Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 27 Sep 1861, p. 3

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FIRE! FIRE! FIREII INCE the burning of Tlianesville Temper- ance Hall, the noiglib: rs in this vicinity, so enraged at such an outbreak on civil so- ciety, szronglv urged the Members of Thames- Ville Division S. of T. to circulate Subscrip- tion Lists. to which the friends nobly re- sponded. and our New Hall now appears upon the old site. in which the Tbanesville. in con- junction with the New Moon, Concord. True Love, Springvale, and other Divisions, will celebrate their FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY 0!" THE ORDER, 0N Saturday, Septem ber 28, ’6 1 The Divisions will form in Procession at 11 a.m., accompanied by an Excellent BRASS BAND 2 which will perform on the Occasion. Tea will be served at 12 Oclock, c. w. COLEMAN. WATCHMAKER s; JEWELLER, N0. 283 roses eraser, ronoiiro, IRS'I‘ store north of Crookshaa'k‘stroet.â€" Repairing in all its branches properly at: tended to. All work warranted. ' N.B. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept on hand. Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. TORON To MARKETS, a. a. Owners of Nonficaident Lands T1111 Priests-ts citinr nooks. IN THE COUNTIES 0F YORK & PEEL. THIS is to notify you that your lands are subject annually (in addition to the taxes) to a surcharge of ten per cent if not paid: prior "to the first day of MAY in each year. and if not paid‘ Within five years, they will be returned to the Sheriff for sale. J. S. HOWARD, Treasurer U. C. Y. 1% P. United Counties York and Peel, ; August 14, 1861. ON RICHMOND tiiLL. Edwin 'Webber, EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints,Sick Headache, Costiveness, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN i VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. NEW GREEN TEAS, SUGAES. 66¢. ’ ensure on. sameness. RIGGS’ BLACK 01L is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Gargling Oil, or any other Medicine now before the Public for Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Calls, and all injuries to Horseflesb. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines Flilllllllll, lTl‘Elll'illlll EXAMINE THE LATEST l M P R0 V E D FANNING MILL, BEFORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€"- considered by competent Judges to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian ANY of these Books will be forwarded by - Mail, pest Aid, to any address, on re- ceipt of price by one E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pay 03’ Agents wanted everywhere. IliE HORSE, [NI]â€" HIS DISEASES: BY seesaw JENNINGS, v. Paorasson on PATHOLOGY ANii OPERATIVE Suit-- cnnv 1N “run Varnnmsnr Conner: or 1’1!”ch DEI.PH1A~.-PBOF. or VETERINARY MEDICINE- is run LATE-Assicun'rsa-AL ( entries or O'riio, Sscmrraar or rm: AMERICAN VnrnnrNAnr AssocrA'rios or Pul- LADELPHIA, are, are. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin-,Hlstory and? distinctive traits of the various breeds of Eurou pean,Asiatic,African and American Horses, with the physical formation and- peculiarities THUnSDAY, September 26. Flour.â€"-Superfiiie sold at from $4 45 to $34 50. Fancy $4 75 to $4 80 ; Extra $5 00 to $5 30; Double Extra. $5 50 to $6 00. Butter.â€"-Fresli is in fair supply at from 14c to 16 per lb. Fall Wlieat,â€"200 lishls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $1 10 to $1 15 per bshl. . Spring Wheatâ€"1,300 bslils in market. which sold at from $0 92 to $0 95 per bshl. Barley.â€"â€"sold at from 48 to 53c. Peasâ€"2700 bshls went off at 48 and 50c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 27 and 29c per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $10 to $14 per ton, $9 per ton. Applesâ€"Common varieties $2 and $2 50 per barrel. Better grades $2 and $3 barrel. Eggs.â€"-â€"Fresh from wagons 100 to 12c per doz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 20 to 250. 145-6": Don‘t miss our present Bargains Letters HE Subscriber would respectfully announce Remainingin RICHMONDHILL PostOfiico SEPTEMBER 1, xSGI. to the Residents of Richmond Hill and the Farmers of the surrounding country. that he has just received a splendid large lot of Wow Green Teas, Sugars, TOBACCOS, CHEESE, RICE. Basins, Currants, Vinegar, SOAP, doc. doc. 6w. which he offers at very different Prices to 142-lm Linfoot. John Moore, Robert Munshaw, Wm. Mctrarry. Edward McGee, James McGee. John McBetli. A. McCartnev. Robert Bowman. Thos. Bernard, H. G. Basingtwait, Wm. Connolly, Anti ( Coulter, Mr. Craik, Peter Eiiilcrsby, Joseph Ewing, Wm. Straw $8 to ' ' Public for separating 0318 from Spring Wheat,- Fox. Benjamin O’Brien. Michael d Hi” and V-ci i“, "mt he has ofthe animal, and how to ascertain his age Lambsâ€"scarce al$l 75 to $2 00 Niel]- After which several eminent speakers will 32:33:11?rgiliiibiiietigilrtf: tsuialvgiiihieigm P933 and 0313- and 1‘0" Cleaning in 11101 alll Forrester. Mrs. Powell. Wm. mo.“ Commenced 1:05;,63’5,“ by the number aiidcondxition of his teeth; il- CalV08~aF6 1" good SUPPIY I" $3 '0 $5 “Ch deliver ADDRESSES suitable to the occasion. g ' kinds of Grain. This Miil stands unrivalled, is made of good D URABLE MA TERIAL .’ And is, from its construction. the best for Far- mers use in the Province. They are manufactured by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should be addressed. 03’ Farmers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. M. TEEFY, P.M Orders left at the residence of Mr. Southard, RICHMOND HILL, at Newmarkot, will receive prompt attention. Shop-Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s Hote , SOUTHARD, BOYNTON & Co Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. 138-ft Grey, Wm. Grant, Georgi, (4) Grainger, Joseph Hewitt. Robert Harris. Mr. (2.) Herbert, Daniel Jenkins. J. M. Klinck, Polly wmo Lee. Reuben Robinson. Robert Ritchie. Wm. Stong, Peter Smith. Joseph Skinner. T. Simpson, James Storey. Robert Thompson, Robert Tomson. John mend his friends to call or send their orders without delay: Fine Souchong Breakfast Teas.at 2s. 6d perlb. Superior do English do do. “ 3s. 3s. 6d. " Splendid Young Hyson do do. “ 35. 6d. and 3s. 9d. per lb. [There is not another lot of Green Teas in Toronto at anything like the money.) Fine, Sweet. Bright Dry. Porto Rico Sugar. 101 and 11 lbs. for $1. Wine Sap. Tobacco ls. 3d. per lb., worth ls. 6d. per lb. by the box. Finest American Rice,23 lbs.for $1[dirt cheap] Raisins, [Best Fruit] 6d. and 7d§. per lb., or 9 and 11 lbs. for $1. [A reduction from the above by the box.] As before.the best Soap in the citv 7d,. per bar, v or 9 bars for $1. Beef-Hidesâ€"$3 50' per 100 lb. Sheepskin front $0 50 to $0 60 each. Calfskins 08c. per lb. Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel. Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. _ Hum. ____ ._L “BIRTHS. At Richmond Hill. on Friday the 20th inst.. the wife of Mr. William Trench. junr.. ofa daughter. At Richmond Hill, on Sunday the 22nd fist” the wife of Mr. James Jenkins, of a son. DIED ' At Darlington, C.W.. on Monday the 23rd inst.. Mrs. G. S. Shaw, second daughter of Mr. B. Marr, Markham, aged 27 years. At Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, the 25th inst the wife of Mr. E. Richi’tigs, late of the lustrated with many explanatory etiga-rvnigs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Slioeing. and the gen’ral management ofthe liorse,witli the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to- treat Biting.Kicki-tig.Rearing, Shyiiig, Stumbling, Crib Bitiii , Restlessness, and other views to which Ire is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatment ofStrang'es. Sore Throat, Dis- temper,Catarrli, Influenza, Bronchitis, PnelJ-r monia. Pleprisy. Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling,Lampas,Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. ‘ A pressing invitation is given to all well- wisiers of the cause. Tickets to be had on the groundâ€"Adults. 25cts. ; Children. half-price. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN I Thanesville. Sept. 19. 1861. 147-11, CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKE R, 866., Two doors south of the “ York Herald” Office. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, Of the best quality. cheap for cash, (It? A Call is Solicitor]. Richmond Hill, June 7, 1861. 132-11 TO CARPENTERS ! Wanted Immediately, IX GOOD CARPENTERS. Applv to RICHARD nrnn, Maple. September 12. 1861. 146.2 WORMS. For destroying Worms in children, Sl’l‘TZER’S VERMIFUGE CANDY is.by far the most pleasan safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it l 801 by all dealers in medicines. HE inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi- cinity are respectfully informed that the duties ofthe Schoolâ€"both in the Grammar and Jas. F. Brown, Common School Departmentâ€"here resumed BROKER THE HORSE AND HIS DISE , ' a ' â€" ' .- - ASLS Scotch Fusiler Guards. and resident of Wilt- U “"663 [giizzg enough m pickle nails] ‘8' ad' N O F KIN D. 0“ MONDAY: the 13‘" '“Smnt' Estate and Gene’rc‘l Accl‘lt WILL TELL YOU Ofthecauses, symptoms ‘Sllire England aged 26 years. 0W receiving the Best and Cheapest as- p g ’ ARTHUR C. VERNER. A.B., ' H " and Treatment of Worms Bolts Colic, . W - n sertmentoi The alpove is onlygg smlahll sgmpje of on; UNDREDS‘IgliNMIfiIAfiE‘ISRgOg‘NgE principaL AGENT FOR Strangulmion’Stonyconcrefions’ Rrupmres, _ ____.__ h.-.â€" . y u a V o ' ’ â€"â€" ' mm , ' present argains. .-â€" e on uctor o STERL . C . . . - - . q p I . . . SPECIAL N0 I‘lCEbo glib-:Fm‘skkhmcondonEA“ m! s - The New Street Railway will bring you ,0 0,, OF ENGLAND, 5w” waking O'Nma’ms. A Richmond Hill, August 15. 1861. 142 4t. figlgmal filfe mggutancg fig 9. asy, Diuirbcea, Jaundice, Hepatirroea, ver 5 w , , WWW To Consumptlves. â€". Frock. Shooting, Albert and Sack Shapes. in Full Cloth. Tweed, Doeskiii, Broad Cloth. and Cassimere, made in the do". Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation. and other diseases of the Stomach, Barrels, Liver and Urinary Catalogue of the heirs. and names 'of those to whom letters should be addressed in England, will be seat post free. on receipt of 60 cents in I MAsoNic HALL, Toaouro STREET. DUGA LD CRAWFORD, TORONTO° Law Notice. Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. . . . , HARLES DURAND Banister Toronto if? Money to Lend on Improvod Farms Organs. IIIHL Advertiser, havtn been restored to . I 4 at United States’ stamps. or two for $1- Old . ’.. . ' . ' , maid] in a few was]: by a very Simple Best 10 II Superior Workmcn Toronto. segt 720’» 1 7 2 ’ claims must be presented at once, Refer- wrll attend the Dtvrsxon Courts at Rich- Apri119. 1861. 125-1y THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES remedy, after having suffered several years with y ‘ moiid Hill, Markham Village. King and New- market. in September. where he will be happy to attend to any business of his friends pro- fessionally, Office. corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets. Toronto. Town to, August 1861 . J. FALCONBRIDGE‘ AKES pleasure in announcing to his Friends and others, an Extensive and Superior Stock of Recent impr0vements renders this machine the FALL & WINTER GOODS He would direct particular attention to his assortment of WOOLENS, comprising a full Particulars 311d 3 Pemmment business: ad' larce supply of dress. With stamp for return letter, O HARRIS BROTHERS. DOESKINS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS SOLE AGENTS FRANKLIN SEWING MACHINE CO In every color, BLANKETS, &c., &.c.; also to 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. "lion lint?" “loll "little “l “hm “11 m A variety of New and Beautiful Materialsâ€"~in rich Silk, Wool and Embroidered eiices:â€"-A. K. Hill. Boston; J. Burnliam, Chief of Police. Haverbill. Addresr W. W. S. ORBETON do CO. Box 250, Posr Office, Boston. Mass September 12. 1861. l46-3m. WILL TELL YOU Ofthe cau‘scs, svmptoms, and Treatment ofBone Blood, and Bog, Span vin, Ringâ€"Bone, Sweeiiie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal's, Founder, Sole Bruise and Cravel, Gracked, Hoofs. Scratches, Can- ker, Thrush. and Corns; also, of Megriiirs, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Staggers, and other dlrd cases of the Feet, Legs and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glan- ders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfelt, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. &c.. and bow to manage Castration.Bleediiig,Trepliinning. Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Amputation,Tap- ping. and other surgical operations THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method of taming Horses: how to Approach, Halter oi- Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to straug sounds and sights, and how to Bit. Saddle, Ride, and Break him to harness; also.the form and law of Warranty. The whole being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe habits, pecularities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useffil animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. a severe lung affection, and that dread diaease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of . . the preseription used (free of charge), with RIChmond HI“- Sel’l- 11. 1851. the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a some CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, IJRONCHITIS,&C. The I only object of the advertiser in sending the _ _ _ . . Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and Splendid quallt)’ 0.1-Malaga Ram“ VINE' spread information which he conceives to be - GAR“ Cum"! STRONG and “Wham and “MP” “W “W” 1”" Excellent for Pickling try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, . and may prove a blessing. Just received at And will be sold as cheap as the same quality can be cold in Toronto. Please call and ex- amine our stock. WM. S. POLLOCK. 146 Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS' MA. GIG RELIEF, and if you are not. satisfied of its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded b the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTâ€"Ill «agents H‘anted. WE want an active agent iii every County in the United States and Canada, to sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. T0 8 limited number of 'l'ravelliiig Agents we will pay a salary of $40 per Month & all Expenses. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales. Every machine is warranted to give univer- al satisfaction. and kept in repair six months. 1431 In AGRICULTURAL FALL FAIR! AST York and the Township of Markham Agricultural Societies will hold a UNION FALL FAIR A. SIZE’S HOTEL UNIUNVIIIE, MABKHAM Wednesday, cOetober 9th, 1861, TWEEDS, when upwards of $1,200 will be offered for Prizes. that he is now receiving . . . . . . . WM. S. POLLOCK’S. Parties Wishing the prescription Will please Richmond Hm, Sept, 11, [861. 146. address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. .1} A coon THING. DR. HOPE’S magnetic Ointment is well worth a trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scalds, Old Sores, Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in every case where an ointment is useful. It will to commend itself, after one trial. DOG- LOST. OST from Aurora, on Tuesday the 3rd instant, a middle sized black NEW- FOUNDLAND DOG, answering to the name “Charley.” At the time he was missed he had a black leather strap around his neck. and a fresh out under the second joint of one of the hind legs. Atty person bringing him to the Rev. J. H, McCOLLUM, Aurora. C.W.. or Mr. GEO. L. GARDEN, King Station. will Houses and Lots for Sale. on EXCHANGE. Two HALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good RULES & REGULATIONS : sold hi" W’ S’ POLLOCK‘ Rmhmm'd Hm’ 1. Members who have paid their subscrip- ~~â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"~â€"~ be suitably rewarded. tions. are entitled to enter their Stock or other Roms! Prl‘lted C35bmemsi Gala. Hams, AII‘WQOI . and Uni“; )Vlmey" CRbomgsi Med aggffigfifglfie 32:2??? filigffiflgsiifl: égi:0§;§::§ggllt: 3:233‘1 “PM 13110, and Will flew extigmeutfi. Aurora, Sept. 13. 1861. 146-21- Argticlli‘als without charge. 8L0. Cotton Goods of every description, Gloves, Hosrery. and 1 nuts all new in style. Inge, 3r? offered. to; sate on very reasonable receipt of price. half bouiifslgiiiitifgf. EIISI’OIT“ __”__ _ her. th)glisqpopugzprggzsglmpgtgragegagegg He ts also in possesswn of a large lot of lel‘g;ls.t I‘hety wil:I be sold separately or to- extra. $1.25. ’ STR AYED LI , q R UN 20d. of September, 1861. P A P E R H A. N Gâ€" I N G- s 2 3°ij (3;; f,‘,‘,‘,°of‘,f::”',,,,,,,,,,,s 6,, “in, 0, THE FAME“; Doc 0 , FROM the Premises of the subscriber, J I" “L ‘ coipggfgnagx 2:31;; 2332:2225' desm‘" °f And will receive in the course of a few days a quantity of the Proprietor, DAVID WUOTPEN,qBond’s T R ’ rear of [‘0‘ 27’ 3rd concessm“ 0f - v _ 4. No phrty exhibiting shall ititerfe'e with Lake"), “Hing Office' A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS Markham, a BRIJVDLE STEER, - Oak Ridges. June 27. 1861. l35-3m. “trim/LADIES’ FA SHIONABLE runs by conversation or otherwise, under forfeiture of premiums. 3! , Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1). with a white head, 3 years old. Atty person giving such information as will lead .to its re- covery will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH ELLERBY. Marham, Sept. 25, 1861. 148-31. Executors’ Peremptory CLOSING SALE BY AUCTION. THE undersigned has received instructions ‘ from the Executors of the estate of the late CuAnLn's MAanAN to Sell, Without Re- serve. by Public Auction. on Lot No. 15. 5th Concession of Markham, On Tuesday, October 15, 1861, THE WHOLE STOCK OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS .’ GRAIN AND HAY. VIZ. : 4 Milch Cows. in calf 2 Heifers 2 Geldings, (one very good) ,1 Superior Filly, 2 years old 1 Yearling Fillv 14 Good Sheep l4 Hogs and Pigs 2 Waggons 2 Sleighs 2 Flows 1 Pair Harrows 1 Land Roller I Fanning Mill About 18,000 Bricks Alarge quantity of good well-seasoned Hav Wheat, Barley, Oats. Peas. Corn. Potatoes,'(if ‘2 not previously disposed off) ' Stoves. 1 Cooking. 1 Parlor HOUSEHOLD FURNITURF, &c. and a great variety of other Articles As the Farm has been Rented the Pro- perty will be Sold Without any Reserve. , CONDITIONSâ€"Hay and Grain for Cash ; other goods. 12 months credit on approved security. Sale at One O’clock Precisely. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Markham. Sept. 26. 1861, 148-2t. Small Store to Rent. THE STORE adjoining the ‘ York Herald ’ Office, Richmond Hill. will be rented for a term of years. There is a first-rate opening for a Millinery or a Wetchmaker’s Shop.â€" For further information apply to H. do J. HARRISON, or at this Office. Richmond Hill. Sept 26, 1861. 148. EARLY CLOSING. THE Undersigned. Merchants in Richmond Hill. beg to intimate to their Customers and the Public. that from this date to the close present month, they will close their respective Stores at 8 o’clock, p.m. From lst October to 1st November. at 7;. pm H lst November to lst March. ’62 at 7, pm J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. W. S. POLLocx. P. Caesar. . Richmond Hill. September 19, ’61. 147.2 11R. F. IIELLENBAUGH, The Old and Original German Physician 0F BUFFALO, N.Y., ILL be in the following places in the month of October. 1861 :â€" Newmarkctâ€"North American Hotel. Oc- tober 1st and 2nd. Richmond Hill -Nicholls’ Hotel the 3rd. Torontoâ€"Revere House the 4th and 5th. Where he can be consulted on all forms of Lingering Diseases. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, I861. 1t7-3t. Advice to Canadians ! Canada ! Canada ! heed the sound That comes to you ’cross your southern bound. Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard, Scott, Englishman, Scotchman, lrishman hot; Brothers and fathers. ye Magog and Gog, We can compare it to nothing but dog eating do . Two liiindred thousand kinsmeii with knives, Seeking nought else but each o‘her's lives, Met one Sundav morning at the Bull’s Run, And aimed at each other their rifles and guns: A thousand fell nobly, the rest ran away, Vowiiig they’d show ’cm'â€"some other day. Turn. Canada. turn your eyes from a sight Revolting as this to all that is right, From your neighbors’ folly learn to prepare In time of sweet peace for winter and war A long six months’ winter, you have soon to , meet- nave you calculated where to get light & heat 'I If not, we eiitreat you, repair every man To BOOTH & son’s Store. as soon as you can. Our 115’ Rock Oil, and Coal Oil, and Fluid for burning. The sun to'a blush for a month has been turn- in , . If Globges. Wicks or Chimneys. you should out of them run, You can always recruit these things at acorn do sons, Or if you burn Gas. and your pipes have got leaking, Or if you do not. but to do so are thinking, Just give us a chance, we’ll do the thing that is right, And doubt not. we'll light. But in HEATâ€"Yes in HEATING, our fame lies in this, To give satisfaction we were ne’er known to miss, We have STOVES the pole, To convince you of this we’ll call over the roll, We’ve the 11:? Standard. Emporium. Cupid and Hotspur, , The Nugget. the Snow-Bird. and Railway Coal-Burner, The Ariel. the Magic, Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian In short, we have srovss of every shape, make and kind, For coal, wood. both or either in stock you will find: Pipes Elbows and Dumb Stoves, Shovels and Silters Pots, Kettles and Spidbrs. e’eii down to the prove. we can give to you that would turn to a tropic Hooks, Lifters, We assure you, dear friends, you need not go elsewhere For Plumbing and Gas-Fitting, Hardware or Tinware. Opposers we’ve routed, the roads strewed with knapsacks, Swords. muskets and bayonets, belts. boots and haversacks. The field now is our’s. and a second Bull’s Run 13 seen at the charge made at BOOTH do son ! â€"Leaving joking aside, a kind welcome to all If ought in our line you want. give us a call. BOOTH c2: SONS, COPPERWORKERS, inndplate, Ebert-Iron, Brass Emit anti Zia: markers. - Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters South-East Corner of Yonge dz. Quoen Sts. Toronto. Sept. 1861. l45-2m 5. All Animals or Articles intended for com- petition must be on the ground early, and entered with the Secretary, (who will attend at SIZE’S, Unionville, for that purpose,) at 8 o’clock. a.m., on the morning of the Fair. The books will be closed at 11 a.m.: after that hour no entry will be made. 6. No person exhibiting a Manufactured Article shall be entitled to a premium, al- though one may have been awarded him. unless he is the bona fide owner and manufac- turer of the same during 1861 7. All Agricultural Produce entered for com, etition must be actually raised by and be i the property of Exhibitors. and the growth of the year 1861.. 8. No Exhibitor shall be entitled to two premiums for the same kind of Agricultural Produce or Manufactured Article in the same class. 9. Blood Stallions must have Pedigree pro- perly attested. and exhibited on .the day of the Show. if required. 10. Durham and Devon Cattle. Bulls. Cows and Heifets, must have their Pedigrees properly attested, and exhibited on the day of Show. if required. 11. Ayrshire Cattle must also be properly attested as to purity of blood. Mr. Thomas. Pianoforte Manufacturer. Toronto. will exhibit under the canvass two Pianos of his own make. A TENT is secured for the occasion ,' En- trance thereto 12;, cents. Messrs. MILNE, CARTER, ECKARDT and DAVIDSON, are appointed to superintend the Tent and Grounds. to either of whom all applications must be made. as to the arrange- ment of Goods for Exhibition. Dinner wall be prepared by Mr. Size, Immediately after the Exhibition. Premi- ums will their be declared. T. A. MILNE, J. PgwnsLER, President. President. WM EAKIN, A. BARKER, Secretary, Socrela' , Tnii‘p. of Markham. E. R_, . A. 8. Markham, August 22. 1861. 143-4t. IMPORTANT. DR. wrsrAR's PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly rs; commended for Coughs Colds Asth Crou and gloltgiseases’of the Lungs and Throalza,25 pi e. sâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"._..,_.____ CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. OF THE MARKIâ€"IAM GARRIAGâ€"E F‘AdfifiéfiY. In the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWART a: (30, Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs; Ho wland, Fitch 8: Co. R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, known to many ofthe largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. stantlv engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. materials, construction or style. has been carefull most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, of those who have tested the durability of his work A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT Will be kept constantly on hand, Beth at the City Repository and at: the Manufactory at Markham. Mr. HALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the the Province. Persons living at a distance, tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to Markham, April 19, 1861,, lbeen satisfactorily settled up to the lst of January last. cents per _ Vizt Victorines, Cuffs and Gauntlets; also, Gentlemen’s Caps from bOcts to $5 50. HIS STOCK OF GROCERIES! In every department will be found, as heretofore, complete, and offered at prices as low as the present state of the wholesale market will permit. 3%: Whilst thanking his friends for past favors, he regrets to men- tion that he will be obliged to place in suit EVERY account which has not He would also respectfully remind his customers that many of their accounts and notes become due on the Isl of October, and that he would feel particularly obliged by prompt payment. Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, 1861. 148-8t. UN ION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY GEORGE EAKIN. N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their liberal support in past years. and soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cordially invites an inspection of his present Stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, Being made Neat, Substantial and from the best Imported Material. He will also make to order every description of Light 8; Heavy Wagons, Gigs, Sulkies. Buckâ€"boards, &c. CHEAP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED CREDIT. 01’? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Come one, come all, and buy of me, For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are neat, that are strong, and Without doubt Are much superior to any turned out! My terms are easy, my price is small-+ Pray do not forget to give me a call. Unionville, July 18, 1861. 138-6", for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, feels that lie is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably . . He has for the last twelve years been con- and during that period erery improvement which: as been introddced, either in y investigated, and if found practiciible, adopted. He has always eXercised the and the securing ef workmen. T his has been fully Iemonstrated in the cXperience purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all who choose to order by mail, Parts 01' may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- tlie purchaser, as though he were present. ‘5... .- ., , ~..4-.... «. in.» ~ . "1‘? PHOTOGRAPHS! - PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best Ambrotypc and Photograph GALLERY iN CANADA, IS AT 137 Klllli STREET, EAST, TORONTO. - Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canada WOULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 3’ Subscribe Iii Y or the Typographical, Statistical AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and wellalmown publisher of Descriptive County Maps. 113’ Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto . May 1861. 138stf Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. â€"â€"â€"._. SUBSCRIBE!) CAhirAL, $541,450: INvEsrsn 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,365; ANNUAL INCOME raon MEMBERS, $300,000. -â€"â€"â€"--â€" Ofllce-‘-Masonic Hall. Toronto. Dtnncrohs.-â€"â€"Joseph D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard. S. Nordheivner, 'I‘hos. D; Harris. SoL_ictroit,’â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND TREASURERpâ€"J. Herbert Mason. THE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Far‘mers,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mechanic's, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries. and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAvmcs’ BANK Erbiumâ€"Sums of Four Dollars and upwards are receiVed by the Society on deposit, subject to withdraWal. and bearing interest at Six per cent. per 1111111111); The Q as pital and Assets of the Society, investediii mortgages on first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To Bonaownas.â€"This Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity. is DESIRED av run aoaaowna. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, juur., or R. H. Smith. Newmarket. from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with anv foither information, may be obtained. ' IE? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 124-11y. TAYLO R’S FAMILY DOCTOR has reached an enormous sale,and wherever known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and Others. In plain language. free froin medic! technicalities, itgives you simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of Diseases iii all forme.with important rules for preserving the health. and directions for the sick chamber, and theproper treatment ofthe sick. The Dis- eases oi Cliildhood,the Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to Women. are all treated of in a clear and practical way. Al- ways at hand. and ready to serve you, the simple receipes of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume. It is printed in a clear and open type. and illustrated with appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth. rice $1. or in leather. $1.25. p ' THE LIFE OF ,1- A MES RAWE, Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER. D.D. THE LIFE OF JESUS CH RIST is the phi- losophy of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified. that the mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleethod has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such coma merits, explanations and incidental informae tion as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar. as to ‘him who knows no more, but knowshisBible true.’ Beloher’s reviSetl edit- ion contains the LIVes of the Apostles, Hisu tory of the Jew_s,and an Essay on the Evi- dences of the Bible. It is printed in a clear and open type, in one royal octave volume handsomely illustrated, and will be furnished in the following styles :â€"- Cloth EXII‘flgssbssu-osse.- .Price, $2 00 LaWShee ,...soooooe-saa-a “ Cloth. FHIGIII...;.-a...s.a “ Roan. Full Gilli..u.sa.nso “ V THE BIBLE V, For Family and Pulpit Use”. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish. elegance.and completeness: no effort hav- ing been spared to render them perfectfin every respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style Contains the A cry3 pha. Concordance, Psalms iii _ etre, Canne’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Coins. &c. The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameria can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sized type, in one royal quarto volume. with a neat Family Record and Illustrations. I. Emb. Leather,Mai-b.Edges, Gilt Back and 10 Engraviuguu . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 75 2. Emb. Leather. Marb Edges. Gilt Back & Sides. and 8 Col’d Eng'vs. 5 00 3. Roaii,Full Gilt Edges Back dz. Sides, and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 7 00 4. Extra Paper, 1m, Turkey,Full Gilt,l4 Steel Plates, Maps and lllum . . . . . . 9 00 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco. Full ' Gilt.ISSteel Plates.Maps and Ilium 12 00 do. do. do. Antique 12 00‘ 6. Extra Paper. Turkey Morocao, Full ’ Gilt,18 Plates,Maps.Illum 61. Clasp, 15 00 $1000 A YEAR can be made byenterprisiiig men in selling the above and, other popular works of ours. Our inducements to allsucli are exceedingly liberal. ' 'i l '* As these books are unequalled in their nie- chaiiical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agents,wilh other information, apply to or address ' ' JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sanson Sb. Pliiladeiphia,P

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