Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 24 May 1861, p. 3

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y. .. _ .-:. -... . N..-_.. ‘ iTHE lVAR.â€"â€"-Thc apprdach of a very ' large number of well equipped Southern troops seem to be very well ascertained, andtliere is not so much talk to-day of an advance movement from I’Vasbington. The rebels ha vc reinforced llarpcr’s Ferry and have pushed out some troops along the line of the Baltimore and [Ohio Rail- rold as far as Grafton, in W'estern Vir- ginia. General Scott docs not seem to be afraid of these movements. He is not alarmed, apparently, bythreats ofinvadiug either Pennsylvania, lVestern Virginia, or Ohio. the rebels would be stopped by the pebple ofthese actions rising on inasse, and the invaders would be liable to be entirely out . ! 011‘ by amovcn‘icnt of the forces of the Government from lVasliing‘t01i.â€"â€"â€"Globe of I ‘ .Thwsday. THE M EMBER FOR Guamâ€"The Que- bec correSpondent of the Domino Inde- pendent records the following: “John A. is all the time playiny tricks on Mr. Purdy. of Grey. Last night he got the green ’un over to the Ministerial ~t: do of the House, and told him to sit down, quite politely. Poor Purdy never thought that the whole affair. was a trick until the loud cheers ofthe whole [louse ,atvoke him up to the respectability ofhis new Parliamentry position.â€"Ciuel John A. m”, TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY. May 23. Fall Whackâ€"43200 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were Irom $1 24 to $1 281=or bshl. “Spring W’hoat»â€"â€"4.700 bsbls in market, which .holdat from $0 95 to $ 1 (13 per bshl. Barloy.â€"â€"sold at from 45 to 57c. I’eas.â€"-2300 bshls went off at 46 and 48c per bshl. , Oatsâ€"at 28 and 30c, per hshl. Hayâ€"is from $12 to $16 per ton, Straw $5 to $7 per ton. Flour.â€"â€"Superfino extra sold at $4 60 to $0 00, Extra $5 65 to $6 : Faucv (Spring) $5 00 to $5 25: Fancy (Fall) $5 10 ; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $6 00 : Double Extra. $6 25 to $7 00. 'Buttorrâ€"Fresh is in fair supply at from 160 to 18c per lb. Porkâ€"is in fail request. For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 90 has been paid, and th‘osaavoraging 230 lbs and $5 fillâ€"tho latter being the extreme figuro. . Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 gm. Better grades $1 50 and 91;? barrel. My ggs,â€"-â€"Fresh from wagons 8c to lie pordozen. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 30 to 33c. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $5 50 to $7 oach. lambsâ€"scarce at $2 to $9 50 each. -Calves-are in good supplv at $3 to each. Boef- Hidesâ€"$1 50 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $087 each. Calfskins 08¢. per lb, Tallow, $7 por 100 lbs {Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, .Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. por .__ __._.___ SPECIAL NOTICES. WWW SPRING HAS COME. Spring has come, over welcome spring. with its genial showers and sunshine, old winter once At this season of the year, Parents should look Well to the health of their children. Worm Medicines, are Legions, but there are none so E effectual as Dr. McKenzio’s Dead Shot W'orm- Capdy, it always has the desired effect. You more has been divested of its chilly mantle. are solicited to try it only once and than. you can judge for yourselvesâ€"Sold for 15 cents by all dealers in Medicine -'I packages for 50 cents. To Consumptives. 11E Advertisor. having been restored’ to health in a few weeks by a very simple tpmedv, after having suffered several years with a severo lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptibnâ€"is anxious to make known to ‘ his follow-sull’erers the means of cure. ’ To all who dosi'e it. be will send a copy of the prescription usod tfrce of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the 'Rame, which they will find a soar: (‘an FOR CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, Ilnoscnn'is,&c. The holy object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he h0pes evrry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blossing. .~’Pa~ties wishing the prescription will please ‘gddress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, W'illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. MARRIED. ‘ * On Thursdav. the 23rd inst. by the Rev. llamas Dick, Mr. :10an Bout), of Markham, to Miss Entzmn'ru THOMAS. of Whitchurcli. ‘ s_._.__ ._.___, _ 1am) consummate. NOTICE. TENDERS wi l he roceivod by A. Law, at his Ofiice, Richmond Hill, up to the .'8th day of June next, for GRAVELLING . and GRADING part of the Markham and _Elgin Mills Plank Road. 1 i For particulars, apply to A. LAW, "‘ ' ' President. " Richmond Hill, May ‘23. 1861. 130-31. , NOTICE. , KEYS FOUND. ME time last week there was left in the M 0 store of W. S. Pollock, Richmond Hill, a Bunch of Keys. The owner can have the samoby proving property, and paying the ex- "' pause of this advertisement. IF Apply at the “ Herald” office. qRichmond Hill, May 23rd, 1861. â€". ._. 130-31 PUBLIC NOTICE. â€"â€"â€"__ if’l‘o Shooinakers and Others. ‘ ILLIAM SANVIDGE having been v- ‘ bound as an AH’RENTICE to me for ‘tlirc‘é'years, and has abscondod before the term w(expired. I hereby forbid persons from harbouring him, as the law in such case will be strictly enforced. TOBIAS DOLMAGE, , , BOOT AND SHOEMAKER .9. Richmond Hill. May 215t, 1861. l3.)-3t. H‘illiam Grant, _ 'rfijonNEY AT-LAW, Solici-torinChan- '._ ‘, Scery, Conveyancer, 61c. Toronto. Office in the “Leadeijilluildiiigs, King Street. ‘ , . Toronto,April 12', 1861.» 123-1y _ .i Hog”? r / -~ 1 1‘ ' '. ‘- J." : N, ‘5 ,...,..... _._-._<..__A. A. . __..A -7 1 . Any such advance on the part of ‘ a. " . ‘4‘ ~.l~;."..'.'«'>" Rimaqcatn“ THE QUEEN’S \ MW“./W i I BIRTH-DAY. ' .WVM‘W ~\ /VW W. WV\./\/’\_/VV\- WHAT R. BOYD & BROTHER ARE DOING. Who would have thought that they As all the rest put together. Large. Sales enable us to takesmall profits. . The Subscribers beg to offer their sincere thanks t‘oall who “have aided them in their cndcavm sto make Aurora the best place to trade, A Ll And would intimate to the Public generally, that they have just, received a Very Large stock of FASHION A6116 BRY 60003 Dclaines,for 7;d.; Prints, from 6d. What some sell tor 10d. We sell for 7541.; heavy Cotton, (id. to 7d. ; every description of ShQ‘JW‘IS- ‘and. Dress Goods .2 R cad y-madc Clothing, At remarkable low figures, and made of the best material. Boousafimsnoigsmmm To fit everybody, and a superior article. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE All varieties. Oils, Paints, Raw Oil, 90c.; Boiled, 95c. Ifardwure of every description Nails, $3.50, cwt. In fact, everything you want. Great attractions for the Ladies in Millinci-y. All the Newest Styli-s. Mantles for $9. 00; Bonnets neatly trimmed for $1 00; ' Hats, [lead Dresses and Caps. _ IN 4GROOERIES, ~ Our trade is heavy ; 12 lb. Refined Sugar, $1 00; 13 to 14 lb. of Bright Sugar, $1 0’); 2‘2 lb. Rice, $1 00. A quantity of our-remarkable cheap Currants still on . hand,- ‘20 lb. for $1 00. Orders punctually attended to. (If? The very highest price paid, in trade, for Butter and Eggs. One Call is sufficient ,to 5.111st. Our increasing business stimulates us to greater ' cffmts. Still they come. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat. ' R. BOYD & BROTHER. Aurora, May 1, 1861.1 THE Subscriber has for sale a uanlitv of H A “ ALSIKE” CLOVER SE GD, 3. su»l perim‘ kind of White Clover introduced intol this country, from Scotland. two 01 three yearsl ago. Also. a good assortment of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS, 127-tf a... w. __ .. . .‘r; -" --* - T A N D C A P S I Just received upwards of 50 dozen. in Men ’s Youth’s and Bov’s sizes, in every conceivable Shape, Make and Variety. Call and examine the Prices, at. I’VM. S. POLL OCIPS Late G. A. Barnard’s. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1861. ___.. .‘ .__._..._ ‘ , G. L. GARDEN. Springbill, April 16. 1861. 125-4 flEEEEE A GOOD YOKE or WORKING DXEN, N Exocllont Condition for the Spring wmk 5.150, A Young; Black Marc, Coming four years old. '_ G. L. GARDEN. Springliill, April 19. 1861. 125-41 125-11" Grist and Saw Mill ! V 11E Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at tho Ileadford Mills, begs to inform them that he has to.an the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. B. Fisu. known as the fiberborne Mills Near the Green Bush Hotel. Yongo Street.â€" Theso Mills being in first-rate ordet, any one givi 1g him a call will find the Gristing done in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take, their Gristing back with them can do so. 11:?" All work warranted second to none in Canada. GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. 125-tf Men’s It Children’s Socks ! Women’s and Misses Stocking... In all Sizes. in all Colors, in all Qualities, and at all Prices, at WM. S. POLLOCK’S, Late G. A. Barnard’s. Richmond Hill, April 25, 18613 1'26- f ‘ r . Markham, April 19, 1861. 1 Letters Remainingin RICHMONDHILL PostOflice MAY 1, 1:01. NOTICE. IIE Co-partnership heretofore existing bo- , tween JAMES G. '1 IIOMPSON and GEORGE L. GARDEN, under the firm and Ambler, lVilliam Bonnet, Jesse Borridges, John Bailey, James Burr, J. J, Mrs. Boynton, Orrin L. Cameron, Janet Curtis. H. R. Crawford. G. Culliton, James Docs, \V. _ Deadman, “William Deadinan, John Davidson. Benjamin Durfee, Ira F. Grant, Jossco Gillinan, Henry Grant, George Jackson. Mrs. Hust, Samuel Ilart, John Horseman, J. Ilislop, Gideon llewioson, Robert Lawrence. James McGare, Margaret I’darSon, Sarah , Power, Richard Powers, Thomas Sheppard, Charles Simpson, James Thompson. Samuel \Vallaco. George \Vilsoti, licliard Williams, Susan E. King, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on as usual by G. L. Gnrden,â€"-all debts due the firm will be paid to him, and all debts owing by the firm will be settled by him.‘ JAMES G. THOMPSON GEORGE L.'GARDEN, King, April 11, 1861. câ€"_._. The undersigned, in returning thanks to those who have bestowed their patronage on tho-late tit-m. respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. GEORGE L GARDEN. King April 137.1861. 125-4 M. "remit, RM. Shirts 2 Shirts 2 2 JUS T recoivod a nice assortment of Men’s SHIRTS. in White, Long Cloth. and Fancy Regatta, Jean. Checks and Stripes; also a nice assortment of Haiti and Fancy Shiningâ€"Real good value at' ' WM. S. POLLOCK’S, Late G. A. Bar‘nard’s. Richmond Hill. May 1, 1861. , 127-tf MONEY. MONEY. 'ra‘E Liverpool on (1, London Fire & Life Insurance Company. Head Office, Canada Branch, Corner of Plano D’Arines and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. D1REC’1‘ORS.â€"-T. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson.- Esq. Deputy-Chairman, ,l-Ionry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland,Esq. James Mitchell. Esq. Henry Starnos, Esq »M.P.I’. H. Maitiand, Esq. Resident-Sech tary, G. F. C. Smith, Rest-dent Assistant- Secretary. I the Public to the following features in the management of this company:â€" TO INVEST. at low rates, $10, on Improved Farm Pro- ‘perty. Apply to , WILLIAM T. 13017 D, Barrister, &c. 1 Toronto. 'May 15, 1861. 199.4 The Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Government or other Pro- vincial Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are‘ paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. That there is not, at the préSent time; 0110‘ claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada in Available Funds 200,000 Dollars, and this is being constantly added to. . That there is invested in New YorkfiBSOOfiOO; â€"â€"aud it is the intention of tho ' increase this sum to $1,000,000. U The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- vember 1859]. amount to' over 5,958,730 dols. The present incoine’ of the Company is over 7,590 dols. per day, ' Insurances affected at the Lowest Remuner- ative Prices. .l. 11. MAI'I‘LA’ND, Dr. ,_F. Dellcnbaugli, , ' Tin; 01.0 4 GERMAN PHYSICIAN! H OF BUFFALO, N.Y., X 11.1. be at NICHOLLS’ norm. ~ _- .e rRichmond Hill, on Friday and Satur- day, 0162401 and 25th of May, 1861, where he can be consulted on all fonns of Lingering Diseases. May 15, 1861. 129-2 v ‘ [lovnu'risicniias'nj ( UR advice has often been asked, With regard ' to purchasing BOOTS and SHOES,» whereth best place is‘.‘ In our opinion Dolniage‘ Sells ht:th Boots and Shoes for lessi'ni‘oii‘ey than any othordiopsein the town. Richmond Iitii.‘ March 1511.. 1861. 121â€"1r. - ~ : 7 r I ~v .Resident Secretary, I A Be Montreal. BARRIS'I‘ER, Attorney, Solicitor, &c. Toronto Agency: 85 King Street East, South 5 King S‘troet,‘:1*3ast,'[:ovor Leader'Oflicofl adapter the store of J. G. Joseph & COL] Toronto, C.VV.' ‘ ‘ , V J A MES FRASER, A plant. Toronto, Apiil, 1'2, 1861, ~12(l-ly Toronto, April 19._1861. 125-1,. .1. A... r » r. a "\ I“ c B 1 SELL NEARLY As MANY Goons 6.7.... LOOK To 3YOUR' INTERESTS! l ‘4000 l (. I Aim ’I‘nifiAsotmn,â€"J. Herbert Mason. style of Thompson & Garden, Merchants, 195-4 ‘ HEDiroctors would call the 61161111011 of i rectors to , s.-. .i-,,. ,..r,' y. 2.1“, «.19 -. -r v..-,al...<»x»‘sm:1' " “ ' , WWW/\AMI‘AAMAHRAAWM .W‘ " _" i , MR. 0. F. . _ _ OF THE MARKHAM CARRIAGE- v ,FAd-Iion'sr. , Respectfully announces that he has opened \Varerooms in Toronto,'for the Sale OfilllSICARRIéGES, ' Premises formerly occupied. by Messrs. 'EVYA'RT 65' Co. > Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Ho cv‘land, Fitcli 8L Co. _ v ' < most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. 01 those who have tested the durability of his weik ' ms. ms 1o.. _JJ 1 i666 ,ASSORTMENT or LIGHTCARRIAGES \Vill be. Kept constantly on hand, ' I Botlrat the I ity Repository and at; the _l\lr. 11A LL opens a sale. room in Toronto for thepurpOse of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts 0 .. v .-,r.-~... ‘ , . .y . v . -, . V ... , ult.: l 1 i “3' R. HALL, in introducing himself to- the public, feels that he is not a stranger, as his Can-iages have been long and favorably knoWn to many ofthe largest and most judicious porchasws in the Province. ‘lle has for thelast twelve years been cond‘ Sl'dl‘lll’ t‘ngagcd in the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every improvement which has been intruduced, Puller in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted; He has always exercised; the This has been fully demonstrated in the experience i the Province: Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the, most careful attention in the select tion, packing and forwarding of the goods Ordered, Markham, April 19,1861. casts a AVE justoponed a complete assortment of, the latest styles of ...., . ...- 1M%& .1 BONNETs I PARASOLS,&z Which “my. will sell Very low. to clear out their large Stick, as they contemplate closing their retail Dllall'tESS Willi the Summer Trude Corner of'Cburch 8;. King Streets, Cb, . *. Upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, astbougli he were present. Toronto, April 10, 11561. 12-1-2111 ‘For. gale. 7 ,_ , r ,_ 7 7V NW ,,,,,, WVW.hawks for Sale. Also. a i ' SI’AN 0f HORSES. Apply to . A. GALLANOUGH. Thornliill, March 1,1861. , 118-'8t SCRA w. FANN- MOWING TURNPIKE THRESHING TREAp HOR To Cabin ct. Makers 3; those in want of Furniture. 4- Raro Chance for a person in the above 1 line is no v offered. The Undersigiiod, being about to retire from business. is desirous of disp0sing of his LAND and PREMISES, where he has carried on the trade successfully over 1‘? years. The l’ronertv. worth $1000, he will sell for $600 cash, or $500 on time ; the buyer giving satisfactory security at 8 per cent per annbm. The Stock of Furniture Selling offal low prices Bureaus at $7, $9, $10. $11, each, in great variety. Bedsteads at $1 50, $1 7:), Camp with Roofs, $3, and a General assortment of Goods in the line equally cheap. V .Apply to GEORGE BONE, Richmond Hill. 1284f May 9. 1861. Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. SHEARS, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: lsvusran 0N REAL Es‘rm 1:, $426,336 1 : ANNUAL Income mom MEMBERS, $300,000. Officeâ€"Masonic gall. Toronto. .. , M‘- DIREC runsâ€"Joseph I). Ridout, J. G. Cho- wett, James G. VVorls, Thomas Maclear, Pcte‘r 'Paterson, J. G. Board. S. Nordliei'ner, 'l‘lios. D. Harris. ~ SOLictron,-â€"Edward C. Jones. . SECRETARY S PIE R 810. &c. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based 611 Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for li‘armors,Clerg_\ s men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the M‘- c'eipt of salaries, and those whose income is do- rived from their c‘apital. Saviucs', BANK BRANCH.â€"Sllms of. Four Dollars and upwards are recoivcd by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The Q a- ' pital and Assets of the Society, invested in mortgages on first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assuied of perfect safety. ‘ To Bonnownns.â€"-This Society makes ad- vances on the security of‘lmproved City or Country. lfroperty. ropayable by instalments spread Over 'any term the applicant chooses. from one. to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- CIiahgéd for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed bet'm'o maturity, IF DESIRED 11v “1111: BORROVVER. ' PATTtrsoa they already sustain. Farmer to rely thoroughly tested, Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 SCUFFL‘ERS, PLOW POINTs 'Honsu POWERS, STRAW'CUTTERs, GRAINCRUSHERs I MACHINES, NORA IMPLEMEiiiI lHCHMbNI B U Y I? L OW S, M O W ER S, R E A P- EIR' S, Pens MILLS, SIU3VELS, aerHiNEs, SLIPOiVERs sTUNH?EX1niaoTORsy IIARIH7WS.' SWEEP POWERS, ATORS, &c., l-xj a3 CI? 1?»; E yFACTORY 1 8:0. tint [1110 Our Implements and Machines "have been before the public for the last seven years. Nothing that we, can say here W111 addga single laurel toth‘e well-darned and enviable reputation Prudence, however, dictates to the upon such Machines only as , have been PATTERSON & BROTHERS, 118-4111 Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary, Robert James, junr., 'or R. H. Smith.Nozvmarket. from wnom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with any fuitlier information, may be obtained. 0:? Letters to bo prepaid Toronto, April 12. 1861. ‘Iler Jammyâ€"vs Birthâ€"(lay ILL be, Celebrated 011‘ Richmond Hill, .' on FRIDAY. the 24th May. in the afternooon. commencing at 3 o'clock, by Foot, Sack and Wheelbarrow Races, Athletic Games, and other Sports, and it! the evening there will 124-1132 5:55. F. ‘Brown, BROK3ER’ be tit. ‘Grand Display of FIRE VVORKSâ€"afl ' . excol cntselectioii having been made. Estate and General Agent, A‘osiv'i' iron I. ‘ Glolouiol filifc Qtssnrame’ (2151'. 1 st'oxic HALL, Touosro STREET, TORONTO‘ [1? Money to Land on' Improved Earths April 19, 1861. fan and See the ' 125-11 New Styles not Prints PHOTOGRAPHS! v PHOTOGRAPHS i Innrrynns. llll‘ll V . AT WM. S. POLLOCK’S, and at 71d per yard, ,The Best Prints ever ofl'iarcd { On Richmond Hill. April 25, 1861. x .__ . The Cheapest and Best: , Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY 1N CANADA, IS A"? ‘2 Lions Boers ' AND Shoes Fast octets, wide widths. from I4§d per yard W I“ (310]) SAVE“ THE QUEEN,” 1861 For the Season. 1861 YOUNG GA‘MBOY I THE Pnoricu'rv on m. vi; mc‘iiAiit, Kiivo, _ XWILL serve mares for the season as fol: , lows :â€":- . . 1 Monday oruing, 'May 1314:5116 Wil ,IeaVB his own slablo,nl_.ot No'. 5. 3rd C611. of proceed west to Joseph Nixon’s, Kingliorn, at noon; thence to Plough’s Inn, and stop 1 hour : thence to Thos. buwaon’s, and stop the night. Tuesday morningâ€"71:19 will proceed to c- Murchv's; thence to Bus‘b’v’s' at 116011; thence ' to David Joffery’s‘,‘ Totvn '141118 Vaughan, and stop the night. . Wednesday morningâ€"He will proceed to Miami Graham’s Ilotel, 5th Concession ;. thence to Thanosville at noon :, thence to But: tory’s, Mudvillo, and stop the night. Thursday morningâ€"Ho ’will proceed td' Wood’s Hotel. 3rd (3011., and remamI hour; 128-“ intact. to Cherry’sHotcl‘, TOWIHIIDO' YOrk, and stop till 1 o’clock ; thence down the plank to - ~'~Dui1c‘an’s ; thence east to Slio‘phaid’s Golden Lion Hotel, Yongo Sheet. and stop the night. Friday morningâ€"tide will proceed up Yongo Street, calling» at Palmer’s 116101;; thence to UST RECEIVED a. large and choice va- Steel’s, Green Bush Hgotelr thence to Shep; riotv. and will be sold cheaper than ever “bardeL Foathers’toh’s Hotel, '1"hornbill,at noon; ofi'ei'bd before 011" Richmond Hill: Calf'Slippors, . . . . . . . . . , . . .3s.'lzld, pair. 111 11193111011131, ' Beautiful Enameled Buckskins.. .45. 0d. " , . . t Enameled Seal and Calf Bucksins. , 1030M 0' l . splendid quality... . . .. .. . .‘.5s. 66.. H . E; FPleaso call" and examine before purchaing - P. , _ ‘ _ elsewhere. l‘ronriotoi' and Principal Operath ' ‘ . w. s. POLLOCK. . Toronto, April 19, 1861. ’,;,~,_.: 1, Richmond 11111, May 16, 15861.: ' 1.29.6? thence to'Ra‘ymond’s 'Hotel, Richmond Hill; thence to McNairs. Lot No. 25, 21th Con., and stop the night. ' 7 I v Saturday morningâ€"He will proceed to Gil’es’ Carswell’s: thence to Cni‘istis'on’s Old Stand ,Yongo Street; thence to'his‘ o‘wii stable. 110' will sche mares‘at his aunt st‘ablé'until‘Monday. the 13th instant ', T116 same will will be cbiitilnued' e‘ac‘ltcuieek during tlie_seasoit.'-"'H‘ea'1‘tlr and Weather p6r~. flitting. ‘ , ‘ 9 -qâ€"o EROTHRESF I ‘ing, and ‘ ‘- 5 THE PEbl’LEftilE '19 . N. . . .. ‘ ,. ‘r r ceiot ofprmo by Joan In. Padraig-Al ’1‘ 360m. Y of those Books will beLfortvar y ‘ Mail post prlid, to ‘dlii’fid’di‘éééi on res , I‘mlishcr, No. 617 Sansom St , Philadelphia, Pa. 113’ Agents Wanted everywhere}? mEmmenmusmflA: BY , ROBERT JENpizvos, v.s.,';‘i‘ Pnorusson or.“ l’A-rnmoov AN!) Oiwznxjrtvf: Sp’n‘d iotmfiiirnié‘lr'mnamany Common or not..- DELPHIA. PRuF. 0F VETERINARY MEDICINE IN'I‘HE LATE AGRICUL'I'URAL t ounmrgioo. I OHIO,SECRE’I‘ARY 01"1‘,iiii:iAmt;kioA.~"{ ‘ VETERINARY ASSOCIA'l‘It)N or I’m-l4; . LADL‘LPHIA, are, are. 1".“ ' 5. ‘1‘.’ :LL TELL YOU Of the Origin,flislotv and distinctive traits of the various broods (if-Mio- poan,Asiatic,African and American Horses, with the physiCaI l'ormaiioi‘i and peculiarities ofthe anifiral, and how to ascertain hisago bv the numborand condition of his teeth ; il- lustrated with many explanatory engarvmgm 'l‘lIE HORSE AND 1118 DISIEIASESV WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. "Brclaking', Stablin , Feeding, Grooming, Shooiiig..and tbeflen‘ ral management ol'tlio ltorse,witlt the best modes of administering medicine, also,- liow,to treat lillillg,K1t:l§lllg.lleal111g, Shyy'ng, Slui‘nbling, Crib Biting, Restlessnoss, and other views to which be is’ sttbjo'ctlhwiill numerousexplanatory engravings. A 1 '1‘ TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU 01' the causes, symptoms, and treatment ofStiang-‘os, Sore 'l‘hroa-t, Dis- tenipei',(}alari'li, Intluonza, Bronchitis, l’ncu- nionia,. Bloprisy, Broken. “111111, (3111901112 Cough, Roaring and ‘1Vlii..tling,l.ainpas,Soro Mouth and Ulceis, and Decaycd'l‘ootb, with other diseases of the Mouth and RespirAiory Organs. -» .v THE HORSE AND 1115 DISEASES “‘11’11‘; TELL YOU Of tliocausos, symptoms; and 'l‘rcatmeut of Woims, Bolts, (polio, Strangulation, Stony (Donoretions, Rupttires, I’alsy, Diurrbma, Jnuudicc, Ilepatirrma, Bloody Urine, Stones in tho Kidneys and Bladdpi‘, Intianmiation, and other (Ilscasbs ol the Stomach, Bou'els, Liver and Uiiziary Organs. ' ,_, TIIE IIORSE AND HIS DI BASES" WILL TELL YOU ()fthocaitscs, symptoms, and Treatment otllonc Blood, and Bog,Spa~ viii, Ring-Bone. Swoonic, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal's, Found-or, Sole 'By‘uiso and Cravél,Gracked, lloofs, Scratches. 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