Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 22 Jun 1860, p. 3

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h... 4.4 . HILL TESTIMONIAL. .THE Committee appointed at a Public Meeting. held at Marr’s Hotel. on Sa- turday. the 4th iiist., for the purpose of getting up a COMPLIMENTARY DEMONSTRA- TION. to the Rev Mr. HILL. Local Super- intendent of Common Schools for the Town- ship. have instructed me to “intimate that circumstances. over which the have no con- trol,render it INEXPEDIE T to have the Tea Meeting come off at present. This. the Committee deeply regret. Notice of any future action will be given, and a Public Meeting called. By Order. W COMPETITIONLDEFIEDi Polloéi’iffii‘olum" mm H ' W. POLLOCK, EGS to. inform his friends and the customers of G. 8:3. BARNARD ' that he has bought at ' PATTERSON 3’ - 'Diao. . At Wallaceburg, C.W. on the 5th instant, after a short illness, of brain fever. Mary Ann. aged 18 years. daughter of Mr. James Rut- lidge. MW V WVva SPECIAL NOTICES. mm A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. Wincum Casanova. while labor- i ng as a missionary in Japan, wee cured of Consumption. when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician x, residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has eured great numbers who ‘were sufi'ering from Consumption, Bronchitis. Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. and the debilityI and her- vous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others. I will send this MACHELL, FIEL,’ 8!. ’CO., BEG respectfully to announce to the Public and their Customers generally that they are receiving their SUMMER? STOCK 0F GOODS ! plete by the 28th of June. Buying their GOODS in the MARKETS, FOR CASH, they feel confident ofgiving the Public; every satisfaction. Particular attention is requested to their «» FACTORY & BLEACHED COTTONS, A. BARKER, I I Secretary. VVliich Will be com 82-1 FIRST Shem Sale, Markham. June 18. 1861). I I SAB BATH SCHOOL THE WHOLE OF' THEIR TEA MEETING 1 V 0‘ .. - A erica i < ' doc Stock on Trade v’ recipe, which I have brought home with me. to At ThOII‘Inhlll. m n a 1d Engl‘Sh Cloths, ° < I . . allwho need it, freeIofcharge. SOIREF wIII IIIITIIII, III COIIIIIIcIIOII WIIh Which for CHEAPNESS AND DURABILITY cannot be exceeded by any ' WM CbSGROVE . the U. 1;. Cliurcli'Sabhath School, I Retail Store in the Province. .I r A" 3 gm“ DISCOUNTI and. is Nepal.“ I I , I I -- . I I II I I . I I I II II I I ' ' III‘I ’ 0,, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, :50 A call is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. tool?“ the Sam IF you are wishing a GOOD, DURABLIL and EASY .\i........i:.i) i . .- 43 ulton Avenue. ._..._. ‘ I i, , V _ I , g 8213"» Brookivn, N1. - - . - ”‘ T“ - - Gents’ Clothes ' - - - ‘ ~ - ' ‘- ‘7'? - made to Order E P E R e . . UNlTED PHESBYTERIAN CHURCH, , . - AND UNDER ‘ ‘ I - ‘ ,,.. I . W " ' ', " " "‘ "_"‘“"‘"“‘"~“‘~ THORNHILLI On the shortest notice, and warranted to fit. I I I . V, , II . I . , flew auncrttgmcnt‘q' A Select Choir of Musicians will discourse Aurora, June 18, 1860. ‘ 82-tf ' ; Purchase from thei‘long Established and \Vell-known tin-i " " sweetI Mimic.” SeveIral EiiiIin‘entI-Spcakers are I I I I "Indiana . . I I I, --I I- . . Pituileth 50““ Burgh _ ' expece 0 at ress 19 par _v. - . - I - , . II I I II I I III_I I I I: III ,I II I Advertisemcllte I dildfrieiidly t3 Sabbathficliools are cordially II I . i 'I * â€" I a - I I Or if preIludchedI imfavorof a I ‘ I' ‘ I I II .herdbv‘boar testimbnv ihat I have tried “Wile to fine" '- , - ~ . . . . v ‘ l '4 I ' ' I I it?!” H " l ‘ ' ' i H _ I r ~ . ~ _ ' I" -II I I? ’I l, II,“ HSANDERSON’SA ROTATING HAR- TEA willbe servedat3Io‘Clock. p-m . ' '0 ' I ' “it _. ROWS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. Tickets 25 cents, cliildreIn lialt'~priceâ€"-to he , , .. - " k I ’ ll l flit JT‘W‘ Il limit: I. it l'l ll llill-ll i'll' vomit oe‘. u! t1 ..'. h and Monday. andhave; found them up to all had at Mr. I". Crosby’s Store. Richmond Hill. . , I i r I ’ V ‘ ‘ - . v - A ~ ~ ‘ . . a. - . . that’ Mr. Sanderson represents them to be. Mr. T. Carr’s store. Thoriihii, and other Stores I ‘ ‘ I I I Get one made,..wholly from.- IRON, With FLILlhlBLEI l.“ l .‘ t.l'.1| ii. t- ;I web-l. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the and from the Teachers .ofjhe School. 7 And trusts, byst-rict attention to busmess, win cut “a” we“, on Rough or Smooth. cronindI from _ . » ceminon hariow and do the work to my utmost , h I ' ' eq y a " ~ . i . I . . ." a ' .. . ' ‘ rv“ . n 'I ‘ I satisfaction. 1 confidently recommend them to '1 mm '1 ' Juno 13' 1860‘ 81 2 I 'to ment the“. future patronageI I PA iIl'lelI‘t ‘V IL. lei“ l. "I ""0 "quire imphmems “a” kmd “""“‘“‘“’"* i I ' ' Would you have your Hayino done Cheaply Easilyâ€"with Neatncs- mi in (iced . a . y . I . I p . I I”, . I RICHARD VANDERBURGH . EXCELSIOR I Tune? Then secure (me of the . ‘ I I ' Richmond Hill.'Ju’tie 20, 1860. , O R S s ‘ ' ' . ' , t .. V 1 ’ ‘ ,I .I v - s ‘ k w â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-â€"~â€"~-_-â€"~â€"~~-â€"#~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-~ l l i l i . He has also PURCHASED a General “lowli‘zt 53’ z. - I - - ., I I « ,0“ . , Are now being talterrni’Gilbortson’s I I _ “Nth IRON FRAME, STEEL C’UT FER-BAR, and trial." “1,132! RING " 7 T0 EXCl'lANCE- IJRIZE 130R TIiAIT CA R I GUARDS tliatnever Were knowa to clog, manufactured by ' v ~ -. i z t A - l i ‘ I \ ' “fig 9' " .' .I. Z 4 1‘0 ACRES or LAND in the Town- oi. Richmond Hill. Y i . PAT? 0-", 1» W0» being weetfillldll'btl'ilbrtlllgdlo-ld:(ihinflieuh§li'22:. HF public “maul!” H [II , . Are'ithie’rr'ei Stumps On your Farm 90, (10 not fail so pro. u'm- than”. and I." one‘ cwsioInIi Alec). llIlOIfIlciIleIs in tlIiIe ;ame 'II‘OWSIh-l GHIMRTS," ,s "O'lw‘JSJLIg “Iglfieitugfb' THE PROPRIETOR OF THE of those " , I . , ., - . ship, ) iiig west iii 0 mt i o. . in he . I ' , I . I. .MI, .III‘I ., I, _ I concession. II II Portraits at l .ow Prices GROCERIESI T- 'I? M E fmfiTf-Ifid '1: a - we. .~ . III Tl” “hove pbolwl-V l" “Ye”. “."m Very Ambr l')6. Phot r 1 Vin ' . Ofwnc S. ROWN, sq.., 620 mg a omit-Ir up i.â€"-. ",.,n--i~» N ‘ valuable Pine 'l‘Iiinber, and hes uIIithiIl} half a Lonerzr‘lalpli’ pichfiigagnzis; Lpflfiiifigeietfllfl ' move anything on the earth,,or out thC earth, that any reasmm ,.-. Jeni-Iii, i “In. tie ‘H‘t‘ l-t EIIiQItIIIoIIItIie Sunnidale Station on t e i ortierll Locke‘s. Jil‘OOIClles, Kings, 1,”.1 taken in . move”; and 179.,IgoodI Irespecmble I Farmers, in, Canada Stamp ,IFIIIII I ,IIIIIIungrIII” “.9... ‘ F0, muler ,.a,.,,culmg WI”), ,0 the IpmwieI D on gas 2:1] as in Bright it outlier. - ESP'iCCTFULLY begs to remind the Public that the STOCK oi statement.~ To had. at. the Iron Works of II II II II . I II thrItInft'ihe "lork llemld Othce. Richmonr resIsI er and Come Early. I CARRIAGES on hand, at h"i Establishth this season, surpasses that of I . . . . a . ‘ PAI lpIIIJOII g; BIIIIOIII IIII‘IIII IIII IIIIIII SQIII fliemmgIhour-‘f “2m 8. t0 5, p-m- previous years; inasmuch, as some very important additions have been made to the ‘ Is your Ground infested with foul weeds! Remember the 'I I” ~~v ' ° I .essniis given in ‘rysta "aiming, Leather . I' v ' ’ w l I I I ’ - - . ~-â€" 7 I ~ - ~ Brains yvorkI &cI Satlsfnction “rarrunledI .&Cs kc. &rCo l, .1; i GEO. GILBERTSOV. I » ‘ - Rielmlond Hillo 1mm. 1860. X 81-4 Which will “so crate Wheat from Tares,” and render, ourfii-m -u.;i- and 1 ma!“ ._.__ -* »~‘*â€"â€"~â€"~ 7 ~ 7 ~91” ~»â€"'- We - anur statute or ‘ , I I , _I I '_ N S» O Popular Nficdicincs Formerly used. He would also remind the public that among the improvements, one in Willa] he 93” 33°“! t0 SELL at “Will , PATTER‘SUX 6". Bin-’3' ) b i‘on SALF nrv r v Ii you Wlsll .‘ . - ’ "" ~ I . - ' FLOWS, with Cast Beams, . I REDUCTION m PRICES a N0 HUMBUG. C . S. L LO Y D, C A R R I A Gr E A X L E S . LESS PRICES: for CASH PLUWSimth VveoderBea‘ms. n ' ‘ Dru'g'gist ‘béntist: I ; , , , ., , ‘ ' ' ' - FLOWS, With Wrought Beams, I II I . , . - i i . . f'i HE Subscriber begs respectfully to inform AURO‘RAI; - 1 I I I ' -II _ FLOWS, )with Steel Seams. I rhis Friends and the Public that he has . 'I ', ‘ Has been introduced ; l‘han ever before offered on I 1. LO‘VS, with Sliiiiglit lit-min; ‘ undo “ Gm“ Redumio" in l(Illu Prices 0f BOOTS [lollow‘aws Ointment :thnestookis Vermi I v. . v ' ’ , . .. “‘1” “WWW?” balm." and Snows. of evcrIvI escription. ‘ , I i h ' ' a v I I I PLOVVS I I II . i ' I I I I _ i. .. - - Dr. 12. Hope’s Mag do- .iii 0 . I . O . “3 ' " ‘ " 4 1' " - 'Lap Furrw ' 1-, \ l l l ' For» OASHI only. Drw'l‘rosk’s "'60 dblludiiin. we... Tea _ ‘ ’ ' ' T' I , Riqhmpnd Hill. , Green Sward PLOWS, ~‘ _I I_ ,, . B " "n itii I‘st blishmcnt a call the} uill Wilson’s‘veg dolfl R'R‘Rem‘advs ' U , Centre Draft "PLOW S, ‘ rglwglstln I y - _ .I,'.| . I .J). ’. I‘ I I ,. . .I, I. . i , I III I I I I find that he ca’uyhialte’better BOOTS and Sell Mzrgfiggdsvgghfiglghfigj ghigglfnfiglhgiygr «XN()'1‘ H l. ' iih « a l I "l S") ' -'. ' L ' them :lefiali‘i "m"? h“-‘"°‘l‘°' i"°.“"° i" “‘9 Ayer‘s Pills " ,l British Qir, I x - ~ k . t. ‘ I,’ â€"-â€"â€"-'I I Crossing P1,! l\€.>_'...,., ,I:. ».. 'l rude,. he .Itollowiiig is alibi. of prices :-â€" Mumps“ In- R00, do IHaHam'aq I I I . ‘ . l a ..,i}I .. I .. . .4 r I I :II II I I hIIIIiIII IIIII 6.5, I, (IIIIItlfIlIiOO-it; {rem-m "vb-$3 g3 Cooper’sgtqne . Besides others of Importance. All of which add very moch" to the : ' a” it” 5" ' ' ‘ I I pLQVVS, for 3510,00 ' ' ‘_.I V; I i' cots. rotu...I...I....‘........ -. ntt-_i o‘ 'nkeI"(‘i I I II I I I I III I I . .. I. II; - -. 7. . I. ,I . Strb’lig Boots. from"... 3 00 Moii‘an’ Lite do iBiiick‘ I;;'2'1¢,; . ‘ ‘ I _ . . , Gall..Examme and See for Your- ,PLOWS, for $12,005 I I I I I Ladies’ Halmoral new, from. . . ... 2 25 Child’s Soy Balm Eng ,Wliite -do- ' “hesi'before Pumhasing eigewhere, PLO W51!“ $145009 I I . r, .. - . I. .. ~. " f“? «*0 H lllllillBllil'l'Y ll’l‘lillllflllllill llllll llllill ' * '” ms’t‘6="°“ ’ ' U a ' riine‘ s. ro‘in.... . . . . . . . . 7 our an’ s Inti )l ,eitifis Amer Salve I ‘ v I I ' » ‘ gm”, Ia =v “ .. .Cali' Shoes, from. . .‘ . . . . . ‘..' l 50 Mayor-’8 Long Life iKeiiiiedyTs‘Worml’ow- ’ " ’ ' I - ‘ ' ' 3 ’ ' ' (l B l i. 3 . v n- Childrellfi’ 3008. from . . ....‘.. . . . . . U 40 Dr. l’liiiiiicy’s Family _.der"w . , I a I I ' . .I ' II I I_ ‘F‘f . sw- ., T, ID‘QLMAGE. in returning thanks to his Mai-“ms “19"” Bit '. {So-pm?“ Salve ' THE ‘ EHICLE’ us. V G“ to i I . = I. j I z '~.i - numerous Friends and Customers for the very H(igfl‘u‘d’BCiormF‘llbfl'll{SESPlWlVdIf’ II I I II ' " .‘T ' ' P W R I I 3; ' liberal support he has received since commenc- ° ‘fsa'lllc "‘rj ,‘ASSGI‘SQSflI a “H 8 ’I r ) ,1 ORIsE_ O“ E S with. Ire-She’s” = ‘ f ~‘ II I I'I I ingin'thih'Placeibrwtofissuwthm‘lm“Will ’“d”°""‘ 91”“? “,“d “09"” 9'"“"°"‘ if“ â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- ‘W‘u We“ °“ “J'iiiiialin I'VIORSE-‘POWI’iRS with 'i‘iiie'siiers and Se min... . armre'ti‘o pains to merita continuance oi their Lurg‘Y0',t, _ ,~. , blillIlipjsmms , ' .. I . , ,2 1 .D RSF POVVIERS ' 1, T1 h .I i . .i' puronngoI by paying. strict personal attention {fiverttlgottpsml oiiic Mix {nipyfiIsI .5313 “gate; f i . I Y I II . I RVI I S , Wit - , “‘83 ere, §szsnttuis Mei II .9‘:HWI‘S,I b . I I .- f, h l w k I is r I nioniceyrup 10)'.(I,S 'urse ow ers I I I I I . I. - ' 4 , . - Iircu in. . 00, I aws i . I , , . I II :7“, 35:33:,”3132506525“ 5258,33 or me" .Zymp 0t HIoarlioihiid :Lloydfs I. Cmisentrated If possthle more than ordinary care has been taken in the selection of ’ AP” 21’ ‘ Home RakesI,Root,S}icer9I . I I i ‘ .i . _ ' V , , a ' ' ' l , * . , o'er’s avanic u'd ' of'Ja ia‘ r'i r i V , ‘ ' I ‘ I I ‘ All work warranted to give Satisfaction. rainwfex, of mm}, L131»,GEDKSJ‘LESO I . ' Seufflerz IIiIors: Hogs, Ring! "(’t‘.’|’p‘l"t“¢, ' ‘ TOBIAS DOLMAGEI any I I i Lotion ‘1 l b e d h M l ‘ WI POLLOCKI u [Va ors, raw U'it'h‘, i I Richmond HIIII June III. 1860. BIIII If fipitSIIt'I’IsfsCipergtinlDIIo ,t}05‘1:s%otiglhIISyi-3p . O GrainICrusherrII V -â€"â€" i -- ~- I“in;5.33....3383; , Seed 1- , » - y o . , I .. I . I BUY YOUR Sir 'l‘Keatiiig’s Cough, cific Fills Season. Ne. 5%". $16. HAYING IMPLEMENTS L°Zellgem ‘ To be had at the AGRICULTURAL Parishes Cain. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, tire. Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a granddiscoverv : IMPLEMENT .-i'-';.c'~.~:omli on Parmesth a use; ' f WM. S. POLLOCK’S, 863 CALL AND SEE FOR If people know its genuine worth. ' Disco es vie ltl be e r e’ ' it o Richmond :Hlll, Canada West, March, 1860. ' (,7 pm ' ,1 . vu caconeari; ‘ I .I ~ .7. morals”Igggh‘glmazgfenor mnkuqs 9d each Then. why should people pain endure? , I W . ‘ ' ‘ “f " ' I . Bcg'lhe Sneths from I”. “u” is 6d “ “me” they can find a parcel cum' N V ‘l'.’ v ‘7? "T71 Hay Rake,“ “romI I I II Us ‘d u (I? Prescriptions Acwratcly IlICompouudch . | I AND ' - l ' A1809 3"“ recel'ed Aumm’ June 1860' 81'“ Markham Village June 8, 1860. 80-“ I . . 7 V i “5“” J i 'I Bri muscovado WM T" a â€" ~~ CHEAP GOODS ' Of ever descri tion and variet of Mountinas. o. to I I I I Y _ I P , Y a g , RICE. CURRANTS. con FISH, Trudgcon’s .Wlasomc Band CALL AT 7 I 7 W. H. MYERS’,‘ Clio colatei Tobacco, Sac. Which will be offered at the STATIONERY lFARMERS’ INTEREST. Su scrier as o in hose 0 ie , V I o l I I, oI V~ to :I‘II.II_I-\w .1533. m" LOWEST mom CASH pmcgsg i HE.I:,,§::I§’$.I:§I,,§IEI.IE:Emmi. W- 3- POLLOCK’S titanium Shanna. diriuhluibmrnl, , imiljamld Richmond Hill. June 21. 1860. 82.tf as? “GIVE 1T A TRIAL” iateG. A. Bernard’s . ‘ i x ( a ) E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of G( ‘t)i lrl the! I.‘ i-ver kept in any Country Shop, andat a much less price then it i.‘ “mil-dis inr in get them in Toronto; and lie is always ready to MAKE TO t.).'.e1£.£ii -..â€"._i_~' EARTARE‘ llflTllTlllli lllllllllWSl _ With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons. The above Harrows are far superior to any E Subscriber desires TH that his to inform the Public ,v nu' the- short‘est notice, . THE 1 Good Prints, fast colours, from 4d per yd. Best half-dollar TEA ’ On Richmond Hill. for Sale J ‘AT WM. S. POLLOCK’S, Brass and Quadrille Band, Is now complete. and is prepared to make on- gagements in any part of the Province. Man- agers of ExcursimiS. Soii-ees. Pic Nics, Private now in use. being made on an entire new New Spring Delaines, from 7§d per yd. principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker ahd better than any other Har- New and’Beautlful'Bonnet Ribbons; from rows. Specimens of the above may be seen SINGLE - AND DOUBLE Hi 9;“:‘1" {‘51: a" - ’(otfih 'l' i 3 OILS AND PAINTS, and particulars as to price ascertained. by up. GLASS 8: PUTTY. ._____. plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond And an excéuefitassortment of Hill, who will punctually attendto all orders. ‘ I . SAMUEL SANDERSON' F actory-- and Bleached Cotton Striped ‘ Richmond Hill. Feb.24,I1860. 5-tf; r ' ' ' ’ “ * " Gdi er . -, I ,-' v ' r - 5" ri‘ Parties, or Public Parades may depend on liav- ‘p y H saddles, B1 ldles, 5.6. or 6‘ e1 y descll 1"“, n ' ing Good Music on very reasonable terms.â€" Haviug secured, at great expenseflhe services of some of the Best Musicians in the countoy, the undersigned feels coniniiced that every _ satisfaction will be giveii‘to'tlidSe‘Whonihe may have the honor to serve. ’ ' Cheap Cash Store ! SCHOOL EXAMINATION ! HE Public Examination ’of .the RlCHMOND Him. Coon" Gunman Sermon will take place on? ‘ ‘ Thursday the 28th inst. The Examination will commence at 10 o'clock gr;- ALL‘ COLLARs WARRANTED TO GIVE s'AItIijisiI-fatri‘iox. I.” I‘"H_IDES and SKINS.: " PATTERSONS’ ‘PLOUGHS and SHARES CONSTANTL‘Y 0%.- tl.t.\'i§. ' ” l" V AND Gawain" Shelf ware, Farming Implements,' “suiting, ., : Blue DeIniins, I Cotton Drills, w: ‘I‘RUD'GEON. Alil communications addressed. prepaid to W. Trndgeon, Victoria Square. Markham, or to James Wilson. Richmond “ill, will recieve Assignment Notice. MESSRS. G. A.& B. BARNARD. of .ImI I I Richmond Hill and Bradford. haVe this Hosiery - .\ v , , - ' z' - , I b w A Public Meeting will be held in the evening “PM”? attention: &c° &°‘ &c‘ - day, assigned all their estateIto the undersigned ‘ ‘ ‘ , 0a”, Examine and 1888 fOT yourselves 07'6 pwrckasur, (/hfirtflyylypru‘ for chitationsfiiidkreading Essaysâ€"Exercises V'cmm‘ Sqlulaw’ M8}. 93’ 1860' 77'4 at JAMES TODD’S- Xsbigzggiitthziggmlfi usablhelrafrtliddmffficdub‘i , -. ‘ l V H y '1 I” “0;, but wT253022Saidloiiaieiiign'es ociall ' and the 5 him My Aurora' April 2711860' 74'“ MGSSTS- Emu” &' 013101., Barristers. 556-. ‘ Richmond Hill, Jane 19, 1860. itwl’)‘ Public generally are invited: db atteild Letters AdOlalde Sl-i Town“. ‘ HATS’ CAPS’ > I _,__ i ._ -.___,~- e « :7 i 1--.. i ROBERT RODGERS, iltemainiiiginRICHMONDHIlLI’ostOfiiCG é- WM. 8. POLLOCKI, ' ' ' ’ ‘ ‘r ‘ ' ' ' Headmaster, ‘v JUNE 1. test). J I ‘ Awgnca. BOOTS, . SHOES, Q‘c. ' i (at Richmond Hiii. June 22, 1-860. 82 i ' , I AP?" 30v 1850- O L " - J t ix U s' ' Ambler; W- [21 Langstafl'. J0 lm‘ All accounts in connexion with the above ‘ ~ AT EXTREMELY Low PRICES. Banister, Charles Lund, R. M .19.. ,Bridginan, Win. Munsliaw. Jo liir LANDS FOR SALE. General store, due prior to let April, must beimmediately settled. and accounts to mature, at the terms MARKHAM VILLAGE. AT AURORA. $333033?“ £3335; Fggggigm, EXCHANGE. gipgymont made by M»... o. A. a. B. s... I â€"_â€"- w I ‘-“ . ‘Clark Henry McLuskid. '1‘. , “,â€" ' wm, s FOLLOCK Au- n . . Every Description Of THESubscriber has constantly on hand a ICottelz. Mary Maria McDonald, Lachlan' THE SUbScr'be“ Ofiers {0" sal°v 0" Very Richmond HmI MW "I 1850I ' 13750}: For Fmea IreSh: G°°d ‘ I General Assortment of‘ " Dellenbaugh. Dr. F; McKinnon. Margret) ' reasonable termsr - ‘ TEAS ' . , 'Deiiton Mi~s Moodie Alex. ' ' . ’ . . G ‘Ewing‘i’William‘ niciioiié. Richard II ! A Bargain. SUGARSI , . II I Eyer John O’Herne‘. John I - q?“- . ” ~ ' ' Ili‘imiey. Peter O’Boyle...lohn ' 31‘ LE, COFFEES, and t : ' o ‘ 'F in. John P tt , H l . . . . , . ‘ . - . GROCEIIIES. iFgggEdWflrd Qiiiiiibn, ngllinm Sliua‘ed “‘ “‘6 f°”°w”‘g T°:"Sl"l” "" BE A .. TOBACCOS’ Manufactured by the Subscribers. Havmg an immense stock 0f lonelier. oi the v CGOrl‘mni 30"“ Shepard, EdWard [gll S°'“e“’l"¢"‘c°“my °fi mm" FRAME HOUSE, nearlv new. with One He cannot be sURPASSED in “mi” best quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities which tlwv imr in Ma- ~- fiARDWAR’E, PROVISIONS, ‘qmm' (gorge . Smith’ml" BeXlel'"C°“"ty °f Vic‘ma' Acre of Land attached/situated 0“ Lol I I q cliinery, combined with first-class Workmen,-â€"â€"they can. and do make brim- Finished, i9’a"" . benemr Summon” Jolm‘ Sydenhamâ€"County of Grey, 2], 4th coneeSs‘ion of Markham, being north. nor UNDE RSOLD m Prices, Dior-e DurableI and &°- &c- &33 figfifimaioflfii Simpson. wm' Amabelficoumy 0113mm, west corner of ."Wonch’s Lot.” A Spring Trench, Win-.jhnr.‘ 'li'rudgeon, Wm. Thompson. Stephen» Thompson. deeephi Watkins, T- VVest. Mrs. Elcy Wilson. Robert Wilson, Richard M. TEEFY. P. M. runs through it. A rare chance for a Butcher. Remember to call at Storekeeper or Mechanic. Only one quarter mile from a School-house, and in the centre of three Villages. I Terms Easy and Price Low, to suit the pur- chaser. For particulars apply to thepr'oprietor ion the premises. . I I I, JOHN MACLY' Markham, May 93, 1860. 774! Helmkey. John Hart. John I Hewit, Robert [2] Huston, Philip Klinck, William Kellv. Thomas Kirby, Nathaniel For a portion of these Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will- be taken in ex- change. i For mother particulars apply to G. J. I". PEARCE. Richmond Hill. P.0I’, Canada West. 7941' - ' t t. l" , i l, ,. I K Than any other Establishment in Canada. All orders attended to with promptitude, and Work warranted ' I i T. WEIGHT a 9128.6 I .7 l I All PLASTER 74M) SAL T, Alwavs on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. Wt S. H (latevG. A. Barnand’s). RICHJIOJVD HILL. April 20, 1850. '73 3,. Markham Village, Jan. 4», 1859. WM. SMITH. Aurora. June it, 1860. 81-tf June 1, 1860. I

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