Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 25 Oct 1861, p. 3

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, ., __ ,. , .. .1 , . . .. . . .. . . .. . . - .. .. _ _ . . . .. , . , _ ._ .. '~’-<u<i- E overtim- ' D‘s-T‘LA‘CROIX’S _ Letters « , , ., Remainiii in RICIIMUNDIIILL Posthfiice {-4 1- being‘one day at the drill‘ was? eiiaminiog PREVATEV [All 4. 3.31 A minnikiii three feet and allialfCoIOnel ' . .. . _ . . ., . . , . .T < .. is: . in '- “has”? smut , PILOT‘K‘NOB‘. Octs‘zzsr :7; feet 19",!" grape;- riipw MEDICAL 'I‘REA‘TISE‘ 00 0 ER 1 Mt" , . i - UGA; "35» b- ' mitts;’or’ll..°l1%.2.°§lihti$?”°$2.111}.1.2? ,The follo'wtng dispatch wasurecclred .0 ,, "1’10?" lea ’ e. 2;” 7 es "I! I '~ ON THE i ‘ Ambler, wm, - lMemalf’ Robert a w .- t .l bottle " ' ' sir. “Hiolier fellow blotter. “Villal “ a ’ 7 a. 7 W , _ I , Bernard, H Z' i r ‘ “Ilium, Robert so Sir?” ‘f_Yes.fellow.'_’, ‘“ And I am al- , Brilli’n on, Geor c, IVchurch 5; rs... Bcitsoii,le's,:J,gines'. _Mche,'Jhibigs v' Eobett, Pater NIcPhcrsoigTimothy - ‘- “ummcr, Mrs Iar .Mcuarry, .d‘vtgard I, 53- ' - Campboll, l\,/Irs."’l'.'y~ Mcl.ean.,_1,.aughlin;, .Collctt,'V!ai'tili Pattersot‘i.i;Bio. "L21 . Culbcrt. Reuhep Ross, Mr‘XMnrk' _ ‘ , , l)ickson.,‘,G‘. ‘ P." ’ i ’ Redji'ath,~‘R,bert‘ ’ ,2 , ' , "u’ ‘ 'Doyle,'M'i.~s Ma’l‘y ‘ Siiiipscii,Jahi‘cs ‘ l ‘lt‘ox‘. Edni‘ard" ’ ;I ' ' Shaw,'W»," J,‘ ‘ V .° Glange‘r, H on‘ry, ' [2’] .Simpson,5 Junior, James Harley,‘Ml‘. ' ' " ‘ ‘ Stung. Peter, ."_‘f;' ‘. ‘Steplic'nso’trél‘G. ' ' Sniith...losephl ,,:.j. - L Sheppard; James 1 ' ' Tell it islon , A‘nb u‘r .; -'l‘omson. John , 4 :Thoinas. Mn“ . l, , Vaiideburglt.,Miss-;M.’ . , ~ .. » ' » Whalen, Da’niel ' Fine Souchong Breakfast Toasat 25. 6d perlb. ,Snperior do English do ‘ do. “'38. 3s. 6d. “ HDon‘iti‘Iuniissjour present r - - g i‘ . ' NOTICE‘OF‘REM} VAL H Iii-Subscriber, J infr‘étu rtn'iiiig' thanks his, ‘numerous friends, bogs‘td'iiitiinate'to the inhabita‘ilts of .l’ticllIIIOhd gatdilll: ut‘fdw‘Viéthy. heli‘eigfhishno'rniog ain’d fo‘rtvia‘l‘dti‘d to' b'ead- Ps’iblogical quarters at St. Louis *2 FIELD or BATTLE, , ii: ‘ ,‘iFirié'dcrlitEklown, Oct.,22. q .t In conjunction with Colonel Plummeh’s (commandedywvc have’ touted the Confed- erafesundcr‘l‘l‘lloinpsonaiid Lowe, esti- rdilatisz at 5,000. Their 1055 is “ht-airy; ours small, and confim‘d principally to thr- gftrstslndian Cavalryya We, captured four héavv guns. . . «is ‘.’-w. t.» v > ‘ ' . ‘01 , ""‘ ~t'ts.‘ c~ . - Lowe, one of the Confederate officers, , “Tm Ito. 0" the 21° l' t’ iconsump, l ‘ ‘ tton, OLIVE HOWELL. second daughter of the , View of 'lllarrliigc. 250 Mass AND 130 axcnnvmosIâ€"Price.olily twenty-live cents. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of ,‘outli' and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both soxcsjof all ages, causing dobilltv, llel“ vousness. depression of spirits, palpitatioii’ of‘ the heart, suicidal ilnaginlugs, involuntary einis-' stons, blushings, desecriw‘ memory, indigestion and daMLth‘,.th’t confessmrlsGift/trifling ml 1'» test qfa Buiu'dlllg'ib‘c/wul Miss, a College b‘lu- dcllt, and a Young Marriott ‘Llldg, ($0., (33c. It is a truintul adVIseero-ihe married and those colitciilplating 'lllttl‘llitgey \\’llO.-t)ll‘Bt‘tfllll,_ secret. doubts ‘of'thcir pllyihci'tl"condition, and who are conscious of" havmg liazarded the health, happi- ness, and piivdcges to which every human being is entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gene'ally causod by a bad habit in youth. the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful» uess, sometimes a ringing 'tn the cars, Weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extreliii» I ‘ . HE Subscriber would respectfullt'anticuiicc ‘ to the Residents of Richmond Hill and the Farmers of the surrounding country. that he 'has just received a' splendid large lot of that he has removed. -, « ‘ch? Green Teas, .Su‘g'a'rs';- , ways to remain so I” f‘ Yes fellow, to be sure.’ ' i Va Why, then, good bye, Colonel, for I‘shall‘nevér see you again.” ‘ v. 1.861.! H.th Has now in Stock a completc'afaso‘rtment of’ stones AND DOUBLE; HARNESS- In every deScripl-ion of Mountings, Which “ Is this your house. and home ’l’ asked a'traVcllcr of a farmer, as he saw him boardingr up a pigstyeâ€"“No," replied the , ' INTO .HIS NEW H01 one" door South of ‘M,r,'_Harrison’s Saddlery, Shop, where by strict application:jto.‘,businp§s; and studying to please, he. hopes 'to merit a, continuance of the Sttpport'tso‘ liberally bbstblv'ilé |on him heretofore, . All Orders punclually attended}. to”. II}? Garmentscut to orde't"oil-'tlld‘S-hbt'tdsti notice, and in thalatest Style, ‘ y , . “ JAMES B, BURNES,‘ ' ii ' 'lmlur,“ 186 l 3...;- . , i . monaccos, 'cu-ncss, RICE, farmer, “ I’m only boarding he re.” _ ' ‘Rasin‘isi‘flurrants, Vinegars SOAP, &c.'&c, 5w. whidhi hie 'o’tl'ers at" verv different Prices to what they will be required to play for the some Goods» a fortnight hence; and would, recom- meudliis‘friends tdi'call or séndiitltoir,.oiders withoutndclas't * , -_._._.. __..._. ._: lloyse, Johu’ ‘ ‘ Herbert; Denis}. . I. ’+larll-=011-.J0hll ' Hall. James Jones, John Fletcher Klinclt, William ‘IJllll'Ool, John Langstaff, John .._,~?lva,s_,killcll.r, ‘Major'GuVilt and Captain, ‘ ‘ _ __ . ' Hyman, of “,8 Indiana Canny, ‘verbkuy late Charles Thompson. Esq. and who of .190. led in a charge on a battery. - ~' I " I ' '1’- Thc command of C-OIOuCI-Pl-ummer, re- ferred to above, “Wilson-Friday morning <.,lfisi}ififimt‘d forward by General Garnt ’ from:Cape~Girardeau, with instructions to move forward to Fredericktown and cut off the when of Thompson- and 'LOWc’s army.~~ Griffith, Esq. merchant, aged 23 years. malnutrition CURRENT. ‘ l M. ‘EEFY,P.M ' .. v. j t. . ,. z I . '1 .q be offch on mast Spléndid Young Hymn do do. ,, 3s. 66,. and Richmond Hill, Oct, 10, lobl, - _ if“ : H ‘ .- y u ' ' V ' I 35, 9d; per lb: ‘ _ ,.5â€"â€"-~â€"â€"' F E 'l , i . 4-[1'l‘lieroi‘sdnut allotlierlo‘tot' Green Torts in i . j' V I . . ' , ' . V , Toronto at anything like the money] Ali-n axll-kpizll-zct'snapiifl. Oct. l7, test. I j .. . , it soon THING. ‘_ a x _ EITHER FQRL.‘ Fine; Silicot,’v-l}rightDI-y. PortolRi'éc Sugar, DR' The Autumn Exhib-l‘ton Flourâ€"~per b'l of_-196 lbs. ‘ Middlings.... ... ...,... “.3300 to 3 50 Filte..... 400 to 4.35 Superfine 5 10 to 5 30 U ties. coul'uSlon of ideas, loss ‘ or memory, \\’ll.l| melancholy, may be cured by: the author’s New Paris and London T:eatntcllt. We have recently devoted much of our time ouch-y No. 2..... HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth ii p p Y niacin-any case armies, Burns, scams, Old sores, I “fund H lbs. for $1- , [nflsmed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on thcskin, and in .00... -CAsH , . .“ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 60 to 5 65 in visiting the European Hospitals. availing , _ O R R WI‘IIG‘CMM Tobacco 1s: 3d. per 1b.,‘worth' ls. 6d. 9V"? 3,980: where an “mm?an is, “sflml',, 1‘ “791,79 i" 5" 5’ "' 'NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Fancy. .. . . . 5' 75 to a 85 ourselves ul‘tho knowledge and losearches of i, OFV THE, ._ . _ . ' i ‘ - pelt-£16 tlleflbOXQ's lb f sudét h ‘ 1 me 'dnsm’amr onetm‘. i .9 2 v . - - . - - Extra..,.......'.......... 5 90 to 6 10 the most skilled l’hyslclaus and Surgeons in I't . f“ _ l? .__2 most merlcan .166. S. Ol' 11' C 051): ' - W '- ' v, " " ’ T"? . ,,1ttq,itiuryi ali‘nlrsm Kentucky are still In Sum,“ Emamum 6 ,5 ,0 6 50 Europe mm Comm”. Tum who Mm VallGHAN ‘ .. SGCltTY I Raisins, [3618,15,er 69,,“ 7d,, W H,” 0,. Sold t, w, s, POLLJCK. Richmond uni. 3 .35 9‘40' “ . . flagsâ€"o1 12 lbs... . . . . . . ... . . 2 75 to 2 95 tltetiisel'ves under our care will now. have, the ‘ ‘ ‘ “ .- t . ‘ ‘ ,“ > ' ' z j and 1. _s. or $ ,_ . j . . _._..‘ ‘ .W‘ - ' i ' 7 ‘ . ‘ B . . I, ~ I O Oatmeal pcr brl of 201) lbs. . . . 4 00 to 4 15 full benefit ofth ,many new and efficncious T 3 my ' EA ,“o'd‘ficti'ou from {1,651,098 by mg box_]' U " '2- Mr" Mu" ’, rm“ ‘ cimbu at .ew“ r' RYc Flourâ€"Par l;rl 01'200 lbs. 2.50 to 3 00 roiiietlies which We are enabled to introduce ‘ ‘ - ' ARE ' b fore thé best :8,” in the cm, 7d, p8,; bar . -. leans.“ has arrived here from that City, hav- \‘Vhe‘utgperbfl lbs UC Spring 1 It! to l 16 into our practice, and the. publlc- may, rest as- s e ‘ p - ' ’ U. C. Fall White. or Elbars for $1.' receiving the gust and Cheapest ps-i 125tol35 I .. . surod of the same zeal. assiduitv, sEancx alld'l D 513g” iiéén‘ twenty-four days .en route. 'sortmoni‘ or ' ' . . . . , , , , , , _ . Viué’ ar stron eii‘o'fioh to ickle nails” ls. 3d. , ~.‘ ‘ ., ? ' ‘ 7, ' I ) r " y “ Red. .' 1818 to l ‘21} attention being pad to then cases,,wlllclh llab‘bQ ,; When {number oppfiws w,” bagfiva-rged, 1 . ‘ , g I. . If?” LEM,ng a P J V z, .I;»hc,arlpy_of the. Potomac has been lll- lease-per 60 lbs...... . 0 42‘; to H 78 successully distinguished us noietololo, as a _____,__ celery respect. . ' . A, , . E - . h H » 1,. 5”: "a -,,:,,. r c . F‘io’ . voided imo cm» 5 (fay-map each encumrling Barleyâ€"â€"pe“5fl lbs . . . . . . . . . .. 0 51) to l) 60 Physician in our pccular dopill'tillcllt of proies- R 1 - “I R a. I .t-on . Th0..-8b.°"° ls only a‘ small sample“ m" 8"” -s' Citing)“. “Edmson . xi ’ m - mak’ 000 250.000 }' °i :a'.-‘n'_p...- 56 lbs . . . . . . .. . . . 0 52;, to 0 55 sioiial t’raul‘lce, .or the pasttwcut five years. u es an? ebu 8" l s ‘ â€"_ y. , present bargains. _ ‘1’ S..-â€"Thc Conductor of Clitozlltlglg d-Blf) at; ,. .‘acllg‘., filatzgénw EH“, y to. I . Int-,n. I, p0,,k__pe,. brl of family”. . FUN”, FEMALE FILLS,_I,Q,“65 who wish lilo pgl'lSQll,WIII bet illowed to cgmpeteuas I have also on hand, a Mme asshflmm, of The New Street Railway will bring you to on l 0t . I \VCCGaéSE‘ngfizlllgfiddé15ft“ y, loll],~ , ' . _ . ‘- . = Mess' . . . . . 15 ‘25 to 16 00 for Medicines the ellicaci' of Which “lia‘ been a t' 0'“ ’81” ‘W '0 ‘33 no "Come ‘50 elm-'9 ‘3 . 7 door. I r h A. ‘ ‘ ' , ' . v _j. , ‘ l , :. A ... ........... . o .7 , _ , ,_ gs . I , Ewell“ bananas. .ha‘u bl fin ereij£d Prime Mess.... . . . . . . . . . 14(lll e.=tod in thousands of owes, and never failed 201“ OCWbG" 1861' . , . é‘ . DUGALD CRAWFORD" .‘ ; B’cst Superior Workmdn’ along the James KW.” m Easter“ V‘mi' l’rilue . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1300 to effect speedy cures Without aux bid I‘ESIIILS, gl‘d' Members Who are sabscr'bers w me, - . ' ' ' - Corner of Yonwe aiid Aghés Streets. . " " ‘ ' .’ Illa, l9 a“llClI’i‘l-“m'l 0i an advallce Ol ll)" Butter-per lb lnfetr. & Ordn. 0 (39 to 0 10 'will use none but Dr. UtiLu'lllCV’S' Feltlule Pe- 'am‘mnl Of $99 may email" Elly ' alilclvfll‘fi' f" A” Of Whmh WI” be 501d at unusual low q 20 10516 i I 1:47 at WI.“ bg-Spldtas “he‘ll? ,a-S'uie Smile quailiy ‘Feder‘al army in that direction, Fair 61. Good . . . . . . . . 0 llg to (l 12§ rlodlcnl Pills. The only precaution necessary yt‘xm’l Cl:‘fll'£{e- Me'“b°“s “‘0’” $1 to 34 WI” p,.ices_ The “hm, Wm do we“ to ca” Tommo’ Hep“. ’ . - ’ caqu “or? m liowmm “ease cani‘alld Bx. ‘ ' I -=‘ -<' ~' ; Fine and clioice'dairy. .... (l l l to O 12 to be observed is, ladies should not take them be “Tum-d to Pay 20 cams “gimme ifm‘Horses . p N _ ~ , ‘11“ C‘T-Wâ€" â€" “WW â€"“_ ammo om smc L i; L ' “- . Clergymen are enlisting in large num- Lardâ€"per lb.. . . . . . . . . O 09 ii’ the, be'ieve they are in cnl'lulu- situalwns‘ at): Cattle,- anfd ‘10 061115 for was and Meet): and examine the Stock before purchasmg FAN N ,N.G,M ILLS & PUMPS mchmoudfli'“ Sept. ,1. 1~ its}, 0L ‘_.OCK1',46 hers in “m rebel mm};_ Que Adams”. Ashesâ€"«per 112 lbs ' (the particulars of which wdi bt' found on the 0‘ 3' all)“: 8“, ‘iee- , V . i ' _ ' élsewhere As I am deter" med not b i ' i ', i i, _ . ’ _ . , . 1 l. , , , Pots . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 6 10 to 6 20 wrapperaccompanyingeach box,) though always _ 3"d- lath?“ desirous 0f “manna ameles ‘ ' I e j ' . - _ ' 'reg'mem “flags Of h‘“ "1*": mg“? and ‘mo7 Pearls . . . . . . . . .'. .... .... . 6 50 to b' 55 safe and healthy, so gentle, .‘ict so artivo ale to" cm"l’em't’", Who are “0' members of the under soul by any ill the lmdt‘. THE SUbSLHbm begs'wmu'mm‘e‘to {he pUb tllcr fiftyâ€"mostly Methodists l- The Federal Government is organizing an expedition to proceed from California, orerlaod, against the Western part of Texas and to be under the command if Ucncl'ol ‘ 'iSumncr. ‘ It is put. down as among the encoura- coco-too.- Woolâ€"-per lb. . . . (l 27 to 0 30 'l‘allowâ€"a-per lb.- . . 0 “Hi to 0 08§ Stoves-«per Mâ€"â€"1’ipe. . . . . . . 181) 00 l £2110 fl‘oiiBSi'i‘o MARKETS. THURSDAY, October 2st. thev. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada To THE LADIES â€"-VVllo need a cmfidcntiul medical allVlael‘ With re gard to stir oi tllo~e lll° icrestiug complaints to wh.cli their delicate 0r- ganiZutlou renders them liable. are particularly invttod to consult as THE “ ELECTRO GALVANIC PROTECTIVE. "â€"-l"or marllcu ladies hose health will not admit, or Society, will have to pay $2 entrance. lic generally, that he manufactures the Jens. F. Brotwn‘; 411:. No Animal or article entered shall en- RlChl'mlld Hill. 001. 4‘. 1861. 149-31110. latest il'rlproved i, ,, . .. _, BROKER, 1 title its owner tca prize, unless Considered » _ " ‘ 'r -‘ ~ ll» , - . i i' . worthy of suclibv the Judges, EStatc alld Genielal Agclgt, 5th, All Agricultural Produce oiiltiblted lnust In his Shop, at Sloufl‘vllle, Where all orders AGENT FOR ' . ., ., A , CORDS OF» OAK STAVE ‘ d l'~ - 'Il ~ e'v 1'0 1 tatten- . . . .. r t v a d u d l ttl ‘t’e in l. . . . ontmste to “scale WI we I Burp .. p . . alfidoitllfi, QEWLLMO? hiij fingalfl‘jl gtzclilgand FIMBLR' 033" 0“ dfil'VWV- tion',‘ and for cheapness and durability he defies, @Ulonlal 1wle Qtsaurmtce QED at. H, & J, HARRISON. Plank Road. l50-3t, 5 APP‘)’ ‘0 com petition. , Repairihg‘done with dcspatch. “All letters addressed to '1' MASOSIC I‘IALL, T‘onosro S'r'nc'c'r,’ . ‘ TORONTO- l..lplci_nenis to, be exhibited by the owner or manufacturer only, I V titli. Animals or. articles intended for com- Richmond Hill, Oct, 10, 1861. WANTED, [1? Money to Lend on, Improved, Farms, [floursâ€"Superfine sold at from $5 75, to $6 0 ; April 19, 1861'. 12‘5-Iy Fancy $4 60 to $4 75 ; Extra $5 2.3 to $5 35; Double Extra, $5 50 to $601). ' ~giug signs of the times that Baltimore, lWllltJll a few months ago waa'as strongly PETER KRIBS. Stoutfvillo P. O. petition must be on the ground by 10 o’clock on the morning of the Exhibition, and entered ' .\ he have no demo to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly sale _scccssion asai-y part of the. South, last Week-«elected .i‘nunicipal oflicels of the “Union stripe. ‘ ' The President, Secretary Seward, and i Ge :11 McClellan Int‘l General Books, a tewggays since, near Moldy ii iver, at the camp of the New York Nineteenth, where inn hour was spent in private intercourse. . \Ve have an account of an attack upon ythe notorious Billy Wilson Zouaves in Florida by the Confederates. .theaffair have not reached here, but it is 'repcrteditliat fme of the Zottnt‘es were killed,a,l}d_double that. number wounded. i secretary Cameron. went: to Missouri last week at the request of the President, to exavliiinc the condition of affairs in that Department. and he professes himself highly -graiifictl .wizll the-condition of General; Fremopt’s army. According to 'a telegram from General Rosecnaits..who is stationed in the mono. ‘itiaiusiofi Western Virginia. he will be able to fully sustain liimSclf against. the com- bined forces cs all the tloops the Confc tdcratcs are likely to bring against him. The United States Commi-sioner of A'Indpan’ Affairs has returned to 'VVashingtou' .' .frotii an, ofiiioial visit to the tribes in Kansas and Nebraska. He was well receiqad, “and was assured of the friendly" feelings they entertain towards the National Go- t'crutnent. _ v. General. Beauregard was at Manassas, and Jeff. Davis had lettinch to Richmond zit-"the j'lalest adrices in feeble health. __‘ Speculations were rife as'to his “Successor in the Presidency of the Coulcderate States. The election takes place, next snoutb. 'i‘ From Santa Fe.New Mexico, informa- . tion has been received of an attack upon r Fort.l ontleroy by four hundred Narajoes. 'I'he troops in the ’ fort, however, repulsed the rebels, killing twenty and taking twenty four prisoners, yet suffering the small loss of but one wounded. A Irishman, who was giring his testi. f inf in the Boston Munictpal Cou-t lat. My, convulsed the. bar, tickled the, jury, and raised a sonic on the bench, by the -"follcwing' statement: “Ye see, Inayn‘t ' plaze yccs, that this man got a Stroke and fell down. Everybody around called out, .5011, he’s kill ! he’s kill 1’ Thin I steps up, and I liollicd out to the crowd, *Iflhe ,man .is kill, why don‘t yccs stand back, and give him a little air." . To have a fly-light on your nose justas the dague’rreotypist pulls out his Watch, " and says,“ Now.” Or, ifyou are consider- .ed in female society a nice young man. A and when conversing in the street with,a r couple of young lemale acquaintances, to “be accbstcd'by a dirty-faced, redhead boy with, ;“ Say-,e Mr. wants you to pay this"ere bill for second-hand clothes, or “else he will sue you,” is very provoking. ,. ,“ THE FORCE OF IIABIT.-â€"Barristcrs ha'Ve‘a ludicrous habit of identifying them- sclves with their clients, by speaking in the plural number, “ Gentlemen of the jury, isa‘id’ ailhli‘iinary of the \Vesiern Circuit, “at the moment the policeman says he saw us in the trap, I will prove .that we. were locked up in the station ho se in a state of intuitica‘tion.” . ‘ ‘A 4A tailor, while travelling on the lakes! was latelv asked by a Yankee, where he lived. what his business was. &.c., to which he replied, “that he lived in Toledo, and that .his profession was sitting on the smooth side of poverty, and jerking the cords of affliction.” HIS your father at home "l" inquired a man, ofa little girl who admitted llim.-â€" .“Isgpypur name Bill?” she asked. “ Some ' people call me so,” he replied. “Then :ezhe is not at home: for I heard him tell 2~"th’n‘if any _ bill tame, to say be was not :‘atjlilplnefl - ' Thé activity ofa portion of the Arats probably gave them the title of Biz-(1071115 ,(B‘edouiusL) I , . '_ Details of ‘ ‘20 pe r lb. prices paid for the best samples were from $1 07 to $1 12 or bslil, sold at from 80 to$ll 94 per hshl. Barley.â€"â€"sold at from 38 to 420. Peas.â€"27Utl bshls went off at 50 and 52c per bshl. Oatsâ€"«at 27 and 29c per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $12 to $15 per ton, $9 per ton. , Applesâ€"Common varieties $2 and $2 50 per barrel. Better grades 25; aild $3 barrel. Eggs, -Fresh front wagons 120 to 15c pe. doz. i’otal.oesâ€"â€"~Var\’ in price from 20 to 300 Lalllhsâ€"scarcc at $2 00 to $2 25 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $5 each llecf- Hidesâ€"$4 (it) per 100 lbs Sheepskins from $1) .3!) to $1) 621 each. Calfskins 08c. per lb, Tallow, $56 per 101) lbs 'l'ii'nothv Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, Clover fiend-84 75 par bushel. Straw $7 to To Consumptives. r 111:] Advertisor, having been restored to health iii a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suff'et'ed several years with n sevcro lung affection, and that dread disease, CottSttilipiiol:â€"-is anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used fires of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sounCunn Fun CUNSUMPTION. ASTHMA, URONCHITIS, dice. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and . spread information whicth conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes owl-y sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. l’a“tics wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDV/ARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. than aobcxtisments. CREDKESALEI V ‘HE Subscriber has received instructions to sell by Public Auction, on lot No. 49, 1st Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill, on Thursday, October 313t, 1861, The following valuable Live Stock, Implo- nlonis. &c., the property of Mr. Thomas Patter- son. viz :â€" 1 Spam of Team Horses 1 Black Horse, 8 years old 1 Bay Colt, entire, 2 years old, by “ Young Samson" 1 Dark Bay Horse, 4 years old 1 Dark tiny hI'U'ti, 3 years old 2 fruit Grey Colts, 2 years old 5 good Mitch Cows 1 Beef Cow l two-year-old Heifer, in calf- 1 white Durham Heifer, 52 years old 1 Yearling Heifer 3 Spling Calves 8 well bred Ewes 5 Ewe Lambs. from Russel’s flock 1 Ram Lamb do do do 1 Cotswold Ram Lamb, from Snell’s stock 1 Sow and 11 Pigs ‘ 4 Store Pigs l Threshing Machine, new. 8 horse power, 1 MarketW'aggon 1 Double Spring Waggon, iron-axle 1 Market Sleigh, cast shoes 1 Wood Sleigh 1 Cutter 1 iron Plough 1 Wooden Plough 2 pair of “arrows 1 Ribblng Plough, new 1 One-horse Rake 1 Farthing Mill 1 Cutting Box. new '2 sets Double Harness 2 sets Single Harness, new 3 Gates 1 Cooking Stove 2 Neck Yokes 2 sets of Doubletrees 1 Grain Cradle 1 Scotch Wooden Plough 1 Churi‘.’ patent :2 Grain Bins A Saddle Forks, [lakes About 400 bushels of Turnips A quantity of Potatoes And Other articles not mentioned The whole of the above Stock must be Sold without any Reserve. TERMS : $8, and under. Cash ; over ll?' 11 amount 12 months’ Credit will be given furnishing approved joint notes. Sale to commence at ELEVEN J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Lyicliniond Hill. Oct. 24, 1861. 152-1 Butter. ~Frcsli is in fair supply at from 18c to Fall \‘l’lieat,â€"~-2(lfl bshls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The Spring Wheatâ€"1,33% bshls in market, which * Thursday. the 31st October, instant, for the preventive to conception, and has been exten- sively used during the last 520 years. Price re- duced to $10. " ‘ ( THE SECRETS 0s YOUTH UNVEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay â€"A solemn warning, Just published. a book sliowlllg the insidious pl'og ess and prevalence among schools, [both male and female], of this fatal habit; pointing otti the fatality that inva- riably attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease, from the com- mencement to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Stamps, - 1L?" Attendance do ly from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.11). Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Caiiadas. by patients colltliiuuicatillg their symptom-i by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly confidential. it? Dr. L’s Oflice is still located as established, under the name of Dr. La Ci‘oix, at NO. 31. Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. lofl-ly Female Teacher- Wanted. RICHMOND HILL COMMON sermon J‘UNR. _ . DEPARTMENT. â€"â€"-â€"_â€"_ r 1HE Board of School Trustees will receive applications (with testimonials, &c.,) ad- dressed to the undersigned, post-paid, until office ol Teacher to the Junior Branch of the Common School Dc; artmelit about to be'esta- blishcd. Applicants must produce a certificate of qua- llficallu"; Gillie" Provincial or from the C“Lllll.y B raid of Iustruciion.â€"â€"the latter not under “Second class A.” They will also please to state salary required. One who has had expe- l.ienco will be preferred. M. TEEFY, Secretary to the Board of Trustees. Richmond Hill Post Office. Oct. 24. 152â€"11 Just Arrived in Town. I o.thsELER, (No connection ofthe late T. J. Wheeler.) CLOCK & WATCHMAKER, Jeweller 8L Dentist. C. W. begs to inform the inhabitants of . , Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has just commenced the above business, and hopes by strict attention, good workmanship, and moderate charges, to gain the support. and patronage of the public ili general. He would al>o announce thrt he has engaged the services do thorough experienced Watch- lnaker. lately from England. custoinera may therefore rely on having their work well done. Repairing done with neatness and despetch. Please observe the address, J'- C. W HEELER Next-door to the“ York Herald" Office, Richmond Hill. October IBb'I. tf NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. GRAND FESTIVAL ! .' THE Btittonville \Veslcy an Sabbath School 1 intend celebrating their Anniversary by a TEA. MEETING 2 At Button’s Chapel. Lot 15, 4th concession of Ma‘kham, on WEDNESDAY, OCT, 30, ’6‘; For the benefit. and encouragement of the. Sabbath School. TEA will be served at Twelve o’clock, after which a number of entirelv New and Select Dialogues, Recitatious and Poetry will be re cited; as well its various pieces of Music to be sung by the Children. from the compositions of 'Waters, Br Idblll‘y. Dadmun, and others. Eminent Ministers of th Gospel are expected to harmonize the meeting. and improve the ocuasicn. Tickets of Admissionâ€"Adults, ‘25 cts. Chil- dren, half-pines. To be had ‘of Mr, Thomas Amos, Brown‘s Curlers. and of Divid Gallo- way. the Secretary; or at the door the day of the party. Buttonvillo, Oct. 11. 1861. 9, Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS' MA- GIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all dealer; in medicines. witlt..l.,e Secretary. The Books will be closed Sfout’f‘ville, Oct; 15,1861. l5l-6m. 2 at 11 o’clock. The Produce, Ladies’»Work, &c., &c., will be exhibited in the extensive buildings lately y t The Prize l.i.~t will be. read out immediately after . the Judge-s make their returns; and no animal or article must be removod‘ from the building or grounds till the Judtres awards is made erected by Mr. John Abell, Machinist. #- known, under l'oi-l'I-iiure of Premiums. Entries can be made With the Secretary at Pine Grove Mills, any time' previous to the day of Exhibition A charge of 5 cents will be made for per» sons entering the building during the Exhibi- tionâ€"children free. 113‘ For particulars soc Bills. , JAS. HARVEY, ART‘R. MCNEIL, Secret/l ry. Vaughan, Got. 3', 1861. 149-3- (,‘i‘ . ans ! Canada ! Canada ! heed the sound . c That comes to you ’cross your southern bound, Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard. Scott, Englishman, Scotcllman, lrishman hot; ‘ Brothers and fathers, yo Magog and Gog, We can compare it to nothing but dog eating dog. Two hundred thousand kiusmeu with knives, Seeking nought else. but each c’lier's lives, Met one Sunday morning a‘. the Bull’s Run,‘ And aimed at each other their rifles and guns A thousand fell licblv, the rest ran away, Vowing they’d s/luw ’cm-â€"souie othcrlcay. 'i'urn, Canada, turn your eyes from a sight Revolting as this to all that is right“, _ From your noigltbors’ folly learn to prepare [it time of sweet peace lor winter and war A longsix inouths’ winter, you have soon to meetâ€"â€" Have you calculated where to get light & heat? lf' not, we entrcat you, repair every man To BOOTH A; son’s Store, as soon as you can. Our 11:? Rock Oil, and Coal Oil, and Fluid for burning, The sun to a blush for a month has‘becn turn- ing . , , 1f Globes, Wicks or Chimneys, you should out of them run, ~ You can always recruit these things at BOOTH & sons, ‘ ‘ Or if you burn Gas, and your pipes have, got leaking. M Or if you do not. but to do so are thinking, Just give us a. chance. we’ll do the thing that is right, And doubt not, we’ll V prove, we can give to you light. 1 But in IIuATâ€"Yes in HEATING, our fame lies in accounts and Rates become due on the ISt this, To give satisfaction we were ne’er known to miss. " ' l the pole, _ To convnice you of this we’ll call over the roll, We’ve the [13’ Standard, Emporium, Cupid and Hotapur, Tho Nugget. the Snow-Bird, aild Railway Coal-Ilurncr, . The Ariel, the Magic, Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian In short, we have s’rovss ofgevory shape, make and kind, For coal, wood, both or either in stock you will find : . Pipes “Elbows. and Dumb Stoves, Hooks, Shovels and Silters, Pots, Kettles and Spiders. e’eu down to the Lifters, We ensure you, dear friends, you need not go elsewhere ' For Plumbing and Gas-Fitting, ' 'l‘i‘nw'are. Opposers we’ve routed, the roads strewed with “ knapsacks, " i ' Swords. muskcts and bayonets, belts, boots and liaversacks. ' The field now is our’s. and a second Bull’s Run 15 seen at the charge made at BOO‘I‘H & sou ! ~lgeaviiig joking aside, a kind welcome to all If ought in our line you wont, give us a call. BOOTH d3 SONS, COPPERWORKER‘S, (tin-mate, Enact-Elton, Brass 115mb ‘ anh Zinc markers. ' Plumbers, Steam &: Gas. Fitters South-East Corner of Ycuge & Queen Sts. Toronto. Sept. 1861. Mfr-Sm President. ‘1 lkNpN ' ' "illlllull hill ‘ _We have S'I‘OVES that would turn to a tropic SMART ACTIVE SERVANT GIRLâ€" one who thoroughly understands gette- ral House vvork. Apply lo mas, J. HARRISON. . Plank Road. ,15tl-3t. and pay as soon as possible. THAT all persons owing Richmond Inil. Oct. 10, last. masses; HA "Tn SINGLE OR DOUBLE,l HEAVY OR LIGHT l H MAY BE HAD or t. ’11: l Msxxm. l l. l ll. _, l "llllll l‘llllllllll haul “lull llllllll I‘lllllll“ "1 f “HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make ‘to order to suit purchasers, ' best materials, ' '- Collars warranted to Fit, Loo-k do Weat- NOW OBSERVE, ‘Dr. James Lang- stafi', will find it to their advantage to Call HARNESS OF THE ABOVE" case-Ran An aSsorlment of \VI’IIPS, LAb‘l-IES, 82c. constantly on hand. i ' ‘ ssh "it “ZELLa-MAD‘E‘ DURAfifiE z and of the ori- Well. «Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bl'o’s. Plows, Points, Landsides, 8,-c.~ (If? Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. j .r. K. uneconomic]; - WAKES pleasure in announcing to his Friend's and others, an Extensive and Superior Stock of at W M. HARRISON’S rst-sm' that he is now receiving TEE GOODS He would direct particular attention to his assortment of \VOOL'E‘NS,‘ comprising a large Sopply of » Esos. In every color, BLANKETS, &c., &c.; also to on "t l I“, oossmus, CLOTH‘S, PLAN nasal A variety of Now and Beautiful Materialsnin rich Silk, Wool and Embroidered Robes, Printed Cashmercs, Gala Plaids, All-wool and Union \Vin‘seys,Cobourgs, ac. Cotton Goods of every description, Gloves, Hosiery, and Prints all new in‘ style. He is also in possession of a large lot of And will receive in the Course of a few days a quantity of LADIEU’ FA SHIONABLE F 2': INKS, Viz ' Victorines, Cuffs and Gauntlets ;‘ also, Gentlclnen's Caps from bchs to $5 50 HIS low as the present state of the wholesale market will permit. s'rocK 0F GROCERIES! , , . . . , by all dealers in medicines. In every department wdl be found, as heretofore, complete, and offered at prices as % Whilst thanking his friends for past favors, he regrets to men- lion that he will be obliged to place in suit EVERY account which has not been satisfactorily settled up to the Isl of January last. He would also respectfully remind his customers that. many of October, and that feel particularly obliged by prompt payment. Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, 1861. he would 148-81. ‘ UN ION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY , . _ GEORGE EAKIN. N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their in past years. and soliciting the continuance of: that patronage, cordiallyinv an inspection of his present Stock of Cats WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, He will also make to order every description of :: RACES, BEG GEES “ EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTH! .flgcnts Whirled. V E want an active agent in every, County in the United States and Canada, to sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of travelling Agents we will payfia salary of, , __ ,, , $40 per Month & all Expenses. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales." . 2 r ‘ Every machine is warranted to give univer: sal satisfaction. and kept in repair six months. Recent iii‘iprovcllicnts renders this-machine the cheapest and most popular in the market; 'Fdr full particulars and a permanent business, ad- dress. With stamp for return letter, ‘HA'RR'IS BROTHERS, sou: occurs FttANKLlN sswmo MACHINE co‘ 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. .l: Houses and Lots for Sale. OR EXCHANGE. -. WO 11A LF ACRE LOTS â€"with ,a .good 'DWelliiig Ilduso on each, pleasantly situ- ated about half a mile north' of Markham Vil-_ logo, are oftbredkforsa‘e on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to? gcther to suit put-chattels,» W H _ g ,For terms and. other particulars, enquire. 61' the Proprietor, DAVID t'VUO'I‘I‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Office. _ Oak Ridges, June '27, 1861. ’ 135-3m. PHoroonApasl PHOTOGRAPHS t The Cheapest and Best: NELS Ainbrotypc and Photograph GALLERY 1N ‘ CANADA, is A": lilitillllypllp, llll; ' Proprietor and Principal Operator Tomnto, April 19, 1861. l WORMS. . , A I For destroying Worms in children, SITT-ZER’S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleasan safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try itl Sol Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. of their SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: Isvssraf) 0d. REAL ESTATE, $426,363: ANNUAL Inconiu‘ v FROM Marianas, $300,000. N... â€" Officeâ€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. DlltECI‘ORS.-â€"Joseplt D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wott, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordhei'uer, 'l‘hos. D. Harris. Soucrron,-â€"-Edward C. Jones. SECRETAR AND TItEASUItEli,â€"-â€"J. Herbert Mason. ‘ THE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitablc and easily. convertible mode of in-’ llbel'al SUPPOI‘I vostment, based on ltcal Estate security, ren. fires dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmérs,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the ro- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. _ . I SAVINGs’ BANK BRANCH.â€"â€"Slllns of Four" 7 &00 Dollars and upwards are received by the Society “al‘dwa’e °“ BeingmadeNeat, Substantial and fl‘omt/ze best Imported [Material Light 8; Heavy Wagons, Gigs, Sitilkics. Buck-boards',- &c. I CHEAP FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. _ (:1? Please give me a call before purchasilig'clscwllere.‘ Come one, come all, and buy of me, For I have Buggies, as you will see, I That are neat, that are strong, and Without doubt Are much superior to any turnedoutl -My terms are easy, my price is small- , Pray do not'forgrt to give the a call. Unionrille, July 18, 1861. ' i l. I or. deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The on; pital and Assets of the Society, iiivestedin mortgages on fil'SIfClflSS landed property, being pledged for the‘ security of money thus reCeived, depositors are at 'all times assured of perfect safety. . ‘ w“; To Bonnowrcss.-â€"This Society makes ad: vancos on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. 7 . Properties mortgaged may be..sold«or exa changed for other property, on" the Mortgagd may be redeemed before ‘inaturity, fr DESIRED BY THE BonaoWlia. ' Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary, =Robert James, junr., or R. 11'. Smith, Newmarket. from woom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with aiiv fuith’er information, may be obtained. v 113' Letters to be prepaid. ' Toronto, April 12, 1861. 1334-1152

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