Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 19 Apr 1861, p. 3

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t DTOG APHSt "PHOTOGRAPHS '1 ‘ as - P “The Cheapest and Best Aiith‘Otypc and Photograph “*‘GALLERY IN CANADA, ' ‘m.t'. IS AT 13111111111111.1111, TORONTO. JKMES RAWE, j ~ ,Propriotor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. 125-1y NOTuna‘ HE Co:partnership heretofore existing be- tween JAMES G. '1 HOMPSON and GEORGEL. GARDEN, under the firm and styg'iof Thompson 61. Garden, Merchants. King, has this day been dI:SOI\'8d by mutual consent. The business will be carried on as usual by G. L. Gnrdcn,-â€"all debts due the firm will be. paid to him. and all debts owing by the firm will be settled by. him. . " ' JAMES G. THOMPSON‘ GEORGE L. GARDEN, King, April 11, 1861. 195-4 The undersigned, in returningthanks to those who have bestowed their patronage on the late firm.,respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. , ' ' GEORGE L GARDEN. King‘April 19, 1861. 125-4 HE ,Subscriberlras for sale a quantity of "“ ALSIKE” CLOVER SEED, a su- pe’rior'ltind of IVliite Clover introduced into ttrisconntry, from Scotland, two 01 three years ago; ' Also. a good assortment of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS. , ‘ ' G. L. GARDEN S'pl'Illgliill, April 16. 1861. 125-4 “ ‘ FOR SflLE, N_ Excellent Condition for the Spring work I . also, "” A 'Yming Black Mare, “5‘; " Coming fotir years old.‘ PM” " G. L. GARDEN. f’piiiighill,'Api'il 19. 1861. 125-4 4;LLL~L.LLLL_L_ Grist, and. Saw 111111! E Subscriber, in returning thanksto his , n “numerous Friends who favored him with their custom 'at the Ileadford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS 11.1ny occupied by Mr. B. Fisu. known as the Sherborne M1115 Near the Green Iiush llotel, Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in firstâ€"rate order, any one givi 1;; him a call will find the Gristing done in a superirr-manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. If? All work warranted second to none in Canada. . ‘r - GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. Markham, April 19, 1861. 1‘25fo #11352“??? THE Liverpool and London Fire & Life Ensn 'ancc Company. Head 011100, Canada. Branch, Corner of Place D’Armes and St. James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. Dinnerwaâ€"T. 11. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson. Esq. Deputy-Chairman, Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland, Esq James Mitchell. Esq. Henry Starnes. Esq M.I'.P. J. H.’Maitland. Esq. Resident~Secre- tary. G'.‘ F“. C. Smith. Resident Assistant- Secretary. rm -' THE Directors would call the attention of . r ,gthe Public to the following features in the managementof this companvzâ€" ' * The Premiums received in Canada are retained Eand'invested in Government or other Pro: vincial Bonds. ' All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Ctinada. without reference to the 111mm Board. .1. .. no . That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. Theréhiisiinvestod in Canada in Available Funds 200,000 Dollars. and this is being constantly added to. ' That! there. is.- in‘vbsted in New York $800,000. _’ and itmis the intention of the Directors to iScrease this sum to $1,000,000. Tlie'accumnlated Funds of the Company [No- vamber 1359] amount to OVer 5.958.730 dols. 'I‘he-present income of the Company is over 7,590 dots. per day. - I‘néifrances effected at the Lowest Remuner- atiir’e Prices. J. 11. MAI'I‘LAND. ' Resident Secretary. - '- ‘ v - I , ‘ Montreal. beon'to Agency: 85 King Street East. South side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph 61. Co.) JAMES FRASER,Agent. TorontcifA'iirll 19. 1861. 125-11; can". 1:; BEAVER. MUTUAL _ Fire Insurance Association, TORONTO, C. w. 20, TORONTO STREE T 5.3;; x.) oi: ‘ ' ’ Inbouroanan UNDER Acr or PAnLuMnsr, 22 Vrc., CAP. 52. â€"~â€"â€" «is; DIRECTORSâ€"II Rowsell, Teronto; B. W. Snfithmfiarriezn ~Dr. Dhncunib, Richmond Hill; VIC. LI. Smith, Toron'.o: Donald Su‘the’ro' land, Toronto : \Vm. Ilelliwell, Scarborough: Ed in w,Cliovvii, Kingston; S. Thompson, 'I‘d cifto. " IEAVING guarded against loss from Fire by _, :liisuritig your property, consider if. it would not be as well .to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own premature death 1â€"-whether it would not be as well,tlirough the assistance of a Life Assurance _ .IOS, Citineon’s , Fountain ' Restaurant ! 69 KING STREET, EA‘sT. TORONTO ] Lunch every day from 11 till 2.. ‘ 113’ Sou ps, Games . oysters. Lobsters, dire a‘ways on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got up in the best style.' Toronto, April 19, 1861. 125-1y 1 Provincial Insurance Company, OF CA NA DA, FOR fire anhdlitariuc Jnearautt, ' Es'uamsnat) 1849, [Naonroanso'ar ACT or PARLIAMENT I Subscribed Calâ€"{tiara $1,743,520. HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO. PaizsIDENT:â€"I~1on. John Hilliard Cameron. VICE-PRESIDENT :-â€"J. S. Howard, Esq. â€".-â€"-â€"- DIRECTORS 3 Hon 1. 11. Cameron, Hon. Geo. Crawford, IIon.M.Cameron,MJ’. J.Camcron,Esq.M.I’.P A. Morrison,Es .MPP A. M. Smith Esq. l Lewis Moti‘at, :11. W. L. I’errin, Esq George Dutzrgan; E q J. S. HowaTd. Esq Edw. C. Jones, Esq. Manager and Secretaryrâ€"James Sydney Cracker. Esq. " ' Assist. Secretary .- J W. \Voodliouse,Esq. Soicn‘ons zâ€"Messrs. Dugg‘an tit Burns, BANKERS :â€"â€"The Bank of Toronto. I Manager Qngcncics .' Win. Blight, Esq. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE blisi- Iiess transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies. as Well as the Head Office. To- ronto, at fair and average rates. The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of securitv to .he assurrd, equal at least to that of arm other Company transacting business in the Province. A. LAW. AgeutaiRichmond llill Toronto, April 18,1861. 1:5-1y- T111: ’1 1:500“ YUKE 0F WORKING 0X5”: Scottish American Journal. ’I‘IIIS is a first'class FAMILY 'NEVVS- PAPER of Eight Pages, devoted to the iii- tcrests of Scotsmcn in America, and to the Dis- semination of Scottish Literature and News.â€" The special feature of this paper-is. that it is a Scottish journal, containing notices of everv event occurring in Scotland that can be regarded of the least interest to. the natives of thatcouii- try residing on this continent, as well as a weekly suuimarv of general intelligence from lTO BUILDERS 8L OTHERS. t .,-. . I _ ‘ H. SbIIT‘H. saLAVVRENCEINN, 142 KING STREET. orroaITâ€"ic Tm: sr. mwmrsc: martian, TORONTO. Choiee Liquors and Good Accommodation'at reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a Careful Ho'stler in attendance. ' Toronto, April 10, 1861. I" JHE VAUGHAN IVIUNICIPAI. COUNCIL are pre- pared to receive Sealed Tcnders for the re-ercction of the Stable and. Shed, Herotot’ore erected adjacent to the Town Hall, on the 6.11 concession of the Township of Vaughan. All Tenders to be sent to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May next. Further particulars may be ob'aincd by ap- plication, if by letter post paid, or personally to G. J. F.,I’EARCE, , Clark of the 'I'owns/iip of Vaughan. Richmond H ill. P.O. April 8, 1861. 124-4 C -- anada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: [uvnsrim 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,363: ANNUAL INconI: anon MEMBERS, $300,001). . Office â€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. Dinnc-rons.‘Josoph D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James H. Worts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordhei'ner, Thos. D. Harris. Somct'ron,-â€"Edward C. Jones- SECRETARY AND TREASUItER,-*-J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- titable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren-' daring it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clerg} - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAeros’ Bast: BnAscunâ€"Snms of Four Dollars and tIpWHrds are received by 'the Sooiety on deposit, riullijI‘IO withdrawal. and bearing interest at Six percent. per annum. The O a- pita’l and Assets of the Society, invested in mo:tgagos 011 first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assuied of perfect safety. To Bonnownns.-â€"Tliis Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved City or. Country l’roperty, repayable by instalments spread over any. term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- fl“ parts of the world. The ahmw “f its editm changed for other property, or.the Mortgage mug, and the genera] excenenca 6,- its contents, may be redeemed before maturity, 1F DESIRED have made it one of the most paprilm- and 3" “1"? BORROWER- widely-read journals circulated in the Unitedl States and British Provinces. terestiiig and humorous SCOTTISH TALE, ENTITLED “Chapters from the Life of Jan. Tacket.” Will be commenced in the "‘ Scottish Ametican Journal’ for April '20. This tale ,is one of the most humorous and entertaining ever published and will be as readers. 1 - In the same number will appear, an admirable, lecture, debvr-red in Exeter Hall, London. by the Rev, W. Landols. on ' ‘ T1112 sco‘i‘Ttsu COVENANTERS. 'l'li'e'Scor’risH AMERICAN .looitMt. ha.u been pronounced one of the most readable papers published in America, * TERMS -â€""'wo Dollars and Fifty (‘enis per annum, payable in advance: single copies. .3 cents, W'lllcll can be had at all the periodical stores in the United States and British Provinc .- Sond for a specimen number Subscribers will do well to take advantage of our club rates, which will be found on the evitorial page of the paper. Address, A. M. STEVVARTtSL CO.. No. 37 Park Row, New York. New York. April 17,1861. A deeply in- 1 newsrooms House. ATE Clarendon Ilolel, No. 28. 30 and 32 J Front Street. Toronto. Board $1,,per, day Porters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. ' W. NEWIBIGGING, Proprietor. Toronto. April 8, 1861-. 121-1 y Eastern Hotel, ORNER ovaing Toronto, C.W. and George Streets, WM. Mosxnonst, Pro- prietor. Good‘accommodation for Travellers LargetStabling, and a Good IIostler always in attendance. ' Toronto, April 10, 1861. 123 1y Parcel Found. OUND near the Richmond Hill Station of the Northern Railroad. A PARCEL. containing articles of value. The owner can have the same by proving property, and pay- ing the expense of this advertisement. JOSEPII INGRAM; Station Masthr.’ Maple. April 10, 1861. 123-3 Letters; Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PostOHice . APRIL 1, ram. ' Ratclifl'e, “Elizabeth ,A. Riley. John Regaii,l\1artha [2] Sivers, Robert Seagur, Nancy Storey.Joliti W. Skinner,- '1‘. Simpson, Win. "l'i'ench. Wm. VVIIISOIIL’I‘I'IOB. [ j M. TEEFY, RM. Beynton. Orin Cober. Peter Cratvford. G. Collins. Mary J; Garbut. MaryfAnn Harris, John L. ' Koala, Francis 1.186. Eli's. Lane. Sarah 1 Morison, Thomas JOHN, RIGG,S, TAILOR, Victoria square, N returning his sincere thanks to his iiiiin'er- otis Customers and Friends for the liberal I (twubafly, ,0 Provide a legacy for your "mg 0,, support he has rectived sitiCe be. commenced (Imagination if you have ‘1‘10‘1 the happiness to business in Victoria Squirt-e. begs to'assure be blessed with Illelll,'|llllllt if the possession of them {hm "0 0&0” 0” “13 Pa” “'1” b9 Wmmng a few hundred pounds additional might not be to merit a continuance of their favors. ofgadvaittagp to yourselfa lbw years hence. If you decide-that it would, write .0 the Maurizio Dir ctorof the PROVIDEN'I‘ LIFE ASSUR- AN' E 'AND IN VES l‘MEN’I‘ COMPANY. 20"”Tofonto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal” Ibrin*,"9fpd‘a Copy of the Rates. ‘ Or, possibly. the Agent 01.1116 "V Beaver” may possess a copy of both documents, which he can accommodate you with. andgi‘ve you a little information onttie subject besides. I .‘ v, v, . 1,- . t 11:? Insurances may be efficted for one, two, or three‘ye'ars,‘at moderate rates. Manger-ingrainynd‘1111141 R. ARNOLD? Taggitjtgapnis, 1861.‘ ‘ 11- up in a iteat and substantial manner. 1251' 1y. ‘ - All work entrusted to his care will ire Ifiade Victoria Square, April 8, I861. 124-3m E. M. Morphy, , GENT for the sale of. I’IAaos, Manonuons, g WATCHES. CLOCKS, J1;wst.1.r;,nv,_Su.v,I:n and PLATED Warm, REGALIA, Erratum, and Summon-11s to suit overy- sight. ' .11. NEXT DOOR TO THE BAY HORSE INN. ‘ Apr118.1831.fi pecially appreciated by Scotzislr Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. 11. Smith, Newmarket. from wttom Circulars and the Rules ot'tho Society, together with any fuithcr information, may be obtained. 03’ Letters to be prepaid Toronto. April 1-2. 1561. 124-11y. FRESH ARRIVALS rnUrnAsUCARS, NEW TEASLCOFFEFS. dire. «Sic , at the V VICTORIA ’IEA I-‘VAR EIJO USE. ' slGN 115‘ 5:11, QUiz..E.\'.- ‘ I,"l)\“~’1\.itii LA 4‘» SUN, in returning thanks J to his numerous customers for heir libe- ral patronage since opening his New Store, would respecti'ullv inform them and the public generallv, that he has just receivul an exten- sive Stock of Fruits, Sugars. pure Black and Green Teas cz'op 11-360), Cotfoes, 610., &c., which have been purchased at a great reduc- tion in price, owing to the effect of the secoswon movement on the American markets , and which are now selling at Prices without parallel, as a glance at the annexed List and a trial of the goods will prove :â€" . F R U I' T S . . Fine Zante Currants, 3d. p lb,or 22 lbs... . ..$I Extra dressed “ 311d “ 20 “ ..... 1 Fine I’atrass " 4d. “ l6 “ . . . . . 1 Drcs‘d Valentin Raisins,5§ “ l2 “ ... . 1 Extra New u 1‘ 6§d. ~ 10 u . 1 Fine New Layer “ 9d. “ 12 lb. box. .1; -' “ Secdless“ 9d. “ 7 lbs... .. 1 Best quality DRIED A P1’LES..$;I 95 per b.111- Also, Paper and Soft Shell ALMONDS' "FILBERTS. and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED , 3d. Ground Chicory, 9d. perlb. . City limits, free of char ' and otl’Iervi'ise, attended to with despatch. . . Every article warranted as represented. ‘ No. 141 Yongc Sv‘rect, Toronto, . til-tion ‘ SPICE. CANDIED LEMON. CI"‘RON,and ORANGE PEEL, &c., &c. SUGARS. Good Muscovadoes, 14 lbs. for. . . .__. . . . . . $1 00 Bright H 13 u i (:0 Extra Bright“ l2 “ . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Yellow Refined II “ ..........'100 Extra Refined. 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . I 90 Extra C'ushed “ 9 “ . . . . . . . ... l (10 Ground “ 8 “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 (10 Broken Loaf 8 “ . . . . . . . . 1 00 BLACK AND GREE Fine Congou. good and strong, ‘2s. 3d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Breakfast Souchong. 2s. (3d.. 3s. and 3s, 6d. per lb ; Fine and Extra Fine ()olong. 51s., 35. 6d., and 3s. 9d. per ‘lb. Also. Pekoe Flowers and Orange I’ekoe, . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Black and Green Tea, 28 76d” 3s.. 3s. (3d.. and 3s. 9d per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Young Hyson. ‘23. 9d.. 3.58. 35. 3d.. 38. 6d.. and 3s. 9d. per 1b.; Fine and Extra Fine Old Hyso‘n. 3s. 3d. and‘3s. 6d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Imperial Hyson. 3s. 3d. and 3s. 6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Gunpowder. 35. 3d., 3s. 6d.. and 3s. 9d. N.B.â€"â€"A deduction of 3d. per lb. will be made from the above Prices to partiespurchas- ing five pounds and upwards. ‘ Also, on hand a splendid lot of-Teas in caddy boxes from 111 lbs. to 16 lbs., and in half chests at the following Prices :â€" Fino to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 2s 3d, 33 0d.' . 33. 8d,. 35. 6d. per lb. ' , Fine to'Extra :Fine Young Hyson, 3s. 0d., 3s. 311:. 33.611. per lb. English Breakfast Soucbongâ€"2s. 6d. 36. 0d ,3s; 66. per lb _ Finest Oolongâ€"iis. 06.. 3s. 6d. 3s. 9d. Fresh GI‘Otind Cofl'ee,ls. FinestJam‘aiCa, 18 Together , 28;!)(151 with a complete assortment of Staple, and Fancy Groceries l l ' . arise. BISCUITS A ND CONFECTIONER Y Of e'trei‘y destription’ manufactured on the rev mises by first-class workment. wedding and other Cakes always 011' hand. (or made to order at the shortest notice.) iced and ornamented in the best styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices. Goods delivered on the cars, and within the ge. All order-shy mail, 1 II? NOESECOND rates, 11:? Remember the plaCe. Victoria Tea. Warehouse sign of the Queen No. 93,*Kiirg St. East. Five doors’ywest of 7 Church Street. Y EDWARD LAWSON. Toronto, March, 1851. No CREDIT 124-11: 193-11'015', THE MAR I Richmond Hill, April 5. 1861. m» . A . fl. .- m.“ 7 "F 4“» . RAG . .1 . .. .,.., ..... "w, _ ._., . hwy. . .. 3mm...“ \m..~;w-- Nun-w»! fi.“m‘-' -‘ "- ’ " ‘ ' " CARRIAGE ww’m/K‘I-MN AA»va rm M «NJ-.A,,»c~_. .. .. .. A A w. MR. Sc. 12-11111." CARRIAGE ~1FAOTORY- Respectfully announces that he has opened \Varerootns ine'l‘oronto, for-the. Sale ofliis CARRIAGES, [ii'thIc Premises turmerly occupied by. Messrs. GEO. EWART do Co. ‘ Church Street, adjoming the Store of, Messrs. 1310 171211111, Fitch 8L Co. 1 11 R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, feels that be is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably known to many oftlie largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- stantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every improvement which has been Introduced, either In materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adOpted. most scrupulous care in the. Selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. of those who have tested the durability of his work. He'lias always exercised the This. has been fully demonstrated to the experience A LARGE ASSORTEENT OFLIGHT CARRIAGES .‘Vi ll be kept constantly on hand, Both at the I ity Repositm'y and at the Mai'riitiictory at Markham. Mr. HALL opens a sale ronmia Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts of the Province. Persons living at. a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention In the selecâ€" tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. Markham, April 19, 1861. Farmers : Farmch It'you wish to get GOOD COLLARS. V 60 T0 IV. H. M YER’S PREMIUM HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Richmond Hill, fortbey are warranted not‘to injure your horses. or ii'yoti want anything in' his line you can get it at the Lowest Remunerative Price 1 Ei‘her for Cash or Credit: and if you require Patterson’s Plow Shears, He has them constantly on hand. 1 23' 111111111511 11111 SEALEDTENDERS I ILL be received at the Richmond Hill Post office. up to the [st May, at noon. for the ‘ ‘ Erection of a Brick Addition To '1‘1115' Common School, 1 Of Union Section No. 4,â€"otlierwise known as the Junior Department of the Richmond H111 County Grammar School Tenders will be received for the Brick work and Joiner work separately, or togetherâ€"as contractors may desire to apply, The Board of Trustees do not bind them- selves to accept .the lowest tender, without overt thing else is satisfactory. The contractor will have to give security for the due performance of the contract. Plans and Specifications to be seen at the Post Office. Richmond Hill. .3131 'i‘eodnrs to be. under Seal. 'lild marked outside o‘ l'e~ der i‘oi.t'\‘cli.>ol Bllllttltlg,"‘-t\'llll the date it is guen in. Addressed to M. 'i'EEFY, Sec’y of the Board ofGram. Sch iiichiiiond Hill. April 4. 1:161. Trust 123-4 O 1 every one'that’s barefooted. come to 'I‘. DOLMAGE’S all that have money, come buy cheap BOOTS and $110 ZS. Horse for Sale. FIRST-CLASS ENTIRE HORSE, risiugfi years old. sired by “ Old Per- fection.” Terms moderate. for cash or security. Apply to THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Maple, P O. Vaughan. 123-11” UNITY Fire & Life Insurance. Association OF LON DON, With which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,5oo.ooo, STERLING. Available Assets Fire Departm‘t $1,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50,000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York.... . 150,500 00 MERCHANts'txqfiANGE MONTREAL Directors, Fire Department . J. Frotliingham, Esq. \V. Lufin, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq, A. Larocquo, Esq. Jr. Torrance, Esq. Trustees in London : Sir IV. C. Dalyell, | C. I“. Bazin, Esq. Trustees in New York : S. Livingston. firm ofBarcluyde Livingston. Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Manufact Bank W. Sherman, firth of Duncan, Sherman &. Co _ Every description of Fit-e and Life insurance Business transacted at themoat moderate rates (it PIGIHIUm.» W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Again for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M. JARVIS, Officeâ€"I’Vhittimore’ Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto, April 12,1861. 123-13» CASH & f C ' Us AVE 'ust opened a complete asEorImé‘ti't of t e latest stylo'sot' DRESS GOODS. Haws ’Bmmmma PARASOLS, a... Which they will .611 Very low, to clear out their large Stock, as ,thev contemplate closing their retail businesswith the. Summer Trade Corner of Church & King Streets, 'I'oronto, April 10, 1861. 121-2111 ~â€"_...._._ I K. UALCoNBRIDGE 0 . ESPECTFULLY begs to announce that he has received the greater part Of his ' 1 SPRING STOCK? Among which will be found New and Beautiful Dress Goods tlicrs, Gloves, Ribbons, 8w. :1 good assortment ’of bat wineona. Also, Gentclmen’s Goods, Black and Fancy Cloths, 'l‘wceds, and Dooskins. He will receive in the course of a few days, a large. addition to his stock 010115 and Paints,-â€"also about irritant 1311111 11111 1111111111 Blinds and Bordering _A first-rate a! utterannnsnnnnnsa‘ %%‘1 "11111111111 “It I"! 1‘ "1111111 “11111111111111 'qllllttltl I” ll will” dull-WI It“ P .. S.-â€"Field, Turnip, M angold VVu'rtzcl, and Carrot Seeds. Parties whose accounts and notes became duc an the lst of January last and on the 1st instant, are requested to settle them without further notice. , Accounts with the Farming Community will become due on the lst Of October next, and Will be made out and rendered at that date. He takes this opportunity ofreturning his thanks for past favoiw Richmond Hill, April 19, 1861. , Parasola, Hats, .Fea- good styles and very low in price. 125-4. ,I'II‘ID‘; ,. I- \"t‘m , fins;- "flumelmh\kf Em 11:};1” I ' i 7 4 r» r 7» ~ ~~ -\.~.,â€"\ >~-\â€"\~-‘ ervxrx1\/V\, “( \4 x, V xrv \x/VN’V\/\NV\4'W\/ V v v V V Vw A’W x. BUY PLows DIOIVERS, REAPERs SCRAPER& SCUFFLERs FANN-MILL& PLOW POINTs HORSE POWERS, STRAWiCUTTnRs 'GRALNCRUSHER& 'MCWING MACHINES, 'rURNPIKE srnoans, THIRESHINCtITACHINES, TIIEAIIHJDRSE PetvERs. STIJMP EXTWIACTW)R& SHEARS, HARROWS, sWuaEP POIVERS, SEPERATORs Ste. &C. , 810. &c. \IOEIJ I NOHII IMrLEME . 'Irrrasona nicrirrouo "LL. TIE-IE l iOur‘ Implements and Machines have been before the public thr the last seven years. \Notbing that we can say here Will add a single laurel to thechll-earned and enviable reputation they already'simtain. Prudence, however, dictates t0 the Farmer to .rely 'upon such Machines only as have been thoroughly tested, _ ~ ‘ PATTERSON & BROTHERS, Richmond H111, March 1, 1861' 118-4... _ A. MACNABB. I W'illiam Grant, “1313113va Ammo“ . swat”: i TToaNEv AT-LAW- Solicitor it. Chan. B KI Snub L351" bowl hug” Cma‘i] l I car-y; Cotiveyaiicer, 821:. Toronto. . Taming. .. 1W: . - lit; the “ Leader” Buildings, King Street. " Toronto, April, 12, 1861, ‘ 123 1y Town“, AP.“ 12, 3261, For Sale. Buicxs for shin. Alto. a , SPAN of HORSES. I. ~ November 1860 NT'FACTORY" 03396 sells better 1934! Richmond 11111, March 1511:. 1861, Apply to _ ‘ “'3 - ' A. GALLANOUCII. 'l‘linrnhill, March I, 1861. 118-81 TES TIJIIOJVIJLS ' IN FAVOR OF THE NEW ROTATingpARRCWS. E. the undersigned farmers of East Gwil~ limburg. hereby certify that- we have seen STILES d: Mannrrrs' PAT-an '1' ll sit-ROW. at work. and that they are superior to the com- mon barrow for the following reasons, ‘viz. :â€"- I‘h'at they will do more Work at one goingover the ground than the common 'harro‘w will at two ; that it is impossible to clog them; as thcr discharge all roots or grass behind : that. "thev are of lighter draught. as by their motion they are constantly freeing themselves ; that the teeth wear equally on all sides, and conse- quently sharpen themselves, J. Doau. J.‘A_vlward,Esq. C.C.Belfry. B. Draper, J. Coweson JamesMIlue. W. Hollida'y. H I).Sliles.Esq ’Jt’is. Anderson. Frdm the Hon. J. Simpson. Stiles &. Merrittsf Rotating IIxrl‘oWS was tried on the roughest field on my Farm, and the work performed by it at one turn was equal in my opinion to what would, have been accomp- plished by any other harrow tliatI am ac. quaiiited with at two turns. The draught is easy, and the barrow keeps clean. ' ’2 [Signed] J. SIMPSON. dâ€"â€"_ I was present and saw the barrow tried, and agree with the above. G. S. SHAW. PETER, I}. B. STILES. Proprietor. S. SANDERSONL 3 '~ Proprietor. ' Richmond Hill. for. the Township of Markham. Richmond Hill. March 7. 1861. 119-“- CHEAPER THAN EVER I’ "HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public ihatlie is prepared , to make ' Boots and. Shoes Ofevery style and description, at thelowest possi ile remunerating prices. All work warâ€" ranted to give entire satisfaction. ' " w, 11. MA RTIN; Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. lofi-Iy DP. N, J. .PECII’, _ Surgeon Dent-161;; Respectfhlly announces that he will be at ~ Nicliol’s Ifotol, Richmond 11111, On the 2nd Monday of each month, at i ‘ 1010103 are TEE, .vraplé. Oil the Tuesday following, ‘ IIER‘E he will be happy to wait on those ” requiring his services in any branch of his profession. ‘ ' Teeth inserted on Gold I’latenum. Vulcan-- ized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on l’lateunni. The latter being the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. PIICK has all tlientdvantages ofthe Profession, both in the Smiles andCzuiadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists" in New York; he now receives direct from thorn eVery improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children's Teeth. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aur ptly attended to. ’. Aurora, Feb. 80, 1861 am pro m1 Barrister, _ _ Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Ste. ,- Toronto. March 8. 1861. llil-tf’ ' TRYIT.TRYIT: Ingram’s Infalablc Liniinéntj CERTAIN Remedy for Rheumatism, J. Bruises, Swellings, &,c.l Relieves the , Toothache, Neuralgi‘a, and 'I‘i‘c l)olereaux.â€" 'l'liis Li‘niinent has been used and Its ethcucve ' proved in hundreds of cases, and never- failed V to 1:; ve relief. Praiared and Sold by .108. INGRAM, Village of Maple. ’ Vaughan township, / 11‘6 ' .’ February 14. 1861. W A N T E D . F1 HST-CLASS 'SALESMAN for the general country business. None need applyu'nie'ss thoroughly conversant ‘with me general country trade, and able to give satis-‘r factory references as to "Character, business capacity, 810. I Apply personally, or if by letter, pro-paid tor WM. Mo .tAS'l‘lCR. Jr. , Newmuzltot. 1234 April 4, 1861. A- MAIRS. B- A- T'I'ORNEY - AT-LAW, soniCtToa ‘iii Chancery. Conveyancer, dtc. Main . Strebt, Markham Village, IOI-tf . _‘.,.__.._.-.- c 01“? E subscriber offers for Sale, in in ex-l; I change for land. an entire HORSE ris- Ing 3 years Old, sired by that celebrated iin. ported Horse “‘Gi'eat Britain :”~ stands about. 17 hands high; color black ; grind heavy bone and muscle. and for symmetry and graceful ac- tion not to be surpassed. lie is perfectly gentlow For further particulars apply to thel’roprietor - , EDVV. .SA‘NDERSON, . Lot No. 17'. 4th Concession of Markham : o: i. ,_ by post, address prepaid to Buttonville P. 0.. : Buttonville. March 21. 1801. ‘ 121141?" _.â€"._... so MoPHIDan, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND 11.11.14} our. December 141. 18511. ( adriim has often been asked, with regard to purchasing BOOTS and SH 011353, » h . . Where the nghPl‘ce 15- - .. our opinion Dolniage uOOLS and Shoes for less money than any other house in the town .- tor-iv [AUVrnTIsI-zmaNTJ a. "tour.

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