Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 16 Jun 1865, p. 4

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O. trus’é rid j‘dur faie to a Womufi. ' One whose eyes are as black as your hair; For I tell you . man, as sure as your human, You are building your hopes in the air; You ne’er l aver, can believe her, Till your mind of its wit is bereft ; She’ll take all the giftd that you give her. And love you manâ€"over the left. ' O, trust not your fate to a beauty. And avoid for vour life a brunette ; You ne’er can’ attsnd to yourAduty, ‘; If on such youlj fond bosom be set 1 She’ll lead you about by the nose, sir. Till (he face of that organ’s bereft, hen suddenly pack up her clothes, sir, And grieve for youâ€"over the left! O, trust not your fate to a dame. sir, One whose:cheeks are embrowned with the Vsuu ; l’ve seem many ducks that were lame, sir, But a lzimomhfan they you’ll be one ! You may ghdo on the stream of her gladness, Till your heart of its Sorrow’s bereft; When you sink in the dark pool of madness, She‘ll help you gutâ€"over the loft! O, trust not yourfate 19 the one, sir, “’ho nuiy run ih the cards as a spade; Far better your life had: be on gene, gin E‘re you met with this widow or maid ! Iflo such your afi'eckions am given. Of aH ‘fiiture fhnpo '1): "re bm‘ef‘ltg“ She’ll give you a giimpse at" high heaven, To taste Ms M â€"ovor {1101ch ! TABLE OF INTEREST."le dinner table. INwalkmg, turn your toes outward, but your thoughts inward. “TIIICHisthe oldest tree known to man? The clrlw tree, of course. A CERTAIN method of keeping eggs from spoiling: eat them while they’le fresh. GOLD is the only idol that is worship- ped in al'; lands \VthOut a temple, and by 311 sects without hypocricy. MY DEAR-An man and wife at the quarrel. A TOUCIISTONE F on THE TIMES. Midas (we read), with venderous art, of 0H, \Vhat’er he touched at once transformed to gold; This, modern statesmen can reverse with ease, Touch 17mm with gold, they’ll turn to what you please. \VILL those genllemen who are in the habit of holding their racing-watches on running horses, and who calculate so nice- ly what (lill'erence a few pounds more or less ofwmght w1ll make in a horse’s speed, please tell us, If an elephant can make twulve miles in an hour and carry his trunk, what time he could make by having some one to carry his trunk for him? A Scotch lecturer undertook to ex~ plain to a village audience the word ‘phe- nomenon.’ ‘May be ma freend, ye dinna ken what a phenomenon may be. \Veel then, a’ll tell ’ee.â€"-Ye’i'e seen a coo, me doot. \Veel, :1 COO na a phenomenon. Ye’ve seen on aipple tree. \Veel, an nipple tree’s na a phenomenon. Bur gin ye see the coo gang up the nipple tree tail foremost, to pu’ nipples, that would be a phenomenon. A smmwn IRISHMAN.â€"An Irish priestwas standing at the corner of a square about the hour of dinner, when one 0i" his co untrymen, observing the worlhy father in perplexity, (bus address- ed him 2â€"â€" “AM you dont understand; that is just it; I am invited to dme at one of the houses in this square, and I have forâ€" gotten the name, and 1 never .'ooked at the number, and now its nearly seven o‘clock. ” m’erence ’4 ” “Nightly put; out, Pat,” was the reply. “ Put out! who’d put out your river- mmn '7 ” “ L mg [if-2 and happines: to your river- ence! Ihave got your malady, I only wish I had youv cure. ” So saying, away flew; the gong natured Irighmmn round mlhe square, glancing at the kitchens, and when he discoverd a fire that denoted hospitality, he thunder al the door and inquired,â€"â€" “ ls Father O’Leary here 1 ” As might be expected, again and again he was repulsed. At length an angry foolman excluzmed, " No; bother on Father O’Leary he is not here; but he was to dine here to- duy, and the cook is in a rage, and says the dinner will be spoilt. All is waiting for Father O’Leary. ” Paddy, leaping from the door as If the steps were on fire, rushed up to the astonished priest, saying,â€" “ O, is that all I” was the cry; “Just now be Lliay, your riverencc, I‘ll settle that for you. 7’ “ All is right, your riverence; you dine at 4-3, and :1 mighty good dinner you’ll get.” “ 0 Pat,” said the grateful pastor, “the bleSDings ofu hungry man be upon you.” ence «0! F “ Over the Left “flit uni! 3311mm. Father O’Lem‘y, how Is your 2” expression used by commencement of a H 8916?? .GRUMniiNG.â€"~“..W'Bet"s the use of flying}? ,snarflesl ae-v'cet‘eién grumbler: flue other day. “We are flogged for crying, when we are babiesâ€"flogged be- cause the master is cross, when we are ( boysâ€"obligeg to toillmsipfllf/‘prywell, or: starve, when w‘é" we‘rfiefiL‘tO work ‘ std] harder (and suffer something worse!) when we are husbandsâ€"and, after ex‘ hamstring life and sfirength in Vthe sex-viee of other people,§ ledge oer chm: rennggfiqavljrel 'gfi‘out lhefibgskbsfiohhf father’s watch ; anEour wwesâ€"to with somebody else! ” A CERTAIN eminent lawyer is celebrated at our bar for tlie following mode of ex- amining a witness: “ Now pray listen to \lie question I am going to ask you. Be attentive: remember, you will answer as you please : andv remember, I dont care a rush \"1)at)'oiia$sxver,"” 810,, 81c. One 01 our Suprei'ilerCourt judges, somewhat weary of the monotony of Ins perorafions, one day accos‘ed him in ‘he street :â€"â€" “ Ha! 15 it you, ? Now pray listen to a qugslionI am going [9 uglyyou.‘ VB}? attc‘I'n-five; __“R_eifiembéi" $05“ win ans-ivéi‘; as yeti ~pieasegxm rémenjber Ildonit éare a rush what you ansWer. ,Ilé’w are you. '2” WHAT NEXT P YOU CAN A SET OF Double giantess for. . 015.00 Single Harness for. . . $10.00 Every Collar \Varra nted. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Lady’s Calf Boots - . . - - - - $1.00 “ “ Gaiters . . . . . . 1.38 “ Prunello “ - . . . . - 1.25 BOOT AND SHOE Every other descrifflion of BOOTS & SHOES at equally Low Prices. Healthflappiness & Long Life. A DR. MAN’S VEGETABLE D0- MICSTJC MEDICINES, prepared from tho Prescriptions of the late Dr. Bucliau, Fellew of the Royal College of Physicians, &c.. 5w.â€" Cuios are daily made, and their elllcacyproved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, filibbules. at ls, 13d" 25. 9d., 4‘. 6d., and 115. Richmond Hill,Juno,1865. , , l-tf and simng Magistrates of Marlborough Sheet, \Vestminsmr, Worship Street, Bow Street. $10, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clorgymen. and others. a pleasure, where before thev had been sad and wean’ burdens. Do not liesitnleâ€"do no; Go- lay ! in clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when [he slomach,body, and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing/me bowels, health is vei'Lain. Begin at tlm beginning. waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. One trial of'tliese Pills will force conviction. SAl’AH'LLA is the greatest purifier ot' the blend in .m we ld. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l’URIC'â€"â€"'l'he :chrels reguLJll-â€"-AIHI DEFY lhe DOCTOR! These I’ills strike at the root 0 each (Z' 0450, and z‘ e fer the cure of every rilmcnl iflcn'ionlnl ln Mm Woman and Child, such as all 01 nutions on the Skin, Indi- gestion. lilieus, Liver, and Sromach Com- plainls General \'\’eul;nc“s,Gout, Rhuoma- lism. Lumhag‘o, Pains 1‘1 110 Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Thmms, and evo._' complaint caused by irregulade oi the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, :nui deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These l’j‘i'“: work their way lol (he very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulauon. till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of hie become W H. Myer’s DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. DR. WISTAR'S I’ULMONIC SYRUP, is high‘q :9- commended, for Coughs, (101113, Asthma, CroupV and an diseases of the Lungs And Throat 25 ceutam bottle GETTING GREAT BARGAINS [Tichmond UH], June 9,1865 It is a \\'EI.I.-T{x'()\VN FACT that SAR- RE within the reach Qffialliibg The use of All Arlicles guarranted Good and Anc all other Goods in the Line The public may rely on Nm 4 . aw) IMPORTANT. DEPARTMENT. Q6! 166%} IN THE N7X [/ze 1-3m he JOB Orders for any of the undermentioned descrip- tion of ’ EflLflREfl NIB-WW BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLETS AND Is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new wonoens ‘PHOMPTLY Exacurwa Forj Cards, &C:,'just received. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Done in the best style and at moderate rates Letter-Press Printin ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will-be promptly attended 10.:â€" 29:: 1â€": E OUR ASSORTMENT 0F PLAIN And evely othorr kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, AND LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS pi ‘W Efrqu Stranger», than Fiction? ?A é’rARTLLNG WORK :- * 1i: A L E MEAN“ Many Yéars‘ Personal Experience, BY IIARIE W IERD , '6 HAT one-half of the world cannot ihta- gine how the other half live,” is no less true than trite; and the lesson the adage afl'ords. our, experience and observation daily tends toyetfiy , Then. too; which we consider the ever~varying phases of “lumen passion. and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seemeurptising that g: faithful record .~of actual :ibveitts. should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance; or that crimes, ‘boh strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated in afar ofl‘ country on the outskirts of civilization, which people in. another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- in:, as 1 do know, the evils and horrors and Min ,' ‘ions of the Mormon system, the de- f‘: r it imposes on females, and the con-' ;'0 ' vices which extend through all the rrmificahons of the socielvhawsr-Lpe ofduty to the worldf'has induc§gane to sprojmre the fol-t lowing niatu-utive {urgthe pufl‘tc eye: The r04 mantle incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering 'on the mar- velous, To them I would say,_tl1at thisnarra- tive' of my 1‘ e 0 iv proves, what lms so ol'ie' been proved ' o o 0 that, “ TRUTH is S'ntANGrit’. THAN FICTION.â€"-Autlw7‘s Prrfrzce, The book contains 4-19 pages, with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, and will be sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of p n A Comggnipn to Femgle Life. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, V This. like the above, 1% a ‘work of great and unusual intevos', a (1 will be engerlv read as acqmpaniou volume '0 “ FEMALE L1FE.”_ 1t is'a iarg‘a 12mm volume, neatly bound in C]0lh,i.lsu\1.(‘d with engravings”, and will be sent W)}' m; .955 post-paid. on eceipt of p1'ico,€?l.llUâ€"-0'on l'eueipx of $2.0“; we will send both the above works, posmge “ epaid. Complete in one volume. 12mm cloth extra. illustrator] ‘wilvh steel engravings, \Vi” be sent to any addr’css postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. Now :0 indispensable to every farrily. are lIB- i manufactured lw Us in every variety of v; e .and finish, peeufluthe. Circulars will] 'p ices “I‘ll be uljnisll'eu';nuapplication, and any s yle 0" Aluum sent by mail post-paid on recenuo‘ W (:0, Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well 10 o 'u'er P, package of our Books and Albums. The\‘ ,w'; find them exceedingly popular, and terms lmeral. For single copies. or for terms in qnamiiies. with other information, apply to, or address, wanied everywhere for their sale 1000 Local &‘ Traveling Agents JNO. EDWIN POTTER, Pubfisher. N0. 617 Samson St., Philadelphia. Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. June 9, 1865. l-tf They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. Paris, Gali. St, Thomas. Buamsvillefl‘fhit- by, Cobourg. Bowmanville: in facgevery place where they have been axhi.).-’eri. ll? “'anzer 6L C035 Combination nnd VVauzer & C0,’s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever was manufactures in the United States or C mzvda. ‘ They also took the First Prize for Family Sowing Machines with R. M, Wunzer S; Co’s, Uombinaxion, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘orduto;._Sept, '22. 23. 24. 25 and ‘26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactory. R, M‘ Wanner & Co. have succeeded in uni- ling,the'niostvclunble [H‘blml i '65 oflhe \Vheeler & Witch and Singer Machines. and remor- ing those poinls which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some new inventions (for which they have secured a patent in Canadajhave succeeded in producing a parfact‘b‘ewing Machine,w hich being simple in it»: principles is easin understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its of lien. Its accurate construction renders il l .l'e liable to get out of repair;and ills easily an" sled. The public. on examination, wil be convinced of its advmnages over all others now in use. Every family should have a Wan- zer & Co,’s Combination Famin Machine W ANZEB’S Combination a: Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. [1E ONLY PRIZE awarded for Famih" Sewing Maéhinesby the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24m. 25m, 26th and 271b, was given to R. M \ianzer & Co. Prizes of :{similar character wére also awarded Wanzer’s & Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and \Nanzer & Co’sf Siliger’s Machiiwes dvel' all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- tures, at the Mechanics Institute, Toronto. All Gehuine Walizér & (10.32: Sowing Ma- ghines bear the stamp of B. Ml \Vanzer, & Co., Hamiltcm‘y on the plats. ' -- Sewing Machines. The; First: Extra Prize was aha given for Nos. 1 and Q Singer's Manufacturing Machines. chhmqu Hill, J5me 8, ’65 mums? magma” wunx! V .GREflT EXPECT.&T10.1\"S, BY CHAS. DICKENS“. WANZER & CD’S DR. EOI‘E‘. \{uguolm (lint! cm), In any 0 e ol’l’xlus. 2m nflumml Ul‘ Sun: 3 . 1mm «wry (Mm- \\‘I|-, .u nu omunum :mmend URL-1!". m’tcr onu lrml PHOTOGRAPHIALBUMS, e. $1.9 UI ». For demoyxni'fixmé’5k chums, 81mm VERMIFUGE CANDY is by {u the most loaum gush-Ln} qflectpalreqegynowinm Try 1 Bo) mum‘s ln' sizedzdnoa.‘ ' ' PARKER CROSBY, Agent. A NARRA‘fflE ot‘é FIRST PRIZE A, GOOD THING. ofiys. I-lf TFAfi'CY STORE"; THE ‘woaxsnfi-MLDJ; 11m; s'mwwm, scifiificfi, .1;qume 130mm, NEW; LIST pFuBQOKS HE Proprie'tbr' 'ol'ih'e above EstabliSliqieiil ’ .«beés (dichll Kiwi aflcnliun' (if file whaling ants of lhn Hill and n’aighhorhond. to [lie recenf additions made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books, being a superior class of lilec mime by lhe most eminent authors of well- known reputation‘and pqpulas'riiy. ‘ ' God’s Gibry’ in the I’leavlénsltBy Wm, , n‘c'h, Principal of Queen's "C’oll as“, Canada, $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862. $1.87; each. Praying and ‘Vorkinghfiy Rev. Wm. Steven- ' son, 87% cts. My Ministerial Expeiience -â€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsel, 873, cls. " Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 87$ cls. ' ' The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" , 87; Cls. Bin-ns’ Poems. 152nm. cloth, gilt odgosrâ€"fiflcfi, The New Life â€"l}_\' Bushnell. l2mo cloth. 400m The Book of Family \Vorsliipâ€"By Bev. W. H. Clark, fillets. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By 'l‘yng, 40 015. Buchun’s Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only 5“ 015, The Canadian Sunday Shoal [lecilarâ€"lO ctsi Rab and his Friendsâ€"{2 as. liunyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"301cm. ‘lio Vcouili 1’ iody, in Tonic Soll‘a Nota- â€"-,, '9 cls. Songs of Lion, with. Tunic «Sulfa Notatior -â€" 3 (HS. "l Thomson’s Land and the I} :ok-uLBQ, Church Prayer Books, Bibles, Testaments, at all [Jrl’ne'm ' Adventures ill-the Gold Fieldsâ€"+25 cts‘ The Waverly Novelsâ€"211) (:15. The W'recli Ashoreâ€"~40 .1 fl, The Roving Englishman->435 cts. The Romance of Uommrm l4i1'r)â€";Octs. The Forty-five (inardsmeuâ€"â€"50 cls. The War, or Vo'rnes from the Ranks-445 cts‘ ‘viilemen and Riflesâ€"‘35 . FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 19 Portraits, 110 (Biff. Albums {01'94 Portraits, an. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, ("1 110 Morocco.) 5 Albums for “.4 Portraits, . nrocco) $2. Gent’s \szl ’r. 5(‘anes. ,9m 40 to 5061s, Pen Kniveb, wiJI 1 blade, from 15 m 20 cts Clasp do. (Ju. 3 do. 50 cts. (beaulil'u Strong Clasp'KniI'e. 1 blade, 25 cts. Sciaso‘s, lucxs, Usessing (J uses $1.50 to $2. Mr“ {2 MR. 15 cts. lnrl'a. Jmhher Bulls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts. [13’ Period'ac'ais Supplied VVoekIy or Monthly. 31 Richmond Hill, May 26. ’65. l ON NERVOUS 1EI.AXA’1‘ION am} EX: cretiovs :1 \d r emcuwc - m'wn'neuw to Mar- riage, ,7“: v‘ n “n. o .\' of 1:16 Repro- dumim bw mm in 'nr‘ ' ‘ ("0350, and puiJé'xnf: nui .‘ne 5 e :2« - 01,1 mamm- Iiun Hr '30:» : \‘ 'r _ n w 53‘ ‘0 and 313$" ?"'r. I malt. ' a , e . 2.1.101 nown {15% w ‘:’ (we v 've Lo mu yv'eu'miiug ille p05 sihiliay cf ‘mniuniucnion. Also 101m hud iromall Ageuh: in ail park of Eng; THE: thé'iGéI-m, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, mine Gd., whiv 11 contains directions for the gl'iufl‘WB 70" Enliemw. M65513. R. 52 7.. PJJ-‘L‘Y &(",0. a a 01"\' to be consulted z.’ ' rash mun, No. lf‘, 175‘ \eys Street. Oxi'md . . Lennon, :v ('v Never, under any Cl. ' "2w c' “931:0!!6 or abroad. anxl nr= a’m' um‘fln 1 L16 .L"c against any pa‘ w 1' In; .lwe' ' Puma. {1‘1 as a further precauiion gym-J " {EC (and. he 117 is notified that noné 0." .he‘: mcdwinns'r a ge. nnine. unless the wbjui-Ieu fir -"[ie 0' L o‘r signature is attlached to i‘Ic’x' dif 'em map- pel'S. 'ERATIVE AND MUSCULAR POWERVRIEGAYNED BY THE USE or Perry's Cordial Balm of Syriacum speedy Remedy known. .e Globules. con- lainlng the Quintessence 0' Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu,&c., at unce cure. "(L out the possibli lily of failure, Gonorrhma. abstinale Gleet, Slriclure, etc, immediately subduing all in. flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste smell. V 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. HEALTH DEN:an UPON Puma FLOOD.â€" Fsteblhhedwwmlv a cenlury, and known lhrowrhoat the we kl :29 [he GREATEST RE- GENERATU j a 1 o - 'ilng remcdv i‘ur SpeJlm orvllm, 1095 of ,.'~n y .pozs'ar. produced by ca“ly indisc 0 10 w. my 0 her cause.â€" lLennIches the in' . ,vl al fluius, enabling [30"6 who have ac)qu hemse‘ves "'ncurable Lemma in ,'-' .vi ' most 51': ed 0L 'gaiions of '01} . . ' L; 1-3. '00»de 0" four .n’iJes C3 010. U" " saves ) : and PERRY’S CONU‘CN’1"’\'."'VCI) D'TJER- SIVE ESSENCE. a mme: V Syph'lis i.) all its stages, also .01- pddtylfi": e svsiem from comamiunlion, ecomme'u-e f0: secondary symptom”, blo'u‘wso Khe 31(2le 3 x face, en. largoment offing throw, Iousils. and uvula; its beneficial isfiveace on {We sysmm is undeni- able.. Price 115. and r per bottle, also a saving of Us. PERRY’S I’UliIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rolls. Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. 614:. Price Us. and 33s. per box “A on. (1:1. n’iJes Us 010. in £5 bottles, 0T} X'ERRY‘S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OI“ COPAIBA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most flSold at Messrs. "R. & Lu PERRY 81. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. :19, Berners ‘Street, Ox-, ford Street. London, ‘ r Agéntsz' Bmcmui & 06., 75., Fa‘rringdon Street, London. May 26, 1865. 1 HA LIST'ON page“: "Il‘ri MEDICINE AND MUSIC. finished.) u‘, “'0 ‘: 01‘ 0 ‘~ (s, 01 =2 and r emcuwc - mm»: , I fin: {A “n. o Sm (2m in 'nr‘ ' r:.:1n.‘nes e :24 m. n «00‘ : \ ' r ?"'r.tm:1; ' _ e 1’ (No v 've Lo m‘ yr-‘eI cf ‘mniuniucnion. l‘, ."ON. New enumm“ (Mk; 0‘. 9190 \‘Il ~' 1-011 In." '“0 Annmmiu l u ud 5:4 an S‘eel. j11s.pu'uli-,heu, ) ',e 1.3. U‘INT FR GNU, the g-en'ortMetli- \Vo ‘: o! ‘ 0 ‘~ 0, o 1 Youihmul )dis- m'wn'neuhto Mar- “ "n. o .\' of 1:16 Repro- "\‘> mm in 'nr‘ ' ‘ ("0350, and mi .‘ne 5 e r 4 -~.- 01,1}03401‘71- '30:» : \ V _ .iA ‘cnnd "r. ' "1‘11 , e . 71.101 nown u" 1N FICTION. rtrails, (’1 110 Morocco.) $1. traits, . nrocco) $2. 'mms. ,9m 40 to 5061s, 1 blade, {10m 15 10 ‘20 cts. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautifqu A ND Agent}; wanted throughout the finned Stine} " and Canadas. - , H Watches, Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Rings,Pins. Bracelets} Sleeée Bh‘ttons. Silver Spoons :1 . ~ andforks. Cups. Cak§ Baskets, Gm. w ‘Gwofih Eighj. Hundred 'I'hou- 3 . ~ . F ' - sanfl DoHnrs,‘ $1.4 The Entire Slock of a large Imam-ma Host. retiring from business. ' A Certificate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in- an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for Twang-flags Cents eeclJAthe sper- son receiving one of these envelbpes is entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certificate to us with one dollar, and the article, no matter how valuable it may be, will be fU[-, warded to him or her at ones. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore every one is sure when at least. the full value of his or het- mouey. Should the article named on the cer- tificate nut snit,any other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follOWS: Eartha purpose’ of closing but the stock‘ a' thgi earliest pomihle date, the undersigned have 'ecided on a greatdistribution made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER now VALUABLIc, BEING sou) i-‘on 3|. A mmm m finfifiwfié One for 25 cts.. five for SI, eleven {or $2 (him for $5, sixty-five for $10, one hundred for 5. This distribution uflbrds a fine oppor- tuniiy for Agents, as what lady or gentleman will not invest TW’EN'I‘Y‘FINIC CENTS with a pros- pect. ol' gelling five hundred or a thousand times as much. A” orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. 300 Gents’ Gold Hunting Case \Valches .. . . .‘. .. . . . . . .. $50 tor$150 300 Ladms'GoM and Enameled- Case Watches.... .... .. . 35 “ 70 600 Gems’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver Watches............ 35 " 70 200 Diamond Rings.... . .. . . . 50 ” 100 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 15 “ 3U 3,000 n -- -- 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4.000 Chased Gum Bracek‘t». . .. 52,000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chnins . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 2.000 Lava and Flex-amine 2.000 Lava and Flex-amine Brooches .... .... .... . .. 9,000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches,.... . 2,000 Mosaic. Jet, Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.-.. .... .. 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins.... ................ 3,000 Gold Fob and ’Vest Watch Kevs........;......... 4.000 Fob and Vest Ribbon S‘idés 4,000 L‘wls of Sqlitaire bleeve But- tons,Sluds,etc........... 3 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencilsmtc 4 6,000 Minimum Lgckels . . . . . . . . 2 50 4.008 Miniature Looketsâ€"Maglc Spring........ ........ 3 3,000 Gold 'l‘oothpicks. Crosses. etc . . . . . . . y . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.000 Plain Gold I’iiigs.- ... . . . . 4 5.000 Chased Gold Rings . . . . . . . 4 8,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2 50 8.000 ()alifornia'lfiambnd Rings. '- ‘ 2 7.530 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Gold........ 6.000 Sets Ludies’ Jewelry-â€" Cameo, Pearl, étc. . . . .. . . 6,000 Gold Pensfillver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens a 1d Gold Moun- ted Holders.... .... .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups........... .... 3,000 Silver Casters . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake ALL or WHICH ARE "ru BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH “rindFoiks...:........'.... 20 H100 AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi- ment. and in every town and couliuy in tlie country, and those acting assuc‘h will lie allow- ed 10 cents on every Conificale ordered by them. provided their remittanca amounta [0 one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate. and remit 15 cents lo us. CKNOWLEDGED by 800 Farmers, Pro- __ A fessional Gentlemen and others (who have them working in Wells, varying in depth from 10 to 133 feet). In be the EASIEST‘ WORKED. MOST DURABLE. and EFFI- CIENT ever ofl‘ered to the Public. [13’ Price 60 cams perfect. No extra charge for Top. Every Pump le'rmctcd, June 7, 1865 PER nozm. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $20 5.0U(‘ ;“ ‘_ ". :Tnble Spoons The Best is Always the Cheapest. P O W E L L ’ .S ‘ DZFWrite plainly, say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, Orders for those Pumps nddresssod to C. POWELL. Newton Brook, C.W WiH receive prompt attention. DR. N. J. PECK; l ESI’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of visitingtho following places, and afterthis date will be (Sundays excepted) in Stou.’ Jillev. . . .... . . . I 18th of each month. Brougham n1th “ " Mavknam Villa ‘6...-.....201h " " Brown’s Corners..........219t " " Thomhill.......... ......‘23rd “ " Richmond Hill. . . . . . . .24th " “ Maple . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 26m " I‘ Burwick.'.‘.. .. . . . . . .....281h “ “ Kleinburg.......... 29”! " ' “ Nobleton..~.......... ..3[lth “ . -~-‘ Laskey................ .3lst " “ Aurora....-..‘.. .....--.- lst -“ " ll H Sutton..... 3H} Where he, Will attend‘ to ;,g1ij busineSS 'fierc‘ mining to any branch ofhiav profession. CANADIAN SWING PUMPS! Aurora, June 7, 1865 BIBLE-'SflGIETY DEBOSI'NRY, SURGEON DENTIST. ‘1 Richmond Hill, June. 1865. No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York June 9, 1865. 1-3m SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. GIRARD W. DEVAUGH & CO.. Baskets . . . . . RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A}. IlluvtntonnlI-I-I I am . um Villa sCorners.......-- )nd Hill. G ....-.v.. .....---- ‘00. -.:-. LIST OF ARTICLES. (J 0 ~ 250 l-tf 14f 90 Hi 10 THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES (ECENT- and important irnprnvemontsjhav- ‘ing’been' put to this Machine. fenders it new the.: must {reflect before themublic, and~ ’per‘lbns title distance can orileri-a Machine with a guarantee of its‘ ,mmpt and, snfeydeliyery‘mnd that they will be a le 19 manageit to their en- tire satisfaction. lNo rh‘bre'brealdng needles laâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on )the same Machine, either in cainbxic, cloth or ‘Jeather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors} hat binders. shoe binders. or guitar fit- ting, as well as for every variety' of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold ht a mueh less mice than any other machine capable of doingthe same range oi wurk. Send for Descriptive Catalogue ofstyles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. H ' The treatmentlhoy adopt, is 1110 mm]: of up- ;wnrds o‘flhirly years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A mosr SClENTH-‘IC INVENTION. An instrument {grille cure of Gout: [Debi- Ii y. o." Nocturnal Enn'rssiuus, 11:0 0 pljgperly known a“ Semimd.VVoukncss, &c. Can be permm‘e; " Cr ed in from 15 to ‘3!) days, by ihe “1:0 51' ‘s instrument, when used con- jo'n Vly \" 31 ‘_|Ghjc;‘l(’!~‘. ‘ Address tfie HOWE Sewing Machine,:471} Broadway, New York. New York. June 9, 1865. ‘ . l Consult the Old English Phyrzician ASTHMA, INCIPIEN’I‘ CONSUMPTION, .;;LL\‘F.£RMITIES OF YOUTH AND ' v .OLD AGE, 611:. ‘ RE the onlv I’llfisiciuhs in the Stale who 1 are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 'o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every stale and symptom ofdisense. Dr. Amos dc'Son, 48 EAST GENESJLE sun, BUFFA LO: NE‘WT YORK: Amos 6'; Son. it ortler «r .'~"\tis'y the most, s‘ elutil vl as '10 i" ognerit; n_ Cir instru- ment, "ledge, themselves [hut i» ‘ ny ilnstunce who 0 i'. nmy pmvo unsntisl'nctm‘: . utter it fair trial. .‘6 money wi-l he refunded by returning the irstrumenl in good order. l‘rica Ten Dol- lars, [by mail or express. YOUNG mm TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who hnva injur‘éd themselves by a cer- tz-in practice indulged in when alonsâ€"a habit t'rerpmnly learned from evil companions. or at school, tlm eti'ects 0" which are nightly l‘clt even when asleep, and ' uct cured, renders marriage. impossihlé and destroys both mind and body, should applyimmediately. Self-abuse is one of the mokt formidable enemies to hvalth, far no Lg thing else in the dire catalogue of human d}: ; eases causes 80 destructive a drain upon tho human system, diuwing its nous-ands of VlC- illtlS through a few years of sutli‘ring down to an untimely grave. it destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastns away the energies of life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- pe" development of the svstem, alisqualifivs for mn'riage. society, business, rand all oarthlv happiness, and louvas the sull'umr wrecked in body and mind7 predisposed to consumption and a train of ovils more to he dreaded ‘nnn death ’ If. may be successfully treated by formudinga cm ec/L detail of their case. Am. ass- I) . AMOS & SUN, 481'Inst (Iz‘nesee SLme-. three duors “'est of Ellison Sh'eet, Bnfl'ulo. ‘1. f. 1 Eggpusmp ,ng 1845-5PERFEC'IED m 1,962. DRS. S. N. 8:. P. B. PECK, WILL BE IN Stoufl'ville. . . , . . . . . . . . .QQnd of each month: Markham Village, 23rd 61, 25th of each month Browp’s Cm'uarsAth ( 011.0t'hla1'ldlmn,251h do Those who re’qdire Artificial Teeth can have a full tip-yer set of bpquuality of" Block Teeth, inscailedg Vu’éénized Rubber, for $8. usually charged $2511y other Demirls. EVERY work, Scientific, Theological or Fic- ' tious, whether publishmI in Britain or America. can be obtained at the Publisher’s prices. \Vo have direct communication with Bri‘ "1, and with this facility can hrinrg goods much rxore punctunlly and expeditiously ihan most retailers. As instances of mo cheapness of our prices we append a list of some 01 the books we keep constantly on hand :-â€"â€" Joseplms’s Complete W'orks In one hand- ,... . an HR Tlmrnhill'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526th of each nmmh. Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . .271}: of each month, \Iaple. VVatson’s Hotel.. .981): of each month. Pine Grov° . . . . . . .. . . . . .29lh of each month. Klt‘illblll‘g« - - - . . . .. . . . . .30lh of each month. Noblellm . . . . . . , '. . . .'. .1 . . 3lst of each month. Newmarlmt.. .lst, 2nd and 3rd of‘ each month, lfauy of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. Teeth filled with Gold, Silver or White filling. ‘ To remove mlsapprehensinn. he hogstu an- nounce that all work \Vm'i‘anted what it 5 Guaranteed to lle, or no charge. Teeth. Extracted; with the least possihlo pain. N.B.â€"I'artfes requiring Artificial Tomb are requesfid [9 Call and Examine Specimens. When he will be prepaied to Professional Calls, or make good previously warranted. Particular anemia” paid to the Regulation ofCHILDREN’S TEETH. [ES-1:366“! insortedfifienper thanbyany Other Dentist in the Province. Newmarket. June 9, 1865 lsome volnnie. (illustrated) . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (proâ€" fusely Illustrated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scollmid............ . . . . . . . . . . Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works, in one handsome volume . . . . , , . . . . Paleg’s Complete Works. in one hand- } some volume...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Smith’s, Rev. James. 'Our Heavenly Father; or, God a Refuge and Strength ;’ ‘ Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ' Welcome to Jesus :’- "I‘he Better liandz’ “This do in Rememberance of Me. or Sacramen- tal li’leditation.~=;-;’'ii Important Ques- tions;’ ' The Great Comforter;’ 'The Morning Sacrifice :’ ‘ The Evening Sacrifice ;’ and ' Words of Comfort 9.x; Synge, inSorxpw,’ cloth 200 H *1 U: p.- 4 U1 'fiiIlil.s'./. 9...”. .' ..v. .v . ;. . '.123 ct: ouch. Riohmond Hill. June 9. 1865, l-tf BOOKS! Richmond Hill. June 9. 1865 SURGEON DENTIST, PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THF '0]: LI) N0 l‘lurcury Used. FOR .attend to any any operation

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