Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Sep 1865, p. 3

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If‘tlien, there are those who, desirous of adding to their little stock of knowledge, are willing to become identified as members of the - Institute,â€"nre there not those amongst. us whose philanthropy will prompt then‘rto afford the opportunity? If a few gentlenen of influence and standing in so- ciety'ivould aid in organizing such an insti~ tutioiigqn a firm basis, and cause it to ap- pear' cfoi-e the public as an object worthy of their attention and support, there can be no doubt of its ultimate success. The time was when our Village did not afford it suit- able «Odin for meeting,â€"that difiiculty is now'obviated; the Temperance Hall is available forsuch purposes, and the running expenses ‘would be a. mere lingotelle. The‘lon‘g evenings are setting innâ€"the w'in- ter i§vpt hand ; spare hours will have to be ut up somewhere. Shares in a. Mechames' nstimte might be taken up with advantage and mdoubt would prove a profitable in- vestmenL We have gentlemen in ourmidst whofli‘e‘sent for by the Societies of other Towhs and Villages, to lecture for them,â€" who won“; ifrequested, do the same for us; an active‘cominittee' would find it no. great difiéulty‘to'_pi'ovide a course of Lectures Ron {variety of subjects. for the winter.â€" 0 my: mind, Lectures delivered by able and t ented individuals is one'of the bestme- t ods of conveying instruction to the mass, for hundreds listen attentimly who never open’fi; book, and scores attend of on even- ing ho‘fi’Ould consider it a. task to sit at hom "did read the newspapers. The know- ledge diseminuted by this means is gener- ally retained; by Lectures, we have the mostgymwle parts of History, Science or Philosophy; prepared as it were for our di< ti'ntwhey consist. of facts and important sunniéaclearly delineated that we can- scarcely do otherwise than retain them' in the memory, and ofa variety of information W11 from many a volume, and centrated for an intellectual entertain- ment ofa single evening. dilligenee, he can call. his own. Intellectual pioneers have been there before him, clea r- ed aw the rubbiah of su rstition, cast‘up the higiway of science; roken up the fal- low yonndof error; sowed deep the seeds of thought and- brought fourth a harvest of [‘01in truths. A world of mind lies before him, the inhabitants of which he has hither- to head of only by rnme, and with whom_ he now finds it necessary to become acquain- ted ig‘order that he may hold intercourse withxthem. As he advances, Bacon meets him with his “Philosophy,” and Locke with‘k’ia v‘FLogic." Newton may be seen with'hiu‘ “Laws of Gravition,” and Dick with=his “ Celestial Scenery.” Chambers desigéh‘to call his attention to his " Miscel- lan ‘of'flseful Knowledge,” and Layard andyfgélzoni to tell of the remains of by- oneacenturies. ‘ To Hershael's mental wan- erings among the Stars, Miller adds his “ Testimony of the Rocks” and a thousand others bearing: in their 'arms noble sheaves of successful thought, readyto throw them to the feet of all who appreciate their value and covet their possession. Many depend upon the Institute, or Soci- tiea of the same nature, to make up the lack of pnivilegtes in more youthful days. To us our school-boy days are over, and even then Grammar School opportunities were never thoughtpf; a. “ titled ” teacher then, was a sptcltn‘e‘h ‘ of the genus homo who never sought ugnong us a “ local habitation and a name."’ ,'But it does not follow, that on this account, we'should allow our minds to cun- t-ractqor our skulls to thicken. A Me clianjca’ Institute would go a. greutway to- wardmountemcting any tendency in this re- tutemlasYaBiliilled, and that (12mm), evening‘s of the rpmifig’Wihtpr Will be pleasantly and profit?!” 3 nt in the enjoyment of “ feasts of reflogz' intellectual “ flows of soul.’ The follqwing is the programme for the Exhibililgawéék, to take place at London, 0. wi‘c‘éiiiihéncing'Monday, Sept. 18, 1865 : Pnoaiuum: rim THE WEEK. 1. Mbeng Sept. 18th will be devoted to the final Yecéifing of articles for exhibition, and thei‘rvr’oper arrangement. None but officers 3nd members of the Association, judges, ex- hibiligwu ne'ces‘sary attendants will be 2. TUESDAY, 19th.â€"â€"The judge will meet in the QWEB Room at 9 A.u., and will com- mence their duties forthwith. 0n receiving their class books. they will be also furnished with Mblmkprize tickets, which they shall m“- hmx in each section so soon as they shalnfiive finally determined their awards. The First Prize Tickets will be red; the acconfigrqej; the third Yellow; the fourth White: ,E'zgtras, Green. 011 completing the class t e judges will report to the Secretmy of th progerldepartment. The main Exhibi- tion uilding will be closed all this day for thepur ose of affording the judges an oppor- tunit '(31', discharging their duties properly. Nonâ€" ‘fiinbers admitted to the grounds this day {myment of 25 cents each time. The ploughing match will take place this day with m as _convenient a. distance of the exhibition ground as possible. a ct; indeed the very working of the ma- c inery, no to speak, of its internal manage- meuefvis" calculated to give play to the mind and gfilsu-ge the intellect. hibit . a: “wig. ,. We hope, Mr. Editor. that the hintdroped by you;yqill;n9fi bezforgotten. but that a few individuj’yls who are really interested in the men!” all'd'méiral welfare of the youth of our vil we‘will endeavor to get the “ Insti- tute"‘e§?ab‘li§lled, and that manv evenin-rs 3.‘ Wajx‘fisbex. 20.-â€"The judges of the va rious‘cl‘stes Mill. complete their awards as early in the day as possible. All the build- ings and grounds will be open to visitors. Admission this day the same as yesterday. A public meeting; will he held this evening in the Mechanics’ Hall at 'Z P. 15., at which 4. THURSDAY, fishâ€"Admission this day the same as yesterday. In the eveniu a. meet'fig‘ 'Eeiogates will be held in the iie chames’ ‘51];- at 7 P.M., preliminary to the Annu%eting,'for the discussion of sub- jEcts‘tela'ting to the management of the Asso- ciatidfi,‘ find for the nomination of Candi- dates fer the ofiices of the Associatiom Wm generally and others inierested in t 9 pro, to Mte gress of‘the Association- are invited nd. ’ ‘ 5. FRIDAY, 22d.â€"The regular Annual Meeting of the-Directors of the Association. for the'purpose' of electing ofiieers, deciding upon the place“ of holding- the next Exhibi- tion, and othef'busin: “:,'will' take lace at 19 MC; in thel'comL'TLLee‘R'oom.‘ ‘he Pre- sident-will deliyer the Anniml Address at 2 ML, after which the Exhibition will be con- sideofiicially closed, and exhibitors may com once to take awayltheirprooei-ty. Ad~ mission today «he same as yesterday. V 6. .Su'lmuu. 23.â€"The Treasurer will commencerpayingvthe premium at 9 mm, Exhibimns wlll remove all their property from the grounds and building. The gates will ’ maimed as Ion as necessa and none‘vfimgeidmitted excint those will mm will by tabbed aslong as‘necesaary" am none‘ except. those who, ca: show that‘théy‘ have business to attend to. Rxgxfiox‘u'fllm,‘ 1865. Pr'évincial Exhibition. mum: A MECHANIC. The kingston Daily News of Saturday says :-â€"-“ We have received intimation by special telegram from Quebec that some most important gold discoveries have been made in the'Chaudiere mining division. Nine difierent quartz viens have been discovered, Located partly in the Seigiories and partly on the Crown domain. Some of the veins yield fifty-four dollars of gold to the ton of quartz, and one rich vein yields one hundred and six dollars sixty-five cents to the ten. These discoveries show the deposits of gold in the chaudiere region to be very rich and profitable, and are sure to create alively ex~ eitement regarding the Chaudiere count y. Perhaps what in California language is term- ed “ a rush” may be experienced. It shrw' i be remembered, however, that to make these deposits of gold avallable the quartz must be crushed by machinery and the gold separat- ed by washing and amalgamation. These processes invole the outlay of cupii l; and, consequently, however promising these dis- coveries may be to mining capitalist“, they should not rashly tempt inexperienced and needy adventurers.’ Important Gold Discoveries at the ‘ Chaudi'ere. Tm; LATE Mn. JUSTICE HALIBURTON.â€" The death of this worthy man and generous humorist was almost sudden at last, thourh he lad been ailinj all the summer, at least it came suddenly upon those dearestto him, though foreseen, apparen-‘ly by eVerl'rone else. He had come down stairs and been wheeled round the lawn, and then gradually grew dull, and did not answer when Mrs. Haliburton and his son spoke to him; after a pause he told them to send for the docte . They carried him to his room, and in the act of trying to get on his bedY he expired. He was greatly esteemed and be10ved by all who knew him well, and his loss will be keenly feltâ€"London Daily lVews. I KNOW not which of these two I should wish to avoid most-«the scoffer at virtue and religion, who, withhejartless villany, butch. ers im'ocence and truth 9 or the pietist, who crawls, groans, blobbers, and secretly says to gold, thou art my‘hopel and to his belly, thou art my god !â€"â€"â€"Lavatcr. Louis Napoleon is preparing another spec- tacle that will astonish the whole world. It is the world’s fair that will he held in 1867. Napoleon seems to hejealous of the honours reaped by the late English Prince Consort, and so willineg and gratefully bestowed up- on him by all the civilized nations. He is determined to outdo the B"itish in the arts of peace, as he has surpassed their influence in war and politics. The palace that is going to be erected. will excel by for either that ofSydenhmn, or any other one on the con- tinent. The Crop Le :islatif has voted 3, sum of six milions of francstowarlls its erec- tion, and the city of Paris will contribute its share to make it a complete success. CURIOUS STATEMENT RESPCETING AN ARMY Svnoeomâ€" The London News of the week contains a singular statement respectinq‘the late Dr'. Barry who m net be well remembered by many of our renders, as holding; the place of illSpPCtOr of hospitals in this city a. few years ago. The sta ement appears to be taken from some military journal. though of that we are not informed, and is to the el’fect that Dr. Berry (lied recently in Corfu, where he had determined to remain, after the is- land was surrended to the Greeksâ€"and that after his death, it was discovered that he was a. woman, and had been a mether. Those of our readers who remember" him (or her) will ‘ doubtlessmbenâ€"emindefifimfi't'm‘ii appear- ance was by no means museuline. But how a woman could have obtained admission to the schools and then to the army, is not ex- plainedâ€"Montreal Herald. ANOTHER .BUnGLAn Omaniâ€"Another burglar has fallen into the clutches of the police force of this city, and a trunk packed with stolen property, consisting of dry goods, Bibles, Testaments, children's toys, and vari- ous other articles, found in his possession. On Wednesday last Acting Chief Curnmins received a telegraph from Detective O’Neil, of Ottawa, asking him to look out for a burglar named Isaac Williams, a ticket-ofâ€" leave man. Cnmmins went to work, and after a good deal ofdifiicultyascertained yes- terday that Williams had got employment in Mr. 0 Keell'e’s brewery, on Gould street, as cellar-man, and took him into custody. He also learned that he was endeavor-ing to get a chum of his into Mr. O'Keefl‘e’s employ, where the twain would doubtless have aid- ed each other in robbing their master. When arrested the prisoner refused to tell where he boarded, fearing his trunk would fall in- to the hands of the police. Cummms, how- ever, succeeded-in finding the trunk in a house on Victoria street. He then telegra- phed to Detective O‘Neil to come to To- ronto for the prisoner, who was quartered in the City Hall station last night. TORONTO M A BK E'I‘S. Toronto, Sapt l4. Flour.â€"-Superfine held at $5 00; Extra $5 20 ((1) $5 35; Doulvle Extra. $5 75. Fall WheHl,â€"--ln fair demand, $1 a $1 3). Spring Wheatâ€"‘A13095 a $I_UO Barleyâ€"sold at froth 65c m) 76c. Peas.â€"SLeady, from 50 KID 631: per bshl. Gumâ€"at 300 {(17 370 per hshL Hayâ€"from $7 ()0 to $9 00 per ton. Apples. $2 “0c @ $3 per barred. Eggs-.FI'IBSh from wagons l l‘ @ 12k: per .101. ButteruFI-esh is in large supin at from 18c fii) 20c per. lb. Beef-4n demand only for local consumplion. Calves $4 fl; $6 each Sheep $3 00 @ $4 00 each. Lambs $3 fl) $4 “00. P013 cos -6” In 80 cts. (new) per bushel, StrKWâ€"fron$7 00m $9 00 pér ton. new auhertimmeum BUTTER WANTED. Richmond Hi“; Sep‘. 7, 1865. FRESH BUTTER IN [3. BULLS. At W. S. Pollock's, lane Ofiice Hours, 7 to 8 am. 8: 1 to 2p m, LL parli‘es owing Dr. J. LANGSTAFF are' extrecled‘m call hnd' pay pvommly, as he has payments now that must be met. Mr. Wm. Camisky is authoxizad to collect and give receipts for me. Richmond Hill, Sept. 7; 1865. l4-lf DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, HAVE TBBIIEHS, WATER SPBHTS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS! Shun MILLS. THORNHXLL. Eeptomimg 7, 1865. John Elfâ€"gangstafl’, 0m: Shilling per lb. RI'II‘L be guven for any quantity of Good Manufactured and for Sale by G. A. BARNARD’S. l4-tf 14' it .10le FULTON, MD, "Amos. Eng. LRCI’. Lon. ' Clinicnl Madicina nm’. Surgery JOHN L. KING. MR. MRCS. Eng. and Physician to 'I‘qreuto Gauprql Hospital Genw' Pi‘E“P_"!E!â€";_ CHARLES V. BERRYMAN. MD, MA. Practical Annlomvâ€" J A WUJJAMQ. MD. (the Demonstrn: tnr will attend as usual in the Desecling Room. Corntor of the Muslimâ€"- S l' MAY. MD. Naturalist. 0n the 2nd day of0ctober, And continue Six Months. To whom appr for any fu .ther informhioh. Toronto, Seplnmbor 7, 1865. 14-4 Eng. Med'onl Jurisprudeu ca â€" Spring and FaIL ivhv-n‘lhe Exak‘hinafions will be both written an‘d 'oral.‘ ‘ ‘ ' Anderson, Mrs M Johnson. Jacob Andnrson. Andrew Lea. R Blackburn. Min, S Lawrence. Miss E C .Bmd Bnn. B. Munshaw, Gserge Bowman. 'l'hos. Malllicnon. W (2) Brown. S Mmshnl. Mrs S ' Hrillinger. Hurry Moonie, Bridget Baker. Allsil fi~ '73 ’ Mdflsbli'. Jo°oph ' (lemplwll, Mn T D McConn hv. I" Casanova. B MvKiunnu.' Finley Cmplaud. W (2) Patterson, Robert Crnik, Walter Qunmz. W H Chapman. G I > _ Rumble, J ghn , noner. E , ' Smith. LaWrnnee Duncy‘, John (‘2) Sheppard. Charles (2) Farrel. Androw Smith. Miss H Fraser. W. C. Simpson. R Glover. M rs M.. jr Sutherknd. John Graham, Miss M 'l‘m'lm‘. John Harris. J T : ' Taylor (Fanhid gâ€" Mill: Hénrick, Mrs. A man) rlultel. C. F Turnbull, Miss Ann Hill, Dr. Walker. James GR A D UA'I'ION Dean of the Facultvâ€" IN THE MATTER OF HE Largest, most Va 'ed and the Cheap- eetSl‘OCK 0F SHIRTS, on Rich- mond Hill. made upin be but manna. . on (he premses. in may and illegible, PP gar": and Styles of (foloun tirLl7‘lmuw“.l Wilcey.’ Tweed. Linsey Woolsey, and He”. Her 1" 'me' . and will be Sold at the Low , Remluueratl lg profit. (:all and see the l . tmeul, ;.2 “'m. S. Pollock'u.late VICTORIA COLLEGE ! MEDICAL FACULTY. Chemishyâ€" SurngLand Surgical Palhologvâ€" “Jon, NEWCOM'BE,1\{~D,MRGS, Eng. LRCP, Lou. and Physician'to Toronto General Hospiial; A naming. Descrjptive angifuxgiqnlâ€" Hllls, R. HE CREDITORS of the Insolvent are notified that I, the undersigned, (ARCHIBALD BARKER, of the Village of liarkham, County of York), have been ap- pointed Official Assiguee of his Estate and Effects ;â€"and they are 'required to produce before me within two months from this date, their Claims upon the said Estate, under oath, specifying the securit they have, if any, and the value of it; an if none, statinrr the factrâ€"with vouchers in support of such claims. A. BARKER, g. A. BARNARD'S. Richmond um. Sept. 1, 1865, 4 144:» Harpor, Charles :1 (grue:~ Henry 5O Hill. NEW "SHIRT s. Materia Medicn and Theraneutic‘xâ€" 1 CHARLES Y ‘BERRIMAN. MD. MA. and l’hysidian lo Torbuto Gen. Hospital. instill" of Medicinp-m ‘ " > Markham Post omce, Blst August. 1865. YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. «$15.00 Single Harness for. . . $10.00 \Iidwife.y and Dirteases of Women and Chil- dren - WHAT NEXT P Good Machine Oils! In ELEI’H KNT and ROCK OIL. A1 Wm. B. B‘o‘lilock’i, ‘at'éw " THAT PRIME» MESS PORK. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. R7chmond Hill, July 2'3. 1865. All Arlicles guarrsnted‘ Good and Every Collar \Varranted. Richmondflm. Cord \Voo:I for Sale. Hon. JOHN ROLPH, MD..M,RCS, Eng. INSOLVEN'I‘ ACT, 1864. CORDS‘of Dr},v BEECH and MAPLE CORDWOOD. for bale Cheap. 9p pl} at tho “ Herald" Office. Richnfgud Richmond Hill. June 9,1965. For Autumn & “'inter.‘ EMAINING in the Rir-hmond Hill Post ‘ Offirm. on 15! September. 1865 : HAMS AND BACON! JOHN HERBERT SANGSTER, MA. MD. Hon. JOHYROLPH. MD. LLD, MRCS. EDICINE and Mediéal Pathologyâ€" uu- u. nucyu.u_.uâ€"â€" sou-N N. a‘mt), Moi WALTER B GEIKIE. MD. NOT‘HER‘ Shpplv, fully bum 'ths‘rr'iim last. for the same nmuov. . And all other Goods in the Line at The LECTURES will commr nee At List of Letters JOSHUA C. CUMMER, An Insolvent. G, A; BARNARD’S. l,_ »\A!u;gsgfiIO--’85. Hcin. JOHN ROLPH. 56 Gerard street and. Toronto WM. ATKI wSON 'S. '. Myer’s man) 'I‘urubull, Miss Ann Walker. James “’ilkinson. Eliz. Wilsén, John 'M. TEEFY. RM. Oflicial Assignec. Provision Store. )3 1-3m 8-H 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronle and Richmond Hill every two weeks. aéd supplies Confectionary. of all kinds at the preat Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. ALL DEBTS due or accruing duo to His Eslam of GEORGE DOVE. hue of the» [ownship of Mmklmm, yoemnn. deceased. are to be.paid to the undersigned, and allClaiIns are 10 be sent into him for L:quidalinn. he hay~ ing been appointed administrator ot‘lhe person- al Estate and Effecp bflhe said-deceased. Dnied at Richmond Hill, [his second tiny of A'Iigust, 1865. JOHN DUNQU'MB; M.D., Esq, L Bunpéviibm, August 10. 1665 Infant School. 0n MONDAY. the 7th instant. and will be happy to rqceive the patronage of parents who have childleu of a tender age. MK. Wu. MACEY. Open an Infant School PHflTflflRAPHIE ARTIST G.ALLERY= 48 KING ST. EAST, Having adopted the principle in my resi- dence. you have thereby the test evidence. that I consiner your patent worthy lhp’alteuuuu of the public. ' Simâ€"Having tried your "Patent Air-fight and b‘rost-lirnot'Door,” l have reason Io behave that it is 9'1 excellent contrivnuce, and calcula- ted to cont..bule much to the comfort of “10:6 who adopt it. I run of opinion that much iess wood wilI be required to heat a house in the winner season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a residence. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invenled door, and consider it superior to anv thing I have seen for stopping drauglns and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from fmst. It is likawiae cheap. ‘ Yours, &c.. W. G. OASTEfifl Mr. GEORGE DOVE. Good Common Vinegar. . . . Good Malt'Vmegar . . . .. . . . Best Malt Vinegm‘. .. . . . . . . . Bordeaux Vinegar. . . ‘ . . . . , . Beat White Wine Vinegar" At Wm. S. Pollock’s, late Air-Tight and Hustâ€"Pmuf flour! We [equie same hing of the ',':1dto render oul-uide doofl proofa ninsl air a1 d frostâ€"this Live. lion will doubt'es.‘ meet the case, and will be found boll ch02 gaud efficient. It unmands itself $9 the judgement of; quse who invaaziL-ale the n‘mlier,‘ as heingrcalculated it) save v )el, and to rende a, familylrasidgxxpp more h nhhy -d nilraclive. ' " . ‘ CONFECTIONARY I Richmond Hill. August 4. 1865. CA RD PHO'I‘OGR'A PHS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. ' IERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs laken will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Specimens. as he is now taking Pictures in all :he latest styles of the Art at BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY, Mn. Wu. MAcm. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! I“). Ruoms. shunted ln 150 best bu;i11855 part- omhe Village, and adjoining the Herald_ ofiice. There‘is it good opening for a Watchmaker in this: neighberhood. Apply at the Yurk Herald ()fiicé. _ _ Richmond Hill, July 13, 1865‘ 6 MK. Wu. C. MACEY. Sm.â€"â€"Your Air-light Door seems likelylo meetwith liberal fayor iron) the public. R’chmoud Hill, June. 1865 Mma D'emurest’s Fashion Books, For September, ' GODEY! Pocket Books, Purses X: Wallets SCOTT’S. Richmond Hill. July 528. 1865. CHARLES SUDDABY, (‘1 .\RMENTS made to ordcr. in the Latest Styles,' and a goad fit warranted. D'Shop uoafly opposixo the Buttonvilla Pout Ofico. . ' . VINEGfiRS! " " Cheap] and Good SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. July: 1865. Richmond Hill, July'27,1863. Toronto. June 9. 1865. a 1 1 o r , r BUTTDNVILLE, -MARKHAM‘. o '5.- I o E .‘ AFFAIRS OF THE LATE PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. was: Corner of Toronto Street, (OVER mm‘s BOOK STORE; EGS to intimate to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond H111 and Vicinity, that sheinleuds to PURE AND UNADULTERATED J. PENROSE, CPNVENVIENTA Shop’ to Rént, with two“ MISS ALICE HAYWARD VERY CHEAP, AT RICHMOND nan BRANCH G. A. BARNARD’S. SHOP TO' RENT} MACEY’S RICHMOND HILL, July 20th, 1865. RICHMOND HILL, July lat. 1865. JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. RICHMOND HILL. July 4, 1865. Yours truly h . ' AMOS WRlGHT,M.P.P. MANUFACTURER 0F M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. A? Adminnlrmuh Richkfiond Hill ..ls.4d gallon . . . ls 8d gallon a . .2s 0d gallon . . .93. 6d gallon .I3s Qd gallon '5-3m l-lm 10 84f new. CHURCH S'I'REET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need l"! professional services in older to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most upprovedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth or those who neea it. Consultation free, and all work warranted. June, 1865. 53-}; W. S. POLLOCK, BEEN] WSW? BAKER EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and that he is prepared. to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. A soothing and astringent applicuion ; and, aw in“ as an application pan be or' any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S WORKING. MAN’S FRIEND . OR HEAL ALL, An excellent remedy fof Rheumatism, Erysi- pelas, SI '_ins. Bruises. Cuts, Chi'bluins. Sore Turoat. and violent Pains In Back or Side, the effects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S LINIMENT, For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of acres on Horses and Cattle. Richmond Hill Bakery! Pic-Nic pa'rties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. ‘ All orders strictly attended to. Store and Dwelling to be Let! CENTRALle six ’aled in the best part of . the Villageâ€" wall adapted for a Millinef. Shoemaker. 'l‘nilor or 'l'in Smith-the latter is much needed in the Village, no shop being within four milos, and an excellent Trade might be’ done. The House contains four moms,pamry and splendid cellar, wood shed pumu,’and other conveniences. with a small garden atgached. Rum moderate. Enquire of l G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill} July 14, 1865. 6-,: DEACON’S Eruplive Oimmant for all kind of skin diseases. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. DEAEUN’S FAMILY MEDIGINBS! Act gently ye! effectually: ma)v be taken {fur- ing any employment, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. DEACON’S S'I‘OMACHIC VEGITABLE BITTERS, ' As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be better. DEACON’S FILE OINTMENT. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixlure for Cholera, Dian-ham, and Summer Complaints, equal [0 il' nut. be:- ter |han any other medicine made. DEACON'S unrivalled Cough B1183“), for Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Asthma. Gan. DEACON’S AutibiHiuus Pills. ter in use. DENTISTRY; HAS been appointed agent. for the. County of york, for the above valuable Modi- cines. which have been bql'ore the Canadian public lor the past seven years. and hnva given universal saLiifactionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials could he glven if required, showing the benefit derivgd therafi‘om,) their use fur [hair several viriuest Lh Parties are herehgv prohibited from uegociating a NOTE, dram by me and endorsed bv WILLIAM CLIFFORD, in favour of ABRAHAM LAW, amounting to $7 l5.â€"dated August 16. 1365. and due one day after date, â€"as no value has been received lur the above Note. DEACON’S FAMI LY VEGITABLE PILLS w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 8-, T!T!! T!!! Sunâ€"dried Java Young Hysnn Tea The first of the kind ever sold in the neighbor hood. and the finest, mast liealthv, and e'cono- micgl Tea imported. A trial will convince of its superiority, Also. just received, a very fine Quality of Young and 01d Hyson Teas, only 35 9d per lb. ; finest Mayune, Yeung Hyson, Japan and ’ Black Teas, 45 6d per 1b. At Wm.- S. Polloitak’s; Iate’ ' The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. TO EISICURES IN TEA! NOTICE. Markham. August 17, 1865, G. A. BARNARD G. A. Barnard’s. Richmond Hill. Aug. 16, [HG-5, PHflTGBflPHIB ARTIST Reduced to $1 50 per dozen, forthe next three wegks,'as’the proprirlor inle‘nds leaving at the expiration of that 1ime. RICHMOND HILL. Gallery, Afilcr’sfiall. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS! IE? Those wishing extra copies from 01d Negnliyes. must send in their orders immedi- lately. RS. ThoSe indebted to the above-are re- quested to call and settle up forthwith. Off-A. M. H. has concluded to remain a few days longer, on account of the rush of business: - Richpond Hill; July 6. 1865. RICHMOND HILL, August 10. 1865. 95 King, Street East, Toronto; OR great strength. fine flavoured. and delicious drinking. just get some of our A. M. HOOD, échfimist 8s. Druggistfi % RICHMOND Hillâ€".1 1 ls. H..Hall, JOHNOMORTLEY‘ None bet‘ ll-(f 11-4 5~3 lstPrize for Singleézfloubleflflne’ss By the following Agricultural Societies ~. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do ’ do held at Laskey. Vanghan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for tho past three years. Confidentfrom his aBoiIe successes and the pa1ronage he has hitheflé received. thathe can suit imeriding plirchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits me inspection of his present stock of Together with a good selection of other Articles in Connection with tho Trade, which he is prepared to dispose ofat Low Prices. CustomerWork done as usualâ€"«the best, cheapest and neatest Sell Boots Cheaper than any‘in the village, at ' “YORK HERALD”; BOOK. STORE, Richmond. H111, * At Lower Prices than is Charged 111- Toronto. B 0 .OKBINDING, Which wdl he done in plain or the best style of All, at moderate charges. R‘cllmond Hill; May_l865. 7 I If, LOOK ERE; SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS mt? doliars are all Warranted. Thornhill, June 30, 1865. WM. HARRIS‘ON’S Dry Gonds Groceries, Boots & Shoes, ATKINSON. MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL. GRGGERY AND PRWISION SCHOOL BOOKS! Richmond Hill, .Tune 1865. on lfim. and in asking acontiuuance othe same, would films that’he k‘e‘eps constantly on hand the choicest a‘ud bes’t lot of Begs leave to‘ fe‘mrn‘ lhafiks {qr the liberal patronager hitherto bestowed - 'flL "A 11 . in," q; , '1': ll'ilumim Ill‘i % AND PROVISIONS - -- To be‘ obtained north of To‘romo, among which will he‘ found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, Fish, Hams, Bucon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! W. A. “fo‘uld can special Intuition In his 'I"s., for which he has wen so high a reputatip‘n. They are the‘ finest flavored in the market. FLOUR AND FEED ! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. Cobm‘anfly as hand, which pa per“ i I "hep: afloat-£113, hr Cow should be wimvur. , _ _ . , . . H rott’on Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discqqnt for Cash. JOSHUA R EID. Richmond Hm. June 1865. And a" other Articles usuaHy kept in a Gro'cery Store ; ad”. on hand a good assortment of Particular attention given to Richmoud‘ um, June. was. FIRST PRIZE ' ‘ HARNESS:;ESTABLISHMENT, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1333sz AND FANCY Goons, GENERAL STATIONERY 2 GO 3 FRESH ARRIVALS OF To which has boeu awarded the STORE. EOR YOUR TO THE AND ROBERT SIVER’S THE 3 -3m 1-311}

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