Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 31 Aug 1860, p. 4

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, t “».____»W' a _ V .4“... ... ., .. . ,. .., . _ . ,. . . A, r ‘ . . - ..'.. .. kW“ I'I ”' “TM” "‘3. ' . -:. ~ ‘..--..- .. .. .-:.-.-.,.~. » rum... . .. . . . .~‘I?.'§.‘.‘....;.. , “I .- .. “I. . I t â€" a s. a. - , . ~ w ~. ... «assay «a» a... .»‘.,7.‘-.:. mm , r . ~ * " . .â€" H . - - ~ . m .. . . .._ v. . » - ., ' .. t . r, - ~ . . . . » I , . v ATENT nave T-rougnsand Water Stunts LA.an FOR i ’ ' ignititti 7. firmness tumours. .. " -' ' 1 general" $130336, FARMERS’ tNTEREST- P t. puts)» at desserts ' . . A . ' S" 'I ._ 3- . a .3. ‘ . . . - - foot ,- also Drain Pipes, easone ring, V - ' ’ “ .9 ,5 , mic?“ . _ “a. ""‘~""â€":'i'~ Henri; r AI‘ AURORA. f WHE' Subscriber begs to intimate to the P“ _ ’ . ’ ). _ . , V _, _ - V, . rm:#7:...i::.__.___ m.“ WALTER B. GEEKIE, M.D. __ l om... County or- Ym‘lgthabhe papers,stEgglegafgglepggggg 313%;‘nflfi‘g , on E”? T611333 °£ Payment DIABlUI Us Iicnntiute oft/u. Medical Board of Upper Caria- THE Subset'ibdr has constantly on hand a is prepared [0 “unafacmw and b0” , _ o“:rr:briiiral h’iariulactnrcd audIforIsalery I ,I 80,000 Acres, . l .- ,4 . '. ‘1“: “’7d “59"”?! “Feltf 1/’3.1l’041I01d " '667‘5- General Assortment of ‘I '“I‘ ' j; I I ~ l I ‘ I I I - ' v ‘ r - " .. r. . / :I . . . ., .5 :II i -_ r- I "' s, I1: .i_ . , _ _ I of. the Toronto General Hasng't, turd . = q u t“. g H N G A F, ITUA 1 Jul) in the counties of Lit-Mirrors and mY-Blumber; Primer,” Bowl" II ‘I I Prty’cssbviiirefltmttmfiy (lull ‘ ‘q . :7 1. \q . - I ' ‘ QTFAM M” x s THORNHH I . - r . K'I'INT.’ All .irecessary information Will be bump, in dreams of “pa and sheet . in. Dr. Rulp/tss Medical Sc/iout, 7 .: 7 . I V. _ t. . q .. , t , , given on application, post paid, to _ . . - t ' _. , _ _ H 1 - ‘ . v With the improved Draft and Conphrrgfllrons, June 3) 1859. r 2741" ' MILES LANGSTAPF. onsthe gourd"? billing :evei’ d ‘ ‘L I'A? 'relfunlml to _£-URORA3Ya"d regal”? The above Hat-rows are far stiperiot‘ to any _»_____‘m__‘__~_flq »____,_,_____‘___ ~_jf ‘ Wallacelmrgh. 0”“ Illa.“ ‘3 l .' 59°F 3“ 3W“ “ “5 or’Ime‘I ‘Ies‘ 93¢?" 0“ r" “’3‘” .13" " t t 4‘ V‘ r ' b ' 'r. l‘ I I. t're new . e ' . . - . . . A .. .q. _. l _ . when, he mm, bacon-sum, atalmmsflmm; GROLLREES. m3“ ,1" “59,. ‘93“? " “9) 0“ 3" °“ fh work 7 I _ r _ x _ , , Allso, some improved FARMS-toIlENT. . . - . , . piiircrple. llrty till! he i(lllid to do t e T *1 J , _ _ I, 1 T ‘ Two long hours hast thou been snoozurg. various branches of his proiessron. much quick“. and better than an}. other Hap D Jj “ n‘hcebmgh’ 39,“ )4, 185?. f ‘52,“ Happy, snoring,.aiid supine :1 _Aurora, Feb‘.24._ 1860. , ~ 65-y1 ' 1 I 3 “ ‘ ’. rows Specimens of the above they'll); seen , . _ q _ .. Thoughts the meanwhile slowly oozing m' . .- . and Ilt’ll‘llcmmS ‘15 to Price “scel'tame‘y 3' a!“ ‘ _ ' I , r ., I ' Ale“ &c' &c' )lvin l R b "l ' t-l" l0) R hmond ‘Illt‘ S l': "l ' " ' ‘ti'uct‘ed to ofier for G d H h - 0' ‘ ,, . . ~ . . ‘ . . _ gto [no ._u seti let a nest ] to t . u ).Cl1 rot is His 1 _()0 er ‘11] \on e “"‘mgh “"9 cudgened mm" or mme' . N E w R s H O P_ Illill, who will punctualiy attend to .aill orders. sale the following Lands ;_ -- I ' _ I b ' 0h. thou little imp of darkness ! fill”; undersigned begs respectfully toiufol‘m 7v, SAMUEL SANDERSON, , - The Westlialfol' the north lralfot' Lot No, 29“ : I MAYOR’S I 'VVhyishouldstItliOu be sleeping there, the inhabitants of , . _ . , .0 I‘ 5_ f I- r . . w _ . T ' » 3 ~ - q A . . _ . . . . H. 1 h I d d f . 1 u r Richmond Hill. Feb. 24 18b . t ‘ 1rd (Joyu 0f W]lg.0}l]_i’ t - , 1 p Y , . ! Scapleisr’ “guess, “1.61958, cmkless' {inclllnond {Hill & Vlcnnlty {AaJZ’dagFeoiLnithl , an or sae on re mos I - a .â€" 111 11 (3 u t ' _ f V I J 'V :thile I’m writhing In my chair 7 That he‘lmécommeuced buqmcss in the Tgnor ‘VM SMlTH ' V r Containing 50 Acres of valuable Land, With an Amwwqmned not to contain an}; mercury .' ‘ . ‘ . . . " ‘ ' ' :9 '- ’ ‘ . . ‘ . 3 Why mu’mimers w” persist in mg Line in the house adjoillll'tg Aurora, June 14) 1.850. 81.” l 0E)u1&l' EEC(IICIHCS Excellent; 3111]. S1116 These pinsme composcd of the mostysek‘c‘ MR. SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, I , Where, by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share 01' FOR SALE BY Thereon. Will be sold Cheap. {01‘ CHSh- D'Iugs’ am] Demg pu’Iel-‘IHVUgmi‘J'lgf “IV” b9 . taken at any season of the year ri,tiecessary, SAIJE, C S IJ L 0 ALSO. ' with safety and without fear ot",takiiig cold by a O 3 on sending fpt‘tlr by day and night Imps, w'IlioIso bliss seems to consist in EAfifi 2. "amâ€"1a; ’ - . $31" . LAND .Torturin - oor slaves who write? 1- ‘ , A , , . _ ‘ 'exposnro, which renders them of .great value g p , pub ‘6 :atroljlsge' To EXCHANGE“ I D ggi f & Dentist The north half of L01 N0. 13. I" ll"? " apfd spperipr to any other medicine over yet Those round cheeks, with treacle plastered, “‘5 “mus PU” 0"" ATTENDED m' ACRES OF LAND in the Town- . 1'11 S I , ~ , ‘ ._ o era to tie public. 'l'lresatisl'actoryandfiut. That pug, nose, all primer’, ink, learments cut to order on the shortestnotice. 10 ship of Sunnidale, conrrtv arsrmcoe, EXCHANGE' AURORA 1st CON. 0F SYDEN HAM; liar-int: testifipnials received by the Proprietor, I I' ’IE‘I I. ‘ I I ' ' ii“ any SWIG-2 ' I -' , .Ibeiir west lrulfol' Lot No. 4, iii the 6th (3011- -"â€" ~ . . . I7 . -. msmfluce. “m to adverllse these invuhwbl' gave "1:33.3er °"i"mas‘°"?dt ; ' . ' JAMES B- BURNESu‘iEIchessibn. Also lllO Acres in the same 'I‘own- HE Subscriber offers for Sale. 0" Vel')‘ . 1 . Containing '09 A0103 0f Cho";e Lunarâ€"I‘ve” l’rlls that tho public may be convinced of a So tlllir’l can scarcely think. ~' . Rialmond Hm Feb 10 1860 a ism!) Ming weft, ha”. of Lot No. 7., in the 8th reason“er ,Nms, Hollotvay’s Ointment {Balinestock’s Vermr- watered and in a good locality, and Will be Simple andffiic Cious remedy is alone sumci... v i k ’ r I _ N conc’esgio,}_ D“ 13- “W195 Mat-l dolI mg“ 30"} On liberal tet'ms- out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of Something good I might have scribbled, Had 1 just beeu‘let‘t alone! _ ‘ , Dry 0- @- LLOYD, SURGEON DEN'J‘lS'l‘, Now my notions all have dribblodI u . . . - . . -- . .~ Ur. 'l‘rask’s do (loillidinll \Vorm Tea t'. . in g. .t .. P.“ - I l.‘ lhe above rtopcin ,5 cm cred Wm, velv , ‘1 ~ ,. . 7 1 His court ry , . u(.i 71,: outs in tie lead, Back Valuable l’inc I‘lIilllbt’lta “ltd lies within half it i% E “III “(HIE)”? Veg do} I} R R- akern-md‘vs- I “ISO, ‘- I and'l‘Iomsl a“ Nervous Disorders: DlISPePSlfl’Or-* “me Ol-he Smmidale Sum-6” on the Nommm E . , Harrison s Lloctrrc doll Davrs lain Ktllor V z [indigo-stint), Sorcncss ol’ the Throat, Cramps. Railway. , Morehehd’s Mag plhs’sjli‘lgg”? mag Relief 'ColIicS. Worms in Children. and other discr- m‘dorl’iut’s l-‘licnix Bit iSopcr’s Salve" ' Into nothing. one by one. {LIE ht?- al {1:13 {fll‘E‘Wi‘hg Places for the For [mum]. particulars apply to the promiw Situated in the following Townships :â€" Ayer’s, l’ills British Oil : ‘0“ Tc“Werunco Stt‘eeh 1“ “'0 ‘ders, which will he found on tte wrapper with '. . . I la? “'8 o» “b m 65mm I' 5 - ‘* torIui'the “ York Herald ” Utlice Richmond Soirter‘ville-~t70li»rtt\‘ 01' Victoria, Morse “I 1" RON d3 lliarlumrdo I “‘SWCUOHS for inking 'hem' fiincc'th‘t dmgy suckingdemon I' ‘ I The 15‘ Thu‘Igday Ior every MOM“ at “01' Hill. I I I . Bexlcv~Couiity olIIVictori'r 5” CUOIIGF’SI 2mm) do V l L L A G E O F A U R O R A t I I’I'IICC 0") CCU“ dad! Came and with a rim ofjov land Landing. . ..- ’ - . ' II V. - ‘ I, Am“ ” "0 I’llmm do I I I I ,'M I I I . Chirped, as sharp as Elly lemoh: ' The gm} 'J‘hurgday at-King Station, June 22' 18(0' 82'“ 5Fd‘3-“lmm"â€"(/0“m§I 0‘ (‘I‘ES‘r .I‘V‘lo‘ifl'tll.’ life do i liinck do Containing one fifth of an Acre of Land, with » Sold by Druggists and general St'orekeepcrs. _“ ) v . ' y P . ’ b J The 3rd Thursday at Richmond NHL - -m“; _I_#W;H~_ ' Q; A1113b9lâ€"County of Bruce. (.lulti’s E-«ov llnlm lung V'Vhite do a (:trllitilotllotls l-louse thereon.- \_Vell adapted who are requested not to purchase oftravolling [168.80, Sir - 1 m “10 “met 5 0) - The 4”] Tm“.de at Gormley-s comers. ' "“ -‘ ’ - ' 7"” "r ""‘“’_"'“"“M For a Portion of “loge I mva superior de_ Soules’ do do ’Sclrirordcr’s eyo water forllie residence of a genteel family~ Agent-s. - ' :. . ,. â€" -. r .‘ ‘ . J -r- " :2 . ' ~ rumman sent me__pmss i. waitin9__)t At all other times the Doctor can be found 1:) 1 p, (“t scrimion of Farm Stock w“, be when m ex_ typor sAntrbil ligand 5 Amery SullVf ‘ ‘ ‘ ] “OMAS MAYOR. 4 r _ i at his residence iii Aurora. ‘ _ .4. o chaugo_ A 3.“?! ls 402g 131%. y Clllled) 5 W 01"“1 0W' “"50, ‘(,)ilice-Victoria Square. Marrrrl‘actort‘â€"â€"4th I Thus he reamed m) fears“ June 99. 15460. 83-1)‘ --- For further particulars at‘l’lfi’ l0 D'II I IIIIHIC‘ S Family (IIIII The fonowmg ‘C'I‘n' fila’Ikl'alll- I There he lies as black as Sat-n ; __._,._~._,,_____,. “W‘__,_._ ‘-> ‘ "“' 2» ' ._ '5 . 1 . . ; l _ v ' v . , _', . . V “‘ _ V . e ' - I - ‘ G. J. B, PEARLS. r r ; . ;': 1.. ' 1- 7' . . . r w ‘ , - - -* ~*--~~-~ ~~~~~~~~â€"- t nggi rangtotdx lris‘elrs! :Atxction Notice., If i« R; VgA l LE 3, Richmond Hill, v.0. “332W “2.21:?5‘153'; £3,312: 33a” kinds I if I ‘3 tilatfiowi Iin. .ktinlolra . » ' , . r ‘ '-' «_ r" ‘ ‘ _ ~* '» ‘ .- I ‘ ‘ volt-.1" ~' -- w," ’- ‘7 '- r . r Canada \Vest. J is s. (q ‘1‘” 1,: 0. ' q ‘ c ougrng to 1 acta , t.sq., on {re ’ali 01' v v =v “‘ , .- 4‘ .' , I- n 51“" "e," be sud I “"an h'm _ June 1, 1860. 79- tt' LIlellrgIrgml IGII} an t gyilfnisgggsm {0’ survey drawn by it. L) iirr, l) 1’.S., viz : Eu .E‘gublcal I l 1 81"]. i Cowardlike or unawaros; ‘ fl ’ t" _ , ,' q , 6 0, , . â€" v ‘ Kormott’s 'l‘onic Mix 'Lloyd’s Eye “13th Lot No. l, west of Railroad, 2nd range, one . 3‘ IN UR MUSICAL FlllE‘ND,” a Karo I But. how 1 should like to chuck him [licellsefl AuctIOIlccr, Iglhfic}, & Faye} Hanacl’ l Wister’ Pulmonic syrup idolid’s Home l’owdcrs quarter acre- U COMP-“1””n f0" “10 While!“ Month‘- Dowu that breakmwk flight of Iain, ! _, FOR THE RICHMOND HILL. By the use of Electricity. ll.l2:‘%}SJJ‘iozfsnzmizd Lot at the head of Road, between Lots 6 and fivcry léiatr'st, 5110::(1 Iprlolcuro tlrit; .A.’ h _ ..‘ r A .‘ i n 113, " . r. .a-., "v “ .', r .' ‘ 1 - ‘ Tin, .. proufmpape, cIap pm certain ' COUNTIES OF YORK «Sr, PEEL. OUSE. .Sign and Ornamental Painting B y D 1'. E. C. E D M O N D S, I F0;\,|er,s ext of Straw “(Mus Gemmnl‘horse V “10:: 3:“;“21L'L‘inm one H me] am ,r'gfliil‘er’ Kigali“ ‘lliiglfglti‘l‘hr; r. . > . p Q - ‘ 1 q a“, ' . .4. r . .. r. H, i‘ ' 'o..' . , . . . Illidpy a -)airI0fI's Iroutm horns All letters addressed to “ AlrniraI.” P.O. wil .dosII?.?ll)}] tIISfIIimeSI “0th and on IIIe SURGLO" m‘Mlsl’ AURORA' bail-l , .. LOW)", g , ' ' q ' l r LVC'.‘ I“l‘llr Mllsmv COSUHg but 10 I . . . q H . . t . . . . :r . J - . ,oi 1k ‘ru J - ,- 1 , n - avorv irrutcur ~n s r r E A. ,1) 1 ' P . g _ t lecewe pmmm attemlon. Dido's lecewed most tea on“, e trims Teeth insert d on Ql‘ver Gold or Valmmwd (:tflil't‘y Cordial ‘l loyd:s( tgl )9) I ot No 17 lst range one qtnrtor acre 1~ _ A , cc t. a build er, and lach .mall clog inch-thick With dirt on the H York U 0mm” omen, Richmond Hi”, Ric-hymn“ HHL._AP.IIL 20’ leap .73-“ R H . A116 0 kit. is ,n h,” l.)r0féqsi()'l’) l‘li‘tcrzrun s l-ect Di-ops‘Llotd s’Toollt lowder 5‘“ of which will be 503,! cheap and on “be”, Pronounced by the entire Press otthe country, : One small hoof of course adorns, ML Hem-y- Lemon, 'l‘hornhill. and Mr. James n no" Pam Ions I ‘ ‘ ' l’ftl't“i£{trr-r<: .‘Llovd’s l oothache Spe- rem”, to be performed iii the most approved manner and Sir ’l‘KOaung!s Coughl cmc l r , I .' I y . ‘ . . ‘ I y (,avaunar, Mansion House, bituion, where Warramw. 'I r H _, I II II I 5"I‘liE‘BES'l‘ ANI) ()HEAPES’I worn; MA 1‘ 1 HEW LEPPER, (1 II 'bl d t the] 1dr I ' r . . r' , - . ererrlzers l . I .... ... ,. . . . v . n AIA till) dd); fr::l:e‘ aInd item op) FeImb’ duh ma) be ObtaIeedI Aurora, Mmeh 9’ 1860' 67‘1." BastliiesIICam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy {IIII‘IOl . . .. (Al 1 H L I‘m“ m ’1 “L W UI‘LDI .~ . S ° ° . ‘ a . ’. mm“! N0“ 25- 1859 62'“ AURORA t'or Cholera Morbtrs. nun-tuna, 62c. ' A number 0f V’lflrrrre Lot‘s" .’ ’l'tt'eh'e it‘ll-Sized Page“ of VUCMMId “at” Clutches fast this blotted “ copy.” s. m - ‘ ‘ r ""‘""‘“”"H"“”*””"M‘W I ,WWS I.“ e, a grand d. O i , . Q i t f 1‘ a b v] v ._ 1“Ol‘le'l\ll).‘_lr‘ for in Cents. 3 V i _ a ’ H I .. . u r .t ~â€"a r rscoverv : n tie prnrog’nal . treo o urrora, o ringing ' ‘ 4,, . v ; d , . . J, , Glms and W-“k‘: and d‘bal’l’eam' ASyrrst received now and full assortment N G E T H O L7 11' people know its grinning wont“ to John illosloy, lil>q ,-â€"â€"will he soId cheap and Yenrhm-r . llalt-.'°“"."$3"l) v Qumlmllblogd ~Ladus’ own Journal‘ RICHMOND HILL. 01 bplmg and Qummer‘ A OhA‘ Diseases would be Source on earth ; an \IIIIelIIflI WEI-Ii}? l t t -d] I ' Smim'ilmr to '1 0"" Mllslcal Flif‘mh” 0" ’____‘I I ~___ __‘_-w__‘__~_w____ a V 3' ‘ w - 1 T _ ' ‘ - ' "r ‘1 GOOD sn wk of “fines and L. uors '1 hen. why should people pain enduro ?- 1 l’l’ ." l" l l." Cl 9“: luh l)?“ ‘ order; it from the nearest_Nowsdeaicr, and y. u - ' I a NIIIII“ "I‘III GEORGE bliflbon’ PROPRIEIIOR' D R G‘ O D b, always on hand. Excellent Accotiiino. \Vht’“ thC‘)‘ can find '8 Perfcct cure. ‘ W. l\l;)SlilCY. . will battle Mprsict l’or yopr entire rural]in 3,1 F," s . â€"_._ . ' ’. t . dution for 'l‘rirvellers, Farmers, and others. 113’ Prescriptions Accm'air'ly'“Conviction/6M 1"!” 52m” Md COIlVOE’thP-I'L' “miâ€"'1” “I‘m (I03 i “m l W” “In!” 1 “’i": 0" ' Jr' I '1 I 00D AccommOdauons and o‘ver'v attemm" â€"â€"~â€" ‘I . 95 ll It ‘a (is. . . t r , ., ., ., v, . the Flute, Violin. Cornet, Clarioiret, Accordion 3am“); “11201153 Slim.” ‘0 'lI‘IuVG‘I‘a’S' 900‘] Yards fl” .. .. i 0ng” a n I} i) Mel EOD Proprietor AIIIOIa'I IIIme MO' H Amm' MM" 1’ 1860' 65"“ ’ so. at: subtcrilre [Ollie __ _._ gfgvgnfg‘f'" “d BOX” ‘0‘ “a” “ms The liiithitory hepartment . Amm ,m 6, ‘85,. ’ 25 h M“... . 7 ._ - ..--_.. . - SO10 33,1610 dist, The Monthly Fair hold on the Premises first Will be found replete with the newest and most m _ WW - __w__ a m 7mm: . -~ - _ ‘6; containing 12 Page.“ "Mug (mi). N (3cm, ‘ It costs great deal more to be misera- Wednesdav m’each monuh _ u ‘ Fashionable Styles of ‘ ‘ I r Bargalp' _ 3.} L . V _ ,1” I ‘ llllllllwl‘; Yearly. 50 ; Halt-)t-urly. $1 95. bIeIlhan to be happy. The Sl‘bscriberin ca“ng the attention “the 1301111101.“) Hats and Capes) - I I II I?0§{ II II W- - All back numbers at It} 01s.. and Bound public and his Old Friends [0 his establismncm’ I I I I Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at 3.2 50 .. fi -’ - ’ - I . . . . . ‘Yt-Qu. do“ t {"155 here,» as the (Gamer feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to, All 0' which Will be Sold at tbelowest remuner AS always on hand a large assortment of I A I ' each, conflump‘. (m hump wl'iom‘tivould you prefer to swallow ?â€"â€"â€"A I GO To little London porter. ‘21, 4th (‘oncrssion o’.‘ Markham, being north said to‘ thé bad shilling. their wants and with mutual satisfaction. atingprices. BOOTS and SHOES, which will be FR, w. HOW}. _ f - . . (.r. ii. MOUR a. (‘0 V ‘ ’ . - - “I .120. 850. 73_ f x . 7' arr-.mgr‘ 1w! 13 0' ~4-1f sold ot prices to meet ll)C times 8L “1 ‘1 1*» '1: mmb‘ POW, With One . . 65! U" l .. '. I C t - I- l' . yIfyou wtrt, obliged to swallow a man, AD” 1 _ L "177“:0’ " L ' 6 “w I Richmond Hm. Dem 1-858. 1,“ A Acre of Land attachcd, sillinth on Lot ’ “3‘ I I “My .7 I “I if“)? west corner of “ \Voucli’s Lot.” AI SpringI I‘ l 3 I11 _ I‘ 4" r l ‘. J‘WIIIIIII‘IIV I II "IIOII‘IIIhNIIIII (I i I V I h I II? EI II‘I 'ruiis through it. A rare chance for a Butcher, M A YOI’.’S ‘ Storckooper or Mechanic. ()nly torre'qtrarter ‘ A lady was asked why Love was al- urrlx‘Gz Pg v v - - » : l ' r T m . - . i. - . tr. t .‘ h lesâ€"tl reo to th . . .. . . T C r . . ) t was represented as a child 1-â€"“ Because it) Iinbltâ€"and Iedcl'iIbiuEclIiIlfiarirantbd to lav 3 185 YONG]: STALET' {IIIIIO “iii; a ECIIOOIIIIOI‘SG’ and “I IIIC C‘IIIIIIO 0‘ C O IO N I 12 I 1 L h I ‘ - iree 1 ages. « ‘ - V 1- :71- ’-v I‘ n I I x In I I- F Iv I- Q I'm“- , w ‘ . f "‘t r .II‘: “:3 F3: 'vI“ ‘ : Lose never reaches lllt. age. of Wisdom - CARDING: & GRISTING, . , square, Aio, MONUMENTS, TOMBTABLES 16m“ basyand hm Low, ,0 suit me Pub h u! i “but A it. {onrpairy ’r4~--..zr: B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! “L “(J m . “'l'l‘H YOUR AND . I , I ' ‘ I " "O 7 n 'I ' <~ ' 7 . u -' - 1‘ I“ . . . .‘ .. z» ' i' . l ' ’ ‘ r“! . amt extrema“: was the WW- » I where parties, from-r a distance it Seasoned Flooring & Sitting. Tomorrows s... :31“.th 5.3.35 ‘W'r ‘0 “WW W o 1: M D r: s r R o r n it. ‘ "3 if? ’“ ‘-” _ v ‘ - . I . . L . k. ‘ 4k. . . S. 4 ' . v I” . 311‘. IItrrls “ was never more s-s-sobeJ “"3913!” ‘Hm_me“: 011mg” Iouunhonm' For Sale in large or small quantities, and Will ’ JOHN MACEEK ,v wing Sprmdid medicine can ‘16,,th in ... [INCORPORA’I‘PZD or AC't' or PAHHAMKKT,“ in the whole course hf‘l’ils lilic,’ but wiren his Alm'ra’ MM 13' 1809' I 24-“: be PLAAII‘D m “Merl Twenty Per Cent Cheaper I Markham, May 23, 1860. 7741‘ J one llrrll at any time of the \‘eI-tl‘,I without “‘â€" iujury to the llmso, and has been. used by tho, L ‘51le CAI, £100,000. Farmers of Markham for the last two Years. I HE UNDERSIGNEU Assimwcfi of HM" Eu JI- EL SE} SE , with =1 success tlll'pl'r cr-dr-uu-d. lly the use cl" .1. (I. GILMUR, Pics. | Uizo l‘vlicnirz,.\'ice l’roa. _ . . this remedy it Will convince the owners affirm 4. . v 7 ,~ .- _ o r ) ,‘ . . _ . . .l _ ' ' ' ' " pstatle 0,111), (1.]. «:1, YAlglf, [trillicon HI] 09" BI‘OKl'Rv noble atriir'ral the inconsistency 01' all trliuoIces- , 1.. J . F ,.| I I 1 time t re )usi ess lt( or no sup rin enteiice , p} , . v can. 0,1,1.” h. win“, ,\,.I;fi(.i.,l'f00d01.0mm; > ' “(39‘ “my” 43‘1- I‘ '09” inworl' 3W ‘ ' Y I , .. ‘ .._ i. .~ ‘ , . ,. .l,lOll , w . ' ' » ' Ol 0‘” mil." (‘l‘lllm'lzed afli‘nls; AU-‘fr'N AP‘WY & ‘Q‘C'I Powders, which nit-aloe well known to borrt'ilti Jam“ boat-‘3 1““l- “I- “4"”131'50“. LFQ. and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt Will be ‘ I I IlIv li- RUl’ill'lS’ ES‘l- W- MM‘I‘H‘MHW ESQ- duly acknnvledgcd. M. liossirr, Esq. 1 Custom Planing Attended to as usual, with despatc'i and at low prices. friend Jones asked him to the chair, ‘be said he would “ wait till one came round.’ THAN A.\\' OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. ..- Oldfihing. ' ’ . ‘ . I HE Subscriber begs to inform the-inhabi- fI‘iie secret of one A success or tailure'rn tnrrisol‘ Buttonvillo and the surrounding neaIrt-ly ct. cry enterprise is usually con- country. that he continues to make first-class . tained in the answer to the question, “How COfl TS, VES'I‘S, PflNTS, Q‘c. earnest is he.’ DIRECTORS 5 11. do J. llARRlSON. Qud Con. Markhwnr, Plank Road, near Richmond Hill, April £27, 1660 74-3in N0. 5251 Anne Streul. or 130x54, P.O. Quebec. 'mnoml?‘ highly “ULIIIHIUS to [Ike membrane or coating of tho Morrilrclr. llio Bull {is :1 l’,S.-â€"All notes and nccounlsremaining nn- REFERENCES: Shoriil’ Jarvis, Hon. George compound 01' litre chor‘abe, and warranted i “Wilma Hilld‘m' ESQ“ ‘S'I‘J'C’Iflz”'ry ‘1‘ T’Icasl‘rfl' paid on the Isl day of June. 1858, will be put Sherwood, Hon. 1’. M, Vankoughrrot. C, J. not to cort'uirr either Mercury, Arsenic, Ali’li- AMIth Mh'fl‘l-‘Dh. Esq. Nillitiilm'r I into Court {or collection, Campbell, Esq. '1'. Woodside, Esq. Messrs. lurony, or any other Mineral. lls irrrn‘rczlintol "Halli? (’l‘Ul’l'el'Cfllla‘lfl- [MN/MN" Gilmour, Coulsou & Co. Angus him-risen, {action is surprising and tire nllitrinte edict has ' Billjmn-l” 5Wllzcl. LN1- Inspector: nl,l’,l’, Toronto; Messrs, Mills, Maxine to astonishedthousands. li‘thc Animal is outpf (Io, Monti-cal; lloir. .laiucs Patton, Barrio; sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is 'James Webster, Esq, Guelph. (57 if all right. Ono dose at the cost, 01‘ 2:") cents g,- I' ’ sntllvcicnt to cure llido Bound, Loss 01' AppoI- Tms COMPANY In the newest Styles and superior \Vorkinan- A young man advertiwes his desircflfor sliip.._All orders promptly attended to and a wit‘eâ€"“ pretty. and entirely ignorant at lmG warranted IT the factl’, Evidently he wants a fool. JO“fihgfigfifémmer All!,i:..’SIlflLll‘t; pretty woman knows ishek Summit]... Doggy}, 1859, q a __ 55.13- r prettyâ€"wouldn’t be smart. if she didn’t. r 7 ~ I ~â€"-~~~rÂ¥-â€"w~~~v ' ANGLO-A‘MERICAN HOUSE l MABKHAM VLLAGE. 00D Accommodations. WVines, Liqttors and Cigars of the choicest brands. . I, - q MARK, Proprietor. VMarkham, June 1859. I 26â€"11" New Boot and Shoe Store ‘ 1N llLl'l"l'0NVll.l-li‘.. r I‘llE Subscriber returns his thanks to the 1 public for past support and begs tostate that he has removed into the Village of lirrtlonville, where he nopcs for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with‘ despatch and work - warranted. YAllEy G. CUNHJ‘ER. Toronto, April 29, 18.59. 4841'. U3" I'ICud (Mlcc,(.\/I;1lrl:lr Street, 'I'ormilo. a "l‘HE Two ARCHIETECTSI.â€"â€"One made a ldlt’igI and learned uisscrtalion on the prin- cipkqgol his art; the other simply said. “ \Vlrat my brother has so lcarncdly de- scribed I can dol’ He gottireflwork. v ' R. W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEON a. ACCBUCHEUR, AURORA, C.W. February 17, 1860. 64 1y A“ H__M_ _ , V I ‘ , x , _ . insures all doscriptionso’f tire, (/Otlglls. (Johns and l‘cvt‘t'. Dlfilt’llliwl‘s. Buildings,Mannfactorios.Mills.&c..and Goods I Stopparro o1 \Vater Swoilpd Lows Grease .md , d1; . t ,_ - ‘ . ‘ _ V w , l 0. , O 2.. . v _ a v u at all llllllUth, iii the satire 2i allrstlossordamo, '5 ll c"”‘l‘l"“-‘ l)“~“»“'0.'\"'“' 0r WW1)”; 5‘ L’Wfi'l'm'lL two by tire. on liberal terrri’s gLOQses Protnptly 1... ‘_ _ . . ' .I E | a , ‘3. I n W ‘1‘: . I -. .. . - 1} liblN lass contracted With the CROWN {W 0’ “‘0 MW“ “‘d ‘ SM ‘ “wt: at“ m setttad. .. rcconrtireudod to be riveu in the '4 Vin ' rl' ' 1 AN!) riid other Public or - ' -~ -. . . h ' ' *l' .13 a” -’ J i DI id'mmm" 1‘ all, Which Will not as a preventive 311(1)"). A ' LAN‘ 9 DAVID GALLOWAY. Buttonvillo, Nov. it, 1859. 50,1;- An oldqcriminal was once asked what .. ....~_.‘ cw“ vâ€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"~~~~~~fl~k~~-»â€"â€"‘~v~» ~--â€"~~râ€"â€" “Mend”! ‘0 i “50' . move the gamma; common. Make, him 00”” IIRGSW‘ICév H (jfnerrlngent. was the "first step that led to his rtilil, 111C11M.OND IllLL HOTEL. ‘ Photogra1 hi, ' Anibrot es ‘ ' "“" )il'lélllil’; ft)? BllVflil 11.0113, pleter upto llro‘ “lurk for his Work, therecby ZIEICII'IIOIId in“ Angus,‘ 13' 38'5" 210'}, when he am‘vrml:_“ The first. step “Ia? STAGE w is from the almvo “Ole! '0 . 13 -‘ V H r W ' YP - Secured by the Subscriber. {filk’lllg15vquv‘satlslt'flclllt?lllite owner can require. Cheating the Iilfilller IIOIuIt IOIF tn" Yeal‘s A 'l'o‘ronto, cIvcrv morning, tztai'ting from MELAI‘IIngiI [IS I ._.._. Address, prepaid, E. J. Cll,ERLEY,. foggiizIIrOC/Im:{1,2}:I(IIfitIeejbfiIgfiifIiu5:3 b6 V I »I v (‘I i‘ e o i‘ subficl‘iption. \Vhen I had done that’the the Elgiir Mills at 7.Ia.ni._, and returning a: 7,. L S, &C- THONlAS ‘VlLSON, N0, 29 Anne Street! Cash 'l‘erms-â€"I(I)l1c Dollar por packetdbirtaiiiina I devil took such LII grip on me that I could P'm‘I Fam' 28- 6d “Ch Will'- ' ‘ â€"â€"A I Q‘V‘C‘hcc- t'our Balls. v “ . ’ ’ ‘ C”! GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NlCUOLLS, t ' H W , . ‘ Quebec, March 6,1hCO, q u I 01-” ‘ Latte“ Prepaid Humming-a remittance. will 1, IS PUBLISHED. be promptly nttt‘ndcd lo. I‘riirtt-(i lliict'lious wrapped round cat'lr‘llttll notI‘Ishake him 011'. Delinquents, rcilcct ere it is too late. _ All styles of Pictures taken at t‘ c I FOR THE COUNTIES or Proprietor T & m-â€"â€"v~~â€"~-â€" . ___ __VA_ ‘ __A__ _ l .. ' I I . . _. - .,. ,- . . V . t 14 . J .. m I ,. Why; ‘_ ‘ t 7. Let Dogma“ be 100 proud to wort-L l,“ Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 1858. ' ' ~ p55 On itnsonablo terms, and in all weathers” 1 O , 4 fl Q z with in} . g r time in full, \HLllotlt! which none~ .Am, despalched to Subscribers by the Earn". other arc Igenuine. . 4.01.} the tNS-pAN'p “Emma and malt omenâ€"Victoria Squat-o, hlzrrrrri'actor't'Iâ€"Iedtlr mulls?” other Conveyance' “11"“so dwind' MANENT cunt; or this distressing concessionFriarkham.. ' " 'I‘ho YORK HERALD will ntwavs be complaint use ' ' ‘ be l‘onndto containthc latestand riioslimpor- Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. A‘ l. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. 46-t IIRiifllMOiiEII trill. ’ i HIE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- All letters addressed, MAitKHAM VILLAGE, wil receive prompt attention. [I33 ()rdors re- ceived at the “ HERALD” Uflice, Richmond no than be ashamed of a hard list or sun- "1". _ ‘ ' “fl, burnt countenance. Let him be ashamed only of ignorance and sloath. Let no man THOMAS MAYOR . - ). . .. . r' l I I ill, where terrns,&c., may be ascertained. I I. ‘ , _ L . ‘ . 7 r . ~ . ‘ ' l I . _ , , ' ’ cos 1 attolh and tho pnb.ic, trat re ias _ p i _, n _ ' I, 1..” . , mm mm “mm, of the mwmal yorhlme tam omen,“ P z , , ‘ be aahamed of pmc‘I W' L,“ 1m” on y b“ removed train the White Swan Hotel to the “‘“‘-"' **"’ " ” ""‘“””““" “""‘“"‘*” Markham Village, Nov. 18,1809. 51â€"11 Fin/h B 01.3“;qu (m. in i.\,‘,m.-,ca_ b ‘60 . 4,61; and Timmy}, flow“?! d» A???“ “film” ashamed of dishonesty and idleness. above prenmeg' when, more Wm be found _ ' - blfld est (are m loom on to __~_______._._ BRONCHIAL I .__u‘_-- .._.:.-.-.._ ._.-__:..' . render it acccptrrblo totheiuan of business, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR at Co., 107 A F F L l C T i; D R E D?! “"d “"a"“1b"’“"”“ MWSF’WW‘ I I _.__ . 1 TE {MS-.Sevon and SixpeirceperAirnrrru, IN .‘EUIgOPEAJN IUEDICAL. [IOUSIgl' ADVANCE; and if not paid within Thro- :.l\"10ullrs two dollars will be charged. HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKll‘iG. V. ELL’S Superior \VatorproofHarness o and Shoe Blocking is: warranted to soften W. C’. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING 81‘. EAST, scum srnr. THIRD noon WES’I‘ ruozvr CHURGH sT. 'r'oitosro, excellent accommodation for 'l‘rnveliers, and -GooId Stabling. ' . 11f? Herscs and Buggies for Hire. ._._.r<f)jsui)u GAIW; \Vonutu‘s mission is that. of peace, cliarity,aull love, and the brightest jewel in her coi‘onet is piliat gentle-lrcartc‘d~ ncss which 'wouldy‘ratlier eXtenuatc; thain Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $l per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. AND = - '- *4? w . . ~ . -. .s. -. l tl . l‘ "'t' "I'..1‘.“t. Mnu- I . . .. . set down aunt mahce. (wood temper * Prortwtm- S 4193’”;th ,‘gf ‘23,"3’56F5‘m‘f ‘r‘ 3!" £2...’f.’.Ҥl‘rliéiiil‘oid'i'lli.“Slit2.3.?wil... fiammc flesrensary, ' q ' , . t r‘ - ,- 3 w )t ‘I to t. 'l'ltf fi' r V .r in ii in ex- ‘ ‘ - ’ - , ‘ ,, r ‘ v worrid recommend any woman to the at- VlblLll'nOlld llrll, Oct. 29., 178,078.. 12-7 Hamlinâ€"g poem; and ’um 10f m) Alpamms for {60119.3 aud “amass Makers throughoumm No. 31, LAS] BROADWAY,NEW YORK, ARAIIES OF ADVERTISING :‘u‘ Elmo“ of agem‘gmim’ lyho “Quid MSW? V" I E & I C "mllllfim‘l‘l'l‘lg Vulc’mll” R'llll’el' Hales 1hr hovmco‘ v " ics'rAni.rsni;n 1w ‘ .Si‘x linesand under, first insertion.. . . .Stltl 50 ‘I to bathe pt'oudtdtstiuction of berng hon- ' ' X 0° sets and Partial sets of tooth. ’l ecllr mounted February 10, 1860. 63-ll' , , l ,3 Dr GOODING (f I " 1'3acli'ISttltseqttettt insertion-u. . . . . . . . (ll) 12 . . ‘ . . .‘ l , . 1' : .. . 'r 1* ,- ‘ ‘ - .F ‘ ". . . ‘ - - cred and respected. It ladies were to re:â€" '\"""liot.r§sAl,E and Retail Copper, Tin fillets: 0‘ Oll‘e'wm’ t0 5”” "‘0 “89mm "f â€"~ ~ w â€" ~~ â€"â€"~v -~~ UngQN Dem,“ “m 1,0 m Nichows ‘ ’ ‘11}er Of England-‘ lfll‘lglltefinfiitd"Ingebzlt‘stInsertlioir...” arec ‘jhemsefvesaifiore, and not to indul 13 l I and tron l’lnte Workers. andEurnisliing , II I . .. ,. w .,1 < 7 _ Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Fran and IV)“ t; , p w . .,... .lm II ,0 mes’. 'Is '."" per ino"" ' 7- llll \‘évéilrlcs of (liéIpIOSiIllon and tEIitIllibitiOisI Ironnl‘ill’ge‘“? PmIll” 3””? this llt’usfliaz.c«'i“g. Toronto: Aug‘lfl 2': “W91 48‘13' R1911 3103 D HILL 'l‘iitiu) Mono.” or every month, and, the re- A (Stiff) 31,06 F bUL'. P‘dCh glibsequenUllserim‘" Perlme' ‘ ' ' U” 02 f l . .ItI, u , Id , d u will find their orders punctuallyattended to â€".__..w__ -4 ' n»- _. T l T 3 7' rnainderI of the mouth at his residence L,‘,e, (w 2 / ,‘ f D , ea I-g “HI. . .5“? Adverllse‘m‘rms “’llllo‘” “Willi?” dint“ 0 lamb H" IL! "on commd.” I6 and “"5 lowe‘s'l Prices Charged' . I - n :i.\ . Thornhill. All “TorkWarrautcd. 2 I I. {0” Win“? ” qupsza’ .A U was “0'” illscrled ml fql‘bid. 311d Charged accord‘ lei-ing‘ostetamr of. those whom they like best ruchmnhd “UL Dec. .1358. 54.1 MATHESQN & HIZGtHALB, Teeth fined with Oateoplarfic' our Armcm chzlzty/,Zl]a7(zCi/izt.s 02- DVastmg Con- iligly. ‘ V In their hearts of'lieal‘ts. V - ' ’ ~---"*~ --'“"MWâ€"“m:""‘if;f“""““““"‘*" :Barr]'_st(=;rsa “Attorneys-at-Law, r 1H,, under“ “Pd be s to inform me “Mic Boz.e.â€"â€"'i‘lris filling is put. into the Tooth while Smnpl‘w”, scmf‘nal “lea/5735253.» D33‘ » ‘Allh‘ansitory advertisements, from strangers A 'QUESTION â€"â€"â€"At best life is not ’LY’ SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY. &C- that ire hasgopenedga FOUNDRY {gr the 2mm causmg no pain’ as “requires no pressu.re' eases 0/ we [Labia/S and B/addmiI IIIiIt'Igl-‘Iar. clismniers’ "mu be paid for WM” veryII loInIo A few more ,smiles a ten . . I - r ., ‘ OFFICE manufacture of O, b‘. Richmond’s improved It 20.0"] 3.5 If“? with? [will ‘0 “flash R/Lezmtattsm, rSL'I'Oft/la, Salt Rhcum}_'“Vim”10"”lsor‘t’m‘f a' t . BOOt 1111(1 Is. 1033 4. {their 9 ‘ - V . ‘ H N“ .‘f l“1tsrlel‘l‘el “E It a mostlmpobél t3 , Juareurial, Chronic Complaints é‘e: wA liberal discount wril'bo made to parties add more teare, some pleasurre. much pain, CORNER OF MAG AND TORONTO STREETS IRON BEAM: PLOUGHS, for the tilting ever to come out. 1 [[39 N l f Ad . 7 vewsmg by the year. ‘ Bum"). 3‘ and .30“ 5 Glows 3"“ darkness " YONGE STREET: OverIVVhiimore ALL Co’s. Banking,r Ollico . ' July 8: 1859- A324)" ‘ 0 cmrge OII VIce'I I ll . vw' - 'I. . . _ has" gigme.‘ m1: gigaimpt fairewensgmen. R I C n M 0 N D m 1 LI q I , TORONTO. . Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs, Fanning _ 1),,.,G,,O,,,,,G is m“, ongflged in treamgU-fis flog. t1);t]l\0t;llélf:l()lilfilll‘ts llpgéitlisleteljluiflorf:rle:s 1.3: ' i _ , ., I.‘ , . ' , I A I ’I ' ' M1115 Horse H065, & Horse Rakes “ ' _ "5* “W'â€" â€" . . class of maladies With the mostrastontsliing sue: ' I l 5 our mm: 1'1"}? I‘Hll-rcl-pse’ and nun-ref lind- ~ ,- . h , . ’ "' I cess The treatment adopted l)\’l]11111i new Vance‘ - I I iniured "Wm muss 'away._' 13 it mm}, white [éadlqs’ atlrd lGrerrtletrnlerrs’ Boots and Shoes. , Agency Portrait/(trig attended to. [IEAAH Work manufactured by me is W ar- W. ‘U. S N IE}, it is'based 'upon scientific’m“Cipjes, with no“: r A]! 1.6”,” addressed to the Editor mu“ be p ‘0 lifteieflCll Olllel‘u ma 6 nI'tel-L “3 aIIeSt s "x “I - . I I â€"â€" . . . . fame . [RA B RICHMOND MILLWRIGHT: ~ discovered remedies, without rniiiernlsIor pois~ Postpaid- ‘ December 1858. . 1.- m THOMAS 5- Ill-“I‘IMCSON- JAM” “‘IZGM‘ALD ' ’ ‘ ' oils. The tucilities of cure are such, that patiâ€". . No paper-discontinued until allarrearagcs at- Sully, the painter,_was distinguished for refinement ofmanricrs as Well as success in r - not. ors'pnrtv one-croning be was sprak- . 5 ing of a certain belle who was a great fa- _--._.v MAM. 'Irommyd‘ruty 1’ 1559, ' ~ 31-1f Richmond Hill. -lan.12,1859- Vu cg E T 0 67‘, fig 9 ients can be cured at their own houses without paid {and parties rethsing'papers without paw 1‘-EGS to intimate that he is nowprepared to expense, in any part of the country, from Ian ing up, will be held accountable for-the sub-II erect MlLLS of every description, by accurate description of their case by letter, scription. I conti‘aCt or otherwise, on reasonable terms- aiidliave the medicine sent them by mail or w--~~-.----~.-.-wm DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, JOHN N. REID, MD. .. . , 1 ., , ‘n . . , . . . , .,. H01“ (EOPATHic PHYSICIAN He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ono. express. ' THE YO {K HERALD 'Or't-Fi'. _ “All; 53353. filthy. ' “She “33 “ CORNER OF ,YfiziggillfrlfiinmonN HIM‘TS’ , nada. andlrom his lengthened experience he ‘ ' NERVOUS DEBILI'I'Y." ' ‘« “ ' l ‘ L r "3 “'- 't‘. I I mouth like all c,l_9phant.”â€"â€"“ Chi Chi Mir. . 1., . ) . _*.. "_ ‘ " MAIN ST., NEVVMARKET, U.C. 65-1 hol’es ‘0 {I‘ve gelleml sausmmmnr Yourg‘ men who are troublod with weakness ’ r 0'0 i ‘iik(l ‘E 0]) l 1111 “'5 : Sauna. how coulduyou be, so, rude '1’___ Bellizd got at the Office3nlmls‘t W_ _. -~ Altona, Dec. 23, 1859 ‘ 4 ggirei'ally caused by it bad habit in. yputh, this I ' I ESTABLISMENT. “ 3‘ . ' . i ,7 ,, 7 ’I -‘ 7' I ' . ' I . ‘ - c 'eots of which are ( izziuoss, pains , orkrotful- . -.-â€"â€" I l Udli,"lal;l;tliqu,lljld:fl Axilgg ______:m__m__q___ mm “m Nw_Â¥ DR- 14- LANGST-AFF; ‘ v 7 ' ' “SSS” sorrrctlriies a ringing in the ,Ioarsfweak' RDERS for any of the undermentioned sax 3 5I_goc‘a‘fnm” 1‘ me an e 6l m" ‘ I I ’I N'; a PRVINGHILL. 3 doors West 0f King Post W. T. A T K 0 N, & C 0_ eyes, weakness or the back and lower estroiIne- V description 01' PLAIN and FANCY JOB because n 3‘ my” Cplpr. T0 tlle Slcfig gazing} Ejylflg. 0mm, » - ~ ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memory, willlI'WORK will boprornptlyattended t0 :-- IMPORTERS or ENGLISH DRUGS.‘ molarcholy, may be cured by the New'Botanic Remedies. , . COU "1'1? Y PA ’l‘IENTS. King, May 13. 1859. 2445' BOOKS, r‘ANov Bums, 130er1555 cums. LARGE PE.tcr:.~I’eacc is better tlran_.loy. r , ' guilt!) SM ALL‘POSTERS,CIRCULARS, LAKY FORMS; . I 1, s a R. SNllHillt, of the 7th concession of Joy 13 autfiiteasrgguestfi'a'ml alwayson - ' Vaughan,n‘ear K-lineburgh, guarrantces - Manufacturers of ‘ Chemicals . , arr 0 ‘ . . I ' I - â€" BIL]. HEADSJIANK (:HECKS,DRAr'rs,ANb tap-toe? to depart, 11:, tires and won”: its .» " ' . . '. I I ‘19,:‘3‘1‘5 I ' _ ‘ t . Patent Medicines &,Perfum;ery, Medicineswith lull directions scrrtto anypart FA M]. H LE T s; _ ‘ k ou‘t’nand keepa “slept? fearing ‘that {he Richmond VlCtOl‘la'y » Caichrsy Ednlargcd .7E”°eC];$] I _ d C 1' 1‘1 k _ ‘ . j 2 , m I ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ of the United States or Canada, by patients And Wervom-er kind of nexfinortfing itIt't'IilliltélI gone. ' Peace is OYAL ORANGE ILODGE:I NO‘ 1 778' And many otlror Diseases. Porno-us labouring! watc 1 an 100 L a 81’ APOTHELARIIIIS HALL’ OIIOSITB‘ IHLCIAHLDRAL' c.0nlmumcmmg [he‘ll [Syr‘n‘lllr‘mls b." linker!" I ' _ . I not .soâ€"zâ€"it- comes more .quictly it st'aVS Ml “leaf: fit tfl'otfihef‘gif’dbw Wisema’; So "underzeislie'r of the above nusutioned lliseaseS,]' JEVVELER, doc, King 'TorontIo_ . Busmefdcdonespom"I“w “Hull-l confidanual'? ' . ‘ “‘3’ -- ' I “ .-’ aSOl‘lC ‘1 . 1" "S I “ fly evenmg a "37 will do well to call in time. All letters to be ‘ ' ' V ._..... » - . i T653, v - ' ' ~ . 1 _ . I) t. it"; - .. . , . , . .. _ . .t.,tcl"t t. zlirefliztdgtxhlgdii’b‘r I‘liiilttit Iii:th l “Igi 3.2.3.:ng lI‘IifffII molIVlIilIliam ’ Duncan pan], and ad‘III'IWI/Ad m I ' t I I Yonge Street’ Aurora. Proprietors of Atkinson!s Parisian Tooth Paste. lift. GOODlNG. t 33:0 3:01;: If: :3 1:01;} "31;;1; $ar:::m'y I n I . y n ' I. .I “ l '1 l1 2' ‘ T" I picvlr 3.5,; S '1 _ - I J v - ' 1 _y Q .. ~ I ._ 'V ' I. . _ . , ,I . I I ' . 3»... Hi . w J ‘1 .. forecasfmg‘i {1‘10"th Thércfom let “5'1Master;E.,Charnberlaui. Deputy Master ; :Ji‘v Y, H "E ‘ .) REDER‘ Klmebu'gh Gaza?'on‘fiféiifiitgfilogzictidrffixfiazri ,Lf’e‘} de*'c”lm°}‘ 0f Hm,” an,“ 03"“ N°- 51 Km?- SJ‘W“ WU”? Imam" C, W' lrréw and'of the latest patterns. A large variety .1 for 2a 9 .z, :, . I’ l Munhdllano. Secretary; W. l’ogue, Treasurer. in? (“U i" Uh!“ “.0 13A)?- . ~ ,Y , I ‘tled'cmes Prepared WM] “‘0 bflrEngl'Sl' drugs- ‘_ t No. 3}. East ilro‘idway, : .l of new Fancy Type and EBorders, for Cards, " 3', R ~°°' . ‘J‘anuury 21,1858 .. v . « 3.8-1.1.Augustfi,1858 . , 81~1‘ _ Am”, WWW“: 1°50. 504?. Tor~outo,August27.1859. - t ‘ Now-York. "Circulars, dockept always‘ hand.‘

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