A few minutes after one o’cloekthe outer prison door was opened and Mrs. Snrratt ~was supported on her way to the gallows ‘ by two military olï¬eers. Next followed Atzerodt, Han-old, and Payne, accomlmined by a guard and their respective ministers of the gosple. Front seat were provided for _ shun on the platform in the following order, ,Mrs. Surratt, Payne, Harrold and Atzerodt. “The otï¬eers entrusted with the executionV and the ,ministers occupied intermediate (positions. Major General Hartraupt, who ' ’1)»; been from the commencement in charge ' ‘0f‘ the prisoners, eume .t'onward and the order , of the War Deparunent already blished, approving the sentences, and or ring the '~'pénalty ot'death to be inflicted. .A heaxy grsflu‘drwas stationed on the walls surround- ing the ground, while below soldiers were ' formed on two sides of a. square. Perhaps neVeral hundred ciVilians were present, anx- ious spectators of the solemn scene. One of the priests attended on Mrs. Snrratt, repeat- 'ed a short prayer, to which, Payne, who was .seatjed next to her, attentively listened. - ‘ GET OFF run SHINEâ€"Among the paroâ€" led rebel prisoners who came up on the steamer Lady Gay on Tuesday, was a, man a ,tle ov‘e seven and half feetin height. He 5 artsfï¬b t with the Missouri troops at the mm eudement of the war, and stuck to them uptilrthe “.d ‘ was dead†and never received a scratch. ~:(‘v'leeFitter he was mustered into £119. ‘ 332.5“, "flhe regiment to which he.helgagedapp3hi’.’¢efore the colonel, on dresspamde, and the Colonel, who prided himselfron the ï¬ne appearance and good size g'fï¬iis-men, east his eyes? along the line with Mmile of selfisatisfaction, until they rested on'the towering form ofthe tall Missourian, when he knit his brows, and called out fierce- ly" in thunder tones, “ Get oiln that stump, you impertinent seoundrel, or I’ll order you under arrest,†The soldiers looked at each other, wondering what the Colonel meant, ‘bufnb' ‘o‘n‘e moi'ed. Finding his authority treated wilh disrespect, he ï¬l'airly boiled with rage and advancing to the big soldier, he ex- claimed, “What the dâ€"l are you standing,r on ?".The soldier respectfully replied, “ On my feetColon’el.â€.. The Colonel was complete- A; token back, as he surveyed this ‘tall _‘speci- men of humanity from head to foot in blank amazement; he mumbled an apolegy for his rude remarks and hastened away, leaving his men convulsed with laughter. "' Get ofl'that stump" became a by-word with the Missouri rebels,-and it will no doubt live as long as the long-Missourianwâ€"Ca‘rio Democrat. ' " 3The minister then uttered Ida brief prayer, asking for Payne the forgiveness of all his sins and a passage out ot‘this world into the , jays (if heaven. The minister who attended Harold also returned thanks for the kind téa‘txtx‘ent of the prisoner, I and oï¬'ere ad prayer that God would receive his soul. A‘s‘soon as the noose was placed around _e£ch neck, Mrs. Surratt's being the last one Rd'tis'ted, the section of the platform on ‘ ivich’ they were standinsr suddenly fell, and the, culprits were hanging several feet from thegroundt Mrs. Snratt and Payne scarce‘ 1y moved a muscle. Atzerodt exhibited Anne twitching, but Harold showed more nervous sen-smility than any of the others. nThe bodieshung untill life was extinct, and afterwards given over for burial, the rough cofï¬ns being already at hand for that pur- pose. ~The arrangements {or the execution Zwere’perl'ect. Major General Hancock was pesent through out rhe whole proceedings. ‘lt is said Payne, last night, made a statement .in behalf of Mrs. Surratt, exonerating her 'from complicity, and that another person subscribed to an afï¬davit impeaching the testimony of an important witness against her. I N ew York, July 7.â€"The Post's Washing- ton sp’eeial despatch says that strong eï¬'ons were made this morning:r to induce the Presi- dent to" reprieve Mrs. Surratt by her counsel ,and the Roman Catholic clergymen who giave ï¬xated as her spiritual advisers, but to 'ho’ purpose. The President was ï¬rm in his \decisio'n, and while hearing the. argument £Qurte61'tsly refused to alter or modify the woman’s sentence. It is ieported Mrs. Surratt has written a statement or confes- ‘sizm Which-has been handed to her spiritual advisers. - Washington, July 6.â€"Major-Gen. Han- cock repaired to the arsenal at noon to-day, and deliverd the death warrants of Payne, Hamld, Mrs. Surratt and Atzerodt, to Majdr~General Hartrauft, who is in charge of the prisoners, when they together visited the condemned to inform them of the sent- ences pronounced and the time ï¬xed for their execution. Payne was the first to whom the intelligence was communicated. It did not seem to take him' by surprise, as doubtless he anticipated no other sentence and had nerv- edhimselfaceordingly. The other prison- ers were naturally more or less affected. Mrs. Surratt particuldrly sank under-the xpead announcement, and pleaded for four duysndditional time to prepare for death. Allthe prisoners will be attended by clergy; men of their own denomination. The scaf- fold'has been erected in the South yard of the old penitentiary building, which is in closed by a high, brick wall. The cofï¬ns ahd burial clothes have already been pro _pa.red. Only a limited numbes of persons will be admitted to the sceneâ€"the sentences of the conspirators who are to be imprisoned will be carried into immediate effect. : ‘lh’lashington, July 7.â€"All the condmned conspirators sentenced to be hanged to-day were executed. On the petition ofMary F. .Surrntt, through her counsel7 Messrs. Ai- ken and Clampitt, Judge Wylie of the Sup- mme Court ot'this district, directed an issue of the‘Writ of habcas corpus to Gen. Han. uciock, commanding him to produce in court atlten 'o’cloek this morning the body of ‘Mary E. Surratt, with the cause and day of :her detention} The writ was served on-Gen. Hencock at the Metropolitan Hotel, at 8 .o’clock this morning, by the U. S. Marshall flooding» He immediately consulted with :the Attorney General and the Secretary of War. ~ 3At10:30 o’clock the General had not obeyed that writ. This fact was brought 1‘3 the'hotice of the court by her council, but the Judge said he had not the power to force the writ. ' Robberies tare, rife in the City of Mon- treal oWin'glprobably to the suspension of the dgjective service and the general disorganiza- tip); of the police force. Execution of the Conspiritors. There are two sides to every question, did an acuté ireasoner may make {he wdrst appear the better cause, so that in the pre- sent, as in the past, érror can be so mixed np with the timh as' to ’«Sé’é'caf‘cely distin- gpishnble,-hence it becomes 'every man to discipline the mind so that he can detect fal- lacy, tear away the swaddliug. hands of so- phistry and retain nothing but what is worth possessing on acountK of its intrinsic value. ï¬Communicated. i’I‘q gbnir0versy, nolvaithstaridiï¬g all that has been said against it,. we are much in- debted for the ,privileges and light af the nixï¬ï¬enth century. The Countï¬Council ofSimcoe have passed an anti-liquor by‘law by a vote of 20 to 5. The by-luw will be submitted to the diï¬lirent municipalities fox-their approval or rejection on .the second day of October next. LL persons are cautioned against negociat- ing or in any way having anything to do -vilha note drawn in favor of John Palmer, Esq., sent. for lhe sum of ten dullars, bearing dale the 22nd April. 1b64, said now being paid and now in Mrs. John Palmer’s hands. ,u CHEM BTW EflflBS Tm; EMPEROR 0F MEXICO:â€"Th@ Times says: -â€"Monsieur Eloin, the special Envoy of the EmperOr Maximilian, has arrived in Paris from Vienna, where, it is said, with the aid ofKing Leopold, he succeeded in prevailing on the Emperor of Austria to reinstale'his brother Maximilian in all his US'I‘ received at WM. S. POLLOCK’S, consisting of Factnry Button at Ed per yard. OXLY Samson-The Athenaeum states that at certain “photographic establish- ments†at Chelsea, the appetites as well as the. vanity of the public are stimulated by the ofl'er of an “ eel-pie and your likeness for Sixpence.†Others oï¬â€˜br “yourlikness†and a cup of coffee for the same money. At a third house itis “ our likeness and a citrar ' ’Y D for Sixpence. ELEVEN ships of war and transports are under orders for equipment at Brest, for the purpose of proceeding to Algeriuand bring- ing home a number of the troops employed thereâ€"the France says 30,000, though that is evidently :er exaggeration and a much smaller reduction would form agracef'ul and (to the tax-payers and the Opposrtion) grate- ful sequel to the Emperor's visit. Store and Dwelling in be let! CENTRALLY situated in the best part of the Vinageâ€" wail rdapted for n Milliner. Shoemaker. 'l‘hiior or 'I in Smith ~the latter is much needeth the village, no shop being within four miles, and an excellent Trade might be done. The House contztins four rooms, pantry and splendid cellar, wood shed puma, and other conveniences, with a small garden attached. Raul moderate. Enquire of G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. July 14, 1865. 6-lf A CONVENIENT Shop to Rent, with two Rooms. situated m the best business par! of the Village, and adjoining lheHcIald ofï¬ce. There is a good opening for a Watchmaker in (his neighberhood. Apply at the ank Herald Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, July 13, 1865, 6 With a Very cheap lot of four-fourths LINEN DUWLASS. for Shining. at 1:, 6d. per yard. Also. Canada. Pure Liuuen, Flux Bass, a splendid article, and a general assortment of DRY GOODS at low prices. Late G. A. BARNARD’S. l’lour.-â€"-Superï¬ne held at $5 33; Extra $5 75 ((71336 00; Double Extra. $6 50. Fall VVlusat,â€"-lu falr demand. Spring Whamâ€"At $1 15 for car loads. Barleyâ€"sold at (rum 55c ED 65c. l’eas.â€"-â€"Steady, from 75 fa) 800 per bshl. Oatsâ€"a! 42c fa) 450 'per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $9 00 a» $5â€. per ton; Apples, $3 50c [(3 $4 per barrel. Eggs.â€"Fresh from wagons 11 RD lQéc per Joz. liuttewâ€"Frush is in large supply at from l3c @ 15¢ per. ll). Beefâ€"411 demand only for local consumption. Calves $4 (17/ $6 eagh Sheep $4 00 {(3 $5 00 each. Lambs $9 fa) $52 50m A nice lot of CO'l‘Ll‘QVN‘HCHALLlE MUSLIN, DRESS Second Despateh.â€"â€" Capt. Aiton, of the steamship Moravian, gives the following statement; :â€"â€"The Associated Press boatman at Cape Race reported that the steamer Meteor, belonging to I). & W. Stewart. arrived at St. John’s on Friday, with 40 ot' the passengers ard crew of the ship Wm. Nelson, taken from the burning wreck on the Banks of Newfoundland. The \Vm. Nelson sailed from Flushing to New York with German emigrants on board. Before the Meteor reached the burning vessel, all the boats had put off full of passengers and crew, but none of the boats had been heard of. As far as Capt. Alton could learn, there were upwards of 400 passengers on board when the vessel sailed. aguatic rights in the event of his returnng to that country. STRAYED. FROM the premises nfthe subscriber. lot 25, on the 2nd concession of Vaughan. about two w eelxs ago. _ A- BOAR PIG. Between ï¬ve nun six months old Whoever returns the sax will be liberally rewarded. Richmond Hilll July 14, 1865. YA RD WIDE PRINT. fast colorsflgd per yd, BLEACHED LONG CLOTH from 5d to GOODS. 7§d per yard. BLUE DENIMS 7; per yard. 'New York, July 7.-â€"The Merchanfs’ Ex- change, ofthis city, bulletines the following : The ship William Nelson, Capt. Smith, from Antwerp, June 4_, and for New York with passengers, was burned on the Banks of Newfoundland 0n the lst inst. About 30 of her passengers were picked up and taken to St. Johns, Newfoundland. Tne. boats, with the crew, &c., are missing, and it is supposed four hundred lives have been lost. Montreal, July 7.â€"â€"The purser of the steamer Moravian makes the following state- ment :â€"The ship Wm. Nelson, from Flush- ing for Philadelphia, was destroyed by ï¬re .J um. on' the Banks 0? Newfoundland: The ï¬re originated from a red hot bolt being put into a tar pot between decks. Forty people were taken to St. John’s by the steamer Meteor. Four hundred people are missing. Some may have been saved in the boats. Emigrant Ship Burned Banks of,Newfound1and ‘olatces~40 lo 50 clé. per bushel, wholesale, 3mm aahertiï¬smbï¬té: July 14,1865 GEORGE ‘sIMSON. Richmond Hill, July 6111. 1865. 6-4 Still Another Lot OF THOSE 74d per yard . NEARLY 400 LIVES LOST. SHOP T0 RENT. Caution z JAMES DUNTON. 6-3 same to the subscriber, . Toronto, July 14. at $5 33; Extra $5 75 ENGLISH MAGAZINES ! J. HENDERSON’S. EHEREIST & BRUEIHST, FANCY GOODS, RICHMOND HILL. EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Poa Oflice.-on 151 July! 1865 3 . Atkinson. Bridget E. Nixon. Ruth Ann Arnold, Lizzie Paton, Isabella. Clappin. Mrs. Pogue, William Chapman, George Rankin, James [‘2] Henrick, Adam Simpson, James Johnston. John (‘2) Sheehan, James Kinner, Allen (‘2) I» Vanderburg. Mrs. Clark Manly. l’. L. Wismer. Zachariah Maxtield. M rs. Wice, Margarei Mameson, Wm, [2] Good \Vords, for June, Sunday Magazine, for June, Chambers’s Journal, for May Landsides, &C. 8m. Richmond Hill, June 1865. June 22, 1865, Richmond Hill, June 22, 1865. VVHISKEY. a good unicle, oniy ‘28 3d 71'}? gal. GRASS SCY'I'HES, GRAIN CRADLES, (IRA DLE do S [RAW FORKS. HAY RAKES, HAY FORKS. SCYTHE SNATHS, B(st Emery Grit OHIO and SAND SC YTHE STONES. STONES, W'ith a good asssortment of Pa'ties requiring Cheese can rely on getting choice axliole at a moderate price. MR. WM. MACH. Smâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to any iliing l have seen for slopping draughls and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c., Tweed Summer £0211st Pants. Tweed Coats, newest alvles,‘frum. . I .1 Us each Tweed Punk: do from. .88 6d ouch' Do do lined throughout, flom 83 9d each Do do exlra quality, From. . . . 1 15 3d each Please call andexmm'ne a! W. S Pollock's late FRESH GROCERIES ! Grass and Cradle Scythes, Orders receivedlor all the Periodicals and Magazines at Richmond Hiil. June 1865 G. A. Barnard’g. Which will be Sold as Cheap as any House in the ueighborhoud, at W, S. Pollock’s late Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. GODEY! Simâ€"Having tried your " Patent Air-tight and Frost-,n-oof Door,†1 have reason to believe that it is an exceHent comrivunce, and calculu- lud to contrihula much to the comfort of them who adup! it. I m‘n of opinion that much less wood will he required to heat a house in the winter season if your paient is applied to the outsida doors of a residence. Richmond “in. July G, 1865. 5 AN APPRENTICE, a lad about 16 years offlga. to learn the Harness Mak. ing business, Apply}? V _ Prices to Suit the Times ! Richmond Hill, June 29,135 [[3’ Those wishing extra copies from old Negativies. must. send in their orders immedi- ately. .P.S. Those indebted lo the above are re- quested to call and settle up forthwith. Airâ€"Tighi and Frost-Proof flour! CHEESE 2 Richmond Hil’, June 22, 1865, Reduced to $150 per dozen, forthe next three weeks. as the properor intends leaving auhe expiration of that lime. PHflTflE‘RflPHIE 'ABTIST Richmond Hill. July 6.1865 [{IQH MOND HILL. Gallery, Altâ€"Eler’s Hall. CARD PH070GRAPHS .r MR . WM. M ACEY, HARVEST TOOLS! 3 A.- HOOD, A Richmond H‘Il, . 1113'6, “~65. Wanted Immediately, JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. ‘ Richmond Hiâ€. July. 1865. 5-3m ' VVEI. ATKENSON PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865 Hay Rakes, Forks, AVING Purchased, at unusual low Prices, 8. nice variety, which wiil be sold at R. H. HALL, Plough Points, Common 81 Pat. Snaiths, : KICHMOND HILL, July lst. 1865 MACEY’S Sylvester’s Patent List of Letters PRIME AMERICAN FOR JULY. RICHMOND HILL. July 4, 1865. Grain Cradles, AND DEELER m M. 'I‘EEFY, Poslmusle r. WILLIAM HARRISON. G ' A. BAR NARD’S. M. TEEFY. P.M. At SCO I‘T’S. SCOTT’S 5-tf 5~lf The mark is a little clip out ofthe right Eur of each; one or the Ewes islame on the foie leg. Whoever will return the Same. or give infor- mation as to them whereabouts, to the Sub- scriber, will be rewarded. ’. ' ‘ DANIEL GLASS. Vaughan, J uly G, 1865. At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto B 0 QKBZNDING, PHUTMMPHIE ARTIST G.A.-LLE'RY = 48 KING STVEAST, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. ERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs taken will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and examine his qugimeus. as he is now taking Pictures in all the latest styles of the Art at ROM the premises of the subscriber. lot 53. 15!. Con. Vaughan, on Saturday, July lst, 4 Ewes and 6 Lambs! \Vhich m“ be done in plain or the best style of Art,at moderate eharges. Richmond Hill. May_1865. YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. - $15.00 Single Harness for. - . $10.00 GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Dry Goods Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Thornhi", June 30, 1865. “‘7’ Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. ' JOSHUA R EID. WHAT NEXT P A full asmrtment of GROCERIES ulwavs on hhlld.’ GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Every 00] lar \Varran ted. Felt Hats from 750. each. » ~ .- ‘ Summer Tweeds from 350. per yd. - - Hoop Skirts, from 250. each. Clolh Caps from 400. each. A Striped Shirting from 170. per yard. Paper Hangings from 60 per R011. ' 81.0., 81.0., &c, .....A».... An nnnnnnv MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL, SCH I BOOKS z Will ï¬lii'diy commence to so" oï¬'the bélgnco of his Richmond Hill, June 1865. W H. Myer’s Richmond Hill. June 9,1865. Toronto. June 9. 1865. 'N order to make room 101' exterilsivo im'l-ortations in the Fall, Remember that R. Flood’s establishment is nearly opposite Mathie's Hotel. Richmond Hill, July 14.1865. Particular attention given to Corner cf Toronto Street, (OVER BAIN‘s BOOK STORE") XQRKHERALD†BOOK STORE Strayed or Stolen. J. PENROSE, And all other Goods in the Line at All Anicles gum-ranted Good and 193st AND FANCY GOODS, 'HIEOH’F/D FLOOD GENERAL STATIONERY FRESH ARRIVALS OF 1 a! '.)()u, ' Richmond. H111, o &c'., &c,. atnnd below cost prices. l-lm FOR YOUR 1-3m TO THE AT THE AND ROBERT SI VE RS’ PiclNic pii'rties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. saï¬sargvggggngILLS, EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. Huyward’s establishment, and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with thoir [tn-trunnng A 7 __ AYER’S SARSAPARILLA 8. PILLS. BRISTOL’S BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY, Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BEEN] KIBISL'IIIT BAKER For sale by Richmond Hill, June. 1865‘ 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, - NEAR. CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suï¬â€˜eriug and supply new teeth in the most upprovedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, o. D. 5., DIARRHfEA REMEDIES, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. All orders strictly attended to. PAIN ANNIHILATOR, June. 1865. Richmond Hill. June, 1865. RICHMOND Hth BRANCH AND VARIOUS R. H. HALL, Chemist. $1175 ] 25 l 00 0 63 ltf' Cnbstantly on hand, which no person that keeps a. Horse, Pg, 01' Cow should be wilhout. ‘ - ' ' ,. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. W. A. would call special attention tn his [1? 'l"s., for which he by won 80 high a reputation. They are the ï¬nest flavored in the market. Beggigave to return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on Inm. and in asking a continuance of the same, would state that he keeps constantly on In“ the choicest and best lot of To be obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teal; Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, Fish, Hamt, Bacon. FLOUR AND FEED ! WM. ATKINSON. Together will] a good selection of other Articles in connectinn with the Trade. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. By the following Agricultural Societies '. East York and Markharn Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultnral Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laslrey. ‘ Vaughan do do held' at Burwick. _ - Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the paet'lhree years. Conï¬dent from his above successes and the palronnge lxa has hitherto received. that he an suitimendiug purchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits the inspection of his present stock 9! GRGGERY AND PROVISION lst Prize for Single&DoubleHarness SINGIE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Wm " GROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! Also; Clothing made 16 order. The principal part of Qhe above GOODS will be sold It from 40 to 50 per cent. below last yearfs prices. . flmaam «mm Swims, W M. HA RRISOM RIBBONS, BONNETS, Spring Importations 3â€? ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬‚sa RICHMOND ulLL, June 22, 1865. Richmond I! ill. Juno, 1865. And all other Articles usually kept in :1 Grocery Store ; also, on hand a good assortmtnt of Richmond Hill. June 1865. Richmond Hill, Juné, 1865. IN THE HIILLINARY DEPARTMENT Ladies’ Fine Boots. from . . . . . . . . . . . . .,$1.00 . do do yssï¬ppers, only . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0 60 , do do Gaiters, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3‘8" LADIES’, GENT’S, MISSES, YOUTH’S AND CHILDREN’S FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Collars are all Wax-ranted. a ALLORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING! OF THE LATEST STYLES, ON HAND Cheaper than the Cheapest, For Cash, at GREAT BARGAIN STORE. 01' every description ; also, a complete stock of Men's and Boys’ CROSBY, _ AND PROVISIONS There will be found a compiete assortment of 5:; g'HATS, MANTLES. 03“ CALL AT IMPORTER OF Will be found an excellent assortment of HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS To which has been awarded the TO SUIT THE TRADE, 0f evexy Shape and Sizs. STORE. SACKS AND CAPES. 1 -3m