Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 7 Dec 1860, p. 4

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.. s . -. - . .‘v t. ,...f . corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, éiAcres under Cultivation. .x J. G O L ii. A , Is now Open to receive engagements on Ii. Toronto, will atteiid'to'Suits in all the Superior Several PARK- LOT‘S‘erllI tiliihél‘ thereon. ’â€" Bufl‘alo ~ Dispensary. on Easy "Terms Of .Paymen‘ha ( I hem] termh' fur any number’ to suit the C nits efl aw Chancerv aud‘Couutv Court: Also, "V‘lLLAGE‘id’NOPER'i‘Y with' or ,1‘ . v - i- -' t 1 r r i COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BEil‘VCH’ agilivmliontqa 0f lidgebl); MuiPliipamlitsii‘Lssn at algo. on retitlos't. â€" to Country Business in the without Buildings. " ' Latnbmhed for “1° can of ' :“.‘-""‘ ., pp ica tons -' . . . \ A . , ' Conveyane‘r and Auctiofiderr “Aurora or Mr w win-rs 3rd Con. Whit- D‘V‘s‘” Cum“- : .~'1'he'above-property is «situatedan‘and-jadv DYSI’EPSIA. GENERAL DuniLiTY. WUATEDin’ihoicéuntiesbf’mfiri‘oufufl , V . é: , . (I -_ . _. L THE AUgbRK‘ Vi fl} ' chat-lest Durand) . .. ,_ fél‘sal‘é TV TREA SALE: ; idfltllll. .33 “mm” WWW: irritants QUAIlEiLLE BAND 2 .mm‘.“ or Annamaria; W. a. «.3 or w... .. .1......._.,V.o ‘ ___.._ EN - r - . - ' i. THE PRINTER’S HOUR OF PEACE. - Know ye the Printer’s hour of Peace 7 w V I V_ . V d". L s. M , a I. find every d8, V V ‘ V ._ V V . FEVER AND AGUE’ ASTHMA. ' K‘cs'r. All neceirsnryinformatiett‘wil’b“ Km’w F5 3“ hWt m9” fraugm “uh JO)" Lo'r 31, 41‘}! Con. Musitnrtm. lehurcl“ I r mgp‘ifodbf Cziiovej‘biigitigg ginwnz llp'Witli care Jo‘mng ‘0' lhe'yll‘Vago of" " r . - ‘ ' ;.: , INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, given on application, pest paid, to _ f Thu“ 0"" felt the mmd 0f Greece' ~. ‘ ' , N33‘.;Al50r it SAX'H‘ORN BAND may be attdat-ieasonable prices.- . B. Hill-T cosyssnr'rton or vomit no OLD sou, x-rc. MILES LANGSTAFF. : \Vhenihisssdjby Venus, AmQTWS b0! 7 septemb" 1,8' 1860' 95'“ ‘hafi‘oh'al’l’hcahou‘ ' . ' Letters post paidgettended'to, For further particulars apply'at the Office of ' â€". \Vallacebur’ghg . ' ' > ’ ' ' ' ,_ Aurora NW- 2, 1350- * ‘ 1903*“ Toronto. November 20 1360:. 104cm thistwpen. j. r - . - ‘ ‘ ' ' N 0 Diet-cury Used. Also, some'improvod FARMS to RENT... .’T‘S.‘l°i"“e.“ ’°‘“.‘d “1° "’32" “as”- WALTER B GEIKIE mm = i. ‘- ‘ ’ MW; _â€". vhichmond Hm; Sept 26; 1860. gsvrr, \ a . . waiiaceburgwov. 94. 1859. Mm f Hts itinible finger}; kiss the types: :1 - . V j , '- N E R s V . , , I Dr. ; Amos w won : -, .. , I r _-, {Nor is “when, winitangthened ace, 1 ,9 Ltcgnttoteqfthe Modrcol floor-II of Upper (Jana: 1 " " V v ‘ V V ‘V V - RICH MON D HILL '3. ' CG'RVER OF M V .. . , - ’ ’ ‘ ~~ w ; The gun.“ aeviw téh hdgripefig“! 13s, da,v‘ari_d recently/one qf'tfre Mcrlroaquflicers Vr "HE undflsighodf‘begs respectfully toinrorm . T I I _A(lvcrtlselnglltor , . r V A11 QllAY.SlS., , _ _ V I V _ ' by, a: . S“. r .‘ ' or “"6 10mm." General [Josf’tu‘tr “Ml the inhabitants of A i . _; a I .V - . r ‘ . , Buff-110 Ne‘v Yorl- Good Health and‘ Long: 4 )T' t h .s of dreadfutnote P’f‘lf‘sso.’ "J Authority and Surgery, . V, . 3 . . . . H .- ~ "‘ licreby'bcar ,testiitionv that I have tried 4 ' ‘ ' ‘4 . __ M4,, '8 11° W 9" n0“ - m. Dr. harp/remedied snout, r r-v ‘ Rich-mmlldzihll &‘V1611.lity ..._. SANDERSON’S ROTATING llAR- » ~ : Hiscolumtis all mithnninton filL', "l‘is not whoniv-brother printer’s quote Th’ effusions of his stump-worn quill. ‘ g M V, V, _ RE the onlv Physicians in the State who ‘ MAYonrs That liehas commencedibusiness in tlie’l‘ailor 4 H. HALL r '- ROWP’ 0“ "IS 501111116? fallow: hiSl Stimuli)" are. members of the Royal College of i " ' . ' I. L -.' r13“ ’ L“v.2 in}; Line in the house adjoining . ‘ , ' . . v , . “and MOI‘day' and PW? 'fou‘ld'll'PIYl‘ “P to 1*” Surgeohsr Londmh May b° 0°“sull'9d from 8 VI I . T. , r ' : . EGS~ 10‘ notify the Public that he has leased that hIr, Sanderson represents them to” be. Oi‘clodk m'th'o morning mi,“ 9 a, night. in .very r ‘ wigs . My, All?" SI VEILS SHOE SIJO-P: the‘Eoundry. lately in the °¢C“Pah"“ 0‘ They are NOT 0f any heavhil‘ than than “10 state and symptom of disease. ' Are warranted not to contain any-Mercwr'yv'fi ‘W-liere. by close application to business and “a 13- Richmondr Wh°r° he “fiends ‘0, kWP common barrow. 811d do the Work 10 “1)? “mm!” The treatmentthey adopt" is‘ the result of up- ' . ‘ ‘ L ' ' = .tudving to please. he hopes to mam 3,511,,” of constantly on-liand, satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to H h _ , l m t or“ 1 _ d wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful DThOSO Pills “’0 Cdm‘POSOd 0f the m0“ public patronage. , . - ’« W 0 "eqmm "HP 3 ‘3“ s ‘5 “n - practice in Europe and America. rugs. and Using purely vegetable; cumin Au, ORDERS pumruuu. mum-mp m ‘ ‘ RICHARD VANDERBURGH V taken at any season of the yearif'necos'lliqi, ‘ V' ~0f various descnpnons, also, Sugar Kettles, ; " "0" “"5"” "1 INVENT’ON- with safety and without fear of takingeoldby . Garments ‘0‘“ 10 Ol'del' 0“ the Shortest’hm'wr ‘iBox Stoves..&c... 6L2. . Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. An instrument for the cure‘ of Genital Debi- exposure, which 5renders them of great'vxlld 1“ any Style" . H v : Allkiiidir ofth‘lowl points for sale, and allkinds ’ i " f , “ I I > lily, of Nocturnal ,E-niissious. more Properlv aitd superior to auv'other medicine eve‘rv yo! ' . .1 JAMES B- BURL‘ES- of Job Work. attended to. All work warranted. known as Seminal Weakness. the. Can be offered to the Pliblic-' The satisfactoryandfifib Richmond Hill, Feb. 10. 1860. 63-1)' Richmond “infect. 25th. 1850. . 95.3,". F Fw' ' permanently cured in from 1510 20 days, by tcring testimonials received by the Proprietbry _._.~,L_w___m_., ., , - - , ~ _ -. ‘ w the use of this instrument, when used con- has induced him to advertise these iitvalu‘abll *- - ' r- r : Jointly With medicines. Pills that the public may be convincedvmfm . '. . , -, - VV ; simple arid attic xcious retticdy, is alone stifiici- I . You” mm “X. ’ART'CULU‘ “on”. out to subdue and cttre'the ordinary‘sickniesew' D’R‘ . ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken ~ his former residence. on Yongo Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches ofhis profession. . V-f‘i'ris‘uot when all his work is done, Aurora. Feb. 24' .1860. . . , =' 651'! His glimmering fire he hovers near, And liOCd.OSS of the coming dnn, Grows merry o’er a pint of beer. :Dr. 0. s. LLOYD, SURGEON DENTIST, ‘VPLL be at the «folloWitig‘ places for the Practice of his Profession : The 1st Thursday of every Month at [lol- land Landing. The 2nd Thursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. firél‘he 4th Thursday at Go V.mley‘s Corners. , EAt all o’thei‘r-tirries the 'o"‘ctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. ' ’ June 29. 186-0. ‘ . : !Tis.itbt when in Miss-Fancy’s glass“ 7 7 Long advertisements meet the eye, And secrrt‘to whisper as they pass, “ We’ll grace your columns by and by.” Nor is it when with numerous names, llis lengthened roll of vellum swells,- As' if ’twore touched by conjurer's wand, Or grew by fairios’ magi'c spelis. ’ ' V G. 13:. Httsband, " . . ‘- e ‘ ‘ > ' ' v» ., . . V ,V n Apes do Sortiake pleasure in announci this country, such 'ars-~l’oitis*iii the Head. Back 1‘ - V, . ' 'V ' " I tug t tat they have invented a most important and Laura, all Nervous’Disorders Dyspepsia!" E E ’ s itistrumenttorthe cure of the above diseases. Indigestion, Sorencss of the 'l'li’mat,-Cmutm ‘ it has been subjected to a test of themost ern- iCoIicx. Worr‘ns'in Children, and other dines-r DEAD ' . Inetit physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia ders, which will be found on tie wrappefflith " "' - ‘ ‘ K‘ ' . aridiew Yorkr it has been declared the only instructions for taking them. ' - ~ ,‘l _I- . - '. use at instrument over yet invented forth. > ) .- m- " ’ r - . a - . m: " _ . .9 cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease» of ' I ncc’ M) cents an," ,. an": . . ' - ‘ . . ‘ y i the genital organs battered by the secret habits r Sold-by Dmggists and generalyStorekeeppsfi S 1%,:233,b:€:£3:::3w::n;wg it: of youth. A ’ ' ' who are-requested not ,to purchaseof tramfli“ vEB-gfindwfid keywd.‘ havgmwbnounced this Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the Ag¢llhf° » - ' r Worm Candy to do more good titan all Worm mos: Skelmqal “5 ‘3‘"? men‘s Pf the“ “ls-“‘1’ ' Medicines c'ombin'edn It has stood the test "l'l‘l! Phdge lh°ms¢hl99dhat In any instance . ‘since A.D,, 1765,. nearly one liuudredcew-g’. who” It may prove unsatisfactory. 3"" a fair Dr. H nsband‘. has made arrangements with which, alniost‘cvery so'n’gand' dau‘glitcr'é‘f Old 313'! 32’ "mil?! W'" [5° ’Sf““d°d by “lummg Mr. G,.l... Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture Scotiacau.testify... - , . - _ "ié'liofilsmfi‘ll m 33° 0,: er‘ f I. hll Artificial Teeth; those who engage Doctor It has always borne the name of _ I, V.” V will“?! '16 '5 V01"? “8?: Ipstrumont. Husband to do their work will be sure of ltav; , , . , V ' _ = , “' 9 se’d‘f" )3 1‘? lfr|00.V WIt V tie accom- ‘ 't done in a an erior manner ’1 Clint-M Kenzre 3W 01m Candy-Stick. tinnitus "estrous, Isocurely packed. and sent mg I ’ 8 839 , p ' - ' ’ ‘ by mail or express, is ten dollars, July ,.1 ' .» , URGEON Dentist, will be at Niclioll’s llotel. Richmond Hill. the Fins'r and THIRD Mostntv of every month, and, the-re- mainder of the tnonth at. his residence Thorultill. All WorkVVart-aiited. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firinlv adheres, rendering it almost impossible for thehlling ever to come out. I r .3 .1 , T . I Bil-(13' i No, reader, no; the Printer‘s hour”, 3.. Elite-hour, .of real, sweet repose, Is not when by some magic power : «.- t ills listlof 2patrons daily grows. Auction’ N 01:10 e . Trior‘iASEou/MAN. Licensedl Auctioneer, . V FOR THE V 3’ coum'uzs 201:; YORK-dc PEEL. All tetra-sanders..st i. miss...» no. will, receive prompt attention. Orders received a the " York Herald” Office», Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry :Lemton. .Thornhill, and Mr, J mes Cavatiiiah,_ hilarision .Vllonise', Sharon, _ vltere Terms, &"ci‘ may be obtaieed. ‘ Almira, Nov. 525. 1859. V 'V 62-tf r ' ‘B‘utiah ! "tls Stern winter drear. ' ' t "" Comesbdb‘ed in snor‘v‘nn’i‘rain and vapor, ‘ lie bears in whisperskind and‘dr'ear, v‘ r" I “ We’ve come to pay'you'for'tlte paper I” ~"' 5‘ . -- ».‘ ,EFJ‘unldhour. kind fr icmls add- to curfew "nouns or rut-r.” by responding to the last V ‘_ " 3le$; -’ V-' "" THOMAS ‘MAYORL‘ ‘ -r Officeâ€"Victoria "Square‘; " ‘Mh‘n ui’acto'ry-BM Con. Markham! -' ' V :. ‘ ;u ~-.;:r 2:5 .‘,..'z 0!, -. A v" " .‘t- . ..: (v . ' :l ‘ y tk’.“ I', Our Music 1 Friends? cc nit llanSlCAL FfllEND;" Lira... COIHanlofl'fol‘ the M’inter Mostly... Every Pianist, I I Should p'roct'ird “filth lint .9 . . a“ ,.. ‘ r - -- , . , ~__ .g.‘ V “ ' V.‘ 8 ' ' ' ’ V . .gr Wt Either-liaison, ' 8 32.132. ,2As'it resembles a candy-stick 'in taste and ap-' "peat-once. and a child eating it is wholly un- saw; HEMENll-Js no ourcx CERES --A can; concioirs of taking medicine. and where. worms . < . . WARllAthZD. V exist,‘tlte results are bcybiid description. .' ’ I A child ten years of‘age, of the Rev. J. Mc- Amos'& so" h.an for 3‘ ‘0‘}3' “fluff Douguni Dundemq flagged: overfioo WORMB yeats.Vbeen engang iii _an extensive ptacttCe ii“ three davs. which he testifies, umt he be_ in the treatment of these delicate complaints. ilieved‘,bv God’s blessing, it saved the child’s and umdha only legally qul‘hfiod l’hys'c}5hs “life. Thousands of similar testimonials are Who "0” advemselo c“"°‘c°flaln complaints, given (without solicitation) to the present pr'o- Wiromxwh‘lm geum'w Europ°an=r°m°¢°5°w Priémm r . be obtained. . “i: GENUINE rAiiiILt' nouns. WM. B. mountâ€"toner; & 00., Pmport‘ers :3 Wholesale Dealers in Brandies', Wines, Gins & Segars', EG leave to call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their Pure $ ._.;: r . ‘ magnificlarm‘q mat“, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! :- .;, V RICHMOND “ILL. ‘ Bytlie‘use ofElectricity,VV V GEORGE SIMSON, momma... .BY 13" E~ ‘1 EDMO'N 133. sanction DENTIST, Atmoart. Every Singer, I weekly: ‘l’tiblic'atlhrr'tdf Every Teacher, » Vocel and Piano Fifi? Every Pupil, Music, costing but 3‘0 Every Amateur, cents a number," ’dltii Pronounced by tlie'e'ntire Press oftlietountfil‘j', m be .‘x_‘:; ~ THE BEST Air!) ,cHEAPEsr‘ quK or THE KlNQ'lN g‘HE woupnurf: , _ 7 . .g , , Persons iii any. part of the world may be enc- Twelve full-Sized: linges’ 0' "Y-ocnl‘fl'd ’ General Symptoms of ‘vermS ! cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail ‘ ' “bone MM“: for 1’0 Com" 7 i A fellow; who does not benefit the world by big life, does by his death. “The man who “challenged contradiction" V V F _ , got into an awful fight and was severely bitten. ( : OOD Accommodations and every attention 5 Teeth thwarted on Sump. add 0,: Vaycamzed -‘: ‘ Show“ 10 Travellers. GOOd Yards for Rtibber. All Operations in his Profession, “ D" you pretend to imimate’ Bir’ that my Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race llorses performed iii the most approved manner and NV”? “Old 1" ‘ * _ 1- , ma swag, 1: I. . Warmumd. . \Vines_ and Liquors“ put. tip under their own ot' tlteirVanscs,-witli a remittance for medicines, Yonrl)’.$5 : ll'alf-yearly.$9 50? QUdmrl)'$t;95 mgdligltpld enough to have lost its hair, ear-V x‘qul‘legwfionthly pal” heldtion “1.8 Premis” firs, Aumm’ March 9,1860. ; 67.1), nggvrsggistgrfgg l‘ttzmgyitaiiélfiglggzqgial 151:1}: Restless; sudden Starting and Grinding the &c., which will be returned With the utmost Subscriber to. .‘VOur.,Mu§ical Friend”, ‘1. '. - er nos ay iii oacr mon i. , ' ’ Twit, in Steep, convulsions“ “WNwUS'VAP dispatch and secure from Vobservation. . petite, (sometimes no Appetite) Palettes's, Pick- Addr°ss'u‘7- AMOS &- 5°": 00m" Mal" find ing the Nose, Bowel Complaints, Fever, Fret- Quay “reels: Baffin“! N: Y- 8843‘ The Subscriberin calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, Y E S T R E E T O E L, Be not affronted at a jest If one throw salt Military and other public bodies, who require at thee, thou wilt receive no harm, unless thou order it from the nearest Newarlealer, and?” to: purchase in large or small“ quantities; in will have Music for your entire fatnilya up .- ~ - ~ . t .- » ' ' t'ficaitcost; and it‘xou w nthu’ ht" hast sore places, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to AURORA. : on?“ ‘_’r POM"! w'“ P" Pbemny dealt “ML”? =t‘ultiess. Euiacmtion, Looseness of the Flesh, billzlgpxue. [Victim Comet immogét' Acéflfdfa: “ B b d.d‘ ~ . h u t f th t their wants and willi mutual satisfaction. GOOD 8] p} r W, d L £Prrce list sent on application. iDry Cungthour Bream. gig (QC. 6m. 6m SUbSéribo to we V I VV IV 0 ‘ 3'0“ 9‘“ ‘3 my a '3’ 9° 8 - ' ' 0 _ ' ’P .V 0 “ma an” ‘ 'quors , iâ€" , All of the above sym )toms will immediately . " . "" ’ maniedrnext Earner ?’ Richmond Hill. April ~0. 1860. 73 tf always on hand. Excellent Accunimo- OLD JilOIgElionyE BITTERS,V cease to exist by usingl this Medkfine once or n U. ; â€"â€"n - â€"r â€"â€"~ v dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. I3 A IN TIN G. 3 {1,180, Tom, 1 did not. _ ‘DVese liergetan' old K Tainan 3’ .- I I I V.. ,V : :~ _; ‘ ' “ No, sir~eel IIe-gets a itew'oite.’ sKE-NE, twice. it always gives, health. ;even if no MILLVVRIGHT’ worms exist. it is perfectly harmless over. to ' the must tender itr-f'zrut. V . V .61 L T 0 , Racommeneed‘ by the first Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As «a beverage. it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste.- Sold by all Drugglsts.“ , Colltalilitlg‘lg pagé‘s,¢ostiug only lUi'Geutii't number; Yearly, $2 50 ;' Half-yearly. $1 All back numbers at 10 etc... and Volumes, containing 17 numbers, at "$2590 each, constantly on hand. " ‘ "' “ m « D. McLEOD,.Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859. V y 25 1y “ Boy,” said an ill-tempered old follow to a noisy, lad,“ what .are you hollering for when :1 go by i" ' - _ l ' EG'S‘to intimate that heis now re ared to .Vvarranted Purely. B erect MlLLS of every descliiptlion, by. 't", ' U - .__..._-L_._. -7...__. a-“ _-.__A,_ _.__¢__._. R. VAlL‘ES. ‘ " "_V JAMES HALL, A . ’ . H WM. B. MOREHOUSE 8L C0. Prop'l‘hv in its combination,. comma: or otherwise, on reasonable tei'ms' C- B' SEYMOUR'ETCR r. triumph, returned the pert boy, vghat are; 3 do 5 Exchange Place. V 9,“? , . . _ , I, ,V, 2 ,He is also agent for the best Foundries in Cap 107 NassuuSt" Neygmjg bioucgomg “3 1.01 When I 3'“ houermg 7 _» o. . -- - -[ 1 1-. . ’ ' . ' . ', AS always 0“. hand a large Essorlmw‘ 9f ' ‘ Jers°y Cu)" NM]! Full directions with cacli‘pac’ltage.’ ' hadn- audfro‘m his llengtltened experience he gram; - ' - r - ‘V _ .As:w°,gr°;v 01,511“! i”: With 0"" hef‘r‘,‘ “5 , gum otu’gzitb6,:git3:1?ifiigwmch WI“ be P.S.-â€"-'l‘l‘ie subscribers wislivto engage a few Sold at retail by all Druggists and ‘b‘ledlciiie '19:? to gge gzgerkggusfa‘mon” '- Fire ! FIFO ! ! .Eil'c “"lh 0‘” ‘0“ s 0 m“ 't '5 “0‘ 9“) l° disung' RICHMOND l ‘ acttve‘men, as Local and-Travelling Agents for ,Doalers in~Lurope and America, at .5 pence hma, 60‘ r 4 ., uish the true from tnefalse. t HILL. l “ Bridget, where’s the gridiron 7'-â€"“ An sure, :‘l‘llfi’le,,Vl’s jist after glvitlgdt. to me sisterfe‘ewn. tensity-Bridget O’Flaherty, the thong is so' full of holes, its no good ’t all t’ all.’ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Lu» HOUSE, Sign and Oriianicntdl;‘°Piihting *WM‘A“ done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonablevterms.’ V ‘ . ___, Q I , , * * Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. 73-tf 135 YONG]: STALET' their houseLto whom liberal inducements will lsterli‘ng, [15 cents] ponpaokqge, er'2 shillings. ‘ be offered. For particulars, address as above. [50 cents] for four packages. use sure that . i» . each package. has the signature of U. E. Mc- Kelizie, M.D. Glasgow, on the wrapper. V ' 0:?(3all for Dr. McKetizic’s Dead Shot BUSTNESS connected with the CROWN iposer," Candy.“ " LAND and other Public Departments NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newonstle; C.VV., attendedto ; also, CARTER, KERRY & Co Montreal, C.E., ) j . , are General Whetsale Agents for the Canadas. I atcnts 1'01 Invcn tions! _. . - - Secured by the Subscriber. . . ~t 1860. 99 . any“ Address, prepaid, E, J. CHESLEY. ' . No, 29 Anne Street, ' 1 Quebec. uebec, March 6, 1860, 67-tf w E so" E RN Fire Insurance .Copniiix‘i‘j' - » r x , V a c 7»... NOTICE. _ V of lolonto. VV RS. R. RODGERS begs leave t'o'itttim- ate that she designs to open-a class. on Monday the 18* of October next, to give Les- sonsitt the following branches; VVaxflower, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, \Vater Colors, Leather Work, and the various kinds of Embroidery. < 03' For terms, see cards. ' Richmond Hill. Sept. 29, [860. 95-9m INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT; ' CflPlTflL sTo .91.; £100,066. LC. Giuion, Pres. l Gino. Mtcriiit,VicePf§I. , lriniccrons : _' i i 93.1%: Rice Lewis. Esq. 'I‘hos, Iiaworâ€"th.»Eeq.€’ James floaty. Esq. 3V. Henderson, Esq" T, P. Roharts, Esq. W. MacfaralanerEeip-v M. Ro’ssiit, Esq. ' . r- l- "1 Bernard H aldau’, Esq. Secretary 4" Trent‘s?» Angus Morrison. an. Solicitor. ' ,' . Bank of Upper Canada, Bunkers. 5‘" Benjamin Switzcr, Esq. Inspc’d'er. u... 7 - - w ' i f ' ‘ MONUMENTS, TOMBTABLES‘ MATTHEW LEPPER, TOMBSTONES, 8,0. AURORA, ‘7 ’T J . _ Twenty Per Cent Cheaper HAiggglgfggfg $13313:de “Wm”! m... m 0...»... ................ r , -~ A w ‘1 - . HE UNDERSlGNEl) Assignees of the D Y G 0 O ‘cstate of D. C. 6:. W. YALE. willcon. 3 limit) the business under the superinteiidence?’ ~ . .â€"_.. of our duly euthorized agents, AUSTIN'ABBEI’V and D. Cannes VALE. whose receipt willbo dttly acknowledged. , P,S.V-â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining titt- paid on the 15! day of June. 1858, will be put itito Court for collection, .-â€"» _. A cute fellow was once asked what inference he could draw from the text ofJob', “ And the asses snuffed up the east witid.’ “ Well,’ he re: plied, “the only inference that'JI: can draw is this, that it would be .a long time before they would grow fat upon it.’ ' FAFtMERs’ ENTEREST. Q ‘HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the Farmers 0f'.lie County. of York, tllflt‘lle 7"- is prepared to Manufacture and Sell ' A 1 i" i ‘ - -. f ,ou the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- V . V MAN CNT CURE of this distressing complaint use FEJVI) T’s BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! .Made by c. ,B... SEYMOUR or. (70., rm Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ' i (A Servant girl speaiting.)â€"â€"“\Vell, mam’; ltevcrytliink considgrcd, l’ni afraid you won’t suit me. l’ve‘.’ always bin “brought up ginteel; and I couldn't go any wheres where there ain’t no footman kep.’ ’ tacos;223.2.tsrmuiz The Mininery Department! ks have" to _ _ . . shoot a man to start a burying-ground, Will be found replete With the newest and most Fashionable Styles of ' ("B011 nets, " Hats and pcsfi All 0' which will Sold at the lowest remutiet ating prices. Aurora, April 97. 1860. ~ 74-tf General Store, AT AURORA. THE Subscriber has constantly on hand a With the improved Draft and Coupling irons, V G°n°ml A55°nmem of The above linrrows are far superior to any new in use, being made on an entire new :principle. They will lrc'foniid to do the work 3, .. ,_GR00ERIES. . [13’ Head Oflice, Church Sow, lbron'ro'.:én This COMPANY insures all descriiitiotibbf Buildings, Manufact'ories, Mills, 510.. attth‘oo'di‘ and lt‘urii-iswre, in the saute, against loss o’rdm- age by fire, on l'r‘bci'al terms. Losses promptly settled. ‘ An apothecary in the country sent a lady three droughts, and on being asked what they were intended to produce, Said, “The first madam,.is to,me you; the second to, ool * again, and, a third is to "prevettt-thezexce 1 ive “fleet of either. ' " '~ " " ' C. VYALE, _ C. CUMMERQ V Toronto; April 29. 1859- I . Q's-if. much quicker and betterthati any other liar-5 r » Trowsi. Specimens of the above may be seen, handy-particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plyiug to tlie'Subscrilier, at his shop, Richmond j; DR; it. w. HILLARY, t Some old bachelors lerobably wrote the JOHN N. REID, M.D. following:â€" & Hill who will punctually attend-to all ordcr's. I . _ A. LA\V, ; . . ‘ ' . ' l ' l v ' ' ' . ' ‘ ° . ‘ ' u {Wm Yangon and mm comum or Iqalqglagpflfiptaons s'rnxnrs, AURORA, C.W. S, SAMUEL SANDERSON’ 13ATENT an Troughs and “,ater Spams .Rfithfiggtxilgehi“ August 13 Vlsgpneialaglgtl. ‘6 V- j as at ls“t‘ol_ajmart," ‘ ) 3 ,V‘ I.) V ,_ ,V“ ’ ‘ i . , ' a. ‘ ' " , c , ‘ . I . -su)oi--ior to tin, . at n at 6 cents ‘ A - ' '-'. Fit! 1, Y ’Tislgfine makes his head 30116; I all] Prefigfil’lioni 8“"t 3‘ “‘9 0m” mum V Febmank-n' 18.60. ‘ ‘ 'l i s ‘ B431} ' &c. &c.‘ die. I I [130]!"th “in; F°P'~.24r 1800- 5"“ .‘per foot}; also". Drain l’ipgs. Seasoned Siding, “ i A" Woman “sheath” . ”° Psi foron 6livery- 31-iv . ., A ‘- ~ 7 " ~ .__'_._.'.a _ . ' imam siiiiigies Picket Gates Wagtzon Fel- ‘ " ' ' " - ‘ ' ' HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKlNG. . a I - ' < ’ » . - | « Irii b‘ B’ i u d' ' d '1‘ ' - - = A cnuiiie Jonathan lately took a ride with w.â€" ' i T ' A, z , ) ' ' ' E t' ‘ ° " . . 0“.” a". , u 3?. mm M mg’ 9“ .F‘Fm"? 3 ) k his ggl, and stopped at a restaurant and hid a GO To V. ELL’S Superior Vi’atet‘rtroof Harness ’ T’ Nica‘lclllcs 'n'gm‘oral .Mmmfacmmd and‘l‘" “*5 PT E I e and Shoe Btacking is warranted to soften ' glass of soda. It was prepared and swallowed " g FOR elixir: BY‘ at one draught then turning tastier, he said. 3' 0 w M A N S M I L ! “Sal. that war darned good; why didn’t you W t '1‘ l, x 9 u I buy some for yours‘o’lf.’ _ _ . CARDIN G & GRISTING- Art irasmble old gentleman was taken with - - ‘ ' ’ a fit of sneezing in the ‘cars. After sneezing in Whore Ruth” from 8 distance can hit" it the most spastnodic manner eight times, he done to take with them ontheirreturnhonie. arrested the patoxysms for a moment, and, Alnfim,mny13,1859. 2+“; extractingchis handkerchief, he thusgddresud ~;.,‘._. 7 his; narsalx Organ, indignantly sayong', “ Oh! “Pgegnâ€"go ‘onâ€"you’ll ,bl‘otv your inferital brains out presently. ' Always on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. ’ ‘ r . 40 H N LAN CST-AFF, ‘ ' .s was... - , 5 '1 ‘ - “ r- f" 2- Svuu‘MiLLs, 'l'noasurLL. 3 V. _ r V V ' K '2" C _ . S , f L LO D, mm V 27Wuvmti FRIDAYV Meaning, Druggist &“Eentist,~ I ‘ 'AURQRAJVUVTV' leather. and roiir’er it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond llili, and sold by Store- 'ltcep'ers‘nnd names: Makers throughout the Province. Aurora, June 14, 1860. 81-tf February, 10, 1860. - VG3-tf ~ ‘ V A g _ LANDS FOR BALL. EXCHANGE. THE Subscriberlofi‘ers for Sale, on very reasonable terms, ‘ WM. SMiTt-i. ' . ~ . . ~ 1 i And despatched to Subscribers bywtlm Sentient m‘ ails, or other conveyance. when‘oo desired The roux HERALD will aiwifyifi. be founrltocontain‘tlre latesrand mostiai for: tfl‘i‘t’l Foreign and Provincial News oneK ugh“ hats. and the greatest care 'willbe to cute render it acceptable rethcm-an of bupiifiéer and a valuable Family Newspaper. A TE RMS.â€"-Sevon and Sixpenceper-Aiitittrm.‘in ltlllt " Hints, â€"-4â€"â€"â€"-~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"- ~ :DR. [3. sci/Mods. Hentazoprt'rnic PHYSICIAN, Holloway’s Ointment ' Fullnestock’s " Vermi- , , Unit}. llopo’s Mag, do fugo ‘ ' Dr. Trask’s _ do dolllidlal] \Vorm Tea Ur. \Vilson’s Veg do R R Remedys . HarriSon’s Electric do. P Davis’ Pain Killer lMo‘rcliead’s Mag plas’sr Brigg’s Mag, Relief Ayer’sV Pills British Oil 'Cheap Clothing. TI-lESnbscriberbeg-s to inform the inhabi- ',.ta_iitsof Buttonville‘attd the 'sttrroutiditi "‘ “M - country. that he continues to make first-clad: DR- 1â€"" LANGSTAFF; V , PRlNGH-lLL. 3 doors west of King Post coo TS, VESTSf‘ mar-Tsâ€" dro. MAIN ST.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 Jones has acquired quite a reputation by hearing down on a bore who sat in his sanctum r. 3“) mortal hours! “ 1 WM” mend: 3°“ would Office :3 l ' vMorso’s '11} Root do Harlan) do Mom'” “V0 douars Wt” bd-Chmed. ' ' :- 3: ‘ . I a ’ I ‘V H ‘ 1'" . .» . ‘ ' l ' i. r .. I ' > '1 ‘P‘ V!" - . . "‘ 'n V I mafiflii‘iodlaiii‘: lisdlfdi'lgihe 5th.... 3 lath" ’XdeS’F'eS and superior Workman- 'zKing, May 1-3. 1859. 24th WA “:5?le L'°°P°”’s‘§“‘l::: 3" burrows " ' " “V . r l- - - . - s p: or ers promptly attended to and ' mm- mâ€"v â€" -. ' ' _V V. _" "” “0 . V .1, .° N . v - _ ‘ " ‘ 7 v, ‘iooki‘zillfirasii’s'n '8 gmg’ 0"” “PWPW’ Wk “’mmed- ‘ ‘ HUGH CAMPBFLI . ‘ ‘ nM‘i‘W‘r’: W d° ‘ B “0“ .d.° CONi'DIT I o N PHYS to . RATES 01’ ADVERTISH‘ G ' L I' ' JOHN HARDY , v . I ' r ‘ “a “’ Situated in the following Townships 1"? : 9W“; “3°” B?!” ' 5'? “:9”? d" - , saxiinemid uti’derfifirst insertiott..-.’.'.$00 so One night, Freddy had been put to bed and ' - ' ’ "’1‘ '1 - a7 ’1 t" 3 L i . ‘ '. .- S ‘1] ._C rv {V' t " ‘ i, Oil-gs 0' (‘0. . C '1‘?“°”“52 “la or “m ' mother and: Johnny were iii an adjoining rbem. Button-me. Dec. 23' V1859.“ or an C “"555.” ‘Vatcn 3“ d C1001: hiakel 9 omen” e 0"“ 3 0 'c 0m" Poo,- Man’ SAM. 1),] Fan” 5 Amer but” Bexleyâ€"County‘ii’f Victoria,» Sydenhamâ€"County of Grey, Amabel-â€"County of Bruce. Jewelry, \Vatches and Cldcks repaired and Fora portion of mesa L3,,d5V511périordo. ‘cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest-terms scriptiou‘of Farm Stock will’ tie rattan in ex- ? ' Aurora.- Februarv l7, l8f‘20. .’ ' - 61.).“ Vgchatigmu ' Forfurtlier particulars apply to i v- rr Muklmm, June ,859. V _ V26-” hiATHE-SGN. do FlTZGEliALD, 1 G. .i. .r. PEARCE, _ _, . Barrlsters, Attorneys_at_Law’ Richmond Hill, P.O. RlClIMOND HILL IIOTEL. SOLlClVTORS 1N 'CHANCERY, &c. wonders he had seen, particularly itt Egypt, ' " i ' ~ ' ' ' ' Canada .\Ves't. STAGE runs.w from the above Hotel to" ’ 4 ' 1 Among other wonders, he had seen a cannon ' . :J-unelln, 1860. . _ V . 79-tt’. Toroiilo,-everv morning starting from Vac ' ' ‘ ‘ r . . , , . v o NEROF 1.1M; AM) 'toroTo STREETS so large that when it came on to rain, theltho Elgiu Mills at 7. a.tn,_ and returiiiugat 7, B I A ;1‘cttliites and under, first insertion. .7. . . 00 Above ten litres, first iii.,"per-'line.Â¥.'.,"00 7 3-EWELER, as... Yonge. . Street, Aurora.- Each sti’hSoquent insertion . . . . . , 4,0,0 i Presently phony cut _ up some caper, on which Mayer’s Long Life” Kenitedy's‘bVorml’ow- 5 his ’mothor threatened .to“ take tins 'i-u'to ltlie ‘ I I I Dr. Pliittiiey’s Family dcr Motl'att’s Plieuix Bit Soper’s Salve Hoofland’ German Bit. Egyptigin do V Do r TBhlsamic l‘iarIESs‘eitcesvol'all kinds .iJudsou’s Chewy Valid Lloyd’s Ointment .-for ' ‘ Ltirgwimrt- ‘ ~ " ’ S’ltii‘i’lfiseases ‘ ‘ Kermott”s'"l'ottic Mi‘x' Eldydls Eye Water Wister’ ulmonic syrup, Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup 0 Hoarhouud Lloyd’s Cotisentrated Boyer"s galvanic fluid OS o‘f’Jariiaica ginger Fowler’s éxi of vSlraWN Lloyd’s German horse berry A . Lotion V I ' - Godfrey’s Cordial- ' T» Lloyd’s cough Syrup - P‘irtomati’s Fect' Drops Lloyd's Tooth Powder We a M D E'S T u 0 Y ER. “VHS S.) d. _ M dV . b . _ Each subsequeil'tjusertiou;perline. ,~.-‘., to'n'ilh ‘ i pen “1 amine” can '0 given m “I? Advertisements without ivri'ttei 7d?!" ‘ ., r . .V' V_‘ ..iit'o,c- r1 oneBall at any ttrneof’ the year. wrthbttt “0m “156m:th fubidraudwehflgw_ Vuééfid-V iiigly. . - = "‘,- . All transitory advancements,- from “Writ 'or irregular. customers, must be paid for when? handed in‘ffor insertion. ._ ~, .7. y A liberal discouutiill bemadb tb‘pa‘i’tieead-‘ vertisin'g by the year. . . " " Nao-AMERICAN ’HOUSE 2 MARKHAM VLLAGE. .. QODAccommodations. Wines, ‘ Liquors and Cigars of the choicestbrmrd’s. 5 ‘ ~ R. MARR, Proprietor. other room and whip li’i_'ni,’ ' ‘ ~.: hibiother," said Freddy’s voice, under, the bed-clothes, ‘1 know where I’d take him.’ ‘ Whore?’ said the mother. whose curiosity was excited. L " ' ' “ I’d take him under the left ear !’ injury tothe Horse, and has‘been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success uiiprrced’ented. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners‘of that noble animal the inconsisteticylof an unneces- sary outlay by'using. Artificial food or Condition Powders. wlticlt are too well_known to contain ‘minerals highly injurious to the membrane {or coating of the Stomach. The Ball“ itra“ compound of Pure Vegetation and tvarmnted not to ‘coiitaiil' either ll‘lercui‘y,'Ai-senic;- Anti. ._:\Vp,lrn§’avur. CAQNOLâ€"Afyo'ung nian fifein {from liis travels, was relating to i large cdm- patty iii the parlor of afa'shienable hotelwthe . . A ‘ - 1‘: : .) .‘ in"; is“ .AtlIs advertisements .Iiu‘blixshed for 1 lath” rlod that? one titth- Pm“ be paid in an Pd; Vancer W I 3 Kill out-nor. .:...â€"'- «AN EXCELLENT FARM tarsus.- ~ 0030“ “"1! he W135..j."..waS.-drive";horses and all, ,p.m. Faro. 2s. 6d. each way. Over wmlmom, ‘gb'co’s' Bonk”! Omce’ ACRES 80 Cleared. 20 miles from .Pfimiltofic A 'UDF‘T’STUONWEIIO SP3" mony or any other Mineral’}. Fee immediate ' All letters addressed to the Editbr'm‘tififmg into the muzzel‘ofl lheglm’do-gét out “the GOOD acconuob r N i 'r «v TORONTO Torontbmnd threerqnarters ofa mile S” 'I‘K‘O’l‘lng-sg coaghl' Clfic ' 110th“ is Surprismg and the ultimate effec‘ has) l")St Paid: ' i ' ' ‘ “ storm. One Ofrllls auditors, [an old saltin land ‘ . 8"qu E-of‘fi RAVEI‘LEP‘" â€"- :fm‘m (1,3 Kirigsigo‘nfioad, we“ watered, (god LOZ‘engerS ' ' , ' astonished thousands. Pf the Anide is out of' N0 paperdisconmmea “musam‘arngm- 1-“ . . loggeryfl, “filled at the .8105} whereupon our RICHARD PK’HOLLS.’ Agency Ptll'acularfy attended $0.. 1 Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. Basahés 031"" Mmmoâ€"an'excenem remedy .501‘15: them is “cause remove mat and: l”. is aid . andparties refusiu partway, 'ge g". , traveller, in no Very goodlittnfiir risked; “We”, . . l . ‘ ‘ Prol’mflo" ‘ ' ' ' ‘ . ‘ ’ 5 7 for ChOh‘Fa MorhKlS. Diart’hwar &e- ’ all ri lit. One does at the cost of 95 cent's‘ is P ' - -. : “u p y- , . V . a a Vfilchmond n,“ D OJISVV1858 ,1 V AV L55 _ __ ‘ 7 V F“, mrtherpameulafi app“, ,0, V ,_ _ V . g . r . mg up, Will be held:accountable!“though}. a. air, do y_ou.doubt jn-yfil'ol'fl T’ , Oh, nohnfl at 1,5. V r 9 _ ?:_ . f. _ y. _. THOMAS G “nurses. “MES “menu” ' ,. t”. ,d, E 1_ x d d. ' , sufficient to cum “’1th Bound‘o L055 Of‘ Al’lw" 54,; m9“ , ., .4 " oll,’ was .lz'ack’s reply, " it was the coincidence ‘ "" V ‘ ‘ H ' ' , , f I c. " DRw ‘V‘INSTAN LEY, - v *0) 5 me ‘kfliflran ’lscaverv ' tits," Coughi'. Coldl? and {Perch- D‘ls'tt‘mpel’, U I . ;MLL.A-;_-A~MM : - a that made me smile. I. know you. are correct, lownh’hfly 1’ 1539' I ‘ 131‘“ :Eghngton, Yong‘sm’fi- * "Peol’lo khew “3 3.91.1th worth» :Stoppage orWater, Stitched Legs, Fn‘easemnd for it so liappened__tlt_at l_ was inside the gun in acurricle, arid when you drove iii at the muzzel I‘dgoi‘go out of the touch-hole,“ s , (4.7. ,~ vt.‘ 7 Diseases would be scarce on earth : 'I‘lienr,-wliy should people'pain endure 7’ When- they can find’safpbrfect cure. Prescriptions Accurately VQompourtdcdi {Aurora June 1860. ' ' 81 ‘OCI'Olict' 4'. 1960! ' " r 97-3m is a complete Destroyer of- Wornis,,a greatpuri- . ' THE. YORK 'HDR'ALW ’ ' ’3‘ fyer of the Blood, and' a good Physic, always recommended to be givenin the Spring and‘ ' ' - ‘ * - :. :--_‘.: Fall, which will act as a ptI‘avenlive ati‘d-im- V V prove the general condition; 'ak‘e's' lilm com- """‘ I ' _ g V V t pleter up to the mark for his‘ work, thereeby [EDEESpforqfa‘EiX‘fifihe giving’every satisfaction the owner can require. 850"” 1°“ ~ I ‘ a" - .. 3 u ' Testimonials ‘ofthe highest character will be WORK Wt“ 5°Pl'etl‘lihbfiuflefid'fid 3°":â€" E. J'- ,_ . _ , . _. . , , “a ' ‘ forwarded to testify. to the above if required. sooxs, Furor pious, Bustuns‘s canes, u on. STOCK. .BRQKER' Cash Tl‘ormsâ€"-0Vi'ie Dollar per packet containing A it n sou i.i. POSTERS, CX‘RCULA its, “reforms, fourB‘alls. ' ntLt. H-EA-DS,‘ltA‘NK‘CfiECksiflknF75, Auto THE'Subsci-i'ierfbegs to‘ inform ‘hib numera- ous Patrons and the public, that he has ' removed from the _VYltite Swan. Hotel to the ESTABLI‘SMENT. above ~Prémi'se‘s. where there willbe found excellent «accommodationfor. Travellers, and. liar 1”er arrived at the dieters. or 3319.1):99003 so to first marriage ‘czi‘sel ' He did it up‘itt this way. He- ~GoottStablifig. rtlrstsaid to the man i" V . . _ . . 3"“7Véllg you wants to be ‘mar‘ri'; do you? «. lforsgslqnd Buggms for H‘m‘ Vell,_you.lovislt.dis voman so-goot as-any v0- '1 JOSEPH; GARYg iau "Ll vo ev '~se if - w v - .r».yÂ¥;‘r.i§ “‘2 en “' V , , I’roprzetor. ' H“'Pheit$lib ‘saidvto the womamr' ' i V___ ,DENTISTRYP V V ‘ VV V .V WV. 0‘ ID. D-VS' fit)? Surgeon Dentist, ‘ I 99' mine or; sass: scorn. Sins. THIRD nook other men cannon sr. 'ifonosToV, ARTICULA’R atteiitronoiven to the rogue, lation of Children’s 'loolh. Consultation 2 ,. . ‘ To sustenance; IOOASRES' or LAND in the Town- ship of Sunnid’ale, county ofSi'ncoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the 6th con- cession. Also, lth'Acres iii the' same Town- Richmond IIill, OCt. 22, 1858. 72-7. freemand all work warranted. / r _ 1 5MP: billing West’liglf‘VOf Lot No' 7- in the 81h V V V V _V . T b VLottors pi‘opaidgitdclositig 8r remittance. will' - P A’M‘P'R LE 11s», ' v may I» H you. do . , l I; t , v I ~- ‘ Dr. 'A. has turned his attention to the “im--V cohf’ess 0“- ' I V _ I _ I V ‘ 0' ’ ~ ' .’ ' _o f ' ‘2; r4“ 40 f ‘ l _‘ opt-ointh yVa‘tteu e to. V V ._ And eve, , other kmde man you havizvfiseeég.gill“ .5? .beuer as an“ '“7 & CO movements of his profession in all its branches, ‘ “‘9 above Property '5 CONT“ With very N0 29 Anne'snee‘t‘” PB“ 0 ’ " Qua ’90 * Printed Directions wrapped round each Bati’ ’ 3 valuable 'Pine 'l’iiriber, and" lies within half a 'and‘ can an )lV the 'ri'ofession withr Teeth. , , I ,, _ , irG'old :‘LValc'hIllliz'od "Aplpamms-~ and Vulcanuo imtl‘e oi the Sunmdale Station on the Northern ‘ .. r . h _. ,V . Rubber, and the best‘B‘one fittimg. 5‘ «v ‘ Ra'lW’W‘ ‘; ‘ ' ' ‘ Sue hesitated a little, and’he repeated : a ‘4Xel,l,,_ dat ish allauy reason 0 ‘man-l can .u.- H ,,,.,-..,_. '-. expect.“ yonare marrit. Lpr riouncgyou ,“ 'Rni'nuitfw'css : Sli'erifi'v'Jarvis, Hon. George rwitliamy signature in full,.without which none "I I: summon: Hon. l?~.-*M, Vatik'ou'g’huct, G, J. other are genuine. . c r r . d . ~ 1 ‘b' - _ ‘- d' {~11 '« Campbell, Esq. 3'.» Woodsidb. "Esq'..;qusrsb Officeâ€"~Viuctoria Square, Maiiufactory~4th one m " hep 9‘“ 991.13" at mo or“ gym”? . k‘,‘ . ,jr 4 i ‘ L . . :. . THOLESALEjaud Retail Coppcrr'l‘in and trail Plate Workers, andFurnishjng‘ - . . « . ~ . n . r - , l ' ~lt‘oivfl‘urther particulars aptly to the re rte-r s- _‘ i , 35' a A M f ' ‘~ M ukh 0m. assortm‘e but. 1015 TÂ¥pE 3. 5‘," I ma. and "lfe..’:. V‘ _ VIroumonuers, Parties lYill rtliis house a call Mtubral doeth..meunted oti (acid Silt 91'. or u , l . , _P P V ybrilmour, Cpu sen _ (.10... ngus, Ol‘l‘leDV’ concesswn at am, V , 1 . i, r V | .. . _,. V. .. . V, i, - sf, pipe] 79hr) man asked the justice whdt w‘as'tblpav. ‘w’tfi‘fiud ptheir, orders finncfually atte‘nded 'to .Y‘ulcaniicd Rubber, witltg,»Coittiano’us,V Gums, ‘0': onh" York “cmldv” Umce. litelutrondv ;M,,Vja,.l?,. Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattige do '1 I‘IOMAS MAYOR InewV and of the letters} patterns. A for e variety Nothing at all ; you are welcome to it Hit “d thelowestpric-es char 7611. 54-1 which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Hln- and Borders, or Cat “CofMoutreal; Hon. James Patton," Barrie; ’ TI}, on“. mflkor of the' 07,351,“ Yoguhfio .‘bfnibw Fancy" Type do, will do you an; goot,’ Jame. Webster, Esq, Guelph. 6741‘ Dmeld on“ in America; so i a healers, Ape. kept always on hand. Richmondlljll. Doc. 1 8. Toronto, October 11, H.360. ’43.1£ ‘ lime 22,1860r 82-“

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