Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 30 Jun 1865, p. 3

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EXTRAORDINARY CALCULATIONr~TlIO nnm‘ her of human beings living at the 0nd oftlic hundredth gmwration, cmnmencing fiom a single pair, doubling at each generation (say In thirty years), and allowing for each man, woman, and-child, an average space of four feetwin hight and one foot square, the whole Hrfabe of the aarth and sea spread out into a pla’nefandwfo'r its height 3,674 times the .gun’s distande from the earth. The number of human strata. thus piled one on 9the other Would amount to 350,790,900,000,0.00.-â€"â€" Sir John H62:ch to the 14'01'tnightly Review. ALLEGED RECRI'IT Ixa FOR GARIBALDI.-â€" At the Oxford Police Court, on Friday, Mr. Joseph Plowman called the attention ofthe bench to the fact that a gentleman of military appearance, and who represented himself to 'be in the service of General Garibaldi, had been staying in Oxford, and had induced a number ofyoung men to enlist in Garibaldi’s tservice. A lad nained‘George Darling, who had been living with him (Mr Plowman) for nearly two years, left, without any notice whatever on Wednesday last, beyond a few lines saying that he was 01? for Italy, the ’military officer having supplied him with the necessary means. He (Mr. Plowman) had ‘ihis day been informed that no fewer than aixteen lads went olt' the same day, and that :their destination is Venice. The bench 1111:111de Mr. Plowman for his communica- tion, and suggested that he should call the attention of Government to it. PIRATES ON THE lkrsu Colmanâ€"A letter from Weslmrt, under date ofMay 26, says: y‘Copmin Cumming, ofthe schooner Elim- xbetlrMaclure, 0f Grivan, arrived-here yester- day from Liverpool, reports that at ten P.M. on Tuesday the 22d inst, while the vessel was lyinghecal-med off the Island of Inniskae, .saw sixteen canoes and one boat coming off. The united crew numbered nbonL filly men, 1W‘ho boarded the vessel, and took from oiglr “men to twenty tons of cargo (maize) out 01' '1101', gs )x’oll :xs ropes and many other lose articles. They formed on deck, at the some Tlfr're’fhrontning, if resisted, they would cut away the masts. They remained 011 board till one o,clocli next morning7 when they left. Shortly afterwards a light breeze sprang up, gndfiho schooner was able lo procuod on her Voyage, with the cargo in danger ot’shil’tiug. IAN announcement is made that the Pope has seriously under consideration the pro- priety of canonizing Christopher Columbus, as the instrument chosen by Heaven for the salvation of a. whole hemisphere. "flichmqfid Hill, June ‘26, 1865. THE TRIAL OF CONSTANCE KENT.â€"â€"Mr Karslakc, Queen’s counsc}, and MrII. Lopes, both of the western circuit, have been re- mincd by the crown to conduct the prosecu- ion of constuncc Kent, at the approaching On Monday the 2G inst.7 a. young man namâ€" ed Alfred Alcom Bull, while bathing in the river Humber Went into deep water on a plank which unfortunatley capsized. As young Bull could not swim, he was un- fortunately drowned. fPlaned Lumber, Flooring, &c. $10 RE WARD! as T, The dry goods store of Messrs. Lamont & Coate, ofChathum, was entered liyburg- lars 011 Tuesday night and about $600 worth ofGoods stolen. The police are on the look out, but as; yet have not suceeded in arresting the thieves or recovering the property. SUBSCRIPTION FOR GENERAL Lianâ€"The New York correspondent of the Morning Herald says:â€"’ It is understood that a sub- scription is being pushed in Baltimore for the benefit of General Lee, and that some 40,000 dollars have already been collected. General Lee, it will be remembered, has lost everything in the war. His splendid estates at Arlington were confiscated and sold to N ortherners at an early period in the struggle and his property elsewhere in the South or in Virginia (I think he had no property outside of his native State) is, of course, claimed by the Federal Government. THE ATLANTIC CABLEâ€"According to present arrangements the_Great Eastern will start with the Atlantic cable on July 5th. \Vithher will also sail her Mugesty‘s ship Terrible, and another peddle steam frigate of great power, not yet chosen, but which, like the Terrible, will give towing aid to the Great Eastern in case of mishaps to her machinery, either screw or Paddle. In addition to Captain Anderson, all the officers eémneeted with the ship, with the exception of the chief engineer have been chosen from the Cunard service. \V'ith ordinary fair weather, and staining at the rate of six knots, it is expected that the voyage from Valentin to the bay of. Hearts’ Content, in Newfound- land, will occupy from 12 to 14 days, during every hour of which regular communication Will be kept up with England. jP-LANEiNc To ORDER, Wilts Assize. Mr. Eldiu has, beéfi retained for the defence. Nounâ€"Superfine held at $5 3.3; Extra $5 75 @356 00; Double Extra. $6 59. Fall Wheat,â€"~ln fair demand. Spring Wheatâ€"At $1 15 for car loads. Barleyâ€"sold m from 55c ((3 (Sin. Penaâ€"Steady, from 75 fé) 800 per bshl. Omanâ€"«l 4‘20 fit 450 per bshl. > Hayâ€"~55 from 159 00 ((3 $l4 per ton; Apples, $3 500 161) $4 per barrel. Eggslfifâ€"Frosh from wagons 11 0) 12130 per J01. Butterfâ€"Fresh is in large supply at from 130 It? 15c per. lb. Beef-élhdemand only for local consumption. Calves $4fd/ $6 each. Sheep $4 00 {(3 $5 00 each. Lambs $9 61) $2 500. Potatoesâ€"40 to 50 cls. per bushel, wholesale. 2 5 ’ SABR’AHAM EYER «mama Hill. June 27. 186:). ‘iK'epl Ion hand. SAVVING done promptly ; also Lumber Ton gued .8; Groved \n: '- v ' v” - - - Atthe lowest possible rates. SafiyMjl) on 10125, 2nd Co'n. Markham, 2; mille_s eastqf Richmond Hill by the Plank Road NMONDAI evening last, the 261mm, ,somewh'ere between Richard's Toll-gate and {gy‘r‘esidenca on Yenge Street. A field lever Jeweled Watch ! fitmflflhcrtimmmm News in Brief. Twin'bbvéj_rbward will be poifl on the return th'a Wetch‘ m the subscriber; ; " ' ED. SEAGOR *‘_E_G"S respectfnlly to iuform his customers f ’Iand the public that he is prepared to do In any quantity. and on short nmlce. TORONTO M A RKETS. Toronto, June 29, ’1'l1isn)acl)ino will [)5 sold cheap for cash. or short credit wi.l be given by furnishing approved joint notes. Pwties requiring Cheese can rely on getting (a choice article at a moderate price. Richmond Hill, June 529, ’65. 15‘ AN APPRENTICE, a lad about 16 1L years of age, to learn the Harness Mak- ing business. App]:}_o ' STUMPiNG MACHin FOR SALE z' ENHISH MAEEZENES I l’icI-Nic pgrties and Tea Moetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. magenta firing imam Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. PRIME mERICAN Richmond [1111, June 22, 1865, Good Words, for June, Sunday Magazine, for June, Chambers’s Journal, for May. W. S. POLLOCK, fififfiéfl WENT WEE EGS leave to notify the pubhc that he has purchased the business and 00d will of J. llaywm-d’s establishment, an that he is prepavod to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. and SludaT Richmond Hill, June 9,1865. EEEWT g1 Efifigfim, FANCY GOOD 5, RICHMOND HILL. THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkoep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire, those who wish lostay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a Call. THEfiubscriber offers for sale. one of John Abai’s superior Stumping Machines The machine has couplings enough to stump an acre wiLhout moving. h All orders strictly atleml’ed 1%. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. l and the Rublic generally, that he has opened an H01 EL in the Village of Maple. 4lh Con. Vaughan, where he hupes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (ho travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and nupporl; Good Stabling.&c. 1 JAMES WATSON. Maple. June [865. 1-“ Richmond HiIL June, 1865. Blackburn. Sophia Baker, Jonathan Bowen, Frederick J Bell. W. U. Bakm‘, Michael McBrlde, John Coher, Peter McLennan, Finley Done», Emanuel McDenald. Janet Doner, Jacob Oman. Cliurlos Ellison, Benjamin O‘Connor. M. Filzsimmons. J, Palmer, Thomas Flanagan. James Page, Fred. Gaby, Mrs. Quanco, Arthur Gabyl Joseph Rennie. Mrs. Sara Gray. James Rankin, James Grant. Gnorge Shutlleworlh, Geo Horne. Henrv Simpson. Adeline Humbersloné, Thomas Storm, Adam Hopkins. Samuel J. 'l'urnbull, Ann Hockler. Mrs, Todd, A. Indian. ('4‘ Isl. Regis) Walker, Nellie John. Johnston Wilton, George Kendrick, Mrs. anh, John Kennody. Catherine Williams. Mr. Kevin, Mrs. Mary AnuWilliams. John ‘ Kendred, Ann Wellinan. George Mailing. Sarah Richmond Hill Bakery! QTABHNG for Six 3‘ Homes. Good Pas- k Image. Loose Boxes for Race Horses Monthly Fair held on the premises, first Wednesday in each month. Agency as usual. June 22, 1865, Maple Hotel! rPHE Subscribeybegs to ixyform _his friepds CHEESE ! Orders received for all the Periodicals and Magazines at White Hart Inn, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hiil, Juno 1865. TORONTO. J 01111 Mills, Proprietor. aTways in attendance. Toronto. June, 1865. CLYDE HOTEL Good Slabling attaqhed and_ attentive Hustlers Richmond Hill Hotel 1 LARGE HALL is connected with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts, Meetings, &c. Every attention paid to the convenience and eoml'ort of Travellers. A Stage leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at. 7, mm. ; returning, loaves Toronto {1t half-past p.m. r Good Stabliné‘ and a careful Hustler always in attendance. Righmond Hill, June, 1865. Wanted Immediately, Markham. June 9, 1865. GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. WM. ATKINSON’S King St., [Cash near the Market. Square. EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Pos I (Mike, on lst Junr‘, 1865: Image 1%. E3. HALL, THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- List of Letters Apply rto EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot 20. 4m Com, AND DEELER IN C. VAN NOSTRAND. WILLIAM HARRISON. Marshall, Thomas Motson, Thonmr Morrison, Mary Ann Morison, Joseph Moore, John McBride, John Mclwnnan, Finley McDonald. Janet Oman. Charles O‘Connor. M. Palmer, Thomas Page, Fred. Quanco, Arthur Rennie. Mrs. Sarah Rankin, James Shunleworlh, Geo. Simpson. Adeline Storm, Adam 'l'urnbull. Ann M. TEEFY, P.M. SOOTT‘S I-lm ltf l-tf l-tf J. HENDERSON’S. MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL, my fioods Groceries, Boots &Shoes, Cotton Gaods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. JOSHUA R E ED. Thornhill, June 30, 1865. “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond 232-1111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, B 0 OiffiiNDING, Which wxll be done in plain or the best ster of Art,at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, May 1865. Landsides, 8m. &0. Richmond Hill, June 1865. UNION Grammar & Gammon Schooi EXAMINATIONS. I] E above Examinations will take placein the School Buildings. as follows : Grammar School Department, THURSDAY. the 29m instant, commencing at 9 o’clock. u.m. Grass and Cradle Scythes, Mr. Porter’s Department. FRIDAY, the 30m instant, commencing at half-past 9 o’clock, [1.111. Miss Oates’ Department, W EDN ESDAY. the 28iliiinstant. commencing at_] o’clock, p.m. The public ‘nro respectfully invited in attend, Richmond Hill, June 22,1865. 3-2 June 7, 1865. CustomerWork done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the Village, at The Best is AlWays the Cheapest. P 0 W E L L ’ S CANADIAN SWENG PUMPS! CKNOW LEDGED by 800 Farmers. Pro- fessional Gemlemen and others (who have them working in Wells. varying in depth from 10 to 133 feet). to be the EASIEST WORKED, MOST DURABLE. and EFFI- CIENT ever offered to the Public. [[5’ Price 60 cents pbr foot. No extra charge for Top. Men’s Long Strong Boots, from - $1 75 Men’s-Good Cobourgs, from - - ] 25 Women’s Fine Boots, from - ~ 1 00 “ Slippers, from - ~ - - O 63 “ Gaiters, from - - - 1 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 130 upward. Richmond Hill, June 1865. 15278)?! Pump lewmzted, Orders for these Pumps addresssed to C. POWELL. Newton Brook, C.W. Will receive prompt attention. YOU CAN GET A SET OF Double Harness for. - $15.60 Single Harness for - l $10.00 SCHQGE BGGKSZ BIBLE SQCIETY DEPOSITORY, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. WHAT NEXT P EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Every Collar Warrnnted. Richmond Hill, June. 1865‘ W E5. Niger’s Richmond Hill, Juno 9, 1865. Particular attention given to Hay Rakes, Forks, And all other Goods in the Line at All Articles guarrauted Good and Plough Points, Common & Pat. Snaiths, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, Sylvester’s Patent GENERAL STATIONERY Grain Cradles, FRESH ARRIVALS 0F AT FOR YOUR i-t‘f TO THE l-3m AT THE AND ROBERT SIVERS’ SfifigfiPfifléfiLglngLLS, AYER’S SARSAPARILLA s. mus! BRISTOL’S NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order m preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approved style. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. For sale by L01" 3i, 4m CON. MARKHAM, June 9. 1865. DENTISTRY. J . G O R M L E Y, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND A‘UGTXONEERg ALL PER SONS indebted to the Estat'e' or the late John Langstafl‘, of the township ofMaykham. are notified to pay their debts to the undersigned only. And all persons having debts or claims against the said Estate are no- tifie d to present the same to the andérsigned forthwith. All persons are hereby hotified not to pin- chase any of the Mortgages, Notes. or securities of the Said John Langstafi', from any person or persons whomsoever. PHflTflEfiflPEIE fiRTIST 48 KING ST. EAST, w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 5-, REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. PERSONS desirous of having their Photo~ graphs taken will find it to th sir advantage to call and examine his specimsns. as he is now taking Pictures in all the latest styles of the Art at CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ! GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. C. W. 11:11:37,1865. \ l DIARRHJEA REMEDIES, PAIN ANNIHILATOR, June, 1865‘ Richmond Hill, June, 1865. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, GEORGE VVELDRLCK. Exocutors of the late John Laugstafl'. Richmond Hill, June 12, 1865. l-tf Toronto. June 9, 1865. 95 King Street East, Toronto, Corner 61' Torontd Street, (OVER nAIN's nook STORE‘ J. PENROSE, GEO. MCPIIILLIPS, G219. LLERY I NOTICE; AND VARIOUS ‘ R. H. HALL, Chemist. 0F 1~1m l-lt l-tf By the following Agricultural Societies -. - , » East'York ‘and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. ' ' North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. 'Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. Confident from his above successes and the patronage he has hitherto reneived. thaths can suit intending purchasers, W. H. respectfully solicits the inspection of his present stock of Together with a good selection of other Articles in cohnectidn with the Trade, which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. K15? Collars" are all Warranted. lst?rize for Singleézflouble Harness SINGLE AND DQUBLE HARNESS. Y A mwsm Alsu, Clothing made to order. The principal part of lhe abovo‘GOODS will be sold at from 40 to 50 per cent. below last year’s prices. Begs leave to retum thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on hnm, find in asking a continuance ofthe same, would siate that he keeps constantly on hand tha choicest and best lot of To be obtained north of Toronto, among which Will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Créckers, Fish, Hams, Bacon. RIBBONS, BONNETS, B®@%S SEQES, WM. HARRISON’S FLOUR AND FEED ! W. A. would call special attention tn his I]? T’s., for which he has won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. What ’8 the Matter? Spring Emportations 1n n, In a AND PROVISIONS BQQTS AND SHOES Cobstantly on hand, which no person that keeps a Horse, Pig, or Cow should be without. , ' CROCKERY AN?) GLASSWARE! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. RICHMOND HILL, June 22. 1865. Richmond Hill. June 1865. And all other Articles usually kept in 0. Grocery Store ; a1so, on hand a good assortment of IN THE REELLINARY B‘EE’ARTDIENT Richmond Hill, June, 1865. Richmond 11111,.nmo. 1865; Ladies’ Fine Boots. from., ..... . . ...... $1 00 do, do Slippers,only....;.........060 do do Gaiters, from ......... . ..... 1 38 LADIES’, GENT'S, MISSES, YOUTH’S AND CHILDREN’S FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Uteaper than the Cheapest, For Cash READY MADE CLOTHING! GREAT BARGAIN ST ORE, 0f every description ; also, a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ There will be found a complete assortment of U? CALL AT IMPORTER OF CF THE LATEST STYLES, ON HAND Will be found an excellent assortment of HATS, MANTLES. HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS To which has been awarded the TO SUIT THE TRADE. 0f ever Shape and Sizs, STORE. SACKS AND CAPES. 1-3m i-t'y PAMPHLETS AND LetteraPi-ess Printingo’ flflLflHBfl JllB WflRK LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, s énlirely new and of the latest panama A large variety of new FAWN 0§UBDEB§ PROMPT” EXECUTEfiwm Orders vfo the_‘nn ofnnderm “toned descrip- tion of BOOKS, FANCY BIL LS. For Catds; &c., just remind. The York'flerald Bfififi JOB ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will be promptly nth 11de to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT OF And 9&on other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, CHEAP BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS

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