Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 8 Aug 1862, p. 1

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, din 1‘ link V finale 4 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the eat-lies mails, or other conveyance.- when so desired The , YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, ‘and the greatest care will be taken to renderit acceptable to the man of business, and a‘valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Sewn and Sixpence perAn‘num, IN summon ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. ...__..._.___.__._ ' I ,»-._,_,.- NAVAL am), MILITARY Fortune or - FRANCLL~1n1~be papers which the‘. Government has presented to Parlja r ament there are several reports from r Captain *Hore' on the" strength o'frhe French navy. "AT the beginning of this year he reperts that France had 319 i steam: vessels- afloai‘t, a’ndr‘ll‘lt) sailing;- ;ivessels,,_jsnfu ‘thatftireiei were 4 i ‘vessqisfeaiitiihg; = i ' or“ ’i’hé‘ ships th eyn‘ ai‘loi‘i‘l' ‘4’3 ’Weré; ' ships 1 ofithe‘lltie’,‘ and 71 frigate....11‘There were in? e iron-plated “iii 'iafes_,,h‘ ii '1‘ joy..- plated i‘loaiiiftggot,~ " HILL , iiiiVOoATE-i AND imagines. , AURORA. AND ‘ - RICHIOND __ ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Mâ€"wâ€"dvâ€" _ Sixlines and under, first insertion . . . . . $00 50 ' 0 Each subsequent insertion" . . . . . . . . . (ll) 12% No' 36' Ten litres and under, first insertion.. . . . 00 75.} 1 Above ten lines, first lii.. per line.... 00 07 i I ‘ Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . 0H 02 [13’ Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- iiigly. I All transitory advertisements, from strangers cr'irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad. vertlsing by tlicyear. NW W,r\f\.a"~ar\/ . i A , " ,Tfilnivr‘s $1 on maniacs. . . . i. . idly e,r,i,es,,-_,.1' 9:; Ofsu’ch frigates 3 more of the batteries. ;.-.illld»f. oi. as Captain Hore repeated that 7 ironi- plated floating batteries badjust been commenced at Borbcaux and Nantes. 1n the same monthuho statesthe number. of men at 46,381: Tbc'normal budget for the nary was £7,748,249,- and tbeextracrdi-t narv £680,000, but that, was int‘l’ev'l pendendent of the expense for a(trilo- nlal stations. The Frenchhatréfi‘ié t‘ Lethozmd Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” RICHNIU N 1)" {1.1L 1., F AY, ,AUGUST-S, i fl... 'HOTEL CARDS. ligblful to have some one alwayslwith her ownâ€"-by one whols gifted ready to attend her. 'W'as therenoble,und‘cultivated-â€"-oneto whom a party in Winter, she knew tliatlshe can look up as her superior-~-l William B would-invite her; whom shecan lean upon and cling Was there a pic-iiic in summer, there to with a true woman’s perfect was no danger that she Would be trust. ’ . obliged to stay atihome. She was True love -is not a fancyâ€"not K alOnc induced them, homes at least would be exempt from misery. Sorrow and affliction might visit them, but wretcliedncss Would, be ever a stranger.- He who cornplains that discord and darkness are the in" mates of his dwelling, need not ask VWMW‘ va - pitta]. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL RICH AM) NICHOLLS, Proprietor. A WIFE To HER HUSBAND, / LARGE HALL l8 COImeCled Wltll lhls Linger not long! ,Home is not home Wllhout Hotel for Assemblies. Balls. Concerts, Meetings. io'Lc, A STAGE leaves this Hotel every morning lllflfif 0 Its dearest tokens only make me mourn ; All advertisements published for aless pe- riod than one month, must be paid for iii ad- vance. for Toronto, at 7 am. Toronto at half-past 3. 03" Good Stabling and a careful Hustler in :_ returning, leaves Ohl let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return. Linger not long! ‘ young, and gi‘iy,’alld thoughtless, a dreamâ€"but‘a‘ reality-~51 beautiful and whose fault was it that she thought only of the present, and reality, indeed. but not the less ti realityâ€"Land 'the most ' i‘efiiil'ngfarid the cause..-.Love has never taken up hisabode‘ there. ' _ y " ", , Ellen lesions” undue-ares not, for avlso steamers that can be taken to pieces for easy transport. They have also a small vessel” ~'ibout- 80 All letters addressed to the Editor must be waiting. prepared not for'tlilf future? . exalting of all earthly influences companionships. . The world has no feetlongan'dlwci“ {get wideflr-«W. post paid. d. . d H H Richmond l-lill,Nov. 7, 1861. 14.5.1132 Lingernotlongg Though crowds she'd woothy Her pareii’t? that;th VV a uptin= the fluâ€"{nah heart and soul â€"â€" temgtatLons 01‘ seductionlsl Whgch mg only 2 feet}; inches,- the, object Nora?“ {89“}“mlle. "l" ’1 al‘rfim‘fisesnre ‘ ‘”“"_“'”'â€""“‘_T ‘ sia-m , g " ‘good match or ‘ lenâ€"-â€"his father Like all other precious metals,it has won d ave power to a tire or is to Obtain rear ower‘b we use 33%;“;iifbiaeiiiiiduxiidiliftifevi‘btlldlld Illn’ Baillith gfiles; can the mirth offriends,though was rich; ‘ he belonged to a good many counterfeits, and it is those now- She has plenty 0f fOOd f0" 0 of two scrcvglts tindpa light di’aught Of scription. L l ) " dear, family ;’ he. was ‘clever in busi- which gives the false impressions thought, is 'qulet and content. water” From the middle oflhe the MZWVWWWWMM WE Summibmbegs ,0 Mann,“ pub“, C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for“... g,.,.,f,hyi,,,,g delaying ness,’ and thougnh a little wild, concerning the genuine c0iu.- Eugene dePal’le‘l 0“ board the ship aft she is divided in") "‘70 POP THE YORK HERALD that be has leased the above Hotel. would sober down when he was fairly married, and make a ‘good provider’ and ‘kind liusband’-â€"-â€" ‘good enough for any glrl.’ They Costs the heart that sighs to have thee here? steamer 13-“, and listen to the St!- c-r-ifice he has made for such a bride. He wiil’part With the home of his childhood and relinquish a life of, There‘ are mauv-â€"-Very manyâ€"â€" who go all the world through life without learning its value, "Without any conception of its meaningsâ€"~â€" tions, and there are three keels; from the middle of the vessel the centre keel rises gradually near to the taffrail, and other two are con- where he willkeep constantly onhand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. .As ' this house possesses every accommodation li'a- vel ers can desire. those who wish iostuywlicre they can find every comfort are respectfully iii- Btiok and Job Printing, ESTABLISMENT. Linger not long i Linger not 'longl Howshall I watch thy coming, As evening shadows stretched o’er moor and (‘ RDERS for any of the undermeiitioned description 0" “MUN 3"” FANCY 30” vited to give him a call. do”, We”? Pleased Wlll‘ ll!” “We “see? Some, because they are net capable 9336:“ lie Will leave all that ts deaf tinned. Thus the nfterpart ofthe WORK “1]le froml’tll'."”'°"ded to "â€" Cflll‘f‘.l"l‘lUb,VyAN .NOS'WAND' When the wild bee hath ceased her busy mg the” daufll'ler"0"ly dilllgl'llel'tofit. whose natures are tOO'C’Oarse to mm from early asSOClallons and vessel becomes divided, and. has the BOOKS, imAiscv sums, BUSINESS cums, LARGE Richmond lllll- DOC-2’3- lsml' 108.13, humming, “8.5lle “msâ€"do so we”? and gave to become a dWclllng-place f0!" boyllOOd,sdreamr'cOme-lo aSll‘ange appearance Of iWO vessels joined 5‘ A N [1 SM A LL 1" OS'l'l‘il’iS, CIKCU LA “5, LA“’ FORMS. _________ __, nu ‘__A_-b_.. __-L_._.,___.__.__.._.,_ him their encouragement and ap- probation. Bui. Ellen did not look upon it so seriously; she liked his attentions, land and struggle for independence -â€"-bccausc it seems to a fair young girl a more noble and more manly life. Is not love stronger than ambition â€"â€"is it not holler, tool A few days have passed,and there come rumours of a fearful storm at sea. It is said vessels must be lost that were far out, and Ellen knows that Eugene could not have reached the port ere the tempest swept over a short distance above the water- line. A model ofa frigate on the same plan has been made. The re- port of the state of the army in France is by Colonel Claremont. He describes the available military force at the beginning .Of this year as consisting of-446,548 regulars em- bodied, the rescrvc 170,000 men, the National Guards 265,417, making 881.965, and the contingent of this Ard silence hangs on all things like a spell? ought SO delicate and pure; and many because the life-links are formed ere the heart has learned ts BILL H 1‘2AUS,BANK CHECKSJHLAFTS, AND PA MP 111.14) '1' S. YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. A G001; supply of Wings and Liquors How shall IWatch for thee when fears grow always on hand. Excellent AccUtiimo- stronger. dation for 'l‘ravellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, June 6. 1859. 25-1y Linger not long! And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS _ PRlNTlNG done in the beststylc. at moderate rates. Our assortitieiit of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofnew. Fancy Type and lloidt-i-s, lor Cards, Circulars .t‘lt c. kept always on hand ,necessities; and then marriage, its She i“30‘3le llls Pl‘eselllsi scarcely duties, and seclusion kinle shield ll'lllll‘lng "f “m consequences. He them from cornmunion with those loved henâ€"‘3!“ She knew ll; alld,who might have inspired the true Sl!" “tough! She “lied lllm ‘ We” love, which becomes like burning 7 ' . . enough *"lf She Should find 00.0“? love in the bosom, where it must be she liked better. she supposed they would some day be married. But This was something far off'in the fu- As night grows dark, and darker on the hill! How shall I weep,when I can watch no longer? Oh! art thou absentâ€"art thou absent still ? Linger not long ! “'“T Yet 1 should grieve fluctuates fittft‘ttbt‘g). KING 8]". EAST, NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE. TORONTO. C.W. smothered and concealedâ€"cspcci- not, though the eye that ' ally where it would be sin toindulgc ,seeth me, NVm/p rc r»_. \./ \AA/CA Ar\d\ l-v va‘>' Gazeth through tears that makes its splendor . ' it. v year he takes at about 70,000 men; ‘ fl 7‘ l‘ 1 _ ' - a . ' o , I - . MLDlLAL CAllllS- _ JOIIZV IUJLLS, Proprietor. dull; _ lure , she tried not to dwell upon it, In Etienrs bosom [here is a fierce the waters. Day after day'siie lifl: but, smco then, many men entitled -«MA~MM~M~~~vw~~~~~~~m~A-~~»-»~~~~;MWW ‘ ' _.._ ' Forohl [sometimes fear when thou art with thinking it sufficient to criJOy the snug lie, She has learned to look lens) bUt ‘ the“: me “0 “(hugs ; l0 lllell‘ dISChal'go a! thee end or DR. H Good Establiiig attached and attentive Hostlers m0. present. -' day aner day She takes u” papers have been at once . upon her obligations to W as Those who looked on consulered amounting m an cngagenmm_~and ll ‘1 33mm! filial", “Dd llle village the consequence of tii'mtillinor it she .‘JOSSlPS sald 'll WOUld b0 Sllamellllllknt‘iws too well. Her friend; could deal “amewbm ll ls l“ Valn' No if she were flirting all this time ;lconsider it unpardonablc, and he to , messenger ever l'UlUl’lledlmm the Sl' but they WOUld not wonder if all whom she is‘ thus bound would be lent deep to the boson-‘3 WhiCll were came to nothing? Ellen, though desperate. But now that she has rent with anguish. All went down not handsome, had other qualities learned the nature (,i‘such a He, and in the darkness. which were sure to excite envy lullearned the love of which she is ca- For Ellen there is no sympathy the year struck off, and the Moniteur of the 25th ult. stated the active army as numbering 409,000 men, with a re- serve of 200,000, and of course the Nationl Guard. There are 20,000 supernumerary army horses lent to farmersâ€"-’-a valuable reserveâ€"the keep ofwhlch costs the country notho always in attendance. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons Tomm’ November ,6,“ _ England, . - . o. Opposite the Elgiii Mills, Ja m e S M a as e y, l lilClmlllND HlLL- {Late of the King 2: Head. London, Eng.) 127-bp N0. 26 West Market Place. 'l‘OltON'llO. My cup of happiness is all too full! l57-tf Linger not long 1 to her room, to search with aching heart and streaming eyes for one Hasteâ€"haste thee home into thy mountain May 1' i861, dwelling! "Win-illuâ€" N] i’tEifi, Mi), CUR. OF YONGE 8!. CDLBURNE STS., TllUltNll lLL. Haste as a bird into its peaceful nest. Haste as a skifllwheu teinpests wild are swelling Flies to its haven of securcst rest 1 Even‘ accommodation for Farmers and others attcndiii Market GoodStablin . Lin or not lou l g g g g â€"-â€"- 113" Dinner from 12t020’clock. 167 f’nmllllll “Oll'lpillllonsi “lid VVlllllH'U ' ptiblc. and Without which she must “for “one ll‘d “smiled lo the Parl‘ log. The army vote for 1863 is (,{lznnsiilmlionp in “*0 will“: fliexmomgnss m“- M.-. _-.- “71---- u , _ ~ 7 â€" -â€" a A v Was considered by many *aliogoâ€" be wretched, she revolts from the tug words which were so sweet to stated at£14,715,569, beside; an ex. 0 oestrus. "iiursdai's nii< caiurtays to _ K‘Vio , ,. , . . ,.i . “y, ‘ ,s - ~ 7, Y H , l .1- and h. - Secret is in her . . ‘ . .. . ' - 10, W. [13’ All Consultations in the blilce, Hullter’s Hotel. 4] Itvmmw‘ the] [Oi good fot hti. And she mum. of giving he! “and “hem 110* l“ t 0’ "Jo‘dm‘l‘l “Sl‘male 0f £395,560 9 owu bosum. in this there is conso- lation, thoâ€"for now she will bear no more rcproachcs for Mr fickle- ncss, no condemnation for her inâ€" fidelity. ‘ q ' She is pale and sad, but no one diviues the cause; and now again exrltcment becomes necessary to drown thought and satisfy hercrav- ing nature. She dreads to leave Udell. Tiltiiiiliill, April 9, ’59. likcd very well to defy them : SOllieai‘t can ilcver go. she, rod, and walked. and tnlkccl,‘ and let every body know she should. dons slic plcnscd. V \Vhilc she was walking and talks the expenditure for the current year isabout £15.659,380. crittersâ€"@satbsus, ‘ .._. . lllllRiinllG Will A lilllllll. â€"... 176 ESAAC BOWMAN, M. 1)., Graduate ot'tiiti University of Vic Cell. 6: l’roriucitil licciitiiite, l ASsottled (permanently) at TiioraHiLL. ~ where he can be consulted at all lllllFS on the val ions branches of his piofcsslon ex- cept when absent on business. She thinks she would willingly irelinquish the hope of happiness, if she could be released from the cor- . _ ,_,, tainty of misei'v. She has but just will and making llclile'l QWWEb'C’ begun to pass through the ordeal. her lover was bettering himself bc-l which is preparing {07.1mm and has loved, and trusting tl-izitbis alto , 1 , . “‘lyct learned nothing of temptation lions would not be i‘ct:0ivcdâ€"â€"-lcclâ€" .md “.m ' ing, as he did, that they could not f Willi Subscriber!)ch to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, where he williieup constantly on hand a good supply Ol'first-claSs Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accoiiiiiiodalioii 'l‘iave llers caii'l desire, these who wish to stay where they can i find every comfort are respectfully invited. to l (51”. ECONOM Y IN S MALL THINGS ‘ Do you love illml’ ‘ NUâ€"leld I do not pretend to love himâ€"l have told him it thousand times i tlid not love liiiiil ‘ Then wha' marry lilm l’ Few persons properly reflect on the importance of economy in little things. Supposing two commence, W_ \VES'FVUAL say at fifteenâ€"4119 one to pay three Corner obeui'cb and Stanley Sis, 179-l mmrmfimmu LAW CARDS. W5. TEEFY, CUMMlSSlUi‘lEfi llil THE QUEEN’S BENCH CUNVEYAXCEK, AND DIVESION COURT AGENT, lllClll‘illlNU lllLl. POST (L‘Fl’lCE. ,kG REES! l‘jN'l‘S. Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. I promptitude. 'l‘lioriililll, May, lodtz, “vcv. y. .r -.r.~_-.\ V.M.v~ \Vllls, 63:0, 020., (ll’illVll \t'ltll tittt-iitloii and Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. 145~ly Ti 1 if) \V ELL-KNO W V LACK Hoses HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolph, Cor. of Palace 8; George Sts. 1" 5 ' LtF'i‘ OF TH E M.‘J'IK1£T,] 'l ORONIO. ill build cox, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stubling attached. Siostlers always lll attendance. 'l‘i'iisty ‘We are engaged, and l cannot .mcct the Cciisurc which would be cast upon me if 1 Were to break an engagement! A ti‘licr, a flirt~ what Would they not call me, were ‘I' to reject him now P’ ‘ To be sure, all this you would have to bear, and it would seem al most lnsuppoiinblc in your eyes; but is not all that preferable to o lllcâ€"-u long lifeâ€"bf such misery as is the certain doom of marriage be niisundcrstoodâ€"unlcss she who permitted them was sincere. There- fore he, too. considered it a settled Many weeks Ellen has passed in almost daily intercourse with her new fiicnd. ,Shc has become in- toxicated with happiness, has for- a serious thought to the stzbject.â€"-â€"- mule." her only vow’ the Wllmmgs When she was tallied. she rallied (’Hneml" and awe” herself up lo again, and went gully Oi. .is before. She had never been out of her native village-her heart had never been tried. She did not know the meaning of loveâ€"would that she had never learned! the absorbing interest of her new life. leaving the past and the future Intake care of themselves. Admi- ration has no longer any charms for her : she is a true woman, and the. devotion of one heart is worth more the city and its busy scenes for the quiet of her country homoâ€"but the spring has come. and she has no ex- cuse for remaining. ‘Elleh S has returned.’ says the village gossips, ‘and it is just as I told you. William B is not grand enough for her now, with her ncw-fangled city notions. She hardly speaks to himâ€"â€"-l presume she has a new beau! Well, no cents a day on tobacco, the other to lay aSide that sum, and at the end of each year put the amount at compound interest at six per cent; supposing both to continue the pi‘ric- . ties to the end of life. The differ- ence will be indicated by the follow- ing table, which gives the amount at intervals of five years. Three cents a day amounts in one year to $10.95; this sum being put to in- terest, a like sum being added at the fl long before .Ellcn had given - - " - " - - ~ ood will come of itâ€"a girl who .i . f (.1. .. . . t3 to___ Richmond Hill. Aug ‘39. l-ll-tf. IO’O'W’v AN!” 1”: l8bl' ‘25 13. l ‘t ) - _ . _ , , l , t j l ‘ _ _ (. use 0 (38.41 ycai, amoun ...---_-..... . . , - 7--..w-74- r homo“- ,o._--_ _._,,_.-A__..-W,.._,. ___L_,__ “'l‘lllom luv"? Neither did she know her power, l0.,lll‘m [him ll“? l'IO’mgHOf ‘1 _Wolld' flirts as she has done Wlll be paid In 5 years............ . . . . . 65 43 A CARD. ](\(3 GDFCUPS He shall never know that I do and] ,,.e,,,bied when[sawhermmg hey lave. ta lied of their own for Ma lnlO “ 15297 » v s i s ‘ - ‘ h ' '” ‘ I "‘ not love liitn--I Will be l'int.l d r '- - - “(1)08 and their own future and El- ‘ - - 11115 “ - - - - - - - - -- s 27010 XXI C I'xlul'llilu. lusty. oi the City of 'l‘m'- {,‘Ollntmi'fl ggfighu pint r , _ ‘ a“ ferret! lrom her quiet home to the l , 1 She is indeed cold to berold lover, 1,,90 .. a . . . ‘ ' 423 83 ' ‘ - onto. has optriimi an oillcc in the Vii» ' ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ (illeel'lUl' and make lllm liappy- l saloons of the rich, gay, and cult-' le“ h‘ls fmlll‘rully revealed m Eugem btit she has told him the causeâ€" Ii125 “ 626 56 .Iage of Ailllgli'il for tho I’ll‘illifluiliulll oi (ionimoii 6.9 KING Si'itiiic'r, LAST. TORONTO. knnw I can d” [hit’ vfl'ed the folly of her early betrolhalâ€"a her heart is bruised and freelv does In 30 “ ...... ........ ..... 2; Jaw am -““'(i("l”.\' ’U-‘l‘lli‘si “'50s JOBVW’ M t. » ‘ .. ‘ . . (- ' . . 3 " . . t . .. . . . . . ‘ ‘ In 35 “ . . . . . ..........---- l ' 7 - ailciiig executed with correctness and despaimi Lunch every day from 11am 2_ pOll' Y hum" Mlle filo, .30‘: “CW Very soon did the homage which ,laml lit} C.” fulfil?“ “Sful'f” llllo' 11ml she talk of the Sin of her tliought- 1,, 40 u . . . . _ _ ' ' 170366 Division Courts attended. a W la! )0” file 'Ulldsl‘“ “"8- ll ‘5 she received make known to her w" OV‘Q or Ill" “"75” a 01"“ less engagement, wl‘en she felt 11145 “ 2468 22 ’T’ . ‘r r ,. ,. .. ' I -. ‘a . v ' ~, . ' . . . . . w w r i ' - - t ‘ “lolliiigloii Si. Alil'oi';i,, 6.; Queen St. Toronto 'll\l;l=~f“q>:)(::i{:2.11:11.xillies, ()ystcis. Lobstms, etc ‘ impmsiblc for you to ()t. a kind and me “senmuon of whmh she was bonds. She sits hour after boot scarcely a common “News, for mm In 50 i .3368 24 Noveiiibci' 20. lc'b'b‘. 1(1~l-ly Charles 0. Keller, A'F'l‘OltNEYâ€"A'l‘ . LAW, SOLICITOK in Chancery, Convcyniicei', «kc. Office, 11 Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle Ollie-e, Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Ullicc iii the village of Bear vortou, Township of Thumb, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and b'larklinui Village regularly attended. Vi’liitby, Nov. 22. 1860. 104-1) JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. Barrister, , Law OffiCO~â€"C01‘1161‘ of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. 119-tf Mason’s Arms Hoth ! \VEST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. OBERT COX begs to inform his friends, and the travelling public. that he has . taken the above llotel, lately occupied by Mr. \V. .S'ritiiiis. where he hopes, by strict attention to the comforts and convenience of his guests, to merit an equal share oftlie patronage given to his predocessotm ‘ Toronto, July 17, 1862. 190 M a. p 1 e H o 1: e 1 2 1‘11E Subscriber begs to inform his friends , and the public generell). that be has pened an HOTEL iii the Village oft-Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by attenâ€" ion to the comforts of (be travelling conimu~ ’ v, to merit a share of their patronage and support. Good Stabling, (to. JAMES WATSON, 190 Maple, July 17, 1862. George Wilson, (LATE FROM ENGLAND ) masonic arms seam, RICHMOND HILL. . GOOD Accommodations and every attention shown to 'l‘ravellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for lines Horses and Studs. The best of Liquors and Cigars kept con- stantly on hand. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in on month. Richmond Hill, April 8, 1862. 167 Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got| up in the best strlo. Toronto, April 19, 1861. 125-13‘ NEWBEGGING HOUSE, ATE Clarendon Hotel, No. 528, 30 and 3‘2 Board $1, per i J Front Street, 'l'oronto. day l’ortors always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. W. NEVVUIGGlNG, Proprietor. l 124-] y I Toronto, April 8, 1881- YORK MiLLs HOTEL, YONGE STREET, THE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having will marry him , fittcd it up in the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Stabling and an attentive Hustler al- ways iii attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor, York Mills, June 7. 1861. 13‘2-1y Wellington Hotel, Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L GRAHAM,,PR0PRIETOR. LARGE and Commodibus i'rl alland other improvements have, at great expense. been made so as to make this House the largest , and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selvos and horses. ‘ N.B.â€"A careful ostler always in attendance Aurora Station, April 186]. disarm. ,' Carriage and Waggon MAKER, &c. &c. &c., Residence-«Nearly opposite the Post Office. Richmond Hill March 14, 1869, shall be an old maid at home! twee-ks Ellen S lQGâ€"lyv dutiful without being a loving wife! There exists in your case a repul- sicn which cannot be overcome: the very effort will generate hatred; you will become hateful yourself. and fill for both a cup of misery more bitter than any other the world has to offer! llicsecch you think again before you take such a step!’ ‘ What can l do! I cannot llVO here always: my father is not able to support me, and l have not been educath to support myself! 1 0h, mt:i'ci'â€"-iiiiytliiiig but that! ch~â€"- happy. bull will not be so miscr- uble as you predict l’ My efforts to Change this reSolu- tion were unnvallmg, and in four was a bride. “Oh, that faitliersiand .uothers would powder for their daughters some refuge from such a doom as this! Her father was not able to support her; she might not have another offer ; she had been reared iii luxury. and none of the ordinary occupations of woman would give _ her a position Congcnlnl to her taste or remuneration sufllclcnt for ’taste. lier Nature endowed her with talents for above the common talents which, if they iiad been cul- tivated, might have won for her a fortune. She had been educated like other young ladies, bad studiosl with the sonic motives, With the some out. in View. She did not need knowledge to gain her a bus-i band, and she had tick/idea that it Would be needed to gtiiii lici' any-I thing else. I shall not be‘ orderâ€"i While yet-a child and during all the days of girlhood, she had on, 172-], shed in having ti beau. it was de- cupablc, and I cannot say that she was entirely above yielding to the temptation so stuong to woman, of winning admiration for admiration’s sake, She felt that she had no right to wm love: her friends had seriously warned her, before she wont forth into the world, that her acceptance of William B’s. atten- tions so long was equivalent to an engagement.aud site must not dream of breaking ll. , Byron says it is not beauty. or grace woman that is most sure to attact and secure the homage of manâ€"- What we Want is animationâ€"- and this was Ellen’s peculiar charm. The fascination was in her mantici‘s. Intellect flashed into her evc, and; the soul gleamed in every express' slon of her coui‘iicnance. She was alive with in her conversation. She was some» thing fresh and new in the circle ofl the city, and, by the many whol could appreciate her, was Welcomed, as the life ofti fashionable ‘ solrcc,’l ,wlierc dullness so universally seigns, For a long time it is admiration. alone which is offered, and thought it is lavished upon her, though she is among the rich, gay, and fashion- able, she is not seduced from her plain White: the , gaudy plumage of the f0$lllt’)liill)lO,l ller echongcd tastes. not simple dress is for and her brown tresses are still in those rich, classic braids -ecome bcr Grecian bend. lo‘lttttcry and adulation “.ave lioldeSil‘HycG. her love of the pure and true. Now to Ellen the hour of trial has come. A heart has been of fcredmâ€"a heart that beats in unison glowlngl thought, and oxiginal and sparkling which soi l I l with her hand clasped in his, feel- ing how sweet it is to give tip self with a perfect love and trust,and'hus no fear. She has asked no advice spoken of her love to no friend.‘~ Often she sits down to write to W ~â€"â€"â€"- and tell him allâ€"subut words will not come to her relief, and she throws the pan from her, trying to think it is Of no great consequence; at least she had rather speak it with her lipsâ€"-when she sees him she will frankly tell him all. But the home of Eugcncis far away in the sunny south, and he must return to it, and leave Ellen alone anlllC~â€"-â€"-f()l‘ it is indeed to dwell alone where iliere are none to understand the heart. She has glycii up the worldâ€"why is it that its pleasures are so pulling to her now? She sought cxititeincnt and change when she was engaged to W'illiaiii B---â€". ii, the heart was not at rest ; and it is always 50â€"21 VVillldCl‘lllg VVOn'iflll has ever a wzii'idci'itig heart! She may be married or betrothed, but if her heart has found a home, she will ask no more of earthly happinessâ€"- It will make ‘no difference to hcrltuiiis a minute account of the and ’ with whom she was planning to spend a life. He listened iti asto- nis'rnentâ€"fot‘ though he had not heard from her often, it was not many weeks since he had received a letter, with no change Visible upon its pages. She had never written him love-letters, to be sure ; she had never expressed what she never felt, but she find written kindly. Yet there was great wrong in the course she pursued. There was always a faintlyâ€"dcfinel pur- pose ln her heart to keep up the correspondence no longer than while she was better pleased else- where. She did not acknowledge this to herself then, and a still greater wrong it was for her not to tell him the truth when her heart Was given to another. It was a double botrothal, but she did not look upon it in this light. (To be concluded in our next.) At a sale of books, lately, some merri- inent was created by the following inci- tlcntt Auctioneer (holding tip a pretty large sized volume); ‘ How much is bid for this book! This book,gcntlemen, corr- naiiies, re- wlictbcr her house he palace or cot- sidences, &.c., of all the emmiuent gentle- tageâ€"wbotl‘icr it be in city or coun- tryâ€"in the fertile valley or the wilderness, some of these things, may be necessary to her health or physical comfort, but not to her happiness. The heart of the Wife who is ever wishing to roamâ€"over restless for some now think, some scene of cxclicmcnt, is not in her home, and her affections are not hcri husband’s. I How instantly will a true love ‘ traiisfori'n a woman ; and if women‘ were not obliged to marry llll this men who flouilshed in this great city ten years ago. Six shillings, on"! Eight-â€" tenâ€"twelve. Goliig~goiiig~g0iie I’ It is now handed to the fortunate bidder, who of course thinks himselfmore fgrtunate still when he fibds he has in his possession an old dictionary. A German prince, when introduced to , an Englishman, by way of appropriately commencing the conversation, observed, ‘It is bad weather to-day.’ The Englishâ€" man shrugged up his shoulders, and replied, ‘ Yes, but it is better than none.’ That is, o. useless expenditure of three cents a day, or $10 95 a-year, on tooacco, or anything else. amounts in fifty years to $3,368.24, a handsome property. Olie cent a day would amount to one-third as much, six, to twicc,and nine to three times as much, or $10,094.82.â€" How very many spend this sum on the single article of tobacco !-â€"- Boston Reco“dcr. TELEGRAPl-IING IN THE an WORLD -â€"The London Mechanic! ‘Jlfagazine states that there are 10,- 000 miles of telegraph lines in Great Britain, and thath there are 12,600 miles of submarine cable laid in vac rlous parts of the world. Between London and Algiers there are 600 miles of cable laid at a depth of 1.700 fntboms, which conveys mes. sages regularly at the rate of four‘ teen words per minute. There are eight submarine cables in operati'oti between England and the continent of Europe. These contain thirty conductors_ and are of the aggre- gate length Ofl,000 miles. A won- derful feat of telegraphing was exe- cuted at a telegraphic. soiree given by Mr. Gurney, in London, on the 261i] of last March. The wires of the different telegraphic companies were brought into Mr. Gurney’s house, and from thence the Earl of Shaftesbury sent a message to St. Petersburg, and received a reply in ,fou‘r minutes. An unbroken circuit of wire, 5,000 miles in length, was ltlien formed to communicate With Verona, Berlin Brussels, St. Peters- ,burg, Moscow, Trieste, and Venâ€" licc, and through this great distance the electric message was flashed in the space of two seconds!

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