Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Sep 1865, p. 4

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Hurrying on in the midst of excitement, Pushing extravagant projects through, Few of us know or pause ever to question.â€" Ever to ask where we’re hurrying to 5 Hurrying on over blessings unheeded, Chasing SOme joy, like the butterfly, gone, What’s the good of our wonderful frenzy T What is the use of hurrying on ? We have been hurrying on from our cradlesâ€"â€" What but its shadows have we for the past? We are still hurrying on as expectantâ€" What shall we get by our hurry at last? Graves are so thick that we cannot well miss them, Going with only the clothes we shall wear 3 Where shall be, then, all we’re hurrying after ? What shall we have with our hurry when there ? Hurrying on in the wake of the phantoms Conjured alone in the fever of haste, Hurrying on with extravagant projects, Little we reek of the treasures we waste 5 Little we know of the diamond moments, _ All to be gathered and garnered in store, l Making our worthy or worthless possessions 1 Up in the land where we’ll hurry no more. Treasures that lie all around us in plenty, We never heed as we’re hurrying on, And when in heaven ‘our coffers are empty, We shall first know how they’re lost and ‘ gone ; Then we shall know how our spirits have wasted ‘Vealth of Eternity planted in Time, The soil 'for its seed growing barren as ashes, While we are hurrying out of its clime. God works but slowlyâ€"but surely my bro- ,thersâ€" Not hurrying on in passion and strife, Works with love only, and only for others, Not for Himself, in the green fields of Life. Let us srt down, and be calm and be thought- fulâ€"- r Lifting our hearts to Eternity’s brink-â€" Let us cease living alone for the present, Let us cease hurryingâ€"what do you think 7 HfVE the courage to appear poor, and you disarm p0verty of its sharpest sting. WHY is an equestrian like a Norwegian 7 â€"Because he’s a Norseman (an horseman). win! is an active waiter like a. racehorse ? Because he runs for the plate. ° There was a lawsuit in Guelph afew days ago for seven cents. Messrs. Eby &, Son had to Bay the amount and $2 costs to boot. DA‘ECING Tums" IN ONE LESSON.-â€"Drink a bottle of Scotch whisky, and you will be able, without any further instruction to pre- form a Scotch reel. AN‘EXTRAORDINARY Funâ€"A man wind- ing himself into a lady’s favour. To DISPERSE A Momâ€"Mount a cart and begin to give them good advice. i’résident Johnson’s family consists of his wife, a son, a. son-in-law, two daughters and a nunibeg of grandchildren. Be not the fourth friend of him who had three before and lost them. This should be a rainy season according to the theory that every seventh year is a wet one. . Ix CEYLON the marriage ceremony is pre- formed by tying the couple together by the thumbs. In this country they are more frequenth put together by the ears. SPICY SOLDIERS.â€"A New York paper says, “Hot fiery fellows, are our soldiersâ€"~â€" peppered while in our service; and. mustered outvoiitd’ ; . A QEMAQN dissatisfied wife says that her husband is such a blunderer that he can’t try a new boot without “ putting his foot; in it.” HUSBAND-MEX.â€"At an agriculture exhibi- tion in Massachusetts the following toast was given: Our fair sistersâ€"«in the language of the orator, “ the best friends and most effi- cient patrons of the farmer, for they would have all men to be the best husbtmd-imzn.’"I OLD LADIES are fit for anumber of things which 570mg ones are incapable of proform- ing, either from ignorance, or because they will riot take the trouble. Bless the good old Woman. A FAST MAN‘there is .a student at 0::- ford, who lives so fast that he is now abso- lutely older {ban his father ; and it is thought he will-soon overtake his grandfather. His motherâ€"a quiet, elderly ladyâ€"he has left her behind long ag0,as well as two old maidâ€" en aunts. A SHOEMAKER was the other day fitting a customer will; a pair of boots, when the buy» er observed that he had but one objection to them, which was that the soles were a little to thick.â€"“ If that is all,” replied Crispin, “ put on the boots, and the objec- tion Will gradually wear away.” A CLERGYMAN called on a poor parishoner, whom he found bitterly lamenting the loss of an only son, a boy of about four or five years 'old. In the hope of consoling the afflicted woman, he remarked to her that “ ond‘So young could not have committed any grevious sin; and that no doubt the child was gone to heaven.”â€"â€"-“ Ah, sir,” said the simple-hearted creature, “ but Tommy was so shyâ€"and, thev are all strangers there I" A SMILL TEAsPAETYcâ€"A young and gal- lant captain, on receiving anoto from aludy “requesting the pleasure of his company” at a part to be given at her house on the evening esignated, took his volunteers and marched them to the young lady’s residence. When it was explained to him that it was himselfalone who had been invited, he said, °‘ By Jove !. the letter said company, .and I thought the lady wanted to see all my boys.” TAI.LEYRA2{D.â€"â€"~Tllere are a set of men who are continually boring people for autographs: few have the talent ofrcfusing them with politeness. Talleyrand, being once asked a similar favour by an English nobleman, pro- mised to send him one in a. few days, and thus kept his Word. He sent him an invite- tion to dinner ; -“ Will you obllge me with your jeomptmy to dinner, on Wednesday i1ext,' at eight o'clock? I have invited a numher of exceedingly clever persons, and do not like to be the only fool among them. Dle’T Go HOME TILL MORNINGâ€"After a dinner given by Mr. SLephen Price, of Drury‘ Lane Theatre, all the guests, with the cxcep‘tion‘of Cannon and Theodore Hook, having long since retired, the host, who was Buffer'nv-from asevere attack of gout, was comligcljlj:d'to allude'pretty plainly to the latenessrof the hour. . No'nSLice,‘ 'however, was taken of the hint; and, unable to endure any longer the pain of sitting up, Mr. Prlce at, length slipped quietly Ofito bed. On the follox‘viné morning, he in uired of his ser- vant,‘ “ ray atwha’p time ,fd those gentle- men ga'Est night ?”-â€"“ Go, sir ?”,‘ re lied John, “They are not gone, sir; they ave just rung for coffeeflf 3331i Huh 313mm. Hurrying On. 313mm. Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTL\NG WORK! FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS‘! BY MARIE w ARD, THE WIPE [III A MflRMON ELDER ! ‘6 HAT one-half ol‘ the world cannot ima- l gine how the other half live,” is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage afl'ords, our experience and obuervation dailyt tends to verily Then. too. when we conside the ever-varying phases of human pnssionp and tho discordant eieinents from which all ‘ now! and fanatical sects arc moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity. the witdest dream of romance : or that crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpc- i trated in a far at? country on the out>kirts ofl civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing, as I do know, the evils and horrors and :abominetions of the Mormon system, the de- gradation it imposes on females, and the non- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ofdutr to ‘lhe world has induced me to prepare the fol- ‘lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- tmantic incidents connected with my nxpei‘i. once. many may think bordering: on the mar- velous, To them [would ear, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so otten been proved before that, “ TRUTH IS S'l‘imnuicu \THAN Ficriox.â€"Autnurs I’m/ace, The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, and will be sent to antY address, post-paid, on receiptof price, $125. This. like the above, is a Work of great and unusual interest, and Wm In; angel-Iv read as acompanion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” It is a large 153nm, volume. neatly bound in c}nth,ixlustraled with engravings’, and will be sent lo any address posbpaid, on receipt or“ price, $1.0Uâ€"0r on receipt of $2.00, we wiH send both the above works, postage prepaid. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Now so indispensable to every fan‘ily. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety at“ 51er and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be inrnisherl on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers, News Agenls. Book Agents‘ Cauvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to ordar a package of our Books and Albums. They will find them excaedingly popular, and terms liberal, Complete in one volume. lQmo. cloth extra lustrated with steel engravings, “"111 be, out io any address postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. pr for tnrms in quantities, ixh other information, apply to, or address. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR Sewing fiachines. 1000 Local 6.; Traveling Agents HE ONLY PRIZE awar<Â¥ed for Famiiv _ Sewng Machines hv the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Londnn. Supt. 24th, 525m, ‘Jfilh and 3271]), was given 1.9 R, M, \ianzer & C0. W» ANSZEER’S Combination 63:5 Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. WANZER & CD’S They also took the First Prize for Fannin Sowing Machines with R, M, Wanzer S; Cu's Uombinalion, at tho l’rnvincial Fair held at 'I‘oronlo, Sept, ‘42. £13. 24. “2.3 and 26, 18122. and also first prizes was awarded to their Singur {01' mmmfitrzlory. They also look First Extra Pnzos lat the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"~nt Hamil- (on, Paris, Gait, St, Thomas, BealnsviHoflVllitv by, Cobourg. Bowmauville': iu factpvery place where they have been exhibited. II?" \V'anzer & Co.’s Combinafinn and \Vanzer 8; C035, Singer, excel any Machine;s that evn‘ were manufactures iu the United States 01' Canada. R, M. \Vunzur 6:, Co. have succeeded in uni- liug the most valuable properties ni'lhe \Vheelcr sh \Vilson and Sinyer Machines. and iemnv- ing those poinis which ware not desirabla in a First Class domestic article, by adding some new iuvmitions (for which they have secured a patent in Canada)have succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machine,\v hich being simple in its principles is easil) understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. Its accurate construction i'emh-rs it little liable to get out ofrnpair, and it is easil‘j adjusted. The public, on examination. wil be convinced of its mlvzmagas over all others now in use. Every famil}~ should have a Wan- zer & Cu,’s Combination Family 1\ inc. Many Years Personal Experience, BIEKENS’ LAQEREAT WBRK ! GREflZI XPECTflTIONS, BY CHAS. MCKENS’. l‘rizes of n >imilar characwr were also awarded Wanzer’s & Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and ) VVanzer 05L Co’s. Singer‘s Machines overall others, by the Huartl of Arts and Manufac- tures, at the Machanics Institute. 'l‘oronlto. All Genuine VVunzer & (30,":1 Sewing Ma- chines hour [he smmpof R, M. \‘Vanzer & (.30., Hamilton, oil the plate. Tim First Extra Prize was also given for Nos 1 and ‘2 Singer's Manufacturng Machines. ENELISE MAEAZEMES ! GUOd’ Words, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Journal, for Jnne chhmoud Hill, Juno 8, ’65. Orders received form.“ the Periodicals and Magazines at ‘ _ 7_ SCOTT’S Richmond Hill. June 1865 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, June 9, 1855 Companion to Female Life. JNO. EDWIN POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. PARKER CROSBY, Agent. FIRST PRIZE A NARRATIVE 0F l-tf lstf FANCY STORE. SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. NEW LIST OF BOOKS THE YORK HERALD BflflK, STATIHNERY, HE Proprietor of the above Estabhshmem begs to call the :‘(leulion 01' the Inhabit- ants ol' lhn Hi1} and noighhorhond. lo the recem hddl‘iuHS mudo to his stock of lnteresting and {padahle Bme. being a supelim‘ class of lite: raluru hy the most emiuvnt authors of well- Januwu repuxalion and popularity. God‘s Glory in the l’leavensâ€"Bv Wm, Loitch. Principal of Queen’s College, Canada, Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862, $1.87; each. Praying and VVox-king-Hy Rev. Wm. Steven» son. b7; cts, My Minislmiul Experience â€"By Rev. Dr. Ruohscl. 57; cm. l’al'inh l’nparsâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D.. KI; cm, The (lmver Thoughts of a Country Parson-- 87; cls. Burns’ Poems, IQmo, cloth, gilt edgesâ€"50cm. The New Life â€"B_\‘ Bushnell. I‘lmo clmh. 40m.- The Bunk n!‘ aniiy VVoI'shipâ€"By Rev. W. 13. Clark. snmsi ‘ ' I Forty Years Experience in a Sunday School-â€" By 'I‘yng, 40 ms. Buclmn’s Domeatic Medicine, cheap edition, n11|y5(|c£s, The Canadian Sundav Sc Rah and his Friamlsâ€"Gt Hnnynn’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cls. The Scum-h I’salnmdy, in Tonic Sulfa Nola- liunm 3cm. Songs of Zion, with Tonic Sulfa Notatiox-â€"- 3 ans. Thomson’s Land and the Book-â€"$‘2, ()humh Prayer Books. Bibles, Testaments, al hoo] R ecilerâ€"l 0 (:15. l~0N NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- ‘ HAUleON. New editions enlargr‘d lo 190 pages, illustrated by lUU Anatomical Colored l Engraviugs on Sleel. JUSL published, prlce ls. all Wire's. - Adventures 111 the Gold Fieldsâ€"-25 cls. The \Vavefly Novelsâ€"~30 (:15. The \Vrvetk Ashureâ€"wm cts. The ioving Englislnnanwâ€"QS am. The Romance 01' Common Lifeâ€"~50cts. 'l‘he Forty-fivn GuardsmmI-â€"5U crs. The “'ul‘, 01‘ Voices I'mm £he Ranksâ€"25 cts‘ [{jflomcu and Rifles ~25 cls. The The The The li.‘ FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 12 I’offil‘ailgg 3“ 0‘5. Albums 101' ‘24 Portraits; $l - > Albums for 24 l’ortrnils, (Cape Morocco.) $1 Albums for ‘24 Portraits. ( h’ioroccn‘z Gent’s Walking Camus, from 40 i0 ,5Ucts. l’eu Knives, with 1 blade, from 1.") to ‘2“ CL“- Clasp do. do. 5 do. 50 cts. (beautim'l; HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age. on Youthful Indis- cretious and cousequcul Impedinqu lu Mar- riage, des rihing the Anatomy of the Repro- dumivo ‘. Mom in health and diseare, and pniming out (he sure means of perfav‘l I‘BSIONI- lion [0 Inan‘.m0d: with an E<suy on Single and Murrunl I;i1'e,«:nnlainiug a l‘rescriptlou known a» the Pruvumive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of comammanon. Also to he hull lrnlnall Agmns in a” par 8 0‘ 'finhhcd.) Nrong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25015. Marking Ink. 15 015. india Rubber Balls; 10 015. Slate Pictures. 15 (:15. [13: Periodicals Supplied “’cekly or Momth flu; world. EXTRACTS FROM THE SILENT Scissors, UI cls Richmond Hill. Maw ‘26. ’65. FRIEND. pri(.c (31L, which contains dn'eczions for I'm guidance 01' [:Lllunis. Messrs. R. $1. 1.. Funny A: Co. are only to be (zoniu‘tml at thvwir residence, Nu. ISL Bernerh Street. Uxfozd Sl'eel. London, as lhev navel", under any circumstances, travel either at home qr abroad, and thew Imrebv camion the Puhlic agninxt any par-son Using their name. and as n I'urlhm‘ prvcnuxion against fraud. the l’uh’ic Dressiné Cases $1,553.10 $2. is notifievd that none M‘ their medicinas are ge~ nuinu. unloss the suhjoined fac-smlilie of their signature is attached to their different wrap. pars, E4‘mMished nearly a century, and knowl- throughout the world as the GREA'I'EST R12- GENERATUR; a Inverâ€"f'ailing remedy i'o Spennuwrrhoe, loss of manly power. producm by (BMW indiscx'etinns. or any other can.‘ [Lenriciws the principal vim] fluids, enabling lliuse who have deemed themselves innurabh at once 10 fulfil the most sacred obligations (I: married iil'u. Price 115. per bottle, or l'ou- quanliiies in one. 335., whirl! saves H52; am‘ in .135 bullies, eii'ucling a saving ol’£l I‘ls. SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in ali its Fmgas, also for purifying the system from coutaminalion, recommended for secondary symptoms, Matches on the head and face, en- largenmnt of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficia! influence on the system is undeni- able. Prica 11s. and 33s, per bottle. alsoa saving of HS. Gucmziunvr. AND Muscumx Pow“: REGAINEU BY '1 HE USE: or Perry's Cordial Balm of Sy/rzacum speedy Remedy known. The Globules. coil-‘ mining the Qui..tessunce of Copaiba, Cubehs, Buuhu. 810., at 01 no cure, \ariIhout thu possibi- lity 01' failure, Gonurrhwa. obstinate Gleet, Sn’imnre. etc, immediater snbduingall in- fimnmutm'y actinn; Eucused m sugar, free from taste or smell. 4s. Gd. and Us. per box. I’ERHY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF (TOl’AlBA AND CUBICB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most an lul'allible cum for all diseases of (he skim such as Scurvy, Scrufula, Ulcers, “oils. Blolchm, Pimplos on the law and body. &c; Price |ls.:1nd 335‘ per hex V IIMM'H Duerm upon PURE FLOOD.â€" Pl‘LRRY’S l’UlilFYlNG SPECIFIC PILLS. 7 So” at Messrs ‘R, & I). PERRYSL Co’s. VthIemte Depot, No. 19, Burners Street, Ox- ford Street, Londun, Agé‘rmrsrzq BARCLAY, & Co., 75f Farringdon St eat, London. May 26, 1665} l $1.50 PERRY 'S CONCENTRATED DETER‘ 1N FICTION. AND A FOREU N B !.The EMPLOYMENT PUB EVERYBODY. Agents wanted throughout the Uni‘ed States and Canadas. Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, RingsJ’ins. Bracelets. Sleeve Bullons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups, Cake Baskets, &c. worth Eight Hundrad lhou~ sand Dollars. The Entire Slack of; igrge Imronnxa Housz, retiring from businPss. For the pulpose of clasing out (ha Monk 3. the earliest possible date, the undersxgned have decided on a great distribmion made as foliows. urn-I MD EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER now VALUABLE, Bum son) you $I. A Certificate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and scaledâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mix°d and sold for 'l'wmlyfima Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes ii entitled to thu article named therein ln' returning the Certificate to us with one dollar and the article. no matter how valuablt it may be, will be for- warded to him or hm' at out-9. Tllvre are no Bank Certificates and therefors every one is sure to get. at least. the full value of His or her money. Should the article named on the cer- tificate nut suit,any other much he may select at the, smile value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: One for 25 cls.. five for $1, eleven for $2 thv for $5. sixty-five for $l0, une hun-lrud (or This distribution affords a fine oppor- uuity for Agents. as what lady or gnnll’eman will notll]V6$l1‘WHNl'Y~FI\E cums With a pros- ;u-ct of gelling five lll‘llldl'l‘d or a thalmand times as much. All orders must he addressed :0 us at our old stand No. 15 MulJun Lane, New York. Browhes .... .... “3.000 Coral; Opal and Emerald Bronches.... . . ... ... . . 2,000 Mamie. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops .. . . 4,500 Coral. Upul. and Emerald Ear Drops .. . . .. . ., . . . . . 4,000 California Diamond Breast, Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold Fub and Vest Walsh Kays.... .... .... -... 4.000 1‘ ab and Vest Ribbon SEides 4,000 Suns of Solitaire tleeve Bul- 10lis,SLLids. etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold 'l'liimhles, Pencilsmtc 6.1m" Minimum Lorkexs. . . . . . . . 4,003, Minimuié Locketsâ€"Magic Spring .... .... u- ----- 3,000 Gold 'l‘oolhpicks, Crossed, etc” . . . . . 5.000 l’lain Gold Rings. . . . . . , , , 5.000 Clmsed Guld Pings. . . . . . . 8.000810116 Set and Signal Rings 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Gold . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . 6.0"0 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Camoo, Pearl. etc . . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pullslb‘ilver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . - . 6,000 Gold Vans and Gold Moun- 10d Holdurs.... . . 5,000 Gold Pans and Gold Exten- siuu Holders. . . . . . . . .. . . 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- lug (‘nps . . . . . . ........ 3,00“ Silver (Justus . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . 2,001) Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .n. 1"- ..n .... AGENTS~â€"\Ve want agents in every real: ment, and in every \mvn and county in tho wuuu'y, and those acting as such will be allow, "d [0 cents on every Culuificale ordered by hem. provided theil remittance nmoums to :me dollar. Agents wiil collect 25 cents for wary Certificate. and remi£ 15 (18111510 us. PER DOZ’ R. 3,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $l0 to $20 5.00? “ > “ Table Spoons [1? Write pininly, say only what is, necessary and be prompt. Address. ALL OF WHICH ARE TO BE SOLD FOR EACH. 300 Genm’ Gold Hunting Case Watches .... u .. . .. . ... $50 in $150 300 Lad es’Guld and Enunmled- Case‘VMches........... 35 “ 70 600 Goms’ Hunting-Case Sil- n. ._ -n [EVERY work, Scientific. Theological or Fic- tl lions, whether pulvlislled in Britain or \merica. can he ohmined at the Publisher’s uricns. We have diver-t communication wuh Rritain, am’ with this fanillty can bring goods much morfi puncmaHy and expediviously than most retailers. As instances uf the cheapnels of our prices we nppand a hat of some at the‘ books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Josephus’s Complete \Vnrks m one hand- -A A- lsome volume, (lllnstralPd). . . . . . , "3‘2 00‘ Keith's Evulences of the Truth of the Christian Religion. derived from tie lilmal {nufilmenr of Prophecv, (prov i'usely Illustrated) . . . . . ..,... u... 900 Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrauvn of Ilia Wit and Humour of Scovland . . . . . . . . . . .......,.... 150 Leigluon‘s. Archbishop. complete works. in one handsome volume. . . . ., .. . . . l 75 Pale: ’9 Complete Works. in one hand- snmevoluine” .......,... . . . . . . . I75 Smith’s. Rev. Jamas. ' Our Heaymily . Falher: 0r. God a Refuge and Strenglh :’ 'Clll'ist Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ' Welcume Io Jesus :' I The Better Land :’ ‘ This do in Remolnhemnce of Me. or Sacramen- tal Modiialionsf ‘ Important Ques- tions :’- ‘ The Great (“omit-rim“ :' ' The Morning Sacrifice :' ' The Evening Sacrifice ;' a d ‘\Vqrds of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ rloth limp . . . . . . . .....,.. .......]9§cuuch Richmond Hill, Juno 9 _W65 )4! BOOKS! GIRARD W. DEVAUGH & CO.. No. 15 Maiden Lune, Now Yam June 9. 1865- -3m and Forks LIST OF ARTICLES. 800,000 ‘mrkexs. . .. 2 50 Locketsâ€"Magic 250 an “ 100 ll 70 100 an 20 u) H) PBNTINE Orders vfo the an of nndermentioned descrip- tion of EflLflBEfl .13 WW BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLETS AND LARGE m SMALL POSTERS, Is entirely mi} and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new LettcruPl’ess Printing. WOBDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED.-$fl For Cards, Gm, just {09in- ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will ‘m promptly unendtd lo 3â€": CHEAP JOB @QK OUR ASSORTMENT 0F PLAIN? York Herald And ever other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS Consultth Old English Physician FOR _ RE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. â€",‘ n ASTHMA, TNCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, INFIRMITHGS 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &c. Dr Amos do Son, 48 EAST GENESEE ST.. BUFFALO, NEW YORK: _ ,_ m. , ,, ,, The treatmentthey adopt is the resnl'r of 1m- wards ol't'nirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A MOSI' SCIENTIFIC INVENTIQN. An instrument forlhe cure of Geniml Debi- Lity. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properl} known as Seminal Weakness, &c. Can be permanently cured in fmm 1510-2” days, by the use 01’ this instrument, when used con- 70intly with medicines. . ‘ , .- n,‘L Dr: Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits or their instru- ment, pledge themsalves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price 'l‘eu' Dul- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a eer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit t'requun.h learned from evil companiuns. or 81 school, the effects-0f which nro nightlyfelt even when asleap, and it’ mt cured} renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Sell-abuse isonvol the most t'urmidnhla enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructiva a drain upon the harm“. srstem, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suli‘ering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wusws away the energies of life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the sxslnm, (inqualifirs for marriage. society, business, and all earthh‘ happiness. and leaves the sutlialer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. PERSONS 1'! ANY PART OF THE WORLD may he successfully treated by forwm‘dingn correct detail of their case. NAdVdress Ur. Amos $1, SON, 4REnst Genesop Street. leee- doors “lost. of EHicuLlSn-eel, Bnfl'ulo.N.Y. 1 r HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BR \RY to the ‘ IIA'HALD ’ Book Slore. where Sluckholders and others may 'vucurc BUUKB‘ Mery Friday aflernoml. 110K (to it o’clock. P M, clergyman. and others, Healthjlappiness & Long Life. [HG within tlm reach of all, by [he use of DR. BUCHAN'S VEGETABLE DU- MES'HC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’rescdptions of the late Dr. Iiuclmn, Fellow of the Royal College ul' thslc‘ians. «\c" 81c.â€" Cums aw daily made, and Lhnirefli'cacy prnved in thousand or cascs, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RlGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. and sitting Magiétrntes of Marumrough Street, Westminster, Wu-ship Street. Bow Street, fi'c. Used bv the must celebrde Medlual Men _ A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, June 9, 1865. I-tf DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a “WILL-R'NO‘VN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest, purifier ol' ihe blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l’URElâ€"Jl'he Bownls regulm-ll-â€"And DEFY tho DOCTOR!!! These Pills strika at the mm. of each disensn, and are for the cure of everv ailment iimln‘leninl to Man Woman and Child, such as all erumious on the Sl<|11,111di- gestion. uilious, Liver. and Stomach Com- plaints. General “’ealiuess,aout, leama- tism. Lumhago. Pains in [he Limhs, Hend- aches. Sore Tllrnats. and every complain! caused by ir'egulzriliss of the bowels, oh- slrucied perspiration. and deteriorated find un- healthy blood. Those Pills worls {hair way lo the very route! of each disease. clvameing in their passage. especially where mermny has boon taken, and removing every unhealihy ac- cumulaiinu. till lho hlnnd is purified. the whole avst'em renovnled. and all the functions m-[ing according to nature. the duties of lira become a pleasure, when; hei'm'e tin-w had been sad 9nd weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do nob-de- lay ! a clean smmanh must make acleau hudy. A clean body will contain pure blood. when the slomnch,lmd_\', and blood are pure. from regulating! a \d cleansing the howels, health is certain, Begin at thn beginning. waste no time: shike at the route? your ailment. Again, ] say, look to yoursmnach. One trial oftheso Pills will fume convimion. ‘ Sold in bottles. at ls. 1§d.. 25. 9a., 45. Gd., and Ms.- Richmond Hi", June, 1865. [-tf THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES ! ECEN'I‘ and important improvementshnv- ing Daen put to this Machine. rendi- rs it now the must pi‘rl'ect before the puhiic, and persons at'n distance can urder a Machine With a guarantee ot‘ils prompt and safe deliveryand that thm‘ will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needle-s!â€" No more missing SLllChvbi No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdelnzate or lieavy,on the same Machine, either in catnblic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors. hal hinders. shoe bindors. or gaita: fit- ting, as well as for evary valietv of funiil}~ sewing, they have nu superior. and will he sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of wurk. , _ .1 - . . .6 i a i I , I g1)?!” '11 3 ' V fife flyo :6(H.F@\’CB lLthcruuz/lyg; . ’fi m I‘V/r Q o ’52.: ‘9‘ film fV “up...” u. .[_ . V I Send f'm' Descrimive Catalogue ()l'sh les and prices. A l'uw respectablu Agents will be aealt with liberally. '“A‘lr‘i‘xgfinxrl‘u‘é HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. a New Yulk.~ June 9. 186.5 1 RICHMOND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 91’ ms AR‘S Pumoxw Symm- Eighty”. oomxmudu, for Cougha Golds, Asthma. Cmup, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents” boltln /\)RE ESTABLISHED m lR45â€"PERFEC1ED IN 1862 ffiWiW 8": N0 Murcury Used. IMPORTANT. , I ‘4‘ Q? _ ) (1719/ _ \f Â¥00%m/§rlmgg flew/x [we %V Pain Eradicator. IN intt-mluclng this remedy to the public. tb.‘ Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as acurer ofevery Diseasn incident to the human rlco. hut in many cases aeting as a prexemive. In it is well known that many diseases origth t'rSm Colds. and mnch distress is often cause from a collection of wind upon the Stomach-III 'l‘his remedy is well adapted te‘ remove thin calamities : in cases ofCholera Nimbus itnonf has liven known to tail to efi'act a cdro What“ it haw been tried. Many people who have but nfllicted with Rheumatic Pains for many ydnrl'; have been cured hv the means of this remedy-r 1‘! has in many cases been known to cure th‘fi‘ t‘mostviolent Cough by the administration if ‘l'l’Ulll one) to tour doses: it is also a certain‘ emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore Titre-1.5 it is one at" the best remedies that can be ap-' plied to Brui>es and fieslchnts. This. remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound; containing no Avid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can In any wav injuro tho" Stomacn ; it acts as a tonic, creating a good‘ appetite. hringing the organs of the stomach' into a henithy action , it has Bean taken by those who have the weake‘tslomach with goodl eti’ecl; it Will enable the Stomach to dlgeit such partiulus of tooti,\viiic|rl>ethi'e it Could not.- thet'eby causing greut'disi’i'eFS. and that distreu‘ can be eH'ectztaUy removed by the use of thit‘ remedy. We n’add afot‘ go ('0 New York} 11pm;- Mexico.or some other place afar ofi" for lhl‘ pronf uf lhis,â€"but it can be had in out I“?! ununii'y. Hundreds ofnumes could be added1 to this iiSi. if il were necessary. but‘ 1“ wiwonlyi add two. which were handed in [or pub‘iicn! licn. This rande imshllharto stood on its‘ own foundation7 and I wish it still to do 39; mean alwms be depended on' as agalidifii“ article so long as it is: prepared under the Ill" pennlendency of the proprietor, Mr. Joli? l’AYbE. and hearing his written signature. Iliuad the following, V -‘ Victoria Squaw. March 30.18613 _ JOHN PAYNF, qu;â€"-l)ear Sir-«Issufib‘rdd’mu'c'h' i'nm Rheumatism fur upwards 0! a year, but healing ol'yonr l’ain Eradicaior I was inducod to try ii ; and after using three bottles. I Wll‘ entiieiy cured. I recoinnmnd it to every on. suffering from Rheumatism. Young-«Ste: , i‘viuanaEY: me; Sm- Buttonville, llflI'ark‘liamB- Mr. JOHN PAYNE. Nov. 30, 1861. Dear ~,â€"-Having for some time past been‘ in pasression 01' your Pain Eradicator. and tel-f ted ns grvat value. 1 can with all confidnwr I‘HCOUHHP‘Dd it to the public. I was for a long tune very much «flitcuxd with Rheumatism in un' limbs. from whit-h l have been unholy" I'reed by the use of your valuaBlo' Medici"! ;’ and l have, urbd it in my family for varioul UlllHt‘ things to good efl‘kct. My wife was for m:th yams at times very much afflicted with‘l the sit-k headau-he. fur which she has tniedt var nous renwdk-s with the aid‘ of ssieml ph’yzici- ans. and all proved a failure. Em med" to b! for sevural days rt a lime unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your VIII:- ahle medicinn, she wus entirely cured of lb. diseasa We have also found it very beneficial in relieving the Ihthisic.‘and an excellent remedy fur (Alas and Coughs. Yours truly, Jul-IN Snvn. For Rheunmlic. apply the remedy to “I. parls effrcted one“ or (wice a day. Do not b. afraid 10pm pienlv on, as there is no dang“ o! Lold, or any evil Iesull by its as». FOP. URUISES. Bat-ho duo part freely with the clear remedy as o’l'ien as hem-swan; n will in a great mallâ€" um prevent binckness. take,nul the swelling and soreness. and cause it to heal. SWIHiIIICL can b6 trealfid the same way. FOR FLESH C UTS. Hind up the cut will) a clmh, and the cloth with the ranmdy. Lathe the few with the remedy on goln‘ to bed 'I‘OU'I‘HACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet a pit-("e of cotton wool with (he lini- mant. and put in the tooth: bathe the he. wiIh [he (clear Liniment. and lake ado-t OI the stomach in {mid water or sugar. ‘ SO RE THROAT, Bathe {he outsxde with the‘ Linimont; dour. and yu'gle the illslde w'nh the same. or Ilighlly dilmed with \Vhlul“ everv few hon-s. COLIC AND CIIOLERA MORBUS. For an adult, 3 small teaspoonl‘ul in ct" water or sugar, taken every half hour, if u- quirea. An adult "my take a sum” teaspoon'ful ii cold water or sugar, when required. CRAMI’ OR PAIN IN THE STOMACK. “’61 the head with [he Liuimeht. and l-ko' a dose inwrnallv every half hour until relief ‘0 obtained. . DISEASE 017‘ THE LIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF Al’l’li'l‘ITE. BILE. OR IEILIOUS CULIC. A {easpnonful in water or sugar threo rim“: :1 day. lwfum or after eating: for the Livef,‘ hmlm finely between the shoulders with tho Linimem (Inca m‘ lwive a day. COLDS AND‘CUUGIIS. For an adult. :1 teaspoonl'ul three times I 6.1, Mpvcimly on going ta bed. If the"- 38 I' dflio culty of breathing, bathe tl‘e chest with “I. rumedy. Prepared at file Proprietnr‘s residenu, 4th Cuncession \Vest York. C.W. Put up and snfd in homes at 2.5 penis each. In": in}: the Proprietor's written signature “HID-a Sula by Drugisls and Storekeepers, price 95“ Grunt benefit will fifteen be, oblained by in appficniou of tho remde externally 10 [hp II- dumHe. in case of severe attack of pain in tho Bl) vels. No evil rasuH need be feared from mi. remedy. nom'illmsianding its great power. DR. N. J. PEGK; EEI’ECTFULLY announces that he hu 1 , changed his time of visitingthe following places, and aftal'lhis date will be (Sundry; excepted) in_ Stouffvilleq . .., .. .. . 'ISlh of each month. Brnugham.......... ,.]9Lh ” " Mulkhmn Villaga.. , . . .v. ..‘2“lh " " Brown’s Cux'xxer's..‘.,,,..,2|€t " " Thomhill . . . . . .,.. .... .‘23rd " H Richmond Hi” ._ . . . .. ! , . ,24th u 1‘ Map‘o.............,.,.5..Qfivh {I n Hnmick.... . . . . . ‘......9H1h H N Kleinlmrg..........,....991h 3‘ H Nuhletnn. , . . , . . . . . . . . . “3"”! '3 '9 Lmkey... .....-.‘,. .3lst “ N AUI'UI'a.... . . . . . ......... 1st “ » '0 Simon...“ . . . . . .... . 3d 1! I! Where he will attend to any businme ' Iain'mg tp guy branch of- his pro fusion. SURGEON DENTIST ! FRUS’I‘ICD II‘ICICT AND CHILBLAINS. SUBSCRIBE fur the “HERALD” Aurora, June) 7, IBM The same as for Rheumatic; Only $1.00 per Annumg ll'l Village” ,. . .v. Corners.H . H,” -_ ill......,.- 1.. md Hi“ ._....- .....»....,-_ lL... .....‘...... Irg...,......, 1).,..,....... PAYNE’S DIRECTIONS. SICK HEADA CHE. SPRAINS. ' [Bill of each month. A . 19m A: c. "90111 " " .. ,th " " _ .‘23rd “ “ ,,24th u “ .‘ I'Qfiyh {I N . ‘th u OI . .991h " H !_3lyth Q! 0! . .3lst “ 9' .. 1st " “ " '2"

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