Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 25 Aug 1865, p. 3

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A man in Hlinois has invented a horseshoe which needs no nails or screw, and which, after being fitted, can be taken 05‘ and be put on by any one. ""Fights, fires-and accidents” figure cou- lpicuouslly in the accounts ofthe celebration in New York. Thejtate of‘the cm s is very unsatisfac- tory in many parts of ortheru and Eastern Germany. Prin are beginning to rise. GIXIRAL GEORGE B. MUCLELLAN is said Io-be a candidate for the )ositiou of engi- neer of a. Western raier' , with a. salary of “0,000 3 year. A NEW and cheap material for making papei is found in the esparto, or Spanish grass-hemp. It is asserted to be as good as manilla, and grows on the plain of Spain in great, abundance. Cn;c:m.â€"-â€"A match between the St. George'sClnb of New York and the Military Garnsous of Montreal and Quebec, is an- nounced to take place at Hobokeu 011 Sep- tember 5th and 61.11. One firm of music dealers in Chicago re- cently sent a. singal order to a New York wholesale house for five tons of musical ubllcations. The music must have been fieavy. Another great scandcl has occured in the fashionable World of Paris. One of'its most assiduous habilues has been un‘esled for awning. the jewels of'a woman which she cut him. for a fancy ball. In the Saratoga list of arrivals it is custom- ary to abbreviate the attendant of a. mag- mm:1 Thus a married couple with their daughter: and four horses, thus appears ; Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs, 4h, 1d. Stimtoga. statistics are becoming quite plenty. On Friday last Union Huth enterâ€" tained 1,400 pe0p1c, who consumed 1,240 pounds of beat'steak, exclusive of other meats and 400 quarts of ice cream. There is a. fatal disease raging among horses in some parts of pennsylvania. At, first there is a swellingr of'tlie throat. follow- ed, toward the last smares, by :L swelling of the head and limbs, which proves fatal. On Saturday lust there were lying in the ports of New York forty-six steamers, nix.ety~ four ships, one hundred and nineteen bar- ques,"one hundred and thirtyâ€"nine brigs, and sixty schooners. A ’r'ound trip now to New York, according t0 8 New Orleacs paper, rnaiizes, for ufust steamer, some twenty, thirty or Fo ty thou- sand. dollars net profit, and the same in proportion for up-river stcmnboats. Sol Davis’ stair case at Table Rock was consumed by fire on Thursday last ; supposed to benthe Work of incendiarios. On Sutur» day Mr. Davis attempted by force to pass his visitors down Mr. Burnett’s stair case. The attempt, however, was unsuccessful. “ When Nineveh has departed, and Palm- yra is in ruins; when Imperial Rome has fallen, and the Pyramids themselves are siuk’ ing into decay, It is no wonder,” sighed a French humorist, “ that my old black coat thuldbe getting seedy at the elbows.” A company is being organized to build another Suspension Bridge across the Nia- gara river. It will probably be stretched frommear the Clifton House to the property in the Vicinity of the Niagara Falls gas works. The next novelty is to be a bullfrog Show. Mr. Frank Cahill, fonnauy a journalist, but lately B soldier, has brought from the South 3 large collection of bull-I'rogs, which he reposes to~ exhu'hit, with a lecture lllustrat- ing the habits of the creatures. Among the sayings attributed to Admiral Farragut is one that “you can no more make a sailor out of a landlubber by dress- ing him up in sea-toqgery and putting a commission in his pocket, than you could makeashoemaker of him by filling him with sherry coblilers. ' Tm: HEALTH OF ALFRED TENNYsox.-~ Various reports in the newspapers give the impression that the Laureate is wasting away with a mortal disease. His American publishers, Messrs. Ticlmor & Fields, have received recent letters from l\im10 the effect. that he is in his usual health. The N‘DOI‘lS to the contrary are unfounded.â€"Boslon Transcript. CQLONEL PARKER, who accompanios Gen ‘cral Grant on.his travels, is a pure Smeca Indian, and a grandson to the celebratnd Red Jacket, Chiefof'the Six Nations. He is ularge. robust man, at least six foot in height. ()n his breast may be seen a broad silver medal presented to his ancestor by General Jackann. JEREMIAH TnWNSENn, dork in a SavEnqs Bank at New Haven, Cnnn.. who absconded last May with about $100,0007 had been chverIy captured in Liverpool by two Phila- delphia detectives. on arrival at that plane from Havana via Southampton. Townsend sought to use-[his loaded revaer when mm- tnred, but was pmvenied. Noafly $99.000 of the stolen mouny Wns frunrl in 1m possession. He sailed for New York in the custody of his captors, by the Etna, on the 2d. Tm: London Times editoritu C(hatintes on the diffiionltv of mnintaiuina‘r and feedinz the liberated slaves of the South. and s4 s : â€"-” It is easy for the victorious Government, by aifew words, to strike 06’ the slaves” fet- ters. and dislocate and destroy the industry of the whole community. hut it is not easy for it to find an answer to the awfin question '4â€"0f what are the people to live? â€"one which it has raised for itself, and which m ery day more and more importantly demands rm answér;” BRUTAL ASSULT ON A LAD WITH AN AXEâ€" Hts LIFE Dnsmmnn (nuâ€"During the confia- gration on Thursday night, a. man named GirouxY armed with an axe, chased a youth of‘19 years. called Begin, thrmmh several streets, until the latter reached his mother’s house, when going up the stairs that led to the door. he was dealt a terrific hlow with the axe by his pursuer. The wound is fully four inches in length. two of the rihs are cut throtizh‘iand the lungs penetrated. The un- fortunate fellow is under the care of Dr. F. E. Roy and Dr. Verge, who consider his re- covery almost hopeless. Giroux. who was arrested on the snot. is now in jail suFt'erinq from. the effect of dc’irium tremens. It may here be' stated that Begin was a total strang- er to Girout who struck him in mistake for nnothe'l .â€" Quebec Mercury. Hmme AT THE FALI.s.â€"«The Rochester Union..alludinq to the recent murder of a gentleman nt- Niagara Falls hy lmckmen, savs: It is well that all visitors to the Falls fully understand that the hackmen there are a gang’ot‘desnarate villians, whose real occu- pation'of cutting throats and robbing straiâ€" gers is concealed under the guise of hnck driving. N0 stranger should enter a hack at the Falls alone to go anywhere. and no party of men should carry monov with them when riding in that region. The hatckmen are chiefly 'sdalners and Rut’faln thieves, who go to the‘falls in the summer season to rob all who fallin their way. Visitors at the Falls can see all that is to be seen without the use of hacks, unless they are invalids, and if they me, than 331' ‘- M ‘19.” for them. News *in Brief. 'I‘urouto, A ugusl 25‘ Nounâ€"Superfine held at $5 00; Extra $5 20 170$?) 35; Double Extra. $5 75. Fa“ “Huangâ€"111 fair demand. $1 a $l 05. Spring Wheatâ€"At $0 95 a $l 00 Barleyâ€"said m from 55c @ 56c. l’eas.â€"-Sleady, from 5” ((D 55c per bah]. Dataâ€"ax 400 @ 42c per bshl. Hayâ€"from $7 UN to $9 00 per ton. Apples, $2 [30c fLD $3 per barrel. Eggs,â€"â€"Fresh from wagons 11 fit) mic per J01. Buller-â€"Fresh is in large supp‘ly at from 18c fit) 5200 per. 1b. Bocfâ€"â€"lu dmnaud only for local consumpfion, Calves $11 ft}; $6 each Sheep $3 ()0 {(3 $4 00 ench. Lambs $3 (1) $4 000. Polaloes â€"-6H m 80 cts. (new) per bushel, Strawâ€"fronS’l 0(,‘lo $9 00 per ton. [TUATED on one ofthe Ieadtng Streets on \ Richmond “I”, containing a Kitchen. Sitting Room and tvo Bedrooms. There Is connected with the house, a large Garden wcll suppiied with Fruit Trees, 6m. Rent $36 a war. Apply on the premises to INHABITANTS 01' THIS flfiUNTY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, ’65, VAN NSTBAMII'S HALL, l. to invosligate the prnpriely of Remm‘ing the County 99m from the Cnv of Teronto. re- spectfully cahs a Mealing of the \Vhan a full raport of their dafiherations will be submitted to the Meeting for their approval. Public Meeting; 1mm aflncrtimmwta. M Dwelling House to Let, Richmond “in. Aug. 15, 1865 . BEASBN’S FAMILY MBBIUINES! The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. A. BARNARD AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Medi- (-ino¢: which haw been before the Canadian puhhc ‘or the mast seven years, and have given universal sali~fmlion~he can Hmrefore. with confidanca. recommend (hundreds 01' Tastimo‘ niais could be gan if remnred, shewng (he benefi: derived therefrom.) their use for their srxvaral virluos. DEACON’S FAMILY V EGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet efi'cctuaily: may be taken dur- ing any mnploymunt, at any time. and even [W the most delinnm female. DEACON'S S'I‘OMACHIC VEGITABLE BITTERS, As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be beiLer. D EACON'S PK LE OlNTMENT. A soothing and astringent application ; nnd, us tar as an application can he of any service, more smlhing and much more astringent. xlmn any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy ruliel’ bv its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OR HEAL ALL. An exceiient remedy for Rheumnliem. Erysi- m-las, Slrains. Bruises. Cuts. Chi'hlaine, Sure anoat. and violent Pains in Bank or Side. the «Watts of H19 Heal/1H in :he above cases are aslonishing, frequentl) removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGI'FA “LE COUCH PILLS 0115 or two Doses generaHy remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dian-Inna, and Summer Complaints, equal In if not bet.- Ler than any other medicine mnde. DEAC()N"S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Aslhma. «82c. For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores 0n Uorsvs and Caltlc. [PEACON‘S Antibillious Pills. None bet- ter in use. DEACON’S Eruptive Ointment kind of skin diseases. CHARLES SUD DABY, Tailor, F ‘ARMENTS made to order. in me Latest ‘1 51516, and a {50.111 fit warranted. [[TShop nearly opposite the Buttonviile Post Ofiiue. THAT PRIME MESS FUHK. Richmond Hill. August '10 ’65. YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. . $15.00 single Harness for. . . $10.00 WHAT NEXT RICHMOND HILL, August 10. 1865 EQUALLY LOW PRICES. NOTICE. Ll. Parties are herolw prohihileul from I. no gociating :1 NOTE, drawn bv me and endorsed bv WILLMM CLIFFORD. in favour of ABRAHAM LA\V, amounting to $7 15â€"â€"-du(ed August lf‘. 1865, and due one day after date. â€"as no value has been received for the nbuve Note. JOHN MORTLEY. Every Collar “Val-ranted HAT THE COMMITTEE appointed W H. Mgler’s Markham ISUTTOM'ILLE, August 10. 18b5 BWTQNVILLE, MARKHAM. HAMS AND BACON! Richmond Hi”, June 9, 1865 NOT‘JER Snpplv, fully better than the inst. for the same money. TO RONTO M A RKE'I‘S. At SEVEN o’chck, p. m. in And all other Goods in the Line at TAKE NOTICE AH Aniules guarranted Good and DEACO‘N’S LINIMENT. A. C, LAWRENCE, Chairman of Committee. .‘NO. HOST ETTI‘TR‘, MI). nlcnmoxm HILL, W M. ATKIVSON ’S. 0N Secrelm‘y of Comm iuea, .~ «Q55 l’l'uviriou Store. for all 11â€"2 11-4 10 COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS. On Wednesday, Aug. 30th, 1865, Notice is Hereby Given CITY OF TORONTO, NEWMARKET, Candrdates will be required to produce cer- tificales, of moral character from their respec- live Mimsxars. and if Teachers. also, from their rospuclivu Trustees. A1 Wm. S. Pollock’s, Vale AND Mme. Demarest’s Fashian Hacks, Good Machine Oils 2 In ELEPHANT and ROCK 01L. Richmond Hill, July 28. 1865. GODEY! Pocket Banks, Purses & Wallais RICHMOND HILL, Richmond “in, July 28, 1865 MR. WM. C. MACH. Simâ€"Your Airâ€"tight Door seems likely to mcvtwith iiberal favor from {he ppbljc. We require something of tho' kind to render out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtluss meet th and will be found both cheap and I: ll commands itself to the judgement oft hose who investigate the matter. as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residenco more healthy and attractive. Hav'ing adopted the principle in my resi- dence. you have thereby the test evidence. that City 0' Toronto, August 2.!865. I cunéitumr your patent 'worthy the alteulion of the public. MR. “’M. MACEY. Sunâ€"Having tried your "Patent Airâ€"tight and Frost-floor Door," 1 have reason 10 believe Jun it is an excellent contrivauce, and calculzr Led to conirxhulu much to llm comfort of tho 0 who adopt it. .I am of opinion that much iess wnod WIH be required to heat a housa in the winter season if your palont is applied to ma outside doors of a residence. MR. WM. )IACEY. SIRâ€"I have uxumined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to am’ thing I have seen for mopping druughls and frost, and think it will gremly save 1'uol,save health and prevent damage from frost. It is lskewi>e cheap. Yours, &c., COUNTY OF YORK. vv.’”c;.’ CAEazt-ELL, \V. G. C. calls at a” the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hi“ every two weeks. and supnlius Cnnl'uctimmry of a“ kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 CONFECTION ARY I EMAINING in the Rirhnmud Hill Pas Office. on 15!. August. 1865: Barnnbi. John Hrowon. Sara Chapman, George Cober. Peter I'lllzalt, Mrs. Mary Ellen, Mary Ann' Gmnt. George Gamble, William Hill. Dr. Henrick. Adam Laycock, J. H. Maiden, Jacob Prentiss, Mrs. Sutllm'laud. John Sheppard. Challt's Velle. Mrs. R. A. Wilkinson. Elizabeth Walker, James \Voods, Mary “’hlle. Jnmes. Mr. GEORGE DOVE. ALL DEBTS due or accruing due to the Estate of GEORGE DOV E. late 03' the Township of Vlaxkhmn. yooman. decuased. are 10 ha paid to the undersigned, and a” Claims are to be sent into him for Liquidmion. he havâ€" ing been appniuhed administrator nfthe personâ€" ai Estate: and Effects oflhe said deceased. Dated at Richmond Hill, this second day of August.1865. JOHN DUNCVUMB, M.D., Esq. Adminislmior. EXAMINATION Infant School. On MONDAY. the 7th instant, and will be happy to receive the patronage of parents who huve children of a tender age. a HAT an Examination of Common School Teachers and olhels, will take place, on Open an infant $011001 Richmond Hill, August 4. 1865. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. Richmond Hill. Ju‘y. 1865 VERY CHEAP, AT {COTT9@. Tight and Frust-Prunf Dam! PURE AND UNADUL’I‘ERATED AFFAIRS OF THE LATE FIGS to intimate to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond HI" and vicinity, that she intends to 363 Yonge Street, Toronto A'l‘ mm; o'cwcx, A. M. RICHMOND “ILL, July 20m, 1865. MISS ALICE HAYWARD FOR AUGUST, MACEY’S 1V0?! RICHMOND HILL, July lst. 1865. At the Court House, G, A, BARNARD’". JAMES LAN-GSTAFF. M. D. List of Letters Yours truly RICHMOND HILL. July 4. 186.3. Chairman County Board York MA NUFACTURER 0F AND AT AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.P. M. 'I'EEFY, Postmaster, JOHN JENN‘NGS, “Olden, Jacob Prentiss, Mrs. Suxlmx'laud. John Sheppard. Challt's szlie. Mrs. R. A. “"ilkinson. Elizabeth Walker, James \Voods, Mary “’hile. Jnmes. ICE. M. TEEF‘Y. RM. Richmond um 5-3m 8-lf Felt Hatsj‘gfrom 750. each. Summer Tweeds from 350. per yd. Hoop Skirts, from 250. each. Glolh C 3.133 from 400. each. Striped Shirting from 17041361? yard. Paper Hangings from 60 per Boll. Will this day commence to sell all the balance of his A full usswrtment of GROCERIES always on hhnd.’ GENTLEFJEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. firy st 'fimeai‘jgg CLEARING SALE; Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL, “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond H111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, I‘lxornhill, June 30, 1865. w a} KBEVDE 1 V3919 Richmond Hill. 543311865 RICHMOND IIXLL. Gall ‘L-y,Ai.-1blcr’sflail. CARD PHOFOGRAPHS .r Reduced 19 $1 50 par daze“. orthe next three weeks, us {1.5 proprietor imends leaving at the expiration of that lime. [IE’ Those wishing extra copies from old Negatives. "Just send in their ordsrs immedi- utoly. 3.5. Those indebted to the above are re- quesiod to call and settle up forthwith. FEWWE‘EEE 5m”? Richmond HEN. July 6. 1865. GALLE‘BY : 48 KIHG ST. EAST, N. wdar tatmake'room tor extensive importations in the Fall, CA RD PHGTOGEA PHS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. )liRS NS desirous of having their Pholo‘ graphs taken will find it to their advantage to call and examine his Speclmmxs. as he is now taking Pictures in all the latest styles of the Art at Richmond Hi“. July 14. 1865‘ Re member that R. Flood's establishment is nearly opposite Mathie’a Holél, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Toronto. June 9. 1863. 1-1111 Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. PRIME AMERICAN BIBLE SQSEETX BEWSKTQBY, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Pa'ties requiring Cheesb can rely on getting a choice anioia at a moderate price. Richmond Hill, June 39, Five per cent. Discount for Cash. Richmond Hm, June. 1865 , CONVENIENT Shop to Rent, whh two Rnnms, situated in the best buviness part of the Vilingc, and adjoining \hE‘IICIItld office. There is a good opening for a Watchmaer in [his neighborhood . Apply at the York Hc,-ald Oflice. Richmond Hi", Juh‘ 13.1865, 6 Particular aitcnticn given to Good Common Vinegar. .. Gond Mai! Vinegar . . . . . .. Bust Malt Vinegar. .. . . . . . Bordeaux Vinegar. . . . s . . .- Best White Wins Vinegar AL Vim. S. Poiiock’s, late VINEGflR@I Corner of Toronto Six-erg (OVER Lam‘s BOOK STORE.) VVEE. ATE£EN§€DFS9 ES Which ml! be done in plain or the best ster of Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, J My 27, 1865, J7. ZEEIQ'RGSE, 133.3% mm FAECY (32â€"90% BECK-I’D FLOOD Cheap and Good RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A. 1V1. HOOD, G. A. BA’RN'A RD’S. SHOP T0 RENT. GENERAL STATIOHERY “RESE‘I A RRlVALS 0F &c., &.c,. at and below cost prices. . .15 4d gnHo‘J .. . . 15 Rd ga‘lon . . . .25 Ud gallun .. . .95 6d gallon . . . .35 0d galIon FOR YOUR TO THE AT THE The first of the kind ever sold in the neighbor hood, and lhe finest, most henhhv, and mom» ' "mical Tea imported. A trial will convince of 0 ins superiority, Also. just received, a veryfixm Quality cf "on Young and 01d Hyson Teas. only 33 9d per 1b.; finest Mayflne, "m, Yeung Hyson, Japan and lion Black Teas, 4s 8d per 1b. At Wm. S, Pollock’s. late . G. A. Barnard’s. S-tf Richmond 8111‘, Aug. 16, ISGS, ll-lf JOSHUA R EID. DENTISTRY. W. C. ADAMS, D- D- 3-, NEAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order lo preserve :lwir teeth, or relieve sufi'oriug and supply new teeth in the most npprovedstyle. Also m regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, SEEM 53531333” WEB QEGS leave :0 notify (hrs public that he has 1 ‘ ji-urclmrsed the Vbusrineés and good will of i) purchased the {usineés- and good will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and that he is prep .i m furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their pfirmmge‘ Stare and Dwemng in ha Let! Picl-‘Jic parties and Ten Meetings supplied a; the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice). Richmond Hill, June, 1865. CENTRALLY situated in the best part of the Villageâ€"well adapted for a. Milliner, Siiomnaker. 'l‘uilor or Tin Smithâ€"4M latter is much livedmlin the villagn, no shup being within four niilos. and an excellent Trade might be done. The House contains four rooms, pantry and splendid cellar, wood shed pum-i,und other conveniences. with a small garden attached. Rent moderate. Enquire of G. A. BARNARD. 35111145 Street East, Toronto, TO EPICURES IN TEA! SunédriedJavaYnungHysnn Tea June, 1865. All orders s'rictly amended to. Richmond Hill. Ju‘y I4. 1865. OR great ntrenglh. fine flavoured, and duhciuus dri:1king.3ustgetsome of our y RICHIEOI‘TD HILL .850. Chsmist 8:. Biuggist, 1:. H. Hall, 33m G-lf 6-1f Also, Clothmg made to order. .40 to 5” par cent. below \ast ye Richmond Hill, June, 1865. RIBBONS, BONNETS, Spriflg Importations P.GRGS%Y, Men’s Long" Strong; Boots, from - $1 75 Men’ Goad Cobourgs, from - - l 25 VVOmen’s Fine Boots, from - - l 00 “ Slippers, from - â€" â€" - 0 63 “ Gaiters, from - â€" - l 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 136 upward. CnstomerVVork done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and neatest‘ Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the village, at ESiPIize far fiagie é; Bauble Harness ESON’S East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held 21'» New Market. King do do hold at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Sociely, at Richmond Hill, for 11,. past three years. confident from his above successes and the pa1rmmgo he hashithorle received. thatho can suit intending purchasers. W. 11. respectfully solicits tile inspection of his present stock of Together with a Richmond Hill, June 1865. SINGEE AND BQEEEE HARNESS. US“ (Dollars are all Warranted. a . ' T EEWESEON WM MMNSONI. on him, Begs leave to return thanks for 11w liberal patronage hilherm bestowed on him, and in asking a continuance oflhe same, would Hate that he keeps constantly on. hand the cllolceSL and best lot of Tobe obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teas, Sugars, Candias, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, Fish, Hams,Bacou. IN THE BIILLINARY DEPARTDIE FLOUR AND FEED ! W. A. would call special attention In his 3:? 'I"s., for which he has won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. CRGCKERY AND GLASSWARE! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. Cobsta‘nfl} or “and, which no person that keeps a IIors:, Pig, or Cow should be witmvut. Richmond Hm. June 1865 And a}! other Articlas usua‘nlv ke )t in :1 Grace.“ Store : a‘so, on hand a ood‘ assortment of . l 3 g HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Richmond Hm. June. 1865. Clothmg made to order. The nrincipal part of mo above GOODS will be sold at from 5” par giant. below 1ast year’s prices. STAPLE AND EABICY GMDS, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. READY MADE CLOTHING! ~ 11x7» M M; V mmum "M AND PR VISEGN ()f evary description ; also, a compieto stock of Men’s and Boys’ a good selection of other Ar1icles in connection with the Tradu. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. There will be found a complete assortment of IMP‘CBTEB OF DZ?" 38A LL AT W'ill be found an excellent assortment of HATS, MANTLES. By the following Agricultural Societies ‘. HAVING JUET RECEIVED HIS To which has been awarded the TO SUIT THE TRADE. Of evely Shape and Size, STORE. ROBERT SIVERS’ SACKS AND CAPES. l-3m 2-H“

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