Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 20 Jul 1860, p. 3

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~-- 1» m?'i§'+::r“. I . ' _._.__.._____.. i'igi'rewusuir 0F KING. 5* IINUTII AND PROCEEDINGS OF 1‘ch COUNCIL. -â€".._ - V ’ From the New Era. The Council met, pursuant to a motion of adjournment. at Mrs. Sit-ad’s Hotel, Lloyd- to‘Wn. July 3rd, 1860. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes ot'tho last meeting read and approved A Communication from the Town of Cell- i’ngwood, relating to the collection of interest due on Debentures, was laid upon the table b' the ‘Reove and read. Also, from the Town Clo'k-of Barrie: relating to the reception of the Prince of Wales. Also. from the Receiver General’s office, relating to the Municipal Fund. . ‘ ‘ The report of the Commissioners appointed to select and purchase a site for to erect thereon a Town Hulkâ€"presented by Mr. Davis and read ' ‘ The Petition of Trustees of School Section. No. 7. praying to be assessed in the sum or $440, for Common School purposes,â€"present- ed by Captain Armstrong and read. Q'On motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Webb. that this Council do new resolve itself into a Committee of the whoie'on the several communications presented,â€"Carried. flCou'ttcil iii Committee. Mt. Webb in the ctr. r. Committee rose and the chairman re- ported a resolution : .,I_?uolvcd-â€"'I‘hat the report of the Commis- sioners. appointed by this Council at its last moeting, for the selection of a Site for a Town Hall. be, and the same is hereby adopted ; and theta Byolaw for the purpose 0! levying a spe- cial rate upon the ratepayers of this Township, for the purpose of purchasing the land spocgtied in said report, and for the erection of suitable buildiiigs'and improvem--nts thereon. be sub- mitted to this Council for its adoption at its next meeting â€"Carried. On motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by M r. Webb, it_ was 'Rcw‘lvcd. Tfiitt Mr. John Watson be, and is heieby instructed tout once enter into jIOSaCS' nion‘ for and on behalf of the public of that por- tion otLtite road lately established by this Coun- ci'. acress lots ,No. H.19, 10 and 11. in the Eleventh concession 01 this 'I‘ownship, which iii not under crop or not enclosed by lcuco â€" Anti that he is authorizrd to GVUI'SOO and direct the laying ottt oi aity volunteer labour on said port-ion of roadâ€"Carried. Urt'hiot-ien of Captain Armstrong. seconded by Mr. \\ ebb. it was Resolved. 'i'liat’after hearing the statement ofJuSeph 11. Lawrence, Esq. of the Town of Collingwood. oit behalf and tor the Municipal Corporation ofs‘aid Town. in reference to thr- inierest due this Corporation on at Dehehiure tirade-by's‘a‘fd .\.'tlniciprtl Corporation ; and 101‘ the. recovery of said itilol‘esl. lv‘gnl prover-(lungs littve_bcen institute-d. do not foil vr-z-rrzarnod rrr staying said proceedings, unless sirrd Cor-por- ation 61 the said Town of (-olringwood execute lothis" Corporation a coguovit lor Htlti iiitc est, Outllvw this Corporation to'take jt‘dgtllellt by dc‘fattt, upon' either of which conditions being complied with, this Corporation consent to for- boa-r'further'proceedings until the 1st day 01 January next. And that the Cork of thc Cor- poration be and is hereby illsli'uc'cd to send tr “’1'? Ol'ififild Resolution to the Clerk ot'srrrd Cor poratioii, and also request an answer i) the urine on or before the with instant , and in the meantime to wriio'to the Council for this Corâ€" poration to stay psocccdhgs until that date. on iiiotion of Captain Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Webb. it “’it-‘i Resolved, That the Inspector of l.lC(‘ll.‘.~cs he, and is her: by iiistrttc rd .‘0 take irrrrrit-rliutc pic- cevtliiigs against any i-r- son or person. violat i": 0:0 ill Ide passed by the Counci' of the ( orporntioii o1 inn. '1 nwir.hip. fo the regul- ation of 'l'nvrrns or florist-s of I‘Liitertn'nnrt n.. -â€"Car_ri= d. On motion of Mn “'ebb.'it was lireolt'cll, That the Supcriu'endvttt 0f i‘ii‘u ’AIIUII ol' the Munich-a try is liert by instructed Davis. srcohdrd by Mr, 1 to apportion the sum or SUI-1'1 to thetlrfii-reut " School Sections of this 'l'owrislrip, in accorth $3 with‘tli’e By law iii/thing“ r'ua'li apt-ropsi it runs. and that tho 'l‘ie‘t nut-r islrcrehy airt'ior- iled on the order of said Stipr-rin'eirdeiit the different sums so appropriated â€"t§arried On motion 'of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. “’e'lib. it, was Resolmrl, that 'when this C(ll111('ll adjourns it dd;staiid adjourned until Thursday, the 3 tli (lay ofAugnst next, and 111011 to meet at Kct tleby. - Carriodr. The council then adjourned. “V'I‘URUN'I‘O At A R'K ic't‘s. THURSDAY, .luly 19. Fall Whackâ€"5011 hshl<§ was the extent of the supply which sold readily at hiin prices. Seve- rnl leads sold as hiin as $51 311; to $1 35 or bslil. the average being ‘51 ~10. For common grades from $1 525 to $1 311 per bslil. Spring Wheat -â€"500 bslils in market. which sold at from $1 05 to $1 12 per bshl. I’eas._â€"‘150 bshls went off at 51 arid 58c per bslll. ' Oatsâ€"at 3‘2 and’33c per lishl. Barley. --seld at front 50 to :‘iSrz. Ilay.-â€"is,from $10 to per ton. Straw $6 to $7 per ton. _ Flounâ€"é-Superfine 1’0. 2 sold at $5 15 to 2 ). No l,‘$4'to $5 05 ; Fancy (Spring) $5 00 to $5 50: Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $6 to 20; Double Extra. $6 50 to 557 (if). Potatoesâ€"are brought in plentitully. and sell at at froni‘QOc to 28c per bsltl. Butterne-F-iesh is iii fair supply at from 13c to 18c per 1b. ' ' Eigs.fFresh from wagons 12m 14c per dozen. Potatoesâ€"Now vary in price from 70 to 800. and sometimes 90c per bushel. Old potatoes SPECIAL NOTICE ' I .3. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The-Rev. WILLIAM Corettovic. while labor- ingas a missionary in Japan, wae cured of Co tsuniption. when all other means had failed, y areéti‘aé' obtained from a learned physician residing in thegreat city ofJedtlo. This recipe hasiured great numbers who were suffering from Consumption. Bronchitis. Sore Throat, Coughsl‘and’Colds. and the dehility and nor- vons depression caused by these disorders. Desirous ofbeuefitiiig others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me. to all who need it, free of charge. Address ' REV. WM. COSGROVE, 4239 Fulton Avenue, 823m , r Ilrooklyn,N.Y. WW Show. floorrttamrute. WWWMN lllll‘llllilll Illlllllll. HE Proprietor of the “ Youx HERALD” begs to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that. between this and next issue,».he intends ‘ Returning his Printing Officer NEwi-HoUSE ADJOINING, Two docrs‘"further'n3rth, where. by increased facilities.».he will' be prepared to get. tip work with” th'e'ntmest expedition. and with every attention to the wishes of his customers. ‘g " Harald " Office. ' ' ichmond Hill,.Jtll)' 20, 1863. UR ADVICE HAS OFTEN BEEN asked with regard to purchasing BOOTS ' and SHOES. where the best place is. In our opinion Delinage sells better Boots for less money than any House in the Village. 'l'OBlAS DOLMAGE. Richmond Hill. July 19,1800. 55.1; n ""1V‘r' V~'\+lrrii*'va‘v .- omw... . ; 1. r.»‘.-~m~'-=‘~»3§.1.‘4~34'N\$.H stuns-.4“ wt- u... . TO THE ELECTORS OF THE KING DIVISION OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL" G ENTLEMENé AVING obtained the unanimous nomin- ation of the Convention held at Mark- ham, on the 30:11 of Juneâ€"composed, as that Convention urns. of many ol'the most influen- tial gentlemen residing within King Division ; and having received many kind assurances of support from electors of all political shades, in every part If the Division, I am inductid to offer myself as a Candidate for your suti‘rages at the approaching election ofa representative to represent your Division iii the Legislalive Council. " The great ropsonsibility which attaches to the high position of a Legislative Councillor. and the power placed in his hands. to be used; for "the weal or woo” of the whole Province. l are grave subjects for your consideration : and r l frankly confeSs that it is iiot without many doubts as to my own ability to represent your interests. as efficiently as they ought to be. and as I could desire to do, that I itow present my- self before yeti. A resident of the Division for Nearly a quar- ter of a century, 1 believe thyself to be person- ally known to a majority of the Electors, who will therefore be the better able to jrrdge cor- rectly whether in the event ofitiy being plaCcd at the head of the poll, I would protect your in- terests. advocate your vie‘ws,.and opinions on all questions of public policy, and zealously guard your rights.â€"â€"as the inhabitants of One of the wealthiest, most populous. and intelli- gent Divisions in Canada. . A Canadian born, I early-learned those. great got ernmenlal principles of progress and reform, which have been so happily and _beu’eftcully Conceded to us by the Mother C()Ullll'}‘--â€"riit‘- sponsible governmentâ€"seenring to us the most valuable rights enjoyed under the British Coti- stituriou,i consult-r the form of Goveruriiont host adap ed to this C(llilltl‘”, when honestly ad- ministered, acr-ording to the well understood wishes of the people. Should I be honored with your support. and' be your chosen Reprosontatyve, l_ wi l, to the tittiiost of my ability. :dvocate the following principles :â€" . 1. Maintenance of the Union between the two ' Province». ‘ ‘2 RoprmcntatiOii ru‘cordingr l'i Population. ir- respec'ch of a dividing line between Upper and Lorvor Unnatl :. 'i. iti'utonragoirit-ht to Emigrants. ‘1. Free Grants of Land to Emigrants and orbit-7s, being fltilll‘lll~‘(31[lttl'6. A liornostOJi Law. No l'lxpeudituro of Public Money without the consent of Parliament. 7. Pir-viiir-ial \Voi'ks only, to be ifllit‘ll tip by the Government; and no Expenditure of .'). 6 13,- “L... .h ».._...,... are... am... ‘;_.. If ele'ted I shall know no “ East” no “ West,”â€"either locally or provincially, but will endeavor to act impartially for the whole. without distinction of locality, creed or sect. There' are two questions of a local- nature af- fecting the Division to which I desire to allude, 1st. The late proposed Whitby Railway. The question of granting County aid to that work has ali'eadv been decided oy the Ratepayers of Odtaria. 'With that decision I am Content, and will not use my influence, or position to bring that subject again before the people, for pecuniaryassistance. The charter has expired, and should another ever be granted, it is evi- dent that the read must either be constructed by private subscription or with foreign assist- ance. 2nd. With reference to the separation of the county of York fromthe city ofToronto for judi- cial purposes. I am in favor of the passage of a. bill for that purpose to take effect so soon as approved of by the ratepayers ot' the County of York. candidate for the representation of King Divi- sion in the Legislative Council, I may say in conclusion that I have no personal ambition to serve. her private object to gain, and should I have the honor to be elected I will go to the House Fee and unlrahielled and unpledged, to support any political party or set of men, " for the sake of the party.” Mv polictical views on the public questions of the. day are now fairly before you. Those principles are such as I be- lieve the true interests of the Pioviiice demand. and will under every citicutiistnnce and condi- tion find iii the a warm advocate. Mon may come into power to-day and go out tocmorrew, -â€"I\Iinistiies may exist two hours or two years, but the welfare of tho Provinceâ€"and the future ~oreirtncss anti prosperity of my native country, will always be my first cou- ideration. 1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient, humble Servant, JOHN HARE PERRY. \Yhitby. July 111, 1860. SS-tf EXAMINATION OF :Ctllillflhl 803001. TEACHERS, COUNTY OF YORK. K’TO’I‘ICE is hereby given that an Examinâ€" L ‘i ntion of Common SshOoI 'l'eachei‘s and others will take place on TUESDAY, the 7th August, 1801', at the Court House in the CITY 01" 'I‘ORON’I‘O, at ItICi'iMONDiIILL, and at Ncwrnarkct. at Nine, am. Candidates will be required to produce certi- 1iC'llCS of moral character from their respective Ministers and, if Teachers before. also from their respective 'i'i'ustccs. (Signed) JOH L BA RCLAY. D .1). Chairman. 862 Toronto. July 6, 1860. l :1 formation Viftlll‘iicd. Public Money to be made on Works of a Local character. 8. I’tot-‘onchinent in every Department of the Public Expenditurt,â€"“ Putting iii the I’rnn- iirg knife at the t'>|'°” Reduction of the Custom D11 iesâ€"The hur- deii of taxation to be placed on the lllelI‘It‘S of the rich. and not on the necessaries of the 1 poor. 1 '. A Malicious B..:.\ki‘ttpt Law. I I Ruin-tion of Law Lusty. 12. Strip Ili'u'lll-J‘rt of tha l’roccetliziga- ofCou. ts of Law. ‘ 13. Keri ion of the. Court off'lianccry. 14. Extension of the Mun cip:il' 1.:rtv. " 1.1911111)” of Reeves and Deputies. 9 o. alid War-dons of Counties. by the people; the Sftltl'c- a- Mayors of Cities and 'l'owns.’ As-iririhition of the Laws of Upper and K Lowe r Canada. W “ 17. ‘1 he restriction of the rights. of Mortgagees to the property held 17) Mortgagewwithout allowing them the right to come upon the 16 , . . _ r a other propmry'. real or personal of the Moit- BAK ER. endorsed by J“ )SEPII HUR l). in A-1 EHL'OI‘. 18. 1'1 ..1dirrg all Parliamentary Elections in one day. 19. A better mode of sotLIing Contostr-d elec- tions. ‘31). A Prohihiicry Liquor Law. '21 Payment of Criminal \v‘Vitnosscs. 52". Abolition of Newspaper Postage. ‘23. Alolition of the Fraiiking Privilege. lbcliove that the above principles involve many Valuable and important iiicusnres of Re- form, which would tend to the material ad vancoment of our social and political progress : but in the presentdisturbed state of political opinion. anti considering the violent agitation tor a complete disruption of our constitutional relations with Lower- Canada, I feel bound to state freely and candidly, that the Union 011110 twu Provinces l conco've to be the grand point. at issue in this election. Any dissolution of the tic which new binds us together. to ottr great mutual advantage. must prove disastrous. Ui>solutiou with a view to a federal connection of the two Provinces, I believe to be not only a retrogude and injurious poli :v. but. as tvinccd by the vote of Lower Canada at 1-.st session oi l’ailiumont. perfectly titrattuJiable. DiSsolu- tion of the Union “ p ire and simple,” a policy strongl‘r advocated iii some quarters, appears to me to be so obviously absurd. attd iii its con- sequences, so futal. that I cannot believe in the sincerity or patriotism ofits supporters. Lower- Cunadrt to the East, and the Uiiited‘ States to the South, would then leave Upper Canada under their control, and entiron at their mercy. Hostile tariffs, and injurious restrictions here or there or perhaps both, would hamper" us on every side, so that coiitihercial‘ disadvantages, and our isolated position would drive Upper Canada into seine. now unforseon. but 10-ho- dreudcd connection, and would most probably lend to a movctttcht for annexation to the Uni- ted States. Gentlemanâ€"I hope no necessity for such a movement may arise. You and I are British subjects. our loyalty is due‘to a Queen, disâ€" tinguished for every grace and virtue that can adorn her position, our hearts at d sympathies are with the land which offers a refuge to the exiles and victims of tyranny. come front what country they may ; the history of that country. her associations her struggles, are ours: her money, her credit, and her support has assisted our noble Province throughout all our dangers, difficulties and disadvantages. They are with its still. Let us cling then to our present cottâ€" tteclion. and unanimously oppose any and whatever policy that Would be likely to endan- gor it. The question of Federation of all the Pro- vinces of British North America is. even now, generally and very favourably entertained.â€" Iconfidently anticipate the early accomplish~ mentef such a scheme. and most earnestly hope for its con~umuiation. Iwill zealously and cordially support every step calculated to t socu 0 its attainment. Ibelieve that by the llcl'ehl,‘ b‘Ial‘,‘°“'l,‘33°“" Tilt”! .hiwe mid consolidation of our mutual interest»- and 7 bp’EDDP-‘RbON b 3'0 1A1 13%: “Al.- sireugth. we shall lay the foundation of a great R0 'l :9. 0” “‘5' summer “MOW: last balmdi‘“ North A metican Nation, linked together by the[ bonds of mutual commercial ' advantages. and to our Mother Century by the strongest ties of origin. kindred institutions, and indentity of in- teicst<. I believe that this is the only plan, by which we may hope to root out from amongst us, thatbittor spirit of sectionalisn‘i and local jealousy now existing. and elevate the new petty po‘itics of our Province to more worthy aspirations after Grand National ob- jects. _ 1 shall bonito party mart. iii that sense of the word that requires all measures good or bad. emanating from oneparty to be supported while those of another are to be invariably re- jeetcd ; I. shall endeavor to judge honestly of the merits of each measure. as it is presented: irrespectivo of the source or origin from which it proceeds, and support croppose it upon these grounds alone. Firmly believing tliatthe true principle ofall Legislation she“ Id be-â€"-“ THE G'R EA'I‘EST GOOD '10 TH E GREATEST -NUMBER l”â€"all measures calculated to ad- vance the Country and securg the happiness of the community stall receiVe iny earnest atten- . . 1 tion, and cordial support, IF this should meet the eye of JOHN LA VV- RENC‘E. who left his father‘s residence in Vaughan, iii May, 1859. he is requested to communicae with his‘t'riends. Airy party who wi.1 recognize by the following descriptionâ€"â€" 5 feet 7 inches high, . dark brown hair, dark (‘_\‘t'S, age about Qtiâ€"and will give ' information of his whereabouts to his bereaved parent. will confer a favor. Was seen at Kertleby Mills, King. about lWo weeks ago. JAMES B. LAIVRENCE, Richmond Hill. P.O. July 15), 1560. 8541' H" “ Advancti," Barrie. picme Copy twice. OMETIME between the let and Slitli of k) June. iii or between Ileadfoid. 3rd UM). of Markham. and Stouil'ville, A NOTE ()l" HAND. for $100515 drawn bv CHARLES favor of JOSEPH itic‘shtxo. on me rni. June, 1b60. payable 6 irioiiths after date. Any person bringing or forwarding the saute to hty address will be suitably rewarded. JOSEI’II READING. Iiciidl'ord. 1’.O. Markham. July 5, 1860. 84 4 -___ [NFRINGERS OF PATENTS, BEWARE l 71““ E Subscribers being Solo Owners of the Right to MANUFALTURE and SELL. in Peel. York and Ontario, and severe adjacent Counties, S'fI'i"l"S PATENT HAND LEVER STUMP EXTRACTQR, 'l‘nke this method of informing all Parties iti- l'rirrging on said Patent, oilho" as Manufacâ€" turers or Operators, that they have left their Deed. which has been properly executed and duly registered, in the hands of their Attorney and Solicitor, with instructions to prosecute all offenders to the titmnsr extent of the law. Persons using Machines infringing will be held accountable. - PATTERSON & BRO. Richmond Hill, Jttly 4,1660. 84-if Letters Remaining in RICIIM )IVD 1111.1. I’osthiiCt5 JULY 1,. 60. ‘ Allen. Joltri N. Bridgman. Mrs. Bellerby. Martin Bishop. VVart‘cn Brown, Avery (Llai'k. William Cameron. Malcolm Degeor, .1. ii. Ewing. William Elliott, Mary A iiti Fitzgerald, 'I'hmnits Fox, Edward Foster, G. K. Greenwood. William Gray, Abraham ‘ Hevct'ley, Sll‘ts l‘.lo:semitii. John Hill, William Hall. 1]. limit, William llerrel‘l, Catherine Moe, Samuel James, Mr. Kirk. Allen Lee, George Lund, R Lund. \V. Loutlier, lohn Mindy. Mrs. Miller. A' Marsh. Robert McBride, Mrs. McLean, Donald Newlove. John Peg. Mrs. Rogers, James ' Rc’vell, Mr. [2] Sanders. Francis Simpson. Joltn Sheridan. William Trench, William \Vilson. lichard Yt-thinan. Richard M. TEEFY. P. M, Advertisement. and Monday. and have found them up to all that Mr. Sulldcisolt represents them to be. They are NOT of airy heavier draft than the cotninou barrow, and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require implements ot'tlie kind. RICH \RD VANDERBURGII. Richmond Hill. June 20, l860. 5 Dollars Reward. ‘t'l‘RAYED from Lices'rxrr’s ULD FARM, h Yongo Street. ‘ SIX HEIFERS ; Namely, l three-years old. light mingle color ; 2 two-years old. light mingle color; 1 two- years old, roan color; 1 two-y ears old, red color. and one yearling. red.-â€"-were last seen on the 2nd concession of Vaughan. Atty perv son restoring them to_the subscriber will re- ceive the above reward. - GEO. WELDRICK 29. 186‘). Cook’s Gate. Juno 823-4 . Gentletrnn :-â€"-In soliciting your support as a * ._ .r.»-..- ,.. - _-â€"s FARMERS’. INTEREST. r HE subscriber begs to intimate to the Farmers ofthe County of York. that he is prepared 10 Manufacture and Sell ll‘l'l'l‘illll IllllllWS‘ l \Vith the improved Draft and Coupling Irons. The above Harrows are far superior to arty new in use. being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Har. rows Specitiiens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained. by ap- plying to tho Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who ,will punctually attend to all orders. . SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill. Feb. 24,1860. 5-tf Assignment Notice. :ESSRS. G. A.& B. BARNARD, of Richmond Hill and Bradford. have. this day, assigned all their estate to the undersigned in trust for the benefit oftlieir Creditors. The Assignment may be seen at the Messrs. Eccws 6L Cannon, Barristers, 6:0 , Adelaide St., Toronto. WM. S. POLLOCK, Assigncc. April 30. 186-). Allaccottntsin connexion with the above due prior to 1st April, must be immediately settled. and accounts to mature, at the terms of payment made by Mrs-stirs G. A. & B. Bar- nard. - \VM. S .P01.LOCK,Assignt-.e Richmond Hill. May 17. 1660. 75-t A Afiaigainu: FOR, SA LE: OR TO BE LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS. _. FRAME HOUSE, m arly new, with One office of Ma. y. DEFlEfl‘ WW' â€"../\/\,x/\f./\,\/-V\Jw V V â€"A W S POLLQCK ‘ MACHELL. , FIEL, a. co... ' . ' ~ ,. EG respectfully to announce to the Public and their Custom ' they are receiving their SUMMER STOCK 0F Geoos'i Which will be complete by the 28th of June. Buying their, GOODS in. the FIRST MARKETS, FOR CASH. they feel confident ofgivingthe Public every » ' ‘ s rtisfaction. Particular attention is requested to their FACTORY & BLEACHED COTTONS, V ‘ 7 American and English Cloths, ace. 1 WW" F” CHEAPNESS AND DURABILI'I‘Y cannot be exceeded by any 6 R313“ Slal'ein the Provincia. ' ‘ ' r' t A call, is respeetfitlly solicited before purchasing elsewhere. are generally that I EGS .to inform liislfriends and the B customers of G. 8:. B. BARNARD that be has bought at Sheriff Sale, Titewt-ionrt‘or THEIR Stock in Trade At a great DISCOUNT, and is prepared ' to offer the same Clothes made ’-to Order Gents’ ' ‘ On the Shortest notice, and warranted to fit. AT .AND UNDER '32.“ Aurora, June 18, 1860. THE \VHOLIBALI ’â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" -â€"+â€".â€"â€"â€". â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"4.. . ’ -._.__.;.::: ”'. . ~ *MARKHAH** cost PRICES. _ ‘ , . And trusts, by strict attention to business, 0 A B A G E ’ i & s E E H to merit their future patronage. I» ~ I . W O R K S . Acre of Land attached, situated on Lot He has also PURCPIASED a General 21, 4th Concession 0" Markham, being north west corner of “ \Vouch’s Lot.” A. Spring runs through it. A rare chance fora Butcher, Storekeeper or Mechanic. Only me quarter mile from a School‘houso, and in the centre of three Villages. . Terms Easy and Price Low, to suit the pur- chaser. For particulars apply to thepreprietor on the preiiiisos. JOHN MACEY' Markham, May 523, 18611. 77-tf BUY YOUR WM. S. POLLOCK’S, Moore‘s. And othersuperior makes Scythe Sneths, froth . . . . . . . . . . . . is 6d “ liay Rakes. from................ Us 6d “ Also, just received Bright Illuscovatle SUGAR, RICE. CURRAN'I‘S. COD FISH, Chocolate. Tobacco, &c. Which will be offered at the . lCâ€"ES l lurwrsr TORONTO CASH PB 8‘2.tt ‘tichmond 11111. June 21, 1860. 01:? “GIVE IT A TRIAL” '1 H 1‘; Best half-dollar TEA On Richmond Hill, for Sale , WM. 8. POLLOCK’S, Cheap Cash Store 1 , ‘*’*t.;cg.*;gr¢.. AM 8 RO'I‘Y PES Are now being taken at Gilbertsorr’s PRIZE PORTRAIT (JAR On Richmond Hill. l TUE Public generally should know that G. GILBERTSON is now taking the best of i’ertraits at Low Prices Arnhrotypes, Photographs, Melainotypes and ““m Lettergrnph, I’icturos; also. Portraits set iti Lockets, Brooches, Rings. doc and taken in Cloudy as well as in Bright Weather. Dress Dark and Come Early. Operating hours from 8. am. to 6, p.m. Lest-tons given in Crystal Painting, Leather Frame \‘Vork, Soc. Satisfaction VVarranted. GEO. GILBERTSON. Richmond Hill. June. 1861). Popular Medicines FOR S.‘ 1.1“. BY C. S. LLOYD, w. s. POL OCK’S Druggisr. & Dentist, AURORA. Holloway’s Ointment jFalmestot-k’s Dr. E. Hope’s Mag do iuge Dr. 'l‘rnsk’s do dolIhtlinn Worm Tea Dr. W'ilson’s Veg dol R Rw'it Hemedys Harrison’s Electric do. 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer Morehead’s Mag plas’s Brigg’s Mag Relief Ayer’s Pills , British Oil Morse’s In Roct do i Harlem do Vermi- Sir Ashley Cooper’sStone do Anti-bil do Spike do Mofl'att’ Life do Black do Child’s Sov Balm S l ,d d 'yEng White do: en es 0 o Schneider ’s eye water Poor Man’ sAnti bil Fetti’t’s Amer Salve Mayer’s Long Life ,Kenncdy's Wermi’ow-' Dr. Phiiiney’s Family 1 tier Mofl'att’s Pheoix Bit .Soper’s Salve iiooflaud’ Goi'iiian Bit: Egyptian do Do Balsamic Earl Essences of all kinds Judson’s Cherry and Lloyd’s Ointment for Lurgwort ' Skin Diseases Kermott’s Tonic Mix ‘Irloyd's Eye Water Wister’ pu‘monic syrup} Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup of Hoarhonnd lLloyd’s Consentrated lloyer’s galvanic fluid ;‘ es of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Straw- Lloyd’s German horse berry Lotion Godfrey's Cordial {Lloyd’s Cough Syrup l’irteman’s I’ect I)t'ops:Llo_\'d’s Tooth Powder Put‘ogoric Lloyd’sToothache Spe- Sir '1‘ Keating’s Cough, cific Lozengers .3 Basal.es Cam. Mixtureâ€"mi excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhtea. drc. Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand discovery : If people knew its genuine worth. Diseases world be scarce on earth ; Then. why should people pain endure? VVheu they can find a perfect cure. 113’ Prescriptions Accurately Contponmlcd. Aurora, June 1860. 81 NOTICE. HEREBY forbid any Person or Persons P frotn negociating for or purchasing a NOTE OF HAND, drawn by me in favor of W", s. Messrs. DARLING & AITCHISON, Ma- chinists. late of Thornhill, in Jttne 1858, pey~ able this fall. amounting to $36, as the same has been paid. - PETER VANHORN. Therithill, June 22,1860. 8314 HAYâ€"me Il‘vff’LEMENTS lllllllY-llllllll iIflTlllllll of Grass Scythes. from . . . . . . . . . . 3s 9d each i ““ You may depend on Bargains. :1: CHEAP GOODS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. LL“- He cannot be soar issue in qualities Assortment of DRY Goons T1113 PROPRIETOR OF THE MARKHAMw CARRIAGE FACTORY 1- ESPECTFULLY begs to remind the Public that the STOCK' ol- CARRIAGES on' hand, at his Establishment this season. surpasses that of previous years; inasmuch,“ sortie very important: additions have been made to the GROCERIES, LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES, Sec. &.c. &c. Formerly used. He would. also remind the public that among the improvements, one in CARRIAGE , AXLE-s: Has been introduced ; Which he can afford to SELL at much LESS PRICES, for CASH Than ever before offered on ~ Aztec-rump: IN TOP , ANOTHER . IN SEAT CUSHloNS,‘ Besides others of Importance. All of WIIICIlHadd very muchto the HIIABILITY,; .jiiitiiiiii, in 1111 OF THE VEHICLE.“ r Richmond. 13:111. 1 fiflrfiVCall, Ettainin'e and See for Your}~ selves before Purchasing elsewhere. Will open on If possible more titan ordinary care has beentaken in the selection of '; SATURDAY, 441771721, 1860 “other and other material .' W. S. POLLOCK. This Season. gig: CALL AND SEE ~ - o r HALL“ . l . 1 ‘ I 3. Markham Village June 8, 1860. v ‘ ' ‘ " sciâ€"rrf AND ' i 11, 11l11lIH11l HARNESS Of every description and variety of Mountings go to W. H." MYERS’ premium hunter dialuhliiabmriil, has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of'GOODS that. is ever E H kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to. get them in Toronto; and be is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the. .. : _sliortest notice, - SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles, &c. of every description. 0 \LL AT (late G. A. Bernard’s). illirbmnith full. Good Prints, fast colours, from 441 per yd. New Spring Delaincs, from 75d peryyd. New and Beautiful Bonnet Ribbons, from 6d per yd. L And an excellent assortment of Factory and Bleached Cotton Striped ALL COLLARS'WA‘RRANT Skirting, Blue Denims, Cotton Drills, ED TO GIVE SATISFACTION} " Cash for HIDES and SKINS. 'PA’t‘TERSONS’PLOUGlâ€"IS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND.- A11 Work. War-ranted. Call, Examine and Seefor yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Richmond 11111,.Tune 19, 1860. 624', ms y Hosiery, Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, d‘c. W- ____~_~~.. --»_.__ “-4. NOVELTY IWAGGON . MARKHAM VILLAGE. ‘ ‘Nx WMNMM For Fine, Fresh, Good TEAS SUGARS, COFFEES, and 'TOBAccos Erery Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY! W'AGGONS l Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock ofLumber, of the best quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities which they have in M3. cliinery, combined with first-class Workmen,â€"â€"th9y can.and do make better- Finished ‘ More Durable. and i~rlr-~lwmaaauo % fi “ill Jlllliml ‘llmiiti nor UNDERSOLD in Prices. emenibcr to call at V I Pollock’s, (late G, A. Bariiand’s). RICHUWOJ‘.D HILL, I Aim“ 20: 1850° 733m Markham Vols». Y ' '7‘?" v illlm Than any other Establishment in Canada. 1 All orders attended to with promptitude, and Work warranted ' T.'8~PEIGHT & SON. .56-6m

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