Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 31 Jan 1862, p. 4

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lentil]. H PADDY AND THE YANKEE. h Yankee and Paddy one-day chanced toine‘et, _. -IfI do riot mistake 'twas infigdeusburg street; .,Says_ the Yankee toi’addy,_you'd better take: care, , We’lisbe over in Canada before you’re aware. Faith, then, says ruddy, that same can’t be. r t'. helped, -- =- v I thought Jefferson Davis long ago had you - ,, skelped; -‘ 'TheTrogue, how he laughed when- he heard of - the fun. When you were struck with ' panic ’ that day ' at. Bull Run. I guess, said the Yankee, you must be insane. ' I. {W‘ouid you stand till a bayonet was puttlirough , your brain 7 , If you would, dear Paddy, i guess we did not, . YVe never got military training for that. I Bedad, their, says Pat, and he laughed at the fun, . f1 r.Sorra a bayonet was near you, a sword or a- ... - f gun ; v ,. - Being struck with a ‘ panic ’ like wild geese ye - fled, Your well ones ran over dying and dead, .A. a I guess, Mr. Paddy, that Jeff is a cheat; ,. 555 “if he sent us were he was on the retreat, ' I guess we’d have chased him, and licked him - like fun, I Andlllre saved the disgrace ofra shameful Bull un. I guess, says the Yankee,we’ll try Canada now; I think we can take it; we’ll try it, i vow: 'We have only to watch and keep out of you mill. We ironin there before, and they ground us 10 till. Again, says the Ogdensburg Yankee to Pat, When we get over there, I guess We’ll get fat: . hen the flowing St. Lawrence no more shall ‘ divide. "i - But Yankee to Yankee shall bow from each "‘1: ~ side,- i know, Mr. Yankee, to light you’re a whale: . 1 hope you won’t kill us wiin the wind of your _ tail: '. You’re a harmless fish, though you blow rather , ' strong, it But we hope to harpoon you, and that before long. So be aisy, says Paddy. and haul up your slack. For if ever you come over you’ll never get . ,7 back: _iWe’li fence you with cannon, our shot you can’t slrnn, And you need not depend On another Bull Run. V ” Bedad. says bold Pat, if they give me command. i’ii pick out a field with a few stumps on the land. With a few regimentals, and a man here and there, i , ,- We’ll have aanli’s Run. or;1't '5 terrible quare. m. Eilirrrrlliiirrmiir, ‘ ' The, best of agricultural fairs «farmer’s daughters. 7 In what sense is :1 newlyâ€"horn baby like V .a snowdrop’! In no sence (innocrnce). The kiss with which a girl seeks to catch her bean, is a fishing-smack. It is said that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword.’ Neither is of much use (without the holder. ' f '. r z aVVhy is a person who never lavs a wager as bad as a regular gambler? Because he is no better. ' 'W'hich is “the cheapest way of building ': a house for‘a pig? Tie his tail in a knot and you have a pig-slye. . _ A LADY'S “fawnâ€"A lady advertises in a Glasgow paper that she wants, a ' gentleman “ for bed, breakfast and tea." A bachelor editor who has a pretty, . sister, recently wrote to another bachelor " equally unfortunate “ Please exchange.’ Why can you never expect a fish- monger to be liberal or generous? Be- came his business makes him selfish (sell 1 fish). ‘Don’t get above your business,’ the lady said to the shoemaker wiro was measuring her uncle in order to ascertain the size of her foot. _ An afflicted husband was returning from t i. the funeral of his wife. when a friend ask- ed how he was. “VVcii.’ said ire poth- _ eticaily. ‘1 think I feel the better of that little walk. “ Now then, my hcarties,’ said a gallant captain at Bull Run. “you have a tough battle before you. Fight like heroes till your powder’s gone. then run! I’m a little lame, and Ill start now." SP1TT1NG.-Spitting has long been re. garded as an American weakness, but it is only lately that the fiili extent of its appli- . cation to one section of'tiie country has been discovored; it is now well known that : the citizens oflire Southern Confederacy expect to‘rate as a nation. A youthful member of a corps in a Scottish town, on his arrival home mic evening,joyfully told his governor that he had just got his arms. . : ‘A.-rms,’ quoth the ancient, drily, ‘l’m thinkin’ ’gin the French come, ye”il ltat.‘ mair need 0’ your legs.’ A married lady lately consulted her lawyer on the following question.â€"‘ As I wedded Mr. Jones for his wealth, and that. wealth is now spent, am I not to all intents anti purpOStes, a widow, and at liberty to = marry again 2’ The lawyer took time to consider the matter. ‘VVethohn. did you take the no‘el gave you to Mr. Smilhers ?' inquired :1 gentleman of his rustic Scrrant. ‘ Yes sir. . .1 took the note, but I don’t think he can .read it,’ replied John. ‘Canriot read it!‘ exclaimed the gentleman ; ‘wiry so, John '1' "Because he is so blind, sir. VVlriic I War in the room, he asked me twice where my hat wor, and it war on my head all the time. ' A SHORT Nover..â€"-â€"Sweet Margaret Fane came up the lane from picking the ripe-red barrios, and met. young Paul. comely and tail, going to market with his ,cherries. Stopping, she blushed, and he looked flushed, perhaps ’lwas the burdens they carried; when they passed. on their burdens were one, and at Christmas they . were married. MEE'RSCi-l AUM *" MANIA. The value cf the nieers,charum pipes :i‘ndcignr tubes imported into the United States in 1858, .it is stated, amounted to 8200000. it great seen to be wasted r n n incre s/iam. I This is really gcttiiig to he hserious business. it is bad enough to‘iwirstc‘linie.and irriu’rt‘y â€"-,tt_r say nothing of breath “in the coilsriirip- 11.1»... oirlhe evil wccd, but when to "this is riddcdtiie rnziiiiir for t'nlurmg expensive pipes. thus increasing the habit of smoking, the lolly of it all is rrerrlic too preposterous. We were aroused the other dot“ at hearing a young but n-r'rrbilious smelter gi‘ai’eiy asserting lirrr‘. rnecr- sciniuurtwis made of the foam if the scril 'l‘nis irripression lirrs’pro- liably arisen from the Genus“ Work used to designate the 11-1:iir-i'irlâ€"-' meersc/Iaum, tncnnitig sea foamâ€"ii poetical figure at speech, alluding to its lightness and whitish appear once. mineral ‘of Soft earthy texture some What reseirihling chalk, found in]. Spirit) and other countries at the hunt of the Mcditcrrununrr. To produce the yellow and hrowrr co- lt)l'8 So much ndriiii'cd iii the pipes. and which are brought out oulr alter long smoking. the blocks ol which the pipes are triadc, are kcpi . . for some time in a mixture of wax and fully matters. A portion oi these is nbor‘bcd, and boiiig sutnc- qticiitiy acted upon by the lien! 11an the lobar-co lorries, risstiincs various shades of color. in coloring iiis pipu, is employed in the dignified bUeillfin‘S f0 ruiriging tobacco smoke with a mixture or Wax and grease! Here we ill‘e reminded ofa little incident which ruently look more within .onr knowledge, and till ii nuiusingly illustrates the folly ol inecrscnauru coloring. A gentle- man hard on expciisrvc rnccrsciianrn, which iii: tlotr'd upon, but which notWiti.stnnding till his smoking, in; could riot color so lost us he rlcsri'crt. in frict. after long pulling, it only shouted one llliiu Spot of brow“.â€" Some of his friends told liiill. they ,did not believe ll. Would cvcr color, and the indefatigable smoker grow qurte dcspoudcnl. One evening his Wife, who naturally Svtnpitltllzutl \Vtiiluliitn in trouble, took up, the, pipe during his obscure. and Wilth examining it brought it over the tiare of a lump. lurincdintely a strong color was brought out by the heat, much to the surprise of the lady. Loving: the pipe away. how- ever, she said nothing about tin: matter. On the following momng when tiic‘gcutieuiari made his Us‘tltrl iirSpcction of his hciovcd pipe, iri~ delight and nuizizcirieiit knew hounds. His iriccrscliatini lian c0~ lured splendidly, and nil owing it) his indefatigable putting! l'lc iris- piayeil it iii triumph to his iii-suds, and become a more tirrri be cirri‘ lll"lt ever in the vsrtucs of loinrmro smoke. Meantime his good Indy sriid nothing, but she has liftp'dl'lmi the secret to her female friends that they may be able to assist tin-1r iiustiainds in their arduous endeavors to color their riicerscluiuiirs. She is it Very benevolent lady, and wants to do all the good she can in tlic worldâ€"Portland Transcript. .h__...__._.__, ‘. v ~â€" VViSDQM FOR WINTER. Nevergo to bed with cold or dump feet. in going into vol for air. keep tin: rnoutu i‘cSoluiciy closed. that by com- pclilrig the air to pass (:il‘tit-ltlnusly tiri'o’ the bend and rinse, it may be- come warn ed in fore it reaches line lungs, and tons prevent those shocks and sudden chills which ii‘cqucartry cud in plcu, isy, pneurrioiiin, and other serious for ms ol disense. Nchr stand still a moment out. ol doors, especially at street (:Ulltt'l'e, after hrrvurg Walked even a short dis=tiiir:c. chcr ride near the open window of a Vehicle for n siug’c lirrli minute, eSpecniiiy if it has been preccrturl‘b} n Walk; valuable lives iris thosi‘rocir lost, or good health permanently dc- slroycd NcVer wear India rubber 1 note in cold dry “Quilter. Those who are easily chilled on going out of doors should have some cottcn batting attached to the vest oroutcr gurrncnl, so :is to protect the space irctwccii the shoulder blades behind, the lungs being lit- taclicd to the body at that point, a little there is Worth five times the amount over the chest in front. Never begin ajonrncy until break- fast is eaten. ' After speaking, singingor preach- ing inn Will'tl)101m)ltt\\lllltti‘.llrill0l ;‘ Ctill is SOIiCith. leave it for at least ten minutes. and Ricfnntnld 11111. June 7, 1661. ct'cii thcirciusc tiic tilt)ulll,litli. on your gloves, wrin up the neck, and pin 111111 tziorik 111' uvci‘coril bufurc passing out of the door; the neglect. of these has laid mom :i good and useful 1111111 in a pr'err.:itur‘c grave. Never spunk under a irrnirsciicss, especially if it requires an ciiiui't, or gchs ri hurting or painful feeling, for it oftci‘i results in :1 pcrrironcul loss llilb'lmltfd 0f Upper Canada of Voice or a lung “"0 “f mvalmlsm’ in preparation by Geo. C. 'i'reniaine, the old and County Maps.‘ --Hull's Journal of Health. ’ Rebels, like firewood, should be measur , ed by the cord. it is proprrly irragncsile. a- Triirs tlic sumkcr‘ ' ill) . or the will be called on by Local or Travelling agents \ .. i -r K, Gt L" . Surgeo‘nll)clliti5t§ J.GORMLEY. A COMMISStONER IN QUEEN's'BENcn, Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer, 1.0+ 31.4111 Con. Muslim. .qv ANY who have barn slaves ,torRheum‘a‘tic . .. yrennyfliave been entirely. emancipated by the use of . t. a. *URGEON‘ bani-in. will befat'Nichbll’s McCaysville, l'ih Concession of York. All Wo'k Warrautcd. ' ' ' . I 1 Teeth filled with Osteoplartiefor Artificial Belicia-This filiing‘ie put into the Teethlw'hiie soft. causing-no pain, as it requires no pressure. it stir..." becomes its hard as the tooth to which tt firmlv adheres, rendering it‘ulrnoetirnpessibie for tlie'fillmg ever to come out. ' 1 -» ' Dr. Husband has ,made arrangements with Mr. G.‘L. Elliot, of "I‘orouto, to riianufric-ture his Artificial 'l‘eeth ; those who engage Do'ctor“ ’i‘liisbiind to do their work will be sure of havâ€" ‘ing‘ it done in a superior manner. July, 8. 1359. so to 1... Is 1860 95.11" err. as m Hotel; Richmond Hill," or. filter Ingram’slnfalable: .’ -p , - . - r v ,. MW”! 0‘ .evary mmnh' .at-‘d’ “1; r0. "0. certain curefor Mieuinatisni,Tic Dolereeux" ., notion. Nance Ninrors. Ileth, Richmond 11111;: Wider of the v we mogul... . . , Prepared and sold by Joseph ingram, Maple . .Yilhge, in bottles at 25 and We. each. A... ' “rhino. vringt', Feb.. 14. 1861. On the 2nd Monday of‘esch month, It THOMASTOWMAN, ‘ . ~ ._ , . V .. r I :3 . ' T l ‘ ,r - in License” Auctioneer, DICK- S 39 EL’ “mph; ' sort THE COUNTIES OF YORK a PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira." P.O. .wil‘ receive prompt attentiorr.' Orders received at the “York l'lbl’hid”()lficv, Richmond Hill: Nlr. Henry Lemon. 'l‘hornliiil. rind Mr, James (invannn‘, Mansion House, Sharon. where 'l'erms. &c. may he obtained. Aimira, Nov. 25. i859. ‘ 1.3:. a], Insurance - . Orion“ DA. 1' ' ‘ -?>~-roa-- ' ' 7 fire. hi1} alanine Insurance, I serrasnisnun 1849, . : ' [unknowns av “Asher. Pmumssr ! . ‘.“‘?-; Subscribadloabitai, $1,743,520. ' HEAD , brags...- 1:01: on T0... ' ~ On the Tuesday following,“ Montana’s Hotel, Klinebu’r‘g,.. On Wednesday following. Teeth. Inmsrte'd' I ' In all the latest styles. 32-”. of? GIVE HIM A CALL ! .51 ’1‘0tt0."1‘thlfl"l’lllrtltlluill'tilllis November [861. AV M135 YQhGE S'I‘ALETk . ' - meanness, rousruus Phillis, lilill‘i‘llllll 69-1! CHARLES TAGGART, cox ii'EC'll‘ltJNlrllt, . strain a FANCY BISCUIT silica iticuirlosn trim" .u-nâ€"u ‘ PM;srnl:s‘r‘:â€"Hen. John ' Hilliard Cameron. 1544f ' i. V Vi‘cs411’risitiinsrt'it :31. ESQ: , A 1 . . Tl".i*’u:'°ri'=.,... » nor risircmoorrfi stout-15min, a... lion. Geo. Crawford, J. S. How-rd. Esq ,l,leii.M,.Ciirneron,M:Pi Edit. (killed-3. Esq. J43!!nbr.lfi,£8$ Ptc-nic Parties 61; Tea'Meetings Attended rind supplied on reasonable terms. .1 .‘Tfiehty " ' I’er, ’5. . Richmond Hill. in... 24.18111. 1354f ' ” ' ' :lMPROVED. .FANNING‘ MILL, ' ‘EFOltE buying any other Farming Mill- » _ 'I’YOIISidt'd'ts‘rQ by corripeteut Judges to be the | best eonstmctcd Mill before the Canadian public for separr’rt’i‘n‘g‘ (tats from Spring Whom. Pens and this. and for cleaning 1., fan, A" kinds of Grain. 'l‘his Mirl stands unrivalled, . ' v is made of good D UR AB m“ have Troughs, ll‘iitrirVSpouis, Clstrons and Pumps, Manufactured and fpr Sale by J 0 tin LA N can F F, Jui1e23,1859. _, -_ humour ‘1). c. a William. will‘con. , M " ' {thine the business under the superintendents {C Mt - or’ our duly euthoriLred agents, Aus'ris Arum “C if”- Ssllfit n.‘ and D, (filters VALE. wliose'rec'sipt will be ‘ 1‘35"" “WW” duly‘bsckncwledged. , ‘ ,, B,S.-â€"-â€"Ail notes and accounts remaining um, paid on‘ the 1st day of' June. 1858. wiii‘be put into Court for collection. ‘ ' ' f 1". CUMMER. ‘ " 4841f Diana emf , _ ‘ .; ti ;: Smut MILLS, 't'uoiisrirnn. - .. Sorcnons zâ€"Messrs. Duggen &_l§urnb. BAhKHttI. :â€"-'l‘he Bank of Toronto; ‘1 .ll our TEETH EXI‘ACTEB WITHOUT PAIN 1" By, the use ol‘Electricity. nu.“- lRE and IMARINE IN tress transacted by this, Company at its vs- [10th Agencies. as well as the Head Uilicp. To. ronto, atvfair, and average rate: ' _ '3' ' The nbriiemus and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security t1 Toronto, April 9-9, 1859. LE MATERIAL r Andris,'frorn its construction. the bOelfOI‘ Fai- l triersuse in the Provruce. .. I UNPPY- ,‘Ii‘ire 5t Lifr- Insurance Association . OF LON DUN, I With which is Amalgamated the iiiquirsible Fire Office. carrra 1., ,c stirâ€"131m, srsamso. .....,, .. .> . They are rriariufactiii'cll by the undersigned, at Riclrr‘noin‘l Hill. to whom all orders should he riddicssed. . .. 0:? Farmers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, whenpnssing down Yong» :‘st. Orders leftat the residence of Mr. Sonthard, at Newmarket, wr lreceive prompt attention. Strepâ€"\Vithiu Bight Rods of Raymond's Hots summon DEN’I‘IS r. AURORA. Company transacting’business in the Province A. LAW,‘ ‘ Agent at Richmond Hill. 861. «125-1.- w Flt is K LE {Q _LYON Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vaicnnized Rubber. Air Operations 'in his Profession. performed in the most approved manner and Warranled‘ ‘ Toronto. April 18.1 Aurora. March 9. I960, 67oly ALEX. ii inhumane SOUTHAKD BUYN’l‘ONr‘k c. . - r . . - ' 1r ' “r ' ~ . ' ’ ~ A ' l bin ‘\ . l. Fl 9 Deiarlm t $4,547,161 10 , ‘7 i _ . , . Pt? 0“” "‘0" W""”'?')_‘ p Richmond 1-1111. Jun 18. user. res-n l.§:'.3....fi..i?§.l..f.....f...... 2,526,59546 hall “a Rheum?) 9031. "’ PriAcricu crocx a WAltHlllAltrfl, our ...... ‘- swrrmo 5'38 “ROADWAY, MW “YORK- ‘ J 1‘} W El. LER, &c. RICHMOND HILL, C.W. H, in offering his serviCes to the irih;rhi- - A. touts oi Richmond H.” and Vicinity, liogs to store that they may (lt‘l‘fl‘lltl on getting their work Well done. from the not that he has had 2.3 years experience in some of the first- class houses in Lindon. Yorkshire, and iron- cashire, lie hopes, bi‘ strict attention to business and urodcrrte charges, to gain the support if the public ‘ Deposit. Fund in New York... . . 150,500 (ll) '\‘1 0 person who conteiuplntes- purchasing a .l. Sewing Machine for family or iiiaiiulitc- luring canto-“1M. should fail to send tor one of 'M'CP H I L L IPS , Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C W. December l4. ltitil‘. ‘ innermost uremic. nostrils. Directors, Fire Department. » W. Lu'un', Esq. _ .l. G. Mnckrnzie. Esq. l J. Torrance, qu. scriptions of the several stiles, pliers and sample of work. all or which ‘we send. by mail free. “e claim to have the best Sewing Harbin-emu the World For either Fourth/m Mrinufiwtmtng purposes. And all we ask is a fair ti iai. Read the following: IMPORTAN '1‘, FAC'lTS.. FACT Ne. l.â€"â€"'i his Company being duly li- censed. their Machiiiesane protected against , infringements or litigation. Nier No. ‘ 107wly W DENTISTRY! WC. ADAMS. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. us'r soon-r smrz. 'J‘HIBB. men wear Farm CHURCH sr. 'roiiorvro, . J. Frothingham, Esq. ll. Holrrics. Iris-q. ‘ A. learnt-quit, Esq. . Truhtees in London : Sir w. C. Dalyeli, i 1r. Basin, Esq, ‘ O. “KIRK i\7ARRr\N'FP3D FOR ONE YEAR. N. B ' Work done on the shortest notice Shop next door to the" York Herald ” Office Richmond Hill. Not. 7- 1861. 145- Trnstees in New Yerk : 4“. givingston. firrrtuf Barcl~.y Jr Livingston. Wm. ii." “act. Pres't Leather Mariufticl Brink . ‘ . .â€"-'1 base Machines make- llte lock-r W. Sherman, firm of thirteen, Sherman rite stickwalike‘ on: both sidesâ€"sud. use' In little less than half as much thread and‘siik so the chain or loop stitch machines. 1“an No. 3.-â€"-'J‘hese Machines are better adap- ted than any other sewrtrg-mnchincs in the market to. the frequent changes and almost endless mm... of sewing required in a fat- iii-ii-v. 'lt‘tiey will new from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest gauze to the heir vicst cloth. and even stout. hard leather. ARTICULA i‘i. attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s '1 with. Ceiisti tatieii free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with 'l‘eeth. Gold. Vulcanich _.'\pparatiis. and Vnicniiite Rubber, and the best lions filling. ‘ Mint-rel 'l‘eeth mourned on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfamhm Every description-of i. F1 re and ' Life {neuron ce . Business ll'hllfifl"'l.0d at the most moderate rates V at l‘reniium. ' , TitrjAUiioari IIASllXIC QUADRiLLE BAND! '18 now open to receive engagements on In ‘ beral terms. for any number, to Suit the convenience of large or- srimll parties. Applications to Mir.’ \‘l’m. INLAND. at Aurora. or Mr W, Winnie. 3rd Con. Whit- ; church. W. lz’._ REYNOLDS, 3 Manager in B. N. A. - Age... to. Toronto-13 R’l‘HUR M. JARVIS. Officeâ€"VS"iiitli‘rnore’ Buildings, '1 oiente St. . , t 1 ' i 2 f _ . I A ' iii-‘7'” Alsl" a. SAX'HORN BAND may be '1 oromo'ocmbl’r 1" “56"” 49"“ lomnw' Aim] ‘2' “6‘1 123 1) without chringing the feed. ii‘Pleb._.0?‘ tell? 1 had 0“ aPl-‘l‘mllml- - ’ M_Q-__ W“ ' I ' sion, or making any adjustment of machine \urors. Nov. 2.‘ 1860. 1il0-3rn ' - , I whatever. is not such a ‘ rrischine best _____..___._~- W. U. S K E N E, Dr. LA 3 adapted to family use '! and ti best adapted o . . . . to family use. Why: 1th for every variety of GliISt and 331W. MILLWRIGH 1" PRIVATE ii .hr sewing manufacture? For work too . _ - V 1. DIEDICAL '1‘ {{E A'TISE lg - f or Fan ilv Machine we recom- 7 11E Subscriber. in returning thanks to his of T 0 J? erg ’ ' ‘ leu'y or ,°_ ._' ‘ ' numerous Friends who r'avm-i-d him with 011 THE “tell” 0‘" “'9'” “‘9”- ? EGS to intimate that he isnow prepared to ) erect. MILLS of every description, in contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms- , â€"â€" He is also agent for the trust Foundries in Ca- 951') moss AND 131') executivesâ€"Price enl- nudu. and from his lengthened experience he twenty-live cents. Saul free of postage to all hopes to give general satisfaction, park-of the Union. 011 tiie'infirmities of youth er'r iVu, 4i.â€"-'l‘hese Machines make the most elastic seam of any sewing-inachin‘e in useâ€"â€" a fact of verv great importance in sew- ing elastic goods. bins. Flier No. 5.â€"â€"Nc Machine is ' rnore‘durabi‘e or their custom at the “Mitford Mills, lugs 10 inform them that he has taken the MILLS ‘ialolt occirprrd by Mr. I? Visit. known as the Sher-borne M1115 Near the Green liuslr‘liotet. Youge Street..â€" li’hysiolegieal View of Marriage. .I‘trese‘hlrlls being in first-rate order. any one Amma Dec 2-3. 1,159 4 and maturity. dIHCiOHIIlg the secret follies of more simple in'i‘ts constructionmr more easily elf-ll" '2 him a 0‘1“ Will lllld “‘9 Uri-sting do“? i" I ‘ both sexes of all ages. causing debilitv. ner~ uriderstmrd. the reputation ot these .i'la- a superior manner. Parties wishing to take ’ 1 â€"- vrruaness. depression of spirits, pnlpitalion of clones wherever used wrll tu‘ily demonstrate their Gusting back with them can do so. )f ‘ '1’ ‘ _ ‘ r ‘ '3 14‘ l the heart. suicidal imagining“. involuntary eiuis- v each of the above nicrs. ' _ . . . - ll l l . LU” ' sieiis .tiliishings de'eetive memory iiiiiiwer-rtion FACT No. 6 â€"â€"'l‘ne.~e Machines took the High- llj' .\ll work warranted second to none in ~ . i . r u r . u g . ' -» )i'l '- Canada. est Premium at the 1‘ rankiili institute. 1 ii adelphia. Ficr No. 7..â€"-'l‘bese Machines took the High- sud lassitude, wit/i confess-ions of thrilling int 7'- est qfrt Boarding School Miss, a Collrge Stit- dr'ewi. (Hutu Young Married Lady. rS-o. 5'12. It is a truthfviil adviser to the ruarrrod and those 1 conleuiploting irrarriage, who entertain secret. double of their physical condition. and Whoare conscious of tinvuiu hazarded the health, happi- ness, and privileges to which every human , being is entitled. Yuqu Men who are troubled with weakness, gene-alii caused bv a bad habit in youtli.’ilre effects of which are dizziness. pains, forgetful» nose. sometimes 2i ringing iii the ears, weak eyes, Weakness of the batik and lower extrerrri- , ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memory. with riiclancholt‘, may be cured by the author’s New l’aris and London Tr‘eetriient. _ We have recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European Hospitals, availing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe one the Continent. Those who placs themselves under our care will now have the full benefit ot the many new and efficacious remedies which we are enabled to introduce iii-.o our practice. and the public may rest as- ~‘ured of the same Zeal. assiduitv. sacrum! and attention being paid to their cases, which has so succeSsEuliy distinguished as heretofore. as ii l'hysician in our peculiar department of profes- sional Practice, tor tire‘pasltwentv five years. FMNCH FEMALE. Piusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines. the etiicacv of which has been tested in trruusauds of cases. and never failed . to effect speedycnws wither". V anide results, will use none but Dr. Dr-Lancy’s Female Pe- riodical Pills.- The only precaution necessary to he observed is, ladies should not take them if the. believe the} are in certain situations (the particulars of which will he found on the wrapper npcoiripnliyiug each box,) thougi'rnlways sate'uiid llealtliy,'bu gentle. yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. Theycan be mailed to am part or the Unitvd States or Canada. To Trip idiomsâ€"“7hr; need a confidential median! adviser with regard to any of those in. [effecting coulplr lots to which their delicate "or- gaiiizmiou l‘putlcrs tircpr liable, are particularly invrtod to consult us. Tail; " .ELscrao GALVANIC Psorncrrvn."-â€"For" lltftt‘ltt‘t’l ladies ‘hose health will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. it isa perfectly saie prcvmitive to conception, and has been exteri- siver used during the last 20 years. Price re- nuced to $81), ' THE RETS 0F YOUTH UNVEILED' A Ti'eairse'on the Cause of Premature Delay Stouti’villc 1’. O. â€"A solemn warning, Just published. a book 1514);,“ showing the insidious progress and prcvaience among schools, [built male endleumle]. at this . fatal habit; pointing uiit the fatality that love. riubtv attends its victims. and developing the whole progress- of the disease. from the coin- meiiceiirent to this end. It will he sent by mail 011 receipt of two [3] cent Stamps, . ‘ . . . ,_ lLi‘ Attendance do ly from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and oii‘Srrnd-n: s from 2 to 5 p.111. Mediciucs u illi l'ull'drrections sent to any part of the United States or Canadas. by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly confidential. 11:? Dr. L’s OtliCe is still located as established, under the frame of Dr. La Crbix,’iiiNo. 31. , p _ _ p. Maiden Mn_e.‘Albany. N. Y, ' 159-1: September 5. 1861. And every word is true. For upwards of three years past, l‘liave been engaged in a business. which has yielded me at the rule ol $3 (tilt) per annum, but being desi- rous or" going to Europe or the course of a few months for the pnrpose of there introducing the business, 1 am willing to teach it loony one who will send me $1. The DUcitlerfi is no building, ‘ but of a highly useful and general character. rrdaprerl hour to cities and villages. and one that any person ot'brdinary capumty, young or old, ‘ male or“ female; can acquire wi:li ii few hours’ practice, and by which the} can secure a very handsome income. Sevcral venng'ladics who have recsived instructions frorri lire. both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwards or $130 per week by it, and there is no reason whr any one else cannot do the same. li‘ivalids, cveir, can do well by it. asit isrropcd- dlirig i-fl'oir. ‘but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure- wlro would like to learn the business for tlrcir their own amusement or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime, and one that they will trike great. lillelerl in. ‘ 11 receipt of $l , I will send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquiri- the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that. it will be highly profitable. 'i‘hc purchascr of the “ print- eu instructions " Will also be aulilOIr’lcd to teach it to others; and l have souretiiiies recciVed as high as $20“, for teaching it personally to e single individual. 1 Would state ,t‘nriirer that $2.50 or $3.00 will buy eve-rt thing that is llc-' cessrrrv to commence the business with. and the articles can be got almost anywhere. in city or Country, or, it pre:errcd, i can furnish them ADDRESS. i’lticsirp. Alvard T. Parsons. No 36 i.ii)olt\ 51., New York. The best of references gin-ii when rcqrrired. GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. 12.5-tf .C. W. COLEMAN, ‘ 'WATCII M AKER 8c JEWELLER. No. 283 verses so new, TUBOITU, Markham, April 19. 1861. Furor No 8.â€"'l‘hese Machine-1 took the high;- City of New York, together with the High.- est Premium for fine Sewing-Machine ‘vorke ‘ ' FACT No. 9..â€"â€"'I‘hese Machines t'oolt'bot-ii the Highesr Premiums at the Mecha‘nic‘s’ Fair, Utica. N.Y. ' . FACT No. illâ€"'l‘hese Machines can-do the sauce thiiiig generally. whenever pru'perty exhibith in competition with other first-class i1! RS'l‘ store Iiinrth of Croekflraukslreet â€"â€" Repairing in all its branches properly at- tendcd to All work warranted. N.I3. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept on hand. I f t 1 I m ‘1 y ' x . 1 r on .y one ac moreâ€".1 is 0 mos impor am icro ito, bept. 6, 186- . Fact of all. _ . ' ' FACT No. 11 -â€"-Wiv warrant every M'ILBILLHG we sell to glen better satisfaction. than any other Sewing Machine in the market. or mom rig/tinder]. V ‘ r lljpb‘end fora Circular. ‘AGEN'I'S WANTED Address, ' I FINKLE & limp Sunrise-MACH”: Co.. No. 338 Broadway. New York. September 5. 1661. 14.3‘6111 Tris nuns or PEACE. THE HEROEE'OF' WAR. AN'l‘riONY, No. 501 BROADWAY. NEW ‘ 4 . . . . . . L, Yonx, is now publishing, 111 addition to other portraits, the celebrated coiiection known in Euroire and America as BRAD Y’b' NA 'I‘IUNA l. PH ().'l’()(£RAI’HIG I’UR fRAl l‘ GALLEK Y. in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of Alllel‘l'fli. not excepting Jeti'.‘ Davis. Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a lru~t oi other confeder'.ates.. Price or i’ortraits. $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the .Union,.' I am publishodnmrd size. and in stereoscopic torm- ALSO. StereOScopio Viewsof Scenes in Paris,‘erdon, and in other par's of England and France ; in .Scotland, ireirtnd, W'aies. H -iluud. Switzer- land, Spain. on the. ljliriiie. in I‘lltfius. Lgypl, 'l'ul'lter, the Holy .Lytlld. Ohi- iia. indie. Cuba. -&c., the” oil refit/item- 145-6... NEXT OF KIN WANTED. f UNDREDS 0F .Vlir.i.iONS POUND“. STERLING1Nt.)iiANt.‘EltY,llANK OF ENGLAND, i\'c , waning claimants. A Catalogue of the heirs. ‘nird names of those to whom letters should he addrr-Ssed in England, will be sent post free, on receipt of 60 cents in United States' stamps. or two for $1. Old claims must be presented at once. Refer- ences :-A. K. Hill. liestoo: J. Buriiiiaui, Chief of Pulitzer, tlavei'lrili. Audios-I W. W. S. ORBETON & CO. Box 2.30, Post 0113‘ e, Boston. Mass September 1'2. lbtii. 146-31". 1.: t l { iii iii llllllllllllll i_ ,UN tthllnlul‘rU lilLL. 'Edwin 'W‘ebber, H Wm B , FANNINGMILLS&PUMPS R, &3,’ r ‘llE Subscriber bugs to intimate to the pub- 'l'wo doors south of the " York lieraid”()i‘lice. hues, iitl‘fi'priilézmnd’ “mt “9 "‘“W'flwl'ss “"3 where he has on hand a general assorluieutof , i ‘ p . n llt‘ruscholtt Furnitur * PUMPS AM} FAWN" mus " ' I, in his b’izop. at Slontfvilic. where all orders Ot‘the best quality. cheap for cash. entrusted to his care will r-ecoiVe prompt atten- tion. and for cheapiiiss and dur..bility he delies outnpctitiuu. Repairing done with despnlcii. All letters addressed to Hill Eli. KitlBS. GS to intimate ‘;o the inhabitants of tile .- iirorid Hill and Vici. it}, that he has commenced licsiuess as [32-h .__...- NEW AND remover) _ Map of Upper Cannon! Stoufl’ville.0ct. 15. 1861. V ' 6111‘ Instantaneous Stereoscopic :Vie'ws 'A‘re't/re Greatest [Winder rt/u Age. These are taken. in the l' rtrerli part or a second. and the yrushrngof water, the moving of vehi- cles, or the rum-ch oi‘an army, does "min the stiglresl degree allTGVCI‘tim taking of these viewi-i. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. DULD you seizure a valuable r-nd orna- E Subscriber begs lO’illfOl'tn his numerous mental Work of Reference? Subscribe C H E A PE R T A N E V E R y patrons and the public iiratlie isprepared fr it to make Boots and. -Shoes . , , ()fevery style and description. attire lowest °l 'Dascr’l’llve possi rle reiiiuirurnting prices. All work it ar- v , rented to give entire satisfaction. , v ll? Residents of the Province everywhere W, H. MARTIN. largest assortment of _-S'I‘EREUSUQI’»ES. PHO'I'OGRAJ’HIO ALBUM-S, and ' Photographic Materials , in the United States. and perhaps in tireworld? Catalogues. containing lists of allow for- traits. Vii-.Ws, Ste/reoscopes. 92113.. sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp ' ' . : _. . E. ANTHONY. 501 linearity”, ‘ near St. Nichplas llotei.New York. ~145va Typographical, Statistical int) i well-known publisher Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, . December 7. 1860. Toronto. May 1861, 1384f 106-131 - 7351- ' SLAVERY generics. fl. â€". . ._M.,P;P. A." Morisoan 3 \. MPH. r'i‘.‘°rmrsmifl' 59.x.“ -1.".-l'l‘:‘l'l‘ig.‘";312.}. ‘ HE monoclonal) Assignees or the ' V-wbehl’ffrittr E3'1 ‘ ' , , . Agenda; .‘J W.'Woodhouse,l:lsq. ,Wrn2¢~Blt§lit-,‘lllsq.5 -. .be assured,‘eqimi'rit least to that of any” other” our (SircnlarS. which contains cuts aiid l'irli tio~ or goods of any kind, on .a. ‘ est Fremium at the NewJersey State Fair, est Medal at the Armor-icon Institute, in the Sewing-Machines. But we have space :er" We have also on hand and manufacture the' ' ‘ age bydit'e‘, on “ll , ~a.« rm mesa. i; w:H_..’t;&_.-‘J. HARRISQN) ,lour Barrel"Reading'stuvii‘nnd ‘ v Shingle:ltlarrnt‘rieturcrs; and Lumber. Planers. ' _, seasonedflooring kepton hand, an‘d'l’ianed'to order in qfifiililliéb'h'qzlll‘t) pur- .,9, .t _ ,, ...-,.'.' '1‘ . .., It? Rectoryâ€"won Markhfim'biitl Flirtsâ€"Mi“! , .Eluiik:1{oad. ,P..0. address. Richmonriiv‘rlt. 2‘" “June 7. :' ' 3': 7133.6“ .L -“ ' ‘3: ‘Rln 5' ‘ .‘Pry are truly great PAIN mum‘san in. 010 RE LIEI", and tf'yourare not" minded =0! its blip.- riority. after using themgdic'ine. the price will be no funded b r the Agent. in all cases. Price 25 cents pet bottle. old 11,3111 (tectonic medicines” W. ~ Valuable Property fort-Sink ‘12: .63 Acres. 23.0f which is tinibered, 40 . f Acres ulldfirrcullivbllpu.‘ _‘ Several BARKLOTS. 'irh,,'tin.ber,th, use. Also. VILLAGE 'rii'iirsii'rlt,_ ivi h e: withoutlluildings. _, , , 5.. ,..,,.f,; 3,) The hbuVe preperty is Sltu‘tedmwi. ad'- ’ joining te.ftb‘e"V‘il:age of u ‘ Richmond. Hill. icuiurs apply attire Office of i :Ffll‘tim‘th‘el‘ pert gthie papers ' announce-311, Sept 26.1860. v y - 9M ; 1.1Lirvci'pool- I and (London s”! Fire dinili'fe Insurance Company. fundrvflice, ‘Cnfludhmdlchgigmmlbf Placer . . “nu-,5. n... 'frAr-inesarid St Iams.$treet.,Mo,iitlzeel. SUl-i ANGEL busi- ' ’ Invested-Tunas £1,213,317 Stg, ' :-»flrub:e'i-ous.-’-'I‘.‘ It. »?.A‘rrderson. Esq.'~’€hair- man, A.'ufllmpsonl. “Esqr llepuiyi Chairman, Ilenry (lliapitr‘nu. Esq}; J. S. Maitland,Eeq. James -Milclrell., 1233.. lieiiyygfitarngs. Esqi... M.r.r. 1 H.1Vlriitfnn'd, Esq. Residerit-Secre’ "if."- G. F. C Smith. Resident 'As'si’ete Secretary. V _, . y , TrlE'Directnrs would call theiatfentlon el‘ the Public to the following feature-“Lin lb; management of this corrrpanhâ€" ,3. ‘s\ The Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Governirrent or other Pm:- vinciai’llonds. " All Losses when satisfactorily establihdd er. paid _in Canada. without. refereuee‘le the Home lloard. That there is not... at' the claim iii-dispute. ‘ , There is invested in Canada in Availahlbe ' ‘ Fund's 204,000 Dollars, and? this is being constantly added to. ‘ ’l'hro. there is intiestcd in' New York $800,000... --aird it is the intention of the Directing to: ; increase. this sum to $lntltill,lll'(9:. iThe accninuelt-ited' lf‘unds etithe Company [Nb-u. vernber 1559] .‘tlllul‘MH to ovm 5,955,730 dole. 'l’he.present litt'UIne‘Ofl the Conipanyy is. even > 7.590 dole. per day.. ' Insurances effected'nt the L'owest-Riemunm ative Focus. .11 ll. .MAlfi‘LA'ND. Resident Secretary... . 'Moutre‘al. TorontoAgency : 85 King Street East. South side. [over the store of J. G. Juseph &. Cod ' JAMES. FRASER, figent. Toronto. April 19'. 1&6“ ' ‘l'25-1V present. time, one: i Coiisultthe OidzEnglishJ’ity-iiblan , I nor: _ 4 AS’I‘HVIA. INCIPIEN 1‘ CONSUMtI-‘TIDN’, ' ES 0F YUUT-Hgl AND r one acne... 1: lNr‘litMIl‘l N0 lilerctii'y Used". Dr. Amos (£3 4%,sks1‘cusssss STREET... 1 . Buffalo. New York); ’RVEY the only I’liysrciany in the State who“ ' are “riiefr’rbers ‘ofltlie Royal College of Surgeons, London. "May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, irrevery stole andsyrnptoin of disease; ' " - The treatmcrit‘they adopt is'theres'ult {if up- wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful practice iir London. " 1. MOST scinmm INVENTION»: ~ An instrument for thecure of GeiiiteillDeBi'o lily. of Nocturnal Emission. morelproperlv known as Seminal Weakness). .dkc. .Caii b'b permanently: ,cured in front! l5to£li~¢lays, by: the use of this iiistruinent.l wh-eulru’sed con- jointly with medicines. . . . a i , . 1)r..A-rrros.& Son. in order to satisfy tin“ (most skepticalas to the merits» of their- instru- ouent. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. ai'terza fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning ‘ theirstrunrent in good order. Price Tm Dol- lars. by mail. or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE}. ‘ Those who have iurjnred themselves by acer- tiiin practice indulged in when aloneâ€":3, habit, l'rcquenJ-i learned from evil acrimonious; or IE. sch ool. the efibcts of which are nightlyifelt even when asleep, and- if nv‘t cure’d. rehders‘inurringo- unpossible and destroys both ‘m'md and‘body, should apply immediately. ‘Snlt'eahuse isone of the most formidable enemies to liralthflbr no-- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis-- eases causes so destruc’tivefa drii'n‘r' upon the» human critical, drawing its immanent vie. tiuisihrough a few years of suffering" 'ddwn to, an untimely- grzive. It destroy-ems nervous _‘system rapidly, wastes away the energies cf life, causes mental derangement. prevents t, e pre- p'er’develop-oent of the st stein, disqualigrs for» marriage. society. business, and all" "earthly- happiuess. and leaves 'the sulfur» Wrecked in. body and mind, predisposed to corrsurrip'tion and artrai‘n of evils luOl'Ole b‘e dreadednhanfdeeth itself. * ' ' ‘ , ritznsms 1s A" “at or 'rmr‘wou’gp may besuccessfuily treated by I correct detail of their-case. . I} Address in. Amosiiz. Son, ‘48 East“, 4 nose. I Street. three, dooi's West of .Eilicott' tract. .iu‘ Eire-l First! irei'i t ‘ W E :S -'l»" ER N ' Fire In s“ wince: ‘ Company of Toronto; INCORPORATED BY ACT or rikrniniiiin CflPITflL STOCK, bloomed. LC. GILMOR. l’res. "l Giro. M'loliiE,Vic% Pro: ' I mitirzciroiisj: ' i". .llice'hewis.E-"q-~ ’ Th0? “Mimi-lb “'1. :litl'llttb‘lifi’ill'o Ear: ~W immortal)... sq. -'1‘.‘P. Roberts, Esq.‘ .W; Illa,cfarlaue,,-Esq. M. ltossiii. .i : - :.: ,.,. Bernard Holden; Esq. Secretary e'l‘reuurer. " Angus Morrison. Esqrfiullciitw. Bank of Upper Canada. Bunkers. Bi ujauiin Switzer, Esmjjlnspccter. v'Head (Ofliee, Clio-rah Street, Toronto. 3 lilting-,Coirmsv‘ : Insures till descriptions of ‘BiiiidiiigS.Mtttiufactoribs; M ills.;& c... and Goods arid~Furiiiture. in the same. againstloss or dam- beralt‘errns. Losses promptly . ‘ . A. IJA\"’ > 4 Residence. . , . (z‘ energl Agent. Richmond Hill August 13,, 1857.1, 100-1 settled. ‘ -- ‘

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