Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 Apr 1862, p. 3

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§ . x - l. mm - ., 3. r , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL eoiPPEiiSMiTH, 'BFAZER, TIN And. Iron Plate VVorker, .2 f- ANUFAC'PURES and Sells every Article in the above line and has had the pleasure ofsupplying both the Navy and Army in Eiiglind and out of England _f'bef-‘re he touohed the. shores I f America. and has also had thr- honor ol‘ Illuminating 51111.5 Royal Hotel and every lie-rm on the loyal 'l‘errace at \Vt‘YlflOUlll, ‘liiglnnd. on hieown responsibilityâ€"takes this ommrtutiity of returning his sincere thanks to his ~friend's'and the public in generalmiiot foigeting those Steve Merchants and Store ’“Pedlet‘s in Hamilton and Newmarket who have so kindly patronized me and my sons i while we were in partnership in these places; and begs to state that he still continues a, \ , . , EGS to intimate to the Farmers and Others " ‘t u‘ . ‘1‘ old Country” experience, to irerit a share of ‘0 manufacture every article In ’lle above business, at his shop on Richmond Hill. OE? All 1170M" IVarranted and attended to wit/z despair/z. Richmond Hill, March 7. 1802. 1'71 3m TO BE SOLD. i18 Acres of Cleared Land. M) 41, lst Concession of Vaughan, ‘7'1'1‘1‘1 a cniiifortabte convenient Hll'USE. o H N S M I ‘I' H, ’ (Late from Yorkshire I'lngla d) General Blacksmith, ON LO 1‘ in the neighborhood. that he has leased ‘ fora. term of years the Blaclis‘lllilll's Shop, 9 . ._ ,, . . , owned and lately occupied by \1 r. S. Saudmmn. . ‘Wllll BAKN mid ‘bll-I‘Jul’ HOU.‘ L. nearly opposite the post oflice. Richmond Hill, “HEDE' All." ‘1 L’Fmd 'l-)"'ll‘a di G“"“-‘” and ,whom he intends to carry- 0” 1m. mmksmhhing Lawn. A iiei'ei‘~f.iiliiig Stream runs throngh business in all its brain-lies, and he llOlmS, bv . 11‘" lil“l"‘”â€""' attention and punctualityâ€"Coiiihiued with his Apply to JOHN ,FOGGIN. On the Premises. . their support. I? I ~11. V Vaughan. Maicii 7, 1869. Richmond Hill. March '27, 1962. PM if (COPY.) VI 0’“) I A notice is lâ€"flt‘rehy Given 1 '1‘”le MARTIN M.\ITI,E<)1) will apply to 1‘ : tho tioxl b‘ ssioii oftlio i’i'oviiicial Parlia- _ K _ 'iiiout to an Act to ('Ollfil'lll his title to the Road No. 93 King Street, allowziui'e butting: his loft“, lot (it. in the, 1st SIGN OF THE QUEEN, entice sinii of King. being tho lt'H’t’ll'llIIO be- tween the 'l‘euiiships of king and Vaughan. Is the place iti Tor into. to buy puro i in the tirst concession. gluiited to him by the " Count) 1 ouiicil ‘11 York .7043”. ii ‘ w l V" i - I 1 i j i“. i " i 11 ’I‘ gt), ' ‘ . E glint“ it 5, , t. t it a o ii .. i. i v COFFEES, soothe 111111111. Iiiillililll ,V‘Are unsurpassed for quality and price, all being “If Gilly 1562 l av 01‘ only because the proprietonltll)\‘1I A It 1) ‘ ‘_ I N ' LAWSONJS one Of the oldest and most ‘~ "alga. T9 . n E'l‘ w r. 1‘) N experienced Tea-bu' ers in the trade. but from the fact that he purl-hares his 'I‘eas in such. . - .thhmond H111 and Thornhlll. 1"Oi‘ luiilici' particulars apply to large quantities at the Ca go Sales. thereby eu- abliiig him to sell at a very G, J. 1". PEARCE, On the Pieiiiises. SliIALL AD VANCE ON COST. IGIi-tf. Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales, sum“ i Richmond Hill, Jan. 30, 18.61, Profits and Quick Returns ;” a'so in w Marc for sale. E Snbscriberofibrs for sale avery sn- pei'ior Dark liay BUG-GE“ ‘MARE, Itisiiig 94 years old . good tiavel er and without blemish. For particulars apply to W. 11, CLAY, 'l'hornhill, February 4. 1862. i “sorta”... IS. CAMPBELL bon to intimate that her School will RIC-OPEN on Monday, Jam)- l’l’tiere Will be taught as here- manufactured on tht‘ [it‘eii’iises, from the hest' [01"1“ 1"" “51ml bm'ml‘PSPl "Sell" educallon' nint'erinliby first-class workmen, Iced and TERMSzâ€"Board and Tnitou iii the Iliuliei‘ Fruits, Spices AND 67-4 He cannot be tiiiilei-sotd :éxsovxwg AND ZHIs M ()ruaiiientod BEiiii-Fl‘ies Of Elldgilljh, $24 1.6.. quarter; Mask, , I . _ $ ' much an i'awiiitr. each. $3. “'eddlng and Other Critics ’ l" , with dispatch ,Jlomember the Placeâ€"â€" ‘1 s .4. - . 521110 shortest possible notice. l w '1 I." ._'._ ‘r': Richmond Hill, March 27. ’02. ' a ‘. {nuke t. 7 g . The above business Will in ft] ure be carried “i‘irsa'taiiiingin uichonD HILL l’ostUllice lir-‘imoud Hill. Jan. 1. 18613. 152-3t v Always on hand or made to order in on the shortest notice, any style Land for finale, ‘IIE Subscriber offers for Sale on reason- a'b‘e terms, Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to r All Goods \“fll'l"=ttif‘L-l as toure~ touted. and delivered free ol'chiirge to the cars or In the city limits, {313’ NO SECOND PRICE. l 2 Acres of Land, Situated on Lot No. 21‘. in the rear of the 4th Concession of the township Of Vaughan, and in tho village of 'I‘Iianesville. For further No. 93 KING STREET, Sm): or THE QUEEN. l”’~l‘llculu"s 31’1"." ‘0 EDWARD LAWSON, Propi ietor. 167-6'm JOHN VELIE. sen. Lot 19. 2nd Con. Vaughan. ' 170-4 February 523', 1962. NOTICE. If asked what was the best, medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious (Vtilntllttllllfi,sltjk Headache, l Costivcness, ac. Wo should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGEI‘ABIJE LIFE PILLS. #Toronto. Feb. 5, 1862 Dissolution of Iâ€"‘artaersltip. rl‘IIE Partnership hitherto Cnl‘llt‘il the name and title ot Sllb'tliAltt). BOYN'I‘ON Jr. (10., Panning Mill Blake S. Richmond Hill, has this day been dist-mild by mutual consent. All the Lihilities of ilit' Siltd‘ firm will be paid by Win. V. Sontliard, Now- oii under PRO Bette PULI co. DOWN AT LAST. W .q- » WM. V. SOUTilARl), 0. L. BOYN'lON. G. 1.. BOYN'I'UN, March 18; 18622. 174-1 on by G. L. Boyiiton, at the. taciory near Kay- mond’s Hotel. Richmond lit 1, March 527, 1862, J. B Berg in“, OU‘N'I‘Y Ceiistable,â€"-Landlord’s Warrants' executed, Rents and Debts collected on 1 Addressâ€"Richmond Ilill r.0. 17.; f Infant gcfloolz ' RS. JOHN SMITH begs to intimate to - the Parents and Gnorduns of I‘Iiizition ’i’ntbe neighborhood of Ricliiimiid Hi‘l. that r she intends to Open, on Torso”. :‘iriiti. Isl. e .311. Infant .‘rr'lwoli Q When she will be happy to receive under her ‘ . S ‘ ' “ ll" charge any Clitld helwu-n the. ages. of 4 Mild . cellt i .pbl Gall 12 years. [‘“8 usual munch” “mam mm I \Varraiiied Genuine Or the iiiouey returned. Sewing, Nittiiigaiid Fancy Neet'lc \Voik. I E(_)rl\ E & S” ’ WEN terms. &.c. apply at the residence near ' CORNER or voson Asn Qt t‘EN .rrs, TORONTO r1111; 1‘ I'LNUINE Raymond’s Hotel. 174’ The Largest aiid Letters In I 'anadu, . “Mail. 1, .ooz. “" _â€" “‘fr Keg; E‘W' ~ - ' . «1‘ ’ > > ‘ Baylie. James McConnel. John (Sol!) % :3 g, 9 E 3 § 0 S Bowman, Thomas McDonald Mary 52 ‘2 5: ‘w m E. Dove, George (2) 9 Basto. H. C. Campbell, Bena Chmt‘ret. Mary «Collie. Henry Dutton. VViiliam McMiilru, itngh McLaWs. ltcv. Mr, Newton. (Sharles Pat-ten. Alex. Patten, lsa'dc Phillips. George Phillips. Samuel lii endless Variety. Latest lnipi'ovciiieiits as \Vt‘ll as the (51.1)well-kiiown Patterns. 11.? Intending Purchasers are respectfully iti- Vllt'd to call and 6X2tll|lllt5 Stock and Prices" Corner of Yoiigo and Queen Sts., Toronto. December lb, ISGI. .-. .Derliam, Richard 159-15- Fiat-holler, Adam ,, Pogue. VVI-ll‘nlll (sen) ’“"‘ " Goodwell. John Reid. Elimbeth I ' ‘ 'l- anllo-way. VVIlliam r 511111150", James (sour) n E. -~. vHeiso. John ") .1. .‘ it Mitchell, George g. t. : 1.3: 7 o’clock, p.iii . on which occasion a iium- ,(2) . LL PERSONS indebted to GEORGE bimpson, James (Jun) T I S I S - SIMSUN. either by Note or Account. i'lls ees 1. 0C. 1 > w - . ‘ will iluase call and se‘tle the same belore the . ,:-.Is.hnck. J. A, No 3. Va [15111311 1 i - "A" -‘t. ds ' .' - . .Langsmm‘lohn (2) Verne“ Fred A. 10th lltlL no). an ave expenses II no N . tbino- else. Any persons having claims r ‘ ‘ ‘ \ .i , ‘. ,s ' .l I _ - I “Shall' Fhomab (2') x51,” {i‘vm'B “.1TAbb‘e against me aforesaid W111 please send in their ii.- an. aiiie - M TEEX‘W, PM Accounts. , lleSONIC Anus HOTEL, Richmond l'IillJtl irch 1H.186‘2. RICHMOND HILL . LIBRARY ASSOCIATIO v EHeslop, John _ lanes, William 173-2. , 'jff, . _‘ RICHMOND HILL jgetiUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL ! PUBLIC EXHIBITION will take place ‘On FRIDAY EVENING, 11th April, ’62, ! if ‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the '1IP'RALtJ ' Book Store, her of DIALOGUES and REUI'I‘ATIONS whore Stockholders and others may procure F‘i'will hepresented by the Pupils ot' the Senior ‘ BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 Department. ' ' i o’clock. r n. L. 11. EVANS. iieizd Master. I Richmond Hill, Mar. 27, 1862. A. SCOT-T, Librarian. 174-2 I Richmond Hill, Feb. 27, 1861. n“ Tionen,‘sen’r;,f l l $1111 111111111, Lilli, Illll'lllll lit Still |Clieapcst stock of Lamps ! IRichiuoud Ilill, I)ecciiiber'-.’(i. ism. - y . . "a .. papa. ’il’h‘dvz : v i‘ié nicitMON‘b Htt‘ifi‘bRUG ' ‘ iN‘lVIOND-AY. MARCH 315:, the Stock oft O STORE will be'removed to 1 MR. WM. AMBLER’S W sT Where will be found on Enlarged and Complete Stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, , CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, _ * OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTS, '&C. STATIONERY, .‘ *__ _ FANCY GOODS,&c. Ste. 810.7 - FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in season. Having abundance of room in the New Store the Subscriber has concluded to. open also with a carefully selected Stock of. CHOICE GROCIIJRIESI Which he intends to put in charge of a competent Salesman, and whic’t will be Sold at the Very- L0 WEST PRIQES FOR CASH! Every attention will be gchn t) making this branch all that can be desired. In soliciting the patronage of his former friends and customers, and the public generally, the undersigned would state that it will be. as formerly, his aimlo supply in all cases ARTICLES; or the BICS r QUALITY at LOW Pincus. ' .. ROBERT It. HALL. 171-4 , Richmond Hill. March 6, 186?; (‘A It I). [ BEG- to state. that Messrs. FLOOD 8:. PRICE have succeeded me in my liiisi ness at this Village. and ft-el pleisiire in being able cordially to recommed theni~ to the notice 01 all my Old Friends and Customers. I therefore respectfully ask tor them a fair trial. J. K. FALCONB {I V “ (:13. 169 8 A New FIRM IN An OLD STAND. f 111E Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants of I’ticliinmid Hill and surrounding country to the fact that they have. pulcllasud the Eweeiicnt Eiock of Goods .' Lately held by Mr. J. K. FALCONBIUDGE. and having Bought For Cash 3 Aiid on very favorable terms. and leased the More for a period of years, they” feel ‘ confident of their ability to OFFER EXCELLENT INDUCEMENTS P U [ECHA b’E [{b', l‘tiey have already made large additions 101119.“- original Stock by fresh purchases and will keep censtantly supplied with a complete assortment of the MOST DESIRABLE GOODS. 'I‘licy wish it to be MOST DIR'I‘INC'I‘LY UNDERS'I'OOD that they soliclt the patronage of the public on their own 7‘es]7I)723i/)ilif,7/. and 111‘” they have no busi- ness connection whatever, with any other person or persons in Ric/mtoond Hill or elsewhere. ’ liichmontl l'llil. February 20, 1862. TO FLOOD & PRICE. Richmond Ilill, Feb. ‘21, 1862. 169.8 ROBERT! LA EON’S. 18 Fill: PLACE TO GET PURE 'I‘EAS AT REASONABLE nations. Tlie reason of which is that lie Will not keep 071(1 Tea in Stock, and is willing to Sell at a Fair Profit. ' R. L. has lately received part of an importation from London, England, among which are some very FINE . FULL FLAVORED TEAS. Including a Few Chests of Fine Non-Coloured. Japan, \Vhicli he will b‘ell at 3s. “(31' lb. Beware of Painted T :as, “111611 are no better than poison it’ll At. ROBERT LAWSON‘S you can procure Pure Spices, all kinds of Sugars. Fruits. "l‘oliaccos. houses. Pickles. AllWI‘lt'l‘II Cheese. Canadian Chi-ere. Candles. Soap. Brooms, Brushes. o1'all kinds, Oat Meal, Flour. Corn Meal. Dried Apples, Pruiies, with every other atticle iii the Grocery Line. at low pilees. ROBERT LA \VSON’S is also the place to get You will also find at llonnu'r LAWSON‘S Soda. Abernetby and Arrowroot Biscuits :ind Crackers. I‘r'bolesale and Retail also all kinds of Confectionciy, the whole being, of the best iiianul'acture and sold cheap. llonEuT LAWSON'S place of bu-iness is ppygymrltjt,” 1mm 01:, i 162 King-st. East. N ear the Market, Next Door to the Ciydc'llotel. 'l‘oronto. February 1‘2. 185;). 168 1‘ -u‘ “I- MN‘W‘. w uvw‘mvw‘l ‘1 "mm \MIW‘ -‘ ,\ 1-- Ar. pom SCHOOL‘ GENERAL STATIONERY, ' AT THE “ YORK HERALD" OPFCE, A'l‘ PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. ' IGI) its RN tales me w." SSKE 1 1. SINGLE or. DOUBLE t. HEAVY Oit LIGIâ€"I'l WELL-MADE IDURABLE 2 ' MAY BE HAD or I ll , i llIiiitniiit L _..-â€"tâ€". i ' It. at him ‘liiliiiiii I*tiitit llltiitiii ' r 1171E_Supyg;;vlber has on hand, or will make tom-tier to suit purchasers. and of the best materials, . masses or THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of VVlâ€"llPS,-LA§11ES, Sac. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look at; VVciti- Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8; Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsidcs, &c. (3:?- Call and Examine, . at “NM. HARRISON’S mond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151-3in Rich l “avâ€"fl _ l . . F0!5.,_S€l16> .. . (XII-BAP ‘or Cash orianpifiovod Credit. A /, ’l‘Qll‘llOI'SO power THRESIIING MA. CHINE with Cleaner: also a Spa‘it of TEAM HORSES. good to Work. Apply to mini AMoss, â€"~ GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. IIIUUS’ BLACK (311.39, attrition-A .tzed by all who have usac it, to be superior to L .i‘gl:£:t Oil, or any other Medicine now helore thc'l" the. for Spraius. Bruises”, Cuts. Gulls, and all " turies to Hor'etlesh. Good for m‘an and beast. , 1 ~ . ' Piiice, 25 cents per bottle. bold by all uteri; in . ~ LN 11, 2nd Con. Markham. uedioim March 2:, 1862. ' 174 its « sooner "i ,‘...'..-...v.'u. '.'.....r . FARM FOR SALE. HE Subscriber‘ofi'ers for sale the north was part of 0F TH E Townshipof Howard, Containing .75'Macres, about 40 of which are. under a high state ()1 cultivation There is on the Farm 8 aci'e‘s of Fall Wheat. 1: good' Orchard. ii Log, Home and other outbuildings. There is illsoa BED 01“ UCIIRE on‘ the“ pro" party, which only requires a small capital to open «it up. OIL on the property. apply to . ROBERT MARSH. Lei/11. tst Con. Markham, b. 26. 1862. 170.6 For further particulars RichmOiid Hill, Fe Alb THI BRITISI‘I REVIEWS 1’ SCOTT a: (70., mi YORK. continue a to publish the follow Peiiodicnls, viz. 2-â€" e . . Black-wood’s Magazine 1 . L. , THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVlE W (Witig.) ' :i. . 'rnn NURTII BRITISH REVIEW, .(b'ree Church.) 4. . . THE WESTMINSTER“ REVIEW (Liberal); . ', ~ ' g 5 . . .. r . t - .- BLACKWOOD’S .AEIQINBURGH: MAGA--,~ zine, (Tm-y.) ' .' Tlie'present critical'state of European afi‘airs will model-these ptlhlIC'ttIous universally 'n- terestiug during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has‘ tilt' writen iieWs itriiis, crude speculations, and flying; rumors of the (1311\'Jtlut'lla1,fllld the pun- derous Time of the future historian. written aftertbo living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- giblo and ieliable history of current events, and as such. in addition to their well-established literary. scientific, and theological character. we urge them upon the consideration of the reading“ public. EARLY COPIES. .Tlie rv'ceipt of Advance Slums from the British publishers gives additional value to these ltepvints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the. bands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : - ' Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. . . 3 III) For any two of the four Reviews . . . . . .. . 5 01) For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . . 7 “It For all four of the Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . .. 81.10 For Blat'kWOod’s Magazine“ . . . . . . . . . '. 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review. . . . . . . . . 511“ For Blimkwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 III) For Blarkwuod and three Iteviews,. 9 ()1) For Blackweod and the tour Reviews... .10 00 v Money current in. the State where issued will be receircil. at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twortv-five per Cent f om the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or them oftbe above works. Titus; Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. N.1>’â€"â€"'1‘he price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $3I per annum. ‘ Remittances for any of the above publications should 111%”in be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT 81 CO. No. 54 Gold Street, New York. New York, Dec. 5,1»61. VA GOOD Tame. on. HOPE’S Magnetto Ointment, it; well ’worth . km, in any case of l’ites, Burns, Scams, Old Soru, lnnamed or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and In every case where an ointment is useful. It will re “mud half, after one trial. i. Winehester’s Ilypopiiosphites (Du. CnUltCHILL’S ' SPECIFIC REMEDY,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous Dobilltg, Sore/ill”. and Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, 4'0. HIS is the most 'IDllllllc'j‘ul curative agent known to medical science. It has of- fected cures in every stage of Consumption “ UNI’AIIAI.I,.EI.ED IN THE ANNALS or 5.7:», y... '1 . . Emu To it, ow Lot No. 13111 thelst Concession , ( x ‘ 10,0 AORE$_ _ 81) O ,which are cleared. andin a high state of. There is also strong indications of}.- ing leading British '. -.:...-~ -.... "A? ...:. .' ~y,‘,',~5:‘ L. .-... ~3va um s , ,3». (.,v3.‘\‘« 1m ran at: Subscriber ofi'ers' for Sale iii-euwesi’ halfof Lot No. 19. iii the 3rd Cniiceission glitllirkham. containing ' cultivation, with a comfortable ' Home and ottiorirfinildiii’gs'; also. a young thriving . ORCHRI). , ' I ’ ‘ For particulars? apply to -“ JAMES G . - , , A Mann. Hoadford. March 20. 1862. 173-3. ‘ror Sale or tovi’lteti‘t, Y : . .CUMM' )DIUUS self-containedHOUSE, 1 situatediii the vicinity of ibiciiiupvu HILL. coiituii‘ilng"4 Bed-romiis, 1'at‘loi"and Kitchen. with other Untbuitdings; i‘fl’here is also, an Anne of Land. and another Acre can _ lie-leased adjoining. For if particulars apply atltlfbi ‘. IJ'tc’ttiAiLD’ ' Office. W“ .171-‘11'. ' ' , . Riclttnondvflill; Mhrch 6. 1862. - .lns'r RECEIVE-I), a ft'PSlleletfly or... new 3 edition of SAVGS'PERTS ,ELEHEN'P- 11 BY AR1T1‘1\'11'.'1'1C. tit ' the "‘ HERALD” Book-Store. Richmond Hill. " ' " ‘ ‘ Pails andsaplauckets. ' 111111 Undersignod isiiipropaired :to furnish - ’ ' any *dualitity‘ Ofw’PA‘lLS ANDHSAP ,BU.BKE;'IZS,_int:Iiin Factory, LgtvN0.~,l_1.:2nd _(_‘oncession ,of .\1ir_kli_'ain,',or .a‘t. ll’At-tKl-Itl Cii’o’snv‘s. Richmond Hill, at igreatly redaced Prices. v .1: i . Address. post~paid. Buttonv'ille Post‘ofl‘i‘ce. ' . ' JOHN AMUSS. February ‘20. 1861. Sitar Ari) iiwntu Village of Richmond Hill! 1N it good position for business, House cotii~ niodioni. ‘with 5 Rooms and an excellent Collar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, at present in occupation by Mr. (Soother.â€" Poswssion given on lst January. 1861. Enquire of G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Ilill. Dec. 5. 1861. 158-tf «Tag. F. Brown, nuonnn, Estate and General Agent, ant-:n'r ron vGEolonial fiifc Qtsonrmtte QIo’Q. ' 1 Masole llALL, Tonos'ro STREET. TORONTO- 1 Money to Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. IQS'IV PHOTt innitâ€"this l PHOTOGRAPHS i The Cheapest and Best Aiiilirotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, institute, 1131', JAMES RAWE, t’t‘oprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. 19.5»13' CORDS OF OAK STAVE TIMBER. Cash on delivery. 11, 5L .1, HARRISON. Plank Road. 150-3t. 50" A pply to Richmond Hill, Oct, 10, 1851.- Nd) VV 0 “SE ERVE, AT all persons owing Dr. James Laug- T” staff. will find it to theiradvantage to Cull and pay as soon as possible. ' OR A “7 F0 R D’S MLDIITINE” it. Norvous minty and 1)ys~ POETICAL GREETINGS TO; THE PUBLIC. pepsin. the. HYI’OI{HUSI’I’IITICF‘ may be re garded as an aliiiOst sowroigi- remedy. The Hypopiiospli ites .' F means! do you wish. in those Very hard times To get the full worth of your dollars and dimes? i l'lave'a tWO fluid mid Sth‘ftlfit} SCUMâ€"0" “"8 110 you wish to purchase the purest and best ""6 lm‘ld- '11'31"“‘~""l.111"‘WWW!”e ‘VlllCll CON ' And cheapest of goods for yourself or your guest? S I ITUTES NERVUUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being lite MUS i' VPUIVERFUL lt’l.0t)lJGEN‘RATING AGIzNI‘s KNOWN They act with promptiiess and Certainly in all general morbid Conditions". s'tcli as Chronic llroncbitis. A~tiiiua. Scrofulu, Marnsinus. Ane- mie. FemaleComplaints. $20., and In all dis- orders of the Nei'v'Ous or Blood Sisteins. Their eti’ect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- ate-â€"all the general Symptoms dis-appearing T'lctl go to Cmwrouii’sâ€"you’ll find that he t’VeIl deserves his great popularity. 'I‘ms of each brand treat the 11 iwory land. Called amidstruse-scented zephyrs bland; Hunpowde .Ilyson. the rich Pekoe, The best of (i seen and the fam’ Bolted. Come to Crawf rd’s. and you’ll agree Ynu iieve‘ saw liner nor cheaper Ten. The sellers of Coll‘ee in vain to competeâ€"â€" Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat; with a rapidity which is really marvelous.-â€" ’Tis arommuc. iris fresh, ids good. They increaSo the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. check Night Stvlfilfl. diminiin lilxpn-cmt'tttion. improve the Aopetite. arrest 1) Il'l‘l'KB‘I. and promote l’Pllt'eSlllth‘Slfiflp. FAIR TRIAL I‘ A CERTAIN CURE. Winchester‘s Genuine Preparation (IF THE IIYPOPIIOSPIIITICS is the only reliatiie form of Dr Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved in the Medical "rol'essioii generally, USE N.) I lTHiCR..OR ANY REMEDY CON- i'AINING then. I IL; Pawns '.-â€"-1ii 7 oz. Bottles, $1485 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles. $2A l‘lii‘eo for $5, Circulars gratis. Sold by all iespectalile Drug- gists. and 'at the solo General United States. by , J. WINCIIEb’I‘ER,30.10linSt.. N.Y. THE SPECIFIC PILL .’ A SPECIFIC RhltlrzliY FUR Sprrmntm‘r/im or Sent/ml W'm/rnrss Ge/iitu/ Irritri/JZ/z'fy in cit/ref Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Dehility. Impotencv. Sterility. \\'c.. which has the ap- proval ol the medical pi‘i’il'essioii. has been mostexti'uordiiiaryâ€"efl'octiug cures in cases where ail other moth ms of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIII PILL will periiiaiietitly cure any case at Settli- iial Weakness. .or its resulting Iiiipoteii'cv. however aggratrated, whether constitutional. or ailsiiig from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT M EI‘IUAL TESTIMONY. "1 half“ “59d 5'01” S'WCIGC Pm 1" man)" one door South Of Mr. Harrison’s Saddlery. cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the most per. foot success. "J. MILTON SANDERS. M.l)..l..L.D,’* "We believe it to be as near a. ‘ Specifie’ as. any medicine can be. \Vo hove cured iiiziii'y severe cases with from six to ten doses ”-â€"l)r.. B. KEITH : ‘AIIIGI‘ICIIIIJOHI‘. of Med. Science. Hl have found them all that could be de- sired. 'l‘Ii’eir eti’ei-t has been truly wonderful-+- E. P. “It urn. M D.” [1? This is not a.‘ l'lo‘nimnathie Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other delotu'idus ingre dieiits con'ibined' with it. v r . ~ Pawnâ€"$1 per - box; [six boxes for $5..hv mail. pro-paid. For sale by all rospectablb Druggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J WINCHESTER. '36 John St,,N,Y. New York. Dec, 12, 1831. 439-13”, Its success . And combines the virtues Of merit and food. He has SUGARS as sweet as the purest marina. Fresh from the canes of Louisiiitrt. A (10003.. Chocolate. Raisins and Sjiico, Vinegar. Pickles, Crackers and lice; Soap of the no plus ultra. brand, The tquil of which can't be ltttllld’il] thelaud; Currants end Raisins that can’t fail to please..â€" 'l‘ho sweetest of Butter. the fittest of Cheese: And then the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, to satisfy customers Ui'awfcrd ne’er tails: Hugo-ids ate the best, and his prices you’ll find A e such as to leave competition behind! ALSO v 0N HAND, Depot in the SPICED BEEFJ. OTHER [JAMS Bloatersrmon Haddies-é’cc Yarmonth . . ocean.) CRAWFURI),; 3...”. .w;wn.-..~:.._.o,. . . -n‘RW,.ytt.-Apr;}:fl}’ ..r. L _.._._ __ _ _- - ____ ._.-__.__. â€"- PETS TREAT" THE. roast, - "ALNBII ; ‘HIS j, purines : I I’Roritsson or: PATHOLOGY AN'ii'OeriRiajrivic SUR- ROBERT JENNINGS, , v. 8., (mar IV THE VETERINARY Cochriutror PHILA- ‘DE‘III’HIA. Brion. or Vn'rizninAnv ,Mnu‘icm‘i in THnM'rniAGiticnurunriL ,t unmade of", OHIO, SECHE'I'ARY or THE AMERICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION OPP-H1- IfADI'J'ItPTHIA, are, pro. . 12nd." .ciota Extra. Pt‘ice;;$1-25 - JENNINGS’. GREAT tt’O'RK UN 'l‘llE HORSE Tells you “all about breeding and Managing thehaiiimal‘ with his. various vices, and how they can be corrected ._4 JENNINGS“ GREAT ON THE HORSE Describes more than 150% diseases‘ to' which 11618 subject, 'aiid fives the various reiiiedies‘bost adapted to' tlfeir cure. it JENNINGS’ GREA'IXWO , R ON Tilt: HORSE Should-{twin no. hands ofeverydmn who owns thenaniiqahj'At a critical moment it may save you hundreds of dollars in horse-flesh. i ,_..;;»> ’ ‘ v -‘_.___....,_i,___.-j ".1. 't. ._-fi_.__.___.. l $1000 A YEAR IS BE Thrilling Adventures-1‘ Among The Early Settlers." " BY WARREN:Witnwomrfiéwq: 5 \Vith 200. New under-origami Engravings. 12motgitloth Extihfii muster. . .'il‘.‘-:t lii‘ ' . . -.?I_ . . 1min THRIL‘L‘IN‘G' ADVENTURES NI} To LET AMONG TI'IE‘EAKLY‘ SETTBERS w. venture to say its-the most 3 inteiisdlvlhiterest- ing collection of storiesever issued, Tii RILLING- AlD VE N TUREs AMONG THE EARLY _,SET'.1‘LERS While drawn‘ from the: most ‘a‘ull'ly’e'it'ti'c'souro ces. yet pat-takes of all' the Wild, weird; and tea in! character of romance, TH RILLING A 1) V EN TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS With startling vividness brings before the mind of the readei'ii'iaiiy a. deed, of blood and curii~ age. many” a'sceiie of heroism and patient oiidm'iiiice. ' ‘1 I THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR [N Siamese: PAIN AND Dis'riinss. By Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1). ~ Idiom, Cloth.“ Price $1.00,?“ . r 1â€",?“ TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS \VRI'ITEN in plain language. free from medical terms, and tels you how to cook. prepare drinks, and managethe sick gono- rally. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DILSCltl lllCS nearly 1:30 distinct diseases; to which men, \" much and children are subject, and gives the various simple. remedies best. adapted to their cure. ' ' TAYLOR‘S FAMILY DOCTOR IS Wltl'l' PEN in plain language. .‘free fr'om 'Medicul teruis, and may soon saw you much sutliiring and main times the COSt. of the book. Everybody wants it, . .. THE PEOPLE’S . GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value that Will be found in our prlitted catalbgues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. r THE PEOPL u’S GREAT 30UKS eii'ib‘ace Olllcl‘ works of great vrilue, . that will be found in our printedcataldgues. and which Wlll be forwarded to any addresa on appliCation. ' ' . T HE PEOPLE’S " GRE AT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others in quantities on very liberal terms. Unequalled iii tiieclianical execution, as Well as value of their contents. a certain and rapid sale follows theirintroduction everywhere. ‘ ..v V ‘ ' I [HE ' PEOPL 3’3 GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others in Quantities on Very libei‘al’tcriris‘. Unequaledt ' in mechanical ex-ontion, as Well 'as value of limb contents, a certain‘aiid rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. ING Cartier of Yonge and Agnes Streets." Toronto. Oct. 31. 1861. , ..,i.53-tr. I )4 , IMPORTANT. j” . 1m. WIS‘l‘AR’S I’ULMONIC SYRUP. is highly x... commended, for Coughs. Colds,.Asthma, Croup. ind :2 disease: of the Lung-ti and Throat 25 cents ’u‘ tto ~ ‘ I “ '- * NOTICE 0F“ ’ ‘lHE .mscriher. in returning thanks to his I iiitiiierous fiieuds..b:ogs to intimate, to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has i'eiiioved INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 o Shop, where by strict application to business and studiiiig unplease. he hopes- to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed , on him heretoore. All Orders punctuallgj dttéttded to. 11.313 Garii'ionts cut to ‘order on the shortest honors. and in the latest Style. ‘ES. ‘ JAMES a, non. ' ' Tailor. Richmond 11111; Oct. 10, 1861. 1861-3in ‘ W0 R M S . Fbr destroying Worms in children SITTZER’S ’ vnittnruon CANDY is by rat-wile rriOst plensan safe. and cIchtual remedy now in use. Try it! Sol y by ah dealers in 'nied‘icines. Sold by W. S. POLLOCK.,Rie-hmond Hill, ' , theme Elli/ovi l Ill-ADE by many onlerprizmg men in the sale oi “ the People's ()rent Books.” Uiiequalled in mechanical exaculion. as well as Value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere $1000 , A YEAR IS BEING ' MA 111% by mam" elllet‘pt'IZIIlg men. in the 51115 ' ol “ the People’s Great Books.” ' Unequalled . in mechanical execution. as well as v'aldéé of their contents. a certain and rapid Hale llbllows their iiiirodncti it everywhere.- r 4.2:}: “MW $1000 A, Yeasts Bait-m MADE by many euterpriziug,..me.it,..' ithg sale of “the People’s Great oaks." ” '11! equalled in llleéll’ it"cal exochlion. its war an value of their cements. a~certaitrniidiii9ipid salafolloivs their introductionVioverywheml. ac.- »snnn‘iaron ,‘rzaoos'woitTn "‘OF’the“ People‘s Great Books and try: them, among your neighbors, Everybody wants ~ them. - r . ' ' p .‘5, I . I t S snub renewal) WORTH l ()1" the People's Great Books and try them amling your neighbors. ‘Everybody wants SEND FOR $100.001V‘ORTH OF the People’s Great Books. and tryvthem among” your neighbora Everybodywahtq them» . ' M ‘ ‘ ‘- " SINGLE COPIES, SENT TI) ‘ ANYaddress, postage paid on receiptof price. Address, A ‘ ' V - JOIINiE. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SINGLE COPIES, .' CNT TO AN Y address, postage paid on receipt o‘fprio’e. Addresz ', ‘ ' 1 1101131 E. POTTER. l‘uni.isiir:u, J No. 1517 S‘Ill-IOIH St., Philadelphia, Pa INGAE COPIES, SENT- TO ANY address, postage paid on receiptofpricc Address. " ' JOHN E. POTTER, PUBLISHER, ‘ No. 617 Sansom St,1’iiiladclpl_i,ia,.l‘a§ ; S

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