Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 4 Jul 1862, p. 3

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..-;.., , .-.* A: work of Absorbing Interest. Thrilling ft (Eventurcs z AMONG a » .iiis’tiair SETTLERS, By WAI I-IN WILDWOOD, Esq. KAWN from the most eventful period of LAmericau . History. and from the most authentic sources; these stories yet partake of. all the wild,_weird. and fearful character of re- mance; The Volume contains the following. ainotigrothers, -' ‘ McCulloug'n's Fearful Leap, The'Bloody Block House. _ l’oen' Desperate Eucouiitre with Big Foot. Adventures of Daniel Boone. Perilous Adventures in a Canoe. The Mystery at Lancaster, Davv Crockett’s Adventures, The Desperadoos’ Mistake, The Old Trapper in :1 Tight Place, The \Vonderful. Mistake, The’Dosperado and the Regulators, The Ranger's Thrilling Indian Adventure. The Fighting Parson, Horrors of a Ilonibardiiientâ€"â€"Norfolk iii ’76, Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas, The Gainblcrs’ Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Bear, General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. 'I‘he Massacre at Fort Mimiiis, The White Horseman, Black Dick and the Lvuchers. Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil strong the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisauiia, iIilltl'llllllg Escape from a Prison Ship, The Rifiuiiian of Chippewa, Suzi'lnised by Guerilli-s, fI‘ho-Canadiau Rebellion and Gen. Scot‘. A Desperado’s Thrilling Adventures, How a Brave Man saved Detrioi. A Desperado ariioiig the Mail Bags. The Indians and tho Hollow Log. The. 'l‘rarellor and the Arkansas Bully, A Race for Life, ’i‘hrilliug Adventures of Two Scouts. The Murderer’s Ordeal. “The VVolves‘and the Darkey Fiddler. "The Murdm‘er’s Crook. tic-.2. (\rc. "Everybody everywhere shoull get THRILLING AD VENTURES ! The Book contains 384 pages, lllustrated with Two Hundred new and original Engrav- iiigs, and will be sent to any address, postage paid, on receipt ofprice. Extra cloth $1 "‘1 We are also Publishers of EVERYBODY‘S LAWYER 8L COUNSELI,.OR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby, Ifsq. Price. 81 25. THE HORSE AND HIS DlS- EASES. by Dr. Iiobort Jennings, VS. Price, 3, gr \I‘ bit .-.r THE FAMl LY DOCTOR, By Prof, H. S, Taylor, b‘I'. I). Price. $1.00, SUNLIGH'I‘ AND SI'IADOlV, _ or '~ The POETRY OR Home," by flurry I’oncil- l .lor. Price 3| (ll) OF} from any of the Public Departments. TAKES Cl'I‘CARSON. The Great Western Hunter and Guide? Price. 3-31.25. MODERN COOKERY. in all its branches, by Mrs. IIAIL’. Price $1.00. Together with other valuable and useful works, a. Catalogue of which will be sent fch on application,â€" Books torwai'kod to any address. pastago paid, on. i'ei'eipt'of price \Ve also make PHOTOGRAPH ALBUll’lS i" “W "Wilb- Ilooksellers. News Agents. Book Agents, Cauvusscrs, Peddlers, and. others will do wol to ordera package of our books. 'l'hey will, find them exceedingly populai',arid terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents .Waiited'everywliere for their sale For single copies. or for forms in quantities, with other information apply to or nddrese JOHN EDWlN i’OT'l‘ICR. Publisher, No. 517. Saiisoiii Si' 'l’hiladelpltle. Pa. 187 W1}? a. A. L. ‘O. i; 13,: > f GRAND Demonstration Will be held at “h. STOUFIVILLIC, on SA'rUi-iiiAY. tho J.ch JULY, 1869, \pru the Lodges of fi’larkhaiii District will as- semble in Commemoration of this the Glorious Victory of the BATTLE OF THE BOYNE ! Being the One Hundred and Seventy-second Anniversary of that Glorious and over memor- able day. The Lodges in the District are re- quested to meet at the New Orange Hall in the Village ofStoufl'ville. at eleven o'clock. when they will be met by the Director of Ceremonies and the Marshal of the day. who will instruct them as to tpe proceedings. Dinner will be served at the Haveleck Hotel. at 12 o’clock. A Procession will be formed at 2 o’clock and proceed to a grove, where several able speakers will address the meeting, Barn ds of Music Vi ill attend “The friends of Protestantism and the Cause generally. are respectfully invited to attend, (tiy Order.) RICHARD KNILL, District Sec’y‘. JOHN CA ll'l‘lCl‘t, District Master. God tsieve the Queen 2 Marlrham,iJ'ulvl,1862. - [187-32 TEA ' A Tea Meeting will be held (D.V,i in con- nection with the \Vesloy Church, Vic- toria Square. in MrLPeter Heisc’s Grove. (re- cently occupied as the Camp Ground). on THURSle Y, J UL Y 10, ’62 Tea will be served at 12' o’clock, noon. The following Reverend gentlemen have been in- vrtua' to address the assembly: The Rev. Messrs Henry Wilkinson. Mr. Strass Mr. Nair-ass,]\1r. Benshn, Mr. Fergusson, and Mr. Ware. 'I'he Addresses will he interspersed with Select Music by the Richmond Hill Choir who have valuuteered their services on this occasion. -Tickets, ‘35 cents : Children, half-price. To be had on the ground. Proceeds to be applied to repairs and improvements of the Church. WM. LAWSON. _ Chairman of Committee. Markham. July 1. 1862. ‘ 188-1 HATS ! HATS l l HATS ! l ! OW receiving, direct from NEW Yonxv the largest and best selected assortment of ' . 9 1 Men’s and Boys Hats and taps Ever bolero offered on Richmond Hill, in every SIZE, VARIETY of S'I‘YLE and COLOUR, in Felt, Wool, Cloth, Cossimere, Straw, Pedal, Panama, and Leghorn, which 'ill be Sold as Cheap As the same qualities can be procured at any house in Toronto. Please call and examine our New Styles. At WM. 8. POLLOCK’S Far Sale, , CULTIVATOR, now, from the manufac- .c tory of Mr. JAMES Ecxumr, Unionville; may be had cheap.‘ Enquire at this Office. Richmond our, Juno 6, 1862.. 183. ' “and; 31‘:-a--*,mmt;ii‘;r~‘_.r7 :ivjuimwgg- int-3Aij 4,. :1;~.",";4“ I ~i u- «ram: .. 'l‘ E ii, TEE’I‘H ‘ For Eight Dollars. DR. N. J. PECK , Surgeon Dentist, H for that sum if required. being the same kin as inserted by S. N Peck, and made by tli same man. Teeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silvei Plateiium. or Nulcnnized Rubber, CllA NOE OF ADVERTISEMENT. Dr Puck will be at Richmond I'lill.. . . .. . . _. lst day of each month ...3rd day ufeacli month Mtiplé‘, . . . . . . . . . s. . Kluiiiliiirg,. . , , . . . . . , _ .5ih day of each mont Clai‘evillo. . 5 . . . .. . . . . .6th day ofeach moot Aurora,.. (Except when any of the ab ve days come 0 Sabbath, when he will attend the day following \Vliou' he will be happy to wait on any re qulriiig his services in any branch of his pro feSsion, or make good any work previousl, warranted. Teeth extracted for those not able to pay, free, lGB-lv Aurora. June 24),, I862 )EAUTllt‘UI. Styles, Yard wide, and Fas l and inspect the stock, At W. S. POLLOCK’S. .' .fi‘ri‘:a.‘.;.:,: -,y.:::- Mv _. AS just imported some ofthe EIGU r nor. LAP. Block Teeth, which he will insert] 110 also keeps the best qualin of . . r. . . .tlio last day of each iilonlli Prifieed litigating. .0 ors-â€"ou y mi‘ vart , case on C l l 6 I _ l 1’! ll a Ai.s:..:.s,.r~N-’r*«war:mkrlcat’s-war; >...iw.:~.:mum-nil. “tn-2i '-’: "" “'laé Sin 4%.; . » ' . ms-t.~-.»;r-~'»;yw:s;‘fi 'w-v- «ram:- TJ ‘ vs: "" .lll aud'laiiio Muslin Dresses. colle’iit ii‘i‘s’rc‘rriment of Ladies“ r4 1" 7 fill an h'. A ’1 .1“) I’losiery I lllll till S'i‘ roccivr-d :if"V;.ll’I. S; POLLOCK’S an assorttiiout of FRISSI'I GOODS adapted ' forthc seas-nil. consisting of some nice, new style ofl’rints. Rubod and DeLaine, Printed , A large and ex- .fs: Citildrcnk (lioves,Neck Tics, Ribbons, Muslin Collars, Parasols, Striped, Checked and Regatta Shirt»- iiigs, Factory and Bleached Cottons, Denims, Drill, Tweed and Summer Cloths, with a large 3 assortmenl of Men’s Ready-made ‘ l than heretofore cold on Richmond Hill a well~selectod stock of Fresh GROCERIES 84. LIQUORS d o 9 Medicines, and Crockery, which will be st CHEAP as bour'oood Please call elsewhere. - \VM. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late Geo Bernard’s.) Richmond Hill, May 15, ’62. I81 dentin. Happinesse Loiiglilfe ,r Illii within the ma f DR. BUCIIAN’S VEGIQTL’IBLE DO- MICS'I'IC MEDICINES, prepared from tho Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Ac“ &c.â€"â€" Cures are daily made. and their eliicacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE I‘r’IAYOIl OF LONDON, null sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, “Jestiiriustcr, \Voisliip Street, Bow Street. t\'c, Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, h h ll l .1. LORD t (Late G. A. Bernard’s) Clorgyiircii. and others, “Clim‘md Hi”, June 19; ’53- 155 Dr. Buchan’s Sugar-Coated Sarssiparille. '0‘ i _ L .LIIIS. PAHHASOE 5% 2 It is a W’EI.L-KNOVVN FACT that SAR- NE W'! CHEAP ! 8f PRETTY EN Black, Brown. and Fancy Silk,»VVateer and p.’ain»from $1.00 cinch. At \V S. I’OLLOCK’S, (Late G. Barnard's Richmond Hill. June 19, ’62. ll IGNRY G RIS'I‘, DEPAETMENTAL 81. PARLIAMENTARY AGENT, tit/iiiirrcc, I. LAND CLAIMS, SECIIRIZS I’A'I‘ICN'I‘S, procures iniiirination obtaiiiablt (lU'l‘ I’A'I‘ICN'I‘S Ill“ lN'v'ICN'I IONS, RE GIS'I‘IZRS 'l'l‘tADliI MARKS AND DIS SIGNS. TAKES CHARGE OI" l’lllVA'l‘Ir ih o BILLS during their Legislature, &c. For parties who are unable to devote tlici passage through own time to such business or unwilling to in- cur tho (‘xpcnso of travelling to Qt!t~b(‘€.. Business with ciiiplor ing a resident, agent. Address, post-paid. to II Ifii‘i RY GRIS'I‘, Box 3-1-1, I’.O., Quebec ISS-i A Quebec. June 1‘2, 1544):}. THE ORIGINAL llfl‘t’l’ll Slill’llitl llllifflliXESE ESTA Brisiinii IN I843â€"1’izurm‘rnn T 11 big been put to this Machine. renders i not? the most pvrfcct before tho public, and persons at a distance can order a Maciri no with a guarantee of its prompt and safe dolivei‘y,and that they will be able to inauagc it to their cu- tiro satisfaction. No more missing slitchesl iiig any garment, however dolicnte or heavy, on the satire Machine, citiiwr in camhriu, cloth or leather; and for these li-iikcl‘s, shirt makers, tailors. lint iiiiiders, shoe binders. or guitar fit ring, as well as for every variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. ’ Send for Descriptive (‘ataiogun of stator; and prices. with liberally. Address the IlOW'I‘ Broadway, New York New York, June zltl, 18th}. .i. .t: owing Machine: .137 IStivly A NEW STORY IN THE Scottish interim Journal :I A FIRST-CLASS IN'I'ERNA'I'IUNAL NIHVSI’AI‘RR. ( N May 9, 1862. was commenced a new story in the Scu‘r'risti 'AAtâ€"iicaican JOUH- NAL, entitled: DELLBURN HOUSE. A Tale of tie Scottzish Rebellion $174.5, 111' THE AUTHOR OF ‘ ('linpt‘cr'sfl‘oin the [if/c of Jas. Tackct.‘ This tale will prove to be one of the most in- teresting ever published, and cannot fail to be appreciated by all classes of readers. The Sco-rrisn AMERICAN JOURNAL is a; paper peculiarly adapted to meet the requirements of the British people and their families from all parts of the old country resident on the Aiiieri- can continent, It is, in fact, a family paper in the highest and best sense of the term. Its Home and Foreign News is amply given and carefullyprepared, from a wide range ofllritish and foreign sources, and omits no fact or fea- ture calculated to interest its readers, whether ladies or gentlemen : so that the SCOTTISH AMERICAN .louni-ML contains (presented in a concise and readable form) all the loCal, per- sonal, and political intelligence which could be only found scattered 0V0!‘_a vast number of Scotch, English, Irish. and Continental newsâ€" papers. poriodicals upon the principal topics of the day. In reference to the ‘ editorials ’ of the Scori‘isii AMERICA'S Jonat‘iAL, it is a significant, fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extract: ' ing from its columns. and declaring that the ‘ Scornsn AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published in Americasâ€"â€" A well-digested weekly summary is also given of the principal items of American news. Sunscnirrioz‘v PRICE, $2.50 Peri Amati. Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinc: a may remit their subscri ition iii‘ Provincial mono ' i . ; odd change in I’rovrncial Post Office stamps. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid for $3, or 135. sterling per anti 1] In. Subscriptison's for the current year are now being received, and should. be forwarded With- out delay to A. M. STEWART. 33? Park Rev, New York 166 NVES'I'lG/‘i'l'ES and ADJUS'I'S CROWN LAND the Crown Land and other (jovoriiiiient Dcpartt'ticrits, which (iflt'll takes mouths to do by correspondence, can be trans- ‘ (acted in a few days, and at a small cost. by IN 1862. J LCEN'I‘ and important improvements hav- t\'o more breaking needles Iâ€" No trouble in milk A few icSpvctabl-c Agciits will be dealt Another most important icature of this journal is, that it gives the leading articles of the prominent British newspapers and other , SAPARILLA is the greatest. purifier of tho - lilood in the world. the DOC-TOR!“ These Pills strike at the rootof each (lisoasa, and are for the cure of ) Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indiâ€" gjcstion, llilious, LiVoi‘, and Stomach Com- plaints. General Weakness, Gout, Rliueiiia- tisni. Luiiibago, Pains in tho Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by ir-reguhriiies ot the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- lrcaltlry blood. Thrso l’ilis work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in iheirpassage. especially whero mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac~ ciiiiiulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life bcconic a plt-asui‘c, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not do- I hit” . v a J A clean body will contain pure blood, when the Slit‘lzrflfll, body” and blood are pure. from regulating a id cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Ilcgiii at the beginning. waste no I say, look to your sto.rinch. One'triul oftlieso Pills will force conviction, and Ils. Dr. Bitchan’s 1Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL \vVl‘jAKNI‘JSS. at once restore and invigorate wrtli iiiagicai rapidiw the most lJo~ l \ bilitated Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- nent lioaltlr, increased strength, energy, and a icdoublcd devolopirrcnt of the iiiusculai'systonr. I“:illllle is irrrpossible, for success is as curtain as that illiyrlg‘lit follows (litllillt‘bS. The. tililV infallible remedy for acquier local and goriurdl ‘ dcbiirty, nervous prosti'atiou, depression ofspi- rrts, diminution of vital energy, eriiaciation, and for all female complaints, This medicine l notorin restores health and strength at once, .but increases the natural vigour of man II' youth, maturity. and old age The properties ol'thrs invaluable re-iiivigoratiiig I‘lsseiicc act directly on the iicrroiis and muscular system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vrt/il fluid; its action is hover-failing. and in perfect accordance with the laws of na'l lure. As the falling rain vivifics the parched ,tlg't‘llf restore the lost strength and energy of which so low of the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. (id., 11s., one, 33s. I)“. BUCHAN’S l/'I'IGETABLE UINI‘tlIfHV’l‘, Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its eflhcts are. wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer M'itiy thousands llZJVC'IISG‘Cl it. and declare it. to be "the best in the world.” It is 'the only N 'R'I‘URAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. SKIN whilst full of matter, out will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal without breaking out again. The I’ills aid the Oiirtiiioiit iii the l'ollowirigwl’iics, lloilcs, Bruscs, EXCoi'iatioirs, Blolchcs on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms. Sore Iicads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- pcd Hands, Cliafcd and Blistm'etl Feat, Corns, ' Bunions, Chillilaiiis, Frost Bites, Scolds, Cut-u Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrot‘ula, King’s Evil: llad Logs, Bud " Joints, Ir‘istnlzis, Gout, Swellod Glands. Lum- bago, lilicuiiiatisiii, ‘ii’liitlow, Sure Niuples, iriours. Old and deep-soured Ulcers, Worms, Itch, t‘izc. 1s 1:},tl. and 9d per pot. Pa.cut Medicine \‘i’aieuouse, Ill, Ilcrnors street, Oxford street, London. \Vholcsulc A gents:â€"â€"Burclay (Y; (30., 75, Farringdon street; may be had at the office of this paper, one from all Chemists throughout the world. Mayer. 1862. 182. - Advei tising" Essential to Business A \VEBBER. Europeon and Colonial [id- 0 vertisiiig. and General Mercantile, Shipping and Railway Agent, \VELLiNGi'ON S‘i‘iimz'l‘, 'I‘oitONi'o. C.W., receives Advertise- merits for all Newspapers and Periodicals pub- l lishcd citliei' iii the Canads. British Columbia, Europe, or the Staten. ll? Acknowledged Agent for this paper. 182 BOOTH do SONS, BEG TO INFORIW T1113 PUBLIC, That. they have taken the Store, it, AMERON’S Block, opposited II. B. WILIJAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Forage 3‘ Queen ARE REBUILT. OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTMENT, 18 continued as usual, and we are" prepared to attendpromptly to alli orders. With which we may be entrusted, Streets, BOOTH 8L SONS. . i Toronio, May Il, 1862, (70A Ts, PANTS a ms TS In every vaiiets ofstyle and materialâ€"cheaper ; also, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Dye Siuli's, Drugs. ilLI at the lowest, ro'uuuoratiug prices, AND AS at any other house in the neigh- v and examine before purchasing ch of all, by the use of KEEP YOUR union , , , , , _. , l'Ulllilâ€"u'l‘he nqu regularll-eAnd hurry r Min Ivbblm‘wbv a i‘e'iiedy for brirluhs in all . . , . a . . l. i . i. , evct‘)’ ailment incidental to Man Woman anti 1 ‘lmllmnh’ Nowhes on me "Md and idce’ 6" a clean stomach must make aclcan body. l 3“ I‘lllllllble (mm for a” disease" or the Ski”) A l ltime: strike at the root oi’your ailment. Again, Wlmlt‘m'O ““lmli NO- 19.303119” Sire“. 01“ Sold in bottles. at Is, lgd., 25, 9a., 45, (3d,, Sim“. London- 'llliff & fillill flit vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent 1 all who suffer from exhaustive deraiigeiiiont. Fulfil"an “‘0 "l‘l “(Inge ” Large Salesv small or four quantities iii X Ti (Or it _ .1. it never closes up the surface of a wound .n-uusrs. Conn-acted 1,...) Sufi” Always on hand or made to order in any style Sore Tin-outs. Scurvy, Sore lloads. Rush: 'l‘n- “’llh (“51””01‘ woundg, seated. and delivered free of charge to the cars ( i. . H. . "I (“. . . .., .,. ‘ .. . . ‘ . It) ’3'? * idli‘y’tfiiflhfi- IL} rQUtIEil'fijl’ l;:,:..li.C‘.-’ MOI-V (EMMA. .1 ‘f . . « Jam's; an mortar; a": ,Llican Boots, and Sailors i W; . ’\ PTO [I‘IVI‘T‘E‘T at 8 percent in 'f ‘Hf‘i Subiici‘i‘lier'l'h iiiufo intimate the in- xr i) . , V . , _ . . . , E qjéltsflgi) 5mm. “$400 and ,,,,,,.,,,’d,,- , habstants of file ohd Hill and vicinity, M an? ;‘.2p0ll Farm Property. apply, that he has I88.SGd“Ilb’~;iJw , . Shop of Mr. Ruben dyer, Only principals need riOld Busines Stand ! i . _ ’T' 7 WM. T. BOYD, fl t S “If: a New , , _ I 13:1rrister,&c. ‘ ' . . Where he intends to carry out the BOO ‘ 2 a n‘d W“...â€" SIIOE business in all its branchesy.‘ , . ; Mr. Lee‘s customers ‘\will have the same at? ‘ tention given to their work as formerly. ' All Work done at the lowest rourrrrrer-afing prints, King St. Toronto. Toronto, June 6, 1855?, 185-4 in . Hrs. H a. s. it. c I MQVED the Stock of the RICI‘HWOND ON NERVOUS REL. HATION and EX- HA USTION. ‘N’cw (Editions (iiilargi‘tl to I90 pages, illustrated by Illl) Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel, just published, price Is. 1112 SiLlCNT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age, on Youthful Indis- A-‘k .4 I :5. l 'EGS.,l,oaSe,t.o intimate that he has _ ‘ HILL DRUG STORE; to't’lie‘Ne‘w Store one door south ol Van Nostrand s , l.) Hotel, and has received LARGE ADDITIONS TO His STOCK, \Vhicli will be found complete, comprising . , (RICHARD ovarian. Richmond IIill,"April' It), ’52 ‘ 176 For sac-a titties..- 3 3:31?"Zilliiiillfcili’:will???‘3‘,e‘1ifo‘°,,§;jfgj ’ DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, or 3 STU FPS, CUMiiUDwUS servicemen-admins b ’ V‘ B . ‘ ' . ‘ situated in the, vicinity of chiimisi) ‘. HILL. containing 4 Bed-rooiiis. Porter bani , Kitchen, with other Untbiiildiiigs.‘ 'l‘hci‘e‘i-i ' also an Acre of Land, and another Acre Can be leased adjoining. , It‘or fni'tliei'purticulars apply at the ' Ilmuim' Office. » Richmond Hill, March 6,1869. PAINTS, OILS, VAI’L'NISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY.BRUSHES, SEEDS, DRU EGISTS FANCY GOODS, &c. Sac. 5L0. GROCEREES l 'l‘EAS, COFFEES, SUG-ARS, SPICES, FRUITS, TOBACCOS, Which have been carefully selected, bought for Cash, and will lie sold'for the same at the very lowestpriccs. Just received a supply of fresh G R D N I E E D S, PHOTOGRAPHS": Purchased from reliable sccd dealers, and warranted to give satisfaction, for sale in The Chainsaw-80st papers, or by the ounce or pound. Timothy Seed. 00 lit. $2. 50. Clover, $4 50. Alfibrotypc and lock Oil. 4‘0cts., 'I'ar, Turpentine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, Sic. ‘ t r ‘ - " I GALLERY IN CANADA, -‘ ductit'e System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. Also, a complete Also to be had from all Agents in all arts of -_ . the mid, nxrrmors FROM THE srims'r but i’ g? K FRIEND. lii'ice titl., which contains dri'ectitiiisi. 5;; ~ d of / - for the guidance of patients C Messrs. R, «St. L. l’nuuv Ci C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 15), Barriers Street, Oxford Street. London, as they never, under any circuiiistuuces, travel either at home or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public 'agaiuzst any person using;r their name. and as a further precaution against fraud, the Public is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine, unless the subjoined fucâ€"similic of their signature is attached to their different wrap. pers. I p. ill-ff. : . UST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of it new edition of SANGS'I‘ER’S- ELEMlCN'lK ARY ARITIIML‘TIC, at the “Hanson”, Book Store. Richmond Hill. restroom i" Gicu'nATivr. &. Muscumu Powmt iEGAlNED BY THE use or Perry's (7071]sz Balm. of Suriacum. Established nearly a century, and known In soliciting the patronage of his former Friends and Customers, and the public generally R. 11-. 11. would state that it will be his aim to supply in all cases Articles . . ‘ v , is AT ' ' throughout the world as the (lltEA’l‘lil'T RE- which Will give entire satisfaction at the lowest prices. .': - - GI‘INI'IRATOR; a ll?\'r‘l"l'alllllg l‘(‘ll)t’d\' for , . or , ‘ iii A i Speririatorriia). loss of manly power, produced Rwhmond “I”, All”! “0"1862' 178.6") . _, I by etuly itidiscrctions. or any other cause.â€"- ‘ _ , . ‘9, It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling . ,rr )( , vp those who have deemed themselves incurable U “101‘ )N 0' at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of a M E: R A, “7'”??? married life. Price 115. ’pot' bottle, or four ,, ‘ t, 4,! 3,,“ ‘i ‘1" lg, , lqu r ,u . g . . V ' TIT, t1i.i:irlititics in one: 33s,, Wlll(‘ll saves _] ls. ; and tin-Mm iriimmm tum“ rum“,i it“, lump,“ MW I limit lmlm 'it a, lroDi-rotot' and Pi‘ttiCIpal Operator A in 5;.) bottles. alloctiiig a savriig or L1 li’s. Toronto, April 19, 1861. ‘ 1535-137 I’ICRR‘I’S CO‘NCI‘INTRA'I‘ICD DE'I‘ER- â€"~â€"â€"~â€"â€" M its stages, also for purifyingthe system from contarriination, recommciidod for secondary GEORGE EATON Jargmrmmohhe ,hmflt‘ mnsus'und uvula; its KEEPS CONSTANTLY. ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMEGT OF EVERY beneficial influence on the systoiii is iiiideiii- DESCRIPTION OF “ CARRIAGES, sitcoms, ores, to. saving oflls. l’l‘lltltY’S PATENT COXCICNTRA'I‘ED MADE FR Oil! THE BEST IflIPOR TED ZlfATERIAL. All; Work “I'arrant'cd. 'assnuttig or (:orAiii-i AND cUBEB REPAIRING DONE ON THE 3110]: TEST No TICE .r srmcos sir-Essences lVilL stand. for Ilfares this season at the following placeswiz. :-- MONDAY. May 5â€"er will leave his own stable, Lot No. ‘22, rear of the 2nd Con. i‘zlark- ham, and proceed to VVilson’s hotel, Richmond Hill. and stop at neon '; thence tip Yonge to Buchu, Sec , at nice. cure, ii itliout tho possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrlima. obstinate . Gleet, Stricturo, etc, iriiiirediately subduiiig all in- flammatory action ; ,ltlncased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. IflnAL't'H Ditiiitsiis UPON I’Uun FLOOD.â€" I’l‘.ltltY’S I’UIIIFYING Si’lCCllt‘IC PILLS. Suttle’s, and stay all night. TUESDAYâ€"He will proceed to the Mansion House, King Station. and remain 1 hour; thence to Laslt'ey, and stay at noon 3 thence to McCartney’s hotel, 7th Con. Vaughan, and stay all night. WsiihDSDAYâ€"He will proceed to Thompson's hotel, 'I‘lianosville. and stop? hours; thorn-o to Mr. Wm. Craddock’s. aiidrstop at noon ; thence to Maple, and, by wayof Richmond Hill, to his own stable. 'l‘nunsoavâ€" He will proceed to S‘ulton’s ‘ he 0], Brown’s Corners,and stop} hour; thence to Size’s hotel, Uniouville. and stop the noon ; thence to Inglis' hotel. Markham Village, and ' stop the night, ' FRIDAYâ€"“e will proceed to Californi slop the noon ; thence to Singsle “j mid Stoufl'ville. and stop the night, “95H, SA'I‘UHUAY--IIB will proceed along the iowua line to Gorniley’s Corner, and stop the noon ; thence to Durose’s hotel, Victoria Square, and stop 1 hour; thence to his Own stable. arm», he.- will remain till the following Monday morning. He will continue the same route during the Season, health and weather pertmttiug, JOHN WILQS, Proprietor, Markliam,May, 1862. 180. SUCAR-COA'I‘ED GLOBU LES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globulcs, coli- AND on THE MGST REASONABLE TERMS. Unlonville, April 18, 1962. tainiug the Qui..tcsscuce of Copaiba, Cubebs, 177-3m such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, Bails. Blotchos, Piiirplos on the face and body. doc. I’rice lls. and 33s. per box. Soll at Messrs. It, ct L. Picnrtv SI. Co’s. ford l roe, Agents: t, London, BARCLAY do Co., 7.) Farringdon iii If. VICTO Hill. ’3‘ E1} A W7 A iii? E5} ilk O U S E No. 83 King Street, -" 1’” ' N IT "T23:l’l”'C'"lTl’,uSar rows .""' ~ *: i'r' . t ‘34} G“ , IE it I oi. hi. _\.I t id -(.ll etciy AlflLlL in flit ybovt llllL, and ins had he *1 pleasure of supplying both the Navy and Army in Lnglind and out, of longland bcf'Te be touched the shores of America, and has also had the honor of Illuminating the loyal Hotel and every house on the Royal 'l‘crraca at V’chmouth, England, on 5 his own rcsponsibilityâ€"takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his ' ’ fricnds and the public in generalm-riot forgcting those Stove Merchants and Stove NO? f’lll‘sllgffhselhe PTOXPHGI'OIM‘IDWI/lRD Iletlltr‘l'h in llau‘rilton and Newmarket who have so kindly patronized me and my sons . "“ if “"5 mm.“ “1“ West 3"“ 'lws‘ while we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continue expoi'imiccd lea-bu‘crs in the trade. but from the fact that ho purchases his Tons in such large quantities at. the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- abliug him to sell at a very S o v 9 ' o 0‘ m“; to manufacture every article in the above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. BIdCKWOOd S blaaag‘ “£63 ' )', . ’f . "l '0 L ADVAAYYE 0N. GOST, Iticlnnond Hill, hunch r, 186... May 23, 1862. Q / Edd? EEOEEGEE, Sen’r. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL utrrriiiniriifi‘ii, BRAZER, Tin fiend Iran Plat: "W or 111°, Is the place iii Toronto, to buy pure 43$) All lVor/s llfarra‘zzz‘ed and (attended to will; dfipgtch. BRITISH “2:21;,le 3; ~ to ----â€"- SCOTT do CO., NEW YORK. continue V 1: ' l p . to publish the following loading Ilritisb’ Profits and Quick Roturiis'fl’ a'so in i ‘f y lenomcalsl Vlz':â€"‘ 1 "5‘ l7‘ ll UUC / )Q ' THELONDONQUAR'I‘ERI.Y(Consonantin ' to into, i.) "r Aliw l‘ ’ I 2. ’ . ESEHHS, gigpiccs AND tun LDIhBDRGfI typiinivovrm.) no GENERAL STATEQNERY’ 'i‘iin nourii BRITISH Ramayana” .535?» pg", a ‘ , grassy; rig E _ Church.) w ‘i .. ' AT THE u YORK IIERALD’! OFFCE, A'l‘ PRICES LOWER TiLtN TORONTO. 4- ., i; i ’ lJ I THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Mahmud.) {ichmond IIill, December 20,1861. 160 . 5. “0 “mm” M ““de"5°‘d' » mâ€" . BLACKWOOD‘S EDINBURGH also , " ‘ ZINE (Tory,) kidfiNESS l dfifihiflfiib l l ’ ' AND . 4 k k 9 ° The present critical state of European affairs SINGLE on. DOUBLE! HEAVY on LIGH’I l“"” "‘“d°r”‘°5“ l’“""°“"°““’ "‘“VW‘” teresting during the forthimming year. 'I‘hoy will occupy a middle ground between the has, tily writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal,aiid the pens dcrous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have. passed away. It is to these Periodical,» that. readers must look for the only really iutelli» gible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their wull-estn ‘. literary, scientific, and theological ct.....rc.. we urge them upon the consideration of pie reading public. EARLY COPIES. Arc unsurpassed for quality and price, all beingr manufactured on the pron'iisos, from the best material by first-class Workman. feed and Ornameutcd Earthling: and (litter Cakes WEIaL-MADE AND DURABLE! MAY BE IIAD OF r,’ ,L l ' ‘ H; ‘iiitiiilii" ‘titillil‘ " ‘ FEVER Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HRRNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTlON. An assortment of \VHIPS, LASHISS, 8m. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look «(to Wchr “fell. . , ' f. . ‘ 'll's, Ht. ‘liiiiiirir lat lit ' ' I'iiririrriilli l‘llr‘ “iiiiir‘lliii A t” I i l . l’rtiiiiuiu ‘liiiiiiiii on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to All Goods warranted as repre- or in the city limits, { l1 3’: “.i‘ti’O SE COND PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"m Not 93 KING STREET, SIGN OF THE QUEEN- Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows Points Landsides 8pc. Tl” “’COIPt 0f Adam“ SIMS Mm “2° EDWAPD LAWSON , , ’ ’ ’_ _ British publishers gives additional value to ‘ 1 _ ’ 0:7? (41” and »l9X3lmllC, t XVI“. IIARRISON’S these Reprints, inasmuch as they car: new" be 3l'tllll'ielt'iti’. pmhmo 1 if” 0 top, Q ‘n' placed in the hands of subscribers about as Toronto. Feb. 5. 1862. 167-6111 A i m L I ’ C u 17’ L61. 151%.“ 50°“ as “‘6 Ol‘lgll‘m editions- :;:.'::::::: :;T::t.. 777:? L <â€"- Vfiâ€"Tf "- THE "‘2’; ._:...Â¥;:. .1: L. . :T:__::' 'w‘-“~â€"“-A T 7 _“:’_“:_‘ ,_77‘ _V 5, h. .,_ :._,,. - A_ H-_m TERMS : E, S l . another lot of 12"? f‘ vein-r)“ ‘“. , "ri'ffifl you... A) _ 1 " a F ‘ p 7 w in- l ‘15 f “LL” M) Par :in13. NOW ORSERV l HIGGS’ illntt‘h' on. is at;.r.z~..;t-.n;<i~.iged in all who l ‘ ‘ For any one of the four Reviewer -~ 33 'r ' . ' car-«r t.:\St"“)!’ j; ii" ' H " ' l ' .'"-. 5“ ~.‘ IIAI‘ all persons owmg Dr. James Lang-- lmv‘ “"r'” n‘ by" “m” m i in” rt 01" 0' (/lkgap EJCSEROI'EI l Pm an} two of the four hevwws' ‘ ‘ ' ' i any other hivdiciin' nor: listorc the i" tile, for For any three of the four Reviews;: . . . .. 7 00 staff. will find it to their advantaue to call st min; i'vnj-zw ("iris t; t": 'lll'l all it rm: to A' Q.‘ . - ' n v r i > i a mi .. ., r. H . . .t..1, . t . ... t. ,l Mlzes. “on, 2510 S each.._ 9- t s r . i M g in and tiny as soon as nossrble. thirst-Hush. ( or) air mun anti. beast. ‘ each ’ I” w In“ 35 ')d 12m ‘17:” fom or ,“m Revlfawr” ' ’ 'f ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ° ' ” iii if ' Prion. :33 Cents pcr bottle. Sold by all ulcrs m ' I or ,Idackwood s Magazrne, . . . . . ... . . . . . a l- 5) “Cinemas Al \V‘ 8‘ PULLOCK’S? , Ii‘or‘filacluvood and one Review,. . . . . . M 5 0‘3 (Law G. A. Bernard’s) For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . t .t‘. 7 (i=3. Richmond flill, June 19, ’62. 186 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . .. in“ {it} For Blackwood and the four Revicw1,. . 1 8 ml Money current in, the State Inherit issuer. will? be received at par. MME. D EMOREST’S Quarterly lliirror of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMI’ROVEMEN’S AND ADDITIONS, E! CHEAP FOR CASE WIIE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his {I THE SUMMER NUMBER covrArNs , . , - . ~ . . LUBBING‘. . I 7_ n.1mcious customers who have so ltbei» {to}, SALE m the Township of Egg/(7. A d.“ . .t (EH, ‘t, fl 8 per ce-m mm, “,6 Four Large & Splendid Fashion-Plates ally supported him for upwards of five years. Lot N0 0 in “,0 1% Concession 200. h him") 0.,, Lel'fi' vd t ' d' in . ~ ' '. ~ . "ms . '“’ ‘ .' ,., -: \ri eaove 0 LllllSOTClrlll" 3 FULL_S,ZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES \\ onld state that he continues to manufacture, AQIMLS, [Acres cleared, Jommg the Vlnafle of ove pilitoqs3 (:0. ms of qt.“ ' mm or per fifth: “ ALT ’ IIIS OLD STAND ’7 Allistown Either the whole lot or 100 our 01 i] p i l ' L COMI’lUSING THE ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ above works. Thus: Four copies of lllacln wood. or of one Review, Will be soul to one address for $9; four copies of the four liovteiz‘s and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplier} . United States rosta ro‘, . Clam" qu’PLO' , Nix? -â€"'1‘he Ipriceéin Great Britain at 175‘3m- i Periodicals above named is $31 per Etl I {emittancos for oily of the above gr rl-r-ttiow; hould always be addressed, postspziitt. to the i Publishers, , . l , " LEONARD, SCOTT a , N o. 54 Gold street, 1*? or "it’s; New York. D‘ec. fl. 1861. acres will be sold to suit purchasers; For further particulars apply to ANDREW JAMIESON, Vaughan, post-paid to Kline- burg, P.O., or to New French Waist. an Elegantl BOOTS AND l SIJJICVIC, AND A MISSES SACK, of every description, find 0f the heist malm‘tais, AND A SHEET 0,, NEW AND n,,,A.U.,,-.,FUL and after the Latest Style. and hopes by close Braid and Embrydering Patterns attention to husincss, combined with moderate . . charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. F OGETHER with nearly 100 Engravings of ll“ Wmlld “lg” 1’82 lo “lllmnlo to the inha- al‘ the iioVelties for Summer Bonnets, bitauts of Richmond Hill and vicinity. 1],“, he . . ' . » , -. _ ‘â€"‘“â€" M , Cloaks, Trirrin‘iiiigs. Children’s Dresses. dun, lm‘s 0“ “and film“ ’1" 11950111110!“ 0f rs and Valuable information to illilliriers, Dress . LADIES’ é’e CHlLiJllEN’S 305318 86 SHOES Makers, Mothers, and Ladies gonerall". pre-‘ _ ‘ which he offers senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, publishep 473 Broadway, and E saw for ! JAM ICS VERN EY. sold everywhere at ‘25 cents. or sent. by mail Riclimr nd llill. April 17, 1862. 177-691 m CH? {f ? JOHN McLEAN, Vaughan, April 4, 1862. -. f5 'li. FLEMING titâ€"RUCKLAND’S , - GARDEN SEEDS. I’IESE SEEDS may be __ron upon as be- ing genuine, having been selected with l ‘ V) ‘ , great cave by the above fi,.,,,,_,_semp,men p, l (“Hid/II tor (lash or 'aiiprover11 lthe Provincial Agricultural Associationâ€"«and '(‘E/lvliml'l'lorfel l)ower IFHRSI'JU ,r - h are, sot-d ,r 0| cl ; ',,. 3 l i 5‘. witi ,3 eaiier: aso a. Spur- i-t wWOUN'I‘Y Ceristable,-Lai‘idlord’s Warrants l Sol-Ed. For Saliauat1 thdeaper mm “mm H. IIORS ES. good to work. Apply to ’ executed. Rents and Debts collected on i . ‘ v i ‘, I G" pr... transmits p HERALD’ BOOK, STORE, . “2.). 33.337. "sdi;-t-r-:.-tâ€"~Richmond ilill 0.. Hill, 1‘76 ‘ I‘darcii 531', 1862. , post free. on receipt of the amount, in stamps or silver. Yearly $1. with the following valu- able premium: Eacn yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 5llcts. \i orlh of plain patterns. from the" designs in the hook. or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Splendid inducements to For Sale, J. fleet? écr, :ticii mun '1 n .r. ICUQ. 1 HT? April I

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