Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 31 Aug 1860, p. 3

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_. _ . -~WW «a, M. -. .. . vw- .m. ound »in;"t§_:'ivtfek fiioin"iiidiv,"tliey would" confer a favor by'm'aking‘lh‘e same public. ,1A31mf,'_oi'r, yours Stir... ' ' i ’ ' LEVI. BelfordfiAugust . KING’S DIVISION.- “ Oh' I wad some ‘pow’r' tlio’giftio gio' us To soc ouruls/ia‘u'thers seems. lt'wad frao many a blunder free us, *"' ~- “And foolish-notion I” ll’Ir. Reesor's meeting at Richmond Ilifféâ€" The Chd’irmonfs Speech â€"~"He is evidently unacquainted with the real state of things. and is told so by Jl’Ir. Perry_.-:â€" The. reprooj well od- mim‘fléred. and produces good fruit. 1,â€"â€" Thc‘ Chairman behaves well for the rest of thewcmnggu'cept that he did not declare the .mccting as favorable to Ten-9,; ' by . [can to one, which tsthefact!‘ "' "‘ ‘- ' To the canal of the York Herald. Sm,â€",â€"5The."challima'n of Mr. Ileesor’s meetingglield at .Gaby’s Tavern lit-your village,.on Thursday evening, the 23rd of Augustf opened'lli‘oprocbediii‘gr* by inako‘ ing a spe,e,_th,.iu, ,lillgixilcigll’i'gs‘c' of (which he said that- lie‘ hadgivcn: ,liis.,alteulion. dur- ing ther'day, to' investigating the public accounls‘pf the Province ;_lhat he found discrepancies ‘in tlic.sla,_tcments it con- lained, .and. quoted. confused masses of figures, which the audience du‘y appreci- ated. He made it'(iiii'liis'0tvii estimation) appear to his hearers". toflwhom, tlie‘result of his researcliesnwas as clear as mud)» that Upper Canadians were the Victims of serious abuaesmtliaillie LowerCanadians got larger sums out olr-ihe- public chest than Upper Canadians, and (like Oliver 'l‘wisl) were constantly “asking, for more.”- lo the continuance of this state of things the chairtnaxiappearcd to have an olip-ction. lie instanred one cascyiu which in: con- sidcred great, injustice} was done towards Upper Canadians. It was, that the funds for. tlie..payiiiciit of Jurors in Lower Ca- nada were obtained. ~l'1 out the Paovmcul. FUNDS, (-lhc same llf‘dllllit il0n. tx‘rorge Brown agreed to settletlie :Sctgnorzal ’l'ehuresqucstion with) â€"â€":andllial we (Up- pt-r Canadians) had to: raise. ways and means out of. our Municipal Funds fur payment of our, jurors. . ~Of course the chairinair could .nut. feel otherwise than Ill- lligunnl-at suclia-u act l and il {ler suppres- sion of .part ofthe-lrutli did not rumba him materialassistance- in'tlic point hr dew sired lo‘niake, I.\thtllt.l' consider his. indig- nation justifiable.- But in telling his audi- tnce that Lower Canadian Jurors Wrrc paid from lhc- Provuicial Chest, lit-forgot? ' to lcll that the samclaw which provides for the paymvnl ol jurors in Loww‘ Ca; v. THE onaaomcit‘éaznu THE? PRNCE: 3 :‘i v ., ., ‘ _Wo take the following fromtho Leader. Tho following circular, in reference to tho ma'n‘uo‘r in which it is' proposed to receive tho Prince in this city. by the Orange body, has been forwarded to tho difl'mieiit County Masters : Dimmer-or Tononryo', 25th August, 1800. Dunn Silt app Engravingâ€"I piesumo you have already revolved a‘circular from me, stating that tho Loyal Ora-ii’gomon ‘of this'city ' and districtshavo resolved-a to :lorm a procession, , in full regalil, t0 welcogiiojliafiuyal Highness the Prince of'Walés upon his airivul hole, and you and tho brethren in your County are ro- sp'ectfully.:roquo_sted~uiid invited to attend. At tho adjourned, .ineeting of the District Lodge, several i'n'al'te'rs‘ ofdethil‘w'oro cont-idol? ' ad, and ainong’st- thomithberectmn ofa Grand Orange Arch; mull tho. necessary , [amount having boon subscribed, it was resolved to greet the ‘arch, and a'c'b‘i'iiini‘ttcd'i's‘appointed to'carry out the snnio'». " 2‘ "' . . .Siuco my last-commipiiication to you I: have rocoivod nothing, further from tho authorized city committe‘c as to tho positi'on we the Orange- mon, are t'o'Llia‘vo', audit isllliorofmo impassiblo for us to .coiupliatoour, arr-an oinoiits; but full instructions will who printedg'and circulated amongst tlio’brotilrio‘ii. ‘ ’ i ’ i , It is expocted'fthal'llfis'ltnyal Highness will arrivo illJI‘Olfonlox on tho il.l;.Soptombor, and the procession .will take place on that day. Should there be airy alteration the country brethren .wilhrccoivg lllfuuuafion through the Toronto papara. , . _ I . , , It is expected g’ach Lodge will turn out imfull regia‘limtiiiiiall rospocts‘tlio"mount the I path, of July;pmcolwfimim:juridith ipor‘tart that the brethren beattircdas uniform as possiblo, sofar as regards. scarlet} robes,,,sa,sh,os, rosetts. &c , according lo d‘e‘groes ‘irl the Order. ' ” ' Each Master will bot’rc‘spotiiiiblo for the good orderiof hlfigdotlgogflu‘ltd “Wt 3,99,1th he Mgr. v shnl's instructions are, strictly adhered to. Brothron' from the "c‘olin‘tty" who iiitond to come iii-will. pic'n‘jsciiitfotim' me how, and at what tliuy intend, to arrigop so that tho com- mittee may make arrangements fo‘. their pro- ; per iecopti'fit, and to give tlioin instructions as to the order of procoltnroa 1: , ' ,1 ani,.7doar Sirnud Brother, i Yours, fraternally, ,1 - .lumu Sans, .. .V-D.i,rlricl Socrclary, Toronto 1', - Prion-Li. Fun-.5 Accini‘n‘r.â€"-On Sunday morning. 26th. August. Andrew Moorlioad. Hugh thcholl. John Gibson and Jsmos Scott, loft tho 1~lnnd. Onpouito this city in a small yacht, for a limit sail. - It is presumed that tho baat'got unmaiiagoablo.-as;~shortly after lhoy wor‘otsoon out intio lako about twenty miles. ' A heavy squa’l sprung up at the same time and it iii, feared that ll") boat 'wus swamped and tho ontiro party drowned. Mr. Moorlload is about 5f ot8 inchos in height: auburn hair; wliiskors and moustacbos about llio' samo color: light imlorod twood suit of clolhos. glazed cspand had a silver hunting watch and guard. It is thought that if tho parties have met with a fatal accident the bodies will be found on some part of the American shore; and we understand that any information respecting thorn will be thankfully recoived by Mr. J Martin. Superin- tolldont of the Grand" Trunk Locomotive De- r’partmotzt, Toronto. "No that. liowovr-r. that the parties have been picked it p by some trading vessel. or also that they have been merely driv- : on out of their course and forced to take rholter iii somo harbor on the other side of the Lake. In that case it is too soon to oxpect to hear from them )‘Ot.-â€"Loadcr. ......._ ‘ Dsaraucrivr. Finn av _Lioiiriuso.-Durin the storm on Friday morning one of the most In.” mam-3‘ “9-, following.- woviaion 5...... distractivo fires that ever occurred in the neigh- “ Separate ac'comyta‘ shall be krpt Of all “ monies 'dtsburscd =undr-r the proceeding “ erllOH ol ‘tlris Itfl.,"(llllll"l5‘illlc payn‘irnt- " of thank...($90,011)”): to the endâ€"- “ What an'cqua‘lisumrmay'tbe appro 2 “printed ls]- 1l’a'rlial‘nei’tt for “life several “ City and County'Bh‘uiiciym/zttcs in “ Idpllcl‘r Canada lor the gent/u! purposes “of such Municipalities. and to be (J1- “ rided among them in proportion to their “ population, by the last census.”â€"Sec- lion 3, chapter 98, 18' Vic. It would not- produce theSaints-effect‘if‘lic had not sup- pressed this part of the truth! yet it may be that he; was not aware that the Lower Canadian Jury Law contained this pro- viso It is more charitable to conclude that he had relied ’upon‘ statements which have appeared Week after week in the Markham Economist and 'I‘omnto Globe, instead of“?xamining indisputable autho- rity (the‘statulv) in order to avoid being deceived; and having the unpleasant rc- flection of (even if unintentional) bf:ng the instrument of designing and‘unscrupulous politicalic-harlalans, in propagating; what is not true” in Order to cause his neighbors to hate arpeOple, of whom they know no- thing, excep’ting'what they "read in news- papers, whose interest it is to conceal the lrulll. . " - I am informed, aud'belicve it to be true. that the. chairman at one. time entertained different sentiments intregard to Lower Canadians. and was more liberally in- clined towards them; that on one occa- SlOll--lll§ soul burning with ‘cnristian cha rity towards the *“ benighlcd and Piicst- ridden French Canadiai’is”-â€"â€"â€"he felled a fellovw-cli'urclnn’au to the ground for ob- icctiag to”a few, pounds of’the treasury of the church, of which? lie is amembcr. at Richmond ‘Hill; being? sent to Lower Can da.~â€"‘:T~lie old monoraiied that" the mosey was needed native/theme.” but the chairman-’sliiiart just lliuni-was'ovorllowin: with the ‘ milk of ham-sh kindness for Lower Canadians, and he Was deter- mined tofiproyef lo=‘liis:fosble'oppniientitliat his arguments fin’lfavorv-of sending apart of their funds to the Lower Canadians was borliood of- anonto tooloplac’o on tho farm of ‘Mr Aaron Barker., ofnlot- 31,7-[1st concession of Etobicoko. I Tim whole, of liisi‘outhousos, iii- cludiug barn, stables, .o-c' ,3 vrorc' burned to the ground. "l‘ho loss which Mr. Marker sustains is bonvyy, tlic-J'holo,.pro(luconf Jain form of 100 ‘iicros having-boon reduced to tithes; Mr. Bar- ker was from home at 019 limo, and had no iii- lurnnco on his propcrty. Ilis loss is estimated at about $5,000. “ ' ’ ' i Tho Augusta Age states that a man named , Asa \Ving. or that city, fifty-five years ‘01 ago, having a wife and family, él'oped last week with a girl about sixteen. llo disposed of two forged notes, and left for the British Provincos. An officer was sent in pursuit, but failed to find the fugitives. A voiy pretty and elegant present has been forwarded to Miss Nigliivngalo by a grateful officer. who rocovored under-liar kind trout- niout whilst in tho' C'rlnier. ctnnll ropcntiug-wntch in -_a riiig,'tlio cylinder of which is made of an oriental ruby. Its din- metor is the filly-for’lli "pari'bf an inch, its length the 'furty-soventli, and its weight the two-hundredth part of a grain. Tho census of New Orleans is not yet com- plete. but the Delta claims that the returns sl- roady" in warrant it in claining a population of 200,000. The census of 18.)!) showed its pop- ulation thon to be 113,001. Taking the Dcltu’s estimate of its present population as correct, the increasozin ton yours has been 87,600. In St. Louis it is proposed to erect a public fount in front of the court house. for the dis- ponsation of para cloar ice water to tho thirsty populace. The government of French Guiana has im- posed a tax on a license to‘f'd‘nuco. Tho tax will bring a large income. Why not try tho plan bore during the Prince’s visit? There is not now in the Iliitish House of Peers a singlo innlo descendant of the twonty. fivo barons who were appomtod to enforco the oburvance of Magua Charla. An old lady residing at South Bond.Indiana. and 86 yoars of age. was attacked with tho whooping cough. or fovv days since. and whoops liko a child of twolvo months. . - v of which 91‘ were childron under five years old, and ltl‘Zo‘f those .uudor one rear. This is a terrible " slauglitmfiof .iniipconts.” .min'd‘of titan bulwpone so useful [as (discretion. â€" It is tliisgindeed, which girl-s a value to all therest, and sets them to It consists of a- ‘Tlto deaths in Chicago in July reacbtd 288.- There arc‘maiiy sliining"qiualitics in the not to be withstood, aiid'zmagnauimousleyll'workt in their proper places; and turns knOcked liim.down! I . _ fbcmvfti" the best advantage of their posi- Wllat: a cllangfi! 'NGW‘ the waer'“ «agar. Without it. learning is poilantry ; canad'am‘ are‘g‘ifmg' ‘00 "WC “Ul’f'fl'l wit. impcrtinence; and virtue itself looks Canadians are not getting atfair share of-Imm weakness; and“... best» part, only the Pumic' money“) 3'11 Perhaps ‘the qualify" a man to lit-more sprightly in error ’ clialt‘mauhas apiiblic Opinion and a private , and “me in his 5.". prpjudicet opinion; or, in other words.-two sets of] - . . opinions ’Wlllcll he willnadapt to the lexi- gency of‘circumstances. The. chairman should-"not entertain any . unkind feelings towards Mr. Perry. for THURSDAY, August 30. snubhi“g him 0“ two occaSions 'during me Full Whoat.«f-'2000 liiilils’tva‘s the extent of the evening: it is only what the chairmam would have done himself had/he been inl Mr. Perry’s place-adult: 13’ if he knew l .mde-s from $, 25 to s, 3” Ref bshp enough Ito ‘19, it' as Henna-mall” as Mr' Spriiig’iWhoat.â€"r500 lislils in market. which Perry did!’ 1 life: fourths ol the voters ,sold‘a-t from $1 to $1 10 per bslil. present Saw the- chasliscinents inflicted, l Pens-F150 blhlfl W01“ 00‘ 3' 55 and 60 0 Por and say it was well done {wholesome ! and 3832;“ 321m“, 33,, pm, bshL ‘ produced instantaneous» effect ll! May Ba.|bY,~._..otd u from 60 to 65¢. it be to him a lesson for? the future, ' thou have power to' raise hiiii bring him a! hither," 7 ‘ And I’ll bosworn. I have thozpowor- to shamo ,7 tronoui'r‘o MAEKETS. _._â€".â€"b ral loads sold as high asq$l 08 tp $1 ‘2 tor bshl. the average being $1 '20. For common $8 per ton. “cub-Superfine No. 2 sold at $5 15 to $5 20. No ,1, $4 to $5 05 : Fancy (Spring) $5 40 to $5 50: Fancy (Fall) 35 40 ‘; to $5 60; Extra, him hone $5 to $6 00: Double Extra. $5 ‘20 to $5 25. ',.. 9' .. - :~ ~ , . I mp? .' ' 'f"' l' tf l7t Oh. whilo youlivo toll truth. and chains the $623; “an?” is. ii) afigéuwi a mm ,c o Dfl’lt": , i ,i ' i _ f 1 , Emmiâ€"“Frolilifrom wagons 1‘2 to‘ 15¢ per dozen. . . . _ SENS-E. Il’btatoosmNoW‘vary in price" ‘from. 25 to 30¢. King, August‘ég‘gl‘sbo'; ,‘1nd'soimotimcs 60c per bushol: »Old-_ pol-toss, “ Toll truth andsliariio tliochvil. 'Wto‘noporbmhe supply which sold readily at high prices. Seve- _ Hayâ€"is from$13 to $16 per ton, Straw $5 to Toronto, Aug. 29. 1860. A - bootmnkor in- London, ,0. \Vfib'as made a: pair of boots,; which he is to request the Mayor to prcsout_to_ the Prince. 1 measure of His'Royal'ngofioss, wo-aro not in formed. - » - I w . 7 DIED." "" In Toronto, on ‘ Sunday morning. the 26th ian, Msno'a'ns'r ' mention." wife of Mark P. Craig. Que'o‘n‘Slreét "West. aged 52 years 'and 10 months. ' V ' vvw~~wvavu~«vii-v-uuvuv‘vmvvvmw 's PECIA L. NOTICE-S. W A CARD T0 'I‘HESDF‘FERING. The Rev. )‘o’iimuu Qosonovu. while, labor-g ing as a missionary in Japan, was cured,- of Consumption. when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained “0111,11 learned physician residing ill thog’ront cityof chdo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffiaring from Consumption. Bronchitis. 'Sor‘o'Throat, Coughs and Colds. and flier, liability and nor- vous depression caused by those disordors. Dosirous of benefiting others" will send this rocipc, which I have brought home with me. to all who need it, fit-o of charge. ' Address ' ‘ REV. W D‘T."COSGR.OVE, ‘ .4259 Fulton Avenue. 82-3m ' " Brooklyn, N.Y_ ~ I AWFUL CALAMITYâ€"OVER- "60 ,Li ‘ LOST. A little girl of Mr. Sutherland. in'tli’o Town- ship 01 York. has been (inclining in health for two years, tho Doctors far and‘noar were called in but they all pronounced hOr in the last stage of cont-limp ion. Slowly but suron was death approaching. when the little girl took from tho; shelf (slyly) what she supposed to be a stick of Candy. and, out nearly all of it without suspect ing it to be any thing else, but fortunately it was a stick of Dr. M'Konzic’s Doad Shot Worm Candy. which her father had. puicliascd the day befurr far his other cbildrcn." the next day she was relieved of over sixty Worms some of them 10 inches long. Consumption has If: and she is now fan gaining her health and itII’Oll‘tll. How many children are annually dying from tho prevalence, ofworms in tho systom, [Parents open your eyes to this fact. Ono trial of Di. McKenzie’a Dead Shot Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical. Price only 7§d sterling, 15 cents per package. or Qshilliugs, 50 cents, for four packages.â€" Sold by even Druggist and Modiénl Dealer in Europa and American. , 1 None genuine without is {ac aimilo signature of H. E. McKonzm. M.D. Glasgow. on each wrapper Scs adoerti'umsnt in another column. Viis W flea) abncrwfi llllllllllllli inn. DR. .M’KENZIE’S DEADWSHOT .WORM CANDY,"- S 1 Medical Faculty of7 Scotland. as â€"well in England, and Ireland. have. pronouncud this Worm Candy to do more good than 'all Wornf ' It“ has sl'rfodfilbo test , Modicines combined. since A D.. l765. nearly, onogliuiidrod years, which. almost ovory sou Land .dauglitpr .of_.Old Scotia can testify. ' ' " " ‘ It has always borne tho 'nim‘ie‘br on Dr. M’Kenzie‘s Worm Candy-Stick’ As it resembles a candy~slick ll] tasleaud ap- pcnrnnco. and a child eating it'is~;,_;wlio‘,iy un- conciot's of taking modicum. and where worms exist, tho results are beyond description. A child ten years of age. oftlio Rev. J. Mc- Dougnll. Dundee, passod over 5‘00 WORMS in three days, which lie testifies. that be be- lieved, by t-‘od's blessing. it_savrdt tho. child’s life. Thousands of similar testimonials are given (without solicitation) lathe preabiit pro- priolor. - - . General Symptoms of Worms E Ro-tloss. Sudden Starting and Grinding the Tooth in Sleep, Couvulsionsf.Kavsnous 'Ap- petite. (sometimes no Appetite )_ Paleucss. Pick- ing tho Nose, Bowel Complaints, Fever, Fret- fuluess. Emacinlion. Looiiorosu of'llio Flesh, Dry Cough, Sour Breath. die. doc. ‘ ' All of the above symptoms will immediater cease to exist by using this ,Modicino once or twice. It always giver health. oven if no, worms exist. It is perfectly harmless ovon to the must tender infant. ~ ' ' ~â€"-â€" Warranted Purely Vegetable in its combination. Full diicctions with each package. Sold at retail by all Druggists‘nnd Medicine Dealers in Europe and- America. at '75 police sterling, [l5 cents] par package), or ‘2 shillings. [50 cents] for four packages. Be sure that such package has tho signature of II. E. *Mc- Konzio, M1). Glasgow, on the wrapper. WCall for Dr. McKciiciofs ,Doad. Shot Worm Candy ' NORTH nor 5; LYMAN. Newcastlo. c.w., CARTER. KERRY "dc Co Mon‘tr'oal. C.E., aro General W holvsalo Agontsfgr tlio.Coiiadas. August 1860. 92 Pittivuuii. unitary-1703i : ‘ 18th, 19tih,r2'0thandf‘i213t ' ENTRIES of Articles for "Exhibition. éxccpt . , ‘ of Hortidultural Products. Ladios Work, and Foreign Products. must bo,,.forwarded to the Secretary’s Ofilco, Toronto. on or below September Isl“ ‘ - ‘ ‘ Horticultural Products, &e;,-maybe ontgred till the evening. of Monday...17ih, when the books will be closed. ‘_ V ’ ' EntriOa, as abovo stated, Will be recoivod at Toronto till the evening of. Friday, September» ‘ 14m. and afterwards at Hamilton. Prize Lists and Printed Foriiis of Entry. con- taining fltll inforinatim , may ba’ obtained of the Socrotarioo of Agricultural Sociolios. or Me: chanics’ Institutes, throughout the Province. Articles for Exhibition m‘uu' bo placed in the Crytal Palace. on the Grounds, on Monday. 17th, except Live Stock. which Hiriizst be there not later than Tuesday at noon. ‘ Exhibitors must .homs'olve‘s provido' for the forwarding of lli'slt‘ articles. and. placing them intoo grounds. HUGH c. THOMSON, ’ Secretary, Board of Agriculture. HEREBY FORBID any person from pur- chasing it Note drawn by: me‘ in favor40f WILLIAM MILLAR,‘ payable :on the lst day of January, 1861,, ~as Ighavo received no valuo for the some. ' ' " account/1cm ETN‘EY. Vaughan. August is, 186-“. ‘ ' '99‘4 . .3 no :TH-E..:-ELECTORS How, he‘ obtained the ' working Miraclos bevdndconcoptiou. The ‘ Kiréfivismit LEGISLATIVE COUN‘CL. JGIENTLEMV'EN: , _ ' ' HAVING obtainedle unanimous nomin- ation of tho Convention held at Mark- ’ ham, on the 30th of Junoecoinposod, as ,tliat' Convention was. of many of the most influen- ‘aud having received many kind, assurances of support from electors of all political shades. "in every part (f‘the 'Divi'si‘on, I am induced to offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrages attho approaching. election ofa representative to ropiesont youij Division in the Legislative Council.“ ' " i ' The great. repsonsibility which attaches to the high position oft! Legislativ'o Councillor. and the power placed in his hands. to be used for “ the weal or' woo” ot‘tbc' whole Province. are grave subjects for your consideration : and I fiankly confcss that it. is not without many doubts as to my own ability to represent your interests. as efficiently as they ought to be. and as I. could'desll’e to'do. that [now present my- selfbofore you. . ‘ - A resident of tlioDlvislon for nearly a quar-. tor of a century, I believe iiiyselfio be person- ally known to a iii'ajority of the Electors, who will therefom hertlio, better. able to .j ldget core rectly whether in- the event of my being placed at the head oftbc poll. I-Wollld. protect your in-_ loresis. advocate, your views, and opinions on all questions ofjiub'lic "policy, and zealously .guard your riglits.---as the inhabitants of one. ,ot' the wealthiest, unost populous. and intelli- geni Divisions iii Canadai. ' ' M A Canadian born, 1 early foamed those great" governmental principles of progress and reform, which have been so happily and benolicaily conceded to us, by the Mother countryâ€"dim s‘pousiblc governinoiitâ€"securihg to us the most valuable rights enjoyed under the British Con- stitution, I constdor the form ,of Govorninout best adap ed to this chantry, whon honestly ad- ministered, according' to the, well understood wishes of the people. ‘ Should I be honored with your support. and be your chosen ‘Representative. l will, to the utmost of my ability. advocate the following principles :â€" 1. Maintenance of the Union botwoou tho ,tw ' Provinces. 2. .Roprcseiitalion according to Population. ir- respective of a dividing lino botmsen Upper and Lowoi Canada. 3. Encouragement to Emigrants. 4. Free Grants of Land to Emigrants and others. being actual settlers. 5. A Homestead Law. 6. No Expenditure of Public Money without. tho consent of Parliament. Provincial Works only. to be taken up b the Government; and flu Expenditure of Public Money to be made on Works of a Local character. 8. Retranclimeiit in every Department of tho ' Public Expenditurcâ€"" Putting in the Prun- ‘ ing knife at the top'” 9. Reduction of the Custom Dutiesâ€"Tho bur. don oft'ixati'on to be placed on the luxuries of the rich, and not on the nocossarios of the poor. ' l”. A Judicious Bankrupt Law. 1'1 Reduction of Law Costs. 12. Simplification of the Proceedings of Courts ’ of Law. ' i 13. ltovision of the Court ofChancory. 14: Extension of the Municipal Law. t5. Election of Reeves and Deputies. and Wardens of Counties. by-tho people; the same as Mpyors of Cities and Towns. 16.' Assimilation of tho Laws of Uppercnd Lower Canada. .. ~ . . 17. The restriction oftlis riglitscf Mortgagoos to the property held in‘ Mortgageâ€"without allbwing llioin tlie'riglit v to crime upon the other proporty. real or porponal of the Mort- . ,gagor. " 18. Holding all Palliamontary Elections in one day. ‘. 19. A better mode of settling Contested cloc- tions. .; ‘20. A Proliibiiory Liquor Law. 21. Payment of Criminal Witnesses. 21. Abolition ofNewspaper l’oslago. ‘23. Aoolition of the Franking Privilege. I believe ' that the above principles involve many valuable and important measures of Re. form. which would tend to the material and-- vancoment ofour social and oliilcal progress : but in the present disturbed? slate of political opinion. and considering the ' violent agitation for acomploto disruption of our constitutional relations with Lower Canada. I feel bound to state freely and candidly, that the Union ol'lbe two Provinces l conce've to be the grand point at issue in this election. retrogado and injurious poli :v. but. as evinced by the vote-of Lower Canada at last session of Parliament, perfectly unattainable. Dissolu- tion of the Union “pure and simple." a policy strongly advoeatcd in, some quarters. appears to me to be so obviously absurd, and in its con- sequences, so fatal. that I cannot believe in the sincerity or patriotism ofits supporters. Lower Canada to the East, and the United Slates to the'Soulh. would than leave Upper Canada under their control, and entirely at their mercy. Hostile tariffs, and injurious restrictions hero or there. or perhaps both. would liaiiipor us on every side. so that commercial disadvantages, and our isolated position would drive Upper Canada into some. now unforsoon. but to-bo- dreaded connection, and would m0st probably lead to a movement for annexation to the Uni- ted States. Gentlemen.â€"â€"-I hope no necessity for such a , movement may arise. You and I are British subjects. our loyalty is'duo to a Queen, dis- tinguished for every grace ali‘d‘virtno that can adorn her position, our hearts ‘aixl sympathies are Wllll tho land which “offers a'refuge to tho- oxiles'and victims oftyraniitfcomo from what country they may ; tho liistorv'bf'lliat countrv‘. her associations her struggles, arc ours: libi money, her credit, and her supporlflllzls assisted our noble Province throughohl _ail,,n’ur (langors. difficulties and disadvantages. They are with us still. but us clingtlieii to"’cur probont cou- iiection. :mid unanimously upposa any and whatevcrpolicy- that would belikoly to endan- gerili, y '. ’ ' The question of Federation of all the Pro- vinces of British Nonh America is, even iiow, .fgenerally all'l Verv favourably o,ii‘tcrtaiiied.â€"’ l confidently anticipate the oarly accomplish- ment of such a'sclimno.‘ aiid"'iiloi~tt earnestly hope for its» consummation. . I will zealously and cordially. stlpp'ort every step Calcula'bd to secure its attainment. I believe that by the consolidation of our mutual interests and strength. We shall lay the foundation of a great Noilli American Nation, linked togcthbr by that bonds of mutual . commercial advantages. and to our Mother Country by the strongest tics of origin. kindred institutions, and indentity of iti- lorcsts. [believe that this is tboonly plan. by which we inay hope to root out from amongst us, that. bitter spirit of sectionalism and local jealousy ,now existing. and elevate the flow potty politics of our , Province to more worthy aspirations after Grand National ob- jects. ‘ - v . I' shall be no party 1111111,.lll that sense of the word that requires all measures good or bad. emanating from onoparty' to be supported while those of another are to be invariably ro- jootod ; I shall endeavor to judge honestly of the merits of each measure. as it is presented: irrespective of the source or origin from which it proceeds, and support or oppose it Upon those grounds alone. Firmly believingtliat the true principle ofall' Legislation should be-â€"-“_TllE GREATEST GOOD'l'O THE GREATES'I' NUMBER l”â€",all-measnroa calculatodto ad- vance the country and secure the happiness of the community shall receive My contest atton~ lioufiind cordrdl support. “a; g...,uen..,,‘.,},sidg_ng .gmfin King Dwisi-ou ; subscription or with foreign assist. ' Ch arpentior. Mary l Any dissolution of the tie which now binds us together. to our great mutual advantage. must prove disastrous. Dissolution with a view to a federal connection of the two Provinces, l believe to be not only a ,lf alertedsfshall _.know no “East”: no "“VV‘est,”â€"tveithor locally, or provincially, but ‘ - will andror to act impartially for tho whole. st 8 E 0] r M . . inction of locality, croodor sect. There arodwoquostions of a local nature of. feeling die Division to which I desire to allude, list. Thelato proposed Whitby Railway. Tho question of granting' County aid to that Work has already been decidéd Viy tho- llatcpavers of Odlaria. Willi that decision I am content, and will not use my influence, or position to bring that subject again beforo' the pooplo,_for’ pecuniary assistance. The charter has expired, and should auotborrovor be granted. it is lovi- dent that the road must either be constructed txwitliout f - 1' CROCKERY, HARDWARE, LIQtrons, «inc. HEiundersigned.liavingncarly completed twenty years in business, has bismind . ~ ‘ * To :_ RETIRE i HIDCO. 2nd. With 'roféreh’co’ to the separation of the county of York fronitlio city ofT-oronto for judi- cial purposes. 1 am in favor of the passage of 1 . _ . . t V n billfor that purpose to take either-0,5001: as they have favored b m .tvith during‘that long period of lime. '4’?de °r by 0‘" “Way.” “01° CON“! 0‘ would add, which-will beta the interest of the public, that, in addition tobis present York' ‘ i i i . . ' M Stock,.lie has made large purchases of .. ‘ ‘ Gentlom in :-â€"In soliciting your support as a candidate for the “presentation of King Divi- sion in the Legislative Council, I may say in conclusiOn that I have no personal ambition to servo. nor private object to gain, and should I have the honor to be elected I will go to tho [louse f'goand unlrainelled and unplodged, to support any political party or'sot of men, "° for the sake: of the: party.” Mv policlical views on the public questions of the. day are now fairly before you. Those principles are such as I be- lievo the true interests of tho Piovinco demand, and will under every circumstance and condi- tion findin inc a- Warin'advoca-to. Mon may "come into power to-day and go out to-morrow, rh‘liiiistiiea may oxist’two hours or two yoars, but the welfare of tho Provinceâ€"and tho futuro greatness and prosperity of my native country. will always be my first Consideration. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, . , , _> _ ‘ _ Your obedient, humble Servant, 83' No Credit will be given. after the IOlh September. JOHN HAM PERRY. - 85'“ Richmond H lllll'llill » F llllllllllll. [1E Proprietor of tho “ Yon! HERALD" begs toucquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that. between this and next issue, he intends Removing his Printing Office 1'0 THE NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two doch further north, where. by increased facillt‘os. he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and with every attention to the wishes of his customers. " Herald " Office,- Flcltmoud Hill, July 20. 1860. i From the very best Markets. which will arrive between now and the 10th "of Sep- tembvr,4Â¥â€"at that time he will commence to Lcos'r PRICE 2, , Andkontinueto; do sowuntil the whole is Sold, 1’. CROSBY. Whitby, July“ in, 1860. in, August, 30-, 31860. 924i! -w a. JWva-W MACHELL. FlEL, a. co., EG respectfully to announce to the Public and their Customers generally that they are receiving their SUMMER STOCK 0F GOODS ! Which will be complete by the 28th of June. Buying their GOODS in the FIRST MARKETS, FOR CASH, they feel confident of giving the Public every 3 itisfaction. Particular attention is requested to their Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PostOfiic' AUGUS l‘_ 1. .c60. American and English Cloths, 6L0. \Vbicli for CHEAPNESS AND DURABILITY cannot be exceedod by ' Retail Store in the Province. ’ . A call is resPectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. McKinnon. Margret McMunn, Charles McDonald. John McGroavo '. John U’Grady. eonora O’Grady. Martin Phillipa. William Doyle. Mrs. Margret Playtor. James Doon. Hugh Robinson, William [9] Arnold. Robert Ashby. Sarah Bone, George Brooks. John Clarke. William C'a‘fa':'1"“""“5 Gents’l Clothes made to Order. On the shortest notice, and warranted to fit. Forgusson. Rev. Thos.Reid. Margret Aurora, June 18, 1860. A. Richmond. Orrin ~ Glover. Tlios. Rovello. Mr. [3] ' ' ‘ ‘ Grant, George Smith, Thomas. sonior fiflm M â€" ' Glass. Thomas Siver. Robert Goodwill, Miss Simpson. William lleverley, Silas Snoppard. Charles l'lust, William Stackil.l.A-Robort Koall, Francis . Vultdebuy. Mr. ' Kirstwll. Julia Washington, John Lymburiicr. ol. J. Wilsou,_llobort Liiifoct, Jobn \Valkor, Hannah Lawrence, bliss Wilson. Ann Loo. Ruben Yothman, Richard Langstafl', John [4] M. TEEFYV. P. M. Information wanted. Filllls should meet the eye of JOHN LAW- 1 RENCE. who left his father’s residence in Vaughan, in May, l859. lie is requested to communicate with his friends. Any party who will recognize by the following descriptionâ€"â€" 5 foot 7 inches high. dark brown hair, dark ovos, age about 26â€"and will give information of his whereabouts to his bereaved parent. will confer a favor. Wao seen at Koclloby Mills, King. about two weeks ago. JAMES B. IaAlVllENCE. Richmond Hill. P.O. July 12, 1860. 85-tf 03’ “~Advnuco," Barrio. please copy twlco. Of every description and variety of Mountings go to 'w. H. MYERS’ E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is ever‘ kept in any Country Shop, and at a mach less price then it is possible for to get them in TorOnto; and lie ls always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on tho shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS,- Saddless Bridles; 84c. of every description. ~ m (1:)â€" ALL COLLARS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .9;- Cash for HIDES and SKINS. PATTERSONS’ PLOUGHS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND.- .A.11 .Warranted.‘ T 0 7%: W TREA TMEA T Buffalo Medical Dispensary. Established for the cure of DYSI’EI’SIA. G E N E R A l. DEBILITY. FEVER AND AGUE, ASTHMA. INCIPIEN 1‘ CONSUMP'I‘ICN, cossuurrios or vourn no 01.1) ion, inc. Richmond Hill, June 19,1860. t...â€" ,~_ == NOvELTY 'WAG90N MARKHAM ILLAGE. . WMA’MV mewv No Merciâ€"try Used. Dr. Amos ct: Son, CORNER or MAIN a. QUAY S'I‘S., Bufi‘alm New York, RE the only Physxcians in tho Stilts who are members of the Royal College of Surgoons, London. May b6 consulted from 8 o’clock in the. morning until 9 at night, in every state and syn’iplom of disease; The treatment they adopt is the robult of up- wards ul‘tliiity years’ ontoiisivo‘ and stuccossful practice in Europe and America. " It MOST sctnwirlc INVENTION. . Every Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY Manufactured by the Subscribers- Having an immense stock of Lumber, Of .th‘é- chlnery, combined with first-class Wdrkmen,_tl.py Camand do make better Finished, More Durablb. and » .- , An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi-I i i ‘ i -‘ ' R | I lily. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly . ", l; l in known as Seminal Weakness. dcc. Can her I '1 ll - 'l - ‘ ~.-- 'l no , | t l min“ permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days. by the use of this instrument; when used con- jointly- with medicines. \ YOUNG mm TAKE FAM'I'CULAR im'i'icls. Than any other Establishment in Canada. I ‘ An Gram-g aftended t5 promptitude, and Work warranted, . ' . . . . - ; . T. SEEIGHT & SON., Dr. Autos 51. Son take ploasurc ln anuoiinc- I , , g ‘ ‘ “56-6” ing that they have invented d most important _ M‘fkllam ‘1 “loge, Jam 4‘" 1859‘ ' A . instrumontt'orllio cure of the above disoasos. “ ' v . _- , It has been subjected to it lost of the most om- ' ' inont physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia \» l y and New York r it has bo’on‘ declared the onlv ‘ CARROT MATCH l useful instrument over yet invented for this cure of Somlna‘l weakness. or any disease or East Riding of York Agricultural Societf Markham, August 13. teen; the genital organs, cauoed by tho secret habits 'ESOLVEDâ€"Tha’t the cilia of $50 be up? Advertisement. hereby boar testimonv that. I have tried SANDERSON'S ROTATING HAR- RO WS. on my summer fallow, last'Satui-day.‘ and Monday. and ham, found them up‘to all that Mr. Sanderson represents them to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the common hariow. and do_l__ho_work to" my utmost satisfaction. I confidently letiblh‘lhend thorn to all who require implements ot'thokind. ulc'liAttn“ VANDERBURGH. Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. , of youth. , _ , Dr. Auto's & Son. in order to sdtisfy the most skeptical as t: the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe that. the price. with tho accoin~ . partying directions. securny packod. and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. the LARGEST YIELD and BEST QUALI- LARGEST YIELD and BEST QUALITY of CARROT, in half an Acro, in the Town-‘ on tho ground. _ __ «_ ,l- c.______.. ._._._ Nizw REMENlIcs Aim ‘Qtzicil: titans -â€"‘a' can , A 0,06 V wirniuncn. .’ ‘ i . 151 Prize, , , , . $10.00 4th Prize; . . ...;$ 4. - Dr. Amos dz. Sou have. for a long wilds of I 9 2nd do‘ . . . . . . 8.00 5th do H -- o - 100 years. been engaged in an osteiisit'o pilictic‘o in the treatment of these dolicqtofiditiplaiuts. and are the only legally qtlalifiod physicians who now advertise lo cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remodels can be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may bo suc- ‘ cossfully treated by forwarding a correct detail ALL Parties having any Demands agains 3rd do ---‘~f-’ 6'00 l - the Estate of the late THOMAS DU-l Fer Garrats I GAL CAMPBELL. of Richmond Hill. Yongc lat prizm _ _ . “ ,$ 8.00 3rd Prize. . . .‘ . i$ 440“ Street. Vaughan, will please present the same 2nd do . . - H. J 64,0 4“, do "H . . to WM. GAMBLE. Esq. of Church Street. Toronto. the acting Executor, for adjustment: and all panics-indebted to the said Estate will please make payment to said acting Executor. M PBE LL , Ezocutfiz. Others $3. . . . . . ' r tar and ' entrance of their cases, With a ioinittnnco for modicmos, names wnh tho sec 0 y’ P” &c.. which will be‘ returned with the utmost MARGARET 05.- Oall, Examine and Se;an yourselves before purchasing elsewhere; 62-1y'. .1 l But before doing so he-‘wmlltl return his thanks to the public for the liberal i'suppor; - , . One word more It... ForiCash,goi~°7 {Produce in exchange-only / FACTORY & BLEACHED COTTONS.‘ best quahtyarldWellseasoned, and; with the great facilities which they have in M3- ' propriated for Prime.- as folloWs : $50 for - ships of Markham and Scarboro’.-â€"to bo views“ . 2.00, - Entranco Peer to each Member of'Socioty $2, I , . Paille intending to Compotb shall o‘ntor their -' b ‘ ' l i ‘ ' .h date no entries will be rocoiv’od. ‘ j dis ,atc‘h and secure from observation. “'M- GAMIELI-‘u 4 - _ , g 51ml”; aft" Whit" . . H- Eddross Dr. Anson a. Son-corner Main andl‘ ALEXANDLK CAMPBELL : . a - ' 5!- BAR‘ER, ' Quay Mmti; Bufiald. 5'. Y. ~ 88-ly" Toronto, rum it. 1980. ads. 891219033153. 7.4.. . DRYGGOD‘S. GROCEWE‘SF 82-tf1' TY of '1'UllNlP.,in an Acio. and $20 for lhé ' : foo on or botcro the lot day of September out. n- \- .,..,.V .. «"9 . malls rap.“ ' ' FALL HAND} ; ' WINTER - GOODSVJW SELL! $1001; 011' !- oOMPETITmN DEFIED i l lllll nw; an, ill] Cllllll' lllllllllll primium limiters dirtuhliabnunl, Sliirbmunh full.) WORKS 'l no u

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