchlight procession that was going down his thwat. YOUNG BUT s ARTFUL.â€"Frankâ€"~‘ I say, .Arthur, I wish you’d go and kiss my sister! There she is. Arthurâ€"J All rightâ€"1th for/‘2’ F1‘a11kâ€"â€"-‘ Why, because then, I could ‘kiss yours.’â€"1’amch. a Miss Buchanan, once rallying her cousin, an officer, on his courage, said, ‘ Now, Mr. Harry, do you really mean to tell me you can walk up to a. cannon’s month without fear ‘2’ ‘Yes,’ was the prompt reply, ‘ or a Buchanan’s either.” And he did it. V A CAUTIOI’S BET.â€"-An old and most re Espectable tradesman at Chiehester, on being asked if he ever speculateé (m a race, replied -â€"â€"‘I never bet more than a lialf'penny ban in my life, and then I made a stipulation that if I lost I was to have the first bite.’â€"â€"-L0rd 'W. Lennox in Once a Week. A Negro who hadlearned to‘read, wishing to give an idea of it to some ofhis acquaint ances who had never seen a book, said, ‘ Reading is the power of hearing with the eyes instead of the eurs.’ ‘ How is it,’ said a man to his neighbour, ‘ that our parson, the laizest man living, writes those interminable sermons ?’ ‘ Why,’ said the other, ‘probably, after he begins writing, he is too lazy to stop.’ A Lady walking a few days since on the promenade at Brighton, asked a sailor whom she met why a. ship was called a ‘shc.’ The son of Neptune ungalianfly replied that it was ‘becausc the rigging cost so much.’ ‘ What a fine head your boy has !’ said an admiring friend. “Yes,7 said the fond fath- er, ‘he’s a chip of the 01d blockâ€"aim you, my boy ?’ ‘ch, father” replied the boyi ‘ teacher said yesterday I was a young block- head.’ A Young lady, having been presented to Louis Napoleon when he was only President fancied she was haughtin received. ‘ Are you for a long stay in France ?’ coolly ask- ed the President. ‘ No,’ was the reply. ‘ Are you ‘1’ An old gentleman accused his servant of having stolen his stick. The man protested his innocence. ‘Why,’ rejoined his master, ‘the stick could never have walked OFF by itself.’ ‘Certainly not, sir, unlessit was a walking-stick.’ ' A French chemist asserts that if tea be ground like coffee before hot water is put upon it, it will yield double the amount of exhilarating qualities. Another writer says that ‘if a piece oflump sugar, the size of a walnut, is put into the tea-pot, ynu will make the tea infuse in one half the time. A Clergyman called on a poor parishioner, whom he found bitterly lamenting for an only son, a boy of about four or five years old. In the hope of solacin‘g the afflicted woman, he remarked to‘hor that ‘one so young could not have committed any gre- vious sin ; and that no doubt the child had gone to heaven.’ ‘ Ah, sir,’ said the simple hearted creature, but Tommy was so shyâ€"â€" and they are all strangers there.’ An old farmer went to his landlord to pay his rent, putting on a long face for the oc- casion. On entering the house he said that the times were so hard that, he couldn’t mice Hm mmmv, and, dashing down a bundle flffit unit ill’sumnr. OILY PILGRIM; Wm). Sewing Machines. WANZER 8;? CQ’S r _n‘_.._‘v-, -____â€" W ANZEE’S .Cqmbination a: Singer , ,RREMIUVMK SEWING. MACHINES. [I]: When: LNG) lluvv uv l1? VVanzer & Co. 9 Combination and Wanzor &, Co.’s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever were mannfactnree in the United States or Canada. ‘ .R. M. \Vanzer 5L Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluable properties oftlie \‘l'lieeler & Wilson and Singer Machines. and remov- ing those points which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some new inventions (for which they have secnrad a patent in Canada)have succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machine,w hich being simple in its nrincinles is easily understood, requiring u\ , Vuuvuwfl .. “:here they have been exhibited rww... a perfect Sewing Machinenv liich being simple in its principles is Basil) understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. lls accurate construction renders it liille liable to get out ofropair, and it is easily adjusted“ The public. on examination. wil be ‘convin‘cod of its advrnlagas over all others now in use. Every family slmuldhave n Wan. zor &. C035 Combinaiion Family Machine. All Genuine \Vflnzer & Co.’s Sewing Ma. chineshear the slmnpof R . M. Wanzer & C0,, .flamilton, on the plate. ENGLISH MREAZINES ! Gobd \Nords, {or July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Journal; for June , PARKER CROSBY, Agent. chhmqnd HiHLJune 8, ’65. 14f ; Mény Years Personal Experience, Truth Stranger than Fiction Orders received for'aH the Periodicals and Magazines at nnnm'n'c Richmond 111]]. June 1865 A STARTL‘NG WORK! FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMG‘NS ! W HAT one-half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live." is no ‘leas tr’uevthan trite; and the lesson the adage aB‘ord§, our experience and olworvation daily téndhfin-rerify. Then. too. when we consider the over-varying phases of human passion. and the diRCM‘dau-t elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scurcoly seem surprisng that a 'f'aitht‘ul record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : orthat crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpc: hated in a far off country on the outskirts ot civilization, which people in another state of society would nevorimagine possible; Know- . _ . .n '1 I I , ,, , N .1 BY MARIE WARD ‘ THE WIFE DI' A MDRMGN. ELDER! ing, as I do know, the eviis and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females, and the con- sequent vices which extend through all that ramifications of the society. a sense ofdnty to the world has induced me to prepare tho 1'01" lowing nam‘atvive {or the pnbijc aye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi» ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I would say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so often been pro‘vod before that, “ TRUTH is S'I‘RANGER THAN Phononâ€"Authors Prqfucp, - The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth. and will be ‘sent to any address, post-paid. on receipt of price. $31 25. It is a large 152mm volume, neatly bound in cloth,illustrated with angruvings’, and will be sent to any address postopaid. on receipt of price, SLlluâ€"or on receipt of $2.00, we will send both the above. works, postage prepaid. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and Wm he eagerlv read as acompanion volume to 9‘ FEMALE LIFE.” Coinpie’te in one volume. 12mm cioth oxtra lusiraled with steel engravings, Will be nut to any address posiage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. Male Life among the Mormons, ' BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Now 50 indispensable to every fan‘ily. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety of style .and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be lurnished on application, and airy style of Album sent'b'y mail post-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers. New Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well 16 order a package of on: Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, wanted everywhere for their sale 1090 Local 5; Traveling Agents DIBKENS’_ LASEEREAT WORK ! ORE/.17 XPECMTIONS, BY CHAS. UTCKENS’. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Companion to Female Life. a," sin 3‘ NEW 3 FIRST" {PRIZE A N‘RRATIVE 0’ 9r for term: in (wantil'mE SCOTT'S , THE X0311; HERALD BnnK; sTATlm FANCY QTORE. SCIENCE, RELIGIfiH,fPOETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. - NEW LIST‘ '61? "BOOKS HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call thé attention of the inhabit.- ants of the Hill and noighhorhond. to the recent additions made to his 515sz of lnterosting' and Readable Books, being a superior class of lite» nature bythe most eminent authors of well- .known reputqtion and popularity. (bd’s Glory in the Heavensâ€"By Wm. LeitchL Principal of Queen’s. College. Canada. $1.50. - Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 186! and 186‘), $1.87; each. . , Praying and:lVorkipgâ€"By‘Rev. Wm. Steven- son,,'87§ cts, , ‘ V My Ministerial Experienc‘e ---By Rev. Dr. Buchsel. 87g cts. ' Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 87g cts. The Griver Thoughts of a Cpuntry‘l’arsonâ€" 87; cts. . Burns’ Poems, 121m). cloth. gilt edgesâ€"500m. The New Lifg â€"l3_v Bush nell, 12mo cloth. 40015 The’ 11651: of Fainin Worshipâ€"By Rev. W. D. Clark. 50 013. Forly.Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By Tyng. 40'cls ' ‘ ' Buchan's Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only, 50 cts, ‘ The Canadian Sundav School Recilerâ€"IO cts. Rab and his Friendsâ€"6 cis.‘ _ Buuyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30015. The Scottish Psalmody, in."l‘bilic Soifa Nota- :ion-â€"~25L'ls. ‘ _ Songs of Zion. with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€".â€" 3 cts. Thomson’s Land and the Book-«$2, Church Prayer Books. Bibles, Testaments. ai The Waverly Novelsâ€"3O cts. The \Vka Ashm‘eâ€"â€"40 cts. The Roving Englishmanâ€"425 cts. V The Romance of Common Lifeâ€"â€"5(Jcts. The Forty-five Guardsmen-«50 cts. The War, or Voices from the Ranksâ€"25 cts. Riflemen and Riflesâ€"â€"‘.25.cts. all price's. Adventures in the Gold Fields-r25 cts. Albums for 12 Portraits, 30 cts. » ' Albums for Q4 Portraits, $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Cape, Morocco.) $1 ., Album's for 24 Portraits. (Morocco) $2. Gent’s Walking Canosr from 40 to 500:5, You Knives, with l blade.,from 1510 90 Ms. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautifully finished.) Strong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 cls. Scissors, 10 cls. ' Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking Ink. l5 cts. lndla Rubber Balls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cls. [13' Periodicals Sfipplled Weekly or Monthly Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION 'find’ EX- HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to‘190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anagomical Colored Engravings on Stee}, Jllst-publishetl,pripe ls. 3,; . I... g ' HE SILENT FRIEND, the greateslMedi- gaIHWork oflhe Age. on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent lmpédimunts to Mar- riage, describing the} Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in henlllr and disease, 'and pointing out the sure .meuné of perfelcl remem- lion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a l’rescriplmn known as the Preventive Lotion, procLuding lhgpos sibility of ccntaminafim . ‘ " " .u. . n u . .. Alsdo to be had fromali Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messi’s. R. & L. PERRY & Co. are onfly to be consulted attheir residence, No. 15), Berners Street. Oxford Sree‘. London, as they nave” under any circumstances, travel either at home or ahraad. and they herebv caution VLhe Public against any-person using- their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the I’ub‘icr is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined frlrc-similic of their signature is afltached to their differem wrap. pars. ' - Established neafly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATUR; a never-failing remedy 1'01 Spermalorrhm. loss of manly power. produced by early iJ-ydiscretions. mr any other cause.â€" l: enriches the principal vigal fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of marripd‘ life. Price Iis. per bottle, or foul quantities in one. 333‘, which saves 1151;: and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of£1 lfis. I‘ERRY’S CONCENTRATICD DETER‘ SIVE ESSENCE..a remedy for Syphili. in all its stages, also for purifying th‘fl system from comamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the head and face. enâ€" largement of the~ Lhrqat. tonsils. and nvu‘a: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Prica lls. alldf33§u per bottle, also p saving of Us. ‘ ' Perry’s Cordial Balm g" Sy/rzacum. Gunmnvn ARD‘ Museum Powxn REGAX‘NED BY THE USE or speedy Remtdy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, 610., at once cure, without {lie-possibi- lily of failure, Gonori‘hwa. obstinate Gleet, Strictura, gm, immediately subdung all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and Us. per box. I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED‘ ESSENCE 0F- COPA'IBA AND CUBEB,’ SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most} an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Sc'rofula, Ulcers, Rolls. Blotclms,Pin{plns 011 the face and body. &c. HEALTH DEPENDS UPON PURE FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. FANCY STATIONERY. l‘N FICTION. AND}. Eionruwfif EMPLOYMENTle mmun'y; Agents wanted throughou‘t the United Shaw and Canadas. ‘ ‘ 1‘ Watches, Chains, Sets 6f‘JeweIr3',:I{ing§,Pins. Bracelets. Sleeve Buuongk'Silvqr Spoons and Parks. Cu'ps. c'aké'Baskm, &c. ‘ woth Eight Hundred Thou- sfmd Dollars, .\ ‘ , » I-I ' Thor Engirg Sng uh” lgrgoJflton-rwo Noun, retiring from business. For the.purpose offclo‘sing out the stock a. the earliest possible dateflho undersigned hue decided on a greatdistn’bugion made as l'ollbws, EACH AND EVERY “mow, no IAT’IIE How VALUABLE, ‘BEING 501.!) FOR $1. ‘A Certificate of each article with its vnlue printed upon it. is placed in an envelope null sealedâ€"these envelopes am thoroughly mixed and sold for Twenty-jive Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these euvolopes is entitled to the article named therein by nelurning the Certificate to us with one dollar. and‘me article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded {0 him or her at ones. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get. at laast, the full value of his or her money. ,Should the article named on the cor- tificate not suil,ai:y other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: ' One for 25015.. five for $1\ glev‘onfm $2 thlrtsffor $5, Sufi-five for $l6, one hundred for $15. This distribution affords a fine oppor- tunity for Agents}, as what lady or gentleman Will not inVe§t TWENTY-FINE ours with a pros- pact of getting five hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders' must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Watches .... .... ....... 300 Lndes'Gold and Enameled- Case \Vatches.. . . .. . . . 600 Genls’. Hunting-Case Sil- ver VVatches-..,.....-,. 200 Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 3,000 n u- u- 3,0(?0- Gold Ova‘l Band Bracelets. 4.000 Chased Gold Bracelet.. . . . 2.000? Chatelaine ~ Ghaine- and 'Gua/rd Chains.... .... .. . 6,000 Soll‘ta‘i‘re and Gold Brooches 2.000 r Lava and ‘ Florentine »Br00(:hes .. 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald “ Brooches”....1......... 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Flore'ntiue Eur Drops . . . . 4,000 Qalifomii Diamoud' Breast Flore‘ntme his] pro ms~ . . . . 4,500 Corai.‘ Opal. and ' metald ‘_. Ear‘Dr’bps . . . l’ins..... . . . . . . . . ....... 3,000 (E9Id‘Fub and VestrWatch ‘r . Kain”..‘..;'..'.i;....... 2 50 4.0001"0b and Vesx Ribbon Sides 3 4,000 Sms 01: Sqlilaire Sleeve But- ‘ons, Sluds. etc. . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold 'l‘himbles, Pencils.elc 6.000 Miniature Lockets. . . . . . . . 4.UOJ Miniature Locketsâ€"Maglc Spring .... .... ... ... . 3,000 Gold Toothpicks. Crosses, etc 5.000 Plain Gold Rings..... , " 5,000 Chased Gold Rings, , . , . . . 8.000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.509;Sets lmdies’ Jewélty~Jet JnAIJ ‘ 1’ 7 “WT. ' 'and Gold.... .... 6.000 Sets Ladies! Jewelryâ€"- _ Cameo,l’eafl.qtc....,... 6,000 Gold l’ené.Silver Extension ~ 419951??? And._"1l‘?i!s::'~--~ ALL or wmcn “as TO BE sow m1 $1 “on. 300 Gentu’ Gold Huming Case 6.000 (55121 "m tall Hn d‘nrk. _ tad Hellman” .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- ' 'sion‘Holders........"J; 5,000 Silv‘er Goblets and Drink- ing Cups ..-....... .... 3,000 Silver Casters. . . . .. . . . . . . 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake AGENTSâ€"We ‘wanl agents in every 1'8ng ment, and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be ailow- ed 10 cents on every'Cer.ificnte ordered by them. provided their remittance amount: Io une'dollar. Agents will coHectQS cents for everyCer'lificnte. and rémil 15 cum; to us. 5,000 Dozen Silver Ten-Spoons. 5,00? ” _ “ Table Spoons _ [137 Write plainly. say 011153th is necessary ahd beprompt. ' ‘ Address, B‘VERY work, Scienii‘fic, Theological or Fic- 1 lions, whether published in Britain or America, can be ob1ainod at the Publisher's prices. \Ve have direct gommunication with Brilain, and with this facility can bring good: much more punctually and oxpediliously than most retailers. As instances of the cheapnesa (if our prices we append a list of some of the books we keep eonslamly on hand :â€" Josephus’s Cpmpletg‘wtn‘ks In one hand- _ V ‘snme volume. (llluslrnled). . . . . . . “$2 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated); ;. . . . .... . . . ... 2 00 Laird of Logan ; or' Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland..................- u. 150 Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works, in one handsome volume. .. .... . . . l 75 Pale)’: Complete Works. in one hand- somevolume.....................175 Smith’s, Rev. James. ' Our Heavenly Father: or, God a Refuge and Strength :’ ‘Christ Aloneâ€"u Book for All ;' ‘ Welcome to Jesus :‘ ' The Better Land :’ "I‘his do in Rememberance of Me. or Sacramen- ial Morlitatimi‘J;’ ' important Ques- *‘ > ’ "The I M (f'mnfm-U'r ;’ ' , “ice ;“ "NH? BOOKS! No. 15 Maiden Lane, New Yam JunQ,9. 1865. 1 -3m a u d Forks . . GIRARD W. .DEVAUGH in CO.. Baskets .... .. LIST OF ARTICLES. 800,000 nld Moun- .250 $5M; $150 250 950 20 “ 50‘ PER DOZFK. $10.10 $20 20 " 100 to ‘3 70 100 30 2O 10 10 l5 10 The York Herald BG ® 1&- J. 0 B PRINTING Ordon vfo tho In of undarmonfionod delcrip- Iion uf llflLllflEll Jflfl WilllK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, For Cards, &e;.just receivaé. FANG? TYPMEMEERS I I entireiy new and of the Isles! patterns; A )nrga vnliety of new Letter-Press Printing. %® ESTAB LS MENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will ‘w promptly monde to :â€" CHEAP OUR ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN) And only other kind of ClRCU-LARS, BLANK CHECKS, AND LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS {Con's'qltthe Old English Physician ASTHMA, JNCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, 'INFIRMITIES ,OF YOUTH AND ' v ‘ OLD‘ AGE, &c. RE the onlyY Physicians in the State who I " inc membé'rs of 'tha Royal College Surgaons, London. May be consultpd from 8 o'clock in the mornllfg until 9 alnigln, in every state imd symptom of disease. The trga-tmbntlhey adoptifi the result of up- kuda ofthirty years’ extensivmand successful practice in London. . ' A MOSI‘ SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forum cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness, &c.‘ Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by then” of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. Dr Annos do Son, ' . 43 EAST GENESEE sun; _ BUFFALO, NEW YORK: Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as tothe merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument iii-good order. Price 'l'en Dol- lurs. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit {requensly leerned from evil companions. or at School. the efl'ects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and ifnot cured.,renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the allergies of life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualifies for marriage. society,‘ husiness, and all earthly happiness.‘and leaves the suffererwrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption) and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. ' may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos ((2 SUN, 48Enst Genesee Street, three doors West of EllicouStreel, Buffalo. N. Y. 1 HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to [he ‘ HERALD ' Book Slore. where Stockholders and others may n‘ocure BOOKS avery Friday. afternoon. from (to 8 o'clock. PM. .. ‘ Healthfiappiness & Long Life. RE within the reach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescrlplions of the late Dr.l’;ucl1an, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c,, &c.â€" Cuies are daily made. and their efficacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Streej, Westminster, Worship Street. Bow’Su-eet,&q,‘ Used by the mos ecelebrated Medical Men Ciergymen. and 0! hrs. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. I't is'az‘WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- _SAAP_A»RIAI,.LA igthe gregest purifier 0}: 1h: blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE!â€"'l‘he BoweIs r'egularlIâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These l’ills strike at. the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, Hilious, Liver. and Stomach Com. plaiuts. General VVeakness,Gout. Rhuema- tism. Lumbago. Pains n: the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities ol the bowels. eb- structed perspiration. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These l’ill‘s work their _way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removng every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified, the whole ’system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay I a clean stomach must fnuke aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach,hody, and blood are pure. from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at. the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say. look to yourstomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction. THE RIGIITHON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. ~ Sold in bottles. at ls, lid" 2s. 96., 4s. Gd., and lls. A Richmond Hill, June, 1865. THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES! ECEN'I‘ and important improvementshav- lug been put to this Machine. renders it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee ol'its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitches! N0 trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in canibric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors. hat Dinders, shoe binders. or gaiter fit- ting, as well as for every varietv of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine :mpahle of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and ‘ ' A fi-w "osnertnhlu Avon's will he (melt “ .zlli ' RICHMOND , IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. a DE MSTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is '6sz commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, 3nd all diseases of the Lung: and Throat 25 cents” bottle Esunusnm m lR45-Pmmrnc1'zn {N 1862, PERSONS H! ANY PART OF THE WORLD N o Murcnry Used. IMPORTANT. . Am @Z‘a Mew (Si FOR A. SCOTT, Librarian. . wwnt 9‘“ l-tf [-tf Pain Eradicator. In introducing this remedy to the public, th- Proprictor does not wish to set ‘nfonh as acuror of every Disease incident to the human race. but in_mauy cases acting as I} preventive. :- it is well known that mZny diseases origin-lo from Colds. and much distress is often caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" Thia remedy is well adapted to remove thou calamities : in cases ofCholera Mnrbus it MRI! has been known to fail to effect 3 cm. when it has been tried.’ Manypeople who hav‘o' been afflicted with Rheumatic Pains for litany yearn, l'ave‘ been cured by the means of this. remedy. It has in many cases been ImoWn to cure the fmost violo'nt Cough by the 'administrntion of rrom one to four doses: it is also ’I .cortnin 'emody for that dreadful disposes. Son'Thron; it is one of the best 'ret'nejdies that can be IP- plied to Bruisos and freshficuls; I Thie’temedy is a pure Vegetable Compound, containing ‘no Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can In any way injure tho Stomach ; it acts as a tonic, creating a good appetite. bringing the organ: of the slam-ch into a healthy action . it has been tnlten by those who have the wealtflt stomach with good" etl'ect; it Will enahlo the Stomach to dtgelt such particles of t'ood,which-bef9ro it could not, thereby cnnbing great distress. and that distrust can be effectually removed by the use all thi! remedy. , .‘ AA We need not go 'to New York, Input",- Mexico, or some other place afar offifor SM pronf of xliis,â€"but it can be had in our own country. Hundreds ofnumes could be added to this list if it were necessary. but I will only add two, which were handed in for public:- ticn. This remedy imshithnrto stood an ill own foundation, and 1 wish it still to do so ; it can always be depended on an I genuino article so long as it is prepared underthe lu- perintendency of the proprietor, Mr. JomI PAYNE. and hearing his written signature. Read the f'ollutavingy " Victoria Square. March 30, lSGl. Joan PAYNE, Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I sufiered‘mncb fr- m Rheumatism l'or upwards' of a your, but heating ot‘yonr l’nin Eradicator l was induced to try it; and after using three bottle-:1 wu entirely cured. I recommend it‘ to every one stiflering from Rheumatism.’ “Yours. &c. ' llumrunn Wm'rn. Son. Buttonville, Markham. Mr. JOHN PAYNE. Nov. 30.1861. Daar Sir,-â€"-Having for some time past he"! in possession of your Pain Erudicator. and in- ied 118 great value. 1 can with tall confidenc- reconnuend it to the public. I was for a. long time var)" much izfliicted milh Rheumulisrn in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by the‘use of your valuabla Madicino ; rind lhnve used it in my {amin for Vlr'lOII other things lo‘guod ofl'ect. My wifa w" for mnuy years at times very much afflicted with the sick heudiu-he. for which she has triad va- rious remedies wilil the aid of several phyaici- vans. and all proved a failure. She used to b. for several days at a time unable to do Iny workâ€"having been induced Io iry your uln- able Inedicina, she was entirely curad of the disease. We have also found it vary benaficiul in relieving the l’hihisic. and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. Jom Snun. For Rheumatic. apply the remedy l'o {in parts efl'ected once or twice a day. Do not in nfrpid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil tesull by its use. ' FOR BBUISES. Batho the part freely with the clear romody as often as necessart; ll will in a great. mau- ure prevent blackness. take out the swelling and soyeness, and cause it to haul. Swelling- can be treated the same way. r F0 ll FLESH CUTS. Bind up the cut with a cloth. and Hunt. the cloth with the remedy. ' TOUTHACIIE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. SPRAINS, pilth same :5 for" .Rhgumiaflhw Enosmo FEET AND empgmm. Bathe the feet with the remedy-2 on gong to bed ‘ ‘ Wot a-pieca of comm wool whh the lini- monL, nnd pm in the tooth; bathe tholnco whh the clear Jruinimem. and lake I do“ on the stomach in cold water or sugar. SORE THROAT. Ba‘he the outside with the Linimont; clan. and gurgle the in'Slde with the same, or slightly diluted with water, every few hours. For an adult; 3 small teaspoonful in cold water or sugar, taken every half hour, if u- quired. CRAMI’ OR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. An adult 111ay.tuke a smalllehspoonful in cold water or sugar. when required. COLDS AND COUGIIS.‘ For an adult. 5 teaspoonful threefimos I duv, espucimly on going to bed. If the" is I diffi- culty of brqnlhing, bathe fl'o chem with the remedy. ' ' " SICK HEADACHE, Wat ihe head with the Linimeuf. and hi. a- dose internally every half hour until reliofil obtained. Prepared at the Proprietor’s residencq,4fll Concession West York. C.W. I’m up III so!d in bottles at 25 cents each. hour- ing the Proprietor’s written signature Hull- Sula by Drugists and Storekeepers. price 95:: DISEASE OF THE LIVERJN/DIGESTION, LOSS OF APPE'I‘ITE. BILE. 0R BILIOUS COLIC. A teaspoonle in wmer or sugar three timn a day, hrfure or nfier FnKing: for the Liver. ba'tImJI-aely between: the éhouldera with tho Linimem once or iwice a day, Greql‘lmn'cfit will when ba' obtained bv II npplicntdu of [he remmly externally tolho Ii- (lumeh. in case of severe attack of pal-n in th. Bovels. ' No evil result need be fearaé from thin remedy, not\\‘ithsfiandi»g its great powdr. SURGEON DENTIST I Aurora, June 7, 1865. R w” w {35 “HERA MN»; ‘ > team, COLlC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. mining to any branch of his prob-lion: PAYNE’S; n 7 1V1 UUIIIEIB... ..-c. dHill...........5 ... ~~~.-o---- ..... .-... 7 ,--.--u......... ‘ £ 1 . -........---.. DIRECTIONS.

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