.. WW. 7 DE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has ï¬tted up his Grist and Flour Mil]. In a superior manner, and is now prepared 10 do GRISTING! On the shortest possible notice. He also takes this opportunity of returninghis sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received during the past six years, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. NB. A choice lot of Hams, Bacon. and Barrel Pork, for sale. GEO. ARKSEY. Richmond Hill. August 5, 1862. I’ll-2n) East Riding York and Township of MarKham AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES, UNION FALL SHOW MARKHAM VILLAGE, ON THE 9131:). October 1862?. All Entries to be made with the Secretary by the evening of the 8th October, or to be peremptory excluded. A. BARKER, Secretary. Markham, August 1. 1862. 193-2 Letters , Remainingin RICHMOND HILL PostOIIice AUGUS I‘ l, 1862. Arnold, William Butchart, Robert Iiissett. Andrew Cornish, Mr. Collie. Henry Duncan, Wm. Derham, Richard Elliott, Mary A. Finnie, Peter Fuller, Emma Graham. A, Grant. George Grey, Robert Hayes, Rev. Father I-Ially. Ann Johnson. Marv Keyworth. .lolln Knrscy. William Longs-tail", .lohn jr. Lawrence. Miss L.A. laurence, S C. McPherson, Mr. lot No. 38,1Itcon, Vaughan Nelson, Jeremiah I’owell,.bv’m. Junior SIIIIIII. W. 11, Steel, John M. Scag'or, Nancy Simpson. J. & IV. Simpson. James White, Wm, M. TEEFY. PM. RICHMOND HILI. County Grammar School. S UM M E R 'I‘ E R M. THIS INSTITUTION will Reopen on JIIONDA Y, the 11172 August, Under the I'lcadmastership of L, II. EVANS, Esq, B,A., 'I‘,C.T. M. TEEFY, Secretary B.G.S.T, Richmond Hill, July 31, 1862. 192-2 LARGE Ol’t SMALL SUMSI Money 1 Money 1 Money! r ‘0 LEND ml Mortgage, from 3 to 5 years. Apply to M r. A. \Vrznucu, Patent Ofï¬ce. ltank Ii-ilish North America Buildings, 'I‘o- mnto. C.\‘.". N 1}. Patents for Inventions secured. Toronto, July I. 1862. 188-6 A Work of Absorbinr Interest. . e Thrilling Adventures 2 AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS, By WAR {EN Vl’ll..l)\’\’OOD, Esq. T RAWN from the most eventful period of American History, and from the most authentic sources, these stories yet partake of all the wdd. weird, and fearful character of lo- mauce The volume contains the following. among others, McCullough’s Fearful Leap, The Bloody Block House, Poes’ Desperate Encountro with Big Foot. Adventures of Daniel Boone. Perilous Adventures in a Canoe, The Mystery at Lancaster, Davv Crockett’s Adventures, The Desperadocs’ Mistake, The Old Trapper in a Tight Place, The Wonderful Mistake, The Desperado and the Regulators, The Raiuger’s 'l‘hrilling Indian Adventure, The Fighting Parson, Horrors ofa llomburdmentâ€"â€"Norfolk in ’76, Fearful Advsnlure among the Guorillas, The Gamblers’ Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful EIICUUlliBl' with a llevr. General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. The .lllassacro at Fort Mimms, The White Ilorset‘uun, Black Dick and the Lynchers. Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil among the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisauna, Thrilling Escape from a Prison Ship, The Riflcmrtn of Chippawa, ’ Surprised by Guerillas, The Canadian Rebellion and Gen, Scott, A Dosperado's Thrillingr Adventures, How a Brave Man saved Detriot. A Desperado among the Mad Bags, The Indians and the Hollow Log, The 'I‘ravoller and the Arkansas Bully, A [face for Life, Thrilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The Murderer’s Ordeal, The Wolves and the Dal-key Fiddler. The Murdorer’s Creek, disc. &c. Everybody everywhere should get THRILLING AD VEN TUBES ! The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated with I‘wo Hundred new and original Engrav- ings, and will be sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt ofprico. Extra cloth $1.25. We are also Publishers of EVERYBODY’S LAWYER & COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby, Esq. Price. $1.25. THE HORSE AND HIS DIS- EASES. by Dr. Robert Jennings, V.S. Price, $1.25 - A THE FAMILY DOCTOR, By Prof. H. S. Taylor, M.D. Price, $1.00. SUNLIGIIT AND SHADOW, r "The POETRY OF HOME.†by Harry Pencil- ler. Price $l ()0 LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF T CARSON. The Great Western Hunter and Guide. Price $1.25. MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches. by 'Mrs. Hale. Price $1.00. Together with other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on applicatiou.- Books torwarked to any address, postage paid. on receipt of price. We also make PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in New variety- Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers, and others will do W011 to order a package of our books. They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular,and terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale- For single copies, or for terms in quantities, with other information apply to or address . JOHN EDWIN PO'I‘l‘ER, Publisher, 187, I No. 617, Sansom St' Philadelphia, Pa. l l BOATS! BOATS l 1' HE Subscriber offers for Sale SKIFFS, in good order,-â€"-ono quite new, 16 feet longâ€"the ether 13% feet May be seen at Richmond Hill on application to J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. 192 TWO July 30, 1862. Notlce. PARTIES are hereby cautioned against ' harbouring or crediting my Wife, HAN- NAH TEEL, she having left my bed and board without anyjust cause or provocation ; and I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract from the date hereof. HENRY TEEL. Victoria Square, Markham. July '22. 1862. some Ernst! Relief to, tit}? Afflicted x f IHE following Certiï¬cates are sufï¬cient guaranty to the public that HAW. Peek’s Eye Water Is an infallible remedy for Intiametl Eyes and Chilblatns We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used [-1. W. PECK’S EYE WATER, and find it to be a certain cure for Influmed Eyes and Chilbluins, and therefore would recommend it to the public, 11113 Robert Raymond Robert Hopper Jellies Bailey G. L. Boynton Mrs. M. .1. Raymond W. S. Pollock Miss J, Hinuce W. H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Richardson Robert Hewison Martin Nealion John Coulter Timothy Fogurty D. Bridgford, .l-P. W. P. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill, July 14, 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. 'l‘uc inflammation con- tinued ; tho 1)va suffered, and I began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. H. W Puck’s Eye “inter, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"~tlw Implication of which has eï¬bctert A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well‘. I have much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and recommend the use of Mr. Peck’s Eye Water to all persons afllicted with lntlamed Eyes. JOHN IIISLOP. w Richmond Hill. July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had a severe attack of inflammation in my right eye, and sutI'ered very much. I tried several re- medies, and obtained medical advice. but my eye continued to get worsr‘. I was recom- mended to call on Mr ll. W. Peck, who gave me a vial of his Eye Water; in three days I felt relief. and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and 1 have Inuch pleasure in stating that I believe it is Mr I’eck’s remedy that cured my eye. I have also re- commended the use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with com- plete success, J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the Post Office, Richmond Hill, price 26 cents per bottle. 194) Pl‘il’lï¬ed. Mingling IgEAUTIFUL Styles, Yard wide. and East ' Colorsâ€"oulvï¬d per yard, Please call and inspect the stock, At w. s. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Bernard’s) lIiClllliOllflIIlll. June 19, ’63. 186 trill: ORIGINAL IIBWE SEWING IIIIIIII'IINESI ESTABLISHED m 18:6:IIimrucrno m 1862. R now the most perfect before the public, and ECENT and important improvements hav- ingr been put to this Machine, renders i persons at a distance can order a M uchine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire ealisfacdtin. No more breaking needles 1â€" No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on No more missing stitches! the same Machine, either in camblic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers, tailors. hut Iindors, shoe binders. or gaitor ï¬t ting, as well as for. every variety of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. _ Address the IIO'lVE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York New York, June 20, 1863. prices. lSG-Iy A NEW STORY IN THE Scottish Anterictin Journal : A FIRST-CLASS INTERNATIONAL NEV’VSPA PER. ( N May 9, 18653. was commenced a new story in the Scorrlsn AAMLRICAN JoUuâ€" NAL, entitled: DELLBURN HOUSE. A. Tale of the Scottish Rebellion of 1745, BY THE AU'lHOR 01“ ‘ Chaptersfl'mn (he Life 0/ Jas. Trzc/cct.’ This talc will prove to be one of the most in- teresting ever published. and cannot fail to be appreciated by all classes of readers. The Scorrisu AMERICAN JOURNAL is a paper peculiarly adapted to meet the requirements of the British people and their families from all parts of the old country resident on the Ameri- can continent. It is, in fact, a family paper in the highest and best sense of tho term. Its Home and Foreign News is amply given and carefully prepared, from a wide range of British and foreign SOIII'CPS, and omits no fact or fea- ture calculated to interest its readers. whether ladies or gentlemen : so that the SCOTTISH AAI‘L‘RICAN JOURNAL contains (presented in a concise and readable form) all the local, per- sonal, and political intelligence which could be only found scattered over a vast number of Scotch, English, Irish. and Continental news- papers. Another most important teaturo of this journal is, that it gives the lending articles of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the principal topics of the day. In reference to the ‘ editorials ’ of the Sco'ri'Isir AMERICAN JOURNAL, it is a significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extract. ing from its columns. and declaring that the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published in America.â€" A well-digested weekly summary is also given of the principal items of American news. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER ANNUM. Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinczs may remit their subscription in Provincial money; odd change in Provincial Post Ofï¬ce stamps. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid for $3, or 135. sterling per annum. Subscriptisons for the current year are now being received, and should be forwarded With- out delay to . A. M. STEWART. 37 Park Row, New York. l N... ..,,v.,.,,._,, My RAM, _, In“ I ,u “â€" HENRY. GRIST, DEPARTMENTAL 8!. PARLIAMENIARY {:10 AGENT, QUILImCH NVESTIGATES and ADJUSTS CROWN LAND CLAIMS, SECURES PATENTS, procures information obtainable from any of the Public Departments, TAKES OU‘I‘ I’A'I‘EN’i'S OF INVENTIONS, RE- GISTERS TRADE MARKS AND DE- SIGNS. TAKES CHARGE OF PRIVATE BILLS during their passage through the Legislature, 6w. For parties who are unable to devote their own time to such business or unwilling to in- cur the expense of travelling to Quebec, Business with the Crown Land and other Government Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can be transâ€" acted in a few days. and at a small cost. by employing a resident agent. AddreSS, post-paid. to ’ HENRY GRIS'I‘, Box 344, P.O., Quebec. Quebec. June 12, 1862. 185-11 For Sale, CULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- tory of Mr, Julius EcKAnD'r, Unionville ; may be had cheap. Enquire at this Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, June 6, 1862. 183. - ’ 0 Health. Happiness,&1.ongl.lte RE within the reach of all, by the use of , DR. BUCI'IAN’S VEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c,, &c.-â€" Cules are daily made, and their efficacy proved l in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street, Bow Street. 650, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clorgymen. and others, Dr. Buchan’s Sugar~00ated Sarsaparilla ‘ Pills. It is a WELL-KNOVVN FACT that SARâ€" SAI’ARILLA is the greatest puriï¬er of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels regulnrll~And DEFY the DOCTORIII These Pills strike at the rootof each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incxdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion. Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Corns plziints. General V’Veakness,Gout, Ithueina- tism, Lumbago. Pains In the Limbs, Ilead- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. Those Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac, cumulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitatede not de- lay ! a clean Stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body, and blood are pure. from regulatin and cleansing the bowels, health is certain, legin 'at the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial ofthese Pills will force conviction. I Sold in bottles. at Is, 15d, SS. 911., 4s. 6d., and 11s. Dr. Buehan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NE {AL W EAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate wrtb magical rapidity the mest De- hilitatcd Constitution. thereby ensuring perma- nent. health, increased strength, energy, and a choubled development of the muscularsvstem. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible reiiledy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression of spi. rits, diminution of vital energy, emaciation, and for all female complaints, This medicine not'only restores health and strength a! once, but increases the natural vigour of man in. youth, maturity, and old age The properties of this invaluable re-invigoraling Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticnlar vital fluid; its action is 1'Icvcrâ€"feiling, and in perfect accordance with the laws of par ture. As the falling rain vivifies the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat.‘ 4s. 6d., 11s., or four quantities in one, 333. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE ()INI'MENT, Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores, Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer. Manv thousands have used it. and declare it to be “the best in the world.†It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds orsore's and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter, but will first bring all to the surface, and ï¬nally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the t'ollowing--I’iles, Boiles, Bruses, Excoriations, lllotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms. Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chapâ€" ped Hands, Chafed and Blistercd Feet, Corns. Bunions, Cliilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds, (Int-r, Bites, Freckles. Slings, Scrot‘ula, King’s Evil. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contrac‘od and Sliï¬' Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore 'l‘hroats. Scurvy, Sore Heads. Rash, 'l‘u- monrs. Old and deep-sealed Ulcers, Wounds, Worms. Itch, disc, Is. 11d. and 9d. per pot. Pa.eut Medicine VVarohouse, 19, Berners SKIN street, Oxford street, London. Wholesale Agentszâ€"Iiarclay dz. CO., 75, Earring:an street; may be had at the office of this paper, am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 186-2. 182. Advertising Essential to Business VVEBBER. Europeon and Colonial Ad- vertising. and General Mercantile, Shipping and Railway Agent, VVELLINGTON S'rnmn'r, Touonro. C.W., receives Advertise- ments for all Newspapers and Periodicals pub- lished either in the Canada. British Columbia. Europe. or the States. FAcknowledged Agent for this paper. 182 BEG T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Shore, Ylllll Illlll', AMERON’S Block, opposited II, B. ‘ WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Yongc 5' e Queen Streets, ARE REBUILT, OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTMENT, Is continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders, with which we may be entrusted, BOOTH &. SONS. Toronto, May 11, 186%. 1594,, LAND' .eWIQJVE Y! flIOv’VE 1‘4 TO 1NVEST.at8 percent, in sums of$100 and upwards, upon Farm Property. Only principals need apply, WM. T. BOYD, Barrister, &c. v King St. Toronto. Toronto, Juney6, 1862. 1854 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and ' EX- HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel. just published, price 18. ‘HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent Impediments to Marâ€" riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect resrora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibilitv of contamination. Also to be had from all Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R. & L. PERRY & C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, Berners, Street, Oxford Street. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public against any person using their narne,,atj_gl as a. further precaution against fraud. the Public is notiï¬ed that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unleSS the suhjoined facâ€"similic of their signature is attached to their diï¬'ereutflwmp. pers. GEN ’aA'rIvr. «So Museums Powca REGAINED BY THE USE OF Perri/“s Cordial Balm of Syrwcum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATOR; a neVer-failing remedy for Spormatorrhtc, loss of manly power, produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have, deemed themseIVes incurable at once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 11s. per bottle, or four quantities in one, 33s,, which saves its. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 12s. PERRY’S CONCENTRA'I‘ED DETER. SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the head and face, eit- largement of the throat, tonsils, and uvula; its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price lie. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa saving- of 115. I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COI’AIBA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedv Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c., at once cure, without the possibi- lity of failure, Gonorrhaca. obstinate Gleet, Sti'icture. etc, immediately subduing all in- flammatorv action; Encasezl in sugar. free from tastebr smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. Hmvm I)EPENDS UPON I’Uur. FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Beils. Blotches, Pimples on the face~and body. &c. Price lls. and 33s. per box. Sold at Messrs. It, dz L. Puunvdz. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19,-Berners Street. Ox- ford Street, London, ‘ Agents: BARCLAY & CO., 75, Farringdon Street, London. May 23, 1862. r1 v '1 ’ r m IIIL VICIORIA TEA were rat-rovers No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN,- Is the place in Toronto, to buy pure llill ti lllllllll "fill, 181’. 0. LAWSONJS one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-bu‘ers in the trade. but from the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- abling him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE 0N COST, Fulï¬lling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns ;†a'so in COFFEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices AND lllllll llllllll 1 He cannot be undersold. iiiï¬ BISOUETS AND ' “fix a r "F. 7.3:; I w r "a or (DOD alt-sleaTdIDtNiblltLI! Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all being manufactured on the premises, from the best material by ï¬rst-class workmen. Iced and Ornamented “’eddiu: and (Ether Cakes Always on hand or made toorder in any style on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch All Goods warranted as repre- sented, and delivered free of charge to the cars or in the city limits, of; NO SECOND PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"â€" No. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprieta. 167â€"6m Toronto, Feb. 5, 1862. l NOVV OBSERVE, THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- stafl'. will find it to their advantage to cold and pay as soon as possible. MME. DEMOREST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS, THE SUMMER NUMBER CONTAINS Four Large & Splendid Fashion-Plates 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES COMPRISING THE New French Waist, an Elegant SLEEVE, AND A MISSES SACK, AND A SHEET 0]“ NEE‘V AND BEAUTIFUL Braid and Embroidering Patterns OGETHER with nearly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses. 61.0., and valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Ladies generally. pre- senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, publishep 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cents. or sent by mail pos‘t free, on receipt of the amount, in stamps or silver, Yearly $1, with the following valu- able premium : _ Each yearly subscriber will be cntided to a receipt for the selection of Sllcts. worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book. or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Splendid inducements to Canvassers. 113 Summer number now ready. R. H. EGS leave to intimate that he has REMOVED the Stock of the RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand’s DDITIONS TO HIS STOCK.- Hotel, and has receive LARGE A in a New Stand _â€"~â€"â€"- us 1 l H A L L Which Will be iound complete, comprising . DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, 8m. 8L0. Also, a complete TEAS, COFFEES, SUG at the very Ion/est prices. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1862. coNsrsTmG or ARS, SPICES, FRUITS, ‘Which have been carefully selected, bought for Cash, and will be sold for the same Just received BENZINE SPIRITS, thebest substitute for Spirits of Turpentine in paints.- Also, Furniture and , Co’ach VARNISHES’ House Painter’s JAPAN, Soc. ,, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMER‘Y, BRUSHES, SEEDS, DRUGGâ€"ISTS FANCY GOODS, 8L0. x sroon or .Guocnmns t P t TOBAccos 178-6m UNIONVILLE l “I um 'i Ԡl'- , 'm m- "1 it, , I I ‘1 ii I l . “lb % lb- GEORGE EAKIN KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, GIGS, &C. All Worï¬arranted. REPAIRING DONE ON THE SHOR TEST NOTICE! AND ON THE MGS'I‘ REASONABLE TERMS. Unionville, April 13, 1862. 177-3m WILLIAM “ toner}, seam, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COPPERSMITH, ’ BB AZER, TIN . Angci Iron Plat W011? 111’, y ANUFAC'I‘URES and Sells every Article in the above line, and has bad the .A. pleasure of supplying both the Navy and Army in England and out of England before he touched the shores of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating the Royal Hotel and every house on the Royal Terrace at VVeymouth, England, on his own responsibilityâ€"takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in generalwnot forgeting those Stove Merchants and Steve p Culvbecause mo pmpflemnEDWARD Pedlers in Hamilton and Ncwmarket who have so kindly patronized me and my’sons ' while we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues 1 o manufacture every article In the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. {If}: All 1170176 lermnted and attended to with d€3patcfl. ’ticbmond Hill, March 7, 1862. SCHOOL N 171*3m KS! 1365 GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE †YORK HERALD†OFFICE, AT PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December 20,1861. 160 IEAIIQIWEEEhS 1 SINGLE OR DOUBLE! HARNESS z' z HEAVY OR LIGH'I WELL-MADE AND DURABLE! MAY BE HAD 0F M-"Iuht % r II, ll. I. ll . t , ‘ lit ., ' illlu 'IIIIIIIIIII It I llit l'llII I w ’1 111 l ‘ VIIIIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of \VIIIPS, LASl-IES, 82c. constantly on hand. Collars wart-an ed to Fit, Look a: Wear Vl’ell. Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8; Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landst'des, 8/0. {1:}: Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 2:: at W M. HARRISON’S ’ 151-3m GARGLING OIL SUPERB EDED. KIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Gem my .011, or any other Medicine now before the Pancho, for Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Galls, and 8.11 names to Horseflesh. Good for men and beast. _ Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drillers m Medici-fl crmAr FOR oasis : f II‘IE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers, whp have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of five years. would state that he continues to manufacture, ACRES, 7 Acres cleared, joining the village of “ A'l‘ IIIS OLD STAND,†BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description, and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style, and hopes by close attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has on hand quite an assortment of LADIES’ 86 CHILDREN’S BOOTS 86 SHOES which he offers LOW for Cash: ' JAMES VERNEY. Ricbmtnd Hill, April 17, 1862. I 177-6m J. B. ï¬ceG-ier, OUN'I‘Y Censtable,-â€"~Landlord’s Warrants executed. Rents and Debts collected on i the shortest possible notice. Addreswï¬icbmond Hill KO. ‘ J UST RECEIVED. another lot of 17 Richmond Hill. April 1862. Cheap Leghorn Hats! All Sizes, from 25 to 25 Gd eachâ€"worth 3s 9d each. ' At W. S. PULLOCK’S: (Late G, A, Bernard’s) Richmond Hill, June 19, ’62. 186 _mâ€"â€"__ m.) women 2 OR SALE in the Township of ESSA, Lot No. 2, in the 1st Concession. 200 Allistown. Either the whole lot or 100 acres will be sold to Stilt purchasers. For further particulars apply to ANDREW JAMIESON, Vaughan, postrpaid to Kline- burg, P.()., or to JOHN McLEAN, Clover Hill, P.0. Vaughan, April 4, 1862. 175-3m. O Buy at IEIOme FLEMING {EUCKLAND’S GARDEN SEEDS. HESE SEEDS may be rely upon as be- ing genuine, having been selected with great one by the above firm,-â€"-Seedsmen to the Provincial Agricultural Aesociationâ€"«and which are sold much cheaper than those irn- ported. For Sale at the ‘ HERALD ’ BOOK, STORE, 1'76 -~\..-,:.7.: :.-..,,:’.‘.V~.. ' '- ~"v‘"l‘<iv* Inw» »-~-. . lCheap Boots and Shoe E Subscriber begs to intimate to the in- H , _ habitants of Riehm that he has leased the and Hill and vicinity, Shop of : Mr. Ruben . Lee, Where he intends to carry on the BOOT and SHOE business in all its branches. Mr. Lee's customers will have the same at- tention given to their'work as fermerly. All workdone at the lowest remunerating- prices. . A RICHARD DURHAM. ' Richmond Hill,.April IO, ’62. ' ' I For Sale "or to Rent. COM MODIOU S self-contained HOUSE situated in the vicinity of Rwan HILL. containing 4 Bed-rooms, Parlor and' Kitchen. with other Outbuildings, There is also an Acre'of Land, and another Acre can be leased adjoining. ‘ ‘ For further particulars apply at the ' HERALD’ Office. Richmond Hill, March 6. 1862. 1714f. JUST RECEIVED, a fresh , edition of SANGSTER'S ELEMENT. ARY ARITHMETIC. at. tho “HERALD†Book Store, Richmond Hill. WM norouRAPHSI PHOTOGRAPHS l The Cheapest and Best ' Ambretype and Photograph GALLERY 1N CANADA, ill Ilirliiilmsl. TORONTO, Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. 125-11 TEETH, TEETH 1 For Eight Dollars. . 1 ‘ DR. N .1 Pilot; 0 o - ’ Surgeon Dentist,- I"IAS just imported some of the moat DOL- LAR Block Teeth. which he will insert for that sum if required, being the same kind as inserted by S. N Peck. and made by the same man. He also keeps the best qualily of 'l‘eeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver. Plateuum. or Nulcunized Rubber, CHANG-E OF ADVERTISEMENT. Dr 1’1th will be at Richmond Hill. . . . . _ . . . 1st day of each month Maple, . . . . . . .........3rd day ofeach month Kleinburg,. . . . . . . . . . . .5lll dfll’ 0f 630“ momh I Glareville, . . . . . . . . . . . . 6th day of each month Aurora, . . . a, . . . . . . the last day of each month (Except when any of the ab‘ve days come on. Sabbath, when he will attend the day following) When he will be happy to wait on any re- quiring his services in any branch of his pro- fusion. or make good any work previously warranted. ' Teeth extracted for those not able to pay, free. 1 Aurora. Julie 20.. 1862 168-1? Blackwood’e Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS 2 SCOTT 8:. CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :â€"â€" 1 THE LONDON Qumran LY (Conservative) 2 THE ED1NBURGH REVIEW (WI.ng '3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (rm Church.) I 4 run wasrumsrcï¬ REVIEW (Libel-a1.) J. BLACKVVOOD’S EDINBURGH MAG]! ZINE, (Tory,) The presont critical state of European nï¬bire will Ionder thesn publications univarsally in- teresting during the forthcoming“ year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hast lily writen news-items, crude speculatiens, and . flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pone derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of tho great political events of the time shall hava passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intellie gible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well-established literary, scientiï¬c, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration 01'th reading public. E A R. L}? COPIES. The receipt of Advance Sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now b0 placed in the hands of subscribers about an soon as the original editions. TERMS : For any one of the four Reviews,. . . For any two of the four Reviews. . . . . . . For any three of the four Reviews,. . . . . For all four of the Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . For Blackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . For Blackwood and one Review, . . . . . . .. For Blackwood and two Reviews,.. . . . .- For BluckWood and three Reviews,. . . .. 9 (to For BlackWOud and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in. the State when; issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from the , above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering." four or more wines of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review, will be sent to one address for 959; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. N13 -'-The price in Great Britain of the ï¬re Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any ofthe above publications should always be addressed, postâ€"paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD, SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York. Dec. 5, 1861. *3 {e ‘2 qgmocuevw§ 2888888! I“ For Sale: CHEAP ’or Cash or anprovod Credit, A . Ten~horse power TIâ€"IRESIIING MA- CHINE with Cleaner: also :1 Spell of TEAM HORSES. good to work. Apply to JOHN AMOSS, Lot. 11,2nd Con. Markham March ‘27. 1862. 174 176 . supply of newt '