Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 13 Sep 1861, p. 3

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."__'x gnlt'w .g,r,'";‘-:-JE§M;W-t‘" On the 3rd'll’lajoriGeneral'POlk issued; ' general orders for all officers and soldiers in his Department on furlough: to report without delay. ' ' ' The Richmond papers reports whatlpur» ; ports to be a reliable estimate, of the Fe- .deral force in and around. \Vaphington. The total is.11‘2,000. , ._ V V_ .V The “SOu’t'lrern papers, com plain“ that “mil-H lions ’are sent North by the banks and ca- pitalists of the South, for the purpose of buying bonds of. the Confederate States at depreciated value, .and say it is equiva- lent to giving money. to our enemies to pro- secute the war., V’A-stainpede of families took page about the 4th from Fernandina, Florida, from apprehensions by the people of a bombardment of the town by the Federal fleet. which now holds strict bloc- kade‘of' that point. The Savannah News of the 5th adds to this statement that the whole coast‘of Tldridé is blocka’de'd. The Commeg‘cial ’3 . d‘espatc Its tat csrlliat, a rebelprisirineri'aliii‘ms that tlie'rébe‘l force within‘a radius'fof’twe'ntymiles from ,Ma- nassas is 170,000." ’ Beauregard is reported to be concentra- ting his forces between Fairfax Cour House and Leesburg. ; Capt. Dore, of the' Pocahontas, has been-arrested for visiting the rebels on the Virginia shore. A SPANISH GENERAL'S OPINION OF THE FEDERAL "' ARMY. General Laua.a Spanish General, on his way home-from Cuba,was at Washington a few days after thgrotreat of the Federals from Bull Run. In a lOtter to the Did/"i0 do la Mari/to of Hav- anna, he thus criticises= the Union army :â€" It is"“iiecossar_v to see this place to be con- vinced of what is occurring and to form an idea of whatkind of affair an army is composed ofâ€" meu withoutany military habits, and led by officersâ€"~chicfls and generalsâ€"who are for the most part devoid of- the knowledge neces~ sary. Excepting the‘ war material in the transportation department. such as waggons, gun Carriages, ambulances, &c.. dim, which is magnificent, all else is a confusion of ill-clad men without any military instruction. and, what is worse, without trying to acquire it. ac- cording to appearances, since during the time I remained there 1 have seen thorn pass days and nights in the camps Without dOing anything with the exception of battalion drill for a short while in the morning and again in the ' evening. As [far asl have been able to ob- servo,lhey have no large fields for manoeuvring or target exercises, which surprises me, since I know the fondness they have for it in this country. Nothing impresses you that there are seventy thousand men in the neighbouroood proparinglfor war. Silence and tranquility reign in the city and camps, neither more nor Iessthau if everything were in a normal state. Her all I have searched, 1 have not succeed- ed in finding either cavalry Or artillery.‘ True, the latter they abandoned on the Bull Run field of battle, and the former they have never had except in comparatively insignificant numbers. What they have in draught cattle such as l-have never seen anywhere : the bar- ness and gun carriages are magnificent, all bran new, since they lost those they previously had in the battle, and that, too, in great num- bers, as ever) one says. Toodayl saw more than a thousand most beautiful mules, as good as the best which are bred lip the pastures of 3L9. Maucha (New Castle.) All of them were destined for draught service In the army; they had just COlllemfl‘Dll Moniuirlnwaertainly all that money can pgbglllfe ishadi here in abuiidaIICe‘;‘but there of Things which cannot be improvised lienc‘d'il‘ is that, according to my," opinion. these gentry will be beaten as oftonns they go into battle, at least for the-present. ' Nothing of all that issuid by‘tha Southern papers on the result of the battle is exagger- ated. Here it is known perfectly well that the Fodcralisls, besides having run away Iieltor skelter, lost- about 19.000 inu'skots, sovontv odd Cannon t?) all their waggoue and provisions. field train, tents, and a great part of their knapsacks, It is only necessary to take a peep at an encampment to notice that not ope, of theseblatt‘or Is to be Seen. The soldiers use énO‘ "more" clothing 1101‘ uniform than “Wha‘ttiwclllhhderstand’ by barrack dress.. and their clothes are 4.150 clumsily Worn. dirty and motley that it is necessary to see to be- lieve.' Beards and long hair are also very rnuclrl'in fashion. I wonder if they imagine the chemy will be frightened by showing them. dishevelled heads and dirty, hairy faces. I would require to write many pages to re- late some out Of the much which is seen about here in these days of the remarkable and strange. ButI can neither spare sufficient a time for that, nor WOuId'you have patience to read it, 1 ‘ - I By the time you receive this letter it is very probable the scene, may have been transferred more to the northward. I believe if the Southerners avail themselves duly of time and circumstances they will very soon obligegheir enemies 'to evacuate Harper’s Ferry. offer battlc‘l'o' the corps Of l’ederal troops mafih'ing through ’ Westt m V'Virgipiii,f 1.3111531 also,“ present themselves. at '.,Bnltiinore, threatening “the forces in possession there, In that case the army which is here encamped Vwill have to rcâ€" V tire to Philadelphia. and then Virginia and ' ryland will remain in the power of the S them Confederates. 1 am thoroughly convinced that this must happen very soon. I endeavoured in vain to get aglimpse of ' the Southern troops. and convinced myself that it was useless to attempt it, Their pick- ets allow no one to pass. not even thecountry people; in which' case to penetrate the country it. would be necessary to take a great round,‘ for which 1 have'not sufficient time. 'I‘o-morrow I start for New York, and after resting ' there a-day will make an excursion to Niagara; to see the bridge which therEnglish have built over the river St. Lawrence (7) proceeding on the 5th to .Quebec, to embark for Europe on the 6th. , .V M ' BIRTHS. At Richmond Hill, on. Sunday the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Law, of a son. ' At Victoria Square, on Saturday, the 3181.- the wife of J. Oves, Esq., merchant. of a son. - DEATH. At Richmond EHill. on Tuesday mornhtgAhe 10th inst». car-ah Jane, oldest daughter of Mr. lVilliam Trench. jun., aged 3 years. TORONTOWMARKETS. hind legs. git-5.37:4 : -. u- (SPECIAL. NOTICES; WWW -GOLD:GOLnn an More to be desired titan gold‘is the health of your children. Physicians are almost univerc sally "prescribing Dr, McKenzie's-Dead Shot 'Worm-Candy, it has givertsiuch decided satis- faction to all that have used it, thatit has taken the lead of all Worm Medicines now in use.â€"- ‘ Ask for Dr, McKenzio’s Dead Shot Worm- I Candy and (insure and get itâ€"in some in- stances you mav be induced to try another pre- paratiou, you may be sure the inducement held out is because it affords more profit to the seller“ Price only 15 centsâ€"4 packages for 50 cents. Sold by all respectable dealers in \Iedicines. H,â€" To Consumptlves. ‘HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. , To all who 'desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sour: (‘vnn FUR Conscription", ASTHMA, Bnoscmris, &.c. The only Object “of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to ben‘cfit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Pa‘ties wishing the prescription will please address REV. VEDVVARD A. WILSON, ‘ W'illiamsbtirgh, Kings County, New York. WORMS. For destroying I‘Vorms in children, SITTZER’S YERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the what pleasan safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try it! Sol by all ’dealers in medicines. Sold 11;”; W, S, POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, ...._,_._.T Fflcm abnerttameuta. T0 CARPENTERS! Wanted Immediately, 1X GOOD CARPENTERS. Apply to RICHARD DYER, Maple. September 12, 1861. ' 146-2 UNDER COATS- : OW receivingth Best and Cheapest as- L sortrneut of MEN’S COATS .'. Ever shown on Richmond Hill, Iii Frock. Shooting, Albert and Sack Shapes, in Full Cloth, Tweed, Doeskin, Broad Cloth, and Cassimere, made .in the Best Style by Superior Workman And will be sold as cheap as the same quality can be .old in Toronto, Please call and ex- amine our stock. WM. S. POLLOCK. Richmondllill. Sept..ll, 1861. 146 VINEGAR ! VINEGAR ! !. A Splendid quality Oj Malaso Raisin VINE- . (III R. CHEAP, Srnorx‘o and Excellent for Pickling J ust received at WM. s. POLLOCK’S. Richmond I’Iill,ISVept. 11, 1861. - i46 OST from Aurora, on Tuesday the 3rd instant, a middle sized black NEW- FOUNDLAND DOG, answering to thename “Charley.” At the time he was missed he had a black leather strap around his neck, and a fresh cut under the second joint of one of the Any person bringing him to the Rev. J. H, MCCOLLUM. Aurora. C.W,. or Mr. GEO. L. GARDEN, King Station. will be suitably rewarded. Aurora, Sept. 13, 1861. 146-52t. Camp Meeting. CAMP MEETING. in connection with the Primitive Methodist Church, Mark- ham Circuit. will be held in the Bush of Mr. JOSEPH PRETTY, Lot No. 6, in the 41h concession of'Markham. To commence on FRIDflY, SEPTEJIJBER 20, ’61, And to continue for several days. Several Ministers from a distance wlll be present. Markham, Sleptember 11, 1861. 146~2 , illill‘l'lllllllllllllll [IE First Annual Soiree of the St. Andrew’s Sabbath Schoole, Map], will be Ireldl[D.V.] in the Grove at the back of the Railway Station, Maple. on' ' 269 Thursday, September All favorable to the good cause, and particularly the Friends and Parents of the Children at~ tending the School. are cordially in vited to at- tend; Several Rov’d gentlemen wi.l deliver appropriate addresses. ' Tickets, 25 cents. Children under 12 years, 19§.ceiits.~ The proceeds to be inflicted in re- wards for the children. Childrens Tea served at 12 o’clock, precisely. Visitors " ' ‘ 1.30 -‘ V V C,llENRY ASl-IDOWN. V _ Maplc,~Sept.712.1861. ' Superintendent, NEXT OF KIN WANTED. ' UNDREDS OF MILLIONS POUNDS - STERLINGIN CHANCERY,BANK OF ENGLAND, &c., waiting claimants. A Catalogue of the heirs, and names of those to whom letters should be addressed in England, ‘will be sent post free. on receipt of 60 cents in United States’ stamps, or two for $1. Old claims must be presented at once. Refor- ences:â€"-‘A. K. Hill. Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Police, Haverhill. Addresa ‘ w. w. s. PORBETON & co. Box 250, Posr Office, Boston, Mass September 12. 1861'; 146-3m. _ DUGALD CRAWFORD, Tammi; Sérter'ribéi' 155- ' Grocer & Provision , Merchant, Fall Wheat,â€"--20.0 bshls was the extent of the“ supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were front $1 to $1 10 per bshl, Spring theat~â€"l,300 bshls in market, which sold at from $0 75 to $0 80 per bslIl. Barloy.â€"-â€"sold at from 46 to 500. Pegsâ€"2700 bshls went off at 40 and 42c per be I. ' ‘ Oatsâ€"at 28 up"; 30c pehbéhlof 'V . ,4 g. . Hayâ€"isfrotn $11 to $16 perton, $10 per ton. ~ Flour.-Vâ€"Supe'rior extra sold at $5 25 to $5 75,, Extrafiltl 75 to $5 00; Fancy, (Spring) $4 25 to 50,- Fancy (Fall) $5 10 ; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $5 '25"; Double Extra. $5 50 to $600. Butter.â€"â€"Froshis in fair supply at from 16cm 18perlb. V, I. I ' . Applesâ€"Common varieties $2 and $2 50 per barrel. Better grades$2 and $3 barrel. Eggs,â€"-Eresh from wagons 100 to I‘Jcper doz, Potatoesâ€"Vary I in V' "price from 28 to 300. Lambsâ€"scarce at $2 to $2 25 each. Calvesrâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $5 each. Beef-.Hidesâ€"Si‘sB 50 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $1 2.5 each. Calfskins 08c. perlb, Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs I Timothy’Seedâ€"‘vf’éil 80 a Clover Secd~$4 75 her 'Strawialé to $3 per bushel, bushel. cenrvaa OF YONGE AND AGNES STREETS, ' ‘ TORONTO, EGS to submit the following short price list to the residents of Richmond Hill and to the Farmers of the county, and respect- fully requests a call when in Town : Fine English Breakfast Teas from 25 3d to 55, I per lb. With a reduction of 3d per 1b. by ' " taking 5 lbs. 4 Very Fine Rich Coffees, from Is 2d to Is 6d per. lb. , . - _ _ V . Bright Dry Yellow Sugars, 12 lbs for 1 dollar. Currants [new fruit] 15 lbs. for 1 dollar. ' Vinegar [strong enough to pickle nails], ls 3d , per gallon, Soap {hard enough to build a house with]. 7} per bar. = - - Candles, 7%d per lb. Glasgow Magistrates, 7§d per dozen. Toronto Magistrates, 1§d per dozen. Starch, 7} per lb. 'Washing Soda. 3d per 1b., with everything else In. GROCERIES Equally Cheap. . _ , DUGALD CRAWFORD. Corner of Yonge and Agnes Sta, ' Tomato, Sept. 1861. - 145'ly 'per dozen. NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the. blood, and for bilious complaints,Sick Headncb ' (bettvoness, the, we should say BRIGGS’ IND VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. ' ‘ ._._..._,_. ...___._ .__..._. M... r, " . ’wsl- . O O Advrcc to Canadians I Canada 2 Canada ! heed the sound That comes to you ’cross your southern bound, Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard, Scott, Englishman, Scotchman, Irishman hot; Brothers and fathers, ye Magog and Greg, We San compare it to nothing but dog eating 0g. Two hundred thousand kinsmen with knives, Seeking nought else but each 0 her‘s lives, Met one Sundav morning at the Bull’s Run, And aimed at each Other their rifles and guns; A thousand fell nobly, the rest ran away, Vowing they’d s/row ’emâ€"some other day. Turn, Canada. turn your eyes from a sight Revolting as this to all that is right, From your neighbors’ folly learn to prepare In time of sweet peace for winter and war A long six mouths’ winter, you have soon to meetâ€" nave you calculated where to gel light & heat I If not, we entreat you, repair every man To BOOTH & son’s Store. as soon as you can. Our 111:? Rock Oil, and Coal Oil, arid Fluid for burning, . The sun to a blush for a month has beoyn turn- Ing , v If Globes. Wicks or Chimneys, you should out of them run, You can always recruit these things at noon! do sons, Or if you burn Gas. and your pipes have got leaking, Or ifyou do not. but to do so are thinking,’§*~" Just give us achance, we’ll do the thing that is right, , > And doubt not. we’ll prove, we can give to you light. But in HEATâ€"Yes in HEATING, our fame has in this, To give satisfaction we were ne'er known .to miss, We have S'I‘OVES that would turn to a tropic the pole, To convince you of this we’ll call ovor the roll, VVe’ve the [13" Standard, Emporium, Cupid and Hotspur, The Nugget. the Snow-Bird, and Railway Coal-Burner, The Ariel. thoMagic, Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian In short, we have srovns of every shape, make and kind, For coal. wood, both or either in stock you will find : Pipes , Elbows and Dumb Stoves, Shovels and Silters, Pots, Kettles and Spiders. o’en down to the Litters, We assure you, dear friends, you need not go elsewhere v - i. For Plumbing and Gas-Fittiiig,'-Hai'dware:or Tinware. Hooks, .. I.J$. Opposers we’ve routed, the roads strewed'lw‘ilhr 2'- knapsaeko, Swords. muskets and bayonets, belts, boots and haversacks. The field now is our's. and asecond Bull’s Run 15 soon at the charge made at acorn & son 1 -Leaving joking aside, a kind welcome to all [fought in our litre you wont, give us a call. SONS, COPPERI‘VORKERS, Gilli-plots. filicet-ijlron, Brass limb cub Zinc markers. Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitliiéf'si South-Fast Corner of Yonge t‘thueen Ste. r Toronto, Sept. 1861. ' l45-2m Try the truly great PAIN KILLER. BRIGGS' MA- GIC. RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its sup.- i-Iority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- tunded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cents bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. ' w THEHERtlES or rater, THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTHONY, No. 501 BROADWAY, an , YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits. the celebrated collection kuOWn iii Europe and America as BRAD Y’S NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPch PORTRAIT GALLERY. in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Davis, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, $3.00 Can be sent by mail, Scenes of the War for the Union, are published,card size,and in stereoscopic form ALSO, Stereoscopic Views OfScenos in Paris, London, and in other parts ofEngland and France; in Scotland, Ireland,Wales, Holland, Switzer- land, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land. Chi- iia, India, Cuba, &c. &c , ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest lVondcr of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part ofasecond, and the rushing of water, the moving of vehi. cles, or the march of an army. does not in the slighest degree affect the taking of these views, They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of STEREOSCOPES. PHOTOGRAPch ALBUMS, and _ Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, containing lists of all our l’or- traits, Views, Stereoswpes, &c., sent free by mail,lon receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Hotel,New York. ' September 5, 1861. 145-1): IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lun s and Thr t. 5 bottle. g on 2 cents per C. W. COLEMAN, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, no. 283 YONGE srnnrz'r, roaonro, 4‘ IRST store north Of Crookshank-street.â€"â€" Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All work warranted. N.B. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept on hand. i ‘ Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. 14.5ma enemas on. suemsanan. HIGGS’ .BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Gargling Oil, or any .otber Medicine now before the Public, for Sprouts, Bruises, Cuts, Gulls, and all injuries to Horseflesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine- , voters." energimnuricrnv BULU§IfiHt1 at Newmarket, wi'l receive prompt attention. Shopâ€"~Within 'Eight. Rods of Raymond’s l‘lote "when upward“ bf, $1,200 will iiibé » Offetled {- . ' 3v 1 Int BORROWER. , L 5,, J. “firming .t. .0. “I. __ ,.I-.IARL S DURAND, 'Barr‘Ister, Toro‘nto, , _ y_ ‘ , 9 to 5p Auirllals or Articles intendej for como- G l Vl’lllh “end lhe Dll'lsm“ (10“"5 3‘ R‘Ch‘ Ammcauons for Loans “in be “waived b) _ Produce or Manufactured Article in the‘ same I trance thereto 12; the Province. . A r... .2‘. :«vkl'frx‘Aâ€"VL“ ~: &- ':*';-‘a£.Â¥f-:‘ - t,” \.-~_ 1 I To the Ownersof Non-Residentiliaiidil'l‘Hoiiscis a » = it . ‘ ' essences... ' ' CllllN'l‘IES (W “Hill & PEEL} wo HAar‘AeseiLeTsiéttrm a good 4' . ‘ â€"â€"""°' ' y ‘ 2i.-‘,Dwelling'lrlouse'on each»."pleasantly;gsit§l.~‘ HIS is to notify you that your lands are subject annually (in additiOn to-the taxes)“ to a surcharge of ten per cent if not paid prior to the first day of MAY in each. year. and it'- not paid Within five years, theywill be returned toxthe Sheriff for sale. ‘ ‘ - . ~ - . .» J. s. HOWARD, Letters ' Treasurer U. a. Y. .5. P. Remainin gin RICHMOND IIILLPostOfIice United Counties York and Peek} SEPTEMBER 1, rest. - August 14, 1861. CHARLES H. MILLER, Manufacturer 62. Wholesale Dealer in Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes . SNUFF, &c. v No, 189 Yonge' Street,ETOronto. A call is respectfully solicited. 145-1y Iage. are offered for sale o'n'very reasonable gather to suit purchasers, , > For terms and Other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WUOT'I‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Office. ' I I - ' Oak Ridges, June 27, 1861. PHOTOGRAPHS: PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best 135-3m. 1a.... , l.- . Linfoot. John Moore, Robert Munshaw, Wm. Mcbarry, Edward McGee, James McGee, John McBetb. A. McCartney, Robert O’Brien. Michael Powell. Wm. - Robinson, Robert Ritchie. Wm. . Stung; Peter . Smith, Joseph ".Skiinrerg'l‘. Simpson, James, Storey,‘Robert ’ ' Thompson, Robert Tomson, John ‘M. TEEFY,P.M rirriirs, hurrah Bowman, Thos._ Bernard, H, G. Basingtwait, Wm'. Connolly, Ann Coulter, Mr. Craik, Peter Endersby, Joseph Ewing, Wm._ Fox, Benjamin Forrester, Mrs. Grey, Wm. Grant, Georgii(4). . Grainger, Joséph‘. Hewitt, Robert V Harris. Mr. (2.) ’75 Herbert, Daniel Jenkins. .1. M. Klinck, Polly Killips, Win, Lee, Reuben . ; ;. WANTED, s an APPRENTICE to the HARNESS BUSINESS, a BOY about 16 years of Apply to ' a e. . 4 . g WILLIAM HARRISON. Richmond Hill, Aug. 15, 1861. 1452-44. ' Ambrotype (and Photograph GALLERY rN CANADA,- ON RICHMOND fllLL. '_ , . ,8" I , , _ EdWin 'Wébbér.. ‘ “ ‘ ‘ . EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Richel V r mond Hill and VICE-lily, lhat' he hast _ I g E a, , > , ’ ’ 4’ JAMES BAWE, Two doors south of the “ York Herald” Office. t’roprietor and Principal Operator where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, Ofthe best quality, cheap for cash. inmm": Apr“ 19' 1861' I l I ’3’ . ' a u v Boston Rocking Chairs.,..............$I55 _‘ EXAMINE '1 HE LA'I EST Common Chairs, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 45 V V, NEW AND ' _ I V . _ V gedsleads. from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I75 y _ g T « ,, _ ureaus,from.... ,, . . . . . 700 j , __ And other awe-16$ Tina") low; ‘ OULD you secure a valuable and ornaf BEFORE buying any other Fanning Mi”... $3 A 0311]. IS $01101t6d. \ mental Work of Reference I‘Subscribd considered by competent Judges to be, the 01‘ 010 Richmond Hill, June 7,1861. l32-ft best constructed 'Mill before the Canadian _ Typographical, Statistical public for separating Oats from Spring VVhoat. F. Brown . . I v ’ . Peas and Outs. and for cleaning in factall BROKER ’ d AAM}U C d kinds ofGrain. This Millstands unrivalled ’ us . to a 0 V er ana a is made ofgood ’ Estate and General Agent, 1 In, ‘ .1, ,Pp . - “ _ n In preparation by (160. C. Iremaiue, the old D URABLE MATERIAL ! ‘6‘" m“ and wall-kno‘wn publisher of Descriptive County Maps. (halonial fllit'e Qtssnranra QIo’pQ ' 1 NIASONIC HALL, Toaou'ro STREET, TORONTO- V 11'? Money to Lend On Improved T‘Farmq April 19. 1861. 125-13' And is, from its construction. the best for Far- mersuse in the Province. They are manufactured by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill. to whom all orders should be addressed. . g. ‘ ll? Farmers would do well 'to call’and ex- amine the Mill, Wh-en passing ddwn Yonge' St. Orders left at the residence of'Mr. Southard, ll? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto, May 1861.. j 138:“, Canada Permanent Building AND SAVIN'GS’ SOCIETY. EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTH! J1 gents W’anted. ' WE want an active agent in every Countv in the UnitedStates and Canada.to~ sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of 'l'ravelling Agents we will pay a salary of $40 per Month & all Expenses. 'I‘o local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on; all sales. V Every machine is warranted to give univera. sal satisfaction, and kept in repair six months, Recent impr0vements renders this machine the cheapest and most popular in the market. For full particulate and a permanent business, ad- dress. With stamp for return letter, V HARRIS BROTHERS. V sou. AGENTS FRANKLIN SEWING MACHINE co 137~3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: Invnsrnn 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,365: ANNUAL Income ‘ anon MEMBERS, $300,000. SOUI‘HARD, BOYNTON & Co Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. 138-fi Officeâ€"Masonic I-Iall. Toronto. Diuncrons.-â€"Joseph D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordheirner, Thos. D. Harris. ' Sonicn‘on,â€"â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND TnEAsqun,â€"â€"J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- ’ fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- daring it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clergy-- V men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt Of salaries, and those whose income 18 de- » rived from their capital. SAinvos’ BANK Bantamâ€"Sums of Four Dollars and upwards are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing FAEEULERXIR I AST York and the Township of Markham Agricultural Societies will hold a. UNION FALL FAIR A.sizes-rarituriranvrtlfirMARKHAM. Wednesday-Voucher out, 1861, RICIIMOND HILL - t .i w, for Prizes.- .. i ' i i i r; ' 1 interest at Six per cent. Per annum. TheOa- .; l H J,‘ U" 1 - ‘ ' ‘ ' i ' «piial and Assets Of the Society, investedin RULES &' .REGULATIONS i I _ HE inhabitants of Richmond Hill and ‘vi- morgue-9‘ ‘0“ first-Class. landed pront", wing pledged for the soCurity of‘in-oney'thus‘received, depositors are at ’all times assured of perfect safety. " 1. Members W110 have Pflld their IEUbSOTlP- cinity are respectfully informed that the tions. are entitled to enter' their Stock or other duties of the Schoolâ€"both in the Grammar and Articles Without charge; .. Common School Departmentâ€"law ere- resumed 9. No person allowed to compete as a Mom- on MONDAY, the 12th instant. her, who has not become such on or before the , I I V RNER' AIBI 20th of September. 1861. ' ' AR FHUR’ E ’ v'ances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayablc by instalments ~ Pri'wiplll- spread over any term the applicant chooses. 3. Persons other than Members desirous of . _ __ - h I competinrr, niust pay $2, entrance: . Richmond Hill, August 15. 1861. 142-4t. from 0119 10 10“ Mars- 13 . V - Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, IF DESIRED 4. No party exhibiting shall interfe o with the Judges whilst in discharge oftheirduties, by conversation or otherwise, under forfeiture Law Notice. the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. H. Smith, Newinarket. from whom Circulars and the Rules of the, Society, together with any” fuitbe‘r'inftlrmation, maybe" obtained; If? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12. 1861. mend llill. Markham Village. King and New- ~>otition must“ he on the round earl" and, , i g 3’ market, in September, whereho Will be happy entered with the Secretary, (whdl-will attend ' , _ H at SIZE’S, Unionville, for-that purpose,) at 8 to attend to any busmcgss of his friends pro- o’clock. a.m.. on the morning of the Fair. fessrcnally. .O'ljlcof 00m“ 0f AdelaldeVV‘md The books will be closed at 11 a.m.: after that Youge Streets. IOfOlllO. ' I ‘ ' “ ‘ hour no entry will be'mad’p.‘ -- ‘~ ' Teronto. August 1861. . 6. NO person exhibiting a Manufactured ' ' " Article shall be entitled to a premium, al-_ though one may have‘been aWarded' him. unless he is the bonafirle owner grid manufac- ttirei'ct' the samé‘during 1861 '- 7. All Agricultural Produce entered -‘for‘ comi etition must be actually raised by and be the property of Exhibitors, and .the growth of the year 1861. ' ' . ’ 8. No Exhibitor shall be 'entitlcd' 'to two premiums for the same kind of Agricultural " 1431... team. '_ GEORGE BAKIN. , Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, fOrtbeir liberal support. In past years. and Soliciting the continuanceof‘thatpatronage, cordially Invites an inspection of his present Stock of ‘ ' class. 9. Blood Stallions must have Pedigree pre- perly attested. and exhibited On the day of the Show, if required. » I 10. Durham and Devon Cattle, Bulls. Cows and Heifers, must have their Pedigrees properly" attested, and exhibited on the day of Show, if required. ~~ ‘ 11. Ayrshire Cattle must also be properly attested as to purity of blood, 7 A TENT is Secured for the occasion ;- En- cents. Messrs. MILNE, CARTER, ECKARDT and DAVIDSON, are appointed to super-intend the Tent and Grounds, to either of whom all applications must be made. as to the arrange- inent of Goods for Exhibition. Dinner wtll be prepared by Mr. Size, Immediately after the Exhibition. Premi- ums will then be declared. T. A. MILNE, J. r. WHELER, . \VHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, ' ' Being made Neat, Substantial and from the best Imported Material. He will also make to order. every description of :V CHEAP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED CREDIT. 01;" Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Come one, come all, and buy of me, _ For I have Buggies, as you will see, , That are neat, that are strong, and Without doubt Are much superior to any turned out! . President. President. V _ WM. EAKIN, A. BARKER, My terms are easy, my price is smallâ€"- ..§3::f‘:a.......... A. s. » Pray do not target to give me a can- Markham,‘ August 22. 1861. i t 14344. Umom'lue! JUIY 18. 1861f 138-6m_ AGES. CARRIAGES. ‘ MR. 0. r. HAIL,“ . .- ilkltespectfully announces: that he has Opened \Vareromns in Toronto, for the Sale of.his CARRIAGES, G ARRI ,. . .. 03.", Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. l-Ioivland, Fitch 8L Clo. , R. HALL, in [introducing himselfto the public,- feels that he is not a strangenas his Carriages have been lung andfavoral’ly known to many ofthe largest and most judicious pdrcliasers in the Province. He has for the last ttvelve years been con, stantly engaged in". the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every improvement which: as been introduced, either in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. He has always exercised the most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. of those who have tested the durability this work - A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CARRIAGES - r ,, - y 7- _. v ; 7Wil-l be Kept constantly on. hand, ‘ Both at the City Repository and at thefManufactory. at Markham. Mr.IIIALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the parpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts at lion, packing and forWarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. ‘ Markham, April 19,1861"... - I v t > ateid about halt'a mile north of Markham “VII-i“ terms. I They WIII'DIJQ‘ sold separately ‘orV-jtp-j" To BORROWaas.-L-This SOciety makes nd-E' UNIONVILLE CARRIAGEFACTORY ‘ caucuses, BUGGIES, &c. Light 5; Heavy Wagon s5 Gigs, Stilkiesi Buckaboards, Sec. This has been fully lemonstrated in the experience ‘ 1 .Persons living ata distance, who choose to order by mail, may-rely upon the most careful attcntion in'thc selec- - «stirrinWsS-hmerM :7“: ‘ "-1116: ' ‘“';‘.9'7-7-x 2th.. ' "Tit PEthLE’S linear roots. 1 Mail, postpaid. to any address, on re- ceipt of price by'JOHN'E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617V Sansom St. , Philadelphia, Pa. ‘Ilflngent‘s- want’ed everywhere. restraint, A‘N-D' iris planets}: ROBERT-“JENNINGS, V. S., Pnornsson 0E PATHOLOGY Ann OPERA'rivn'SUR- GERY IN THE VETERINARY Common or PHILA- DELPHIA, PROF. or Vu'rlzamanv Manicqu IN THE LATE AGRICULTURAL t OLIJCGE 0'13 Onto, SECRETARY or 'rnr. AMERlCAN V VETERINARY ASSOCIATION or l’HI-‘ LADELI’HIA, r;-rc., Iz'rc. ‘ n: It» K’tLL TELLIYOU Of the Origirifllistoryand distinctive traits of the various breeds of Euro-- pean,Asiatic,African and American Horses, with the physicalformation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age, by the number and condition of‘his teeth ; il- lustrated with many explanatory eirgarvrngs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, shoeing. and, the gen’ral management ofthe horse,with ‘tbd best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting,Kicking.Rearing, Shying,; Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and treatment ofStrang‘es. Sore Throat, Dis- 5 temper,Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu- monia, I’leprisy. [Broken \Vind, Chronic. Cough, Roaring and Whistling,l..ampas.Sore ‘ Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with ' other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory *‘ Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES - WILL TELL YOU Of thecauses, symptoms, ' and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretious, Ruptures, » Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, I‘lepatil‘rma, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases of the Stomach, Bovi’els, Liver and Urinary Organs. 'I‘HE‘Iâ€"IORSF. AND‘HIS DISEASES . WILL TELL YOU 01' the causes, svrnptoms,‘7 and Treatment of'Bone Blood, and Bog, Spa- viu, Ring-Bone. Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal‘s, Founder, Sole Bruise and Cravel, Grackod, Hoofs. Scratches, Can- ker, Thrush, and Corns: also, of Megrims, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Staggers, and other dis.- eases of the Feet, Legs and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, l’oll Evil, Glan- ders..Farcy. Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfelt, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. &c., and how to manage Castration,Bleeding,’l‘replrinning, Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Ainputation,'l‘api- ping, and other surgical operations THE HORSE 'AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL. YOU of Rarey’s method of taming Horses: how to Approach, Ilalter or Stable a Colt; 'how to »‘ accustom a horse to strang sounds and sights, aid how to Bit. ' Saddle, Ride. and Break him to harness: also.the form and law of l’Varranty. The ‘ whole being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe 'habits, pecularitios, wants and . weaknesses of this noble and useful animal! The book contains 384 pages. appropriater illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. , It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to anv address, postage paid, on receipt of price. half bound, $1.00, or. in cloth, extra, $1.25. - THE FAMILYDOerar. - A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESth _. BY . Professor Henry S. Taylor, MI). TAYLOR’S FA Mth DOCTOR has reached .=. an enormous sale,and wuerevor known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and , others. In plain language, free from medic: technicalities, itgives you simple remedies» easily obtained for the cure of Disaases in all forms,with important rules for preserving the liealtli,laud directions for the sick chamberfirm and theproper treatment ofthe sick. The Dis- eases ol Childhood,the Diseases Of NIJaifflIOiod,‘ if and the Diseases peculiar to VVom'en, are all treated of in a clearand practical wav. Al- ways at hand. and ready to ’serve you, the simple receipes of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume, It is printed in a clear and“ open type. and illustrated with appropriate engravings. V Neatly bound in cloth, price. $1, or in leather, $1.25. THE LIFE OF Our Lord and Saviour esus Christ I' ‘f BY REV. JOHN : I" " CAREFULLY anvrsm) I v ' ' BY REV. JOSEPH BELCIIER, D.D. HE LIFE OF JESUS CH RIST is the phi- losophv of trite religion. It exhibits. the Principles of Christianity in their puritv and. beauty. It is perfect excellence persoriitiod. that the mind of man may grasp it. and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With sueh com- ments, explanations and incidental in forma- tion'as to render it alike acceptable to the " scholar. as to ‘him who knows no more, but knowsliisBiblo true.’ Belolier’s revised edit.- ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, His- M tory of the“J'OWs, andan Essay on the Evi- dences ofthe Bible It is printed in a clear and open type. in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustrated, and will be furnished , in the following styles 2-â€" . ClothExtra" . . . . .. . . .. . . . .Price, $2 00 Law SheOP,J.--occoco o . . . . . u Cloth, Full Gilt.. . . . . . . .V . . ” 3- 00 Root]. Full Gilt,............ “ 350' THE. HOLY BIBLE OUR EDlTIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE : are unequalled for their durability, finish, elegaiice,aiid completeness: no effort hav- ing been spared to render them per-fethin ' every respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style contains the Apcry- pha._ Concordance, Psalms , in Metro, Carine’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures Weights, Coins, doc, The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed, in large sized type,in one royal quarto Volume. with a neat Family Record and Illustrations. ' I (u I. Emb.Leather,Marb,Edges, Gilt Back in the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWART dz. Co- and 10 Engravings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 75 2. Emb» Leather, Niall) Edges, Gilt ‘ Back.&. Sides, and 8 Col’d Eng'vs. 5 00 ' 3. Roan,Full Gilt-Edges Back .82. Sides, . and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 7 00'. 4. Extra Paper, 1m, Turkev,Full Gilt,l4 . ‘Stoel Plates, Maps and Illum. ,-. . . .V '9 00' 5. Extra Paper, 'I‘urkey Morocco, Full ' " do.‘ do. _'do. Antique 1200 6. Extra. Paper, Turkey Morocao, Full Gilt,18 Platengaszllum & Clasp, 15 00 $1000 A YEYA‘Rican‘be made byenterprising men in selling the above and other popular exceedingly liberal. . As these books are unequalled in their me- chanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their ' introduction everywhere. ‘ For single copies, or for terms to agents,with ~: other information, apply. to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, ‘_ No. 617 Sansom St.. Philadelphia,P ‘ " ANY of these Books will be forwarded by IVILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, - FLEETWOOD, 0.1)., ~ For Family and Pulpit Use. Ghats Steel Plates.Maps and Illuin 12 700' : works of ours. Our inducements to allsuch are _ - fit out a

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