Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 9 Nov 1860, p. 3

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- g Bankol Toronto.’ .1 .I « Joan Bcoon Hum 1wm.r.. Esq Wyn" . a, --v . IIH#H__-___W ..._ 7 . . _ ~\I’,As.srso A “Bonus? $5 BtLL.--â€"A young?" girl, named Mary .Dunlop, was taken into custody yesterday by Detective Arnold, accused ofpassing a bill, pur- porting to be issued by the "~ Exchange No bank ofthis name was ever in operation in this city. The bill has no" signatures attached to it, but is well executed, and unless closely examined its appearance is likely to deceive the pubâ€" lic, and especially farmers, who oughfto be ' On their gnartl,as it; is stated that bills of a similarvdescription have been put; in circu- , lotion within the pastfew days. AEPALLING DEATH rnoar Hypno- Plioi'tAIL-A'death from dydrophobia oc- curred at the Almshouse on Thursday last, that presented most shocking symptoms of‘ that inscrutable disease. By some medical , , thor‘ities it is contended that hydropho- fiis ta fable. In the present instance it was a most appahng reality, and was the more'so as it was tlie'first instance that ever cc'curred at the Almshonse. The ' Victim Was one Marv Dietriteh, an indus- trious German?washerwoman. who lived in Jefi‘cl‘son‘ Street, in the Nineteenth ward. Three‘ months ago, while hanging out clothes in a yard, a pet dog sprang at her and hit her arn . A physician afterwards applied caustic to the wound and cicatriz- '. ed thejllcsh. almostao .the bone. This op‘erati‘Jn, liowever,.was of no avail. The virus'must have entered .into the circula- tion-,«add there laid dormant until last Wednesday. when she went. into spasms . ot the sight of Water; she was sent to the Aloys‘house, where she suffered such as ,mortal experience rarely witnesses. To assuage her intolerable thirst. small pieces of ice were olTered as a substitute for wa- ter,;but.at the first sight of the gelid lnx~ 'Ury Silic’fell'into com'ulsions, snapping and biting like an infuriated car. The convqu sions endured for'some minutes, when in the lucid intervals she begged the attending physician to terminate her misery by de- stroying her life. For about twelve hours r she passed from spasm to spasm, until at lengthlby long perseVerance in the appli- cation ot chloroform, she was thrown into a deep slumber. Froin that slumber she awoke in eternityâ€"3a merciful relief from a degree of agony beyond anything It the experience ofeither nurses or physicians at- tached to the institution. The case Wlll pr bitny he reported for the medical floss.’ It was one of the most strongly marked cases over reported, and at a for- mer ' era '\vould have resulted in the smothering ol the patient, as a relief from a disease universally conceded to be inâ€" curaclc.â€"â€"I’lzil. Gazette The Tasmania Steamer recently carried 'frdm'the \Vest India Islands to South- ampton $5,662,000 in specie, and as near- ly the whole of it corisisted ofsilvcr, being dollars from Mexico, its total weight ex- ceeded 156 tons. Tle treasrrc was cor- tained in no less than 2.168 packages. and the whole of it was-landed in seven hours. Itvwa‘s then deposited in 36 railway wag- ens"; .which formed a special train, drawn by two engines; At- the London station the treasure was transferred from the rail- waywagonsto 3&Mreet wagons and vans, wliieti‘latter. being drawn by. upwards of 100 horses, reached the Bank of England 'ahOiit- 10 a. m., and the entire cargo was safely. deposited in the vaults of that establishment by 5 p. tn. the same day.â€"â€" Globe. A ,SHIP’S CREW Rnscumn n! GRACE DAR- .v tutti“: FA'rmsR.â€"'I'ho Trio, Mr. David Andor- oon. master, of this port, which. as we stated last Saturday, was wrecked on the Font Islands in the storm of.VVédne.-day week, struck on the rocks within three yatds of the spot where the steamer Fo'rfm-shim was wrecked in 1838. The sea ran‘ so high,. and the wind was so tevrific. ‘ that the crew were afraid to take to their boat. ,...The men, thereforo,jumped into the water, . and were washed on to the rocks. many of them boiugdraggod back several times by the force "'of the ' undertow.’ and only saving themselves with great difficulty by tho aid of tangles and other seaweed. The boat itself was blown right 'f‘iio'tf the deck, alightiug on the rock many toot "distant. bow on, and being split up the centre by the shock. The men were about twelve hours on the rock, the sea beitiggso high that no boat could possibly put out to rescue them. Towards evening, when the storm had abated. a crew. hoadod by James Darling, the father of the heroine Grace Darling, who had been “watching tho wreck all day, putouta boat from the Longstono lighthouse, and rescued the men Old Darling isnow 75 years of age. is bale, hearty,'aud energetic still. and has been super- intendent of the Longstono light for a period of 60yenrs. The captain and crew of the Trio spook most. reverontly, asthey well may. of the bravo old light-keeper -â€"Arbroa.lh Guide. o-Tho Gait Reporter, speaking of the great fiamount of produce brought into the market slyo: “Every effort has been made by the . Great Western Company to forward cars for . the accommodation ol'our forwardms. Scarcely a dayhas Passed that we have not had a rpecial train over the Gait branch. while the regular train has also increased to mammoth propor- tions. On. Monday evening the train going past consisted of twenty-five cars. drawn b; Itmo locomotives, and the 8.10 p.m. train to ‘fi‘yuolph comprised fifteen cars, also drawn by iywo engines. §What a contrast to a year ago I” V.;,Whep, the Roy. Henry Grattan Guinness was lately in Phile'delphia, a young lady “ of wealth and position.” made him an offer of her 'h’a’hd.‘ heart and purse. The minister replied-â€" " I came to America not to seek a wife but to ‘ preachthe gospel. Your note strikes me as " much out 'of place; and my advico to you is *‘th‘nt you give the money which you Seem will- .iug to bestow on me to the pOor, your heart. to the Lord, and your hand to the first one that asks for it.” - I younglady in St. Paul rose from her bed l l l .w-m «rt-«7 TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, November 8. Fall VVheat.â€"-8000 bshls was the extent of the supply which sold readily at high prices. The prices paid for the best samples were lrom $1 25 to $1 30 per bshl, the average being $l 539, and of the entire sales $1 30. A largo quantityâ€"- perhaps the largestâ€"sold at $1 20.. Common grades went off at from $1 16 to $1 24 per bslrl. Spring Wheat -â€"I,‘250 bshls in market, which sold at from $1 00 to $1 04 per bshl. Barloy.â€"sold at from 60 to 63c. Peas.-â€"150 bshls went off at 50 and 550 per bsbl. Oatsâ€"at 28 and 30c per bshl. Hay-is from $13 to $17 per ton, $7 per ton. [Nounâ€"Superfine No. 2 sold at $5 5 to 10, No 1,335 to $5 25 ; Fancy (Spring) $5.20 to. $5 30: Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $5 80 ; Double Extra. $6 10 to $6 2."). Buttor.-~â€"Fresh is in fair supply at froth 18c to 22c per lb. . Eggs,â€"Fresh from wagons 12 to 15¢ per dozen. Potatoesâ€"New vary in price from 21) to 25c, and sometimes 30c per bushel. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $3 ‘50 to $4 50. each. ’ = Lambsâ€"are plentiful at from $2 to $2 50 each. Calvesâ€"~aro in good supply at $1 to $6 each. Bt-ef-i-lidosâ€"SSG 00 per 100 lbs. Sheo‘p and lamb ‘skins $1 each. Calfskins 100. per lb.â€" 'l‘allow, $6.}, per 100 lbs - Straw $6 to 'u SPECIAL NOTICES. To Consumptives. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple romedv, after having sufforod several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of! the prescription usodtfree of charge), with. the directions for preparing and using the. same, which they will find a sum: Conic run Consumrnon. ASTHMA,'BRONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit. the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes oviry sufferer will try his remedy, as it'will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address ' REV. EDWARD A. \VILSON, Vv'illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. STILL THEY COME! Testimonials are coming in from all quarters universally in favor of Dr. McKenzie’u Dead Shot Worm Candy. no worm Medicine has met with such unprecedented success as this.â€" l’ersons may say it is imagination which causes such cures. knowing that this Medicine omnâ€" nates from the Old Country. but blessed be imagination if it totally annihilates the worms in o'iildrcu as this candy surely docs. Ono trial of Dr. McKenzio’s Dead Shot Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical mind. Price only 7% sterling,15 cents per packago, or 52 shillings, 50 cents, for four packages ~â€" Sold by ovary Druggist and Medical Dealer in Europe and America. None genuine without afar: simile signature of H. E. McKenzie, M.D., Glasgow, on each wrapper. ' (Soc Adtcrtiscmenl in another Column ) J 332.211) auncrttumcutu. 1 NOTICE- AVIE within tho'enclosuro of the premises ' ot tie Subscriber, Lot No. 37, in the Is concession of the Township of Vaughan, about tho .1 st ofJunoJarxt, ‘ One Stray Heifer The Owner is requested to come forward, prove proporty, pay expenses, and take her away. I NEWTON GOODELL. Yonge Street, Oct. 99, 1860. 101~4 notion Sale of Real ‘ 11.1. BE SOLD on SATURDAY. 11.. ' 61h day of December, 1860. at noon, at the Auction Rooms of Mossrs. WAKE- FIELD. COTAE 61. Co., on King Street. _ Toronto, in pnrsurauce of a Power ofSale eon- tamed :u a Mortgage, wherein Edward Bar- nard 'I‘Jevin is Mortgagor, Ono'quartor of an acre, more or less. described as Village Lot Number ‘27, in the Village of Kliucburg, (for- merly Mount Vernon). by a plan of tho said village, executed by John Stoughton Dennis , on the premises are a good Frame Dwelling- honso. and Saddlor’s Shop. occupied by said Toovin. , Further Particulars and Conditions can be ascertained of the Auctioneers on the day of Sale, or henceforth to the day of Sale from READ. LEITH & READ, ~Solicitors for Voudor..! Church Street, 'Toronto. November 6, 1860. 101-3 For Sale, heap, HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING WAG~ GON. The Horse is rising 7 years old. For particulars apply at this office. Richmond 11111, Nov. 9, 1860. 101-4 G. H. Husband, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Fius'r and Tmnn MonnAv of every month, and, the res mainder of the month at his l‘esidonce Thornhill. All “’orltVVarranted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Borio.-'-This filling is put into the Tooth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon beeomos as‘ hard as the tooth to which [I firmly adheres, rondorlng it almost impossible for the filling ever to come out. afow nights since to make an application of ,camphor to her throbbing temples. . By mistake ' ého got hold of a bottle of indelible ink. The next morning, she presented an appearance not ‘ " altogether lovely,” I - ‘It is said that Colonel Rudlar. the fillibustor. is loaded with chains and imprisoned in a mine in Honduras. 1.50 feet under ground. Cppt. Martinez, one of the most distinguished _'~.of_ficers;o'f the Spanish navy. and commanding the Havana squadron, is now in Washington, commissioned by his Government to contract .for the construction of three first-class war , frigatcs in American shipyards. F”: BIRTH. ALGranIham. on tho 5thinot.. ‘ho wit. 0“ Bernard. Richmond Hill, of a 'Mr. J. G. I’. ' ’ daughter. I 7 ' MARRIED On the 29th October last, at Milwaukio. State of Wisconsin. by the Rev. J. P. T. Iii- ‘gruham, Incumbent of St James’ Church. ., Merchant, of St. Cnthorincs, Canada West, to Low“, second daughter; of Thorns CLARKSON, EJqu Merchant. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G, L. Elliot, of Toronto. to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sum of huva ing it done in a. superior manner, July 8, 1859. GENUINE FAMILY Llamas. ._._._- “71W. B. MOREI‘IOUSE 8L CO., Importersdz. Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Gins & Segars, EG leave to call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their I’uro VViues and Liquors. put up under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use, in cases assorted -, to suit customers. Clubs, Military and other public bodies, who require to casks or bottles, will be liberally dealt with.â€" I’rico list sent Oil-application. OLD MOREIIJ USE 131 TTERS. Recommouecd by the first Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beverage. it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. 32.1y. 3 6L 5 Exchange Place. Jersey City, N. J.- P.S.â€"Tlte subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and Travelling Agents for - their houso, to whom liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars. address as above. :w.-.-'.‘:..!rxa9<‘..:w.’z:".â€"~.a:x+.s;na ' I I manta QUAlllliLLE Bull 1 .A. VV HITE COW «With red spots on her . IRON Elia... . purchase in large or small quantities, in , W B. MOREIIOUSE & CO. Pmp’rs.' 'l'llE AUR’ouA S now open to receive ongagomentsbn li- beral terms, for any number, to suit the convenience of large or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM, IRELAND. at Aurora, or Mr. W. \Vtmns, 3rd Con. \Vhito ohnrch. NB. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on application. Aurora, Nov. 2, 1860. WM. S. POLLOCK EGS to return his sincerezthanks to his B ' numerous Customers for‘their patronage so liberally~ awarded to him during the past summer. and acquaints them that he is now receiving his ‘ AUTUMN srook ! ‘Which has been spurchascd on the most ad- vantageous terms, and will ho Sold at the 100-3111 CHARLE S TAGGART. (Late Baker in the Thornhill Bakery.) BEGS most respectfully to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hilland neigh- borhood, that he has taken the - 1-“ LL, BAKERY IN RICHMOND and by supplying them with the. very best qua- lit) of Damn. CAKES, Biscuns. &c._ will in this manner endeavor to secure and maintain their patronage. t - A Bride’s Cakes made to ordo“, and Tea Parties supplied onthe lowrst possible terms. Richmond Hill. Oct-:25, 1860. 99-tt_‘_ CAME in the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 50. lst concession of Vauglian,'a'bout the 18111 coptombor last. , ting l’riws, o Lewest Remunera AND A! ‘ ~ ‘ow {Shay {J ’, cheap. as any other House “ Round the diggcns." ._â€"._. About '9 years oldI The Owner is reqlteStstl to prove property. My Good yard wide Prints, fast expenses and take her awm‘.‘ , .01.... from . . . . . . . . . - - 51! to and Yd- . 1 GIDEON HTSLO Pt Black Orleans. a large lot , ’ Vaughan, Oct, 19. 1860, ‘ 99 4 vor'v che'a,,_ from. . . . _. Ed r. 9d yd, RICHMOND 1-11LL i‘ , IT‘N onNDRY. Wide width Cobourgs. all V colors, from. . . .. . . .... 11d to 23 Odyd. Black. “’hite and.~ Scarlet All Wool Flannols from Isi3d.‘to 2s 6d yd I EN tons. Striped Shirting, Blue and Brown Don. ima, Tickings,_ Long Cloths. Canton Flannels,’ with a choice lot of Ladies’ and Children’s Iâ€"I. HALL ' EGS to notify the Public that. he has leased * the Fonndry,latoly in the occupation of I Ira. B. Richmond, whore'ho intends to keep Scotch Lamb’s Wool Hoses.- Cashmere... .y; constantly on hand, - IRON BEAM, FLOWS Ofvarious descriptions, also, sugar Koltlcs.: ' -‘ I i 3 Box Stoves, &c., 1&2. *. ,- - '- All kinds of Plow points for salo. and all kinds of Job Work attended to. All work Warranted Richmond Itill, Oct. 25th. 1860. - 95-3m. Gloves, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufflers, fire. In His assortment will be found NOTICE. AME within the Enclosure of the pro- misos of .lohn Harrington, Lot No.1“, -in the lst Concession of the Township of Markham. on or about the lst July, 1860, 'I'WO STRAY HEIFERS. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay expenses, and take them away. JOHN HARRINGTON. Richmond Hill, Oct. 19, 1860. 99-3 Larger & More Varied, Lower in Price l 'Than any in the neighborhood. Men’s Fashionable Letters Remaining in RICHMOND IIILL PostOlIice NOVEMBER 1, 1860. McNair, M'r. Nicholls, Richard O’Brien. E. Ann Pogue. Wm. 2 Priest, Miss Mary Robinson. Wm. 2 Ratclifl’o, Elizabeth Drillingor. Goorgo Hilton. Wm. liond. Jesoph 2 Bond, Mr. Basingtwait, W m. Clark, Henry ('otter, Marv M. Couplaud, Wm. Duncan. Wm. Frock. James Foggin, Miss E. Fox, Edward 2 Grant. George Gaby, Josoph Hewison, Robort Hudson, Edward Ilust, John Langstafi“, James Levingston, John Lawrence. James M. Motcnlf, Robert McKay, John 3 McClano.‘ James NOTICE [No .Machine Make]. made by experienced Tailors, in the Ross, I‘lark ‘ ' A-NEWEST STYLES. Shepherd. Miss A. C.- Shields. John r Stockdale. Thomas Stephenson, Samuel Saunders, Francis Stickwood, John Trench, Miss B. Tumor, Henry Turner. Caroline Thompson, Stephou- ‘ \Vilson Thomas Wright, Amos 6 Withert‘md, Mrs. 3 Mens’ Flannel Shirts In all Colors and Prices. 0 N SATTINETTS, BROAD and FULL’D CLOTHS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, And CASSIMERES, The Best assortment ' or run: S hereby given that a Meeting of Freoho‘dcrs , - ' of the County of York. will be bold in the B E S T O D S ! Count“ House, at NEWMARKET. in the said ~ " County, on VVEDNESDAY, the 28th day of Noâ€" ' ’ vernber. at 9. o’clock, P.M., for the purpose of A1- nu; organizing the Beaverton Fire Insurance Asso- ciation under the Acts 6. W. 4, chap. 18. 18 Vic., chap. 120, 520 Vic., chap. 7â€"1. and 22 Vic., chap. 46. [Siguod,] William l‘Ielliwell. B. W. Smith, Joscpoh Jackes, Henry Rowsell, J. W. Brent. Toronto, Nov. 2. 1860. Lowest Prices .1. Duncumb, EVE“ bargain J. R. Arnold. Roht. ‘ Ray m ond, Amos Wright. J. K. Falconbridge. 100-3t. ON RICHMOND HILL. Good, Fresh, Fine Flavored TEAS AND THE AMERICAN Elictlical & Toilet Receipt Book HIS Book contains Recipes and Directions for making all the most valuable Medical 4 7' preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and y explicit directions for making all the most po-. '. }, '-. ~ ; ' v 1 polar and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ungu- ' _ ? outs, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles_ V lt'you are suffering with any chronic diseaseâ€" ‘ if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine » . 0 head of hair. a smooth face, a clear skin,a _ I luxuriant board or moustacheâ€"or if you wish " to know anything and everything in the Gen‘uino, Pure Loaf Medical and Toilet line. you should, by all means, porusoa copy of this book. For’full particulars. and asample of the work for per- T O B A C O O 1 usal, (free,) address the publisher. T. F. CHAPMAN. No. 831 Broadway, New York. RICE, SUGAR, CANDLES, &c. &c. with GOSERIES I IN QUALITIES, Not to be surpassed tion UNDERSOLD EN 'PRECES L! .m‘,. 11111 11111 11111111: For yourselves before buying elsewhere. Wm; s, Pollock (Late G. A. Bannno's‘.) Richmond 11111. September 28, 1860. iNOTICE l N O T I C E l REMOVAL 2 ' GET Yova HARNESS Ar c. LUDFORD’S, 'monumu. HE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his Customers. Friends and the Public in general for the liberal patronage bo- stowed upon him during the past seven years, desires to inform them that he has removed from his Old Stand to the Corner Store lately occupied by Ed. Crown, and directly opposite Mr. Purkiss’ Store. where he will keep con- stantly on hand a good assortmsn't of Double ‘8‘ Single Harness, Also, a great variety of COLLARS that he will warrant safe, and not to bu rt. or no charge,- SADDLES. BRIDLES, WHIPS, Vallses, Tittnks, Carpet Bags &c. &c. &c. l o Call and Examine the Work! And you will find. for Cheapness, Neatnbss and Durability, he cannot be surpassed by any other shop in the trade. C. L, hopes. by honesty, courtesy and strict attention to business, still to merit a share of Public patronage ; he being now situated in a more favorable position to do a larger business than ever. Orders promptly attended t0' Buggies and Cutters Trimmed in the latest styles on the shortest notice. Repairing done with neatnoss and dispatch. I Remember CALEB LUD'FORD, Opposite Mr. PurkiSs‘ Store hornhill, Oct. 26, 1860. 100-3 A" vboycabout 1:) or 16 years of age; A l " of his whereabouts to his bereaved parentéwill ' \‘Vas seen at Kottloby Mills. ‘ July 12, 1860. With an excellent assortment of Factory Cot-V, 96-3111 Richmond Hill. Sept. 20, 1860. ., r‘... .. * y " '“ .5 An Apprentice \Vauted the Premium Harness Establishthem,5 Richmond Hill A smart, "respectable p‘ply to the proprietor, WM. 11 lineup.“ October 12,1860. 8 3 .......,A. _.. .4.-.._â€"..... ..._. _. ll‘l‘ltl 1111111111.. HE Proprietor of tho “ You! I‘IERALD”. begs to acquaint his uumrrouét friends and the public generally that so has Rbmmcd his Printing Office To THE NEW HOUSE ADJ DINING, Two docrs further nthh, where. by increased facilities, he will be prepared to get}! work with the utmost expedition, and watltiovory attention to the wishes of his customers.“ " Herald " Office, ’ " Pichmoud Hill. July 20. 1‘60. Iiiiomnatiou Wanted- __ _i_._, A...“ a _ _.,__._ -M,“ -1... T this should meet the ore ortoniv gutw, .- RENCE. who left his father’s ‘rg‘sidenco inAYAaughan, in May, I859. ho is requested to communicatowith his friends. Any party who will recognize by the following descriptionâ€"- 5 foot 7 inches high. - dark brown‘ hair, dark. eyes, ago about QGâ€"and will give information confer a favor. King. about two weeks ago. JAMES 13. LAWRENQF‘... Richmond lIill,{- P.O. 113'; “ Advance," Barrio. please copy twice. A Novelty in the Art World PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! . Secured by letters patent in the UnitedflStia'tios, England France, . and Belgium. TIE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH“; PORCELAIN, N o- 781 Broadway, New York. ’ ‘ having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, aro fullypr'eparod to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographls. the brillianc'v and finish ofa v utor- color drawing. and a bi.- therto unattainod quality of durability. by being tendered as imporishablo as the natural propor- tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company on-. ables the reproduction of Photographs, noi only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"po'rtraits combo l » reproduced with faultless necnracy,aud delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. Inorder to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those pat’ronsof the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europa a collection of su- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. \vhich they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the procosa. they have deter- mined, in order To afi‘ord Pe0ple in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, WHO ARE UNABLE TO Vlsl'l‘ PERSONALLY '1‘ch ATELIXK AND OAL' LERIEO IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotypo,or daguorroot‘ype to the ntlice of the Companyin or New York, ac ompnnied by nu: nonnaus ! will receive in return by expross, freo'of otherchargo, A RICHLY ORNAMENT ED BRRAKIAS'I‘ CUP SAUCER, WITH TH}: POR'IKAI'I‘ TRASSFERRIZD THEREOF. 4 By transmitting a daguorreotvpe and Tan DOLLARS 1 v they will secure in like manner, A HArmsonn runner; use on. Tamar mutant, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. V By sending a pair ofdaguorreotypoa and, . rir'rnat nonuns l '» they will receive in return A run or men shvnns hats, with the portraits executed eQual to miniature paintings; and. in like manner. portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or _ _’ vases or Mimi QUALITY or rrxtsn. ranging in price from TWENTY To Own HUNDRED bomtns rm. PAIR _. N.B.-â€"Bo particular in writing the address, town, county and State. distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “MANAGER, Aittnntcw Pucrooairmc .I’ou- CELAIN Co.,” 781 Buoanvuv NEW YORK. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98 o3m. 'Land 8.; Saw Mill For Stile. 10 Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared . .1 composed of tho ‘Wost half of Lot No. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxbridgo, County Ontario ; together with an eXcollont Saw Mill. and two good Dwelling Houses, with out-offi- cos thereon. Also 7 acres adjoining, composed oftthe front part ot‘1.ot No. 6. in the same concession. “.T‘ho above property is healthfullyand do- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in one of the oldest and best settled townships in the County of Ontario. Itis within 25 miles of the villa o of .Stoutl'ville, about 10 miles fr'Om Uxbri go Village. and 20 miles from the Town of Whitby, the capital of tile County of Ontario. ' i , The property will be sold very cheap for cash. Title indisputable. Apply to. , JOSEPH KELLER, Esq, Richmond .Hillt FRANCIS KELI..ER,. ' Whitby. 95-3m Or to September 20, 1860 $531.22. or strayed. STOLEN or Strayed from the premises of theSubscribor, Lot 48. 2nd concession of Vaughan. A SMALL PONEY,-â€"-uoa‘rly white with red spots, and a light matte and heavy tail. Any person giving information as to its whereabouts or bringing the same to the sub- scriber will be rewarded. JOHN WOODS. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, 18601 NOTICE. 95-4 RS. R. RODGERS bogs leavo to intini-I . etc that she designs to open a‘ class. on Monday the Isuof October next, to give' Les- sonsin the following branches; Waxflovror, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, IVator‘ Colors, Leather Work. and the various kinds of Embroidery. - II? For terms, sco cards. ‘ ’ 95v3rr. PATTERSON S’LPLOUGIIS and, ‘ 85-tf ‘ . 34nd Pearls thiit shine like infants tears : «, ; 'I have Go’ld'as pure as from the mine, i ‘ Richmond Hill, August, 30, 1860. e. Fill '_ NIlW,i,lillllll, "flllll " lillllll" . » i. i - every.dcscription ahd variety of Mo'unt' . I w. H. MY'ERS’ I printium'i’ttrtttaa‘ diallihlittbmml, Sitirbmnuh Still. , E lasialways on the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is ever k’ept in'any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to get them in. Torontpy and he is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on tho I V .. , ‘ shortest notice, ' - -. g I V. SINGLE AND ‘ DOUBLE HARNESS. satltllesnyt‘idlcs; tee. of every description. wt “i 11118: t .‘ l 33- ALL COLLARS .WARRANTED".frogotvn SATISFACTION.. .9. ,oaaggtmanms and. SKINS. SHARES; CON STA NTLY ON_IIA .EKY. 3 . '3" 21‘. â€" _ .' -. a 731.7 7 ‘WT ' ‘ .- -arranted. _ ‘ Cull, Examiftc, aflcfiilec‘for' yourselves before purchasmg elsewhere. .lgtignmond HilI,June,19,1860. ' 62,1y. . ~_â€" .a‘. -....-_.â€".’~_n_'...__.u..l-...a....,_- IL.V..._,_..__ ‘__.â€".4--'.- ~_V..*_ â€". .WA” 3 NS. mW-firflgâ€"v ‘ ___._._....._.___.__...‘_.._.__. -...._.._._-__A___ A . R ARE"‘.‘CHANCE FOR BA RGAI “flLL'BE SOLD BY ADC'I‘IONHAT ‘ " Q» i. 2-. :' t-LrRichmo‘nd Hill, alargcasscrtmcnt of acct “ Commencing on SATURDAY, the November, and continue .m. _ .WmNE WEEK ONLY. Somo sceptics will say ’03: an auction pufl', Throw away the bill. think they've read enough Others want‘G-ood s Choapmnd are quite WIIIID‘ In an honest over to save a shilling. I have Dry Goods of a superior kind. You may search all o’er and will not find . . Such In chap. lot of Shawls'and Capos, 1 bays yich ’Gold windiest-“2.1V?! _°'|‘° 3 “wk”, They’ll suit all tastes in styles and shapes. I‘hoir tune a as true as the sun in . « 'Mpacas’ Cogomgs’ French Damn". v Mot-incest, Prints both rich and plain. If you buy my Flanuels. either white or rod. The cold winter’s blast you need not dread. Of Pilots and Beavers I’ve quite a variety, To inspect I invite all shades of society . ‘. Examine my Broad Cloths. they are superfine. SilkMVelVets, Rich Poplinspand Oh I CrilolilO. I have Silks {mm-India’s sultry shore. Soul Gloves from frown Labrador, Manchester Stuffs and Linens on band From the smiling valleys of Paddy's land. ‘ Your attention Gents and Ladies fair. Como forth and view my rich choice ware .;_ 01' Diamonds. Rubies. Emeralds,’1'earls,: ' Approach young Bean: and treat your girls. I have Rings for fingers. Rings for oars, ,. For rich designs thoro'srnono approaches My Recerchie. French and EnglishBrooches ;' I have silver'd Forks, with Spoons and Sets, Fine Wedding Rings and Mourning Jetts. You can have your choice of course or fine.“ Of Breast Pins, Lockett9,'0roases'. Hearts And Charms us shields from Cupid's darts. Then come from hamlets, streets a‘ud lano- And view my English'rich Gold Chains With b'Iossiacs. Cameos and Garnetts fine They sparkle like puro‘old Rhemish wine. Bring along the Rhino, supply your want- Aud fit yourselves with Coat. Vest and Patch. Gurnsev Shirts and Drawers at a trifling out. To protect your person: now old Jack front. Thy" patronized mo isvorfi'whoreyi '- ' “Mb English. Scotch “a From Chatoaugoe to Lake St Clair; . , Come one and all. males, maids and matrons. I’ll add you tomy longlist of patrons. Como on Canadians Yankee, ' .. Bid loud.‘pay up. make way for others then I'll thank yee. All Goods are warranted. yau need not (on : ‘Butbuy of ' norm: MAGUIRE. « . . ‘ Agent and AMMWI’. Convince yourselves, pray. do not fail, But hasten to the Auction Solo. . 4 u If Rich Goods. Cheap. in your doairo Come to tho pooplolsalosinan. I. MAGumu. .Sale to commune, at I‘EN, a,m, and SIX, p,m. each day,_,, r , . TERMS CASH. .. ammonium, October 25, 1860 ' - _ _. 1..“ ,L__._.-.... NEW imam: ’ Jr. R. raicfinma GI: ‘ IMMENSE STOCK 1 DRY Goons, GBOCERIES, , HARDWARE, ,&C. V “NTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during tho E Autumn and \Vi’nter,‘he has made ample provision for (supplying his customcro. Goodspf every description will he Sold at a " ' v '_ ‘_ I. ' ' «Moon-RATE ,_ ADVANCE 0N... COST .1 PRICES ! or Mommin Goons 2 ___,_~_-â€"- 013" P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are how‘ thus, are resp to make provisions for them. p . =BicbrnOad Hill, September '15, 1860. 954 T LEI 1 NOS 0 FF ! .v._/ {CA/Cg. -M A AChoico supply ectfully requested J. K. F. is E _ U Goons; oncoming CROCKERY',” I; LIQUoRa, «so; ’ 11E undersigned, having nearly" completed" twenty years in business,” has 1!. his mind. ' . “ - -TO . RETIRE! But before doing so he would return his thanks to the, public [hr the liberall supponl they have, favored hat with during that long period of time. One word more It would add, which will be to the interest of the public, that, in. addition to his puesoM Stock, he has made large purchases of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. From the very best Markets, which will arrive between now and. the 10th of Sep‘. ' tember,-â€"at that time he will commence to SELL HIS sjrocit OPP! , ' Cesar PRICE 2 . v I -. And continue to do so until the whole is Sold, For .Cash, or Produce. in cmcltangc only 813' ,No Credit will be given after the 10th September. _ ‘ - I _P.CROSBY. 92-1!

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