Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 29 Sep 1865, p. 4

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:(Have you ever bpenjn Irelandv?’ he in- '- lquire‘d, after a pause‘in Ouf conversation. ‘Often,’ I said, ‘ on visits.’ , j ‘. In what counties particularly 7" r V »‘ Many eoxinties; The-last I visited in was ,glarefir . n .. {m .. . zgé‘flndeed 1‘; ‘I-i'don’t know many families in that county. ‘ Did you-ever meet a. Mrs. Aspern '2’ * ' ‘ ' ‘ I met'her but a short time ago.’ IHow was she. Does she still live at icllgrovefiouse ‘2’ i" ‘ , - , ' "She does. She is a very lovely woman, but in most delicate health. She never goes ._ out, save to spend a. quiet. evening .with her '1 intimate fi‘iends, the Crossley’s, who are friends of mine. It was there that I met. her. They say she pined away from the time of her husband’s departure, and was-brought “to death's-door by the intelligence of'his (10-- nease. They say, indeed, that although much '. younger than: her husband, 'she loved him ‘most’ulfectiohhtelfi He wa‘skvel‘l Worthy of 'r/her love. A genuine, a noble fellow. He lost his life on his way to India, in trying to save a poor seaman from drowning.’ ‘Poor Caroline ! poor Caroline 1’ he Slid ~ in in low Voice; then suddenly looking up, , (‘1 have been a sad seamp and a disgrace to my family 5' but sooner or later the truth will be known. She was my favorite sister, I was “the Bungest child and was spoiled. I enter- ed tie army, went to India, took to gamb- ling, took to drink, and at last proceedings were taken against pie, for forgery. ‘I was wholly inno'cent, but ‘a‘brot‘her offlceriu-’ .formed me privately that there was no chance of my acquittal ; so [made my escape, he furnishing me With the meansâ€"5 I went home under a fein'ned name, and], I ‘ saw my father, whbwould not receive me, saying that every mail from India contained: shocking accounts of my depravity, which had broken my sister’s heart and his. went to my sister Caroline, saw her in pri- vate often, but never could prevail upon her to mention my case to her'husband. He was too honorable a man, she said, to advoâ€" cate the cause of an outlaw, and he would, she was sure, deliver his own brother up to what he believed to be merrited punishment. 5 She sold her Own jewelry to enable me to leave the kingdom, and we parted with great tenderness, for she did not believe me guilty. But on the dismal evening she felt a presentimeut of evil, and she was nearly right, for, on my crossing the footbridsre that led from the garden, part of the plank ing gave way, and I was plunged into a per- 3 feet torrent. Although a good swimmer, .1 i. 25.1, ; 59.11011}, it (1'9er giard's‘fom .taklng' aim him with a revolver. We dashed-v on, but my confounded horse came down with me, his feet having landed in a baudicoot’s hole. I staggered-$9 my feet, much shaken, jand was in time to see the issue. .The red horse- ;nan' and one bushronger, firpgl simultan- eousl'y, rind the robber swerved in his saddle, bathe. came very close to the other and ex- tended his revolver again. The other's fate had been sealed but for the promptness and skill of my companion. He took a. long shot, the robbEr’s pistol fell to tho ground, and, uttering a bowl of rage and; pain, he gal- loped toward the.scrub‘. When we reached, jhe fallen man, and “had released him, he said, gaily: '7"'" 1. . , ' V ,. . w A'A‘_I",i;1_mé'z out without twenty ouuds,’ he laid, ‘and 110 09.9 QQuldkglieyg. 0:" lucky I. have been. I ‘flmppemon largo nuggets; ngt gdyanges from .the banks and, purchased ; arge'qpaqtitieg’ of“ gold for two pound fen: ipenpuxme; fem-which I recei’ved three p‘oun'd sixteen. Ibought bitsrlot' swampy ground in a. place that was reserved in a township, and soonzagervmrds got a’s‘ijx‘lan? pouxias for ‘ Oh, one of Mickey’s gang; of 'couiser- '1‘lxey have .becong'e ver . troublesome latgly, and don’t scruple to ta 6 life. I am certam :11 hit the scopndrgl, bquby J gve, you have -given him 5 stinger. He has killed my horse,“ ,though,.,popr brute, and I would upt'have rtaken two hundred for him this morning:â€" Gentlemenl my tgnt is not far from this, and "thére‘a lplenty of ‘room? ‘ ‘ - ' .. We made: :himpmimut one of ourfspar‘e' ' @393; “Nd W'e‘soim 'cimic to his tent! 9. ca- Plfiil' 121112 (#3 galigani'zédiron. 4 " ‘Nfiw‘theh, B61), 106k sharp about dinner,’ Bob leaked sharp, and we were soon seated at a table, on. which we saw kangaroo ‘steamer,’ and-l preserved "potatoes; , N013 were welcome liquids wan-ting. ‘ Th‘ere‘w‘ere apawklinér hock, chenjy and. Rule brandy. a; ronvmy‘w y to-hsustrglia, but the many ‘ih’vdents of 51% Voyage; and Wiprospect of Our speedy arrival in the land of gold, psoon drove the tale from my mind. - ‘ Oprvrship reached Victoria in safety, and Jabstyhostnhe ii; getting jup the country: to" “evbe ,fggld fielde thatdmd recently been "diséovergflt‘ I wfis fbrffin'fi't'e enough to get mhltck ‘boy’-» to .lead. mygapaaeleihm‘se’s,‘ and set out with a" couplez.o£&uehdneh.mvohi er], a good rifle, four good horscsh two of them laden with a tolerable ‘swag.’ I travelling about. forty miles a day for four days; camping out each night, and at last and“) tab 8 geodesizedz‘pnbiic house; where I determined to stay for a few days to give a bpell to my horses. I was lonely enough during my stay, until a. gentleman came who was a trensure _'as- a companion, ‘He l was much my senior, and seemed to have a thorough knowledge of the world. I had‘ “ ever met armore fecinating inan, and was ‘ elighted that we here to travel together. - We did travei' together, ‘amd’well for one another that we did so. On the second day we came to a creek where I 'prbposed we should stop and lunch. I had scarcely spoken when-"a horseman " passed ’us at a' rapidpae‘eL He wore a. red Gambaldi shirt; and a helmet hat, with a red puggaree Itreeming behind it. He had hardly dis- appeared over the steep bank on the op osite ' side, when two "'shofi‘were heard, l‘blv owed, 12y ashout. We spurred our horses overt. he _créelr, and in a few seconds behold the erson whe had passed» us over-thrown, hist eg pinned to "the ground by his'horse, which had. fallen, and a: man in a. male o ‘ Well, by J ove! ‘that was touch and go !, .Ygur shot saved my ' life, sir, and a better (shot with a revolver I nevqr} saw." v 3. ‘Who c6'uld yéur assaifimi; have been maid my compamon, , , ‘He was the noblest of men,’ said our heat; ‘ although‘I'nevet knew him per‘son- ally: blgt o'nl_y_ t!1r()_11g11 otfibrg.’ T: ' uu way u”: wuuu~-u Ubuvlo. J , .r . , _ - is he and 1t heoyseexiged much agltated, and_ took a. glass of wine, and a second and a thira. ‘ " I reflected very often Von the :abpYâ€"e étory, told me by the reap‘tain 9f th_e vegsel as I ghem' gs flaggiyeniience. ‘ [main gem: give happiness," bughtto, be one of the ‘ ‘ zippiest young fellows in the Australia's.’ 1 He said this with adeep sighfan'd smoked ‘ imeditatively. My travelling eom Minion was Very silent the whole evening; ' e tnok'u 3 little,wine, and listened to our host with ‘ teat attention. A fine yound fellow our ost wasâ€"a mantevbry' inch of him.. He had evidently been reared as .a gentleman, a... bush life had not made him-forget his early habits. » ‘ ‘ - ifterydi‘h‘ne“; we our: pipes and! I) and he géon bgcame ycrygcco‘mm‘ .... «webriflnmdffofii' First purge. Richmond HH’. June 1865 ENELISH MAGAZINES .! Good \Vords, {or July, Sunday Magazine} 1'0?- Jufy, ' Chambers’s Journa', for June Orders received for all xhe Periodicals and Magazines at SCOTT‘S wanted everywhere for their sale. For Sihzlycopiés, or for term’s in qua‘ntilies, ilh other information, apply to, or address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. N0. 617 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN ATP/1R. Booksellers. News~ A outs. Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlel‘s.,an others will do well to order a Package of our Books and Albums, They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal.‘ 1‘ "mufilxai'Wfiébéd But for one ofthe planks ‘ that had fallen with me. I drifted away, ‘ clinging to this, and was landed, much bunis» ,ed, a mile ,dova the riy§313_ flames,’ she gwrotcy-‘x0.u:fiaiefktdughfi? W grief 1.1199“ Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars wilh prices will 'be furnished on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. 1000 Local & TraVeling Agents But ‘11} that momento travelhng compah; i'gn‘raised’ 1138» head, lockedyildl ' 23,4: us,‘and cried out in’ .3 stolémfivoi¢e.gif“Y Ostimerciful‘ heavenl‘ 0h,» mést=-mercifu1'heaven 1’ i ‘Apog‘lexyl’ I exclaimed neckclot .' - ' - $1112 gmve.’ ,_. He stroyj .39 1539 “from 'fhe table; uni! couldjlnotLpu-t fell baék helpless on the rude couch. . ‘No,’ he faintly murmured ; James Mowbray.’ A multitude of times smce the ghove inci- dents occurred I have'visited my home in Ireland,3'-and1he very happiest dayS'I ever spent in my life, were spent at that Belgrove Heusefiilfthe county of Clare. And the very greatest rompings I ever had were with three ,youuggchuhby roguesfand one little girl, the three-form” hfiarin'g respectively the names of Reginald, James and that of your humble servant; the latter that of Carrie. Complete in one volume. 12mo. cloth extra lustrated with steel ,qygravings, Win be out to any address péslage paid on receipt 9 price, $1.00. With tremblmg hands he pulled out a miniature from his bosom, and held it out to ounhost. ‘ ‘ ‘My sis-ter‘ Carrie i’ cried the latter ‘ It is the picture Qfmy Wlfe, James Mow- bmy. Inni‘Reginald Aspem 1’, Why are 'the pimfiles On a. drunkard’s face like the cuts inuajwittyyontegqoralzy 77 .Be- He and the seamanfmd begn picked up by a Whaler, ~and forwarded 'by‘the first passing vessel. It did not much diminish the happi- ness of our host by informing him that fine brother officer in question had met with an accident in pig] 'stz'ckifiy, and had before his death confessed that he had committed the forgery attributed to Mowbray. The news just arrived in Europe as I was leaving. You never lied think you can turn over any éld‘stone or any old falsehOOd without a ter‘rible .squirmiiig and scattering of tnc horrid population that‘dwells under it. Tlrjllzg‘likejfilfg ~above, ’ig'n work of, great and uilfisual interest. imd will he engeer read as acompauion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE." “It is,a largs 12mg. ~volume.~-neally houlld in cldtlx,hlustraled with e‘ugravin'gs‘, and will be sent lo any addréss post-paid. on receipt of price, $l.OU-â€"or on receipt of $2.0“, we will send bolh |he above works, postage prepaid. nke me cuts In athty contemlgorary 77 .Be- cause they are illustrations of unch. A young lady “burst into tears”_ the other day, but has since been put together again, and is now wearing hoops to prevent a recurrence of the accident. The book ‘cé'ntains 449 'pages. with engrav- ings. is many bound hi cloth. a‘nd willba sent to any address, post-paidhon receipt of price.$l.25. ‘ . ‘ J? r ,. A NARRATIVE or H, ‘ . ‘ .». Mény'Yeafs iiéésblial Experience, BY NIAVRIE“N ABD THE WIPE nu” 3101mm mm Truth Stranger than Fiction. k T‘SITARTLiNC’i‘: WORK 2. LIFE AMONG 1113 1103310135: “THAT one-hleofAhe world cannot ima- l in gine how the 'olhor‘vhnlf live.” is no lessj‘tru'e than trite: ‘Ind the lesson'the adage afl'ords, our experience and observation .tleily tends to verify fl‘hefin.‘ too. when give consider the ever-varying" phases of human pudoln.’ and the discordant eiements from which lll~ itQiéEfl‘ivd‘ifnnatical sects are moulded! itnqan scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of attual‘: Joints should ekcebdiiin singularity the pvildestdreagt ol'mmanco’: or that crimes. ‘both strange“ in unha‘tural, shbuld be perpe- tlatedin a far off country on the outék‘ir’ts at civilization, which people in another state of s'fiéiéty woula never ifilagifipossihla. Know- ing, ,as“[‘ do 'kntfi'jflio "Evils and "horrors and abomingtions of_th:9 Mormon system. the do- gradauou it imposes on females. and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense of duty to the world has, induced mp to prepare the fol- lovvitigna'rrative for" tho’publlc eye. The ro- mantic incidents.,r:onnectud with my experi- ence, many may‘thi'uk bordering on the mar-- velou , ~'l.‘<,)jtl‘renrt-I ,wouid say, 11ml this nitrra- live a: my life only pl'oves,‘what has so often been proved before that. “ TRUTH [ESTIMI‘GER THAN Ftc'rlON.-Authurs Pr-qfaée. ACpmp’anion to Female Life. Male Life among thB'Mol'mons,‘ BY AUSTIN N. WARD, "13W Juno 9. 1865 mums' LAfliREAT WORK! ORE/17 XPECTflTIOJV'S, BY CHAS. UICKENS’. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, '1 Juli}? anéifié‘ifia7’f215g8in’g13‘ ‘look it was" ‘ undi) his l-tf an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, lloils, Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. &c. Price 11s. and 33‘s. per box So” at Messri IR. &7L. PERRY &, Co's. Wholesale Depot, No. t9, Burners Street. Ox- ford Street. London. Ageuls: BARCLAY 56 Co.. 75, Farringdon Street, London. May 35, 1565, l PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATEDl ESSENCE OF COPAIBA AND CUBEBI SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most. speedy Remedy known. The Globulvs. con-l mining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubobs, Buclm, &c., at ohce cure. V\ ithoul tho possilfi-i lily of failure. Gouurrhma. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, elc . immediately subduinfi all ill-l flammatory nclion‘; Encased in sugar. free! from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and “5. per hux. [ HEALTH DEPENDS mum l’umc PILOQD.â€"1 PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all, its stages, also for purifying the system from H conlamhmtion, recommended for secondary symptoms. blotches on the head and face. an- largement‘of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: itsx‘ beneficial influenco'on the syStem is Imdeui-t able. Prica Us. and 33s. per bottle, also a saving pf Us. SCIENCE, RELIGIoN, «34mm, ; MEDICINE AND lMfiéIc. Established nearly a century, and kfiown lhruuglmut the world as file GREATEST RE- GENERATOR; n.1wver-failing temedy for Spermalorrhm. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other causaâ€" lcem'iches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurablr at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations o: married‘life. Priea Us. per bottle, or fund quantifies in one. 835., which saves HS. ;- am» in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 ISIS. PERRWS CONC NTRA'I‘ED DETER- FANGY ETORE. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EK- r..HAUSTION..‘ New'iditions enlarged to 190 ‘ ‘Euggg, Ellggtrailgdlrby 100 Atmtqmical Colored ngranngs on Steel, Just published; price ls. . HE SILENT FRIEND, the grentestMovli- ' 'cal Wo'rk orthe Age. on Youthful Indis- crqtiong and Qonsequcntimpediments tu’ Mar- riago, describing the Anatomy of the R'mea dueli've System in .health ind :disaase, ‘and‘ pointing out the sure means of perfect resmra- lion lo manhood: with an Essay 'on Single-and Marrin Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. - Also to b8 had t'romall Agents in all parts of NEW 'LiST OF BOOKS ‘ HE Proprietor of the aboveEs'fablishment begs to cal! the attention" of the Inhabit- unts or the Hill and ueighhorhdqd. to the recent ndditibns made lo his'alock of Interesting and Readabie Books, being a superior class of file ralure by the- most eminent dulhori of we“; known repuletion and popularity.- ‘ agajnst any person using their name. and as a: I'Iirmar procaulion against fraud. tha Public ié notified that none of their medicines uii‘me. unless the snbjoiii’e’d filo-'33milia 6? their signature is antached to their difl'ei'gm Wm?- nnrfl. 3!.50. , " ' ' ' >- Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 185:1, $1.87; ouch.- - Praying and \Vorkingâ€"By Raw. Wm. Steven: son. (37; cts. I . My Minislorial Expericncoâ€"By Rev. Dr. Buchscl. 87; 018. ' , g , Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod‘ D;ng 87; C(S. , ‘ The Grater Thoughts of I Country‘l’usonâ€" 871 cm. _ .‘ Burns’ll’oéms. 12mm cioth. gilt edgesâ€"500m The New Life ~By Bush no“. Iflxho c‘lolh. 40615 Thu “Balls (3! lfgmiiy Worshipâ€"By Ray. W. the world. EXTRAUTS FROM THESI’LENT FRIEND. |)I'icei6d., which contains directjous forlhe guitymge _of gati'ents." ' ' . ‘ Messfi; R..&. L. Pr.an & (So. are grily to be consulted at their xesidence, N0. 19.,Bérlieré Street. Oxford Sree'. London, as they never, under; any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they herebv caulion th'e Pu‘lilid God's Glbljy-in the Heavensâ€"Ev Wni. Le'flch. Pfinfiipul of Quoqu'n College, Canada, ' A-\" only 50 ms. The Canadian Sundav Schqu Rockerâ€"'10 cm. Rab and his Friendsâ€"6 cts. ~ Bimynn's Pilgrims Progress-430 cls. The Scouish Psalmody, in Tonic Sulfa Nota- lionâ€"‘25cls. Songs'of Zion. with Tonic Soll‘a. Nomion-e _ 3 as. Thomsdn’s Land and the Book-«$2. Church Prayer Books. Biblss, Taptamontsral Tha Waverly Novelsâ€"30 cts. 3* w The Wrack Ashoreâ€"4O cts. The Roving Engfishmanâ€"-25 cts. ‘» The Romnnce of Common Lifuâ€"v50cts. The Forty-five Guardsman-#50 cts. The War,’or Voices from the Ranksâ€"25 cts. Riflemegl and Rifles-25 cts. . finished) " Mrong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 (:15. _ ‘ ‘ ' Scissors, 10 ms. Dressing Caz-es $1.50 to $2. Mairking Ink. 15 cts. lndim Rubber Balls, IO (:13. Sine Pictures. 15cm. II? Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Mom-lily. £1) Richmond‘flill. May 26. ’65. '. 1' 3‘ ‘ Emil-£13 .»3 Bank"; "STATIHNFRYI’ B. Clark. so as: . ' . - Forty Years Experience in I Sunday School-â€" By 'l'yng. 40013.»; r - ,x Buchan’s pomestic Medicine, cheap oditioj; Albums for 12 Portraits. 30 cis. , Albums for Q4 Portraits, 3|. > Albums for 24 l’ortrni|s,_ (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for 24 Portraits; £M_orocco).$“2. Gent's Walking Calms. from 40 to 5(icté’.' ’ Pen Knives, with 1 blade. from 15m 90cm. ‘ Clasp do. - do. 3 do. 50 cis. (boautilu'ly' all priceâ€"s. I , Advemuz‘es in the Gold Fie!dsâ€"â€"25‘cts. FANGY VSTA'NONERY: 2, IN FICTION. 'AND magma if??? it" 1' mmmzmflfi: man. gaggdofigr ' I: “Agqu willfolIauQS centsjqi every Cert: gang, and [mm 13 cents to us. .. llijinlefplaiIuly. guy only win“ is necessary "g’ndjba pjomp‘t.‘ I I ‘ ' ‘FVERYwarkflScidnii'fic;:Tbeologicnl or Fic- J Lions, whether published in Britain or \nmrica, can bé obtained an the Paul's/mu liyirfcs.‘ W9 huge d'il’fifll communication with Britaifi‘i'li’ Mthwhiffahility can bring“ gu’o‘ds‘ much more punctuajlly‘nnd expediyiously than mpsuetailers. 'As instancesof tha cheapness nl' opr prices we append a list of somé If 15.3 books we‘ keep constantly on hand :â€" J'asaphns‘s C‘olnpiethWorks I_n one hand- 7 r 'some volume. (lllnslmled). . . . . . . "$2 00 Keith’s Evidences 'of thle Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fwifilunent of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated). . . . . . . . ... . . . ... 2 00 Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes find Talus, illustrative of the Wit and Humour ' ' of Scotland”......'.........'.. 150 Leighto’n's. Archbishop. complete works. in one handsome volume. . . . . . . . l 75 Pale;’s Conwlete Works. in one hand- ,snme volume” 175 Smith’s.‘ Rev. James. ‘ Our Heavenly Father: or}. God a Refuge and Strength :’ ‘Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ‘ Welcome to Jesus :' ' -.The Better Land :' ' This do in Rememberunce of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditations ;’ ‘ Important Quee- 'tions';’ "The Grant Comforter;' ' The Morning Sacrfice :‘ ‘ The Evening Sacrifice ;’ and ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limp...‘............i... ""12; ctauch Kc mount Hill, June 9 3865 )4! v ' -. N >= -: w ‘PER 1:0an. :5;000 Dozen 'Silver Tea-Spoons. $l0 1o.$20 5.906“ “ . ‘3 " -Tah’|e Spounr - ': .- (andaForks. . .o.-"-.'i-sg .. .' > 90 0100 AGENTSâ€"We wanfi ngofitg in every regi- mem, and in every ’towu and county in 1h. country, and those acting'as such will be fillow. ed 10 cemsf on , every Conificale ~0rdcred by them. provided their remittance amounts to q fl .1 hing .-;A:Corlifi_cqto of 'encll article with its 78h!" .fiprimedppou, i1. is placed in 1h envelop. and segledâ€"vghegefuve‘lopes are' thoroughly migpd and sold for_ fl'pmty-fiu‘thavqachâ€"lhe per- tsun J-cgpiviug‘ono of those 'envolopej js eulillod ‘Lo‘llgvjfllcly upmod therein ’by returning ml filgrllficutp' gonna; with oxigfiqlln’r.‘ *nd the uniclg. no mulla‘rhuytnluable'il may" be, ill! be for- ‘ wgrgied‘ lo himfor har- lL.0|)c6. Thera' aré‘iio‘ Blyl}k.,Cerlificgtes Idol} tllprla‘fofo "my one is. ,Vs‘uredtqlgwot, at least. lllO fhllvalup of [his {Shier l money. Should the articlg xldnlgd on the cop, tifiqulo not sum-try otlmr \iv'mch he may 53136? of the ‘_ me vvllua will be substituted. , W9 sell [hp certificales' as follows: I',‘ 3e}; ,Holders.... ..L. L... . ‘ 5,000 Gold. 96%} and Goldufiléggn- ‘ _ _ s'mi ,Hvolderva... . . .F . . f5.033 SiW‘el‘ G‘obl'ets and Drink- ling‘Cu11's.'....‘..... .... 3,000 Silve'rca‘stor‘s .- . . ; .. .. .. . . 2.000 Silver Fruit .‘aud iCCa‘kIK ‘ ' .Bagkets...,..,..“0;...” 10116 for 25mm. five {0: $!,«,ele.von for$9 lhlrty for $5, sixty-five for 3J5|_0,.0n§ hundred~ for $15.v;.'l‘hjs dfisli‘ibulion affords a finé oppor- tunity for Adams, as what lady or gentleman will'npt invpst TVIENI‘Y-FINE pgs'rs with n p‘r‘él; wet? offigefflxiz fave; hundgéd hr a thougan hues.” much. A" mjdors must_ he nddreésed 0 us it our- oldgstqnd No. k5 “Maxwa Lane,‘ New York; ‘C- “6,009 .Sglvxlgirov 9nd 3399:1105“ 4 moon! :me- r mid ' floramiaez 5 090 -P ajp ,Gde Rillgs;.... . . sionb‘b a‘sed Gbldflings..... --’ :Keys......».a'......;*....-. 250 4.000 l‘vob‘und Ves‘. Ribbon Slides~ 3 4.000 Sn.s‘of Solitaire bleeve Bull- lonsfSluds. ‘etc. . . . . . . If 3 3.00!) Gold 'I‘himbles, Pencilswlc i 4 $6.000 ‘Minidtu‘re Lockets . . . . . . . ." 9 50 4.000 Miniaiure' Lockets-“Magic Herald VVatchos, Chaim; Sen-01fJe’wd'rygz Ringsil’ins, Brgcqlgtggjshlglve Bql'tonl. Silver Spoo'n'u mid Fox'qu Ci: pa, Céio Baskets,,&c. : '1‘”th Eight-Hundrod.Thqn~ .33 and Dol!pxs,- , ; - The Ewfira Stock of I lugs Inronnsfi Ewan, retiring from fiusinom- ' ‘ ' 2 I For’tho purpose of closing out {hp «Rock» a. the e'hflios! p‘ossiblo data, the under‘signed’fl‘ifi decided mi iércutdistribmion' made I: ronm; non ‘nm risky Anne”), .10 uA'Ij'l‘lR How .‘V‘IAL'UA‘B’LE; hEINEfiOLD FOR $1. ‘ V quqches;.............. 4 2.000‘ COM!“ Obil hi1}! Elfielfald y 'lflmqgh??“a’"r:rvcwfi""' 4 52.000 Mosaic; Jet, Mum and Florentine Eur D'rops .. 4 4.500 Coral;'0pnl. and Emerald: Ear Drops>.-.'.'.."......... 4 4,000 California Dinmond Breast 3 Pins.....'..; 2 50 3,000 Gold Fob‘mlid Vest Watch ‘ ' 3.0m» -- «u A 1,. -» 3:06?) Go1d Ui'liT'Bh'iwd'HraCelogg. 4gmm.Chaéed- [gold Bracole-L, . . .§. 2,3090; €11i§tylail§e 5' thins, axgd‘ Guard Chains.... ...J. . . z: "-7 -Spri=ng“£.L-. .... .‘..‘ .... .' 3,000 Gold 'l‘oolhpicks. Crosses}: ' sfonb‘ UK; g 4 8.6]!QSxonb Ski and Signe_t Rings 2 50 8mm) (Ihlififlhlh Dhu’no I‘d Rings. 9 7.500 Sets 'Ladies’ jewelryâ€"J's} =5 v > Watches .n,..'-~...-....v.- $50 10.9150 v 300 Lnd‘es’Gnld nnd Enameled-.. . Case Watches... . 3.}, . V 35 "g 10 _,6,{IO 9.me Hunfing-Casg Sil- L ~. I. - V6fwmbf‘a’6su 3m“. 70 200 Diamond Rings..,;. .....; "50 “x 190 3,001) Gold Vestnnd Neck Chains 15 "‘M 30 . .andGol;!,.n.....;..... 6.000 .ZSQTS‘ITLI‘JIdies’ . Joviélryl-é ‘, Car.’peq;‘l’.enrl.etc. . . . . . . . 5,000 ,G'qld: fgusfiilver Extensiqu l ‘ flg‘l'dgré and l’oucfls. . ‘ . ._ ,. 6,0‘00'Gq'ldfons and Gold, Mauri- ALt'pF Wxaxi‘cg' inafi‘o Vim sou) roa $1 m’cil.“ 300 .6 nts’ Gold Hunting Cas‘o’ * "4“"; ..... LlST- OF ARTICLES. «Hréugfi In; 1.50":: Ufi‘xiid $5,193 hid Cuiflnsi '2 ' I 1-? hes....3.‘,_...>. V 35 ",. 10‘ fling-Cut} Sil- L rung-2;. .' v 3m"- 70 .ings....;. .....; "50 “I 190. md Neck Chains 15 "‘M 30 0rd."‘ <.. i". ‘1,” 4 “ - b fi‘tfiid'flrabelofi. fl " 8 ld-Bracalel.,...§. ._ ’5 f" 10 u 5' thins. axgd‘ ; A ‘ z - \ins.......;... 6 ",_'_ 2,01 dGQJd Bwe'iws“ 4 “ "'10 Hidui Ffiranlifie 7. 4“ 6 11L hfifi Em‘erald - . .:.,,:,,,,,fi..... 4.10 8 6!, Lawn and . Eur Drops 5... 4 ‘3' ""8 " l an’d Emerald: ..'.'.."......... 4 "- 6 Dinmond Breast T , r > K ..;;...........250 ” 10" ’ mid Vest Watch‘ ' ‘ 1 ‘7" 9 250 “ "8" as! Ribbon Slides~ 3 “' mire bleeve Bull- ‘ .‘etc........‘... if 3 " ‘ bles, Pencilswlci 4 " ‘ '7 ' ‘ .ockets........"950 " 3 Lockets-“Magic ..... 3 u 20 mpicks. Crosses}: “ - ....,....;........ 9 “1" 8 ‘ Rings......... 45" U. ‘, ldflings....... 4 u n i lid Signe_t Rings 2 50 " 10 Maihot‘d Rings. 9 ‘9 1,710. >s’ jewelryâ€"J's} .111! .........V...... ..5 “ 1,5 lies’. Joviélry-é >nr|.etc........>' 4 " l5 Silver Extensiqu , ,,.-.. .»- .‘ 1d paucilmqw‘l 4 Igv‘g’. ] "c; and GoldMoun- ’ rs............. 3 " mud GolduE‘meu- , 3I‘a.......'.‘.”...' l 6 “ 10 7E l'ets and Drink- ' V 5 “ 50 “9;. i........ 15 H 50 'uit .‘aud 7.an .z4. .fn.,.-oynu;.u.p. u nan nonfi- any; Rings‘l’ins, ,f ~ Silver Spoon: '3, {shots,,&c.:r Thou- f}, II entirely new find of the latent plasma. A ' hrgo finely of new PM? CHM!!!“ *Jllfl WRK mamas PROMPTLY Emotion ; E7013 For Crude, hes, just focoinl. PAMPH LETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-I’mSS Printing. Ordors vfo tho an of undormontiomd descrip- tion of BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Jo Bi PRE‘NTNE a. ESTA B LIS MENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will he promptly “(mad u ;.... OUR ASSORTMENT 0F And 010'] other kind of TYPE PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, AND BILL HEADS Consulttfle 01d Efigflsh Physician” ASTHMA. INCIPIENT CONSUMETI‘IdN} . _' mnRMITIEs OEYDUTH AN , 3 ‘OLD AGE, ,3ch ‘ .â€" No Murcury ’fiééd. ‘ Dr Aruba dc Son, ‘ 4s ‘EAST‘GENE’SEE ST., '- BUFFALG" NEW? “YORK, H THE ORIGINAL ‘ 110WE ,SEWING MACHINES! ‘fsolda‘n bottles. am. 1}d..;2s. 9a., 48. 6d., Ehd “I. ' i It is a,WEI.L-J{NO\’VN_-FACT that SAR-~ SAPARIMA i thegrehtest purifier of the bloodin the world. KEEP YOUR-;BLOO.D. FURElâ€"The Bowels regularlleAnd DEFY the DOCTOR”? These Pills, strike “at. the root of each diseasn, and are ‘for the cure of every ailment ineldontnl to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, Hillous. Liver. and Slomwh‘ Com- plaints. General Weeklieflrgvout. Rlin’eina- tism. Lumbago. Piins In the Limbs, Head- 'aches. Sore Throafs’) mif'vvery complaint caused by i'rregulrfllies%of’ the bowels, ob- etrucled perfipirutiongnm‘l deteriorated and un- healthy blood. .Thefie Pills work their >way to the very rookie! endli disease, cleansing in their passage., especially, where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac~ cumulalion. till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature,'the duties of life become _a,,p|easure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. ,Do not hesitateâ€"db not de- lay 1 a clean stomach mus‘tymnlre acl‘ean body.‘ A clean body will contain mire blood, 'when the stomach, body, ind blood 'Sre pure. fr‘rom regulating 81d cleansing- the bowels, health is certain. Begin .at Ihe beginning. waste no time : strike at the root ofiypur ailment. Again, I say. look to‘your sminach. One trial of these Pills will force é‘onviction.‘ ~ The lroa'lmgntthay adopt is the result of Ian'- wards 9fthirty:y_§lfil’ oxteusivp and successful practice in handgun. _ . x ; ‘ I A most sens-rum mym'rlox. An instruménl'fordm cure of Genital Debi- lily. 91' NpcturnnluEmisgions. more properly known p: SemiuaiVWeakngéss. &c. Can be pe'rmauehtly cured in from’dfi to 20 days, by the use of this instruu’ieiit.‘iflhéu’ used con- jointly with medicines. ’ ' ’ r Richmond Hill, Juno, 1865. ,. . ECENT and important improvements hati- ing been put to this Machine. renders it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order s Machine with a guarantee ot'its prompt and safe deliverymnd that they will be able to manage, it 'to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breakingneedles lâ€"l No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in camhric, cloth 'or leather; and for dress makers. shirt tankers tailors. hat uinders. shoe binders. or geitei fit- ting, as well as for every valietv of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other mnchine sapnble of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. ' v Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Brondwny, New York. " RE 'th. oulv Phgsicinns in the State who A an. memben. f/lhp '“Iq13'1h1FCollege: .. Suigéousflmndong‘ . ay be xcb'hsifluad from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night} in every Ituto‘ and symptom of disuse. - Dr. Amos & Son. in 'brder té‘sutisfy the meal skeptical as to the merits Vof their instru- 'lant. pledge_lhemse|ves Him in any instance when it may preve tuisatiéil'aclory. after :3 fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the inertru'memjn go‘od‘order. “Price Ten Dot. hrl. by maii'er expvwst‘ ' ‘ ' tonne mm TAKE PARTICVLAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged:in"wheat mloile’eâ€"a habit froqneuJy learned from evil companiunwor a" school. :‘tho “that: of wh'ich ere nightly felt even when asleep. and if not cured. renders marriage unpoSsible unit destroys both mind end body. should Applyfiit'nmodiately. Self-abuse isenmo‘! the most formidable enemies to he'a‘tth, for ino- tbing 0130 in the dire catalogue7 of human dis. eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing? its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering doWn to an untimely gravet 'It destroys tlie nervous system rapidly, wastes 'eu'mythe' energies oflife, causes mental ’dcra‘n ' "metitf3prev’t9'Iits the prov per develnfi‘mem of lg: “systemxflisnu‘alifies' for marriage. society. business, and '[Ml earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of eviia more to be dreaded than death Itself. ' and sitting Magistrate; of Maglhoiofigh Strut; Westminster,WowjxipStreet, ng Sfireol'. 6w." Used;,:by the most celebrath Medécal Men Clergymen, and othmgh { , may be succefisfully Rented liy' for‘w-nrding a correct detail of their case. ' IRE within me reach or n", b} the use 04“ DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE Du.» MESTIC MEDICINES, pi'bparwl'from__ me Presc’fl'pl‘i‘dns Of the late Du Buchnn, Fellow of lhc-‘Ro'ya‘ College of‘Phym‘eiahfl, ‘&é;. &c.â€"' Culb’s afp'dnily mdb. and t'li'a‘lrefiicn'cy prove}! in thou’s’nnd of cases, unnamed before the Alder- men at Guildhall, ‘7 ~- - ' -"‘ DR.,BUCH_AN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARIL‘E‘A FILES. ' . HXS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY gollje ‘ HERALU ’ Book Store; whore Stockholders and' others "my. n-ocure BOOKS qwery Friday aflemopn. IfrmL .tto 8 o’clock. HI. I ' j‘ ' Healthflappfiless & Long Life; Address Dr. Auop 6L $05,481; st Gellegee Street. three duors' West of El icon Street, Buffalo. N. Y. " ' ' ' 3 1 » A. SCOTT; Librarian. Riohmofld Hi“. Juno 9.1865; '3 "' ‘- ‘ l-tf 50m. or «rsnn'Sawmmn'ithRUP in am mended, fi)z7€oughs, Cdidu, :ksthm’z, Group. ‘3 I" ding...) -r '0.- l “a..- “u: WW“; anuvuml, uluupq I“ LEBEIIxiif’mggt 25 mt. no: in 4mm: , Inm- - THE RIG-HT, HOfoH'I‘H-E» 114031) MAYOR‘OF,.L0'NDQ§. , Esnnmsmn m 1845â€"Plcnmc1xn IN 1862, mc IIMQN 1) film; ‘ LIBRARY' ASSOCIATIQ N. PERSONS hr in} Fun-or 'm: won”) York. June 9, 1835 JM P013 75 N1. FOR u, I-tf yen x Bind up fllb out with Aplogh. 'uloflql‘otih the [17916 d' . A ’ ,‘ "a... . Pam ' rErathcator. Fonmi‘ hduli, a ‘tdnspoéllfulfthree’_11m I. by. bsp'éc'inlly‘on gain'gje bad.) If thin-OJ! . dim. btilty of breathing, MIMI“ choil Zwiih lb. re’medy.’ ' ' " "‘ ' ' fiin't u“ . n . rulian Prepared at the Propfialqrf'a' residbnco, «h Cunc'ession West York. C.W.' Put up ll‘ hok} in hotilos at 25 cent: ‘Mdh. but. ing the Proprietor’s' written Sigfiuturo thus- Solo by Dyugisls and Storekeepéls. price 25" 'SORE THROA’I‘; 3 a 533.11“; thb outside with We" thii’m’nl; at", and gurglo’th‘e ‘iuslde with me name, 'or blighfly diluted with water, every few home..- ’C‘O’LiC AN’I) CHOLERA Mon-was. V For an gidulvtfi _a sniall teaspoonrm'!‘ i» «H water or sugar,” 'taken ewery hnlf him, if u- qqirwn -' w ' (LE cum? on PAIN I‘x‘i Tm: Women. ,nln- Stoufl'ville...'..;. 'Ism ofench month. Brougham . ...... 3.. . .19!h “ '- Malkham Village. . . - . . . "90m " “ Brown’s Corners..........2lat “ " Thomhill.......v........-93fd " “ Richmond Hill. . . . . .. . . . .94lh "' fl gaplg. : ... .‘3 ll Nobleton. . . v. . . . . . . . . . ...30th " " Lnslmy................ .318! “ " Aurora........ lst “ " Sutton...” . 31d “ " Where he will attend to imy busing:- ’91.. ., FROST‘EPT glam; Mp: CHILBLAINS. "3"Wét‘j'ifiece of collo'n‘ mw’l'wlm2 the liuiv menh’ m‘ld faul' in the to‘oth'fi 'bilhé (ho he. with the clear Linimenl.‘ anilinka M. u .the, stomncb: In cold water fibula-Bl Vrr --’- v :2 v,-m' “ '1'- An. adult. may take ‘a mlpnll‘vtegspyon-fml‘ II cold’wujer or sugar. 'when.‘req1girgd,," Wet the head with the Linimoifl. and hi. a dose impmally avory haglf human!“ relic! b obtvaiued.‘ > ‘ ~ ' ‘ DISEASE OF THE LWERJNDIGESTlON. v LOSS OF “PETITE, may; on ‘ , BJLJOH‘S COLIC. A ‘ ,‘A teaspoonful‘in Water orzsqfipr glued! timu‘ a day,‘befnre or afier eatingzgfor the Live). bathe fmely‘dfitweeu Ilue'.gbou!dera:'r\'lith It. thimemA nvncg orntwifa n 'Qa)‘. _ “ ’ No evil m'siilt need bl} 1’63er from thi- remedy, notwighsianding it‘s ere'nilypowor. l ES'l'ECTFULLY‘ announces that be In. changed 'his tim’q pf‘yisilihg'tho following places, and after this 11an 'wiIl-bo"(SundnyI V’ excepted) i1 Jain" ,thiq r > to - uhlie. tho WM sf» 10mg»? Pro’pnot'or does not wns as 1 cm! of every Discuss incident to the human taco. .hut in many-case .nequg its}; pvt; ~9min. ‘fs Well" kn‘o‘wit‘”. h‘al‘ mauy'digé'", es. \origimh from Colds;Emjd’m'uc'~ jflis‘ffiiés’is‘ bflen canal from 'a colté_é_lion of 1 hr‘i’r’W-‘thg Stamnch.‘ ‘ This rom‘edy- is wolll'ndap'tedr'l'on romtivo than calamities : iwc’atcantCl-mlern Muian itnour has been )moumrtoj fail to 'efl‘éetsa mire when it has bean tried, .Manyvpeopl‘a who have been afiiéted With Rheumatic'k‘ains far' many yours, have been ouréd by the 'h1e’ ng' ‘of'lhis’ remedy. It has in tn'uny' ease‘s‘ been nown tn‘cure tho .fm’ost vi‘olent‘Cough _ by the administration a! prom 099 to four: do“: ; .it in; algogg curtail ;' emedy Tor thatdreaof‘nl disoqgos. ‘Soro Throlt: ‘it is one of the Mist, rumodio‘s‘ that.; gun be IP- rplio'd to Brdisea Ind fro’s’typut's. _ ‘ i bad . . ' "7"- " TOOTHACH E on PAIN in THE FACE. Fo'r Rhonmuticfifibp‘lvyRho: to tho pang effected once ‘brfiflig’o n‘ d'ay, 'jADo not In afr'nid '(0 pm plenty on‘, siphon-é isfio‘. Plunger n! Cold, or my evil iesult"b_\' its use. " ,. .‘ FOR BBUISES, g‘ . ‘ Bathe the can freely with ,tho clout "mod, as often-pa neceqsnrv; ll willyin‘ I: real men- ure prevent blackness. _t_ak'a_ youyt‘trl‘o” "telling and "soreness, andfanld'il to hnlf'ivSwoninp chn bq \rented the inn}. «iii ‘ V Great benefit will «flan bp' ohtm'lied bv II npplicnlon of (he rémndy'éxtemanyfiafln a“. dome!” "In case of severe Shack of‘pu‘m huh. Buvels. ' DR. N- .-J~.»BECK. Aurora, June 7, 1865. SUBSCRIBE fur thes‘.‘HEBAlfl” ' This remedy is a pure Vegetable Cémponml, contaminant! Acid. ’1’nrwmiiwyaor Mercury, or 'stythirggwhich can in any‘wpy jpjoro tho Sto'mgch ; it actg as a 16nié',’ creating a good appetite. bringing the o‘rgnna of the stomach into a hephhynuinu; it.b!§:.l)§nn taken by lhosg who have' the weakefitstanpqgh with good Vefl‘yecti iiiwlly” .Venable I'i‘iiemStpmapiiito digest suph €nriigies.oi':i:{)od,whi;qii nafnre it Qould not. ‘lhefe I y causing'zr‘eat Bianca‘s. m1 (hit distress can he hifl'eelually re’moVbd-‘by tiie‘nbo of thin remqtly.‘ ~" 1' ‘-â€"‘ .‘ I: We: need not go ‘to‘ New"‘Yorl; Japan. Mexico, or some other placer u'ftir of for tho pronf of (his,le itnanbo -hndrin our own country, Hundreds of names-chum be added to [big list il'iit were iiwessmyqfiflkl xvi" oniy udd two. which were ~handtnigin {on publicu. lion. This remedy iias'iiillinrto Emmi on its :5er fqnudation,'und I ‘wisfh‘ it .stiiiutb do no: it can itlways lbs dopenxiéd on “Ls genuino article sn' loiig as it is pr'epxire‘d unfler the an- permlenden'cy of the proprietor, Mr. Jon Rant. and bearing hisrw‘riuen signature. Readth folluwing,- v r ', \‘ Victoria S‘quaro.Nnteh 30. 1861. JOHN PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"~I sufiqred much fr: inflhgmnntism for upwards 0! gym", but hearing of yguni’nin Eradicator l Jwas, inducoi to try it {and after using three liquids. l was entirely envéd. I recommend it to gvery on. aufleriug from Rheunmtism. Youré’. &c. 'Hum‘runmv wniwx, Son. ‘ - v Buttonu'iio; Minimum. Mr. Joan PAYNE. Nov; ‘30; {86]. Dear Sinâ€"Having famo‘meulimoipast bean in passqssion of your Rain ,‘Erndicmon and tn. led us great yaiup :l, canwighall confidence recommend it to t we: pnhiic.‘ i Win! for u long time v‘er’y‘nméh afliictadlmithfihhvpnlirm in niy'livr‘ilis."frdin which “lawman enmon head by the use of yqu'r; valuable 'Modicino : nnd I have used it in my family 'for variou- other things to .gqu effect. My wife was for muny yqa'rls) at thine; very “Ian ‘afiii‘cted with the sick~ headache; for wliichlshelhvas'triad VII- riohs rériiodies'Wiih the'aid oi' sevéml physici- ans. and all proved a feilhl'er ’Shwflled to b. for seven]? days at a r‘omagunnblo to do any workâ€"having been induced lq try Q’Qlll' valu- able medicine, _sho wus eruirolygurod of tho diséuse. VVe‘huve also foun'd'it 'vérxrbonefic'ml in relieving the Phlhisic', ’nlidi’awloxcollont remedy for-Colds andICoughl' J'Ymfi‘ truly”; . t. . _ , 4,.IHJouxSnuu. r > 2 . y ! SURGEON DENTIST! Tho' avg-mogul?” “Ebel‘xlmqflcv 1 B81130: flu; {Jolt witl; (ho- Rmehy on going to Only $1.00 per Annual. taining to'any branch of hi pro fouiol.’ COVLDS‘AND coucngq Azwrul-AL‘U; sth HEADACHE;- ‘- DIRECTIONS. SPBAWSL J nun“ I“!

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