Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 7 Jul 1865, p. 3

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.The-HOusc of Reichsruth had resolved . not to give further credit to the government nnntiiithebudgcts of 1565 and 1866 had been voted, in conformity with the constitu- tion. It is rumored that M. Von Scherent- ing, minister of the state, and M. Von . Piener, minister of finance, had tendered \ their resignations, which the Emreror de- ‘, tclined to accept ' during the recent troubles he was selfish onofigh to wish the cable might not be laid on he would have been overwhlemed with telegrams. But now he wished it every luceessrh's’ he believed it would do more than any other agency to strengthen the bonds of union between the two countries. Theinte'rests and. object of Great Britain had been all alongto maintain peace, and now that the contest which had distracted the United States had been put an end to, the sole object they had in view was peace also- No more visitors were to be admit- ted/on board the Great Eastern before she nailed. The present condition of the cable was all that could be desired, and those most interested in it seemed to be perfectly confident of its complete success. 'The Presidents and Vice Presidents of the safer-:11 Agricultural Societies in the counties ' bf York, Ontario and P081, met pursuant to iivprévviously arranged invitation, on Wednes- dqy the 21m. inst., at the. agricultural hall, in :this city, for the purpose of discussing _.ppd adppting-such measures as might be 'deemed conducive to {he advancement of The rgport of the Hudson Bay Company in ready with regard to the claim of the United States under the Oregon treaty. The’ hope is expressed that the question may bq concluded before the end of the year. Parliamentaryproceedings are unimpor- tansr The business of the session is closing up and will end in about. 0, fortnight. ‘ FRANCE. LL Eloin had arrived in Paris on a speci- tl Inssion. The weekly returns of the Bank of France Ihéw mi increase of cash on hand of nearly Icyenteeu million of francs. The Prince Napoleon was about to pro- ceed to-Switzevland. H13 interview with the' Emperor is said to have widened the breach between them. The: Opinions Nationale had received a 5er Warning for’an attack upon a. govern- mgnt speech in the Chamber. ‘ SPAIN. Ageuqral amnesty has been declared for oflie‘qceg fzgqixmt the press law. mile Municipality (‘Jf Madrid, which was dismissed last April, has been restored. Marshal Serrano has been approved as Cal,- tain General of Madrid. Marshal O’Donnell has made a speech in the Cortes, setting forth the government olicy, which includes a recognition of the ingdom of Inin and the maintenance of amicable relations with foreign powers. Mmeieties and-the interests of agriculture generally. sevenleen gentlemen, represent- ing societies in Non-lb and East York, West York, So'uth Ontario, Peel, and the City of Toronto assembled. ITALY. Itis reperted that the negotiations 13(- tween the, Mexican embassy and the Papal Court have been interrupted and that the embassy will leave Rome, and M. Negliu return from Mexico. Florence papers con- firm this rupture. _ flibn motion,‘ Mr. Archibald Barker, of Markham, was called to thevchair, and Mr. Joim_ Shier, of 'Whilby appointed secgetary. " Rcsblwd~mflmtthe Fun Shows of me several societies mpresenled be held as i'ul' ldws: South Ontario, 27th and 28th of Sep~ ie.mpe1‘;._1’eel., 3rd and 4th ocht‘ober ,- East York, 5111 Octobcr; Scarborough 6111 00m- lipr; North York, 10th and 11th October; "" Resolved, â€"“ That this meeting composed of Presidents and Vice-Presidents of agricul- -tural societies in York, Ontario and Feel, having had under discussion the two bills in- troduced into the Legislature for the purpose of amending the Agricultural Act, approves *Of that/introduced by the Hon Mr. Alexander, andvespecially recommends the clause boviner reference to the election of the members of the Board of Agriculture on the eveningr of Thursday in the week of the Provincial Ex- hibitioh.” After 501,1“: time spent in consultation is to thebe‘st‘ time for lwldiug the exhibitions of the several societies represemed, it was, on molion of Col. Dension, of Toronto, seâ€" conded by Mr. Shier, October.” unuluu a. .vu. .0.“ ---.. “CI 1 “Ann, 1’ickgring, 10111 Ucruber; West York, 11th] and 12 October; Whitby, 12th October; Whimhurch, 13111 October;G01‘e of'l‘omutl', 18th October; City ofToronto, 19th and 20Lh R8801 cd,â€"‘_That in the opinion of the meeting it would be desirable, and to their interests {Bethe township societies to join with the parent society in the autumn shows. Fil'sg-Tbecafise it would add greatly to the prize list. Secondly,â€"â€"because it would lessen the amount of expenses. And third- 1y,-â€"because it would have the effect of re- ducing the amount of labor of directors and judges ;’ " I “01.1 motipn oer. Shier, seconded by Mr‘ Jones,‘ \Vlfitchurch, it was. Ori‘motio'n of Col. Denison, seconded by Mr. Shier, it was fight-St; Louis the other evening, they made ivfesti‘val out of la visit to a lunatic asylum. What '8; place for fun i The Mayor of the Eily’ p'ge'sided,‘ and when the city was toasted ‘he r'eplied in the queerest way. He said he Elias glad to testify-to the ability of the county indies, and hoped their names would not be ‘ ombtteu. . “ Their names are recorded,” he 3“ in the corner of this building, and ifI “d; the‘destiny‘of them, they should be in ‘héayehE'?“"'Afterwards,‘ somebody toasted -“‘~The:f‘l~e'ss,_',"fihich, says the reporter of the fi'e‘lan'cfi'olfir'fh'c'c‘asiah; “ was drunk standing min silence ’1 >Who can wonder. llféOn rnoJion of 091. Denison, seconded by Mr. Msjor, Mn Barker was voted from the chain'end Mr; Armstrong of Yorkrille hav- ing been called thereto, the thanks of the meeting were tendered Mr. Barker and Mr. Shier for the exertions in bringing about the meeting, andfor their zeal in promoting the cause of agriculture. "‘ The meeting then adjourned, There is a set of inhuman Charlatans going about.the country, applying sulphuric acid to the teeth of their dupes, which, while it gives uvléwmporary brilliam whiteness to the teeth, hi’a short-time ruins them forever. A (It ié reported that~the Govcnorâ€"General pfoceeds at 0110;) to England on leave of ab- Lgyen‘ce‘to rejoin his family. Some surprise hés' péen éxprcssed at this if Parliamentis to mget in August, gs promised: Important Agricultural Meeting. AUSTRIA . “ I don’t care a saxpence how ould be but I want to buy him, ” and buy him did A farmer recently went to Lowell with a load of poultry to sell, and had on his wagon in a conspicuous place, a large owl which one of his boys had killed a short time before. The vendor of the poultry was hailed b a son of the Emeral Isle, who asked llim “ what he asked for that bold fuced turkey." “That is not aturkey , ” says the counfry- man :â€"“it is an owl. ” A servant girl in Albany has hit upon a novel mode of gettingr rid of those house- hold pests, the rats. Getting outof patience with the depredutions of the “ \‘ermiuls,"and having observed the effects of Bourbon whisky upon humans, she took a small quan- tity and making it very sweet with sugar, crumled in bread enough for the crowd, and set the dish in the cellar. 'A few hours after she went down and found several rats glmi ously fuddled,” engaged in throwing potato parings and hauling one another up to drink. These were easily disposed of,and those not killed left the premises immediately, suffer: ing‘ with a severe headaee. ‘ TORONTO M A R K ETS. ‘ Toronto, July 6. l"lour.-â€"Superfine hold at $5 35; Extra $5 75 11773146 00; Double Extra. $6 '50. Fall Wheut,-â€"-ln low demand. Spring Wheatâ€"A135] l5 for car loads. B:ru‘le_\'.â€"so|d at from 550 ft) 65c. Peasâ€"Steady, from 75 KID SUI: per bshl. Uals.~al 4‘30 fiD per bshl. > Hayâ€"ls from $9 on {lb $14 per ton. Apples, 3:3 50c fa) $4 per barrel. Eggs,â€"-Fmsh from wagons ll {(3 lflic per J02. iuller--Fresl|'is in large supply at from 13c KID 15c per. lb. Beefâ€"â€"lu demand only for local consumption. Calves $4 ((7; $6 each. Sheep $4 00 ((3 7535 00 each. Lambs $2 fib $2 500. Potatoesâ€"40 to 50 (:18. per bushel, wholesale. Air-Tight and Rustâ€"Proof Door! Sm,â€"Haviug,tried your "Patent Air-tight and Frost-proof Door,” 1 have reason to behave that it is an excellent contrivnuce, and calcula- ted to Cunlnbule much to the comfort of mom who adopl it. I am ul‘opinion that much less wood wnli be required to heuta house in the winter season if your patent-is apphed to the outside doors of a. residence. Mu, WM. MACEY. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented dncn-y and consider it superior to any thg l have seen for slapping draugins and frost, and think it will grvlely save iuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise meal). Yours, &c., EMAINING in the Rir-hmoud Hill I’os Office. on Isl July. 1865: \lkinson. Bridget E. Nixon, Ruth Ann Arnold. Lizzie Clappln. M's. Chapman, George Henrick, Adam Johnston, John (2) Khmer. Allen (I) Manly. l’. L. Muxlield. Mrs. Mallwson. \Vm, [2] Paton, Isabella Fugue, William Rankin, James [2] Simpson, James Slleohan, James VunderburgJIra Clark Wlsmor. Z'lcharlah Wico, Margaret Mn. WM. MACH. The mark is a lime ciip out oftho right Bar of each; one 0! the Hwas is lame on the f0 6 leg. Whoevor will return the same. or give infor- mation as to there whereabuuts. to the Sub- scriber, will be rewarded. liOMLhe promises of 1i 0 subsc ibar. lo! 5;), Isl Com Vaughan, on Saturday. July 1st, 4 Ewes and 6 Lambs! Vaughan, July G, 1865 PHHTEISMPHE ARTIST Reduced to $1 50 per dozen. forlhe next three weeks, as the proprietor intends leaving at [he expiration of that. lime. [13' Those wishing extra copies from old Negatives. must send in their order: immedi- ateh‘. Gallery, Ambler’s Hall. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS! P.S. Those indebted to the: above are re- qnesxed to call and settle up forthwith. Tweed Summer Boats & Pants. Tweed Coats. newest stvlea, from. .o .103 each Tweed l’aub: do from. .89 6d each [)0 do lined throughout. from 85 9d each Do do extra quality, from. . ..lls 3d each Please call and examine at W. S Pollock‘s late G. A. Barnard’s. AV] NG Purchased. at unusual low Prices, 1: nice variety, which wiil be sold at Prices to Suit the Times ! Richmond Hill. July 6.1865. GRASS SCY’X‘HES, GRAIN CRADULELS, CRADLE do S’I‘RAVV FORKS. HAY RAKES, HAY FORKS. SCYTHE SNATIIS, B£St Emery Grit OHIO and SAND SCYTHE STONES, S'I‘ON ES, With a good asssortment of fitm afibcrtmcmcntg. MACEY’E FRESH GROCERIES ! “’hich will be Sold as Cheap as any House in the neighborhood, at W. S. Pollock’s late HARVEST TOOLS! Richmond Hill. July 6. 1865‘ Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. PRIME mERlCAN Richmond “.11. . uly 6, "‘65. Pa'ties requiring Cheesb can rely on gettmg a choice article at a moderate price. Richmond Hill. June 29, ’65. CHEESE 2 JAMES LAUGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July. 1865 5-3m PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. Straycd or Stolen. ‘Vl‘l. ATICINSON’ S JLJâ€"J; RICHMOND HILL, July lat. 1865. A. M. HOOD List of Letters RICH MOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL M. I‘ EEEY, P oslmaster. M. TEEFY. RM. G' A. BARNARD‘S NIEL GLASS . July 4. 1865. 5-tf 5-tf is, he Cotton Goods 50 per cent. b'GIOW last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash; ‘ JOSHUA R EED. Dry Goods Greceries, Boots 62 Shoes, MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL, Thornbill, June 30, 1865. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the Village, at “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond £1111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, B 0 QKBZZVBING, Grass and Cradle Scythes, SCHOOL BOOKS! W'hich wxll be done in plain or the best style of Axt, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill. May 1865. Landsides, 8m. 8m. J. HENDERSON’S. Richmond Hi”, June 1865. YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. - .5; Single Harness for. - - Ji FHTflflRflPHIE EETIST WHAT NEXT P GAfiLLEBY= 48 KING- ST. EAST, Riel m'nJ Hill, June 1865. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. All Anicles guarrauled Good and Every Collar \Varranted Richmond Hill, June 9,1865. l-3m CA RD PHOTOGRA PI‘IS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. PERSONS desirous of having their Photo~ graphs when will find it 10 1h eir advantage to call and examine his specimens. as he is now taking Pictures in all the latest styles of the Art at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Richmond Hill, June 22, 1865. GODEY! WOREWARD! Longfir, N MO \DA! evening last, the 26111inst, somewhere bem'oon Richard's Tull-gale and my residence on Yenge Street. W H. Myer’s A field Lever Jeweled Watch ! Richmond Hill, June 27, 1865. Particular attention given to Toronto. June 9. 1865. Hay Rakes, Forks, The above reward will be poid on the return the Wetch lo the subscriber. Corner of Toronto Street, (OVER BAIN'S noon STORE.) J. PENRGSE, And all other Goods in the Common 8c Pat. Snaiths, Plough Points, DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, Sylvester’s Patent GENERAL STATIONERY Grain Cradles, FOR JULY. FRESH ARRIVALS 0F At SCO l‘T’S. ED. SEAGOR. Line at . . $15.00 . $10.00 FOR. YOUR l-lm TO THE AT THE AND ROBERT SIVERS’ SRESHPAEILM PILLS, x; giifibflwidaflm. ’June, )865. AYnfiigggpflPulm 8. mm BRISTOL’S ; ' For sale by DENTISTRY. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, DEAR CHURCH S'Hfrm'r, IS prepared to wail upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or reiieve suffering and supply new teeth in the mosx approved style. Also to regu- late [ha teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. BIBLE SMIE'RY DEPOSITORY, SCOTTi‘S BOOK STORE. Richmond “in, June, 1865‘ w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 5-, Richmond Hill Bakery! 1 EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. llayward’s establishment. and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES 10 those who may honor him with their patronage. W. S. POLLOCK, HEW MISEIHT BAKER PicI-Nic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on tho shortest llotice. 3‘ AN APPRENTICE, a lad about 16 years ofage, to learn the Harness Mak- ing busin EHEMIST £1 BBHBGIST, WAHrorders strictly attended to. Richm'ond Hill, Juno, 1865; FANCY GOODS, RICHMOND HILL; ENGLISH MASAZINES ! June 22, 1865, Richmond 1] 11‘, June 22, 1365. DIARRHXEA REMEDIES, Good Words, for June, Sunday Magazine, for June, Chambers’s Journal, for May. Orders receivedjor all the Periodicals and Magazines at Richmond pill, J uno 186555 PAIN ANNIHILATOR, June. 1865‘ Wanted Immediately, R. H. HALL, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH WOLCOTT’S AND DEELER lfl AND VARIOUS R. H. HALL, Chemist. WILLIAM HARRISON. SCOTT’S $1 75 l 25 l 00 0 63 3.3m iny lvtf What ’8 the Matter ? BOOTS AND SHOES Spring Importations Also. Clothing made to order. The mi 40 to 50 pur cent, below last year’s prices. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. lst'Prize for SingleéLBouble Harness 19 RIBBONS, BONNETS, @5338 M SEES? RICHMOND HILL. June 22. 1865. By the following Agricultural Societies -. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. ' ' Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the. past three years. Confident from his aboVe successes and the patronage he has hitherto received. that he can suitimendiug purchasers, W. H. respectfully solicits tne inspection of his present stock of Together with a good selection of other Articles in connection with the Tradu. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. It? Collars are all Warranted. 5n WM. HARRISON’S SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. WM. ATKINSON. on lfim. and in asking a continuance of the sums, would {true that. l'x'e keeps constantly on hand the choicest and bcsl lot of mam MB momma To be obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, Fish, Hams, Baden. FLOUR AND FEED ! ng‘s leayg 10‘ return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed W. A. would cal] special attention tn his (I? T’s., for which he has won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. Cobstantly on hand, which no person that keeps a Horse, ’Eg, or Cow should be without. rm-mdr'xm" CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. IN THE RIILLINARY DEPARTRIENT Richmond Hill. June 1865. And all other Articles usually kept in 3 Grocery Store ; also, on hand a good assortment of Ladies’ Fine Boots. trom.................$1oo do: do Slippers,only 060 do do Gaiters, from . . . .v . . . .4 '1 38 LADIES’, GENT’S, MISSES, mum’s AND CHILDREN’S fiiqhmond gill, jun. 1565: FIRST PRIZE , * HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. OF THE LATEST STYLES, ON HAij V Cheaper than the Cheapest, Foi‘ Cash; ht READY MADE CLOTHING! GREAT BARGAIN STORE. 0f every description ; also, a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ There will be fouhd a complete assortment of AND PROVISIONS IMPORTER OF CA LL AT “â€" 'Ulllllll \Vill be found an excellent assortment. of HATS, MANTLES. HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS To which has been awarded the >The_ principal part of the above GOODS will be sold at from TO SUIT THE TRADE. 0f evely Shape and Siza, STORE. I“ m WM“! :‘QXV ‘murm SACKS AND CAPES. [I‘m l-am m 2-15 51 I One for 25 cts.. five for $1, eleven for $2 1hirty for $5, sixty-five for $10, one him'ired for $15. This distribution afi'ords u fiuebppor- tunily for Agents, as what lady or gentleman will not invest TWENTY-nutcst with a pro-- pact of getting five hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Limo, New York.’ A F O R T U“ Nf'.f::E 2" mrmmnm run mum. 2.000 Lava and Florentine Brooches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches...-.. ......... . 2,000 Mosaic; Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4.500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.... .. 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins-................... 3,000 Gold Fob and Vast Watch Keys . . . . . . .............‘250 4.000 Bob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3 4,000 Sms of Solitaire fileeve Bul- tons, Studs, etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.000 Gold 'l‘himbles, Pencilsmlc 4 6,000 Miniature Lockets. . . . . . . . 2 50 4,000 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic ’ Spring .... .... u. n... 3,000 Gold 'l'ooihpicks. Crosses, etc .................... 5.000 Plain Gold Rings. . . . . . . . . 5,000 Chased Gold Rings . . . . . . . 8,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Gold.... .... ..I.. 6,000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"- ' Cameo, Pearl.elc.... .... 6,000 Gold Pans.Silv_er Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6.000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders.... .... .... . 5.000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... ... . .... 5,000 Silver Goblets~ and Drink- ing Cups .............. 3,000 Silver Custom. . . . . . . . . ... 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets................ ALL or WHICH ARE To BE SOLD FOR $L‘E9cu. 300 Genls’ Gold Hunting Case _ ' Witches ....; . . . . . . . ... ., 50 to $150 ‘ 300 Ladlss’Gold and Euameled- ‘ CaseW’ntches........... 35 " ‘7-0 600 Geuls’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver VVatches.........-.. 35 "' 70 200 Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . 50 " 100 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 15 " 30 3.000 n u u 4 u 64 3.000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4 " 8 4.000 Chused Gold Bracelet»... . 5 " 10 2,000 Chatelaine Chains and A Certificate of each article with its' value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed end sold forv'l'wmzy-fivc C/mls eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certificate to us with one dollar. and the articvb. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him or hear at once. There are no Blank Certificates and therufcre every one is sure to get. at least, the full value of his or her money. Should the~article named on the cer- tificate not suit,any other which he may, select of the same value will be substituted. we sell the certificates as follows: * r Guard Chains . . . . . ... 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Broo-‘hes 2.000 Lava and Florentine For the purpose of closing out the sto‘ck a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned ham decided on a greatdistribmion made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, no MATTER now VALUABLE, BEING SOLD FOR 3|. AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and counly in tho country, and those acting as such will be allow- éd 1“ cents on every Cenlficate ordered by them. provided their romiltauce amount! to one dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 cents for every Certificate. and remit 15 cents to us. (I? Write plaimy. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, Agepls wanted throughout the UhitoflStatos and Cunadas. “ Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, RingsJ’ins. Bracblets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Sfibons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskels; «kc. worth Eight Hundred '1 hou- I ‘ sand Dollars, ‘ The Entire Szock of‘a large Imron’ma Housx, retiringfrmn business. ' FVERY work, Scientific, Theological or Fic- J iious, whether published in Britain or America, can 116 obtaian ‘at tho Publiakar'n prices. \Ne .have direct cammunicntiun with Britain, and with this facility can bring good: much more punctually and expeditiously thu- most retailers. As instances of the chenpneu of our prices we append a list of some of tho books we keep éonslahLly on hand :â€" Joseplius’s CpmpietéjVorks in one hand~_ BOOKS! Isome volume. (Illustrated). . . . . . . .. Keith’s Evidence‘h of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated). . . . . I A .. .- . . . ... Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland.. ................~ on. Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works. in one handsome volume. . . .... . . . Riley’s Complete Works. in one hand- somevolume... .................. Smith’s, Rev. James. ' Our Heavenly Father : or. God a Refuge and Strength :’ ' Christ Aloneâ€"n Book for All ;‘ ' Welcome to Jenn :' ' The Better Land :’ ' This do in Rememberunce of Me. or Sacremen- tal Meditationsf ‘ Important Quee- tlons :’ ' The Great Comforter :' ' The Morning Sacrifice :' ‘ The Evening Sncrifice;' and 'Worde of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow,’ cloth limp . . . . . ..................223ou Richmond Hill. June 9, 1565. $9 00 200 150 175 175 «all r 149 I No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. June 9. 1865. -3m GIRARD W. DEVAUGH 61, CO.. LIST OF' ARTICLES. 800,000 250 and Vast Watch 250 410 20 15 10 IS

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