Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 3 Nov 1860, p. 4

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â€" â€" M “7...”... V tannin. M... YEARS AGO?" 'B! “GEORGE 1’. MORRIS. Near the banks of that lotto river, Where the water-lillics grow, Breathed the fairest flower that ever Bloorrrcd and faded years ago. How we met and loved and parted, None on earth can ever knowâ€"â€" Nor how pure and gentle~hearted , Bearded the mourned one years ago. Like the stream with lillies laden, I‘Vill life’s future current flow, Till in heaven I meet the maiden Fondly cherished years ago. Hearts that love like mine forgot not ; They’re the same in weal or woe ; And that star of memory sets not In» the grave of years ago. Tm: GARDENZ‘IEAIIM AND DAIRY. The noblest men I know on earth, Are men whose hands are brown with toil; “’ho, backed by no ancestral graves, How~ down the woods and till the soil. And win thereby a prouder fame Than follows king or warrior’s name. The working men, whate’er their task, To curve, the stone or bear the bodâ€"~â€" They wear upon their honest brows The royal stamp and seal of God I And brighter are their drops of sweat Than diamonds in a coronot. God bless the noble working-men, Who rear the cities of the plain, “'ho dig the mines atrd build the ships. And drive the commerce of the main 3 God bless them I for their swarthy hands Have wrought the glory of our lands. WT~'â€"Z:TLL“ "‘_â€".â€""_Z Elliztullunrnu, Minds are more capacious than most persons think. “’0 never know one that was filled. He that studies revenge keeps his own wounds green and rankling. Personal beauty is a letter of recommendation written by the hand of divinity, but not unfro- qucrrtly drslronoured by the bearer. Love is of such superlative worth that it is more honorable to be its VlCtlm than its con- mm- The old fogy who ‘broke loose,’ has gone in- to partnership with the one that ‘broke the news,’ and they anticipate doing asmashing business. The. red, white, and blueâ€"the red checks, the white teeth, the blue eyes of a lovely girl, are as good a flag as a young soldier in the battle of life need fight for. A merchant, examining a hogshead of hard- ware, was comparing it with the envoice. "Och, don’t be troubled I’ said the Irish porter,“ Sure the nagur took it out to open the hogshead with.’ A little boy being asked in Sunday-School What is the chief and of man?’ Answer, The end what’s got the head ont’ “ Ham you any domestic manufactures to re- port? asked a census marshal Of a female head of the family rejoicing in the bloom of health. “ Well, yes, said she, with something of embarrassment in her voice and countenance, we have eight, with a continued prospect. An editor of a paper, who was a great suffer- or from toothache, made the following obser- Vation, after a violent attack: “ The person who can write editorials while suffering with tooth- ? “it . l .g "u'w’" .ur" ‘ ".<">~I‘L»-..'-r;‘... :3 t‘-.. . > â€"- .._A_‘ business minerals). luv J . G O R M L E Y, COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancr r and Auctioneer. LOT 31, 4TH CON. MnaxHAM. September 18, 1860. WALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. Licentiate oft/re Medical Board If Upper-Cana- da, and recently 07w oft/w Ilfcdicoi‘qflicers of the Toronto General Hospiirii, and ' Professor an/uitomy and Surgery in Dr. Ralph’s Medical Sir/wot, ‘ AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken his former residence on Yongo Street, where he may be Consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860. 65-y1 NEW TAILOR SHOP. THE undersigned begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business in the Tailor Ing Line III the house adjoining MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, Where, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED 1‘0. Garments cut to order 011 the shortest notice, in any style. JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond Hill. Feb. 10, 1860. 63-1y Dr, C. S. LLOYD, SURGEON DEN'J‘IS'I‘, ILL be at the following places for the Practice of his Profession : The Ist Thursday of every Month at Hol- land Landing. Tlrc 2nd 'I‘hursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. The 4th Thursday at Gormloy‘s Corners. At all other limos the Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. June ‘29. 1860. 83-1y Efiction linsfl'otiâ€"ce. THOMASâ€"EOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK 8r. PEEL. All letters addressed to “Almira,” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the “ York Herald” Office, {ichmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and Mr, James Cavannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &c. may be obtaioed. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. 62~tf “WM”, 10 95'“. October 4, 1860. v I 'ifiw-wi-gt'n‘aw‘ savanna-afar_.;<"r;\'...,"." : v... " 2‘»; Isff.‘ ‘Lfiw’n .‘: *i-Jn' .17“ 2‘. AN EXCELLENT FARM FOR SILE. ACRES, 80 Cleared. 20 miles from Toronto, and three-quarters of a mile fromzthe Kingston Road. \Vell watered, Good Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to DR. WI NS'I‘ANLEY, :Eglington, Yonge Street. 97-3111 . I turn . It "'I x! I “All” '” ‘ l I" if: r' i‘ l Tin I or it an H “Airlift I I" I In . . ‘l ,IHII'i'szf'i’I‘I’I'I n' ’II'I ll": Ihsr’il'ié: I ,- I: I ill ' l’ 1 . a villi willing!" LAB? 1D for SALE on T0 EXCI’IANCE. 10 ACRES OF LAND in the Town- ship of Sunnidale, county of Sirncoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, iii the 6th con- cession. Also, 100 Acres in the same Town- ship, bding west half of Lot NO. 7. in the 8th concession . The above property is covered with very valuable Pine '1‘iIIIbcr, and lies within half a mile oftho Sunnidalo Station on the Northern Railway. For fur-(her particulars apply to the proprie- tor oftlro “ York Herald ” Office, Richmond Hill. June 22, 1860. 82â€"tf “PAINTING. R. VA I LE8, Painter. liltAlNllll, Glazier, Gilder, as Paper Hanger, RICHMOND HILL. OUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting done on the shortest notice and 011 the most reasonable terms. Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. 73-tf Masonic acute motel, M A T T H E W L E P P E R. RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. AURORA, AS just received a new and full assortment of Spring and Summer Good . Yards for ‘ ‘1 Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses D O O D b and Studs. 3 The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, “Elle: COUId,_ISl°k ‘}P hi? heels Oval: the grave 0" feels satisfied lib can administer comfortably to “GPO, find snap Ills dying fingers In [110 face of their wants and willr mutual satisfaction. Time and Sorrow. ’ Squire Jack was a cabinet-maker and under- taker, known far and wide as a master \vork- man. One day a couple came to his oflice to grotma‘rried. The man’s face was familiar to the squire, and he ordered him Ofl'in this wise: “ Begone you scoundrol; you lrave’nt paid me tier your first wife’s collin!’ Richmond Hill, Apr-i120. 1860. GO TO B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! WITH YOUR CARDINGâ€" & GRIS TING, 1’05"" “‘9 PRIME-“A mmmlce'madmg where parties from a distance can have it young man was one day passing a muirland farm in Scotland, which was half covered with firne and‘heath, and‘ a fine backgound Of barren rocks and dark pines. He said to the farmer, who was grinding his way through the rugged earthrâ€"r “ A magnificent locality, sirlâ€"one of Na- ture’s triumphslâ€"an embodiment of poetry!’ “ Oh, yes,” said the farmer, “ the poetry 0 rlone to take with them on theirreturuhome. Almira,May13, 1859. 24-tf.' Cheafiw Clothing. r HE Subscriberbegs to inform the inhabi- tantsot’Buttonville and the surrounding { country, that he continues to make first-class the place is very well, but if ye had to plow the TS, VESTS, PfljV'TS, (Sm, prose of the ground, my friend, I doubt yo’d wish the poetry O’t at the devil.’ An amusing incident occurred at the close of‘the Edinburgh review. A major was about to refresh himself, when, in the act of raising the portion to his mortal martial lips, he, evi- dently becoming aware Of the confused poition of some of the companies, called out in sten- torian tor.es, “ Battalion, attention I and, immediately thereafter,when all eyes were turn- ed. upon him awaiting his commands, conveyed the liquid to its destination. The effect may be easily imagined, ill-suppressed laughter ran along the litres, and oven the gallant major could not refrain from a smile at the amusing mutroternps. Two gentlemen were walking together in» Paris. " I will engage,” said one to the other “ to give the man before me a good kicking, and yet‘he shall not be angry.” He (lid as he had undertaken to do. The stranger turned Iround and looked astonished. “I beg your ardon.” said the kicker, “ I took you for the uke de la 'I‘remonville.” The duke was very handsomo--the man was very plain; he was gratified by the mistake under which he believed he had suffered, shook himself, smiled, bowed, and. went on his way. There are many anecdotes of Rab M’Kellar, the Highlander, who erst was the jolly landlord of the Argyl Hotel, in Invcrary. The last time We saw the hearty, roystoring follow (peace to his manes, he is now no rnore!),"he was hick In the newest Styles and superior \VOI-kman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY. Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville, Dec. 23, 1859. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. The lllillinery Department! Will be found replete with the newest and most Fashionable Styles of 73.” Bonnets, Hats and Capes, All oI which will be Sold at the lowest remuner ating prices. Aurora, April ‘37, 1860. 74â€"tf G. H. Kins-Shana, SURGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s llotcl. Richmond Hill, the FIns'r and TIIIIII) MONDAY of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence Thornhill. All Worlearranted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almost impossible for the filling ever to come out. July 3. 1859. 7-,. 32â€"137. 55'13' New Boat and Shoe Store IN L’UT’I‘ONVILLE. ‘llE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support and begs to state that I 001) Accommo‘iaumls' “fines, Ll‘lu‘m3 he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, and Cigars ofthe choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. 26-tf RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning, starting from the lulgin Mills at 7. a.mh and returning at 7 p. In. Faro, 2s. 6d. each way. soon ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RIC HARD N ICIIO[.I.S, Proprietor. 1-55 1 Richmond Hill, Doc.18, 1858. where Ire hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. ' DAVID GALLOVVAY, Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. 5011y Photographs ! Ambrotypes ! MlELANEOTYPES I LFTTERGRAPHS, &C. All styles Of Pictures taken at t" e HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. Medical Iran, Mat-Imam, - HEiSubscri'ter begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found ering with an Englishman in the lobby of excellent accommodation for Travellers, and the inn regarding his bill. The stranger said it Was a. gross imposition, he could live cheaper in the best hotel in London, to which Rab, with unwonted nonchalance, replied. .“Oh, nae doot sirâ€"nae doot, ava. But do you ken the reason?’ “No, not a bit of it,” said the stranger hastily. “Well, then,’ replied the host, “as you scam to be a gay, sensible callant, I’ll tell ye. There’s three hundred and sixty-five days in the London hotel keeper’s calender, but we nave only three months in oursâ€"do yo under- stand me noo, frien’? W'e maun mak’ hay in the Highlands when the sun shines, for it’s unco" seldom she dis't!’ “ CA’ '1'an PUMP, AND HOAsT.’â€"â€"A difficulty is often experienced by lovers who have not free access at trysting time to the house of the young lady to whom they are paying their at- 2 tentions. The difficulty is how to let the loved one know he is waiting for her. He may arrange to whistle “ Vilikins and his Dinah,’ or “ She’s low down, she’s in the broom,’ as a signal.’ But poor Dinah! how often is she cheated. Little Bobby Smith goes past on an errand for his mother, and, r"; the night is dark, be naturally whistles “ Vilikius,’ to keep his courage up. Out peps Dinah, only to be “sold.’ The same thing may be repeated again and and again, and at last she resolves to be cheat- ed no more; when the real lover tunes his pipes, slre won’t believe it’s Ire . The other evening was overheard a country lass telling her confi- dante the plan. she had adopted; and, as it is rather-agood one, for the sake of our young friends who may have experienced the difficulty alluded to, we “~took.a note of it.” “~110o,” it was asked, “ does he manage to get you not. woman?” “-Oh," she replied, “'1 justtell‘t hint to ca’ I the handle 0’ the pump, an’ boast! I Good Stabling. 0'3" Horses and Buggies for Ilirc. JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 “1 HODGE 8L Co. 1'I’IOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and trouPlato Worke/s, and Furnishing Ironmongors, Parties glvrng this house a call will find their orders punctuallyuttondcd to and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1 Richmond OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 778, meets at Brother Robert VVisonIans, L Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after Wm do well to can in time. the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS Emccr â€"~â€"- \Villiam Duncan, Master: E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; J. Munhollano, Secretary; \V.l'ogue, Treasurer. January 21, 1858 38- OII reasonable terms, and in all weathers” Pictures takon from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t MATHESUN 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. orrrcr :sâ€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore do Co’s. Bonking Office, TORONTO- Agmcy Particularly attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGERALD Toronto, July 1, 1559, JOHN INK REID, M.D. CORNER OF roses AND CULBORN srnnn'rs, THORNI’IILL. 0:3" I ll Prescriptions got at the Office must be paid for 011 delivery. 31-1)” [To the Sick and Dying. . A R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klinoburglr, guarranteos to cure Cancers, Enlarged A’eclcsl And‘ many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, All letters to be paid, and addressed to i rerun SNIDER, Klilrebut‘ghl 0.3” NO CURS NO PAY I August 6, 1858. 61~l ‘ -_‘~ . . r '. A J1. ~,.‘.-.»';.'.L..;. .'.‘Ir"“,:.v'>' I . DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING 81'. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR \VEST FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ‘y'u..:4..‘ ..~- . _'.'Z'. ». 7’.â€" x‘, ._‘ L1 '; 2-K; ‘.' In“ , . v‘r a...- ” . Valuable Property for Sale 8 NE IV TREA TIIIENT. IZ : .63 Acres, 23 Of which is timbcrod, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. ' ‘ ' The above property is situated at, and ad- ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- joining to, the Village of lation of Children’s Tooth. free, and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanito Rubber, and the best Bone filling. -' Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto, October 11, 1860. 49-1y General 5tore, AT AURORA. 11E Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of DRY GOODS GROCERIES: HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, 8:0. PLASTER “AND SALT, Always on hand, and for sale OII the most favorable terms. &c. &c. \VM. SMITH. Aurora, June 141, 1860. LANDS I‘OESALE. EXCHANGE. HE Subscriber offers for Sale, on very Mil till I Situated in the following Townships :â€" Somervilleâ€"Couuty of Victoria, Bexloyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydenhamâ€"County of Grey, Arnabelâ€"County of Bruce. For a portion of these Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex- change. Fur further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE, Richmond Hill, P.O. Canada West. 79- tf .luno 1,1860. TEETH- EXTRACIED WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Electricity, By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rnber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and VVarrantcd' Aurora, March 9, 1860. YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD supply of VVinos and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. 1859. 25 1y JAMES HALL, _ A3 always on hand a large assortment Of BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold ot prices to meet the times Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 67-1y I-tl TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STAILET. MONUMENTSTâ€"I‘OMBTABLES ’I‘OMBS"ONES, &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper ’I‘IIAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. 11E UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the ,estate of D. C. 6:. W. YALE. will corr- tinuo the business under the superintendenco of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P,S.â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the let day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1859. 48-tf. DR. R. W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON a ACCDUCHEUR, AURORA, C. W. February 17, 1860. 64-1y Auction NOtice. 'I‘HOMAsâ€"TNILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARKHAM VILLAGE, wil receive prompt attention. Orders re- ceived at the “ HERALD” Office. Richmond ill, where terms, &c., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18, 1859. 51-tf HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior VVatorproof Harness e and Shoe Btacking is warranted to soften leather. and render it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- kccpors and Harness Makers throughout the Province. 31‘“ February 10, 1860. 63-tf D. E. HOMfEOPA'l‘HIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. DR. L. LANGSTAFF, ‘PRINGHILL. 3 doors west of King Post Office. King, May 13. 1859- 24~1y HUGH CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock lllakcr, JEWELER, (so. Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Aurora, February 17,1860. 60~tf I Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1860. SEYMOUR, " Aurora, June 1860. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. 96-tf Advertisement. hereby bear testimonv that I have tried SANDERSON’S ROTATING HAR- ROWS,~ on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Monday, and have found them up to all that Mr. Sanderson represents them to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the common barrow, and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require implements of the kind. RICHARD VANDERBURGH Richmond Hill, June 20, 1860. FIVE HIlllllll Sill Illllll. 0a. M’IEENZIE'S DEADSHOT WORM CANDY. IS working Miracles beyond conception. The Medical Faculty of Scotland, as well as 81"“ England and Ireland, have pronounced this Worm Candy to do more good than all Worm Medicines combined. It has stood the test since AD,, 1765, nearly one hundred years, which, almost every son and daughter of Old Scotia can testify. It has always borne the name of ‘Old Dr- M’Kenzie’s Worm Candy- Stick.’ As it resembles a candy-stick in taste and ap- pearance. and a child eating it is wholly un- COIICIOPB of taking medicine. and where worms exist, the results are beyond description. A child ten years of age, of the Rev. J. Mc- Dougall, Dundee, passed over 500 \VORMS in three days, which he testifies, that he be- lieved,by God’s blessing, it saved the child’s life. Thousands of similar testimonials are given (withoutsolicitation) to the present pro- prietor. General Symptoms of Worms 1 Restless, Sudden Starting and Grinding the Teeth in Sleep, Convulsious. Ravanous Ap- petite, (sornotimes no Appetite) I’aleneSs, Pick- ing the Nose, Bowel Complaints, Fever, Fret- fulness, Emacration, Looseness of the Flesh, Dry Cough, Sour Breath, &c. doc, All of the above symptoms will immediatolv cease to exist by using this Medicine once or twice. It always gives health, even if no worms exist. It is perfectly harmless even to the most tender infant. Warranted Purely Vegetable in itscombination. Full directions with each package. Sold at retail by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers in Europe and America, at 7% pence sterling, [15 cents] per package, or 2 shillings, [50 cents] for four packages. Be sure that each package has the signature of H. Mc- Kenzie, Ml). Glasgow, on the wrapper. I]? Call for Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy. NORTHROP & LYMAN. Newcastle. C.W., CARTER, KERRY & Co. Montreal, 0.13., are General VVhOlssale Agents for the Canadas. August 1860. 92 FARMERS’ INTEREST. 11E Subscriber begs to intimate to the Farmers Ofthe County of York, that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell lll'lll‘llll lllllll l With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above Harrows are far superior to any now in use, being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other I'Iar- rows. Specimorrs of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attendto all orders. SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill, Feb. 24, 1860. 5.11“ Popular Medicines FOR SALE BY O. S. LLOYD, Druggist & Dentist, AURORA. Holloway’s Ointment lFalmestock’s Vermi- Dr. E. Hope’s Mag do fuge Dr. Trask’s do dollndinn Worm Tea Dr. VVilson’s Veg dojR R R Rornodys Harrison’s Electric do; P Dnvis’ Pain Killer Morehead’s Mag plas’s litigg’s Mag Relief Ayer’s Pills British Oil Morse’s In Root do II arlam do Sir Ashley Cooper’s Stone do Anti-bil do ISpikO do Mofl‘att’ Life do [Black do Child’s Sov Balm Soules’ do do Poor Man’ sAnti bil Mayor’s Long Life Dr. [’hinney’s Family der Motl‘att’s Plrenix Bit lSoper’s Salve Hoofland’ German Bit: Egyptian do Do ,lalsamic Ear'fEssences of all kinds Judson’s Cherry and l..loyd’s Ointment for Lurgwort Skin Diseases Kerrnott’s Tonic Mix ‘Lloyd’s Eye Water VVister’ pulmonic syrup Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup of H oarbound lLloyd’s Consentratod Boyer’s galvanic fluid es of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Strawa Lloyd’s German horse berry Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial ‘Lloyd’s Cough Syrup Pirtomau’s Pcct Drops‘Lloyd’s Tooth Powder Eng White do Schneider’s oyo water ‘Fottit’s Amer Salve Kennedy's VVOI‘IIII’ow- l’arogoric ILloyd’s'I‘oothache Spe- Sir ’I‘ Keating’s Cough,I cific Lozengers l Basabes Cam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, «Sac. Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand discoverv : If people know its genuine worth, Diseases would be scarce on earth ; Then, wiry should people pain endure ? When they can find a perfect cure. 0:? Prescriptions Accurately Compoundcd 81 CHELSEY, STOCK BROKER, Land & Municipal Agent, &c. No. 29 Anne Street, or Box 54, P.O, Quebec. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. 1’. M, Vankoughnct, C, J. Campbell, Esq. T. \Voodside, Esq. Messrs. Gilm‘our, Coulson & Co, Angus Morrison, M,P,P, Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattice do Co, Montreal; llon, James Patton, Barrie; James Webster, Esq, Guelph. 67-tf E. J. A... fi, . _., ' he». 3.,” 31;} .z...."‘. ,sEI_:..¢ ,' a. . ...~-.'...... . Established for theycure of DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBIHTY, FEVER AND AGUE, ASTHMA. INCIPIEN’I‘ CONSUMPTION, Consultati n - ' - ° BlChmond H111“ CONSUMPTION 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, arc. No lllcr'ctrry Used. Dr. Among w Son, ccausn'or MAIN a QUAY S’I‘S., Buffalo, New York, RE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, doc. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to ‘20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Amos & Son take pleasure ln announc- ing that they have invented a most importan} instrumentt’or the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test of the most em- inent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York r it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for thO cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos &. Son. in order to satisfy the Inost skeptical as t: the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. NEW’ RICMENIES AND QUICK CERES -â€"-A CURE VVARRANTED. Dr, Amos & Son have, for a long seriesof years, been engaged in an extensive practice in the troatmentof these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remed.cs can be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines, A'ch which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos &. SON, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y. 88â€"ly W . U. S K E N E, MILLWRIGHT, .111 TOJVéI, EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terInS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada, and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23, 1859 4 Quebec Government Agency. ‘ USIN’ESS connected with the CROWN LAND and other Public Departments attended to ; also, Patents for Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. Addresa, prepaid, E. J. Cl-IESLEY, No, 29 Anne Street, Quebec. Quebec, March 6, 1860. 67-tf ASTHMA. I. OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint use FEJVI} T’s BRONCHIAL CIGARETTESI Made by C. 13. SEYMOUR & Co., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ATENT Eavo Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, \Vaggon Felâ€" lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, STEAM MILLS, 'I'IIORNIIILL. June 3, 1859. 27.1f MAYOR’S CONDITION PHYSIC WORM DESTROYER. f THIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a success unprecedented. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the otvners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too wollkuowrr to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. Ono dose at the cost of 25 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appe- . tite, Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of \Vater, Swelled Logs, Greaso.and is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a greatpuri- fyer oftho Blood, and a good Physic, always recommended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive and im- prove the general condition. Makes him corn- pletely up to the mark for his work, tlreroeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. Testimonials of the highest character will be 14-14..ruin-'l-(frfa ‘. r - .. . .F; "' p.22. -.-..-..' LAN BS FOR 80,006TAores, SITUATED in the counties of LAMPTON andm KENT. All necessaryinformation will be given OII application, pest paid, to ' MILES LANGSTAFF, ' * i Wallacoburglr." Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallaccvburglr; Nov. 94, 1859. ' Good Health and I... Life. ___ MAYOR’S L ONG LIFE PILLS ! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury Those Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold by exposure, which renders them of great value. and superior to any other rrredicirre ever Tet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flirt- tcring testimonials recciVed by the Proprietor, ' has Induced him to advertise these invaluable _ ' Pills that the public may be convinced offal, simple and efficacious remedy, is alone Sufficié out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of‘ this country, such as Pains in the Head, Back and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or . Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Throat, Cramps, Colics, VVor‘ms in Children, and other (118013. ders, which will be found on tie wrapper with instructions for taking them. Price, 25 Cents each Box. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeeperu, who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. . THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactoryâ€"‘Ith forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"0110 Dollar per packet containing four Balls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance. will .be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria Square, concession Markham, THOMAS MAYOR 1 s I u I The only maker of the original Yorkshrroi Driflicld on. in America. 00 l M anufactoryâ€"dth Corr. Markham . Our Musical Friend. 66 UR MUSICAL FRIEND,” a Rare Companion for the lVinter Months. Every Pianist, Should procure this Lvery Singer, woekly Publication of Every Teacher, Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but 10 Every Amateur, cents a number, and" Pronounced by the entire Press ofthe country, to be “THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK. OF THE KIND IN THE VVORLD'” Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano. Forte Music. for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 ; H alf-yearly,$? 50; Quarterly$1,25' Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Newsdcaler, and you will have Music for your entire family atian insignificant cost ; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordion (Yo. 6L9- subscribe to the Solo Melodist, Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents l . number; Yearly, $2 50 ; Half-yearly, $1 95. All back uurnbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes, containing 17 numbers, at $52 50 each, constantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR. & Co. 1071 Nassau St,. New York Fire! Fire! 1 Fire! I 3, WESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. ‘ a». INCORPORATED FY ACT 01“ PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. LC. GILMOR, Pres. [ GEO. MICHIE,Vice Prom: DIRECTORS : _ Rico Lewis, Esq. '1‘hos, Hawerth, Esq, James lSoaty, Esq. \V. Henderson, Esq. I , 1’. Robarts, Esq. W. Macfarlane. Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. | - Bernard Haldan, Esq. Secretary & Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada, Bart/cars. Btnjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. 03" Head Ofllcc, Church Street, Toronto. .5“ This COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Burld‘rngs,Marrutactories, Mills, &c._. and Good. and It urniture, III the same, againstloss ordam- age by fire, on liberalterms. Losses promptly setthd. . _ A. LA\V,. _ Residence, Generalngont. RICIIII‘OIId Ilill August 13, 1857. gIO-l f stripe no , IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dospatched to Subscribers by the earliest In ails, or other conveyance, when so desired“ Tire YORK HERALD will always be be foundto contain the latcstand mostimpor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar; kets, and the greatest care \rillbetaken to render it acceptable tothernan of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMS.â€"-â€"Seven and Sixpence'perAnnnm, In ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING :‘ Six lines and under, first insertion... . .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 00 19; Ten litres andundcr, first insertion . . . . . 00 75% Above ten litres, first in., per litre.. . . 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . ()0 OR IF Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- iIIgly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed III for Insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad. vel‘tising by the year. All advertisements published for aless p3. riod than one month, must be paid for in ad. vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. . No paper discontinued until allarrearages on paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up, will be held accountable for-the sub- scriptron. THE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. ()RDERS for any of the undermentioned description 9.1: PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY 1511.15, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGI AND SMALL l‘OS'l'I'ZRS,CIRCUI.ARS, LAW FORMSfx BILL HEADS,I3ANK CHECKS,DRAFTS,AND I’AMPHLETS. ‘ And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Circulars, lit-pt always on hand. s... r SALE Buffalo Medical Dispensary. on Easy Terms Of Payment - 5241' .4. v

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