Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 3 Jan 1862, p. 3

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Letters Reclaim in RICHMONDIIILL PoetOiIice, 'NQTIOE 2 .. RS. CAMPBELL begs to intimate that her ,6 'Oaaarfi" . Christmas Print. AND run " A FARM z", ‘B'iacii‘wooursrMagazine- EING the West Half of the West Hundred JANUK ‘Y 1: “367$ of Lot No.7. in the School will [IE-OPEN on Monday, Janu- Us'p REC, Elvira-“,0 lowest Toronto Atkinson John Langstatl‘ .Iolm v “3' 61“, 1862- mm W'" 5° “Wm” “9"” prices. 6th Concession of Vaughan: B 'l L “3 H tofora. tile usual branches of useful education. F. 2- C ' 6d lb _ . _ » _‘ ' ~ °“°'by' "'0 “38b ” wry TERMS iâ€"Board and' Tuiton ill the llilzher "‘6 an“ “'mms‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 9°" ' The 30“ Ming “film 5°“ quill?“ Lar a. Wm. M_' "uuiiell, John HcCertue), Rooert Oliver, Jesse - heaaely, David Buynton. S. , Bowen. A. 3- Conne'ly, Ann Choice New Fruit... . . . . W . . 7N. “ “ Good Pudding Raisins.. . . .v.. 5d. “ “ “Cool-est Layer Raisinsnlew t'ruitIOld “ “ Pure Ground Java Cofl’ee, Oolong, Soucliong. Branches of English, $Q4 per quarter; Music, 86; French and Drawing. each. $3. ' Richmond Hill. Jan. 1. 1862. ‘ For particulars apply to JAMES BIRD, “9:3t' Butcher, Arcade. Toronto. C‘dw'”) Tho“ ' O'Gr‘dy’ John and Young Iii-eon Teas with an eacelleutas- 0' l° WM‘ RUSSELL‘. - ' ‘ 11s, I met! 0 lists. .l' A. . > - N ' i - Richmond Hill. Dari“!2 ' ‘Psu. L. , ' BUY iQU'R “mm”°fSp'c'svz'fiI°:°'Pi;:ftgé°§f§°°’“ Toronto, Nov.21%1861. I 1564:. “33°33?” 52:33:03?" ROCK OIL & LANIPS , , (late G, A. Barnard.) __ ' . . _ ' " ' ' ' v - r - -- L. 7- ' I . ' ' ° . .861 “teller Fl mi inl Richmond lie-ion __ s T Richmond Hill, Dec 19. l , . o‘imfiifitg. 6 sumac... ,7 . ~ ' » anemic on. mass can. incest BLACK OILII by all we have used it, to be superior to. Car; liar 011, c any other Iledicine now before the PI Ill fr Sprains, Bruises, cuts. Gulls. and - all b as is Horseflesh. Good for man and beast. Prioe,2lcents per bottle. sold bill I claret [cuisines V Sheppard, Edward 8M"; Jonathan I. 3530“, Thomas ‘ 'Sf'l‘l’fion. James ' r] “b Henry Thompson, 8. \Villson, Thus Whelpton, Mrs. W ilmot, Peter liter. William ‘ ‘ Rulings. John .in Heinrich, Ange ° Hulop. 'l'hos. ' ‘ Juneaun. M'. Jenkins James fiofiewell. Giles i ipti. Henry Lawrence, S. C. brislaills” flakes, Confectionery, ’ . AND I iSUIS-AR Toys 2. N endless variety, in the wall~known VIC- TORIA WAREHOUSE.’ No. 93 KING Sratcar, Liver. 'l'oronto. sign at the ‘° Queen.” CAKES ICED 4‘ ORNAMENTED .- a'as. F. Brcawn, .. . BROKER,~ M. TEEFY. PM 123 THE airs'l" STILE. . . ' ' At . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ls 6d and upwards. ESta’te an“ General Agent, ~"‘"""' ' . Biscuits.........084d t" '0 ' "‘ AG‘NTFO" Colonial Elf: Qtsenrentr £69. 1 MasoNic HALL,'TORON1‘0 S'raaic'r. an) antitrusinruts. ls 0d “ I Flue_Cades.. ... . - EDWARD LAWSON. ‘ 'v ~ 'l‘or . . 0. 6. . - TORONTO" . . a lauéa. & , - onto pee 1 I? l 159 4 [17" Money to Land, on; Improved .Farme I’roapeotus ' -‘ ,- ’ Dissolution of Partnership. It..." Is. 1861. r 125.1. , or “a CORNER OF YOHGE nonreactive. . 7’ ‘H E- PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing‘be- tween JOHN and- SCOTT BOWMAN v is dissolved, this day. by Illulunl..cOHSOIII.f-_~ All Notes and .Accounts iii connection withl ' said firm to be paid over to Joint Bowaua. ' who will carry on the business as heretofore. :0th BOWMAN. ~ SCOTT BOWMAN. November 12,1861, 159.?it. HE rum: PENNSYLVANIA 01].. re- filled in Pennsylvaniii. permuted While. Odeuiless. and Non Explosiver' ' One gallon and tandem. , ..,7ll_ cents -â€"¢â€" seemsu MERICANJOUBN-AL . a riser-cuss FAMILY NEWSPAPER, . .7va per gallon. ' n . ‘DEVOTED ro ran manners , F. n .1 . . 60 l , we go 005...... . . . . . .1.“ ,. . OF SCOTSMEN {N AMERICA. Five gallons. including cad... .f. ... .._.. $3.75 (S.gnedl) ' _. AND to run Dissilsnvrrioit ' Ti" Largesund .. , , 1' , _ . A. or SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND NEWS. Chm-me“ 8‘09".“ Lamps ' KING I’LAVK. ROAD COMPANY will he held at Woon’s Ur." STAND. near the Toll Gate, to choose Directors and settling up Accounts, on Saruuxiu. Duct-inn 21, 1861. ‘ By order of . -~ BENJAMIN HORD, Scc’y. t9 Treasurer. or the .Best'tk Cheapest HE Annual meeting ofthe VAUGHAN dz . BRITISH REVIEWS I Show a 00., NEW YORK. continue a to publish the following leading British Peiiodicals, via. :â€" \ ' , 1. THE LONDON QUAR‘TERLY (Conservative) 2 THE EDINBURGH igizvmw (Whig) 'THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free ~- Churéh.) = 4 ' THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 5. ' ‘BLACKWDOD'S EDINBURGH MAGA~ ZINE, (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publications unIVersally In- teresting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writen newsitams, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest Valld excitement of the great political erected the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli-' gible and reliable history of current events, and "as such, in addition to their Well-established literary. scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. ~ EARLY COPIES. Tile receipt" bf Advance} Slum from' the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. * ‘- TERMS : ‘ ' - " Per arm For any one of the four Reviews,. . . .$3 00 For any two of the four Reviews.. . . . .. . 5 00 ‘ .500 TIMBER. Cash on delivery. H, & .1. HARRISON. A l ' to - pp ’ Plank Road. Richmond-Hill, Och-10. 1861. ' Now; OBSERVE.’ THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- stafi'. will find it to their advantage to cell and pay as soon as possible. ' - caawmmrs ' POEIICAI. GREETINGS III THE Fuiasnsl do you wish. in their veryhard times ’ To get the full worth‘ of your dollars and dimes I Do you wish to purchase thhpurcst, and but ' ' 2 JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ' Then go to meroan’sâ€"ybu‘li 'lind‘tbat be, Well deserves his great pupularity. Teas of each brand Irom the.fiowoiâ€"i' land. Culledainidst rose-scented _ze hvrshland; Gunpowder, Hyson. the rich Malice, ‘ The best 'of Green and 'lhe fam” Boh‘e'a'. Come to Crawfl'rd’s. and voa‘ll'agroe You'never saw finer nor cheaper T In. The sellers of coffee in vain tocorilpeteâ€" . Crawford has Ccfi'ee that can’t be beat: "Tisaromatic. ’63 fresh, ’tis good; . And combines the virtues of meat and food. Fresh from thocane of Louisaiia. Cocoa. Chocolate, Raisins and Spice. _ Vinegar. Pickles, Crackers and Rice; u Soup of the is Jilusiilltra bra‘dd,o . 1- ‘. The equal of whi it can’t becfound,.'ivtheland; Currants and Raisins that can’t-fail to pleaseâ€" The sweetest of Butter. the finest of Cheese To satisfy customers'Cr‘anord ne’er fails: A e such as to leave competition ,beliiad ! i .5950 on man; And cheapest ofgoods for yourself or your guest l50-3t. He has Scouts as sweet the purest. marina. . C And then the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, " "THRILLING A D V His goods are the best, and his prices you’ll find ~»...TIIEPE61’LE’S; GREAT ,lltltillSv. . corms Oi‘ T "OAK STAVE IllE roast, [if no DlSEASES: 3 ROBERT JENNINGS, V.S., Paorsssoa or. Partitioned! Al") Oraiiarivs Sua- oaav Is 'rnir Va'riialluiir Council: or l’ulaao . panama. Paar. or Vibratiimiav Mantels: is THE uric Aeaicvursi’eii. bonuses of Onto,vSscaannr or rule Alignment Varamsaav Aesocuirlon or Paw LADELPHIA, E‘rc., me. 31.25 122m. Cloth Extra, Price mm, JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK” UN THE HORSE Tells you all about , breeding and Managing the animal with his. various vices,.and how they can be corrected. ON THE HORSE Describes more than 150 diseases to which he is subject. and gives the various remedies best adapted to their cure. JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE Should be in the hands of every man who owns the animal. At a . critical moment it may save you hundreds of ‘dollars in horse-flesh. g _...._._.....___. Thrilling Adventures Among The Early Settlers. , ' BY WARREN WILDWOOD. Esq. .With 200 New and Original Eugravings. 12mm. Cloth Extra. Price $1.25. F. N TU RES AMONG THE EARLY SET'I‘LERS We venture to say is the most intensely interest- ing collection of stories ever issued. SPICED BEEF (S‘ OTHER-RAMS 158'3t. W . Vaughan. Dec. 5. l85l- For any three of the four Reviews" . . . . . 7 00 . â€"â€" ,-I_n Canada,. , _ FIFTH YEAR. . On January 2. 1862. will be commenced a new volume (V) of the SCOTTISH Auaalcis Joanna; and in future the numbers issued be. tween the first and last days of each year will originate a complete volume. of Convenient si .Mfor binding. and each number will con- tain a most entertaining and instructive reper- tory of reading matter, alleviated to interest all readers of British origin. The SCOI'I‘lSH Anc- , can Jouunr... though decidedly international ' constant efforts to pronio‘e peace and pres rity between the people of Great Britain and America, is yet emphatically Scottish ill its copious records of all events occurring in Scot land that can be regarded of the least interest to natives of that country residing in America; and to this “ neWs from home" is added, week- ly, a summary. of general intelligence from England, Ireland. and other parts of the world A distinguishing feature of the “Scottish S§T~§0§V§E§S 1n endless variety, Latesrlmprovementa as well as the OLD well-known Patterns. IE? Intending Purchasers are respectfully in- vited to call alid examine-Stock and Prices" - Corner of Yonge and Queen 819.. Tomato. December lb. 1861. 159-1)' New Grocery Store & Tea Mart. TEAS! TEAâ€"SI! TEAS! ! ! UST received a splendid assortment of FRESH SUN DRIED TEAS. Black Teaafrom perib' Green Tea from . . . . . . . . . . . .33 per 11: Uncolonred Japan. Superfine Young llyson 1th U R E TE AS‘! N TORONTO go to the VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE, No. 93 King Street. East, sign of the " Queen.” . GREEN TEAS. from 3s. per lb. BLACK from ‘ls. FINE UNCOLOUREI) JAPAN At 3s 6d per lb. EDWARD LAWSON. Toronto. DecrlD, 3861. 159-4 FOR SALE, A FEW COPIES Oi‘ “The Horse and his Diseases,” BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS. AT THE "â€"n- “Wanted Immediately, A Office. TEA, Richmond Hill. Nov, 21. 1861. IN THE Village of Richmond Hill! " N a good position for business, House com- Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences. lat present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.-â€" Possession givan on 1st January. 1861. ‘ BOY between 14 and 17, as an apprentice to the Printing Mainlineâ€"Apply ta the modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent For all,fonr of the Reviews... . . . . . . . . . . -8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. . . . . . ... . . . . . 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review.. . . . . . .. 5 00 For Blpckwood and two Reviews, ._. . ... 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . . . 9 00 For Bleckwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. I” A d'scount ftv rig-6v er centf m th ‘abonlprices viiill becallowed lb Callas (Ifdel‘ill; four or more copies of any one or more oftlle above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for 39; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. N .b',â€"-’I‘he price ill Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Yarmoutli Bloaters,Fiaon Readies-6:0 ' DUGAI.D CRAWFORD, Toronto, Oct. 31, 1861. KING ST. EAST. NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE. - TORONTO. C.w. JOHN Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. [153-tf. CLYDE HOTEL, MILLS, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. Toronto, vaember 1861. I 157 -tf FALL TRADE. THRlLLth} A D V E N 'I‘URES lAMONG THE EARLY SE'I‘TLERS While drawu from the most authentic sour- ces. yet partakes stall the wild. weird, and fealful character of romance. THRILLING A D V E N 'I‘URES AMONG THE EARLY SE'I‘TLERS With startling vividliess brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and carn- age. manv a scene of heroism and patient endurance. - «- W THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN - AND DISTRESS. . ll. By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. , . . . . . d G 11., T ‘ 1| ' Cl , En uire of - Remittances for any of the above ubllcations . *izmilizrrlgtiti{lszt'llliiriiiziglz ““ ’ °“”.’;f‘i.‘.‘..;§:§’.. ‘YORK HERALD' OFFICE “ G. A. warm be addressed. m we of the prominent British newspapers and other 399 Yonge St. corner of Gould. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, 1861. 158. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. 1861.‘ 158-tf Publ'Shm‘sl periodicals upon the most important topics of TOWING. Dec- 7. 1861. the d y. This feature isa unique one, a..d has ound very acceptable to the peeple of Br, North America, as it supplies a long ne'uiled desideratum in the Provinces. In re- ferenee to the “editorials” ot the Scor'risii Allarcaa Jounsaa. it is a significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the Scorâ€" usn Auaaicu Jonas“. is the most able and interesting paper publisliedm America. A con- cise weekly summary is also given of the prin‘ cipel Items of American news, and a similar narrative of events transpiring in the various British Provinces, the latter feature supplying a deficiency which was felt in several of the Pro. vintage of intelligence as to what was transpi- rin‘g in other parts of the British possessions. - n the forthcoming volume of the “Scottish American Journal" increased space will be de- voted to the literarv department in the publica- 159-4 NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints Sick Headache, Costivcnees, &c., we should say BhlGGS’ INDIAN vacuums LIFE mus. , One .4" Volunteer t WORTH Ten Press’d Men 1 TO THE‘ ELECTORS 0F WARD, 15170.9, 0F '1‘“ i'.‘ ‘W' CHOOL AND _~..â€"â€"_'. GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE “ YORK HERALD" ‘UFFCE, AT PRICES LOWER; THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December ‘20, 1861. 160 I GREAT EXPECTA’I‘IONS Are being formed by all persons, of the Happiness and Pleasure to be enjoyed during the DO Oféj LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New Yorli. Dec. 5, 1861. Winchester’s ypopliospliites (Du. Grumman’s SPECIFIC. Rauanv,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous chiltty, Scrqfula and Dyspepsia. ‘ Bronchitis, 4‘0. HIS is the most wondo'ful curative agent known to medical science. It has of- fected cures ill every stage of Consumption “ UNI’AHALLELED IN THE ANNALS OI" MEDICINE.” In Nervous nobility and Dyso pepsin. the HYPOI’HOSI’HITES may be re garded as an almost sovereign remedy. FOR 1861. u...- TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS W. MYERS Has now in Stock a complete assortment of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS In every description of Mountings, which he offers on most ‘_ WRITTEN in plain language. free from medical terms. and tells you how to cook. prepare drinks, and manage the sick gene- rally. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRIBES nearly 156 distinct diseases to which men. Women and'children are subject, and gives the various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. _.._.~ TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS WRITTEN ill plain language. free from Medical terms, and may soon save you much suffering and many times the cost of the book. Everybody wants it. lllllllTllillfllll 'l'llllll The Hypophosphltrsf THE PEOPLE’S GIIEAT ilillll iiillillls i lllW Yilil’l illiis l GENTLEMEI :â€" At the request of many of the Electors, I come forward .‘.o lender my Services as COUN- (31LMAN for your Ward; ir elected. 1 will Where can we buy our Christmas 8; New Year’s Fruits server you faithfully, and lo the best of my ' AND GPOCERIES BBS]. AND CHEAPEST? ability. I have served four years in yourCoun- oil, and dgrilng tlat term I endeavored to do my dutyâ€"an lave reason to believe that the B A ' I N Electors are desirous of returning me to that R ‘o B E L , ‘ . . s o .‘- V p05, awn". 1 have “my to my 1h,“ 1 am at Purposes, respectfully, to answer that questionby relbrrlng his friends and the public to the an- your service, and will abids ‘ my decision a: llexed List of Prices of Goods in his line, confidently hoping that their axrac'raridlis respecting the Po“. * Excellent and Cheap Goods, Will be more dian mallsed: Your’s Respectfully, .lc'iiN c. BURR. FRUITS, Markham. Dec. 21, liter. lieu of scalar. nuts AND sira'rcnss. vividly il. Inelrating the customs, habits. sentiments and general characteristics of the people of Scotland; each tale emanating from the pen of an author of celebrity. As heretofore. particular care Will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL roarav, composed by writers of acknowledged genius and purity of thought, lesident here or abroad. The first number of the new volume will con- "III the commencement of a deeply interesting tale, entitle-i “ THE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.” This tale will prove to be one of the most in- teresting ever published. and will be appreciated by all classes of readers. TERMS OF SUDSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (each).. . ..... . . . .. One copy for one year.. . . .......... . . ‘ ‘ CLUB RATES. “VQCOPie....‘...I......'........I. Twelve copies,..................... $20 00 'Ifienty-five copies.............----- $40 00 \~ pecimen copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their labouriptiun in Provincial money. Odd change In 'I’rovmcial Post! Office stamps. ' Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States. postage paid, for $3, or 133. sterling, per _ ann um. Subscriptions for the current year are now Mg leceived,and should be forwarded without delay to H A. M. STEWART, No. 37 Park Row, New York. 1, 1862. And while they all do not expect to enjoy those blessings in the same 'degi‘ee, they are unani. mousl Ii asking the questionâ€"- ,6, 2 Good Zante Currants, 5d per 11) ; Good Patros Cu'rauts, 6d per Extra New Patros Currants, , ' 7ld per 11). Good Valentia Raisins, 6d peril); Extra. leeniia Raisins, 7“ per lb ; Extra Muska- tel Raisins. 7ld per 11) : Extra New Muscatel Raisins, 9§d per lb. Algo :Layer,’Sultaiia, and Seedless Raisins and Princes, very low. Candied Peels. Flavoured Extracts, Almonds. and Nuts of all iiinds, in great variety. ~ . 'Good Muscovada, 5d per lb : Extra do. 5N . per lb; Best Yellow, Refined, 6d per lb; Crushed do 7d and 73d per 11) : Broken Leaf and Ground, 7§d per lb. TEAS of every description, aiid at‘ell prices, from 25 to 5% per lb. Beware of Painted. Teas as they are nothing else but poison. Rich and aromatic CUFFEES. Green, Roasted and Ground; Warrauted True. Alliericali Cneese, Flour, Oatmeal, Biscuits and Crackers, Sago, Farina, Corn, Starch. &c. &c. &c. Cheap and Good. Remember the addressâ€"162 King street, East. between Nelson and George-streets, next door to the Clyde Hotel. V ' ROBERT LAWSON. ISO-if A Special Advertisement Scis, ‘ FOR A r ' $2 0” SPEC“ L sisasolv I fl‘HE Subscriber begs to thank the Farmers. Storekeepels and HULGI Keepers, ot'New- market and neighbourhood, for the very substantial support he has received from them since introducing hilnSelf to them in the co lumns cl'tlieir valuable newspaper.the Em. and begs to say that his endeavors are. and always will be to deserve the support of his fl lends in this quarter; and now that Christmas and 'Sleigliiilg are coming, his stock is replete Willi ever thiugjllat is good at a moderate price. A small'l‘aste ofwlint we can lie Teas, fine full bodied Congo. 28. at. ‘28, 3d,and 2s. 6d. per lo. Very superior Morning do. 33. mils. 6d. per lb. Extra fine Langsoug Sulicll'oug (possessing great delicacy of flavour) 43. at 43. tid. per lb. Vely fine Flowery Pnkoe. 3s. 9d. per ih. ~ (A reduction from the above by taking it) lbs. orabox} ’ ' Very lair Young Hyson Teas, 3s. 6d. per lb. (lhe clleapesttea ill Canada) I . ' Toronto, Doc. 11, 1861. .‘MH" HARNESS ‘2 HARNESS. 2 ! SINGLE 0R DOUBLE! HEAVY 0R LIGHT l I WELL-MADE AND DURABIIE 2 MAY BE HAD OF I saloon manna! I I. I i New York, Jan. Servants Wanted. AN TED. by the Subscriber, 'I‘WO SER- VANTS, as cook and parlour-maid.â€" Have a twoâ€"field and specific actionâ€"on the one hand. increasni the principle which CON- S'l'ITUTES NER UUS ENERGY; and, on the other. being the MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEN RATING AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptness and certainty in all general morbid condition. such as 'Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma. Scrofula. Marasm us. Alle~ mia. Female Complaints, &c., and in all disc Orders of the Nervausi or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tuber‘cular condition is immedi- nthâ€"all the» general symptoms disappearing with a, rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. check Night Sweet's. diminish Expectorau‘on. huprove» the Appetite. arrest Diarrhoea. and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR. TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Wmchester‘r Genuine Preparation: OF THE HYPOPHOSI’HITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved by the Medical Profession generallv. USE No OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. 63" Places :â€"In 7 02. Bottles, $1â€"6 Bottles for $5. In- 16 oz. Bottles. $2â€"J‘hree for $5. Circulars gratis; Sold b .all respectable Drug-. Elsie. and at the sole eneral Depot in the tilted States. by J. WINCHEhTE a, 36 John St.. NY. THE SPECIFIC PILL ! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermtorrheaor Seninal Weakness, i} Genital Instability, in either Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, Irnpotency. Sterility. &c.. which has the ap- proval ol' the medical profession. its success has been most extraOrdinaryâ€"efi‘ectiug cures in cases Where all other methods of treatment had failed. One to all: boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Semi- Errnaa FOR CASH DEEREDIT ! All my Collars! V ARE - , It WARRANTED SAFE In every respect. I have also on hand a large assortment of IVHIPS a WHIPLASHES All of which will be‘ sold at unusual low prices» The public will do tvell to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. A: I am determined not be under sold by any in the trade. Richmond Hill._0ct. LI. 1861. _ 149.3mo. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re. eommended, for Cough, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lou and Throat 2 bottle. gt icon." We REMOVAL uâ€"nâ€"u HESubscl-iber. in returning thanks to his numerous friends. begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 one door South of Mr. Harrison’s Saddlery Shop. where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on hiln heretofore. - $1000 2 in mechanical execution. as well BOOKS embrace other works of great value that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. ‘ THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other Works of great value, that-Will be found in our printed catalogues. and which Will be forwarded to any address on application. 1 THE PEOPLE’S GREA BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others ill quantities on very liberal terms. Ullequalled in mechanical execution. as well Its value of their contents. a certain alid rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others ill quantities on very liberal terll'ls. Ullequaled . ill mechanical exucutiou, as Well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their Introduction everywhere. MADE by many enterprizing men in the sale of “ the People‘s Great Books." Uncqualled in mechanical executflln. as well as value of their contents. a certain and rapid sale follows; their introduction everywhere. A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many eliterprizing men. in the sale of "the People’s Great Books.” Unequalled , as value of their contents, a certain and rapid ea 6 follows. their introduction everywhere. All Orders punctually. attended to. 63'" Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. and in the latest Style. . Must'be well recommended. _ ' W. WILLCOCKS BALDWIN, Larcllliiere . Oak Rldges. rial Weakness. or its resulting Impotencv. . however aggravated. whether constitutional. or arising from abuse or excess. Very line delicately flavoured Tea, worth 68. 3d. per lb. of anbody’s money, taki'lig'lf) lbs. " ‘ ' f ‘HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order tb suit purchasers, and of the best materials, : tow-Wm” HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. M ‘ $1000 A YEAR" IS BEING mm , . ,. , v V V I x . . JAMES B BURNES . . . D . b." 3” 186 ' "’2 2 N .13..â€"dl/\'pl up»: only 1‘.) cheats ofthe above : An assortment of W HIPS, LASHLS, Sic. constantly on hand. , I ;:::R:::; Dzzfxgpchgfgfifi; man) ’i ‘ Twill”. 32f: 1:}; ,bfilgnaipg',’;°g:$g3mggf“ bi“: i ' . our than 8 a: 'etter he-ili time as tea will ' c ' . ' " ‘ ' . ' . i ' ' . ’ . '- . . ' i I , not be lower for a Ion}! time; in,fect tho; are COllarS warranted to I100k & Wear-Well. 039“ of SWI'mnlol'rhe‘l Mid Will] the "193‘ Per‘ Rmhmond HI". oct' 10' 1861' 1861 am equalled m mecmu'cnl emcm'mh as we" ‘55 BULLS FOR SALE. higher now than they have been yet feet success. W~ -LW--. value of their coutouls.a. certain and rapid Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8; Bro's. Flows, Points, .Lcmdsides, dec. . "J, Mun-on SANDERS. MJ), “up,” wan M5. " sale follows their introduction everywhere. 3 I V . h thamzhdwed Show horn ' &c' w, and Exalllineg at ‘N b1. “‘VQ believe it to be a, near a OSpec'ific ’ as vggr Worm‘s in childi-gn’, SMER'S 'W , closely connected through the. nerd of Currantss. 5“. 61d. and 71d. per lb (bought . my medicine can be. We have cured many M UG . CANDY is by far the most; plow“; Mr. Storm, of Guelph. with the very celebrated at Auc-fion yesterday, 11 Richmond Hill. October 17, 1861. 151-3," info, and ofiectual remedy now in use. Try it! 801 1 Cents by the barrel.) byall dealers in medicines. herd of Captain Gusraa’s ; for an account of Raisins, 6d: 7id. and 9d per lb. lWOl‘lh more which see the “ Illustrated London News" of ma" “"338 Wm” by “1°. box) u” 7“. December ‘86“ page 577. Cand.es, 12 lbs. for 68. Mid. (we wont be beat.) . w' wu‘l‘cocxs BALDWIN' lierrings. 108. per barrel. Smoked do. 158d. severe cases with from six to ten doses. "--Dr. B. KEITH! 'American Jour. of Med. Science. "I have found them all that could be de- sired, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. Dicncu. MD.” SEND FOR $25.00 WORTH 01“ the People’s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. them. “fulfills. CUTEISTOUTTERS, $1000 A YEAR IS BEING Sold by W. S.- POLLOCK..R_ichmond Hill. GU’I‘Tllé-PERCIIA ROOFING. Everybody wants a. III? This is not a Home: )athic Remedy nor ' ‘ - Larcliinere Oak Ridges. AT THR , l .. t _ per halt. . Vinegar ls. 3d. per .gallon. Golden is there any mercury or other deleterious Ingre- â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" t “7 r D°°°mber 31! 1861' “2'4 Syrup 2s. 3d. at. 25. 9d. per gallon. Sugar 10} dielits combined with it. No anicle ever' before introduced to at 11; lbs. for $1. Lemon Peel, Orange Peel. Citron Peel. Pickles, Sauces. Spices, Oils of every degree. Finest Pennsylvanian Spring Rock Oil. with no unpleasant smell. and wal- ranted not to smoke. Brooms, Pails, Bed-Cords, 8m.- Just get iii your Sleighs and Cutters ,and come’ Township of Vaughan. -"-- on the line : if we can’t please you it will be a GENTLEMEN,- queer thing. all you have got to do in Order to Having served you. to the best of mv hum- get ."0‘" Est “i a low Pricev l3 ‘0 say "‘3‘ 3'0“ bio abiliu, in the Township and Com“.- Coun. come froiil_Newmarket, or iielghborhuod.as the cils_ dunng rim past year, and being requested subscriber is bound to form a country connec- by numerous friends to stand for re-election. UOII- OOTdGI'S filled Just as well by orders as I beg to say that I am at your semenâ€"being personally. and.wllh despatcli. If the goods do always desirous of making myself useful to 110‘ Sum we Will take them back and pay all my fellow-countrymen when it is in’ my OXPGHSES- ‘ war. II vuu. gentlemen. are of opinion that DUGALD CRAW'FORD’ have done mp duty. to your satisfaction. l was PEOPLE’S caocsa, will meet you at the poll in January next. , and then accept vour verdict on my past Wholesale and lectail, conreeaeyour COUNCILMAN for Ward No. UN ION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY .______â€"-m GEORGE BAKIN. EGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a quantity of . a. n In as CHEAP, FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED CREDIT. 01‘" the People s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. PRICEâ€"$I per box; all: boxes for $5. by mail. pre~peid, For sale by all respectable Druggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J WINCHESTER. 36 John St.,N.Y. New York. Dec. 12. 1661. 159~ly. " tile-public has equalled the LIQUID Guir'm. TO THE ELECTORS . 0F. WARD NO. 2, Psacua fbr coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, SEND FOR $100.00 WORTH will tllorOtlghly coat front 200 to 300 feet 0F m" P°°ple’s Gm“ B°°ks’ and "y ihem among your neighbors. Everybody wants of roof, and this coating will render the' them. PHOTOGRAPHS ! PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY 1N CANADA, . roof perfectly water-proof, and will lasr SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price. Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 6l7 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. three times as long as white lead or otllct WHICH Ha WILL sELL paint. For covering roofs, either new or old;we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lity and cheapness, and we offer it to the SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO Intending Purchasers Will do Well to ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofprice. public fully confident of its intrinsic eXcel-l . _ . , ~ 1 - . , I ,_ ts u‘ . . . 2i; tho 3°31?” 0‘ Viuligh'm' l t th II T t D Lootinit; if “we & Agnes Isa?“ m’ Give Hint a Call Before Purchasing EISCWIIOI'C: ~ km“, and "lib °‘“‘ "3mm" “1” ‘t m" Midas a. POTTER rumour. ‘ re-e oc ' you. ave on y easy a area 0, ac. b . - . ' _ _ _ . ' _ I y, . ' .y ‘ - ’ - ulllendeavor, (to the utmost or my power.) ___..,_______ ,1 “mm” As an inspection of a good Article is all that is reqmred to ensure a sale. do all we claim for it. Sold in barrels of NO- 617 Smsom St, Philadelphia, Pa tonne the interests of your Ward faithfully as y , , ,h rb I d. heretoforeâ€"if not elected, I will, as a matter of GOOD THING. *TORUer forty gallons ea“ ’ at a ' "a “com”; to course. how. respectfully, to your decision. 93- HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth I l ' SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price. Address. JOHN E. POTTER, Poacisnm, No. 617 Sauaom Sc, Pniladslphia. Pa trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, ‘ ids, Old Saree, Initiated or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in every case where an ointment leueetnl. It will re “and itself, after one trial. . n4... W~h._~~--‘ um” ‘ .4..- Thc reputation of the above Establishment should sumac the Public as to the superiority of the Articles turned out. ‘ Unionville, December 5, 1861., dealers. Address all Orders to READY ROOFING 00., ; 148,12m. Your most obedient 2: want, WILLIAM COOK. Vaughan. Dec. 23, 1861. 161-2 Proprietor and Principal Operator“ forests. April 19. 1861. 1254; 23 Cedabstreet, New. York.

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