Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 29 Sep 1865, p. 3

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'Gregt Excitement in Dfiblin. 'ARRESTS or FENIANS IN; IRELAND. 'HALXFAX, Sept, 2G,â€"The ém'améhip Cuba, Capt. StheL which Jef't Liverpool at 8 30 on the evening ofvthe 16th and Queenstown on the 17th, arrived here this afternoon atfour o'clock. She has but,two passengers for Hali- fnx and 113 for Boston. The steamship Alep )0, from Haiif‘ax. and the steamship Clty of Cork,.f0r New York, aiso left Liverpool on the 10th. The steamship Louisana, from New York, alsoleft Liverpool at noon on the 15th. The Persia, from New York, arrived at Crookhaven at 11 30 on the evening of the 15th. The steamship Borussia, from New York, >arrived at Southampton on the 15th. GREAT BRITAN. An extraordinary general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph company was held in London on the 8th. The directors presented a report setting forth the result, of the late effort, and sanguine expectations for the future, deduced therefrom, expressing a de termination to press forward with the work, and announcing that they had already entered into a contract for. renewed otterations. Un- ‘ der this contract the telegraph construction t companv undertake for the sum of £500, l GOOâ€"that is the more cost priceâ€"to manu- , factureand lay down a new cable next year, t and ifsuccessful, but not otherwise, they are to have in shares and cash, profits of 20 per cent on this cost. They alsoundertalte, withâ€" out any further charge whatever, to go to sea with sufficient cable to complete the pre- sent broken cable, and use the host en,- deavors to that end. lart‘ying out this con- ‘tract requires that the Atlantic company should raise the minimum of £250,000 to a maximum of £500,000 in cash upon whielimew capital, a preferential dividend 0f12 per cent, is proposed. with a share in the profits of the dividends to which they are entitled to have been paid on old shares. The report was unanimously adopted, and the question of raising the capital being left to the final decision of another meeting, to be called on the 12th of Oeotober. The cholera has increased so much at Marseilles that the Mayor 11st summoned a meeting of physicians to concoct measures of relief. ' V The Paris bourse 0n the '15th closed flat; mntes 67f 40c. The weekly returns nfflm Bank of’France show a decrease in cash 0f}4,500,000f. From the Cape of Good Hope late mails, date not given7 have been received. ,‘ ‘Tllc war between the free States and the Basutos was prosecuted with vigor by the Boers, who maintained the aggressive. LONDON MONEY MARKET. The disbount' demand is rather more active. The rams are unchanged. Funds ‘m‘e quiet and steady; but consuls are slight l'y depressed by the introduction of the Brazilian loan. r u LIVERPOOL, Saturday Evening, Sept. 16.â€" The Persia arrived here at nine o’clock this rum-vying. The Dublin Erprws, (if this morning, says that, after the arrest at the “Irish People office,” last night, orders were issued to all police; stations and military barracks for men to be held ready in case of any at- tempt’nt rescue by the populace." A police- man was also stationed in each telegraph office for the’purpose of stopping any mes- sage relating to Fenianism. annxsmwx, Sent, 17.-â€"The Irish police continue to arrest Fcniuns. The number of prisoners is vory large, among others :1 per- son said to he a Captain in the American army, in whose possession documents and uniform were found. 0n Sundaythe prison. Arrival of the Cuba, era, escorted by the mounted police; were taken to the police com-1 to undergo examin- ation. The result has not transpired. The mob heartily cheered the prisoners. but, made, no attempt at a rescue. Great .Exnilenmnt prevails in Dublin, and arrests are being mud; in other parts of Ireland. LIVERPOOL MARKE I‘. IAvmroon, Sept. V]6.â€"‘Breadstufl‘ quiet and steady. Flour quiet and nonfinal; Wheat quiet and steady at, 95 to 99 for spring. Corn firmer : salr‘s of mixed at. 295 6d. Provisions quiet and steady. Beefinnctivc. Pork quiet and still. Bacon quiet and firm. Lard math barn and prices ls higher. Petroleum firm at 25 10d for refined. Tm: Cnors or MGRâ€"Mr. Turner, land ngcnt of Richmond. Yorkshire, has made his 'n'nnual report. which appears in the Times. His ohsevvation extended from the Tyne to the Thames. He is of opinion that in hulk the wheat crop is an :ivorncro, but the quality t greatly inferior to that. of last year. In many southern counties it is unquestionnhiy unsound. Bai‘iov is a fu" average. Oats are moderate. Beans and pens are average crops. Potatoes me a goodorop. and tur- nips a full average. In the postures there is more food for cattle and sheep than there .has been for years. For several weeks we shall have to depend for bread and men] upon old wheat, the stock ofwhir‘h is ample. In the counties of Durham and Northumher- land, thereare thousands of aores where the turnip crop has been utterly destroyed by fly or grub. ,3 . STBMARIXP. CABLES.â€"In Europe, Asia Africa, and Australia. there are 52 submarine cables which are of the arrgregnte length of 5825miles. and the insulated wires of which measure 9793 miles. The longest of these is 1550 fathoms, and the shortest 1 1â€"2 fathom. There are 95 submarine cables in tle Unitotl States and British North Amer- ica which measure 68 miles, and their insul- ated wires l33 miles. The overland tele- graph line between New York and the west coast of Ireland, thrnuwh British Columhin, .Nfirthern Asia. and Russia, will be 20,479 miles long. H.740 miles of which are cnm~ plated. It has at length been resolved that this line shall cross from Americnto Asia at the southern point of Norton Sound. on the American side to St. Lawrence Island, and from thence to Cape Thndeus (m the Asiatic c'ontirent. Two submarine ('nlilos will he re- quired far this, one 135 miles lon'r. and the other 250' miles long. Cape Thadeus is 1700 miles from the mouth of the Amoor river. ' ‘ Mr. Punch advises ladies, when being courted. not to object to the modomte use of tobacco. They uhmfld recollect that where there is a flame there must be smoke. A company 151 forming in the city of New an‘! tn ins re firioliiy in plat-COS: 6?" W1: alpha“ must ‘W’ 13”" Why are books the best friends ? Be cause when they bore you, you can always shut them up without offence. LATEST VIA QUEENSTOWN. The demand for. all kinds 0f labeur at“ St; Paul, Minnesota, is-far in excess of flie smi- ply. The St. Paul and Winona. 'Ihlilwagfnd;x vertise for 500 men; the Superior and St. Paul Road, 500, and theStx Paul and Pacific Road wa‘nv men, h0rses,' wag‘onfi and carts. The Minnesota Valley and Central Road want men to lay track, and carpenters me 'Wanted to complele two la‘rge hotels, which are commenced, and SvVClal dwellings and blocks of stores in. process of ere-aim]. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Are warranted in an cases, for \he SPEEDY and Pmmnm'r Cum: ox'nll diseases from soxual BICGSS‘S 0f Youthful IndiscretiOn, Seminal Loss. Nightly Emissinhs, and Sensual Dreanm; Genital. Physical and Nervous Debi- li:y. Impotence. Gleet. Sexual Diseases. s§zc No Change of Diet is Necessary and they can be used without detection. Each box contains 60 Pills, Price Our. DOLLAR, if you cannot get them of your drnggist they wili be senlby Innil securely sealed, with qu in- sxruclions. that insure a cure. on receipt of me money ; and a pamphlet of 100 pages on file urrors of yomh. the consequences and remedy. nent free: )0 cents required for postage Ad- dress Dr. J. "RYAN. QonsuLing I‘hysipinn. RU. Box. 5079. 44‘! Broadway, New York Dealers can be supplied bv Demos. Barnes £3 Co., W'holesnlu Agents. New Yonk. 16 @RYAEN’S 3.531233%, Purify the Blood. ‘ - MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD Remove Headache, Dizzinuss, Giddinnss. l)r0\\'r-iness. Unpleasant Dreams. Diumess of Sight, Indigestion, Cleanse the Stomach and Huwals, . Insure NEW LIFE in the dabilitated and RESTORE 'I‘Hr: SICK 1'0 PERFECT}1EALT”‘,‘ Try them ! they on|_\ cost ‘25 cents. and if mu cannot get them of \‘our druggist. send the money 10 Dr. J. BRYAN. Comultminn l’ln‘si- clan. 449 Broadway. 1’ U. Box 5079. and they will be sent by return of mail. Dealers suppiied hy Dennis, Barnes 5L Co , VVholosnle Agenm, New Ymk, 16 If you require a reliable remedy .o restore you use Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, n never-failing remedy for [he remoan of Oh- s‘rut‘lions, no matter f-co-u what cause may nrise, 'l'hey are safe and sure and will restore "21mm in rvery case. They are alsoeflica- ciou.~~ in all cases of Wenkners. Vthes. Pru- lnpsus, 6m. Sold m Boxes containing 60 Pills Price, UNI} DOLLAR. ' Sand for Dr. HARVEY'S Private Medical Adviser, addlessed m fem‘nles . 11in pages. giv- ing full instrumions, ll) rents H-qnired for pust- nge. If you cumm'. purchase [he pulls of your druggistJhoy wiU be sent by'nmil. post-paid secure from ohservMion. nu recvipx of One Dollar , by Hr. J-‘. BRYAN. C(Hhxllhil L7 I’hysiclnn, I’.(). Box 50 9.4 4-42 Broadway. Naw Yum. Drnlers supplied hy Demns. Barnes & C0. “’holesale Agents, New York. ‘ -. 16 TORONTO MA [1K HTS. 1 ToruntoJSep! 28. Flour.â€"-§uparfine held at $6 0!); Extra $7 :25 1717 $7 35.; Double Extra. 58 “25‘. , Fa” Wlnem,â€"-ln fmr dmmmd‘ $1 n $1 54. Spring Wllenlwâ€"At $0 “5 a (“I (10 Barloy.-â€"sold m from (550 my 790. Pens.â€"-Swady, from_5n {a} 63:: pel'buhl. Unls.â€"â€"nl 30c (it) 376 per bshl. [layâ€"4mm $7 00 to $9 [)0 perjon. Apples. $2 (Me {(3 $3 per barrel. 'Eggsyâ€"Frosh from wagons 1] Q?) 19%: per .102. “anew-Fresh is in large supp‘uy M from [Sc 0 @ 20c per. “v. Beefâ€"4n demand'only for locnlcmusun'ption. Calves $4 fii/ $6 each Sheep $3 00 {(3 $4 00 each, Lnth $3 @ $4 Min. Potatoesâ€"6H In 80 cm. (now) per bushel. Strawâ€"frmn$7 Ul‘lo $9 ()0 per hing-H .flcm afihcrtimmmm. READINGS mum SHAKSPEAHE. MR. WM. G, FALCONBRIDGE, On MONDAY Ev’g, Oct, 2. ’85, VAN NOSTRAND’S HALL, Richmond Hill Admission 10 cents The praceada to be applied to the Rich mond Hill thhnnucs’ Institute Fund. G L A I) N EYVS September 29. 186."). K CORDS of Drv BEECH and NIAPLE U CORDWO‘OD. for nln¢ heau. NOTICE. LI. Parties are herehv prohibited from _ . ne gocinting a NUTE, drawn b\' we and endorsed” bv VVILLHM CLIFFORD. in favour m" ABRAHAM LAW, amounting to $7 I5 â€"damd Angus! H}. 11-965. and due one day after dn'e. Hill â€"â€"32 “0 Nuts. 00rd \Voue' FEW Solve! Readings, from.Shnkspeare and oihor Authors, will be giyeu by Kppl)‘ at the " Herald” Uflice, Richmond FOR THE UNFORTUN ATE; T0 LmTBIES, ASsisud by other Amateurs. value has been received for the abuve A18 o‘clock. in W} x n 30H ,‘1 31.02: E0 1' Sale. ETAENEAT,=:GUDD andfi EHEAP HA 13% mi] WEE HARNESS WM. HA RRISON’S PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLlSHMENT I Se-‘piem'her 2] , 1865‘ HAVE TRUUEHS, WATER SPHUTS, Srmm MILLS. THORNHILL. September 7, I865. .CISTRONS AND 'PUMPS 1 . ,1 Manufactured and for Sale by , John Langstafl’, NEW SHIRTS IHE Largr-sl, mnsl ‘Yniiedvvlnd the Cheap- est S FUCK ()l“ SHIRTS, on lilch‘ moml Hill, made up in due bnsx manner. on the premises. in new and l'ashionalyls l’allerns and Style: of Coloured Flmnwls, \‘Vincoy. 'l‘wt-ed. LinsHy \anlsey, and Heather Flunnels. and will hp V‘Suld ai the’_ Lowest Remunemling profit. (lull and see the assortment, at Wm. a. Pollock’s, late u. A mun,“ u, mu. G. A. BARNARD‘S. Richmond Hill. Sept. 7. XSGS. 14v“. ViéTbRIA COLLEGE! MEDICAL FACULTY. CHEAP FOR CASH. M“ Chemistryâ€" Vlidwifery and Diseases of Women Ind Chi] MMGI'ia Medica and 'l hermu‘nlicsh- CHARLES V BERRY WAN; M_D,MA. and Physician to Toronto Gen. Hospikal ‘nstitutes of Medicineâ€".â€" JOHN N. REID. MD. Surgery and Survival Pntho‘ogvâ€" JOH NEWCOM M"), MRCS, Eng. "Ln'i'ri'N' FULTON, MD, ‘Muc's, Eng. LRCP. Lon. Clinical Medicina and Surgerv JOHN L. KIVG, MK, MRCS. Eng. and Physician to Toronto General 11_ospitul General l‘at‘mlogvâ€"a‘ Hon. JOHN ROLPH. MD. LLU, MRCS. Eng. Medical Jurisprudenceâ€" 1 CHARLES V. BERRYMAN. MD, MA. Prhcticai Andlmnvâ€"é - J A WILLIAMS. MD. (the Demonstra- tor win attend as usual in the Desecling Romn. Corn'or of the Mnceum-H- S I’IMAY, MD. Nguhl'nfish r LRCP. Lon. mm Physician to General “r-Fpixal. Ahatnmy. Detox-intrive in (‘1 qu‘rg‘imlâ€"fâ€" The LECTURES will comments On the 2nd (lay of October, For Autumn & “‘inter. Spring and Fall. who“ the Exan’ainmiuus will he hath wrhteu and oral. Mnuhmmk‘ Hi”, July ‘38 dren u Hon. JOHN ROLF”, MD. MRCS, Eng Dean oftho Facnltv To whom appiy (or an‘v For the? inforn'mlion. Toronfo. Séiylum‘ner7,1‘865.‘ ’ 14.4 Mme. Bemarea’fls Fashian Banks, Packet Banks, Pumas 8: Wallsta JUST RECEIVED AT EDICINE and Medical Pathology-â€" WALTER B. GEIKIE, MD‘ Ilnnulv JOHN HERBERT SANGSTER, MA. Ml). R. A I) UA'I'ION RICHMOND HILL VERY CHEAP.“ AT 2% RICHMOND HILL, OTT’S And continue Six Months. BE HAD AT LOT OF For Oct ober, on. mm [’hysivian to Toronto Hun. JOHN ROLPH, 56 Ger‘ard sheet and] AND New 14‘“ Toronto'. BUTTERâ€"WANTED. ] s. 4.1.. PER LB. ' ba gnven {or any quanti 1y of Good ILL FHVESH BUTTER IN w. anus. Richmond Hill. Sapl. 7, 1865. ' l4-lf List of was REMAINING 'm the Rir-hmond Hill Poet Office. on 18! September. 1865 : Andorlon, Mrs M Johnson. Jncob Anderson. Andrew Lee. K Blackburn, Miss S Lawrence, Miss E C limd Ben. B. Munshnw, Goerga Bowman. 'l‘hos. Mathlown. W (2) Brownub' Marshal. Mrs S llrillinger. Harry Moonie, Bridget llakeruMiss E Murlson- JDSOPh Campbell, Mrs T D McConnghy. F Cosgrove. II McKinnan Finley Cmpland. W (2) Pnuerson, Robert Craik, Walter Qunnlz, W H Chapman. G Rumble, J .hn honor. E Smith. Lawrence Haney, John (2) Sheppard. Charles (2) Farrel. Andrew Smim'. Miss H Fraser. W. 0. Simpson. K Glover. Mrs M.. jr Sutherland. John Graham. Miss M. 'l‘nvlor. John Harris, J T Taylor (Fanning Mill Coszrova. II Cmpland. W (2) Craik, Walter Chapman. G honor. E Danny, John (2) Farrel. Andrew Fraser. W. C. Glover. Mrs M.. jr Graham. Miss M. Harris, J T Hanrick, Mrs A Hntlel. C. 1" Hill, Dr, H arpur, Charles Home, Henry Hills, R. At W. S. Polluck‘s, late Good Common Vim-gar. . . (‘rood Mall Vinegar . . ... . . Hefl Mall. Vinegar. .. . . . .. . Bordeaux Vinegar. . . . . . . . . Hem Whim Wine Vinegar. At Vv’m. S. PoHock’s, late We n-quire smuelhlllg of the kind to render nut-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtless meet (he case, and will he found both chaap and nflinienl. ll commends itself to the judgement of! hose who investigate the mailer. as being calculated to Have final, and to render a family residenco more henllh)’ and aummive. MR. “'M. C. MACE}. Simâ€"Your Air-tight Ebon- seems likely to meet wi'h liberal favor from the p{ll||_ic. Hufing adopted the principle in my rosi- dv‘ncu. yuu thn thereby the_1est evidence. that VINEGflRS! I cunsiLer your patent 'wonhy the attention of the public. Simâ€"Having tried voul: {"I’alenl Air-light and Frost-proof Door.” 1 have reason to believe :hm ii is an excellent contrivance, and calcula- uâ€"d lo comnhuto much to the comfan of more who adopt il. 1 am ul‘opiniou that much iess wood will be required to heat; house in the winter season if your patent is applied lo the outside doors of a residence. MR. WM. MACEY. MR. “'M. MACH. SIRâ€"l have examined your model of nawly invemed door, and consider it superior to anv thing I have seen for stopping druughls and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel,snve health and prevent damage from front. ll it- likewiue cheap. Yours, &c., Richmond Hill, July 27,1865. WTGI. CASTELL, CONFECTION ARY I 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C. halls at all due Stokes between Tormue and Richmond Hill ev'qr): two waeks. and supplies Confectionnry at all kinds M the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. Mr. GEORGE DOVE. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. $381.3: ALI. DEBTS dm'ybr accruing dlie‘ to thn . Emma of GEORGE DOVE. late in“ lhe Fownship of Markham, yocmnn. deceased. are to he [mid to the unde'lsigned, and all Claims are to be' sent imu him for Liquidation. he hav- ing heen appuimpd administrator of the person- al Estate and Effects oflhe said deceased. Dnted at Richmond Hill. this second day of August, 1865. . JOHN DUNCUMB. M 0;, Esq; BIBLE SOCIETY DEVOSINRY; Richmond Hi", June, 1865 CONVENIENT Shop to Rant, wuh twd Runms. simule In the best business mm of Hm Village. and adjoining llle Harald office. Tlmre is a good opening for a Walchmnkerr in this neig‘lberhood. Apply at the York He 1le Office. Riclnnuud Hill, July 13,1865; 6 Richmond Hill. July. 1865. In ELEPH \N'F and ROCK OIL. Al Wm. S. Polbck’a, ‘ate G, A, BARNARD’S. R‘chmo‘nd Hm. July 2Q. 1865. 8‘. THAT PRIME MESS PUHK. Tight and Frost-Proof Dam! SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Cheap and Good 20ml Machine Oils! N o T I c E . AFFAIRS 014‘ "SHE LATE PURE AND UNADULTERATED ' ‘rémnnd HAL Angus-$9.15 '85 GES: R‘ICHMOND HILL, July 20m, 1865. HAMS AND BACON! MACEY’S NOTHER Supplv, fully better than the‘ last. for the same money. . A. BARNARD’S. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH RICHMOND HILL, July Int. 1865. SHOP TO RENT. JAMES LANGSTAFF‘, M. D. Yours truly RICHMOND HILL, July 4. I865. G. A. BARNARD’S. M ANUD‘ACTURER 0F AMOS wmcm‘, M.I’.P. M. I‘EEFY, Postmaster, man) Turnbull. Miss Arm Walkw, James Wilkinson.‘Eliz. Wilson. John M. TEEFY. RM. WM. ATKINSON’S. A”? Adminiflraior, . .15 4d gallon ls 8d gallon . .‘28 (Id gallon . .28 6d gallon Ud gallon Richn-léud Hill Provision Stem l4-tf 5-3m S-tf 8-H BBAGBN’S FAMILY MEDIEINES! Ofiice Hours, '7 to 8 am. 8; 1 to 2 p m, LL parties owing Dr, 3. Lugsan are ..expented to call and pay promptly, as he has payments now that must be met. Mr. WA). Comisky is null oxized to collect and give receipts. for him, ' Richmond Hill, Sept. 7. 1365. l4-Lf DR. JASi LANCSTAFF, AS been nppointad agent. for the County of York, for the abuve valuable Maili- cines. which have bean before the Canadian public lor this past sevon years. and havo given universal salix'l'aciionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials could be given if required. shewng (he benefit derived therefrom,) their use for their several virtues. ’ DEACON’S FAMILY VEGl'I‘ABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may be iaken dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even by the most delicate female. ' BITTERS. As a general Tonic, 0r Strengthening Medi- cine lo. brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. The safest and best Medicines in usu in Canada. G. A. BARNARD DEACON’S S'l‘O M ACHIC VEGITABL E DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. A Foolhing and astringent upplicxliou ; and, as tar as an application can Us 04' any service, more smthing and much more astringent. than any Imherlo prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. ()K HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatium, Erysiv pexlas. Slrnins. Bruises. Cuts, Chi'bluhls. Sure Turoat. and violent l'ains In Back or Sido. the effects of the Heal All in the n‘mvc cams are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND DEACON'S VEGITABIJS COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove lhe cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhma, and Summer C(‘Inplainls, equal to if not bet- ter xhuu any other medicine made. DEACON'S unrivaUed Cough 191153me- Coughs, Colds, Conwmption. Asthma, die. DEACON’S LINIM EN'I‘, For Cms, Cracked Heels. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cnille. DEACON'S Antibillious Pills ter in use. DICACON’S Eruptive Ointment for all kind of skin diseases. DENTISTRY. 95 King Street East, Toronto, DEAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve sufl‘ering and supply new weth in the most approvsdstyle. Also to regu- lala the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. 3., Store and DweHing in he. let! CENTRALLY situated in the hesl part of the Villageâ€"well adapted for u Milliner. Shoemakel. 'l‘nilor m‘ 'l‘ln Smilhathe latter is much needed In lhe Village, no shop being within four miles. and an excellent Trude might be done. The House contains four moms, pantry and splendid cellar, wood shed pnlnw, and other conveniences. will: a small garden attached. Rem moderate. Enquire RICHMOND HILL, August 10, 1865 PHflTflfififlm ARTiST Galicry, Ainblcr’sflall. CARD I’IIOâ€"JTOGRAPHS 1 June, 1865. Reduced to $1 .50 per dozen, forlhe next three weekfl, as the proprir-Ior intends leaving at the ekpiralion of that time. [[3’ Those wishing extra copies from 01d NegakiVes; must send in their orders immedi- utely. RS. Those indebted 10 the above are re qilested to can and settle up forthwith. fiat M. H. has concluded to remain a few days longer, on account of the rush of business. llichm’und Hm.- JnIy-"i. 5-3 Richmond Hill Bakery ! W. S. POLLOCK, BREAH fiIBISlIlIH' BAKER EGS loam to notify the‘ public that he ha: 1 purchased the business and good will of J. Hayward’s establislnnanl, and that he is prepared Io furnihh BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. . m u .. 1-,! G. A. BARNARI). Richmond Hi". July 14, 1865, G-lf .. I _ , Pic-[\lc parties and Ten Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notica. “All orders strictly attended w.- Richm‘vud Hill, Juno,1865‘. TO EPICURES IN ‘T‘EA! The first of the kind ever sold in \he neighbor hood. and the finast. mod henhhv. and econo- mical Ten imported. A Irial wnl convhlce of m: superiority. Also. jus: received, a very fine Quality of Young and 01d Hisou Teas, only 33 9d per 1b.; finest Mayune, Young Hyson, Japan and Black Teas, 43 6d per 1b. ‘ At \Vm. S. Pollock's. late is” £32., 233%91‘3.1w13..a.wd3£§n Riflmmnd Hi}? OR, great strength, fin‘a flavoured, and duhcious drinking, just get some of our -dried JavaYuungHysenTea A. M. HOOD, RICH MOND HILL. Chemist &- flruggist, RICHMOND HILL 1:. H. Hall, 0 F us, In None bat Itf Dr y Goods Groceriegtfigotsfifines, Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great varietyQ,’ Five per cent. Discount for Cash. , J OS HUA R EID; Thornhi", June 30, 1865. MONTREAL HOUSE, 'THORNHIf-LL, “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond. 1â€"1111, At X Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, B 0 01(51 ND] NG, R‘chmond Hil'. MavflBGS. SCHOOL BOOKS! Men’s Long Etrong Boots, from - $1 75 Men's Good Cobourgs, from - - p 3] 25 VVomen’s Fine Boots, from - â€" l 00 “ Slippers, from - - - - O 63 “ Gaiters, from - - - -â€" Ml 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 130 upward. CustomerWork done as usuaIâ€"â€"-the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the village, at WM. HARRISON ’S Richmond Hill, June 1865. lstPrize for Single&Double_Harness East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held 3: Markham Village. North York Agricultural society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwicln Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond I]ill,'for the past three years. Confitle'ntfl'flt.“ his aboVe soccesgqs and the patronage he has hitherto received; lhnlhe can suit unending purchasers. Wall. respectfully solicits the inspection of his present stock of Partic llar attention given to SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS Together with a good seiection of other Articles in connection with tho Tradu. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. It? Collars”: are an Wax-ranted. a GENRE}? AND PROVISION ATKINSON]. "Va 7 r r . n on him, and in asking a continuance of the sam'e, would :mte that he keeps caustamly on hand the choibesl and best lot of Begs Ie'ay'e to‘je‘tum thanks for 1h liberal patronage hitherto besiowed ",7 _.....;_...I_ A“ tht‘ Which wdl Fe done in plain or the best style of Alt,at moderate charges. To be‘ obtained nojrlh‘ FLOUR AND FEED ! CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! Richmond Hm. June 1865. W. A. would call special attention m his [13? T’s., {or which he has won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. Cohstamb 0* hand, which no per‘ should he Witnfivut. FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. 'DRUGS AND FANCY Goons; And all other Articles usua‘JIy kept in a Grocery Store : ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Sugars, Candles, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, GENERAL STATIONERY FRESH ARRIVALS 0F ED“ CA L L A'l‘ AND PROVISIONS By the following Agricultural Societies ‘. m To which has been awarded mu 01' Toronto, among which will be found Teas, FOR YOUR TO THE STORE. AT T11 E AND WM ROBERT SIVER’S : also, on hand a good assortment of fixceps a Horse,£l’ig, or Cow ‘ m MIJWWU‘ Fish, Hams, Bacon. '3v3m 1 3:11

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