Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 4 Jan 1861, p. 3

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/" servesâ€"and were it not lor the waspish rm. passers by}; had you seen that old man shake’his slick over your littlepet’s cra- nium and ask the little game-cookie free him of-the law in order that he (the old man) might chastise him as he richly de- Ierved;'aud, oh! but had you seen how your” little friend blanched, trembled, and slinhed away at the symptoms of dan- ger. in his natural element,â€"wantonly insulting Then was the time to have seen him and provoL'ing an old man ; using loud and boisterous oaths, and'wlien richly merited chastiSement was approaching he suddenly cabled down and moved off! Had you seen, them afterwards in the, bar-room (th_e;said..|ittlt2 man doing his best tomake up: with the old man, who, however, nobly refiised‘to do so) liob-nohbing together with strong stimulants, and reeling,r home n’tlie evening. Had you seen all this. we ca_nidiilly admit we' believe you wOuld still fiiidan excuse to support your candidate. But. we must protest, against it be- done for the good of the Temperâ€" anee cause. .- But this lit-t l e swear- ‘drunken game-cock also 'pro- feis‘se'it‘ to' be a Strict rcligionist and with bible and prayer book, may be seen every Sabbath with demure and nypocri- vtical countenance going to his place of worship,where a faithful Godfearin;r minis- teri'eernestly and sincerely warns his hear- era“ of the yawning abyss that is open for . _ . l the drunkard and the profane. The pseudo ' [Reiniiieronce candidate is supported in flaiikiby two zealous youths who pinclaim the Temperance candidate “the smartest man in the township of Vaughan,” and why 1 because this valiant hero made a back log ol the father ofone of them by throwing him into the tar-room fire at Bingham‘s Tavern, and beat the aged pa- rent of another in Nicholl's Tavern, and yet had the daring impu- deuce, at Maple, to wrongfully and maliciously charge the esteemed Trustees of our Grammar School, because they yould not yield to his demand. and, with- out proof. discharge a teacher, said by model Christian and 'I‘einpeianec man to be guilty ofu crime into which he (Can - didate'No. 4.) habitually falls. kiln conclusion, we would only say that ' "Edward Sheppard ls the really popu- liarttcan‘didate 5 and, although he does not to ba 9 'l‘eetotaller,lie IS decidedly aiTeinperance manâ€"temperate in his ha- bit‘epteinpiâ€"‘rate in his language, courteous t'o‘ev'ery' body, and not an ambitions of-" (ice seeker. He has consentedto run r... the Council at the earnest solicitation of (he electors ol' the‘ l-Vard. Let 'Ithe wateiiword be .“Slieppardl and no Sur- render.?’ . ' t VAUGHAN; meanie.-- 31, 1.860. ' aâ€"___._.___._.._.__.___ REV. SAMUEL JouNsON, M. A. (Communicated) James II. Burritt, (sh-L. .i .1 r. u « ,~.. ...=., ., .,.. p t I r Jam-A. 'I‘aylor, James M. Clark. Annie Gould, .schooL’ . Smith‘s 'F‘alls‘, Dec. 19, 1860. fit is at all times gratifying to see that the chrtions at 'a; teacher are appreciated by his scholars 3 .and the expressions of" regard and atl'ectiou recorded above, reflects cre- dit upon both scholars and teacher.- We. ,may also remark that Mr. Johnson is one lever-y way wonthy of the esteem and con- ;fidence which seems to have inspired. ’He is an accomplished scholar, and the Smith’s Falls '(‘Irainmar School is fortun- ate iii li‘aviiig‘secur’ed his services. IMPDR'I‘AN’l‘ FROM WASH. ~ " ‘JNGTON. - \VASHING’I‘ON, De . 29. The Secretary of the Treasury has re- fused to acce'pt’any of the bids for the five Imillion loan,‘wlitch demanded more than twrlve pe‘r cent .’ interest,thus less than two millions -are,,accepted, a’n amount about someieni,‘ it is said, to pay the interest on the public debt due on the 1st ol January. ’ . . .. ' ~ - . As it Was never stipulated or agreed by the. President that the tioops should be withdrawn lrom,the torts around Charles- ton‘I-larbour” the Administration does not consider it is under obligation to do :0. As to. the request 01 the South Carolina COlmlllSSlonel‘S for the restoration ot the military states, lhisiis considered by the larger portion of the Cabinet as impossible. Secretaries Floyd, Thompson and Thomas, who hold the Constitutional right of secession, were separated on the South Carolina question from the Cabinet associates. _ There was no positive decision at the meeting t-o-d'ay, although the prospect is certainly not favourable to the Commission- ers, and misstatement is strengthened by the fact that to-day, Secretary Floyd rcâ€" signed his oflice. It is said that Secretary Thompson would also have resigned, were it not that the investigation pending, concerning the affairs of the interior Department, in con nectiou with the abstraction of the Indian 'l‘i'ust bondsâ€"an investigation which he asked for the vindication of his owu honout and integrity. The report prevails that Secretary Thomas resigned, but this rcsults from his indecisoii as» to whether he shall remain in the Cabinet, and his generally believed earnest sympathy with Secretary Floyd. The err'ald's \Vashington correspon- dent tclcgraplis the following:â€" \VASEHNGTON, Dec. Ella-The Cabinet has just. adjourned, after a protracted svssion ofsix hours. 'l‘lie affairs at Charles- ton was the sbject under consideration. Secretary Floyd (stated to the President, in ,writiug, tliati'unless Major Anderson was rwith'drat'vu' from Fort Suian i‘, ‘he could Inot remain in the Cabinet. Secretaries 'Ilhoinpson airda'l‘homzis were unthrsiood to entertain the same. views, but the events oi" to-dioy changed their minds somewhat. 'The -l’residcnt determ3ncd,-after‘l'ull delib- ) I relation, not to withdraw Major Anderson. ran HM r. l}‘_.o_\‘ll's resignation was therefore accepted, . . Among the. persons named as Mr, Floyd":successor Benjamin I“. BliilOl'l, ' of hilassachusetts, who has been in cooli- dcntial consultation with the President for several days." A serious division exists in the Caoii‘iet,‘aod a break up may at al- ‘ . . r -- ' e ’ t . “affords us “mun”, wasurcdo com, most any hour he. antitvpnted. Iicccnt the following article. headed ‘ 'l‘eslimonial,’ from the columns‘of the ‘ Britt's/z Sit/Md- ard,‘ of Perth; our mailers will rejoice .with us to find that our former Grammar School Teacher is enjoying the popularity his talents as a first-rate Classical and ll’Iat/iematical Teacher, so eminently de- malignily of two creatures in our village. we would not have to be at this time de- ploring the State of the Classics and Matheâ€" matics in our Grammar School here ;â€"- but Mr. Johnson was a gentleman, in every sense at the word, and he did not chose. to remain in charge of a school where even ,two persons (however obscure) could-he found in the community woo did not treat him as such. \Ve think, howwer, that the Board of Trustees here have amply satisfied Mr. Johnson that there wasrn‘o sympathy with the two unlortun- ate ind-viduals referred to,-â€"'and we do hape that if Mr. Johnson should ever think of changing, the Board of Trustees here will endeavour to secure his services again,â€"'and we suggest to the ‘ Smiths Falls’ folk to use illlli well while they‘have him,â€"-for we would be glad to get him back here, and will if we can. TESTIMONIA L. " [The Pupils of the Grammar School at Smith's Falls. deposited on the Head and highly important intelligence from the South. by the government, may precipiâ€" tate the event. rJ‘lie Secretary of the Treasury has just [received . a..t,‘lespait:ll - from Charleston, statingthai the revenue cutter, in the port lot Charleston. had- been seized by the authorities. and that the captain, who is a native of Charleston, has resigned. The intelligence was immediately comtnui’ini catcd tothe Cabinet. The Navy, Department, at 2 o’clock, receiveda dispatch from Li. .139. P. Foe- ter‘, commanding the slaver Bonita, which was carried into Charleston, stating that his prisoner. the captaincf the slaver had been taken-before a State JLdgc by a writ ofhabeas corpus. That the Judge remanded the-prisoner to his custody, on the ground that lie-had no jurisdiction. and that. on his way to the Bonita with the prisoner, he hal been taken by fare from his cuslod y, by a mob. C" W , 1 MA I? RIED. At Ricnmouulllill, on Smu-‘dav, the 29d), uli., I“? die Reanumos Dick, Mr. Alexander Scott, printer and proprietor of the York Herald, to Miss “Mary Ellen. third daughter 01 Mr. Scinael'Sande-rgonf At Richmondllill, on the 25th Dec., by the Rev. J. Dick” Mr. George J. McDonald. to Miss Easier also. " ’ Master’s desk, :1 neatly arranged parcel, which was intended to convey an agreeable surprise. When opened the pureel con- tained a richly embroidered dressing gown and the following address :â€" ‘ To the Rev. Samuel Johnson, M. A, "Principal of the United Grammar and: Common Schools of the Village of Smith’s Falls. ' Rev. AND DEAR Simâ€"The pupils of’ the Grammar School Department beingl desirous of testifying their respect and ' esteem for you as their Teacher; and their Q gratitude for the kind and unremitting at-l tention you have bestowed upon them in i their studies during the time they havev been under your tuition, beg you'will ac- l eept-the accompanying parcel, as a small yetsubstantial, token of that respect. ‘ _They would at the same time express , the hope that the same friendly feelingi which 9‘now aniinates them my long con- ' tinue- to exist between you and tlicm, in t the relation of teacher and pupils. Wish- ing you a merry Christmas and a happy ' New 3; car, We are, Rev. and dear Sir, I Yours respectfully, deney H. Seely, Marg’t McGillvry, a 7.- fl TORONTO MARKETS. ,‘ THUR'SDAY, Jannary, 3. Fall Wrongâ€"3000 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best sample: werolrom $l 13 to $1 17 ' erbslil. Spring Wne_a.--â€"l,250 bshls in market, which sold at from $0 8.3 to $1) 90 per hshl. Bailey.â€"-sold at from .53 to 550. Peas.â€"15U bshls went off at 50 and 52c per bslil. Oatsâ€"at 26 and 27¢ per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $11 to $16 per ton, Shaw $7 to $8 per ton. Honingâ€"Superfine No. 1 sold at $4 50 to $4 60, No 1, $4 to $4 an ; Fancy (Spring) 84 75 to $4 81): Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Double Extra. $6 ()0 to $6 25. . Iliittei-.-â€"FieSIi is in fair supplv at from Web: ‘Ziic per lb. Pork-is in lab request. For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $4.25 and $4 75 has been paid, and lthoso averaging 2J0 lbs $5 and $5 fillâ€"tho . Donor, Emanuel [‘1] Philips, Henry ‘ latter being the extreme tigure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $l and $125 per barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. E gs,â€"-Fresh from wagons 2” to 25¢ perdozen, Potatoesu-New vary in price from 25 to 300. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $3 30 to $4 each. lambs-«are plentiful at from $2 50 to $3 each. Calves-i-are'in good supply at $4 to $5 each. Boef-H.des-â€"$4 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb . skins $0 75 each. Calfskin: 100. per lb Tallow,‘$7’ per 100 lbs ‘ On. beliallmdfithe pupils/of the said The above-isu very-"pleasing incident. / ... than); . sencmii. NOTICES. " i l u i, .r '--n, meter-'1}. :.-v"-.."ThilkÂ¥: «1*. Mr”. '1: TIMBER FiOR‘SAL‘Ef” . , . ,, . . ., QUANTITY ol' STANDING TIMBER. OVLK 3000 (N “AL Wb‘k‘h' Pine and Hardwood. for Sale, on Lot Dr. McKenzie,-â€" No. 53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti- Sir, Your DEAD SHOT WORM CANDY culaxs apply to tho ICXecutors of the late '1‘. D. surpasses any Worm Medicine that I have Campbell, on the premises. ever soon. For the week ending Eaturdav, Richmond “in, Nov. 28. 1.160. [05-6 Nov. 3, 1866, I sold 'l‘hree Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve Sticks of your \Vorm _“ Candv. I doubt verv much if the sales of“ all t . , ' . other medicines combined would amount to, Challcs 0' hellel, one-tenth as much, in Canada West. It. so- TTORN EYKAT i LAIV, SOLICITOR persedes the Lozenges and Sugar Drops. (not in Chancery, Convovnncer, (the. (lfiice, saying anything about Verinil‘uges). Children suppose it a common candysrick, and as there is no other med;cine required with it : it is voiy easily administered. I have inquired ofpertie: who gave it to their children, of the results.â€" 'l'heir answer is invariabe the same. It is the best they ever used. Yours truly. A. E. TAYLOR. Agent, Brockvlllo. Sold by all Draggists and Medicine Dealers for 15 cents; four packages for 50 cents. See advertisement in another column. in Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle olfice, Brock Street_ Whitby. Also a Branc'i Office in the village of Bon- veilon, Township ot‘ 'I‘lioran, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 2‘2. 1860. lfl-ly . A CARD- .‘1 C KEELE. Esq, oftiio City of Tor- onto, has opened an ollice in the Vil- W i ' I- TAU 'Ora "or the ti'atisac.ion of Common -T0 Consumphves. "re 0 r , Law and Chancery Dusine s, also. Couvev- eoci-rg executed with cpri'ectuess and despalch Division Courts attended. \Vellinztcu St. Aurora,& Queen St. Toronto November 20. 16 0. lCt-ly mHE Advertiser, liaviuo; been let-toied,to .1. health in a few weeks hr a very simple i‘oiiiedv, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his l'ellow-sufi'erers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the. same, which they will find a some (‘u-vs ,roa Ct-usume'rion, ASTHMA, Unos'cm'ris, fine. The A Novelty in the Art, World! PHOTOGRAPHY UFUNV PORCELAIN I only object-of the advertiser in seodiu spread lllibt‘tl'lr’ttlon which he conceives to be ._.._. invaluabro, and he hopes every sni’l'eror will 'iitv. AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH’C rare-tum co.. No. 781 Broadway, New York. ha: inf: secured their novel and ingenious inven- Jon hr American and Eurogean vii-tents. it". why p-eoarcu to execute all orders for try' his remedy, as it will cost than) nothing, and may p-ove a. blessing. . Parties wishing the prescription will please address ' REV. ED‘vVARD A. WILSON, ' Williamsbuigh, ' _ Kings County, New York. Coma, p‘eeuting all the attractive and auvaivtageoas feature.- of outline r prolograpbs. the brilliancv flew aobcrttnmmtfi. EAST RIDING or YORK therto unattaineo quality ofdura'oilily, by being rendered as inipeaislirhle as the neutral pronor- t-ios e." the article" upon which they are r"ans~"crred. As the patented prove-s of the Company on- ables the reproduction of f’homgaphs, not only Oi plain sirré'aces, but upon such as are round or ol’any deg-co of imegalarityâ€"oortraiis can be tepioduced with faultle=s arctiracy,aiid delicacy of delineation, upon. Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns. Vases, Breakfast; Cups, Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic iiso. ln otdor to furnish facilities for tho gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants ol' those patrons of the Fine Arts dc'irous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Con-oa'iy have imported from Europa a Collection of so- po‘ri-or porcelain goods, manufactured to their own Order. which they sell at cost prices. far the American Company are owners of the parent, tight, and col's‘ecuontl)‘ the only po‘so'is arr-horich to use the process. they have deter- mined, iii order To afi‘ord People in every section of the Union an opportunity to pozsess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to Agricultural Society! r HE Annual Meeting of the above Society takes place at W’lDEMAN’S INN, 6th concession Markham, 0“ l/Vednesrlay, January 16, 1861, At TEN o’cock, a.m. precisely. for receivingr Ileport ofDirectors for the past vear, and the Election of Directors for the ensuing year. By order, A BARKER, Secretary. Markham December '29, 1860. 11-2 White Hart Inn, RlCllMONt) HILL. '"WIIE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leassd the above Hotel. whee he will keep constantli' onghano‘ a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house pesswses every accommodation Tra- vel-eta can (ll-she. those who wish to stay where that; can limt every romlovt are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VANOSTRAN. Rieiimoid Hill. Dec. 28, .1800. 108-1 ._ _........__ ._ Farm towltcin t, I)EING Lots No. 30, in the 51b and 31 in the 4th concessions of tho 'l‘owuship o” Vaughan,containing about ‘23.! acres. )5!) of which two cleared and in a high state of culti- vation. ~ For further particulars apply to ALEX. CAMERON, Uri the Premises, RESIDENTS IN THE". COUNTRY, \VHO ARI: UNARLK T9 VISt'I' PERSONALLY 'l‘lll'} A'I‘EIJICR AND GAL‘ LJ-ZRIES IN [‘51- W YORK, Persons sending a‘phoiograph, ntiib'olyne,o- dagnerreotype to the orbits of the Company in New York, aconipanied by Fivr. DOLLARS ! lib] latter, Loslwy RO. Vaughan, Doc. %, 1860. .77}. ONE Y’. 1' HE CANADA Aoiuscv Assocua-ov of Lon- don, England. are prepared to negocio o LOUIS. at EIGHT per cent interest, upon im- proved Farms. 'l'lie Monev can he obtained as soon as the propeiiv has been valued, and int: title has been approved of. _ ’l‘no Fol ms of application and other inform- ation apply to A». R. ROCHE. l‘vllitucize, \‘t‘iclliug'o-i Streel, near“ John S-reet, will receive in return by oxpwsv, free of m 109 4p. (tber charge, _._. A P'CHI.Y OII‘YAP-IIZN'II‘ZD BRFIIFAST (70? A53 SAUCVJI, WITH ’l 1”: 1‘0!“ IIA‘T 'TRAN’IF‘I'REED -'I‘!lllt’.t£0_‘l. By transmitting a dnguorreolvpe and TEN INLLARS ! they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOME roman use on TOILET ARTICLK, with the portrait reproduced by the patented access. By sending a pair ol‘daguerreotypes and merits DOLLARS 3 they will receive in return To,om°_ A PAIR or men SEVRES vascs, December 20, 1360, 1. 9.6 with the portraits executed equal to miniature I _,_,-A _._.-_-- __-_-_____. paintings; and. in like manner, portraits can v ) 1 1 ' l - " ,l ' ' ' ‘Dlh S. )O reproduced oti puice am it ones or VASES or EVERY QU/izi'r! or rials: GERMAN PHYSICIAN. ’ ranging,r in price from Of Ixufl'alo, N.Y- \VI’ILL be at ihe following Places in Janu- II'V, : Stratford. 3rd and 4:ii.â€"Alhi0n Hotel, Hamburg. Stirâ€"llamhurg Hotel. Berlin 7111 and 8th,â€"l’ottei"s Uolel, Guelph, 9tl‘..’â€"Wellingtou Hotel, Richmond Hill, llth.-â€"-Nicholl’s Hotel, Where he will remain a short time. Dr. l).r-an be consulted upon all forms of Ch ~onic Diseases. Dr. S, Dellenbaivzh & Sou, Office 3.38 Main Street, Bn'd‘alo, N.Y., where one of them can iv - b -- d. r - ' - Br‘Z-‘(ijrcgg'rrggo 9 I‘iiumpliant Success of tlpposi- tion to Iliin Prices. 'rivitiv'rv To ovii amount) DOLLAR! 'rn rm: NILâ€"lie particular-in writingtlie address, town, county and State. distinctlv. All letters to be addressed to “ IVIANAG'CR. AMI‘ZRICtN Prorecnirvtc Per.- ci;r.Aiv Co..” 731 Bunion.” New Your. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. SIS-33‘. Money Found. OUNI); at. Richmond Hill, between the lat and 15th instants. 3 SU M OF MONEY, in Bank Notes. The loser. by giving sinis- factory proof oftlio loss. date &c. can have the amount at the Shop of the Subscriber. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Ricliln‘oud Hill. Dec. 21. 1860. , S'I‘RA YED. QTRAYED from the Premises oftho Sub- k. scriber, Richmond Ilill on the 2nd inst., A XVIII "E [311001) SOW, Small Breed, with heavy ears and long tail. Any one giving' information where the said Sow may be {mind will be suitably rewarded. WILLIA.“ S. WARREN. Richmond Hill. Dec. :1. 1860. 108-3 EbivifiifiiTWJiiuiin, ARRISTEII. At’nrney-at-Law. Solicitor Will b0 found [ILG to state to the Public, that a" who want to save money can do so by pu"- chasing GOODS at [Their New Establishment 108'3 In this place. Their Unprei-irlomed/Success enables them to offer STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS 3 Their Stock is heavy. comprising every de- scription of Seasonablo Goods. Ore-r Coatsfrom Coarse Boots from $52.50. Every class of Goods equally low. InDRESSGOODi CLOTH& corrous._ nnnsxurs i-i Chance-‘v,(“otiVe\ ancar, the. Money . v advances procured on Eo-‘tgagos, G R E A T B A A I N S i No. 3, Jordan Street. With a liberal discount for Cash, IDS-v Toronto, Detzeiiib‘ot‘ I3. 1860. .â€"â€"L BUFFALO ROBES! CH EA t". in tho MILLlVERY what you would have to pay $7 for they will sell for 55:5, as proved by many who buy their ' , CAPES, inc. All orders in this line I’uoctuallv alloiidod to, and got up in the Newest Style. I’léghcst Price for Produce Also the highest price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK & BARLEY, [12? Give us a. Fair Trial and we are sure of the result.' Remainingin RICHMOND IIILL PoztO-ffico DECEMBER 1, 060. linker, Samuel liionnan, Patric-Sit Co‘ttei. . lary M. Copo'. ill, William McCiane. James McKinuon, Charles Nauglitot‘. Mary I’ickerio, Francis i Dayley. .‘rnn Frank. Matilda Roberts, James Holditch, Samuel Rutherford, John Johnston. Robert Wm. Rankin. Mrs. Ann Lee. Ruben Smith. Hanah M Livingston, John Sauvidge, John Miller. Joesph Shooperd, Charles Marlin, William Turner, Miss Caroline Morgan. 'I‘hori‘ias \Vilson‘, It Miller, John Wilson, I’. .. and obi-go Mulhol‘iaud. Pot-er \Vilson. Thus. [4] H BOYD & BROTHFR Us TEEEY, l” 3 Aurora, December 7, 186 . L l‘aluier, John .1 , pp ‘...»~-u.Ȣi_~n¢~,vv_/ .‘wJ- £.‘.".W.=‘u'.{~’ ,.'- 'xrke‘yuxuw * Elntatui‘e Likenesses of Persons on, and finish ofe. \'~:ne--col0r drawing. aid n ht.- get them in g the. Secured by letters patent in the United States, i Black Orleans. a large lot Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and: England Frat-"30, fl‘ld BGIle“T1- _ ’ , ‘ y I l , . . - .. .- ..‘ . ‘. . . "4. 7-.- r .- - . , ~ - - _ ._.,, :3 L N. ,sxxvhwfiv‘.‘ was; t.- _ , M.» - .o "learners ‘_:-r- rat-.0 :,-,." '.~,‘. ‘ . CHEAP THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly IJCl'CaSC‘d his STOCK, and has now on hand a very lllll lllllllllll‘l Ill llll‘l h Stills l . , ‘ . . gr Ofeverv description and style, such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip. and Calf "ce‘vmgr-“i V Boots, Boy’s and Youths Kip and Call Boots. Women and Children s A U T M N Boots and Shoes ofevery variety of style ; also, a large quantity of %%%E% Q - S T O K ; MOCCASSIS & 0 11013. I .' , ' J V e .. Which has been purchased on tire med Id» In fact, be has on bad all that is wanted topdorn or protect Iillie feI t, vuwgcwsyflm, and will be Sold “ a. for any weather or any season, which he is prepared to be at t )8 LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES . FOR CASH. Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to CALL at the CHEAP BOOT a; SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOQ-HOUSE, RICHMOND IllLL. JAMES HALL, Proprietor. ‘ 107-2m (a: WM. 3. POLLOCK BEGS to return his sincere thanks to 'hil numerous Customers for their pdfi‘onng.‘ so liberally awarded to him during the rut. summer, and acquaints tlipm that he in BM l Loivesthltemunerntin Prim,- Euu‘ As Cheap as any other 6110qu i ‘ “ Round the diagram": Richmond Ilill, Dec. .14, 1360. .I. la . ,. Good yard wide Prints, fut colors, from . . . . . . ..- t" very cheap. from. . . . . .7 7§d tog; Dd ’63. Wide width Cobourgs, all t = ‘ colors, from........... Black, White and. Scarlet . All wool Flaunels from In 3a to So 6d yd With an ercol'e'it assortment of Factory Cot- rous. Striped Shilling, Blue and Brown Dona iim, Tiekings, Long Cloths, Canton flan-ole, with a choice lot 0? Ladies’ and Children'- Seoteh Lamb‘s Wool (loses. Cub-tor. Glover, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufllors, it. In ' 0f ever deseriotiouend variet of Meantime o to ,1 ' y y a g i lid to 23 Odyd. ,w. H. ravens , . prrmium Stimuli @filuhliabmml, illitbmflllh hill. E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that never keot in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is~ possible for to I Toronto; and he is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles, Sec. of every description. iiiiiâ€"iinirnniit His assortment will be found 33' ALL COLLARS ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .g,‘ Cash for {HEDES and SKINS. E - PATTERSONS’ PLOUGHS and SHARES CONS'I‘ANTLX ON HAND. Larger & ore Varied, Al‘i’U in PPIOQ Than any in the neighborhood. All Work Warranted. Call, Examine and Seefor yourselves been: purchasing elsewhere. Richmond, Hill, June 19, 1860. GQ-ly l 41‘ Men's Fashionable 3% 2 Citrate, hauls shuts [No Machine More}, made by orporioll'ood i. i i (Failure, in the JI ISJUSTOPENING our . A iMeus’fitFlaâ€"n-nel Shirts DRY Goons, GBOCERIES, ‘ ' sarrrum'rs, HARDWARE, @C. BROAD and FULUD CLO'riis“, ENTERTAINING the opinion that n vory large trade will be done during the TVVEEDS, DOESKINS. Autumn and inter, he has made ample provirion for supplying his customers And CASEXMERH. Goods of every description will be Sold at a The Best fissartnleu‘ , MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES l “T” - r _ v , age- A Choice supply of mount-smut Goon : BL S P GOODS l AT THE RS. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are now due, are respectfully requested 0 make irovisiens for them. J. K. F. ' . _ -- e r. ‘ ' 9:»: Lowest Precise Ii ichmond Hill, September 15, 1860. STRAYED, nm em MAME into the Promise- of the Subzcn'bor, L . ,, Willi ll Milli-L. 0N RICHMOND mi. 01 No. 30. ‘Zou concession Mn'lsbalu, HI Pro wie-‘o- o' the “You: Benn-an" QWhite Steers:th t . . ,_ . ‘ . cg: to acqi‘a-nt his numerous fr-ei'ds About the 15th of November. 'I he Owner is “d the pubpc 3.35.3“? that w I,“ requested to take them away. on provmg pro- Per". “d paying 23:32:“ STEPHENSON. Removed his Printing Ollice 70 TH. Markham, December 7. 186?. 106-3 W~ NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, C H R R .1 Two doors further iithh, where. by increased facilit'or, he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and with eve ‘y attention to the wishes ofhis customers. " He-‘ald " Office, . Richmond Hill, July 20, 1860. a“ Good. Fresh", Fine Flavored TEAS AND COFFEES. Genuine, Plro Leaf HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerou- patrons and the public that lie is prepared to make Boots and. Shoes Of'every style cud description, attho lowest possiilo reinuooratiug prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. ~ W, H. MARTIN. lOG-Iy h. 3‘ What pleasure can exceed P” " The smoking orthe Who‘d- ’ T B O a : RY our‘Pui'ogIresli. Gotta; our rite nicc.isno.tit.cwoi.ce. in. &e. flavored w‘ "‘ {-1- o B A. 0' o o 2 At Is. and Is. 3d. the best ever «Herod. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7, 1880, with ' a general assortment of was. s. PQELOCK’s, G Not to be surpassed IN QUA‘LlTlES, Richest.) Hint. iron 104-tf UNDERSOLD EN PRECES * I â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Bill. lillll IXIMIFII For yourselves before buying elsewhere.) Whiz, S. .Pollock: GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, nicniuoso niLL, c.w. December 14, 1860. 1074i A' B' A‘ ATTORNEY - ATâ€"LAW. SOLICITOR in Chancorv. Conveyan’eor, die. Main Street, Markham Village, Nonmber 22. 1860 November 22. 1860. THE AMERICAN m-u Medical & Toilet Receipt Book HIS Book contains Recipes and Directions for making all the most valuable Medical preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and 10 explicit directions for making all the most po- composed of the West half 0. Lot pular and useful Cosmetics, Ps‘lumos, lingo- No. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxbridgo, County ants, [lair Restorative-s, and all "i‘oilst Articles. Ontario; together with an excellent Saw Mill. 1? you are suti'ering with any chronic diseaseâ€" and two good Dwo'liog Houses, with ont-ofl‘l-lii‘ 3qu wish a beautiful complexion. a fine cos thereon. " . ‘ lhe'ad of hair, a smooth face. a clear skin, it Also 7 acres enjoining, Composed 0’ t'lefrOBl l luxuriant board or moustacheâ€"or it vou wisn part of Lot No. 6. in the same concession. to know anvthing and everything; in the The above property is healthfullvaud (10- Medical and Toilet line. vou should, bv ell llgntlully situated in a pleasant locality, and in mean, peruse a copv of this book.’ Foi- full one of'tho oldest and best settled townshins inv- particulars. and a sample of the wail: for pa."- ine County ot’ Ontario. It is within 2; mil“ usal,(free,) address the publisher. ' or the village of Stonfl'ville. about 10 miles T F 05Ang V from Ux'nridgo Village, and 20 miles from the No 841 Vd . ' Y k Town at. Whitby. the capital of the County of ' v ma wa)’ "v or ' 01MB“.- Tho propertywill be sold very cheap for Land .3; Saw Mill For S1118. Acres of prime landâ€"3O acres cleared Cash. Title indisputable. Apply to For sale? Chew-1’) ,‘ A W JOSEPH KEIE‘LER, Elicia." HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING ‘NAG' (Let. (in .t. spAENA‘RD’s.) . "cnmmu ' - GON. The horse is rising 7 may; .ld, , ' Or to ‘ ’ Riohaumom c1 H1114 FRANCIS KELLER“ For particulars apply at this office. A W . ' i s I t _, , ‘ Supt-ember 26.1539 its... BMW“ “1"”- 9‘ ‘m . 1°"? Quota as, use. i a.

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