Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 6 Dec 1861, p. 3

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.,r~'»-.- -..:~. ,n- . » r -.; .2 .3. in. sec: v UNDER COATS. OW- receiving the Best IiindE Cheapest as- INDUSTRY UNDER DIFFICU‘LTIES.â€"â€" There is residing in Glenriilnics a woman whose sufferings must awaken commisser.‘ ation in every sympathetic heart‘.', She is called Anme InfleS' At the early 3g? or a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, 23 she had a child, and a‘ Very short time Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to after her confinement, from fever being in hl¥§113;Y’fi“figi‘eljs “.16 :neanglof Clél'e- f the house, she had to sleep on the damp on W.‘°. Ps‘w‘t' ‘0 W‘ 5"" acopy ° . ‘ _ the rescrlitlon' usSd free of ch ' r' earthen floor With nothing but straw p I t alge)’ mm ' . I the directions foi‘ preparing and using the under her,‘ and With her feet turned to- same, which they will find a SURE CURE FOR THE PEOPLE’S GREAT B00 ‘8. Carpenters &; Joiners. THE HORSE, AWHIS DISEASES: WANTED lullâ€"imam. ROBERT JENNINGS, V. s., 25 G001) CARPENTERS !. PROFESSOR 0E PATHOLOGY AND OPERATIVE SUR- GERY IN THE VETERINARY COLLEGE OE PHILA- APPIY ‘0 DELPHIA, PROF. or VETERINARI' MEDICINE 1N THE LATE AGRICULTURAL LOLLEGE or‘ OHIO, SECRETARY or THE AMERICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION or PHI- To Consumptives. STRAYED. AME into the enclosure Of the Subscriber, lot No 25, in the 3rd concession of the" sort‘ment of ,CORDS or OAK STAVEI- township of'York. east of YOuge Street. on or s Apply to TIMBER. Cash- on delivery. 11, 62. J.- HARRISON. about the 1st day of September last _ Plank Road, ., Ever shown 011 Richmond Hill, in‘ Frock, . . r I I , H iv A White” Ifeifgr’ Shooting, Albert and Sack Shapes. in Full R'chmt’nd Whom. 10.1861. 150 3:. 33'6an Old. havinga red' “80 The W119? Cloth. Tweed, Doeskin,= Broad Cloth. and , is requested to come forward preve property, Cassimere, made in the THAT all persons owing Di. James Laiig-‘ 1 staff. will find it to their advantage to Call“ HE AdfvertiSOr, having' beeii' restored to health In a few weeks by a' Very simple remedy, after havihg’suffer’ed satieral years with RICHARD DYER. Maple, Nov. 29, 1861. 157-tt‘ k l . . c- .. I Pay “burg” and “f ‘°’,ag:,y, DUNCAN Best Style by Superior Workmen ., . . . - ' _ . And will be sold as chea as the‘samo quality . wards the cold door, She fell a “cum to CONsoMrTION, ASTHMA, BRoNCIIITIs, &c. The LADELriIiA, ETc., ETC. East York, Nov. 15., 1861- . 155 3 can be II,old in Tommm pplease ca," and ex. andâ€"pay as soon as pOSSIble. a" disease called weed, brought on by ex- “W “’36” 0" the adver'lser m sending the 12mo. Cloth Extra, Price $1.25. amine our stock. â€" W‘â€" _ C'RAWFORD’S POEIICAL GREETINGS TO THE PUBLlCr FRIENDS! do you wish. in these veryhard times To getvthe full worth of your dollars and- dimes ? Do you wish to purchase the purest and best , An’d cheapest of goods for yourself oryour guest?- Proscription is: to benefit the afliictod. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and liehopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, 0N THE. HORSE Tens you a” about and may Prove a blossl'llg' breedingalld Managing, the animal with his dgarties wishi'llg' the prescription" Vvill please various vices, and how they can be corrected. a ress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, W’illiamsburgli, A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth“ i trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scams, Old Sores, lnflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in Mddeitbblfir:ft§i-b:elfiiiii.sme ' w m PHOTOGRAPHS I WM. 8. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, Sept. 11,- 1861. 146 _ LL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against taking or negotiating two PRO- MISSORY NOTES belonging to the Estate of Mr. THOMAS D. CAMPBELL. deceased, formerly Of’ Richmond Hill. Oiie made by WiLLIAM GAMBLE in favor of the said J. D. CAMPBELL, for £250: the other made by GEO. W. ARM- STRONG, in favor of the same party, for £400. Payment of the said Notes. except to the order treme cold, the disease seated in her feet, both of which rotted off and left her with nothing but the stumps. Annie bctook herself to her knees, upon which she has ever since continued to walk. She does every kind of domestic work, such as baking bread, washing, taking in penis and JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK Jas- F- Brown; _ . . C ' ’â€"â€"- ’llfidth't'lo water. She also spreads dung, sets poo KIHES Count)". New York. TH E HORSE Describes more than 150 9f both the Exemwrs and m" Execumx' hav' BROKER’ Will dgdsdivefhidrlgrbbtspobglbrMy.“ d l tatoes, hoes potatoes, and some other _ T593505 '0 Wth" "6 is subjech and gives “1° mg been smpped' J GAMBLF ESt-ate and General Agent: The Cheapest 311d 395‘ 'l‘EAfl‘Of each‘ brand-from the sow“... lands ' lauds 0f out-“00" Work- He“ 0W“ P9315 flfihcrttfimcfltfi. various mm)de be“ adapted to me” cum' ' Solicitor to’the Estate. AGENT roR Alnbrotype and Photograph Called alllldSUOSG-scomed zephyrs bland 3' are on the top of the hill that separates Glenrinnes from Glclllielddich, and she goes there, and Sets them; and as she has been badly off for fire, she went there twice this season and brought home on her back a burden. She also builds her own penis, and ill doing so has to mount a ladder. She sometimes visits her neigh. bors, and in her journeys is assisted by a short walking stick. Such are the doings of a woman who has to walk continually on her knees, and her whole history is a reproof to those who have both their feet, and yet consider labor the worst of human misfortune.â€"â€"Banfi%hire Journal. Gunpowder, Hymn. the rich Pekoe, The best of Green and‘ the fam’ Bohea. Come to Crawfi rd’s. and you’ll'agree You never saw finer nor cheaper TEA. The sellers‘of Coffee in vain to competeâ€" Crawford'has Coffee that can’t be beat ; ’Tis aromatic. ’tis fresh, ’tis good, , And combines the virtues of meat aild food.- He has SUGARS‘ as Sweet as the purest marina-.- Fresh from the canes of Louisana. Cocoa. Chocolate. Raisins and’Spico. Vinegar, Pickles. Crackers and Rice ; Soap of the ma plus ultra: brand, ‘ The equal of which can’t be found in theland;- 125'” Currants and Raisins that can’t fail to pleaseâ€"‘ CUTTERS. MS. °f And then the Tobacco-417m enough of details, AT THR CARRIAGE FACTORY His goods are" the best, and‘ his prices you’ll find GEORGE EAKIN. A'e such as to leave competition behind ! EGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he I . H, “£1380 ON‘ HAND, SPIUED BEEF .5. 0 TIIER HA MS has on hand a quantity of . I g n i .A A ' H“ - i r I I ~ w u. It I am “"1 I “‘idlllllll IIhull %fl ’ ii" mild I“fill [lelllllllll Yarmouth Bloaters,Fiaon Haddies ~&c" WHICH It‘E WILL SELL DUG-‘ALD CRAWFORD, CHEAP, FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED CREDIT. Toronto, Nov. 28. 1861. 157-4t. Colonial Eli's Qtsonronce Qio’p. 1 MASONIc HALL, TORONTO STREET. TORONTO- I3’ Money to Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 1157 Kill STREET, 1131', TO RON TO. NOTICE. _, t, ‘ If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing A S R the blood, and for bilious complaints Sick Headache, Costlveness M., We Should say BfiIGGS’ INDIAN fropfiotop and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE Should be ill the hands of every man who owns the animal. At a critical moment it. may save you hundreds of dollars In horse-flesh. FOR SALE“,- A FEW COPIES or “The Horse and his Diseases,” BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS,- AT THE GALLERY IN CANADA, IS AT Wanted Immediately, BOY between 14 and 17, as an apprentice to the Printing businessâ€"Apply la the Ofiice. jThTilling Adventures Among RichmondHill,Nov, 21.1861. ‘YORK HERALD’ OFFICE. The Early Settlers. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, 1861. 158.‘ BY W'ARREN VVILDWOOD. Esq, - - - TIC ' With 200. New and Original Engraviiigs. 12mo., Cloth Extra. Price $1.25. ROUGHT into the Pound at Brown’s Cor- MM 11ers, on Monday, Nov. 25, 1861, A ' THRILLING ADVENTURES AMONG THE EARLY SET'I‘LERS We The owner thereof is requested to come and venture to say is the most intensely interest- prove property, pay expenses, and take it away. ing collection of stories ever issued. or it will be sold by public auction. M JOHN GALLOWAY, Pound'keeper, lot 10, 3rd con. Markham. TE,§3£§”E?,3 AEDRYE PPRES Markham. Dec. 5. 1861. 158-3t ‘ L ‘ i A ‘ PEI [LERS While drawn from the most authentic sour- JVO TICEa ces, yet partakes ofzrll the wild, weird, and fearful character of PDII‘lallCB. HE Annual meeting oftlle VAUGHAN & KING PLAYK ROAD COMPANY will he held at Wooo’s ()Ln STAND. near the Toll Gate, to choose Directors and settling up Accounts, on SATURDAY, DECEMIIER 21, 1861. By order of BENJAMIN HORD, Scc’y. op Treasurer. 158â€"3t. Boy Wanted 2 SMART, Active Lad. who can take care of a Horse,and accustomed to do out. door work. Good wages given. Apply at this subscriber. G. A. EARNARD. Richmond Hill, Nov. 21. 1861. ' m UNIQNVILLE HE Undersiglied will receive TENDERS for SIXTEEN CORPS G001) HARD W'OOD To be delivered and piled in the Wood Shed On the School premises. It must be full cordwood length. perfectly Sound. and all split wood. Basswood will not be received. One half to be Seasoned.-â€"the other half Green. Tenders will also state the time when the wood will be delivered! part of it is re- quired as soon as possible.-â€" the remainder be- fore New Year. as may be required for the use of the schools. , Address on paid (p111, TEEFY; , , , Secretary of tlie_Board of Trustees. Richmond Hill, Nov: 21, 1861. 136-2 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. NOVA SCOTIA GOLD FlELDS.-â€"-The Halifax Reporter of the 2lst ult., gives the following as an evidence of the rich- ness of the gold fields in that province:â€" “It is stated, as evidence of the rich: ness of the gold diggings at the ‘Ovens,’ that each of the hundred and fifty bags of rich sand which arrived here last Week Item that locality, will yield not far from $400 worth of gold. One of the share- holders of the company to which the gold dust belongs, it is also stated, has refused $1,000 for a half share, the price ofwliicll was $200. The schooner Lord Lyons which arrived yesterday from Isaac’s har- bor, brought up 25 brls. of quarts and three bags of gold. the value of which We have not yet heard. Pellaps the best proof of the remunerative character of the several diggiiigs is the fact that a large number of peOple have steadily kept wozking them during the whole summer and fall. If the greater part of them found they were making nothing. they ’uld never have remained so long.” Cor'ner of Yonge and Agnes Szreels. Tbr’onto‘. Oct. 31, 1861. 153-1”- OLYDEv HOTEL, KING 51'. EAST. NEA-Ie THE MARKET SQUARE. TORONTO. CLw. JOHJV MILLS, Proprietor. Good. Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers ‘ alvvays in‘ attendance. v TOFODIG,‘ November 1861. THRILLING A I) V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SE'I‘TLERS With startling vividlioss brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and earn. age, many ascene of heroism and patient endurance. N THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN AND DISTRESS.- By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD". 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 Vaughan, Dec. 5. 1861. SHOP AND DWELLING TO LET IN THE Village of Richmond Hill! N a good position for business, House com- modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.â€" Possession given on 1st January. 1861. Enquire of. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. 1861. 158-(f 157-11” Intending Purchasers will do’ well to it?” Give Him a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere,- As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. A FARIVI TO LET! EING the West Half of the West Hundred of Lot NO. 7, in the 6th ConéeSsion Of Vaughan, The soil being of the best quality. ' For particulars apply to JAMES BIRD‘, Butcher, Arcade. Toronto, WM. RUSSELL. Richmond Hill. 156-4t. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS- WRITTEN in plain language, free from medical terms, and toils you’ how to cook. prepare drinks, and manage the sick gone: rally. The reputation of the above Establishment should suffice the Public as to the ,superiority of the Articles turned' out. Unionville, December 5, 1861. ROBERT LA VS? SON-’5 FALL AND WINTER STOCK TEAS, COFF‘EE§F& GROCERIES IS NOW To HAND, FOR. 1861. W. H.711YERS ' Has now in' StO‘clt a' complete“ Assortment of SINGLE AND“ DOUBLE In every description of Mountings, which he offers on‘ most WARLIKE PREPARATIONs.â€"General Sir Fenwick Williams, accompanied by Lieut. Col. Robertson, Royal Engineers, and the members of the staff. made a thorough inspection of the facilities for fortifying Toronto of Friday, and left for Hamilton and St: Catherines on Saturday. It is reported that guns of heavy carbine will be placed along the margin of the Bay in the vicinity of the New and Old Forts. Timber has already been laid down, and workmen will commence ima TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRlBES nearly 150 distinct diseases to which men, women alld children are subject, and gives the various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. Letters Remainin in RICHMONDHILLPostOffice DECE’IV BER I 1861. Hafl'v, Terence Jamieson, Mr. Langstafl', John senior Lee, Ruben Liilfoot. John Langton. George Or to Toronto, Nov. 21. 1861. Bowen. A. B. Croley. Thomas Currie, Mrs. J, K. [2] Coombs, John [2] Cadwell. Thos. [2] Dove, George TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS WRITTEN in plain language. free from Medical terms, and may soon save you much sufl'ering and many times the cost of the book. Stray Sheep. AME into the nremises Of' the Subscriber, mediater to repair the b10ck-llouses. Egggeggrfifiichae, “KEEN,” LvmybOdy wants it' 3 d C 50111:} i‘fin film;mlyfogzbgzggfigz To which the attention Of the Public is Respectfully invited. ~ " : Lieut. Davies, Roval Artillery arrived in yo, Beni,’ Ogilvie, A, r ' a I . . .. . __ ; town on Saturday, accompanied by a Guilfile. Daniel PO‘gue, William THE PEOPLE’S GREAT S I X s H E E P 3 a - , , , . , ,. A, A, '. ,. . . . Prilcliard, Thomas R. L S. stock of TEAS composes, as usual. at ery favonte desellption, Including Grant, George | ' Simpson. James [3] Granger. Henry Gilmore. James Stearliiig; Wm: Heslop. Gideon Storey, Robert Harrington. JohnseuiorSheppard, Mrs; Harriet Henricks, Angelina Usher, William Huffy, John VV'ilson, John M. TEEFY, P.M BOOKS embrace other works of great value The Owner is requested to prove property. pay that will be found in our printed catalogues, expenses and take them away. and which .will be forwarded to any address JOSEPH ELLERBY. on applicatwn- Markham. Nov. 21, 1861. 156-3p FISH! FISH 1 Sergeant and three gunners, for the purpose of instructing the men of the 30111 Regiment in the use of heavy guns. A party of Engineers and sappers and miners are at present on route from Halifax to Quebec, and a number of them, it is said, will be dcspatched west, on their arrival at the latter cityâ€"Globe. On Monday Mr. Pope Was re-clected Mayor of Quebec. There was no Op- position to his election. THE NE W JflPAZV TEH, CASH OEREDlT 2‘ All my VA G‘éilar‘s :7 WARRANT]? D SAFE In every respect. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value, USTI received. a quantity of Lake Huron that will be found in our printed catalogues, FISH, in barrels andhalf barrels; also, and Wll'lCll'Wlll be forwarded to any address Split Labrador and Round HERRINGS, 0“ application. 500 lbs of Fine American CHEESE. I :J‘. K. FALCONBRIDGE. THE pEOPLES GREAT Richmond Iii-ll.-Nov.21, 1861. 156-4 BEING NEITHER BLACK NOR GREEN, AND OF The Gunpowder Fiavour‘ z 4 ,I have aliso‘O‘n ha'nlfa‘ large“ assortment of WHIPS a WHIPLASHES’ All of which Will b‘é‘ Sold at unusual low Blackwood’s Magazine AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS l SCOTT &. CO., NEW YORK, continue a to publish the following leading British The priiicple part of the above having been bought ill London, England. fo Cash. previous to the recent advance in prices. will be sold on very favorable terms. BOOKS. will be furnished to agents and others in quantities on very liberal terms; Uneq‘ualled BIRT H. 011 Sunday. the list inst., the wife of Mr. JAMES VERNEY, Richmond Hill, of a son. MARRIED. At the bride’s residence. on Thursday the 28th November, by the Rev. Donald Ross, Mr. ALEXANDER CAMERON. second son Of the late Mr. Donald Cameron. to BARBARA MALLOY, second daughter of the late Mr James Malloy, both of the township of Vaughan. mâ€" MONTREAL PRICE CURRENT. Akin r} Kirkpatrick’s Report, Nov. 23, 1861. Flourâ€"per hr] of 196 lbs. Middlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963 00 to 3 50 Fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 to 4 30 Superfine No. 2 . . . . . . . .... 4 85 to 5 00 “ “ . . . . . . ..... 51010515 y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 to b 60 xa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 85 to 6 00 ulrior Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 to 6 50 Bags 112 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 to 2 70 Oatmeal por brl of 200 lbs. . . . 4 10 to 4 30 Rye Flourâ€"per brl of 200 lbs. 2 50 to 3 00 Wheatâ€"per 60 lbs U C Spring 1 2% to l 05 U. C. Fall White 1 12% to 1 20 “ “ Red. . 110 to I I5 Passeâ€"per 651bs........... 065 10070 Barleyâ€"pa“ 50 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . O 45 to O 50 Cornâ€"per 56 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . 0 53 to 0 55 Porkâ€"per brl of 200 lbs. Mess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14151015 00 Prime Mess . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 to 1‘2 50 ‘ Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 50 to 11 00 Butterâ€"per lb lnt'er. & Ordii. 0 08 to 0 09 Fair&Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010to 011 Fine and choice dairy. .. .. (l 12 to 0 l4 Lardâ€"per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 09 to O 09% Ashesâ€"per 112 lbs. , Pots-1s. s o o v s s o r o scans-so Pearls . . . . . . . . ........... 63010 635 Woolâ€"-per lb . . . . . . . . . . ... . 0 30 to 0 33 Tallow-â€"perlb............. 008 to 009 , Stovesâ€"1161' M-â€"Pipe . . . . . . . 180 00 W. 1 . . . . . . . . 52 00 M TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, December 5. Flour.â€"-â€"Superfilie sold at from $4 40, fir) $4 45 ; Fancy $4 70@ $4 75 ; Extra $5 10 {PI/$5 20; Double Extra. $5 50 Km $5 60. Fall Wheat.â€"-3t!0 bshls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $0 95 {(1) $108 per bshl. Spring Wheatâ€"1,300 bshls in market. which sold at from $0 88 @ $0 90 per bshl. Barleyâ€"sold at from 46 Kc?) 48c. Permâ€"2700 bshls wont off-at 48 KO bshl. Oatsâ€"at 28 @ 30c per bshl. 51c per Ha 'â€"-isfrom $10@ $16 per ton, Straw $9 fa) or ten. ApQOSmCommon varieties $1 50 @ $2 50 per barrel. Eggs,-â€"Fresh from wagons 18c fob 20c pe. doz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 40 KG) 500. Butter.-Fi'esh is in fair, supply at from 150 ((D 17 per lb. . -Beefâ€"$4 f0) 4 50 per 100 115. Calves $343 $4 00 each. Lambs . ‘2 ftp $3. Shoo 3 {(1) $5 00 each. $ P $ Tallow, $6 per 100 1b Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 E17 $3 per bushel. Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. Periodicals, viz. :â€" THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (VVllig.) THE NORTH BRITTSII REVIEW, (Free Church.) THE WESTMINSTEZt REVIEW (l.iboral.) BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, (Tory,) The present critical state Of European affairs will render these publications universally ii‘i- ‘ tercstiiig during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tilv writon newsvitems, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such, ill addition to their well-established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of 1118 reading public. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Slucts from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be- placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. . . .$3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, . . . . . . . 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . . 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review, . . . . . . . . 5 00 For Blackwood alid two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . .. 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or more copies of any one or more oftlie above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage, N.B.â€"-The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum, Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. NO. 54 Gold street, New York. ' New York. Dec. 5,1861. GARGLING- OIL SUPERSEDED. BRIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Garglin r Oil, or any other Medicine now before the P121111, for Bprslns, Bruises, Cuts, Galls, and all luxuries to Horseflesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all I Islets '- Medicines ~-« .- in mechanical execution. as well as value Of their contents. a certain and rapid sale fo‘llo‘ws their introduction everywhere. N THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others lll quantities on very liberal terms. Unequaled in IiiecllalllC'al ex’cution, as Well as value of their COlllC‘lltS, a Certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. m $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizllig men in the sale pf “ th‘e PeOple’s Great Books.” Ulieqnalled in mechanical exocution. as Well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere M $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizing men. in the sale of -‘ the People’s Great Books.” , Ullequalled I in mechanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. W $1000 A,YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterpl'izing men, in the sale of "the People’s Great Books." Uli- equalled ill mechanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. SEND FOR ' $25.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. SEND FOR $50.00 WORTH OF the People‘s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. them. M SEND FOR $100.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Books, and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants them. SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price. had 25 yearns experience 1“ some '3? the Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No.6l7 Sansom Si., Philadelphia, Pa; and moderate charges. to gain the support SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofpri'ce. Address, JOHN E. POTTER. PUBLISHER, No. 617 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PaJ SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid 011' receipt of price. Address, JOHN E. POTTER, PUBLISHER, No. 617 Sansom‘ St.,Piriladolpliia. Pa. Everybody wants TALEXO 11327 King St. Eastgjncxt door to the Clyde Hotel. ROBERT LAWSON. 153-6m prices. The public Will dO" Well to call vand'examine the Stock before purchasing. elsewhere. As I am' determined not be under sold by any inth'e' trade; 1 Richmond Hill, Oct. 4;, 1861. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. HE‘Subsc’riber offers for Sale by private bargain. I 2 village Lots 2 Situated on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill; one contains an ,acre of Land with a good Frame Dwelling House: the other is a Corner Lot, fronting on Richmond and Centre Streets, containing h‘alfan acre: Title cleanand buyers can have any reason- able lime for payment by binding the bargain. For further particulars apply to , ( THOMAS BANKS. Richmond Hill, Nov. 13. 1861. 155-tf. Toronto, November 1. 1861. osmm HARNESS! HARNESS ! 1 SINGLE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGHT l WELL-MADE AND DURAEBLE z I MAY BE HAD OF . _"l. I; [I [p H] W”, or I ‘I a ,1 A“ ,1, 2".“ i ll“ l“thrill "‘ “thrill lllllllillll 1‘ ‘ lllllllllli “lilillll HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, . _ I ABOVE DESCRIPTION. 149-3mo. m r O‘ R‘ TA- N 1".- DR. ms'rA'R's PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly :9- oommended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lu‘n' s and Tl‘n‘ 'at 25 bottle. 3 0 cenum "bull a, NOTICE or REMOVE: THE Sub‘scrib‘er'. in‘ returning thanks to his“ numerous friend's. begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1! one door South Of Mr. Harrison’s Saddlery Shop. where by strict application to business‘ ‘yand studying to' please, he hopes, to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed , on Him heretofore. All Orders punCtually' attended to. , IE? Garments cut to order on the shortest ' notice. and in the latest Style. JAMES B, BURN‘ES, Tailor.- 1861-3m, nos-1',- Monday night. the 4ith inst., on the road between the Saw-Mill On Mill-stree., and Mr. Patterson’s farm, Yonge-street. Richmond Hill, An Old Leather Po’ckct Book! ~ With two pockets in it, containing several ac- count cheques fOI Lumber, and other Papers; also two dollars in money. Any person return- ing the same to the Subscriber will be suitably rewarded. ., , THOMAS SMITH, SENR. Richmond Hill. Nov. 14. 1861. 155-31: HARNESS OF THE An assortment of \VHIPS, LASHES, Sic. constantly on hand. ' Collars warranted to Fit, Lo‘ok 65 Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s. Plows, Points, Landsid'es, &c. 11:? Call and Examine, - at WM. I-IAR‘RISON’S Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151.3,. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE AKES pleasure in announcing to his Friends and others, that he is‘ now receiving viiieayilii“ 1 He would direct particular attention to his assortment of \VOOLENS, comprising a large supply of TWEEDS. DOESKINS, CLOTl-ls, FLANNELS' In every color, BLANKETS, &c., &c.; also to s I“'lllllllll “lull I'lll ‘ "'1 l(lllllllll “lull! whim Illllllllilll "lilllll “will ill’ I 1”" llll “loom will A variety ofNew and Beautiful Materialsâ€"4n rich Silk. \Vool and Elri‘hroidered Robes, Printed Cashmercs, Gala Plaids, Alhwool and Union VVinseyS, Cob'ou'l‘gs, 81.0. Cotton Goods of every description, Gloves, Hosiery, and Prints all new ill style. He is also in possession of a large lot of PAISER i ' And will receive in the course of a few days a quantity of LADIES? FASHIONABLE FURS, Viz ‘ Victorines, Cuffs an‘d Gauntlets; also, Ge‘n‘tlem‘en‘s caps from 50cts to $5 50c V HIS STOCK OF GROCERIESI In’ every department will be found, so li’ere‘tofOre, complete, and offered at prices a5 low as the present State of the wholesale market will permit.- Whilst thanking his friends for past favors, he regrets to mien- tion that he will be obliged to place in suit EVERY account which has not been satisfactorily settled up to the 1‘st"of January last. He would also respectfully remind his customers that many of their accounts and notes become due on the lat of October, and that he would feel particularly obliged by prompt payment. Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, 1861..- mh'r’n‘o’n'd Hill. Oct. 13031861. , , , WO'RMS. . or destroying Worms in children SITTZER’S' v RMIEIIGE CANIIY is by far the niost pleasan safe and effectual remedy now in use. Tr itl‘ ‘4 1 by sill dealers in medicines. ! Lo To Sell or Exchange, BAY PONY. 7 years old, good either in Single or Double Harness, with BUGGY and HARNESS 2 either separately or together. Or the same will be exchanged for either Cattle. Sheep Or Pigs. For further particulars apply at the office of I this paper. Richmond Hill, November 15, 1861. Sold by W. S, PO‘LLOCK..Richmond Hill. GUT’I‘AJERCHA ROOFING. No article ever before introduced to' 15'5nr i the public has equalled-the LIQUID GUTTA-‘ (LATE FROM ENGLAND,) PRABTlCAL CLOCK 86 WATCHMAKEH, J EWELLER, &c. RICHMOND ~llILL, C.W. H., in Offering his services to the inhabi- s tants of Richmond Hill and‘ Vicinity. begs to state that they may d'epen‘d'o'n' 'ét’tirig‘ ‘ their work well done. from the fact that ‘e‘ha's r51- claSS houses, in London. Yorkshire, and Lan- cashire, lilo hOpes. by strict attention to business PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon“, costing $1.50, will th’oroll‘gllly coat from 200‘ to 300‘ feet of roof, and this coating will render the” roof perfectly Water-proof, and will lasr' [three times as long as white lead or otllet' paint. For covering roofs, either new or Old,- We repeat, it has no eqiu‘al for durabi-i of llie public. WORK WA‘RRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. 117.3 Work don‘e‘on the shortest malice Shop next door to the f‘ York Herald-I" Office. Richmond Hill, Nov. 7. 1861. 145- ’li’ty and ch’eapiress, and We offer it to the' public fully confident of its intrinsic excel; ‘l‘ené"e,‘arl’d‘ With our warra‘n‘tee that it will: Sold in barrels of forty gall'o'ns‘ each, at a‘ liberal diScount to‘ Address all orders to‘ READY ROOFING Co.,â€" 23 Cedanstreethew’ York. 148 121w. do all we claim- for it. .Try the truly, great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS HA- GIG, RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied Of its supi- I-iority,‘a‘1‘t.er using the medicine, the rice will be re- funded b the Agent. in all cases: P be 25 cents per bottle. Old by I‘ll dull" ln'madicinea' ' dealers. 148-81. ‘7

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