Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 26 Jul 1861, p. 3

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$.32 INTERâ€"COLONIAI: .. :RAIE- .. , WAY. .. ' â€"â€" t ‘ ~t. . I -. From the Scottish American Journal. ' Tim project of railway communication between the continental colonies of British North America shows signs of revival. It issliuuilatcd hfyMthe present troubles in the; by the,i“cstr ictions on irri- ‘portations to the colonies throuoih this country, and by the war tall; of the Amcri can newspapers. More than-twenty ycars have passed since the plaiiof railtvaymmn- munication between Halifax and Quebec was designed, and since. LQI‘d purhuinen- forced‘ithe’ constritction of suéli‘ a rodd in his famous dispatch. Twirlve years ago, .tlie'O‘nIy feasible route for military purposes was Surveyed by the imperial ~eiigincers “and their report. attesting its practicability 'pi‘eScuted to I’a.,liamcnt. Since lbcn Canada'aud’ Nova > .Scotirl havejat their own expense Completed portions of’tbe .J'Oatliithile'c'w Brunswick “has bu-ifI-‘afilini. from St. :John- to the Gulf shore, whiCh would be an important feeder t0 the Grand Trunk Interâ€"colonial Road. Three hun- dred aiitliififty miles, from Truro in Nova . Scotia, throuin New Brunswick lo Riviera .du Loupin Canada rmuaiuto be built,and etowards th'e consti'uction'aiidequipment ol this portion the assistance of the British .G’oveinment is sought. The estimated eitpense of this, railway. including . rolling stock, is thrceiiiillions sterling. Canada, ,New Brunswick and Nova Scotia , have agreed to. grant the right of way, through their public lands and through private pro- ‘perty, ‘to give the imgranted lands ten miles on each side of the line,‘and to indemnify the Imperial Gt veriniiciit to the extent of sixty thousand pounds a‘ycar. Thus it is _estimated that the whole risk to the Impe- rial Exchequer is reduced to the sum 'df PEC’UssiomC-‘APS -.‘DISPENS£QI,\VITH. *LlellttfllanfithfflBl‘al (Dupont, Inspector~ ,Gcneral ofartillery, hasjust,becn-chargeil, by Order of the King of the Belgians’to address a report to the Minister of War on an invention cplculated to lead to a complete Change in military 'arangemcnt. It is a new kind of’iiiusket, for which no i’pcciission cap is uscd. "The (tops ‘nowiu use are subjrct to great inconvcnii-nco, as they require considerable outlay and cau~e a great loss of tune, and it will therefore he a very. important point if they can be dispensed with. The inventor is a French- man now'iu Druss’cls. W 'roitos. To MARKETS. THURSDAY, July 25. Fall Wheat-43000 lislils was the extont oftlio supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid. for tbo best samples were from $1 to $107.8r'bslll, Spring Wheatâ€"13200 bshls in market, which sold 11. from $1) 75 to' $5” 73 per lislil. Barley-sold- at from 28 to 35c. _ I’oas.-‘~27UU bshls want 011' at 4!) and 45c per l)shl..~~. Oatsfsi-at 26 and 300 per bslil. Hayâ€"is from 331:2 to $14 per ton, per ton. » 1"loiu~.-~~â€"Sup.o,rfiiie extra sold at $4 Onto $1 15, Extra‘jffii 2’5 to fill; Fancy (Spring) $4 56 to $4 75; Fancy (Fall) 10; to $5 25; Extril, $5 to $5 $23 : Double Extra, $5 50 to $6 tit). Button. --'I‘,u15 is in fair supply at from 14c to 14 per lb. 1. ‘ v Pork-7918 incfaii request. ..For Hogs averaging 16‘.) lbs $5150 and _ $5 9U has been paid, and those averaging 2.),0. lbs $5 and $5"'6U-â€"Ill€l latter being the extreme figure. L Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 per barrel. llettcr grades $1.511 aiid~$2 barrel. If;ggH,£-I‘VI‘BSII front wagons 9c to 15¢,- pcrdozcn, Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 70 to 75c. Sheé'pâ€"â€" are“ in demand, at from $3 :50 to $4 5o est-h. . * LauiIisâ€"scarco at $2 to $9 25 each. . Calvbdâ€"aro in good supply at $4 to each. Beefâ€"IlidnsLâ€"Sfl 50-por3101) lbs. Slit-op and Sti'iiw $5 to sixty thousand a yearm-less by lwulye lamb skiiis$123 eacli.' Calfskins 08c. perlh, "thousand than the Gulivay subsidy. But leven'this comparatively trifling amount, ‘ this ‘llca-hite,’ 35 Mr. Disraeli would Say if he were Chanccllor ot the Emileâ€" quer, will not be needed; it will only he required to be guaranteed. It now costs .(he British Government ncarly Lall amil- lion of pounds sterling a year for the con- -veyance of mails, military stores aiid‘troops between Halifax and Qucbcc, more than .atschnth of which is absorbed oy the first item. rTlie inter-colonial railway would save the Imperial'I’ost office this large ex- "ficnditure,“or rather, the corivcyaiicc of _ Her h‘Iajesty’s mails would be undertaken in turn for Her hulajesty's guarantee of Si thousand a ycar, effecting on this item alone a clear saving of ten thousand pounds. ’ vil‘he’ saving on the military item would also 'be large. Here, then, is the opportunity afforded to the. Imperial Government cf effecting a positive saving in money, heâ€" sides‘ pa'pablc advantages to the empire for buSiuess and for dcf.:iicc, at the cost of a guarantee amounting to no more than a well-to-do Duke’s income. But Governments are slow to acccpt risks, howevcr‘slight. ._A aiuincrousaand very influential body of members of Par- liament, capitalists and engineers, interestâ€" edniu colonial affairs, have had an interview with tho Duke “of Newcastle on this subâ€" jcict. But we cannot gather from the re- port of- the proceedings hat the rcsult has been entirciy satisfactory. The Duke was alive to the policy of connecting lhe colon. less by a railway, but dead to the means of» raising the moncy. “ In the first place, he must know who proposed to build the line, and next he must have the tcrins which they would consider requisite before proceeding to truth.” In brief. llt’ want- ed definite proposals from responsible per sons, before making undertakings for the l u, British Government. Mr. Baring, how- ever, was of the opinion that the Govcrm Intent should be the first to speak. They should first say ththcr they would grant, Aid and to what exrcnt. But the Duke T'vvas severely practical ; there was no comâ€" .pany, there Were no Calculations, no esti- mates as to the cxpcusc of the line, and no securitieson behalf of the colonies for the-payment of their shares; and the re- sulftfwnshtliat the interview terminatcd on the understanding that a company would be formed, and that a feasible plan ofopcr- zitions'avoultl have the support of" the Duke with his colleagues in the ministry. In the meantime there is a possibility of the. matter being brought before Parliaâ€" ment by the Earl of Elgin. If it. should "co ‘ before the Commons and Mr. Ilali- uburt u will only cOiisent to withhold his trttculcnt advocacy of the proposal. tho year may not close without the first step being taken to place Britain in direct com-‘ munication with the far West of Canada. .in winter as in summer, without the risk of interruption from any foreign power. Tar. GIRL-SOLDiiciisâ€"ll OUND To Go To THE WARs.â€"'l“lio young girl who has recently fig- tured before the public so much in boy's clothes, .nnd who seems dctariiiiiicd to make a sensa- tion, was up again on Saturday Ilor memo is Caroline Ulcscn. 8113 is about sixteen years ..old,aud makes a fine looking boy, but. a vcrv "ordinary girl She has \Vlll'llll three weeks out up more didos than usually tal s to the lot of a liiotimofiof femiiiitv. She ran away from ‘Iihome. cut. her hair close to her head. put on ‘b‘oy’s clothes. cavortod around in promiscuous style for a while, enlisted in the ariiiv, hired out"!!! an office-boy. and finally tricd td d"own hersclf. She was then taken home, where she remained buta brief ti-iiio. On Friday night alto was found in the ranks of tho Zouave regi- ment with her boy’s suit on again, and a mus- ket on her shoulder. Being discovered,shade~ ‘ii'ied hersex,aiid said her name was John. She supported this character by producing a letter, "which sho said Was from Iior mother, bidding ail-affectionate farewell. and oxliortiiigths bold soldier-lioy=to- go and do his duty to his country. Ilturned out that the letter was genuine, but that it belonged to a bonmlfizlc Johnfrom whom she had bbrrowed it. She lavas. declared contra- band; aiidput. into the hands of. the policenvho matchedhm to the. lock-up, where she Staid all night. On Saturday morning she came before the Police court, and was delivered into the hands of her father. Who is an aged and repu- table man. Ile seemed to‘ think that he could do 8 nothing With her, but the air with which ,pho lite/aired the adi‘iiomtions of the Court. "5110de very plainly that she was beyond cou- trbig Horjappearance was that ofa boy oil'seven- teen or éig‘liteén, large for the age. She ovi~ dently believes that her destiny is not \et ful- filled. end more will he heard of her pi'ecadil- loom-kcvl'ilcngo Times. wt." ‘ An‘or‘tru'qf the Canada Grimm postpones tile [iterating of Parliament till the 23rd August flit; ‘ O“ Tallow, $7 per [(111 lbs ' ‘ - Ililllloll‘l v Seedâ€"$13 80 a $3 per buslio Cl'ivor 360111â€"954 75 per bushel. W ‘5‘, _.._4 D.l do. At Ricliijibnd Ilili,on saturday morning, the 20111IllSlatll,jI\’IAltY,GALL‘KROUGH, wife of Mr. Charles Shepherd, agctl 33 years. The fun- eral took place on Sabbath afternoon. to the Burying Ground at 'I'noriiliill. I'Ier remainS were accoiiipnniodtotheir-last resting place by a verv large number of mourning friciids uiid acqn aiiitancés . S I’ECI A L. NU'I‘ICES. ' I NE PLUS ULTRA. ‘Dr. MdKonzie’s Dead 'Sliot VVoerCandy is the Na Plus Ultra. of all Worm Medicines, ii never has failed in one single instance where a child or adult wore troubled with worins.-â€"lt is wa'ii'iintcil ’pui‘oly vogitahleâ€"and being in form of .11 Sugar Caudy-St'ck. no child can detec. its Medicinal lastsâ€"No other Medicine required With it.â€"And it is sold by every doaleriii Medi- cine at the exceedineg low price of 15 cents, or four packages for 50 cents. Genuine has the {ac-similio signature of II. E. I‘v‘IcKEt‘i‘ZIE. M.D. . Glasgow, Scotland. On each Wrapper. Try it Once and judge for yourselves. Dealers can be supplied by all wholesan deal-31‘s in Drugs and Medicine in Canada. To Consumptives. ‘IIE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple reinod v, after having suffered several years with a severe lung afi‘ectiou, and that dread disease, Coiisuiiiptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of e prescription uscd tfree of charge), with the directions for prepaiing and using the same, which they will find a sour: ('imv; you J‘t‘li‘SUi'iII’TIUN. As'rHMA. linoxcui'ris, &c. The only object of the advertiser iii soiidiiig'tlio Prescription is .to benefit. the affiictcd. and spreadinformation which he conceives to be invaluable, and Lo hopes evri‘y sufferer will try his roiiiedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Patios wishing the prescription will please address _ - REV. EDVZARO. A. VV-ILSON, Williamsburgli, Kings County, New York. r-..” . v _. ___.__-______._ a firm “uncrit’sdtrma. W Grist: and Saw; Mill ! ’ II‘E Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at tho I'Ieadford Mills, begs to infoiun th’e‘iii ‘that‘lie has taken the MILLS sherborne Mills Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yoiige Street.â€" Those Mills being It] first-rate order, any one aivi lg“ him a call will find the Gristiug done in a supcrir‘r manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. 11? All work warranted secondto none in Canada. GEORGE SQUIRE, , J I V I’ropriotor. Markham, April 19,1861. 125-tf Y Y Y CLAII‘WOYAA'I‘ MI} BtlTAMll PHYSICIAN. l,\ RS. Dr. SWAN, at No. 530 Yonge Street, .L ' Toronto, has been vervsuccessful for 16 years in the treatment of all Chronic and acute diseases,_and has cured many obstinate cases, which had bullied the skill of the most expe- iieiici-d mineral Physicians, She requires no pullout to dcsCribo his syi‘iiptoms, but can tell him of every ache and pain: and her exami- nations are reliable : there is no guess work in thorn.- Her rciiicdics are not poisons, but such as afflicted 11811116 rcquii'us. 'l‘unms zâ€"For Examination according to the old method, free. Clairvoyant Examination, thorough and reliable. $3. Medicine accord ing to length of treatment. Toronto, July A 4, 1861. BROWN is ALL us. illilli Illlll l l Preserving time has come 13 lbs. Bright Porto. Ricco Sugar, for one dollar. 14, lbs. Bright Cuba Sugar, for one dollar. .9 ll)9.-Ct‘llb‘lled LoafSugar, for onodollar With a nice assortment of ‘Fllstfislfis GEEOCERIEER ’A'i‘ TORONTU PRICES. At WM. ‘3. l’()l.l.(>(7K'S, ‘ ‘ (lato G. A. Bai‘iiard‘s); Richmond Hill, July 17. lo‘lil. lllllllill, lifhliiiililll FANNING MILL, ' .EEORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€"â€" considered by coiiipetentJudges to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats from Spring Wheat. Peas ,and'Oats. and for cleaning in fact. all kinds of Grain. This Miil stands unrivalled, > is made of good D UR.le LE 11le TERIAL ! And is, from its construction, the bustle: I‘mâ€" iiiers tisc in the Province. They are n'iaiiufactui-i-d by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should be atldrosrcd. _ 1L? Frirliiers would do Well to call and ex- amine the .Vlill, \vliou passtng down Yonge St, Ordors left at tliu’residoiico of Mr. Southardi at Nowmarkot, wi I receive prompt attention. Shopâ€"\Vithiii Eight Rods of Raymond’s Hole] ‘1 8011 i‘II-‘xltD, BOYN'I‘ON & Co. Richmond Ilill, July 18. 1861. EKarvesc Pant-9 l: l ,\ GOOI) Assortment, in Linen and Cotton [IL Drillsâ€"«well made, in all sizes-drum 35 lid per pair: also a nice s"lt-'Cllml of Summer COATS, PAiV'I'S and VES'I'S, in. various , Material, Diiiablo and of the Nowcst Styles - l Call at ‘ ' \VM. I’OLLOC'K’S. [Lalo G. A. Barnard’s.] Richmond Hill, July 18, 1861. 138 NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canada! for tho ‘ Typographical, Statistical TOULD you sccuro a valuablo and orna- mental Work of Reference? Subscribe AND Illustrated Map of Upprr Canada, In preparation by (ion. C. 'I'rernaino, the old and well-known publisher County AIupt. til} Residents of the Province ovorvwhe'o will he (callcd on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto, May 1861. 138-tf Canadian-Paperfiir the Can adian'Pcople, ' BUY IT !' "iBUY‘IT! 'SUllS'CRIBE! THE HOME JOURNAL I ‘1 \Vooltly Canadian Family Newspaper, is 1 printed in Toronto, and published every Saturday. " Ticmis or suscnmrtos : $1 50 per aiiiium. in advance: $51 for eight months: 50 cents for four months. Aiiv p01" son seiidiu'f,r the names of five subscribers with this iiiodey. fur'eitlier at" the above terms, will be entitled to one copy for his trouble. Single copies four cents. To be had of the principal N ewe A gents - * v The ablcat writers in Canada contribute to the lloMi;JoURNAL. Every number contains an origins] Tale, evpressly written for it, to- gctbcr with Original Essays. I’ociiis, 55.0.. by male and female authors. It has, among its departiiionts, an “ Editor’s Round Table,” a “Ladies Cabinet,” and a " Letter Box.” It is‘alreudy a great favorite. The Ladies liko it! The Gentlemen like it! The Press ap- plaud it as the best Literary Paper-ever started in Canada, ' " ‘ ' ‘ A highly interesting,Canadiaii Backwoods story (the Scenes and Characters of v. hich are real) from the brilliant pen of Mr. James M:- Carroll, entitled 'NEW 31133 BLACK Will soon bonni’nineiicodiii the Home JOURNAL Those who ivir-li to possess correct ideas re- garding early pioneer life in Upper Couada. as well as ofIiidian habits and character, sliodld read this story. _ . . . All Letters and Communications should be addressed. {post paid) to - ' VVILLIA M H ALLEY Publisher "' Ilome'JouriiaI” Toronto. A An" agent; to whom 'a liberal commission will be alldwcd, wanted for eacli’of the Post Office Districts of l’pper' and Lower Canada.â€" Roleronces required. LIN-s AND - _‘.7v1:rlv°,P1:IJi~Tsr AT REDUCED PRICES! US '1' to hand a nice assortmentof the BEST GOODS on the Hill, for One York Shil- ling per yard. Makoyour purchas gas-before the best patterns are soloéted.’ Please call and see them. ‘ . _, . WM; S. POLLOCK, «(Late G. A. Barnard). 18,1861.,='~ 0' 138 ' Richmond um, Jul;- pill BIRD LOST. ' .SCA ’ED from the premises of the Sub- scribor on Sunday last, a yellow c'ock CANARY. Aiiv person capturing and re~ storing it' to the Subscriber, will receive a. re- ward of $1. J. K. FALCONIIRIDGE. Richmond Hill, July 19, 1861. 138-“. EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTH! «agents W'émtcd. “ TE want an active agent in every (‘ountv in the United States and Canada, to 30“ tlm Franklin Sewing 1% achine, To a , limited number of 'l‘i'avellllig Agents we will pay a sulaiy of , $40 per Month 8; all Expenses. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales. Erory machine is warranted to give univer- sal sati:.fat:lion., and. kept in repair six months Recent lttlln‘OVGII‘elllS renders this machine the cheapest and most popular lit the market. For filll particulars and a permanoiit business, ad- dress. With stamp for return letter, HARRIS BROTHERS. son. mmrs FRANKLIN snwnvo MACittNic co 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. initial 0N RICHMOND 1111. . [Edwin 'We‘bber, EGS to intimate :0 the inhabitants of Ric‘i- mond Hill and Vicinity, Iliat he has commenced bosiuess as CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, 861)., Two doors south of the " York Ilorald” Officn, where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, Of the best quality. cheap for cash, Boston Rocking Chairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 55 Common Chairs, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 Bedsteads, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . I 75 Bureaus, from....i......- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 And other articles equally Iciw. 03-.) .A Call is Solicitcd-. Richmond Hill. June 7, 1851-. I32-ft lately occupied by i’Ii B FisH known as the ICawsnppers'ufln..uu..”“3s. “a, pa". 138-11‘ 138~tf l l of Descriptive - Toronto, April 19, 1861. OF THE KIA. l ‘Imw. A. JAEEEES HAWE CAR l n. it LADIES? soars Alto: snons i' US'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va- riety, and will be sold cheaper than eVer offered before on Richmond Hill: Beautiful Enameled Buc_kskiiis.. .45. 0d._ “ Enameled Sealaiid Calf Bucksins, V splendid quality... . . .. . . . . .53. 0d. H Ul’lease call and examine before purchaing elsewhere. , V W. S. I’OLLOCK. lichmond IIill, May 16. 1861.» r 1294f Canada Poriiiaiicnt Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: Invusrsn on REAL L‘er E, $426,315 3 : ANNUAL INCOME Faun! MIDMBERS, $3UU,UOU. Office â€" Masonâ€"i: Elan. Toronto. ,Dxuiccrons.â€"-Josopli I). Ridout, J. G. Che- wott, James G. Warts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Peterson, .1. G. Beard. S. Nordheirner, Thus. D. Harris. ' Souctron,â€"Edward C‘.’ Jones. SECRETARY AND 'I‘nv:.isUiii;li,â€"~J. Herbert Mason. "HE Stock of this Institution_,presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Fari'ners,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mochanics,per'sous in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAVisos’ - iAh‘K Ransomâ€"Sums of Four Dollars and upwards are recoived by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing interest at Six per cent. per aiiuum. The Q a- pital and Assais of the Society, iiivestedin mmtgagos on first-class landed property, being plunged for the security of money thusreceived, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To Bonii0\vi:ns.â€"-â€"Tliis Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayablo by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. I’mperties mortgaged may be sold or ex-. changed for otlici'propert)‘, or the Mortgage may be redeemed bafoie maturity, 1F DESIRED iiv '1 HF. nouiiou'ica. Applications for Loans will be received by the Sccl'etary, {obert James, juiir., or R. H. Smith, Newmarket. from wuom Circulars and the Rules ,of the Society, together with any fuither information, may be. obtained. " , [I7_.Letters to be pro paid, Toronto, April 12. 1861. 124-1”. 3&5. 'F. Brown, Buoxnn, Estate and General Agent, AGENT FOR. [65015111111 flifc Qtssnraitrc (Eo’g. 1 Masoaic HALL, TORONTO STREET, TORONTO- if? Mouov to Lend on Improved Farms April 19, 1861. 125-13’ Houses and Lots for Sale. on IZXCAEGE.» . TWO IIALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good _ Dwelling House on each, pleasantly sitti- atod about half a mile north of Markham Vil- lage, are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, For terms and other particulars. enquire of‘ the Proprietor, DAVID WOO'I‘I‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Ollice. Oak Ridges, June 27. 1861. I35-3m. Lcttcrs Iemainingin RICHMONDIilLLI’ostOffice JULY l, min. Artross, Henry Bowes. Wm. Bonnet, Mr. l‘lootli, W. Ilone, G. Collins, Mrs. Mary Cliaiiibcrlin, E. Goodwill, .loliii Gamble. Miss E. Hoyes, John [2] Johnson, John Jackson. John McGai-o, Margret Mclleatb. Mrs. Mellenth, Mrs. Thou. Northgrave, Duke I’aiilon, Ebenezer Riciidoau. Mrs, Pierre Ross, Mark Reed, Thomas VVilsou, R. W, Wilson, Richard \Vilson, George Young, Mrs. . Yoriiig,Mrs.Attg’a M. Young, Miss M. ’I‘EE‘I‘Y, P.M Mans-haw. Geo. McDonald, George ~â€"-~ mm: Puoroonnpusi PHOTOGRAPHSI The Cheapest and Best GALLERY 1N CANADA, ill all an all, Proprietor and Principal Operator 125-1y ,._ a} ~. 4‘. RTAGEM KHAM CARR]: i’tespectfully announCes that he has Opened \Varerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAVGES, tho Promises" formerly occupied bprcssrs. GEO. EWARTEG? Co. Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Ho t‘vland, Fitch 81. Co. .._..._....- IN GEORGE EAKIN. Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their liberal support in past'years, and soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cordially invites an inspection of his present Stock of Rein g made I ennui-Adm, BGGIES,&c. WHICH HE~CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, Neat, Substantial and from the best Imported Material. He will also make to order every description ,of-.. .; - i Light. 8; Heavy wagons, Gigs, Siilkics. BuckJioiirds, Sac. CHEAP FOR CASH QRAPPROVED1CREDIT. 8:}? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Come one, come all, and buy of me, For 1 have Buggies, as you will see, _ That are nca.t,'that are strong, and without doubt Are much superior to any turned out I _, - n, My terms are easy, my price is small-â€"-_ , , J Pray‘do not forget to give' me'a'CalI.' U"l°“"l“°’ July 18, 1861. 13345.... , 1;“, owl”): \ ‘li‘ '. .fjlll'” PLOWS, OWERS, REAPERs SCRAPERS, SCUFFLERs FANN-MILLs PLOW POINTS, HORSEJMHVERs STRAW'CUTTERs GRAHiCRUSHERs MOWING TURNPIKE THRESHING HORSE POWERS, TREAD MACHINES, SIUDVELS, irACHINEs, STIIMP EXTWIACTW)R& SHEARsirARRows. SWEEP POWERs snpnnnrons 8w. &c. &c. - 82c. Him IAIOH IMPLEMENI EATTERSzt 1% ICHNI FACTORY ans for the last seven years. they already sustain. thoroughly tested, _ Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 The Confederate Cavalry in Virginia appear [to ho exceedingly troublesome to the Federal ' troops. , , cut off. and near Martiusburg. on the 3rd, 40 men of the Peniivsylvania Regiment Were cap~ " turod by a tquadromi of rebel horse, and carried ' ofi‘ in the face of the force to which they be- longed. Not a night passes that pickets me not _\MAAM A ARRIAGES. VWWNM w lOu’r Implements and Machines have“ been before the public Nothing that we can say here Will ’_ add a single laurel to the well-earned and enviable rcputatidn . Prudence, however, dictates torthe Farmer to rely upon such Machines .01in as have bc‘en -' PATTERSON & BROTHELS, 118-4111 The United States have now in the flt-‘ld twentyâ€"tliousmid more than the British have had since the Crimean war, and in a short time our forces will exceed in num- bers the Grand Army ofFranceaâ€"Oswcgo Times. , R. HALL. in introducing himself-to the public, feels that be Is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably , knownto many oftho largest and most judicious pttrcliaScrs in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been conâ€" stantly cngagedin the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every. improvement whichb is been introduced, either in materials, Construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if lotind practicable, adopted. He has always exercised the most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the soc’ttring ef Workmena This has becn full lemonstrated intlie ex erience of those who have tested the durability ofhis work y p LARGE ASSORTMENT or LIGHT VCARRIAGE‘S Both at the City Markham, April 19, 1861. Will be. Kept constantly on hand, Re pos1tor‘y and at the Manufactor‘y at Markham. ‘ Mr. HALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the pdrp‘ose of placing the Province. Personsli-ving at a distance, who 6110658 to order b ' UN IoNVILLEoARRIAGE- FACTORY his goods in a' position easily accessible to allparts of inll‘odllclivn BV‘BI'SW'WW . _ __ 7 mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- tioo,packipg and forwarding of the goods ordered, optic terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he werepresent. ‘ w... a an... -- '4 ~ curs can iiiitiits. THE I‘Ell ANY of these Books will be forwarded by . y . Mail, post paid. to any address, on re- ceipt of price, by JOHN E. I’or'ricii, Publislidr, No. 617 Sausom St, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ [13° Agents wanted everywhere. THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES ROBERT JENNINGS, v.s., PROFESSOR or: I’A'rnomcv AND OPERATIVE Sua- GERY IN THE VETERINARY Common or PHILA- DELPHIA, PROF. or Vr'.’l‘I-ZRINARY Mimicmis in THE LATE AGRICULTURAL t OLLEGE or OHio, Sucnirriinv'or THE AMERICAN VETERINARY [ASSOCIATION OI" PHI“ LADLLPIIlA, Etc, ETC. f c M" WtLL TELL YOU Of the Origin,llistorvand distinctiw traits of the various breeds of Euro- poaii, Asiatic,Africaii and American Horses, with the physical formation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the iiuuiborund condition of his teeth; il- lustrated with many oxiilutititory oligarvuigs. 'I‘IIE HORSE AND Illti DISEASES WILL TELL YOU: Of Breeding,- Breaking, Stabliiig, Feeding, Grooming, Shociiig. and the geii’ral management oftlie liorse,wuli the best moch of administering medicine. also, how to treat Biting,Kickiug. Roaring. Shyiiig, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessuess. and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. TI-IE HORSE AND 1118 DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms. and treatment ofSn-aiig‘os, Sore Throat, Dis. toiiipei',()atarrh, Influenza. Bronchitis. Pneu- monia. I’leprisy, Broken Wind, Cli-roni': Cough, Roaring and Wliistlingd.ampas,Soro Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Tooth, with other diseases of tbe'Moutli and Reopiraiory Organs. ‘ THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WIuI. TELL YOU Of tliecausos, symptoms. and 'I‘I‘oatiiieiit of Worms, Bolts, Colic, strangulation, Stony Concretions, Rupturos, Palsy; Diarrlitca, Jaundico, Ilopaiirrcea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidiicvs and Bladder, Inflammation. and otliordisdases ot the Stomach, Boive‘ls, Liver and Urinary Organs. TltI-E HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, svmptoms, and 'I‘reatmout ot'b’one Blood, and Dog, Spit- viii, Ring-Bone, choiiie, Strains, Broken Kuocs, Hind Gal‘s, Founder, Solo Bruise and Gravel, Grackcd, Iloofs, Scratches, Cati- kcr. Thrush, and Corns: also, of Mcgriiiis, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Sluggers, and other div. easesof the Foot, Logs and Head. 'I‘l-IE nonsn AND HIS DISEASES .WILL TELL .YOU, Of the causes, SYI’IIpIOInS, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glam ders. Farcy. Scarlet-Fever. Mango, Surfclt, Locked, Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Gulls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. &c., and Low . to manage Castration,Bleeding,'I‘rephiiiniug. Roweling, Firing. lloriiia, Aiiiputation,'l‘ap- ping, and other surgical operations. 'I‘IIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES . lVILL. TELL YOU of Rarey’s method of taming I’Iorsos: how to Approach. Halter or Stable a Coll; how to accustom a horse to strung sounds and sights, aizd how to Bit. Saddle, Ride, and Break him to harness; also.the form and law of VVarrauty. The whole being the result offifteen years careful study oftlie habits, pocularities; wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Eiigraviiigs. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will- beforwardod to any address, posiago paid. on receipt of price. half bound, $51.00, or. in cloth, 10x1t'u, $1.25. THE FADIILY DOCTOR; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS BY Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. TAYLOR’SFA MILY DOCTOR has reached an enormous sale,and wticrovcr‘ known. is univorsally improved, both by the faculty and Others. In plain language, froofroni‘niedics technicalities, it gil’os you simple reiiiedien easily obtained tor the cure of Discasosin all forms, with important rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber. and tlicproper treatment oftlie sick. The Disâ€" eases 0t Cliildhood,tlie Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to Women. are all treated of in a clearaiid practical way. Al- Waysat hand, and ready to sorvo’you, the simple rccoipos of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of L116 volume. It is printed in a clear and open type, and illustrated with appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, price. » $1. or in leather, $1.25. ' M 11"” T L LIFE OI‘ - Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ BY_ REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, 0.1)., CARr‘I‘Ul.t.Y REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH L‘ELCIIER, DJ). HE LIFE OF 31118155011 RISTisthe plilo lOsopliv of true religion. It exhibits the Principles ot'Cliristianity in their puritvaiid beauty. It is perfect excellence personified. that the mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into ilie same image. 'l‘heinspired writers have given it_ to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such com- ments, explanations and incidental inform» tion as to render it alike acoeptahle to the scholar, as to ‘liim who knows no more, but kiiovvsliislliblo true.’ Belohor’s revised edit- ion coutaiiis the Lives of the Apostles, Hisâ€" tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evi- douces of the Bible It is printed in a clear and open type, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illust'ated. and will be furnished in the following styles :â€" ClotliExtra,.............. .Price,$‘2 00 Law Sheep,.......... . . . . . . “ 25"]u Cloth, Full Gilt. . . . . - ....... “ 3 00 Roan. Full Gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 3 50 I THE. HOLY BIBLE _ For Family and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE. are unequalled for their durability. finish. elogaucemnd completeness: noeil'ott hav- ing bcen spared to render them perfect in: eyei‘y respect. Besides the Old and New 'I estameiit, each style contains the Apcryn plia. 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Our inducements to allsuch are oXcoediiigly liberal. As those books are unequalled in their me. chanicul execution, as well as value ,of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their For single copies, or for terms to agents.,with Other iiiforiiiatiou, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. ‘17 Sansom St... Philadelphiafl“.

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