Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Feb 1861, p. 4

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wnar MAKETH HARMONYI l I"! crack. ~ ' Dull that’s press-filterian tlr'fg'b‘row. 7 ' And leave ’a sha;e efiorrow there; But m‘usic "gushes to it‘nowf ' ' And presto I Chas es all of care. The crested waves of Ocean old Dash merrily and noisy break: Uut ofhis caves symphonies roll Like t‘heSe liveliest, limgfi-gakgis if: ' 5 ~' if?” gulf. The breeze that cullfi tliB-flow’ry' sweet, Kisses the tree in [raseiug by, ~ That wrav‘ing its army seemeth great For falling leaves stricken to die. The music of the rilldoth foom I’oos'y’s joy in leisure hour; The tossing oakrbow’d in the storm, ' Or thunder of the clouds that lour. I‘Vho docs not know the magic sound- Thnt utter in some silent hour; A3 fancy roams I'Lleysinn grounds. _ \Vhere elimine'r'woars perpetual bow’r, Like this, when elumbere gentle befifna Rest-softly on the tearful eyes, And man in the blast time o‘t‘dreame Roanié, care-reft. where no flowret dies. Music doth thrill the sacred dome "Phat echoes Time’s untrodding feet 'Mid scenes the gravest, that’s of home. wee’t home. NET: to tho hfirts retreat. And 0. when sorro‘wi‘broods o‘erhead, And Hope sheds not its golden beams. If in that hour thy steps are Ied To where a spark of friendship bonnie-p The bosom swells, and peons gush Like those a master’s totich Invoke ; he heartresponds to heartfelt rush. How trill the thot’s el Mcm’ry woke ! If o’er our mortal sight unrlv’n Shall view the glory of the skies, NI sint‘ulvdisp‘ord chall be'givon. No niilldow blast Otlf dearest ties ! The jarring notes that eartlrrstrings wake. Netee’u an echo shall have found 1 “'here Heaven’s high harmonies break In one grand concert of sweet sound! iflirrtlluuruua, 1". 1""? "'“ ~â€" Poetsare generally poor 5 rhymes make but indifferent bladders to support the swimmer on the sea of life. A SEASONABLE IIINT.â€"â€",Don’t_ under- take to throw ‘cold water on your wife’- darling schemes, unless you want to get inâ€" to hot. The whole cnchantment of beauty lies to mystery; if the necessary union of its elements is dissejvéfi, its distance disâ€" e’lll’cd aléo.“ ‘ A The Sublime constructs for us a pas- sage from the sensuous world,iu which the Beaullfttl'WPQId aways-captive. II the world codified: dawn and 50.. tics by you, in itsigi'éat Face," don’t sit whining under people’s feet, but get up, rqb your elbows and begin again. The cxténsion fighe finidtlariesr'éfyour knowledgc,7uulikc the “extension of the boundaries or your tnrm, never narrows or extinguisher. the possessions of your neighbors. ' -‘ ' The greatest thoughts seem degraded in their passage through little minds. Even the winds of heaven make but mean music when whistling through a key-bole. The most tender-hearted man we ever saw was a shoemaker, who always shot his eyes and wliistlcd .When he ran his awl into a 51100. “ My 51518137" said a poonman. with a large family, “ is a‘ :fine “specimen 'of arti- ficial ice. She lately received a legacy, and immediatly became a lump of ice to ’7 . me. It has been untruly said that there is'nt nothing new under the sun. One asked Mr. , Auction N sat. flirt-«Mali: Jo wen-wit bravura-icy; we 1% t‘srttogcp. spasm J.GORMLEY. . COMMISSIONER 1N QUL‘EN’S BENCH, " eyancrr and AuctiOnéer. “ 1 l Conv ._I.0'r Ill. 4TH. Con. bluuxtuu._ ‘ Septepnii‘eiil 8:,"- ISEO. . ‘: 95"?tfv WALTER B. 'GEIKIE, M.D. l icmitlntc Qfl/L- Medical Boar/I oft/71pm Camr- da, and recently our: oft/to i'licrlicolofliccré I of the Toronto General lIos'ptlol. and Anatomy drift Sayzgcry- no». nap/marmzmu smut, r AS returned to AURORA, and I'D-taken 9' his former residence. on Yongo Street, where he may be consulted at all times. an the various branches 0fll_18_;pl‘0fu§81011.’ , Aurora. Feb. 514. 1800. - SURGEON DENTIST. ‘NTILL be at the following places for the / - . Practice ofhis Profession : _ , , The 1st Thursdany every Month at Hol- The 52 Id 'l‘hursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. At all other times the' Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. 131-. "o. g. LLOYD, I iland Landing. The 4th 'I‘hursday at Gormley‘s «Corners. June '29. 15-160. 83â€"1v W- THOMAS-ECWMAN, ,Liccnsci' Auctioneer, FOR THK COUNTIES OI" YORK 65, PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Alrnira.” P.O. will receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York Herald” ()tlicu, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornbill, and 111;. James Cavauna“. Mansion House, Sharon. where Terms, doc. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. M____ 6'2-lf masonic acme "motel; ,. RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose. Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the ' public and his, Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutuitl satisfaction. Richmond Hill. April 20,1860. P A I N T I N G. R. Painter. GRAINER, GlaZicr, Giltlcr,& Paper Hanger, , ’ nIcuMoND IIILL. Sign and ‘ Ornamental :I’lilinting done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. 73-tf 9 Richmond 11111, April. 20, 1860. .1" 5.73311” MA T 'r H EW L E- P "P E AURORA, AS‘just received a new and fulfalsortmcnt of Spring and Summer H DRY"§OOD& The Millincry Department! Will be found replete with thetuewest and most " Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Capos, All 0' whiCh-will be Sold at tholowestvremunor ating prices. Aurora. April ‘27. 1860. L. JOHN N. REID, M.D. constant 'or imam: *Attl) connonu ermine, Patrick Maguirc If be now Mr. I‘im Duffy. " Know? lilimj!”5fun$were§ The, Be 3.33 of pose-(1‘12? 'mfii‘ryi‘nly sister Katé’. ' ' ‘ An American editor thus logically nudge es his delinquent subscribersbâ€"“we don’t want, money desperately bad, but our creditors do ; attract doubt they-ow’e’yoni THURNIHLL. 113' ll Prescriptions got at the Office must be paid for on delivery. 31-1} ’ ‘ GO TO , : B,-...BQWMANKS MILL-8.! w [T M iv on it» i. f“ ""‘ ‘CARDING‘ & GRISTING, whereparties from a distance can have it If you Pay “5: W9,“ Pay them, and they‘ll t ilOIto-totake with them on theirreturnbome. ,, pay you." At best,‘lifc is~'not very long. A few more smiles, a low. more-tears, some plea sure. much pain. sunshine and song, clouds Itnd'dnrkncss, hasty greetings, abrupt fare- Wcllsâ€"thcu our little play will. closc,.aod injured and injurer will pass away. 15 it‘ worth while to hate each other? BARBAROUS.â€"A 1‘ [week ’? down east has addressed seine verses to the President elect. In which be atfvfies him to “ Arm! go l'OrtlI naked into the. field !” _ Don‘t do it, Old Abe. Kill the on. my 10- gitimatuly if yo‘u'é'an‘ybut don’t‘ieeitrie‘tbrm to death, . An American lady: who had becnsick qtg-ltiarse,i'lle§3.and Iiiuliiifeceiéid man?"de dttentions from many other sex, both French andsEuglisb, was naked to give her opinion respecting the two classesof her sympathisers. Her reply was: “ They were both very kind. The French Indies brought me, flowers all day, the English ladies sat up with me all'rii‘gbt.” ".~ 5‘s? f‘iff . . ‘ “ How do you do, Mrs. Tom? 'Have you heard that story‘a'b'out Mrs. Fundy 1’ V “ Why, no; really, Mrs. Grab. what'is it! , . - . Do tell 1’ l Almira, May 13, 1859. ,country, [bathe continues to make first-class 24-lr. " Cheap 7 019th1ng. TH E Subscriber-begs to Itii‘orin the inhabi- .. tantst Buttonvillo and the surrounding 00.9 TS, VESTS, PflJV'TS, &c. u thenewest Styles and supeii'orw “Corinna-n: hip. All orders promptly attended to and- work warranted. - '- JOHN‘ HARDY, Tailor and Clothier. Buttonvillc. Dec. ‘23, 1859. 55-1)- ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! : ' 2 MARKHAM VLLAGE. ‘ , j OODAccommodations. Wines.J.iquore arid Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA RR. Prop Markham, June 1859. ' RICH MON D HILL HOTEL. A STA-GE runs from the above Hotclkélo - Toronto, every morning. starting frém the Elgin Mills at 7. ,a-.in,, and returningat >7, p.111. . Fare, 25. 6d each way.» soon ACCOMMODATION you vaniiimm. RICHARD NICHOLLS, ‘ Proprietor. ,_ 1-55 rielor. 261d Ricb‘inond Hill, I)... 1,13, 1858. “ Oh, I promised not to tell for all the )vorld. (No; I must nottell as long-as I Iivctjustzas true as the world.’ is Wlmt is it? Come tell? I t l ; "1" Now, you iion’lt sayanytbing about it, will-you? 1. I. , I ' . ‘.ԤNo.?.I’ll never‘opeu my moutblabout itâ€"njever Hepe to-die thin minute.’ ' t' “ Well, if you believe the. Mrs. Fun told me yesterday that hersistcr’s husband was told by a. person that Trouble‘s oldest stepdaughter said 'it was reported by, the. 032. malnu‘moatngi’ht arrived from tlicI‘eejec Islnodiythatthc, mermaids «about that section 5791;? shark skin bustier. stuffed wittygcklgd cola: L A s. . «. (TY tillLFiWA-Y HOUSE, ‘HICIIIIDIIII HILL. II E'Su‘bscri'ier begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons 'and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises. where there .will be found excellentaccommodation for 'I‘ravell'ers, and ’G'ood Stabling. " _. I p (11,“? Horses and Buggies for Hire. ‘ ' JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. 858. 72.7 minimum“, Och-'92. l SADDLE AND“ ulnunss MAKER, ' ’ Opposite Mr: Purkiu' Store. ‘94 I?" 'I'a’onsnnjL .ze- 1 V THE AURORA , ». t 1“ 'T '. '° ' . -’t IIIAbiDaIC .QIAIIIIIIIIIE RAM) 1 .8 now open to receive engagements on li- beral terms, for any. number, to suit the convenience. of large or small parties. Applications to Mr- Win-,- lurLAND, at Aurora, or Mr \V, ‘ \VILLIs. 3rd Con. \Vhit- church. NJS. Also, a SAXJIORN BAND may. be had on application. Aurora, NOV/.2, 1800. NEW TAILOR error. VI‘HIJ undersigned begs respectfully toinfOrm l . the, inhabitants of ' , Richmond 'l-iill. Sc Vicinity 'llhztt .hehas commenced business in the Tailor . aing Line In the house adjoining MR. SI'VEII’S‘ SHOE SHOP¢V .:"'3 ~. :,".»'=.-.-;..= i...‘ ems-.1... i" ."x =2“ 'e .v. I v -~'~v ~v --- 2 5% " . fi‘e‘N‘J“ V’IWJ-Vym V . ' foo-3m l "EDIViIRszE; We HURB, «I‘leflRI-Svpnn‘ Aifbi-i,6§.§{:-[@w, Solicitor in Chaucory,Conve_\ aucsr. doc. Money advances procured on Eortgyagcs. No. 3, Jordan Street. r’ , RIB-y Toronto. December 13. (3km I'lcs Buran d, ARRISTER nnd-AZII'IFORNEY,â€".-Oflice, 1 corner of Adelaide and Youge Streets, '1 orouio, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts of Law, Chancery and County Court ; also, on rt-quest. to Country Business in the Divismn Courts. ' Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and everv de- scriptronotiCoiia'eyauoingdrawn up with care and at’reasoi‘ia’blo prices. ’ “ "Letters pest paid‘attcndbd’lo, Toronto. November 20,71I860. Where by close a) lliC'lIIOll to business and . , I l ' studying to please. he hopes to merit a share of pubfic patronage. ALL onmna PUNC'I'UALLY ATTENDED 1‘0. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, in any etylo. ‘ __ JAMES B. BURN ES. Richmond Hill, Feb. 11), 1860. . 63- 13' i IIICII MON D HILL, ’ ‘ i"? H1. EEGS to notin the Public that he has leased ’) the Foundry. lately in the occupation of Ira B. Richmond, where he intends to keep constantly on hand, IRON BEAM FLOWS Of various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, llox’Stoves,'&I:.. &'3; ' All kinds of Plow points for sale, and all kinds of .lob \Vork attended to.‘ ' All work warranted Richmond 11111, Oct. 25th. 1660. 95.3m. AIIIED WITHOUT PAIN By the use of Electricity, . ‘ IEEIII IiIIIi i fan Till-eh By Dr. E. C. EDMOND'S, SURGEON DIINTIS 1‘, AURORA- Tecth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. performed in the most approvedvmauner and VVarrahlcd‘ ' ' )Aurol'a, March 9, 1900. 07-1)‘ YONGE STREET HOTEL, , , AURORA. ' r GOOD Supply of VVinos and Liquors always 0n hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for ’I‘rnvellors, Farmers, and others. ligars of all brands. * . F D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, Juliet}. 1859. 25 1y Pl: -‘.~ I A~_â€"m~-w* (INTI) CITY M :iRBIIE WORKS 185 YONGE S-‘I‘ALET. nonomsnrsfiromsramns TOMBS'I‘ONES; 8w. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ASY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. THE UNDIIIISKINIL‘I) Assignees of the estate of I). C. &' \V. YALI‘). ‘will con‘ tinue the business under-1110 superiutoudcnce or" our duly cuthorizcd agents, AUs'rIN Anon and D, (:ARLCS VALE, whose receipt will be duly acku wicdgcd. l’.S.--â€"All notes and accounts remaining un-ii paid on the 151 day of June. 1855, will be put into Court for collection, C. YALE. G. (SUMMER. ‘ 48-11. Toronto, April 539', 1850. 'IIR'iitTiV. HILLARY,” _ PHYSICAH, sun-Grow a ACCUUGHEUR, AU'RORAfCflv,‘ Ii‘t-bruurv 17. 18.00. 64 1y - __ _.____..___.._,_.__.. --._.__‘.',_.â€"â€"â€"-'~ timeless AND snot scours. V. El..l.’:i Superior VValerproof'Hn'rneSS e ,'$‘311(I Shoe Blackinpr is warranted to soften leather. and reu cr It imperious to wet, Manu- factured at Richmond 1 lili, and sold by Store- ‘kcepru'd"and'i'H‘urness“IVIakoI'B throughout the Province, 2 ' - February 10, 1860. r ‘ 6341 Ian-.39 D. Eussvmoun, H OM (EOPATH 1C ’PHYSICIIIN, orally S'l‘., NEWMARKET, 39.9.» 65-1 ' «I 'DR. Inflowsâ€"aw; i C‘sl’lilNC HILL. 2} doors west of King Post h. WOIIICB. ~ '.‘ 3‘,',jr:, King. May 13.4185}, 3., - 241)’ L _.-..J‘t-..;..'_.' « HUG II... CAMRBDLII, \Vzltclt- and , Clock, Maker, 'lewntmu, ac, ~ Yonge' Street, Antofa- lewolry, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and luwosttcrms Aurora," February”, 21860., 'â€"_ , “ti-if IIA'IIIISUII,8& FIIZQEBALD, . I Barristers, AttorneyS-at-L‘aw, SOLICITORS IN C'IIANCERY, 61c. ori‘icn " ’ ‘” " CORNER OF KING AND TORONTOSSTREETS Over Whitmoree Co’s. Drinking Ollice, i TORONTO- ,A gcncyppl’oi'lzcularly altonderlgto. Janna FITZGERALD . . ,31- f THOMAS a. MAM-mean. 2.191111 1.559. .1 {tr 5' D E N‘T I s T R Y ! C. IAOAMySfDLDL s. surgeon Dentist, 'QQ'YING 5'1". uls'r, scum isms. mm.) Eneon wrsr rnon ,cnoncu s'r. 'rouou'ro, Toront ‘. s .wr _- ARTICUISAR attention given to the regu- lation at Children’s ’lcath. ,. Consultation free. and all work warranted. '. Br, .A'u‘lias turned his afi'fiution tithe; dril- provenients of his profession in all its branches, and can supply "the profs-Scion with Tecth,; .Gold. ‘ Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vinicapite Rubbergaud thebest’B‘one filling. ‘ “ . .bl’meg-al .,'I;eet.h mountedotl Gold, Silvery-or Vulcanized Rubber. With ContinuqusMGt-nns. which are warranted to givo‘culit‘c Satisfaction, ~T~Q§10ilte,Oetolza'â€"I‘I 1861‘ 4-59.13- i“ THIRD MONDAY of every month, and' the re- . 7 ‘ BE ' Wines and Liquors, put up under their own .I’- RGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’l Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Fraser and So mainder of the month at his residence Thornhill. All \‘VOIkW’arranted. Tooth filled with Osteoplurtic or Artificial lior.o.â€"â€"'I‘hisfilling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hordes the tooth to which it firmly/adheres, rendering it almost impossible ‘ for tho'filliug ever. to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G, L. Elliot, of Toronto; to! mrcnufncture his Artificial Teeth ; tlibso who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing It done in a superior manner, ‘ Jun r. 13.39. 324,. " GEIUIKE‘ TAMIL-1' LIQUIIRS. Wk]. 13. MORILHOUSE & CO., 1m porters.,& Wholesale Dealers in Brandies,‘Wines, Grins & Segars, G leave to call the attention oftho citi- zens of the United States to their Pure supervision. for Family and. Medicinal use, in ,cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs. l Military/and other public bodies, who require to purchase ‘inlarge or small quantities, in casks or bottles, will he liberally dealt with»â€" Price list tent on application. OLD IlJOltEflO 1-21 TTERS. IIGCOIHIIPCHGCU by the first Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Uebility, and all Ncryous'Discnscs. As a beverage. it is pure, wholesome. and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. IVM. B. MOREHOUMQ &. CO, Prop’rl. 3 A; 5 Exchange Place. Jersey City, N. J. P.S.â€"-â€"Tbc subscribers wish to engage a few nctiye anon, as Local and'l‘ral‘elling Agents for their house, to whom liberal' inducements will be ofl’ercd. For particulars. address as above. . . I. . V N O T l C E . MRS. R. RODGERS begs leave to intimn .4» ate that nhe designs to open a class, on , Monday the 1st 01’ October next, to give Les: sons in the l'ollowingobrancbes : Waxflower, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drnwmg, Water Cultll‘u. Leather Work, and the Various kinds of Embroidery. ' ' l 113’ For terms, see cards. Richmond Hill. Sept. 20, 1869. 95-33:): _.... . Gengral filt‘oreg 3.: AT AURORA. â€"â€" V, THE Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of. Dav GOODS GROCERIES. ’ HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, ’ ‘1 M &c. &c. _&c." lPLAS‘TER :IND SAL T, Alwars on hand, and for sale on the most mvorable terms.“ ' ‘ ’ ' " WM. SMITH. Aurora,June Li, 1860. III EXCELLENT IAIIIIIT Ion em. 10 ACRES, 80 Cleared. 20 miles from Torontomnd three-quarters of a mile from the Kingston Road. Well Watered. Good Buildings and in a a good state ofcultiyation. 81-tf l . V For further particulars apply to ' ' Du. WJNS'I‘ANLEY, . ;'Eglirigt011, Yongo Street. 97-3m October’s-4,1860. -wWMLU I for .SALE H 70 I To EXCHANGE. ‘ 10 ACRES 0F LANDin the Town- _ : ._sliip of Sunuidale. county ufSimcoe, being west half of ‘Lot No. 4, in the Gth con- cession. Also, 1110 Acres in the same Town- ship, hding west half of Lot No. 7. in the‘8th concession. u, I. _- ;_-g.fv : _" The above” 'p‘i‘operty is ic‘ot’ered with very “alpablo‘ I’,iner'1'iriiber,vand lies within half a mile ot‘tuo SunnidaleStation on the Northern ~ Railway. . _ For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor of the “ York Herald ” Office. Richmond _ 11111. June 92. .1800. .' ' q a... White RICH 8‘54! Mggiart Inn, ‘ -N1)1E1s1'LL.”"r 1 ’ I’IE‘Shliscribor begs to ‘lpfo‘rrh the > Public ' that he has leased , the above Hotel. I Where he will keep Constantly onghand ‘a ‘gOOd l supplv. pf’tirs'trclas‘pyLiquorsu &;c."- As this .house possesses every accommodation V.TI;8,- t‘kiel'o'rs cat. deé‘iije. those who wishuo stay where ("they cantind‘ every comfort are respectfully in- ‘ vited Cb filvolii‘rn‘apall. ‘ “I ‘ CORNELIUS VAN NOSTR'AND. Richmond Ili_ll.: Dec. 33.11569. 103.1 Ill-Ivfim IRON FOENDRY.’ G- H. Hfisbandg _..â€".â€" ~.’\. Irrs USE McKENZ usDIICKIgNziIIi’s USE McKENz-III’S use InKENZIE’s USE McKENZlE'S use. McKENZlIE’S » 2w». 1 DEAD Si-IO’I.‘ DEAD sIIo'r DEAD sno'r . DEAD snor DEA D SIIO'I‘ WORM CANDY, won-M CANDY, WORM CANDY, WORM CANDY, WORM CAN DY, wont-1' CANDY, FOR CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CIIIl.D].’.1:ZN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CIIlDDREN. 'I‘lie'rnost pleasant, safest and effectual \Vorm Medicine extant, “ and“ the cheap- est ;" only 15 cents per package, 50 cents for-{four packages. Soldiby every dealer in medicine ' TRY IT ONCE. Genuine, has the signature of II. E. McKENZIE,’--M.D., Glasgow. NORTIIROP & LYMAN. Newcastle. C.VV., CARTER, KERRY 61. Co Montreal. C.E., are General Wholesale Agents for the’Canadas. FARMERS’ INTEREST. 1' THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the Farmers of the County of York. that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell It'll'l'lllll Iiil‘lll 1 With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons. The above Hat-rows are} far superior to any now iii-use. being' made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and bolster than any other Har- rows. Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained. by up: plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will. punctunlly attendto all orders. swam. FANDERSON, R1:le «end llill, Feb. 24,1860, Eâ€"tf Advertisement. ii hereby heartlestimonv that I have tried . ' ‘ SA'NDERSONYS' .WO'I‘ATING. HAR- ROWS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Monday. and have foundthcm "up to all that Mr. Sanderson represents them to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the cdminon burrow. and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require implements of the kind. RICH ARI) VANDERBURGH Richmond Hill. June‘20, 1860. inu‘ii .. -.._ . .4_._._....__..._._. .._..._..-_____.,. Populn Iron Mme In S. LLOYD, Druggist 8.: Dentist, AURORA. ' . Hollowav’s Ointment. 1Ii‘almerstock’s Vermi- Dr. E. Hope’s Mag do: lingo _ Dr. 'l‘rask’s idu dojludian Worm Tea Dr. \Vilson’s Veg dol'R R' R Remedys Harrison’s Electric do' 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer Morehead’s Mag plas’n Brigg’r Mag Relief lliritlsh Oil Aver’s Pills lH arlam do IVTOl‘se’e III Root do Sir Ashley Cooper’s Stone do I Anti-bil do lSpilte do Moflhtt’ Life do Black do Child’s Sov Balm Soules’ do do . Poor Man’ sAnti bil lI‘ing \Vliitc do lSclmeidcr’s eyo water lFottit’s Amer Salvo Mayer’s Long Life , lKennedy's VVormPow- Dr. Phinney’s Family dcr Mol’fatt’s Phenix Bit lSoper’s Salve V lloofland’ German Bit; Egyptian do Do Balsamic Eur, Essences of all kinds Judson’s Cherry and Lloyd’s Ointment for Skin Diseases Lloyd‘s Eye Water Lloyd’s Horse Powders Lurgwort Kermott’s Tonic Mix Wister’ pulmoniceyrup, Syrup of Hoarhouud tLloyd’s Consentrated Boyer’s galvanic fluid as of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Straw~ Lloyd’s German horse Lotion Lloyd’s Cough Syrup 'Lloyd's Tooth Powder Lloyd’s'I‘odthaChe Spe- cific berry Godfrey’s Cordial Pirtcmau’s Feet Drops Paregoric Sir T Kepting’s Cough Lozengers anahes Cam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, «tee. Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand d‘isc‘overv': If people know its. genuine worth. Diseases would be scarce on earth ; Then. why should people pain endure I When they can find a perfectcure. (13' Prescriptions Accurately Compoundcd Aurm'a,‘.Tuue‘_1800. ‘ ’ 81 for sale Valuable Property IZ: 63' Acres, 523 of which is timbered, 4.0 'Acres under cultivation; ‘ Several PARK LOTS with timberthereen. Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with "or without libiléihgs. The above property is situated at. and ad- joining to. the Village of ,Riohmtta‘n‘a H111. For further particulars applypt lhe Office of this paper. '7' ' ‘ Richmond Huhâ€"Sept 26,1860. '96-tt' .STODK BROKER. , :No. 29. Anne, Street, or Box 54, P.O. Quebec. " finrnnuncns: Sherifi'darvis. Hon. George ‘tSherwood. Hom- P. ' M. Vaiikouzlrnct,“ C, J. Campbell. Esq. T. VVoodstde, ‘ Esq. Messrs- ,Gi'lmo'l’erCoulsoh do Co. Angus 'MorriSon. M.P. P. r’I'oronto ;_ Messrs. Mills, Mattico Co, Montreal ;' Hon. ‘Ja‘mes Patton, Barrie ; fiamel'l’t'ébe‘ter, Esq,6;ttelph. L Q'fv’tft' .w. DEAD 'SIIOT' .. Medicines } .- . -- r‘,i-‘., a, a, .- an. , Buffalo Medical Dispensary. ‘ Established for the cure of I l Dysrnrsm, c E N r. r. A I. DEBILITY, ‘FEVEICANU AGUE, Its'runa. INCImnN r CCNsumrr‘Icu, tCONSUMPTION OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, ETC. No McI'câ€"III'y Uscd. Dr. Amossm Eton, conNnn or MAIN a. QUAY 51's., Buffalo. New York, RE the only Physrcians in the State who .are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in elverv stale and symptom of disease." l The trea-tmentthey adopt in the result of up- wards ol'thiity ycars’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. "h. 3-): S '3:‘ s- ' 5’1 E W of (9.1V- - l .‘. .5. MOST SCIEVI‘IFIO INVENTION, l An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lily. of Nocturnal IIJIHIMSIOUS, more properly known as Seminal \Yeakncss, (kc. Can lib permanently cured in from 15 to 21) days. by :the use of this instrument, when used cori- Jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Amos & Son take pleasure ln announc- ing that they have invented a most important instrumcntlor the cure. of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a lost of the most em- incnt physicians in London. Paris. Pli‘iliadelphiti and New York r it has been declared the only useful instrumentever yet invented for the-’ cure of Seminal weaknOss, or any disease ofl the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. ' ' Dr. Amos «St Son, in order to satisfv the most skeptical as t: the merits of their iiistru- ment,pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after afair trial. the money will be refunded by returning? the instrument in good order. '- ‘t ‘ Persons wishing the above useful instrument, will observe that the price, with the accom- partying“ directions, securely packed. and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. NEW REMENIES AND QUICK CERILS -â€"A CURE IVA R RA .\ ’I'FD. Dr, Amos & Sou have, for along series of years. been engaged in an extensive practice in the troatmcutof these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European rcmedcs can be obtained. Persons in any part of the w0rld may he suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of tlioir‘cases,~wit,h a remittance for medicines, .Sac., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure. from observation. ‘ Address Dr. Arms 6;, Son, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N. Y . 88-lv W. U. S N‘Er 11111.1.WRlG'11'I‘, ‘ . all 0 07‘" ea 9 BEGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by“ contract or otherwise, on reasonable term:- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satislbctiona, mm.“ “LAN 011 Easy Ten-D; ‘of Payment. t...) r. ' . O â€" y 1%" HS SALE° 30,000 Acres, ITUAr 'ICD in tlie counties of Lamr'rou and Kerv'r. All necessary information willibe given on application, post paid, to MILES LAN GSTA FF. Wallaceburgh. Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. VValluceburgh, Nov. .94, 1859. 52-“ Good Ilcultll and nag .Lifc. MA YOR’S L ONG_ LIFE PILLS ." Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, and Doing purely vegetable, can b. taken at any season of the year if necessary, With safety and without fear of taking cold by: exposure, which rcndcrs them of great value and superior to any other medicine over yet otl'ercd to the public. The satisfactory and flat- tering testii: onials received by the Proprietor, bus induced him to advertise these invaluable. Pills .Iliat the public may be convinced of a simple and eliic -ci0us remedy, is alone stiflicio cut to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness if this country, such an Pains in the Head. Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Throat. Cramps. Colics, Worms in Children, and other disor- ders,‘ which will be found-on tie wrapper with instructions for taking them. Price, ‘25 Cents each Box. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeepers. who are requested not to purchase oftravellin'. Agenw. ‘ . THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactorvâ€"fih Con. Markham. ' J » Our .Musicnl Friend. “OUR MUSICAL FRIEND,” ‘. Rue Companion for the Winter Months. ' Everyl’iaufst, Should procure thin Every Singer, _ weekly Publication of Every 'l'euchor, Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but I. livery Amateur, ‘ ocnts a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press ofthe country, to be “THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD'" _ Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music. for 10 Cents. . 1 Yearly,$5 ; IIalf-yeariy,$? 50; Quarterly$lfi5 Subscriber to "Our Musical Friend.” or order it from the nearest Newsdcnicr, and you will have Music for your entire fainin at'au insignificant cost ; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin. Cornet, Clarionet. Accord“: (Szc. dac- subscrlbe to the : Solo Melodistt, Containing 12 pages, costing only 11) Cents I number; Yearly, $2 50'; Half-yearly. $1 25. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on hand. (1'. B. SEYIIIOUR &. CO. 107 Nassau St,. New York Fire !_ Fire ! Fire ! e V O V O I Altonn, Dec 23,, 1859 4 {traction doverrnncnt Agency. ElfUSINLSS connectvd with the C IO’WN I ..- LAND and other Public Departments attemch to : ' Patents for inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. E. J. Clll'15311EY. No, :20 Anne Street, Quebec. 6741" also. Address, prepaid. Quebec, March 6, 1&60. l 2 For: the lNS'l‘AN'l‘ untulzi‘ and l’lllt- MANISNT CURE of this distressing complaint use v EEJVIfi T’s BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! Motic I..- C. n. summon & (‘o., 107 Nassau Street. N.\’. Price $1 per box; sent l'rt-e by post. For Sale at all Druggists. A'l‘.i‘.NT Eave Troughs and \Vater Spouts superior to tiu. put up at 6 cents per foot ; also. Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, t‘lliuglos, Picket (Sales. Waggon Fel- lows and llubs, liar-rel Heading. and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by JO H N LA 131 nor A FF, STEAM MILLS, 'I‘HOR‘NHILL. Julie 3,1859. 97â€"1“ ills. Lani] . &‘ Municipal Agent. dzc. ~- MAYOR’S CONDITION PH‘YSIC, WORM DESTROYER. VTHIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Hull at any time of the year. without injury to the Horse. and has been used By the Farmch of Markham for the last two years with a success unprr ccdeuted. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which ar‘e too wellknown to contain minerals highly injurious to toe membrane 0r coating of the Stomach. The" ‘Ball is 21 Compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic. Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. lithe Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. ‘One dese at the cost of 25 cents "is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appo- tite. Conghs. Colds and Feve’r. Distemper, Sto‘ppagc of Water, Swelled Legs, Greasemnd is a complete Desitroycr of Worms, a greatpuri- fverfof the Illoorl, and a good Physic, always rccommeuded to be given in, the Spring and Fall, which willact as a preventive andim- prove the general condition. Makes him com- pletely up to the mark ifor-his work, thereeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. ’I‘estimonials ofthe‘ highest character will be f‘mwarded to testify to the above if required. "Cash Tormss-Ouc Dollar per packet containing four llalls. , ' :Lotters prepaid enclosing a remittance. will be promptly attended to. ' ’ Printed Directions wrapped round e‘a-ch‘Ball with my psiguature in full, without 'vvhic‘h none other are' genuine. ‘ ’ ‘ Officeâ€"Victoria Square, 'coticessimi Markham, ’ - ' ' " i “ THOMAS MAYOR ’ ker of‘ithe, original Yorkshire ,60 Manufactorye-‘ith phe onlv ma Dfifiie‘ld 011's America. , Rico Lewis, Esq. W E S 'I‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of ’I‘oron to. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. â€"__.._ CflI’ITflL S’ ‘OCK, £100,000. 1. C. GII.non,‘l’rcs. l Geo. It’licnnz,Vice Pru. Inniccrous : 1 Tires, Haworth, Esq. .lnmes JSoaty. Esq. . W. Henderson, Esq. T. l’. iobul'ls, Esq. . W. Macl'arlane. Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. l Bernard Haldun, Esq. Secretary (9- Trauma. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Iinuk of'Upper Canada. Brut/Mrs. Btnjamin Swuzer, qu. Inspector. ll? Head (Mica, (Church Street, Toronto. n THIS COMPANY lnsures all descriptions of Buildirigs,Manufactorics. Mills, &c.. and Good) and Furniture, In the same, against loss or dam- age by tire. on liberaltorms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW, Genera 1 Agent. (ll-l Residence. liclin'ond ‘iill August. 1.3. 1857. IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And deepatchcd to Subscribers by the earliest m 11,118, or other conveyance. when so desired} The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial Newa Ind Man kets. and the greatest care will betaken to render it acceptable totheman of busing”. and a valuable Familt Newspaper. I ’I‘ICRMS.-â€"-SoVen and: Sixpence perAnnu m. ll ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Mouths two dollars will be charged. ‘ RATES OF ADVERTISING; - .Six lines and under, first insertion.. . . .300 5.. Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . 00.12 Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . . . 00 Above ten lines, first in'.,lper line....' 00 Each subsequentinsertion, perline. . . . 10h BI [13’ Advertisements without written dim"- lions inserted till forbid, and-charged uccenb iIIg-ly. ‘ . v All transitory advertisements. from stranger.- o] irregular customers. mus-the powder-wimp handed in for insertion. _' i m “V A liberal discount willbe' made to partiel ad,- vertising by the year. " ' i' ” All advertisements published for a lens pe- rioo than one month. 1.11st be paid for in Sad,- Vahce. " ‘ ' All letters addressed to the Editor mun i. post paid. No paper discontinued until allarrearagea are paid : and partieerefusing papers without my 111,; up. will be held accountablefortlee Dub- SCI'IIHIOII. THE YORK. -H ERA LD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. 4 \VORK will be promptly attended io:;-â€"- nooxs, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS...-l.mel sun swim. Posrnns,cmcui.aus. LAW Former BILL unansmnnx cancnemnnrrsumn r A M‘ P n L E 'r s . And every other kiiid of LETTERâ€"PRESS. PRINTING ! ‘ donoriilttlteabest style, at moderate rates. . ? Our assortment of JOB TYPErie entirely neW'an'd ,ofytrheilatost patterns. A largewgriniy of new Fancy Type. ,and Borders, for Circulars, doc. kept always onyhand.‘ RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAI’N and -1“A2NCY’{30¢B 1* a

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