Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 20 Oct 1865, p. 3

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TORONTO MARKETS. . Tdibnlo, 6a 19. hourâ€"Superfine held at $6 25; Extra $7 00 HD$7 ‘25; Double Extra. $8 00 I Fall Wham-In fair dbmand, $I 20 a $1 55. Spring Wheatâ€"At S] (H) a 351 I7 - flar‘oy.+sold nl'from 65c ((3 “do. Palmâ€"Steady, from GU fd) 701: per bshl. (huhâ€"a! 280((3 320 per bs‘ll. Hays-from $8 00 to $9 00 per ton. , Apples. *2 00¢ fir) $3 per barrel. . Eggmâ€"Fresh from wagons 1‘2} ((3 I46 per .101. Butter-"Fresh is in large supply at. from 21c - 61) 23c per. 1?). n Boerâ€"Ii: demand only for local consumption. come. 34 mi; $6 each, Sheep $3 00 (a $4 00 - ncmgfih‘ficrtiacmwtd; ".L $71: srocx 0F smm‘s, on Rich- ' h'lond Hill, made up in the best manner. on the ’ remiaes. in new and fashionable Pattern and lying of Coloured Flannels, Wincey. Tweed, Li ley Woolsoy,and [leather Flannels. and ".141 be Sold at the Lowest Remunerati’lg "ofit. 4Q." Imd see the assortment, a! Wm. Q Poler’ghlate G. A. BARNARD’S. ~ and"). Lambs $3 fa) $4 (306. «Pontoonâ€"60 to 80 em. (uaw) per bushel, Strawâ€"frons7 00m $9 00 per ton. ‘ H Largo“ most Varied and the Cheap- «T EuSl‘OdK 0F smm‘s, on Rich- 'NEW SHIRTS - Purify the Blood- Ramon Headache, Dizziness, Giddineas, Bromine“. Unpleasant Dreams. Dimnesa of Sightfindigesuon, Cleanse the Stomach and W - 'Buwels. Ineere an LIFE in the debilitated and RESTORE 'nu-z SICK To PERFECT HEALTH, rle them ! they on!) cost 25 cents. and if you «sumo! getdhem of your druggisl, send the uneasy to Dr. J. BRYAN. Consultmion Physi- oil“, 442 Broadway. P.U. 15015079. and they ' will be not by return of mail. Yuckel Hunks. Fumes & Wallets A. ' ' ' JOHN MORTLEgY. ‘Mukham. August 17, 1865, 11â€"5; Mme; Demmest’sfashiun Books, For October, 2 Richmond Hill. Sept. 7. 1865. A M. Pug} as are hereby prohibited from nanociating a NO'I'gE,‘d;n_wn by me and endomefiy WILLIAM Cmexw.;i_|1 favour of Annual! LAW, amounting ;_o 1,5 â€"â€"dnted August l'6._18§5. a'nd due 0130 31$.qu date, 7No Change 6f Qibt is Nedessary and they dun he I'lsed"without detection. Each 2 .contnins 60 Pillfi, Price ONE DOLLAR, if i3!) qdnnp: get zh'é'mo‘ your druggist they will "_ _’ fifit by mail secure y sealed, with full in- .lfxyjlc yobs. {hat iiiSui‘é a euro. .61: receipt oftho ,j‘honby dild n fiamphlet of 100 pages on the ’ 9'56"” 6'!” che cohs‘equenceg'nud [remeAdku E my... allover-failing remedy for the removal of Oh- slnlclions', no matter from what cause they arise. They are safe and sure and will restore “alum in rvory case. They are also effica- "cidus in all cases of Weakneaa. Whales. Pro- hpsns, 6w. Sold in Boxes containing 60 Pills Prige, ONE DOLLAR. Solid for Dr. HARVEY’S Prime Medical Adviser,addmssed to females . 100 pages. giv- ilig full instructions, l0 cams required for past- age. If you \2 “not purchase ihe pills of your droggistJhoy will be Sent by mail. post-paid mute from ohservulion. on receip: of One kiln, by Dr, £an14. Consulting l’llysicmn, . .0. Box 50.9. 442 Broadway. New York. . VDe'nlors supplied by Demas. Barnes &. Co.. Whales-lo Agents, New York. 16 ‘ u‘nlq {glue ha; been receiygd foffi ‘gbo‘vo NOTICE. ‘lfj'bfl require a mliablo remedy to :estore you '1‘)» Harvey’s Fe‘h‘fi'ifi Pills, L :Dealers supplied by Dafé‘as, [Jamel 5!. Co., thlenlo Agents. New York. 16 "SC>‘(3"I"I"S8 n'i‘é'hmopd Hill. July 28. 1865. EEKYAN’S LEEE 31911513., BIBLE $001!)“ BEPOSITORY, HCRE’VALUABLE THAN GOLD 553E556 3: WEEK}; FJESireévf'bTfifilgismKéi Ma. '3.’ BRYAN, Consulting Physician. Bot. 5079.; H 449 quqdway, New York .. .glj'omlnrsé'nd bgsupplled bv Demos. Barnes &. Cit. Wholesale Agents. New York. 16 ,fijphmopd Hill, Juno, 186g. In warramed in all chads, for the Sum)! and Primile cum: ot' all diseases from‘sex'ual «some: 0:- ’ ' ' fii] Loss.- Nighlly Emissions, and Sensual mama; Gonitfl; Physical and Nervous Debi- Iily. Impotence, Gleet. Sexual Diseases. &0. 3ELL’S‘“SPECIFIC’ PILLS I SCOTT",S BOOK STORE,- ,i‘mmpa Hill. my 28. 1865. For Autumn & “‘inter. .GLAD NEWS VERY CHEAP. AT RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Yofithfui ‘ ' Indiscretion, T0 bypass, FOR THE UNFORTUNATI. AND r3 l4-|f MR. Wu. Mac“, Sin-=1 have ekamined your model of newly imi'éllled door, and consider it superior to any thing I have seen for stopping draulna and frost, and think it will greatly save uel, save henllh and prevent damage from frost. ll. is likewise cheap. ' Yours, &c.. Simâ€"Having (ried your ': Patent Air-tight and Frost-,mmf Door,“ 1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent contrivauco, and calcula- ted to conmbute much to the comfor.‘ of Unare who adopt it. I am of opinion that much less wood will be required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent in applied to [he outside doors of a residence. CONVENIENT Shop tb Rent. with two Rooms, shunth tn ‘ho bgzl'bmineu nut of the Village, and adjoining the Hémld olfice. There is a good opening for a Wumhmnker in this neighborhood . Apply anho York Herald Office. 3 Richmond Hill; J'u‘y 13, I365.’ 6 Chemistryâ€" JOHN HERBERT SANGS'I‘ER, MA. MD. .. ....v u. nu nun- mu lluUllC' V We require some hing of lhe ' 'Jd Io rénder out-aide doors proof against Mr and furlâ€"this invention will doubtless m'eot the case, and will be found both cheap and efficient. It ommouds itself to the judgemont oft hone who investigate the matter, as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family reideuco more healthy cad nun-active. Hav'ing adopted the principle in my resi- dence. you hava thereby they test evidence. that "‘jGH'TNEWCOMBE, Mb, mncs, Eng. v LRCP. Lon. and Physician to Toronto General Hospital. ‘ Anatomy.,Descriptive and Surfimlâ€" : JOHN FULTON, MD. ROS, Eng.. LRCI’. Lon. ' Clinical Medicine and Surgery JOHN L. KING. MR. MRCS. Eng. land Physician to Toronto General Hospital Gengral Palhologyâ€" ‘ ._.... n_-_.. .... -... -._..... I consiuor your patent ‘worthy the allenliéu of the public. Mn. Wu. MACEY. \‘lidwifery and Diseakfii of Woméii and Chil- dren â€"- Malaria Medicn and Thempeulilésâ€" CHARLES V. BERRY MAN. MD, MA. and Physician to Toronto Gen. Hospital. Institutes of Med icine-â€" Surggiyfnd Surgical Pathologyâ€"â€" --.‘...,.n..nn ...\ u Mn. WM. C. MACEY. Sm.-â€"-Your Air-light Door seems like'lylo meet with 151mm! v_o_r fron} {he ppblric. V Airâ€"Tight and Frostâ€"Proof flour! ’ CHARLES .v. BERRYMAN. MD, MA. Prnclical finalomyâ€" ' J A WJLLIAMS. MD. (the Demonstra- tor will attendmusugl in the Desocling Room. Cantor of the Museum-.- 8 1’ MA Y, MD. Naturalist um Tum“, mm sPI‘I'm‘r‘s, C‘IST'RONS AND PUMPS! STEAM MILLS. Tiiokfifi.‘ September 7, [865 J 01111 Payeet'atjr, 0n the 2nd day of0ctober, And continue Six Months. WM. HARRISON’S, PRIZE HARNESS ,‘ESTABLISHMENT I» RICHMOND HILL, September 2!. $65. Hoix. 10' HN‘ROLPH. MD. LLD, macs. Eng. Median "J urisipru'gencfle â€" Spring and Fall, when the Examination will by both written and oral. G- R .A. D UA'I'ION Dem; oftho Facg}tyâ€" To whom apply for any fu.ther informâ€"37151717.. Toronto, September 7, 1865, 14-4 flflflfl SINGLE " HARNESS JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July} l865. 5-3m CHEAP FOR dASH. EDICINE and‘Medical Pachdlogy... V Hon. JOHN ROL.PH,1\ID.'MRCS,Eng. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1885. WALTER B. GEIKIE. MD. JOHN N. REID. MD. The LECTURES will commence REFERENfiES : Manufactured and for Sale by SHOP TO RENT. MACEY’S' Rxcnuorm HILL. July 2011:, 1885‘ Rlchékn HILL, July lat, 1865. RIcHMosv Hum. July 4. 1865. Yours truly MAY KE HAD AT Ho'n. JOHN ROLPH. 56 Gerard street east. Bhemist 8: Draggisi, AMOS WRlGHT, M.P.P. RICEMG’ND HILL n 'I‘EEFY, P'vslmuscer. R. H. Haiti: Toronto. 14"“ FARM STUCKK: IMPlEMENTS. .1. 14, in the' 3rd concession of the 'I‘OWII'! Ihip of Markham, on " PER? GALLON, PURE PENSYLVANIA Illl. 0 be Sold by Public Auction: on 10: No. 14, in the 3rd concession of the 'I‘OWII'! The following Valuabie property belonging to ma Estue'of lhq late Mr. W.‘ SAXDERSON, Light and well débdorized, at w. S.\l’ullock’s. late . Wednesday, Oct. '25, l 8659 I Span team Hon-503.4 years, old. I loam Horse. aged. 2 Mares. aged. 1 Filly. two past. 1 yearling Colt, 11) milch Cows. 1 grade Bull. 2 yrs. old. l4 well-bred quax l snegrling Ram; 6 ewe Lambs, M spring Figs; 3 lumber Wag. ons. 1 market Wagon, pole land shaft, 1 cover- ed Buggv,d0uble seated. 1 Gig. 1 pair Bob Slei ha. 1 market Sleigh. l Curl .and Carl Smiths, ‘2 Scotch Ploughs, 2 cast iron ploughs, Good Common Vinegar. : . Good Malt Vinegar . . . . . . . Bent Malt Vinegar. .. . . . .. . Bordeaux Vinegar. . . . . . . . . Best White Wine Vinegar. A1 Vim. S. Poilock’s, late viz J. GORML’EY. Auctioneer. Markham. Oct. 4, 1865. 3 Pum'llanadian Cnal Oil 28. 3d 1 steel mould board plough. new. l’allersgn’e make. 1 iron plcmgh, Calvert's make, I pair rotating Hhrrows. Merril’s Patent, 2 pair wood Hal-rows. l Cultivat~r. Carlton’s make, I iron Culliator. Calvert’s make. I grain Drill. Atkin- son’s make, 1 land Roler, I Scufiler for turnips, l turnip Drill, 2 anning Mills, 1 Blowing Mill. 1 platform Scale the; will weigh from a o'mrter to 10' bundled. I struw‘Cutter. l root slicer, l Threshing Machine. I crosscut sewing ma- chine. ] stump machine, lever power, will draw 80 tone. 1 grindstone. 2 crosscul saws, cradSls,scythes, forks, rakes, shovels, hoes, spades. harness, saddle. bridle. About 350 Sep Buckets,3 Sup Tubs, l large barrel Churn. 3 lead Bowls. Crock“. Tins, 2 Washing Muâ€" chines, 5 Bedsteads. 2 Feather Beds. a lot of Chairs. 1 Kitchen Table. 1 Dining Table, wal- nut l cooking Stove. 1 large Box Steve. I hive of does, a lot of Fe: Straw. 3 Sugar Kettles. a lot of Bags. and other articles too numerous to enumerate. TERMSiâ€"“All sums of $105,111“! Under, cash; over thht filfiouql 12 mohths’ credit will be given on furnlshing approved joint. notes. 8 per cont. discount nlIowed for cash. The Sub being lurgb' it will commence pro- ciselv at TEN o’clock, 50L]! WITHIIUT ANY RESERVE ! Hunel.C7."F 9 L Hm, Dr. ' fl" Hurper, C‘nrlqc‘r }Ié~rhe_,:-Hamy’ Hrlts, R W. G. CASTELL, W. G.,.C. calls at all the'Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. 1 Toronto, July 20, 1865. Cosgrove. B. Cwuplaud. W (2) Cruik, VV§llg§r ; Chapriadf. G =.~' Do ecgE‘f; D. ncyjddm (2)‘ F2: 9|. Andrew Fraser. W. C. Glove . Mrs M.. jr Graham. Miss M Harri”, J T Henrick,VMV[n‘ A_ CONFECTIONARY I AFFAIRS OF my: LATE Mr. GEORGE DOVE. ALL DEBTS due or accruing dual to the Estate of GEORGE DOVE. into of the Township of Markham, yoomnn, deceased. art» to be paid‘to the_ undersigned, .and all Claims are to be sent into him for Liquidation, he hBV-' ing been appointed administrator of the person- al Estate and Effects oflhe said deceased. THAT PRIME MESS PORK. Enkgfxf-i-ss-EHJ gmhpball, ‘Mrs T D Andcrson, Mr: M Ande’reon. Andrew Blaékburu, Miss S Boyd. Ben. 3. Bowman, Tim. Brown. S ‘ ‘ ‘. Bnilllillglqg'. fluffy G. A. B4RNARD’S. Richmomf Hm; Sept. 7, 1865. um Richmond Hill, August 10 ’65. 1's; 4n. PEI: List FRESH BUHEMNJB. HUM. At W. S. Po‘lock’s, late : 431133111) Goad G. A- Barnard ’5- Richmond Hill Oct 4,’ 1865. 13-“ Richmond Hill. July 27, 1865, 6312:6th SALE Dal‘e'd ut'Richxfiond Hill, this soéphd {lay of , August, 1865. _ " JOHN DUNCUMB'. M.D., Esq. Administrator. 9, . r v Richmond Hill. : As the farm has b31511 ranted. all will be HAMS AND BACON! immune inifiho fl'liclimontflmflm Post )' Office; 011 lst‘Séptembor. 1865 : 1 PURE AND UNADULTE'RATED NOTHER Supplv, fully bettér than the last. for the same money. 0:51,. 363 Yonge Street, Toronto; I' ILL he given for any quantity of Good 28. 6d. PER GAILON, G. A. BARNA’RD’S. Nowrém. MANUFACTURER 0F WM. ATKIVSON’S. Provision Store OF g| “many » 'Tu.’.1bull. inn-A Wa'iken, Lime”: 4 Wifkinsdm Eliz. Wihbn.”Johu Johflion. Jacob Lee. R. , ‘ ' Lauren 0. Miss E C Mun ‘Ihw, Georgq Maih'e’ n. W (2) Mars '. Mrs S Moonie, Bridge! Manson. Josaph McConnf‘hy. F McKinnan, Finley pullers'on, Robert Qunnli. W H Runflfi‘é; John Smidtfibawrence Shim“. Charles: (2) Smith. Mlss H Simpson. R Sulherlnnd. John Taylgr, Jphn , V Taylor (Fanning MPfi M. TEEFY. RM. :teré “ls 4d gallon ..ls 8d gallon ,..Qs 0_d gallon . .‘23 6d gallon 0d gallon e-cr OR. HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- pelmq Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilblains. Sore Throat. and violent Pains In Back or Side. the effects of the-Hell All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON‘S VEGITABLB COUGH PILLS 3mm and Dwelling '10 he let! CENTRALLY si led in the best part of the Village-ave" adapted for a Milliner. Shoemaker. Tailor or ’l‘in Smith â€"the latter is much needed in the village, no shop being within four miles. and an excellent Trade might he‘done. The House contains four rooms, pantry and splendid cellar, wood shed purm),urd other conveniences. with a small garden attached. Rom moderate. Enquire of G. A. BARNARD. MAR cHuncn nnxk‘l‘, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order lo preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. ‘ Consultation free. and all work warranted. One or mo Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixum for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complliuls, equal (0 if not bet» us? than any other medncino made. DEACON’IS flfiiWnlled Con h Balsam, for Cougha, Colds. Cbflsumptiofl. slhma. 61c. For Cuis, Crifikfld Heels. and all kinds of sores on Hflffiéh and Cattle. Good Machine Oils 3 In ELEPHANT and ROCK OIL. Al Wm. 8. Pollock’s, 'nte' ' ' v A. M. HOOD, PHIITIIEMPHIE ARTIST ter in use. D_EACON’S Eruptiva Ointment far all kind of skin diseases. Reduced to $1 50 per dosen. faiths next three weeks; 11s the proprmor intends leaving at the expiration of that time. BITTERS. A: a general Tonic, or Strengfl‘ffifim Medi- cine to brace und invigorate ‘tne frame. none can he better. - A soothing and gatringem npplicuibn ; and, us far xix an application can be of any service, more sonthing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of 'cases find speedy relief by its use. ‘ DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND DENTISTRY. RICHMOND HILL. Gallery, ‘Ambler’s Hall; CARD PHOTFOGRAPHS! RS. Thom indebted to the above are re- quesled lo ch” and settle up forthwith. M. H. has concluded to remain a few days longer, on account of 1118 riish of businesi. Richmond Hill Bakery! w. s; POLLOCK, HBEAMIBISEIIIT BAKER HAS seen muted egem. for'flle County of York, for the above valuable Medi- cines. which have been h ore the Canadian. public for the put leven years. end have given universal utisfectionâ€"he can therefore; with confidence. :rcommend (hundreds or Teetin o- niela could be given if requite’d, showing the benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their seve al virtues. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet efi'ectnally: inky lye taken Ju‘r- ing e'ny em'vlof'mnt, at any time. and even by the most c Acute female. 7 DEACON'S STOMACHIC VEGI’r'miLE w. c. ADAMS, D- D. s-, [12? Those wishing extra 66pm from 01d NegatWes. must send In their bidet: immedi- ately. EGS leave to notify the pnbllc that he has V :purchudd the bufined‘a and gdbd will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and that he is prepnred m ‘fnrnluh BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may ho‘xwr him with ghqir patronage. ' ‘ W'P'iéiNie pining and Tea Méelinga supplied at thé 16W“! possible rates and oh tho ahox‘lest notice. Richmond Hill. July “'Xn' 'ordm strictly attended to. Richmond HI", inno, 1883. T! T!! T!!! To Ef‘IOUREs IN TEA : FOR great strength. fine flavou‘red. and delicious drinking. just get somb of our The first of tho kind ever sold in the neighbor- hood, nnd the fineag, most healthv, and e‘cdno- mical Tell imported. A trial will canvincé of its sqperiorih‘. Also. just washed :1 very fine Quality of Young and Old Hyson Teas. only 3s 9d per 1b.; finest Mayune, Yeung Hyson, Japan and Black Teas, 4s 6d per lb. At Wm. S. Pollock’s. late (3-. A. Barnard’s. G. A. BARNARD BHAGIIN’S FAMILY MEDIEINBS ! DR. JAs. ILANeéT'Ai-‘F, omee Hours, 7 to Gian: 8a 1 to 2pm; Richmond Hill, Aug. 16, IBM, Mr. Benj Jenkin'a i5 dithiiliied t0' édllect and givg'refoipfi for . -. Richmond Hm, Sépl. 7. 1865., 144: The safes! and best Medicines in use in Canada. ALL parties owifig Dr. J. Luann! are expemed to call and pny'promptly.~ an he has payments now that must be mot; schmna Him-July- RICHMOND HILL, August 10. 1865. June. 1865. Richmond Hill. July [4. 1865. DEACON'S Aluminium Pllll. None bol- (if _ _ 95 King Street East, Taranto, w'dfifld Java Young H ysun Tea DEACON'S PILE OINTMENT. DEACON’B LINIMENT. G, A, BABNARD’S. ll-tf 6-tf Hr 84f B c OKBINDING, At L Richmond Hm; May:1865. lst Prize for Single&Doubleflarness Together with a God selection of other Articles in connection with the Th! 6, which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. By the following Agricultural Societies '. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do V do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill,l‘or the past three years. ’ Confident from his ab0vo succosses and the hall‘dnkze ha has hithéflb Etched. lh'al he can unit inlendiug purchasers. W. B. respoctfdh'y solicits the inspection of his pre'se‘nt atch of CustomerWork done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the village, at SINGLE AND 1301131.}: HARNESS It? 001 are are all Warranted. “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Men’s Long Strong. Boots, from - $1 75 Men’s Good Cobourgs, from r - l 25 Women’s Fine Boots, from - I - l 00 “ Slippers, from - - - - 0 63 “ Gaiters, from - - - ' l 75 C hildren’s and Boy’s Boots, from 136 upward. WM HARRISON ’S 'I‘hornbill, Iflhe 30, 1365'. ATKINSON. MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL, Begs leav'e td fetum thanks for the‘ liberal patronage hitherto bestoWed on him. and in asking acontiuunuce ofthe same, would state that he keeps constantly on hind the choicest and best lot bf Dry Goods Groceriesjoots & Shoes, Conan Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety..- Five’ per’ cent. Discount for Cash. _ . > JOSHUA R EID. GROGERY AND PROVISION mmmmm AND PROVISIONS ’ To be obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges. Crackers, Fish, Hamfi, Eacdii. SCHOOL BOOKS! Richmond Hill, .Tuné 1865. FLOUR AND FEED ! Cobsfantl; 0‘? hand, which no per should be wimvut. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. W} A. Would call special attentinn m his T’s., for whinfi he has Won so high a reputation; They are the finest flavored in the market. GROGKERY AND GLASSWARB! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. fiichmond Hill. June 1865. Particular And a“ mher Articles usually kept in a Grocery Store 3 a130, on hand a good assortment of FIRST PRIZE , , HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT; 'Which mll be doneiin plain or the best style of Art,at moderate charges. ALL ORDERS PRDMFT’Lâ€"Y ATTENDED To. DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, GENERAL STATIONERY FRESH ARRIVALS OF GO! GO! GO! ntion gifsn to Richmond H11], 1 prices than is Charged in Toronto I]? CALL AT To which has been awarded the STORE. FOR YOUR AT THE TO" THE‘ ROBERT SIVER’S AND fif‘jjeps a Horscjpig, or Cow 3-3:: 1-351 Buttouville, Markham. Mr. Jorm Puma. Nov. 30. I865. Dear Sinâ€"Having for some time put been in possession of your Pain Eradicator. and toe- led Its great value. 1 can with all confidence recommend it to the public. I was for u long time very much afilicied milh Rheumiiirm in my limbs; from which I have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine: and Ihsve used it in my family for various other things to good effect. My wife was for mnny years at times very much ufilicied with the sick headache. for which she hu tried n- rrous remedies with the aid of several phyeici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used lo be for several days at a time unable- te do any workâ€"having been induced to try your vein- ebie medicine, she wus entirely Cured of the disease. We here also found it very bentficiak in relieving the Phlhisic. and ‘an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. Joan STXVIII. FOR BBUISES. Bathe the part freely with lhé clear "may as often as necessarv; II will in a grant me”. are prevent blackness. take (put the INCH! and soreness. and cause it to heal. 801d“ “ can be treated the samovway. SORE THROAT, Bathe the outsida With the Linimam; elm. and ghrglo the insude with the sums. or Ilightly dilutfid with water. every few hours. COLlC AND CHOLKRA MORBUH. For an adult. 11 small teaspoonful in cold water or sugar. taken every half hour, if re- quired. ' An adult may take a émall teappoonfnl cold water or sugar, when foquirod. COLDS AND COUGBs. . For an adult, a teaspoonfu! three‘timu I hf, especiany on going to had. ‘ If that. is I difli- culty of breathing, bathe the chest with th remedy; . l a...»..:.: “a . .‘ . 4.... For Rheumatic, apply the remody to lb. parts afi'ecled once or twice a day. Do not b. afraid to put plenty on, as there is no dang" If Cold, or any evil result by its use. CRAMPV on PAIN 1N firm; STOMACR. We' need not go' to New York, anan, Mexico, or some other place afar of? for the proof of rhis,â€"â€"bnt it can be. had in our own country. Hundreds of names could he added to this list if it were necessary. but 'I will only addtwo. which were handed in for public.- tion. This remedy has hitherto stood on its own’ foundation, arid 1 wish it eull to do no : it can always be depended on as I genuine article so long as it is preparedjflder‘ ills n1- perintendency of the poprietqr,’. 13:30!!! PAYNE. and bearing his written signature. ‘ Read the following, ' -‘ Victoria Square, March 30. 1861. Jam: PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"1' suflered much frvm Rheumatism for upwards ot lyonr, but hearing of your Pain Eradicator l was induced to try it; and after using three bottles. 1 Wu entirely cured. I recommend it to everyone “flaring from Rheumggismg" ‘Youm 6w. ll'umr'r-rmcy anr.‘ 30:. Bind up this cut with a cloth, and “mm the cloth with the remedy. '. ., bed . . TOUTHACHE OR PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet a piece of cation wool with the lini- fnanl. and 'put in the tomb: bathe the he. with the clear Linimenl. and take I don II the stomach in acid water or sugar. SICK HEADACHE. We! the head with the Linlment. and Ink. 3 dqse internally every half hour until relief in oblalned. v A leaspoonful in water er sugar ihreo timo- u day. before or afler hatihg; for the Liver. bathe freely between the shoulders ‘with tho Linimem once or twice a day. Great benefit will fiflen be obtained by II applicalon of the remady extomally tolhe Ibo domeu. in case of seven attack of pain in tho Bovels. Prepared at the Prdp‘rlefifir’s residence, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Put up tad so!d in bottles at 25 Cents each. bur- ing the Propriel'dr’s Written signature thusâ€"- Sold by Drugisls and Slothkeepers, price 25fl DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE, BihE. OK BILIOUS come. ‘ No evil result napd he hated from thiI remedy. notwithslaq'ding its great power. ' This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound. containing no Acid. Turpentine, orllhrcury, or anything which can In any way injuu tho Stem ch ' it acts as a tonic, prehtintp god appetite; {winging the orgniis of the “much into a healthy action . it; has been taken by those who have the wankeflstbmach with good effect; it will enable the Stomach to dig»: such particles of lb'od,which hefty-e it could not. therqby- c .using great distrgs’q; 9nd that dictum. can. bu efi'actually lemovedj by the use of thin rem_9dy. ’ DR. N. J. 'PECK, SURGEON DENTIST I Aurora, June 7, 1865. SUBSBHIBE for {he “HERALD” it is oils of the best remodfies {lint 6311150 up: 131ng §0 Bruisga pnd fresh__cuts. _' - is well klihwnv that many d‘measb‘s‘ brlgilhti from Colds. and much distress is often caur ad from a c'olleciion ofmind Upon the Stomach.â€" 'I‘his remedy in wall adapted to” remove thou calamities : in cases of Cholor . Morbua it nonl- hns been known to fail to effect a euro when it has been tried. Many people who have boon afflicted with Rheumaticl’ainq for many yum, have been cured bv the meant; of this remedy. II has in many cases "been'known to cure tho fmost violem Cough by the administration of rrom one to four dose; 1 il ll‘ (alga I gen-l3 Bmedy 9a? th‘M‘flrbnoMlvlllpflseh so" Thruw- Pain Eradicator. In fixtf‘oduciflfi tins rsmgay to ma 1311638; on Profii‘iswr does nfll Wish to set it with“ g [gung ofevery Disehse incident to the. human me. im in many caséq wing 85 g‘fifetenlivggjs fl The same as for Rheumaticr FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINI. Bathe the" feet with the remedy on get); to Only $1.00 per Annum. laining to any Branch ofhié pro fusion.- unleni.......o. ..-....- Ola.‘ Hill.......... ....-~..-. u... .. ....--..~..« ...---.‘...,.... .......... .. ...o...-.....~ ~.»..-- . FOR FLESH CUTS. PAYN‘E’S DIRECTIONS. York, anln, {afar of? for tho had in our own could be added but 'I will only in for public.- l-tf

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