Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 12 Oct 1860, p. 4

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- f; “ Câ€"TfTâ€"f-‘fi ., p, z \‘ I _ ‘ K H i ' :'» “ .5 . u-, . . .1‘3. . NIH. ‘ .. . I» I;. - ' I .I. . k ,v 15mm. Maximizes «Biro. - NV " V Vv \4 VVVx. J . G O R M L E Y , I r COMMISSIQ‘ENER IN QU EEN’S B§NCIL Conveyapcfir and" Auctidégeer. I Lor31, 4n; CON. MRRKHAM. September'IS, 1860. 'I-‘IIE Twp guns. In Europe two'sicli‘m'dti'Toildwéll. 0f whom there’s little hope; ‘ -- The Sultan one. is far from well i“ The other is tlie,_l’0p0’. I ~ This wreck of tripgb drown, and that ' I A roy‘al turban Wears ; '- Too weak the head in either but To manage its affairs. ’ r ~. ~ , ;. (I. WALTER 1.3-. GEHHE. $14.13.: Licentiate oft/LP. Illcd'icul Board of Upper Curta- da, and recently (Inc oft/w Medical qfiiccrs of the Toronto General Hospital, and Professor ofAmttomy and Surgery in- Dr. Ralph’s Medical School, ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken 'his' former residence- on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. “ ‘ Aurora, Feb. 24. 1860. The first has been a ‘suflbrer and For many a weary day ; And loads of physic he has had a ' To keep grim Death at bay. The second ’gan to limp and reel Some dozen years ago, When his French doctor threw in steel; NEW TAILOR SHOP. f 1IIE undersigned begs respectfully toinform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill 8:; Vicinity That‘he has commenced business in the Tailor mg Lille in the house adjoining MR. SlVERSl SHOE SHOP, Where, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUAI.LY ATTENDED T0. Maintained his system 80'. Eruptions, here and there, about I'laob departs: st: rt'ace I rage; 5 And either is x’well higli warn out By frequent hemorrhage. Yet their physician still declares That both must more be bled, And take more steel. by which he swears. Exhibited with lead. The Pope cries,’ “ ’Heathen friend I see You’ve got my ductoriit too ; ‘ He hasn’t done much good to me, May he do more to you !” 'j My; Giaour thergroaning Turk replies, ,,,"A"IVeil’Ire_past physicidni’s ékiIl g,» I To cure us if your doctor tries He’ll all the sooner kill.” in any'style. JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond Hill, Feb. 10. 1860. 63-1)‘ .......___...,.. I :Dr. 0'." ,5 SURGEON DENTIST. 7‘71 LL be at the following places for the _ .I’racticevpfhisProfessimi_: “ “' ' The 1st Thursday of every Month at 1101- land Landing. The ‘2nd Thursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. The 4th~Thursday at Gorinley‘s Corners. At all other‘tinies the Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. June ‘29. 1960. Gone are both systems to decay. I Efl'cte old Pope and Turk ! No Constitution loft have they Whereon the Leach might work. Cou‘d they but break up quietly, I And leave the world in peace. Blast would the dissolution be. And happy the release.â€"-Punch. Bil-IS Afiétio}; : otice. . THOMASâ€"EOVVMAN, Licensedl . VfliirrIitluninurp -- _ w. 1: ron 'rmc » COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. All letters addressed Ito “ Alrni‘ra.” PLO... Vwil“ receive prompt attention. Orders receiveda the “ York‘i'AHeracht-iOffice, Richmond-711ml- Mr. Henry Lemon, Thoriihill, and Mr. James Cavanna‘i, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &c. may-be obtaieed. AlmiraTNov. 95. 1859. xd‘WH ,7-» materials amas- motel. RICHMOND IIILL. A Quaker loves the ocean for its broad brim. ‘ ‘ ' '3 ' .When does shave" with a silver razor? “'hcn he cuts off the heirs with a shilling. SCENE IN A Gâ€"uocan’s STORE.â€"â€"B0y, Please, sir, to tell me the time o’day. Grocer.â€"â€"Twelvc o’clock. EXit boy : who returns in a few seconds, and again inquired the time ofday. G*roccr.â€"-Did I not just tell you that it was 12 o’c10ck. Boy.â€"-â€"Yes, sir, but that was for another woman’ alld “"5 15 for my mother‘ Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses r , ‘) 9 .< . __ d and Studs. ' ~ , run I RIEST. E .AhSWER' Pal] y The Monthly Fair held on the Malone went to his [most and asked him: Wadnesdav m each momh. v “ \Vllal l5 3 mel'ade, l'ef'l‘el'erenCC‘Ifl, The Subscriber in calling the attention of the “ The priest: asked him several questions, public and his Old Friends to his establishment, and found he had been to the revival feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to - » . their wants and wdh mutual satisfaction. meeting and heard the strange talk. IHe R_ h d H,” A “No. 1860 was mighty mad, and telling Paddy to ‘c mo" l ' I” " ' ' stand out before him, he gave the poor 62-tf OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for 73-tf GO TO fellow a tremendous kick in the rear. ‘,‘ Did it hurt you'l’. asked the priest. 3. BO W MA N ’S M ILLS 1 “ To be sure it did 1’ said Paddy. ‘ w” H I Y 0 U R “ And it would have been a miracle ifit didn’t!’ replied his reverence 5 with which Paddy, walked awayâ€"answered but not satisfied. ' ' CARDING- & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on theirreturnhome. AI “ .u 713.1859. 24-..: A SCHOOL COMMITTEE MAN AASWR- mm ‘ 53’ ED.â€"-VVe have the following good one from an authentic source :-â€"A sub-committee of a School .Boardv,n'0t a thousand miles from the city ofLynn, were examining a class in a primary sclioo|.~â€"One of the Committee undertook to sharpen up their wits by pro pounding the fellowing question:â€"-â€"“IfI had a mince pie and should give two twelftlis to. John, two-twelfths to-IIsaac, two twolfthe to Harry, and should keep half the pie for myself, what would there beleft? _ There was a profound study among the scholars, but finally one lad~held «up his hand as a signal that lie was ready to ansiu'er. “ Well, sir, Sheâ€"5.5 V‘WOldthing. IIE Subscriber begs to informI'the inhabi- tantsof Buttouvillo and the surrounding country. that he continues to make first-class COfl TS, VESTS, PflJVTS, «Sm. 'ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HAROY.‘ ’ ' » Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville, Dec. 23,1859. 55-ly ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! HARKHAM VLLAGE; 00D Accommodations. IWines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. 3. MARK. Pvtoprictur. â€"v whatfwould there be leftl 95-ir Oc_tobor4,'l8j}0. w :! *""“'“ ‘ “‘ Garments .cut to order on tire shortest’notice, ' . ,. Anal-01115613 Painter. GRAINEII, Glazier, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. [ Premifiesfirst 3: In’ the newest Styles and superior VVorkman-J '.whe:e he hopes for a continuance of the pa- .ijzf‘vt'mai IQgflitfi-fii'b ’- . .?_..-..»_..-.a-»31-,goa,,,;gn«;ug§§,,3g C4,;I~.,-»I.~ ‘ : ACRES-:85) Cleared. 20 miles from ' ' 'l'oroniot. and tlii'eegtpizii'tel‘s of a mile» T“ A. Lil-"E. AT AURORA. from the Kingstoniltmul Wielllwatol’c’dfi Good â€"â€" . . a ‘ i .I. V in I‘ I r . I Buildings and in a a good state of cu.tivaiion. E bubscnber 'consmully l’" hand a , f . , , Geiieral'Assortment of For further parii‘culurs apply to “than ~_. ,7 . . . . IlR. \VlNS’I‘ANld‘l-‘Y, 3 " a I 3.; I _ _ I M f _ yEglington,- YongeStrcet, _ ' I f I ' ' I ‘ JOIIIII‘Ig to. the Village 0 V . I 97*3m I . . _ i *‘vâ€"M-M-jsâ€" 2 GROCER’IES. ' ' ' -HARDWARE,PROVISIONS, 31"“? all“? PLASJER rafting? Alwa,'s on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. WM. SMITH. . Aurora, June 1d, 1860. 81-tf LANDS in}? SALE EXCHANGE. HE Subscriber offers-for Sale, on very reasonable terms, â€".. LAN~D- for ‘ s OH igllli Mill 1' Mill! A. Situated in the following fl‘ownships :â€" Sotnerville~County of Victoria, Bexleyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydenhnm~(‘ounty of Grey. Amahelâ€"Couiity of Bruce. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES OF LANDin the Town- ship of Siiniiidale, county of Sirncoe. being west half of Lot No. 4,'i’ii the tiih'con- r cession. Also, 100 Acres in the same Towu- For a portion of these Lands superior do- sliip, bding west half of Lot No. 7, in the 8th scriptiou of Farm Stuck win be taken in ex- concession. : change. , The above property is covered With very For further particulars apply to valuable Pine Timber, and lieawithixi; half a G J. F pEARCE mile ot'the Sunnidalo Station on the Northern ' Riehmond “HIJROI Rallway' - Caliat'a \Vost. For t‘urtliiir particulars apply to”; the propries'. 79' If torufthe“Y.orl{ Herald” Office. RICIHIIOIMI _ A“ ‘,, ,.,_ ' TEETH ExniAcitO wniiiiuiPAiiii Hill. I 2, 186 . . June 2 Ily the use of Electricity. _ ' r. I ED M ON D s,- EURGIJON DENTIST, AURORA. June. I, 1860. it. 82-tf MT Yuri N o. R. VAILES, 4*...» By D "Teeth inscrtrd on Silver. (lold or Valoanizod Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performer? in the .triosi approved manner and Wurranted' ' ' Aurora, March 9, 1860. 67-1}' YONG E S‘T R‘E' E T" H‘Oi’f' EL" ,‘ A U RORA. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors always oti hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'I‘ravellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. O. __ ., . I). McLEOD, Proprietor. AurOra. June 6,1859. . I I I 25 1y ' ‘ h M A I‘ ’I‘ H L w L E P P E R, -_..._...-_-..--_.._--.--.--- AURORA, JAMES 'HALL, . ., , ,_L.._--,_-_---,- _ Glider, a Paper Hanger, ;- RICHMOND IIILL. ’ OUSE, Sign and Ornamental Paiiiting i done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms.» _: Richmond Ilill, April, 20, 186i). 73-tf AS just received a new and full assortment of Spring and Summer DRY goons, The Millincry Illepartment! Will he found replete with the iiewcstand most Fashionable Styles of Boots and SHOES, which will be sold 0t prices to meet the times Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. TORONTO our MARBLE “units 185 YONOE sinxurr. MONUMENTSTTI‘OMBTABLES' Bonnets, 'Hats and Capes, vaMB-SIQNEbj’ MI All 0‘ winch Will be Sold at tliOlOWost remuiier Twenty Per Cent Cheaper ating prices. Aurora,April Q7,I196fl. 74-tf THAN A31 o'rtiizu IZS'I‘ABLISHMIJNT. .- SHINGLES FOR SALE. Iâ€"IINGLES that are Shinglesâ€"three to the inch-I-and- each bunch warranted to lay a square, Also, SeaSOned Flooring &_ Siding, IIE UNDERSIGNI‘II.) Assignees of the estate of D. C. «St W. YALlu. will con tinue the business under the superinteiidonce of our dtily authorized agent-«I Ans'rrn ABBEY and D. UARLI‘S VALE. whose receipt. will be duly ackiiowledgml. l’,S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lat day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, For Sale in large or small quantities, and will (1. YALE be I’LANI’JD to order, GI CUMM'ERI Oust-Om Planing- Toronto, April 29, l859. 48-11". Attended to as usual, with despatcltand at low prices. ' DR. iii-w. HY, , PHYSICAN, SURGEON 3a ACCOUCHEUH, AURORA, C.\V. February 17, 1860. II. 6'; .I. HARRISON. 2nd Con. Markham, Plank Road, near Richmond Hill, April,27, I860 74-3m ...;____.__ _.___...._..-.. v.__.._ __._.. E-A_._..,___a r __,__â€"_.__. New Boot. and Shoe Store IIN BUT’I‘ONVILLE. 64 1y Auction 'lNOtice. 'I‘IIOM.A§TVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTIES 0F YORK, Plain. & ONTARIO. IIE Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonville, tronage heretofoi 0 given him. a 7 , All orders executed with despatch and work ' i As always on hand a large assortment of . 9.7:», tfii‘xfléw"~-¢‘v'?rti¥fi?§L-W. t.nto:~32,_.:.reurgfhvmisafis"em . .-€P5"«’1s‘..1.t 7 '- V aluabilc Property for Sale * IZr 63 Acres, Qi‘l-o‘f- which is titmh'eredyliil " Acres under Cultivation. I Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. without Buildings. I I ' The above propgrty is situated at. and ad- Richmond H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Ilill,'Scpt 26, 1860. ~96-tf Advertisement; hereby boar testimonv that I have tried SANDERSON’S ROTATING IIAR- RO WS. on lily-summer fallow, last Saturday. and ~lfvlonday. and have found them up too“ that Mr; Sanderson represents them to be. Thev are NOT of any heavier draft than the. cominon barrow. and do the work to‘my utmost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require impldments of the kind. ' I RICHARD VANnuaBURGu Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. ‘ FIVE Hllllllllll] Illl‘ iiiii ‘M’ KE‘NZ I E "s WOP M“ ' CANT) I . . working Miracles beyond conception. The S. 1 Medical Faculty of Scotland, as well as England and Irelaiid.--liav.e pronounced this Vt'oriii Candy to do more good than all. \Vorm Medicines combined. It has stood the test since A.l),, .1765, nearly one hundred years, which. almost every sop and daughter of Old Scotia can testify. I,_ ' It has always borne the name of ‘Old Dr- M’Kenzie’s Worm Candy‘f'Stick.’ As it resembles a candy-stick in taste and ap~ pearance.‘ and a child eating it is wholly un- coliciol‘s of taking medicine. and where worms exist, the results are beyonddescription. A child ten ycais of age, of the Rev. .1. Mc- Dougall, l‘viindee. passvd over 51)“ WORMS in three days, which he testifies. that he he- lloVod, by (iod's blessing. it sand the Child’s life. 'l'housands of similar testimonials are given (withoutsolicitation) to the present pro. prietor. - v General Syiiiptomsef Worms Restless, Sudden Starting and Grinding the Teeth in Sleep, Convulsions. RtivaiiousJXp- petite, (sometimes no Appetite) I’aleness, l’ick- iiig the Nose, Bowel Complaints, Fever, Fret- fulnoss. Eiiiactation, Looseness of the Flesh. Dry Cough, Sour Ili‘enth. Ne Sta. I All of the above Symptoms ivill' immediately cease to exist by Using this Medicine once or twice. It always git'c'-= health. even if no worms exist. ltis perfectly harmless over. to the most tender infant. DR. Y. warranted Purély Vegetable in its combination. ..._... Full directions with each package. Sold at retail by all Driiggists and Medicine haulers in I'Iirrope 'alld America, at pence sterling, [15 cents] perpzicknge, or 2 shillings. E50 cents] for four ;a(:lsa-ges. Be sure that each package has the signature of II. E‘. Mc- Kenzie, Md). Glasgow, on the wrapper. it? (fall for Dr. IllirKctl'lrio’s Dead Shot Worm Candy ‘ , NORTHROP & LYN/SN, Newcastle. C.lV., CARTER. KERRY A", Co Montreal. C.E., are General Wholsale Agents for the Caiiadas. August 1860. 92 situates-3’ Emma‘s? fJâ€"‘IIE Subscriber begs to intimate to I tlin Farmers ofthe County of York, that h.- ' is prepared to b‘IanufaOture and Sell llll‘ll‘llll llllilllil. - \Vith the improved Draft and Coupling liens. The above Harrows are far superior to any new in use, being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do t'llc work much qiii'cker'and better tlIaIIIIttfly other llar- I'OWS Specimens of the above iiiziy be seen and particulars as Ito price ascertained, by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Rifthinond Hill, who will piinctually atieiidto all orders. l ' la coiniimdmtis lILIISB thereon. | 7 a : ‘ “3 can. ‘ Ho‘el‘.-;Riclnnend_ Hill, the Fms'r and] _ _ I ' ' I IT’UATI‘ZDin the counties of lu-A’MlPTON andl THIRD MosnAY o’f-‘I every month‘, and, the rec mainder ‘of the month at his residence 'T‘I‘holilllllill. AllWVork\Narraiitt-d. Teeth filled with Osteopl-artlc or Artificial: Boreâ€"This filling is put into the Tooth while soft. causing no pain,-as it requires no pressure. it soon becomes as hard us the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almost impossible for the‘filling evcr locotne out. ‘ July" 8', 1859‘. v' 32-ly. w .173“. SKEN'E, . I f MILLWRIGI-I’I‘, .a’LJ'o Was B GS to intimate that he is now prepared to ‘ "erect MIIJLS‘ of every descripti'én, by contract or olherwfrse, on freasouable terms- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hoposto give general satisfaction, I AltoIna, Dec 23. 1859 .' (tastier: vaern’l'tie' t Aged-c; jUSI‘NESS connected t‘ lift the CROWN LAN!) and other'Tu llic Departments attended to ; also, Patents for Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber._ I V E. :J. CHESLEY, No. 29 Anne Street, Quebec. 67-tf 4 Address, prepaid. Quebec, March 6, 1860. on the ‘i‘Ns‘rANT itELIEi‘ and PER- “i‘i'M'A‘NEN'W'CURE' of this distressing complaint use » ' FEW]! T’s Made -by C. II. SEYMOUR 5:. C0,, 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Select all Druggists. ATEN‘T Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put. up at 6 cents prr foot ; also, Drain Pipes. Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates. Waggon Fel- lows andJlubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning iu‘gaiieral Manufactured and for sale by .10 HN LA Nos T A F F, Sn:er ‘Mrans, 'I‘n-onsnnm. June 3. ISSS). 27-tf ‘I‘lf‘.’ Subscriber is instructed to offer for Sale tl.o following Lands {-â€" The west lialfof the north halfof Lot No. 29 III .‘tIic 3rd Con. of Misouri, Containiilg :50 Acres of valuable Laud. with an l . Excellent Min Site I'I‘horeon. . ,“ill be sold Cheap, for Cash. use. The north half df Lot No; 13. ill the let COLT. I, SYDENHAM, Containing [00 Acres of choice Land.â€"well watered rind-iii, a good locality, and will be sold On liberal terms. ' ALSO,- On 'I‘enipei‘auce Street, in the VILLAGE OF AURORA,” Containing one fifth of an Acre'of Land, with Well adapted for the l'Crltltuce of a genteel family ALSO, , The following 4. Village i ate in Aurora. Belonging to R Machall, Esq, on the Plan of survey drawn by It. Lynn, D P.S.. viz : Lot No. 1, west of Railroad. 2nd range, one 1 quarter acre. _ . Lot at the head of Road, betWeeu‘ Lots 6 and B, 7. one qualter acre. Lot No. if. ‘2 ndnirangehone quarter ac‘ro. Lot No. 17, 1st range, one quarter acre. SA MUICI. FANDERSON.’ o if Richmond Hill. Fee. 24., 12:60. 7. I “"““ A litmhbcr of Village Lots! Popular M etlicilics FOR SALE BY c.s.LLOvn. All of which will he sold cheap and on libera tel‘iiis. "' " ' Also, On the principal Streets of Aurora, belonging ' to John Orient-y; Bleepâ€"willhe'so'd‘cheap and an liberal terms. _ Apply to [if by letter, post paid] ’ iv. MUSLIFZX, ( . Land A gontIaad Conveyancer. w, -., ,.- q . .III «’4'. 3%.”: w .m M. BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES ! ' Villagéf Lot; 2. I. C. ,. l Rico Lewis. Esq. s» ; ~54 v: -. ' . j‘"- "::‘7f’*=tz73w.i. *OuII.¢EasyI Ten-1:; of Payment. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY (with o SURGEON Dentist.'will be at Nichollis‘, : 'Kltte'r. All necessaryiiiforiiration-wi-ll b6 _ ,_ given-Oil"application, post paid, to > A i i V'b‘II’LES L'ANGST-AFF, Also, some improved RiEN'If. I. I Wallaceburgh, Nov. .94, 1859. ‘2.’ muons » LONG. LIFE ' '1 PIL'L Are warranted not toicontain any Mercury ‘ These fills are composed of the most soleét Drugs, and bei'nig- purelyg vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necessary, I with safpty‘ and without leeijjof taking Cold by exposure. whichrenders them of great valdo. I and superior to any other medicine over yet' offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat- tcring testimonials received by the Proprietor, ‘ hasinduced him to advertise these invaluable I' Pills that the public may be convinced Iof a , simple and efficacious remedy, is alone sufiiciv ‘ out toIsubdueInnd cure the ordinary sickness or this country, such as Pains iii the Head. Bock. . and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or‘ Indigestion, Sorcness'of the Throat. Cramps, Colics. Worms in Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on the wrapper with instructions for taking them. Price, 25 Cents each Box. Soldg‘py’ Draggists and general Storekeeper... who aré requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. ’, THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactory~4th (Bore. Markham . . 3" Our Musical Friend. 66 UR MUSICAL FRIEND," a Run Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pianist, I Should procure Every Singer, woekl'v Publication of. Vocel and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Musi , costing but 10 Every Amateur, ‘ cents a number, and; Pronounced by the entire Press of the countrv, . to be ' " THE BEST AND' CHEAPES’I WORK OF- THE KIND IN THE WORLD'” Every Teacher, Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano . Forte Music for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5'; Half-fyearly,$? 50; Quarterly$l.25 Subscriber to " Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Newsdenler. and" you will have Music for your entire family at'air insignificant cost ; and. if you want Music for the Flute; Violin. Cornet, Clarionet. Accordion dzc‘. die subscribe to the $010 Melodist, Containing 12 pages, costing only Ill Cents ,3 IIllI'Itbv‘l'; Yearly. $2 50 ; Half-yearly. $1 95-. All. back numbers at It) cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $2 50' each, constantly on hand. ‘ I ' c. B. SEYMOUR & Co. 107 Nassau St,. New York» Fire 1 Fire I 1 Fire! 2 .' ~ . W E S T E 'R N Fire Inst-trance Company of Term: to. INCORPORATED IlY AC'I“ OI“ PARLIAMENT. W W CflPHL’IL S" '0 CK, £ 1 00,000. Gimuou, Pres. l Orzo. Ilrliciini,Vicc I’ro‘o. DIRECTORS : Thus, I'lawort'li, Esq...- W‘. Henderson. Esq... \‘V. Macl‘arlane. Ijqu. ~ It James Booty. Esq. T. l’. Robarls. Esq. M. Rosalia, Esq’. Bernard l'Inldan, Esq. Secretary &- -'I‘rc1tsur‘cr‘. ‘ Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank- of Upper Canada. Bankers. BtIIJaIIIIII Switzer, Esq. Inspector. Ill? Hcmt' Qflicc, Ci’t'urc/i Street. Toronto. m THIS COMPANY lnsures iildiiigs,Manufactories,"Mills, St 6.. and Goods and Furniture, in the same, against loss or dam. age 'by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. . I . A. LAW, Residence, Generelagonto RICIIII‘OIId Hill August 13. 1857. 210-1 is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING“ And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest G. Lane‘s "FOR IWallacebur'glt. ‘ x 1" gill-00d Health Can’t-Liong Lich s r"; tli it all descriptions of - ‘1’. 'V g. Spbak up loud so that all: can hear you,’ Mafia”, ' -â€" 1' I ' l ' ' ~‘ in June 1859. QB-tf waixalued- Druo' 1st & Dentist - M ,l i i i r. . - . ., , . . . said the committee man. ' -. ‘ , 4 ‘ l1 7 ........ g - . _, DAVID .GA-LLiOWAY, I , I I II , . bg ’ II’ 68 ll‘ ""“ls’ol' Other WW0} 81100. When-so dean-ed. , ‘ _ All letters addressed, NIARKHAM I ILLAGK, wd AURORA. I T, YO ~ , II I “ File plate l, shouted the hopeful fellow. RICIIMOND IIILL 1101 EL. Buttonville, Nov. 11. 1859. 5031}‘ receive prompt atténtion. 1L? Orders re- :3 - ‘ . z.- 3‘ ~ 1-... . r Lsz [SK wmid always I“ r1 - I _ _- - . I V. - .i , n 0 3 . 3° 1 W 'I " I) chn' a'iirtie atestall mostin' orv Ill,“ comln'ltee man “1de “d m the lace, S PAGE runs from the above Hotel to ‘*~"" - â€" ceilfieiwaél;liznnslléfiumm. bifi;fcm,,;€llzziond Holloway’s Ointment jFalinestock's Vermi. )4 I", ' lam Foreign and Provincial News and 31p“, While the other members roared aloud. . I Toronto, every morning, starting from V ' ’ i ,. l , I. ’1 I ' Dr. E. llopc’s Mag dol i‘iige ’ - 'f- vt'v ll V kels. and the greatest ,care willberakcnto The boy was exchsed from answering any me Elginmms a, 7_ mm“ and returning a, 7’ Photographs . Ambroty‘pes . Markham \ illage.1\ov. 18, 1859. 51-th UL vprmk’s do do Indian Worm Tea I ‘ ,r. l . . . ,rander ityaccepiuble totheman of business more quesuom. I p.m. Fare, 25. 6d. each way. MELANEOTYPES [ I ‘ II ‘ , UL Wilson? V0g do; R R u named.“ ,, ""4" “7' - - = . anda valuable Family Newwmmh ' >' r w I 600,, ACCOMMODATNN F0“ TRAVELLERSI L E P H S & - Harrison’s Electric do, 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer I~ ' ' ' TERMSâ€"Seven and SixpenceperAnnum IN I‘ELLING SECRETs.â€"I must relate mi * v w I C- Morehead’s Mag Plas’S‘BHgg’s Mag Relief - . ' ADVANCE - and ' ' ~ '1 H ' I I _ I _ l RICHARD NICHOLLS, I_ II I A , , 1,.” Br.“ Ih 0.] I I _ I p ,3 If not paid within 11".. first and last experiment in training my I Proprietor. ' I _ V. ELL’S Superior Waterproof Harness Ml 0; 8,5 inst, do “grim d’o ' . . . . Mom's “"0 d0“an Will be! Charged. oldest boy to keep family secrets. I‘Ie RlCl‘mOlld “lllv Dec- 18: 1858- 1-55 Anglllee or P‘Clures lake“ at l' ‘5 o and Shoe Blacking is warranted to soften Shin :shlev Champs? Sumo do I ' I __ . was a chauerbox and a. he “one” V's t 'd W [\chic-‘II 111-1” Tutu-khan: leathapaudreplcritimperinusto wet. Manu- -_ - ’ ‘ - ‘ i 4, . i - ~ » . _ I I ‘ ’ . 4 b l l . ‘ ‘ g , A. . » ' ’ featured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- ., An“ ,bllflo Spike do . ' fiMAIYOR.S I . ' among stiangeis Without me,I was fearful ,i I On reasonable terms, and in all weathers. ~ )9 ,, and H mm, Makers .hmu houhhe “10%” Idle d" Blad‘ d9 v . . ’ ‘ he mlghl tell, more .that he ought- SO HE Subscriber begs to inform his numer-Vl Plumes take” from me Slnalle‘fl to me Size' a h g gmm’s 80v Balm hug Wlme do. ... * '-., C N D l T l O I C Sixxmes and undel" firm. inserllml'“ ' '$00 50 “ t k' l ' k I ‘d- ous Patrons and the ublic that he has I C DUNHAM ’ . SONGS, do do SChlleldfl’” “3’9 Walt” " » . , gum ‘ Eul‘ subsequent “Tsel'twllu .. .. . ... . (10 12 ~ ' a ing iini on my nee “5:11 . I removed from “~19 White gwanvfloml to the Y. ' ' r ' February 10, 1860. 63-11‘ Poor Man? sAnti bil Fettit’s Amer Salve ‘ , i ' ' ' T9“ “"33 and“"dehfirmillserlion - . . . . 00 75 “ My dear, you must net or to” anything above Premises, whom them win he found Markham l Illage, 001- 14, 1809- ., 454 _._. ._~ Mayer’s Long Life. Kennedy's WormI’ow- O R D E '1‘ R O Y E R.. Above ten. 111168. first ilk. per line“... 00 07 we say, 0,. I“ 0,“. Plans be known to any excellent accommodation,” Travellers and U I g, I_ Dr. plimney’s I'arnily der . I .. I. I I .1“ I I . Each subsequentinsertion,perline.. . . 0009 v, I ’ » ' M+“----â€"â€"-â€"â€"-~- (1 WHIS Splendid Medicine can be given in ' .V'Iofl‘att’s I’lieuix Bit. ' Soper’s Salve ; RICHMoNogniLL 1'13" Advertisements without written diroce __ .' . . 3 V ' Oer CSpt‘Llally 1.0 .lhlls. JONES. Good blflbllllg- Hooflands German Bib Egyptian do one Ball at any time of the year. without - . ‘ V . . . . VI : v ' I I ‘1. . . . ‘ . His (1111le mind comprehended me In 6:?- Ilorscs and Buggies for Hire. Do Balsamic Eat-IESs-ences of all kinds injury to the Horse, and has been used by the ilfglgsnsemed n” forb'd- “Id Charged accord 3“ msmnt; and “Mia WIT confirmed l°°ka JOSEPH GARY Barristers Attorneys_atgLaw V " Judson’s Cherry midi-Lloyd’s Ointment for Farmers of Markham fer the last two years Al“ I ,It dv t. t f _ " '1 v - ' ' ’ ’ .v . . ’ â€"â€"- L rot Skin D‘sea‘ r‘ s on occdented. B ' the u of fan‘s'l'wy ’1 31' meme“ 8, I'Om strait era he promised obedience. A few days after, SOLICITORS 1N CHIANCERY, 6m. urgvi i i see with a succe 3 pr _ y se or irregular customers, must be paid for wionv Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘29, 1858. 72-7 whence a C0,, _ yN'HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and tron Plato Workers, andFurnishiug Ironmongers, Parties givmgthis house a call will find their orders punctuallyatteiided to and the lowest prices charged. . Richmond Hill. Dec". 1858‘.~ '.' he entered my roomwith an air of triumph, and said : “ Momma, Ivtnindcd you. , Ib’Irs. Jones, asked me when you were going to New York, and I said, ‘I can’t tell you, for my Inamiiia don’t want you to know any of her plans l’ ’ In inyconstcrnation Iwas tempted to reprove the‘ innocent boy, but upOn a moment’s thought I let the -inatter pass, knowing that it could not be' explained or cxtenuatcd, and preferring to loose the friendship of Mrs. Jones rather than sully his pure trusting spirit with avlesson of worldly policy. \Vlieii’lii§ younger bro- ther a more quiet’boy, but equally tend-yof visiting. and a greafpet and darling with all who knew him, became' oltl‘ cnod‘gh'ito betray family secrets, I ' gave him noicau- tion, but trusted to his common sense. One day, on returning frOm an errand at a neighboring house, he stood awhile absorbed inwthougtit. and then said 5" ‘JMainiii‘a, what shall I say when people 54-1 ., , WI_§'_9:O,,___ Richmond Victorizgsy I . . . . - , , . v OY-AL ORANGE LODGE. N‘s:- >778.“ “51‘ mg' ‘ \Vlldt ls lour.ln°tll,el doylg i, meets at Brother Robert VViseinau s, and ‘ Vvhat dld you‘llave for dinner? Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after_ ‘ What do 70“ Sal”, my dear '1’ said I. the Full Moon'in-each ‘mon’tb. ‘ ‘ * ' " ‘ \Vh ’ sai b ‘ v' ’~ 'd I ,I OFFICERS ELECI‘ -â€" VVilliam Duncan. ‘ I s y’ I d I‘{:,ootL.lllg 12-85mm”, “1 is Master; E. Chamberlain, Deputy Master; J: . ay' yguef’s l 5 'me or me t9 g0 ' Muiihollano. secretary; VV.Pogue, Treasurer. â€"[thtle I llgrlm.] January 21, 1858 38‘ ~ 'I‘HOM .is ,o. MATHESON. _'\’C'ancot°s, MATHESDN a FITZGERALD, ' -'.- T HE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, .S. Richmond’s improved IRON. BEAM. PLOUGHS, Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, 6: Horse Rakes- 113’ All Work manufactured by me is W ar- ranied. . IRA B. RICHMOND. Richmode Hill, Jan, 12,1859. OFFICE irâ€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO. STREETS Over Whitmore & Co’s. Banking Oflico, ‘* TORONTO. I 5 Agency Particularly attended to. ..____. i ’J AMES fITZGERA LI) i'l‘oiouto, July I, 1559.” 31-tf JOHN Np REIDfi-M.D.- CORNER or roses AND‘ commas shin-m, ‘i 'I‘HORNIIILI.. 113’ ' ll Prescriptions gotat the Office must HOMtEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN S'I‘.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 be paid for on delivery, . 3II-Iy â€"-â€" . , I; _ I. . I; . .I .V I '? _...__'_-._- ._-..... - ~ .w. FLANGSYI‘AFEM .. m' ' ~ . - ritivetilLLhad" ' "i no“ rt To the Sick and Dung. 95...; .. °°'SW°“ ° “‘g °8 I . ~R. SNII)ER, of.~th,e~7th concession of Killgv May 13.1859' Vaughan, near Kliiidbur'gli. guurrantees l to .CRI‘O .1. ~ Watch and Clock blaker, 'JEWELER,"&c, ‘ i I Â¥onge fitreetaAnrera; 1IJEWelry', Watches and Clocks repaired and firt‘largcd -‘ , ‘Weclrs‘ l' And_man_y_other Diseases: Persons labouring under eitherIoftheabove mentioned: Diseases, Iwill;do wally),cadltiiiitime. _ All; letters to be ’paid, and. addressed to? A - PETER. sum. Klinelmi‘lgb IDs-NO CURE N0..pAy August 6, 1858. c sailed on the shortest notice and lowestterms.‘ SO-tt‘ _- ~»,'-..: t :-.-.c.. I .614. Aurora, February 17, 1860. t Z.Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand discoverv : OR. O. Eii‘é'évMoU‘h; J"... CHEflSEY; 24.13; i I « ;Campbell, Esq. T. WIoods'ide. . I 'Gilmour, ‘Coulson & Co, Angus MOII'ISOII.. Lloyd’s Eye ,VVater » Lloyd’s f-IOrso Powders Lloyd’s Consentrated as of Jamaica ginger Lloyd’s German herse Lotion Lloyd’s Cough Syrup this remedyit Will cduvince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unnecoso sary outlay by using Artificial'food or Condition Powders. which are too well known to cbntaln minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of“tlie_ Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted Lloyd’s ’I‘ooth Powder. not to contain either Mercury,IArseiiic. Anti- 313l03'd’sillfiktlmihei‘spb- mon'y‘ori‘anyII other I Mineral." Its immediate Clfic , action i's'su‘rprisitig :In'd'th’e ultiniate‘ Eeffect hits ' I astonished thousands. ' If the'Animal is out of '«sdrts, there is a'cause' removei-that'and hois all right. Olie‘d0se at the cost .of 25 cents is sufficient to cure HideIIBouud, Loss of Appe- tite, Coughs, Colds and “Fever, Distemper, Stop’page‘ of Water, Swel'led-Le'gs, Greasemnd' is a. complete Destroyer of _w0,l'{I]S,,a greatpmih fyer of the Blood, and a 'goéd Physic, always recommended to rhegiven'in .-the ,Springaiid, H I Fall,‘which will act, as. a preventive and -m‘- ' 81' prbve the generalconditiou’. ’Ma’k'es‘ him com- Kerrnott’s Tonic Mix. Wister’ pulniOnic syrup: Syrup of lloarhouud Boyer’s galvanic fluid Fowler’s ext of Straw- berry Godfrey’s Cordial Pirtomaii’s Pact Drops Paregoric - if ,I , :* Sir 'I‘ Keating’s Cough Lozengers . . , Basalies Cam. Mixture-wan excellent remedy‘ for Cholera Morbus.‘ .Diarrlioza,’».&vc. «' If people know its genuine worth, Diseases would be scarcqqn earth ;\ I Then. why should people pa‘iii eindure 7' When they can find a perfect euro. 11:? IPrcscripthzg I Icourately Compoundcd Au’rbrafJuue'18605' 1" « ~‘ H "‘ ' ' giving every satisfaction the owner can require. {I'estiinonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testifylto the when required. , ' Cash Termsâ€"{Ode Dollar per packet containing 5four Balls. I I I II I I ‘ ‘ ‘Letteré‘brepaid e11dlbsl‘n‘g’ a" remittance. ‘will promptly attended to. . v ., I , j, Printed Directions wrapped ,rpundItoathIBIall with my signature in full. without which none other ai’e'genuine. Officeâ€"Victoria _I’Sthtare,.' : . Manufactory~4th dd'n‘ce‘ssion Markham, _‘ “ V I ' ~ ‘ 3 " “ “ 'II‘ITIOMAS MAYOR T'he'o'nly maker“ “0! the origipailI‘Yorkshire' Priflield Olivia America. ‘ ‘ 'i A STOCK'BROKERQ' ' Lana asiiimicipai Agentin; No. 29 Anne Street, or‘Box 54,-‘:IP.O..:_QIuebee.' Rm‘anancns : Sherifi‘ Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. P. M, Vankou haet. .C.~J.. sq. essrs‘. A M.P,P. C'I'oronto; â€"Messrs. Mills, Mattice 6:. Co. Montreal; Hom'James Patton, Barrie; Janice Webster, Esq, Guelph. W'lf )- pletely up to the mark; for-this work,'thereebry, : handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- vertising‘. by the year. . All advertisements published for aless po- riod‘than one month. must be paid for in 3d. ' vance. ' All letters addressed to the Editor must be V 9081 raids N0 paper discontinued until allarrearagec are . .paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- . ingup‘. will be held accountable for the sub; . scription. THE” YORK HERALD and” Job Printing?" ESTAB‘LIs‘MENT. - nouns for any WORK will be promptly attended to :â€",- , nooks, nka BILL-‘3, ausmicss cums. LANGI. " ‘ Anfismkm. ros'rans,cmcut.sns,Lawson-5,1: BILL HEADS.BANK CHECKS.DRAFTS,AND ' Panrnlnu'rs.. . r » ' Andevery other kind of‘ , I ’LETT‘ERJPRESST PRINTING”, _! I done in the'bestistyledat moderateirates.- OiIr assortment .of JOBI TYPE is entirélj‘”: new and of the latest patterns. A large variety w‘ ancy Type and Borders, for Cards, ‘ 60 Circulars. doc. kept always 'on hand. ‘ oilnew 1° of the. undermemioned " description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB, ; fl. 1 l

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