Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 11 Jan 1861, p. 3

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. A,“ , 7 - ' - . . . ‘ . . . "um-7-..”. '3'? .i-....._...-.‘l..» :r‘ “ "Ttififfy ~ ‘” ‘ ' ' I V’ -- c , - I. . 1' ’_ ' , I ._, _ 1..».-;~'â€"»..~‘.-,“{,~,3.~.. V. y . I ‘t A. > I l. v _ . - > r - ., ~.‘ - SECRETARY THOMPSON AND apes-mg manners" demand! 'Itn‘l'uwngtl "lreSiouxlndinnq an... to makeatrcnty. ' HE RICHMQND HILL COUNTY TrMBER FOR SALE, 33:58, Q O THE _L)RESJDENT AT LOGGE R, the I fondant-1.0!: the mainteuuiice'o‘f toe gm”; mmamfl manual the war path in the wring GRAMMAR bCIIOOL wrll reopen on ; QUANTITY of STANDING TIMBER l k U . J L. _ g " ‘ V s . mo“: the Consumnont “d 'll" “lleg'm Of m" l -'-n route that Uncle Sam will be likely to make MOlldll)’- “‘9 14m “"‘lam- i » v ' ' ' â€"â€"~. â€"â€"~-- : IleDD. Auwncw, fl , . Pine and Hardwood. for Sale. on Lot . ‘ l’E- “a hard road to travel.” . ROBI‘. RODGERS, V 5-3 1 t -0 Van mm For "ti, , . V , . , , . t 1 - IVASHING‘TUN. Jan- 9-â€"-Secrelar‘! "“‘" ‘ iieadnmtar. l 0' " s c°“°°”' “ 3 ' .9 I‘HE Subscriber begs to :clurn lllS thanks- to his numerous It ricnrls and _ culars apply to tho Executor: of the Into 1‘. D, Elma“). 9’, 1861' l Campbell. on the promises. ab: 57, .W, jg: {evilsfuyflichmond Hill. Nov. 23. 1860. A l:i.ir:.-â€"-'I‘ho commission given to Gover- G'riuun, Pa., Januarva.â€"â€"An . lmmcttso rm- . , . . thoring of people assembled bore to-dav. rind l "or CO‘ldmgwn b-‘Orc’mmyen' I“ me y.“ “‘T' ‘ ‘ t has recently been lound’tn Rhodes Island. were addressod by Rev. Mi; Flowers, l’i'eliding Elder of the Methodist church. who declared Ilia Tliotiipson‘s conditional resignation has ticteri*'t'eiid8i'ed more than a week. the firesident pledged himself, so I‘hompsou the Public, and would inform them that l'c has greatly i.icrcascd his STOCK, and has now on hand a very 105-6 An elk was recenth killed near Potc'ruilu charges" that no troops should be sent southward without his knowledge.- 'l‘lionqiâ€" son Iziicw nothing of the finding of the Star oft/re lVrst’. until lart err-hing. It is currently reported that Mr. Thompson and the President had high words in conseâ€" quence of which the President hinted that. he, had better resign. ’I‘ROOPS FOR CHARLESTON. A dcspatcltment of sixty eight mounted dragodns passed throuin Baltniiorc yester- day afternoon from Charlislc barracks for H arper’s Ferry, as a guard for the govern- ment armoury. 'I‘Iwy are Ol‘dct‘etl tltnrc on the requisition of Superintcudant Bar bour. Mr. Botoler strongly urged upon the War departnimt that it Would not he public to scrid them there at. this time. SOUTH. CAROLINA HOLDS THE 'f’ , rurisusriiian. ‘ ‘ it It: is understood that the Sub-Treasurer OfCharlcston has communicated the fuel to the govcriiirierrt that the Still) Carolina huthoritics will not allow him to pay any more droughts-“riot even to pay Antler son‘s mcn. All the rash in Ins vault; is to be retained there. Khutisiiisssiou 1N CHARLES- “ won or isLooDsnuo. Private letters from the best sources 1'] Charleston, dated on Saturday, express the gravest tllslt'tbt as to Oi’ullls, and fair that, blood may Ilow at any moment. Many oi theiifitnlws are moving fruit) the city un- der these apprehensions, Silas Anderson of Cincinnati, brother of the Illayor, has just returned from Charleston. After the first'interview with his brother the flll'VPll- lance was not continued and be bad frcc corriinuiiications With him. The IlI.iyor considers hi.s position cntircly secure, and ’ltc is fairly supplied with provisions and other neccsiarics, cliccpt cool and Wood, for military ptltpOsL‘S, in cast: that ex- fru‘tnity should be t‘eaclit-d. 11c is in good spirits and hopes that reason wrtl operate upon the misguided people before long. _‘ Iid'fAStIING't'o.‘i. Jan. 8.--â€"-l.’»uini.ur:i of tho attack of the Star 0/ the West in the neighborhood of Charleston, and of the cannonadiug of that City by Mayor And- erson are rile, everywhere creating in- tehsccxciteritcrit, through nobody can give any authority for the report. b.“ FROM WASHINGTON. 'WASiiiVGrow, Jan. 8.-â€"â€"Tlie report , \cireulalcd in this city for some clays past and tel-graphed to Northern papers, to the effect that forty tons of shot, shell. and pOWdcr, was recently shipped to New Orleans by Adams is. Co's. trxpress, is wholly incorrect. The report that orders have been iisued the British Government to the Consoh at the port of the acceding States to re fuse. certificates .of clearance to English vessels is detained, and it is added that 'Mr. Bunch, British Consul at Charlrston, re, cognizes the _(le fuclo Government by granting certificates to the out-goin; vessels of that nation. FROM NEW YORK. . New Your; .Tall’9-8.~~-A special des- palcli to the Commercial says the I’msi» dents iitcssage is so decisive in litrour of the enforcement of the authority and law: of thc Federal Government in rebellious §Itlics, that it Illtlrsl. neces‘iate the retire- ment of Scrrvtaiies '1'h0riips0n and ‘I‘ho- mas. ' ' v: .lIt also says it is now pretty certain than 35117. Hicknirin‘s coercion t‘entllulltNlS will pass tltc House by a large majority. RESIGNA'I‘ION 0F SEC RETARY ‘ 'I‘IIUMPD‘ON. WASHtNG'ron, Jan. 8.â€"â€"Secretary Thdmplion, to-day, resigned to the I’rcsi dent‘ his commission as Secretary of tin- lntcrio‘r, on llltt ground that alter the Ot‘dr'l" t reinfmce Major Anderson was counter» minded on the 3lst December, there was a distinct understanding that no troops should be Ordci‘ce :Soutb w tnout the sub juctbeing considered and decided on in the Cabinet. At the Cabinet meeting. on” the 24d January, the m'ittcr was again dcbated but not. determined. Notwith- standing these facts the Secretary Thump son. sent 2:30 troops in the Star 0/ the , ~West to reinforce Anderson. Not learn- lug this till this morning, be for thvvitlt re- signed. “0.. .‘ . MISSISSIPPI CON YEN 'I‘ION. “fiIAcxson, J-t‘t‘i. 8.-â€"â€"’l‘lie committee on the ordnance of accession is now in can- cus. The excitement and anxiety is in- tcnsc. The Conunissioncrs from Alabaâ€" madind South Carolina ware invited to seats. UNION DEMONSTRATIONS. CniCAGo. January 8.â€"-lu accordance with the programme, salutes were fired at mowing. noon, and evening, in honour of the Union, Major Anderson, and General Jackson. 'l‘wo bands of music pursued the streets during the day. and there is to be a display of fire-worth. to-iiigrit. Salutes were fired in a numberof the prinmpnl to was of the Northwest, to honour of the (Thy. 113657031, January 8.-â€"'l‘lio steamship Jouph lV/iiiuey ol‘ the Savannah lino, Captain Love- land. has been chartered by the government to convey troops and ainunitions of war troni this port, to Fort 'I‘ortugas, near Key Wont, Florida. She sails on Thursday. “ Dc't‘uoi‘r, January 8.-â€"~Tho Union men of De- V troit, irrespective of party. are now firing IUU “guns in honour of the mummy of General Jack- l'oti,tho hero of New Urlrans; th'e‘ patriotic action of Major Anderson. the hero of Fort Bumper ; for the execution of the laws by the Government, and devotion to the Constitution andrtbe Union. Salutes Wore also fit'Od at Albion, Kalamazoo and Niles. ERIE, Pa.. January 8.-â€"A solute of 100 guns Willingness to take cp arms. Strong Union re- solutions w0re ptssod. A‘sulutc of 1th guns was tired. . . New: (lemmas, Jun. 8.â€"â€"Tlio anniversary of the bride of New Orleans wu handsomely cele- brated to-day. The majority for immedilto secession in this city is 384)., The excitement is intense- were crowded with Indies. The llllllttl‘!‘ had a state parade to-day, under a flag of fifteen slam The hotels are throngcd with tiitorolted citiaone from nbroan. . v .- of fifteen. and willpuuthc Convention to-mor- row while it is in secret session. â€"-â€"_ A resolution vvns adopted to amend the Con- stitution .if the State, authorizing tilt: borrow~ ing of money for the purpose of military (le- fence. The following standing committees were ap- pointed : on federal jurisdiction of property in Mississippi ; on postal affairs“; on a State Com Billtlllou : on naval and military affairs; on the t‘or-tiiatiou ot' 2'1 Southern COI]f€dbl'hC)’,â€"‘IO toport by ordinance or otherwise. 'l A dispatch was received frbrn 'Geoz‘gin, an- nouncing tho deterriiinntion .of'tbat' State to unanimously secede. This was greeted with applause Adlour-ncd till to-iriorrow, when the Committee-on the occasion grdi'uanco willro- pom ». ,. _ (limiter: 1th 2 ll t t. in We wish it to be distincth understood, the we, do not hold ourselves rcsoonsiblo’for opinions exoressed by correspondents through our coluintil. ' - SMALL, BUSINESS. [‘0 the Editor of Economist. tho Marklil’in §IR.~~-As I was passing through your} village (’“l’lnrldiauiVillage) on 'lfliiir'aday, die 62h Dvccmbet‘ (’l‘banksgiving Day) which ou_;ht to have br-cn Obscrvr‘d as a pub- lic holiday by all true and loyal subjects throughout the Province, I was surprised to are some of the: stores open for business, as upon any ordinary day. But my surprise}, however, was greatly heightened to no- ticc the saint: Occurrence, and as nearly as I rcrncrnbcr, the same places open On Christmas Day-wit. day which has been for so many years observed as a general holiday by all denominations of Christians in every city, town and villagecf any note; and as Markham has of late been looking up-â€"if saying is not accompanied with doingâ€"its nniahboms will be forced to conclude with the boy, that it is more tall; than older. It 13,1083)? the least of .rl. a great wonder: that houses of .any standing whatever, will so fully shut their eyes to public opinion, .mcrcly for the sake ofsclliug a ferrbttlls’ .eyes,,or the like. I - Yours respectfully. OBSERVER. Scarboroi, Jan 14, 1861. (:iAtttBAt..DI.â€"â€"â€".ltl a memorandum to tlw Independent, of Naples, a new journal of Alexander Dumas”, entitled " The Present State of lflttrope,' and what it might be for the Bunnftls of Governments and Po pulations,” suggests a confetlcrucy of all Eur-.tprran nations for peace purposes; to tllsbal'd their standing armies and employ the means for tlit-ir support in odvancing education, agriculture, tnaiiufacturrs and commerce. That if England and Franco (upon whom llli‘ calls) would take the initi- ative all thr- minor States would be film] to unite With them; that thus united there are none in all lhctvorld lo molest them ‘ that I the men, the mind, and the malcial of so- t vvi’ieigns, pl'lthL‘S. anl peoples, now wasted no watching each other, could Illt‘n ne cm played in advancing lhcir peace. prosperity and happinuss; that profitath ctnployzncnl would soon be found Ior the men and en- ei-gies \vnstcd for war, and the naries of' the wmld would be required to carry the incrcasrd commerce resulting from so Wise on ‘lll'l‘llllgt‘llltfnf. 'I'lic' propoaitir-n iS‘al- most too gnod to be utopiau ; but we fear that the day is far distant when it will be arr-.ornplisliml. ’ PRINCE ALFRED IN AFIlICA.â€"â€"l’l‘lflci‘ Alf'ctl se-cms to carry a friendly memory of Aberdeen and the Scottish north along with him Hen to the out-ofâ€"thc-wny world of South Africa. \Vliile at Natal in the curl ofScptcmbcr, he paid a Visit to the little village of [lat-rismitli, which is so called. we presume, in honour of the late- Iv tlcci'ased Veteran. whose name it so clo- sely rcsctnbhâ€"s. 'I‘be- France was attended by Sir Cr. Grey, the Governor of the co- Iony,aud Major Cowellrtheyoung P: incc’s G-oxei‘nor. An address-was very naturally presented to the royal youth. not the less heartfelt for the distaucczfromhome. The gentleman appointed toprcscnt the- address was A gentleman from Atl’eri‘leen, Mr. N J. N‘l’KeclrriigSOn of the kite Rev. Mr. Nl’Kechnie, \V'Oodsidéi Confectioners are not to be met with at every town in Natal. and Mrs. 'M’Keclinic had prepared certain cakes, not, "cl-presume. such as are most characteristic of -‘ the land 0’ cakes,” for the Prince’s refreshiurnt‘. On his Royal Highness being informed that tliev had been made by, an Aberdeen lady, he said, brighteningr up with even a more sunny look than u.~‘ual,.tbnt he knew Aber- dccn wcll, and for the » sake of Aberdeen and the lady together, he asked permission to put the rest of- the cakes in his pocket. ~Abrrdeen Herald. ; A day or two ago. a shoemaker. of Blackburn named Christopher Charleston, who had been iiiurlied about four months. but. did not live on the happiest 101108 with his wife, put her up to auction, a veterinary surgeon officiating as ' knight of the liuniinur.’ A baker, named Joseph Smith, had her knocked down to lrim for 1130.. and Mo 58. bowls ol whiskey punch. The Newcastle Journal of I‘5th December says, that there is still a good deal of grain un-' reaped in the counties of Northumb'erlnnd and Durham. A coursing match was held in the Yorkshire Wolds last week, and some of the The galleries. River, iztllit‘ll Columbia, which had antlers three feet 5 x niches high. The dressed int-at weighed 9m) _',.flut)t’l§. whole nnztiber of port oficos in the Uni- tcd {States in 523.498â€"a decrease front 1659 of forty-one. Mrs. Jane Sparks, of New York city, having a $l,tllm and a $5.00 bill sowed them for nth keeping in these perilous tzines upon one of her under garments, and then forth all about it until the clothes had gone into the wash The ' bills were not to he found, and the wuhcrwomsn The ordinance of immediate State secession r was uriaiiitiiously agreed upon in the co'ntnittoo’ was arrested. but denied all knowledge of the money. An extensive game dealer in Chicago has re- Ceivud an order for several dozen prarie chick our: and a door. to be forwarded to Eiigmid for the Prince of Wales, ‘ Out of GHJIUU men, women xiidchildrcn, on- gngod in the maufacture of ritnnds It Coven- try, England, and tho neighboring hamlets, 40.000 are at the present tiiomont unemployed. A decree of Garibaldi, of the 23rd October. ordering the distribution of7,’dlitl,0h0 fr. among the people of Naples. ’I‘lir-rs 'itstribution not having yet been made, a petition to Victor Emilianunl is now being signed in that city. praying that the money may be immediaton divided. ‘ Although the Atlantic Telegraph Company have spent all their money, the Drioct‘ora hth- dotermrned. at their own upenso, to keep the undertaking nil-oat, in the hope that at some future time the capital required for the renewal of its operations Will be provided. The prrvi- logo: obtained by the Company are considered too valuable to be lightly thrown away. The Emperor of France has granted poi-mic. sion to the Baltimore battalion to visit I’am fully attenutorcd in the coming spring. News have reached Cape Town from the Zambezi mission. Dr. luvingstorio was pur- suinghiu disconrieu with his usual success. He was about to proceed without any stoppage up to tho Makalolo country. Letters from l’oson state that the Polish jour- nals openly declare that l’oland must be again the Poland of other times. The hatred against Germans and Russians is intense. In cwtuin circles, they are only designated by injur Otis and insulting lilClitlatnss. ' =::.: 7.--. ....c. ~.:.: -w. TO RUN 'I‘O MARKETS. THURSDAY, January, 10. Fall Wheatâ€"3000 bshls was the erect of the supply which coldat tho, following prices. The prices paid for the best samples wer'olrom $1 10 to $1 l5 cr bslil. _ Spring: When. â€"'t,‘250 lrltls in markei, which solo at from $0 90 :0 $0 9:31pm bslil. Hartleyâ€"sold at l“out 50 3.0 550. - ' l’cas.â€"-I501)slils went oll' at 50 aid 550 per bslil. Oatsâ€"at 96 3an 97¢ per bsbl. liarâ€"is from FBI? to $14 per .02), $8 per ton. , 1"10iii.â€"-$uperfino No. 1 sold at $4 50 to $4 65, No 1,.$4 to $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) ‘54 75 to $4 80: Fancy (Fall) $5 25 ; to $5 40; Extra, $5 to $5 :30 ; Double Extra. $6 00 to $6 25. Holmiumâ€"Pull is in rain s‘qulv at. from 17cm Qtlc per lb. - Pork-is in fair request. S; 'aw $7 to “For Hogs averaging .160 lbs $125 and $1 751mg been paid. and those averaging ‘50 lbs $5 and $5 50â€"tbc I latter being the extreme figure. Applosâ€"C‘ommon varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 per barrel. Butter grades $l 50 and bar-rel. E gunâ€"Fresh from wagons 17 to 25c per (107.00. l’otzuooszew vary in [hi-‘0 f-om ‘25 to 300, Sheepâ€"3'0 in demand 2t from $3 J0 to $4 each. Lambsâ€"arc plc-itiful at. from $2 50 to $3 each. Calyosm-at'o to good :00va at $1 to $5 each. llpef-Ilidosâ€"‘H 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lvmb skins $0 75 naclt. Calfskin: 10¢. per lb. Tcllow, 55,27 per 10% lbs " smog L Nti’i‘lCi’t-J‘S'w M OVER Baht!) IN ONE WELK. Dv. McKenzie,â€"- ' _ ' Sir. Your DEAD SHOT WORM CANDY surpassi-s our Fibrin Medicine tlint .I have ever seen. Fit the Week ending I‘Iaiurdct, Nov. 2’». $50, I sold Three 'l'housnnd 'l‘nroo Honda»; and 'l'\\': .ve Sticks of your Worm Cf‘ttldt'. ldonbt vo'y much il'tbe soles of all orlier medicines combined would amount to one-tenth as much, in Canada “lost. It su- t persi-des the! Lozenges and Sugar 1)r0p§, (not run ing anything rrbout Verrnifugcsl. Children suppose it a common candyslick, and as there is no other medcino required With it ; it is very easily administered. 1 have inquired of prrtics who gave it to their children, of the Insults.â€" l'liuir unswesz irtvnrrnb‘y the unripe. It is the but they ever “Sod. Yours truly. A. E. TAYLOR, Agent, llt‘ockvillo. Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers for I3 cents; four packages for 50 cents. Sec advortisouicnt in another column. To Consumptives. 7 “E Advertiser. having boei restored to health in a few weeks b: :3 very simple retricdv, after having suffered N'Vtiflil goals widi a Severn long affection, and that. dread «lisocso, Cousnmmlonâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sut‘ri‘mers the means of cure. T’o‘ull who desire it. he will send it copy of the p-‘cz-cdptiou uscd (free of charge), with the (liter-lions for preparing and using the satin, which they will find a sour. (‘uun re-i C(‘NOUMPT'ON. ASTHMA, Urioscnirts, &c. The only o-tjcct of the advertiser in sending the l’rescri-niou is to benefit the afflicted. and upt't‘sfl information which he (SUIICOlVGS to be invalucb-n, and he hopes evrry sufferer will try ins remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. l’a“tics wishing the prescription will please uric-05$ REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' “'illiamsbi‘iglv, Kings County, New York. C mm) $3331: “fill! £3113. , . S'i‘o Biarrrsrea-Ar-irtw nit) soucrroa iii Brilliant, OfIi-ce removed to Gas, Company". Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1851. Ill-tin Annual Fifi-cot! gig. '7 ‘Illtl Annual Meeting“ of tho 511.01}??- I VILLE BRANCH AGRICUL'l‘URAL SUCH} [‘1' will be hold at Surcmos's Hornc. Stuntl'ville. on SATURDAY, trite 19th inst, At 'l‘hrne o’clock. p.m . for the purpose of «looting Officers tor the ensuing your. [13’ rho I’ublia are rcqucs'cd to attend. 'rz. VVlIEI.ER.Soc. Stoufi'ville. January 9. 18:61. “ rue: cerium," ‘Thc Patriot’ and ‘ News of the W eek-’ '53 3"".l1‘r'j favor with which The Leader has been i received by the Public may be. judged by ‘ July 1852, it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it has nmvciui. 'rziotiswn nmro subscribers than any other paper in Corinth. Every exertion is being used the fact that since its corntn-Iuccrtiout, in to make it mom and more indilponniblo for every furnin in the Province. TIIE DAll.Y LEADER Is published every morning, in limo for tho eulv trains, ll, Six DOLLARG pov- unnntn, in advuuce. It in at largo sheet. and coutniuu the earliest and mail reliable intelligence that. can be obtained from every part of the world ., THE SEMLWEHKLY EEADER. I: published on Tuesdays and Fridays. at THREE 1)€)LI.ARS a voar in advance. It con- tains all the reading matter of the " Dnilv Loa- der” ; and for portion who do not reside uoar enough to a Post Office to call every day. this paper will lupply them with all the intblligouco they could receive from a Dcily. THE WEEKLY LEADER. I: published every Friday. and “ The Patriot” and the ‘- News of the Week" are published everr Wednesday. at the rate of ONE DOL- LAR iii advance. These papers are printed on a large sheet. and contain the most impor- tant matter of the “ Daily Lender.” Market leports arc particula'ly attended to in them.â€" 'I'Iiese are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- vmccs. Our;l dollar a year is added to each Edition when not paid in advance. TO ADVERTISERS. The large circulation of J The Leader makes it tho vcrv but medium of publishing noticos ofany kind. Ratesâ€"«Fer Daily-Four pence a line, for first insertion. and one penny each subsequent rii-ertion. For Weeklies-«six pence a line for each insertion EAs'i‘ amino or YORK Agricultural Society: -_ 118 Annual Meeting of the, above Societv takes place It WIIJEMAN’S INN. 68h centurion Hulalnnr, on 77' . lr educating, January 16, 1861, At TEN o’cock, a.m. precixcl)‘. for receiving Report of Directots for the past year, and the Stoctieu of Directors for the ensuing year. By order, ' A BARKER. Secretary. Markham December 529. 1860. 11-2 Whita Hart Inn, RICHMOND nun. .â€" THE SUOSCtllflll' bugs to inform the Public that he "has lensnd the .nbot’c Ilotel. who-o 1'71 \villkoop conmsntlv’ o.1‘,liand a good supply of first-class Liquors. dzc. As this house possesses cvsrv accommodation '1“: vel c-s can desire. those who wish to inlay where they can find every comfort “"8 respectfully lil- vitud .0 givo Iihn u call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 538, 18‘0. 108-1 , Farm to Ecol, I EING Lots No. 3(l,in the 5th rind 31 in V the dzltletiiicessious of the Township ol‘l' Vaughau,cout-iniug‘ about 'éiltlccres, 150 of which are cleared and in a high state of culti- vntiou. For further particulate apply to' ALEX. CAMERON. On the Premises. lfby lotto", Ladle): l".O Vaughan, Dec. 28, 1860. J?! 4') 3’5) '3". ’l‘iIE CANADA Acizscv Assocti‘r-on of Lon- don. England. mu proparcd to negociaio Loans. at LIGHT per cent interest. upon im- proved Farms. The Money con i)» obtained as soon as the prope-tf; has been valued, and tne title bin-i been approved of. The Forum of application and other inform- ation apply to A. R. ROCB 1C. lVJANAGZR. Welliuqmu Strum, iioar John S-tcel. Toronto. It’ll-6 D13. S. D ELLENBA UGIf, GERHAF PEYSICIAH. . Of B‘uffalo. N.Y. “N ILL be at 1.18 following Place: in Janu- \ cry. IKb'l : Srratfoli, 3rd and filmâ€"Albion Halal. Handling. Siballunilmrg Hotel, . leilin 7th and 8.b.-‘l’oitur’s Hotel. .luolpb, 9th.-â€"â€"Wolliiigtoit Hotel, Richmond Hill. Iltb.â€"-â€"Niclioll’s Hotel, Where he will remain ushov'ttimo. Dr. I). can be consulted upon I'll forms of brouic 1)]868505. Dr. S, Dellanbatt'zh &. Son, Office 358 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., where 0'20 of them cvn til-ways be consulted December 15. 1860. 109 4p Dmcmbnr 20, 1800. 2 CST on or about New Year's day, a Note 330110)? E‘Oflfld. “1' Hand, against John l.iiifoot, due on the Sth inst.. amounting to $24 All parting negotiating the same, are notified that payment in 3M4, Nouw tbereof is ~topped Any party finding the saints, will oblige by returning the same to the sub- scribei‘. ROBERT HOPPER. ‘tichmoiid Hill, Jan. 10th, 1861. F18 1- {.6 ("S Remaining in 1UC11MOND HILL PostUIl'ico JANUARY 1, :61 . M‘ ‘ ‘ ’ Pickram. Frank ['2] l’ottngo, Edward Ross, Mark Rayner, Henry Ihtclifl'o, Elizabeth Rutherford, John Slinoy, William Dove, George Doon. H nin Donor, Emanuel flog-cs. John Hall, Henry H oslop'. Job‘n' Jackson. John [3] | , with heavy cars and long 4 OUND, tit Richmond Hill. between the In ’ and 15ih instants. a SUM OF MONEY, The laser, by giving satis- factory proof ofibe loss. date (cc. can have the amount at the Shop of the Subscriber. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill. Dec. 2‘. 1560. 108-3 _ S'l‘RAYED. QTRAYED from the l’rcrnisos ofthe Sub- k. scribm‘, Richmond Hill on the ‘Ind inst., A \VE‘It'I‘E BROOD SOW, Small Breed; tail. Any one giving where the said Sow may be found will be suitably rewarded. \‘VILLIAM S. WARREN. Richmond Hill. Doc. TI, 1860. 108.3 Ei’t‘ivntit E. martin?“ in fo r m a t in n Chair] 85 C. Kc] lcr, TTORN EYâ€"A'l‘ l LAW. SOLICITOR - in Chancery, Convention. kc. (.lfiico, in Victoria. Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Brock Street“ Whitby. , . . , Also a Branch Office in lll. village of Be:- verton, Township of 'i‘horab, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Mahmoud Hill, and imitate Village rofIIuly sanded. trim. ism-u up. may A CARD- ‘ C KEELE. Esq, ot‘tlio City of Tor- ’ 0 onto, has opened an oflico in the Vilâ€" lap-.9 of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convoy- enc'ug executed with Corrcctncsn and dnpnteh Division Courts lltItldOd Wellington St. Aurora, is; Queen St. Toronio Nevembor 2'0. 1560. IM-ly A' NOVelty in the World! PllOTllGfiA‘PllY urns PORCELAIN! Secured by lottnrs patent in the United Stain, England France, and Belgium. ~ THE AMERICAN PHOI‘OGRAYH'C PORCRKJIN C... Io. 781 headway, New York, having 's'ccured their novel and ingenious lavato- tlon by American and European patents, I”. fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likeness“ of Persons.- on China, p ‘esootiug all the attractive find udvunhgoous features of ordinary protogrcpbs. tho brilliaucy and finish of: voter-color drawing. and I hi- iturio unattained quality of durability. by being tendered as iinporishnblo as the natural proper- tries of the articles upon which thov are transferred. - As the patented process of the Comnanv en- ables the reproduction of Photographs, noiouly on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irrqularity-â€"portraits can be toproduced with faultless accuracymnd dolieacv of delineation, upon Porcelain warn of thy description and dimension used as article: it luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases. Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; .beroby eccori'tgfnithful portraits and foruilbiig a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in doriiesiic use. In o«der to furnish facilities for tho gratifica- tis‘n of'tlie popuer taste. and to moottbo wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Comwaov have imported from Europe a collection of Id- po-‘ior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own older. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners ol' the patent right, and consequently tho only persons authorized to use the process. they have dole"- miucd, in order To afford People in every nation of the Union in opportunity to posun Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to REHDENTS IN Tux COUNTRY, wuo Ari: EHAIL! To your PERSOSALIJ Tut: ATELIER AND CAL- LERHLS IN NEW Yum. Persons reading a photograph, ambrolypo, or duguerrootype to the office ofâ€" the Company I! New York. acaompnniod by rivc nocuxs ! will terelvo in rmuru by express, fro. of «,2 the r charge. A YI'CHLY OflNAllE'N'IED BREAKFABT CUP All DAUCICE,W1TII THE POR'IRUT TRANI'SRRH" THKREON. By transmitting a dag’uerieotvpe lid TEN DOLLARS 1 they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOIE FRENCH VASE on TOILET ARTIOLI, with the portrait reproduced by the patented placess. By sending u pair ofdaguorrcotypu and “nun DOLLAR! 1 they will receive in return i A “two? men smote: “sun, with the portraits executed equal to‘ miniature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits 6!! be reproduced on porcelain ware: or , vans or EVIRY QUALITY or tutu, ranging in price from Twain! 10 on: nvsbnmn nebula Tin pm”. N.B.â€"-Bc particular in writing the addrm, town, county and State. distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ MANAGER. Amznimn I’KOTOGRU’PJIC Pox- CELAIN Co..” 731 BROADWAY Nzw Yonx. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98-3w. _ .-c .. ._, _.. c ._._...‘L_ M____.___-_...._..V_..___._ m iiiii rain ll Triumphant Success of apposi- tion to High Prices. R. Bord (£3 Bro“ BEG to state to the Public. that Ill vho mat to MY. money can do u by pur- chasing GOODS at Their New Establish hunt in this place. Their Unprocidoitsd Success enables them to offer STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Their Stock is heavy. comprising'ovory de- scription of Seasonablc Goods. Ovcr Coalsfrom $5. Coarse BootSfrom $2.50. Every class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS,, COTTOSS. . BLANKETS. Will be found GREAT BARGAINS! Vth a liberal discount for Clsh. BUFFA LO ROBES ! C 11 EA P. In tlio‘ NllijlNERY what you Would have to pay $7 for they will sell for $5, us proud by many who buy their commons. MANEE‘LES, CAPES, am. All orders in this line Pnuctuallv attended to, and got up in the NewestStylo. Highest PriErm- Produce Also the highest price in Cash for tilll'l‘lllll‘i' till Ofcvery description and style, such as : Ill h Ellis l Mcii’s Coarse, Kip.‘ and Cal Boots, Boy‘s and Youths Kip and Calf Boots, “Human and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every variety oi style ; also, a large quantity of bbb MOCCASSINS & OVER. ins, In fact, he has on baud all that is wanted to‘adorn or protect the feet,“ for any weather or any scasota, which he is prepared to Sell at th. -. LOWEST REMUN ERATIVE PRICES F ll ' CASH. Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfullv requested 30 CA LL at tho CEREAE’ BOOT & SEE till? if. STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond i:«,a_ri,D.c._1i., 1860. _..... __...-.__...__....._.~__...‘~_v.__. WM-_..L_L.-~M c:::n::‘_v-~.- . » 1.53 J AM 538 HA LL, Proprietor. tO7-2m iii in, to; ill riiiiiiiiiii r Of every description and variety ol Mountings go to I ‘ w. H. brirrtittm lumbar @filtlll ' E has always on hand the Largest and kept in any Country Shop, and at a MYERS’ lifillltttttl, Ellirbrrtnnlt Bltill. Best Assortment of GOODS that is over much less price then it is possible for to get them in Toronto; and be is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Sadd lcs, Bridles, &c. of every description. W A LL COLLARS ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. 4:; Cash for EHEDES and SKINS. B . PATT'ERSONS’ PLOUG-IIS and SHARES CONSTAN'I‘LY ON HAND. All Work. "E/‘Varranted. Call, Examine and Seefm' yourselves brore purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. i ‘ (DRY Goons.” 62-1y IS JUST OPENING OUT AN IMMENSE moors t GBOCERIES, HARDWARE, &C. Autumn and . ENTERTAINING the opinion that a very large: trade will be tli’onc’cluriiig lb! later, he has made amplcprot‘isaon for supplying his customorl Goods of every description will be Sold at a MODERATE ADVANCE (TEN COST PRICES !' .....___â€" {3:}- A Choice supply or worthwhile GOOD 2 RS. All parties whose Notes and Aer/Junta are now due, are respectfully requested to incite provisions for them. Richmond Hill, September 15, 1860. STRAYED, l AME into the Premises of the Subscriberp J Lot Ed, 30. ‘2an concession Mniuliarn, Q White $136.51.”? About the 15th of November. The Owner iii requested to take them away, on proving prov party and paying charges. I GEORGE S'I‘EPI'IENE‘ZON. Markham. December 7. 186th llltS-‘Sl CHEAPER THAN EVER !; HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public tliuthe is prepared to make Bootm and fihoear Bravery style and description. tittlio lowest possi :Ie remuneratingprices. All work war- ranted to give "tire satisfaction. ‘8’, [1. MARTIR. IDS-1y Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, 1 December 7. 1869. ~ GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor,- IICHMOND HILL, (AW; December 14, 1860. 107-tl‘ A- MAIR8. B- A: T'I‘ORNEY . AT-LAW. SOLICI'I‘OR in Chancery. Conveyanccr, 620. Main Street. Markham Village. Nowmber 92. 1860 l Land 8.;- Saiw Mill For 3&1?) 10 composed of the West half of Lot No. 7, inthe 52nd Con. ot' Uxbridge, Conniv Ontario ; together with an excellent Saw Mill. and two good Dwelling Houses, will] out-olfa- c'es thereon. Also 7 acres adjoining, composed oft-defiant part of Lot No, 6. iii the same concession. The above property is healthfully and de- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in 1044f Ac'rcs ofprime laud-30 acres cleared one of the oldest and host settled townships in J. K. F. 954'” iiiiii aunt. HE Prop'ictor of the “ You): HERALD” begs to uhuunint his iiuinsrou-e friendd and the public generally that on has ' lltciiioveil his Printing (Dulce T0 TH 13 NEW HOUSE ADJOIKING, Two duct-s further north, when. by increased facilit'os, he will be prepared to get up '01 with the utmost expedition, and with ovary attention to the wishes of his customers. “ Herald ” Office, Richmond Ilill, July 20, 1860. __ -L..-..u._._.____..-..__.___.. .-~....._~.* “ What pleasure can exceed f“ " The smoking ofthe Wood- ' l" RY our‘l’uro, Fresh, Good and Vivid flavor-d -~ .TOB accmzfi At It. and In. 3d. the best ever ofl’crod. S. PGLLOCK’S, (Lalo G. A. Barnard’r, Ricsuoxn 1111.!“ November 22, 1860. 104-ir ~...‘ %,_...._.______._ THE AMERICAN Medical & Toilet Receipt Book“ HIS Book contains Recipes and Diraclintssv, for making all the most valuable Medical . preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and , explicit directions for making all the most po-. polar and Useful Cosmetics, Perfunicn, Ungu. , outs, IIair- Restoratives, and all Toilet Articlos_ It' you are sufibring with any chronic diseaseâ€" if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine. heiid of hair. a smooth face, a clear skin, a luxuriant board or moustaclioâ€"â€"-or if you wish to know anvthing and: everything in, tho. Medical and Toilot- line, you should, by all means, peruse a copy of tliiw lwok. For full particulars, and sample of the work for per- tbo County of Ontario. It is within 2; miles. “subarea” address the publisher_ 0'7 the village of Stouffville. about 10 niilssll from Uxbridigc Village, and :20 miles from the Town of Whitby, the capital of the County ofl Ontario. The property'le be sold very cheap for T. F. CHAPMAN, N-o._ 831 Broadway, Now Yoda, WHEAT, PORK a: HARLEY, 1702'- Sale, cramp. was fired here til-day in honour of tho liero:0f course: were run over a field of 0"“ in goat. Km] Fr - Sk- n l v - - - . ~ . . _ ~ . ~ , * . ancis inner. Ihomas -. ~ - ,, _ . Cash. I‘iilo Illdlflptltdlllo. Apply to ll” but” 0‘ New UF'W‘S' “"‘l .llllr‘l‘lmve 1" covered door will snow The Err-sax. Htru/d Kirkland, Charles Twigg. William ARMSIER’ Al*“r“°.‘"“l'LWv S°llcll°r it? Give” in a. Fair Trial and we m our. of JOSEPH KELLER. use... norms; and a LIGHT SPRING WAG“ honour of Major Anderson . '1 he bells ol the mentions that on the I'arm'in the occupation or Linwmfl: John [3] Wm“, Elm in Chancery,Conye\ ancer, &c. Money the row“. - Richmond HHL ‘ ‘ GON The H or“ k fig,“ 7 1a" “a. city v. ere'rung, when the CILIZBIID assembled in Mr. J, Gray Marriage, 01 Springfield, in a field” M65“, Andy". Wilson, Thomas [5] advances PmClln‘d 0" Longing”. and on} o , ‘ Or to FRANCIS KELLER. F “Ln-Rh...“ a 1.. “Law. “gang 3 .i the park and pasuod resolution. calling on tho of several acres, lth’efcrop of wheat remained , p . . i No. 3, Jordan Street, 1%. BOYD & BROTBER, _ _ . W£itby l in? . ,v pf”. - . _ . a . Governor. and Legislature to place I’hO‘SlltO in “sum up to Sunday, Lung-gab" {5%, ' My TBEFY, RM. Tomato, Dwgmbay ’3’ 1350,. 4 Ila,” ' ’Q‘mbg 2.5, fl”, _ pail Khhmdnd'glllcbw 9, 1 Pi also: Aurore. ammo 9", i869. _ r . ‘ > {i

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