Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 Aug 1865, p. 4

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I THE following gloomy picture is drawn by an American editor, at Pana, Illinois :-- No money in town, trains irregular, no pros- ,pect of getting any money this week, eat- fifles scarce, nothing to buy with, starvrtion ~ tr ten roads a-head, no wood to cook with and u, ,nothing to cook, general rumpus in town, ‘ and all about nothing in particular, whiskey ylenty, water scarce, loafers in abundance. t 1' KN Irish peasant being asked why he per- mitted his pig to take up his quarters with the family, made answer, ‘Why not? Dosn’t L thaplace afford every convanience that pig a cm require. W A BOSTON storekeeper, the other day, .£,‘j3tupk upon his door the laconic adirernis'e- _ meut . ‘AV boy wanted.’ The next morn- 11 Sing, on opening the store, he found a little urchin in a basket, labelled ‘ Here he is.’ % Th6 Woodman’s Reply to “ Wood- ' man Spare that Tree.” I THE OLDEST LUNATIC 0N.RECORD.â€"â€"Tlme , out of mind.. I “'HEN is butter like Irish children 7â€"â€" .Z‘When it is made into little pats. WHY is a tight shoe like a. fine summer ? --Because it makes the com grow. _ What part of a lady’s walking costume re- _ sembles a nigger dandy ‘Fâ€"A sable muff. Ar 3. large dinner party in a certain city lately the frosty weather had done consider- able duty in suppyling conversation, when a plump, happy looking married lady made a remark about cold feet. ‘ Surcly,’ said a lady ohposite, ‘Mis.. you are not troubled with cold feet 7’ Amid an awful pause, she nativly answerd, ‘Yes, indeed, I am, very much troubled â€"~but they are not my own.’ ESHERIDAN, when charged with inconsist- tency, retorted that the accusation reminded him of the reasoning ofthe entertainer of a convivial party, who, hearing his friends ob- serve that it was time to take leave, as e 'watchmen were crying, ‘Past three,’ said, ‘ Why, you don’t mind that Fellow, do you? He’s the most inconsistent fellqu out! why, he changes his story every half hour. A YOUNG professor at one of the colleges married a lady 20 years his senior. This was said, by a. witty friend, to be a proof of his ambition, as he appeared desirous of studying the ‘ancients.’ V TOTAL DEPRAVITY.~â€"A minister, tarvell- in through the West some years, asked an 'ol lady on whom he called what she thought of the doctrine of total depravityN ‘Oh,’ She replied. ‘ I think it is a good doctrine if the people would onlyaet up to it.’ . A_ WRITER in Blackwood professes to know all the English women abroad who write travels, and he says, ‘that they all sketch, most of them are shortsighted, and never wear thick boots and spectacles, very little crinoline, with what there is of it rather long. Thé'younger ones are reserved, the older ages gushing. ,5lest James Beresford. author of ‘The fiise‘ries of Human Life,’ was at the Charter- house School, London, he was a remarkably gay and noisy fellow; and one day, having)r wfid truant to attend a concert; the school - ' 8 so quiet without him, that his abscenee ‘ was at once detected, and brought upon him a flogging. A ‘GENTLEMAN’ at Cambrai has just sold his wife for 125 francs. The English fash- ion are creeping into French societyâ€"that .is} {3 answer we get for pointing out this fit e fact to the parisians. ‘TELLING TRUTH.â€"â€"An Irishman, whose Tether had been hanged, was accustomed tol say to him, ‘He died suddenly upon a plat- form at. a large public meeting.’â€"American > ‘ WHAT’S your name ‘1’ said: an officer to a young colored lad, who joined the ship at the Cape. ‘Algoa Bay, sir.’ ‘ Where were you born?’ ‘ Wasn’t born at ‘ Wasn’t born at all? ed ashore in a storm.’ all, sir.’ ‘ No, sir; was wash< IN Illinois a. genius advertises on behalf of a. certain famous accidental railway that ‘ an experienced Coroner and six practical jurors will follow each regular train in speci- al cars, together mm a few surgeons and re‘ porters.’ paper. AT the door ofa parish churchmen was recently annexed the following notice :; â€"‘ The-church wardens will hold their quart- efly meeting every six weeks, instead af half- zegrly as formely. 1 1"- ~- A young man advertises for a place as u salesxnan,and says he has had a great deal of experience, having been discharged from seven different stores within a year. :In narrating the circumstances of a recent. Suicide, the papers say that beside, being deaf, dumb, and an old. baa-1191015. the unforâ€" tnnuate man exhibited signscfinsanity. A WESTERN} papen speaks ofa wild tur- key ‘ shot by a. gentleman weighing twenty- three pounds.’ That must have been eitln 1', very large turkey ora. very small sportman. §EREMIAH was telling how much he liked calves’ head for dinner, when the mistress, exclaimed .‘ Oh you cannibal 1’ It’s .werrryvgaod ito feel“: A moist’m’ng of the eyesFor chairs of oak and deal, And old straw hats likewiseâ€"â€" To keep, if you’ve a mind, The things as makes you weep, Ii‘ve gut no fault to find If they’re your own to keep. Butth‘isJereold oak tree, As you don’t want cut down, Excuse me, mum, you see Belongs to Muster Brown. To him you should apply, Thmgh ’tainL no use, Ithink; And if you please, mum, I Should like your healthio drink N o mum; this ’ere tree éan't be no longer spared; It ain’t no odds to me, If Muster Brown was squared. But Muster Brown sez ‘ Green, Ymu chop that ’ere tree down,’ And what he say he mean, Surely do Muster Brown. Your heart-strings, and all that, ’Round this ’ere tree may cling, To contradlct you flat Would not be quite the thing; But if you talk of shade, There’s other boughs than these, And other folks have played, Mayhap roundothcr trees.,. I‘don’t possess the ’ed To hagrify with you; A lady born and bred Is safe to speak what’s true. But put a case: I takes A job from Mr. 13., And little ’tis 1 makes Out of the likes of he. 333% Huh 315mm. warm). Aurora’, June 7, 1865. SUBSCRIBE for the “HERALD” Only $1.00 per Annum. Stoufl‘ville.. . . . . . -. Brougham . . . .. . . . Markham Village. . . Brown’s Camera. . . Thomhill . . . . . . . ... Richmond Hill. . . . . Maple . . . . . . . . - . . . .. Burwick. . d . . . . . . . ‘ Kleinburg . . . . - . . . .. Nubleton. . . . . . . . . . . Laskey . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . Suflon..... l ESI’ECTFULLY' announces that he has changed his time of visitingthe following places, and afterth‘rs date will be (Sundays excepted) in n. m n. Where SURGEON DENTIST ! Prepared at the Proprietor’s residence, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Put up and sn'd in hottlos at 25, cents each." bear- igg the Proprietor’s wrimten signature thusâ€"- ‘ u Great benefit will «flex; bewoblained, by an nuplicaton of the remedy exhemally tothe ab- d mum. in case 01; suave attack of pain in. the Bo vols. SICK HEADACHE, Wet Una head with the Liniment. and take a dose igimmnlh‘ every half hon: ugntilireliefis obtained, DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDICEST'l-ON, 1.058 ()F AI’I’E'I‘ITE. BILE. on BILIOUS COLJC. A toaspooafial in water or sugar Gmea times a day, before or after eating: for the Liver. bathe hasty banween the shoulders with the Linimem once or ’ywice a day. > No evil ram-1t neeck he firmed from, this remedy, notwithsiandiug its great power. Bathe the oulsldg with the h.i;1imen$;. clpar. and gurgle the. insule. with, the same, or slightly diluted with water, every few hows. COLl‘C AND CHOLERA IllO-RBUS. For an ad‘ult,‘ a small teaspoonful in cold water 0;; saga... Lgl‘xgu‘ Q‘J‘exgy half: hour, it: re- quired. For an adult, a leaspoonful three times a day, especially on going, ta bed. If there is a diffi- culty of bgaaghingx,‘ blame le‘e, chesh wilhi the remedy. We! a piece of comm W00] with the lini- ment. and put in tha tooth; bathe the face with the clear Liniment. and take a dpsa on the stomach in gold water or sugar, CRAMP~ QR PAIN IN THE STOMACH‘ -_ __M_, v" -.--U -.. ..Au ~.uu:n\ul. ‘An adult may take a smull teaspoonful in cold: water, or sugar, when required. COLDS AND COUGIIIS. FOR BRUISES. Bathe the part freely with the clear remedy as often as necessarv; It will in a great meas- are. prevent blackness. take out the swelling andxsoreness. and muse it to heal. Swollings can, be treated the same way. F0 ll FLESH C UTS. Bind up the cut with a cloth, and saturate the cloth with the remedy. _ SPRAINS, The same as for Rheumatic.» FROSTED FEET AND CH'ILBLAINS. Bathe the feet with the; rqmgdy 9n gum; to bed For Rheumatic. apply (he mmed’y to the parts effected once or, twice a day. Do not. be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil mqu! by its use. Mr. JOHN PAYNE. Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Sir,â€"l-laving for some time past been in possession of your [’ein Eradicator. and les- ted 118 great value. 1 can with all confidence recommend it to the public. I was for along time very much afllicted mith Rheumatism in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine: and Ihave used it in my family for various other things to good efl'act, My wife was for many years at times very much afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried vaâ€" rious remedies with the aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at a time unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your valu- ahle medicine, she wus entirely cured of the isease. We have also found it very beneficiald in relieving the' Phthisie. and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly, JOHN STIVER. We. need not go to New. York, Japan, Mexico, or some other place afar off for the prenf of (hisâ€"but ita-can be had in our own counlry. Hundreds ofnumes could he added to [his lisl if it were necessary. but I' will only add two. which were handed“ in for publica- tion. This remedv has hilharto stood on its own foundation, and I wish it still to do so ; it can alwms be depended on as a genuine article so long as it is prepared under lhe su- perlnlendency of the proprietor, Mr. JOHN FAME. and hearing his written signature. Road the following, ~ -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. ISGI. JOHN PAYNE, Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I snfiered much fr! m Rheumatism l'or upwards ol ayear, but heaiing of your l’ain Eradicator! was induced to try it; and aller using three bottles, I was entirely cured. I‘recommend it to every one suflei'ing from Rheumatism. Yours, &c. IIUMPHREY VVHITE, Sen. TOUTHACl-JE QR PAIN IN THE FACE ’l‘llia, remedy is a pugeV-egetableCompound, containing no Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can in any way injure the Steinem ;jt acts as a," tonic, creating a good appetitetbrmgiu‘g 1116,. ougansiofx the stomach in.to.a.he&ithy action . it has been taken by thosetwhohhave the weake'it stomach with good eflfactuh it wt“, eimbie the Stomach to digest samupartirzlus of food,which before it could not, thereby causing great distress. and, that distress can be effectually removed: by the use of this remedy. IN introducing this remedy to the public. the Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a curer ofevery Disease incident to the human race. but in many cases acting as a preventive, as it is well known that many diseases originate from Colds. and much distress is often caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" This remedy is well adapted to remove these calamities : in cases ofCholera Mnrbns itnever has been known to fail to efl‘ect a cure where it ha been tried. Many people who have been afflicted with Rheumatic Points for mauy‘years. have been cured by the means of this remedy. It has in many cases been‘JutpwnhtOfinxe the fmost violent Cough by the. administration of rrom one to {om doses; it is also a certain emody for that dreadful diseases,.Sore Throat; it is one of the best remedies that-,can be ap- plied to Bruises nndftiesh cuts‘ Pain Eradicator. 'olu by Drhgisls and Storekeepers. price 25m nufl'ville.. . . ... .. ;. . '18:?) ofeach month. :uglmm..........» “19th “ '- tham Village. . . . . . . ..2()lh 4' “ )Wll’S Corners . . . . . . ....Qtst " " mnlli“ . . . . . . . ... .....'-'23rd “ " :lnnond Hill. . . . . . . . . . . 24th “ “ ple . . . . . . . . - . . ........€261h " -‘ rwick..¢. . . . . . . . .....281h “ " :inburg . . . . - . . . . . . . . ..99lh 3‘ “ blown. . . . . . . . . . . . . .30th “ -‘ ;key . . . . . ‘.3lst " " rora........ .....u--1st ” "- Lon..... 3rd " “ lore he will attend to any business per- Iaining to any branch of his pro fession. luv.- 1am .. am Village.... . ‘s Corners. ii”. .....o urg........ Jll......-.. PAYNE’S DIREQTIOL‘IS' some THROAT,‘ Butlonville, Markham. Nov. 30, 186]. l-tf Orderéreceivedfor all the Periodicals and, Magazines at Richmond Hill, June 1865 Good Wands, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Journal, for Jnne ENGLISH MAGAZINES ! l R, M. \Yanzer & Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvnluabla properties oflhe \Vheeler 65 Wilson and Singer Machines, and remov- ing those points which were not desirable in a First, Class domestic article, by adding some new invenfiions (for which they have secured a patent in Cauadafimve succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing M .chiue,w hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordi ry amount of skill in is operation. Its ace .~ata construction renders it liltle liable m get out of ropgir, and His easily adjusted. The public! an examination, wil be convinced of its advsntages over all others now in use, Evei‘yfqmily should have a \Vau- zer & Co.’s Combination Family Mnehine: . All'r\ , "y ‘All'Gonuine Wanze’r Coils Seavnlg 1M5: chines bear the slump of R. M! \Yanzpr Q; Con Hamilton, or.) the plate. PA RKER CROSBY, Agent. chhmdnd Hill, Juno 8, ’65. ' lrtf (I? W'inzer & Gofs Combination, and Wanzer &, Co.’s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever were manufactures in the qugegl States or Canada. Now so indispensable to every family. are lie- ‘ing manufactured by us in every variety of Mer andi finish. Descriptive Circulars with pricea will hp lurnished on application, and jam; 3!;ng of. Album sent by mail post-paint on receipt ofprieb. )” Complete intone volume. 12mo. cloth extra Illustrated with steel engravings, \Vill be 35mm to any address pbslage paid on receipt 0 1: price, $1410. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several Calmty Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. l’aris,G,alt. St, Thomas, BuamsvilleflVhi-t- by, Cobom'z. Bowmanville: in faggevery placu where tllefhave been exhibitedfl ‘ The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. ] and Q Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes ofasimilar character wefe also awarded VVanzer’s do Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Wanzer & Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all otlmrs, by (he Bpard of Arts and Manufac- tures, at [he Méchanics lnslilnte. 'l‘oronlo. THE ONLY PRI‘Z‘E awarded for Family Sewing Machines bv the Judges at Lhe Provincial Exhibition, held in Londnn. Sept. 24m. 25th, 26th and 2711), was given to R, M, W'anzer & Co. They also mka the First Prize for Family Sowing Machine; with R. M, VVanzer & Co’s. Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at Toronto. Sept, ‘22, 23, 24. 25 and ‘26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactoryL Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers. and others will do well loror'dei‘ a pheka‘ge of our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, Sewing Machines. W ANZER’S Combination & Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. ’ Manx Ypars Persqn.a.1._EX~pefienc65.‘ B Y, M.A..R._LE.W A R D , my mug-um mnnMBNYELn/ms It is a large 12am, volume. neatly bound in clolh,illustraled will: ongravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipl of price, $1.00â€"or on receipl of $200, we will send both the above works, postage prepaid. For single copies. or for terms in quantities, with other information, apply to, or address, JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 ngson Sn, Rhiladelphia, Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest, and will he engeer read as a companion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” “THAT one-half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live,” is no less true than trite; and the lesson the adage affords. our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant eiemcnts from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record’ of actual events should exceed; in singularity the wildest dream of'romance ; or that crimes, both strange and unnatural, should be perpc- hated in a far of?"I country on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as [do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of- the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females. and the con- sequent vices which extend) through all the ramifications of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced mete prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected withrmy experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them Lwoutd say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that, “TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTIONâ€"Authors PTIg/Fagf,‘ The book contains 449’ pages. with engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth, and will be sent to anv address, post-paid, on. teceiyt of price, $1.25. .FEMALE LIFE AMDNG THE MOMENS !: A Companion to Female Lif'é, wanted everywhere for their sale Truth Stranger than Fiction. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, A STARTLiNG WORK! 1000 Locakfi Traveling Agents WANgER 85 CO’S DIUKBNS’ LAST GREAT WORK! June 9, 1865 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS GREM .XPECTATIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. FIRST PRIZE- A NARRATIVE 0F SCOTT'S l-tf Address tfle HOWE S Broadway, New York. New York, June 9, 386; Send for Deschriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dgalt with liberally. ‘ Address the HOWE Savvng Maphigg, l{73 h...... Am-.. ‘M'n... V "-1. RECENT and important improvements it“; 1 ing neon put to this Maéhine. renders ‘it nqw the mgxst perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will he able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles lâ€" NQ inqre missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howevsrfieliggte or heavymn the same Machine, either in cambric, cloth' or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors, hat binders. shoe binders. or guitar fit- ting, as well as for every ygiietv of fartiin sewing, they have no superior. qud will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. THE ORIGINAL HGWE SEWING MACHINES! .1 Dr: Amos 6: Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- 1 ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE EARTIGULA‘EI NOIIQE: Those who have injm'ed-themselves by‘appr- tain practice indulged inwhgu aloneâ€"e habit frequenJ) learned from evil cun'quniuns. or at 'school. the efibcts of whiqu aranx' htly felt even “whenasleep, and it‘notcuretl.'1'9p rsmarriage Impossible and destroys, both In‘iugganqdbody. should appl ‘ immediately. flwlt'-abuse,is.,on‘evof the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing itsrtlmusands szvifl} tiulsfiujeygh, a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. it destroys the nervous isystom rapidly, wastes away the energies oflit'e, causes mental derangement‘ prevents the pro: ’fper development of the svstem, disqualifiesjfep marriage. society. business, and all earthly ?happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in ibody and mind,predisposed to consumption and Ta train ofrevils more to be dreadedthan death itself. It is a VVELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAl’AlLlLLA is the greatest purifier ol' the blood in the World. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PU‘Rl'Ilâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each diseaso, and are for the cure of every ailment incrdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, lllliuus, Liver, and Slomaeh C'om- plaiuts. General Weakness,Gout. Rhuemau~ tism. Lumbagc, Pains in the Limbs, Hond- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities ot the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. “base Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury been taken, and. removing every unhenhhx 033-, cumulution. till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before thlev laaébeeu szi‘d and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay l a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body with contain pure blood. when the stomacb,bed~y, gull blood are pure. from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment. Again, Lsny. l‘opk to your stomach. One trial ofthese: Pills will fluxes conviction, Sold in bottles. at ls, lid" 945. 96., 45. 6d” Said in bottles. as Is, lid. and 113. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. The is the result of up- wards ofthilityhyeatfsthensive and successful pracuce in Londgn. A qul' SQIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forthe cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emisfiqns, more properly known as Seminal Weaknpggl‘d'zc. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- juintly with medicines. . .In‘I, " RE the onlv Physician};.ig‘thm5mm who A are members of the-Royal College Surgeons,London. May be couggyad from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 amigln, in every sung audnsyq‘nptou‘llofij‘ ' ase. DR. B‘U‘CH‘A N’S BUG-A R‘~COA'FZED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c.. &c.â€" Cules are daily made. and theirefficacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, ‘ andtsitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street; Westmifiyssqr, Worship Street, Bow Street. 6m. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clgrgymen. and others. may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may o'ocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from No 8 o’clock. PM. Healtthappiness & Long Life. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly wzymended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, CrotIp, I kill diseapw 9f the. Lungs am; Th; 't 25 cent: bottle. ' ‘ '93 ” l Dr. Amos dc Son, 48 EAST GENESEE ST., BUFFALO, NEW KORE: ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, mmemms OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &c. Address Dr. Amos & SON, 48East Genesee Street. three doors West of Ellicott Street, Buffalo. N. Y. 1 A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1-“ Consultthe Old English Physician FOR ESTABLISH”?! u 18454P¢ni$¢wn w 1862, 9}?)le THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY? ASSOCIATION. ‘3‘: [My no! (I [/56 _ RE within the reach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN'S VEGETABLE DU- PERSONS ll! ANY. PART; 1-; Tm. wpggv N o Murcm'y Used. IMPORTANT. [-tfi $050588 Pnowny EXECUTEBVA‘A' 310113333 ii1'1i,'j§;1;Ԥ';xééé PM For Cards, &c;, in}; reggivgd. s gpfiirfly vow 311d 9" “W We“? FEW-WE! 1“. large varieky of new LGttOl‘al’leS§ Bringing. PAMBHLETSA A.le LARGE: m MAM POSTERS, llllLllllEIl JIlB WflflK 4 0 B. PRINTING VOrders Yf‘lhqaan" oi nuclei-mentioned dowrip- mama The York Herald. Q Q BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, ESTABLISEIMENT. NW MEWWEER?) BUSINESS CARDS, ‘Sfiiui be promptly altendedio :â€" pun ASSORTME‘NIT OX Ami “my other 19341.9( gangs-g PLAIN CIRCULARS, EIMNK CHECKS, LAW FORMS“. DRAFTS. AND‘ BILL HEADS some volume, (illustrates). . . . . a $2 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the " Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro; fusely Illustrated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - a Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales; ‘ ' illustrative of the Wit and Humou’r ef chlland . . . . . l50 Leighton“; Amhb’i 6p. ebmpldte‘wbrkg. in one handsome volume . . . . . . . . . . I 75 Paleyis Complete Works. in qn'e‘ hand- some volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Smith’s. Rev. Jeme‘s;"‘Ogr'Heayenly gather: or. God a Refuge ’ and trpngth z’l" Christ Aloneâ€"q Book for All :‘ ‘ Welcome (q Jesus :' ' The Better Land ;’ ' This do in Remembernnce of Me. or Sacramen- 5" lal Meditationsf ‘ lmpgrtnnt Ques- tions ;’ ' The 'Great Cpmfortar :’ 'The Morning Saprifice :’ ‘The Evening Sacrifice ;’. and ' “lords of Comfort. or Solace in Sdrrow,’ cloth â€"- â€" + VERY work, Scientific", Theological or Fic- tious, whether published in Britain or America, canle obtained at the Publisher’s prices. We have direct co‘mmun‘waitio}! with: Britain, and with this facility can‘ hrmé goods‘ much morg punctually and 'exbeditiously than m‘cst rcihilgrs. As instances of the cheapness of our prices we zipp‘end a hat of some of thy books we keep constantly 9,11 hqnd U Josephus’s Coxnpletchorhg in one 'hand- BOOKS! *1 ALI. or WHICH ARE TO BE sou) FOR $1 EACHA 300 Genls’ Gold Hunting Case Watches ..... . . . . . ..... $50 to $15 i 300 Ladles’Gold and Enameled- ‘ Case VVatqhes............‘ 35 "', 7‘ j 600 Geuls’ Hunting-Case Sil- ' ver Watches............ 35 " 7* ‘ 200 Diamond Rings.......... 50 " 10| 3,000 Gold Vest and‘Ne‘ck Chains 15 “ 31 quOO u\ 'u “ I. ' ' ’ 4' n ‘ £3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4 H ; 34.000 Chased Gold Bracelet“ . . . 5 “ l and .000 Chatelaine Chains Guard Chains.. . . .. . . . . . 46,00a fiohvgairefnn‘leold lampchajs 2.000 Lam and, Florentine AGENTS-Wo \vant agents in every regiâ€" ment, and in every lawn and county in the country, and those acting as such will he‘ nilow- ed 10 cents on every Cetxifi‘cate‘ ordered bv them. provided their remittance amount: {a one dollar. Aggnts will collect 25 cents for every Cartifipngq.‘ and remit 15 cents to us. [IfWrite pluiuly._ say only what is necessary anq‘ be prompt. ' ‘ ' ' N ' AddressK. ' One for 25 015.. live for $1, eiayen for $2 thirty for $5, sixly-five for $10, one hundred for $15, This distribution affords a Elie oppor- tunity lor Agents, as what lady or gentleman éwill not invast 'l‘WEN‘l'Y-FINE CENTS with a pros- ;pect of gelling five hundred or a thousand times as muph. All orders must he addrgsafgd lo us at‘ ou_r old stand No. 15 Maiden Lima; New York. A. F‘QRTU N B ! nmmmnyrsrunn mumm- Spring .... .... ... .... . 3,000 Gold 'l'ouilipiclts, Crosses, etc. . . u . . . . ............ 5.000 Plain Gold Rings. . . . . . . . , 5,000 Chased Gold Rings . . . . . . . 8,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8,000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets Ludies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Gold.... 6.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. etc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pensfiilver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted llolders.. .. .u. . . . . . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- siun Holders. . . . . . . . . ._. . 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘nps . . . . . . .......‘.' 3,000 Silver Caslurs . . . . . . . . .1} . 2.000 Silver Fruit 'and Cake Baskets .... ...‘L 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spgpns. 5,000 “ " Table Spoons and Forks...... ' ‘ Agents wanted throughout the Upitegl, States ""‘ ' ' apdflaqadgs. ' ' " Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Rings,Pins. Bracelets. Sleeve Buuons. Silver Spoons aqu‘orks. Cups. Cake Baskgtskdpg, wprth Eight Hundred 'l hon. sand Dollars. a“ A C‘ertifiente of each article with its value printed u-on it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"them envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for ’I‘wynzy-finc Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certificate to us with one dollar. and aha article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- }vnrded to him or her at once. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore every one is sure to gel. at leasl. the full value of his or her money. ‘ Should the article named on the cer- ktificele not suit,‘h§.;,f.oflmr which he may select ‘of the seine‘vvelne will he‘subslituled. We sell the certifieates as followe : r i ‘ H ‘ ngoc'hgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 19.000: qual', “Opal and Emerald fl Brooches..1. .u. . .113. .m 4, 2.000 Mosaic, Jet. I'La‘v'a'. “im'di Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4 4.500 Coral, Opal. and Emerald : EarDrops..............)' 4 4,000 California Diamond Breas’t My»... .... .-.......... 250 3,000 G'old’ be and Vest Watch Keys.............. . . . . . 250 4.000 [‘01) and Vasi Ribbon Sides 3 4,000 Son: of Solitaire bleeve But; ' tons, Studs. etc. . . . . . . . . . . 3 3,000 Gold 'l‘himhles, Pencilsmlc 4 6,000 Miniature Lockets. . . . . . . . 2 50 4.003 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic The Entire Stpckiofj largejmromme HOUSE reglrjng from business. “ ’ J Foyhfiflpu'rpovs'e 0ka clqsing out the stock a. the ear'lisst ossibla date, the undersigned havn decided on agreatdistribution made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, N0 MATT)“; H‘OW VALUABLE, BEING sou) FOR $1. " M No. 15 Maiden Lane, New Xo‘rlg J‘Lunq 95), .3m limp GIRARD W. DEYAUGH 5% 90.. 1451‘ 0.1"; ARTEpLEs. 800,000 .. ....12; elseach 65 4f! 2 50 20 “ 50 1315!: DOZFN. $1.0 to $20 20 " 100 ‘1 $150 70 100 30 50 70 ll 1! 10 15 20 10 10 Agevts'; BARCLAY 6; C . 75 ’ ' SlreelHLOIIdon. ' ' q. ’ 16”“?!an T‘js‘gufldw'iai"iVflasvsvl-E: 3;"14. F:nn?& Cots. Wholgsale Dapog; Nd. 19, Bernard Street. ()x‘l ford Street. LOn'don. “' an infallible cure for all diseases of’ the 'alxin,‘ such as Sc’unly. Sgrofula',“ Ulcers, Bulls. Blolgpes, Pimples on the'face and body. Qt} Price H‘s. all? 333. per liox ‘ ’ "‘ _mmffl Dxnztms IIPQ'N PURE FLOOD.â€" P mags PURIF_YIN§ $91201ng _PILLS; épeedy Remedy knpwn. The Globulos. coil-z taining the Quintb'sse'nce of Copaibn, Cubobs, Buchu, &c., at once Cure. u ithout the possibi-‘ Iity of fa‘ilma‘.“ Qénpr'rhiiea.’ ‘obstinalo Gleot; Stricfiblje, egg, immediater subdung all iIi-' flammaidry 'nction; Encased in sugar. frée' from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and lls._per box'.‘ PERRY’S' PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE; 0F COPAIBA AND CUBEB. SUGAR_:COA_TED GL0§ULI§S, the mag I’ERRY’S CONCENTRATED DETER- SIVE lilijSFl'NCI‘l!i a r'e'médy for Syphilis in a“ its stagés, also f9; "u'xjill’yin'ig the sg'sge‘ln from contamination, 'récgmmended 'foi' 'aécopdhr? symptoms, bkétches on 'the head and face.'en- l‘argenmng‘pfithe throat, tonsils. andv'uvu'h'fl'lys' benafigia'l influence on the sxstem is #1166111? gible'. Price 118. and 33s. pe_r "duke, il'sé‘h’. Saving of “a. \ ‘ . .. "a 311 Hlui'. :Hr' : Established nearly a, cpntury, and known throughout the Wd’rlgf aé' [lie GREATEST RE‘-‘ GENERATURj‘h never-failing ‘remedv for' Spermaton'lma. loss of manly power. prb need by early indiscretions. or any othei" ’cun‘se.â€"' ltenriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have daemed themselveé incurablo' at once to fulfil the most sacred obligz‘flions of married lift}. Price 11s. per 'bdllle, or four quantities ifln blxé. ’33s” whvi‘qll’sav'és I Is. ; and 'm bottles. qflk'ecs‘izfg a saving of £1 ms. ‘ " Pemy'g Cordial gal??? Syrimum. GENERATIVE AND MUSCULAR l’owxm REGAINED By THE USE or __. v.1 y...» \vvauu‘ ‘ finished). [puon‘gcmisp Knife, 1 blade, 25c1§t Scissors, Ill cts. *l)ressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking Ink. )5 ma. ' ' lndia’ Rubber Balls. 10 C18. Slate Pictures. 1:75 am. i " III? Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. , , _ _. , “ ..... ' M65153, R. L'. PERM; dc Co. are only to be con-salted at their xe'sideilcg, N6. 19, Banner: Street, Oxford Sree'. Lo‘n'do'n‘, as they nevar, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they herebv cmuion the Puhlic against any person using their name. and as a i'nrlHar pl‘ecalptjqq ‘21 pins} fraud. the Public is notified that n'dne (5‘ their medicines are go. nnine. unless the subjoined ch-similic of |heir signature is amaqhed Lyo‘ 'tlys'nfr‘fiiqbrgnl wray. pegs. "" The Waveriy NoveyseBO cts. The Wreck Awardâ€":40 cts. The Keyring" Englishnianâ€"â€"25€¢s. The Romance of Common Li! 4â€"50 c‘lq1 'l‘he Forly~fivo Glua:'d$}fibli§-5(? cl's. The War, or Voicé§ {Fem the Ranksâ€"25 c‘tsl. Riflen‘w‘upagQRiflesâ€"725 cts. " God's Glory inlhg Haavmlsâ€"B', Wm, Leilch. ‘ ’riuclpal 16f Queen’s _ Colhegg, Canada. $1.50. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Good Wordsâ€"vols. for‘ 186'} 1811431862, $1.87{ each. ' ‘ Praying‘ifahg ,‘Ypl‘kingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Sloven- son. 8 cts, ‘ My Minislarial Expelrjehcpâ€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsel, 87; cts. ' Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 87; cts. ' The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" ‘ '87:} cls. ’ D " ' Burns’ Poems, lQmo. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"50 cts.. 'l‘h'e‘Ncw Lil‘e~â€"By Bushnoll. 12mo cloth. 40m: Th9 Book of Family Worshipâ€"v‘By‘R’Bv. W.‘ ’13. Clark. 50lcls. ” ' Forty Years Expé'n’énc'o in a Sundax Schoolâ€" ‘ Ting: 40 cls. “ Buclfii’s Domestic Mod ‘ only 50 0:5, The Canadian Sunday School Recilqrâ€"IO cu. Rab andfils. Friendsâ€"lids. ‘ “ Bunyzi'n'shl’llgjrims l’rqgl'e'ggâ€"BQ cts. The' Scdllim Psalmodv, in 'l‘r‘i..:.. on"; n-1â€" lcing, chegp’ editiona ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX-a‘ HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190. pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored; Engravings on Sie'el, )nsypu'hllishe‘d', price ls.‘ ' HE SILENT FRIEND, the greateslelig cal Work ol'tho Age, on Youthful Indis- creiioniw and cpiiscqne‘m impediments to Mar- vriage, describ'iiig the Anatomy of tho Repro: ductive System in health and disease, and pointing ()‘n‘t the snre moans of ‘peffecl l‘és‘lOl'll'_ lion Lg'nia'n'htibd :‘ ivilh"nn Essay on Single andl Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Eroiionli: ' Lotion, precluding the pos-' . .. . .. 1. . I, sibilily of écliia pal TfiE KORE; HTERAMJ-w BllflK, STATIflNRBY. Aléo to be hnd'fromhh Agarns in a" parts of; the world. EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT; FRIEND. prim: Gd., which conlq forjhe gnigiance bf pét’ne'nts.“ ""' ‘:a.."-,,~+‘.a..:n - ius durecfioul )I ‘ \ 1- :1 STORE. NEW L_l.§]‘l QF_ BOOKS My”: 591mm, RELIGION, Pawn, MfiplglNE AND MUSIC. HEPropx-ipftor .of,.the abovelEzilablishmenzn begs topnll the attention of the Inhaliit- ants of HM} Hill and neighborhood. to the recent adgifiéiis 'mad'e toJliS stock of luierestjpg and, Rradable Book§, hgingvagsqpeyior class of lite; ' ra‘turev by‘lhg 'fnest eminent {authors of well- kann repulatjm} and popularity. The: Scdli‘is’hr‘Psalnlbdl Téilic Solfa Nota- ‘ lionâ€"25015. Songs of Zion. with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€"fl 3cls. “ Thomson 's Landfilndvihe Book-~32, Churéh ‘tbrayer Books, Bibles; Tuslamenls. at all prices. Adventures in} thg Gold Fieldsâ€"725 cls. g FANCY- STATIONERY._ “Albums for 12 Portraits. 3o cts. Albums for 24 Portraits, $l. Albums for 24 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) {Albums for 24 Portraits. (Morocco).$2. ' Gent’s Walking Cvaxwéb fr‘gu‘vi 4b to 500m. Pen Knives, ‘wflh 1 blade. 1‘ mm 15 to' 20 etc. I Clasp' do.‘ do. 3 do. 50 cm. (beautifu’f) a": U. A May 26. 1865 QEPyzwnsfillréN PURE FLOOD.â€" 1N FICTION. AND

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