Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 20 Sep 1861, p. 3

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"‘r " "" t 1 "amalerwxe-JSW'z‘Ew. " ‘ ‘ » - , wry-r Diptlio'ri‘a ‘no'w occupies a distinct line‘ in the tables of mortality in England. ..The progress of this epidemic has been very ,rapidryln 1855 the-deaths. were .385 ;. in .1556, 1593:, {1-1} 18.57, J,583,-; in t8$8,.6.61jfi; ,aiid.iii:18&9.,i10,184.-- o... '?’i:§‘%3'r3.sl.Ԥlwiaerial;.34;4¢2..¢3¥‘1 '-'.""*..“-‘x ,h “was v ' : V < ‘ 7 ~ . ' ‘ . . ‘-- All}; . r “ 3.x; ,. » o, REWARD; STOLENAgOR “0111:1116; pre- ‘ ’ I-‘tnisés’oi’ the Stibscribehâ€"‘No568,1stiCon- . a . a. ._t ,. .. i .. 3 _0_,’;,_.-. _. , Janâ€"Va, .. V . . . . To the“. Owners of Non-Residene‘hauds medalist? file- 1 . . .‘N Ti“? «.9... . ; OREXCHANGE. .. . COUNTIES 011 191111 PEEL. 3 we HAmrganjLoq's: ith a good "' â€"-"‘ ‘ nweiiiiig‘iiats‘éei. sacrifp‘ asanlly sim- ,5,,,,,, = * YUNGE 181'."..liliillttiMkNilFlliiltliiYal If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing V 011R DILER’ . the blood, and for bilious cOmplaints, Sick Headache, ' .' ".‘v mi!“ M ' :1 V. , Manufacturer 5L Wholesale Dealer in ; I’m a!" 1%.. .‘ -..~.Wcmx‘.‘rbm*~ .. .-‘.'.-_ ~1'Tu‘1“!‘~""‘3“mh~.- ..,. w .Tllli Prortr’sggiunr B00118. ,ANY of these Books will be forwarded by i .. .Muil," post paid, to. any address,.on. re- ' a ..-. loch Costivenoss, (so, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN by Jenn , Penna” .I’iililisliei'z cession of \Vliitcliurch, .Yonge Street, on. 'VEGETABLE LIFE PILIS. _ , ‘ w " , j: ,..~,.-:.- f: ’53,?“ E I _ a , I _ M _ y , -- lg -~‘- g Sir h, a ‘ ‘h-v p' - â€" - v . - " . .' - . ' v' ‘ are: sir miienoruizormammk iNo. - nsom t.P in or m. a- t , r N w York . states that. a . ' l i 1 l , . . .. ,1. .T haw ..P' R13 1,810 notlfV.>°§kthal_}°lTl a“, 5 _, lod,,..mit.h a _ . e, . . 2,21 (amigsaigqugf “(:0 disefisé may “be imp i 01' Shi‘d‘iy Aabb‘ 1 1°_ 4“ 9‘ » _.-.-_ H -‘~’ *- .5... 8),? I , 1,; ,. .~: subject annually (iiiaddition to the taxes) fag, am Ofi‘omd for sale on very ‘redeohtlble . 11:? Agents wanted everywhere. it"“éa’bi‘fi‘fi‘i‘fi » '1'” . VELVE ' Prices It "nil-A .490er M‘.I‘5”9D,._w9‘l§41‘37"rh’§.yiz. r. 1 large Sow, spotted black and white,E . k dy‘réiht‘was‘ifl'dn'ectlr “madd‘lifi filo 31m" ‘3 years old; 2 Sows", one spotted, one white, , *nmhbml-‘i‘lw‘flmisl’ 0f Lordsw’cerlfll'i 0“ a“; and 2 Barrows, one spotted and one white.- “P’eal from the 00"” 0f Chane?” "Tum "3° 18 months old eachâ€"these five Pigs are in 0. glam Us“ lelwlh ‘ 'l‘hejllmm ENS-9d W035 excellent condition ; also, 7 Sheets, 6 months , T110111”. therword “ “"mamed " mum “1‘01 old, 9 of them Saws, 3 or 4 of the Shoats are‘ i' In". '3' husb‘mlob will? liV9~llVlnfi “Vth time. spotted. 1.116" remainder white. ; 1°! denim" "The Con" Of‘Chm‘c‘l’lyihadu de‘.’ Airy person giving such information as cid°d in favor onllafonn," d°finatlmlran¢ “1° will lead tonitheir' recovery and the conviction Lord'; PEBWN§WIM '9flllfill)";ileid9ai.i‘IIIQJIOCI" of the thief,”if stolen, will receive the above cioii‘o'i' the Cdurt below was affirmed. , . . , i - SNUFF, &.c. to",:a‘surcliar'go often poi‘l‘c‘frnt if not, paid piiioit: a " y’ ‘ i L ' \ i ' ’ toilie first day ofMAY inyeac'li' year,‘antfli Not .189 ,‘Tor 01.1?“ “(it paid Within the years, they will be returned flidall'ls 1391396913115? admitted. 1454; to tlie‘Sherifl' for sale. t _ t 4' I '1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ~‘ ' ' J.s.noWA'RD,‘ '5. , ' ' ' Treasurer U. C. Y. 4~ 1’. United Counties York and Pool, ..‘- V a August 14,1861.. ; j 142-111). warms, ' BESS! S an A'Pl’RENTICEito tiie’HARNESS‘ fl" .i -i ' 1 .13.. . , ns_ They will he’s-old separately or tot;- ., _ U i. g nilv‘lllu‘iloll iii tie wrn bill? ngliéi-"tbésuliPutChcsehm 3 v ' . v. f5, ; particularc.enquiro of ~ W . orfirEN, Bond's x-‘r . ) RUN.» For termsand other, the Pr prietor, DAVID Wt.) Lake, hr’ at this Office; ' “ 'Oak’Ridgestunem, 1861. ' ' " H 3. ~ with." ’r ~' ‘ l1} 3;: is), run" 1 "i. -. . 1‘ .__ ROBERT. innuiuos,,,t}s,,. Pnornsaon ,ox PATHOLQGX mug nanny: Suns can is THE VE'I‘ERlNARY Ger. .so‘i'i. or , mu. Dli.rri'u.'1’uor. or Vermin“ Miami! ui ruin uric Aeneuurbuu: (outer: or Dino, Spearmint or run AMERchR . ,. VETERINARY Assocr'ivriou or I‘m‘ ‘ " Lamina”, 11:113., are. ., ‘ “Letter-s "’ Remainln in RICH NDlllLLPoetOflice SEPTIZitIBER‘ii,l}ig61 "i . Bowman.vTh08. _»_Linfoot.i I i; Bernard,‘H. G. V'fi,lt'loore,'R‘eber't“"W 'Basiiigtwait, Win. ""Itl‘unshaw‘,”Wrrr.' ,' , reward. '« ' - i If strayedf$5 will be givon to airy person nâ€"â€"â€"â€"- A. I - Extra ‘ ..TAck’for Dr, McKenzie’s Dead Shot VVorm- 2 “ candy and be sure and get ,itâ€"iu‘, some iii- " gimme, which they will find a sour; (can Poll Consunfrtcu.Asmara; Buorlcmrts, ..'I‘lie “ , only "Object of the advertiser in sending the ,,;,,,cpre.ad information which lie conceives to be ~‘agmgbbrfsfil‘jd he hop«*s.evrry:sutt‘omr '«wtll 'qbf'omir~ltevero House, the 4th and; 5th. a Richmond Hiii.‘ Sept. 20, 1861. "..‘CNEWfiREEN TEAS, . - :jDonir-iniss our present Bargains ‘ "Withe- Farmers of the surrounding country.‘tliut .rtihe' has just received a splendid large-lot. of , i finest-American 11100331135161"i$1‘[airt.ch&p] ‘ ' _M_____ ,___ _, Coniioily'LAuu, . , McG-ar‘r'vj‘EilWBrd 7â€""- fiUSIthESSi a BOY about 16 Jam's 0fi WILL TELL YOU Of’the’Origin‘,His'toryand “Hp”. §>p 7.3-3? . . I _ .~. L-i,;:‘i~i . . . I“); . ‘ ' _o' '_ v r. .. “’1 iv" ' "x4'." A i. r .- (re. )) ' 0 I A, I. ,. r} .I .. . . . VI. '- _- V. A ‘x ‘ i I. .~. x... . . , A ; givmg information that shall load to then Coulter Mr. V, V, .McGee ‘ times 8., V 11 J _ ’ , , u > distinctive traits of the \dllous breeds ofLuio .1 .iAh/IARiiETSY ‘- ,’ recovery. " ” " Craik’,“l”e'ter ' McGee: John WILLIAM HARRISON" " . Tho-Cheapo“ and 305‘ pearr,,A‘siutic,African and American :HOI‘SOH, l"; . r '1’“. 1 WM, NORMAN, ' Eirdersby, Joseph . _ McBeth, A. Richmond Hill, Aug. 15, 1861. 142-4t. Oak Ridges 120. [near Cliristison’s Old Stand] VVhitchurch, Sept. 19, 1861, 147-1t, FIRETFIRE! .il‘iinusnxv,~’Septcmber 19. Fall Wlipat,I-«2,00 lislils Was . the extent of the supply wliic'lt' sold at the following priCes. The prices paid for the best samples were trom$0 99.1mminventionsrs; - , .. ..‘. Spring Wheatâ€"1,3iifl bshls iirmarket,.wliic1r '36 d at from 83 to stills? per bslil. , Barleyâ€"sold at t'rdm 4U toi46c. ' gefisLâ€"Bi'fltlhslils Went ofl','ait.‘~45-aiid~ 480 per s l. Oatesâ€"at 28 and 30c perbslil. ' 'gflay'e-ais from $11 to $14pe’r ton, Straw $9 to $10 per ton. ‘ - ’ ' ” . Nounsâ€"Superior extra sold at $5 2510 $575: $4 75 to $5 00: Fancy (Spring) $4 25 to $4 50: Fancy (Fall) 10 ; to $5 25;__, Extra, ,$5-to>$5 25: Double Extra, $5 50 to $600. Buttonâ€"Fresh is in fair supply at from 16c to. 18 per lb. 7 . -7 Ap assâ€"Common varieties $2 and $2 50 per par or; 'Better grades as and $3 barrel. A Eggs..â€"-Fresh from wagons 106 to 12c per. doz, "I’lfotatoese-Vary in price from 28 to . 300. Lambsâ€"scarce at $210 $2 $35 each. . . 'Calvosâ€"ar'e iir good shpply at $4 to $5 each Beef-llidesâ€"tlid 50 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $19.5 each. V Calfskins 080. per lb, .Tallow, $7 per 1th lbs “I ' 'v " fl'iniotlry Seedâ€"$280 a $3 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 nor bnshel. ance Mail, the neighb- rs in this vicinity, so o'ni‘aged at such 'an outbreak on civil so- ciety';“strorigly urged the Members‘of 'l‘liaites- Ville Division S. of T. to circulate‘Subscrip- tionldsts, to which the friends nony re- sponded. and our New Hall now appears upon the old sitei‘in which the Tlrauesville, in con- ,juuciipn with'the New Moon, Concord, True Love, Springvale, and other Divisions, will Celebrate their ‘ renaminru ANNIVERSARY Saturday; r 28, ’6 1 The Divisions will form iir Procession at 11 a.m.,= accompanied by an Excellent which will perform on the occasion. Te‘a‘Wi-ll‘be served at 12 O‘clock, delivg; ADDRESSES suitable to the occasion", A pressing”, invitation .is given tofill “'0”? wisnei's of the cause. " " 1 Tickets to be had on "the groundâ€"Adults. 25cts, ; Children, half-price, ._ . GOD SAVE ~‘, THE 1’ QUEEN i 'I‘lranesvilleg-Sept, 19. 18151, ' l47-lt. T0 CARPENTERS! wanted Immediately, SIX GOOD CARPENTERS. Apply to .- Monaco DY an, Maple. Septemberhfl. 1861. r. 31’.E.C"I‘A‘ia£l§f . G01.D.l_,.,~GOL» .ii i ' Moi‘elto lie dosi‘redkthan gold is the heallh'of ,yourphildrenr Physicians 'are.almost univer- .-cally prescribing Dr, bickerizie’s ‘Dead Shot “Werm-Candy, it has given ‘such decided satis- “ fitctiou toiall that have used it, that it has taken the lead of all Worm Medicines now in uses-4 } 146â€"2 _. UNDER COATS. ‘ stances you may bo'iriduced to'try anotherp‘re- 0w receiving lha Res, and Clwapes, as_ mayhem. youmaybe sure the inducemontvheld. l sortinent of ' on is because it affords more profit to the seller" MEN’s 3 Price only 15 Lentsâ€"4 packages for 50 cents. EYW-lflshown ,0” 1 Richfimndt 1.1,“, In, pluck. ‘ 361d by all respectable dealers in \lediciues. 5500111113? Albert anfl, Sack; Sl'al’es- 1“ F11“ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ’ ' Cloth, ,IZI‘weed, Doesliltl. . Broad .Cloth. ._ and i ‘ Cassiinei'e, made in the Best Style by Superior ll'orkmen And 'will‘be sold as cheap as thesame quality cairbo soldinlfl‘oronto.‘ Please call and ex- ain'iiio our stdck.‘ ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ To Consumptives. ’ THE Advertiser, having been restored to ‘ _ health in a few weeks by a Very simple VTGUIOdvynl‘lOl‘ having suiliii'od several yearswith a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, deirsnirrptionâ€"is anxious to make known to hisfellow-sufferers the means of cure. ____ ____ W __ ' “To all who dosii‘eit, he will send aloe. y of w “A y” m". -- " ilie prescription used’tfree of cliarge),pwith i i the directions for preparing and using-e the Arsiiléndid qualityo :Malaga Raisin VINE. ‘ ‘ "GARJ'Cn‘nAnS L a I . Excellent for Pickling Prescription is. to benefit the afflicted. and Just receivedatw, .’ ..., , . - . , I S. POLLOCK’S. Richmond Hill, Sept. 11, 11%|. i413 ~ ‘LOST. ' OST from Aurora, on Tuesday the 3rd . WM. 5. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill,,Sop_t. 11, 1861. .3146 ry his remedy, unit will cost them nothing, and may prove ‘a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address . “ a, f't . . I , r instant, a middle sized black NEW- ‘RLV' EDWA‘Ié/meésbwuili‘SON’ ‘FOUNDLAND DOG, answering to the name Kinns Com“ . fie; York “Charley.” At the timelie was missed he or. - ‘ . . '1’ ' ' '1 had a black leather strap around his neck. and afresh out under the second joint of one of the hind legs. Airy person bringing him to the Rev. :J‘. H, MoCOL-LUM, Aurora. .C.W,. ‘or Mr. GEO..L. GARDEN, King Station.'will be suitably rewarded. _ Aurora, Sept. 13. 1861, V A y a, coon THING. " DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment . is .well worth 8 trial, in‘any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old' Sores, ~[utiumod or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in every case where an ointment. is usefuh 1t ‘ will re commend itself, after one trial. said by w. s, POLLOCK.‘ Richmond Hill. C .____._._____.___. more assessments. ' 146-21. ."Aj Camp meeting. CAMP MEETING. in connection with -4...._.;__-_ __ 'lia'm Circuit'will be held in, the Bush of.ft’1r. "‘ ' ' ‘ " JOSEPH PRETTY. Lt N .‘6. " t '4} at I o o in tie it v concession of Markham. - To commence on r .TnE iUiidersign'e'd, Merchants- in Richar‘ond FRIDJIY, SEPTEMBER 20, ’61, I . Hill, beg to intimate to their Customers And to Continue for several days. Several [and the Public; that fgom this‘dat‘e to ‘ the close Ministers from a distance will be present. ‘ present month. they will close their respbctivo ‘Marklia‘m. September“, 1861‘. ’ i ' 146-? Stores at 8 o’clock. p.in. ’ " " ‘ ’ " ' Ml'iromils’t October to 1st November. at 71,. p.in 1,. ' , F.‘ Ist November to last March, ’62 at .7, p.in ' J. K. FALCounr‘z’i‘bGr-z, ‘ fl S; jPorLocK, ‘ _ i .55": ' Lib ZCitu'rBr. z. a j- Riél‘rhmhfl Hui. Septemb‘iii-Sit), '61“. t.“ " “147.2‘ , ,iiii. r. DELLENBAUGH, . t '46 Old and 'Original‘Germarr Physician ‘5‘: ' 0F BUFFALO. N.Y-... , ' - a i ' ILL be in the following places inlthe ‘ ‘ ‘month of October, 1861 :4- "_"“‘Neioinarkct~Nor'th American Hotel. Oc- "tober lst and 2ird. ' . . Richmond Hill -â€"Nicholls’ Hotel the 3rd. .,,r_..i.».. - a. .- . «t H’E‘i ‘iFirst‘ ‘Annual' Soiree ofcthe . ' >_ Andrew’s Sabbath Schoole, Maplhwillzbe held [‘D:V-.] in the GrOve at the back-of the Railway Station. lYIgpdgkprnr. ‘ " Thursdayi. September 26, All favorable iii the goodicaus'e, hull particularly the Friends and Parents of the Children at- tending theScliool; are. cordially invited to at- tend.. Several Revv’d .ge-ntlemon will deliver appropriate addresses. . Tickets, 25.cents. Children under 1? years, 12l-cents,_. . The proceeds to be invested inre- Words for the children. , "Childr-ens Tea served at 12 o’clock; precisaly. Visito rs “ ' ‘ 1.30 ' ‘ . CoflEfNRYfA'S” DOWN. " 1M31i16.Si5Pt>,129 1:851- i , Superintendent. NEXT‘OFIKIN WANTED. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS POUNDS - ~ STERLING IN CHANCERY, BANK OF ENG‘LANI),_&C., waiting claimants. A Catalogue .of tlie,lieirs,.and names of. those to whom letters should be addressed in England, will be sent post free, on receiptof' 60 cents in United States’ sta‘in‘ps, or two for $1. Old claims must be iresented at once. eneeszâ€"A. K. ill. Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Police, Hayer‘liill... ; Addresi“ " ‘ " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' W.. W. S, ORBETQN.;& 00.”. Box- 250, Post Office, Boston. Mass 12, 1861. - 5 i Where he can be consulted on all forms of HIoi‘ljlgering‘ DisoaSes. ' " '1 41-3t.’ SUGARS, 860. ' v IIE'Subscriber would respectfully announce ‘1 'to the Residents of Richmond Hill and drew Green» Teas, Sugars, ' TOBACCOS, CHEESE, more. L a Resins, Currants, Vinegar, SOAP, &c. '&c. 6w. I “which heif‘etferiifixt "very"difi‘i3rerit Prices to ~ isobar they wiil‘v‘be required tii'pay fer the slime Goods a fortnight hence, and would reconn- ,anfllltl his friends‘ to call or ‘sendrtheir orders Without delay: inE‘ipiesgouchorig, Breakfast 'l‘eas.-at'28. 6d. per lb. ‘3" ‘VSuperior do Jilllgllell'dvi ides “,3s. 3s. 6d. “ ..fiplendidYoung Hysou do; do.“ 3s. (id... and '38, 9d. per lb. - I .. [There is not another lot".'of Green Teas in Toronto at anything like5 the money] a in .- .“setrr'Bi‘igt-tiflo'fi B rte:'.Ri7¢0.-:S "a. 'aiid 11 lbs. for$1 “a; Wine Sap. Tobacco lb“. 3d. per 15., worth Is. 6d. per lb. by the box. September 3'. ' ’DUGALD citAwro‘un, . Grocct’fillrovisrou Merchant. CQRN.I§R,,QE-YO_NGE ANp,AGNi;s .sq‘nnnfrs, - motion-To, ‘ J ;list to the residents of Richmond “Hill and to the Farmers of the county, and respect- fully requests a call whorrin Town 1 FitiQJSnglish Breakfast Teasfilqnl 25.3d 10:55, " ‘pe’fr' lb. ' With‘ b.‘ reduction 'oi'Bd‘pe'r‘ lb." by taking-51m. y ' . ~ w Very Fine Rich Coffees, .r, Perv-till” -. KI : . :~ » j V Bright Dry‘ Yellow Sugars, 12 lbs for ‘1 dollar. 9" «aians,“[isesiarmit1ied. and rapper-in; of currents [new fruit] ~15 lbs. for '1 'dollar ‘ - "-9: and 11 lbs. for $1,“ .- - ‘ ‘ - , Vinegar [Strong enough topickleu‘ails], ls 3d heleJeductiou from tiie‘abtiv‘e by the box.]' ’- ' ‘rper g“"."“"75= I . h " i n I n . ' i Agilefiiru,tho bes't Snap at the'vcltii per'bar, $9113- .[btiiiid lo bmlrd {.1 lio‘usg. uh]..- mcir’ti‘tia'rs for $1.‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' . _ _ , , Candles, 71d per lb. - I Vinegar gspl'ongenough to pickle nails] ls. 3d. Glasgow Magistrates, 71d per dozen. per ga 011.. =‘ A “ Toronto Magistrates, lfid per dozen. gamble; above: is only a small sample ef10ur 5181011, 73‘ 1"” "L Mm to SINCE tlie’burniug of ’l‘lraunsville Temper- ’ Aftei‘iwhich several eminent speakers will - TRONG and . .‘ . ilr‘e Primitive Methodist Church, Mark- - .iiui'iisuiiiiiiiiu L Refer- ‘ - _ ,146-3m.‘ ‘ EGS to .subi'niti.thoi'f'ulloiviiig short price . fi‘onrls 2d to is 6d ' _, . , Lu.- «3 - . Canadians ! Canada 1 Canada ! heed the sound That comes to you ’cross your southern bound, Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard, Scott, Englishman, Scotcliman, irishman hot; ' ' Brothers and fathers, yeMagog and Greg, . . We Can compare it to nothing. but dog eating dog. ' - ' Two hundred thousand kinsmen with knives, Seeking nought else but each 0 her's lives, Met one Sunday morning attire Bull’s Run, And aimed at each other their rifles and guns ; A thousand fell nobly, the rest ran away. Vowiiig they’d show ’cmâ€"some other day. Turn, Canada, turn your eyes from a sight Revolting as this to all that is right, ‘ From your’rrelghlwrs’ folly learn to prepare Iii time of sweet peaco'tor winter and War" Along six' months’ winter, you have seen to mootâ€"â€" - ‘ ‘ Have you calculated where to get light Sr. heat 1 if not, we ontrcat you, repair every man" To acorn 6r, son’s Store, as soon ‘as you can. Our 11:?” Rock Oil‘, and Coal Oil, and Fluid for burning. The sun to a blush for a month has been turn- ing , If Globes, Wicks or Chimneys, you should out of them run, ' ~' : You can always recruit thesetlrings- at Boom ' 61. shots, ~ ‘ t ‘ leaking, Or ifyou do not.‘but to do so are thinking, Just give us a chariot), we’ll' 'dthlie thing that isriglii, ‘ ' > ‘ ~ 'v' And doubt not. We’ll prove, we can give to you ' light ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' But in rruAT~â€"Yesiu “nurse, our fame iies in . this, ‘ To give satisfaction miss, We have STOVES that would turn to a tropic the pole, - i To convince you ofthi‘s we’ll call over the roll, VVe’ve the [13’ Standard, Emporium. Cupid ' and Hotspur,‘ I The Nugget. the Snow-Bird, and Railway Coal-Burner, ‘ 'l‘lrc Ariel, the Magic, Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian In short, ‘we have STOVES of every shape, make and kind. ' For coal, wood, both or either in stock you will , find ; Pipes Elbowe and ‘ Dumb Stoves, ‘ Shovels and Silters, Pots, Kettles and Spiders. o’err down to the Lifters, ’ We assure you, dear friends, you need not go elsewhere _ '- For" Plumbing and Gas~Fittiiig, Hardware or ' 'Tirrware. ‘ > ' Opposers we’ve retried, the roads strewed with knapsacks, ' ' ' Swords, inusketsarid ‘ ‘ ‘ hover-sacks. ‘ The field now is our’s. and asecond Bull’s Run is seen at the charge ’inude at hem-H do son 1 â€"-l.eaving joking aside, a kind welcome to all If ought in our line you want, give us a call. BOOTH £39 @ONS, COPPERVVORKERS, Elfin-idiots, fittest-limit, Brace 112mb " ‘ ' and 1-76qu merit-ere. - Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters South-East Corner of Yonge 8:. Queen Sts. Tdront'o, SeptflSGl. 1415.an ‘ B I M a R I , Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS‘ MA. GIG RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its supeâ€" riority, after using the’medicino, the price willibe re- funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold byall dealers in medicines. rim traitors or PEACE, we were ne’er known to Hooks, T'HE‘HEROES OF WAR. ' ANTHONY, No. 51H BROADVV'AY. NEW , YORK, is now publishing, in addition to ’Othet‘ portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and Americans ' BRAD Y’S NA 'l'ION/IL PHO'I'OGRAPHIC , PORTRAIT GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Davis, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confoderates. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are publisiied,card size,and in stereoscopic form ALSO, ' Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris,‘Londbn, and in other parts ofEugland and France; in Scotland, 1reland,Wales, Holland, Switzer- land. Spain. on the Rhine, in 'Athens, :’ Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land. Chi- ' na, India, Cuba, &c. &c. ad infinitum. Are the Greatest 11/ under of the Age. and the rushing of water, the moving of vehi- slighost degree affect-tho taking of these views. :’I‘hey are sold for $3.00 per dozen. -' i '. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment, "of S‘TEIZEUSCUPES, . PHOTOGRAPH“) ALBUMS, and - 1' ‘- Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por- traits, Views, StereoScope’S, &C., sent free by mail,(on receipt of a stamp. I ' I , E. ANTHONY. 501. BnoiinwAY,, near St. Nicholas HoteLNe'w York. September 5, 1861. 145-153 1 M P O B TA N T. DR. WISTAR’S PULMQNIC SYRUP, ’is highly ro- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. lmttle. ‘ cents Ila-r . c. w. COLEMAN. WATCIâ€"IMAKER & JEWELLER, ’NO. 283 YONGE s’runm‘,‘ 'rououro, ' - ' IRS'Il's'toi'e nortlr'of“Crockshank-streot.â€" Ropairing in all its branches properly at- "tendcd'to. All Work warranted. assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and ‘ Fan‘cy Geods kept‘on hand. Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. 0108, or the march of an army, does not in the . ‘ Markham, August 22. .1861. Orif'you burn Gas, and your pipes have got . beyo‘nets,‘ belts, boots and Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views‘ N. B. An ‘ _ 145-6m _ y McCai-tncv. Robert - - O’Brien';'Mii.-hael l’owell,’Wm. . Robinson. Robert , Ritchiepri. 4 St‘ong. Peter}. ._ Smith, Joseph ,' - , Skinner. '1‘. ~. Simpson, James 2 Storey. Robert w Thompson, Robert V 'l‘omsou. Johu Evviir r,j‘Wm._ ‘It‘ox, enjam‘iti Forrester, Mrs. Grey. Wm. Grant, George (4) - ,Graiingor, doseplr Hewitt, Robert Harris, Mr. Herbert, Daniel Jenkins, J. ’M. Klinck, Polly Killips, \‘Vm, Lee. Reuben 111M111. iiiiiiiiii ‘ EXAMINE " THE ’ LATEST ‘ ' 1MP R0 V EDI. . EFORE buying'any otherFairning Millâ€"- considorou by competent Judges to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian public fer separating Oats from Spring .Vt’hoat. Peas and Oats. and for cleaning in fact all kinds of Grain . is 'made‘ of good DURABLE .MA TERIAL 1' And is, from its constructionhtlio best for Farr-l more use in the Province. _ 1 They are manufacturod'liy the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to be addressed. ‘* V'i r, j, M, t" ; , 11:? Farviiers' we‘uld do well to call and ex- : amine “the: Milliwheu 'passiii ddwu ,Yo‘ii'ge fSt. Orders left attire residenceof Mr. Soutliard, at Newmarketpifi‘l receive prbmpt attention, . Shopâ€"Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s Hote. I . SOU'I‘HARD, BOYNTON &.;Co Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. w- K‘dulénmnaar. ; FALL mini 'A'sr York and the Township of Markham Agricultural Societies will‘ hold a: omen? FALL FAIR A. Sizes Horn urioiiviirauiiiiitiiiim Wednesday, Outgober 9th, 1861', when. upwards of will; be ‘, offégedr~ . for Prizes. » RULES; ,5: "REG, LATIQNS 3,; 1. Members who ‘l‘iave paid their subscripâ€" tions, are entitled to Teiiter their Stock or other Articles without charge. 3 _ _ __ y I 2. No person allowed to compete as a Mem- hor; who has not become such on or before the 520th of September, 1861. ’ ‘ ‘ 3. Persons, other than Members, desirousuof :' competing, must pay $2,1'enti‘anco. ‘ .4. No partv exhibiting shall interfe-c.with the Judges whilst. in, .dischargeofxtheir duties,” by conversation erotherwise, under forfeiture of premiums. . _ . » r . 5, All Animals or Articles intended for com- petition must be on the ground early, and entered with the Secretary, (who will attend at SIZE’S, Uiiionville, for that purpose,) at 8 o’clock. cam, on the morning of the Fair. The books will be closed at 11 a.m.; after that hour no errtrijlli be made." . . 8. No person exhibiting a Manufactured Article shall be entitled to ,a prciniummal- 1110qu one may have ‘been awarded him. unless he is. the bona fida owner and mountain turer of the same durinilBfil~ ‘ ' 7. All' Agricultural Produce entered for competition must be'ae'tually ’ raised by and be the preperty of Exhibitors. “111‘;th growth of .5 ~v' " the year 1861., I > , v , . 8. No Exhibitor shall be entitled" to. two premiums, for, the same, kind of Agricultural Produce or 'Manufactured Article in'tbe same class. . ‘ ' 11. Blood Stallions must liavehl’edigree pros perly attested, and exhibited on the day of the Show, if required, ' ' ” ‘ ' " ‘ 10. Durham and Devon Show, if required. 11. Ayrshire Cattle must also be properly attestedas to purity of blood. ,, . _ » A ’I‘EN’Tis scouredfor the occasion-$13".- trance thereto = 12 cents. Messrs. MIL E, CARTER, ECKARDT and DAVIDSON, are'appoiiited to superintentl . the Tent and Grounds, to either of whom all applications must be made. as to the arrange- ment of Goods for Exhibition. Dinner 10le be prepared 1112'. Size, Immediately after the Exhibition. Premi- ums will then be declared. . , T. A. MILNE, J. 1’. WHELER, President. A. BARKER. ‘ Secrelcr , 13. R, . A. s. ' ‘- l43-4t. Secretory, ’ , ~. . Tnir'p. of Markliain.. -‘ ; ..i; . 'y. ‘4‘ ~, Two doors southof the “ York .I-ler'ald” Office. 3,5, .lVLiES‘V I This, Miil stands unrivallede whom all orders should >138-fi, _> I ‘ V Cattle; Bulls, . Cows and Heifers. must have their Pedigreesl properly attested, and exhibited on the dayof m IAGE ._____-_.__.__._..__.â€"â€"-â€" Aiiibrotype and. Photograph .llllllhllllllillllil:lli- 4 I I ON RICHMOND HILL. r i, )3 13111111111111.1111, {£0.11th To?" E n. ? er", EGS to intimate tothe inhabitants of‘Ricli- mond‘ Hill and Vicinity, llrat he has commenced besiiiess as - CABINlET MAKER, UNDERTAKEH, as, where he has on hand a general [assortmento‘f Household Furniture, , 7_ _ g V . Of the best quality, cheap for cash, I Toronto,April 19. 1861. ‘ I 1 y {I}? A Call is Solicitcd. g” M _j , 'Richmond Hill. June 7,1861. iso‘a ‘ “1119157. AND IMP 39,11,131)...” - '~ Manor Upper Canada :- or‘llie ' Typographical, Statistical ‘1 fidin‘itatdr' and Pi’incip’til Operator" WORMS. , For destroying Worms in children, SITTZER’S '- VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the most pleaszin cafe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it 1 Solil by all dealers in medicines. , OU‘L'D-you secures [valuable and ornag mental .Worlr of Reference 3’ Subscribe F. Browsa‘,‘ BROKE t, t - Estate and. Gciicralagorrt, " it" i' i'IAIGrznir‘r'oit" ' " ‘ 'Qfolouiiil itifi: Qtesn'r’mirc '(Eo’a. , Masosic HALL, rI‘ouonro STREET, ‘1 TORONTO- Jas- AND I i ' illustrated Mapof Upper Canada In: preparation by Geo. C. »"I7r'omalne, the ‘old and w'ell‘knownl :‘pubiisher of ,Desc'riptive County M‘aps. ? .. . i1? Residents cf tlic‘Pt‘ovi'nCO everyWhere will be called on by Local-or Travelling agents earnest Lend mt impi~wed.rz.r;anm 1 "'fféff‘f-Milligf', ,_ April 19.:1861. ' 125-1y 1': .3 "“_ ‘ ' ' " 't. ’ ." i ‘ i ’ ~ ' Canada. Permanent- Building EMPLOYMEN’ l$40 A MONTH! agents IPmlted.f g ‘ AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY.‘ ’SUBSCRIBRD ‘CAPITAL, $541,450: Invnsrnr) on a REAL res-rm, $426,365: Announdncomu - " ~i x ‘-FROM'M£MBERS', $300,000. ' ‘ 7 E want an active agent in every County in the United States. and, Cariada‘,y;to Sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of Travelling Agents we will pay a salary of ‘ $40 per Month. all Expenses. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales... > 1 Every machine is warranted to .give univer- sal satisfaction, and kept in repair six. months. Recent improvements renders this machine the cheapest and most popular in the market. For full particulars and a permanont business, ad: dress, ,wrtlr stamp for return letter, ' HARRIS BROTHERS, _ some serious FRANKLIN suwrse iuxcrimic co 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. Office; Masonidâ€"iall. Toronto. ‘Drnnc‘rous.â€"â€"Joseph D. Ridout‘, J. 6.01m- ’Wett, James G. Worls, Thomas .Maelear. Peter ' Paterson, J. G. BeardpSt' Nordhet-ner, Thos. 1). Harris. ' - * » ‘- " . - ' SOLicrron,â€"-Edward C. Jones. SECRETLRY AND TREASURER,â€"â€"J. Herbert Mason. VEHE Stock of this Institution presents a, pro‘ ' titable and easily convertible mode of m-t during itypecu liarl y suitable for Farmers‘,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt ofsalaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. , ‘ SAviNoS“ an‘x minedâ€"Sums of Four Dotiars‘and upwards are reciiived by the Society on deposit, subject to, withdratval. and bearing interest at Six per Cent. per aiirittm. .The Q ua pital and Assets of, the Society, investedin‘ iiroi'tgages on~ vfirs'lt-clasglanded property,heing i pledged for the'security of money thus reCeiVed, depositors are at all grim-es: assured of perfect safety. ' v ’ ‘ V i To ~Boitiiowmts.‘-éâ€"This Society makes add varices on the security -of~lmproved City or r Rreumonoiurnt. SCOUNTYV SClIillilit' CHE inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi- ‘ ciurty are respectfully informed that the duties ofthe, Schoolâ€"both in the Gratuinarand Coin‘niiiii School“ Departmentâ€"n ere resumed, on MONDAY, the ‘ 12th instant. ARTHUR C. VERNER, A.B., Principal. 142.4t_ from 'one to ten years. A. 31’ropertios mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed befdr‘e maturity. trvunsmmi Br 'i'n'iizn‘OImOWrzRfl . . : ' . ‘ Applications for Loans willbe received by the Secretary, Robert James, j'uur., or '11. II. Smith, Newmarket, from whom Circulars and the‘Ru-losxofi the Society, together with any fuitlier information, ii'ray' be obtained. ‘ [13’ Letters to he prepaid. Toronto, April‘l‘Z, 1861.. Richmond anti/tunic lb; 1861. Law ;Noticc-' » HARLES DURAND, :Barrister, Toronto, ' i will tittend‘ the ‘Dtvisiou Courts at ‘Ri'clh mend Hill, Markham Village, King and Nowo market, in: September, where he willâ€"be happy to attend to any business of his friends pro- fessionally. ,Ollicc. corner of Adelaide and YbngeIStreets,Toronto. » ~ Toronto. August 1861. 14311u ‘ 124-1152 "UNIONVILLECARRIAGE FACTORY o...intonationJarrett“ Tenderingflthaiiks_ to his friends theipnblic generally; {dirtiest liberal, gripper!- in past years, and; Soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cardiallytnvites ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ “an inspection of his present Steak of ' -' .~entrancesnnoomsac. WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO'ALL, , . Y He will also make to order every descriptionof - Light 8; Heavy Wagons) Gigs, Sillkies. Businboards, Sic. CIIE/IP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED CREDIT. """0f’f Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Come one, tome all, and buY'chtie, ‘ For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are neat, that are strong, and without doubt Are much superior to any turned out! My terms are easy, my price is smallâ€"r ‘ Pray do not‘forgdt to give the a call. y’ ‘Uiiionvillegl'uly ‘18, 1861. 13,8-6m AER 171G in," , C ES. 6 Respectfully he has opened VVareromns in Toronto, for thefialapf In the Premises former-1y] by Messrs. ‘EWART & "Co. r ' ' TChurcli:Street, a'djOinihfg the Store wland, Fitch Ct); u _, ‘ I If, ' IV" R. IIALL, in introducingliimself to theipiiblicifeels that he is net’s/stranger, as his Carriagesliiivebeenleng'niid favorably _ ' kud‘m 1° “WW Orllle'l‘lrgest and most‘ijtl’tllciot‘l'S'purchasers injl’roviiiize. He has for tlic'last twelve years been con; ‘ and-"iiii'iiing-tliat period iet'eryr‘improveinent which’c. as, been introduced, either in materials, QQilSIl‘tlisllQ‘tl’Qf'Si-Yle. has been carelltlly~3"luvastigate.d.,~and if found. practicable, adopted. He has always exercised the most scrumilous care in ihe'seleciion of timber, auditiiefsie’curii’ig a workmen. stantly'engiiged iii the manufacture or 'Car . r , , of those who 'lrave. tested the durabilitypf ~ i A ,Will ' the? item constantly. on hand; riagesa higher-k 3 j r' ; vestm‘ent, based on Real Estate security, you6 _ Country-'I’roperty. repayable by instalments ,_ spread over airy term the applicant cheeses. . Being" made N cat, Substantial andfrbm the best Imported Illatcrial. RRIAca-E , (_'1‘lris has been fully lemonstruted in the experience 9i5iliglGHT CARRIAGE S with the physical. formation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to asCertain his age by the,ntlinberfiridberrditteri of his teeth; il- lustrated with. many explanatory eiigaitvmgs. THE HORSE A,le HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breaking, Stabling,» Feeding, Grooniirig,‘.5hoeing.' and the geri’ral management ot‘flthe horse,witlr the best modes cf administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting,Kicking, Roaring, Shying, Stumbling, Crib . Biting. Restlessiioss, and other vieWS ,to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatment of Strang‘es, Sore Throat, Dis- temper,Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, I’lleU‘ monia. .Pleprisy. .Broken; Wind, Chronic Cough, Rearing and Whistlirig,Lampas,Scre Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed'l‘eotli, With other diseases of = the Mouth and 'Resplraiory Organs. . r ' 7 ‘ ~ THE HORSEAND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of thecauses, symptoms, and Treatan of Worms, Bolts, Colic, Strangulatioli, Stony Corroretions, R uptnres, Palsy, -=Dla‘rrliuaa, Jaundice, lleparirrcza, Blood '. Urine, [Stones in the Kidrieysand i Bind” "erplhfiaminatiori, and other diseases oi the Stomach, ‘Bowels, Liver and ‘ Urinary 0rgans.,,,,,' , ,V. ,_ ..THE H IRSE.A,ND HISDISEASES WILL TELL YOU Ofthe causes. symptoms, and Treatment ofBone‘BlO‘Od, and 130g, Spa- vin, Riiig‘é‘Borre.-‘SWeenie, "Strains, Biclien Krrees,,Wind :Gal's, Founder, .Sole Bruise and Cravel, Grucked, I’lool's, Scratches, (lan- keofliliilish. allfil,99l‘ltfit also. _ 91’. Magnum. ertigo. Epilepsiy, Staggers, and Other dis- cases of thoFoot, Legs and Head. THE HORSE-«AND: HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU ()1 the causes. symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glan- ‘der's. Farcy. Scarlet Fever, Mange, Sui-felt, Locked Jaw, , Rheumatism, Cramp, Gail's, [Diseases of the Eye and Heart. &c., and how - to‘manage Castratioii.Bloedirig,'Ilrepliinning. Reweiing, Firing. Hernia, Amputationfl‘ap- ping. and other surgical Operations THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL , TELL YOU 'ofRorey’s method of tamingliorses; how to Approach. Halter or Stable a‘Colt; how to ‘~'acoustom a horse to strong sounds and sights. and how to Bit, saddlegrflide, and .Break him to. harness; also.tlie‘ form and law of Warranty. The Whole‘being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe habits, pecularities, wants ‘and weaknesses of this'noble and useful animal: ‘ Thebook 'corttairrs‘384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearl' One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a c ear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price. half boundrfifsl .00, or, in cloth, extra. $1.25- ' j . THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; a‘c‘oUNsano a: [N sickness ,_ .1 . ear - . . .l’rofe‘ssor Henry S. Taylor, MD. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR has resigned an enormous salemndfwtrerever known, is ,uillversallyimproved, bothv‘by the, faculty and 'others. In plain language, use from niedici‘ technicalities, it gives .you .Lsimple-i-eiiie‘dios easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in 1 all forms.with important rules for preserving the - health. and directions for the sick chamber. and thepropertreatmeut of the sick. The Dis- eases of Childhood,the Diseases of Manhood, ' and the Diseases peculiar to Women, are all treated of in a clear and. practical way. -Al- ways at hand, and ready to serve you, the simple redoipes or" this'boek may- seen save you much suffering, audimany times the cost. of the, volume. It is printed in a, clear and open type. and illustrated with appropriate engravings. iVeaily-bouiidiu cloth. price. $1. or in leather, $1.25. .' ' "ti 3 THE w Lira or. ‘ r I ,. ism ‘ haw-«Trgeraiiroiioriiawsicii ~ 1 BY REV. JOSEPH BELCUER. 0,13.“ ' us Lira or JESUS cu RiS'I‘ls‘ the phi- ;- ~ ' losoplrv o‘f'true religion!" It‘exliibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity. and .._beau_t '._ It isporl'ect excellence personified. that he mind cf man may grasp it. and be changed iiito‘the sameim‘age. The inspired - writers have given it to us in detached des- briptions. “Dr. Fleetwood has arranged these intone harmonious wliolo, wrth sneli com- merits, explanations and incidental in forma- tion'as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar. as to ‘him who knotvs no more, but knowslrisBible true.’ Beleher’srevised edits ion contains the’LIVes of the Apostles, Hisi tory'of the JBWS,arid an Essay on the Evi- dences of the Bible. Itis p‘riutediri a clear , and, open type, in one royall'octavo volume _ handsomely illustrated. and willbe furnished ' in the fdllcwmg styles tâ€" I "" , , Cloth Extra,. . y. .’. . . . . t . . .‘ ’ SPrice, $2 00* LGW-Shfiepp-a.anon.....a» “ .12 0101-11. ‘Fuu.Gi.ltrtao.3totoo_-b “ 00 Roan. FullGllt,............ “ 3 5o ' Thaneâ€"Li? BIBLE. Forfliamily- and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE ~ are ,unequalled for their durability. finish. ' eleganceiand completeness"; no effort hav- ‘ lug been spared to render thenrperiectzin every respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style contains the A cry- lia. Concordance, :1’salnrs in - etre, airfie’s >Marginal Nete's'and References, and valuable tables of Scripture'i’leasures, Weights, Coins, &c, The text corrected according to ‘tii‘e Standard of the Ameri- Scan Bible Society. They are all printed in'large sized type,‘iir one m at quarto Volume, with a, neat ,Iil-aiiilly by ocordarid Illustrations. " ‘ " "‘ ’ = av. nous recur-woos, % ore, ‘I. Emir. Leatlror,‘Marb,Edgcs,“Gilt Back ‘ ‘and 10 Engraviugs.. . . ..'.. . ..'. .. . $3 .75 2. Bulb. Leather, _Marb. Edges, Gilt . y . _ wBack & Sides, and 8 Col’d Eiig’vs. 5 00 3.‘ Ro'aryFull'Gilt Edges Back & Sides, arid-*14'Steeliand‘ Col’d Eiigravirigs, 7 00 .4. Extra Paper, 1m, Tui'key,1“nll Gilt,l4 Steel Hates, Maps" and Illtim. . . .1; . 9 00 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco; Ir‘ull Gilt.18Sloell;’latos.Maps and Ilium j]? 00 do. do. (10., Antique 12 00 6. Extra Paper, Turkey Mor‘ocao, Full "Grit,18’Plates,Maps,Illuni dz. Clasp, 15 00 $1,000 AY-EAfitgca-n bemade by enterprising men in selling" t 18,810.01“), and other popular works ofhours. Our‘ iiiducements to allsuch are exceedingly liberal. 1. ' “ “ i As thosobooks’ are unequalledin their me- _ ' [constriction surn‘usEn‘nn. I resent bargains. P.S.â€"'l‘he Condu- ~ Washing Soda 3d er lb. with 0\'Q1"tlllntr 0150 p a “01 0f 'o‘ 'p‘ ', ‘ ‘ '5 h ' RTGGS’BLACK OILis acknowledgodby, aliwbo ttie‘iNEiv' Street R'ailway will'bring you to our .111 clranical execution, as IWeIl as value of their contents, acertain and rapid sale follows their at the Repositoryand at the _ll/Iarnifactoryiat Markham. HALL/opens a sale room in Toronto‘- ftir tliel'ipufllosé plaCiiig' his goods in 1.1 1105111011 “willy 399953151310 ‘1" Parts Of mm“, .' E h H bufiensneid it, to be superior to Gargling Oil, or , .P V , introductioneverywhere. , 2 ° ' _ , ' 1“ ', ‘ , ’ . , _ t or edicine now before the Public for l P ' r 1' .' t d‘zt ' h ' » . - .3 _ . “ . - .. .. ' 1 ~ ‘ ' 1s -' For's'ii‘i ’le (:0 ice or for terms to aden‘ts with -,,,_ ,r, , _ , _ , _ ,, quallyCheap. _ , , my." . . . . tie ,rovuice. . ersons iimga a i. once, w 0 choose to ordeiab mail ma “.1 men the most carelu attention in-tlie so so _ g _P J o i {12“ a. ; DUGALD CRAWFORD, DUGALD CRAWFORD. 32%Sglruggga fgptgl.alez1§,bgraysdt- all inJur es to . . . . .. Y. ., ) J y r . othermformauon’ apply to of Eddie” . t“ I . » Corner'ot' Yonge arid Agnes Streets. 'l'oroiito,'Sopt‘.“‘20. 1061. ‘ ‘ ‘Pijioc, 25 cents “01111611168 1 . WM EPrcsident. These are taken in the fortieth part of a‘Second, AKIN, ' ‘ .tioa, packingandyiforviardiiigiif tillage-eds ordered,‘-_up0h‘terms as favourableto the purchaser, as though he were present. A I . JOHN E. POTTER Paws/m. Markiiamprril-«t9,1861. .‘ ' . L; . " 7 ‘ _ " ~'No.617iSanEoiu‘StLiiPhiladelphiak 4 Carper of Youge and Agnes Sta, Per bottle. Son 1) anoeueisin 147-21. " “ Toronto, Sept, 1861.‘ , .. .. .y . ‘145-1y ..‘.“..‘u. L,~-\\. .. u. . . i n .. ... .

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