Ontario Community Newspapers

York Herald, 15 Jun 1860, p. 3

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3 ’IHRY G®®W§ _ 1 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a... .t * .3”.wa \" .THE SICILIAN INSURKECTION- Sicily has probably before now ceased ,to be under Bourbon rule. Francis II. has paid the penalty of refusing to listen to advice that might have prevented the dismemberment of his Kingdom, or the loss of his throne. Garibaldi entered Palermo, on the 28th ult. . but as the th- ing still continued, at the latest accounts, such of the Royal troops as remained faithful must hare been carrying the de- fence to the last extremity. But Pal- ermo is lost to the Royalists. who would naturally turn their attention to the de- fence of Messina, The troops defeated at Palermo might have no little difficulty, in embarking for Messina; and with al hostile population to encounter, they could not hope to make their way by land. The success of the revolutionists in Palermo would give spirit to the popu lation in other parts of the Island , and Messina may be expected to follow the! late of Palermo. Garibaldi’s programme is to unite all Italy in a single powerful nation. Neither France nor Austria has yet RCkHOWICngt'tl the annexation of Piedmont to Tuscany, The last heard from France, on the subâ€" ject, was a protest 3 and Austria plainly intimated that she reServed to herself the right to oppose the union of Tuscany and Piedmont by force of arms. France can hardly be in favcr of havin opposed that of Tusoany. The idea ofa united Italy, with Victor Emmanuel for King, and Rome f0r the capital-wand'ltome must be capital if Italy Were uniled~ will probably alarm France into active hostility. A nation of twenty-four millions of people fora neighbor, though not dangerous to one of thirty-six millions, might be con-, tidered larger than is desirable. the 1 other hand, the union of all ltaly would: meet the ideas of l‘ing'lnnll exactly; bul I‘ England is an insul ll‘ nation and is not: holikely to interfere in Fraice. ;‘ )n Adelphia Patti is attracting much at- ' tention out VVesl. A Cincinnati critic savs of her eyes that “such orbs lost Mark Anthony the Empire of the world.- Merry, the ownv-r of rl‘hornninbv. tlie' winner of the Derby, is a Seolchman~~, Merry of Belladrnm’ they call him. He. gains over £70,000 in lies alone. i Mum-WWW 'I‘ORON'.‘O Mitnuia'rs. ’ THURSDAY, June it. l l Fall Wlieat,â€"-.fl.:300 trellis Was the extent of the uupply which sold readilv at high prices. Feveâ€" ' rul loads sold as high as 90") 35; to $1 41') ser bshl. the average being Sal 33. For common - grades from $1 30 to Si 38 per bshl. Spring W heat -â€"50(l bshls in market, which sold at from $1l 05 to $l lll per hshl. Pcns.â€"-15t) bulils Went oil at 60 and bull]. ()ntwâ€"«ai Tll and pcr lsshl. Barley.-sold at from 50 to Fit-lo. llu_\'.â€"â€"i- from $9 to per ton, Straw $3 to $7 per ton. | l“lour.â€"â€"â€"Snperline No. 1 sold at $5 10 to 1:3: N0 1. $5 to $5 05 ; Fancy (Springl $35 :30 lo . 5 8'»): Fancy (Fall) $35 50; to $5 75; l‘lvlrit,~ $5 to $6 ‘25, : Double Extra. $6 40 to $670. Potatoesâ€"are brought in plentilully. and sell at (5.30, p»: r l l y l l l l l Godfrey’s Cordial EXCELSIOR AM B RUTY PES 1 Are now being taken at Gilbertson’s PRIZE PORTRAIT OAR ., On Richmond Hill. HE Public generally should know that G. GILBnnTsou is now taking the best of Portraits at Low Prices Ambrolypes, Photographs, Melainotypos and Lottergraph, Pictures; also. l’ort.aits set in Lockets. Brooches, Rings, «Soc and taken in Cloudy as well as in Bright \Vealhcr. Dress Dark and Come Early. Operating hours from 8, a m. to 6, p.1n. Lessims given in Crystal Painting, Leather Frame Work, doc. Satisfaction Wurrnntod. GEL). GlLBElt'l‘SON. Richmond Hill, Jnne,186tl. 81-4 Popular Illediclncs FOR SALE BY C. 333. LLO‘l/D. Druggist 81: Dentist, AURORA. Ilollowav’s Ointment ,‘Falmostock’s Dr. E. Hope’s Mug do ingot Ur. 'l‘rask’s do do‘lndian Worm Tea Dr. \Vilson’s Veg do it It It llemedvs Harrison’s Electric do l’ Davis’ l’ain Killer Morehead’s Mag plas’s lrigg’e Mag ltoliof Ayer’s l’ills llii‘lllsll Oil Morse’s In Root do l llnriuin do Vo rm l ~ ::ir Ashley Cooper’s Stone do Anti-hil do ;Spike do Moll'att’ Lilo do flliack do Child’s Fov Balm filing VVliito d0 Soules’ do do ,Schnoider’s eyo water Poor Man’ sAnti hll lifettit’s Amer Salvo l h’Iayor’s Lng Lilo jKenncdy'e VVormI’ow- Dr. l’hinne)"s Family j tl"1‘ Moll-art’s l’hcnix Bit lSopei'fi Salvo llootlund’ German llit‘ Egyptian do llo lliilsziiiiic liar. licences of all kinds .ludson’s Cherry and Lloyd‘s Ointment for. lullp‘u’tflt l Skin Diseases Kermnti’s 'l'onlc Mix Lloyd‘s leo “later \\ islet" pulmonicsyiup Lloyd’s llorso l’owdors gang of llonrllounii ‘l.lovd’s (Ionsentrutcd lloyer's galvanic iilll(l l ofJaniuica ginger ~ Fowler’s ext of b‘traw ~; Lloyd’s German horse l,4’lill)ll ll.lo}d’s (“Iough Syrup lien-man’s l‘ect Dropsldovd‘s Tooth Powder l l’aregoric il.loyd’s’i‘oothache Spe- b'ir 'l Ki‘atlng's Cotip‘lt‘ t1}il(‘. Lozengers l l‘urisi c-i (Jam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedv for Cholera Morbus. l)|'1rr’\tn'1. L\:C. ' berry Lloyd’s Eureka-a grand di oovery : If people linen its genuint umtll. l)lt~'l‘ii.‘~05 wo ild ho et‘itl’tftfi on earth 'l lien. \\‘ll_\'l:ll(il1l(l people pain endure? \‘i'dlt'll they can find a perfect euro. 1 11.3} l’nscri'ptious Aron/rrtltlzj Compomulcd , Aurora. June Irlill. BI-lf Stolen or Strayed I Ill) ll the Premises of the Subscriber on L Eltii inst , a Large, llcztvv Bodied, .".ic.."“l&3?;‘s; Encore“; «Denver 3. About l2 \Pfit‘H of age. . ~ ‘ , An}: pol-sou givingin- l lormnlionolthew-1min or restoring her to me, 1 Will receive the above reward, ll lt‘fHA ll I) NlCIIOl.I.S. Richmond llil, June 14, 1860. 81-3; ntl'rom 170m 135i: par l).~:lil. Butler. â€"l“resh is in fair suppr at from 10c to We per lh. E'gu. â€"-l“resh from wagons SC to ICC per dozen. I31 R T H 8. On Monday, the 28th tilt, the wife of Mr. Daniel Hornei,jun. 2nd Con. Markham, of n -.._.--[._- . V..- .. . 801). ,On Sunday. the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. l l '“i'f'llg‘lYlCD from the. l’rl-miser: of the Sub-l k serihei‘. on SA'I'UlLDAY, the Slth inst, I 4%.. .l...‘ ‘.~..' “En” m I? @339 WW 2 W’id't small crooked horns, 5 years old. I'ler tents very small. having warts upon them.-â€"â€" Any person giving intelligtmce of the same. or lemming her to me, will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT RODGERS. Richmond Hill, Juno l4, léitill. 81-3 ‘ On Sunday evening, the 10th inrt . the wife of Mr. John Mills, Clyde Hotel, Toronto, of n l E Allen Cody, Holland Landing. of a daughter. l daughter. i 1 James Vorney, shoemaker, Richmond Hill, ol :1 con. i l On Friday, the 8th inst, the wife of Mn! l l On Monday, the 11th ins-L, the wife of M. 'I‘ecfy, Esq, Richmond Hill. of a son. MARINED. Bytho Rev. Mr. Brown, Nowmarket, on he 24th ult., at the residence ofthe bride’s father. lsasc SMELsmt, Esq, of King, to Miss Sussx,oldest daughter of Captain Wells, ol‘ Aurora. firm consummate. ’ WW General $‘core, AT AURORA. “â€" l I ll”: Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of l GROCERIES. HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, &c. &c. PLASTER C/IND SAL T, Always on hand, and for sale an the most favorable terms. (in. WM. SMITH. 81 »- tf HE l’nrties who borrowed TWO LAD- DERS from the Subscriber ale requested l to return them, I J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill, June 14, 1860. Aurora, June 14, 1860. 8le sneakirii SCHOOL At Thornhill. A the U. P. Church Sabbath School, On FRIDA Y, JUNE 29, ’60 TBA MEETING l SOIREE will be held. in connection with IN THE 'I‘HO‘LV ti lLL. A Select Choir of Musicians will discourse nweot Music. Several Eminent Speakers are expected to address the party. All friendly to Sabbath Schools ire cordially invited to attend. TEA will be served at 3 o’Clock- p m Tickets 95 cents, children hull-priceâ€"to be had at Mr. 1’. Crosby’s Store. Richmond Hill, Mr. T. Carr’s store, Thornhil, and other Stores and from the Teachers of the School. 'l'bomhill. June 13, 1860. Ell-2' ' chaser. Kellv. Thomas Kirby, Nathaniel Tamar? jail}. I It‘ll} R Elli; El Oil TU tiff run A TEflll’l {if ‘t’EllllS. l, FRAM [C HOUSE, marly new, with 02101 ,5 Acre of Land attached. situated on Lot dth concession of Markham, being north west corner of “ \Vonch’s Lot.” A» Spring; runs through it. A raro chance for it Butcher, l Storekeeper or Mechanic. Cpl}~ one quarter" mile from a Schoolâ€"house, and in the centre .of three Villages. I Terms Easy and Price Low, to suit the pur-. For particulars apply to tho proprietor l on the premises. I JOHN MACEY' Markham, May 523, lSGU. 77-lf ’tlb‘ero’georr’8 Jilifmmnlc filmed l ‘HE Subscriber desires to inform the Public that his Brass and duatlrille Band, Is now complete, and is prepared to make on- gagements in any part of the Province. Man- agers of Excursions. Soirct-S, l’ic Nice, Frivate Parties, or Public Parades may depend on liuvâ€" . lug Good Music on very reasonable terms.» Having secured, at great expense. tho sorvicas ot'sonie of the Best Musicians in the countoy, the undersigned fools convinced that every ' satisfaction will be given to those whom he may have the honor to serve, W. TRUDGEON. _All communications addressed. prepaid to W. 'l‘rudgeon, Victoria Square, Markham, or to James Wilson, Richmond Hill, will reciove prompt attention. VictOiia Square, May ‘23, 1860. 77.4 Letters 1 Remaining in itiCHMuh‘D H] 1.1. Posiomcel JUNE 1, ic-SU. Ambler, W. [9.] Bani-tor, Charles Bridgman, W m. Bigwood, Charles Ill-owii, Avery Clark, Henry Cotter, Mary Marin Dollenbaugll, Dr. I“. Denton, Mi 5 Ewing, William Ever, John lr‘inney. Peter Foggin, John Fox, Edward Gormon, John Grant, George Grant, Ebenezer Glover, 'l'homae Horseman. .lohu Holmkey. John Hart. John llewit, Robert [2] Huston, Philip Klinck, William Langstafi‘, Jo bn Lund, R, 31.1.), , Munshnw. Jo hn 1 Murphy, Francis l Munsnaw, William McLuskie. T. Mel‘onnld, Luchlan McKinnon. Margret l Noodle, Alex. l Nicholle. Richard O’lierne‘, John O’Boyle. John Patton, Hugh Quinton, Vl’illiam Shepard, Edward [‘2] 1 Smith, John Simpson, John Simpson. Wm. Trench, Wm. junr. Trudgeon, Wm. Thompson, Stephen Thompson. Joseph Watkins, T “lest, Mrs. Eloy Wilson. Robert Wilson. Richard . l l M. TEE? Y, P. M, ‘ Five Dollars Reward. fig.» ‘ALL AND THE PROPRIETOR OF THE lIt/lARKHAM CARRIAGE racrouv . Stock" in ‘ l : “if. ES ’l’SC'l‘FU LLY .c begs to remind CAR lllAGlZ‘c‘ on hand, at, his lilstnhlithmunt this season, surpasses that of prevrous years; inasmuch, as some very important additions have been made to the the Public that the. STOCK 0 LARGE VARlETY OF STYLES, Formerly used. He w0uld also remind th CAI e public that among the improvements, one in Has been introduced; Besides others of Importance. lllllllll‘l, 5 OF T HE if possible more than ordinary car ’1‘ his Markham Village June 8, 1880. you lllllllllll .m~-m...-_.._.w.o .....,u_. c- ... _._.V_ _, c i»... 4‘..__,_.,. .-,.._.~~___..._....._.._.c_. -MV...‘ ,lthIIMOND III... F "‘3 illicit? El til lithl'l‘l‘llilll lN SEAT CUSHIONS, Hebasalso All of which add very much to the lllllllltl, in item“ “Wm VEHICLE. c has been taken in the selection of ; Whether- and other llduleriul ! Season. lPolloclc’s Column .” l "ir‘v ‘t‘. \V.S.POLLOCK, EG-S to inform his friends and the l customers of G. St B. BA-RNA‘RD l - that he has bought at Sheriff Sale, THE WHOLE or Tunic" , , g l At a great DISCOUNT, and is prepared to offer the same i AT AND unoeaw THE WHOLESALE r” a c lit a. u i. u s 2 COST PRICES‘l to merit their future patronage. PURCHA SE1) :1 General Assortment of . GBOCERIES, llllY-lllll lllTHllllll Soc. 83c. 8%. Which he can aflord to SELL at much LESS PRICES, for C'ASHl ‘ Than ever before offered on 8,“, Richmond Hill..- than u . it. E u s, riends and Customers that, on Wednesday, EgLGS to acquaint his very numerous If the 23rd ult., he was awarded the You go Street. ‘ 4 And, while returning thanks for past favors, would intimate to them that. he is pro pared to make to order (awry description of Saddles, ~WHICH Harness, .B r'érlles, WILL BB (gun, COLLARS wahuanreo sure: All WOEEEL WVazteE’câ€"‘ante d... dqu I new at prim that tutti are) commotion. NEW GQQDS R‘cl‘mwdfiihcmr“r”1850- l W‘. (1:? Call, Examine and See for Your. selves before Purchasing elsewhere. You may depend on Bargalns. c... to Will open on SATURDAY, April 21, 1860 l w. s. POLLOCK. WW f..W....... «mm... H”... _.7.____~.___.c._ FOB AND All orders will be than/o'qu received and promptly (attended to. CHEAP GOODS Cash will. be given for IIMPESB and SKINS. Pattersons’ Ploughs and Shares constantly on hand. Richmond Hill, June 1, 1860. -A‘..._... _.._. N... “no Sf; . No» _-_.._.‘.. A...â€"- not 41 ND :3: ” " "‘ OILS AND mIN'rs, GLASS 8:: PUTTY. COAL OIL AND LAflII’S AND GICNERA I. Shelf W are, Farming Implements, (Sac. doc. dire. at JAMES TODD’S. Aurora, April 27, 1560. Assignment Notice, my ESSRS. G. A.& B. BARNARD, of J. I Richmond Hill and Bradford. have. this day, assigned all their estate to the undersigned in trust for the benefitof their Creditors. The Assignment may be seen at the office of Messrs. Eccucs oz Cannon, Barristers, 6w... Adelaide St., Toronto. W M. S. POLLOCK, Assigned. April 30, 1860. All accounts in Connexion with the above due prior to lst April, must be immediately settled. and accounts to mature, at the terms] of payment made by Messrs G. A. do B. Bar- nerd. IVM. S POLLOCK,Assignoe Richmond Hill, May 17. 1860. 7442'; i754, THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the farmers of'hc County of York, that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell lllllllll lllllll l IVith the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above Hal-rows are far superior to anv now in use, being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Har- lrows Specimens of the above may be seen 1 and particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- l plying to the SubsCriher, at his shop, Richmond 1 Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders. SAMUEL FANDERSON, Richmond Hill, Feb. 24,1860. 5-lf M‘.. LANDS FOR SALE. l l l l i l l l , EKGHANGâ€"E. l [7 HE Subscriber otters for Sale, on vet's" lllllmllllll up 5 Situated in the fol owing Townships :w i Somorvilloâ€"«County of Victoria, l Bexlcyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydeuhanl-â€"~County of Grey, 1 Amabelâ€"County of Bruce. l Fora portion of these Lands superior do' scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex. change. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE. Richmond Hill, P.O. Canada \th. 79-tf .June 1.1860. 1 C \LL AT w. s. POLLOCK’S (late G. A. Bernard’s). fastcolours, from 4d per yd. New Spring Dclaines, from 75d per yd. New and Beautiful Bonnet Ribbons, from 6d per yd. And an excellent assortment of Factory and Bleached Cotton Striped Skirting, 1 Blue Dcnims, Cotton Drills, Hosiery, ‘ Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, é‘c. , AT EX’E‘REMELY MIW PRICES. l l l l ,For Fine, Fresh, Good l TEAS, l l SUGARS, . COFFEES, and l l TOBACCOS, ch cannot be SURPASSED in qualities nor UNDERSOLD in Prices. Remember to call at W. 8. Pollock’s, (late G- A. Barnand’s). RICHJJOJ‘B E11212. .; : Apriizn,teoo. 7‘3 3m' I . C you are wishing a GOOD,DUBABL1§ and may n‘t‘JuKED‘ EB til,” it ‘ it e ,1 l l 1 Purchase from the, long Established and lchlloknor-‘u one of PA’t‘TERSO'N c BRO. vl.‘~ s rm BAR: llhiéh or if prejudiced in favor of a PATTERSON s; Brio. Vvlould, you have your Haying done Cheaply, Easilyâ€"«with Ne‘atness, and to Good "Time"? Then secure one of the A FIRST PEREEE MQWERS! :WhiillRUN FRAME, STEEL CUTTER-BAR, and SELF-CLEARING GUARDS that never were known to clog, niauulucturt-d by PATTERSON & one. Are there Stumps on your Farm ?' If so, do not fall so procure immediatedly one of those V ' smU,MP EXTRACTORS! Of which 6. BROWN, Esq., of the New Engltmuleqrmcr, sayshâ€"‘f They will move anything on the earth, or out the earth, that any reasonable "loan can destre to move”; and 179 good, respectable Farmers in Canain Stand ré‘ady'to'endorse the statement; To be had at the Iron Works ,ot - - ” PATTERSON a; 13110 Is your Ground infested with foul weeds? Remember the , FANN MILL, CthSTIlUCTED 0N SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES! Which will “seperate \Vheat from Three,” Manufactured at and render your Seed pure, and clean: . PATTERSON dc BRO’S. i If you wish _ ' FLOWS, willfCast Beams, PLUVVS, with \Vooden Beams, PLOW’S, with \Vrougbt Beams, ' PLOW S, with {Steel Beams, PLO W35, with Straight Beams, ‘ PLO W5, with Crooked Beams lL'ap .vFurro-w PLO W 3., V Green Sward PLO W8, ' Centre Draft PLO'WS, I ' : Hub Soil PLOVVS,’ ‘ - Crossing PLOVVS. Gang PLOW’S, FLOWS, for $10.00 PLOV 753, for $1100, - . - ‘ FLOWS, for $14.00, * PLO Wb‘, for $16,00, PLO Wt)", tor 3518,00, U PLOVVS, for $2290, , PATTERSON & BRO Til ‘ AD HORSE-POW’ERS, with Thrashers, -' ' TREAD I-IO'tlSIiâ€"POWERS, with 'l‘hreshers and Separators, TREA D HORSEâ€"PC) WILRS, with ’l‘hresbers, Separators and Cleaners, ' Circular Woorl Saws, ' ~ ' Horse Rakes, Root Slicers, Soothers, Horse Hoe-sliced Scrapers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, ' Grain Crushers, Seed Drills, &c. 8M2. 8a., li‘v’lPLEMENT FACTORY ! 0F PATTsRsoN s; 13116th4 ' - in To be had at the AGRECULTURAL RESH ARRIVALS. .3,me WV‘V'x/krvw MACHELL, FlEL, a. co., BEG to intimate to their Customers that they have just received a Choice SUPPLY F0 SPRING GOODS, CONSISTING 0F Gents & Lady’s Felt Hats, COATINGSW STRA W GOODS; . vesrmas, Dress Goods of all descriptions l BROAD CLOI‘HS, DOESKINS, And‘a choice supply Iof , l Boots do Shoes, 8m. 8m. &c. I 5‘45 3W 37-6- Which they are offering at their usual low rates. Aurora, April 527, 1860. 7%.“ :;;2:;":;_:;::~:~“v-‘Wf'w ~:~“"~T fitâ€"“0v :2-..A_. ._ .1’:,...â€"._._â€"â€".._â€"_ :2: "MWâ€".Hhmm NOVELTY lllAGGON WORKS Erery Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY VVAGGONS! Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock of Lumber, of the best quality and well seasoned, and with the great facilities which they have in M3. chinerr. combined with firstâ€"class Workmen,â€"â€"they can, and do make better Finished, More Durable. and ‘ ll l[ t “if. "lulu Than any other Establishment in Canada. All orders attended to with promptitude, and Work warranted, " T'. SPEIGHT 3. 5014.5 6 5 t in Markham Village, Jan. 4:, 1859.

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