Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 30 Nov 1860, p. 2

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‘ . q I . I. o p ‘ r- ' ,u‘.) - v.- . ~. _._ , . I . .' ‘ v _ r I. ‘ i W .‘w'wâ€"aâ€"l‘. V WWW'" I w their) the conduct- of Mrs. McDonald. Ider husband was estretnely low with con- sumption, and when the terrible alarm was given his life'went out, his shattered oner- glee being unequal to the shock. But Mrs. McDonald-refused to leave the body 'ot her cherished husband. She offered princely rewards to any one who would save the body, and bravely stood by the beloved corpse, while the fire surged and swept around her, and then bOre it herself to the guards of the boat, hoping that both might be rescued. The lady Was only herself saved by the firmness of the mate, who l'm ced her into the yawl and carried her to shore. Such heroic devotedncss is Without a parallel! Mrs. McDonald n3 mined at Uniontown, hoping to gather at“‘ east the ashes of her beloved husband. s o k- f I l fleal estate, also, begins to- (it l I‘M p t] 3 ll f f. ~ . , - ltICl-IMUND' HILL. NOV. 30. 1860, GREAT FIRE IN GU ELPII. VICTORIA mats sensoryâ€"Loss $12,000 A Word 'with our Readers. flit was soon evident that the mill could not b. savod by human efforts. and attention was di- rected to the getting out of flour and grain, and to the safety of a cottage a short distance of, occupied by Mr. Bradley and the miller, and ' that of the residence of Mr. Preasant. still furâ€" ther distant. The former building soon caught fire. but it was, by considerable exertion. extin- guished. and Mr. Presant’s house was only kept from igniting by the use of wet blankets and water thrown by hand; the heat was so intense: the sweep of the flames so overpowering.and the wind so high that the fire engines were usolm ln less than two hours from the breaking out of the fire the mill was reduced to a heap of smouldering brands. The loss on the building. ' machinery and produce is estimated, by Mr. Preasaut, at $19,000, on which there is no in- surance, a policy from the Wellington Mums; having expired only a short time since. Mr, ’Preesant called two days before the fire at tho Company's office. with the intention of renow- ing the policy, but. unfortunately, did not find. the Secretary. Additional machinery of the value of $600 had been placed in the mill only a few weeks. since. The fire commenced on the roof of the mill, and is supposed to have proceeded from the chimney connected with the ofiice stove on. one corner of the building. the only (mean the! I premises. ' ,__.. u _ . . _ _._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' A. TERRIBLE SCENE. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" Be’tter Times. Now that .we are iust emerging from the gloom that has hung over the past few years; now that pros- perity begins once more to light iup the commerical horizon, it be- hoyes usto study carefully the his- tory of the past, that we may, from that best of all teachers expe- rience, learn wisdom for the fu- ture. The. manner in which for- tunes have beenmade and lost dur- ing this period; the reverses that have changed the social position of ‘thousands, . would afford ample 'material for narratives as strange and thrilling as some of the wild. est creations of fancm The mad. ‘ness of speculation in communi- ties, appears sometimes to partake ‘of the nature of a chronic disease. 4,â€"â€" Dr. Ryerson’s Report for 1859’. WE have received, and cursorily examined the report of the Chief Superintendent of Education for last year, and find it full of matter highly interesting to all who desire an extensive and particular ac- quaintance with the educational resources and institutions of the country. Every Canadian is justly entitled to look with satisfac- tion and honest pride upon the splendid results which our system has already achieved, and at the glorious promise of future pros- Mankind 3, times won“ appear to perity whichit holds forth for will 'be irresistibly urged on, by some ,encouragemem' 1.“ new depart ;unaccoumable propensity to msh ment connected With the Common limo desperate and hmlhous um Schools, there has been conslder- ‘dertakings. Some of us can call to able Improvement Wllhm the Past mind the history of the great South year; and if T8 Present 'coll'dili‘on Sea Bubble, mat rem,de in the of the schools in Canada West, be Sour-Ilia Successtoaâ€"Pnoonass or I'll“ Basis-ruler; Pawn-South Carolina. the telor graph informs us, has. by its Legislature. as-v seated to a bill to devote $400,000 to the straw ing of the State, This piece of intelligence ll followed by another intended to be more startv - .ling still : that whenever she wants them. 70,-. 000 men of all arms will spring from. the mouav tains and fly to the service of South Carolina. The juxtaposition of the two items of intellir gonce goes far to destroy the value of .. for it forces one to compare the men with this meansâ€"70,000 men and $400,000. Why lift!" third China war had cost ten millions sterling before the 'l'aku forts had been taken. Nor lo South Carolina the only State whence intelli- " gcnee of warlike anements come. The Richmond Dispatch tells all the world. and especially that portion of it known as the Norâ€"- L thorn. tho North-Essie rn and North -Westernt, States of America. that Virginia can efficiently» larm 95,000 men; that she has, " at least 60 bronze and rifled field pieces and howitzers ;" . that she has plenty dry powder. and is Again; ‘into all sorts of new weapons of destruction.- Georgia has passed a law appropriating a mils llien of dollars to arm and equip the State fol“ d warlike purposes. Alabama, we are toldghae ‘ 10.000 stand of arms ready for an emergency.- 0n the whole. the warlike mavemonts in South begin to loolt formidable. Where out it end ‘lâ€"Lsadsr. ; .p o..- MISSOURI MILITlA IN Tun“ ': ' - FIELD. . ST. Louts,Nov. 25.â€"â€"The brigade of? Missouri volunteers, un‘der command 'of ‘Brig. Gen. Frost, mustered into service‘ by order of Gov. Stewart. for protection of- the western frontier, left on an extra train~ on the Pacific Rail-road at 12 o’clock» to-day. The brigade numbered about 700‘, embracing eight companies of infan; try, engineer corps. one company of cav- alry, and three pieces of artillery, fully arm: ed and’eqbipped' for one month’s campaign. Major Bell. of the U. S. Arsenal, fur- nished‘a full supply of shot and canister fon the battery, 40,000‘ronnds Minie‘balls‘, as: VAUGHAN COUNClb.--Tlle Vaughan Council meets at the A'l-‘olwn Hall on Monday next, the 3rd inst. ’ By a proclamation in the Canada Gazette the meeting of Parliament is fur- ther postponed to the 3rd of January. N L'l bl? - v; i - r ,, a'l“ ' '. '* _, . w. . . , , ' ' ' 7 ’ . , i ‘ ,. '. "‘ ' -. " WTtie shares of the Grand Trunknail: f' Bi‘fisis'sss N’b’filfiEi-fi‘hâ€"‘A’t’itwed‘w ers whoamsflch slow Pay; for)?“ M39888“ fortbcm'ex'lsls- But We, Fits? Butt-Thursday, ‘t'he 61h, ., Moms? Companroficandda rallied 3128593“; purpose commencing to mail our have performed Quinta“ ln‘sendlng st-ilil fin not a few, who: do a pay- December, has been appointed by, f. i. ', , I, u -* l- i g," 2". ltzis*1'lri|'°'urfid ll“ fi'l'arllcul‘il‘ Circlfii‘l'al, them.‘ ‘ Jlb’syzhe'amouns of indebted. of each one’s indebtedness will in. bills. without. bank discountspwlro: merit; as a day of General Thanks. ARRIVAL 1‘ nil-E) :ARAGO' "lhlthUkli 0f hull'casue '3 t0 "3m" “‘9 ness of “each, for siibs'cfiption. - The future stare them in: the face every can: make comfortable livmgs, givmg for the late bountiful harvest.- xflgfiilzégmng Wlhe deal“ °f “'3 DUl‘c paid for, fill-711d "Wye after me name nevler yet paid- as a solitary cent ‘- ' ‘ ' <wil pay at once. ' ST.--JOHNS N. F. No . ‘, . . . . ~. , _, t, ‘ .' ' l u a, v 24 ‘1 ton-London when at full speed run into a datc' 135' this number canoludes u“;- i . . Change hands mme “Keely. -â€"â€"~â€"---â€"-Aâ€"---v I‘he steamship Amgo‘which loft Havre came tram“, we (Trent Yancy railroad second year, we hope ourfriends will our. future. We intend. invariably . _ ‘ ~ . - -“ ' " ‘ ’ to write our honest conzwctions on. of returning prosperity than a W? _d°' not bylibourwlvu Ira-crow?- f0}! " " ~v . . t ’ v; o mtous ex ' . lllSl-, Passtd Cape at 9 p.m. head of cat‘ler t|he passenggers are Changed, . P {"3350 y “[N'Pon D“ )lel yesterday whrre she was intercepted by miraculously csoipeduuhurt. - none'uppgar at. (ligand, it will be an of whatever party, Will always be perly. Two- years .ago, nobody _ ,._ J ____ at'ed Press 'lhe Ara 0 has 165 ia'ssen-" ' ~-- . . . denounced" llrue reforms, snob as “mum: flunk on haying land ’ In T9010 Edllor 0(- the York Herald- : ‘ d. 3300' m f '01,, f l N changwnfe: A very desirable result. . I ‘ . . is?" a“ "3 0 ms 0" 9" It was reported that Mr. Laily,who~ ___ ' ‘ ajudicious Bankruptcy Law. wrll as a gift. So much indeed had it . I t w k, .t m M - - figured“ “"5 SaVOY"‘"92l’fiall°llsswas“ 3"“ find in us Warm advocates. The depreciated in value, that many a m. as e.” 3 Valle?" "a" .e . westerly \vtnds most of the passage. She be Miuister of the Interior 1, was said clincher wluch I left for hint- to do, and 1 will be due at New York on Monday ' . . . - . 2- g f n l d Tl , ‘, our heartiestopposition. We WlSh ‘sidered wealthy, but whose wealth made confessimto my'readcm. u I a” cum. - to a by and a .r - ‘ .‘ p . negotiations had been delayed on a ques- ceived final signatures‘ ' Mr Cobden waA‘ n0l be 5P“! uP lmo Small munlClpa' greatly W‘Fefiuca'llj's exilenf‘l'llm‘fa has confirmed all the statements that 1 tion of money' and unity of uhderstand- nid’m completely prom-area by labor, lllllesr Slight we bellever “’OUld be that he might 121“ Wlllllfl his made to bun; so we will not men'- . _ . v ' . - _, ,.. .O'Std'v' bthlf-tfivw .1 he allied “my was marching on Pepin, ‘ 7 _ _ ,ever, to- see. the day when there were forced to return again to avo- letters , .and asthe old say mg is, that the “a; thirfifigefixgxdtl .lzrml’a:nd". where Sangkee Siasin-had-a‘-‘|argefor1:eto Is}: The", was no movement ofimpnflance. WHOEVER- saw a book William a gshadlz be a grand. Federation of all canons from whrch. they had truth Will keep straight, of course Mr. ~ ' > ' _ _ V _ . _ , .' There was aréporl that a conspiracy had i _ _ . . ‘. . ' , - Lord Elgin was t9 follow'the troops on did. True !. certain authors of a frica. Then, indeed, we shall pre- tent incomes. 'The belief that 3"}; l8” “pinata l“ ,lllmlf: M'inRo" 513;,0,l,::;?$ “10-9111 0f Scplcn'ber- ‘ l ‘ cis 1L singular mould. professedly have 'sent an imposing appeara-ncoE, and land is really worth having, isonce- 5‘“ “'3‘ '3 we "'°“S P‘B b!‘ e" 1 g " Two officers and two men were shot. . . . . » ~ ._.. ' Mr. J. Pleasant had as ht fire and both D “"3 10”“ an introductory chapter which dif - ‘ » ' 'l - " f the wmng bu" by we ml and ll Ml”- ' a: ' g - -- ~~ I . «- which our vast resources errtil 6 us cits. look now to the numbti o 1, _ _ . . . , . ,. . . . . . . . ~ , ' . . . . w l I l d mor b I- frame butldm . was s dl envelo de in lhe cool“ were ‘leserlmg’ ‘nd Carr" ll"; “all "ll-i gallium liked NCaPOllhanss fers nothing from a preface, but in ‘10. We ailsointend to pay cspccral bushels of grain: per. acre, that a WM 0“ d carry 8” 53' an e a z w '3' 9° I .in er cnera a rear ta propose to A . y . , , l . , , Two thousand “OOPS were 19ft at Tien' manded on all sides that no 9 l' h - t - much no lectcd and 'n in order to arrive at a correct t” m the e) as 0f the Pubhc. be Mr. bkmnguhwrmlwl accompaniedbyalilmdm‘ tsin, to protect it from the rebels, who 'trOOpS who remained outside of Gaela ll M.‘ I.” V - on I w no are 00' lg .' l g, i i i- . I , . Rowe had better all up’ and Pay M“ dnnorsnow' Whll°lh° mm w" Mlmlw'l” I i -- consistino' of ten battnllions but a despatt-li Show“ get a‘ [9001“ m paper pnmed Oflen 5‘1le mlsmanaged' ‘3 “’IShv esmuale 0f lls “’Ollhs lellm than At Canm'n trade was obstructed by the O ’ . ' . . . . ' lug him twice. _ And l am Talllel‘ SUI" the firemen. with their usual alacrity,used their ‘ ' ’carrYiug the French col0's had left Gaeta and the Wlmldmic he Challenges Sense Of the lillporlance 0f allemlmg mallzed from a raPld “56 m “S Pmed at our film)" for “"0ng lhe 5'“ ovary endeavor to render assistance. but the Itfvvas rumoured in London that the with troops, supposed for Civita Vecchai. the” allenlwn" A's J‘mmallSl-Ss “'9 10 home affairs; in fine, We Shall do nominal Via-lam The man Who , British 'Govarnment had received oflicjal _ ‘ i would now buy a hundred acres Of yPresmlt at the “me the match W35,” have structiou of the hoae carriage with a quantity of demonstration m favor of Garibaldi and was submitted to our readers why lgoocf newspaper. The latest intel- land, even in a populous district. been Played at Mr- Cl'FIS‘lSOD 5: and hose, which having been run close to the mun. been concluded at Pekin by the English the Dictatorship, but were dispersed by the York Herald was published, ‘ligence we shall always strive to ‘ . , . and French Ambassadors; but it was in Village 1015 wuuld be “mug,” a Sprm-glnll Club said .posttuely that Mr. Victor Emmanuel had rohibited the root itscourse. We announced that all and on these around‘s we a_ eal fir sub'ect for a lunatic asvl-um.â€"- Rc'we had "0 aulllor'ly l0 15'” 3‘ Clml‘ would not withhold u h' t ll' d ' f F S I P ' ' ' 1'“ ' ' 1 1d l, l b ' ppL J' sctneicn-e. . t ‘. ' t~* ‘ w r. . a . . . . - - . ‘ g L estructton o ort a mes 1n p0 1.1cs we siou no“ no party .10 the public to sustain us ct : Ismmahm Club had played, Mr. Rowe GEBEA-ll w-BRITAlN,‘ have passed away' Bm are we wouldnnot have been allowed to play with t 1 db d to ‘..t odu ,e onc’s SlllbelClll: Measures, not and encouragetheirtoWi-rshipnewsâ€" anything the worse for the chanch -; v - - - tm . enmae tnr c - , - . “' - _ , riggllullfait, armed at -Ltverpoo| on the armsnlstoefign e En “sh wsseh were, ‘mcn, we stated was the Alpha and paper. We profess to be a Vaughan, . . - [he Spam,“ Club- concemmg we nutter, 11lll lllSlante ‘ I ‘ g y. g 4 l ‘ -con(llllt)n the Vlh' came home to your own cIub. I-loping' . . ~ firacrioalrireformers would com- aScarborou h journal and. as such ’ la 3 lot mania would. attract, every . - - a t as for w r were row on at Man- p w-L -- v .- ~ k , . g i r g . ’ Y_0-l\, 1Wt Into Plymouth 011th 11“! “lit-i p m '0. a l” g . .mand our earnest support b shall give as much news fromthese .. for my case clearly proves that I shall not .1 ; f .~ -, .. .tua,.&t.. v y . - , 91ml" coal- ’ ‘ ' ‘ _ filled With eager purchasers, from. trouble you again on Mr. Rowes C l - , > 3- .. .v . . ' '1 ' S'u'é'h,Y twitch years ‘4 since, was our ing the latest markets, arrivals, Ste. our towns and cities, to make their ' lufimmwul‘a’ll‘e 1 lll'h'm‘lfi P . f ' .Tl'e‘ liar“ Mznltel‘gfisfilt’ “at “5 platform, as announced in the Pros- In conclusion, welhope that all who , I remainyyom‘ "all: 1e squa toon,.m e mice 0 ate-st. to egram rom ll‘ Opt; ,4 ran, picturesque villas, Are me pros_ JAMES HOLMDAL land _ [behecourse to arms Wm M, be news- confidently say. that,to the best of do their endeavors to increase our gpects of the farmer Worse in 1860 The Bank rate of discount had been sar in China. 0‘" alludlYX‘Ve have fulfillEd 0“? CITCUlallon- . .l _ that wheat does not bring 115. 3d. iné and the Bank 'of‘Fiancc'vhad raised , W are consmous that we may have 2 Per bUShCl; but present Pflces “5.111500%, rate ,0 4‘, per hem. is: Till; GALE ON THE LAKES. committed mistakes, yet we can say . _ Oswecu,November 26,â€"Accounts of gins that the sensible portion of PARTICULARS or 'rns scams“; or 'rt-ti: for the capitulation of Gaeta is received. ing, and how numerous soevcr our them would scarcely, every thing UTEAMER PACIFIC on fruit Misstsstr‘rt It is asserted that it is composed of only are coming in from every 'quarter. The failings may have been, they have . . . . . schooner J’ J' Mimic? '3 aware near Similar times“ The survivirw officers and crew “$1603,” confide” 1'” P‘lsmm‘” “"lcn' . . . I P . d l M, heart. We receive no iavors from ill-fated steamer? arrived in Louisville st “" “- ' surmise; our: in: any party, neither any am- d D i v. . . . . mation to his late army, concluding by I nalthemediumofadvocmin ,Ound 2:3,]. ‘11:;(22::l2%,,lsifgglffgnoggfirdsy telling his companions in arms,- that ‘an ashore at Nelson’s {Sland- 0"" 3° "35' - - ': . g b ' ' i i I 7‘ sels bound to this port are still to arrive. PrmClPlC-S and'u'sefgl.relorms' our N w 0 ,6 Is She “0 ed at New follow lnm again in a fresh conflict which - Aleb f a. l f ' lt clip f l ' actor to breakout in Italy by March .....EIRE IN NEW YORK and “lime” “as 1“ been from 01" any “3°” ""g’ a“ a 8" Pass” ’ . , . " " ‘ ' th‘ouohts’stwdebaseo n'otrn - w - ' NEW YORK, November 25~â€"-A fire 0 ' ' ’ ’u ' ‘l 1 all by ing at Canneltoa, Evansvrllc, and Hender- . ‘he 5‘0” "mks before Gag-la 3" c°“‘ - . . son She arrived “at Untontown on Sun- tinued, and if the garrison, will not capt- ings on an,.ren_ssueet,extending through. 49.11.18“ it} ride lt}t0 power byâ€"lhus mence w CllurEh'Slrl‘el' 14°53 $500,000. A as ‘mg -. aVOl‘_S rom no party, and then dark and coal was being rescind on i a ' w . ' . . . . . 1board when a uantit of he in the .l he ex-Ixmg had rejected the proposals. .a THE. PRESIDENTIAL ELEC- I “saw, ‘V‘fi'cg‘fild afield, ,0 pursue a i ‘1 Y 7 . _ d, I . . , TION. ~ ' Straighfiorwarul(bursa- ‘This' We be on fire. They broke out the ignited, Lf'glm? 5 ll: lilllo‘ps’ 33’000 “l “mm”, H . V :bales, but too late to prevent the spread a «w a, an n I“ 0'“ ‘3 “rengm Ofllle ‘afi-vgl,of.,hé Tony Expréss “have San present nur‘n‘ber closing our second 3, . . ,“ "luv ,' \‘_ ‘ s*,v’ ' 7 _“>_.U . o r “LIVERPOOL Barnum-"rosy6 P~Mltiiitsr Francisco news (9 the “db “"9" - I ' i " r' i” h ‘ f ' ‘foulfdlllfitbthiufitmtfndbulflfotbbso stafzd' had slightly declined. Richardson Spence LlMOlllls malo'my over Douglas“ ’3 n=IiVle.\.ung l e pagt’ we eel ' ’ , figul‘élf at 596 in me ismte 0f califomla‘ that we have mUCh to be thankful ' lassen ers and citizens of Unionrtown who per barrel. ‘vVheat quiet and lower; , ,, _ _ _ lwere En ‘b‘oard The {offiard gamma, qualities were easier but quotations were The balance of the returns Will-Pmbabll'. and business of all kinds at a la- ' ‘ n _ " reduce Lincoln’s majority, but it is gene- mentable standstill. Many 3. seem- their esea c qull‘lem ‘125' 3‘1' a 195' [mid-iii 'lhlle , . The chilil'clerk, Mr. Smith. endeavored xv 65mm 13, 6.1_ a 13s,; "hm, south- Stalm. ' or wound up, a bad crop and financ1al _ d .th th 1 t 1. fine I V Adrices from Oregon git-emeoln ~30 panics” Wm years Since. were the min of sogmany thousands of fa_ compare. wx e r s a c .. an or the fire was so rapid ‘th he had to “and. “ Itl‘lEBPQOF- .BB,EADSTUFFS.â€"“’ake- . , . - . t . _ ; - , on all but one package of $1,500, belong: cam-es Co;,'report a'decliue of 1d. a 2di3-‘3l’f39ll‘soolbehmd Bree-kemdge' “"3”? Adol'eful prophecy that in six lect but yesterday the Californian $16!" appears“) atllnoigfinfired‘lble‘. . month’s time we should be non est, gold lever and its disastrous re- ms we see a m he num' owners, and the books- and records were l’r-ouision market quiet. Beef heavy. whlflljwmd “Qt vary me result" lOlallY desuol’ed' I lorlt and bacon steady; Lard firm at; FROM KANDAS' thingsthat wore. Politicalenemles many losijtheir all. And now the fichwls’sorlgg,’ “3:002 ' m . _ . _ . _ cm. ‘. V» t, _f F ts a h m t body politic. is 5.10le but surely 1 was : ~° 9'“ yea” cabins with tclrrible Piling. 3&1. :Itllm - .~ l}.mat;°“.'9'2 or I” 5 0‘". “pug that, our chances of success were . {C S h l T } Pen minutes he no e oer as a ARRIVAL OF m “e” “Y"‘n'g t‘m‘ ‘emonstrat'on ‘a~ nowhere;,,and failure was immi- speculating fever. The debility “630 gigglyg? ,cqtoo ) Tillers-3’ Th 0 .fi d t .b, A .V ‘ I , _ . 0 resulting from ,he disease, has not was $ , , a. year i was e scene was magm cen y en: e. . ,Montgomery s object ts only to drive off . . . thousand horsespscattle, and sheep were ' msome obnoxious“ settlers, and . that he has Tenemles g'nllTJOb comfonmg fnends . the com arative amounts expended. ' HALIFAX, Nov,_27. we are alive yet, and in good health are favorable and warrant us in for the Ernmion and mp6: eqmp sand their a,“ 0,: term, ma, pain we" , ’ The Arabia, with dates to the 13¢, 5p: cers at Fort Scott or of invading Missouri. loos and. 10 1‘1ng by Presentlfllppleatr- anticipating a speedy and entire ’ ‘ p horrible to hear, , and an perm“ b, the . ' Hisoriglnalb‘“‘l hasl’mlmbll' beelllargely ance’ we never were as Key 0 . - . ‘vi ences of the same commend- The City of Vl'ashington hence touched. , , , . . , , files of the bOdy thh’ by caHY' 2b]: in, rovememn . We are 'also .lalned bl' this dlsasm" "9 allMled‘lo‘Y‘m-e“ at Quccnstown on the 16m, " New York Indian lands, and rendered des- cernmg public appreciating our ho- mg off the corrupt humors, render p ' day, and later intelligence only confirms , perate by want. nest endeavors have, by taking the . . . . . . . _ 1 on s m d n. mm, ,5 , , on . ,ock , . _ .V V V thy, and subsequently less liable to coglglltmcily. Integeasfmg :PlelESt ’3 Captain Lamb,"‘by all accouutS, was as n m“ n..n:e;yc;fvrom."aa;:°;:;"’;:tkiué The Prince of Wales’ fleet had arrived "ll" am" he": t°'m°""°"" '1 he “"99 cales What they in the main believe contract disease. And the more ex ' l e m e mma’mn’ an brave and Indefatlgable In ll! 850“! to The details of the return vo awe aho at Fm" Leanmorll‘l‘ wadl'nlaleems 1') be correct' as never was our cir- . . b . 6' dl” ' 'd th ‘ vhf ' y °’ w a l ’ affairs of ,he Canadian merchant ries. 'lhe Grammar Schools of :genetoUs a man. To the last he devoted ,Jssggbxggebeégg,inadmzatflzzw; and bad weather during the em“, passage; I u~\v&RSAw, M0” NOV. 23._A gentle, mbnt not but that we have haddip and farmer begin ,0 assume, the Province, under the efficient himself to the task of savmg others, . The vessels Were within a do ’3 sail .of ma“ .l“St in {mm 05°90” informs “5 lb“ 2. " n’ U a few ui-‘nt ll' 'bl rd A considerable y ,. fiCUlllCS l/O. encounter as “ (.11 as t I . .7 Sion to “,hich they have been sub, only to meet a. watery grave. He Ell- . I "f 0 1gb: :1“; a k , f h . ~ _ _ . . ransactmns are conducted on a _ _ , d d rd. d “ quantity 0' goods a son ta en onto t o prevented any further prowess; Th6. ‘state of eXcttement. apprehending that , , . Jected, Show (leaded Slgns of the eavore to escape by at mg own to had only “on,”weckgpro‘gions on bogus Montgomery “Quid push on to that place nature of things that so severe a tnore stable basis than formerly, b. commercral Cl‘lSlS should nave the qtate of our Colleges and Uni. expected to find the Yaw, were, but a num rofothor effects, and the contents ofthc- lived on salted and preserved pronsions. bank and contents, which could be easily _ that recent events have taught us versihes the report iscexceedingly party of deckeis had takengit, and captain ‘m‘moy dr‘w" bemg m'ss'"g' showy “l” h” The party, however, landed an we." and effected in the present unarmed. condition escaped unscathed from the fireâ€"1t a salutary lesson; and one ’ . _ _ I A ’ has, we need not say, been uphill 1, b It “ no Official return ‘ble. telling Golf a colored man, that he -.°"l’"°ll_“"-‘l‘°“l“Mllg be” “b3” mill“ 3“? Cum“ 0,, me evening of the 15th inst. The latest news of Montgomery’s move- similar calamities in future â€"â€" hle’ 1:) om’ ceived b the do jar: ‘could not hold on much longer. The lat- vleV'l‘l'O’“ ‘9 ‘0 “'3 murdemm H°W lhl" 'l‘he return of the Prince is made the mefils was “m *1 POWOHOf his band were scarce, and debts difficult, nay, 211- But, as in the case of a smash up ale 89” re 3’ l h . t _ . . _ ' r v I amb missed. it and sunk to rise no more. in the centre of the business portion of the city, , _ . . _ , most impossrble to collect. lhe , . 1 ‘ ,, p C]. -1 press generally and [he reiteration of Warn, "allth is feared he wrll march on to the to gather up the pieces and replace Cale lllat llle Revelend D0010r S The yawl was finally recovered, and the "Y" w "0’10 6, at an hour when 3 115780 l“"l‘pliuwnts to the American eo le. ' ‘ latter Place- A small mdel‘endeflt x ' ' ~ e Wild 5 ecu- the wh e1" on the rail . The - . . . . . . p p (12:3: {gaitfimgfigggsr da g has ef_ c b a pm) Education” is, In lhls respCCt, a persons, including Mrs. J. W. McDonald “fools “1|” frequented. ls indeed a mystery.â€" .51,U_w;ng.th¢ feelings, of atrwpmn Eng; well armed, for the scene ef action. ‘1 y" V dc f misnomer. But it cannot be de- and a Mr. Burnley. Those who are Loader. ~~"-91ialunan,=lxas elicit-d" the feelings oral: - . - . . hem?“ 0“? “30“”: .A l” a Pe' ‘ a, I ’ "buSl'IleSC’lsllll’ thanks to our nume- “0d 1n Whmh an unlimited amount perseverance Of Dr. Ryerson in the captain ‘vmlam Limb: the command“ 0 Damn. I! Bonsrse.-â€"On Friday lastrapoor to face and madame f I ,h l . rails/friend's, we have not had to p d . h f w 6f Louisvme. . . . . dl b “m; . m cc at trey”; most entire refusal to give credit cause of e ucation, ave con erred ' woman, residing on Victoria street. name I‘D '. ,, , '. . ' far weathered the Storm. at a”. I The one exnemc led lo the and that he therefore (‘Jsll deserves 3 Emily’ slave of Mr' Hun" the bar. had occasion to leave her home for the day ' all file fillii’nsla‘htt, and" remained theré Wé .él'é‘ glad. to aobnowledge that I ll y k L‘ keeper“ and gave her children in charge of their eldest ' 1- sale firms assert that a better and hi tv n She will make a visit to'Scouand in (in. -in looking over our subscription safer business can be done at the 3 con" la me ' Ky. . . To” few mhms'wd and“ ,m We“. on ‘ h0P9 0f “Writing her.impairedlliealslna-ph listi,‘lwe find that'there are too many b f It . t 1h “'0 Clllld'l‘en, 590* Pamnfie'fi Who'll “the chudnn, “med M"), A", appromheg e ore. 13 rue ey are more _ - . ,- r v . . . monthl Fair Wlll be held on the - . . {’4 l’y 11w.bunk-- 0f Englind-‘fon the 1-5!!! ' but” have never yet sent us the cautious, give shorter terms of M -y H. t I nd n W d . M“ Ma’m'll‘m”: a F'CMl‘mm, down m,” “mm-mg huh, ,0? of he, “i”. "haste. to (imij cent, although no, gol'd was amount whlch they ought long since ‘ asomc 0 e ' gm“ 3 0 e nes’ Mr. J. W. McDonald, of Indiana. A “eight”; hearing her we: came 0“ “a - v I . rlly' SuSPiCion and InlStruStsho’W‘ - A ’ f a . . . . throw water it on her and extin uiehed the ‘ Mllce.‘ This movement“ was tele ra hed - ' w . ' ' ' ' 1mm 31] who have any caulf’ Sheep’ V‘rglllla.’ . ' - ' g. a to the Bank of France, and? the Eonlema 23:38)." 1:: fizvzslggrsglgae $2, ever’ are glvmg way to a canal" .or swine to dispose of, Will fetch In addition to these, three femdc, were flames. The hula gurwaa. however. so badly ry p’ S . . from me Bankof England. by thatBhnk , . . I . do not now see scores of young {plemy of buyers on the ground. was sand. Two or three others, whose 'move her to the Hespltal. .Sho lingered m was suspend“, ‘ Aumana’n g0” {anther in full of'their subscription; for we men, Without capital or expe- - names are not know-n, but who belonged great agony on Tuesday nlglll, when death ‘ and 60, rounds for each, Con-S revoke.“ have nothing but the business 10‘ to the boat’s crew, are probably lost, to- put an end to her sufi'erings.-â€"Globs. insti, wli’icli'rwas2~ immediately bought for I. . , cans? 300d‘5 can be Procu’ed. On the bank of France, and? this temporarily citizens assembled-“at the dcpot’to see the the York [Elam merely for llle l’leil' firedll‘l‘i “or do we find Stores Spnlllg‘ gels: , prevented any tut-the,- wier-awal from p", expedition on", and much interest. and m. I sure of havxng them- read ll, neiâ€" mg up lg the dozen all over the {d l he devotedness. of someplsl love ring " A; l elity was never more eauti u y evince i’ Mi outline I'Gitr,inst'..., aperss wit/e zhé‘ address printed on them the paper;’and as-the amount ing' business, Who can meet their the Administrator of the Governe erEW' AlglN'CFIIN-A. order“ we ‘uarler’ now the gm all Her figures, before signify the last number week, we hope-that those who have “ and at the same time-increase their _. v ‘ r - t -« . signi the :amb'un: id'ue u to- lliis . lhe prress mail train from Glasgow J _ P AS. has been our past" so Wm be . _ ~ No better indication can: be gives We wish- it to- bovdistinctly understood, the Oil Cowes at p‘m" 0“- ‘he Chi‘n‘él’ipel-sons’ mosuy drovpps, and' ahd’l‘enlit I every SUD]80L-‘ Unscrupulous men, 0“, 001mm“. “"5 “‘3‘” Kid“ 0f “‘9 Ne" York’Assocl“ Ll" ‘There were rumors of Ministerial acknowledgement "of settlementâ€"fl b P l ' d f _ m I b I ‘ ' ’ ' x .: ' o u ation an ct. it won ‘ scarce 9 men thre‘emauon y p ’ a l y l ' Sm,=â€"â€"I.n reply to. Mr. Rowe's- letter ' Yerk, and reports3 having experienccd~ - l , . _ n 7‘ i ‘v 4' ‘ Disunion of the Provinces will have .man. Who, had. previously been con- _ _ , night that it the'Cabi’net Council a plan for the r . am very thankful that Ms. Bone has It is reported that the "settlemen‘t‘iif‘vi‘ss cgmplcled. at Paris. on 16th, and re- amongSl "‘9 “allons Ollth earlhtand land'er Wasa- ml’ the “me: Obllgul it is confirmed; and'so'by that Mr. Rowe , , . . . . , , , From the Goal h-florald of Manda . ing. la d’ire Calamity. We hope, how- straitcned income ;. while others tron anythmg that has passed in our last ‘ p y ITALY. ‘ defend the city. prefaceâ€"we confess. that we never ,the British Provinces of North Arne- long. before retired, with compe- ROW“ has been digging a Pit {0" 0‘59". m” "mm" b“ "almd'll" "h°l°l°"‘"” been discovered at Gaeta, against Fran- n -- .-. ‘- -> . .. . . . .. ' " ftlseMktS .vd d :‘db “‘9 army "milled Yangsm YFh '0“ “one: 3'61 even “my 3‘9 lam '0 give ,have that standing in the world more gaining ground. But buy-- but 1 w‘" w" M" R0" “m be has 30‘ o “r 0 mm" mm u "up" ’ ' i A‘ ' -The Official Piedmontcse Gazette of i ; . . . . . . . . . .last Mr. Rowe would stand bet- sheets of flame. The wind-at-the time was age was d'fllwlt' I t u d f u N H 118 111191 111(19de It 860ms 10 be de- attention. to municipal matters, given farm is capable of produc- ’ au e le SUITE“ El 0 re capo l an We”, inactive. . . _ (Christison for sixteen dimers for deceiv- The fire engines were early on the ground; aadl‘ ' “munch that two Merchant Steamers Without telling. the public the why if possible, to arouse the people toa to the possible profit that may be rebels. :‘ ' . _ _ hill?" to be PUbl'SIst for he “3’ Only result. as regarded the Mills. was the doc The Lazzaroni at Naples indulged in 3 also have had our l"“’lac"~ in WlJlGh {0111' UlmOSt 10 make 0'1? Journal a despatchcs from China that peace had . . . at a lllgl] price, 10 sell it out again heard What Ml" Bally ’a‘d' one Of the could not be withdrawn. and was burned. __ p the troops. and the principles which should. di- :get, so that it may be interesting to generally believod that the Governmgnfl l ‘ I, d h ,f u firhe Palmy days of village lots ;enge, or to reccne one, an t all to AUSTRIA. simply as such, nor swear by any ‘e-very subscriber strive to get others, The SteamSl‘ll’ Arabia: from 30510" _ , , them... So I do not want to enquire about is the country in a less» flourishing - . . . . omega of ‘our creed-"1 and that ood Markham“ Kind Whilchurch and v ‘ ' d .t ' t r . Aust ta re- ’ g t i or I ' . . l he steamship New York from New Engage ‘n- be m "p “e r up? Mr. Editor, that you will oblige this once, ,few weeks, whole passenger trains " . - “ r . - . .. . whomsoever brouoht forward.â€"â€" .townshi sas -.sible, besides iv? 'lhe Chchofl Manchester arrived at , CHINA" - ‘ ‘ ’ h p pm g scribbling, fortunes in suburban sites and . .. . r , - .isu d.b us ’ . vi -ahu (and' \Vales on board, had; pot reached bng- fully authorizes. the assertion that a fur- pecm‘s s "e ' y' “and we can are Indebtedlo “8 l u C S p' ‘ Aurora,Nov. 27, 1860. , than they were in 1855? It is true nuanced to 5 pencenr’dyffuflda’fiw“, task. True, 1:! glancing back we 1 pay farmers well; and we ima- Intelligence respecting the negotiations truly that whatever our short-com- the severe gale on Saturday and Sunday considered, desire to see a return of From the Louisville Democrat. Nov. 91. a few battalions. It is stated,that Gene-‘ , . been errors of the head, not the Kingston, the schooner Game Cock is . . . . an early hour yesterday morning, and from Uanbaldt has issued a farewell procla r cape Vin mt The Juarquc, is bifion other man 10 make our jour, nea ' C . ' , . . . . . ‘ ' . ' f . m.m‘YOf a million men will he wanted to V I , g ._., . evening the Pacific left Louis 1 e or i The weather is moderating slowly. country s gOOd has been our alm i next ’ gers, and then proceeded onjher way call- this morning destroyed two five story build; making It merely a stepping Stone . . , d ' on 6 o’iloc It was tulate,a general bombardment wrll com~ ay "enmg’ ab l l c k' ' ' ' 253mm was kmed, having no personal ambition in . t t 'l w d' cov red to to evacuate the torvn-‘on‘the ba‘sidf'fi‘at he “W” Y 0‘ he bow” 33 ‘3 e . , - ‘ have now ddne for two years the . g . 20.‘ 'B, t t , . . I dug; ngAtHEY, Nov y be of the flames and, the dreadful cnsualtty. fortress. . .43»... .1 ,, , '.‘ volum‘e~ - 1 . the devoted themselves to rescuitw the be 00., report flour dull and declined 6d , - -~ ‘ - y a "in, several of the cmmue. whear from, for, {omimes have been very hard, ._ was then unim eded and! aearel all made unaltered; Western :1 ls. 6d. a»12s.‘:2d.; . . P l y ’ rally conceded that he. has carried the ingly prosperous concern has been ._. . i to -' 1' bolt a-ndmoe but cm 135. 2d. 3 Lbs." Corn dull. . l I d sale "5 ° 3’ Paper“ “ Y: .‘haJorllY 0"" Brcekenr'dge‘ Douglas ordcro'f'tlie dayâ€"and many was the milies in England. We can recol- even ten years ago, “e a Van‘ce' v - . . ‘ino‘ to Ca tain Bra. don one of the boat‘s PM, cemal on inferior Wheat. Flour steady: were yet three small counties to hear from f h.“ d. h C D p g ’ and the" ‘Yark’ Herald amongst the suits; a”"few made fortunes, while be“) c I re" allen mg I ‘8 on" V _o ' ‘ The fire mounted up, and spread through b”s' a‘N’S' ‘LE‘VENWORTH’NOV'Ql "Illelnl‘Sl and pretended friends assured us . f be recovering from a severe attack of agome amount Pdld 0“ sala’ d .n. M m t .d, .' ' l‘l lflg musso ['0 “POW 8 WI fl er.- 1 been made there. It is thou‘rht here that . . I - , . TIIL AIKABI A ~ ~ ~ ° nent; but in spite of such prophetic ‘ ‘ ' etdifia cared bu, the s m toms $859,325, or more than double. in. y " app ’ y p ,confined within the influence of the flames, no intention-of molesting Government offi- . ~ merit of school houses. we notice rived this p.m. _ _ . recover“ qhere are some mala’ torture of fire. The loss of property suso enforced by men recently driven from the live as now; for 3. Wise and dis- GQEAT BRITAIV the system more vigorous and heal- pleased to Observe mm a great and that part-0f the misfortune. L - _ ‘ " I George Harney and GOVemor Medary paper, shown that our sheet advo- - - ~ , , in Mr.J.Cl neberl d' tabl' h e t' t’i‘e- bright and cheering aspect that the maintenance 0f [reel Pubhc lilbra‘ ‘53” 33‘ m'gl‘l be “l”?ctetl “90'5"”? and m an H. I! m n ma that the fleet had experienced‘head“ wipds, WWW“: culation as large as it is at this mo- ' . . . . 1Wh4d‘. d.l- r blt tttr . . . . . . coupled with the fact that business and energellc 5:73le 0f SUPCWI" and When he did attempt to escape ‘l “'35 on move” 5 m was on y a e 0 m“ . Luglund on the 6th, when a, heavy gate the citizens of that section were in a great other people’vfor it was not in me. fi b . .. _ I shopâ€"some thirty" we or forty pairs of onto a . if d 0 d round for the b l_ f gmatest progress. Wm, regard to (lel‘llck fall at the stern. He probably ’ and the Royal party, for the last few days forthe purpose of taking possession of the a or g 0 g r 5 e 19 ) ’ passed over us, and we have . . H Lamb clung to ,he tackle as long as poss-l- was found-m this condition,the unfortunate mars ih "‘ f W l 1 d Vt of the inhabitants which mav enable us to avoid meagrp’ and the note appended at e i rtnce o acs reacte lindsor ' ' - l ' i i " work with us. Money has been very I _ . V v N . d ter pushed a.“ 0m. to him, but Captam shocking murdbr could have been perpetrated. theme of congratulatory editorials by the 3‘ Ball’s Ml”, only 2-5 milesll‘om 056801.31 on the track, time must be taken mem Smcc 1806’ beams to m l- . ' 2* x lo the unlimited . . . ~ . rumous ‘m’cts f title of “ Chief Superintendent 0f mates took from the burning. wreck. several numb“ 0" the film?! were Sh“ 0P0“- and “‘0‘ '1. he Times says that the pmme’ pany of minute-men left here this evening- he mind is just recovermg from a 4 “ ~' 1 t ews a er ' I . . . [Lewd mammal y he n p p med that the energy. industry, and known *0 be 105M”: l‘ ‘ Ane ' . , ’ . . ' ' wt 1 “cans and brought the two face, 7 of credit was given, came an al- ' T1 E E d L Succumb“ under the pressure’ “but inestimable benefits upon “Canada, J‘m’l’ Hess, “ boat hand! °f Polll'Ml' Mrs. fiesalan.who earns borliving by washing. le ‘inpress uqene arrive in ondon . ' / other. , Some of the Toronto whole- . . . . .y ,. .. ,. - ~ , - the ratitude and commendation ot . . . two days at the. strictt‘stimppgnito, _-- nranyehave paid us our dues; still, g v , - Tazcwe.l,negro cabin-boy, of Lebanon. v me" In {he (mum, me 3.", ,0“ “w homo present time than the ever did a __ l g ‘j The minimum rate of discount‘was‘rara- ’wh’o’ha-vc regularly taken the" paper y ‘JONTfiLY FAm' The “Jim .of Portland. . ‘ . ' '- ' r s . i the stove and set her clothes on fire. She ran . _. credit, and require greater sccu- , . . I -. .- .. . ‘V‘tl‘d'awn that “hand "one has been 'tb have “remitted. We do hope. da nut’ the 5m mSt' we hOpe ‘ servant 3'“ or 1“ campbcn’ J"’°l‘ l'l‘dled adtllltlontlllwit'h‘dlawal'of‘nriore old » . degree or hopeful confidence' we :them along, as there are always seen to jump ayerboard, but one of them bum” ‘hfll‘iw's “Mldm‘l "506881"? 1° 7" ‘ 3 they wrll at once send, us the amount value of £570,000, arrived on the 16m. ‘ rience, rushing into; business, be; Some three thousand or four thousand l‘mk loiand Carmel afford to PHI“ gather with two or three (leek passen- bank Of England. ' ‘, Lhweiasm.w-as manifested. thcr do we care for having subscrib- country, in localities where no

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