Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 7 Jul 1865, p. 4

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Shall we meet beyond the river When the surges cease to roll, them in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne’er shall press the soul. R CHORUS.â€"Shall we meet, Shall we meet, Shall we meet, Shall we meet, Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surng cease to roll. The utter-most parts of the earth are sup- posed to be the parts where there are most women. A tradesman the other day would not pay the carpenter’s bill for a new counter in his shop under the pretext that he was a counter- jitter. The following question is now before the Sand Lake Debuting Society 5â€"â€" “ Which dowemen like the bestâ€"to be hugged in a polka, or squeezed in a. sleigh ? N0 decision was arrived at. A tourist being: informed by the land-10rd of a certain Welsh inn that he must not sleep with his boots on, very considerme replied, ‘ ()h the bugs won’t hurt them: they are an old pair.’ A clergyman once, who had taken too much to drink, was called upon to “ sprinkle a child.” He fumbled at his book, but could not lind the place, whereupon he stammered out, “ What a‘ dillicult child this is to bap- tise I” ’ “ What stingy fellows they must be in New York,” exclaimed a fine country girl. “ Our Sallie said she never could get a. buss without paying five cents for it. ” An Irishman was once brought up be- fore a magistrate, charged with marrying six wives. The magistrate asked him how he could be so hardened a. Villan ? “Please your worship,” says Paddy, “I was just trying to get a good one. And old woman called at a grocer’s and asked for a quarf of Vinegar. It was measured oll"7 and put :inlo her gallon qu. She then asked for another quart, to be put in the same vessel. And why not ask for half a. gallon, and done with? it said the grocer. “ 0h bless your little bit ol'a soul,” said she, “ its for two persons.” An amusing incident recently occurred at n. snnduy school. The subject was the his- toryof Sampson, and the question : “ What foolish thing (lid Sampson once (lo.77 EX» poet-alien was on tiptoe to ascertain his pe- culiar \\ ealx‘ness, when from 3 front sent came the reply, giyon with solemn preciseness, “ He went down among the Philistines and gate. wife.” EDI'J'ENU Vim. cs ML‘SJCrâ€"A music teacher once wrote that “ the art ofplnying (m :1, vi- olin required the nicest preceplion and sensi- bility of any art known in the wourld. 7’ Up- on whioh the editor comments in the follow- ing nmnnei‘ .' The art ()fpnblishing a. country newspaper, and nmking it pay and at the same time have it picase m‘eryhody, beats the :wt of fiddling highcrthan a kite. THE MAN mm DU) 11'.â€"â€"-“ Come hero, my lillle Eddy, 7’ said a gmitleman, to a young» 5101' of seven y HH‘S of age, while sitting in lliepm'lor where a large company was as- sembled. “ Do you know me ‘2 ” “ Yes, sir, ] thinkI (l0. ” “ Who am I, then ? let, me 111w. 7’ “ You are the man that kissed sister Angeline last night in the parlor.” Angeline fainted. ‘I’afi,’ observed a young urchin of tender years to his fond parent, ‘does the lord know everything '3’ ‘Yes,’ my son,‘ replied the hopeful Sire. ‘ But why do you ask thth question ‘1’ ‘llccansc our prucher, when he prays, is so long telling him everytl11ng,1 ilio’t he wasen’t posted.’ The parent rc- 1lc<~ted, ~ Adisag’zreenble 01d bachelor, whose pro- poscls .to marry was refused for the fifteenth 1i1ne Mst wéclc, by :1 young lady, was heard immediately after the refusal, to deliver a most bitter filiillipie against the fair sex in general, and in concluding, remarked “ that {hp l-gus'on why Adam “'3?th to sleep beâ€" fgre Ugo crcuti‘ouof Eve from his rib, lay in tfie fzx’cp that if he had hecn awake hé neÂ¥ver wouldthuve consented to any such outrage upon his fu'ture peace, 01' that of his brdthern.” ' An old Dutchman who had recently juincd the temperance society was taken sick and sentnto the doctor to prescribe for him, who ordered him to take an ounce 01' Brandy per day. The old chap overhauled his arithmetic, and found, in the table of aluothecnrios weight, “ eight dmchmsmnkc mic ounce,” “Mine Got! ” says the Dutohnmn, “ datish do (temperance for me. I didcn’t got put six drums pcforo, and now I gets eight. ” SHALL VJE MEET BEYOND THE RIVER. Imsu CUOI.Ni-;ss.â€"“Ilow is coal this morning,77 said a plll‘(‘h{lSCI' to an Irishman in a. coulvym-d. “ Black as iver,” replied . t t, 1).! AN‘APT SCHOI.AR.~A schoolmaster was teaching :1 three yourxfld, who is a. regular ‘shzwer’ in his 1a.]k. 'J'he‘masicr asked what ‘ 7 ’ ’ stood for ?~-â€"‘G<201‘g0,’ was his prompt answer.â€"-‘ No, it stand for boy. ’ W011, ain’t George :1 boy?’ he asked riumphantly. Shall we meet in flat blest harbour, Vthn our stormy voyage is o’er, Shall we meet and cast our anchor, By the fair celestial shore. Shall we meet, &0. hat Shall we meet in yonder city, \Vhere the towers ofcrystal Shine ; Where the walls are all ofjnsper, Built by workmanship divine.‘ Shall we meet, &c. “Where the music of the ransomod, Rolls its harmony around 5 And creation swells the chorus, “'J'th its sweet melodious sound. Shall we meet, &c. Shell-we meet with many a loved one, That was torn from our embrace 5 Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face. Shall we meet, &e. Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, \Vhen he comes to claim his own; Shall we know his blessed favor, a And sit down upon his throne. Shall we meet, &e. A 'country‘man once brought a piece of board to an artist, with the request that he would paint St. Christopher as large as life. ‘But,’ returned the artist, ‘ that ‘imnrd is much to small for the purpose.’ The countryman looked perplexed at this unex- pecjnzd discovery. ‘ 'lhuL’s a bad job,’ said he ‘ hm look’ee, sir, ye can let his feet hang down over the edge. ’ resycétfully taking ofthe rem’ains (3f his 3991’: Huh 3118mm. Win). The York Herald Orders yfo the an ofugderm entioncd descrip- Iion of EflLflBEfl Jflfl WRK J O B BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAM PH LET‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. s entirer new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new r»â€" For Cards, &c., just received MFGRDERS PROMPT“ EXECUTEDFW ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will be promptly attended to :â€" CHEAP OUR ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN And every other kind of CIRCULAR-S, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS Pain Eradicam. IN introducing this remedy to the pniflic, the Proprietor does not wish to set it l'orili {{S'a curel‘ of every Uiscaso incident [01119 human race, but in many cases acting as u preveniivo, as it is we” known that many diseases originnto from Colds. and much distress is often caused from a collociiun of wind upbn the Stomachâ€"â€" This remedy is well adapted 16 remove tjiese calamities : in cases ol'Cholora Murbus Vitn'evor has been known to fail to ellbct a cure where it has been tried. Manypcoplo who have been aflliotcd with Rheumatic l’uins for many years. l‘avc been cured by the means ol' this remedy. It has in many cases been known to cure the finost violent Cough by the administration of rrom one to four do ; it is also a certain emody for that dreadful diseases. Sore Throat; it is one of the best roincdies that can be ap- plied to Bruises and froslrcuts. ; , », This roinedy is a [lute Vegetable Compound, containing no Acid, 'l‘urpontine, orMorcury, orkanything which can in any wayinjure the Stom' ch ; it acts as a tonic, Creating a good appetite. bringing the organs of the stomach into a healthy action . it has been taken by those who ham tnowcukoststomach with good efi'ect; it Will enahlo the Stomach to digest such particles of l'nml,\vhicli heforo it could not, thereby causing: 'great distress. and that distress can" be eil'cctually removed by the use 01' this mainly. \Ve need not go to New York. Japan, Mexico,or some other place al'ar off for the proof of tliis,â€"â€"but itcan he had in our own country. Hundreds ot'nmncs could-be added to this list if it were necessary. but I will only add two. which were A auded in {or publicaâ€" tion. This remedy iiasliithnrto stood on its own foundation, and J wish it still to do so 3 it can always be depended on as agenuino article 5:0 long as it is proparml under tho su- perintomlcncy of the proprietor, Mr. JoHN l’AYl . and bearing his written signature. Read the following, L -‘ V' - aria Square. March 30. 1861. " JOHN PAYN ., Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I suflered much frlm Rhcmnalism'for upwards o! a ymr, but hearing of your Pain I‘Ix'adicutor I was induced to try it; and after using three bottles. 1 was: entirelv cured. Irccommend i: to every one entir-ely cured, I recommend 1: to every one wflexing from Rhemnniism. Yours, n\"c. llvxx’unL‘Y WHITE, Sen Buttonvihe, Markham. Mr. JonN PAYNE. Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Sir,â€"â€"Uaving for some iimo past been in possession of your Pain l‘lradicator. and Los- Led HS great value. I can with all (:nnfidcnce recommend it to the pnhhc. l was fur a long time very much afflicted with Rheumatism in my limbs. from which I, have boeil (-lliix‘eiy and lhave ust it in my family fur various other things to good ofl'uct, My wife was for many years at times very much afllicted will! the sick headache. for which she has tried vaâ€" l'lOllS remedies will) the aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. Shu used to be forseveml days at a lime uiialile to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your valur able medicine, she wus eiilirely cured of the iseaso. We have also found it very hencficiuld in relieving the l’hlhisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly, JOHN Bi'ivrzx. For Rheumatic, apply the remedy to the parts effected once or twice a day. 1):) not be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil Jesult by its use. FOR BRUISES. Bathe the part freely with tho clear remedy as (Men as necessan‘; It will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness, take out the swelling and wroness, and cause it to heal. Swelliugs can be treated the same way. FOR FLESH CUTS. _ Bind up fine cut \vixh a cloth, and saturate the cloth with the remedy. freed bv the use of 3 r vahmble Medicine; Bathe the fee‘ with the remedy on gem; to bed Bathe the outside with the Liniment; clear. and gurgle the inside with the same, or slightly diluted with water. every few hows. COLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. TOU'I‘HACUE OR PAIN IN THE FACE. Wot a piece of coHon wool with, the lini- xnom, and put in the tooth; bathe the face with the clear Linimont. and take a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. For an adult, :1 small tenspoonful in cold water or sugar, taken every lmll’lxoux‘, ifra- qulred. CHAMP OR PAIN IN 'Tlll". S'l'OMACII. An adult may take a sum” toaspoonful in cold water or sugar, when required. For an adult. :1 tonspoonf'ul three times a da\', (*spocinHy on going [0 bed. If ler? is a diffi- culty 01' brunthing, butlzu 11‘s chest with 1116 remedy. SICK HEADACHE, Wat the head with the Linimeut. and lake a 11050 internally every half hour until relief is obtained, DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS (JF Al’l’l‘l'l'1'l‘l'l. BILE’. OK JEILIOUS COLXC. remedy, notwilhsxanding its grout power. Prepared at 1110 Proprietor’s residence, 4th Concession West. York, (3.3V. Put up and sold in battles at ‘2." cents each. begr- ing the l’rolniator’x written signature thusâ€" Solu by Dlugisls and Sflclcliet pars, price 256i Grout benefit will ‘xflvu bav'oblnined bv an nppchlOll of the rcml-dy externally 101116 uh- domezg. in case of swore attack of pain in the Rowe‘s. No evil result need be feared from this A tonspoonful in water or sugar three times a day. before or zxfier outing: for the Liver. hmhn fleoly hctwcen the shoulders with the Linimem once or twice a day, DR. N. J. PEGK, SURGEON DENTIST ! l ESl’ECTFUI.LY announces that he has changed his time of' visitingthe fuilowing places, and uftorthis date will be (Sundays excepted) in FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS Sloufl‘villo Brungham . .......~ ..1Uth Mmkluml V1”:ng . . . . . . . “20le Brown’s Corners. . . . . . . .‘21<t Thomhill. . . . . . .. . Richmond Hill. . . . an]e............ Hmwick. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 323111 Kleinlmx'g . . . . . ..........3.’9lll Nobletou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iimh Luskey . . . . . .3Ist Aurora . . . . . . . . 1st Snitch...“ ......... . 3.11 Whom he will attend to any June 7,1865 Richmond lliil, Juno 22, 1865 The same as for Rheumatic mining to any branch of hié PAYNEfi COLDS AND COUGHS DIRECTIONS. SURE THROAT, FOR JULY. SI’RAINS, .‘21<t ,L‘er filth L’th 2.4.111 329d] Jimh .3 1 st . lst lb‘th of each month 1911] “ " L’th “ “ A: SCO I'T’S. business per- pro fessiou. l-tf ASTHMA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, INFIRMITHQS 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &c. Consultth 01d Engiish Physician FOR Dr. Amos w Son, 48 EAST GENESEE‘ sm, BUFFALO, NE‘V YORK, RE the onlv Physicians in the Slate who are members of the Royal College Surgeonsflmmwu. May be consultedfrum 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 atmight, in every state and symptom ofdiscnse. ‘ The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards ol'thirty years’ extonsive and successful practice in London. A hlbsl' SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forthe cure of Genital Debi- lily,‘ of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal \Venlmcss, «Va. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used can- jointly with modicineq v . i- 1-, AL; Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the‘ most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance whore it may prove unsatisfactory, alter a fair trial. the nwnuy will he refunded by returning the instrument in good order; Price 'l'en Dul- lars. by mail or express. .. yOUNG'Jtnx TAKE pARTIosLAn NOTICE." Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"«a habit t'roquonJy learned from evil companions. or at school, the ell'octs of which are nightlyfelt even when asleep, and it' not cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Sellâ€"abuse is one of the most t’urrnidahie enemies to health, for no- thng else in the dire catalogue of human disâ€" eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of sull‘ering down to an untimely grave, It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes akvay theeuergies oflit‘e, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development. of the system, disquzrlifies for marriage. socioty, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sull'ororwreckcd in hody and mind7 pr'edisposud'to consumption and a [mi itself. PERSONS IN ANY PART 01“ THY. “'0RLD may be successfuny treated by forwardng a correct detail of their case. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘IIERALU ’ Book Store. whom Sluclilloklors and others may u‘ocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon, from 410 8 o’clock, KM, RE within the reach of ally by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S Vl‘Xil‘lTAlHd‘} DO- MESTIC lVllCDlClNES, prepaer from the Prescriptions ol' the late Dr. Buchaxi, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c,, die.â€" Cmes are daily made. and their efficacy proved in thousand of cases, attcslad before the Alder- men at Guildhall, )1‘7.7Amos Lin SON, 481‘Inst Genesee i Street, three doors \Vcst of EIliCuLtSIruc-t, Bufi‘ulo, N. Y. 1 W-IIXHHI ex. Elcafifi'hjmwhwss & Lang Life. and sitting Magisimms of Marlborough Street, \Vestmiusmr, \Vurship Street, Bow Street. 6w, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymen. and others. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. lâ€"tt' DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a WELLâ€"KNO\VN FACT that SAR- SA I’AIHLLA is the games}? pyfifioffi/f" 1h_e blood in the \\'Ol‘l(l. Klul‘ll’ YOUR BLOOD l’Ulllillâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEer the DOC-TOR!!! These l’ills strike at the root of ouch disease, and‘re for the cure of every ailment inculonlul to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, Hilious, Liver, and Stomach Com- plaints. General “'eakness,Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lumbago. Pains in' the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by it‘legnlm‘ities of the bowels. ub- structed perspiration. 21nd deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These l’ilis work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified. the whole THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. cstem renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where hefore thev had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- luy I a clean stomach must make ncloan bmly. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the sl0mn(:li,hu(l_\', and blood are pure, from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root ofyour ailment. Again, I say, look to yourstmnnch. One trial oftheso Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at is, 1561., 25. 9a., 45. Gd., and lls. HOWE SEWING MACHINES! I Â¥._, a guarantee of its prompt and sale deliverymnd that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire sutisfuciion. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing sLiLclwsl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate orlieavy,on the same Machine, either in cambiic, cloth or leather; and for Llreiss makers, shin makers tailors. hat binders, shoe hinders. or gailer fitâ€" ting, as well as for every vaiiety of family sowing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine gamble of doing the ‘same range of work. Solid forDascriplive Catalogue of styles and irices. A few mspeclablo Agents will be dealt with liberally. P ECENT and important improvements hav- L 'mg been put to this Machine. renders it now the Innst perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can ord‘er a Machine with . , . ril' Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. New Yul'k, June: SJ; 1865. RICIIMON D HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Richmond Hill, June, 1865‘ DR. WISTAR‘S PULMOXIC SYRUP, in highly w commended, for Coughs, C(>]«1S,Asthma, Group, and I” diseases 01‘ the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents m bum. ESTABLISHED IN 1845â€"1’ERFEC'IED IN 186; am of evils/{note {0 be dreaded thhn death N0 Murcm-y Used. :5er \ ‘ 9%” Z“ ‘\ (“/‘l THE ORIGIN AL IMPORTANT. / x3“? 1/er W ffioWQ/S [-tf Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTL‘NG WORK! FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS ! THE WIPE {IF A MBRMQN ELBEB ! ‘6 HAT one-half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live,” is no loss true than trite: and the lesson the adage afl‘ords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we‘considey the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant eiernents from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes, both strange and Lmnatnral, should be pcrpc- trated in a far off country on the outskirts ot civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations 0f the Mormon systempthe do- grudahon it'iniposes on females, and the con- sequent vicos which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ot'dutv to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. .The ro- mantic incidents connector] with my experi. once. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them 1 \V0l1|(lsa_\',lllflt this narra- tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that, “ Tnu’rn is S‘rimnorzn THAN FIG ‘lON.-â€"-Al£Z/LUI‘S 1’7'1fucr, The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings. is mainly bound in clam, and wiHbe sent to any address, post-paid, on rcceiptof price, $1.25. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and will he eagerlv rend as acompanion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” It is a large lflmo, volumo, neatly bound in cloll1,i:lustraled with engravings’, and will be sent 10 any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.00â€"oron receipt of $2.00, we will send boll) the above works, postage prepaid. Now so indispensable to every fanrily. are he- ing manufactured by us in every variety af style and finish, 1) raptive Circulars wilh prices will be lurnislmd on applicf-‘fiony 811d any style of Album sent by mail post-pdld 01‘ receipt of price. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Complete in one volume. lflmo. cloth extra {Hustl'ated with steel engravings, \ViH be 59m to any address postage paid on receipt 0 pxice, $1.13!). Booksellers, News Agents, Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers. alid others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will find tllom exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other information, apply to, or address, wanted everywhere for their sale JNO. EDWIN POTTER. l‘anisher. No. 617 Samsun Sh, Philadelphia, Pa, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT 1’11 R. Juno 9, 1865. 1-“ 1000 Local & Traveling Agents HE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Famin Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial EVhibiiion, heiriiu Landau, Sept. 24H]. 25th, 26th and 27111, was given to R, M, ‘n’huzer & Co. They aim took the First Prize for Family Sowing Machines with 1L M. “humor 6; Co’s. WANEEE’S Combination «‘35 @inger They also took First Extra Prizes at. the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"«at Hamil- ton, l’nris,Ga1t. St, Thomas, Boaxllsville,“7liitâ€" by, Cobourg. Bowmanville: in factpvery place where they have been exhibited. They aim took the First Prize for Family Sowing Machines with 1L M, \Vanzer & Co’s. ()Dinbinmion, at the Provincial Fair hold at Toronto, Sept, 29, 23, 534. 25 and ‘26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for mmxufarttory. WANZER 4&2 CD’S The First Extra Prize was also given fnrNos. ] and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes of :1. similar characior were also awarded VVauzer’s 5L Co’s. Family Sewng Machine and \Nanzor & Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- Lnrm, at the Mechanics Institute, 'l‘oronto. [If VVanzar (K3 Co.’s Combination and \Vanzor & (303$, Singcr,axcel any Machines that ever were manufacture!) in the United States or Canada. R. M. \Vonzor & Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluahle properties ot'lhe \Vheeler & VVIlson and Singer Machines, and remov- ing those points which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some now inventions (for which they have secured a patent in Caimdafliave succeeded in producing o. perfect Sewing Machinenv hich being simple in its principles is oarily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out ofropair, and it is easily adjusted. The public, on examination, wil be convinced of its advrnlages over all others now in use. Every family should have a ‘Wan. zer 81, Co.’s Combination Family Machine “All Gehuiue Wauzer &, C0,}?! Sewing Ma. chineshoar [he sfiamp of R. M. \Vanzer 65 Co., lianlilton,or1 the pinto. 1m. HOPE" Magnetic Ointment, is well worth I trial, in any case ol'l’ncs, Burns, Scalds, Old Sores, Inflamcd Ul' Sore Eyes, l; ‘Ltwns on the Skin, and l: uvery CMSB whch nu oiuimen; is useful. 1!. will re Bomnmud itself, after one trial. "'7" PARKER CROSBY, Agent. chhmond IIiH, June 8, ’65. 1.1f Many Years Personal Experience, EIEKENS’ LAST {HEAT WEIRK! GREfl’l XPECTJJTIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER'S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the must plemmnt, safe, and uffechml remcfly now in. use. '1‘); 3! Sold by all dwich iu mediciims. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Companion to Female Life. PRISM BY MARIE XVARD, FIRST PRIZE A GOOD THING. A N ARRATIVE 0F EWING MACHINES. WORMS. THE YORK HERALD flflllK, STATIHNERY, STORE. SUIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIG: NEW LIST OF BOOKS HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the attention of the Inhabit- anis of the Hill and neighborhond. to lhe recent additions made to his stock of Interesting and leadahla Books, being a superior class 01' like, mlure by the most eminent authors of well- linown reputation and popularity. God‘s Glorry in the Heavensâ€"Ev Wm, Loilch. Principal of Queen’s College, Canada, $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 186] and 1862, $1.87; each. Praying and ~\Vorking~By Rev. Wm. Steven- son, 87; cts, Y My Ministerial Experience â€"- By Rev, Dr. Buchsel, 87% cts. Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 57g cts. The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87; 015. Burns’ Poems, 12mm cloth, gilt edgesâ€"50 (:15, The New Lifeâ€"Dy Bushnell. I2mo cloth. 40cm The Book of aniiy VVorshipâ€"By Rev. Vv‘. 15‘ Clark, 5001s. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By 'J‘yng, 4005. Buchnn's Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only 50 0:5, The Canadian Sunday School [Mailerâ€"10 cts. {almmd his Friends~6 cts. . Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cts. The Scottish Psalinody, in Tonic Solfa Notaâ€" Zionâ€"95015. . Songs of Zion, with Tonic Sulfa Notationâ€" 3cls. r Thomson’s Land and the Bookâ€"-â€"$2, Church Prayer Books, Bibles, Testaments, at all pr'me-s. Adventures in the Goid Fieldsâ€"~25 cts‘ The ‘Vavefly Novelsâ€"30 cls. The \Vrnck Ashore-~40 cts. The Roving Englishmanâ€"J25 cts. The Romance of Common J;ifll--5O cts. The Forty-five Gnanlsnmnâ€"-5(l cts. The War, or Voices from the Ranksâ€"5:5 cts‘ [linemen and Riflesâ€"~25 cts. cretions and consequent llllyculluuum n1 mm, riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known asthe Preventive Loticn, precluding the pos- sibility of contamination. Also to be had fromall Agents in nil parts of the worid, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price Gd., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. ' rm » _ A . . . Ivan Albums for 12 Portraits. 3U cls. Albums for 524 Portraits, $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Capo Morocco.) Sal. Albums for 524 Portraits, (Morocco) $52. Gent’s \Valking (Janus. from 40 m SUcts. Pen Knives, with 1 blade. from )5 to 2K) cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cls. (beautifqu THE SILENT FRIEND, the g cal Work oflhe Age, on Yo run L'IU nun... Messrs. R, ((5 L. l’nlmv & Co. are oniy to be consulted at their insidence, N0. 19, Borners Street, Oxford Sreei. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travei either at home or abroad. and they lierebv caution the Public against any person using their nmne. and as a further precaution against fraud. the l’tiNic is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the snbjoined fuc-similic of their signature is atttached to their difl’erent wrap- pers. finisliotl) {strong Clasp Knife, 1 blade, 25018. Scissors, Ill cls. Dressing Cases $1.50 to $52. Marking lnk. 15 cts. lndia Rubber Balls. 10 Cls. Slate Pictures. 15 cts. ll? Periodicals Supplied \Veekly or Monthly. fl Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. 1 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HAUSTION. New aditions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel, just published,price ls. Perry‘s Cordial Balm Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATUR; a never-tailing remedy for Spermatorrhrn, loss of manly power, produced by early indiscrctions. or any other cause.â€" ltenrichos the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. I’rico 11s. per bottle, or four ( uanlities in one. 33s,, which saves lls.; and in £5 bottles. etl'ecting’ a saving of £1 [25, l'ERRY’S CONCENTRATIle DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the head and face. an. largenient of the throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price 115. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa RATIVE I’ERILY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COPAIUA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLUBULES,11m most speedy Remedy known. The Globules. con- iaiuing (he Quintessence of Copuiha, Cubehs, Buchu, &c., at once cure, without the possibi- lity 01' failum. Gonurrhma. obstinate Glee:y Stricture, 610-, immediater subduiug all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar, free from taste 01' smell. 4s. Gd. and Us. per box. 1hr,me DEPENDS UPON PURE l’Loon.-â€"â€" able. Price saving of Us ]Imlxm DEPENDS UPON l’uum FLOOD.â€" PISRRY’S l’URlFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skinA such as Scurvy. Scrofnla, Ulcers, Bails. Blolclies,1’imples on the face and body. &c. Price 11‘s._aud 335. 1761', bpr Sold at Messrs. Rf & L. PEfiRYSL Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Ox- Ageyxts? BARCLAVE & Co.. Street, London. ‘ 'S'Jld' “AI Messrs. ‘Rfi & Wholesale Depot, No. 19, ford Street. London, MB); 269 1865! FANCY STATION ERY. LENT FRII“.ND,1he gremem Melli- Vork oflhe Age, on Youthful Indis- d consequent Jmpedimenls to Mar- ribing me Anatomy of the Repro- slam in health and disease, and t the sure means of perfect restora- |hnnr|- with an Essay on Single and 1N FICTION. i nearly a century, and known .0 world as the GREATEST RE- )R; a never-failing remedy for re, loss of manly power, produced AND MvchLAR POWER REGAI'NED BY THE use or. AND 0f Syriacum. Earringdon A F O R T 'U N E" ! EMPLDYMENT run nvnnvnnn‘v. Agents wanted throughout flue UnitedStatu andChnudas. .7 i. Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, ‘Ringsfinbir Bracelets. Sleeve Buflons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, 5w. worth Eight Hundred 'I h‘ou- ' sand Dollars, The Entire Stock ofa large Imronrmo Hells!) retiring from business. . ' For tho purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned havo decided on a greatdistribulion made as follow! EACH AND L'va ARTICLE, no MATTER H'ow VALUABLH, m Na sou) FOR $1. ( A- Certificate of each article with its ‘valu‘d’ primed upon it. is placed in an envelopeland i sealedâ€"those envelopes are thoroughly mix“!1 and sold for 'l'wmly-jibc Cents eachâ€"tho per: son receiving one of these envelopes is emblem to tho article named therein by returning 1b Certificale to us with one dollar, and :lle article; no matter how valuable it may be, will be for-l \an‘ded lo him or lmr at ones. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore ovary one is sure lo get. at least. (he full valiie of his or hi4} money. Should the articlo named on the car- tificate not suil,any other which he uan select of the. same value will be suhsliluled. We 89]] the cartilicates as follows: One for ‘25 cls.. five for SI, eleven for $9 (hlrlv for $5, sixty-five for $10, one bundled for $15. This distribution affords a fine oppor- tunity for Agents, as what lady or gentleman wiil not invest TWENTY'FINE CENTS with a. pro-- pact of' gelling five hundred or a thousand times as mnch. AH orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Laho, New York. - 3,000 “ " " 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4.000CI1znsmi Gohl Braceleu . . . . 2,000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains. . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 2,000 Lam and Floram'mo ALL or WHICH ARE TO BE SOLD rot; $1 EACH. 300 Genhs’ Gold Hunting Case \Vatches .. .. .,.._.. $5010 300 Lades’GokI and Enamsled- Case “’atches.... ....... 35 " 600 Genls’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver Watches............ 35 " 200 Diamond Rings.... .... .. 50 " 3,000 Gold Vestand Neck Chains l5 “ $150 70 Brooches .... .... .... . .. 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emeraki Brouches.... . ...,..... . 2,000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava. and Fiorentine Ear Drops ....., 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.... .... .... 4,000 Clalifumia Diamond Breast 5115.... .... ... 4 4 4 4 ........-250 3,000 Gold Pub and Vest \Vatch Keys.... .... ........... 2 50 4.0001‘0b and Vest Ribbon Sides 3 4,000 Sots of" Solitaire Sleeve Bul- tons, Studs. etc.. .. ....... 3,000 Gold Thimbles, l’encils.etc (5,000 Miniature Lockets . . . . .fl. 4.001} Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spring .... ... ..... 3,000 Gold 'l'oothpicks. Crosses, etc. . . . . . . . ............ 5.000 Plain Gold Rings.. . . . . . . . 5,000 Chasad Gold Rings, _ . . . . . 8,001) Stone Set and Signet Rings 8,000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets liadies' Jewelryâ€"Jet AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi- ment, and in svory town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be allow- ed 10 tents on every Cer.ificale ordered by 11mm, provided their remittance amount! {0 one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents' for ovary Certificate. and remit 15 cams to us, BTWJ'ile plainly, say only what is necosnr} and be prompt. Address, and Gold.... .... n... -.. 6.0M) Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. etc. . . . .. . . 6,000 Gold Pens,§ilver Exlension Holders and Pencils. .. . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holdars.... .... . 5.000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups . . . . 3,000 Silver Casters. $2,000 Silver Fruit Baskets . . . . . FVE'RY work, Scientific! Theological or Firm J tious, whether published in Britain on America. can be obtained at the Publisher‘l: prices. \Ve have direct communication with Britain, and with this facility can bring good; much more punctually and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the chenpnesn. of our prices we append a list of some of that books we keep constantly on hand 1;â€" » Josephus’s Complete \Vor-lts in one hand- some volume, (Illustrated). . . . ...‘._.,.$9 0% Keith‘s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro- fusely illustrated). . . . , . . . . .. . . . .,... 3 06 Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland.'..................... I 50 Leighton‘s. Archbishop. complete works, in one handsome volume. . . . _ . . _ . . I 75 Palofs Complete Works. in one hand- snmevolume............... . . . . . . 175 Smith’s, Rev. James, ' Our Heavenly . Father; or, God a Refuge and Strength ;’ ' Christ, Aloneâ€"a Book for All :‘ ' Welcome to Jesus :' - The Better Land :’ ' This do in Remet’nberunce of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditations ;'_' Important Qnen Pm noznx. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $20 5,0U(' “ “ Table Spoons BOOKS! Ia! Bleulmnuuaj “urvuu... .1“--. tions ;"- ' The Great Comformr :’ ' The Morning Sacrifice :’ ‘ The Evening Sacrifice ;’- and ' Words of Comfort, or Solace in Sonjow,’ cloth limp . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . ’. "123 at! each Richmond Hill, June 9, 1865, 14!; No. 15 Maiden Lune, Now York. June 9. 1865. ~3m GIRARD W. DEVAUGH Gr. (30.. and Fork LIST OF ARTICLES. 300,000 and Cake 50 250 l5 20 20 “ 100 15, Leia:

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