Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 2 May 1862, p. 4

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_, ., >43. '- .- -.r-,.-.,~ .. , w .,._ ~.,_. s3...‘ -, at» A genital. m.__... A. AA. TO MY BAIRNS. Oh. drearv wastliat winter. morn, Sae dark 1 scarce could see, And solemn was the house 0’ death, Where. bairns, ye watched for me. ‘I‘ it if « And round our hear-tbs. as years gaed by, Yo grew, and smiled. and throve; \‘Vitltout a parent’s right I held The tender right of love. At times the ills 0’ childhood brought Their anxious days and cares; But though ye sufl‘ered as 'ye‘lay‘, God spared re to my prayers. And when the snell wind wlilstled loud; Wi’ cauld snd‘wintry sound, I hopped ye in your wee beds a’,. And blest lye round and round. Sore sickness o’er our roof-tree swept, And death and sorrow came, And still ye nestled by my side-- Mother in all but name! Time sped Willi soothing on his wings, And, bairns, your sangs and play Brought christened gladness to our home, Though one had passed away. When winter’s snaw lay drear and deep, And frost was on the pane, A change cam’ o’er the auld home~heartli, For death-carn’ back again, Ana still ye gathered round me, bairns! And mony a tear was shed, As in that chamber hushed we eat, And mourned our latest dead! Then, side by side. in you kirkyard, Wi’ yearning hearts. we stood, And said farewell to one long grave. Where slept our loved and good. My bairnies l we were parted then, - But deer. within my heart I Lie hid your looks,your words, and ways-â€" For them I wid Iiot part. ‘ fl 0 I listen for their voices. dear, Their wee bit dalrciu’ feet; Then look a’ round the empty room. And how my head, and greet! Oh, some have every blessing here A gracious God can give; And sortie in loneliness of heart Must bravely learn to live. Be still my soull God give; to each The portion he sees best; The ‘ wherefore ' shall be all revealed In heaven’s eternal rest. llltttilltfi, To a man well married one of his ribs i.» worth all the bones in his body. Life is a beautiful night, in which as some stars go dorvn others rise. A Dutchman thinks ‘Honesty ish dc best policy, but it keeps a man lain poor.” \Vas Eve High or Low Churchlw .Adam thought her Eve-angelical. “'hy is an attorney like a minister?â€" "Because he studies the law and pro/its. Why are all the girls,altera certain . age. called won-cu? Because they then . begin to woo the men. ' A woman should never be taken unawarcs. Venus was never Stll‘pl'l~ed-â€"- .. making out the washing hill. “ Do you slIaVe yourself?” “ Yrs. Why do yeti ask 'l‘” “I see you love cut yoursclf in five drlicrcn' plat-es.” All! .I have a dull razor that n’ cut.” One of the remedies to be tried for dyspepsia-â€"a daily dose ofsix hours’ la- bor, Well worked in. Michael O’Flcen says his master kicks and cuffs the kitchen got as if she were "its wife. ‘ It fits you like your own skin. sir,’ said a tailor, proudly surveying his Work. as I'ibbles tried on a new coat. "llirt’s just what it ougli to,’ replied Nibbles, ‘ if habit is a second nature,’ ' A lady asked a shipwrecked scatnan how he felt when the waves da~lied over him Jack replied, Wet ma‘am, very wet, Life would be a perpetual lira-hunt if .one were to rundown all the insrnualiom, untrulhs, and suspicions that are started. ’tobust health is indicated by the rudi color of the countenance, when not too much concontrated in the nose. . An Irishman being asked in court for his certificate ofmarrr'tgc, showed a big scar on his heudabont the shape of a shovel which was satisfactory. Miss Sillyprim says she. may be old now, but she has seen the day when site it as as young as any body. A passer-by asked an Irishman, gaz ng Upon a funeral precession, who was dc d â€"‘ I can’t exactly say. sir,’ be, ‘but I belavc its the jntleinan in tle colliu.’ An Irish soldier, boasting of his great courage, was reminded that he ran away in battle. Faith, says Pat, my heart ts botvld as a lion~so it is; but I happened to have a pair of cowardly legs. which always run away wid my body, wliin I'd be after (lit: the iniuiy, bad luck to them! FRUIT TREES.â€"-NOW is the time to buy your fruit trees. The New York World urges farmers to rivml themselves of the present low prici- of fruit trees to plant largely, and adds: “The demand for fruit is al- most illimitableâ€"-â€"increasirig wrih the improvement of the suppliesâ€"arid the ptlt'es for really good from pnv .swid l LI.(:'~-,fv‘. ,. 5,} . n M4... 4‘s“. ,5. .my.‘ ~' ‘- BORECQLE on GREEN UURLED KALE. '. 3.0 Goon {queens ’ DURING ALL THE WINTER. HERE is a most valuable plantvwhich~ is common in Europe. but is as yet] little known among our readers:â€" During the past wmlcr, while frost mid.,snow have cut down almost every otlicr green thing in ()or vege- table garden, the borccole has brnvcly hold its p-ISItion, thrusting its beautifully curlcd prccn lcnvcs above the snow. when riot too deep. and .IIWnys ready to supply a most agreeable dish of tender gt'ccris ~â€" VVe appreciate it more than over before. and commend it to every one who has It rod of ground-In _,thc books it is culch Borccolenbul 'ln II'Ulitlld it, is ftiriiilial‘ly tcrmcd ‘ Curly Cnbbugc.’ It belongs iolhc brass-{ca or cabbage ttibe.bu‘t is with- out the solid bend. yielding n thick. «truss of leaves ticnrttilully curled, which are free from heavy coarse Steins; it endures the Iiiost intense cold without injury. licing'irnprovcd‘ for table use by the clfcct of frost. It is lcl't out during the winter. and cut :13 wanted for the tublc, even when iieccss‘nry to (lipr it out of the snow. It is remarkably tendcr, more palatable more easily digested, tltitl as nutritious as cabbage, but is always bettcr after exposure to host and snow. ' . The culture is quite as easy as that of cabbage ; a poorcr soil is preferable. as in rich or highly roil- ntircd soil the chIVcs grow too 't‘ritlli to critlui‘c lt'cczini.r perfectly. The plant is Well “’til‘ltl (:lllllVJlillg for the tonic; poultry Will dctonr :rll the bits ol lcuvcs lclt. Sow lbc sccrl at any time from the inldtllc of April to‘tlie'first of Jnncnn u bcd the some tiS(ftll)1)ttL{c seed, and transplant llkc late cabbrrgcs upon plots wnr-rc, earlier crops have been gorbt rt-rl.â€"â€" It requires no further core, except to hoe IIIItl kccp down tho Weedsâ€"â€" \Vben Hit in \iinlct',|r-uvc tilt: stunts. and the} Will sprout again, produc- ing a crop of curly Sllr'lllg grccns.â€"â€"- flmerican flgriculturist. Trriinm' HIN'I‘sâ€"rrnd valtinblcmrc i.i, y... m? - rte - wen.“ ,,,""r. mow-32 ‘Ii ~ war.»- . â€".- v“ fi.’.¢r::.ira'»r an: m- r' ear u =- ‘w --.~-.. vs; 1 r9. .»‘. .u - . J. GORMLEY. . COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyanc'r and ,Auctioiiee'r, LoT 31.4“: Con. Minimum. September 18, 1860. 95-th Auction Notice. THOMASâ€"BOWMAN, License" Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. All letters arldre:-scd to “ Almira.” P.O. wil ‘i'ecciwt prompt attention. Orders receiver. at the “ York llerald”t)llic», Richmond Hill; M r. llenry Lemon, Thornlrill. and Mr. James Cavanna , Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms. Sec. may be obtained. . ' Almira, Nov.'25. 1859. 62-tf CHARLES TAGGART, 7.00371 FEC’I'JUN ER. inn It Intact? literati aural; RICHMOND HILL. Pie-nic Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 724. 1861. IZiSâ€"tf Earn Troughs, Waiter Sprints, Cristi-ens and Pinups, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANCSTAFE STEAM MILLS, 't'IionNHILL. June 3, 1859. Q7-tf TEEIH' EXI:lACTED Wllllfltll PA By the use ofElectricitv, 1 ~ By Dr. E. c. EDIvIt’JNDS, SURGEON DI'IN'I‘I'S Ii, AURUII A. 'Iecth insern d on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations-in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Vi"m-ranled' Aurora. March 9. l960 67â€"” W. G. TAYLO R. VE I‘ERINARY SURGEO ', [Handler oft/1c Hog/Ill Collage of VAX IN Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ilit‘lll, heretofore received begs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all EMscosrs of flu imals I At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can with confidence warrant a cure in all case.- withiii the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residence~Nrar flu: Eagle Hotel. 7 the billowing, by S. Edwards Todo, man:â€"‘ Exchange sccd Dots, sccri Iizirlcy. and the Indian corn, with rltSlillll who are farmers. and who nlway S how: clean and plump sccd. not cleanâ€"free from oritsâ€"-scnrr~b neighbors, Do the some wit spring \\-‘licnl.â€"â€"~ superior to any other kind. and this appears to he the cXpmiet‘rt-c of most gion. Oil and black harness. and have old ones rcprtircd ready for use when it is time to spocd the and tennis (hiring April and Mayâ€"â€" Take good (trill; of tennis and have them rcudt for work wbcn the soil. is ready to plouuh. 'l‘coms nced cxcrcisc every day, anti It is bctrcr for them to work achrol hours cvory day than to be (:onl'incd iii ti rtllblt). Begin to increase the quoti- lity 0f incnl fed to fattening but locks or sliccp. Taltc good crrrc of not allow them to gr w poor. Loy out the operations of thc larm for the coiling scusoo ; and il‘you lltt\C‘ rug systcni of farrtiil‘ig.’ (allot-ts of dividing potatoes as so. d log It as their belief that the pint was good. otlici's as thllc ncnlly inâ€" sisliog that it was as VVI'UIIfl in prin- tv'ipl'. as it was bad In practrcc.-â€" (y,,,';:rinl'.*, reasoning from analoqu the tune.- sggms to have the host ol the argument. May not lie dividing of the seal your Iil‘tcr yc'lr hr: 511‘ mnlativc of discussâ€"eat lcrist byl Wczrkoning the power of germina- tion of tlic pl :nt prcdis‘posc It iodis , ease? The ft.iil()‘.\‘ltl;1lSllltrl'USUllltf experiment on the growing of poâ€" tzirocs. The cchriorcnlci' plntilctl 27 bolus with “built prlzilocs; 23 with cut potnttics. 3 pic 'cs in tfiil'.l': hole; 23 holcs with rut poi rtocs 2 pieces In thc hole. The seed used was averaged by weight and sIZc. The holes of u cut polnlocs yicltlorl 55; lbs, the 23 with 3 suits in on 'n '27 lbs., :llltl the 23 b-vlvs Willi 2 sells 39k lbs. Thc trcnto cut as re- g trds nmntirc. &c.. was alike tor ml the ylois.~â€"-Ctutadiun flg/iculturist. GET A Goon SUPPLY on STqu Bunnies â€"~Wlnii is more desirrrbn- in the garden, or rather no Ibo tziilo_ lbnli plenty of Slt'ritvbcri'ics of th- best kind. many times larger. mor bcaurifoland every way better than the wildin‘tzs that cost more to pick r-rcm than they are Worth. A low dozen plants can be multiplch llll? your So as to supply It neighborhood ticxl spring. Now is tltr- tirnr: to ac tlinii. VVllStlll’SAlllillly,ll‘r101li e in n lute-issue of the Country Gentle- Newnmkfl, Feb as 1.6:) c t- , I. 4.4. the country through for clean 'sccd. ‘ My cxpcricncc with spring wheat is 1%” that ll’ll) Cllltlt’t Ictt Sill‘llig \Vllutll ls begs to state that they may dept-rid on getting cows and t'Wtrs wrth young. and do Admm, N0, .2_ 1560. . 1‘ r not, commence llllS your a rcnovn‘- W A CUTTING SHED PU'I'.\TOES.~â€"~Tll(’. it N B No Charge for Sterling. 17(I-ly gm“, ALEX. E5 EN OERSUN (LA'l‘ r: FROM ENG LAxn .i if the barley Is PfiACllEl’lL CLOCK do Whitllili’lftltfiil, , J l; w s I. t. on, RIQHMOND HILL, C.W. 11.. in offering his services to the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. their work well done. from the tact that he has bad ‘25 years experience in some of the first- class houses in Lindon. Yorkshire, and Len- gOtitl farmers and mil'ci's l1] tltil‘ l'C- casbire, he hopes. by strict attention to business and tnoderrte charges, to gain the support of the public ‘VORK \VARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. plough Let a good S“1‘Pl\ ()l'corirsc NJ} Winn-’9 alone on tleshorteal erotics grain be procured and hauled to the Shop next door to the ~- York Ilerultl ” ()Il‘rre mill for iced for all kinds of stock Richmond llill,IV'or. 7.1861. 145- T” E AURORA flIISllfllfl (lililiiitiiilill RAM}! 58 now open to receive engagements on li» it beralterms. for any number, to stilt the Convenience of large or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRFLAND. at Aurora, or Mr W, WILLIS. 3rd Con. VVhit- church. NJ}. Also, a SAXollORN BAND may be had on application. IOU-Bin C. W. COLEM'A N, l‘Clâ€"l MAKE t & JEWELLER. No. “253 rower: STREE'I‘, 'rottoNTo, IRST store llortli of Crookshankâ€"stl‘eet.â€"-â€" Repairing in all its branches properly at- tendcd to. All work warranted. AL“. All lit-.Ve Often been tilS(1lJ<:‘~Ctl.S-’lttltf stnt- INN-Mme!” 0f Watches, Clocks. Jewellol')‘ and Fancy Goods kept on hand. 'l‘oro-ito, Sept. ti, lSGl . l‘IS-Giii .it’ idih is. ON it lCll HUN 1) HILL. kt HS to intililote ,o the iIilir-rbrraiits or" Ric .- a.."‘-‘~“‘<:‘i.w ' “ "sx’ufe‘tb’ber, Inond Hill and Vir:i~ily. lbat he has i. E commenced besiness as Et‘tBltET Marga, _ l‘wo doors south oi the ‘LMIII. t where he has on hand a Ltt’llr‘llli Household rat. turn, (If the best quality. cheap :nsh. 813: A Call. is an *jitttt‘l. :- y" . &Cl’ ,, ,, lernld” Oliicc. a tilt Richmond Hill. Julie 7, 1861. [32-h new Iter retraction itiap of Upper attuned? ‘ OUliD you secure a valuable and orna- v mental Work of Reference '2’ Sulls'ct'llic III‘ the Typographical, Statistical ANI) ' illustrated Map of Upper funnels-i 'l'rcmaine, the old ln preparation by Geo. (I. I of Descriptive and Wellâ€"known publisher County Maps. ll?” Residents of the Province overvwhc'e will be called on by Local or 'I'raveiling agents. loronto. May 1:561. 138-“ H. a J. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, stave and dc G1‘illti,L Ii‘gc Sr:ut‘lt:t,ttlld Hooker arc the best sorts. Shingle illttiittlhctzrrcrs, and [monitor Planers. \Vhy is a neely Irishman l lKe Hermann? Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, __]3p.;-,,u e he Is pressed 1., dig.a.[a51er and l’laned to order iii quantities to snit pur- enough to satisfy any man of" "1an (pre irlrgrateur.) gence and energy who applies tinnâ€" Life Is shortened ly irregularities of self 10 the CultiVation of an orchard,’ ' the liver. Chasers. [13° Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. June 7. 1861. Sit-Gm l assortment of contract or otherwise, on ~-" .154 .3:'»:.;>..IAS..: t. . .r, g; -’ .....,......w. -' ‘ rgeoii ' “elitist, ' H “’ ’ ,. . , witty. Bit: AT Nicliol’s llot'cl, lticliaioad Hill.‘ .'?l.~ "New. .p », fi On the 52nd Monday of each month, at On the 'l‘nesc’ay followiiig,_at , ' McMann’s Hotel, Klineb’m‘g, H ERR he will be happy to wait on those On Wednesday following. W requiring his services in any branCh of his profession. l‘eeth inserted on Gold Plarenurn.’ Viilcan- izm‘ Rubber, or Continuous Gum on l’latenuni. The latter bf‘illg lli‘e‘inost beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. Pncx has all the rdvantagr-s ol'the Profession. both in the Stales'aod Canadas, having formerly been connected with Dentisis iii New York: he now receives direct from them every improvement of the Profess’ai‘: throughout the Uriite-lHSIntes, ~ Particula: attention given to ~tlié‘ Regulation- of ‘Clllldl‘flllls I‘e’eth. ‘- ‘ ‘ i ‘ Consultation Free. . All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly,.attended to.“ 7' ~ . t s V A . "Aurora, Feb. :20, rsoi 1684\- ' GU’i‘t‘Aâ€"t‘iillt'ltt acorns. No article ever-before inlroducr-Id to the public lirisrfqiiallcd' the LIQUID OUTTA ~ 1 -' ; . . . » - . I PERCIIA lor coating tin or other roots, new or old. ‘Ooe gallon, cmling $1.50, will thoroughly coat from to 300 lch of roof, aid this coating Will render the roof perfectly water-proof and will lasr three times as long as whitelcad or other paint. For covering roofs. either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lily and cheapnttss, and We offer it to llic public fully confil’lr-nt of its intrinsic excel- lence. and Willi our warrantee that it will do all we, claim far it. Sold in barrels of forty gallons ctrcir,_nt a liberal discount to Addrc~s all orders to _ READY ROOFING C0,, ‘23 Cedar-street. New York. 118 12th. tlculci's. GEO. MOP H I L'L IPS, Previncial Land. Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. CJV. December 14. 1881'. ~ 1) E N 'r I s T It viiâ€"V M ._..._._ 1 W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING 51'. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon WES'I’ anon CHURCH sT. 'rouos'ro, F, AR'I'ICULA R attention triven to the regu- lation of Children’s 'I (mt/L. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turde his attention to the :m- provements of his profession in all ilsbranches. and can supply the profession with 'l‘eeib. Gold. Valcnnized .‘.poaraius and Volcanite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold. Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are 'tvarr’nntcd to give entire satisfaction. ’I'oronto,0ctober 11, 186“. 49-1\‘ WV". U. In; E £33, Intuit-van}; '1‘, d; WV 0 07%" cg 9 EGS to intimate that lie is now prepared to I . J3 err-ct MILLS of cverv description, b“.- reasonable terms.’ lie is also agzent for the. best Foundries in (la- nadn. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. Altona, Dec 223. 1859 4 IMPORTANT IF Tia-Us And every 1weird is true. 1 For upwards of three years past. I have been engaged in a business, which has yicldad me at the rate ot $2ltlllt)1ior‘ aunnni, but being dosi- Ious of going to Europe -n the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing;r the- business, 1 am willing to teach it to our one who will send me The business is no bombing. but of a highly useful anti general character. adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordinary cupacrty. young or old. male or female. can acquire wi'li n few li“ltl‘s’ practice. and by which the} can secure a Vcl't handsome il.(‘ome. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, bolli in Nr-w York State and l‘ennstlvania, are r-arnin9_ upwards ol $311 per week by it. and t-iert is [to reason why arty one else Civliliol do the sumo. lnvalids. eVen, can do well by it. as it is no pcdo tiling :vtl'air. but a businch that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of lcisurc who would like to learn the business for their their own ainusr-mciit or pleasure, will tind the pl’ncllt't‘. of it a plcasttrlt pastime, and one that they will take great. inlerrnt in f n receipt of 3H , I will send printed instructions by which any pros-on can readily acquire theart, and these. iIi»tItI(:iioII> will also contain everv particular relative to the carryingr it on so that it will be highly profitable The pI'I'cl'rase-rof the. “ print- crl llr~lll1t51lultrt ” Will also be authorized to teach it to others; and l have soiirctiines rcctzIVcd as fptrh as spit-o, for tetttlllng it personally to a single individual. I would slate furrber that $3,5o or ;,‘<.'l.tltl will buy t.‘\'cl‘\ thing that is no- oessnn to coninretrr- the business with, and tho azticlcs c=tn b. .jot a’mosi anywhere. in city or country, or, 3f pie:errr>d, l cart furnish them ADDRESS, i’ttrrtin. ‘ Alvexd T. Parsons, , No 36 tiibcrtx bin, New York The best 01' references given when rcquircd. FANl‘llNGMlLLSébPUMPS‘ r THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the pubâ€" lic generally, that be tIinnut'actuIcs the latest improved PUMPS Alli] FhllltllilG MILLS In his Shop. at Sloull'ville. where all orders entrusch to his care will receive prompt atten- tron. and for tilleaptlc‘be and durability he denies competition. Repairing done with despatcli. All letters addressed to PE 1 ER KB 1 BS, Stuul'l'VIllo P. O. lSl-tim. Stoufl'ville. Oct. 15. '861. CHEAPER THAN VER! ’1‘ l i E Subscriber begs to inform tits numerous patrons and the public tltatiie is prepared to make Becca-s and. Shmea Ol'ever) strle and description, at the lowest possi Ilc remnneraiing prices. rented to give entire SittiSlflCllnil. W. H MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. 106- Ly ‘-..-‘t»>‘-r;.t...,«,, . I“. Mommy .of mainder of the 1210.505? no TEL, am: pm : ,twunlyâ€"livc cciits. All work nar- ' can. ..., . 01.1 ._.. «av a A. .j 1! .vi-x > He's.- . ,GÂ¥2:P_ if 'PECK; a l 'URGEON Dentist. will be lit Nicliqll’s Riclitliond-- 11-111.}; the lt'iriris'r and, the . re- liis residence, York. All Ho'tel. every month, month at McCaysville, 7th Concession of Work VVarraIitedv. Teeth filled with ‘Osteoplarlic or Artificial l’)01.°.-â€"’IVTIIS filling is put into“ the Tooth while soft. causing no pain. as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which ' it firmly adlieresfreiiiierlrig it almost impossible for the filling ever tocome out. ‘ ' Dr. Husband --as made arrangements with Mr G. 1.; Elliot, ‘01"I'0ronto. to i‘naiiuelacture his- Artificial Teeth : those who engage Doctor lluslmndjto do their work wrll be sure of hav- ing" it done in a superior manner. July bl. 1859‘. 32-11;. 1‘85 Tosca STALET. .'1‘(.)fiiBS'l‘ONE$ "son ' , Twenty vPer‘ Cent, ,Cheapsr THAN AhY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. / ' erlate‘of 1). (t.- .v‘w. YAl.-.lt..'will con- tinue the business under the super-inrendonce iof our dulv 'eullioi‘i'lied agents, 'Atis‘riN ARRIZY and D. CAIILI‘S VALE. whose receipt will be duly ackiii-wledged.- l’.S.»â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the ISI day'ot' .liiiie._185_8, willbe put into Court for collection, (1. YALE; o. CUIVIM'ER.- ‘ Toronto, April 29. 1859. 4641' UNI'I‘Y Fire 6; i.ifr insure nee Association or LONDON, _ Vl’itli which is Amalgamated the ifiqn i table Fire Office. CAl’l'I‘:l L, £2.5(ltldlflt), STERLING. Available Assets lfire Departm’t 55 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2526.595 415 ‘ Deposit. Fund In (Vlanada . . . . . . . Sllblill lit) Deposit Fund in New Yor’k.\.... 150,50th ()0 MERSHAitTS" txciurisis trill-b Directors, Fire Department. J. Frotlriughatn, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. R. Holmes. Esq. .l. G. rl'lackenzie, Esq, A. Larocqne, Esq. J. '1'orrartce, Esq’. 7w, i Trustees in London : Sir WV. C. Dnlycll, | C. If. Bazin, Esq. Trustees in New York : S. ..iviiigston. l'irmol'liarcluy 6’: Livingston. le. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Manufact Ilunk W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman & Co Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Business transacted at the most. moderate rates or Premium. W'. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. Agent for Torontoâ€"AR'l‘llUlt M. JARVIS, Ofiiceâ€"W’hittiinore’ Buildings, Toronto St. 'l‘oronto, April 1‘3, lt‘sG‘l 123-1)‘ Dr. LA OROEK’EE PRIVATE MEDICA L TREATIE ON THE- liysielogical New at Marriage. “251) PAGES AND 13o ENGIIAVINGSrâ€"l’l'ice onlx Smart free or postage to all partrof the Union. On the. infirmitics of north and maturity. disclosing the secret follies of bothscxcs of all ages, causing debiltlv. ner- vousness. (icp'tssloli of spirits, palpitation of the heart, suicidal iiznrginings. involuritz-Iry cruis- sions. blushing», dereciive memory, indigestion and lassitude, wit/i. (,‘II’IU‘i".SAI/I'I’IS of thrilling ml 1'» ‘ as! 11]” a Bourding Sir/tool Miss. a College Stu- dent, and u I’m/‘11.}; r’lI/u‘l'nxl LII/1y, ($16.. 43.6. It is a [I‘lllllllll advrser to the InarrIr-d nird those contemplating lll'dl‘l’itlijt‘,“'lio en'ertairr secret doubts of their physical condition. and who are conscious of having liozai‘ded the health, liappl- ness, and privrleges to which every human lining is clltillcd Youngy Men who are troubled with weakness, geneallr caused in a bad habit In youth. the effects of which are (limitless, pains, forgetful. nl-ss.sometinres a ringing in the ears. \Vt‘t-k eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremi- ties. confusion of itlrâ€"‘ns, loss of Iiteitiorv. wrtli melancholy, mar be cured by the author’s New Paris and Lorltlnll Tvctttllit’lll. \Vo lime recently devoted lunch of our time iti Vl~lllllg the European Hospitals. availing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the mot-t t~klll0€l Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Contiimnt. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit. ot the many new and elliCacioos remedies which we are enabled to introduce Into our practice, and the ptiblic may rest as- sured of the same Zeal. :rs'iduitr. SECHECY and uttcnlioi: being pazd to tbeircascs, which has so successfully distinguished its troretolorc, as a l’itisician in our pecu inr department of profes- sional Practice. 'or the pasttivmit. five years. FHTNCH FEMALE PILLSâ€"Ladies who \vislr for Medicines. the eliicnct ol which has bren rested in txrous lids of clues, and never failed to r-tli-ct speedy cures without any bid results, will use none but Dr. DoLancy’s Female Pe- rrodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be olvscIVcd is, ladies should not take them If the bc'ieve they are in curtain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompany ing each box,) lliough‘always sale and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are 'Ihoy. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to :«in part or" the Unite d Stan-s or Canada. TO THE LAirit‘js-«lVIIo need a modulation! medical :rriviser wtth l‘c gnrf‘ to 2|l\' oi tltO>0 In- telesiing complaints to which their delicate or- ganization renders them liable. are particularly invrred to consult us. Tim " ELECTHO GALVAMC PnoTEcrivn."â€"lt‘or Inarrtetl ladies whose licaltli Will not admit. or nlto have no desrre to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly sale preventive lo coriccption, and has been exten- sively used during the last 20 years. PriCe re. duced to 8.0. THE t;ii*.URETS OF YOUTH UNVEILED. A Trrntisc on the Cause of Premature Decay â€"A solemn warning. Just published. a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female]. of HMS fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- riably attends its victims. and developing the 'whole progress of the disease. from the coni- urencement to the end. It will he sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Stamps. ’ [3' Attendance (lady from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and on Sundaj s from 2 to 5 p.m. Mcdrcines with lull directions sent to any part ,01' the United Siates or (.Irrnadas. by patients Busi- ‘conrmnnicating theirsymptoni» by letter. ticss correspondence strictly confidential. HZ? |)r. L’s Ollice is still located as established, under the name of Dr. La Croix, at No. 31. ‘ Maiden Laps, Albany, N.Y. 152-]; “N nonunion siftina T, items. :11011. Geo. Crawford. . q I y ', A. M. Smith Esq. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the" racist in gillllllltlil - list} on”... . .\ .t w ANY who have her“ slaves to Rheumatic tyran ry have becn entirely emancipated i by the use ofi Ingrain’s turntable Liitimeiit \ certain cure for Rheumatism” Tic‘_1)olere_augt, Sprarns, Bruises and Sweltings Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, iii bottles at ‘25 andfi‘lc. each. Maple Village, Felix, 14. 1861. l-y. i’; evipeia‘l‘. Instr wince ., _ bemoan); or‘CANADA, - fl) [1 . l‘ fit: one marine incarnate..- ns'I'AiiLisHip 18-19, 5 'lnnenrosATcn inc ACT or PARLIApIi-isrl V _ Subscribed Capital, $1,743,320: 'ilOltONfI‘tl or r iii-it atone nits. ‘ IllnitzsmarvT:â€"â€"llon. John Hilliard Cameron. HEAD or‘r'rrir:,;'l"orl()Ni‘p, ViCi;-l’r.r;srni~;n-'r :--â€".l. S. FIItEC‘i‘OtIS :r ' Howard, Esq. ~. llon i. ll. Cameron, George Duggan, q. .l. S. Howard. Esq llon M.Caincron_l\d l’. l'ith. ‘7. Jone.-. I'Isq. .I-.(,‘nitrei'0li.l‘3sq..\l.l‘.l’ ' ' . Morrisondisq.Ml'l‘ . Lewis Mol‘l’at, Esq. ‘ W'. L. l’crrirr, Esq 3P. fun/Igor and b‘cerclr/ry:â€"â€".lunies Sydney Crot'kcr. Esq. A ssis't. Swot “(my I .l W. Woedhomeiisq. flimt (Igor of Agencies : W in. Blight", Esq. SotclToRstâ€"V'essrs. Duggan 6. Burns. BANKnus :â€"-Tlre Bank of Toronto. ,IJRE and MARINE INSUR ’LNCF‘. busi- ness transacted by this (loinpacy at its va- rious Agei'cies. its Well asthe Head Office. To. route, at fair and nvcrnge rates I . I The numerous and responsible. Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, ali'ord an amount of security to ..,he assurr d, equal at least. to that of any ether Conipairyftraiisacring businch in the Province [3- Ill/h \v. ‘ Agent at Richmond-Hill. Toronto. April 18. lStil. 125-13" matter: LYON limb dililil’l, llltOADWA Y, NEW YORK. .338 NO person who contemplates purchasing a 1 Sewing Machinc for family or Inaiittlacâ€" titling-purposes. should fail to send for one of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full tle,- scriptious of the several stiles, prints and sairiple~' of work. all or which we send by mail free. "r’e claim to have the best Sewing Machines in the World For either ["11 wily m lift/itrr/iicturing purposes. _.‘.H. 1862. 'n. s. v. .i‘ _ Prospectus sa‘litt‘rierâ€"‘i'i-ii‘irhinlrrwalnut. A’II‘IRSLCLASS FAMILYQNEVEEAPER, .63. chronic TO THEINTITRESTS OF SCOTSMEN IN AMERI‘A, IND TO THE .mssEMINTTION , ' OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND NEVVS' i ' F’IF'I‘ETEARL ,On January 2, 18642. will be. commé‘need as,“ new volume (V) of the S‘co'r'rtsn AMERICAN JOURNAL; and in future the numbers issued be- ‘ tweenihe first. and last days of each yearil’fill» constitute a Complete volume. of convehient size for binding. and each number w~ill.cou- . . 1 ‘ , "‘1 tam a: most entertaining and instructIVe depart-2:“; tory. of reading matter. ’calc‘iated to interest all? readers of British origin. . The ScorTIsH Amt-a _ RICA N Jou “N! in; 'tli‘or'igli' decided 1y, girttarndti‘imal in its correlaiit‘efl‘oris to»preit'i:o*’e'péaée andipros- 1‘ . perily between the, people of Great liritaing‘and America, ts yet'emphatically Scottisli"iii‘ ilé' Copious records of all events occurring in Sect . ' layd'thrrtfcarngbe regarded of the least interest to natives of that country residing in America ;v and to this “ newts from home” is added, week- b , at sirrriinary, of general intelligence from England, Ireland. and other parts of .the world. . A distinguishing feature at the “ Scottish-f 'Atnerican Journal” is its regular re-pnblitietion»i . uccdcd desideratutn in ‘ interestingpaperptiblished in America. And all we ask is a fair trial. Read the following: IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. l.â€"â€"'l'liis Company being duly li- lgSingle Copies (eacli,). .. .. fibril/HAHN} ct liter/tome ofthe “ leadingarticles” of, the pron-iii out Br'ilish newspapers and other" periodicals upon the most important topics of' the day. This feature is a unique one, and has been found very acceptable to the people“ of? British North America, as it supplies a long-g the Provinces. ' l'crenee to the "editorials" ol the Stor'rts'rli AMI Mcav J-osnsan it is a significant fact that the Ilritish press lrequently acknowledgesLthGiaI .idi-li’iti.§iit: truth and force by copiouslytextrgcticng; from our columns and declaring that ihe‘Scor-f‘ 'l‘ISHV AMERICAN JOURNAL’iS the most able and A con- crse weekly summary is also given of the prin- cipal items of American news, and a similar" narrative of’events transpiring in the various- llritish Provinces, the latter feature supplying a. deficiency which was felt in several of the Pro- vinces of intelligence as to what was transpi- ring in other parts of the British possessions. Iii the forthcoming Volume of the “ Scottish: 1 x In rev“ ,_ American Journal” increased space will be-‘dé? I voted to the literary department iii the publici- trori of snniAi. TALES AND SKETCHES, vividly il- llisti‘aling the customs, habits. sentiments and , general characteri tics of the people of Scotland; each tale enrairrtingr from the pen of an author of celebrity. As heretofore. particular care will» be exercised in the choice of ()RlGlNAL POETRYr composed by writers of acknowledged genius- nnd purity of thought, resident here or abroad- The first number of the new volume will conâ€" .‘I’ rain the commencement of a deeply interesting .~ tale, entitlei “,TIIE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.” This tale will prove to be one of the most in" teresting evor published, and will be appreciated by all classes of readers. TERMS 0 F S UBSCRIP TION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 5cts-, ' alien-‘00 censed. their Machines are protected against ‘Oric copy for one year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.0 infringements or litigation. Nani No 2,â€"A'l hose Machines make the lock- stickaâ€"alike on both sirles-â€":Ind use a little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop slitr:ii machines. IfAc'I‘ No 3.â€"â€"'I‘be>o Machines are better adap- ted than any other sewing-machines in the market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety ot sewing required in a ta~ Inilv. They will sotv lroni one Io twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch iieiteci, They Will even st-w from the lincst gauze to the lien- Viesi, cloth. and even stout. hard leather, without changing the feed. needle, or ten- sionfor making any adjustment of machine whatever. is not such a machine best adapted to family use ? and it best adapted to tamily use, wny “)1 for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for our Family Machine, we recom- 111( nd‘ our larger sizes. lt‘AcT No, 4 -â€"â€"'l‘hese Machines make the mest crosrm scorn of any sewing-Inachine in useâ€"- a fact 01 very great importance in sew- ing elastic goods. or goods of any kind, on a bizs. FACT No. 5 -â€"-No Machine is more durable or mort- simple in its construction,or more easily uriderstOod. 'llre lt‘ptltalltlll at these Illa- chiiios wherever used will fully derrionstrate etich of the abrivc FAtri's. FACT No. ti â€"â€"- l liesc Machines took the Highâ€" erzt l’rcniitiin at the Franklin Institute. Phil- adclp'nia. It‘icr No. 7.â€"" base Malliines took the High- est I’leniiuni rt lhc New .lersoy State Fair. FACT {to d.â€" Hie-so Machines took the high» est Medal at the Arum-icon lnstitnte. i.i the City of New York, :ogctlier willi the High- cs1 Premium tor line Servingâ€"Machine Work FACT No. 9.â€"â€"'l‘liese Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utlca. N.Yv lt'Acr I\'o. litâ€"illicin Machines can do the same thing gericrnllv. whenever properly exliiliitcd iii competition with other first-class Scwnig-Haclrines. lliit we have space. or only onefuul triorcâ€"it is the most iitrportant - Fact of all. FACT IVo. ll â€" lViI zour'vmt ere/‘u [litre/time 10c .s'r'll to gm! Inner soils/italic”. l/nur. any other bowing Mira/mm III Ilia; Iqu/rct. or money 7'qu1 “(lull . USTSeIId fora Circular. AOEN'I‘S WANTED Address, Final»: 6; LYoN SictvING-illACIiIsic Co.. No. .rii’d Broadway, New York. September 5, lttil. l45-6ni rail itEitttEStit‘PiiACit, AND THE HEROES OF WAR. AN'l‘ .lON Y. No. :‘nll Buoanwnv. Now "‘i E-t .. , . . . . . , Yorrlt. is now publishing, in addition to other portraits. the celebrated collection known It Europe. and America as IIICADY’S NA 'l‘lU/V'A I. PHOTOGRAPH”) I’Ui’i’ r' lt’Al'f' GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Haws. (ion. Beauregard. Floyd, and a host of other corit'cderatcs. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. ties of the ‘War for the Union, are put-lislred.card size. and in stereoscopic form ALSO. Stereoscopic. Views of Sci-ties in Paris, London, and in other par's of England and France; in Scotland. Ireland, \Valos. Holland. Switzer- land. Spniri,on the Rhine. in Athens, Egypt, 'l‘urkev, the Holy Land, Clit- na. India. Cuba. (‘30., 610., (rd tit/irritant. 011s Instantaneous Stereoswpic Views Are the Greatest IVWIdcr of the. Age. These are taken in the f. rtietb part of a second. and the rushing: of water. the moving of vehi- cles. or the march of an army, does not in the sligliest degrce all'ect the taking of these vieWs. 'l‘ln-v are sold for $3,011 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest Issorlmcllt 0f S'I'EII’EUSCUPES. PHOTOGRAPH/C ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials in the United States. and perhaps In the world Catalogues, containing: lists of all our Por- traits, View»; Stereoscopos, &c., sent free by mail on reCeipt of a stamp E. .AN'I‘IION Y. 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Hotel,New York. Septembtr 5, 1861 145-1)! Scar ll .‘Hâ€"‘i l I . (.‘LU I’. R A TES. l“ivecopies..... . . . . . 10009 Twelve copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . 20 00: 'l‘wenty dive copies. . . . . . . . . . . n .. . 4U 00 Snecinien copies sent. gratis. Subscribers in tho Provinces may remit their subscriptions in Provincial money. Odd change in l’rovrnciol l’osi Otlice stariips. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States, postage paid, tor $3, or 13s. sterling.pcr annum. Suhscriptiots for the current year are now being: recoivcd,and should be forwarded without delay to A. M. STEIVART, . No. 37 Park R0 w, New York. New York, Jan. 1, 156‘3. : ’ - B. M. R. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS’ HA- GIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its sup.- riority. after using the medicine, the price will be To; funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents pat bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. - ’alnable Property for Sale IZ: ($3 Acres. ‘23 of which is tinibered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with t,itI.bertliere‘ei1'. Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without I’lnildings. The above property is situated at, and Id- joining to, the Village of Esichanaaad H111. For in t'l,l1t)l‘ particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, 18-50. 9-0 Sortsttlttlie (lid English Physician FOR Ab'lTHlA. INCIPIEN 1‘ CONSUMPTION, JNl'Il’tMI‘l‘lltlS or YOUTH, AND 01.1) AGE, &c. No Met-tinny Used. Dr. Annals dc Son, 4»; EAST GENESEE STREET, Buffalo. New York. ARE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of dISease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards ol'tliirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION.» An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lily, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, (Soc. Can I). permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. Dr. Amos 61 Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- inent, pledge themselves that in any instsncu where It may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Doll. lars, by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by score rain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit t'requendy learned from evil companions, or at school. the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured. renders marringo impossible and destroys. both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no. thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructch a drain upon tho human svstem, drawing its thousands of 110' tints through a few years of suffering downto an untimely grave. It destroys the nervou- ‘_system rapidly, wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement. prevents the,pro- per development of the system, disqualifies for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in borlv and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. RICRSONS IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding I correct detail of their case, Address Dr. Amos dz. Son, 48 East GBIIOSOO Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo, N. Y . 88-1:

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