Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 Aug 1865, p. 3

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\tflrél'us Cnxxnsc Tumns Or Swerve“.â€" ..mmhe «tailors are a hard-working and assi- duous class; in one shop there are often as may as forty men seated on hunches . lubed round three "or four long htubies. ,- i. hey-work with English needle and motore- ma, 'but use them in difi'erent wayâ€"sewing, 'lsiit were fromathem. Theyv stitch carefully ” 9nd at the some tiine rapidly. Many ot'these ‘ tailors’ shops are Open till midnight, but have relays of fresh: worksmen, The hight’workmen have each a very primitive effective sort of lantern. which I think imght be imitated with good affect at heme. small light only is used, but the m is are 'ébmpletely reflected down upon the tub e arid cannot reach the workers eyesâ€"indeed the K- .mom looks half in darkness, while the work on which each man is engaged is strongly il- luminated. The method ot‘sowing from the :ferSon may render the use of this sort of ight more practiable, but yet I think it; could adjusted to English use. a Attempt to Abduct Saunders. MONTREAL, Aug. 8th, 1865. _Last Thursday a party of dangerous look- . ing fellows arrived from the United States. Detective O’Leary got acquainted with them Kind-was offered $10,000 to hssist in the ab- duction of Saunders. He agreed, and the plot w‘as arrainged. Detective O’Leary _went last night to Saunders’ house, and got him to go and see the Chief and Recorder, who live near Monklands. In driving through Priest’s farm the gang rushed out, pitched O'Leary out of the carriage, gag- ged and handentfed Saunders, and drove off with him. O’Leary bed a. vehicle at hand, and followed up. As arrenged 'hy the Chief to whom O’Leasy told all the plot, consta- bles were placed on each side of" the roads, and the toll-gates were kept shut. The gang dashed through the St. Anthony gate, and Mr. VFetur, Secretary of Police, was there, he gave the alarm, and one man leap- ed out: an fired at him. Those in the car~ riage also fired. He returned their shots, Indcthe gang getting alarmed, leaped out, leuying Sunndeis, and ran different ways. Three were at once arrested. One of them. captured at Laehine, had a seven harr-elled revolver. Opposite Isle Du‘val were found two, Indians waiting with a bout to carry the gang_to Caughnawaga. They stated that they were engaged to take a partv across, ‘ and were to remain concealed uritill they saw asignul. The constables crossed and arrested one of the conspirators at. 2 o'clock ‘ in the morning. Ae was found in bed at‘ Caughnnwaga. He had a dagger beside him. Three others were arrested at this oint at 4 o‘clock while attempting to hire oats. There is as yet no evidence azainst them. On the four others were found photo- tgwphs of Saunders, Tucker, and other Soutn erners here, and O'Leory identifies them all- Their names are Hogan, Burns, Clayton and Wayne. The three caught hiring the boat gave their names as Brown Burlinrrham. “7.. E. Brown Enms and-Sl edifon, from; R. I. and Mass. They had about $500 amonn‘st them. They Sny’ they are horse buyeji‘s. Three valises Where fOnnd in the hotel at Chaughnawaga, and are supposed to below: to the gang; Hogan has been recognised as a notorious crimp and ltidlmpper named Charley Adams. It was intended to seize Tucker and others. It was reported that a steamer was so have been chartered to carry off one who lives 011 the hunk of the river. Fortyâ€"three serioueae'cidents occurred in' New York 'on the 4th ofJuly, nearly ‘all of 'which are traceable to the foolish Chinese ‘ ‘pr’afiice of firing off squibs and pistols to ” the “ Glorious Fourth.” There ‘mjyeretslso a large number of fires, and the “usual long list of assaults and robberies. ‘2» '~ .A horse stealer, on his way to the Iowa > State prison, while on a. steamboat, threw his fp’iadacled hands over the neck of the man 1 who was guarding him, and making a desper- 5nte leap forward, threw himself and the man ’into‘the river; Both were drowned. (.1 The following is Tetu’s. statement:~â€"- When I challenged, after the carriage had (lashed through the toll-gate, three ofthe kid- nappers fired on me, and Hogan having jumped down and takingdeliberatc 'aim, the four others then made for the field. I went in pursuit, and wihen I got on top of‘the fence the three fired at me again, hutI leap. ed in after them. It was {1 field ofoats,being ‘pretty. high and the ground rough, there no chance of taking steady aim. A constable by this time had got into the field, and the men made of}; after having- fired at the con- s‘tnb‘le. Two of the party kept stsaight for Dorch ester street, sometimes steeping as they ran, and at other' times crawling through the ontsY and finally escaping, mak- g‘ng for'the city. Ufthe other two, onehad at ghee rnn in the dineetion of Lachine. He, on'eo'ming into the roadJ was apprehended; The‘other,‘ after havlnjr run up the field fol: Al'é'v’vgd in the Same direction; but seeing his ‘ emeradetahen, got'into the bush and escap- e. . ,l-Bulrns was taken in the buggy. It had driven abont fifty yards behind the carâ€" riage, and was coming along,r at a furious we 'when the firing commenCLd. He stopped suddenly as if stupified and made no resist- ‘nn'c‘e. He nill appear before the Court ti '- fmorrow. It is saidzthat Mr. B. Devlin will PEEL COUKTY BL’ILIHXGS.â€"-The plans rand specifications of the county buildings are ,now in the hands of the clerk of the Provi- sional Council of Peel, and may be inspected by all who have any curiosity in the matter, or may be desirous of tendering {or the con- ‘ttact to erect them. We learn from those who are qualified to judge that the designs are models for that class ol‘buildings, and re- iflect great credit on the skill ol'the architect, Mr. Kauifman. The drawings are said to be remarkable for their cleurness andsimplicity and precision, that no builder who under- stands his business can have the slightest diflieulty in making a reliable estimate. We do not entertain the slightest doubt that the building7 when completed, will mitterial- ly advance the reputation of the talented ‘Whitect, and elicit the approbation of the Lf’rs‘tepayers ofthe c6unty.â€"-Brampton Times. defend them. THE CON SPIRATORS ARRESTED. Tm: LAW’S Diannaâ€"A few days ago a cargo pf ice was imported into this country from [Norway. Not having such an article in the Custom-House schedules, application was made to the treasury and to the board of trade; and, after some little delay, it was decidéd that the ice Should be entered as ‘dry goods ;’«but the whole cargo had melt- “ed before the doubt was cleared up I , The Montreal correspbndent of the Leader says:-â€"“ Mr. Wood says 'the letter was a pri- vatc due, 'exp‘ressing his individual opinion. 'ljlié indignation against Mr. Potteiis intense. The Government will retain his credentials, and his successor must be, named.” A FRENCH statistician calculates that, sugm‘beirig at the rate of Sixpence halfpenny a pound, a fly costs the country tenpence from its birth to it‘ demise. ' Toronto, August 10. I Nounâ€"Superfine held at $5 .35; Extra $5 75 ITD $6 ()0; Double Extra, $6 150' - Fall Wheal,â€"-ln fmr demand. 35! a $105. Spring Wheatâ€"At $0 .115 a as! ()0 Barleyâ€"sold at frum 45c [(D :3Uc. Pc-as.-Smady, from 65 @ 75¢: per bshl. Damâ€"at 38c HE 456 per lmhl. Hugâ€"is from $904] ED $14 per ton. Apples. $3 50c {(3) $4 pa‘r barrel. ngnâ€"F‘reshh‘um wagons ll fa“; lfiic per .102. Bullerâ€"L-Frrsh is in lzuga supp'w at from 15c {(3 18c per. if; V Beef-4n demand only for local consumption." Calves $4 ((7; $6 each Sheep $3 00 (a $4 00 each. Lambs $2 f0; $2 25a. ‘ Pmames 45:! m 80 (:19. (lww) per bushel, Hay-$7 to $9. per ton, abundant. Strawâ€"wanted at $10 to $12 pal" ton. “The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. DEAEUN’S FAMILY MEBIGINES! " AS been appoimed agent, for the Counlv of Yin-k, for the above valuable .Modi- vines. which have been before lho Canadian public For the past seven years. and hnvu given universal smi-l'nmiunâ€"he can thurefnre. with confidence. ri‘commend (hundreds of Testimo- niah could be given if reqmred, shewng the benefit derived therafuom,) their use for lheir several virtues. DEACON’S FAMILY V EGI'I‘ABI.E PILLS G. A. BARNARD Act gently yet eflhmually: may be taken dur- ing an} employment, at any time. and even ht the most deiicam female. BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Strengxhening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. DEACON’S S'l‘()MA( HIC VEGITABLE UBACON’S FILE OINTMEHT. A soothing and astringent application; and, as !aras an applicminn 1:.er we 09' any sm'vico, more stwlhiug and much more as ‘ingen‘t. than any hilherlo prepared. 'l'ha majority of cflSBa find spvedy relief hr its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND OIL HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumalhm. Erysi- palm, Slraim. Bruises‘ Cute, (Illi‘blains. Sure Turoal. and violent l‘ains In Back or Side, the Hike“ of thP Heal All in |he uhove cases are nsluujshiug, frequeml} removing all pain in a few hours. ' DEACON‘S VEGITABIJE COUCH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACOU’S Mixlure lbr Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than any other medicine made. For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. DRAGON S unrivalled Cough Balsam; for Coughs, Cu!d<. Consumption. Asthma‘ .Szc. DEACON'S Amibillious Pills. None bel- terEi'n use. ' . DEACON'S Eruptive Ointment for E14 kind of skin diseases. " CHARLES SUDDABY, Tailor, (“ ARMENTS mnde'to order. 'm the Latest I Stfle, and a goad fit warranted. .[ETShop nearly opposite the Bunonville Post OfliCe. ’ 1mm afihtrtigtmwta. I EMAINING in the Rir‘hmond Hi“ P05 ‘ Office, on 150. August. 18115 :: Bu‘nnhi. John , l.a_\‘c0(:k,J. H. firo.wn.,S:n'a Maiden. Jacob Chapman, George l’reuliw, Mrs. Cohen. I'm-(er Smin‘riand. John hhioll, Mrs, MH'Y Sheppard. ( hark-s i‘lllmu. Mary Ann Vehe, Mus. R. A. G um. George IWilkiufion. l‘.liz,belh Gamble, William Walker, James Hill, D12. “ uuds, Mary Hemick. Adam \thle. JuHIfJS: THAT PRIME MESS WBK. hhioll, Mrs, Mary i‘lllmu. Mary Ann G um. George Gamble, William Hill, Dl'.~ H emick, Adam Infant $011001. Richmond Hi“. August 10 ’65. Open an Infant School ()n MONDAY. the 7th instant. and will be happy \0 receive tha patronage of parean who hava Chlldlell of a lender ago. ‘ Richmond Hill. August 4. 18 ., ALL DEBTS due or accruing due 10 Hm Esxalu of GEURGE DOVE. late of'lhe Township of Vlavkhmn. ynenvmn. deceasb‘fl. are In he paid to the undersigned, and all Claims are lo he Sent imo hnn fur quuidalion. he hm"- ing been appninled admiuiw'atur uf the personâ€" al Emma and Eflbcts uflhe snid deceased. Dated at Rmhmond Hill, this second day of August, 186.5. ' JOHN DUNCUMB. MD" Esq. Mr. GEORGE DOVE. Rlcunmu) Hum, August 10. 1865. _ ‘YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. - 015.00 Single Harness for. . - $10.00 WHAT NEXT ? Bu‘noxvum, August 10. 1865 All Articles guarranted Good and Every Collar ‘Varranted. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. W H. Myer’s BUTTfiNVILLB, MARKHAM. HAMS AND BACON! ECS lu in‘fimate to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond H1“ and v‘ciuiu', that she intends to AFFAIRS OF THE LATE Richmond Hi”, June 9, 1865. NOTHER Supplv, fully Ybet’ter than the TO RONTO ' M A BK ETS.‘ MISS ALICE HAYWARD 111:1. fur the éame money And all other Goods in the Line at DEACON’S LINIMENT, NOTICE. List of Letters \V M. ATKI \‘SON 'S. l’ruviaiou Store “’hxle,vJumo-s. M. TEE F Y. PJH‘ Administrazor. Richmond Hill 10 Du Wedfiesday, Mg. 30th, 1865, CUMMUN SBHUUL TEACHERS. Nuticc is Hereby Given CITY OF TORONTO, NEWM‘ARKET, Candidates will he required to produce cer- tifinnles, of moral character from their respec- tive Ministers. and if Teachers. also, from their respectivu Trustees. Good Common Vinegar,” Good Man 'Vm'ega? ’. . . “PM. Malt Vluegur. .. . . . . . Bm‘dnaux Vinegar . . . . . . . . Best While Wine Vinegar At Wm, S. Po\lock’s, late RICHMOND HILL, @004" I Mgphinc Oils ‘ in ELEPH ANT and ROCK OIL. A1 Wm. S. Pollock’s, ‘ale Richmond Hill, July 29. 1865. AND ‘ Mme. Dema’rest’s Fashion Banks H " VEiR-Y‘j'Cl-F'TE'A?3‘ Pocket Banks, Purses 8: Wallets Richmond Hill, July 28. 1865. Air-Tight and-FmsLPmnf Bum! COUNTY ‘OF YORK. JOHN JENN NGS, ‘ ,, ‘ ’2 ‘ ; Chairman County Boga-d York. City 0‘ Toronm, Angus} 2.1565. ; ‘ 9-3 MR. WM. 0. MAan SlR.-â€"Your AlI‘-ll:1ht Door seems likely to meelwnh liberal favor from the public. Wa n-qnine something of the laiud to render nut-side dmrs pubofu‘guluét’fir and frostâ€"thus invention will doubtless meat [ha Ase, “and willtbe found both cheap and affinian lt commends itself to the judgement nit hose wlm inves‘liflate the matter. as being Cdlmllalt‘d tn save filol, and 10 render 3 finally residuum more healthy 3311,3(4Iahlrlv6. ‘ WNEGfiRS! Having fi‘dopmd the Til-Inciple in my hesi- dmwe, you have thereby the test evidence. that I cnnsiuer your patent worthy the attention or the public. Sumâ€"Having ‘ried your " Patent Air-tight and Frost-gu'ouf'Duor,” I have reason In be‘mw :hat it is'fln «xcellent contrivunce, and Czficma- u-d to ('ontnhule much to lhu (wmn'fnn of tho 9 who udan it. I am of Oplllinll that much iess wood Will be required to heat a house in Hm winter season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a resideyce. Mn. WM. )Ilclll'. MR. Wm. MACEY. SIRâ€"l have examide your model of newly invented door, and bensider it superinr to am‘ dung l havu seuu for slopping draughls and frost, and think it will greath' save fuel, suva henllh and yrevem damage from fl'osL. h is likewiae clump. Yours, Sec" W . G. CASTELL, 1V. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionery of all kinds at the Loweal Wholesalu prices. ‘ . Toidjno,7.}ol§"?‘20,911565.: (’5‘ '1 '2: ‘ 7 CONFECTIONARY I "a? Three Ewes and Four Lambs: of uhoée llavqjggen Mlld’vm balam‘fv‘arn Wanted. u. am _ nrl E XAMI NATI O N July lrt, Richmond Hill. July 27,1865, The mark is a little clip out oftlne righ! Ear of each; one m the Ewes is lame on the foe leg. Whovver will return the; same. or give infor- matio'tj as (0' there wh‘bre‘alniuis. to the Sub- scriber. will be rewarded. Vaughan, July ‘6. 1865 HAT an Examhunion of Common School «Teachers and othgm, wil! take place, on WHIFKEYJE gbod article, mfly 25 3d gal. GRASS SCYTHES, GRAIN CKAlHst‘. ('RAULE do S'I‘IKAVV FORKS. HAY RAKES, HAY FORKS. ' SCYTHESNATHS, . Bust Emery Grit OHIO and SAN!) SC YTH E STUNICSt H A R VES’FW'I‘UU LS ! FRESH GROCERIES ! Which will be Sold as Cheap us any" Honse in the neighborhood, at, W. S. Pollock‘s late G' A. BARX‘ARD’S‘ Righmgnd‘llill,191376.1865, " 5-1,!“ PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. JAMES LANGS’I‘AFF, M. D, Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5-3111 S I'ONES, 0113331) and Good ROMthe promises of the subscriber. lol 5.3. 15!. Con. Vaughan, on Saturday, . fMlNU'FACTURER or PURE AND UNADUL'I‘ERATED Straycd or Stolr 11-. AT NLN‘jE 0301.0“, A. M. Ewesmand 6 Lambs ! 363 Yenge Street, Toronto G. A. BARNARD’S. REFEREEN FOR AUGUST, MAOEY’S meam, IiI£L,:Ju1§'20th}1§65. Al tho Court House, Blame-0ND HILL, July Isl. 1865 G, A, BARNARD’S. Yo u r s tru} y chwmmn “ILL, July 4, l865. AND AT ‘AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.P M. I'EEFY, Po‘s't‘n‘msier. -With:n good asasomnom of 0min (rugs “1: 4d gallon .‘.1s»38d gaHnn . .le (Ad gaHOII . .25 6d gal'on . .35 Ud gzgllon S-tf 8N Will this day commence 10' sell olfthe balance of his CLEARING Felt Hats from 750. each. Summer Tweeds from 35c. per yd. - Hoop Skirts, from 250. gash. Clolh Caps from 400. each. Striped. Shirtng from 170. per yard. Paper Hangings from 60 per R011. ‘ &c.,_ . &.c,, 650, A full asmrtment of GROCERIES alwnvs on hand,’ GENTLEMEN.’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER: Dry Goods Grocaries, Bootsépfimes, MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL. Cotton Goods 50 par cc-nt. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash, JOSHUA R EID. “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, = Richmond. 1-1111, At, Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, l‘hornhiil, June 30, 1865. SCHOOL BOOKS! B 0 OKBlNDING, Richmond Hill. May 1865. N order to make'room ior extensive importations in the Fall, PfiflTfiflRfiPfllfi ARTIST Gallery, Amblcr’sH-all. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS .r Red-need in $1 50 per dozen, {nuke nex’t three week, as the proprielor Intends leaving at (he expiration: of that lime. ’ PS. Those indebted to the above are re- quested (0 call and settle up forthwith. [13’ Those wishing ex‘lra copies from old Negatives, mug. send in their ordurs immedi- ately. i’HTIEMPflE ARTIST GA.LLERY= 48 KING ST. EAST, Richmond Hill. me 6. 1865. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. ERSONS desirous of having their P11010- graphs taken will find i‘ K0 their advantage to call and exum'rne his Specimms. as he is now taking Pictures in all the l‘alesl styles of the Art at Remember that R. FAXVoodfs establishment is nearly opposite Malhie’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. July 14; 1865. ‘ ’ GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Tweed Summer Coats & Pants. Tweed Coats. newast su‘les, from. . . .103 each 'l‘weed l‘nm-z db \ from. .8: 81! pair. Do do lined throughout. (rom Re 9d pair [)0 dn. egurnnqualiyrhfrmn. . . . l ls 3d p‘air. PIBHSO call'dnd'éinmfiue‘é! W; S Pollock's late Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. Prices to Suit, the Times ! [Parties requiring Cheese can rely on getting a choxca a'tiule at, a moderate price. G.‘ A. Barnard’s. Richmond [1 H . My 6, “'65. 5~1f CHEEEE BIBLE SOMETY BEI’OSITOBY, Richmond Hi”, June 29, ’65. Richmond Hm, Juno, 1865 CONVENIENT Shop to Rent, with two 1 Rooms, situated in the has! bu°iness part of the Village. and adjoining the Heluld office. Theirs is a good opening for a Watchmuker in this ueighberhood . Apply at the York Harald Oflica. _ _ Richmond Bin, July 13, 1865. { . 6_ Particular attention given to Toronto, 'June 9. 1865 SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Corner of Toronto Street, WU“. ATKINSON Which Will be done in' plain or the best'style of' Art,at mode-rate charges. AVING Purchased. fit‘unusuul law _1‘«i'ces. a nice variex‘l‘. which Will be sold M ' J. PENROSE, DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, RICE-I’D FLOOD RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A. M. HOOD, SHOP TO RENT. RICHMOND HILL. GENERAL STATIONERY PR1 M E A MERICA‘N FRESH ARRIVALS 0F (OVER BAIN‘s Boon STORE‘ &c., &c,. at and below cost pricgs. FOR YOUR S l-lm TO THE AT T116 AND 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, {\EAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his prni'vssional services in order to preserve their t8e1h,‘01‘ relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approde styie. Also to regu~ law the teuth of these who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D. D. 3., Richmond Hill Bakery! '7. x . Banifiémscurr BAKER EGS leave to nonfy the pubhc that he has purchaeed the business and good will of J. HaywaI-d’s establishment, and (mat. heis prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. Pic-Nic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at [he luWeSL possible rates and on tho shortest notice. Grass and Cradle Scythes, WKIfordors strictly amended to. Richmond Hi”, June, 1865. Landsides, 8m. 8w. J. HENDERSDN’S. Richmond Hill. June 1865. Slate and Dwelling in he Let! June. 1865‘ CENTRALLY situated in the best part of the Villageâ€" well adapted for a Milliner. Shomnaker. Tnilor or 'l'in Smith -the latler' is much needed in Ihe village, no shop being within four miles, and an excellent Trade might be done. The House contains four rooms, pantry and 'splandid cellar, wood shed pm“ I, and olher conveniencesfiwilh a. small garden attached, Rem moderate. Enquire (if G. A. BARNARD. Hay Rakes, Forks, Richmond Hill, Ju‘y N, 1865,; Common 81 Pat. Shaith’s, Plough Points, Sylvester’s Patent Grain Cradles, Bhemisi & B'rué'ggi'st, RICHMOND HILL 1:.11. Hall, 6-H 2-ly 11f Spring Importations BEE fi°®®389 RIBBONS, BONNETS, 3 ® @%3 SEQES, 40 to 50 par cént. below )asl year’s prices. Aka. Clothing made to order. Theiorincipa] part of the above GOODS will beds’old at from Men’s Long Strong Boots, from - $1 75 Men’s Good Cobourgs, from - .- l 25 VVomen’s Fine Boots, from â€" â€" ‘ "1.00 “ Slippers; From - - -‘ â€" 0.63 “ Gaiters, {min â€" â€" - -v.l 75 C hildren’s and Boy’s Boots,- fi'om 130: upward; CustomerWork done as usual-«the'best, cheapest and'neatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the Village, at: 1 lstPrize for Single Mouble Harness East York, and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions hem at Markham Villgige. ‘ North York Agricultutal Society held ac New Market; King do do heid at Laskey. Vaughan: : ‘do * do held at Burwicm mg" by “"539 5”“‘3‘-"‘3“““““m1 Socieiy, at Richmond Hill. faith. past three years. WM. ‘HARMSONiS Confident from his above successgs and the patronage he has hitherte received; thqthb egg suitiuteudiug purchasers, W. 11. respectfully solicits me inspection of his present “00‘ ,‘f D Todeth’er with a Good selection of othgr Articles in connection with'lhe 0 Trade, which he is prepared to dispose of at. Low Prices. '~ SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. it? Collars are all ‘W arrantedf a Richmond Hi", June 1865. > ATKINSON. 9mm _ I’VaV -vv..v .v .-.,r,,, on him. find in asking acon‘tiixuance ofthe samé, “(WM {we 11);“ hg heaps'mmm‘mly (willan 3 the chuiceslé'lzgldlbfas‘l. IoLQf ; 5 , . w IN THE NIILLINARY DEPARTMENT To be obtained north of Torqmq, among yhiph \‘y‘i-ll be found Teas, Riglmlond Hill, June, 1865. FLOUR AND FEED » ! W. A.‘ would can special atteminn m hi‘s 1"s., for which he_vhas won so [ugh a répulalion.', They are the finest flavored in-Ihe market. OIL'CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. CROCKERY' AND GLASSWARE I \r ....._ - >77 Cobstanfl} at" hand, which no person that keeps a Horse, Pig, -or Cow should be wmwut. * ' Richmond Hill. June 1863. And all otiie'r Arfiéles vqsgally kept in a Grocery Store : also, on hand a good assortment of Fins-2r,- PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENf; Richmond Hill, June,.l865.‘ STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Sugars, Candles, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oraugé‘s, Crackers, Fish, Hams, Bacon. M Mun ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. READY MADE CLOTHING-3 leave to feturn thanks for the liberal} pfitr'onngllivilherto besittiai’t'ed 0f every description ; also, a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ There will he found a complete assortment of AND PROVISIONS IMPORTER OF [33“ CA LL AT Will be found an excellent gssortmgnt 9f HATS, MANTLES. By the following Agricultural Societies '. HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS .To which has been awarded the TO SUIT THE TRADE. 0f evety Shape and S123, STORE. ROBERT SI VERS’ SACKS AND .QAPES. . 24f

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