Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 8 Feb 1861, p. 3

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qperson,’ two years Provincial Penitentiary. gilefore the Hon. Ill-r. Justice McLean ) ; I .- From the Leader . .‘j __ SATURDAY, Feb. 2, 1851. 0" rnssrcrt'rnanr. The following is the Presentment of tho Grit“ Jury of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, for the Winter Assizes of the United Counties of York and Pool. To_His Lordship ‘Mr. Justice Mchrt. ‘ y _ M! Loan.-â€"-'1'lio Grand Jury of the United (Donation of York and Pool having disposed of the Criminal business brought before thenmsnd having disposed of all other business legiti- mately devolving upon them, beg leave before their dismissal to present to year Lordship a, short-stilement relative to the, matters of inter‘ olt’w-hich have come under their observation in file discharge of their duty. TheJurors have experienced much LI'II'IOCCS- nary delay on account of the absence of Crown illnesses, so much so, that they Would again 'irge upon the attention of the Government. that many former Grand Juries have sug- gested, that is. that some p-ovision be madofor, the payment of witnesses on behalf of tho, Crdwh. which. Whilst it would soon re their mun-punctual attendance. seems in our opin nanny equitable and just. The Jurors.'as is ¢u§§oinaiy, having inapeCted various, of the public, Institutions of the cityâ€"they have vis- ilpd the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, and are happy to. report that they found it well_.goV-. or“. cleanly kept, and comfortably fitted up. The only cause of complaint which the jury havejfonnd in connection with this institution infih'o want of room in the buildings either for the comfort or classification of the Lunatics.â€" The inmates of the asylum number some three hundrsfl and ti:'ty.for which number the present ummodation ts altogether too limited. and presents the management of that institution (rah carrying out certain ,nnitery and moral tegulations which would he highiv desirable. In reference to the jail of those counties, the. jarors‘noed say but little, as the removal of the prisoners to the city jail Would boon take place. and consequently the abandonment of the old one: fer the purposes of imprisonment ; one foot the jurors have much pleasure in noticing. that there is at present no person confined for debt in theTorouto jail, and only some eighty p“io ooners. most of whom have been committed erminor offences. The Jurors have also visited the Toronto Hgspital. They consider that me want of means is one of the evils of this institution. The Ven- tilation of the building has been poorly attend cdxto, otherwise the patients are comfortably kept,and suem to have all necessary care and ekill’exerciscd in their behalf. The Jurors also visited the Magdalen Asy- Bum or House of Refuge for females. situated in the northern .vicinity of Yorkville, and Were m‘tuch1 gratified to find about fo: ty women (mostly gathered from the jail,) comfortably soled and employed. Everything indicated cleanliness. order, and disciplino.and the speci- mens of needlework shown by the Matronâ€" tthe sale of which goes to the support of the Houseâ€"were of the finest description. The Institution, they learn, has been about uneven years in existence. and has been of great msofuluose with email means, and tho Jurors ‘bolieve that while it has rescued many from misery and death, it has also lessened and tends Ito lessen the expenses of our Criminal Juris- prudence. and therefore pretents a strong claim upon the City and County for a measure of In- bncinl support. The annual average expenses ofacriminale confined in the Jails of the Pro- wince is unknown to the lurors, but they be- lieve that in Great Britain it is upwards of I Wilfred, larceny, two_’y'dai'e each in theProviu'é Margaret Ryan, Mary McCarty. and John Tierney. larceny. two’voars each in Provincial Penitentiary; ' ' ' II. Wliolau, a young lad. who has been twice convrcted, Was sent to tho Refortnatory Prison for a period of rm years. ' ' Anne Lee. obtainiitg’gziods under false pro-i tonces. two months at hard labour in gaol. A 1 Alex. Sheridan, theft of two watches, four months hard i'tbour ingsol'. , Robert Sfinson, lin‘rse’ustealing. five years in the Provincial l’oniten iary. Robert Gunnaji. tliéft ‘of 10 lbs. of' tea. sent to the Reformatory l’ri'sbn for five years, ' Patrick Gallagher. receiving stolen goods, four months in gaol. ‘ * ' John Btisland, E. M: “hitter, and Bridget cial Penitentiary. V I y I ' 'ru' 'xutt’xvr‘rjliiifiots’oisiaa 'cait:.' Richard C. iloure, D'uggist. Yorkville, was then brought up fur sentence." 7 ' 'l‘he len't'ned Judge-said, the prisoner. had been found guiltv of groin negligenc'o,by which a young child had lost its life. .At the trial the l hiu l l , SPECIAL NOTICES. WW ’ MORE LIVES LOSI‘. _Parents WILL buy" McKcnaio’s Dead Sho. Worm Candy. Children WILL eat. and the WORMS WILL dio. 0 try ' it ; after you have tried, buy 4 packages for hqu a-dollar. It only costs 15 cents See advertisement in another column. To Consumptives. ‘IlE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a vary simple remedy, after hnving suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Courtiittiptiot-mis anxious to make known to inlib-Jr-sutlbrcrs the means of cure. I'l‘o all who desi'e‘it. he will send a copy of the prescription nsod tfree of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which tht-y will find 'It some ('ons son Cr-asunr‘rtoa. Asmara, BRONCHI'I‘IS, the. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the ufliictcd. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluach and he hopes ovary eufl'cror will try his remedy, as: it will cost them nothing, and they prove a blessing. l’a‘wiec wishing the prescription will please‘ prisoner had: been ably .defended. bttt in his address ' Opinion the jury had brought in a verdict ‘with which be [the learned Judge] must say be quite concurred. Ila-wished. it"to be dis-1 ttnctlv. uuderstood‘lhat‘perscns,like the prisoner, who dispensed modicinefiffouud guilty of negli- gence. would be held responsible for their acts. Such partiesu‘ong‘ht t5;1)ell‘t’if"steédv "habits, and 'hl‘tveia prtiper knO‘h'ldd‘gblib‘f'thier business, as by any I neg'oct o: igiioi‘unc‘b on their pari life might be sacrificed, ari itii'fhit‘present case. lie considered that {frychniyie and other poisons ‘ought to be kept'in 43in} place specially set apart for thett-i',1t11‘d kept u‘nde'rloelt and key. in The prisoner must feel keenly that through his Cure- loesness the Poor ‘clri-‘i'd-“haddoet its life. The sentence which he tvrnr‘abont‘to pronounce was not merely intendedJ is n'n' atonement for the order that - no. mistake thight‘ be ' made. offence Committed, bittlwas also to show others engaged in n...‘ dispensing of medicine-Altai for ,-any inutxentio‘n o't"‘vvu'tit of care they were liable to be severely punished. The prisotiorwhs then sentenced to six tuontlis’ imprisonment in the common gaoi. ‘ i The Court was crowded in every part during the pausing of the sentences. Gnarziux. Gaol. nutvzav. A number of persons. male and fetnalo, who have been incarcerated in gaol for threatening language, were brought up and discharged '1 his closed the business of tho AssiZes. and the Court adjourned. scorn CAROLIN FINANCES. -4... A Legislative Committee to whom was fetred the subject ol‘atzuising supplies for the present fiscal yearpre‘port a deficiency of $1,647 4-96, to raise which sum they have submitted a bill of taxation which ~ wtli produce, it is estimated, $1,724,000; Among the items of taxation are the fol- lowing :~â€"Upon uvory. one hundred dol- lars of the value ofalHands, an ad val- orem tax of “3; on». all slaves, a tax of $1 65 per head ; $3 on each free ne- gro, mniatto, or m-sslizdfbetWeen the age oi fifteen and filly-five years, except. such are incapable of producing} livelihood; 27 cts. ad tut/Oren on" c’rbry $100 on all lots, lands and buildings willnn‘ any city, town or villa-go; $1 per $100 on factoo rage, and all professidns tind employment, excepsin; clergvmen'nnd mechanics; the same on commissions received by vendue masters, &.c., 45 cls.,_p.e'r $100 on capital stock of all incorporated gas cmnpunies, and 1.}, per cent. on'nll premiums taken by insurance companies; 28 cls. on every Monty pounds sterling, or about one hundred $100 0f the 531631(’iiilllPi'd'a'ldizc- &c-r dollars. Every one, therefore. rescued hp such "lad" lwlwccn ll“: 15" 01 Jimum'Yr 18°0~ means as this Asylum affords. must be a pecu- niary gain to the community while the moral gains cannot be computed. The Jurors have much pleasure in referring to that part of your Lordship's opening charge. Illicit related to the recent Act “ to diminish the number of licenses issued for the sale of in- toxicating liquors by retail.” 'l‘he Jurors would suggest to the municipal otlicors and others. who have the carrying out of this Act. that they enforce it to tho very letter. and that the] rigidly observe all the provisions of the laid act for the suppression or limitation of those low and unnecessary groggories which too often the springs wI-ich feed ourjaiis mom poorhousos. and contribute largely to the criminal calendar of this and every other country. The set provides. that no tavern 1i- cepeo shall be granted unless upon a petition praying for the same, signed by at least thirty Of the resident municipal electors of the muni- cipality, within which the same is to have ef- feu. ' This provision of the act we consider to be imperfect. as the petitioners may reside in Any part of the lnenicipality. and need not ne- cessarily reside in the neighborhood or vicinity of the tavern petitioned for, and these may be lttangors to the party applying for license. and lily not be themselves effected by the evil in- fluence of the unnecessary tavern. Again. there is nothing in the Act to prevent tho same thirty municipal electors from being the peti- tenors for every license granted in the munici- pdfity. and thus the very guarantee which the Act endeavors to give us for the character and molding of the tavernkoepor may be frustmted and rendered of no avail in point of fact. In conclusion. tho Jurors would beg to refer to the courtesy and attention of the County Crown Attorney, and to the assistance he has rendered to the Jurors in the discharge of their sever 1 duties. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. [Signed] J, P. BULL, Foreman. o-â€"â€"_. Mourns. February 4. Before Hon. Mr. Justice McLean. The Court opened this morning at ten fia'clock. when the prisoners who had been con- . o . . . meted during the sitting of Assizes, were bronghtup to receive their sas'rxucns. William Tynan. larceny, three months in [101, at hard labour- Chas. Brown, larceny, [two convictionsJ Ive years in the Provincial Penitentiary. Aloe Earnest; larceny. four months at hard Inbour‘in geol. ‘ ' 4 Bryon Connors, theft of money .from the supply which soldat the fbllowi'ng prices. The and January lst, 1861, {the products of the State and the nntnonul‘uctured pro- ducts of any of the United States are ex- ceptcd from this p.0vision); $100 per day for all circus exhibitions, and $20 per day for all theatrical or other shows; $1 50 on every $100 of interest re- ceired during the past year on all bonds and notes; $2 50 on’ercry' private car~ tinge, (not kept for sale,) and $1 25 on each buggy, provided that not more than one tax of this kind shall be charged against any one individual; $1 upon every gold watch, and titty cents upon silver extra watch not kept for sale.’ How OLD ARE W: To-nuiâ€"Twe old ladies known to be the same age,- had the same desire to keep the real number concealed: one, there- fwe, used always upon a New Year’s Dav to go to the other,an say, .“ Madam, 1 am cums to know how old are we (to be this year.” i . . inm‘n. l REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willinmsburgh, Kings County, New 'York' flan ~filthertirmtruns. Cleared Farm for Sale. OT 6, 7 and 8, in the 12th Concession. Division 6, in the 'l'owmhip of Guelph, in the ’County of Wellington, are offered for sale. Enrica in Two Farms of 151) acres each, or will be sold ALI. 'l‘oatrrrtnk 30.) Acres. of which 170 Ares are cleared. and in a high state of cultivation. The land is distant about a mile from a first-rate Gravelled Road. and about8 miles from the town of Guelph [on the Grand Trunk Railway,'_] one of the best market Towns in Upper Canada. Offers to be addres-tad. fif bylotter pestpaid] to EDWARD E. ‘rY. EURO, ‘ Barrister. Office. No. 3 Jordon St. Toronto. or Residenceâ€"469 Church St. Toronto. Toronto. Feb 7, l8“. Letters Remainingin RICIIM‘JNDHILLPostOflico FEBRUARY 1, .561. Anderson, M. Brennan, 1’. Bran, James anrm, John Mullinlland l’etcr McFarlan, Daniel Ilruce, Jno McCiml-tey. Mr, Baker, Samuel Mncl‘leth. Andrew Secretary of RichmondPiavtnr, James Lodge Prickrim, Francis ilrillinger, G. Pickratn, Frank (Tin-ishnim, J. Patton, Isaac Donor, Emanuel [3] Patten. Alexander Deegier, J. B. Park, Win E. Elistcn, B. ltobineon.Robort Eyor. David Jr. Ross. Mark Frank, Miss M. Rutherford, John Grooves, Levi Scott. Thomas Gordon. Thomas Sillllll, Mists H. Giltnour, Jame. Todd, Alexander Harris, J. Trench, William jnn. Holtnkay, John Wilson,- P. . llaelop, John \Viiliame, Jacob G. Jphntson, R W. Willinine, Joesph Jackson, John -VViiliatns, John I Lawrence. Miss E. y M. Tenn, and. 1 OSTPONED” TILL s Monday newt .' THE 11th INSTANT. .___. W'esleyan Methodist TEA MEE'I‘ING ! A Tea Meeting will be held in the Weslryan Methodist Chapel! nrchosn HILL, on Monday next, Feb) army 11, ’61 For the purpose of liquidating the remaining debt incurred in erecting a gallery and other improvements The Rcv’d. H. . Wilkinson, Elliott. Fish. and other eminent speakers will address the meeting. The excellent choir con- ‘nected with the Church. will be in attendance. At Aurorit, on the-9nd, instant, the wife of “ Mr. Jam'oslnlloday. of'a daughter. ~ MARRIED. ’In Vangiianf‘on the list ultimo, at the resi- dence of the bride's other. by the Rev. R. Hay. Mr. th.t.i.tu.".§uritr.v, to Fitness EMMA, third daughter of Mr. John Standen.iate of Birmingham, England,,. At Lackey, in King, hv the. Rev. Donald Ross, on the 24th on. Mr::'l‘homaa Cams. of Vaughan, to Miss June; Cams, ofKing. :- :::::}:::::m* I TO _._”_~__~ RON'I‘O hauntâ€"371‘s. THURSDAY, February, '7. Fall Wlieat,_â€"-¥’.'lOOO behid "was-tile extent of the prices paid for thobest samples were-from Si 15 to $1 18. or hshl, , - , Spring Wheat -â€"-l,95fl belliem market. which sold at from $1 03 to $1 05 per hslil. Barleyâ€"sold at from 55 to 560. Penmâ€"lSU bs bshl. . UQISJ‘BI ‘26 and 27c per bshl. Haysâ€"is, from $10 to $14 per ton, Straw $6 to $8 per ton. ' ' Flour nâ€"Superfino No. I sold at $4 80 to $4 85. No 1,34 to $4 rill ; ,Kuncy (Spring) $4 75 to 34 8t); Fancy (Fall) $5 l0 ; to $5 2."); Extra, $5 to $5 .50: Double Extra. $5 75 to $6 ‘25. lintter. -Frosh is in fair 18c per lb. Porkâ€"is in fair request, For Hogs averaging lb‘tl lbs $4 25: and $4 751nm been paid. and those averaging 2.0 lbs $5 and $5 SUâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Ai'iplonâ€"rfommon varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 barrel. Better grades $l 5i) and $2 barrel. E gs. ~Fresh from wagons 17 to 25c per dozon, Potatoesâ€"New vary in price from 20 to ‘25c. Sheepâ€"are in demand each. ’ Lambsâ€"care plentiful at from $2 50 to $3 oaéh. calvesâ€"hare in good supply at $4 to $5 each.’ ‘Beef-llidesâ€"84 ~00. per 100 lbs. Sheepjnd lamb skina 30 75 each. Cait'skins 10¢. perlb'. Tullow,_$'7‘.por 100.11»; I his went off at 56 and 55¢ per supply at from 17c to per at. from $4 '30 to‘85 Q - ‘ H . .. .4 ..__.Teronto, December raters. .. l i in Chancery,Conve\ ancer. tic. Honey ; advances procured on Eortgages, , i No. 8. Jordan Street. All friends of religion are respectfully invited to attend. Ten to be served at 8 PM “fiezskets. 8'7 Otns. Can bolted on application to Messrs. Vorney Crosby, W. llttrrisOn ana Ilewison. Stray Horse. “â€" - AME into the Premises of the Subscriber: Lot No, 14. 'nd concession Whitchurch, on or about the lath of December last, .1 Clemons“ IIorsc, \Vith a while star on :ts forehead, whit-s hind. foot, sparined in one leg. and one of his hips knocked down. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. mcnann non .. Whitchurch,rab.7,1861. SI rY' Surrogate Court ofthcflni‘tctl 1 “TIM BER F ' Counties of York and Peel.” _ OTICE Is Hereby Given that. at the ex- piration of twenty days frOm the date hereof or as soon thereafter as i ouncil‘can be heard. I will apply to Saxon. Bun Hartm- aos, Esq. Surrogate lor the United Counties of Man! Jsss MONROE, infant daughter of the , late Robert Monroe. deceased. gJOI-IN HILTON; Toronto, J'my. 21st. 1861. . H. M. O'BRIEN, Atty. at Law. STRAYLED. _ 7 RAYED from the Premises ofthe Suh- 112-3 T S A WHITE BROOD SOW. Small with heavy ears and long- tail. Any one giving intermation where the said Sow may he found lwili be suitably rewarded. EVILLIAM S. WARREN. Richmond Hill. Dec. T l. 1360. ‘ 108-3 Jilr. S. .7". chl R PIS. BtfilliSTER-AT-lltw on summer: It: cntrcmv, ‘Oflice removed to Gas; Company's Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1851. ' t ,lfl~8na “ THE, LEADER,” ' “the Patriot ’ and ‘ News of the Week’ 11E favor with which Tire Leader has been recoived by the Public may be jndgod'hy lthe fact that since its. commencement. in July I 18552. it has steadily increased in circulation iuntil. in its various Editions, it has snvsn'at.’ ITHCUSAKD ' more subscribers than any other i pgper in Canada. Every exertion in beingueed |'to make it more and more mdisponsiblo for lovery family in the Province. " THE DAILY LEADER ls published every morning. in time for the early trains, at Six DOLLARS por‘annum. in advance. it is a large sheet. and contains the earliest and most reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. THE SEMI -WE BKLY BEA DER. 1e published on 'l'nesdnv's and Fridays. rt Tunic): DOLLARS a your in advance. It con_- tatns all the reading matter of the “ Daily Lea- der” ; and for parties who do not reside near onmtgh to a Post Office to call every day. this paper will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive front a Daily. THE WEEKLY LEADER ls published every Friday. and “ The Patriot" and the ‘° News of the \Venk" are published ovorv I'Vednesduy. at the rate of ONE DOL- LARin advance These papers are printed on a large eheet, and contain the most impor- tant mutter of the " Daily Leader.” Market Reports are particularly attended to in them.â€" These are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro~ vrnces. One dollar it your in added to each Edition when not paid in advance. TO ADVERTISERS. The large circulation of 4 The Leader makes it the very host medium of publishing notices of any kind. Ratesâ€"4"" Daily-«Four pence a line, for first insertion. and one penny each "subsequent insertion. For Weeklies-“six pence a line for each insertion “ ' White Hart Inn, RICHMOND 1111.!“ HE Subscriber begs to , inform lheJ’ublic that hs‘has' leased"tbe nbbvefflotel. where he will keep constantly onghand a good supply of first-class Liquors. «910. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel us can desire, those who wish to stay where they cantind every comfort are respectfully in» vitod to give him a call. CORNELIUS m NOSTRAND; Richmond Hill. Dec. 23. 1359. 103-1 ‘ 310W!) 1". THE CANADA AGENCY Assocu’rtoa of Lon- don, England. are prepared to negocinto Loans, at EIGHT per cent interest, upon im- proved Farms. The Money can be obtained as soon as the property has been valued. and the title has been approved of. The Forum of application and other inform- ation apply to A. R. ROCHE. Marianna, Wellington Street. near John Street. Toronto, December 90. 1860. “9.5 PROSPECTUS OFA NEW AND IMPROVED MAP OF OUR COUNTRY! E undersigned. l'rojecior and Publisher 1'1 T of Descriutive Maps of the Populous and Wealthy Counties of Norfolk. Oxford. Brant, Halton. York, and Ontario, (all of which have been Favorably Noticed .by the City and 115 9 1 Country Pre:-a,) I’ropoeeu .to Publish. Drawn ito a Large Scale. either 20 miles to 3 inches. "‘ct‘lfl’TED, A BOY, as an Apprentice to the Printing Business, about 15 or 16 \‘enrs of age.â€" He must possess a fair Enzliith education.â€" Apply Immediately at this office. “ York Herald” thce, Richmond Flill. Jan. “fl. 1865. NOTICE. ALL Parties indebted to the Subscriber, pre- vious to January 1561, and whose ac- counts we still unpaid. are hereby notified that if the same is not settled withiit one month from thisdato. they will be put into Court for’ colic-odor: WILLIA M "i‘ilENCll. sen. Elgin Mills. January 224, 1861. “$3 Farm for Sale on Yangc Street, 13 Miles from Toronto, EIING. composed of [last quarter ofLot No. 39. In [St coucessian of Vaughan. con- sisting of 50 acres. all cleared. l The Land is of the best description, without a rod bring eilher Wests or broken ’I here are on the premises a good Dwelling- houso. it Well of hard water, Bricb Cistern and other conveniences. with Lawn containing, ornamental treesand Garden attachedâ€"well stocked with furl! trees. Also. Tenant's house in the roar oi'diveiling house. with “still, New Stable. Sheds, fits. For further particulars apply [if by letter post-paid! to G. J. F. PEARCE. Richmot (I fill, PJ‘. Richmond Hill. Jan. 24, 1961; I I ) EDWARD E. W.HURD, BA RRISTER, Attorney-at~l.aw. Solicitor or 5 miles to one inch,-â€"- A Topographical. Statistical,& Illustrated MAP OF UPPER CANADA ! Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors. and Ports: Canals, Rivers. and Principal, Mill Streams : the Railways,‘ Railway Stations. and Stage Routes in connection therewith ; the Post Offices. Money Order Offices, and Tele- graph Stations, as shown on, the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General. by John DeWe, Esq, Post Office Inspector ; the. gene- ral Boundaries, Counties, County Towns, Cities, Towns, and Villages. with the p-incipal or most direct Roads connectingthem , the Population of each City, Town, Township, and Incorporated Villng'oain the Province : and other Important and appropriate Informa- tion, compiled from the Census and Statistical Returns of the present year. ILLUSTRATED By well executh Views of the Cities of GI- tawa, Kingston, Toronto. Hamilton. and Lon- don : a View of the Falls of Niagara : witn a View of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, at:- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of l’rovincinl Buildings-~1he New Houses of Parliament, the Normal School. Ospoode Hall. Trinity College, and the 'l‘o~ ronto University. the last, said by competent Judges to be the Finest Building ofits Class in America. 1F ENCOURAGED To accompliSh this Important VVo'rlt, the Map (Size, including a Border formed hv a tasteful arrangement of the Emblems of Canada. at least 6 feet from East to West, x 4 to (l feat from North to Sonth,) will be completed, here, _ « in from three to five 'ears that i 5 IN ANTICIPATION Of a General Patronage, the Price has been permanent'y fixed at Frvu ant) a-nau Dot.- ytaa, payable (only) on delivery of the Map In Good Order and Condition, handsomely Colored, Varnished and Mounted. UPut up for the Pocketot $6.00. ' ‘ GEORGE C. TREHMNE “42"! Puma“, . . » t York and Peel. to be appointed guardian of‘ scriber. Richmond llill on the 3nd inst..‘ Breed, N o ,_ ‘ M.- OR SALE, " "QUANTITY of STANDING TIMBER. Pine and Hardwood. for"Sale. on Lot No.53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti- culats apply to the Executore of the late '1‘. D. Campbell, on the premises. Richmond Hill. Nov. 26. 1660. [05-6 ‘ EA ., ,- , :-«.~.-.- -‘..,,‘-.‘.‘ex“. . THE Subscriber begs to ,rcturp his thanks tohi's nurnoroustriemls.antl' the Public, and Would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK,and has now on hand a very .o o hill" till'lllliil lllltli’l‘l it not ; TTORNEY-A'l‘ . Law. SOLICITOR Ofevery description and style, such as : in Chancery, Cotiveyaucsr. &c. (tics, in Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea- .vorton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. , 7 ‘ H > The Division Cour. in Ontario. Richmond lili,'eed Isrkha- Village regularly attended. musty. lov. so. tees. tit-11 A CARD- onto. has opened an oflico in the V11 logo ofAnrora for the transaction of Common Liw and Chancery Business, also. Convoy- requested to ancing executed with correctness and dospstoli Divieion Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora. a. Queen Of. Toronto November 20. 1'60. 104on A Novelty l'u'the Art world! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN l, Secured by letters patent in the United States,‘ England Trance. and Belgian. "sums".- rloroonarutc roacsutn eo.. 1’0. 781 Broadway, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious invert.- tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for moisture Likeneseee of lemons on Ohms. presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protegraphs. tho brilliancy and finish ofa water- color drawing. and a bi- tkorto unattainth quality of durability. by being tendered es import-liable as the natural propor- trieu of the articles upon transferred. ' As the patented process of the Company on- ables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury. or of household utility, such as Urns. Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Articles. &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. C EM!“ of 111°; of Tor. . M" , [Richmond nut, Dec. 151860.. which they are Boots, Boy‘s and Youths’ Kip and Calf Boots... ,Womcn and Children’s» Boots and'lShocs‘of every variety of style ; also, a large quantity of. - MOCCASSlNS .86 OVER SHOES, .' In fact, he. has on hand all that is wanted tendons or. protect the feet,-â€"'â€"- for any vi'Cutl‘ier or a.ty‘scason', "\vhich he its-prepared to Sell at the v. ' ~ REMUNERATIVE PRICES FOR. CASH; Men’s Coors-c Ki . and. Call I “or attendee» Those requiring a really good Article, at avChcap Price, are respectfully . ‘. CALL at the CHEAP BOOT or. OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. 107-.‘Zm ..-. ...... ..__’.-.__,_._.-_...-._. -.. a”... 1:? (milâ€"I'iflli"i"i’:{“â€"C'; Z.â€" *‘:‘_ iii . Of every description and variety of Mountings go to w. n. MYERS! in, * tilt - ‘ till . tint Htllilll 1: no SHOESTOBEg- JAMES HALL, Proprietor. ' premium. fittings... Orslitthlirbmtnl, llirimtnuh lililif E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that tsoveri . kept in any Conntr'y‘Shop; and 'at a much less price then it is possible for to get the. in Toronto; audit. is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the. - shortest notice, Saddles, Bridles, no. of every description. '3' ALL COLLARS ‘ARRA'N'I‘ED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .fi. Cash rot- {reruns and SKINS. i . PATTERSONS’ PLOUGIIS and SHARES CONSTANTLY 0N HAND. All Work. Warrante d. In order to furnish facilities for the gratificn- Call, Examine and Seefor yourselves bears purchasing elsewhere. tion of the popular taste. and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of en- porior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons unthorizod to use the process. they have deter- mined, in order To afford People in pvery section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, ‘ to make the following proposition to BISIDINTI IN THE COUNTRY. WHOAKI IIAILI TO VISIT PERSONALLY 'I‘Hl ATEIJKR A1”) OAL‘ LERIES IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrolypo,or daguorreotype to the omc‘.‘ of the Company in New York. accompanied by ' rrv‘s nouns-3 will receive in return by express, free of cthor charge. A RICHLY ORIAHII'IID BRKAIDAIT CUP All saucna, wrrl Tn voa'taur raasersaaal ' flaktox. By transmitting a dsgnerreotvpe and not Detuas ! they will secure in like manner, a summons vasscn van on TOILIT aarIoLl, with the portrait reproduced by the patented recess. By sending a pair ofdsgnorreotypos and nuns DoLuas 2 they will receive in return a run or atcn snvnss vans. with the partraits oXocuted equal to miniature paintings; and. in like manner. portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or vaens or anal QUALITY or tiller. ranging in price from rwnsrv so on lusnano nonuas run run N.B.â€"-Bo particular in writing the addrou, town, county and State. distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “Manexa, Amcmcu PxoTeaaAPme l'oa~ circus Co..” 781 Brannwar Nsw Your. New York. Oct. 9, 1860. 98-33. tllllijilllt tn Triumphant Success of Opposi- tion to High Prices. IE1. Bord do Bro... EG‘ to state to the Public. that all who Want to save money can do so by per- ohaeing GOODS at Their New Establish mont In this place. Their Unprecidettod Snoo- ‘ enables thorn to offer STILL GREATER INDUCEHENTS ! Their Stock is heavy. comprising every do- scrlptioa of Seasonabie Goods. Over Coats from $5. Coarse Boots from 82.50. livery class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS. CLOTIIS. COTTONS. BLANKETS, ‘Will be found GREAT BARGAINS! With a liberal discount for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES ! crimp. In the mummyâ€"Jim you would hm to marry who buy their 33013331831353. MAN‘ELEfi. CAPES, «to. All orders in this line Panéttmlly attended to, and got up in‘ the Newest Style. Highest Pricâ€"eror Produce Also the highest price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK & BARLEY, ET Givens a Pair Trial and we are sure of the result. and still:- '..,,--,,,, h, ., canon;- by g pay $7 for they will sell for 35, as proved by and two good Dwelling llouses, with out-offi- Richmoud I‘Iill,'June 19, 1860. NE 62-]y -...._ m... . .. “W ~_...._...__.â€"~.._-â€".- V J. r. uncommon T IS UST OPENING OUT AN IMMEN STOCK 2, DRY GOODS, GPOCERIES,” HARDWARE, etc. i Autumn and inter, be has made ample provision for supplying ins customers Goods of every description will be Sold at a MODERATE' ADVANCE ON COST PRICES! M. 0:;â€" a Choice supply of MOURNINC Germ; M RS. All parties when Notes and Accounts are new duo, are respectfully requested to stake provisions for them. ' . K. F. Richmond Hill, September 15, 1560. y 95-, STRAYED AME into the Premises or" the Subscriber‘ Lot No, 30. 2nd concession Markham, 2 White Steal/PSI About the 15th of November. The Owner is requested to take them away. on proving proâ€" W” “"dlmymg C(ggtllii'cnsrnrnnxsoa. Refit)ch his Printing titlice 1 Markham. Decomber 7. 1861‘. ' 106-3 ’__._â€".._.~ lilil‘l ii llflillll. 121E Proprietor of tho “ Yonx Hanan)" begs to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that so has TO THE NE W HOUSE ADJOINING, Two docrs further north, where. increased ifscilit‘ns, he will be prepared to get up work CHEAPER THAN EVER! HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public that he is prepared to make 3 r Beacons and. Shoes .fevery style and description. lithe lowost panel is romnnorating prices. All work were ranted to give entire satisfaction. , w, ’nJMAttTIs. IOG-Iy with the utmost expedition, and with every,- attentlon to the wishes of his customers. " llornld " Office, Richmond Hill. July 20. 1860. Y «My; " What pleasure can exceed!“ " The smoking oftho Wad: "' 1' our Pure. Fresh.‘ Good; end. Vines Tnfievorad At Is. and 1.. 3d. the boattever offered. Cook's Hill, Vaughan, Deoornbor 7. 1.... GE 0. MC PH I’L“‘?L IPS , Provincial Land surveyor, " atcnnosn nun. c.w."' December Id. 18W. ‘ ( Late 6.. A..Bunard’s ‘-, Ric-norm Hm... lOd-t: , A. MAIRS. B A- TTORNEY â€" AT-LAW. sortrCr'ror. in Chancery. Convoyaneor, dso. Main THE KMERICAN Street. Markham Village. _ . mo Medical & Toilet Receipt Book IS Book contains Recipes and Directions loVosnber 2!. 1860 T” for making all the most valuable Medicle ‘ preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and: explicit directions for making all the most pov- pnlar and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ungnc ents. flair Restorativos, and all 'l‘oilet’ Articiog Ifyott are suffering with any chronic diseaseâ€"- if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine head of hair. a smooth face. a chant“ skin, a: luxuriant board or moustache-01- if you wish to know anything and eVerythirrg' in the Medical and Toilet line. you should. by all means. peruse a copy of this hook. n} fall particulars. and a sample of the work for pet'â€" ‘ usal, (fl‘08.) address the publisher. T..F. CHAPMAN. No. 831 Broadway, New York. ’. November 23. IISOt l i l Land & Saw Mill For Sale. 10 Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared Composed of the West half of Lot No. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxhridgo, County Ontario; together with an excellent Saw Mill. cee thereon. Also 7 acres adjoining, composed of the front part of Lot No. 6. in the same concession. ' The above property is healthfully and de- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in one of the oldest and best settled townships in the County of Ontario. It is within 2}, miles of the village of Stouffviile, about 10 miles. from Uxbrt'dge Village, and 20 miles from the l Townol Whitby. the Capital .r the County orl Ontario. I ~ l The property will be sold viry cheap for: Cash. Titloindlspn'tablo. Applv to ’ For Sales Cheap, JOSEPH KELIJER. r:- .. q Hons: nnda LIGHT srmnc'wac- Richmond Hill. or b, IRANCja KELLER, , GON. The Horse is rising-Y years old. ,1 “A, «g: . , . . Whitby. For parttealars apply‘nt mafia”? V a I, ‘ "’ -'- m 9 533” ,mmdnd Kill. Nos. 5.- H "Li NTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during the WM. 5. POLLOCK’SH' a v 4

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